City Manager _______
Finance Director _______
JANUARY 16, 2024
Approval of a Consultant Services Agreement between the City of Tustin and NUVIS
Landscape Architecture to provide the city with design services and construction
documents for the Heideman School Park project (CIP No. 20089).
Authorize the Acting City Manager to execute a Consultant Services Agreement with
NUVIS Landscape Architecture for the preparation of plans and specifications for the
Heideman School Park project (CIP No. 20089) in an amount not to exceed $602,491,
subject to any non-substantive modifications as deemed necessary and/or
recommended by the City Attorney.
The Heideman School Park project (CIP No. 20089) is funded by a Proposition 68
Statewide Parks Program Grant. The total grant amount for the entire project is
This project advances the following goal of the City of Tustin Strategic Plan:
•Goal A. Economic and Neighborhood Development, Strategy 6. Assess and
explore opportunities for expanded recreational activities through a joint use school
site in Southwest Tustin.
In December 2021, California State Parks announced that the City of Tustin was
awarded a Statewide Parks and Program Grant for the design and construction of a
joint-use park at Heideman Elementary School.
Heideman School Park will provide much-needed outdoor space for the surrounding
neighborhood to gather, exercise, celebrate, and relax. Amenities will include a new
multipurpose athletic field, playground, restrooms, picnic shelter, sports field and
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3 8
walkway lighting, running/walking track, outdoor fitness equipment, a tactile experience
garden, and renovated basketball courts.
The scope of the design services for this project will be to prepare the plans and
specifications necessary to construct the 3.5-acre joint-use park in collaboration with the
Tustin Unified School District (TUSD). In January 2022, a Request for Proposals (RFP)
was sent to eight local landscape architects with whom either the City or TUSD has had
previous experience.
Three firms responded to the RFP and the proposals were evaluated using a
Qualifications Based Selection process for professional services. Evaluators included
staff in the Parks and Recreation and Public Works Departments as well as a TUSD
representative from the Maintenance, Operation, and Facilities Division. As a result of
this evaluation process, NUVIS Landscape Architecture was rated highest, with
substantial consistency between the three evaluators. Their proposal was deemed the
strongest in its demonstration of a thorough work plan and significant experience
working with municipal agencies and school districts on projects with a similar scope.
Total Score Avg. Rating
NUVIS 264 88.0
MIG, INC. 250 83.3
David Volz Design, Inc. 246 82.0
Respectfully submitted,
Chad W. Clanton
Director, Parks and Recreation Services
Attachment: Consultant Services Agreement
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
this day of 2024, by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal
corporation, hereafter referred to as “City”, and Nuvis Landscape Architecture, a
California Corporation, hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”.
WHEREAS, City requires the services of a consultant to furnish the necessary
architectural design services for the preparation of plans and specifications for the
Heideman School Park project hereinafter referred to as “Project”; and
WHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a proposal dated February 28, 2022,
a copy of which is attached hereto marked as Exhibit “B” and is by this reference
incorporated into this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the necessary services for the
Project and desires to provide said services to City; and
WHEREAS, City desires to retain the services of Consultant for said Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration and upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Section 1: Scope of Consultant’s Services
Consultant shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory
to City, the services set forth in Exhibits “A” and “B” in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
Section 2: Order of Precedence
In the event of a conflict between or among any of the documents comprising this
Agreement, the following order of precedence shall govern the provision in question:
1. This Agreement
2. City’s Request for Proposal (Exhibit “A”)
3. Consultant’s Proposal (Exhibit “B”)
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Section 3: Time for Completion
The time for completion of the work to be performed by Consultant is an essential
condition of this Agreement. Consultant shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work
of this Agreement according to reasonable schedules established by the City for various
items described and as outlined within Consultant’s proposal. Consultant shall not be
accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any condition beyond its
control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant.
Section 4: Compensation
A. The compensation to be paid under this Agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit
“B”, which shall not exceed a total cost of $ 602,491.00.
