HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED 403PM_455PM JAN 10 2023 From: noreDlv«aran icusideas.com
To: Barraaan, Raymond; Huitron.Irma; Hurtado.Vera; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 4:03:37 PM
New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
GUest I,.Js lr SUlbiry'iitt d a In wCoiry'vy'i lnt.
Meeting: Il:11lnlniing Coiry'vyiission Meeting
lry . . All IL. II:::::.A L.... (,. IL.. IL.. IL..... II ,L.... (,. II II"�b,II:::::.C. U,.�II......,.A IL...(,. II"�b, IL.. II,::AAI::: II L....IITY...II�,IL.....L....�h IL.....IL.. II w,IL.....A,,:A(,. ,I::: L....IL.....
ACC(.)lM lM(.)II...'A....
Coiry'vy'i lnt: .T Il:11nning COUnCil .T..In li of ryi l tic lnc is appalling Ikby city adiry,ilinistiratoirs,
city staff and city legal to allow this Iplroj ct to get this flr !in the pprov l Iplroc ss. A (billion dollair
N sd q traded corporation has OUtlpl y d ('amity officials and the COUnCil. FRead these words, .T..lhis
clinic will have d tlrilry'i lnt l effects on the lr and the sulrlrOUnding coiry'ilryIulnity. it will tlr lnsfoinry'i
I..... lrwiln SqU lr !Inge Skid IFR w. it will open Up a dlrUg sales zone less than Mw ry'ille away froiry'i two
schools, As citizens, we ShOUld ask OUlr representatives now we allowed this to nappen and what
the lr Ip lrCUSSIons and fallOUt will Ibe, We ShOUld look at OUlr legal options and reCOUirse to stop
this Iplroj ct flroiry'i Ibeling approved, .T..ln City ShOUld seely an OUtSIde and coiry'ilp t lnt COUnCIl to go to
khat fo10Ulr cory'ilrYlUn1ty. T(nein we ShOUld look at city staff and the legal that allowed Ac lydi
corporation's nand to Ibe Ill y d like this and ask OUlrs lv s, aire these the fright Ipeople to
r 1plr s lnt Us? ifthis I lroj ct gets IbUilt, we ShOUld state that this corporation is responsible foir
miring an additional -five offic lrs foir Iptlrol. II""'lave lrlry'i d s CUlrity that Iptlrols the lr and Decal
shopping c lnt lrs 24/7, IF:::oir all calls of services belated to fallOUt'flroiry'i this Iplrolp lrty and the clinic's
p tlrons, the Folice d 1p lrtr:lry'i lnt and city heed to Ikbill the clinic. Also, as a coiry'vYlUnity, we ShOUld
kbilnd tog tlheir and SUe the l lndowln lr foir d stlroyiing OUlr Iplrolp lrty v lU s and Increasing frisk to
0Ulr cory'ilrYlUln1ty. .T..LIS iln isln`t a s nCtU fry city foir dlrUg addicts. (Vfib I[..)olry
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From: noreDlv«aran icusideas.com
To: Barraaan, Raymond; Huitron.Irma; Hurtado.Vera; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 4:21:46 PM
New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
GUest I,.Js lr SUlbiry'iitt d a In wCoirrilrri lnt.
M tiing: II:1I lnlniing t'oirruriission Meeting
tolrri II::1LJI:3L....IIC NA IIIrNG
Coirrilrri lnt: IVIy nairrie is J loair Shah, II own a Decal dlry cleaning IbUsin ss on IN wlpoirt aciross flroiry'l
I..... lrwiln SqU lr . We airealready have Ibad Inoirri I ss Iplrobleirri in T Ustin and F:Iollce and city dna
nothing, II dna loot w ent a lrri tlh clinic in the airea, Cain the coirruriission dna soirri tlhing abOUt IbUS
plrobleirri !in I irwiin sqUaire all jUnkle coli off bUs s and c lrrilp !in lrriy Ip lrkiing lot and China II:I I c .
We heed to stop I lrwiln sqUaire bUS stOap as dulrrilpiing girOUnd and nealth clinic 'foir julnkl s. II will
sell lry'iy IbUsin ss and leave lnd II have been Ineir foir 22 years, My wide, is scarred to work at might
becaUse of noirri I ss Ipeople always in OUlr Ip irking lot doling dlrUgS,
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I his e n ii"ll v 'a's Sent 'n)n https://granicusideas.com
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From: noreDlv«aran icusideas.com
To: Barraaan, Raymond; Huitron.Irma; Hurtado.Vera; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 4:37:18 PM
New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
GUest I,.Js lr SUlbiry'iitt d a In wCoirrilrri lnt.
