HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-COMMENT RECEIVED JUNE 25, 2023 Hurtado, Vera From: noreply@granicusideas.com Sent: Sunday,June 25, 2023 1:42 PM To: Hurtado, Vera; Barragan, Raymond; Maldonado, Jorge; E-Comments Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission *Special* Meeting City of Tustin, CA New eComment for Planning Commission *Special* Meeting Nancy ShUrnar submitted a new eCornment, Meetlirq: Planning Commission *Sl,)eclal* Meeting Itern:: P U E I C M E.::.::E F 11 IN G eCornrnent: II Ihave I\)red in my Ihorn at 230 S, "A" Street for 35 years, My eX IhUSloand, lorother, sister 1 n law, aunt, three sons, and grandchildren all ll\)re iirn Old Town, and rnost Of U Ihave lived Ear e for 4('.) years or rnore, Iknow the area, cherish the area, and want to 1,,)rotect its Unk:�Ue ecosystern,"We want to guarantee that 'future residents may enjoy the character and Iharrnoiny of this neighborhood as w Ihave, F:'or that reason, we are respeCtfUlly opposing the development of tIh iirndigent/rnentally irnpaired housing project proposed lay IDa\)rld Faing and/or the applicant at 14851 Yorloa, II would not describe my farnily as NIMBY's, but as I I M BY's I I M IF wh at's 1 irl My Back Yard, The existing low iirnoorne and Ihorneless housing that Santa Ana recently developed on our mutual loorder Ihas already generated a rnassl\)re iincr a iirn police calls and ernergency \)rehicle related incidents, Ihear the cacophony of sirens constantly, So too, as w Ihave witnessed with rehabs, loattered worn in shelters, sober I\)rIng residences, etc,, it isn't necessarily the tenants thernsel\)res who are a problern, but the people who corn e to \)rISIt the residents, often in violation Of Court orders, This part Of Tustin already Ihas a nUrnber of drug rehalo Ihorn es, as well as a nearloy rnethadone clinic, There are several registered viol ant sex offE..,end ers who reside in the neighborhood, not to mention our local park, which is a IhUb of illegal activity and horn eless ern ess, l-lowe\)rer, there is such a thing as a saturation ,)oInt, and II loelle\)re our neighborhood Ihas reached it. INot long ago, the low iirnoorne clinic on the corner of Yorloa and F:'Irst was the scene of a \)rjolent attack that was festered on the national news, Mountain View "Fires, whorn II Ihave ,)atronized since they opened sorne 35 years ago, can no longer Ilk \)rehicles parked outside at night because of escalating \)randalisrn, Old Town is a historic treasure but a \)rUlnerable one, and any iincr a iirn drug treatment -facilities, Ihorneless shelters, and the like threatens the C Uallty of life, and viability of the area. Downtown is just now loeginning to Ihave a rnore vibrant (read pro-fitalole) vibe to it, but people will ShUn the area if they don't fE`el sa'fE--, or are Iharassed, l-forne \)ralUes will decline and srnall businesses will SU'ffer, While the randorn character screarning obscenities and IUngling at cars in front Of our .....11....11 may Iae just an occasional, Iharrnless distraction, Iharlooriing an entire -facility Of SUCh mentally and drug irnpaired ndI\)rIdUals nearloy would loe chaotic and hazardous to all, II Urge You to deny the Current appeal 1 application and accept the staff report, Please reject the proposed 1,,)roject, for the sake Of OUr neighborhood and its residents, Thank YOU very rnUCh, INaincy ShUrnar, View and AnalyZ-_eeComments I his enruall mas l'r(..)i,i"l,https.//tustin.granicusideas.com Unsubscribe frc)nri fulure! nruailings 2