HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 04-25-23 AGENDA
APRIL 25, 2023
7:02 p.m. CALL TO ORDER:
Given. INVOCATION: Pastor Michael Truong, Mariners Church
Given. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Mason
Mayor Pro 1. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY (Mason, Domer, Aguilera)
The installation of Planning Commissioner Mason, Building Board of Appeal Members
Domer and Aguilera was conducted by Mayor Pro Tem Letitia Clark.
Present. Chair Kozak
Chair Pro Tem Higuchi
Commissioners Mason and Mello
Absent. Commissioner Douthit
Hurtado Hurtado confirmed no public input received,
That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the March 28, 2023
Planning Commission meeting, as provided.
Hurtado Hurtado confirmed no public input received regarding the Consent Calendar.
Motion: It was moved by Mason, seconded by Higuchi, to approve the Minutes of the March 28,
2023 Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 4-0-1.
Adopted 3. CODE AMENDMENT 2023-0003 (ORDINANCE NO. 1535) — (DENSITY
Code Amendment (CA) 2023-0003 is a City-initiated request to amend
Chapter 1 (Incentives for the Development of Affordable Housing) of Article 9
Minutes— Planning Commission Meeting —April 25, 2023 — Page 1
(Land Use) to bring the Tustin City Code (TCC) into conformance with current
State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915-65918).
CA 2023-0003 also amends TCC Sections 9279 and 9297 relating to
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units
(JADUs) to comply with newly amended State Law, such as Assembly Bills
(AB) 2221 and 897 and Senate Bill (SB) 887, and to ensure they are in
compliance with the City's 2021-2029 Housing Element, as directed by AB 671
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4469, recommending that
the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1535, amending TCC Sections 9112 and
9121(a), adding TCC Section 9126 relating to incentives for the development
of affordable housing, and amending TCC Sections 9279 and 9297 relating to
ADUs and JADUs.
Huitron Huitron provided a verbal presentation which generally covered the following: the
recommended code amendments and resolution is to ensure the City remains in
compliance with the City's Housing Element that has been certified by the State; the City
must maintain a certified Housing Element and a large portion of the funding is utilized
by other departments, including the Economic Development Department; and she also
informed the Commission of the minor revision made to Page 7 of Ordinance No. 1535,
which was provided to the Commission earlier in the day and copies provided at the dais.
Higuchi Higuchi's questions generally included: with respect to the allowance of ADUs within
condominium projects in the TLSP, would condominium projects also be allowed to _
incorporate JADUs?; can ADUs be deed restricted?; if units are deed restricted, would
the developer also qualify for a density bonus?; and due to State law, would a
proposed development still be eligible to provide a JADU?
Huitron Huitron's response to Higuchi's questions generally included: the new TCC sections
pertain only to ADUs, not JADUs; since the provisions have been drafted, the
requirement is that there be a limit of one (1) ADU and it must be incorporated into a
proposed construction dwelling and if the units are rented, they would be deed
restricted to lower income households for 55 years.
Willkom Per Higuchi's density bonus question, Willkom explained that density bonus is
separate application from the ADU provision.
Huitron With regard to Higuchi's question regarding "State law and JADUs" Huitron stated that
this ADU provision is within the parameters of State law but further detailed in creating
the clarity that condominium lots are eligible for the creation of ADUs whereas the
government code only refers to the language of fee simple lots. For that reason, the
City is creating a specific path for condominium lots and the City can create language
that is tailored to Tustin. For now, the creation of units would be limited to ADUs and
not JADUs since the government code does not provide guidance for JADUs on
condominium lots.
Minutes--Planning Commission Meeting —April 25, 2023— Page 2
Daudt Daudt further explained the reason for the provision with ADUs versus JADUs is
because under State law, JADUs are defined with specific reference to single-family
lots and homes. What the proposal in question would do, is allow ADUs to be
constructed in connection with other housing types that would not qualify for a JADU.
The City is looking at duplexes, townhomes as well as single-family units that could
be eligible on a condominium lot for this program.
Higuchi Higuchi reiterated his question that JADUs are not allowed in condominium projects.
He also asked if City staff confirmed or consulted with HCD regarding the proposal.
Higuchi further asked if the City could allow/amend JADUs in condominium projects.
Lastly, Higuchi asked if the ADUs satisfy the RHNA numbers.
Huitron Per Huitron, as part of the City's Housing Element process, the City looked into
incentives in creating affordable housing (i.e. ADU Accelerator Programs mentioned
in her presentation) and AB 671 which was supported by HCD; thus, the proposed
amendment. Upon final City Council approval, staff will report to HCD as part of the
annual report of the adoption of the proposed amendment and identify that the
amendment is to satisfy and implement the programs identified in the certified housing
element. JADUs, in general, have unique definition in that they relate to conversion
of existing habitable areas versus new construction in the Tustin Legacy area. JADUs,
if addressed in the future, would have to be looked at city-wide, along with an analysis
of existing condominium lots that potentially the creation of that opportunity would
affect other developments outside of the Tustin Legacy. The City, in general, is
allowed to go above and beyond what the State requires, but implications are broader
than the Tustin Legacy. Huitron confirmed that the ADUs do satisfy the RHNA
Daudt Daudt confirmed Higuchi's question.
Mesio Mello asked if changes would be made to parking requirements or the need for (or
not) for additional parking in relation to the ADUs.
Huitron In the ekistin.g ordjnance and in accordance with the State law, when a unit is located
with'i,n'a'half Mile,.of a transit stop, ADUs are not required to provide on-site parking
and would remain the same with the proposed amendment.
7:27 p.m. Hurtado confirmed no public input received.
Mello Mello's final comment referred to long term use of parking and circulation patterns and
how this might change with the changes in housing laws. He was also in support of
the item.
Higuchi Higuchi made favorable comments regarding Provision 3C. Great way to preserve
the value of Tustin Legacy, meet the RHNA requirements and impact the housing
crisis for everyone. He was also in favor of the item.
Minutes— Planning Commission Meeting —April 25, 2023—Page 3
Mason Mason mentioned that the community needs to take on the parking issue in Tustin.
She also stated the recommendation is a creative approach to expanding housing
opportunities to the working generation.
Motion: It was moved by Mello, seconded by Mason, to adopt Resolution No. 4469, as
presented. Motion carried 4-0-1.
Willkom On behalf of the Community Development Department, Willkom congratulated Mason
on her re-appointment as a Planning Commissioner along with Commissioner Douthit
on his new appointment as a Planning Commissioner.
Higuchi Higuchi congratulated Douthit and thanked former Planning Commissioner Lisa Chu for
her years of service.
Mason Mason made favorable comments to the City Council and to staff with regard to her re-
appointment as Planning Commissioner. She also thanked former Planning
Commissioner Lisa Chu for her years of service.
Mello Mello echoed his fellow Commissioners favorable comments.
7:34 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May
9, 2023.
Planning Commission Secretary
Minutes - Planning Commission Meeting -April! 25,, 2023 - Page 4