HomeMy WebLinkAboutREQUEST TO SPEAK FORMS 01-10-23 ITr y QUEST TO SPEAK Providing they follcuw, int inform atiolin is strictly vol unitary, On your ninrn,e,wiII appear in the off iclM Mineut s of this Keating, The other Information may be u sed by staffto contact YOU, Please corn pl te:and suibmit thins form to the It Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGS m ....... ....... _ ...... q ...IGfiT.. ..m IN FAVOROR OPPOSITION W7 TO MATTER'? TODAY'S CLAW""F NAME (if applicable) HOME/WORK PHONE N .I AIL ADD i ........... L ITS OF TUSTIN REQUEST T SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary, Only yror.nr name win appear in the off ibal Millnutes of this Mee ing. 1-h other lnformati n maybe used bysta,ffto COMaCtyOU,. Please complete and ;rul m it dais foam to Vie CityClerk/Recording e ret ryr. AGENDAIT r EM ISO. µ � PUBLIC ll��PUT L W FAVOR Ll OR OPPu;SFI I'u I'M TTEfmm? l"'r lD ' ' DAT 2,023 NAME RGANIZA-17 ION _.. (if applicable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS -,,,CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEMORK PHONE NO E-MAIL. ADDRESS (please indict ons) - ✓/4l"`+, 'EU:kUludlrAWl''JM1"wRAJ"Jx,6i//N6Z�,l1Ll'✓IJiJ/wtivtulJ,ub e %;...; Ill k.v/%�x//f // / / NOR ,..., l/ ✓lnO '➢1➢/l n G Df PPPP7 / tdRd (d 111 lt'l Af/f //QY r QID1 {� ,... ,,,,..w....... �.. mT�rn.�.,�����..oN..��xi .o........ ...rr.m... e,...w.r..>.Km..xi...��.,�.......w....e.e...»r..... w,,.�.��. .:,�„.e..... _. .�......w .. ,...,.,.�.r% GGIA snN CITY or Tt.n REQUEST TO SPEAK Prov6nq the f dla in 4-formation is,strictly voluntary. OV-dy YOUr c18Me Wdlappear in the ffic;ol'' 6^ rrur.rt :s of this ! m�; � �.r..�uri,�,. "he offier inforrnabon may be Used by staff to contad you, ,( Pease corn l tc and submit the form to the City Crk/Recording Secretary, II IN FAVOR F f i TlON � MATTER? TODAY'S TODA ' DAA4���.._._... a NAME ORGANIZATION rw 6 ( ) If 1-1 f ANORK aDDRE ' _,, 6T "'/' IIP COBE HOMEMORK PHONE NO E-MAU-ADDRESS ( dense indicate pane) '�r�YawtL. I!#b31�'Jard�'N a ref , �„ '� -..�..tiwYGnaa�6'7mdaa' G�pFCrA�rrrim sF�crau�Yl�SpNa&U�7rr�,�'�f' rx�°rac9liwl�im^il� mm;MN! r,�t7�wHawmC"eJml�pmlP" cwanl�w r 7,'?'r.�H,e'�dw�.bliwYY'IL>AJ6mtnrbFr.JIm;�C�+rrla�,.A' '!LnlrclJE'SIw1.^r 'r , ...✓curry rrrr�r✓�m,�.unie.,,�rrnrtrau ur;,�rr,iHrrrmrrrrrro-rv✓vrrr�r,.rr�drn rnr r„�,rrriy �r ei,,,,,, r, .» .....�... .�,e,_...�.,,. ..�................ ..........: r trio✓✓ �a r rrN a an rr✓yrr y: r uar r r rm r� i rrncrrirrr n m ! rir��a mi A f 90v I a J REQUEST TO SI :A Providing the tohla w^ ng Wormafion is strnctly yr hAnt n y. Only your narne w ilI appear in the offichal Minutes s f this Meeting, t he other inforrnaUon rnay be Us d by staff to ooritact you, t Plr.Fsµ,e complete nd s+u rri t this farm to the City Uerk/Recording Secretary. r .._,. ,. �................. ........ ........ AGENDA ITEM NO PUB .IC lNPLIT 11',J FAVOR � OR Ot�l`� '�l[Ir�f�ll ' � ATTER? T 1:1 r S �A1 .. _... ,... _..._. .._ r NAME GAN I ATION—,._ ... Nt A r w �uf � wlnn� kuN ° HOME/WORK ADDRESS CODE HOMEfflORK PHONE -MAL ADDRE (please indicate one) pW�yl11Ty��7d ��MAruG^�M�.' IWX:Alltbu*'t�,”rrrNpA� IM�,�.'a#�UAfiT,u9:�H¢5llkq�fplU"�'�pl�l�°d�pW(Cd�Iv�tl�,Yu!!