B. Consultant shall submit detailed invoices, based upon the actual work performed
accompanied by backup documentation as requested by the City.
C. Progress payments for work completed shall be paid by City as the work
progresses, within thirty (30) days of the date of Consultant’s invoice.
D. Consultant shall provide City with a monthly itemization of all work performed, and
the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City
Section 5: Independent Contractor
Consultant’s relationship to City in the performance of this Agreement is that of an
independent contractor. Consultant’s personnel performing services under this
Agreement shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control and
shall be employees of Consultant and not employees of City. Consultant shall pay all
wages, salaries and other amounts due its employees in connection with this Agreement
and shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, such as social
security, income tax withholding, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation
and similar matters.
Section 6: Indemnification
Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its officers, agents,
employees, successors and assigns harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness,
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
death, or other claim made by any person and from all costs, expenses and charges
including attorney’s fees caused by or arising out of Consultant’s, its officers’, agents’,
subcontractors’, or employees’ negligent acts, negligent errors, or negligent omissions or
willful misconduct, or conduct for which the law imposes strict liability on Consultant in the
performance or failure to perform this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and only to the extent that the services performed
by Consultant are subject to California Civil Code Section 2782.8, the above indemnity
shall be limited, to the extent required by Civil Code Section 2782.8, to claims that arise
out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of the
Under no circumstances shall the insurance requirements and limits set forth in
this Agreement be construed to limit Consultant’s indemnification obligation or other
liability hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such obligation to defend, hold
harmless and indemnify the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers,
shall not apply to the extent that such claims are caused by the sole negligence or willful
misconduct of that indemnified party.
Section 7: Insurance
A. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement
policies of commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance (each of
which shall include property damage and bodily injury) and each with limits of at
least $1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per occurrence.
B. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement
a policy of professional liability insurance coverage with limits of at least
$1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per claim or per occurrence. If
Consultant provides claims made professional liability insurance, Consultant shall
also agree in writing either (1) to purchase tail insurance in the amount required by
this Agreement or to cover claims made within five (5) years of the completion of
Consultant’s service under this Agreement, or (2) to maintain professional liability
insurance coverage with the same carrier, or with an equivalent carrier in the
amount required by this Agreement for at least five (5) years after completion of
Consultant’s services under this Agreement. Consultant shall also provide
evidence to the City of the purchase of the required tail insurance or continuation
of the professional liability policy by executing the attached Letter Agreement on
Consultant’s letterhead.
C. Consultant shall carry and pay for such workers’ compensation insurance as is
required to fully protect Consultant and its employees under California Worker’s
Compensation Insurance Law. The insurance company shall agree to waive all
rights of subrogation against the City for losses paid under the policy, which losses
arose from the work performed by the named insured.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
D. Other applicable insurance requirements are: (1) Name the City, its officials and
employees as additional insured on the commercial general liability and
automobile liability insurance policies. (2) The insurance shall be issued by a
company authorized by the Insurance Department of the State of California and
rated A, VII (seven) or better (if an admitted carrier) or A-, X (ten) or better (if
offered by a surplus line broker), by the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide,
except that the City will accept workers’ compensation insurance rated B-, VII
(seven) or better, or from the State Compensation fund. (3) The insurance shall
not be cancelled, except after thirty (30) days written prior notice to the City; and
(4) The commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance shall each
be primary as respects the City, and any other insurance maintained by the City
shall be in excess of this insurance and not contribute to it.
E. Upon execution of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City certificates of
insurance and insurer endorsements evidencing the required insurance. Insurer
endorsements (or a copy of the policy binder if applicable) shall be provided as
evidence of meeting the requirements of Subsections (1)(3) and (4) of Section 7D
above and the waiver of subrogation requirement in Section 7C above. If self-
insured for worker’s compensation, Consultant shall submit to City a copy of its
certification of self-insurance issued by the Department of Industrial Relations.
