HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTDocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E • AGENDA REPORTAgenda Reviewed:m D DScc lw 5w City Manager [� Finance Director N/A MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 2023 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT SUMMARY: This agenda report transmits the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for the third and fourth quarters of 2022. The average noise level measured at Tustin's monitoring station (NMS 10N), located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way (Figure 1), remained consistent with prior quarters. Average daily noise levels during the third and fourth quarters continued to remain well below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 decibels (dB) Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for residential uses. Residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Figure 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E JWA Noise Report April 18, 2023 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff's analysis and report of the quarterly JWA Noise Abatement Report falls under Goal D of the Strategic Plan pertaining to strong community and regional relationships. The City of Tustin strives to work collaboratively with agencies both within and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and concern, and in this instance, on matters of airport traffic and noise. DISCUSSION: Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, JWA staff prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts the report on their website. Attached are the quarterly reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2022, which includes the months of July through December 2022. The JWA Noise Abatement Report includes measured noise levels and an analysis of noise complaints. Measured Noise Levels Aircraft noise is most noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings, primarily due to engine noise. Although engines produce a significant amount of aircraft noise, many other factors may influence the perception of noise including: proximity; weather — in bad weather, engine noise is reflected off of the atmosphere making jets appear louder than on clear days; routes — non-scheduled operations which could include military or private aircraft and may be louder than commercial aircraft; emergencies; and, weight — a heavier load may affect an aircraft's rate of ascent. In addition, higher aircraft noise level measurements may have been noted during recent reporting periods, as the air -travel throughout the region has begun to increase to pre -pandemic levels. During the third and fourth quarters of 2022, the average CNEL at Tustin's monitoring station on Beneta Way was 56.4 dB and 57.7 dB while the averages from the previous two quarters were 57.3 dB and 57.9 dB. Figure 2 (below) provides a visualization of Tustin's CNEL levels for each month during the third and fourth quarters of 2022. Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) in Tustin July - September 2022 70 60 50 40 J Z 30 20 to 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Date 3rd quarter of 2022 v a July August w z September U Noise Impact Area I 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Figure 2 Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) in Tustin: October - December 2022 1 3 5 7 9 1113 15 17 19 2123 25 27 29 31 Date 4th quarter of 2022 October November -December Noise Impact Area Level (65 dB) DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E JWA Noise Report April 18, 2023 Page 3 Noise Complaints The role of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Access & Noise Office (ANO) is to enforce the operational and noise restrictions set forth in the 1985 Settlement Agreement, Phase 2 Commercial Airline Access Plan & Regulation (Access Plan) and General Aviation Noise Ordinance (GANO). The ANO receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and other sources. During the third quarter of 2022, there were 1,070 Tustin area concerns submitted, and during the fourth quarter of 2022 there were 560 submitted. It should be noted that all of the complaints were submitted by pressing an alert button on the JWA mobile app. Further details from JWA staff indicates that during the third quarter there were four (4) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one (1) of the individuals submitted 873 of the 1,070 noise concerns. During the fourth quarter there were two (2) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one of the individuals submitted 558 of the 560 noise concerns. Staff has reviewed the noise levels at Tustin's noise monitoring station during the time the concerns were submitted, and did not identify any unusual increase in the measured noise level. Due to the release of the mobile app in 2022, it is anticipated that a similar trend will continue, with a small number of reporting parties pressing the button a significant number of times. Prior to the release of the mobile app, complainants would typically call JWA to report a noise concern, in which the data historically indicated that average of one (1) noise concern was submitted per quarter. To provide an understanding of the trend in Tustin area complaints throughout the years, a chart displaying the number of noise complaints in the past three (3) years is displayed in Figure 3 (below). Noise Complaints - Tustin 1200 1000 M 800 *Q3: 873 complaints were 0 submitted by one party c 600 *Q4: 558 complaints were submitted by one party 400 E 3 Z 200 1 jE4 1 0 1 0 1 0 82 01 Q3/2020 Q4/2020 Q1/2021 Q2/2021 Q3/2021 Q4/2021 Q1/2022 Q2/2022 Q3/2022 Q4/2022 Quarter/Year Figure 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E JWA Noise Report April 18, 2023 Page 4 CONCLUSION: Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at JWA. The public is welcome to participate in JWA's quarterly meetings held by the Access and Noise Office. The next quarterly meeting will be held on June 27, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom conference. For virtual participation instructions in the upcoming meeting, please visit www.ocair.com/about/administration/access-noise/. