HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 97-30 I
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
I. That the City Council finds and determines that:
A. Based on the initial study attached hereto as Exhibit "A", there is no substantial
10 evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
11 ,-.. B. A proposed Finding of No Significant Impact/Negative 'Declaration was
for this project and 'public notice has been given. ·: .... prepared
12 ..... """
13 C. A public review period was provided and no public comments were received to
challenge the determination.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Tustin as
I5 follows:
I6 1. That a Final Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)/Negative Declaration has been
completed in compliance with CEQA and state guidelines. The City Council has received
17 and considered the information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration and any
public comments which may have been received prior to approving the project and found
18 that the Negative Declaration adequately discussed the environmental effects of the
proposed project.
20 2. That afar deciding to carry out or approve the Mitchell Avenue Widening Project stuff is
directed to prepare and file a Notice of Determination for the project.
21 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held
on the 21st day of April, 1997.
Tracy Wills Worley, Mayor
27 City Clerk
Mitchell Avenue Widening
Final Finding of No Significant Impact/Negative Declaration
Initial Study: SeCtion 3
April 1997
Attachment ""A"
Section 1
Introduction and Background
Section 1: Introduction and Background
1.1 Project-Location and Setting
The proposed project will implement improvements on the north side of Mitchell Avenue
between Newport Avenue and approximately .170 feet west of C Street within the City of
Tustin. Surrounding land uses include commercial and residential uses. The project
vicinity is shown. on Exhibit 1.
1.2 Project Description
The. proposed project includes acquisition of right-of-way and construction of asphalt
pavement for additional lane width, curb, gutter, sidewalk ddveway approaches, curb
ramps, and catchbasin(s) along the north side of Mitchell Avenue between Newport
Avenue and approximately 170 feet west of C Street. Relocation of utility poles will be
required to accommodate the project.
Right-of-way acquisition and construction will affect three properties, including a
commercial property located at 14111 Newport and two residential properties located at
14111 and 14112 C Street. A strip of approximately 120-lineal feet by 7 feet along the
south side of the commercial property and two triangular areas at the southerly comer of
the two residential properties will be acquired to accommodate the proposed street
improvements. No buildings will be affected, however, two sections of existing wood
fencing will require i-econstruction. Depth of pavement construction will be no more than
one foot.
The project limits are shown in Exhibit 2.
1.3 Project Construction Schedule/Phasing
Project construction is anticipated to occur in a single phase lasting approximately three
months. The project is tentatively scheduled to begin in August 1997 and be completed
in October 1997. '
1.4 Project Proponent ' '
The City of Tustin Public Works Department will acquire property and construct the
proposed improvements. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds were
allocated for property acquisition dudrig the 1995-1996 Fiscal Year. Construction
funding was allocated dudng the 1996-97 Fiscal Year.
'Exhibit '1
i' 14151
~ 1 4182 ZE.
~\S E 14191 _:
'T AGO 14201[
Xx U'!~' 14232 1421~
\ ·
,_,._---x 14231
"15641-" ~,q'~- aA,,e 14244-
,~,- / -
· ~,~)/" 15645 ..
Not to
Exhibit 2-
Section 2
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
Section 2: Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
As provided for in Section 15063 of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, the initial
study/environmental assessment format and checklist prepared pursuant to the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development's procedures regarding implementation of the National
Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) is being used to evaluate potential impacts. The initial
study/environmental assessment checklist is included in Section 3.
2.1 Land Development
a. Conformance with Comprehensive Plans and Zoning
The proposed project will implement minor street improvements consistent with the
City's Standard Plans for local streets. The proposed improvements conform with
the existing General Plan and Zoning Code. No changes in zoning are proposed
or will be required to allow the roadway improvements.
The parcel at the comer of Newport Avenue and Mitchell Avenue is zoned Planned
Community-Commercial (PCC) district. No minimum lot area is prescribed by the
Planned Community District document which regulates development of the site.