+C�dtl�,pri7dJ'fiYR "db�lV�lldfl�7#W'�uM)&W%lfJe,�p�,p69�r'IAWUF&r;�".dtl7�A�w9u�mnNRlF.m^�"u�?mIIB.�NraY i 44 ' CITY REQUEST O SPEAK. Providing the following inform@ cin isstric.tly voluntai�ry. Only your in mie will appear In the offid l VlirlUteS Of this Meeting. 'tare other information may be Used by staff,to contact your. Please complete and sU bmit this fogrrr to Vie City Clerk/Recording Secretary. EN DA lTttM N PUBLIC UNPU'.t. 0 It l FAVOR�� R ;VT't ht ¢ t eTT I '"" T '° T W ,- "'7 m A E "x S1) ,r, ORGANIZATION (int applicable) � HOttl ADD , .s�IT / "fP CODE 1-10Ml 14OR PHONECAVO.._..., �,,. .. .�M.... _mm_.. . _.._...�.___'-WL ADDRESS (pleas i uccatone) r VyV- l ,. CITY OF Y REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary.. Only your na°ne will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary.. AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION El TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME i ��Onl (% ' ;1 ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORKADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) //'AF'4fJYJJRi%akUlUll��4"OutuVJIIXPt'!JY%NR1Yk((:VIG.I„ryUYlla u'Y'YAi'k 0"E2 u'itiP YI % n +, r�... .... ,'Y':+kAJ UJYtaiW'r!,Llkl kUl4AXL1//I!!Y✓FGf01 / llllllll✓/rf?lI 0YrW1(/(d✓Yh!/.!✓!YL/< �fll suA..aY bIU��I UIY�:WIJF a/Y//nl 1 /.L..1/Y�illl/U4✓,�JY FYABIAiP �A�m 1!1m p„R64�X/iWWll YG1i 2/”/A .UX GU FIl Md IROl/t�INE°lJvlYrt R% mn 1l YIHYrIl Vffi AlAYGUUnJJ1dLP„'ulYlldM/A"A!MLW 'n.natsuw„ivIG.GPJt.. v r, 1 Y W':. wv IWI NI REQUEST" 1-0 SPEAK I Providing the fok,Wng information ns strrotltr voluntary. Only your,rramie w ll appear in tlr : Orfid8d WIULeS Of LhS Meeting. The other infowiafion irnay be used by staff to contact you. Blease c riiplets and srubrn t the s form to,the City Clerk/Recor-ding Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO � PUBLIC I PUT 1 MATTER?IN FAVOR OR OPPUSff"101N TO, S DATE NAME ORGANIZATiON (If applicable,) HOMEIWOAD,DRESS �C�ITY0fs CODE �...._� HOMENVORK PH�ONE N( E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate Daae( _�wi m m � I �a � � �sIvu�a�mnw�ream�rml�alu®ur nnramx�m J,I "�1WklFGvti�ldlL'J�'fl/llGli�l'UCr��,rrr�IXe'.r'a P.".. i./, l,'ii / /r;.,,y bd/da✓4✓kdlJd/r(4f/fl;dl JlRJ.lrl2,,.Y./G/ /.. /.//i/l/I i//.,,,ui i/i.ilie./f w.,.,.�nn.�..,.,. .. -�..e..n.,m ..�......m...au.r� ..............w.�...... ..�.. .,mow......�...� �x....—*«wmwnnry., .... .,� Cry OF T pq����! �1 REQUEST SPEAK G Providiiriq the Vlowinqinformation is strictly Voluntary. Only your namr.wiV appea.,r in the offs W I linin s of this Meebrn . The other information may be cased by staff to cont cl you L Picase complete and subrnit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, it AGENDA ITEM NO,,XPUBLIC INPU 1' IN tw , r C Y art P O p 10 T �� T'p sti TODAYS CRATE .... NAME ryqy,n (if app�ktale) V, r l (pWse indicate one) iHJlklll/lLdl .p'��If1e"Ii1M�w@M:,ktXl%IEIM'UW6ti%�AYIdINV,�PJM��I",4'W'PV1JtlJ! �IW�'4l�NCl I dw'tdY�' 'I° hf�MT�'MM�W91 FMf�kWYCP/'�11'ud 9APA%�;"IIS'YMS/ap'M1�1'"!!r",�"il�'!