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. Ea DocuSigned by: ka")- Vim A9E7DE5ECDAA4E3... Adrianne DiLeva Management Analyst I I Attachments: DocuSigned by: (Ju �ti r� a, d . In'v�e 041. ED45DA2623B54A5... Justina L. Willkom Community Development Director John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report — 3rd quarter (July — September, 2022) John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report — 4th quarter (October — December, 2022) DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E ATTACHMENTS John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports July through September 2022 (Third Quarter) October through December 2022 (Fourth Quarter) DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E uocusign tnvelope lu: t3Ut3k3C:tU5-b3-U6-42ZA-ABGZ-G4U613387789 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: oocusge.e by E I,GY�C.UI.L A1A526A921AF4iF [[ Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 199th Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1 S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324'/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-1 ON: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP oN — CNNa=N ITT sT 9a - SANTA ANA - - MCFN — R �[�C RO N �J 'eC[NGER RV J �I F TE« �� _ h - TUSTIN I� y YPR4EN FlW W4flN F FS RV y 96 -0AR=T,,R - S I!vF_CW'ER i� 5 �a gay / NR1N JOHN SAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY ' .. COSTA MESA s. A _ — T o® - � IRVINE IT �19ir1_ ST � _�, pn y NEWPORT BEACH iy j E l 0 i 2 3 a 5 Scale In miles FIGURE 2 FF Resid2mlial Pmscfilatiee Avigatim Easememt {Business Park Zoning] Residential Use JE HDSPhRl M Lill-Faukily Residmial Use X SCM01 Compatible Use Highway Public Use (N wise Sensitive) Milix Roads Public Use MnDr Local Rim& 73 Recreational fOpen Space -EE] Water I Stream Rioer dF J& < 11. t�ww ;:O-STAMESA 65 0 hEWFORTBEAcre { ri 5 4 A Statistics; Incompatible Land Use: 0.0104 Sq- Mi. Number of Dwelling Unit: 71 Population: 177.5 (Based Dn 2.5 PeopfelDwalling Un�,' A FUT LwmbDm Airport P-PEAT fApp—j 2MTNrdQuaner65dBCNELCmbLr — Runw3p1Ta;dways lrompatibole Single Family Residerflial M. Airport Ekiflaimyr. Incompatibole Mulb-Famihf Residerklial 0 I'm 2.000 Feet JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY 2022 Third Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (C N E L) Contour AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS July - September 2022 Period July Carriers Jet 8,753 GA Prop 0 Jet (1) 4,179 Total Operations (2) 27,061 Average Daily Jet Operations 417 August 8,817 0 4,040 28,857 415 September 8,663 0 4,156 26,209 427 Third Quarter 26,233 0 12,375 82,127 420 Twelve Months 10/01 /21 - 09/30/22 98,411 0 48,788 305,259 403 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by VWX entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate there were no aircraft related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Seventy-one dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (July 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints from local citizens and all other sources. From July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022, the Office received 83,266 complaints from local citizens. This is a 31.7% decrease from the 121,988 complaints received last quarter. It is a 31.9% increase from the 63,128 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the quarterly complaints from local communities. 4 FIGURE 3 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS BY COMMUNITY Submissions - Heatmap Norwalk PI + . Bellflower Lakewood Cypress Signal Hill Beach Seal6each Notes: Yorba Linda Fullerton Corona Anaheim Ora' 21i 1 Te Santa Aha * 5i[ dv r H%ntington� - _ Irvine N� 1p lewpo F 1)* .0Portola Hills Lake rorest f Mission Viejo " a era Ranch g na Niguel Three �sy d na Point San Cternente _earPes OpenStree[MapOpenStree[Map conlrikutcr3 i • Newport Beach — 37,329 submissions from 31 different points of contact. • Anaheim — 35,093 submissions from 12 different points of contact. • Irvine — 5,778 submissions from 14 different points of contact. • Laguna Niguel — 1,904 submissions from 4 different points of contact. • Tustin — 1,093 submissions from 8 different points of contact. • Laguna Beach — 733 submissions from 1 point of contact. • Costa Mesa — 537 submissions from 11 different points of contact. • Huntington Beach - 338 submissions from 6 different points of contact. • Other — 233 submissions from 30 different points of contact. • Orange — 228 submissions from 7 different points of contact. • 11 % of submissions were from a complaint subscription service. TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 10/01/21 through 09/30/22 Values in dB at Each Site Period I- NIVIS Site Oct 2021 67.7 66.5 67.0 59.9 59.4 60.4 56.8 67.7 42.3 57.1 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 25 31 2021 67.3 66.0 66.9 59.1 58.6 60.4 55.9 67.1 41.8 56.8 INov # Days 30 30 30 30I 30 30 291 30 21 17 Dec 2021 67.9 66.2 66.8 60.2 59.8 60.5 57.3 67.9 43.1 57.9 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 Q-4 2021 67.7 66.2 66.9 59.8 59.3 60.4 56.7 67.6 42.5 57.4 # Days 92 92 92 92 92 92 91 91 74 79 Jan 2022 66.5 65.0 66.0 59.3 58.4 60.0 55.8 66.5 43.0 55.8 # Days 31 31 31 30 31 31 29 31 22 29 Feb 2022 66.5 65.3 66.0 58.5 58.1 60.0 55.5 66.6 41.0 55.3 # Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 28 Mar2022 6739 66 5 6730 60.01 59.5 60.4 96.91 68 0 44.2 97.6 I# Day 2 67 65 66 59.3 5 6 56.1 67 4 56.4 I# Days 90I 90 90 891 90 90 881 90 70 881 Apr 2022 67.6 66.3 66.8 59.8 59.4 60.1 56.7 68.1 42.8 57.5 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 25 30 May 2022 68.0 66.5 67.1 60.5 59.6 60.2 57.1 68.3 41.9 57.9 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 23 31 Jun 2022 68.1 66.8 67.3 60.0 58.9 60.0 56.2 68.8 40.8 57.5 # Days 30 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 21 30 2 691I 689 691 691I 591 691 591I 690 469 591I I#Days Ju12022 68.0 66.7 67.1 60.1 59.3 60.4 56.1 68.7 41.9 57.4 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31I 30 26 31 Aug 2022 68.0 66.9 67.2 59.8 59.2 60.2 56.0 68.3 41.5 57.2 # Days 31 31 31 26 31 31 31 31 26 31 Sep 2022 67.9 66.9 67.1 59.2 59.0 60.2 56.3 68.4 43.1 57.2 # Days 30 301 301 301 30 30 30 27 21 30 -D3 2022 68 66 67. 59.71 59.2 60.3 56.11 6 4 5763 IQ 92.01 92� 92� 87 92� 92� 92 88[ 73[ IQ-4 2021 thru Q-3 2022 67.6 66.3 66.9 59.7 59.1 60.3 56.4 67.9 42.4 57.2 ITotal # Days 365I 363� 365[ 3591 365[ 365[ 3621 359[ 286[ 350 IQ-3 2021 thru Q-2 2022 (Previous 4 Quarters) I I I I I1 Total 67.6 66.1 66.8 59.8 59.1 60.2 56.3 67.7 42.0 57.2 # Days 365 363� 365� 364 365� 365� 362 363� 283[ 350 (Change from Previous 4 Quarters I I I I I I I1 0.01 0.2 0.1 -0.1I 0.0 0.1 0.11 0.2 0.4 0.01 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION July 2022 600j��[ 1��M 1 6 Wl �� 9N �� 1ON 11 68.51 66.91 67.71 60.5I 59.51 60.6I 55.31 69.2 40.8 57.9 67.2 65.9 66.21 59.11 58.4 59.41 54.81 67.3 �#N/A 55.5 4 67.41 66.3 66.1159.81 59.5 60.31 56.81 68.2 *#N/A 57.7 51 68.41 67.01 67.51 60.51 60.11 61.31 57.81 68.5 45.7 57.3 61 67.61 66.21 67.01 59.51 59.01 59.81 56.51 67.51 *#N/A 56.7 71 67.91 66.5 66.81 60.21 59.7 60.7I 56.71 68.71 30.4I 57.5 �] 67.81 66.4 66.91 60.11 59.2 60.1I 56.31 69.OI 28.11 57.9 �9] 66.71 65.5 66.11 58.31 57.8 58.51 53.61 66.81 42.8 55.8 111 67.8 66.5 67.2 60.41 60.0 60.71 56.31 69.2 34.7 58.3 13 67.9 66.71 67.1 60.11 59.8 60.61 55.91 68.5 37.2 57.77 14 68.31 66.7 67.51 61.11 59.81 61.41 57.01 69.11 42.7 58.1 151 68.31 66.81 67.61 60.81 59.71 61.31 56.71 68.91 41.81 57.9 1 161 66.91 65.51 66.11 58.81 57.81 58.91 53.61 67.11 31.71 55.7 18 19 68.2 67.1 67.0 66.2 67.31 66.21 8 60.1 58.3 59.4 57.4 60.01 58.1I 56.11 54.0 68.5 68.OI 27.9 38.0 57.6 57.0 .81 211 68.7 67.5 67.4 61.3 59.8 60.91 56.61 69.4 ,#N/A 58.1 22 68.31 67.11 67.41 61.OI 59.61 60.91 56.91 69.11 32.41 57.7 231 24 67.31 68.91 65.41 67.5 66.11 67.91 59.61 60.51 58.01 59.6 59.21 60.91 53.81 56.71 67.71 69.7I 44.51 50.8 56.11 58.4 251 68.51 67.3 67.61 60.3I 59.5 60.7I 56.OI 68.9I 43.5 57.5 26 68.11 66.9 67.21 60.51 59.9 61.41 57.9 #N/AI 44.2 57.7 