HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED 517PM JAN 10 2023 From: To: Subject: Fm: CUP 2022-0009 Date: Tuesday,3anuaryz0,zuz3s:z7:sypM RaymondBarra8an Principal Planner Planning Division Community Development Department 300Centennial Way,Tustin, CA82780 P: 714-573-3U10 | F: 714-573-3113 | ���o��� STAY CONNECTED WITH US: ^ Download our app—8Wjg algE ^Q2g.gle Elayy ^ Follow us—Ea gebo o L~]�J.1te r� From: KikiBrown Sent:Tuesday,January lU, 2U234:SSPM To: Barra8an' Raymond Subject: Re: CUP 2U22-UUU9 Mr. Barra8an, It has come to my attention that there has been discussion about putting a Methadone Clinic at 535 E. First St,Tustin. | implore you toplease not bring this clinic toour neighborhoods. My mother is a recovered heroin addict and has been to clinics over the years.The people she has known to use the clinic (including herself) are getting "free fix." It ends up being a place to meet fellow addicts and continue their mission to get high. A place to congregate. | would rather these people congregate inAAmeetings orrehab. Why do we need to bring troubled lives into our communities when we are following the rules of society, and trying tolive our lives the right vvay?? Please help us keep Tustin safe. We want to protect itfor our children and our children's children. Thank you. Kiki Brown From: Sharon Hennessey To: Plannina Commission Subject: CUP 2002-009 Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 5:05:00 PM I am writing to provide my objection to the City of Tustin granting approval for the above-referenced CUP.This type of use is not appropriate in the intended location.This property is located in a vital shopping and office area for the surrounding residential neighborhoods. The patients that come to this type of clinic are often disruptive to neighboring establishments. There is a similar clinic on First Street in Santa Ana. It is between a small shopping center and medical laboratory I have frequented for years. Once the drug treatment clinic went into that area, I experienced and observed problems when I went to the shopping and medical center with people begging, camping out on the sidewalk, and drug deals taking place in the parking lot. At the Labcorp location at the corner of First Street and Tustin Avenue in Santa Ana, where I frequent for lab tests, I witnessed similar happenings since this clinic went in of people dealing drugs in the parking lot, loitering, and begging on this property. Labcorp eventually had to hire a security guard to monitor the parking lot.This has helped alleviate some of the problems but has not eliminated them. At my last appointment at the Labcorp location, the police were there arresting someone who was causing problems in the parking lot. Due to these problems, I have stopped frequenting any businesses on First Street, west of the 55 Freeway. Should this clinic come to this location in Tustin, there is a strong possibility of the same problems impacting the surrounding businesses. Businesses have suffered enough negative impacts these past few years.The City does not have to add additional obstacles for them to overcome by approving this CUP and permitting this business to move into this area. I want to continue to shop and eat in Tustin. However, if this business moves to this location, I will surely find safer places to do so. Sincerely, Sharon Hennessey-La IBont From: Dal:ie P Wfflumson To. EkEMIA.C(MIMIMM SUII�Ject: California Treatment Services(Methadone Clluvc)to be Ilocated at 535 E.First St,Second Floor, Date; TuesAay,January 101,21)23 5:017:36 FIM Dear Pl,anning Coir nrn�ssioni for the City of"Fusdri I would like to ask that you deny the request of California Treatment Services to open their clinic at 535 E. Furst St. for the following reasons'. The clinic is servicing clients with addiction problems. What I am concerned about is people following the clinic to Tustin because of the drugs dispensed which is less than two hundred feet from our condo community (Palmwood) and two blocks from Columbus Tustin Middle School. More police/medical intervention will be requiired in dealing with loiteriing, theft. The current ciiinic had to install an iron bar fence around their building to secure the drug storage and for employee/client safety, The City of Santa Ania, has dealt with these problems for the past few years and what make us thinik that problems are not going to follow CTS down the street to Tustin. Please deny the permiit, for these safety concerns, in our community �Dale and Iliialne Willuirnson Hurtado, Vera