A reduction in the lot size will not affect future entitlements at the site. The
remaining two parcels impacted by the improvements are zoned Multi-Family
Residential (R-3) District, but are developed with single-family residences. The
minimum lot area for such uses is 7,000-square feet; however, neither parcel
conforms with that standard. The portions of the parcels being purchased by the
City to facilitate the street improvements will slightly decrease the land area of the
parcels. However, the reductions will not alter the non-conforming status of the
properties and will not create a nuisance or threaten the health, welfare, or we!l-
being of City residents.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation:. Community Development Department staff;, City of
Tustin General Plan and Zoning Code.
b. Compatibility_ and Urban Impact
The proposed improvements are similar to other street improvements that.have
been made to the surrounding area. Installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk
facilities will create congruity between the unimproved areas on the project site and
other improved areas along Mitchell Avenue and Newport Avenue. The project will
improve the urban environment in the vicinity.
Impact Category: Poten{ially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: CommU. nity Development Department staff; City of
Tustin General Plan and Zoning Code.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
Apdl 1997
The site is relatively fiat and will be reconstructed with a minimal slope for improved
drainage. The slope will eliminate the ponding of water in the unimproved areas.
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Public Works Department M. J.
Gestine, February 1997. '
d. .Erosion
The area of construction is currently unimproved. The installation of curb, gutter,
and sidewalk facilities will minimize the existing Potential for erosion of soil.
Minor excavation will be necessary to install subsurface paving materials and two
catchbasins. The Plans, Specifications, and Estimates document requires the
contractor to clean adjacent streets of any dirt, settled dust, and excavated or
removed materials. With-implementation of this requirement, no impacts are
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: Community Development Department staff.
The soils are suitable for the proposed projecL No soil will be imported from off-
site. City engineers do not anticipate requiring a soils report.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Public Works Department M. J.
Gestine, February 1997. '
f- Hazards and Nuisances !'ncluding Site Safety
Construction activities may create temporary haZards or nuisances for rnotorists
and pedestrians. The Plans, Specifications, and Estimates document requires the
contractor. to provide safe and continuous passage for pedestrian and vehicular
traffic at all times. Specific measures include use of barricades, signage, flagmen
and lane closures in accordance with an approved traffic control plan. With
implementation of this requirement, no impacts are anticipated.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City 6f Tustin Public Works Department, M. J.
Gestine, February 1997.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
Final FONS!/ND
April 1997
The proposed construction will not impact energy consumption. Minor quantities of
energy utilized for construction can be accommodated by existing utility systems.
Impact Category: No Impact Antidpated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
and Public Works. Department, M. J. Gestine,
February 1997.
2.2 Noise
a. Effects of Ambient Noise on Project and Contribution to Community'Noise Levels
The property acquisition will not create any noise impacts; however, daytime
· construction activities may generate temporary, intermittent noise. All con struction
activities am subject to the Tustin Noise Ordinance. In addition, the Plans,
Specifications, and Estimates document requires the contractor to comply with City
noise standards. Compliance with those regulations will be dosely monitored by the
Public Works and Community Development Departments to ensure that no negative
noise impacts occur.
Increased fight-of-way will allow vehicular traffic to pass approximately five (5) feet
closer to the existing commercial building than the current roadway configuration.
A difference of 5 feet in lane width is not expected to measureably increase long-
term noise levels at the affected properties; however, an existing block wall will
remain on the site to minimize potential noise impacts.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff; City of Tustin Noise OrdinanceL
2.3 Air Quality
a. Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Project and Contribution to Community Pollution
Ambient air qualib/is generally good in the City of Tustin; air quality will not
adversely impact the project. Conversely, the proposal will not adversely impact air
quality. Installation of additional !~ne width will improve the street to a modified local
street standard. Since the street is currently a local street, the' project will not
increase traffic capacity and will not result in air quality impacts typically associated
with street widening projects. !n addition, the project will replace unimproved land
with paved surfaces which will minimize the creation of dust and other airborne
particles in the long-term.
Clearing, grubbing, 'and excavating activities will result in disruptions to paved
surfaces and soil thereby creating dust and debris. The Plans, Specifications, and
Estimates document reqt~ires.the contractor to control air pollution by cleaning the
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
project site and adjacent streets of dirt, settled dust, and excavated or removed
mateddals. With implementation of this requirement, no impacts are anticipated.
'Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff. -
2.4 Environmental Design and Historic Values
a. Visual uali - Coherence Diversi Corn atible Use and Scale
Construction of additional land width, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on unimproved
!and will improve visual coherenEe of the area and increase compatibility with
existing land uses.
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: Visual site inspection, City of Tustin Community
Development Department staff.
b. Historic, Cultural and Archaeoloqical Resource:;
No above-ground histodc or cultural resources are present in the project area.
Excavating activities will be limited to no more than one foot in depth in previously
disturbed soil. !t is unlikely that underground resources will be encountered. A
""Quick Check" prepared by the Regional Information Center of the Califomia
Archaeological Inventory, University of Califomia'at los Angeles. indicates that
while there are four recorded archaeological sites within a one mile radius of the
project area, no archaeological work is needed prior to approval of the project. ,The
Center recommends that the City halt work in the event that cultural resources are
discovered during construction. in addition a Programmatic Agreement with the
State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO)'authorizes the City of Tustin to exempt
from SHPO review activities for which the City can make specific findings that there
will be no adverse impact to historic properties or sites. The City has found that the
proposed project is exempt from further review by SHPO and that the ability to issue
a halt-work order mitigates any potential adverse impacts to a level of insignificance.
Impact Category: No impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: UCLA Archaeological Inventory Regional Information
Center, Elizabeth Sodano 10117194; SHPO; City of
Tustin Community Development Department staff.
2.5 Socioeconomic
a. .Demoqraphic Character Change,~,
Th~ proposed project does not affect existing or planned land uses, employment,
or Population. As such, the. project will not impact or change the demographic
character of the project area.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
Impact Category: . Nq Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: ' City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
b. Displacement
The proposed project does not affect or alter existing or planned land uses,
employment, or population. IAs such, the project will not displace any residents or
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
c. Employment and Income Pattems
The proposed project will not affect existing or projected employment or income
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
2.6 Community Facilities End Services
a. Educational Fadlities
One commercial and two residential properties will be affected. No educational
facilities will be impacted by the proposal.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
b. Commerdal Facilities
One of the lots impacted by the project is a commercial property. A 7' foot wide
unimproved stdp of land along the south side of the property will be converted to a
street lane with sidewalk with curb and gutter. The building, parking lot, and
perimeter wall will not be affected.. Commercial use of the property will not be
affected. '
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
· staff and City records.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
Apdl 1997
c. Health Care
The street improvement project will have no impact on health care systems or
facilities cu~Tently in place in the community. A hospital located in the vicinity is
currently closed. No major thoroughfares providing assess to other Facilities will be
impacted. No need for additional services will be generated by the proposal.
Impact Category: No Impact AntiCipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
d. Social Services
The temporan/construction project will have no impact on social services.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
e. Solid Waste
Minor amounts of additional solid waste may be generated by construction activities.
However, existing waste facilities will accommodate the temporary increase.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development Department
staff and City records.
f. Waste Water
The proposal will have no impact on waste water or the City sewer system. The
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates document req.uires the contractor to control
water pollution by removing stored materials, equipment, dirt, dust, and 'excavated
or removed materials from the .site or adjacent streets. With implementation of this
requirement, no impact is anticipated.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development and Public
Works Department staff.
g- Storm _Water
While the paving of previously unl&aved areas may minimally increase run off
amounts, the project involves the .installation of catch basins which will be
connected to the existing storm drain system. The proposed street improvements
will improve the quality of the water entedng the storm drain system and, ultimately,
discharging into the ocean. -
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
For short-term construction run-off, the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates
document requires the contractor to control water pollution by removing stored
materials, equipment. dirt, dust, and excavated or removed materials from the site
or adjacent streets. With implementation of this requirement, no impact is
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Public Works Department, M.J.