Section 8: Termination of Agreement
A. City and Consultant shall each have the right to terminate any or all of the services
covered by this Agreement at any time or any reason by giving ten (10) business
days written advance notice to the other party.
B. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall be paid for services
rendered by the effective date of the termination.
C. Upon termination of this Agreement or completion of the Project, all documents
relating to the Project shall become the sole property of City. Should City
terminate this Agreement pursuant to subparagraph A. of this Section, Consultant
shall within ten (10) business days of receipt of notice of termination, provide City
with all documents within Consultant’s possession relating to this Agreement and
the Project, including but not limited to all completed documents and all drafts of
uncompleted documents.
Section 9: Notice
Any notice allowed or required to be given shall be effective upon personal
delivery thereof, or upon depositing thereof in the United States Postal Service, certified
mail, upon receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
To City: City of Tustin
Attn.: Chad W. Clanton, Director
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
To Consultant: Nuvis Landscape Architecture
Attn: Perry Cardoza
20250 SW Acacia Street
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Section 10: Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Consultant shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services
provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed
B. No part of this Agreement may be assigned by Consultant without the prior written
approval of City.
C. This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties
D. Consultant shall perform all services required under this Agreement using that
degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in similar
localities, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions for services
performed by Consultant under the terms of this Agreement.
E. Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employee
who is employed in the work covered by this Agreement, or against any
application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, or national
origin including but not limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion
or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rate of
pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including
F. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with California Law. The
parties agree that the Orange County Superior Court is the exclusive venue for
any lawsuits by either party regarding this Agreement.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the date
and year first above written.
City of Tustin
Nicole Bernard, Acting City Manager
Erica Yasuda, City Clerk
David Kendig, City Attorney
Nuvis Landscape Architecture
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Exhibit A
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780
Professional Consulting Services
for the
Heideman School Park – Preparation of Plans and Specifications
February 2022
PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS: Responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) are to be submitted to:
Chad W. Clanton, Director
Parks and Recreation Services Department
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
No later than 4:00 P.M. on February 28, 2022. Three copies of the proposal shall be submitted
in a sealed envelope and marked: “Proposal for Heideman School Park – Preparation of Plans
and Specifications.” Proposals received after the specified time will not be accepted and will
be returned unopened. Fees shall be provided in a separate sealed envelope. Questions
regarding this request will be limited to written form and shall be submitted no later than seven
(7) calendar days prior to the deadline for proposal submission. (Verbal inquiries will not be
accepted except at site walk-through.) Questions shall be directed to Chad Clanton,
I. Project Description 2
II. Schedule of Events 2
III. Scope of Work 2
IV. Proposal Requirements 3
V. General Requirements 5
VI. Consultant Evaluation & Selection Process 7
VII. Administration Specifications 8
Attachments 8
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
February 2022
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The City of Tustin Parks and Recreation Services Department is requesting proposals from
design firms for the preparation of Plans and Specifications for Heideman School Park.
Robert P. Heideman Elementary School, which is owned and operated by the Tustin Unified
School District (TUSD), is located at 15571 Williams Street in Tustin. The school was founded in
July 1980 and has approximately three and a half (3.5) acres of active recreation space in the
outdoor field area of the campus.
The City has been awarded a Statewide Parks Program Grant from California State Parks to
design and construct a joint-use public park using the active recreation space at Heideman
Elementary School.
February 1, 2022 Issuance of Request for Proposals
February 15, 2022 Site Walk-Through at Heideman School, 4:00 P.M. *
February 22, 2022 Deadline for written questions.
February 28, 2022 Proposals due at Tustin City Hall by 4:00 P.M.
March 3, 2022 Consultant Evaluation and Selection Process (est. date)
March 15, 2022 City Council Approval of Consultant Contract (est. date)
April 1, 2022 Issuance of Notice to Proceed (est. date)
* City of Tustin and Tustin Unified School District staff will conduct a non-mandatory site walk-
through at Heideman Elementary School for interested proposers on Tuesday, February 15, at
4:00 P.M.