From: Leticia Pasillas > Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 6A4 PM To: Bari act Raymond Cc: Hurill Vera Subject: W PETITIONI FORMS OPPOSING CUP 2022-009, POLICE REPORT, AND ADA 35.1391 Attachments: Petition Forms Opposing CUP 2022-009 9-27-2022 (11).pdf; Petition Forums Opposing CUP 2022-009 1-1 0-2023.pdf, CAD Incidents by Address 2101 E 1st Sail Ana Opiod Clinic.pcif; ADA 28 CFR 35.139 Dilirect"Phreat ll Hello, Please see enclosed Petition Forms Opposing the CUP 2022-0009, Police Report,and ADA section 35.139, Mir Jaime Mouiraid wHil address the ADA Section 35.139. rlh,,-irliks, [etk.Ja Pasdlas, ¢anfideiniiaIKN M.3�1ce (ovIfdertjH11 Heafth,IntormaLion V..ndked PaoW,Aec�I,haRh am"Jsenmf'['ve irlha¢rrn,afion rc,,kaed to a pcv,O 'he""flffi Care,R ",@xing fwe("l w (""'rna1ecd to pw afteraplipopr(Me;`kuthonralcon the paljeM or under,cnrintarices lJuat dr,nO require I&Rhozatio riYo u,the nxalxent,'oe oblogated to mali(i.ain it in a s.,rfci sec ure and orifideritizfl rnanner Re o.Pa).ienr.comeint ani'as piem nitleid by Gao'Is proll JinauLlItoo zed re dpsdrxw w N.Mk,ire Lo rTriHiintaiN-r,,.�aY-itiiii*Drrti,alit:y coulld sultra mat you ilo perialites IN fNN'110 Md'A3tVhWr WPORTANP WARKHNP(,°This message 15 ntende�d for the of the peison w entity to wfikch ik is addressed ard rmioyccinkairi nforrrrAon flhaii is pwrolpe o.d@nd coni'der W,the diMcdcysurp ol'which iis governed Iis i1ppilicah:Ile bvii, Serill. I my Veil lzciill' sailinsting,(.,.9dll,Ixy slin all ill'-flhoirile --------Original message-------- From: A[lied Surgery Center Date: 1/10/23 4:42 IPM (GMT-0&00) To: Leticia Pasiflas<lett cia.pasiIlas@yahoo.com> Subject: PETITION FORMS OPPOSING CUP 2022-009, POLICE REPORT,AND ADA 35.139 Leticia IPasilllas Allied Surgery Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Confidentiality Notice: Confidential Health Information Enclosed Protected Health Information(PHI)is personal and sensitive information related to a person's health care.It is being faxed or e-mailed to you after appropriate authorization from the patient or under circumstances that do not require patient authorization.You,the recipient,are obligated to maintain it in a safe,secure and confidential manner.Re-disclosure without additional patient consent or as permitted by law is prohibited. Unauthorized re-disclosure or failure to maintain confidentiality could subject you to penalties described in federal and state law. IMPORTANT WARNING:This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential,the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law. 2 WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENISIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC)l Proposed at 535 E. 1"t Street, Tustin, CA 92780 in our neigh,borh,00d'i., We are, residential Families and Small Businesses, with many children living within 125 feet of the propsed drugs facility„ Ghfld nursery care centers, preschoo4s, many family businesses and othiers,, who have frequent Children, Customers, Patients,, Clients,, and those who will not come to, the bLISinesses if such a facility as a drugi rehab clinic is installed. Ii area has daily many problerns, with break-ins, homeless loitering, sleeping, defecating loin the local business premises, With a drug! center such as this, the costs to both residents and the police, department will reqluire a great deal of time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Cc mm,issi:on DENY CUP 20122-01009, and APPEAL to the City Coluncil, if necessary. Plainnin.q Commission Public Hearing ,meeting date: at 7pm Location: City Council Chamber 3010 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 Eniil: CITYCO UNCI L@TUISTINC A.,ORG N'anie E-triail I oil e # ign a ti j t,e 2- .................... 3, 4. f .............. 6. .......... ............................._ 5 7. 8. 7 12. --- ------- ------------ "'Please DROP OFF alt PETITION FORMS at Beau ha Salon: 131,12, Newpmart Ave, #J2, TLIstin, CA 9:27 (Tu es-Sat)*** to S o♦ t 4 ♦ t ,n'. 1 w a �l i C ✓ ..{.r .4� .. of -• .. :L2' �' '•} .-+ Jb.:�> ki A 4� .:t... YarY�b''�!M� 1Ri'. - }. :MYAN _ �1 �b•�'' a w - .