Gestine, February, 1997.
h. Water Supply
Construction of proposed improvements may require the use of water from the
munidpal supply; however. resources will not be significantly impacted. Currently
available sources will accommodate any temporary increases in water use. The
project will not impact the quality of the existing water supply.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Water Works, Gary Veeh, 7/24/95.
i. Public Safety
1. Police
Paving the shoulder of the road and the construction of curb, gutter, and
sidewalk fadlities may improve public safety and allow emergency vehicles
better access to the thoroughfare and adjacent properties. The project will
not result in the need for additional police services.
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: Tustin Police Department
2. Fire
Paving the shoulder of the road and the cOnstruction of curb, gutter, and
sidewalk facilities may improve access for emergency vehicles. The project'
will not result in the. need for additional fire services.
Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Source/Documentation: Orange County Fire Department, Todd
Ruditas, 7~26~95.
3. Emerqency Medical :'
Paving the shoulder of the road and the construction of curb, gutter,
sidewalk, and handicap ramps may improve access for emergency vehicles.
'Impact Category: Potentially Beneficial
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
Source/Documentation: Tustin Police Department
j. Ppen Space and Recreation
1. ~
The street improvements are located with an urbanized, developed area.
The project will not impact any designated open space.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin Community Development
Department staff and City records.
2. Recreatio____Q
The project is non-residential in nature and is not located in proximity to
recreational facilities. The project will not impact recreation opportunities in
the community.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City' of Tustin Community Development
Department staff.
3. ..Cultural Facilities
The site of the street improvements iS not located in the City"s Cultural
Resources Oveday District, nor are there any identified cultural resources
or facilities identified on or in the immediate 'vicinity of the site.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: City of Tustin, 'Community Development
Department Historical Resources Survey.
k. .Transportation
The proposed project will implement minor street improvements consistent with the,
City's Standard Plans for local streets. Mitchell Avenue, as a designated local
street,. will continue to operate as a local street. No long term traffic impacts are
Construction may temporarily impact local vehicular traffic. However, the Plans,
Specifications, and Estimates document requires the contractor to implement a
traffic control plan to maintain saf'~'. and continuous passage for pedestrian and
vehicular traffic and allow adequate access to adjacent properties at all times.
impact Category: No ImPact Anticipated
Source/DoCumentation: · City of, Tustin Public Works and Community
Development Department.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
2.8 Natural Features
a. Water Resources
No water resources exist in the vicinity of the proposal; no impacts are anticipated
as a result of the project.
Impact,Category: No Impact Antidpated
Source/Documentation: Field Observation, City of Tustin Community
Development Department.
b. Surface Water
No surface waters are jocated on or in the vicinity of the site; no. impacts are -
anticipated as a result of the project.
Impact Categ.ory: No Impact Anticipated
'Source/Documentation: Field Observation, City of Tustin Community
Development Department.
c. Floodplains
The project site is located within "Flood Zone X," an area determined to be outside
the 500-year flood plain. No alteration of the floodplain will result from
implementation of the project.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: Flood Insurance Rate Map, dated 9/15/89.
d. ...Wetlands
· No wetlands are located on or in the vicinity Of the site.
Impact Category: No Impact Antidpated
Source/Documentation: Field Observation. City of Tustin Records.
e. Coastal Zone
The City of Tustin is approximately 10 miles from any coastal area. No impacts to
such areas will result.
Impact Category: No Imp. act Anticipated
Source/Documentation: Field Observation, City of Tustin Maps and Records.
f- .Unique Natural Features and Agricultural Lands
No unique natural features or. agricultural lands are located on or in the vicinity of
the project location.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
Apdl 1997
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: Field Observation, City of Tustin Maps and Records.
g- Vegetation and Wildlife
Construction of the roadway improvements will require the removal of minor
amounts of non-irrigated vegetation and some small to mediUm-sized existing trees,
hedges, and lawn areas. Due to spatial constraints of the project, no replacement
landscaping is proposed. However, the loss of landscaping will 'be offset by the
remaining landscaped planters along the south side of the commercial property and
landscaped areas surrounding the residential properties. The loss of a minor
portion of vegetation along the edge of the three properties is not considered
significant. ..- -. -
No indigenous or endangered species are present on the site and no wildlife has
been observed on the site.
