HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 01-24-23 MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBER & VIDEO CONFERENCE TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 24, 2023 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Given. INVOCATION: Pastor Jorge Molina, Mariners Church Given. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE: Commissioner Mason All present ROLL CALL: Chair Mello Chair Pro Tem Kozak Commissioners Chu, Higuchi, Mason PUBLIC INPUT: Ms. Tina Ms. Tina Blenz made various comments which generally included: she Blenz claimed her home internet is fraudulent; her home was originally built for Wheaton Wilcox; issues with AT&T disconnecting her land line and she claimed she was a victim of retaliation; Pasadena well mapping issue; claims she was illegally placed in a mental institution and she would like the City of Tustin and Wilcox Manor to reimburse her for medical, telephone line expenses, etc. Approved the CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar, as presented. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —JANUARY 10, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the January 10, 2023 Planning Commission meeting, as provided. 2. FINDINGS REQUIRED BY AB 361 FOR THE CONTINUED USE OF TELECONFERENCE FOR MEETINGS In order for the Planning Commission to continue to have the option to meet via teleconference during the pandemic, AB 361 requires the Commission to make specific findings at least every thirty (30) days. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2023 1 Page 1 of 5 S JO Z a0ed I EZOZ `tZ Ajenuef}o sainuiw SuiiaaW uoissILMOD Suiuueld r aq asn sigl pinonn 'ssausselawoq bumapadxe osoq} aol buisnoq olui uanl}gbiw joefoid sigj ujaouoo 'sgIuoua (6) aulu sl 110101 ui galynn sgluOw (g) xis sl 6uisnoq uoijazilejldsoq }sod pue sAep 06 sl Weo ani}eaadnow (saaAedxej leool au} Aq ao lejapal `;ueab •a'i) papunj buiaq ;oafoad aqj si nnoq :quail }o }unowe palluailun ue ioj eq pinonn asn pasodoid aq} paNse aqs 'dno a si uaa}i ay} souls `.(a;is rafoA uaoa} �oolq quo sand) wali bureau ollgnd aqj 10 uoi1eoi1i}ou aniaoaa IOU pip aqs :leaau96 ui jewnyS 'sWali 6u1mollO}aq4 uo uaaouOO aaq paoion `;uap!sE 'aewngS Auuap •sn Auuar 'SW -C 'ON well ao} uoi:pod }ndul oilgnd aqj pauedo op" -w*d LO.L •suoijeaado Rep-ol-Aep pasodoad aqj 6uipaebai uol}euaao;ui leuoi}ippe apinoad ol. AI!un:poddo ue jueoildde aqj apinoad of upepaoun alep a of uaali aqp anupoo uo1ss1uaua00 buluueld 91,14 legl :NOUVGN31MW003?J ,anuany alljAW 'N qgl, pue paa}S egaoA 6gg171- le paleool sbulplinq builsixe eqj uiglinn Aiaapla eqj JOJ saoinaaS laoddns pue (30dd) Alaap13 aq}aOI aae0 anisnloul -11V jo uaeiboad Ami1loue ue ql!m slenpinipui auao0u1 nnol-Alauaaalxa pue enol pue sseussalauaoq 6ulouepedixe slenpinipui JOI spaau buisnoq uoi}ezllejidsoq-jsod uaaa4-}aogs pue WeO an14eaadnoaa buEpinoad asn le;ldsoq a usilgelse of }senbaa e31 6600-ZZOZ dno :,k2j mns 'urepaaun alep e 'NlVi1 :1301\lf1 31'd0 `d Ol ❑3nNI1N00 of pangquoo 39 Ol W31l — 6600-ZZ0Z ((Allo) 11W(A3d asn WN0I110N00 'C tuall :JNIiJVAH onend -0-9 :peiaaeo uoi}on •paluasaad se 'aepualeo }uasuo0 aq} ano.idde of 'NezoN Aq papuooas 'igon6iH Aq panoua Senn}I :uo►Io,W •6uiouelslp leioos alouaoad of saanseaw puauauaooaa ol anupoo slenijo gjleaq leoo-i -o PUB 'Aoua6aawa jo alels aqj jo saouelsuanoaio aqj paaapisuOoaa seq uoissiwwo0 6uluueld aql -q '1oajja ui aq of sanupoo pue `oivaapued 66-a1A00 aqj ol. anp aouaan00 s'eluaopeo Aq pawielooad uaaq seq Aouabaawe jo eje}s y -e :uo1ss1wWo0 6uiuueld aq; Jo alon AIiaofeua a Aq s6uipuij 6uinnollol eq} aNeW :N0llb'0N3WW003?J Ms. Jenny geared for the elderly or families and if there would be a curfew; she Shuman asked if Families Together would be involved with the medical care and if pets would be allowed; and if the proposed project would be a no alcohol/no drug facility and how would it be enforced. Higuchi Higuchi asked Willkom to forward all of Ms. Shuman's questions to the applicant in order to allow the applicant time to provide responses when the item is brought to the Commission. Wilikom In response to Higuchi's previous question, Willkom stated that since the item is being continued, staff is in the process of analyzing the