HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUBLIC COMMENTS ITEM NO. 3 Carver, Leila From: Carver, Leila Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 11:17 AM To: Nimish Patel Cc: Barragan, Raymond Subject: RE: ACADIA HEALTHCARE OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT AND COUNSELING CENTER PROJECT Good morning Nimish, Thank you for your email. The proposed project at 535 E. First Street 2nd Floor is currently scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on September 27, 2022 at 7 pm (continued from August 23, 2022). We are accepting public comment prior to the meeting and/or they may attend the meeting virtually or in-person. For additional information regarding public comment/participation prior to and during public hearing Please see City webpage here at this link: https://www.tustinca.org/282/Meetings-Agendas. Thank you, -Leila Leila Carver Senior Planner Consultant 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 4-573-3126 1 F: 4-573-3113 Parver(cbtu tnca.orq I1t stica.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US: "` • Download our app—Apple Store •Google Play • Follow us—Facebook•Twitter •Join our newsletter From: Nimish Patel Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2022 8:09 AM To: Barragan, Raymond <RBarragan@tustinca.org>; Carver, Leila <LCarver@tustinca.org> Subject:ACADIA HEALTHCARE OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT AND COUNSELING CENTER PROJECT Hello, I am a complete center resident inquiring about this project. Has this been approved? Is there a public hearing? Thank you, Nimish Get Outlook for iOS i Carver, Leila From: Barragan, Raymond Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 12:38 PM To: Carver, Leila Subject: FW: CUP 2022-0009 From:Valle, Aaron <AValle@tustinca.org> Sent:Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:35 PM To: Barragan, Raymond <RBarragan@tustinca.org> Subject:CUP 2022-0009 Hi Raymond, I got a public comment through the POD phone on the CUP 2022-0009. Greg Morris called on behalf of the owners association at Wellington Plaza, 505 15t,Tustin, CA to state their opposition to the CUP. Mr Morris stated that the association wanted to hand deliver letters of opposition to each planning commissioner and city council member. I told him I would take the comment and have someone contact him back regarding commission information. Here is his email and phone number, Aaron Y. Valle, i4LJAdministrative Intern 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 P: 714-573-3140 1 F:714-573-3113 Tustin Planningatustinca.ora I tustinca.orca " STAY CONNECTED WITH US: • Download our app—Apple Store •Google Play • Follow us—Facebook•Twitter •Join our newsletter 1 Carver, Leila From: jennifer lipking Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 10:44 AM To: Carver, Leila Subject: Re: Clinic Thank you Leila-that was kind of you to answer.J Sent from my iPhone On Sep 16, 2022, at 9:59 AM, Carver, Leila <LCarver@tustinca.org>wrote: Good morning Ms. Lipking Dimas, Thank you for your email and comments provided on the proposed clinic located at 535 E. First Street 2nd Floor (CUP 2022-0009). We will be adding your comment(s) to the public record. The proposed project is currently scheduled for Planning Commission public hearing on September 27, 2022 at 7 pm (continued from August 23, 2022). For additional information regarding public comment/participation prior to and during public hearing, please see City webpage here at this link: https://www.tustinca.org/282/Meetings-Agendas. The agenda/packet will be posted on the City's webpage 72 hours prior to the 9/27/22 meeting. Please let us know if you have any questions. Respectfully, -Leila Leila Carver Senior Planner Consultant 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 J�0 S 1i Ic714-573-3126 o rg I tush 3-3113 Icarver(c�tustinca.org tustinca.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US: • Download our app—Apple Store •Google Play • Follow us—Facebook•Twitter •Join our newsletter -----Original Message----- From: Planning Commission <PlanningCommission@tustinca.org> Sent:Tuesday, September 13, 2022 10:00 AM To: Willkom,Justina <JWillkom@tustinca.org>; Huitron, Irma <IHuitron@tustinca.org>; Barragan, Raymond <RBarragan@tustinca.org> Cc: Carver, Leila <LCarver@tustinca.org> Subject: FW: Clinic 1 Importance: High FYI -new comment received in the PC email as of this morning @ 9:05am. -----Original Message----- From:jennifer lipking Sent:Tuesday, September 13, 2022 9:05 AM To: Planning Commission <PlanningCommission @tustinca.org> Subject: Clinic To Planning For OUR City, Please do not allow the "Clinic" on First Street in Tustin to move in. Please. My 102 pound daughter walks right by this proposed clinic to go to the donut shop, Goodwill and Chipotle. She is safe right now because it is a "good part of town"-that's why I moved here 7 years ago. Having desperate people that are (20%?)homeless, addicted to something-so not quite in control of themselves, and at least 40%have criminal records.There is a huge medical building on 805 Tustin Ave- Global, it has strip malls with X-ray, ultrasound-MEDICAL BUSINESSES.The residents in homes do not need that element waiting outside, even waiting for the bus that my helpless daughter would walk past. I would have to stop her walking there.This is not fair to the residents to put a medical clinic with unfortunate clients near people who are fortunate and look like good "marks". Again, criminal records in these clientele.There is a perfect place for a homeless camp behind Big 5, Sally's, and Goodwill.They won't just get their portion/meds done, they will hang around, the businesses will loose customers. I will stop frequenting that area if you do this.This is unacceptable when there are medical areas that make better sense and have bus assistance. I am just as close to Global as I am to Goodwill (138 North B Street is my Address).The difference is the walk ability will leave one of Southern California's "walkable" cities. Old Town is known for this. You will take away what all the work of City of Tustin's Plannings Department put in place year after year for DECADES.Just one swipe of unintelligent planning and placing a medical clinic to ruin at least a quarter mile circumference. Please reconsider and find a medical area for the patients. Many Thanks & Kind Regards, Jennifer Lipking Dimas Sent from my Whone 2 Carver, Leila From: Barragan, Raymond Sent: Thursday,August 18, 2022 8:23 AM To: Willkom, Justina; Huitron, Irma; Carver, Leila; Michael S. Daudt; Hurtado, Vera Subject: FW: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting Morning All: See ecomment regarding the August 23`d agenda item. Raymond From: noreply@granicusideas.com <noreply@granicusideas.com> Date:Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 8:15 AM To: Hurtado, Vera <VHurtado@tustinca.org>, DiLeva, Adrianne<ADiLeva@tustinca.org>, Barragan, Raymond <R13arragan@tustinca.org>, E-Comments<E-Comments@tustinca.org, Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting Michael Margol submitted a new eComment. Meeting: Planning Commission Meeting Item: PUBLIC INPUT: eComment: Hello, I must strongly oppose the proposed opioid-disorder treatment facility at 535 E. 1 st Street. My wife and I live in the Palmwood complex, which is directly next door to the address in question. The complex hosts about a hundred units and is easily accessible from the street. I have serious safety concerns related to the treatment center's influx of"approximately 140 total clients...per day" into the area, including as early as Sam in the morning on weekdays, when it is dark and residents are heading to work. Without more information about the proposed security at the new facility, if even 1-2% of the patients decide to stick around after treatment and wander into Palmwood, severe safety issues could occur...particularly for residents who are elderly or of a young age. We have no 2417 on-site security, as there has previously not been a need. I think it must also be considered that some of the patients will remain in the area before or after treatment. Even if not accessing our next-door residential neighborhood, several hundred people per week would be showing up Monday- Saturday with no clear plan for what happens afterward. addiction is an often-desperate situation and I would anticipate further safety issues in the immediate area, which features restaurants, shopping centers, and business offices. Thank you for your consideration of this input. 