HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCAG - Climate Action Plan (CAP)Climate Action Plan oreoaration: A few useful links for vour information
Stand.earth's SAFE Cities initiative supported more than 30 local municipalities in passing or introducing
aU'e|entdcVrdinenoas last year, and works with local lawmakers and concerned residents in getting gas
out oftheir community: httpa://vvwvv.safedt|es.earth/
At the moment I think the best source for EPA funding opportunities, under either the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law or the Inflation Reduction Act, can be found here: https://xvvvvv.epa.gov/inf|ation-
Many of these EPA programs are being designed and rolled out as we speak, so some of the lack of
available information is due to need for time to plan and launch the programs. | recommend plugging
into several EPA communications options to stay abreast of new developments. | believe some ofthe
grant programs require aClimate Action Plan. | would take alook atthe individual program for specific
details related totiming. You can also direct questions specifically to EPA staff who are handling these
programs here: httpo;//wvvvv.epa.go«/|nf|a1ion'red uction-actYorrns/contact-us-ebout-inf|ation-
The EPA that are managing EPA'sfunding which will beavailable toCities and States has ene-
nevva|etterymucansubsoribeto|eannaboutthediffenentoppmMunides: Subscribe here:
As far as your tax credit, one of the new elements included in the Inflation Reduction Act is that cities
and other non -profits who were not otherwise previously able to take advantage of tax credit policies
due to their lack of tax burden, can now opt into a direct payment or transfer option. That |stosay that
acity will beable toreceive the value ofthe tax benefit bymonetizing the tax credit value. More
information regarding the tax credit direct payment or transfer option can be found here:
You can get help for Climate planning tools from the Southern California Association of Governments.