Impact Category: No Impact Anticipated
Source/Documentation: Field Observation, Paula Rankin, 7/25/95.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
Findings and Conclusions
Summary of Findings
and Conclusions:
This project is located in a fully developed, urban area. No adverse findings are noted. There is
no substantial evidence 'that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
Completion of the project will result in a benefit to the community.
Summary of
No major adverse environmental impacts are anticipated. Temporary, minor temporary traffic and
noise impacts associated with daytime construction activities will be minimized to a level of
insignificance by operational requirements contained within the Plans, Specifications, and
Estimates document and existing City ordinances which control hours of construction activities and
decibel levels. Completion of the project will result in environmental benefits such as improved
visual quality of the area and its compatibility with the urban environment, improved erosion and
dust control, improved storm water runoff quality, and improved access for emergency services.
Project Modifications
and Alternatives
No modifications to the project are necessary; no alternatives were considered.
Additional Studies
Performed (Attach Study or Summary)
Mitigation Measures :
Standard conditions contained within the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates document reduce
any potential impacts to a level of insignificance. No mitigation measures are proposed.
Mitchell Avenue Widening
April 1997
1. Is project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations?
z~Yes [] No
2. Is an EISIEIR required? [] Yes o
3. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSi)/Negative Declaration (ND) can be made.
Project will not significantly affect the hum an environment. There is no substantial evidence
that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
Yes [] No
Prepared by: Paula Rankin, Associate Planner
Karen Peterson, Assistant Planner
Supervisor:. Rita Westfield
Assistant Community Development Director
Section 3
Environmental Assessment/Initial StUdy Checklist
Environmental Assessments
at the
Commtm/ty Level
(24 CFR 58, .Section 5836)
Project Name: Mitchell Avenue Widening Project
1615 West Oljnnp~c B']v~I,' .:"'
4-os AngeleS, CA 90015-3801 ' :"' :' "
Environmental Unit
Existing Conditions and Trends:
See Introduction and Project Description in S. ection 1.
Project Description: (List multi-year activities by year)
See Introduction and proj.~ct Description in Sectibn 1.
STATUTO---~ ,_, ~ ---.RY CHECKLIS~ T*
Checklist of AppIicable
Stat~tes~ Executive Orders,
and Regulations
,~-~ .,_ : . . --;,=--:.
Wetlands Protection ~.~~ 7, -- ,
Coasta~ Zone '
Sole Source Ac/uifers
Endangered Species
Wild and Scenic Rivers ,, ------_
P~-~and P__rotection '-
Noise ~jDatement. and .
Control (24 CFR S1B)
ExPlosive and Flammable . s (24 CFR 'SlC
~PoxS, c Chemicals/ - ___
Radioactive Materials :
(BUD Notice 79-33 ) " ,,
Airport Clear Zones and
Accident Potential Zones
(24 CFR S1D) ,,
Fish and Wildlife Service, in accordance with procedural regulations contained in 50
CFR Pal-t 402.
Wild and Scenic River., A) The project is not located within a mile of a listed Wild
and scen/c River, OR the project will not have an effect on the natural, free
flowing or scen/c qualities of a river in the National Wild and scenic Rivers
system; B) Consult with the U.S. Depar~_menZ of InteriOr, National Park service for
resolution and mitigation assistance.
~z A) The project conforms with the EPA-approved State Implementation Plan
(aLP), per contact with the State A~ Quality Management District or Board; B)
Negotiate suitable mitigation measures with the k~ Q~^l~ty Management District
Board. -. or
Farmland Protectionz A) The project site does not include prime or unique farmland,
OR o~her fa_'~_lana of statewide or local importance as identified by the U.S.
Depar~zne~ of Agr~e~ Soil Co=serv~ti~n Service (SCS), OR the project site
includes ~rime farmland, but is located in an area c~=irted 'to-urban uses; B)'
Request eva/u'ation of land type from scs using Form AD 1006, and consider the
resultant rating in the project decision, as ~ei1 as potential mitigation measures
(including measures to protect adverse effect on adjacent farmlands).