Although the City is attempting to identify the limits and services required, this should not
unnecessarily limit the Consultant in the development of a scope it believes is necessary to
meet the City’s goals and objectives.
The Consultant will prepare all necessary onsite and offsite design plans and biddable
specifications for the project that will include a natural turf, multi-purpose field with sports
lighting, playground, picnic area, restroom/office building, outdoor fitness equipment,
exercise loop, a tactile experience garden, perimeter fencing with gates, walkways/trails with
passive lighting, security cameras, and basketball courts. The Consultant will also prepare
construction cost estimates, earthwork quantities, a detailed topographic survey and map of
the site and any necessary surrounding areas including but not limited to utilities, a complete
geotechnical investigation, WQMP, SWPPP, hydrology & hydraulics report, any necessary
miscellaneous exhibits, and legal descriptions. Additionally, the Consultant shall provide full
and all necessary coordination with all affected/required utilities and agencies, including but
not limited to preparation of plans and specifications. The Consultant shall provide design
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Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
February 2022
Page 3
revisions as needed (e.g. 100% Design Development, 50% and 100% Construction Documents)
each accompanied by a cost estimate. During construction Consultant shall provide project
management & administration and construction support services including but not limited to
construction revisions, responses to RFI’s, review and approval of submittals, review of shop
drawings, and development of final record drawings.
For a full description of the project, including environmental analysis (CEQA), interested
proposers are highly encouraged to review the City of Tustin’s Statewide Parks Program Grant
application packet information which can be found at
The Consultant is also to meet with City (and TUSD) staff on an as needed, on-going basis. This
shall include construction meetings and site visits.
Although the City requires no specific format, this section is intended to provide guidelines to
the Consultant regarding features that the City will look for and expect to be included in the
1. Content & Format
The City requests that proposals submitted be organized and presented in a neat
and logical format and relevant to these services. Consultant’s proposal shall be
clear, accurate, and comprehensive. Excessive or irrelevant material will not be
favorably received.
Proposals shall contain no more than 10 typed pages using a 10-point minimum font
size, including transmittal/offer letter and resumes of key people, but excluding
Index/Table of Contents, tables, charts, and graphic exhibits. The purpose of these
restrictions is to minimize the costs of proposal preparation and to ensure that the
response to the RFP is fully relevant to the project.
The proposal should include the following:
• Transmittal/offer letter
• Page numbering
• Index/Table of Contents
• Approach
• Team organization including an organization diagram and time commitment
of key staff
• Statement of Qualifications including descriptions of similar projects by key
staff to be assigned during the term of the contract
• Brief resumes of key staff
• Schedule of hourly rates and fees in a separate sealed envelope
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Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
February 2022
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2. Approach
A description of the firm’s approach and work program to meet the City’s
objectives shall be included. It should explain the firm’s technical approach and
methodology, as well as specific tasks and activities, laid out in an estimated
timeline that will be performed to address the specific issues and work items. Firms
are also encouraged to provide examples of environmental and maintenance
friendly design elements that could be incorporated into the project.
3. Team Organization
The purpose of this section is to describe the organization of the project team
including subconsultants and key staff. A Project Manager and an alternate Project
Manager shall be named who shall be the prime contact and be responsible for
coordinating all activities with the City. An organization diagram shall be submitted
showing all key team members and illustrating the relationship between the City,
the Project Manager, key staff, and subconsultants. There also should be a brief
description of the role and responsibilities of all key staff and subconsultants
identified in the team organization.
4. Statement of Qualifications
The information provided in this section should describe the qualifications of the firm
and key staff in performing projects within the past ten (10) years that are similar in
scope and size to demonstrate competence to perform these services. In
particular, direct experience with the following are highly preferred:
• Municipalities
• Public school districts
• California Division of the State Architect
• California Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Grants and Local
• Management of multiple subconsultants
The projects listed should be those that the key staff named for this project were
responsible for performing. Information shall include:
• Names of key staff that participated on named projects and their specific
• The client’s name, contact person, addresses, and telephone numbers
• A brief description of type and extent of services provided
• Completion dates (estimated, if not yet completed)
• Total costs of the projects
There should be included in the section brief resumes of key personnel who will
provide these services demonstrating their qualifications and experience. Resumes
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
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should highlight education, relevant experience, licenses, and specific
responsibilities for services described.