Meeting: Il:11lnlniing Coirruriission Meeting
to lrri
Coirrilrri lnt: As anyone on this cOUnCil dlrivIn down first surest !in Sainta Ana, dross the -fireeway,
Altr: lr sunset, YOU can see Inand-.t nand dlrUg deals OCCUlrlring On .T Ustin And 1st, T nclinic is
notlb d foir In lrcotics activity, JUst bead the agenda t 1poirt. T Ire airea is like the walking dead and
addict zoirrible lend. We airelnot asking the critical qU stion of what In1plp n d to their Iplr viOUS
location, Why was the lease canceled? Wh t do the n ighlboiring IbUsin ss s say abOUt this
bUsin ss? II will say they aire nappy to see it go, Ikb sid s that shady lrriot l aciross the surest,
which will lose its steady stirearri of seedy CUstoirri lrs. T Ustin II�IC::;� is a direst d 1p lrtr:lrri int IbUt
doesn't have the staffing to Ciel with this type of activity, JUdging Ikby now they operate their
bUsin ss and the nulrriblr of calls foir service OUt of the location, we will dlrop anotheir Ivey Ilnn
type of IbUsin ss !Into OUlr town, T his IbUsin ss will incirease the calls foir service lnd redUce the
nulrriblr of available Calk lrs to deal with othlr chis s in the city. Also, now lrri lny Ipeople in T Ustin
Will use this clinic? (;)ICI T Cowin T U103 iin will Ibe the new set foir the WalkiingI[..) d. II invite the
bUsin ss lrri lrriblrs Cal tyre airea to spealk OUt, edUcate YOUlrs lv s and I wy lr UIQ. it will Ikb
significant legal Tight, IbUt it will Ibe worth it If it Iplr vlnts one violent cirlirrie oir death in OUlr
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I his e n ii"ll v 'a's Sent 'n)nn httDS://aranicusideas.com
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From: noreDlv«aran icusideas.com
To: Barraaan, Raymond; Huitron.Irma; Hurtado.Vera; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 4:45:31 PM
New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
GUest I,.Js lr SUlbiry'iitt d a In wCoirrilrri lnt.
Meeting: Il:11lnlniing t'oirruriission Meeting
to lrri
Coirruri lnt: E.3Usin ss lrri lrriblrs of I..... lrwiln SqUaire and residents of the Decal airea, we heed to
dight this gUy Il:IhIlilp T eyssleir, Atolrriic Illnv stlrri lnts, Ilinc., 3200 II Highland ind Ave,, E.: 4 2, INational City,
CA 91950. Cain we set Up a irrieeting to disCUss OUr legal options and now we Can fraise fUnds to
dile a l wSUlt against this gUy Who will from OUlr IbUsin ss s and city, .T ne city isln't going to dna
anything, II will Ibe at the irrieeting today, I:1Ilr11 I..... lry'llboird
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I his e n ii"ll v 'a's Sent 'n)nn httDS://aranicusideas.com
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From: noreDlv«aran icusideas.com
To: Barraaan, Raymond; Huitron.Irma; Hurtado.Vera; E-Comments
Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
Date: Tuesday,January 10,2023 4:55:52 PM
New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting
GUest I,.Js lr SUlbiry'aitt d a In wCoirralrra lnt.
Meeting: II:1I lnlniing t'oirralrraission Meeting
to lyra
Coirralrra lnt: I[..)o N(;:YT I.....Il:::::: loris Man lI the city. We Chani heed irrioire dlrUg addicts lroarraiing OUlr
city. it already isln`t Unsafe, with the clr zy lrra In who dried to attach and lrape worry In Inst lry'lonth.
We already aire experiencing so I cirlirrie why WOUld we Ik firing anotheir Ipirolbl arra. II just lry'lov d
flroirra Sainta Ana and its spa expensive neir !In T LlStiin. II left. and II alma Ipaying irrioire to leave that
type of airea behind and snow lige just down on 1st surest and lige !in the I..... s Clrralp In s
Alp lrtlrra lnts. II didn't irriove and Ipay 400 irrioire Ipeir lrriontlh to lige in a cochino n ighborlhood. II
cannot attend becaUse i work at might as a server, T Inainks and God E.3l ss Ana Gallo
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