28 68.7 7 6.4 67.61 60.91 59.4 60.71 56.21 69.4 34.3 58.4 291 68.41 67.2 67.61 61.21 59.91 61.71 57.51 68.91 39.8 57.9 1 301 67.31 65.8 66.51 59.31 58.11 59.61 54.81 67.91 '#N/A 56.8 311 68.71 67.8 67.7 59.81 58.81 60.01 56.01 69.2I 43.1 57.5 Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 311 30 26 31 En. Avg 68.01 66.7 67.1 60.11 59.31 60.4I 56.11 68.7I 41.9 57.4 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION August 2022 w NMS Site 1I 68.31 67.41 67.31 60.2I 59.81 60.5I 56.71 68.61 39.9I 57.5 67.7 67.0 67.11 59.81 59.41 60.4I 56.91 67.71 42.3I 56.9 4 68.61 67.4 67.71 60.91 60.01 61.3 57.31 68.2138.2153.8 51 68.21 67.51 67.51 60.41 59.81 61.01 57.01 68.61 45.51 57.5 61 67.01 66.11 66.41 58.91 58.41 59.31 55.61 67.11 40.1I 56.01 71 68.91 67.7 68.1I 59.91 59.5 60.01 55.01 68.51 ,#N/A1 56.9 �] 68.41 66.4 67.11 60.41 58.1 60.31 56.11 68.9 43.0 57.8 �9] 67.71 66.5 66.51 59.31 58.2 59.31 55.11 68.3 29.5 56.9 111 68.6 67.8 67.8 60.11 59.6 60.3 55.81 68.7 43.8 57.6 13 67.0 66.0 66.2 58.71 57.31 58.3 53.31 66.6 41.21 55.5 14 68.21 67.1I 67.11 59.81 58.91 60.1I 56.OI 68.81 42.8 57.4 151 68.21 67.01 67.71 60.41 59.51 60.7I 56.31 68.51 49.31 57.7 1 161 67.81 66.61 66.91 60.11 59.01 60.01 55.61 68.01 35.61 56.9 18 68.6 67.3 67.51 60.31 59.51 60.0 55.91 69.1 *#N/A 57.5 19 68.2 66.9 67.51 60.0 59.61 61.1I 56.8 69.1I 37.0 58.3 211 68.6 67.3 67.9 #N/A 60.0 61.3 57.01 69.0 43.8 58.0 22 68.01 67.1I 67.21 MAI 59.31 60.01 55.81 69.01 34.61 58.4 1 231 67.91 66.51 66.91 MAI 58.51 59.91 55.71 68.41 29.81 57.0 24 68.11 66.9 67.01 MAI 59.11 60.61 56.21 68.4 *#N/A 57.4 251 68.51 67.4 67.9 #N/AI 59.81 61.OI 57.OI 68.9 34.5 57.7 26 68.01 67.4 67.41 60.81 59.5 60.3I 56A 68.3 36.2 58.2 28 291 1 301 68.5 68.2 67.51 67.4 67.1 66.6 67.5 67.61 66.81 60.2 59.61 58.11 60.0 60.2 58.7 61.3 60.9I 59.41 57.2 56.81 55.41 69.2 68.71 66.61 * 38.1 40.3I 42.61 58.2 58.1 55.5 311 67.61 66.7 67.11 57.81 58.7 59.5 55.51 67.5 ,#N/A 56.2 Days 31 31 31 261 31 31 311 31 26 31 En. Avg 68.01 66.9 67.2 59.81 59.21 60.2I 56.01 68.3I 41.5 57.2 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION September 2022 6=��[ 1 • 11 68.61 67.OI 68.11 59.81 58.51 60.9I 56.8I 68.7 40.3 57.8 68.4 67.1 67.3 59.4 58.9 60.5 56.7 68.5 �#N/A 57.0 4 66.5 64.9 65.7157.61 56.6 58.9 55.1 67.5 43.9 56.2 51 68.21 67.11 67.51 59.31 59.11 60.4I 56.51 68.31 '#N/A 56.7 61 67.31 66.21 66.91 58.81 58.41 59.51 55.51 68.01 46.0 56.0 71 �8] 67.01 67.61 65.91 66.3 66.11 66.61 57.9 57.9 57.81 58.5 58.81 60.1I 54.91 55.51 67.01 66.9 43.51 41.9 55.8 55.9 1 65.61 63.9 67.OI 57.41 56.1 61.81 53.91 #N/AI 43.9 56.5 111 68.3 67.4 67.5 59.4 59.7 60.� 57.5 #N/A 43.7 57.8 13 67.5 66.6 67.1 59.8 59.2 60.1 56.5 68.4 31.91 57.6 14 67.81 66.9 67.1I 59.61 59.61 60.91 57.31 68.8 '#N/AI 57.8 1 151 69.01 67.61 68.01 59.91 60.41 61.41 57.81 68.6 *#N/Al 57.6 1 161 68.31 67.01 67.41 59.91 59.91 60.81 57.11 68.51 39.01 57.7 17 18 67.3 68.5 66.0 67.9 65.9 67.41 59.31 60.31 58.7 60.3 59.7 61.31 56.51 57.61 67.4 69.3 37.9 41.5 56.6 58.7 19 68.5 67.6 67.51 60.0 60.3 60.71 57.4 69.OI 45.9 58.3 211 68.0 67.7 67.02 59.21 60.4 611.2 57.91 68.71 45.7 57.6 22 69.11 68.31 68.41 60.41 60.51 61.41 57.51 68.61 43.11 57.9 1 231 68.21 67.71 67.21 59.01 58.71 59.41 54.81 68.81 39.91 57.4 24 67.01 66.5 66.3 57.6j 57.4 57.81 53.61 66.8 39.8 54.6 251 68.21 67.8 67.4 58.81 59.0 59.41 55.51 68.4 *#N/A 56.9 26 68.31 67.8 67.5 59.31 59.4 59.81 56.21 68.3 *#N/A 57.2 28 67.9 66.8 67.1 59.21 58.7 59.51 55.81 67.9 *#N/A 57.4 29 68.3 67.11 67.11 58.61 59.2 60.1I 55.9 69.2 �#N/A 58.4 1 30 68.9 68.01 67.81 61.21 59.8 61.21 56.21 69.3 45.7 58.9 Days. 301 301 301 30I 30 301 30I 27 21 30 En. Avgj 67.91 66.91 67.11 59.21 59.01 60.2I 56.31 68.41 43.1 57.2 #N/A indicates insufficient data. "#N/A indicates no aircraft -related noise events. 9 - TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A July - September 2022 Carrier AC .- Deps NMS Site Air Canada B38M 92 Average 91.8 90.7 91.8 84.0 82.7 83.4 79.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (85) (87) (90) (80) (90) (85) (44) (0) (0) (0) Alaska A320 630 Average 95.8 94.5 95.4 87.9 85.9 87.0 84.1 91.0 85.4 79.3 Count (614) (594) (613) (570) (620) (614) (611) (1) (1) (1) B737 3 Average 95.8 94.5 94.8 89.4 89.3 89.5 85.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (0) (0) (0) B738 225 Average 97.8 96.4 95.4 89.1 88.7 89.9 86.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (221) (217) (216) (196) (219) (219) (218) (0) (0) (0) Allegiant A319 42 Average 93.4 92.2 92.8 86.6 85.5 86.6 82.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (41) (40) (41) (38) (41) (39) (37) (0) (0) (0) A320 240 Average 94.7 93.8 92.5 86.7 85.5 87.0 82.7 89.1 #N/A #N/A Count (234) (226) (234) (210) (236) (234) (226) (2) (0) (0) American A21N 14 Average 89.5 89.1 88.5 80.9 79.3 80.1 77.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (14) (14) (14) (12) (8) (12) (1) (0) (0) (0) A319 84 Average 94.3 93.5 93.6 86.3 84.9 84.9 80.2 90.7 #N/A #N/A Count (81) (74) (82) (75) (82) (77) (67) (1) (0) (0) A320 50 Average 95.3 93.9 94.9 87.1 85.3 85.0 81.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (50) (49) (50) (49) (49) (48) (30) (0) (0) (0) A321 170 Average 98.9 98.2 98.2 90.0 88.2 87.7 83.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (168) (158) (167) (149) (165) (159) (159) (0) (0) (0) B38M 320 Average 92.8 91.7 92.6 84.1 83.9 85.5 80.9 88.3 81.7 #N/A Count (311) (293) (312) (283) (313) (308) (278) (1) (1) (0) B738 921 Average 98.7 97.5 97.6 89.5 89.1 89.8 86.5 93.0 87.7 82.1 Count (894) (858) (898) (804) (882) (859) (864) (4) (3) (5) Delta A220 254 Average 88.2 88.0 87.7 79.7 78.9 80.0 78.2 84.2 #N/A #N/A Count (252) (244) (252) (199) (143) (191) (10) (1) (0) (0) A223 204 Average 89.4 89.3 88.7 80.0 79.4 80.0 80.6 83.3 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (203) (198) (197) (162) (142) (152) (6) (1) (0) (0) A319 289 Average 95.5 94.6 95.2 88.3 86.9 86.9 82.3 94.8 85.4 82.0 Count (277) (269) (282) (246) (283) (278) (269) (3) (2) (1) B738 9 Average 97.5 96.2 96.9 88.7 87.9 87.3 83.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (8) (7) (9) (6) (9) (8) (7) (0) (0) (0) B752 277 Average 96.3 95.5 96.1 88.5 87.5 87.8 83.2 94.8 86.3 80.6 Count (264) (256) (263) (237) (265) (264) (261) (6) (5) (1) FedEx A306 64 Average 97.1 96.5 94.5 88.4 87.8 89.2 85.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (63) (62) (64) (60) (63) (64) (63) (0) (0) (0) Frontier A20N 237 Average 87.9 87.6 87.4 80.8 79.3 81.6 78.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (231) (232) (231) (188) (119) (191) (64) (0) (0) (0) A320 33 Average 94.6 93.9 92.6 86.2 84.7 86.8 83.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (32) (31) (30) (30) (32) (31) (30) (0) (0) (0) Horizon E175 158 Average 92.7 91.6 90.1 84.3 84.2 86.6 82.9 92.0 #N/A #N/A Count (156) (153) (155) (144) (154) (154) (145) (1) (0) (0) Southwest B38M 579 Average 89.9 88.9 88.3 80.7 81.3 83.3 79.8 87.0 #N/A 79.0 Count (559) (545) (567) (442) (535) (545) (386) (2) (0) (1) B737 1229 Average 94.1 93.2 91.8 85.6 86.0 87.0 83.7 92.7 80.7 80.5 Count (1199) (1162) (1203) (1118) (1203) (1182) (1169) (4) (1) (5) B738 114 Average 93.9 92.9 90.8 84.7 85.0 86.1 83.1 92.4 #N/A #N/A Count (110) (109) (109) (104) (108) (110) (107) (1) (0) (0) Spirit A20N 307 Average Count A320 146 Average 92.3 91.9 90.2 84.2 83.1 84.3 80.