HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMMISSIONER RESPONSE EMAIL RE: MAY 23 PC ITEMS From: Hurtado,Vera on behalf of Bcc: Higuchi Eric; Amy Mason(amasonC6tustinca.org); "Michael S. Daudt"; Barragan, Raymond;Carver.Leila Subject: Commissioner Response to 5/23 PC items Date: Tuesday, May 23,2023 4:36:00 PM Importance: High Good afternoon Commissioners, On behalf of Justina, below are responses to today's questions: Commission Mello: Comment/Question (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2): A few questions on ITEM #2 regarding truck traffic and routes. I understand the project is speculative but I am curious about the GP and Circulation element in this part of town since Tustin Ranch Road has been extended through Walnut into the District and the heavier truck traffic on Walnut between Jamboree and Redhill because of it.The roads are really getting beat up and additional truck traffic will further impact that and is a cause for concern. I don't have specific questions at this time but I am trying to formulate some based around this thought. I hope that helps the Planner to prepare. RESPONSE: The project is an allowable industrial use located in the Irvine Industrial Complex Planned Community district and complies with the Irvine Industrial Complex regulations, Tustin City Code, and would be consistent with the City's General Plan. The Circulation Element of the General Plan provides for industrial-related roadway infrastructure that would support the industrial land uses in the area where the project is proposed. Additionally, Walnut is nearing the end of its seven (7)-year maintenance cycle, and will be part of Public Work's next three annual major roadway maintenance cycles. Lastly, truck loads on Walnut west of Tustin Ranch Road are limited to 6,000 lbs. The project is speculative; however, the project was analyzed for CEQA purposes with the highest intensity user (fulfillment center) in mind. A trip generation comparison was prepared and compared the change in vehicle trips between existing uses and the proposed project, and to determine if the change in trips would cause deficiencies on the existing streets adjacent to the project site. The trip generation comparison concluded that the proposed project would result in a decrease in the total daily and morning peak-hour trips, and a nominal increase in the afternoon peak hour trips; therefore, not requiring a traffic study and no traffic impacts are anticipated. Commissioner Higuchi: Comment/Question (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2): All enviro impacts are less than significant, why not a neg dec or a categorical exemption? RESPONSE: An Initial Study was prepared and determined that the only area of impact was to TCR (Tribal Cultural Resources). Consultation with the local tribes was initiated and mitigation measures TCRI —TCR3 were incorporated into the MMRP that would mitigate impacts to TCRs to the maximum extent feasible and below a level of significance. With mitigation incorporated into the project, the project did not qualify for a Categorical Exemption or a Negative Declaration, and a MND was the appropriate CEQA analysis for this proj ect. Comment/Question (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2): What is the existing WQMP on the property? Is it all just surface drainage and no detention or treatment? RESPONSE: The existing properties were developed prior to the establishment of WQMP standards. Existing storm water runoff flow on the surface toward Myford Road and catch basins located at the rear of the properties. Currently, all runoff is untreated. Because infiltration of stormwater is not possible due to the type of soil, the project as proposed would incorporate a modified wetland system (MWS) located in the front landscape area. Stormwater would be filtered through the MWS prior to discharge into the storm drain located to the rear of the project site. As proposed, the project would comply with WQMP requirements. Comment/Question (AGENDA ITEM NO. 3): CIP -What is the Heideman School Park? RESPONSE: The City of Tustin, in collaboration with the Tustin Unified School District (TUSD), received a$5.6 million Statewide Parks Program Grant from the State of California for the design and construction of a new park located at Heideman Elementary School. Heideman School Park will provide outdoor space for the surrounding neighborhood to gather, exercise, celebrate, and relax. Amenities will include a new multipurpose athletic field,playground, restrooms,picnic shelter, sports field and walkway lighting, running/walking track, outdoor fitness equipment, a tactile experience garden and renovated basketball courts. The park conceptual design is the result of multiple public input meetings hosted by the Tustin Parks and Recreation Department and attended by youth, family and senior residents living within a 1/z mile of the school site, as well as TUSD representatives and the Tustin Police Department. Following execution of a joint use agreement with TUSD, construction may start in early-2025 with completion later in 2026. City of Irvine (Tiffany Lin, Associate Planner) (AGENDA ITEM NO. 2) - Following up on a response to Irvine's comments related to the truck operations. RESPONSE: Response provided in Response to Comments Attachment D of Staff Report and Exhibit C of Resolution No. 4472.