�t x..1.1 kr;•.'t_,1�'a!,t �i.rw�%.t s Yi�_ _. .. _ � . � •. a ,.. .. Q '. S-... ''lig � - � _... �`+• 'y. WE CIPPOSE CU'P 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN9R-R9-&E THE OPERATION OUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) propo,sed a,t 5,3_5, our neighbo�rhood. We are residential Families and Small BLAST nesses, with rnmiy chfldren living within 125 feet of the proposed drug lacifity, Child nUrsery rare cemters, preschools, many faroily b(ASHC-SSeS anc.l others, who have frequenI Children,, Cuslumers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not currw lo, the businesses if such a I`r�bhty as a drug rehab clin'6c is insialled. Ou,ir area has daily many prolNems with break-ins, harneloss i6tering, sleeping, defecafing on the local business preirnises, With a drtjg center stich as this, 11"ve cods W Iboth residents and the police departrnera will require a great deal of firne and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoniingi Commission DENY CUP 2022-+ O0 and APPEAL to the City Council, if necessary'. f!MMjpg,.,QpMMj;�si n Public Hearing!n"fi 0 pf .............. Na ju e E-j'n:0 Phone # si� !tka I t (Al 2. 3, .......... 4, q- 'Aj 6. If- I z3f,2 7 /(Z WE OPPOSE CUP, 2022-000'9 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) proposed at 535 E. I$t Street. Tustin, CA 92780 in our neigKborhood. We are resident4l Families and Small Businesses, with many childlren living within 125 feet of the proposed drug fadalit yi Child nursery ne centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who, have frequent GhHdren, Customers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not come to the businesses if such, a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installed, Ouir area has daily niany problems with break-ins, homeless loitering, sleeping, defecating on the local business prernisns, With a drug center such as this, the costs to both residents and the police department will require a great deal of time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 201,22-00019, and APPEAL to the City Council, if necessary. Planning Commission Public Hearing mee!jqg date,: at 7 Location: City Council Chamber 3010, Cientennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780, Email: ClTYCOUNCl4@,TUST1,NCA,.ORG ......... ......................... .. ............----------- Nani,e E-inaill Phone # Signatui-e ............... -------------- ............. .......... 4. ......... . . .................. 5. 1,1(1 q 01 ---------------- 6 7. ........ ....... Id IV 2 ............... ............. Z ............ "'Please DROP OFF all PETITION FORMS at BeaUShar Salon: 131,12 Newport Ave, #J2, Tustin, CA 92`780 Tau es-Sat)` WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION 7P DRU COMPREHENSIVE E TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) Propa d at 535 E. 15t Street Tuistin, CA 92780 in our neighborhood. We are residential Families and' Smalll Businesses, with many children, living within 125 feet of the proposed drug facility; Child nursery care centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who, have frequent Children, Customers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not come to the businesses if such e facility as drug i rehab clinic is inst 111 d. Our area has daily many pirubl ms, with break-ins, h rnellless loitering, sleeping, defecating on the Vocal business premises, Wth a drug center such as this, the costs to both residlents endl the poke department will require a qure t deal of time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 20212-0009, and APP"EAL. to the City Council, if necessary. Planning Commission Public ear meeting date: atpm Location: City Council Chamber 300 Centennial 'Way, Tustin, CA 92780 Email: Name E-mail l PNrone Sign tut- 2. mm_ 3. 4.. .µ IVA 7. 9. .. mm r t i. ...... "'Please DROP OFF all PETITION FORMS at E u char Salon. 131 12' Nwutlew p rt Ave, #J2, Tustin, CA 92780 (Tues-Sat)* WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, INRESIDENNNITS AND 'BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTINwN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) proposed at 535 E. 'I st Btree Tustin,, CA_ Sly In our neighborhood. We are residential f=amilies and Small Businesses, with many children 'living within 125 feet of the proposed) drug facility; Child nursery care centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who have frequent Children, Customers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not wine to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installed.. Our area has daily many probllems with break-ins, homeless loitering, sleeping, defecafing on the Incl business premises, With a drug venter such as this, the costs to both residents and the police department will require a great dealof time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 2022-01009, and APPEAL to1he City Council, if necessary. Planning Commission Public Hearing meeting datw I I at Location: City Council Chamber 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92788 Ema H CfTwU'' f3+yjg1L ''N U$77NCA.O R . ,dame E—ma lbane# Signature 2. 