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (143) (138) (142) (136) (140) (143) (103) (0) (0) (0) United A319 124 Average Count A320 273 Average 95.3 94.4 94.4 86.2 85.0 85.6 82.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (267) (261) (269) (242) (264) (264) (247) (0) (0) (0) B737 590 Average 96.8 95.1 96.8 90.1 89.8 90.2 85.9 93.7 86.4 #N/A Count (578) (564) (576) (524) (563) (555) (553) (2) (1) (0) B738 725 Average 98.7 97.2 98.2 89.7 89.3 89.7 86.5 94.5 88.1 79.4 Count (693) (683) (691) (630) (684) (664) (652) (8) (9) (8) UPS B752 50 Average 94.9 94.5 93.4 86.3 86.0 86.9 82.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (50) (49) (50) (46) (50) (50) (49) (0) (0) (0) WestJet B737 91 Average 95.3 94.1 94.9 89.0 88.6 89.7 84.4 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (90) (86) (87) (80) (89) (89) (86) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E July - September 2022 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Delta A220 67 Average 88.3 88.1 88.0 79.7 78.5 80.1 78.4 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (64) (62) (65) (51) (41) (56) (3) (0) (0) (0) A223 173 Average 89.5 89.4 89.0 80.3 79.3 80.2 76.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (170) (164) (169) (138) (120) (133) (4) (0) (0) (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 771 Average 90.6 89.9 89.0 83.9 83.6 85.5 81.8 91.1 83.8 77.3 Count (753) (730) (753) (699) (758) (745) (719) (2) (1) (1) Southwest B38M 296 Average 88.3 87.4 86.9 80.6 80.5 82.5 79.4 91.9 #N/A 82.3 Count (293) (283) (281) (212) (240) (270) (129) (2) (0) (2) B737 2452 Average 91.7 91.2 89.7 84.3 84.3 85.3 82.0 91.8 79.0 84.4 Count (2400) (2330) (2378) (2216) (2407) (2370) (2345) (6) (2) (1) B738 14 Average 90.4 90.8 87.8 83.3 83.2 84.4 81.4 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (12) (12) (11) (12) (12) (13) (13) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter July - September 2022 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Delux Public E135 574Average 85.2 85.0 86.1 78.8 78.0 79.4 75.9 84.5 #N/A #N/A Charters Count (562) (541) (554) (244) (49) (274) (1) (2) (0) (0) E145 32 Average 86.0 86.1 86.9 78.9 78.0 79.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (32) (31) (32) (18) (6) (20) (0) (0) (0) (0) SkyWest CRJ7 90 Average 88.3 87.7 87.0 80.2 80.1 81.9 79.7 90.6 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (87) (81) (88) (36) (58) (87) (62) (1) (0) (0) E175 3 Average 1 90.9 90.0 89.0 84.2 83.1 85.2 81.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (2) (3) (3) (3) (2) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation July - September 2022 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC Type A223 Year 020 102 192 B38M 6 314 Alaska AS A319 64 244 314 A320 262 3,403 1,733 4,038 2,904 B737 384 160 14 24 110 B738 8,260 5,2471 767 1,327 2,081 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 610 A320 488 1,040 American AA A21 N 2 2 88 33 A319 722 432 474 220 316 A320 78 634 4881 783 440 A321 4 214 571 1,035 756 B38M 17 1,141 B738 11,457 10,972 5,201 8,144 6,503 B752 4 36 Compass CP E175 3,188 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,9541 4,036 2,543 A223 1 4 1,426 A319 1,979 1,987 828 952 1,426 A320 12 11 8 3 142 B712 3,379 2,495 B737 188 8 24 B738 18 40 21 12 38 B739 2 B752 2,889 2,889 1,065 1,423 1,338 MD90 2 Fed Ex FM A306 508 510 512 502 374 Frontier F9 A20N 600 900 550 1,363 1,354 A319 190 100 21 88 A320 654 428 392 361 236 Horizon QX DHBD 728 12 E175 2,716 4,257 2,986 3,293 1,118 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 6 2 E175 6,960 7,686 3,535 3,711 3,890 Southwest WN B38M 14 10 683 2,642 B737 32,380 29,360 14,268 22,212 23,090 B738 64 134 3,780 7,738 1,594 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,735 1,763 A319 250 158 A320 19 346 688 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 999 1,216 590 819 830 A320 3,927 3,151 1,227 1,020 1,699 B737 2,987 2,816 999 2,622 3,299 B738 5,154 5,627 2,645 2,946 3,997 B752 4 2 UPS 5X A306 22 12 181 18 B752 394 404 404 392 304 WestJet WS B736 10 58 34 B737 666 618 126 112 464 Total 91,875 1 90,074 46,370 74,253 70,863 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft A20N 1 600 900 Year 020 730 3,098 m 3,117 N I EIA21 2� 2� 881 33 A220 1 I 8511 1,9541 4,036I 2,543 A223 I I I 106 1,618 A306 530I 5221 530I 520I 374 A319 3,954 3,9791 2,2081 3,405 3,340 A320 4,933 7,6271 3,867 7,039 7,149 A321 4 2141 571 1,035 756 B38M 1 14 10 I 706 4,097 B712 1 3,379 2,495 B736 1 10 581 34 IB737 I 36,605 32,9621 15,431 25,208 26,971 IB738 I 24,9531 22,020I 12,395 20,191I 14,215 IB739 1 2 IB752 1 3,2911 3,3291 1,4691 1,8171 1,642 ICRJ9 1 61 I 2 IDH8D 1 728 12I E175 1 12,8641 15,0931 7,177� 7,0041 5,008 MD90 I ITotal 191,875 190,074 1 46,370 1 74,253 1 70,863 TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC Type A223 Year 020 .140 .263 B38M .008 .430 Alaska AS A319 .088 .334 .432 A320 .359 4.660 2.363 5.534 3.975 B737 .526 .219 .022 .033 .151 B738 11.315 7.189 1.0461 1.816 2.852 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .836 A320 .668 1.425 American AA A21 N .003 .003 .121 .044 A319 .989 .592 .648 .296 .433 A320 .107 .868 .664 1.082 .603 A321 .005 .293 .779 1.414 1.036 B38M .022 1.562 B738 15.696 15.030 7.107 11.156 8.910 B752 .005 .049 Compass CP E175 4.367 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 5.529 3.485 A223 .005 1.951 A319 2.712 2.723 1.131 1.304 1.953 A320 .016 .014 .014 .003 .195 B712 4.627 3.419 B737 .258 .011 .033 B738 .025 .055 .003 .016 .052 B739 .003 B752 3.959 3.956 1.454 1.948 1.833 MD90 .003 FedEx FM A306 .696 .699 .699 .688 .512 Frontier F9 A20N* .822 1.233 .751 1.866 1.855 A319 .260 .137 .003 .121 A320 .896 .586 .536 .496 .323 Horizon QX DHBD .997 .016 E175 3.721 5.830 4.079 4.512 1.532 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 .008 .003 E175 9.534 10.529 4.833 5.085 5.329 Southwest WN B38M .019 .014 .937 3.619 B737 44.351 40.216 19.497 30.416 31.633 B738 .088 .184 5.161 10.605 2.181 Spirit NK A20N* .246 2.381 2.414 A319 .342 .216 A320 .025 .471 .942 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 1.373 1.666 .806 1.123 1.137 A320 5.375 4.315 1.675 1.397 2.326 B737 4.093 3.855 1.3661 3.589 4.523 B738 7.058 7.712 3.612 4.036 5.474 B752 .005 .003 UPS 5X A306 .030 .016 .025 .025 B752 .540 .553 .552 .537 .416 WestJet WS B736 .014 .079 .046 B737 .912 .847 .172 .153 .636 Total 125.852 123.384 1 63.347 1 101.712 97.068 TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT Glossary AC .