HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Comments 2 - Jeff CorlessFrom: Jeff Corless <jeff@venturestrategic.com> Date: April 4, 2023 at 11:47:46 AM PDT To: "Schnell, Ray" <RSchnell@tustinca.org> Cc: Tim Lineberger <tim@venturestrategic.com> Subject: Request for Correction - Agenda Item #9 Report Councilmember Schnell, I am reques�ng a minor correc�on to the Community Development 2022 Annual Report as presented as a “Receive and File” with no ac�on under Agenda Item #9. Referring to Atachment A, page 28 (as printed; page 31 of the PDF), CalOp�ma Health’s Recupera�ve Care and PACE Center is described as a “Facility serving the homeless, providing recupera�ve care/post-hospitaliza�on housing and a Program All- Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).” “Facility serving the homeless,” as the lead for the descrip�on, infers this is a homeless facility, which is inaccurate. Per the execu�ve summary as submited by CalOp�ma, the program is “a hybrid two- pronged program: a Recupera�ve Care and Post-Hospitaliza�on program and a PACE program (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) serving CalOp�ma eligible pa�ents regardless of housing status.” This descrip�on more accurately represents the purpose and planned use of the facility currently being reviewed. To put it another way, a hospital, which is required to receive and treat pa�ents regardless of whether they are housed or unhoused (as is the case here), could be referred to under this logic as a homeless shelter. We would like to request this correc�on be made to the report, and that the atachment be updated in the official staff report posted on the website. I appreciate your considera�on, -- Jeffrey D. Corless, MBA President & CEO F 714.676.8335 North America HQ | 3240 El Camino Real, Suite 140, Irvine, CA 92602 www.VentureStrategic.com | @JeffCorless