HomeMy WebLinkAboutEduardo Garcia - Item 20 (e-Comment)From:noreply@granicusideas.com
To:City Clerk; Yasuda, Erica; Woodward, Carrie; E-Comments
Subject:New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council/ Closed Session at 5:30 pm/Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm
Date:Monday, November 14, 2022 8:56:00 PM
SpeakUpNew eComment for Regular Meeting of the CityCouncil/ Closed Session at 5:30 pm/RegularMeeting at 7:00 pm
Guest User submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council/ Closed Session at 5:30 pm/Regular Meeting at
7:00 pm
(DIXON) has prepared the Tustin Residential Parking Action Plan (PAP) on behalf of the City of
Tustin (City) to outline the recommended implementation steps and strategies to optimize the
preferential permit parking program and parking management within Tustin's residential
neighborhoods. This PAP identifies policies, procedures, and management strategies necessary
to address the City's current and future parking needs. The PAP highlights important
considerations, measures, and best practices to optimize operations.
eComment: Mi nombre es Eduardo García y vivo en sicamor gardens y mi comentario es el
siguiente. Personas dejando su carro por días dejando basura y las alarmas de los carros se
activan por la noche y es molesto el ruido en días de descanso personal, camionetas de trabajo
sin mover por días que no permiten la visibilidad del tráfico cuando es necesario entrar y salir a
la propiedad tener visitas de familiares y no encontrar estacionamiento por la razón
mencionada. Personas que no viven en el área dejando un carro y moviendo otro Gracias por
su atención al presente
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