HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 PC REPORT STREAMLINE TUSTIN DocuSign Envelope ID: F8A71079-CF63-4748-ACCO-EFE9204ABAEA
This agenda report provides an overview of the City of Tustin's Streamline Tustin Initiative, which
encompasses a multi-faceted effort in streamlining City procedures led by the Community
Development Department. The Streamline Tustin Initiative is a comprehensive undertaking, which
leverages innovative technology to improve government processes for Tustin businesses and
residents. With the onset of COVID-19 during 2020, the City of Tustin pivoted to quickly refine
routine City services that were previously completed in-person or on paper, such as building plan
reviews and entitlement processing. Throughout 2021 to the present, the City has continued to
innovate and refine its procedures to not only adapt to the realities of the pandemic, but to further
streamline navigating City processes for staff, businesses, and residents alike.
The month of October also commemorates National Community Planning Month. On a daily
basis, City Planners work to improve the well-being of all people living in our communities by
taking a comprehensive perspective. This approach leads to safer, resilient, more equitable, and
more prosperous communities. Spearheaded by the American Planning Association (APA), local
communities are encouraged to celebrate the role that planning plays in creating great
communities each October, by recognizing National Community Planning Month.
That the Planning Commission receive and file this report, and adopt Resolution No. 4458
recognizing National Community Planning Month.
Streamline Tustin Initiative Overview
The Streamline Tustin Initiative is a comprehensive effort leveraging innovative technology to
improve government processes for Tustin businesses and residents. With the onset of COVID-19
during 2020, the City of Tustin pivoted to quickly refine routine City services that were previously
completed in-person or on paper, such as building plan reviews and entitlement processing.
Throughout 2021 to the present, the City has continued to innovate and refine its procedures to
not only adapt to the realities of the pandemic, but to further streamline navigating City processes
for staff, businesses, and residents alike.
DocuSign Envelope ID: F8A71079-CF63-4748-ACCO-EFE9204ABAEA
Streamline Tustin Initiative &Community Planning Month
October 25, 2022
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The Streamline Tustin Initiative is comprised of the following programs:
I. Accelerated Plan Reviews;
II. Plan Check by Appointment Services;
III. Online Plan Submittals, Reviews, and Inspections; STREAMLINE
IV. Planning Services Concierge Program;
V. Enhanced Transparency and Community Engagement;
VI. Code Streamlining & Improvement Program; and
VII. Optimization of Permitting Software Use and Reports.
Program Implementation and Impacts
The impacts of the Streamline Tustin initiative, include a measurable increase in the number of
building permits that are able to be issued, along with additional positive metrics, which furthers
the overall economic development climate and business community within the City. Further details
about each of the program implementation efforts and measurable impacts are as follows:
I. Accelerated Plan Reviews - The Community Development Department conducts an
initial review of building plans within ten (10) business days and reviews subsequent
submittals within five (5) business days. The Department has hired a new, in-house plan
checker to accelerate this review process. An expedited review can also be requested for
an additional fee depending on the availability of consultants. Once approved, electronic
signatures from all departments are applied to the plans, thus eliminating the use of paper
plans and reducing delays for permit issuance.
Measurable Results:During 2020, 846 building permits were issued. During 2021 1,063 building
permits were issued. Note: Staff is developing a tracking system to report on number of days in
review(See Program VII).
II. Plan Check by Appointment Services - The Community Development Department
offers plan check by appointment reservations every Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
for minor projects such as residential solar, patio covers, retaining and free-standing block
walls, pools and spas, and residential remodels such as kitchen and bathroom remodels.
The reservation is for one (1) hour of dedicated time with a plan checker and planner, as
Measurable Results: 2021 through the present, twenty (20) over the counter(OTC) plan check
by appointments were completed.
III. Online Plan Submittals, Reviews, and Inspections - Customers are able to go online
to request services and submit a variety of applications, including building permits,
entitlement, and administrative permit applications, and building inspections. Staff is able
to review online requests virtually, reducing the amount of time these processes would
normally take if completed fully in-person. Customers can also request services at City
Hall (such as submitting hard copies of plans) by appointment.
Measurable Results:
2021 to October 2022; Thirty (30) Citizen Self Service Portal transactions for online permit, plan
check, and inspection services.
2021 to October 2022; 3,771 Electronic Plan Checks (limited in-person transactions).
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Streamline Tustin Initiative &Community Planning Month
October 25, 2022
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IV. Planning Services Concierge Program - Streamline the provision of services while
emphasizing customer-friendly and time saving practices. Program focus areas are:
A. Site and Business Operations Zoning Compatibility Checks;
B. Entitlement and Permitting Consultations;
C. One-on-One Consultations Focused Specific Business and Operational Needs;
D. Review of Concept Plans to Identify Challenges Early;
E. Coordination with Multiple City Departments/Outside Agencies for Zoning
Entitlements; and,
F. Proactive Monitoring of Projects.
Monthly Average Metrics (June - September 2022)*:
• Number of Counter Visits: 65
• Number of Planning Phone Main Line Calls: 171
• Number of Emails: 47**
• Number of Voicemails: 35
*Does not include direct inquiries to project planners
**General Email: TustinPlanning(5)_1 and does not include direct inquiries to project
V. Enhanced Transparency and Community Engagement —Staff has created a template
for public engagement and education while increasing transparency in the year 2021. The
years 2021 and 2022, multiple projects took the spotlight, including the Housing Element
Update, Historic Survey Update, and the Outdoor Dining Survey. Dedicated webpages
have been created on the Department website summarizing these efforts, and have been
shared on social media as opportunities for community engagement to occur. The
community can also keep track of major projects under review on the Current Projects
page on the Department website. For citywide projects, the City uses social media to
inform and solicit input, using Facebook, Twitter, and NextDoor.