- A20N Make jAirbus Model/Series 320-200 Neo IA306 jAirbus I300-600 IA310 jAirbus I310-200 IA320 (Airbus I320 IB38M (Boeing 1737-800 Maxl IB712 (Boeing I717-200 B736 113oeing 737-600 B737 JlBoeing 737-700 PB738 113oeing 737-800 39 Boeing 737-900 IB752 (Boeing I757-200 ICRJ7 (Canadair Regional Jet 1700 ICRJ9 (Canadair Regional Jet 1900 DH8D 113ombardier Dash 8 E135 Embraer 135 IE145 jEmbraer 1135 E175 MD90 lEmbraer IMcDonnell Douglas 175 �90 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: September 27, 2022 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED A summary of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) August 2022 airport statistics was provided by Ms Cristina Magana, ANO Specialist. Ms. Magana stated there was a 24% increase in passenger volume compared to the same period last year. Mr. Nikolas Gaskins, Access and Noise Manager, informed the attendees that the 2022 international passenger increase was due primarily to the service suspension to markets in Canada and Mexico during the pandemic. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that with an increase in passenger totals, carrier operations also increased when compared to 2021. Dr. Mosher asked if the Airport was concerned with going over the Million Annual Passenger Limitation (MAP). Dr. Mosher stated that Charlene Reynolds, Airport Director, shared at a recent meeting that the Airport warned the carriers that there was a potential of exceeding the MAP Limitation for Plan Year 2022. Mr. Gaskins clarified that the Airport was not in jeopardy of exceeding the MAP Limitation for Plan Year 2022, but that in 2019, the Airport did contact carriers to inform them of high load factors and increasing passenger totals that were projected to near the 10.8 MAP. Mr. Gaskins once again reiterated there were no concerns about exceeding the MAP Limitation. Mr. Gaskins stated that the County takes the Settlement Agreement very seriously and that exceeding the MAP Limitation would be a violation of that agreement. Newport Beach resident Dennis Bress asked for statistical information about Ontario International Airport (ONT). Mr. Bress is advocating for a transportation tunnel to ONT from Anaheim. Mr. Bress believes this project can alleviate passenger use at JWA. Mr. Gaskins provided a presentation on the Airport's recently launched voluntary Fly Friendly program. Ms. Cristina Magana and Mrs. Cassandra Linares, ANO Specialist, then presented an overview of the Quarterly Noise Abatement Report. Mr. Bress asked if the ANO is aware of Alaska Airlines' noise footprint when departing JWA. Mr. Gaskins explained Alaska will be transitioning to an all Boeing fleet at some point and may begin operating the Boeing 737 MAX 8. Mr. Bress stated Alaska was flying 500 feet lower over Balboa Island in May. Mr. Joe August asked for a report regarding Table 8 GA Noise Monitoring Station (NMS) 6; since the current report is an average and doesn't capture all operations. Mr. August stated aircraft noise affects the health of those living within the proximity of an airport. Mr. August believes aircraft noise should not exceed 80 dB in the Balboa Island community. Mr. August was going to send an email with his requests. 16 - QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER September 27, 2022 NAME ORGANIZATION Dennis Bress Resident — Newport Beach Jim Mosher Resident — Newport Beach Joe August Resident — Newport Beach Unknown Caller Resident — Irvine Ron Rubino Newport Beach Aviation Committee Member Cassandra Linares John Wayne Airport Cristina Magana John Wayne Airport Nikolas Gaskins John Wayne Airport DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0104 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 71 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 177.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: A306 — 128 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 82,127 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 26,233 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 55,814 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 80 DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E uuuuaiyn cnmope w_ rrmar-oo-to ia�waca-onrc-ar�oan4nuaro JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY 1 45 NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: October 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works` Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: DocuSfpned by; �wygy on behalf of ca�csan�aasaos Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 200t" Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324'/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP oN — CNNa=N ITT sT 9a - SANTA ANA - - MCFN — R �[�C RO N �J 'eC[NGER RV J �I F TE« �� _ h - TUSTIN I� y YPR4EN FlW W4flN F FS RV y 96 -0AR=T,,R - S I!vF_CW'ER i� 5 �a gay / NR1N JOHN SAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY ' .. COSTA MESA s. A _ — T o® - � IRVINE IT �19ir1_ ST � _�, pn y NEWPORT BEACH N iy j E l 0 i 2 3 a 5 Scale In miles FIGURE 2 2022 FOURTH QUARTER ® Residential Prescriptive Avigaaon Easement (Business'ark Zoning) Residemial Use © Hospital Mul-FamilyResidential Use 2 School Compatible Use = Highway - Public Use (Noise Sensitive) — Major Roads Public Use — Minor Local Roads Recreational I Open Space Watu I Stream f River HMS 1 i ■ ttras.2 IMS3 v 4 a Statistics: - Incompatible Land Use: 0.0144 Sq. Mi_ 6 Number of Dwelling Units: 71 ` Population: 177.5 (Based on Z5 PeopielDwellrng Unit) a i L RMT Location Airport Property (Approx.) Q2022 Fourth Quarter fi5 dB CHEL Contour Runways f Taxiways Incompatible Single Family Residential Airporl Buildings Incompatible Multi-FamiIV Residential 0 1= 2,111D0 Feet J JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY 2022 Fourth Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Contour sl AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS October - December 2022 �Period Carrier] W _W GA Jet (1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations (2) Jet Operations October 1 9,0331 01 4,0571 26,0051 422 November 8,755 01 3,5341 24,2151 410 December 8,2301 01 3,5641 21,704 3801 (Fourth Quarter 26,0181 01 11,155I 71,924 4041 Twelve Months 101,138 0 47,094 303,970 406 01 /01 /22 - 12/31 /22 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve-month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Seventy-one dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (October 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints from local citizens and all other sources. From October 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, the Office received 106,481 complaints from local citizens. This is a 27.9% increase from the 83,266 complaints received last quarter. It is a 23.7% decrease from the 139,590 complaints received during the same quarter last year. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the quarterly complaints from local communities. 