HomeMy WebLinkAboutEcomment - Susan KeefeFrom:noreply@granicusideas.com
To:City Clerk; Yasuda, Erica; Woodward, Carrie; E-Comments
Subject:New eComment for Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session-4:30 pm/Regular Meeting-7:00 pm
Date:Tuesday, June 20, 2023 1:03:49 PM
City of Tustin, CANew eComment for Regular Meeting of the CityCouncil/Closed Session-4:30 pm/RegularMeeting-7:00 pm
Guest User submitted a new eComment.
Meeting: Regular Meeting of the City Council/Closed Session-4:30 pm/Regular Meeting-7:00 pm
Item: 11. FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BUDGET ADOPTION On May 23, 2023, the City Council
conducted a budget workshop on the Proposed Biennial Operating Budget and Capital
Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, which allocate resources that
reflect the City Council's priorities.
eComment: My name is Susan Keefe and I’m writing in to reiterate my ask of council to
appropriate funding in the 2024-2025 budget for a formal Climate Action Plan. I realize the city
governs by a general plan today and I’m aware the city is engaged in several important, eco-
friendly initiatives; however, a general plan is not equivalent to having a transparent, legally
binding Climate Action Plan (CAP). Appropriating funding for climate planning directly reflects
our city’s values. Our values to be good stewards, protect our natural environment and reduce
the harmful impacts of pollution on our families. A well created CAP will help make Tustin an
even better city to live in...with efficient, thoughtfully planned, healthier and more resilient
communities, coupled with the creation of local, well paying "green" jobs. The CAP will help
guide and inform the choices we make because we will be able to see the impact those choices
have on our environment today, as well as in the future. The CAP will help us set ambitious
environmental goals which can be tracked, measured and communicated to all residents. Even
the programs we are currently doing (organics and plastic recycling for example) can and must
be improved upon; our CAP will help us do just that. Like you, I too enjoy living in a prosperous
community, yet studies have shown repeatedly that more wealth equals more pollution via larger
homes, more vehicles, higher levels of consumption and greater carbon emissions. In a semi-
urban city like Tustin, this is even more pronounced due to the myriad of shopping options,
asphalt parking lots, buildings with gas infrastructure and lack of access to clean public
transportation options and safe bike lanes. Without a CAP, we have no way to know what our
city’s contribution is to our carbon footprint, nor can we understand how this contribution impacts
our climate. And how does this ongoing pollution affect our most vulnerable citizens? We must
think of the density of our ever-growing Orange County (2nd densest county in our state by some
reports) and join fellow OC cities who have created strategic CAPs. It’s responsible governing
and I urge the city, mayor and council to act on this now. Thank you. - Susan
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