/r/rd�PlkVYl/lR" Y�IPI�6'F51�4Y4'tlpd'Cydf1 VU�'IWA?W:�.1/F 1LL'ttl"idd•"R!(,WvdNlM'AbJlipl%W'D",IDifY'9Yfi;+1,^�y/!&fid'MYmuk`/IC9W.tl"�`;�L�itI2YyMKr4�°9116�SYYI�Y!.�!G�fl/441 �Am�' I � :a .xmr��aa mmraare r w .�w �m � CITY T TI REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7` PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR F-1 OR CP POSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME 't �° "" ' ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please Indicate one) rr.�z'. ury vmt r w..xrvu.....xraY+x�rr txc..xrwc"..,;u'x,err..nttac. rI 's, 1,11-S211,111 i,xc.r n ra„rw..rx.,r,rrrrm„r rr�,,rem'uirx�.!rrm�nrorun,+r�rcxaut r ..xi,...w e .,.......>n,,..._,m...w,__.._.,.....„......._._,..._..._..�..„„...., r�.rm rrvr;revrrrxr„xir v..."ua�,� r r �:r✓znrrrrarrr xF[apr xx r tdi uvrrrvd.✓rr,xr:.,rz r'.,drrar?"nn� i T G� CITY oF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you, Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. r AGENDA ITEM N.O. PUBLIC INPUT Ci IN FAVOR OR OPPOSIT ON TO MATTER”? TODAY'S DATE NAME a ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMENVORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE l HOMEWORK PHONE NO, E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate arae) rye„x��rr,+esu,�r,:.wwti�zowauw�ir�.tvrnrur���a�rro-�✓r��i�tru�rr�u'terr �� i .., r.. H✓J4&.w/dl AO t��Y�/u[2a: l r t! ��ua..nr .'mom/!i mn t e,...,..�.:_.._....w.w�,..a� µ ,��,.„,....�..._........,,.. m,.,,_,�.....,....,�.._ .._�.,. au,vain i o r r r r i.� � un,�rrrrt"rv�i r ,.,. �a�Q i f� rr.iy it ur ��v r x: ✓r.!ndrvi ao n r,.�r m I{ CITY OF TuSTIN REQUES"TTO SPEAK r Providing the fnlN w: n rnf r°mafiorr ISH slr rctlay voluntrury:, Only your name will appear ir,a the official Minutes of this Meeting. "I"I°e other Ir.nf rm tion may be used by staff to cont rt YOU, f i Please(.,,orrrl.�ul t and submit this form to the City CierklRecording Secretary. AGENDAITE..... t Il1-IUBLIC INPUT � 0 IN FAVOR N"--� f (Lf pIiY ) r r uk Fyy O EI J R K ADDRESS yI SS r'..I:a I 1T. CODE U HOME/WORK PHONE NO. 'I� AAIL ADDRESS ( lease Indict garret ....., w.�,w�"...� ��u ��rar i �i�a i lmmrv � utt�amm�iw�reummw�pwmrn�a, wm�ma� mhvRrrav�g�r��r�rui�mwura2rttmun�u��4rv�n��g�ntmm.r�n�uarvi�rema�rvmrcrv�irr�au�a.7��w�mnxt� �im�waywumwmwwrmm+ma�r�m�mw�ru dnu rvfine! unk" .W daPNWI',ri11LR�IWYPIOpW'4WWT�'LI'�Wwn IYRiAN'W�IMI.......i�'dU;OP�Imr�'FKV.WYAC�IM%.WI� CITY OF' "ruSTIN REQUEST O SPEAK Providing the following 'information is strictly voluntary OnIy your name will appear in the official KnLiteS, of this Meeting. The of ier inforrnatuon may be used by staff to contact you Mosso compilote and stubmTA this form to the CityClerk/Recording Secretary. . AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBUC INPUT n IN FAVOR NOR oppo t'f ioN E, "T MATTER?ef.1�:1� ,� IWODAY'SII E NAME (.0 ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRE:�'�' ITY/ZIP CODE HOMEANORK:PHONE NO -.-MAIL ADDRESS_,,,_.,,,. (picas indicate one), ._..... _ ... ..._.............. . �..�w a� r� Wer �mmamuvWiwWm�mraiimmr��,;aw �rm�m�wre�arwmr,�¢w�aa ,i.mni vr^.�,