application. Staff also has questions for the applicant and will share with the applicant once the item is ready to be presented to the Commission. Willkom added that staff will also notify Ms. Shumar once a meeting date is scheduled for the item. 7:12 p.m. Mello closed the Public Input portion for Item No. 3, Motion: It was moved by Mason, seconded by Kozak, to continue the item to a date uncertain to provide the applicant an opportunity to provide additional information regarding the proposed day-to-day operations. Motion carried 5-0. REGULAR BUSINESS: Approved the 4. COMMENDATION AND TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER nomination NOMINATION FOR THE PROPERTY AT 530 W. SECOND for the STREET properly at 530 W. RECOMMENDATION: Second St. That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 530 W. Second Street to the City of Tustin Commendation Program and Historic Register Plaque Program and select the name "Satterwhite-Brown House" and the date "1917" as the most appropriate historical name and date of construction for the property. Hurtado Hurtado confirmed no public comments received. Chu Chu asked if the original garage was one-story or two-story. Salman Salman stated the original garage was a one story two-car garage and the current owners renovated the existing garage and added an ADU above the garage. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2023 1 Page 3 of 5 510 b aged I €ZOZ VZ Aaenuef}o sa}nu!li guiiaaW uolss!uawOD Suluueld ;sous 9y1 se „L1,61,., 91ep au} pue ,asnOH umoa8-9R/vua41eS„ auaeu au} }oalas pus uaea6oad anbeld 1aM6a�I o[ao}s!H pue uaea6oad uo!}epuawwoo ullsnl jo A}!,j aqj of }aaa}s puooaS 'NI 0£g 10 uo!jeuluaou au} anoadde of '�ezoyl Aq papuooas 'nyC) Aq panoua sem 11 :uorloyv •sobe}s leull aye u! Alluaaano s! }oafoad 1egj pue sapadoad auj jo sgdea6ojogd sapnloui goigm uaea6oad IoH sll!W 6,40 ay} olui paaa}ue uaaq anetI jeu} sa!}aadoad eqj jo Ile}o dew e 'uaalsAs SIJ au} o;u! 6upiodaooui osle sl j}ejs '/(ananS o!aoIslH s,Al!o aqj ubnoau} uo!j!u6009a pan!aoaa aneq 1egj sa!}aadoad s,upnl jo Ile jo 6u!ddeua SIJ aqj buljalduaoo s! 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AananS alao}s!H sh!O ayl •uaea6oad uNepuauauaoO 9y1 q;!m 6uole Weaboad anbeld aa;s!6aU OIJOI91H s,A;!o aqo}u! papuauauaooaa 6uiaq mou sE Ap9doad }oafgns aqi -uaea6oad Ioy slIN au} ui a}ed!o!}aed of apOila sem Apadoad aqj 'Aj!3 aqql!m aals!6aa opols!y E)qj uo Xpeaale seen Aliadoad joefgns auj aou!s pue ZZOZ/4ZOZ u! uo!ss!uauaoo 6u!uueld aq} of pa}uasaad sem yolym '/(ananS o!aa}s!H s,Al!J aqj u! pa�sll Apeaale sem j! 'wei6oid job sll!W eqj jo lied se uo!ss!uauaoO 6u1uueld au} of paluesaad sem Apadoad joafgns ay} uegm pau!eldxa aagjinj uoal!nH uoalrnH •I!ounoC) Aj!3 aqj of A:padoad aqj spuewwooaa 4e;s `s6u!pu!; sgels pue uoileuaaojui 1egj uo peseg •ao}ngpjuoo e si A;aadoad aql j! au!uaaapp o} A}aadoad eqj sloodsu! Ile}s aal}e pau!uaaa}ap s! 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Alleaaueb yojgm `ssaooad oiao4siq aqj Inoge peNse !gon6!H rilonAIH appropriate historical name and date of construction for the property, Motion carried 5-0, STAFF CONCERNS: Willkom Willkom informed the Planning Commission of the upcoming Mayor's Celebration on February 2, 2023, at 5,-30 p.m. She also stated that the property owners for the proposed outpatient treatment and counseling center for opioid use disorder at 535 E. First St. filed an appeal for the denial of both the reasonable accommodation request and the Conditional Use Permit. A meeting date has not yet been set for the appeal. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Chu Chu asked everyone to stay safe and healthy. She recognized the tragedy and loss at the active shooter incident in Monterey Park. Mason No concerns, Higuchi No concerns. Kozak On January 5, 2023, Kozak attended a staff briefing regarding 535 E. First St. WHO Mello thanked staff and the public for attending the Planning Commission meeting. 7.32 p.m. Adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 7-00 p.m. DAVID4 MECL-'O-', JR, Chtlik'person [4- VWI JUSTINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary Planning, Commission Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2.023 1 Page 5 of 5 � i ����