HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTAgenda Item _______ Reviewed: City Manager _______ Finance Director _______ AGENDA REPORT Figure 1 MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2023 TO: MATTHEW S. WEST, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT SUMMARY: This agenda report transmits the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for the first and second quarters of 2023. The City of Tustin is within the JWA’s “Noise Impact Area” since it has the potential to be exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 decibels (dB). CNEL is a weighted average of noise levels over a 24-hour period, and is a measurement frequently used in regulating the impacts of airport noise on the surrounding community. The average noise level measured at Tustin’s monitoring station (NMS 10N), which is located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way (Figure 1), remained below the City, County, and State maximum criteria of 65 dB CNEL during the first and second quarter reporting period. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514B 5 N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JWA Noise Report October 3, 2023 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff’s analysis and report of the quarterly JWA Noise Abatement Report falls under Goal D of the Strategic Plan pertaining to strong community and regional relationships. The City of Tustin strives to work collaboratively with agencies both within and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and concern, and in this instance, on matters of airport traffic and noise. DISCUSSION: Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, JWA staff prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts the report on their website. The JWA Noise Abatement Report includes measured noise levels, and an analysis of noise complaints. Attached are the quarterly reports for the first and second quarters of 2023, which includes the months of January through June 2023. How Noise Levels Are Measured Both the Tustin General Plan and the John Wayne Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) utilize “Community Noise Equivalent Level” (CNEL) as the methodology for measuring noise impacts on airport adjacent land uses. For residential uses, the maximum acceptable outdoor CNEL is 65 decibels (dB). The 65 CNEL threshold is specified in the Tustin General Plan, the AELUP, and Titles 21 and 25 of the California Code of Regulations. The City’s General Plan defines CNEL as follows: “The average equivalent sound level during a 24 -hour day, obtained after the addition of five (5) decibels to sound levels in the evening from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and after the addition of ten (10) decibels to sound levels in the night after 10 p.m. and before 7 a.m.” The impact of aircraft noise on residential neighborhoods is therefore determined by evaluating the average hourly noise level experienced over a 24-hour period, with a weighted average of five (5) additional decibels applied in the evening, and ten (10) additional decibels applied at night. Measured Noise Levels Aircraft noise is most noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings, primarily due to engine noise. Although engines produce a significant amount of aircraft noise, many other factors may influence the perception of noise including: proximity; weather – in bad weather, engine noise is reflected off of the atmosphere making jets appear lo uder than on clear days; routes – non-scheduled operations which could include military or private aircraft and may be louder than commercial aircraft; emergencies; and, weight – a heavier load may affect an aircraft’s rate of ascent. In addition, higher aircraft noise level measurements may have been noted during recent reporting periods, as the air-travel throughout the region has begun to increase to pre-pandemic levels. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JWA Noise Report October 3, 2023 Page 3 During the first and second quarters of 2023, the average CNEL at Tustin’s monitoring station on Beneta Way was 58.7 dB and 58.1 dB while the averages from the previous two quarters were 56.4 dB and 57.7 dB. Figure 2 (below) provides a visualization of Tustin’s CNEL levels for each month during the first and second quarters of 2023. Noise Complaints The role of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Access & Noise Office (ANO) is to enforce operational and noise restrictions. The ANO receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and other sources. During the first quarter of 2023, there were 531 Tustin area concerns submitted, and during the second quarter of 2023 there were 445 submitted. It should be noted that all of the complaints were submitted via the web or by pressing an alert button on the JWA mobile app. Further details from JWA staff indicates that during the first quarter there were five (5) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one (1) of the individuals submitted 513 of the 531 noise concerns. During the second quarter there were four (4) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one (1) of the individuals submitted 437 of the 445 noise concerns. Staff has reviewed the noise levels at Tustin’s noise monitoring station during the time the concerns were submitted, and did not identify any unusual increase in the measured noise levels. Due to the release of the noise reporting mobile app in 2022, it is anticipated that a similar trend will continue, with a small number of reporting parties pressing an alert button a significant number of times. Prior to the release of the mobile app, complainants would typically call JWA to report a noise concern, in which the data historically indicated that average of one (1) noise concern was submitted per quarter. To provide an understanding of the trend in Tustin area complaints throughout the years, a chart displaying the number of noise complaints in the past three (3) years is displayed in Figure 3 (below). Figure 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JWA Noise Report October 3, 2023 Page 4 CONCLUSION: Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at JWA. The public is welcome to participate in JWA’s quarterly meetings held by the Access and Noise Office. The next quarterly meeting is tentatively set for December 26, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom conference. For virtual participation instructions in the upcoming meeting, please visit www.ocair.com/about/administration/access-noise/. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. __________________________ ______________________________ Adrianne DiLeva Justina L. Willkom Management Analyst II Community Development Director Attachments: John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report – 1st Quarter (January – March, 2023) John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report – 2nd Quarter (April - June, 2023) 0 1 0 1 0 82 1070 560 531* 445* 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Q1/2021 Q2/2021 Q3/2021 Q4/2021 Q1/2022 Q2/2022 Q3/2022 Q4/2022 Q1/2023 Q2/2023Number of ComplaintsQuarter/Year Noise Complaints - Tustin *Q1: 513 of 531 complaints were submitted by one party *Q2: 437 of 445 complaints were submitted by one party Figure 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 ATTACHMENTS John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports January through March 2023 (First Quarter) April through June 2023 (Second Quarter) DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: January 1, 2023 through March 31, 2023 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County DocuSign Envelope ID: 1A40A8D2-FF9F-4A29-9DFC-A8F35ED1DD04DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 1 INTRODUCTION This is the 201st Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 ½ Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 2 FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 3 FIGURE 2 2023 FIRST QUARTER DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 4 AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS January - March 2023 Period Carriers GA Jet (1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations (2) Jet Operations January 8,138 0 3,211 20,413 366 February 7,400 0 3,444 19,166 387 March 8,412 0 3,854 21,118 396 First Quarter 23,950 0 10,509 60,697 383 Twelve Months 04/01/22 - 03/31/23 101,840 0 46,293 291,496 406 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly and twelve-month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate there were no aircraft related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Seventy-one dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints (noise events) from local citizens and all other sources. Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 illustrate the distribution of reported noise events from local communities, the nature of disturbance, and the method of how the noise events were reported to the Airport. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 6 TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 04/01/22 through 03/31/23 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Apr 2022 # Days 67.6 30 66.3 30 66.8 30 59.8 30 59.4 30 60.1 30 56.7 30 68.1 29 42.8 25 57.5 30 May 2022 # Days 68.0 31 66.5 31 67.1 31 60.5 31 59.6 31 60.2 31 57.1 31 68.3 31 41.9 23 57.9 31 Jun 2022 # Days 68.1 30 66.8 28 67.3 30 60.0 30 58.9 30 60.0 30 56.2 30 68.8 30 40.8 21 57.5 30 Q-2 2022 # Days 67.9 91 66.5 89 67.1 91 60.1 91 59.3 91 60.1 91 56.7 91 68.4 90 42.0 69 57.7 91 Jul 2022 # Days 68.0 31 66.7 31 67.1 31 60.1 31 59.3 31 60.4 31 56.1 31 68.7 30 41.9 26 57.4 31 Aug 2022 # Days 68.0 31 66.9 31 67.2 31 59.8 26 59.2 31 60.2 31 56.0 31 68.3 31 41.5 26 57.2 31 Sep 2022 # Days 67.9 30 66.9 30 67.1 30 59.2 30 59.0 30 60.2 30 56.3 30 68.4 27 43.1 21 57.2 30 Q-3 2022 # Days 68.0 92 66.8 92 67.1 92 59.7 87 59.2 92 60.3 92 56.1 92 68.5 88 42.2 73 57.3 92 Oct 2022 # Days 68.4 31 67.6 31 67.4 31 60.0 31 59.7 31 60.7 31 56.6 31 68.5 31 44.3 24 57.8 31 Nov 2022 # Days 67.7 30 66.6 30 66.8 30 59.8 29 58.4 27 60.6 30 56.5 29 68.2 29 41.7 26 57.7 28 Dec 2022 # Days 68.2 31 66.9 31 67.4 20 60.3 31 59.8 31 60.7 30 57.4 31 67.4 27 42.8 17 58.3 30 Q-4 2022 # Days 68.1 92 67.1 92 67.2 81 60.1 91 59.4 89 60.6 91 56.9 91 68.1 87 43.1 67 57.9 89 Jan 2023 # Days 67.7 31 66.0 31 66.8 31 59.9 31 59.2 28 61.0 31 57.2 30 67.4 31 #N/A 0 58.3 31 Feb 2023 # Days 67.6 28 66.1 28 66.4 28 59.8 28 59.0 28 59.9 28 56.6 28 68.0 28 #N/A 0 57.8 28 Mar 2023 # Days 68.6 31 66.9 31 67.3 31 60.8 31 60.3 31 61.0 31 58.2 31 68.7 31 44.4 15 58.7 31 Q-1 2023 # Days 68.0 90 66.3 90 66.9 90 60.2 90 59.6 87 60.7 90 57.4 89 68.0 90 44.4 15 58.3 90 Q-2 2022 thru Q-1 2023 Total # Days 68.0 365 66.7 363 67.1 354 60.0 359 59.4 359 60.4 364 56.8 363 68.3 355 42.6 224 57.8 362 Q-1 2022 thru Q-4 2022 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total # Days 67.8 365 66.6 363 66.9 354 59.8 358 59.2 362 60.3 364 56.5 362 68.0 355 42.6 279 57.4 360 Change from Previous 4 Quarters 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.4 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 7 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION January 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 67.9 67.3 66.6 58.8 #N/A 60.6 56.4 68.7 #N/A 60.5 2 69.1 67.3 67.8 61.6 #N/A 61.6 59.3 69.4 #N/A 62.8 3 69.0 66.4 67.3 61.2 #N/A 60.5 58.1 68.8 #N/A 61.6 4 68.2 66.2 66.4 60.5 56.7 60.1 58.0 69.2 #N/A 61.3 5 68.0 66.2 66.4 60.0 58.1 59.8 57.4 68.4 #N/A 60.2 6 68.4 67.2 67.1 60.8 60.5 61.0 57.8 67.6 #N/A 58.2 7 67.2 65.5 66.4 59.8 58.6 59.4 55.4 66.9 #N/A 56.5 8 68.6 67.2 67.1 60.6 59.6 60.4 56.7 67.5 #N/A 57.7 9 67.1 65.1 65.4 60.1 58.2 59.5 57.5 69.0 #N/A 59.7 10 68.2 66.2 66.5 59.9 60.1 60.2 57.4 67.6 #N/A 58.2 11 68.4 67.2 67.3 60.6 60.1 61.0 57.9 66.5 #N/A 57.5 12 68.0 66.0 67.2 60.6 59.7 60.5 57.2 66.8 #N/A 57.2 13 68.7 67.5 67.4 61.0 59.9 60.7 57.4 67.7 #N/A 58.1 14 67.2 64.7 65.5 59.6 58.6 58.9 56.6 66.5 #N/A 57.8 15 68.4 66.7 66.8 61.0 60.5 61.2 58.5 68.3 #N/A 59.6 16 68.6 67.9 66.8 60.5 61.9 61.7 59.5 68.6 #N/A 59.6 17 67.9 66.1 66.3 59.7 59.4 60.1 57.1 66.6 #N/A 57.2 18 67.8 66.0 66.5 60.3 60.0 60.5 57.5 66.6 #N/A 57.6 19 68.5 66.6 67.2 61.1 60.8 61.2 58.4 67.8 #N/A 58.6 20 66.9 64.8 66.8 58.9 58.9 61.5 55.8 66.4 #N/A 56.5 21 66.3 64.8 64.9 58.4 58.0 58.6 55.3 64.8 #N/A 55.2 22 69.0 66.8 69.4 61.2 60.5 64.5 58.2 65.4 #N/A 55.8 23 58.3 55.1 67.0 44.7 50.1 63.3 39.5 63.3 #N/A 42.7 24 66.7 65.6 65.5 58.4 58.6 58.6 55.9 66.4 #N/A 56.7 25 66.6 64.9 68.6 58.9 58.3 63.7 55.5 63.2 #N/A 51.1 26 60.4 58.2 65.8 51.1 50.8 61.3 48.9 65.9 #N/A 52.1 27 67.8 66.4 66.9 59.9 59.3 60.2 56.7 67.8 #N/A 57.1 28 66.9 64.9 65.3 60.2 58.9 59.7 56.6 67.0 #N/A 57.0 29 68.6 67.1 67.1 61.3 60.7 61.5 58.9 69.9 #N/A 60.1 30 69.2 67.0 67.6 61.5 60.6 61.8 58.9 67.6 #N/A 58.3 31 57.1 52.5 65.6 48.0 42.5 61.6 #N/A 62.2 #N/A 32.6 Days 31 31 31 31 28 31 30 31 0 31 En. Avg 67.7 66.0 66.8 59.9 59.2 61.0 57.2 67.4 #N/A 58.3 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 8 TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION February 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 66.1 65.0 65.1 57.5 56.8 57.4 53.8 66.0 #N/A 53.3 2 67.6 66.1 66.6 59.3 58.3 58.9 55.6 67.6 #N/A 56.9 3 67.7 66.7 66.1 59.6 59.1 59.7 56.4 67.7 #N/A 57.1 4 66.6 65.6 65.3 59.1 58.3 59.0 55.7 66.2 #N/A 56.1 5 68.4 67.4 67.0 60.1 60.5 60.7 57.5 69.2 #N/A 59.3 6 68.0 66.6 67.0 59.7 59.5 60.4 57.2 67.1 #N/A 56.1 7 64.9 64.3 64.4 57.2 56.9 59.1 54.0 66.8 #N/A 54.8 8 67.4 66.4 66.2 59.4 58.9 59.1 55.9 67.2 #N/A 56.0 9 67.2 65.7 67.0 58.6 57.4 60.5 55.5 66.4 #N/A 52.4 10 65.9 65.2 65.1 56.7 56.7 58.3 53.4 66.5 #N/A 53.7 11 66.5 65.0 65.2 59.6 58.8 58.7 55.9 66.9 #N/A 56.8 12 68.0 66.7 66.6 60.3 59.9 60.5 57.6 68.6 #N/A 58.6 13 68.6 66.6 67.1 62.0 60.3 61.4 58.5 69.0 #N/A 58.7 14 66.5 65.9 65.1 59.1 59.3 59.8 57.3 67.2 #N/A 56.8 15 64.8 63.0 65.5 56.2 55.9 60.0 52.5 66.8 #N/A 55.2 16 65.6 64.6 65.2 56.5 56.3 58.7 53.4 66.7 #N/A 53.9 17 67.1 65.9 65.8 57.9 57.5 58.8 55.5 67.0 #N/A 53.9 18 66.4 64.8 64.8 58.3 57.2 57.2 54.0 66.0 #N/A 57.2 19 67.8 66.2 66.4 60.2 58.8 59.7 57.1 68.1 #N/A 57.3 20 68.9 67.3 67.6 60.1 59.7 60.4 57.2 67.9 #N/A 57.4 21 68.8 66.8 67.5 61.5 59.7 61.1 57.1 69.3 #N/A 60.2 22 66.8 66.0 65.8 58.4 57.3 59.0 54.0 69.1 #N/A 59.2 23 68.7 67.1 67.4 61.5 61.3 61.4 59.2 69.6 #N/A 60.4 24 69.3 66.3 67.0 61.3 59.3 59.6 56.0 69.8 #N/A 62.0 25 68.0 65.4 66.7 61.3 59.8 61.3 57.5 68.0 #N/A 58.5 26 69.0 67.1 67.6 61.3 60.8 61.1 58.8 69.3 #N/A 59.3 27 69.2 66.7 67.4 61.6 61.0 61.5 59.3 69.2 #N/A 59.9 28 68.0 66.3 66.9 60.6 60.6 60.6 58.8 68.9 #N/A 59.3 Days 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 0 28 En. Avg 67.6 66.1 66.4 59.8 59.0 59.9 56.6 68.0 #N/A 57.8 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 9 TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION March 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 67.2 65.2 68.4 57.2 57.2 63.6 52.9 65.4 #N/A 55.2 2 68.3 66.3 67.1 61.2 60.1 60.8 58.0 68.3 #N/A 58.4 3 68.7 66.7 67.3 61.2 60.7 61.5 58.1 68.5 #N/A 58.8 4 67.6 65.6 66.1 60.5 59.6 60.4 57.7 67.2 #N/A 57.3 5 68.7 66.9 67.2 61.3 60.5 61.4 58.8 69.6 #N/A 60.1 6 68.0 66.7 67.0 60.7 60.6 61.0 57.7 68.9 #N/A 58.7 7 67.6 65.8 66.1 60.3 59.5 60.4 57.7 68.2 #N/A 58.3 8 67.9 66.0 66.6 61.0 60.2 61.0 58.0 68.8 #N/A 59.1 9 68.9 67.4 67.9 61.1 60.8 61.6 57.5 68.7 #N/A 58.6 10 70.3 67.5 68.6 62.6 60.8 62.2 59.7 69.9 #N/A 59.8 11 68.4 66.3 66.9 60.5 59.6 60.3 57.8 68.7 #N/A 58.1 12 69.1 67.3 67.9 60.2 60.7 61.8 58.6 70.1 #N/A 58.6 13 68.7 66.8 67.4 60.7 60.7 60.6 58.2 68.9 #N/A 58.5 14 68.9 66.4 67.4 61.6 60.1 59.8 58.3 68.7 #N/A 59.6 15 68.6 66.9 67.3 60.7 60.4 60.5 58.0 69.5 #N/A 59.1 16 69.1 67.4 67.9 62.0 61.1 61.4 59.4 68.4 30.9 58.2 17 68.9 67.7 67.9 60.8 60.8 61.2 58.4 68.3 47.5 58.2 18 67.3 66.1 66.2 59.6 58.3 58.7 55.9 66.8 35.5 55.7 19 69.5 67.2 67.9 61.7 59.8 61.4 58.4 69.0 37.5 59.4 20 69.2 67.4 67.8 61.6 61.2 61.1 59.0 68.8 #N/A 59.0 21 68.0 66.2 66.0 60.6 60.0 58.9 57.9 69.8 48.3 60.6 22 68.3 66.5 67.0 61.2 60.5 60.8 58.5 68.5 36.7 59.1 23 68.8 67.5 67.6 61.0 61.8 61.4 59.5 69.2 47.9 59.3 24 69.1 67.2 67.8 60.7 60.9 61.0 58.6 69.0 48.1 59.1 25 67.7 66.3 66.1 59.9 59.4 59.9 57.3 67.9 48.0 57.7 26 68.5 67.3 67.2 60.5 60.3 60.8 57.9 69.1 39.3 58.8 27 68.2 67.1 67.0 59.9 59.4 59.8 57.0 67.6 41.8 57.1 28 68.2 67.1 66.5 58.7 59.4 59.9 56.9 68.2 38.4 58.1 29 68.4 67.1 67.0 61.0 61.0 61.2 58.4 68.8 28.8 59.5 30 69.2 67.5 67.8 61.3 61.0 61.8 59.0 69.0 45.4 59.3 31 69.6 68.3 68.6 61.4 61.5 61.9 59.3 68.1 43.4 57.9 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 15 31 En. Avg 68.6 66.9 67.3 60.8 60.3 61.0 58.2 68.7 44.4 58.7 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates no aircraft-related noise events. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 10 TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A January - March 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Air Canada B38M 90 Average Count 92.4 (82) 91.1 (80) 92.1 (84) 85.0 (85) 84.0 (79) 84.6 (74) 81.2 (65) 85.1 (3) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Alaska A320 35 Average Count 96.4 (35) 94.7 (34) 95.5 (35) 88.5 (33) 86.4 (19) 87.6 (35) 85.8 (33) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B737 23 Average Count 95.2 (23) 93.7 (21) 94.1 (23) 88.7 (23) 88.5 (22) 89.0 (22) 85.5 (22) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B738 794 Average Count 98.2 (722) 96.3 (675) 95.7 (721) 89.7 (717) 89.5 (693) 90.3 (677) 87.4 (698) 92.2 (51) 94.7 (1) 83.7 (14) Allegiant A319 50 Average Count 94.1 (50) 92.1 (46) 92.7 (49) 87.7 (47) 86.4 (42) 87.3 (45) 83.5 (42) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 179 Average Count 95.3 (166) 93.8 (164) 92.6 (162) 87.7 (162) 86.5 (153) 87.6 (155) 83.9 (158) 88.5 (9) #N/A (0) 78.0 (1) American A21N 27 Average Count 90.9 (22) 90.0 (21) 90.0 (22) 83.6 (20) 81.7 (20) 82.1 (22) 80.0 (5) 87.1 (5) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A319 166 Average Count 94.7 (155) 93.0 (141) 93.8 (151) 87.6 (148) 86.2 (148) 86.4 (144) 82.6 (141) 89.8 (11) 85.0 (1) #N/A (0) A320 147 Average Count 95.3 (139) 94.0 (131) 94.0 (137) 86.9 (132) 85.6 (132) 86.0 (126) 82.7 (131) 90.1 (6) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A321 152 Average Count 99.2 (136) 98.2 (122) 98.4 (139) 91.3 (127) 89.3 (126) 88.9 (123) 85.2 (131) 92.7 (8) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B38M 268 Average Count 92.8 (252) 91.5 (240) 91.8 (251) 85.1 (244) 84.7 (233) 85.7 (231) 82.2 (210) 86.9 (14) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B738 886 Average Count 98.9 (788) 97.3 (733) 97.2 (801) 90.5 (766) 90.1 (739) 90.7 (706) 87.9 (751) 93.6 (57) 90.2 (3) 82.4 (23) Breeze A223 81 Average Count 89.0 (78) 88.3 (73) 87.6 (79) 82.4 (74) 81.7 (73) 82.5 (65) 79.0 (38) 83.2 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E195 5 Average Count 92.5 (5) 91.7 (5) 91.8 (5) 85.3 (5) 86.7 (5) 89.3 (4) 86.5 (5) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Delta A220 110 Average Count 88.9 (106) 88.3 (104) 88.1 (107) 81.3 (99) 79.8 (66) 80.6 (84) 77.9 (16) 84.6 (3) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A223 210 Average Count 89.6 (193) 89.2 (186) 88.5 (193) 81.6 (174) 80.7 (154) 81.3 (153) 78.4 (52) 84.8 (11) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A319 43 Average Count 96.3 (37) 94.5 (38) 95.2 (39) 89.4 (37) 87.6 (30) 88.1 (36) 83.9 (33) 88.5 (3) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 6 Average Count 97.4 (6) 96.2 (5) 96.0 (6) 89.7 (6) 88.6 (4) 88.8 (6) 84.9 (4) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B738 6 Average Count 99.1 (6) 97.3 (6) 97.7 (6) 89.4 (6) 88.8 (2) 89.6 (6) 88.1 (5) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B752 304 Average Count 96.1 (270) 95.0 (261) 95.4 (271) 88.7 (258) 87.8 (256) 88.0 (246) 84.4 (252) 92.2 (23) #N/A (0) 83.1 (7) FedEx A306 59 Average Count 97.8 (54) 96.6 (54) 94.8 (52) 88.9 (51) 88.5 (52) 89.5 (53) 86.1 (53) 91.1 (5) #N/A (0) 80.9 (1) Frontier A20N 319 Average Count 88.7 (296) 87.7 (277) 87.6 (297) 82.0 (263) 80.3 (180) 82.3 (251) 79.7 (110) 82.5 (18) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 27 Average Count 94.4 (25) 93.1 (23) 91.7 (25) 86.7 (25) 85.1 (22) 86.7 (25) 84.4 (23) 86.4 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Horizon E175 88 Average Count 94.1 (86) 92.4 (84) 91.1 (86) 85.8 (82) 85.6 (80) 87.2 (78) 84.6 (83) 90.3 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Southwest B38M 34 Average Count 89.6 (33) 88.2 (33) 88.0 (32) 82.3 (29) 81.0 (8) 83.3 (32) 81.5 (28) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B737 1764 Average Count 93.7 (1599) 92.4 (1524) 91.3 (1578) 86.1 (1577) 86.1 (1544) 86.9 (1497) 85.0 (1470) 91.0 (116) #N/A (0) 80.1 (10) B738 4 Average Count 94.9 (4) 92.1 (3) 91.4 (4) 85.2 (4) #N/A (0) 87.1 (4) 85.3 (4) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Spirit A20N 171 Average Count 88.9 (158) 87.6 (154) 88.2 (163) 83.5 (156) 81.5 (139) 83.6 (143) 80.0 (126) 84.5 (4) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A319 1 Average Count 91.1 (1) #N/A (0) 89.6 (1) 87.0 (1) 84.7 (1) #N/A (0) 81.1 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 177 Average Count 92.7 (158) 92.0 (145) 90.5 (160) 85.9 (144) 84.5 (144) 85.7 (146) 82.4 (146) 85.1 (15) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) United A319 31 Average Count 95.0 (31) 93.1 (29) 93.7 (31) 87.4 (30) 86.3 (23) 86.8 (28) 83.2 (30) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 121 Average Count 95.5 (96) 93.9 (91) 94.0 (105) 87.5 (102) 85.8 (95) 86.5 (90) 83.3 (99) 88.5 (11) 89.2 (1) 76.9 (1) B737 344 Average Count 97.4 (313) 95.2 (305) 97.0 (322) 90.9 (317) 90.7 (298) 91.1 (282) 87.6 (297) 93.1 (14) #N/A (0) 79.8 (1) B738 1010 Average Count 99.0 (906) 97.1 (842) 98.0 (912) 90.5 (881) 90.1 (834) 90.6 (775) 88.0 (836) 93.2 (78) 88.3 (2) 82.8 (23) UPS B752 51 Average Count 94.8 (46) 93.8 (46) 93.0 (46) 86.5 (46) 86.3 (44) 86.5 (46) 82.3 (42) 86.9 (5) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) WestJet B737 89 Average Count 96.2 (84) 94.7 (81) 95.4 (83) 90.1 (82) 89.8 (77) 90.5 (75) 86.0 (73) 90.5 (4) #N/A (0) 79.1 (1) DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 11 TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E January - March 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Delta A220 107 Average Count 88.9 (92) 87.9 (91) 88.2 (94) 81.6 (88) 79.8 (63) 80.8 (73) 80.7 (16) 84.4 (11) #N/A (0) 84.0 (1) A223 276 Average Count 89.9 (244) 89.3 (233) 89.1 (246) 82.1 (228) 80.7 (212) 81.4 (197) 78.3 (89) 85.6 (21) 82.1 (1) #N/A (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 781 Average Count 91.5 (722) 90.4 (685) 89.7 (712) 85.4 (706) 84.8 (678) 86.3 (675) 84.1 (688) 88.9 (43) #N/A (0) 80.0 (3) Southwest B38M 6 Average Count 88.0 (6) 86.8 (6) 86.5 (6) 80.6 (5) 81.1 (2) 81.8 (6) 81.2 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B737 2196 Average Count 92.2 (2017) 91.3 (1891) 90.1 (1973) 85.4 (1990) 85.2 (1866) 85.9 (1872) 84.4 (1856) 90.3 (133) #N/A (0) 80.7 (8) B738 4 Average Count 91.6 (4) 90.7 (3) 89.2 (4) 84.4 (4) 84.7 (3) 84.9 (4) 84.7 (4) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter January - March 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Delux Public Charters E135 324 Average Count 85.9 (298) 85.3 (285) 86.8 (298) 80.2 (256) 79.1 (106) 80.5 (250) 76.9 (14) 82.5 (21) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E145 269 Average Count 87.3 (258) 86.8 (250) 88.0 (253) 80.6 (211) 79.3 (103) 80.9 (219) 77.7 (14) 83.3 (9) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) SkyWest CRJ7 83 Average Count 88.4 (78) 87.9 (77) 87.5 (78) 81.4 (43) 81.5 (63) 82.6 (65) 81.2 (69) 88.3 (4) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E175 7 Average Count 90.5 (6) 90.0 (6) 89.1 (6) 84.2 (6) 84.3 (6) 85.7 (6) 83.7 (5) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation January - March 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N General Aviation Jet 5004 Average Count 88.3 (4556) 87.3 (4255) 89.0 (4514) 82.8 (2850) 82.5 (2087) 83.5 (2915) 81.9 (1314) 85.7 (232) 83.0 (2) 81.7 (6) DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 12 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Air Canada AC A223 102 192 B38M 6 494 180 Alaska AS A319 244 314 A320 3,403 1,733 4,038 3,888 70 B737 160 14 24 116 46 B738 5,247 767 1,327 2,728 1,594 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 676 100 A320 488 1,399 367 American AA A21N 2 2 88 51 54 A319 432 474 220 498 332 A320 634 488 783 478 294 A321 214 571 1,035 1,099 304 B38M 17 1,755 536 B738 10,972 5,201 8,144 8,517 1,777 B752 36 Breeze MX A223 172 E195 10 Compass CP E175 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,954 4,036 3,048 436 A223 4 1,934 976 A319 1,987 828 952 2,071 84 A320 11 8 3 532 12 B712 2,495 B737 8 24 B738 40 2 12 58 12 B752 2,889 1,065 1,423 2,010 612 FedEx FM A306 510 512 502 498 118 Frontier F9 A20N 900 550 1,363 1,818 642 A319 100 2 88 A320 428 392 361 310 54 Horizon QX DH8D 12 E175 4,257 2,986 3,293 1,256 178 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 2 E175 7,686 3,535 3,711 5,446 1,566 Southwest WN B38M 10 683 4,038 78 B737 29,360 14,268 22,212 31,166 7,939 B738 134 3,780 7,738 1,720 18 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,735 2,220 345 A319 250 158 2 A320 19 346 1,132 354 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 1,216 590 819 1,047 61 A320 3,151 1,227 1,020 2,054 242 B737 2,816 999 2,622 4,116 688 B738 5,627 2,645 2,946 5,685 2,022 B752 2 UPS 5X A306 12 18 18 48 B752 404 404 392 362 102 WestJet WS B736 58 34 B737 618 126 112 632 178 Total 90,074 46,370 74,253 95,260 22,555 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 13 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 A20N 900 730 3,098 4,038 987 A21N 2 2 88 51 54 A220 851 1,954 4,036 3,048 436 A223 106 2,126 1,148 A306 522 530 520 546 118 A319 3,979 2,208 3,405 4,450 579 A320 7,627 3,867 7,039 9,793 1,393 A321 214 571 1,035 1,099 304 B38M 10 706 6,287 794 B712 2,495 B736 58 34 B737 32,962 15,431 25,208 36,038 8,851 B738 22,020 12,395 20,191 18,710 5,423 B752 3,329 1,469 1,817 2,372 714 CRJ9 2 DH8D 12 E175 15,093 