1 View and Analyze eComments This email was sent from https://granicusideas.com. Unsubscribe from future mailings 2 Barragan, Raymond From: TustinPlanning Sent: Tuesday,August 23, 2022 11:58 AM To: Cecilia Low Cc: Barragan, Raymond, Carver, Leila, Hurtado,Vera; Huitron, Irma Subject: RE: Hearing on August 23 at 7prn re: open'ng opioid clinic a` 535 E. 1 st St, Tustin Good Morning Ms. Low, The City is in receipt of your email and voicemail regarding this address. Your email will be added to the public record. Regards, Erica H. Demkowicz,AICF Senior Planner- (714) 573-3127 lanner(7;4) 573-3127 Planning Division Community Development Department 300 Contennlal Way,Tustin.CA 92780 P:714-573-3140 1 F: 714-573-3113 TustinPlanninp(cDtustinca.� I tustinca.arn STAY CONNECTED WITH US: •Download our app—AQD e5tt_ re•GoQglIa_.PI;,y .FollolN us_Fambock•Twitter •Jpin our newsletter -----Original Message_---- rom: Cecilia Low C ! Sent: Tuesday, August 23,2022 10:46 AM To:Tustin Planning <TustinPlanning[]a tustinca.crg> Subject: Hearing on August 23 at 7pm re: opening opioid clinic at 535 E. 1st St,Tustin Tustin Planning, We object to opening opioid clinic at 535 E. 1st Street,Tustin.This is not a suitable place for opioid clinic. Please note our objections.Thank you. Mr. & Mrs. Low Sent from my iPh one 1 Barra an, Ra mond From: TustinPlanning Sent: Tuesday,August 23, 2022 12:01 PM To: Chong Sang KC m Cc: Barragan, Raymond; Carver, Leila; Hurtado, Vera; Huitron, Irma Subject: RE: Proposed Opioid Dispensary at 535 E First St.,Tustin Good Morning, The City is in receipt of your email regarding this address and it will be added to the public record. Regards, Erica H. Derr.kowicz,AICD Senor Panner (714) 573-3127 Planning Division Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way,'1"ustin, CA 92780P:714 573-31401 F:714-573-3'13 TustinPlannin tustbC2.vrg i tustinca.oro STAY CONNECTED WITH U5: • nOWntaad our app—Apple 5to-e•Goode Play • Fallow us--Facabook•Tv0iter •Join nur newsletter From: Chong 5a ng Kim Sent:Tuesday, August 23, 20722 11:47 AM To:TustinPlanning cTustinPlanning@tustinca.org> Subject: Proposed Opioid Dispensary at 535 E First St.,Tustin Dear Mesdames and Messrs., V/1'strongly object to the proposed establishment of the Opioid Dispensary in our neighborhood. In our multiple housing project, there are numerous school children, and barely 2,000 ft away or within half a mile from 535 E First Street, there are 3 schools, Estock Elementary, Columbus Middle and Tustin High School. I do not have to remind you that growing children are impressionable and influenced by what they see or hear especially by direct exposure in their life. Please do not degrade the neighborhood with such a facility as the Proposed Opioid Dispensary.Thank you. Sincerely, Chong Sang Kim Owner Tustin, CA,92780 Carver, Leila From: Planning Commission Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 9:59 AM To: Willkom, Justina; Huitron, Irma; Barragan, Raymond Cc: Carver, Leila Subject: FW: opioid clinic in Tustin bad Idea FYI—received this past Sunday in the PC email. Leila, would you like to respond to Reyna letting her know we will be adding her comment to the public record? From: Reyna Izaguirre Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2022 4:23 PM To: Planning Commission <PlanningCommission @tustinca.org> Subject:opioid clinic in Tustin bad Idea Please don not being those clinics anywhere near residential areas or anywhere close to any school or playgrounds, parks, malls, or anywhere where kids especially teenagers hang out. The Clients linger around until they open the clinic and stuck around in the neighborhood.This is true for the one that's off of first street in Santa Ana.The parks and neighborhoods are flooded with homeless addicts and crime rates went up. It's good that they get help they need but not near our neighborhoods or near children please. Maybe somewhere in an Industrial area would be better for our community. We cannot allow this to be around our children. Sincerely, A concerned Mother and resident of Tustin. i Barragan, Raymond From: Planning Commission Sent: Tuesday,August 23, 2022 3:37 PM To: Willkom,Justina; Huitron, Irma; Barragan, Raymond; Michael S. ❑audt Subject: FW: CUP 2022-0009 -Opiaid Clinic 535 E, First St Importance: H igh Fyi- From:Travis Halstead Sent:Tuesday,August 23, 2022 2:42 PM To: Planning Commission<PlanningCommission@tustinca.org> bject: CLIP 2022-0009-Opioid Clinic 535 E. First St Hello, I am a Tustin resident who lives in the Palmwood Condo Complex right next door to the proposed Medical Clinic. I am very concerned to learn that the city is thinking of approving the implementation of an Opioid Clinic so close to my home and that of my neighbors. am not against helping folks with Opiold addiction issues but I am also not naive to the consequences of opening a clinic in this area.This should be done in an industrial business area away from homes, schools (CT), restaurants, shopping centers, and city hall. Tustin is already dealing with issues of homelessness and drug use.The California Treatment Services organization already has a clinic on 1st St Just on the other side of the 55 freeway away from homes. My wife and I walk our dog past 535 1st St every morning and we are expecting our first child in the coming months. I've seen these clinics in other cities and know that while needed they do bring unintended consequences. This would surely louver home values, bring more homeless people to the area, and affect the neighborhood negatively. I strongly implore the city of Tustin to not approve this clinic.. I will do my part to make my family,friends, and neighbors aware of the situation. Thank you. Travis Halstead Tustin Resident,Voter, and Homeowner t WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCIATION 17662 Irvine Blvd,Suite S,Tustin,CA 92780 September 12,2022 City of Tustin Planning Commission Community development Department Members of the City Council 300 Centennial Way Tustin,CA 92780 RE: Conditional Use Permit(CUP) 2022-0009 To the esteemed members of the City of Tustin,and specifically the Planning Commission: Please accept this correspondence from the Wellington Plaza Owners Association Board and the forty owners that comprise the Wellington Plaza Association as our opposition and objection to the granting of Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") 2022-0009 for 535 E. lit Street, Tustin, California 92780. We are forwarding this correspondence to not only the Planning Commission but also to the Development Department and to the City Council in order to put on notice all city elements within this decision-making process regarding our desire to not have this use anywhere within the city of Tustin. The purpose of this letter is to inform all levels of city government of the legitimate and significant concerns of neighboring landowners, residents, business owners and tenants to advise the city on matters of safety, noise, increased crime, and the corresponding diminution in property values if the proposed new use is permitted. Wellington Plaza is a condominium office project located in five separate buildings at 505 to 515 East First Street,Tustin. The Association represents forty(40)individual assessor parcel owners who work in Tustin with many of them living in Tustin. Wellington Plaza is located contiguous to the subject property, 535 East First Street, Tustin. All forty(40) of the owners at Wellington Plaza request that the Commission deny CUP 2022-0009. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On August 23,2022,the Planning Commission met to address CUP 2022-0009. The applicant, California 'treatment Services, a subsidiary of Acacia Healthcare, a public company traded on the NASDAQ and Atomic Investments,LLC(owner of the building at 535 f. Ist Street,Tustin, CA)requested additional time to respond to staffs questions and their public hearing was rescheduled to September 27, 2022. Objections to the CUP were minimal since the City did not, properly notify all those located within the required distance from the subject location. In Wellington Plaza only one owner out of 40 received notification. Most residents and businesses affected by the approval of this CUP heard about it by word of mouth and not from the city as they should have. If the residents and businesses in the city are properly noticed we expecta considerable number of objections from the communityat large to include residential areas all over Tustin. We expect an outflow of objections from businesses in the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP)and elsewhere in Tustin. WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCIATION 17662 Irvine Blvd,Suite 5,Tustin, CA 92750 The applicant seeks to operate a methadone treatment clinic in 10,610 sf of space consisting of the second floor at 535 E. 1lt Street,Tustin,to provide active drug addicts with either a liquid or pill treatment,either option given to the addict at the time of treatment and in some cases, they are allowed to take their treatment home with them. The applicant is proposing to operate six(6)days a week,while treating close to 1,000 active addicts per week. California Treatment Services is currently operating the same facility at 2101 E. 1st Street, Santa Ana, CA. Their lease has not been renewed and therefore they desire to move their operation into Tustin. THE PROPOSED FACILITY IS IN NONCONFORMANCE WITH TIME INTENT OF THE DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORI=SPECIFIC PLAN (DCCSP) The Executive Summary of the DCCSP reads as follows- "The DCCSP sets a planning and regulatory framework to preserve and enhance the planning area (in which this facility would be located) as a vital, pedestrian-friendly, and attractive commercial core in Tustin. The DCCSP seeks to attract more patrons to support and strengthen businesses in Old Town through shopping, dining, and entertainment opportunities to foster community interaction and pedestrian activity. To bring additional patrons to the planning area, the DCCSP also introduces the opportunity for mixed use residential developments in selected areas,which requires a discretionary approval process to ensure projects are high quality." The key phrase in the Vision Components of the DCCSP is"high quality". Putting 1,000 drug addicts on the streets of the Did Town of Tustin a weekly basis does not represent high quality. This facility slips through the cracks of the intent of the DCCSP by being considered part of a group in the general zoning as a medical clinic for outpatients. This clinic for drug addicts is put on the same consideration as a dialysis clinic, a heart clinic and any other medical clinics. The plan should differentiate between medical clinics and drug addict clinics.A clinic such as this is so obviously detrimental to the entire community, not just those 300 feet from the property,that it should never even get this far in the decision process. The specific plan should carve out uses such as porn stores, sex stores and methadone drug addict clinics and other uses that shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances within the specific pian. The Planning Commission should deny the request for this CUP since it does not conform to the intent of their own DCCSP and would be a detriment to the entire city of Tustin and specifically the Old Town area. THE CREATION OF A REVOLVING DOOR OF ACTIVE DRUG ADDICTS AND MENTALLY INSTABLE CLIENTS PUTS THE OLD TOWN IN TUSTIN AND ALL RESIDI=NTS&BUSINESSES WITHIN THAT AREA IN DANGER As articulated above, the Commission's chief responsibilities when evaluating a request such as this are the health,safety,and general welfare of the residents of Tustin,the businesses in Tustin,the children of Tustin, and all the people working anywhere near this property. It is the city's responsibility, no matter which agency, to protect those who are already within the confines of'Tustin. That is their sacred duty and to do anything less is gross negligence. The applicant anticipates pushing close to 1,000 active drug addicts through this facility on a six-day week schedule. These are unsupervised active drug addicts that will walk around the Tustin community each and every week. This is not a supervised program. They come to the clinic on their own and they leave the clinic on their own. They are not supervised to and from the clinic. This allows active drug addicts to wall(the street of Tustin at will. What could possibly go wrong? This system does not get the addict clean of the substance they are using, it simply substitutes another substance. The clinic substitutes for the drug addicts drug dealer and the addict continues to be an active addict. We already have more than WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCIATION 17662 Irvine Blvd,Suite 5,Tustin,CA 92780 sufficient of these clinics in Orange County or close by. By a quick count on the internet there are at least 16 such clinics to include several in Long Beach. This is more than enough by any count. No medication that this clinic uses is safe for these addicted addicts. Medications come with a potential for risk of abuse and addiction by the addicts.The success ratio for methadone clinics is not high, in many cases less than 50%. This means after a twelve-month program the active addict is still an addict. That failed group of active addicts will be an even greater burden on the Tustin community. If the city approves this clinic in the location proposed,it will be grossly negligent in its duty to the citizens of Tustin by allowing a potential problem of major proportions to grow and fester within the community. By approving this CUP, the Planning Commission would be placing a huge liability on all the residents and businesses within the DCCSP. If any of these active drug addicts conducts an act of violence or hurts themselves