3. :.ec.c�ula MACA'" 4. a C. 7. � s Ila 9. 0.. ^� ***please DROP OFF all PETITION FORMS at BeauuShar Salon; 13112 Newport Ave, J2, Tustin, CA 92780 (Tu es-Sat)*** WE OPPOSE CUP 2022.0009 WE, RESIDENTS ANIS BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) proposed at 535 Er 11" Street. Tustin CA 92784 in our neighborhood. We are residential Families and Small Buslnesses, with many children living within 125 feet of the (proposed drug facility, Child nursery care centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who (have frequent Childlren, Customers, (Patients, Clients, and these who will not come to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installled. Our area has daily many problems with break-ins, homeless loitering, sleeping, defecating on the (kcal business premises, With a drug center such as this, the costs to bath residents and the police department will require a great deal of time and money, We Dernand that the Planning and Zoning �o,mmiaai ►n DENY CUP 2022-0009, and APPEAL to the City Council, if necessary. Plannln Commission ion Public Hearing maeft date: at P m Location: City Council Chamber 3001 Centennial Ways, Tustin, CA 82780 Emarrff: CITYCOUNCIL TU'S TINCAI.OR G Name E-mail Phone# IS--irature -41 AM 4. . 5. 6. . . 10. , - t 7L � 'Please DROP OFF all PETITION FORMS at eauShar Salon: 131112 Newport Ave, tit,.l2, Tustin, CA 92780 (Tues-Sat)*** - , :_. _ _ --- __ ti-.:.� -�---_- -- 4.� tit .y. ry:`-y.'+t :� '}.� ��.''�.r .. ;�5�:. z x 5 -� .. ti � 1. .'t '•-.i... i `, - �l ... ��� -dam �S .A _ � 7 �. -- ..� -' - 4� � .. —_ - -_ �._- "��t a t� S ,.4L � ._. ,+ ... .' ... i a' C� i` ..._-^'• _. - c `yam _ ` . - � �-- --. - - .'l - ' J �..:..;.- .—,J .---.• �... - �l 4� rpt "' WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTINI l ,E THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) proposed at in our neighborhood. We are residential Families nd Small Businesses, vAthi marry children living within 125 feet of the proposed drug facility; Child nursery care centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who have frequent Children, Customers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not come to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installed. Our area has daily many problems with brew-ins, homeless loitering, slleepingi, defecating) on the local business premises, With a drug center such an this, the costs to bath residents and the police department will rewire a great deal of time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 2122-0009, and APPEAL to the City Council, if necessary. pla Commission mission P ublic Heaft e: September 2 Name E-mail Phone# Signal iu. 2. 3. 4. . ,.... - . fl/fij W_ ?, 9. � � � 05 �_ , �____ _ . . .. . . _ . : . . �. . _ . . ti �., .,.:: .. � � , ,, , .. , _ . r. 't, .r* - ��_, . . . .. , . .. ;'., ,. L WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TU TIN, OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC), proposed at 535 E. 1stStreet,, usti�n, CA 92780 in our neighborhood. We are residential Families and Small Businesses, with many children living within 125 feet of the proposed!, drug facility; Child nursery care centers, pireschools, many family businesses and others, who have frequent Children, Customers, Patients, Clients, and those who will not clune to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is, inistaliled, Our area has daily many problems, with breaik-ins, homeless loitering, sleeping, defecating on the local business, premises, With a drug center such as tNs, the costs to both residents and' thin police department will require a great deal of time and monuruy, We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 2022-00091, and APPEAL to the City Counci�ll, if necessary. Planning Commission Public Hearin,g meeting date: at 7pm Lo�cationi: City Coc uncil Charnber 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 ..........- ,C,ITYCOUN,C.I.L@,ITU,-,TIN'CA.,O,RG,.,,,. ....... ... Name E'l-gni ail Phone # Signature ...... ........... ............................. ......... ........... 3. 4� w. 4'. tat-, L 6. .. . 17 .`-4 zl--�- Y7111 ................. ......... . . ............... q- ------ ---------------- 8. 9. 