4 - FIGURE 3 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS BY COMMUNITY Submissions - Heatmap Norwalk �--� 1 + Yorba Linda — E.Belltlower Corona Fullerton 41 Lakewood Cypress Anaheim 5ignat Hill Orange g Beach ` Te Seal Beach Santa Ana S l eraco Huntington Irvine Furl;;laHills B[h Lake Forest NewpmE 00 Mission Viejo Ladera Raneh i<a'una guel 1. Three. [Ana Point San Clemente Leaflet 16penSlreeWap coriribuic•rs Notes: • Anaheim — 43,058 submissions from 7 different points of contact • Newport Beach — 30,273 submissions from 29 different points of contact Irvine — 27,691 submissions from 7 different points of contact • Laguna Niguel — 2,360 submissions from 4 different points of contact • Costa Mesa — 931 submissions from 7 different points of contact • Laguna Beach — 668 submissions from 1 point of contact Tustin — 561 submissions from 3 different points of contact • Other — 380 submissions from 25 different points of contact • Huntington Beach — 366 submissions from 5 different points of contact • Dana Point — 193 submissions from 5 different points of contact 0 7.6% of submissions were from a complaint subscription service. TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 01/01/22 through 12/31/22 Values in dB at Each Site Period I- NMS Site Jan 2022 66.5 65.0 66.0 59.3 58.4 60.0 55.8 66.5 43.0 55.8 # Days 31 31 31 30 31 31 29 31 22 29 2022 66.5 65.3 66.0 58.5 58.1 60.0 55.5 66.6 41.0 55.3 IFeb # Days 28 28 28 28I 28 28 28 28 22 28 Mar 2022 67.9 66.5 67.0 60.0 59.5 60.4 56.9 68.0 44.2 57.6 # Days 31 31 311 31 31 31 31 31 26 31 Q-12022 67.0 65.6 66.4 59.3 58.7 60.1 56.1 67.1 43.0 56.4 # Days 901 90 90 89 90 90 88 90 701 88 Apr 2022 67.6 66.3 66.8 59.8 59.4 60.1 56.7 68.1 42.8 57.5 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 25 30 May 2022 68.0 66.5 67.1 60.5 59.6 60.2 57.1 68.3 41.9 57.9 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 23 31 Jun 2022 68.1 66.8 67.3 60.0 58.9 60.0 56.2 68.8 40.8 57.5 # Days 30 28 30 30 301 30 30 301 21 30 2 67.9 66.5689 67.1 691I 591 60.1 591I 68.4 42.0 57.7 #Days Ju12022 68.0 66.7 91 67.1 60.1 59.3 91 60.4 56.1 90 68.7 69 41.9 91 57.4 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 26 31 Aug 2022 68.0 66.9 67.2 59.8 59.2 60.2 56.0 68.3 41.5 57.2 # Days 31 311 31 26 31 31 31 31 26 31 Sep 2022 67.9 66.9 67.1 59.2 59.0 60.2 56.3 68.4 43.1 57.2 # Days 301 30 301 301 301 301 301 27 21 30 2 68 66 67.1 59.7 5 6 56.1 68 42.2 5 I# Days 92I 92 92 87I 92 92 92I 88 73 92I Oct 2022 68.4 67.6 67.4 60.0 59.7 60.7 56.6 68.5 44.3 57.8 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31I 31 24 31 Nov 2022 67.7 66.6 66.8 59.8 58.4 60.6 56.5 68.2 41.7 57.7 # Days 30 30 30 29 27 30 29 29126128 Dec 2022 68.2 66.9 67.4 60.3 59.8 60.7 57.4 67.4 42.8 58.3 # Days 31 31 20 31 31 30 31 27 17 30 -D4 6 6 6 60.11 5 6 5 6 4 5 I89 # Days 92I 92� 81 91 89� 91 91 87� 67� IQ-1 2022 thru Q-4 2022 I I I I I I I I1 I# Days 3651 363� 354 3581 362 364� 362 355� 279� 360 IQ-4 2021 thru Q-3 2022 (Previous 4 Quarters) I I I I I1 Total 67.6 66.31 66.9 59.7 59.1 60.3 56.4 67.9 42.4 57.2 # Days 365 363[ 365� 359 365� 365[ 3621 359[ 286[ 350 (Change from Previous 4 Quarters I I I I I I I1 0.21 0.3 0.0 0.11 0.1 0.0 0.11 0.1 0.2 0.21 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION October 2022 hmm� NMS Site OL 1I 67.61 66.91 66.5[ 59.61 59.21 59.9I 55.11 66.9 39.0 56.9 68.9 68.3 67.9 60.6 60.9 61.61 58.1 69.3 41.7 59.3 4 67.91 67.1 66.9 59.21 59.21 60.2 56.81 67.8 46.4 57.0 51 68.11 67.61 67.21 58.91 59.01 60.1I 55.71 68.1 *#N/A 57.3 61 68.81 67.31 67.61 58.61 59.21 60.2I 54.31 69.2 *#N/Al 57.8 71 68.31 67.71 67.31 60.21 59.81 60.81 56.81 69.41 47.6 58.7 �8] 67.41 66.6� 66.31 59.0 58.71 59.61 56.01 66.8 *#N/Al 56.0 �9] 68.91 68.2I 68.0 60.3 59.9 60.9I 57.11 69.2 46.1 58.4 * 111 68.8 68.1 68.0 60.5 60.2 61.2 56.91 68.55 42.5 58.2 13 69.11 68.31 68.0 59.81 59.3 60.2 54.51 69.4 ,#N/Aj 58.0 14 69.31 68.2 68.1I 61.21 60.21 61.31 56.31 69.31 43.91 59.3 1 151 68.51 67.21 68.81 60.11 59.41 61.71 56.91 67.81 30.51 57.4 1 161 69.01 68.31 68.3 60.61 61.0 61.61 58.1 69.11 48.4 58.4 18 19 68.4 67.8 67.6 67.1 67.1 66.71 58.8 59.2 59.4 58.4 59.9 59.21 56.71 55.6 67.9 67.4I 43.9 39.7 56.6 56.4 * 211 69.0 67.9 68.0 61.4 60.3 61.8 56.8 69.6 46.3 58.8 22 67.91 66.91 66.61 60.21 59.41 60.2I 55.81 67.91 38.91 57.8 1 231 68.71 67.81 67.51 60.81 60.31 61.21 56.61 69.21 41.61 58.9 24 66.01 65.6 65.71 57.11 57.3 59.91 54.11 67.6 40.1 56.3 251 67.91 66.9 66.91 60.1I 59.1 58.91 55.91 68.2I 46.8 57.5 26 68.41 67.6 67.21 60.81 60.1 60.9I 57.31 68.4 46.3 57.9 28 68.6 68.0 67.5 60.7 59.9 61.0 57.21 68.9 43.9 58.5 291 67.21 66.61 66.41 59.4 58.91 59.41 55.91 66.2I �#N/A 55.1 1 301 68.21 67.71 66.91 59.5 58.91 59.61 55.81 68.01 38.61 56.61 311 67.91 66.9 66.5 59.91 58.6 59.61 55.7I 67.8 45.2 57.2 Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 31I 31 24 31 En. Avg 68.41 67.6 67.4 60.01 59.71 60.7I 56.61 68.5I 44.3 57.8 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION November 2022 NMS Site JIL 1I 68.11 66.51 66.7[ 61.OI 59.11 60.4I 57.OI 68.81 42.1 58.6 67.6 67.1 66.31 59.7 60.21 60.41 57.5 68.9 �#N/A 58.5 4 67.91 66.51 67.1 59.9 58.51 60.4 56.0 68.9 44.5 58.3 51 67.31 66.81 66.01 59.21 57.81 59.51 56.2I 66.01 35.8 55.8 61 68.41 67.5 67.21 60.51 59.2 60.91 57.51 69.2 39.4 59.0 71 68.71 67.6 67.2I 61.21 58.5 61.1I 58.21 69.41 45.61 59.5 �� 67.71 66.2 65.91 60.11 58.9 59.51 58.4 *#N/AI 42.4 60.0 �Q� 68.51 67.4 67.3 60.81 58.1 60.81 57.91 53.8 41.9 58.9 111 68.0 67.11 66.4 59.8 *#N/A 60.0 56.61 69.3 34.8 57.0 12 13 69.0 67.7 67.7 59.7 60.8 '#N/A 69.2 .01 57.8 70.9 29.9 58.7 14 68.81 67.91 67.51 60.6I 58.01 60.81 57.41 70.3 '#N/Aj 58.5 1 151 67.31 66.11 68.31 58.61 58.71 63.31 55.61 66.31 43.01 53.3 1 161 56.61 54.41 66.61 MAI 43.91 62.61 MAI 63.61 31.9 *#N/A 18 68.9 67.5 67.61 60.6 59.5 60.8 56.71 70.1 37.6 57.2 19 56.5 53.6 65.9 33.8 44.3 61.91 39.7 63.7 40.8 32.9 20 66.1 65.11 65.41 56.71 56.8 58.7 53.81 68.3 30.21 53.3 21 67.61 66.81 66.41 58.41 58.0 58.71 54.91 68.3 32.81 54.7 22 68.21 67.41 66.91 59.41 58.91 59.51 55.61 67.71 43.91 55.4 1 231 68.81 67.81 67.51 59.91 58.91 59.81 55.71 66.81 29.61 56.01 24 61.11 58.9 64.71 51.31 49.3 59.7 45.Oj 59.2I *#N/A *#N/A 251 65.31 64.4 64.61 56.11 56.0 58.1 53.OI 64.7I 34.2 53.4 26 67.71 66.4 66.31 59.71 58.3 59.4 54.01 66.5 VN/A 57.2 27 69.11 68.2 68.1 61.4 60.3 61.4 57.31 68.3 49.0 59.2 28 68.9 67.4 67.5 61.8 60.3 61.6 58.01 67.7 39.8 59.7 291 68.11 66.7 66.4 60.8 59.4 60.8I 57.8F 67.7I 46.4 59.2 1 301 67.71 66.5 66.3 61.01 59.6 60.81 58.31 66.8 42.4 58.7 Days. 30 301 30 291 27 301 291 291 26 28 En. Avg 67.7 66.6 66.8 59.8 58.4 60.6 56.51 68.21 41.7 57.7 #N/A indicates insufficient data. "#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION December 2022 011 68.11 67.11 66.71 61.11 NMS 60.01 Site 61.31 58.61 67.21 40.8 59.2 67.2 66.4 66.9 59.7 59.3 61.71 56.81 67.51 42.7 58.8 * 4 68.5 67.3 67.4160.5 60.1 61.0157 .7 68.0 34.0 59.5 I 51 68.51 67.21 67.51 60.7I 60.61 61.21 58.01 67.31 33.51 59.2 I 61 68.11 66.41 66.81 60.9I 60.11 60.8I 58.21 66.71 *#N/Al 59.2 I 71 68.21 67.0 67.1I 60.7I 60.4 60.7I 58.11 66.71 33.01 59.0 �� 68.91 68.0 67.81 61.01 61.3 61.81 58.71 67.1I 43.5 59.3 �Q� 68.81 67.9 67.91 61.31 60.9 61.61 58.31 67.2I 28.4 58.9 111 68.5 67.6 67.0 60.� 61.3 611.1 58.71 67.55 41.0 59.7 13 68.2 66.� 67.0 60.8 60.4 60.8 58.21 66.1 46.2 58.4 14 68.11 67.21 67.11 60.6I 60.6 61.0I 58.01 66.21 45.2 57.8 I 151 68.91 67.41 MAI 61.31 61.11 61.71 58.21 67.21 42.11 58.7 I 161 67.91 66.91 MAI 59.61 59.31 60.8I 56.31 '#N/AI 44.61 56.1 17 18 19 211 66.6 68.3 68.5 68.0 65.3 67.0 67.4 66.4 #N/A MAI #N/AI #N/A 58.31 60.11 60.5 59.8 57.71 59.41 60.1I 59.6 58.5 60.OI 60.7I 60.3 54.9 56.8 57.4 57.10 �#N/A *#N/A �#N/AI 68.3 43.3 41.2 41.2 *#N/A 55.9 58.4 57.5 57.3 22 68.51 67.21 69.01 60.31 59.51 60.6I 56.91 68.31 MAI #N/A I 231 68.61 67.51 MAI 59.91 59.71 60.5I 57.11 68.01 MAI 60.8I 24 66.21 65.2I MAI 57.8 57.2 58.1 54.0I 65.8I MAI 54.6 I 251 65.7 64.81 #N/AI 57.4 56.7 57.51 53.71 66.01 #N/AI 54.9 26 67.61 66.4 #N/AI 59.2 58.0 #N/AI 54.8 67.3 #1\15A1 56.5 28 68.8 67.2 67.9 60.9 60.11 60.81 57.81 68.11 #N7 58.2 291 68.7 66.7 67.51 61.41 60.21 61.11 57.91 68.31 MAI 58.3 I 30I 69.31 67.51 68.01 61.41 60.61 61.61 58.51 69.81 MAI 59.9 311 67.31 65.4 65.5 59.51 57.3 59.31 56.51 68.61 MAI 5J30 Days 31 31 20 311 31 30 31 27 17 En. Avg 68.2 66.9 67.4 60.3 59.8 60.7I 57.4 67.4 42.8I 5 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. 