within this area it is highly likely they will sue existing businesses and residents for damages, they inflicted upon themselves. It is not an exaggeration to state that allowing active drug addicts into the area will significantly reduce the quality of life within the area. The Computer Aided Dispatch Report(See Addendum A to this letter) specifically prepared for the current clinic operated by California Treatment Services located at 2101 E. V Street, Santa Ana, CA (only a short distance east of the proposed facility) for the period 1/1/2021 — 8/11/2022, the report shows there were 140 incidents related to their clinic in this area. These are only the reported incidents on which the police acted. Many of the incidents were Narcotic Activity; also included were transient disturbance, robbery,silent robbery,commercial burglary, hit and run,transient trespassing, theft from a vehicle, indecent exposure and terrorism. Does the city need to allow any of these criminal acts to take place on the streets of Tustin? Why would the city of Tustin promote criminal activity such as that already associated with this specific clinic in its current location not far from Tustin? in Oceanside they allowed a clinic similar to the one being proposed for Tustin. Oceanside had a huge homeless encampment that came about because a clinic such as this was allowed in the area. It took Oceanside years to clean up the area. Does the city of Tustin really want to take these risks with the health and welfare of those who live and work in Tustin by allowing unsupervised active drug addicts wandering around our streets and neighborhoods? Within the city we already have considerable crime from the homeless community. Our police force is tasked with the burden of trying to control this problem and they are losing the battle. The police are reactionary,acting after the fact,and they do not have a solution to control the problem. Just in the last week alone in Wellington Plaza,at the intersection of 11 Street and Centennial,we have had one man set himself on fire in the trash container area. In another incident three men tied the inside of the trash container doors closed (essentially locking it) and were doing drugs. Another man was living inside a utility closet and yet another person was living on an elevated trellis balcony that is cosmetic only and surrounds the building;to walk on it is very dangerous and in no way was intended to support a human. This is the homeless activity in one week that we know of in Wellington Plaza exactly next door to 535 E. 1St Street. Females,and all people,working in the area are very nervous and continually on the lookout in this area for homeless trouble. They are very waryof what is already occurring in this area and installing an active addict clinic will only heighten all of our concerns and bring even more criminal activity to the area. With the homeless issue out of control it is hard to imagine why the city of Tustin would bring in an even worse problem of active drug addicts and allow them to wander around our city at will and add criminal activity similar to what they are already causing in Santa Ana on a daily basis. The homeless services system in Tustin is broken and allowing almost 1,004 active drug addicts per week to walk WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCIATION 17662 Irvine Blvd,Suite 5,Tustin,CA 82780 unsupervised on our street every week will attract more homeless to the area and will create a humanitarian crisis within our city. This approval will create additional criminal activity that our police are not equipped to Dandle or resolve. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL NEGATIVELY IMPACT NEARBY BIJSINESSE &RESIDENTS The heading for this paragraph is only partially true. Actually,approval of this facility will negatively impact all of Tustin,to include all its residents,its businesses, all its restaurants and all of its landowners. There are already enough of these types of facilities with Orange County, in fact the parent company already operates two drug related facilities in the County. There is more than sufficient clinics to support this type of issue and we certainly do not need another one,we definitely do not need one anywhere in Tustin. Once this facility is up and operating,we will experience loitering of active drug addicts in the area. Many of them will still be using drugs and they will inflict their addiction on the community. This will place the patrons of local restaurants in harm's way when they have to wade into potentially dangerous situations in order to eat,shop,or take a walk around the neighborhood. This will have the effect of causing people to stay clear of the area and people will refuse to come to restaurants in the neighborhood. The entire service industry in Tustin will be affected. The potential of active drug addicted people, some who are mentally unstable, will create a negative reputation for the area, which will soon cause current individuals in the area to stop coming to the area and will cause existing businesses to lose customers. Tustin promotes itself that people should work where they must, but Tustin wants them to live and play in Tustin. That will no longer be the case. If people are scared to come into an area because the area has become drug infested,businesses will suffer with a drop in sales and may even have to close or move. We are certain the City of Tustin would not want to see that happen in a city that is beautiful and is building our future while honoring our past. If this CUP is approved,it will damage Tustin's future and will certainly not honor our past by putting those of us who have worked hard to help make Tustin a desirable community at risk. Within the immediate vicinity is Columbus Tustin Middle School. Many of the children have to walk by the proposed clinic on the way to and from school. Does the city really want to accept the liability of exposing children to the existence of active drug addicts on our street among the children trying to get to and from school? There are many residential communities within a few hundred yards of this proposed facility. To name just a few there is Town Center Apartments, Tustin Plaza Apartments, Pickwick Manor Apartments, and Stonegate Apartments within a stone's throw of the proposed active drug addict clinic. Of the hundreds of businesses within this area,there are dozens of restaurants that relyon the foot traffic in the area. Over time that foot traffic will disappear, and those potential customers will find other restaurants to enjoy. The city approval of an active drug addict clinic in this area will negatively affect the lives of literally thousands of Tustin children, residents, and businesses and for this reason alone should be denied by the Planning Commission. To demonstrate haw poorly planned this decision is a spokesperson for the dialysis center on the ground floor of 535 E 1�Street(the active addict clinic is proposed to occupy the 2114 floor of this building)did not know that this use was being considered for the second floor of the building they are already renting in. The city and the owner of the building had failed to notify them. They stated that they had moved to Tustin from Santa Ana specifically to get away from this same methadone clinic that moved Into 2101 E. 1St Street near where the dialysis center used to be located_ The dialysis center left Santa Ana in order not WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCiATiON 17662 Irvine Bivd,Suite 5,Tustin,CA 92780 to be in the same neighborhood as the methadone clinic. They felt the neighborhood would be negatively impacted. They did not want their dialysis patients mixing every day with active drug addicts. it is bad enough that people have to be subjected to dialysis treatment,but it should not be compounded by active drug addicts surrounding people who are already weakened by their condition. The dialysis treatment center felt that being around active drug addicts would be problematic for their patients. Based on the Santa Ana Police Report(attached as an addendum)regarding the criminal activity surroundingthat clinic, almost every day,the decision by the dialysis center to move was justified. While we are all sympathetic to the mentally ill and drug addiction, the citizens of Tustin do not believe that this location is appropriate for a drug treatment clinic. There are numerous alternatives in Orange County that are already available to active drug addicted users. Putting an active unsupervised drug addiction clinic in this location will result in changing the character of the neighborhood and eventually the entire downtown area of Tustin. As such the Planning Commission should deny CUP 2022-0009 because of its negative impact on the area and specifically local business. THIS DRUG TREATMENT CLINIC IS BEiNG CONSIDERED BECAUSE OF FLAVUS IN THE ZONING IN THE DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE S?ECi1FiC PLAN This specific plan is flawed. Within its general zoning criteria, it allows for the use of a medical clinic for outpatient only. it does not differentiate between a methadone active drug addict clinic and any other kind of clinic. The authors of that plan should have recognized this flaw in their plan and made corrections that did not allow an active drug addicted clinic as a use under any circumstances. They cannot directly get approval but according to the way the plan is written they can obtain approval through the CUP process. The Planning Commission hands may be tied since they have no discretion but to follow the way the zoning in-the specific plan was written. This DCCSP should specifically deny the approval of a drug addict clinic, a methadone clinic, or any clinic that dispenses any medication to active drug addicts or anyone else. To point out how flawed this specific plan is in 2027 a sports physical therapist who had his office on El Camino Real for many years,decided he wanted to move into Wellington Plaza. This was a use that was compatible to the specific plan and to the Wellington Plaza CC&R's. This sports therapist had only himself in the office at any time and one patient at a time. The Planning Commission worked on his request for months and finally rejected it stating he impacted the parking in Wellington Plaza. His suite would have been 700 sf and based on his program he and his patient would have been the only two people in the suite at any given time, so they would be using two parking spaces. They strung his request along for so long that he finally gave up and moved to Santa Ana. He was already operating a good business in the city of Tustin, and they rejected him. There are many horror stories regarding perfectly good uses that have been denied or delayed by the Planning Commission. It is hard to imagine how they can now be giving serious consideration to an active drug addict clinic. A clinic that has no business even being considered within the business area of Tustin. This shows the inconsistencies when small business owners with a legitimate quality business are denied by the city while a multi-million-dollar operation is given consideration that should never be forthcoming. This is not simplya technical issue that can be approved or disapproved by the Planning Commission based on the zoning allowed in the DCCSP. A more important aspect of the decision requires the city to use some good judgment in deciding what is right and proper for those who already reside within the city limits and those who work in Tustin and also those who own property within the city. Should the Planning WELLINGTON PLAZA ASSOCIATION 17662 Irvine Blvd,Suite 5,Tustin,CA 92780 Commission ignore their responsibilities to the overall current population within Tustin and approve this CUP then they will be guilty of gross negligence as it applies to the existing population already in Tustin. The Planning Commission will be working against the best interests of the community and the city. By allowing these clear flaws to exist in the DCCSP the city has placed the burden on the residents and the business owners of Tustin to step up and point out to the city that what they are considering should never even get this far in the planning process and should be denied. This is a tragedy that this is allowed to happen because the DCCSP has flaws in it that is allowing this type of active addict clinic to be considered. It should be in the same category as porn stores, sex shops, and other uses that should be immediately rejected. The Planning Commission should not have to give any thought, consideration or time to this type of use in our quality city. This type of use should never be considered under any circumstances,and the Planning Commission should deny the CUP. NOTICE The City of Tustin's Municipal Ordinance is constitutionally deficient in terms of its notice period. Further, the actual notice was not received by most of the businesses within 300 feet of the proposed facility,this is a major deficiency in the cities notice procedures,since the same thing happened when they proposed the DCCSP. It almost appears as if the Planning Commission is trying to sneak this CUP approval through without the citizens of Tustin ever being aware of it. Hardly anyone within the designated area was noticed as to the hearing. The Tustin city notice system is flawed and needs to be reviewed and fixed so that every business within the control area is notified. In fact,an issue of this magnitude needs to have a greater than 300 feet notification distance since a user such as this active drug addicted addict's clinic affects the entire community, not just the small area of 300 feet surrounding 535 E 15s Street. The burden is on the city to ensure people are properly noticed. 1t should not be on the citizens of Tustin. The actual notice given to residents and businesses in the designated area failed to comply with both the Municipal Code and the constitutional due process requirements. CONCLUSION Approval of the Conditional Use Permit 2022-0009 presents a serious dangerto the health,welfare,safety, morals, comfort and the general well-being of people living within Tustin and residing or working within proximity to this proposed location. As such,the Wellington Plaza Association Board and all Forty(40)assessor parcel owners of Wellington Plaza Office Condominium Association, owners of the property adjacent to the proposed property, unequivocally state that the: CUP 2022-0009 SHOULD BE DENIED IN ITS ENTlRErY. Sincerely, Wellington Plaza Association Board of Directors , - :iWebe lan B.Carter GreJryrse Ja' a Maurad Addendum A: Computer Aided Dispatch Report—Santa Ana Police Department ft DD.-lVDam A CA® Incidents: 1/1/2021 - 8/11/2022 • 2101 E 1sT The following 137 incidents match the search criteria. Call Type Call Description Inc Date Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Lot Name Number _ NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 01/11/2021 06.42 Monday 3 210105504 — — 2101 E 1ST STw.