10. fZD **Please DROP OFF all PETITION FORMS at BeauShar Salon: 1,3112 Newport Ave, #J2, Tustin, CA 92780 (Tui es-Sat)**' MA WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-00 09 WE, IRSIIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS, OF TUSTIN OPPOSE THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) proposed at 535 E. 1'It Street,,Tustin, CA 9127,80 in our neighborhood. We are re�siden,tial Families and Small E3,usinesses, with many children fiving within 125 feet of the proposed drug facHity„ Chii,ld nursery care centers, preschools, many familbusinesses and others, who have frequent Children, Customers,, Patients, Clients, and those who will not come to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is, installed. Our area has, daily many problems with bireak-ins, homeless lolitering, sleeping, defecating on the local business premises, With a drug center such as, thus, the costs to both residents and the police department WH require a great deal of time and money, We Demand that the Planning and honing Commission DENY CUP 20122-0009, and APPEAL to the City Council, if necessary. Planning Commission Public Hearing mee,tidate: September 27,, 2022 at 7nm J t Narne E-mail Phone 4 Si 2. L44, 3. ........-... ..........x cr"4e' 4. 4 "2 8 4)1111(�o X-t 6. 8. 9. WE OPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 AVE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN OPPOSE THIS OPERATION OF DRUG !COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT CENTER M) proposed at 535 E. 113t Street Tustin, CA 92780 In our neighborhood.. We are residential i Families and Small Businesses, with, many children living within 925 feet of the proposed drug facility, Child nursery care centers, preschools, many family businesses and others, who have frequent Children, Customers, Patients„ Clients, and those who will not come to the businesses if such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installed,. Our ,area has daily many (problems with brew-ins, hornelless loitering, sleeping, defecating on the Vocal business premises, With a drug center such as this, the costs to both residents and the police department will require a great deal of time and money, We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 2022-0009, and APPEAL to the City Council, it necessary. Planning Commission ssion Public Hearin � llw n d" rl�e: Se Member 27 2022 at ZRm Name E-mail Phone # Isignature q o " f 3. . `" 1641 6. r 7. L -" µ N 9. 10.. ,Offljqn, WE CIPPOSE CUP 2022-0009 WE, RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS OF TUSTIN PER-05-E THE OPERATION OF DRUG COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENTCENTER (CTC) proposed at f)M-�t,121,5 Areet,j our neighborhood. We are resjdential Farnifies and Small Businesses, with r1rany chtdren fiving Mthin 125 feet of thus proposed drug facihty; Child u'ILJrsery care centers, preschools, rnany farnily businesses and otheirs, who have frequent Children, Customers, Pallents, Clients, and those who wifl snot ciorne to the busnessesof:such a facility as a drug rehab clinic is installed, Ouir area has daiiy many problems wilh breu°)k-ins, 1,K)meless loitering, sleeping, defecating ori the im-.al bLJSi$1eSS tar ernises, Wiffi a drug center su& as tbis, the costs to both residents and the police department will require a great dcM of time and money. We Demand that the Planning and Zoning Commission DENY CUP 2022-0009, and APPEAL to the City Cm uncil, if necessary. PbnDin Com issiCYLP-Ag2ijr,-Hvgn*ng-mko,',iig-d-ate.�-$-eptgmb.eL,27,-� 22. .7pm Name E-nittil, (tile # Signallum uj (Y L )Vq 15 L 4. "INN L 6 ttiu ............ .... 7, ......... ................ .............. 10. ��� � ��������� N����� v ��� x�� st�� J � � 1 i ' iY�`�iY I� � III i�rl� s���r, { ��fh �� "y `iu�iuu�� ll,�� � i, �l uw�i i � � ������� if � � ' ilii � fit` atb� Q ii i�IIV���II i�ii�lii� i ii I�i����i�� �i�� Iii I I4iy 1 i���i ii� a db ii � ��d�zcv��s ��"�r ,� ral:R syi�l'niw� tk�FF�riNU� i �l�' u� �y iii Nw��, �i` ��� �+�SSiai uN^�I � k�l�c� '�'c �p�IST bep�,�^ bp' � �" �'� ni�M,d���,M�ryAd��Mipyrtxeg s� n{sS�a�ti+'Yrv� � , � �i�N ��i ��€fii � luuuuuu��l����iiln!��I � V;V�i� � "'�i�lY , j, �A n ` � ��t�i(�ibili ' il��� IIIIIIIIIuuuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIII�lllll�llllll�ll� ti ii1i� + z � �� � i m uumuup��i�uuuuui ill �,ry ?� ^gin' �p� �8 CF�. § 35 139 Direct three i�llll � � ��� �� � �� "I X9y1o����, ;5f '" i i I iIi ululul H �` P "� ��� u���" ` ' �iiI�il� llll�llllpuiii����� lluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiuuumiov����ii' 'iiiiiiiiiiill� i � "� � �1'�m4{���}� �¢"�33�� u�ro�e mreat mei ii ��ii���l�'y � � �! .. ��u �w� k�b�Np^�gr Ov� p rea�� lfi are mi �, iY'aW�A}73� ,!Y �, �'pn �n�nkn ki�gar ° iuuiPftfi �i�i�i � ;e neeMS P� � 3�� � i1i i jii u� � iilii� i �i�V�lui�ili� i` €���ii �i��v�ye5�amm,� wne��{e� �mnq ey ea�,F� pM � �^"c�'�: � ��. Sa"'i�vk +�,h�7i�p s���'�,� fi�' �ilu�.,��`z eh i!