5. Fee Proposal
Compensation for services provided shall be based upon the Consultant’s detailed
fee proposal to furnish the services detailed in their proposal.
A Fee Proposal shall be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope and marked as
“Fee Proposal” along with the name of the project.
A work program together with a breakdown of labor hours by employee billing
classification together with the cost of non-labor and subconsultant services shall be
included with the fee proposal. The labor breakdown shall be compiled based
upon a listing of work tasks that correlates with the Consultant’s defined scope of
work for the project proposal. This information will be used by the City staff to
evaluate the reasonableness of the fee proposal and may be used in negotiating
the final fee amounts for the contract agreement.
The fee proposal of the three (3) top ranked Consultants will be opened at the
conclusion of the Consultant evaluation and selection process. Fees will not be
used to determine the ranking of the Consultants. The Fee Proposals of those
Consultants not ranked in the top three (3) will be returned to them unopened upon
Award of Contract to the selected Consultant.
The City will negotiate the final fee with the top ranked Consultant.
Reimbursable expenses shall not be allowed unless negotiated prior to a contract.
Price escalations during the contract term are disfavored and will not be allowed
unless negotiated prior to execution of contract.
Although no public meetings are anticipated, the fee proposal shall include a unit
cost for a public meeting (eg, $/public meeting) in the event a meeting will be
The Consultant shall prepare progress billings reflective of the project schedule and
the scope of work completed, by line item and description.
6. Statement of Offer & Signature
The proposal shall contain a statement that the proposals are a firm offer for a 90-
day period and signed by an individual authorized to act on behalf of the firm.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
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1. Insurance Requirements
The Consultant shall furnish with the proposal proof of the following minimum
insurance coverage. These minimum levels of coverage are required to be
maintained for the duration of the project:
A. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence
for bodily injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability
Insurance or other form with a general limit is used, either the general aggregate
limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit
shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
B. Professional Liability Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence (note: A “claims
made” policy is acceptable). If Consultant provides “claims made” coverage,
Consultant shall also agree in writing to either:
i. Purchase Tail Insurance in the amount required by the resulting
agreement to cover claims made within five (5) years of completion of
Consultant’s services under the agreement.
ii. Maintain professional liability insurance coverage with the same carrier or
with an equivalent carrier in the amount required by the resulting
agreement five (5) years after completion of Consultant’s services under
this agreement.
The Consultant shall provide written evidence of either form by executing the
attached letter agreement (Attachment B) on Consultant letterhead.
C. Worker’s Compensation Coverage - State statutory limits.
Deductibles, Self-Insurance Retentions, or Similar Forms of Coverage Limitations or
Modifications, must be declared to and approved by the City of Tustin.
The Consultant is encouraged to contact its insurance carriers during the proposal
stage to ensure that the insurance requirements can be met if selected for
negotiation of a contract agreement. The City shall be named as Additional Insured
and no policy may be modified or cancelled prior to thirty (30) days written notice
to the City. Certificates of Insurance and insurer endorsements evidencing the
required insurance shall be provided.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
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2. Standard Form of Agreement
The Consultant will enter into an agreement with the City based upon the contents
of the RFP and the Consultant’s proposal. The City’s standard form of agreement is
included as Attachment A. The Consultant shall carefully review the agreement
and include with the proposal a description of any exceptions requested to the
standard contract. If there are no exceptions, a statement to that effect shall be
included in the proposal.
3. Disclaimer
This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred
in the preparation of the proposal. The City reserves the right to extend the due
date for the proposal, to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of
this request, to negotiate with any qualified Consultant, or to cancel this RFP in part
or in its entirety. The City may require the selected Consultant to participate in
negotiations and to submit such technical, fee, or other revisions of their proposals
as may result from negotiations.