9 - TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A October - December 2022 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Air Canada B38M 89 Average 92.1 91.5 91.6 84.3 83.5 84.0 80.0 86.6 #N/A #N/A Count (86) (83) (78) (82) (76) (83) (63) (3) (0) (0) Alaska A320 490 Average 96.1 94.9 95.5 88.2 86.8 87.5 84.9 90.6 #N/A 80.3 Count (465) (433) (425) (455) (439) (461) (450) (20) (0) (3) B737 3 Average 96.4 95.7 95.5 90.5 90.0 90.9 86.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (0) (0) (0) B738 321 Average 98.8 97.2 96.0 89.6 89.9 90.4 87.3 93.3 90.4 79.6 Count (290) (283) (251) (288) (270) (285) (284) (15) (1) (5) Allegiant A319 33 Average 93.8 92.8 92.5 86.9 85.7 86.9 82.6 88.3 #N/A #N/A Count (31) (32) (27) (31) (28) (30) (30) (1) (0) (0) A320 178 Average 95.2 94.5 92.7 87.2 86.3 87.3 83.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (176) (168) (160) (173) (155) (172) (168) (0) (0) (0) American A21 N 9 Average 90.9 90.4 89.5 82.8 81.2 82.0 #N/A 84.1 #N/A #N/A Count (8) (8) (6) (8) (7) (8) (0) (1) (0) (0) A319 91 Average 94.5 93.8 93.6 87.2 85.9 86.1 82.1 91.6 #N/A #N/A Count (89) (81) (77) (87) (78) (85) (75) (2) (0) (0) A320 19 Average 95.3 94.3 94.0 86.5 85.3 85.0 81.6 86.7 #N/A #N/A Count (18) (16) (7) (18) (16) (18) (16) (1) (0) (0) A321 171 Average 99.1 98.6 98.3 90.6 89.1 88.5 84.5 92.9 #N/A #N/A Count (165) (153) (141) (160) (150) (154) (156) (6) (0) (0) B38M 307 Average 92.8 92.1 92.2 84.4 84.4 85.6 81.7 87.8 85.8 #N/A Count (289) (271) (260) (284) (257) (272) (253) (14) (2) (0) B738 1005 Average 98.8 97.7 97.2 89.9 89.6 90.3 87.3 93.6 86.9 81.1 Count (913) (868) (818) (907) (844) (895) (858) (44) (9) (14) Delta A220 77 Average 88.9 88.7 88.5 81.0 79.5 80.3 77.6 81.5 #N/A #N/A Count (74) (72) (63) (67) (51) (56) (6) (2) (0) (0) A223 174 Average 89.7 89.6 88.9 81.2 80.7 80.7 78.1 80.4 #N/A #N/A Count (167) (164) (149) (157) (130) (146) (21) (6) (0) (0) A319 321 Average 95.9 95.1 95.2 89.1 87.6 87.7 83.3 92.1 83.3 80.7 Count (301) (274) (274) (291) (272) (289) (285) (14) (4) (2) A320 195 Average 96.6 95.8 95.9 89.4 88.0 88.0 83.9 91.6 #N/A #N/A Count (182) (173) (168) (175) (161) (174) (175) (11) (0) (0) B738 10 Average 98.2 97.1 97.3 89.0 88.0 87.9 85.0 91.4 #N/A #N/A Count (9) (9) (8) (8) (7) (9) (8) (1) (0) (0) B752 333 Average 96.4 95.7 95.9 88.8 87.9 88.2 84.2 93.2 84.8 80.4 Count (296) (294) (260) (286) (277) (294) (286) (26) (6) (7) FedEx A306 62 Average 97.4 96.7 94.7 88.9 88.5 89.5 86.0 91.7 80.5 80.9 Count (60) (60) (53) (60) (57) (60) (59) (2) (1) (1) Frontier A20N 232 Average 88.1 88.0 87.5 81.3 80.1 81.9 79.3 82.5 #N/A #N/A Count (219) (209) (191) (204) (137) (193) (72) (8) (0) (0) A320 36 Average 94.6 94.3 92.1 85.8 84.8 86.5 84.2 84.5 #N/A #N/A Count (35) (35) (30) (34) (33) (32) (32) (1) (0) (0) Horizon E175 69 Average 93.8 92.9 90.5 84.7 85.1 87.0 83.8 88.8 81.3 #N/A Count (62) (60) (54) (64) (58) (63) (59) (5) (1) (0) Southwest B38M 670 Average 89.9 89.3 88.1 81.1 81.9 83.5 80.2 85.6 #N/A 76.8 Count (619) (591) (562) (562) (538) (587) (456) (34) (0) (1) B737 1100 Average 94.4 93.7 91.9 85.9 86.4 87.1 84.5 91.7 86.5 81.0 Count (1020) (978) (919) (1005) (929) (996) (965) (56) (2) (5) B738 61 Average 94.6 93.8 91.5 85.5 86.0 86.8 84.3 90.3 #N/A #N/A Count (58) (50) (50) (55) (52) (54) (58) (2) (0) (0) Spirit A20N 228 Average 88.9 88.1 88.3 82.8 81.3 83.1 79.4 84.3 #N/A #N/A Count (207) (200) (191) (209) (179) (210) (157) (13) (0) (0) A320 222 Average 93.1 92.6 90.8 85.4 84.1 85.2 81.5 86.5 #N/A #N/A Count (211) (199) (179) (206) (189) (204) (192) (9) (0) (0) United A319 108 Average 94.1 93.1 92.8 86.3 84.8 85.9 82.0 87.3 #N/A #N/A Count (105) (96) (94) (102) (92) (102) (92) (2) (0) (0) A320 177 Average 95.5 94.5 94.4 86.8 85.9 86.2 82.9 88.7 84.6 80.4 Count (157) (149) (142) (160) (146) (160) (156) (11) (2) (1) B737 408 Average 97.2 95.7 96.9 90.3 90.4 90.8 87.11 93.9 87.3 80.9 Count (384) (344) (346) (378) (350) (363) (362) (14) (3) (3) B738 844 Average 99.1 97.7 98.1 90.1 89.8 90.3 87.5 93.3 86.8 80.3 Count (774) (746) (664) (746) (703) (729) (720) (44) (9) (9) UPS A306 24 Average 97.8 96.8 97.4 90.5 89.6 90.4 86.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (24) (24) (18) (23) (24) (24) (24) (0) (0) (0) B752 29 Average 94.9 95.0 93.7 86.3 87.8 87.1 82.4 87.7 #N/A #N/A Count (27) (26) (27) (26) (27) (27) (26) (2) (0) (0) WestJet B737 84 Average 96.1 95.0 95.3 89.8 89.6 90.5 85.7 92.0 #N/A #N/A Count (79) (75) (69) (78) (72) (76) (76) (4) (0) (0) TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E October - December 2022 Carrier AC pe # Deps NMS Site Delta A220 175 Average 88.9 88.5 88.2 81.1 80.0 80.5 78.8 81.4 #N/A #N/A Count (164) (159) (134) (154) (124) (145) (20) (7) (0) (0) A223 81 Average 89.8 90.1 89.2 81.2 80.3 80.9 77.9 86.3 #N/A #N/A Count (77) (79) (73) (78) (71) (73) (8) (1) (0) (0) SkyWestComl. E175 777Average 91.1 90.7 89.4 84.8 84.4 85.9 83.1 88.0 #N/A 79.9 Count (738) (692) (640) (720) (679) (721) (698) (29) (0) (2) Southwest B38M 26 Average 89.6 89.5 87.9 81.6 81.4 83.4 79.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (25) (21) (25) (22) (22) (24) (17) (0) (0) (0) B737 2923 Average 92.1 91.7 89.9 84.8 84.7 85.5 83.2 89.9 79.7 79.8 Count (2746) (2610) (2446) (2706) (2538) (2718) (2596) (127) (2) (6) B738 2 Average 90.1 91.6 87.6 83.3 83.4 83.3 83.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter October - December 2022 TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation October - December 2022 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier.- Air Canada AC A223 Year 020 102 192 B38M 6 494 Alaska AS A319 64 244 314 A320 262 3,403 1,733 4,038 3,888 B737 384 160 14 24 116 B738 8,260 5,2471 767 1,327 2,728 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 676 A320 488 1,399 American AA A21 N 2 2 88 51 A319 722 432 474 220 498 A320 78 634 488 783 478 A321 4 214 571 1,035 1,099 B38M 17 1,755 B738 11,457 10,972 5,201 8,144 8,517 B752 4 36 Compass CP E175 3,188 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,954 4,036 3,048 A223 4 1,9341 A319 1,979 1,987 828 952 2,071 A320 12 11 8 3 532 B712 3,379 2,495 B737 188 8 24 B738 18 40 2 12 58 B739 2 B752 2,889 2,889 1,065 1,423 2,010 M D90 2 FedEx FM A306 508 510 5121 502 498 Frontier F9 A20N 600 900 550 1,363 1,818 A319 190 100 2 88 A320 654 428 392 361 310 Horizon QX DHBD 728 12 E175 2,716 4,257 2,986 3,293 1,256 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 6 2 E175 6,960 7,686 3,535 3,711 5,446 Southwest WN B38M 14 10 683 4,038 B737 32,380 29,360 14,268 22,212 31,166 B738 64 1341 3,780 7,738 1,720 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,7351 2,220 A319 250 158 A320 19 346 1,132 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 999 1,2161 590 819 1,047 A320 3,927 3,151 1,227 1,020 2,054 B737 2,987 2,816 999 2,622 4,116 B738 5,154 5,627 2,645 2,946 5,685 B752 4 2 UPS 5X A306 22 12 181 18 48 B752 394 404 404 392 362 WestJet WS B736 10 58 34 B737 666 618 126 112 632 Total 91,875 90,074 46,370 74,253 95,260 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft A20N 1 600 900 Year 020 730 3,098 4,038 N I EIA21 2� 2� 881 51 A220 1 I 8511 1,9541 4,036I 3,048 A223 I I I 106 2,126 A306 530I 5221 530I 520I 546 A319 3,954 3,9791 2,208I 3,4051 4,450 A320 4,933 7,6271 3,867 7,0391 9,793 A321 4 2141 571 1,0351 1,099 B38M 1 14 101 I 7061 6,287 B712 1 3,379 2,495 B736 1 10 58 34 IB737 I 36,605 32,962I 15,4311 25,2081 36,038I IB738 I 24,9531 22,020I 12,395 20,191I 18,710I IB739 1 2 IB752 1 3,2911 3,3291 1,4691 1,8171 2,3721 ICRJ9 1 61 2 IDH8D 1 7281 12I E175 MD90 ITotal 1 12,8641 2 191,875 15,0931 190,074 7,177� 146,370 7,0041 174,253 6,702 195,260 I TABLE 11 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC .- A223 Year .140 .263 B38M .008 .677 Alaska AS A319 .088 .334 .432 A320 .359 4.660 2.363 5.534 5.326 B737 .526 .219 .022 .033 .159 B738 11.315 7.189 1.0461 1.816 3.734 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .926 A320 .668 1.915 American AA A21 N .003 .003 .121 .068 A319 .989 .592 .648 .296 .682 A320 .107 .868 .664 1.082 .655 A321 .005 .293 .779 1.414 1.507 B38M .022 2.403 B738 15.696 15.030 7.107 11.156 11.666 B752 .005 .049 Compass CP E175 4.367 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 5.529 4.175 A223 .005 2.649 A319 2.712 2.723 1.131 1.304 2.836 A320 .016 .014 .014 .003 .729 B712 4.627 3.419 B737 .258 .011 .033 B738 .025 .055 .003 .016 .079 B739 .003 B752 3.959 3.956 1.454 1.948 2.753 M D90 .003 FedEx FM A306 .696 .699 .699 .688 .682 Frontier F9 A20N .822 1.233 .751 1.866 2.490 A319 .260 .137 .003 .121 A320 .896 .586 .536 .496 .425 Horizon QX DHBD .997 .016 E175 3.721 5.830 4.079 4.512 1.721 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 .008 .003 E175 9.534 10.529 4.833 5.085 7.460 Southwest WN B38M .019 .014 .937 5.532 B737 44.351 40.216 19.497 30.416 42.693 B738 .088 .184 5.161 10.605 2.353 Spirit NK A20N .246 2.381 3.041 A319 .342 .216 A320 .025 .471 1.551 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 1.373 1.666 .806 1.123 1.433 A320 5.375 4.315 1.675 1.397 2.814 B737 4.093 3.855 1.366 3.589 5.644 B738 7.058 7.712 3.612 4.036 7.786 B752 .005 .003 UPS 5X A306 .030 .016 .025 .025 .066 B752 .540 .553 .552 .537 .496 WestJet WS B736 .014 .079 .046 B737 .912 .847 .172 .153 .866 Total 125.852 123.384 1 63.347 1 101.712 130.485 TABLE 12 AIRCRAFT Glossary .-d A20N jAirlbus T ..- 1110 320-200 Neo A21 N jAirbus 1321 Neo A220 jAirlbus 220-100 A223 lAirbus 220-300 IA306 (Airbus 300-600 A319 Airbus I319 A320 jAirbus I320 IA321 jAirbus I321 B38M 113oeing 737-800 Max B712 Boeing 717-200 B737 lBoeing 737-700 B738 113oeing 737-800 B739 113oeing 737-900 B752 Boeing 757-200 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 1700 ICRJ9 DH8D Canadair Regional Jet 113ornbardier 1900 (Dash 8 E135 Embraer I135 E145 Embraer 1145 E175 Embraer 1175 MD90 jMcDonnell Douglas 190 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: December 20, 2022 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED A summary of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) October 2022 airport statistics was provided by Ms. Cassandra Linares, ANO Specialist. Ms. Linares stated there was a 23.6% increase in passenger volume compared to the same period last year. Mr. Anthony Cangey, ANO Specialist, provided a review of the Plan Year 2023 capacity allocation highlighting that 14,499,222 seats were allocated to commercial air carriers and 284,290 passengers were allocated to commuter carriers. Mr. Nikolas Gaskins, Access and Noise Manager, provided an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) virtual community workshop that took place on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, and Thursday, November 17, 2022. Dr. Jim Mosher asked how "touch and go's" were counted for each arrival and departure, and whether the operation counted if it does not touchdown on the runway. Mr. Gaskins explained that the general aviation counts are provided by the FAA through the air traffic control (ATC) tower log. Mr. Jack Stranberg inquired why Aeromexico would not be operating at JWA after initialing receiving capacity in 2023. Mr. Gaskins explained that Aeromexico could not operate because of their current FAA Category 2 air safety rating, and their capacity allocation for Plan Year 2023 was reallocated to Breeze Airways. Mr. Jason Herman, representing the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), added that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) rates countries based on safety and other operational factors, and the U.S. requires a Category 1 rating for an international carrier to operate new routes in the U.S. Dr. Mosher asked if Southern Airways Express would have to conduct an aircraft noise qualification test. Mr. Gaskins stated that Southern Airways Express would be required to conduct an aircraft noise qualification test as do all new entrant carriers, and that will most likely take place in second quarter of Plan Year 2023. Dr. Mosher posed the question if an Advisory Circular from 30 years ago is still in effect or if pilots can choose their noise abatement departure procedure (NADP) based on a specific airport. Mr. Herman explained that the carrier he currently flies for utilizes NADP2 for noise - sensitive airports and NADP1 for the others. He further explained that they do not have a custom NADP, and are trained in both NADP1 and NADP2. Mr. Joe August was interested in who decides if a carrier departs to the north or south. Mr. Herman clarified that takeoff direction depends on performance data such as ambient temperature, wind conditions, and aircraft weight in collaboration with the ATC tower. Dr. Mosher asked why the Fly Friendly data on the Airport's website is not presented as a PDF document. Mr. Gaskins indicated that the data is displayed on a dashboard and is updated monthly. 16 - NAME Joe August Jim Mosher Jason Herman Jack Stranberg Sara Hall Unknown Caller Nikolas Gaskins Anthony Cangey Cristina Magana Cassandra Linares QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER December 20, 2022 ORGANIZATION Resident — Newport Beach Resident — Newport Beach Air Line Pilots Association Newport Beach Aviation Committee Member Stu News Unknown John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport DocuSign Envelope ID: C4D9D8C5-9A82-466B-AE41-3D39D8D3590E SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0144 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 71 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 177.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: B738 — 4,499 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 71,924 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 26,018 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 45,785 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 121