7,177 7,004 6,702 1,744 E195 10 Total 90,074 46,370 74,253 95,260 22,555 TABLE 11 AIRCRAFT TYPE DESIGNATORS AC Type Manufacturer Model/Series AC Type Manufacturer Model/Series A20N Airbus 320-200 Neo B737 Boeing 737-700 A21N Airbus 320-100 Neo B738 Boeing 737-800 A220 Airbus 220-100 B752 Boeing 757-200 A223 Airbus 220-300 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 A306 Airbus 300-600 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 A319 Airbus 319 DH8D Bombardier Dash 8 A320 Airbus 320 E135 Embraer 135 A321 Airbus 321 E145 Embraer 145 B38M Boeing 737-800 Max E175 Embraer 175 B712 Boeing 717-200 E195 Embraer 195 B736 Boeing 737-600 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 14 TABLE 12 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Air Canada AC A223 .140 .263 B38M .008 .677 .247 Alaska AS A319 .334 .432 A320 4.660 2.363 5.534 5.326 .096 B737 .219 .022 .033 .159 .063 B738 7.189 1.046 1.816 3.734 2.186 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .926 .137 A320 .668 1.915 .504 American AA A21N .003 .003 .121 .068 .074 A319 .592 .648 .296 .682 .455 A320 .868 .664 1.082 .655 .403 A321 .293 .779 1.414 1.507 .416 B38M .022 2.403 .740 B738 15.030 7.107 11.156 11.666 2.430 B752 .049 Breeze MX A223 .236 E195 .014 Compass CP E175 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 5.529 4.175 .597 A223 .005 2.649 1.334 A319 2.723 1.131 1.304 2.836 .118 A320 .014 .014 .003 .729 .016 B712 3.419 B737 .011 .033 B738 .055 .003 .016 .079 .016 B752 3.956 1.454 1.948 2.753 .841 FedEx FM A306 .699 .699 .688 .682 .162 Frontier F9 A20N 1.233 .751 1.866 2.490 .879 A319 .137 .003 .121 A320 .586 .536 .496 .425 .074 Horizon QX DH8D .016 E175 5.830 4.079 4.512 1.721 .244 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 .003 E175 10.529 4.833 5.085 7.460 2.142 Southwest WN B38M .014 .937 5.532 .110 B737 40.216 19.497 30.416 42.693 10.874 B738 .184 5.161 10.605 2.353 .025 Spirit NK A20N .246 2.381 3.041 .471 A319 .342 .216 .003 A320 .025 .471 1.551 .485 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 1.666 .806 1.123 1.433 .085 A320 4.315 1.675 1.397 2.814 .332 B737 3.855 1.366 3.589 5.644 .942 B738 7.712 3.612 4.036 7.786 2.767 B752 .003 UPS 5X A306 .016 .025 .025 .066 B752 .553 .552 .537 .496 .140 WestJet WS B736 .079 .046 B737 .847 .172 .153 .866 .244 Total 123.384 63.347 101.712 130.485 30.901 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 15 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: March 28, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED A summary of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) December 2022 Airport statistics was provided by Ms. Beatrice Siercke, Access and Noise Office (ANO) Specialist. Ms. Siercke also provided a general overview of the Airport's Quarterly Noise Report for Q4 2022. Newport Beach resident, Mr. Dennis Bress, asked if noise increased or decreased when comparing Q4 2022 to Q3 2022 values. Mr. Nikolas Gaskins, Access and Noise Manager, replied that the Long Term Measured Levels on Page 6 of the report indicate a slight increase at some noise monitoring stations (NMS) when comparing the two quarters. Newport Beach resident, Dr. Jim Mosher, asked if there was a reason NMS 3S and NMS 9N were not functioning for several days in December. Mr. Gaskins explained that JWA's current contract for the noise monitoring system provides one spare microphone (mic). Mr. Gaskins added that the spare is utilized when a mic goes down, and the broken mic is sent to Denmark for repairs. Mr. Gaskins went on to say that two NMS locations went down during December, so the spare mic was used at NMS 3S, and the mic at NMS 9N was used to replace the nonfunctioning mic at NMS 8N since the daily generated noise levels at NMS 9N is limited. Mr. Gaskins mentioned the Airport's current mic is no longer manufactured and sold by the vendor. Still, the Airport obtained three additional mics from other airports, in the rare case multiple mics malfunction simultaneously in the future. When asked by Dr. Mosher about reciprocity between the new and old mics, Mr. Gaskins explained that side-by-side noise testing of NMS locations in 2015 was a result of the Airport installing an entirely new airport noise monitoring system, whereas, currently, the Airport had replaced two mics that are the same model as original mics. Dr. Mosher asked about the timeliness of providing the January 2023 and February 2023 Airport statistics to the public and the cause of the delay. Mr. Gaskins explained several factors, including the two NMS locations being inoperable for an extended time and an issue with the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) radar data that resulted in a delay for the ANO. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that the Fly Friendly Program data on the Airport's website shows January 2022 through November 2022. Mr. Gaskins stated that the Airport was awaiting direction from Fifth District on the announcement of 2022 Fly Friendly Program winners before publishing December 2022 Fly Friendly data. Mr. Bress asked if the JWA Quarterly Report was in compliance. Mr. Gaskins confirmed the report was in compliance. Mr. Bress said he did not see the "excluded noise events" in the report and wanted to know the total number of noise events not included in the Quarterly Noise Report. Mr. Gaskins stated the State of California does not mandate it. Mr. Gaskins added that the ANO had brought Mr. Bress’ request to JWA's Executive Management. Mr. Bress expressed that the JWA Quarterly Report is inaccurate because it does not contain "all" noise events and affects FAA's decision on noise abatement departure procedures at JWA. Mr. Gaskins reiterated that the FAA and the State of California have standards for reporting, and JWA abides by those standards. Mr. Bress disagreed that JWA was compliant and suggested the ANO be audited. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 16 Mr. Joe August informed our office that at NMS 5S, during the curfew hours of 3 am and 5 am, the NMS appears to be registering 10 decibels (dB) less than other NMS. Mr. August stated he could send our office screenshots to show NMS 5S is registering at 35 dB while other NMS along the departure corridor are registering in the mid-40 dB range. Mr. August is concerned that this issue could affect the 24-hour Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average at NMS 5S. Mr. Gaskins stated the ANO was unaware of any issue and requested Mr. August send his information to the ANO. Mr. Gaskins discussed the aircraft noise qualification test for Breeze Airway's (Breeze) Airbus A220-300 for Class A operations. In addition, Mr. Gaskins added that Breeze recently completed a successful noise test for the Embraer E195 for Class A operations and are waiting for further analysis to determine an administrative qualification for Class E operations. Mr. Gaskins informed the group that JWA will begin the Airport's annual capacity allocation process for Plan Year 2024 on April 7, 2023, with an Airport Commission date in June and a tentative Board date in July. Mr. Gaskins emphasized that we are beginning the process early this year to give the ANO and airlines more time to work through requests and address any issues that may arise. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that the Airport submitted the Fly Friendly Report final draft to Fifth District and plans to meet with Supervisor Foley later this month to address any questions she might have regarding the report. When asked by Dr. Mosher when Breeze conducted their aircraft noise test for the E195, Mr. Gaskins stated it was on March 13, 2023. Dr. Mosher assumed any high noise readings for the Breeze A223 noise test were due to being fully loaded. Dr. Mosher asked how Breeze tends to operate the A223 as Class E. Mr. Gaskins explained Breeze's noise test was conducted at maximum projected gross takeoff weight (GTOW) for their long-haul routes. However, Breeze's GTOW for short-haul flights is comparable to the Delta Air Lines’ A223 aircraft with similar GTOWs. Dr. Mosher asked if the Airport receives GTOW data for general aviation (GA) jets. Mr. Gaskins stated we do not receive GA GTOW data. Dr. Mosher also asked if the GA GTOW data is reported to the FAA. Mr. Gaskins noted that the Fixed Base Operators (FBO) might have that information but could not confirm if GA GTOW data was reported to the FAA. Dr. Mosher asked why some GA jet operators, such as Regency Air, operate at lower dB levels during the curfew hours relative to daytime operations. Mr. Gaskins presumed it was probably due to different weights and departure procedures utilized by the pilots. Mr. Bress asked if the ANO knows the metrics associated with the noise from Alaska Airlines departures. Mr. Bress said he has publicly stated that "Alaska is bad" and "Alaska is not a good neighbor" and that Alaska typically operates faster, lower, and registers four decibels louder than the other airlines. Mr. Bress added that in previous discussions with Airport Director, Ms. Charlene Reynolds, she stated there would be some opportunities to contact Alaska to discuss the issue. Mr. Gaskins stated the ANO is currently working on an analysis comparing the year- to-year altitudes of each of the carriers. Mr. Gaskins added that over the past several weeks, the ANO has met with corporate executives from each airline at JWA to present an Access Plan overview. However, the Airport does not have the authority to demand a carrier to fly a particular aircraft or how to fly a specific departure procedure. Mr. Gaskins emphasized that the Airport can only recommend those items, which the Airport has previously done numerous times. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 17 Airport Commissioner, Ms. Sue Dvorak, asked if the Fly Friendly program can determine if GA jet operators are flying quieter in the nighttime hours and apply those metrics to the program for other GA operators. Mr. Gaskins stated point values had already been determined for the program but added it is something the Airport may look at in the future since some GA jet operators appear to operate differently between the daytime/nighttime hours. Mr. Gaskins introduced Mr. Kyle Gorny, JWA's new ANO Specialist, and briefly discussed his qualifications and previous experience. Dr. Mosher asked about the flight data on the City of Newport Beach's dashboard. Dr. Mosher questioned whether the delay was an Airport or City issue. Mr. Gaskins explained the Airport typically sends the information to the City of Newport Beach three weeks after the end of the month reported. However, the recent delay was due to the issues mentioned earlier. Mr. Bress expressed that the Airport continues to have non-compliant departures with FAA 14 CFR 91.117(a) & 14 CFR 91.117(b) and that JWA is Class C airspace. Mr. Bress also inquired if JWA has made any progress on his previous requests to post information to pilots on JWA's website stating the Airport is in Class C airspace, as well as include a reference to what that means in regards to being compliant with FAA 14 CFR 91.117(a) & 14 CFR 91.117(b). Mr. Gaskins mentioned that pilots use other resources to obtain FAA FAR information, so the Airport does not intend to post FAA FARs on the website. Mr. Gaskins stated he would bring the request to the Airport Director for direction. Mr. Bress also expressed that in the Zoom meeting hosted by the Airport Director, the FAA said they do not want any non-compliance with FAA 14 CFR 91.117(a) & 14 CFR 91.117(b). Mr. Bress said he has screenshots of non-compliance and wanted to know if the Airport would agree in general that a departure that was "faster and thrusting" and in non-compliance with FAA 14 CFR 91.117(a) & 14 CFR 91.117(b) would be louder than one that was compliant. Mr. Gaskins stated it would depend on certain variables and would like to see how Mr. Bress came to that conclusion. Mr. Gaskins reiterated what the FAA said in the previously mentioned FAA Community Workshop webinar, which was that airspeed values on public websites are based on the "ground speed" of the aircraft and not the criteria used for enforcement, which is "indicated airspeed." Mr. Bress asked who oversaw the Airport's social media posts and if that person was receiving notifications, specifically on Twitter and Facebook. Mr. Bress stated he forwarded communication through those platforms and wanted to ensure JWA had seen those posts. Mr. Gaskins confirmed JWA has a dedicated person who monitors all social media platforms and responds accordingly. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report January – March 2023 18 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER March 28, 2023 NAME ORGANIZATION Joe August Resident – Newport Beach Jim Mosher Resident – Newport Beach Dennis Bress Resident – Newport Beach Sue Dvorak Airport Commissioner, Fifth District Tara Finnigan City of Newport Beach Kristen Hauptli City of San Juan Capistrano John Criezis Unknown Unknown Caller Unknown Nikolas Gaskins John Wayne Airport Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport Beatrice Siercke John Wayne Airport Cristina Magaña John Wayne Airport Cassandra Linares John Wayne Airport Kyle Gorny John Wayne Airport DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0148 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 71 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 177.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this Airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: Gulfstream 3 – 2 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 60,697 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 23,950 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 36,654 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 93 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: April 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County DocuSign Envelope ID: 6205EB87-B0AC-49CC-A35A-BF73847F4F05 WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY lrDocuSigned by: ~ 4 ~~-blJs DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 INTRODUCTION This is the 202nd Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324 ½ Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2023). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY :,, .., <,Y,!;)...,_~l-~.. 'lfl f' /~: ESA " ~l.,..-·. •-,• . t · .:~ -,, # ~ -,i . i 0 2 Sca le In miles Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY ~ Residential PreSCJ'iptive Avigation Ease ment (B usiness Park Zon ing) Resid.ential Lise [II Hospi!al Mu lti -Fami ly Resirll!lltiall Lise -' Sch.ool Compa6b le Lise = Higtrway -Public Lise (Noise Sens.iti;,e ) --Major Roads Public Lise Rea eatlona l1 I Ope n Space NE:WPORT a&.CH Statistic s: Incompatib le Land Use: 0.0 163 Sq. Mi. Numb er of Dwe tting Units : 74 Popu lati on: 185 (B ased on 2.5 People/Dwe lling Unit) .6. IRMT Locatio n :.::J Airport Ptoperty (Approx.) c:J 2023 Seoond Quarter65 dB CN EL Contour -· Rmways /Tax iways 0 Inco mpa tibl e S.,~e Family Residential •• Airport Bu ildi ngs Inco mpa ti bl e Mliti-Fanily Residential I 0 1.000 ,j 2,000 Feet JOHN WAYNE AI IRPO IRT A ORANGE COUNTY \u#' 2023 Second Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Contour IH@Hlld Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 FIGURE 2 NOISE IMPACT AREA MAP 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS April -June 2023 Period Carriers GA Jet (1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations (2) Jet Operations April 8,154 0 3,408 21,632 385 May 8,688 0 3,774 22,748 402 June 8,696 0 3,822 22,899 417 Second Quarter 25,538 0 11,004 67,279 402 Twelve Months 07/01/22 -06/30/23 101,739 0 45,043 282,027 402 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly, and twelve-month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate contaminated data and/or no aircraft-related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Seventy-four dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (April 1, 2023 -June 30, 2023) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints (noise events) from local citizens and all other sources. Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 illustrate the distribution of reported noise events from local communities, the nature of disturbance, and the method of how the noise events were reported to the Airport. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY FIGURE 3.1 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS 134,074 Noise Events I 90 Points of Contact April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023 80,000 63,168 32 60,000 58,867 40,000 20,000 8 7 I 6 4 4 6 ,027 3 2,833 1,572 503 445 389 0 A nahe im Newport Irvi ne Costa Laguna Laguna Tustin Hunti ngton Beach Mesa Niguel Beach Beach 40 30 24 20 10 220 50 0 Other A li so Viejo NOTE : The 134,074 Noise Even ts was a 83.9% increase for the 72 ,902 Noise Events from las t quarter, and a 9 .9% increase from the 121 ,988 Noise Events from the same quarter last year . F IGURE 3 .2 NATURE OF DISTURBANCES Too Frequent 28.9 % Other Too l ow 0 .1% 8.7% \ Too Late 0.5% View Point (Mobi le Device ) 93.62% FIGURE 3.3 ENQUIRY METHOD loT Button (Subscription / Service) 5.31 % Webtrak 0.95% ViewPoi nt (Desktop) 0.07% Voicemail 0.05% Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 07/01/22 through 06/30/23 Values in dB at Each Site Period NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Jul 2022 # Days 68.0 31 66.7 31 67.1 31 60.1 31 59.3 31 60.4 31 56.1 31 68.7 30 41.9 26 57.4 31 Aug 2022 # Days 68.0 31 66.9 31 67.2 31 59.8 26 59.2 31 60.2 31 56.0 31 68.3 31 41.5 26 57.2 31 Sep 2022 # Days 67.9 30 66.9 30 67.1 30 59.2 30 59.0 30 60.2 30 56.3 30 68.4 27 43.1 21 57.2 30 Q-3 2022 # Days 68.0 92 66.8 92 67.1 92 59.7 87 59.2 92 60.3 92 56.1 92 68.5 88 42.2 73 57.3 92 Oct 2022 # Days 68.4 31 67.6 31 67.4 31 60.0 31 59.7 31 60.7 31 56.6 31 68.5 31 44.3 24 57.8 31 Nov 2022 # Days 67.7 30 66.6 30 66.8 30 59.8 29 58.4 27 60.6 30 56.5 29 68.2 29 41.7 26 57.7 28 Dec 2022 # Days 68.2 31 66.9 31 67.4 20 60.3 31 59.8 31 60.7 30 57.4 31 67.4 27 42.8 17 58.3 30 Q-4 2022 # Days 68.1 92 67.1 92 67.2 81 60.1 91 59.4 89 60.6 91 56.9 91 68.1 87 43.1 67 57.9 89 Jan 2023 # Days 67.7 31 66.0 31 66.8 31 59.9 31 59.2 28 61.0 31 57.2 30 67.4 31 #N/A 0 58.3 31 Feb 2023 # Days 67.6 28 66.1 28 66.4 28 59.8 28 59.0 28 59.9 28 56.6 28 68.0 28 #N/A 0 57.8 28 Mar 2023 # Days 68.6 31 66.9 31 67.3 31 60.8 31 60.3 31 61.0 31 58.2 31 68.7 31 44.4 15 58.7 31 Q-1 2023 # Days 68.0 90 66.3 90 66.9 90 60.2 90 59.6 87 60.7 90 57.4 89 68.0 90 44.4 15 58.3 90 Apr 2023 # Days 68.2 30 67.1 30 67.1 30 60.3 30 59.5 30 60.4 30 57.1 30 68.4 30 41.0 22 57.9 28 May 2023 # Days 68.4 31 67.2 31 67.3 31 60.6 31 59.6 31 60.8 31 57.6 31 68.7 31 43.3 25 58.4 31 Jun 2023 # Days 68.6 30 67.7 30 67.7 30 61.0 30 60.1 30 61.1 30 57.8 30 69.0 30 43.1 25 58.0 30 Q-2 2023 # Days 68.4 91 67.3 91 67.4 91 60.7 91 59.8 91 60.8 91 57.5 91 68.7 91 42.7 72 58.1 89 Q-3 2022 thru Q-2 2023 Total # Days 68.1 365 66.9 365 67.1 354 60.2 359 59.5 359 60.6 364 57.0 363 68.3 356 42.8 227 57.9 360 Q-2 2022 thru Q-1 2023 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total # Days 68.0 365 66.7 363 67.1 354 60.0 359 59.4 359 60.4 364 56.8 363 68.3 355 42.6 224 57.8 362 Change from Previous 4 Quarters 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION April 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 67.3 66.7 66.6 59.4 59.4 59.1 55.9 67.5 30.0 56.9 2 68.5 67.3 67.2 60.8 60.2 61.0 58.1 69.6 27.5 59.6 3 68.4 67.3 68.4 59.8 59.6 62.9 57.3 66.3 42.3 55.6 4 65.0 64.4 64.9 56.7 56.0 59.2 53.6 67.5 32.3 56.9 5 67.9 66.8 66.7 60.1 59.5 59.7 57.1 67.8 43.3 57.0 6 67.7 66.8 66.4 59.0 59.2 59.8 56.7 67.6 34.3 56.4 7 68.8 67.8 67.4 60.4 60.0 60.4 57.4 68.5 35.0 58.3 8 67.9 66.7 66.5 59.8 59.7 59.8 57.1 67.2 47.1 57.0 9 68.1 67.2 67.2 60.2 59.8 60.3 56.5 69.0 34.2 58.2 10 67.6 67.0 67.3 60.2 59.4 60.5 56.9 68.4 *#N/A 58.3 11 67.3 66.4 66.3 58.8 57.9 58.5 55.5 68.0 35.0 57.0 12 68.3 66.2 67.1 61.1 59.2 59.8 56.9 68.3 39.7 58.6 13 69.0 67.3 68.1 62.4 60.3 61.1 59.1 69.2 *#N/A 59.7 14 68.7 67.4 67.6 61.7 60.2 60.0 58.3 69.2 *#N/A 59.0 15 67.7 66.9 66.7 60.0 59.7 60.6 57.5 68.0 46.0 58.2 16 69.3 68.2 67.9 61.3 60.7 61.7 58.6 69.3 40.9 58.7 17 69.0 67.6 67.7 61.3 60.4 61.2 57.7 69.0 *#N/A 59.5 18 68.1 66.7 66.7 60.4 59.5 60.3 58.0 68.0 35.9 58.3 19 68.0 67.1 66.8 60.5 59.8 60.8 58.2 68.1 39.8 58.3 20 69.0 68.0 67.9 60.4 59.9 60.5 57.3 68.1 40.4 57.5 21 68.0 67.5 66.8 59.0 58.9 59.3 56.3 67.7 41.9 50.6 22 67.2 66.4 65.9 59.3 58.4 59.5 56.2 67.5 38.0 #N/A 23 69.0 67.8 67.8 61.4 60.2 61.4 58.0 69.9 46.3 #N/A 24 68.7 67.3 67.6 61.2 60.0 61.5 57.6 68.5 39.3 57.3 25 68.0 66.7 66.8 60.5 59.6 60.7 57.6 67.4 *#N/A 57.2 26 67.9 67.2 67.1 59.8 59.5 60.2 56.1 67.7 38.8 57.3 27 68.6 67.8 67.6 60.3 59.8 60.9 56.5 69.5 37.2 58.2 28 68.4 67.2 67.6 60.8 60.0 60.9 56.7 69.3 *#N/A 58.4 29 67.7 66.8 66.6 59.1 58.7 59.5 56.0 67.9 *#N/A 57.3 30 68.8 67.1 67.1 59.0 56.9 58.2 54.0 69.7 *#N/A 59.3 Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 28 En. Avg 68.2 67.1 67.1 60.3 59.5 60.4 57.1 68.4 41.0 57.9 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft-related noise events. 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION May 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 68.5 66.9 67.2 61.4 59.8 61.3 58.6 68.8 *#N/A 59.2 2 67.1 66.3 66.5 60.0 59.7 60.7 58.2 67.5 45.3 57.3 3 68.0 66.9 66.9 60.8 59.9 60.7 58.0 68.3 34.0 58.8 4 68.4 67.3 67.1 61.2 60.4 61.3 58.8 69.9 49.9 59.8 5 68.6 67.6 67.2 60.8 60.7 60.9 58.5 69.1 34.9 59.2 6 67.2 66.7 66.2 59.8 59.7 59.8 57.2 67.4 42.9 57.1 7 68.9 68.1 67.7 61.2 60.7 61.6 58.7 69.8 44.0 59.7 8 68.6 67.4 67.5 61.1 60.1 60.8 58.5 69.2 42.7 59.1 9 67.9 67.1 66.8 60.2 59.8 59.9 57.7 68.0 48.0 57.8 10 68.3 67.2 67.4 61.2 59.6 61.3 58.4 68.6 38.0 58.3 11 69.0 68.2 68.0 61.3 60.3 61.7 58.8 68.9 42.6 58.8 12 68.8 67.6 67.9 61.1 59.2 61.1 57.9 69.2 41.5 58.9 13 68.0 66.7 67.0 59.6 57.7 59.0 55.6 67.6 43.5 56.4 14 68.6 67.4 67.4 60.6 58.9 60.4 56.7 68.9 41.1 58.3 15 69.1 67.4 68.4 60.8 59.4 61.0 56.7 68.8 37.9 57.7 16 67.8 66.7 66.9 59.6 59.1 59.9 56.4 67.9 43.5 58.5 17 68.1 66.6 67.1 59.5 58.8 60.0 56.3 68.1 *#N/A 57.5 18 68.6 67.0 67.3 60.5 59.2 60.6 56.9 69.1 41.5 58.4 19 69.3 67.6 68.1 60.7 59.1 60.5 55.8 69.1 46.8 58.5 20 68.2 67.0 67.0 59.4 58.1 59.5 55.9 67.8 41.7 57.0 21 69.0 67.8 67.7 60.4 59.2 60.6 56.6 69.5 *#N/A 57.9 22 68.5 67.3 67.3 60.0 58.8 60.4 56.7 69.4 *#N/A 58.6 23 68.2 66.6 67.1 60.7 58.9 60.4 55.4 67.9 38.0 57.6 24 68.7 67.6 67.6 61.4 59.7 61.1 57.9 68.8 43.7 58.8 25 69.1 68.0 67.5 61.7 60.9 62.1 59.1 69.6 42.5 59.6 26 69.0 68.3 67.8 61.1 61.2 62.4 58.9 69.2 46.3 59.1 27 67.5 66.6 65.9 60.2 59.7 60.3 57.9 68.0 31.3 57.2 28 67.9 66.7 66.2 60.7 59.5 60.5 57.3 68.3 *#N/A 57.7 29 68.5 67.1 67.3 61.2 59.3 61.2 58.1 69.4 33.0 58.3 30 68.2 67.2 67.2 60.3 60.0 60.7 57.9 68.6 *#N/A 58.1 31 67.2 66.4 66.6 60.2 59.4 60.3 57.6 68.0 29.7 57.4 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 25 31 En. Avg 68.4 67.2 67.3 60.6 59.6 60.8 57.6 68.7 43.3 58.4 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft-related noise events. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION June 2023 Date NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N 1 68.8 67.7 68.1 61.6 60.5 62.0 59.0 69.0 *#N/A 57.9 2 68.8 67.9 67.8 61.4 60.7 61.7 58.8 69.0 39.0 58.1 3 67.9 66.9 67.2 60.4 59.0 60.3 57.2 67.8 47.0 57.2 4 69.0 67.9 68.1 61.1 60.0 60.7 57.0 69.6 43.5 58.7 5 68.9 67.0 67.7 61.7 60.0 61.1 58.6 69.3 *#N/A 57.9 6 68.4 66.5 67.6 61.5 60.0 61.2 58.7 68.6 38.9 57.6 7 68.3 67.3 67.4 60.7 59.8 60.0 58.1 68.6 48.3 57.4 8 68.9 68.3 67.8 60.9 60.6 61.4 58.9 69.0 37.2 57.9 9 68.7 67.5 67.6 60.7 60.5 61.2 57.9 69.5 45.4 58.8 10 67.9 67.1 67.2 60.6 59.1 60.2 57.0 68.8 38.4 58.2 11 68.5 67.4 67.4 61.5 59.6 61.2 58.6 69.6 28.4 58.7 12 68.9 68.1 67.9 61.3 60.7 61.9 58.9 69.8 44.1 59.1 13 67.9 67.3 67.2 60.6 59.9 60.5 57.7 68.8 42.6 57.8 14 68.2 67.2 67.4 60.5 59.9 59.2 56.6 68.8 45.1 57.9 15 69.1 68.1 68.0 61.6 60.7 61.9 58.6 69.6 44.5 58.9 16 68.6 68.3 68.2 61.4 60.7 61.7 58.0 69.5 45.4 57.7 17 67.8 67.2 66.7 59.6 59.3 60.1 56.9 68.5 40.2 57.0 18 68.8 67.8 67.3 61.0 59.4 60.7 57.3 69.5 44.9 58.4 19 69.0 67.7 67.8 61.6 60.4 61.2 58.2 69.0 43.5 58.3 20 68.1 67.3 67.0 60.3 59.7 61.0 57.2 68.5 45.5 57.5 21 68.3 67.7 67.6 60.7 60.0 60.8 57.3 68.3 41.9 56.9 22 69.1 68.3 68.1 61.6 60.8 61.7 56.1 69.8 33.3 58.8 23 69.0 68.2 67.9 61.3 60.8 61.7 58.5 69.4 45.1 58.5 24 67.8 67.1 66.9 60.3 59.6 60.2 56.6 68.1 30.6 56.9 25 69.2 68.5 68.4 61.4 60.7 61.8 57.4 69.3 *#N/A 58.2 26 68.9 67.8 68.0 61.1 60.3 61.3 57.8 68.9 *#N/A 57.9 27 67.9 66.8 66.8 60.4 59.2 60.2 57.0 68.3 38.0 56.6 28 68.5 67.4 67.5 61.2 59.5 61.1 56.9 68.4 32.7 57.3 29 69.4 68.3 68.2 61.5 60.5 62.0 58.3 69.1 41.8 58.0 30 69.4 68.5 68.4 61.1 60.5 62.0 57.6 69.7 *#N/A 58.5 Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 En. Avg 68.6 67.7 67.7 61.0 60.1 61.1 57.8 69.0 43.1 58.0 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft-related noise events. 