- 459A AUDIBLE BURGLARY ALARM 01/16/20210030 Saturday 3 210108599 2021-01117 2101 E 1ST ST CALIFORNIA `} TREATMENT J SERVICES 415 DISTURBING THE PEACE 01/17/2021 15:19 Sunday 4 210109524 2101 E 1ST ST 925SUB SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT 03/01/2021 12:36 Monday 3 210300282 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS OF SANTA ANA 415T DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 03/06/202106:36 Saturday 3 210303382 2101 E 1ST ST 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 03/08/20210625 Monday 3 210304569 2101 E IST ST METHADONE CLINIC 961 TRAFFIC STOP 03/11/2021 10:57 Thursday 3 210306528 2101 E IST ST 415T DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT" 03/13/202105:58 Saturday 3 210307630 2101 €1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS _ 459A AUDIBLE BURGLARY ALARM 04/151202101:54 Thursday 3 210408893 2101 E IST ST CALIFORNIA TREATMENT SERVICES ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 04/27/2021 13:46 Tuesday 2 210416444 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY CLINIC 2420 BATTERY JUST/OCCURRED 05/07/2021 11:20 Friday 3 210504024 2021-09929 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION OF SANTA ANA FUP FOLLOW-UP 05/08/202109:48 Saturday 5 210504596 2101 E1ST ST Page 1 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 r Call Type Cala Description Inc Bate Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc Blame ., Number - ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 05/12/2021 10:14 Wednesday 2 210506947 2101 E IST ST FUP FOLLOW-UP 05/13/2021 07:23 Thursday 5 210507555 2101 E 1ST ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 05/13/2021 13:41 Thursday 4 210507753 2101 E 15T ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 05/14/2021 13:49 Friday 5 210508377 2101 E IST ST SANICT SAMC-TRANSIENT 05/22/202108:50 Saturday 4 210513119 2101EIST ST COMPREHENSIV E CENTER VO VEHICLE OBS 05/23/202108:32 Sunday 4 210513722 2101 E 1ST ST ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 06/012021 20:03 Tuesday 2 210600611 2101 E 1ST ST 929 PERSON DOWN 06/0312021 13:43 Thursday 2 210601681 2101 E 1ST ST FRONT PARKING LOT,NEAR THE ST NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 06/14/2021 12:39 Monday 3 210608338 2101 E 1 ST ST METHADONE CLINIC 211PR ROBBERY REPORT(PERSON) 07/09/202108:14 Friday 3 210705882 2101 E 1ST ST CLINIC NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 07/16/2021 10:26 Friday 3 21071Q614 2101 E 1ST ST ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 07/16/2021 22:27 Friday 2 210711079 2101 E 1ST ST VO VEHICLE OBS 07/17/2021 08:31 Saturday 4 210711294 2101 E 1ST ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 08/08/2021 09:27 Sunday 4 210804358 2101 E 1ST ST 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 08/26/2021 13:07 Thursday 3 210815442 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 09/01/2021 12:55 Wednesday 4 210900324 2021-18614 2101 E 15T ST _J 911 INCOMPLETE 9-1-1 CALL REC'D 09/21/2021 13:30 Tuesday 2 210912833 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 415T DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 10/02/2-02105:39 Saturday 3 211000763 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVER SOLUTIONS NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 10/07/202109:58 Thursday 3 211004126 2101 E 1ST ST SIDEWALK NEAR 5UNLAND MOTEL Page 2 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 1126 Call Type Calf Description Inc Date Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc Name Number NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 10/08/2021 12:54 Friday 3 211004968 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 10/12/2021 12:52 Tuesday 3. 211007520 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 10/12/2021 16:42 Tuesday 3 211007659 2101 E 1ST ST NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 10/13/2021 11:45 Wednesday 3 211008140 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 10/22/202111:28 Friday 3 211013720 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 1 ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 10/26/202108:33 Tuesday 2 211016086 2101 E 1ST ST ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 11/03/2021 10:18 Wednesday 2 211101482 2021-23674 2101 E IST ST FLAG OFFICER FLAGGED DOWN 11/03/2021 11:19 Wednesday 4 211101525 2101 E 51ST ST 211S SILENT ROBBERY ALARM 11/05/2021 09:48 Friday 1 211102815 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 11/071202108:19 Sunday 4 211103960 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 11/09/2021 08:42 Tuesday 5 211105097 2101 E IST ST 415FAM DISTURBANCE,FAMILY FIGHT 11/10/2021 12:10 Wednesday 2 211105942 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY CENTER PATCK PATROL CHECK 11/10/2021 12:23 Wednesday 5 211105951 2101 E 1ST ST MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 11/12/2021 04:02 Friday 3 211106984 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS l PATCK PATROL CHECK 11/13/202107:50 Saturday 5 211107741 2101 F 1ST ST PATCK PATROLCHECK 11/15/2021 07:10 Monday 5 211108913 2101 E 1STST PATCK PATROLCHECK 11/16/2021 07:34 Tuesday 5 211109539 2101 E IST ST MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 11/16/202109:39 Tuesday 3 211109600 2101 E IST ST 459A AUDIBLE BURGLARY ALARM 11/16/202120:03 Tuesday 3 211109924 2101 E IST ST CA TREATMENT SERVICES 459CR COMMERCIAL BURGLARY RPT 11/17/2021 09:02 Wednesday 4 211110174 2021-24750 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION Page 3 of 8 Produced on 8/1112022 11:26 Call Type Call Description. Inc Date Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc Name Number 925SUB SUSPICIOUS SUBJECT 11/25/2021 23:26 Thursday 3 211115850 2101 E 1ST ST SANTAANA RECOVERY SOLUTIONS ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 11/26/2021 10:59 Friday 2 211116061 2101 E 1S1'ST MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 11/29/2021 10:20 Monday 3 211117548 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PATCK PATROL CHECK 12/01/2021 07:17 Wednesday 5 211200101 2101 E IST ST ASST ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY 12/04/2021 12:23 Saturday 3 211202183 2101 E IST ST i PATCK PATROL CHECK 12/07/202106:58 Tuesday 5 211203848 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROLCHECK 12/08/202107:28 Wednesday 5 211204465 2101 E 1STST ✓ NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 12/17/2021 10:19 Friday 3 211209928 2101 E 1 ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 12/23/202106:41 Thursday 3 211213305 2101 E 1ST ST 483R HIT&RUN OF PARKED VEH RPT 01/03/2022 11:32 Monday 4 220101091 2022-00144 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 01/10/2022 16:18 Monday 4 220105203 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 01/15/2022 15:10 Saturday 5 220108333 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 01/15/2022 15:11 Saturday 5 220108334 2101 E IST ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 01/21/2022 19:19 Friday 4 220112165 2101 E IST ST ASSTF ASSIST FIRE DEPT 01/22/2022 23:12 Saturday 2 220112891 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 02/01/2022 09:20 Tuesday 3 220200192 2101 E IST ST SANTA ANA COMPREHENSIV ETREATMENT CENTER 415T DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 02/11/2022 07:15 Friday 3 220206832 