�d n ,�" 4R��e d0.M�h� t�,� � ��al „ S- ; s^ From: To: Subject: Fwd:3anuary10,202Planning Commission Meeting Date: Tuesday,3anuaryz0,zuz3y:3a:z7pM See attached Get From: Chong Sang Kim < > Sent:Tuesday,January lU, 2U237:lS:l2PM To: Barra8an' Raymond Subject: Re:January lU, 2U23Planning Commission Meeting He||oW1r.Barnagan. I want to raise my objection to the proposed establishment of the Comprehensive Treatment Center at 535 East First Street, Tustin and register my support of sustaining the denial of the same by the City of Tustin. | have owned and operated a multifamily housing residence at 18321 Plaza Way, Tuotin, CA027DOsince 1983. The building at 535 East First Street is barely two blocks away from my building.Admy4-unit facility,there are children attending elementary school, high school and college. In our complex, besides my own, there are 13 other buildings housing numerous families with school children. Within a two mile radius of the proposed Comprehensive Treatment Center,there are three schools. It, of course, is a highly desirable endeavor for the society as well as for those afflicted with the opioid habituation to receive the treatments to rehabilitate and restore their health. Hovvever, most patients undergoing such treatments experience difficulties, often including relapses, during their protracted period of rehabilitation. Thus drug dealers and others will likely be gathering nearby. Rather than exposing the families and children to such milieu, I suggest that the applicants seek a location away from a residential area, such as an industrial or business district in Tustin or other city. I know such area in Tustin at Walnut Street between Tustin Ranch Road and Jamboree. Of course, other bigger cities in Orange County have more and bigger similar areas. I urge the City of Tustin to sustain its denial of the land use for the Comprehensive Treatment Center at 535East First Street. Thank you. Sincerely Chong Sang Kim On Friday, January 6, 2023 at 11:34:14 AM PST, Barragan, Raymond <rbarragan@tustinca.org>wrote: Hello Interested Parties: The Planning Commission Agenda and staff reports for the subject Planning Commission meeting can be found byclicking on the following link: For reference, the public notice for the project isalso attached. The Planning Commission will consider two separate items related to the project at 535 E. First Street; therefore, please refer tothe following agenda items in the link (Planning Commission Agenda): * Agenda Item Number 3: APPEAL OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR 0|SA8|L|TY-RELATED REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION * Agenda Item Number 4: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(CUP) 2U22-UUU9 The Planning Commission meeting will takeplace at 7 PM in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial . Members ofthe public may participate virtually orin- person, and participation instructions can be found in the Planning Commission Agenda in the link provided. Please contact me with any questions regarding the agenda items by email or by phone at (714) 573- 3016. Sincerely, RaymondBarraQan Principal Planner Planning Division Community Development Department nooCentennial Way,Tustin, CA82780 P: 714-573-3U10 | F: 714-573-3113 | ��i n..o��Eg STAY CONNECTED WITH US: ^ Download our app—8Wjg algE ^Q2g.gle Elayy ^ Follow us—Ea gebo o L~]�.itte r� * PkeasenotethatCityHafl� vv� beckosedfortheHo�idaysstartingDecemberJ3, JOJJand vvevv� reopenforregu�arbusinesshours onJanuary 3rd, JOJ1* From: To: Subject: Fwd: Methadone clinic Date: Tuesday,3anuary10,2029:35:43 PM See attached Get From:Jody VVedret Sent:Tuesday,January lU, 2U237:24:l9PM To: Barra8an' Raymond Subject: Methadone clinic }{i Please donot put this buour Fortunately vvcare close enough<oother cities and vvcdon't need this iuour city. The crime area and drug area is not on Irvine so if you think we need a methadone center put i<outhe dnn,-cdrncpart o[town oothe Junkies have easy access. Tbo]ionot north o[the five Sent from myi9bouc From: To: Subject: Fwd: CUP 2022-0009 Date: Tuesday,3anuaryz0,zuz3y:3s:s7pM See attached Get From: MaxineLa8uisan Sent:Tuesday,January lU, 2U237:48:l2PM To: Barra8an, Raymond <RBarra8an@tustinca.or8> Subject: CUP 2U22-UUU9 CUP 2022-0009