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A April -June 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Air Canada B38M 91 Average Count 92.6 (89) 91.5 (87) 92.6 (90) 85.7 (88) 84.1 (83) 85.1 (81) 81.0 (81) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Alaska B737 33 Average Count 95.4 (33) 94.5 (33) 94.5 (33) 88.8 (33) 88.5 (32) 89.4 (32) 85.1 (33) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B738 930 Average Count 97.9 (904) 96.6 (868) 95.5 (900) 89.5 (889) 89.0 (871) 90.3 (815) 87.1 (901) 93.7 (6) 90.0 (2) 81.2 (3) Allegiant A319 44 Average Count 94.0 (44) 92.8 (42) 93.0 (43) 87.8 (41) 86.3 (39) 87.7 (40) 83.5 (41) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 205 Average Count 95.3 (201) 94.5 (191) 92.9 (201) 87.7 (203) 86.3 (188) 88.0 (180) 84.0 (197) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) American A21N 86 Average Count 92.1 (86) 91.1 (81) 92.0 (85) 85.3 (84) 83.3 (81) 84.6 (77) 80.5 (51) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A319 163 Average Count 94.8 (159) 93.8 (153) 94.4 (158) 88.0 (159) 86.6 (153) 87.1 (134) 82.8 (155) 90.2 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 87 Average Count 95.5 (82) 94.5 (79) 94.7 (83) 87.5 (85) 85.8 (77) 86.1 (69) 82.3 (76) 88.1 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A321 172 Average Count 99.3 (169) 98.7 (155) 98.8 (167) 91.4 (165) 89.4 (148) 89.2 (150) 85.3 (163) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B38M 267 Average Count 92.8 (261) 92.1 (245) 92.4 (254) 85.2 (260) 84.7 (240) 86.0 (241) 81.9 (249) 88.2 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B738 922 Average Count 99.2 (887) 98.0 (851) 98.3 (883) 90.8 (880) 90.0 (848) 90.7 (741) 87.5 (862) 96.1 (12) 87.6 (5) 83.8 (4) Breeze A223 250 Average Count 89.2 (246) 89.3 (232) 87.9 (242) 82.2 (237) 81.7 (222) 83.0 (217) 79.4 (117) 82.7 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E190 26 Average Count 93.0 (26) 92.3 (25) 90.8 (25) 85.8 (26) 85.2 (26) 87.1 (26) 84.2 (25) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E195 18 Average Count 92.2 (18) 91.8 (18) 90.7 (18) 85.6 (18) 85.4 (18) 88.0 (17) 84.8 (17) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Delta A220 278 Average Count 88.8 (273) 88.7 (260) 88.4 (271) 81.1 (259) 79.4 (187) 80.9 (209) 77.9 (34) 88.6 (3) 80.0 (1) #N/A (0) A223 239 Average Count 90.3 (229) 90.0 (221) 90.0 (229) 82.2 (218) 80.6 (198) 82.1 (193) 78.7 (68) 89.2 (2) 84.5 (1) #N/A (0) A319 2 Average Count 95.6 (2) 95.3 (2) 95.2 (2) 88.7 (2) 87.4 (2) 88.1 (2) 83.0 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 1 Average Count 96.7 (1) 94.7 (1) 94.9 (1) 89.5 (1) 87.4 (1) #N/A (0) 85.5 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B752 350 Average Count 96.3 (339) 95.7 (319) 96.0 (342) 88.8 (344) 87.8 (319) 88.3 (303) 84.4 (337) 92.9 (3) 85.5 (1) #N/A (0) FedEx A306 63 Average Count 96.8 (63) 96.5 (59) 94.5 (63) 88.8 (62) 88.4 (60) 89.9 (60) 86.1 (60) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Frontier A20N 312 Average Count 88.4 (306) 88.2 (298) 88.0 (301) 81.8 (297) 79.8 (202) 82.6 (271) 79.5 (138) 83.0 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 37 Average Count 95.0 (36) 94.4 (36) 92.9 (35) 86.6 (37) 85.1 (36) 87.2 (33) 84.3 (37) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Horizon E175 216 Average Count 93.3 (212) 92.3 (205) 90.8 (207) 85.5 (211) 84.8 (205) 87.2 (196) 84.0 (208) 92.5 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Southwest B38M 5 Average Count 88.8 (5) 87.7 (5) 87.2 (4) 81.9 (4) 80.8 (4) 83.4 (5) 81.8 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) B737 1812 Average Count 93.8 (1764) 93.1 (1682) 91.6 (1744) 86.1 (1761) 86.0 (1711) 87.2 (1569) 84.2 (1716) 90.8 (12) 80.3 (1) 79.0 (1) B738 1 Average Count 88.1 (1) 88.3 (1) 86.7 (1) 82.9 (1) 82.4 (1) 83.3 (1) 80.3 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Spirit A20N 193 Average Count 88.7 (186) 88.1 (180) 88.2 (187) 83.1 (184) 81.3 (147) 83.3 (158) 79.8 (123) 86.5 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 166 Average Count 92.5 (162) 92.2 (153) 90.7 (162) 85.6 (162) 84.3 (144) 85.8 (142) 81.9 (154) 85.4 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) United A319 127 Average Count 94.5 (123) 93.4 (123) 93.7 (124) 87.1 (122) 85.8 (120) 86.7 (107) 82.8 (116) 88.7 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A320 181 Average Count 95.5 (175) 94.7 (166) 94.7 (175) 87.1 (172) 85.9 (163) 86.6 (152) 83.2 (165) 93.0 (5) 86.2 (4) #N/A (0) B737 271 Average Count 97.5 (260) 95.8 (256) 97.4 (259) 90.5 (261) 90.5 (255) 91.0 (232) 87.4 (254) 95.1 (5) 88.9 (3) 82.5 (1) B738 1000 Average Count 99.0 (958) 97.6 (920) 98.3 (953) 90.4 (945) 89.8 (910) 90.5 (815) 87.6 (918) 95.0 (15) 89.3 (10) 80.9 (7) UPS B752 51 Average Count 94.8 (51) 94.7 (43) 93.4 (51) 87.0 (51) 86.5 (49) 87.7 (48) 83.1 (49) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) WestJet B737 91 Average Count 95.8 (89) 94.9 (85) 95.4 (89) 90.0 (87) 89.3 (85) 90.6 (81) 85.7 (85) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E April -June 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Delta A220 196 Average Count 88.7 (191) 88.7 (180) 88.2 (188) 81.0 (180) 79.3 (138) 80.9 (154) 77.8 (16) 86.0 (3) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) A223 140 Average Count 89.8 (136) 90.0 (132) 89.0 (135) 81.4 (134) 80.2 (101) 81.4 (106) 78.1 (24) 82.9 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 921 Average Count 91.4 (907) 90.8 (862) 89.8 (887) 85.3 (896) 84.4 (862) 86.4 (837) 83.4 (874) 89.8 (2) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) Southwest B737 2159 Average Count 91.5 (2112) 91.2 (1986) 89.7 (2095) 85.0 (2104) 84.6 (2058) 85.7 (1931) 83.2 (2026) 90.6 (8) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter April -June 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N Delux Public Charters E135 319 Average Count 85.7 (312) 85.6 (306) 86.7 (310) 80.1 (287) 78.8 (88) 80.7 (251) 76.9 (10) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E145 218 Average Count 86.5 (215) 86.7 (200) 87.4 (211) 79.9 (172) 78.5 (54) 80.6 (168) 79.3 (8) 82.5 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) SkyWest CRJ7 90 Average Count 88.4 (88) 88.2 (84) 87.4 (87) 81.0 (42) 81.2 (76) 82.6 (80) 81.1 (78) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) E175 2 Average Count 91.2 (2) 91.9 (1) 89.7 (2) 83.2 (2) 83.2 (1) 84.8 (1) 81.1 (1) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) #N/A (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation April -June 2023 Carrier AC Type # Deps NMS Site 1S 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8N 9N 10N General Aviation Jet 5240 Average Count 88.0 (4999) 87.5 (4731) 89.0 (4938) 82.7 (3030) 82.2 (2125) 83.5 (3023) 81.6 (1241) 85.7 (39) 82.3 (3) 83.5 (2) 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Air Canada AC A223 102 192 B38M 6 494 364 Alaska AS A319 244 314 A320 3,403 1,733 4,038 3,888 70 B737 160 14 24 116 112 B738 5,247 767 1,327 2,728 3,461 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 676 188 A320 488 1,399 779 American AA A21N 2 2 88 51 228 A319 432 474 220 498 658 A320 634 488 783 478 468 A321 214 571 1,035 1,099 648 B38M 17 1,755 1,070 B738 10,972 5,201 8,144 8,517 3,620 B752 36 Breeze MX A223 678 E190 54 E195 46 Compass CP E175 3,150 656 Delta DL A220 851 1,954 4,036 3,048 1,385 A223 4 1,934 1,733 A319 1,987 828 952 2,071 88 A320 11 8 3 532 14 B712 2,495 B737 8 24 B738 40 2 12 58 12 B752 2,889 1,065 1,423 2,010 1,316 FedEx FM A306 510 512 502 498 244 Frontier F9 A20N 900 550 1,363 1,818 1,268 A319 100 2 88 A320 428 392 361 310 128 Horizon QX DH8D 12 E175 4,257 2,986 3,293 1,256 611 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 2 E175 7,686 3,535 3,711 5,446 3,410 Southwest WN B38M 10 683 4,038 88 B737 29,360 14,268 22,212 31,166 15,895 B738 134 3,780 7,738 1,720 20 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,735 2,220 732 A319 250 158 2 A320 19 346 1,132 685 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 1,216 590 819 1,047 315 A320 3,151 1,227 1,020 2,054 604 B737 2,816 999 2,622 4,116 1,230 B738 5,627 2,645 2,946 5,685 4,029 B752 2 UPS 5X A306 12 18 18 48 B752 404 404 392 362 204 WestJet WS B736 58 34 B737 618 126 112 632 360 Total 90,074 46,370 74,253 95,260 46,817 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 A20N 900 730 3,098 4,038 2,000 A21N 2 2 88 51 228 A220 851 1,954 4,036 3,048 1,385 A223 106 2,126 2,411 A306 522 530 520 546 244 A319 3,979 2,208 3,405 4,450 1,251 A320 7,627 3,867 7,039 9,793 2,748 A321 214 571 1,035 1,099 648 B38M 10 706 6,287 1,522 B712 2,495 B736 58 34 B737 32,962 15,431 25,208 36,038 17,597 B738 22,020 12,395 20,191 18,710 11,142 B752 3,329 1,469 1,817 2,372 1,520 CRJ9 2 DH8D 12 E175 15,093 7,177 7,004 6,702 4,021 E190 54 E195 46 Total 90,074 46,370 74,253 95,260 46,817 TABLE 11 AIRCRAFT TYPE DESIGNATORS AC Type Manufacturer Model/Series AC Type Manufacturer Model/Series A20N Airbus 320-200 Neo B737 Boeing 737-700 A21N Airbus 320-100 Neo B738 Boeing 737-800 A220 Airbus 220-100 B752 Boeing 757-200 A223 Airbus 220-300 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 A306 Airbus 300-600 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 A319 Airbus 319 DH8D Bombardier Dash 8 A320 Airbus 320 E135 Embraer 135 A321 Airbus 321 E145 Embraer 145 B38M Boeing 737-800 Max E175 Embraer 175 B712 Boeing 717-200 E190 Embraer 190 B736 Boeing 737-600 E195 Embraer 195 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 TABLE 12 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier AC Type Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Air Canada AC A223 .140 .263 B38M .008 .677 .499 Alaska AS A319 .334 .432 A320 4.660 2.363 5.534 5.326 .096 B737 .219 .022 .033 .159 .153 B738 7.189 1.046 1.816 3.734 4.742 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .926 .258 A320 .668 1.915 1.068 American AA A21N .003 .003 .121 .068 .310 A319 .592 .648 .296 .682 .901 A320 .868 .664 1.082 .655 .641 A321 .293 .779 1.414 1.507 .888 B38M .022 2.403 1.471 B738 15.030 7.107 11.156 11.666 4.956 B752 .049 Breeze MX A223 .929 E190 .074 E195 .063 Compass CP E175 4.315 .896 Delta DL A220 1.164 2.667 5.529 4.175 1.896 A223 .005 2.649 2.373 A319 2.723 1.131 1.304 2.836 .123 A320 .014 .014 .003 .729 .019 B712 3.419 B737 .011 .033 B738 .055 .003 .016 .079 .016 B752 3.956 1.454 1.948 2.753 1.805 FedEx FM A306 .699 .699 .688 .682 .334 Frontier F9 A20N 1.233 .751 1.866 2.490 1.737 A319 .137 .003 .121 A320 .586 .536 .496 .425 .175 Horizon QX DH8D .016 E175 5.830 4.079 4.512 1.721 .836 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 .003 E175 10.529 4.833 5.085 7.460 4.668 Southwest WN B38M .014 .937 5.532 .123 B737 40.216 19.497 30.416 42.693 21.773 B738 .184 5.161 10.605 2.353 .027 Spirit NK A20N .246 2.381 3.041 1.000 A319 .342 .216 .003 A320 .025 .471 1.551 .940 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 1.666 .806 1.123 1.433 .433 A320 4.315 1.675 1.397 2.814 .827 B737 3.855 1.366 3.589 5.644 1.685 B738 7.712 3.612 4.036 7.786 5.515 B752 .003 UPS 5X A306 .016 .025 .025 .066 B752 .553 .552 .537 .496 .279 WestJet WS B736 .079 .046 B737 .847 .172 .153 .866 .493 Total 123.384 63.347 101.712 130.485 64.132 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: June 27, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED Anaheim Hills resident, Mr. Roger Allensworth, expressed concerns with constant aircraft noise resulting from changes in the flight path near his home. Mr. Allensworth said he contacted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Congresswoman Young Kim’s office regarding his concerns. Mr. Allensworth mentioned that it appears aircraft are adjusting their rudders when overflying his neighborhood. Mr. Allensworth asked why the FAA has not reverted back to the previous flight path used before 2017. Mr. Anthony Cangey, Airport Access & Noise Specialist at John Wayne Airport, responded to Mr. Allensworth's concerns by stating he went through the proper channels by contacting the FAA. Mr. Cangey added that JWA strictly enforces aircraft access and noise restrictions, as prescribed in the Settlement Agreement and Phase 2 Access Plan. Mr. Allensworth mentioned he has spoken with other concerned neighbors and these residents feel they may be forced to move if aircraft noise continues. Mr. Allensworth also expressed that aircraft activity near his residence may negatively affect home values in his neighborhood. Mr. Cangey encouraged Mr. Allensworth to contact the JWA Access & Noise Office to further discuss these concerns. Newport Beach resident, Dr. Jim Mosher, asked about the status of the aircraft altitude analysis and the results of that study. Mr. Cangey explained that the data used in the altitude analysis for each year is collected from the month of August, so the presentation was going to be postponed until September or October to include August 2023 data. Dr. Mosher asked when the results of the Fly Friendly Program would be presented to the public. Mr. Cangey stated the results will be announced in Fall 2023. Mr. Cangey also added that JWA is still in communication with Fifth District County Supervisor Katrina Foley's office and the JWA Advisory Committee during this process. Mr. Cangey also added that JWA continues to collaborate with GA pilots for outreach and program improvements. Dr. Mosher wanted to know the status of the 2024 Plan Year capacity allocations. Mr. Cangey mentioned staff recommendations would be made public on June 28, presented to the Airport Commission on July 5, followed by Board of Supervisors’ action on July 15. Dr. Mosher noticed in the Quarter 1 2023 Noise Report that commercial carriers are flying newer, quieter aircraft less frequently than in the past, and asked if this was a result of changes in capacity allocations when compared to last year. Mr. Cangey explained that the types of aircraft that commercial carriers operate at JWA are at their discretion. Mr. Cangey added that United Airlines recently submitted a noise qualification test packet to receive approval to operate the Boeing 737-8 MAX at JWA. Dr. Mosher had commented that in ten percent of the General Aviation (GA) violations listed in the Detailed Noise Events Reports, the call sign was listed as “UNKNOWN”, and he wanted to know if the Airport resolves violations that show as UNKNOWN. Mr. Cangey explained that if a call sign is listed as UNKNOWN in JWA’s Airport Noise and Operations Management System (ANOMS), the ANO will utilize other sources to obtain this information and update records in ANOMS. 15 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 Dr. Mosher stated that in the General Aviation Noise Ordinance (GANO), a violation is assigned to the operator/owner of the aircraft, but in the Semi-Annual GANO report the Airport states that the violation letter is sent to the registered owner, and he is not clear who is regarded as the operator. Dr. Mosher provided a specific example and asked if Clay Lacy, who operates charter aircraft at JWA, would be considered the operator or the pilot of each aircraft under Clay Lacy. Mr. Cangey stated JWA sends GANO violations to the registered owner, the operator, and the pilot-in-command, when contact information is available. Mr. Cangey mentioned that the violation is tied to the tail number of the aircraft. Dr. Mosher asked why the public is only made aware of the number of GANO violations throughout the year and why it appears some of those violations are excused. Dr. Mosher asked if there is any reason JWA cannot be more transparent and publish a list of the GANO violations that are waived, as the Airport does with its commercial curfew operations. Mr. Cangey said he would discuss these recommendations with Airport management. Dr. Mosher stated that in the latest Quarterly Noise Report, JWA no longer provided the complaints heat map, but instead, now provides “doughnut” diagrams showing the "nature of the complaint." Dr. Mosher found it odd that the predominant complaint was not “too loud” but instead “off-course” or “too frequent.” Dr. Mosher asked if the system only allows the ability to submit one option for the nature of the complaint and not multiple reasons. Mr. Cangey confirmed that the system only enables complainants to submit one option for the nature of the complaint. Mr. Cangey added that for this specific report, the nature of complaints submitted from Anaheim Hills were listed as “off-course” and “too frequent”, which resulted in a higher percentage of these types. Dr. Mosher expressed that the complaint data is not meaningful because it is a self-selected group of people affecting the statistics. Dr. Mosher asked if the ANO has attempted to see which kind of planes or carriers are generating the most complaints, like Alaska Airlines, as mentioned in previous meetings. Mr. Cangey explained that the IoT button tags the closest aircraft at the time and place of the complaint. Dr. Mosher asked how many complaints received each quarter require a response and how much time does it take to complete that task. Mr. Cangey said that since Viewpoint was implemented, the ANO's protocol is if the Airport receives a complaint from the IoT button, we will not respond to the complaint. For all other submission methods, if a complainant requests a response, our office will respond to the first complaint submitted by that complainant for that day, which equates to approximately 6-12 daily complaints. 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report April – June 2023 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER June 27, 2023 NAME ORGANIZATION Jim Mosher Resident – Newport Beach Roger Allensworth Resident – Anaheim Hills Jason Herman Air Line Pilots Association, International Unknown Caller Unknown Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport Beatrice Siercke John Wayne Airport Cristina Magaña John Wayne Airport Kyle Gorny John Wayne Airport 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271 SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0163 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 74 Units 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 185 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this Airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: Boeing 737-800 – 5,719 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 67,279 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 25,538 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 41,698 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 43 DocuSign Envelope ID: A0660571-3C85-4ADA-BAF8-303A765A514BDocuSign Envelope ID: E556D097-C0B9-4B73-BB9C-8207B495A271