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 602T TRESPASSING-TRANSIENT 02/1512022 07:54 Tuesday 3 220209212 2022-03433 2101 E 1ST ST PKING LOT Page 4 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 Call Type Calf Description Inc mate Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc Name Number _ 415T ti DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 02/16/202206:16 Wednesday 3220209838 v 2101 E1ST STpRECOVERY ti SOLUTIONS 5AMCT SAMC-TRANSIENT 02/17/2022 12:08 Thursday 4 220210753 -2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PATCK PATROL CHECK 02/18/2022 18:06 Friday 5 220211600 2101 E IST ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 02/18/2022 21:47 Friday 4 220211773 2101 E 1ST ST 6020 TRESPASSING JUST OCCURRED 02/19/2022 09:06 Saturday 3 220211985 2101 E 1ST ST 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 02/22/202211:56 Tuesday 3 220213803 2022-04050 2101 E 1ST ST 602T TRESPASSING-TRANSIENT 02/23/2022 06:02 Wednesday 3 220214227 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY `J SOLUTIONS SAMCT SAMC-TRANSIENT 02/24/2022 07:59 Thursday 4 220214965 2101 E 1ST ST 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 02/24/202208:30 Thursday 3 220214994 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 03/01/2022 11:04 Tuesday 3 220300277 2101 E 1ST ST METHADONE CLINIC MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 03/05/2022 08:13 Saturday 3 220302759 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION 919 KEEP THE PEACE 03/05/2022 08:51 Saturday 3 220302766 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 03/05/2022 10:33 Saturday 3 220302803 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS OF -� SANTA ANA \` 602T TRESPASSING-TRANSIENT 03/09/2022 06:37 Wednesday 3 220304857 2101 E 15T ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 03/12/2022 07:50 Saturday 2 220306831 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 03/17/2022 12:48 Thursday 4 220310087 2101 E 1ST ST 488VR PETTY THEFT FRM VEHICLE RPT 03/26/2022 09:33 Saturday 4 220316110 2101 E IST ST Page 5 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 Call Type Call Description Inc Date Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc Name _ Number 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT�03/29/2022 11:51 Tuesday 3 220318014 2101 E 1ST STRECOVERY �. SOLUTIONS DV DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 03/30/202207:41 Wednesday 2 220318528 2101E1STST NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 03/31/2022 07:57 Thursday 3 2203:19319 2101 E IST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/11/2022 10:27 Monday 5 220406598 2101 E 1ST ST 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 04/14/20220823 Thursday 3 220408439 2101 E1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/14/2022 13:50 Thursday 5 220408651 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/1612022 1225 Saturday 5 220409954 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/18/2022 15:29 Monday 5 220411347 2101 E 15T ST PEE? PEDESTRIAN CHECK 04/21/2022 19:14 Thursday 4 220413489 2022-08856 2101 E 15T ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 0425/2022 08.42 Monday 5 220415743 2101 E 1 ST ST 9051 INJURED ANIMAL 04/25202212:05 Monday 3 220415859 2101 E 1STST PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/25/2022 12:33 Monday 5 220415874 2022-09141 2101 E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 04/29/2022 09:41 Friday 5 220418532 2101 E 15T ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 05/02/2022 11:40 Monday 4 220500878 2022-09737 2101 E IST ST 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/03/2022 07:05 Tuesday 3 220501392 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 05/04/2022 02:53 Wednesday 2 220SQ1964 2101 E 1ST ST METHODONE CLINIC f' PATCK PATROL CHECK 05/062022 20:43 Friday 5 220503987 2101 E 1ST ST 415T DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/112022 04:41 Wednesday 3 220506685 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 417WO PERSON WITH A DEADLY 05/112022 12:38 Wednesday 2 220507003 2101 E 1ST ST SANTA ANA WEAPON CLINIC PATCK PATROL CHECK 05/16/2022 1222 Monday 5 220510174 2101 E 1ST ST 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/17/202209:33 Tuesday 3 220510794 2101 E 1STST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS Page 6 at 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 Call Type Call Description Inc Date Time Weekday Priority Inc Number Case Address Loc blame Number 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/18/202207:38 Wednesday 3 220511413 2101E1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION SANTA ANA 4157 DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/19/2022 07:56 Thursday 3 220512130 2101 E IST ST REHAB FACILITY PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 05/22/2022 12:31 Sunday 4 220514123 2101 E IST ST VO VEHICLE OBS 05/22/2022 17:49 Sunday 4 220514273 2101 E IST ST NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 05/23/2022 09:09 Monday 3 220514615 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION OF SANTA ANA 1 J 602T TRESPASSING-TRANSIENT 05/24/2022 04:49 Tuesday 3 220515157 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 05/26/2022 08:24 Thursday 3 220516600 2101 E IST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION PATCK PATROL CHECK 05/28/2022 12:44 Saturday 5 220518081 2101 E IST ST PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 05/30/2022 11:04 Monday 4 220519236 2101 E IST ST 41ST DISTURBANCE-TRANSIENT 06/01/2022 04:44 Wednesday 3 220600065 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 06/04/2022 06:32 Saturday 3 220602125 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTION 4155 DISTURBANCE-SUBJECT 06/11/2022 07:41 Saturday 3 220606720 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS VO VEHICLE OB'S 06/13/2022 10:27 Monday 4 220608003 2101 E 1ST ST MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 06/17/2022 09:12 Friday 3 220610687 2101 E IST ST SA COMPREHENSIV E TREATMENT CENTER 902M MFDICALAID 06/20/2022 18:52 Monday 1 220612951 2101 E IST ST 459A AUDIBLE BURGLARY ALARM 06/23/2022 20:03 Thursday 3 220614839 2101 E IST ST CALIFORNIA TREATMENT SVS Page 7 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 Call Type Ca11 Description Inc Date Time Weekday Pragrity Inc Number Case Address Lot Name 415E _ DISTURBANCE_TRANSIENT� ���' Number 07/06/2022 04:21 Wed ay 3` -2-0-7-0-M---o- 2 ----- - - 101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY - 3140 INDECENT EXPOSURE JUST/OCCURRED fl7/11202219:42 Monday 3 220_ 70752 SOLUTIONS 2101 E IST ST PKG LOT PED PEDESTRIAN CHECK 07/15/2022 11:33 Friday 4 NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY220 09950 202215580 2101 E 1ST ST 488R PETTY THEFT RPT 07/18/202212:09 Monday 2 220711683 2701 E 1STSC RECOVERY 07/18/202218:27 Monday 4 220_7118 SOLUTIONS 2101E IST ST RECOVERY 2420 BATTERY)UST/OCCURRED 07/19/2022 11:00 Tuesday 3 22071224 SOLUTfpN5 r� -- 2101£IST ST SANTA ANA COMP 902M MEDICAL AID TREATEMENT 07/19/202218:53 Tuesday 1 22Q7124Z4 CENTER 902M MEDICAL AID 2101 E 1ST ST RECOVERY 0723/202211:02 Saturday 1 220714820 SOLUTIONS PATCK PATROL CHECK 2101E 1ST ST PATCK PATROL CHECK 0724/2022 15;54 Sunday 5 229ZIS503 07J28/2022 14:04 Thursday 5 2101E IST 5T MARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 207 7935 2101 E IST 5T 07/29/202212:47 Friday 2 2071 596 925V SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE �— 2101E 1ST ST 0$/02/2022 0726 Tuesday 3 NARC NARCOTIC ACTIVITY 20800724 2101 E 1 ST ST 4224 TERRORISM i/o 0$/032 80022 04:35 Wednesday 3 20 275 2107 E IST ST RECOVERY -� 08/05/2022 13:04 Friday 2 SOLUTIONS 2101E1ST ST METHODONE CLINIC Page 8 of 8 Produced on 8/11/2022 11:26 Carver, Leila From: Planning Commission Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 2:41 PM To: Willkom, Justina; Huitron, Irma; Barragan, Raymond; Carver, Leila Subject: FW: Public Hearing on Opening of Out-Patient Opioid Clinic Importance: High Leila, one more for the public input file. Please reply to Mr. Mejia as well. Thank you. From: Charles Mejia <cmejia@cmlabsusa.com> Sent:Thursday, September 15, 2022 1:15 PM To: Planning Commission <PlanningCommission @tustinca.org> Subject: Public Hearing on Opening of Out-Patient Opioid Clinic To whomever it may concern, Thank you for allowing this hearing to be public. As a work from home resident that uses the shopping centers in the area of the proposed clinic, I would like to applaud the effort to help clean up the community.The war on drugs has been a catastrophic failure and the resulting influx of the ill into our jails has led to violent criminals being released for lack of space to house them. Addicts are not criminals for the act of addiction and drug policy that pushes addicts into jail instead of getting the medical help they need to recover is an undue burden on the taxpayers and law enforcement. Police should not be arresting the addicts but calling social workers or ambulatory staff to help them get the medical attention they need. Without clinics like these, our communities would be flooded by transients and addicts with nowhere to go and get help. Unfortunately many residents in the area are opposed to this bastion of medical help for a number of reasons. Many of the folks petitioning and protesting this clinic are behaving selfishly.We believe this position due to profiling and broad assumptions from the fake news media. In many communities this is referred to as NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard) policy, rather than working with the community,these folks choose to selfishly think only of themselves and are opposed to the proactive steps being taken to help alleviate the ongoing addiction problem in this country. Rather than reaching out to law enforcement to help encourage community policing and neighborhood watches, these folks simply bury their heads in the sand and scream "not in my neighborhood" without understanding city planning and community fellowship.The scarcity of available housing and real estate (commercial and otherwise) should mean that free space be utilized as efficiently as possible. With that in mind the location is,while not perfect, sufficient to the needs of such a clinic and community. If the concern is that there will be transients and homeless encampments springing up in that area,why then does the city not mandate that the clinic hire quality security to help manage the patient traffic? It's a basic human right to live and denying folks that are actively seeking help for their addiction problems should not be punished or forced to seek help far from their places of living. I feel that classism and perhaps even veiled racism is driving some residents to oppose the proposed clinic. We must not allow this to continue to perpetuate, and we must make a concerted effort to proactively help solve the addiction problem in our country, state, county, and city. I believe this community can come together to help solve the problem and uplift those less fortunate and ill, it is the American way to protect the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thank you for receiving my email. i Charles Mejia CEO, CM Labs USA Technology Excellence P: 949.701.9299 F: 424.442.0215 2 Carver, Leila From: Barragan, Raymond Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 2:46 PM To: Carver, Leila Cc: Hurtado, Vera; Huitron, Irma Subject: FW: 535 E. First Street Notifications Hi Leila: Please ensure that the business owner below is added to the distribution list in addition to the gentleman I send yesterday. For reference, his info is below: Ian B Carter icarterco@gmail.com 19392 Lemon Hill Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 Also, can you confirm he is on the mailing list? He owns an office condo in wellington plaza. RB From: Blankenhorn, Regina M <RBlankenhorn@tustinca.org> Sent:Thursday, September 8, 2022 2:42 PM To: Barragan, Raymond <RBarragan@tustinca.org> Cc: Huitron, Irma <IHuitron@tustinca.org> Subject:535 E. First Street Notifications Hi, Raymond. I am not sure if the below business is being notified regarding the above address on any upcoming agenda items, but they indicated that they did not receive anything from the City. Could you please add them to your distribution list? Tony Magnini AAA Family Gems 494 E. First Street Tustin, CA 92780 Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Cordially, Regina M. Blankenhorn Executive Coordinator to the City Council & City Manager 1 300 Centennial Way,Tustin, CA 92780 P:714-573-3012 1 F: 714-838-1602 rblankenhornatustinca.org I tustinca.orq STAY CONNECTED WITH US: �'� •Download our app—Apple Store •Google Play °•-�-� •Follow us—Facebook•Twitter •Join our newsletter 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0009 ,..._._..—.. ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .._.............................._....__...t._.._..._...._ Date of Position Commentor Group Comment Count Attachment Correspondence 8/23/2022 Concerns Resident Stated had concerns with the project related to incompatibility with 1 None-Public Counter Visit surrounding uses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/23/2022 Concerns Unknown Stated had concerns with the project related to incompatibility with 1 None-Phone Call Only surrounding uses. Stated had concerns with the project related to incompatibility with 8/23/2022 Concerns Unknown surrounding uses. 1 None-Phone Call Only Inquired whether the project was approved and if public hearing had 9/3/2022 General Inquiry Unknown taken place place.Staff reponded with 9/27/22 PC hearing 1 Email information- s opposition(to TPD)and requested to be added to noticing 9/8/2022 Oppose Business Owner 1 None-Phone Call Only distribution list. 9/7/2022 Oppose Legal Counsel Wellington Plaza association legal counsel called for information 1 None-Phone Call Only relative to submitting public comment and process. Stated general opposition and requested to be added to noticing 9/8/2022 Oppose Property Owner 1 None-Public Counter Visit distribution list and stated a letter of opposition would be forthcoming. 9/18/2022 Oppose Resident Stated opposition due to concerns related to security,safety,number 1 E-Comment ofdaily appointments,incompatibility with surrounding uses. Incompatibility with surrounding uses,concern for children,loitering, 9/13/2022 Oppose Resident 1 Email detriment to surrounding area. 8/23/2022 Oppose Resident States opposition due to proximity to schools,etc. 1 Email --------------------- 9/11/2022 Oppose Resident States opposition due to concern about the project and proximity to 1 Email schools,parks and playgrounds. 8/23/2022 Oppose Resident States opposition due to safety concerns. 1 Email ------------------------------ 8/23/2022 Oppose T Unknown Stated opposition. 1 Email 9/15/2022 Support Unknown Stated support. 1 Email Total Public Comments Received as of 9/19122 14