Boise Abate-~ent ~-a Control~ A) The project does not involve development of noise
sensitive uses, oR the ambier~ n~ise level is 65 LDN (or CNEL) or less, based upon
th.e ~UD Noise Assessment Gu/delines (NAG) for calculating noise levels; B) Apply the
noise standard to the projec~ approval decision and consider the application of the
noise attenuation measures (~AG page 39-40).
_Erplosive or F1-~331e Op~-'-ationsz X). The project is located at an Acceptable
Separation Distance (ASD) ~ any ab6ve-gro~,~d explosive or flammable fuels or
chemicals containers according =o 'siting of m-Assisted Projects Near Mazardous
Facilities- (Appendix F, pp. 51-52), Oa the project will expose neither people nor
buildings =o such hazards; ~) mitigate the hazard (per 24 CFR 51.205) with the
construc=i~ of a barrier of adequate;size and strength to protect th~ project from
the explosive or flammable hazard.
Tortc Che{c~s ^.~ Rad/oactive Ma~er~1~z A) The project does not involve new
develo[a~ent for habitation; o~ the project involves new development~ for habitation,
but is not located within one mile of'an NFL. (-superfund=) site, within 2~000 f&et
of a CERCLIS site, .nor adjacen~ to ar~ other known ~r suspected s~tes contaminated
with toxic chemicals of radioactive materials, ~-!ess a Federal, State, or local
authoritative source det~T~{~es it does not pose a health haxard; B) Grantees are
advised 'not .to use funds for activities supporting. new devel_onmemt for habitation
when a project site is affected by =c~tc chemicals or radk~c~e materia/s.
Documentation includes contact with appropriate Federal, State, or local oversight
agencies. .
kir~or~ Cleat Zones and A~id~t Pof.,ent~'~.]_ Zone Z A) The project is D~c w~'t~ an
~F.AA-designarad civet{an s{ ~3r~ Ruzway Clear Zone (RCZ), ~r within a milital7
alrfield clear Zone (cZ)' or A=cide=t P~tential Zone (A~Z), based upon information
c~ne ~a~..{."{~t-rator i~ent/~img the boundaries of'''''
· ~ ~r rehabi//tation;:a) For the sale or
Purchase of existing property in a RCZ ~r CZ, notify buyer of this fact and obtain
buyer-s signature acknowledging receipt of this information.
to provide any development assistance, subsidy or insurance It is ~D policy not
/a RCZs or CZs ~n]ess
the projec% will not be frequently used or occupied by people, and the a/rport
operator Provides written assurances that there are no plans to purchase the project
.Source Documentation
~ (Additional materials may be a_,ttached
socio~con~=ic ~ '
Ch~ranter changes
See explanation of checklisz responses.in Section 2.
.cc~:~ut~y racili~iea aM service=
~-duca~iona! Facilities ' "
~oci~l Services
I - NO impact is anticipated. category being evaluated:
2 - Potentially beneficial.
- Potentially adverse, requires documentation only.
- Requires mitigation. .
- Requires project modification.
2 :
Source Documentation
. (Additional' materials m~y be attached. )
Batur=l Features
Water Resou_~ces
See expl~n~ti0n of checklist responses.in Section 2.
surface Water
Peatures and
Agricu!t~Ira!' Lands " ~. "
vegetation and ")
Other Factors to be Consi~erea*
-NOTE: other factors may include 'special conditions/situations affecting the project
which have not been previo~sly considered, s~ch as h4at~uric resources of ~6ate or
local sigm4ficance, state-listed endangered ~pecies, traffic i.ssues, etc.
Choose from the following list, as applicable, to each Tm~?aCt Category and enter the
appropriate nx~er in the boxes beside each Sategory being evaluated:
I - No {m?act is anticipated. '
2 - Potanti.ally beneficial.
3 - Potentially adverse, req,~res documen~tion only.
4 - Req~{~es mitigation. .'
S - Requires project modification.
City of Tustin
Pamela S~oker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council'of the
City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of
the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing
resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council
held on the 21st day of April, 1997, by the following vote:
COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Worley, Thomas, Doyle, Potts, Saltarelli
City tlerk