Measurable Results: Staff reports community engagement metrics and outreach plan with each
applicable project presentation.
VI. Code Streamlining and Improvement Program - The goal of the Program is to evaluate
the City's land use code and propose amendments to sections that lack clarity, are
outdated, do not respond to current market trends, and that do not comply with State law.
In July 2022, the Tustin City Council approved over 70 code updates as part of the
Program. The Community Development Department will continue to evaluate land use
related codes and practices on a regular basis and will introduce amendments when
appropriate in the future. A summary of the 70 code updates can be found here. Other
recent code updates completes are SB 9, ADU/JADU, and Density Bonus ordinance
VII. Optimization of Permitting Software Use and Reports—The Community Development
Department is working with a consultant to improve the workflow processes for staff,
emphasizing the optimization of the processes City staff uses which will result in the ability
to self-report on plan review turnaround times. This process will allow staff to define
performance measures and areas that require additional optimization. To assist with this
effort, staff has implemented staff trainings in the areas of: Bluebeam software plan
review, EnerGov permitting software training, and basic GIS use training.
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Streamline Tustin Initiative &Community Planning Month
October 25, 2022
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Orange County Business Council's Turning Red Tape into Red Carpet Award
To showcase the Streamline Tustin Initiative throughout Orange County, the City of Tustin has
submitted the initiative into the Orange County Business Council's (OCBC) 2022 Turning Red
Tape into Red Carpet award program, under the incorporating innovative technology category.
The program is one (1) of 34 award nominees across various categories.
The City of Tustin believes the Streamline Tustin Initiative is both innovative and creative, in that
it not only leverages technology to improve government processes and bolster economic
development, but it is a multi-faceted effort that brings development information to the forefront
and makes it accessible to all. Creativity is demonstrated through continuous updates to the City's
webpages in engaging the community, developing focused pages for City projects, and coming
soon, the City will be able to use the capabilities of GIS to visually represent where development
activity is happening within Tustin. Streamline Tustin demonstrates innovation through the ways
that it allows the public to conduct their business in a paper-free environment, and quickly report
and address quality of life concerns that may arise throughout their day-to-day.
Category winners will be announced at the Turning Red Tape into Red Carpet Awards and
Reception which will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at Andrei's Conscious
Cuisine located at 2607 Main Street, Irvine, CA 92614.
Community Planning Month
The month of October is designated as National Community Planning Month throughout the
United States of America. Each year, the American Planning Association observes National
Community Planning Month to raise the visibility of the important role of planners and planning in
communities across the U.S.
Planners work to improve the well-being of all people living in our communities by taking a
comprehensive perspective. This approach leads to safer, resilient, more equitable, and more
prosperous communities. We celebrate the role that planning plays in creating great communities
each October with National Community Planning Month. Planning is more important than ever
as communities continue to navigate the disruptive changes brought about by the pandemic.
The City of Tustin's Streamline Tustin Initiative has truly turned the red tape of government into a
red carpet by incorporating innovative technology for businesses and residents alike, through
speeding up the permit process, providing increased access to development information, and by
promoting new methods for providing input and accessing permits. A summary of Streamline
Tustin efforts can be viewed at the City's website: www.tustinca.orgiStreamlineTustin.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive and file this report and adopt
Resolution No. 4458 recognizing National Community Planning Month.
DocuSign Envelope ID: F8A71079-CF63-4748-ACCO-EFE9204ABAEA
Streamline Tustin Initiative &Community Planning Month
October 25, 2022
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DocuSigned by: by:1CV . ('�U�t� 6O [Do,"Signed UAk nA , �. Wi QQk ani
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Irma Huitron Justina L. Willkom
Assistant Community Development Community Development Director
Director - Planning
DocuSigned by:
ki� Vim
Adrianne DiLeva
Management Analyst II
Attachment: Resolution No. 4458 - Recognition of National Community Planning Month
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
WHEREAS, change is constant and affects all cities, towns, suburbs, counties,
boroughs, townships, rural areas, and other places; and
WHEREAS, community planning and plans can help manage this change in a way
that provides better choices for how people work and live; and
WHEREAS, community planning provides an opportunity for all residents to be
meaningfully involved in making choices that determine the future of their community; and
WHEREAS, the full benefits of planning requires public officials and citizens who
understand, support, and demand excellence in planning and plan implementation; and
WHEREAS, the month of October is designated as National Community Planning
Month throughout the United States of America and its territories; and
WHEREAS, American Planning Association endorses National Community Planning
Month as an opportunity to highlight how planning is essential to recovery and how planners
can lead communities to equitable, resilient and long-lasting recovery; and
WHEREAS, the celebration of National Community Planning Month gives us the
opportunity to publicly recognize the participation and dedication of the members of planning
commissions and other citizen planners who have contributed their time and expertise to the
improvement of the City of Tustin; and
WHEREAS, we recognize the many valuable contributions made by professional
community and regional planners of the City of Tustin and extend our heartfelt thanks for the
continued commitment to public service by these professionals;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the month of October 2022 is hereby
designated as Community Planning Month in the City of Tustin in conjunction with the
celebration of National Community Planning Month.
Resolution No. 4458
Page 2
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular
meeting on the 25th day of October, 2022.
Planning Commission Secretary
I, JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission
Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4458 was duly passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 25th day of
October, 2022.
Planning Commission Secretary