4. Assigned Representatives
The City will assign a responsible representative to administer the contract and to
assist the Consultant in obtaining information. The Consultant also shall assign a
responsible representative (Project Manager) and an alternate, who shall be
identified in the proposal. The Consultant’s representative will remain in responsible
charge of the Consultant’s duties from the Notice to Proceed through project
completion. If the Consultant’s primary representative should be unable to
continue with the project, then the alternate representative identified in the
proposal shall become the Project Manager. The City’s representative shall first
approve any substitution of representatives or subconsultants identified in the
proposal in writing. The City reserves the right to review and approve/disapprove all
key staff and subconsultant substitution or removal and may consider such changes
not approved to be a breach of contract.
5. City Business License
A City Business License will be required of the Consultant and any sub-consultants
for services under this agreement.
The City’s Consultant evaluation and selection process is based upon Qualifications Based
Selection (QBS) for professional services. The following criteria will be used in evaluating the
proposals using a point value system (100 points) based upon the weighting indicated below:
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
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1. Approach and work plan to achieve specified city objectives. (25 points)
2. Qualifications and experience of the Project Manager and other key individuals. (40
3. Results of reference checks. (15 points) Reference checks will only be conducted
for a short list of firms or the top-rated firm.
4. Clarity of proposal. (10 points)
5. Compliance with proposal requirements including the 10-page limitation. (10 points)
The City may elect to interview a short list of qualified firms or to interview only the top-rated
firm based upon the proposals submitted for the project.
The City staff will negotiate a contract with the best qualified firm for the desired consulting
services. Should the City staff be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm
considered to be the most qualified, negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated.
Negotiations will then be undertaken with the next most qualified firm. Failing accord with the
second most qualified firm, the City staff will terminate negotiations and continue the
negotiation process with the next most qualified firms in order of their evaluation ranking until
an agreement is reached and a firm is selected and an agreement is executed.
Additional information related to the Consultant selection process will be made available in
the future once the City has executed this contract. Please refrain from making any verbal
inquires or requests for a formal debriefing related to the subject RFP until the City of Tustin
completes the ongoing contract process.
A. The City of Tustin’s Rights to Proposals
All proposals, upon submission to the City of Tustin shall become its property for use as
deemed appropriate. By submitting a proposal, the offer covenants not to make any
claim for or have any right to damages because of any misinterpretation or
misunderstanding of the specification or because of any misinformation or lack of
information. The City of Tustin has the following prerogatives with regard to proposals
- to accept or reject any or all proposals;
- to correct any arithmetic errors in any or all proposals submitted;
- to utilize any or all the ideas from proposals submitted;
- to change the proposal’s due date upon appropriate notification;
- to adopt any or all of an offeror’s proposal; and
- to negotiate modifications to the scope and fee with selected offeror prior to
contract award.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Heideman School Park – Plans & Specs. - RFP
February 2022
Page 9
Attachment A --- Sample Consultant Services Agreement
Attachment B --- Grant Application Site Plan
Attachment C --- Photos of Heideman School Park Project Site
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Attachment A
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
this day of 20 , by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal
corporation, hereafter referred to as “City”, and , a California Corporation,
hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”.
WHEREAS, City requires the services of a consultant to furnish the necessary
[engineering or other] services for the [describe project] hereinafter referred to as
“Project”; and
WHEREAS, City has prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) dated ,
a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit “A” and is by this reference
incorporated into this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, in response to City’s RFP, Consultant has submitted to City a
proposal dated , a copy of which is attached hereto marked as Exhibit
“B” and is by this reference incorporated into this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the necessary services for the
Project and desires to provide said services to City; and
WHEREAS, City desires to retain the services of Consultant for said Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration and upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:
Section 1: Scope of Consultant’s Services
Consultant shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory
to City, the services set forth in Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
Section 2: Order of Precedence
In the event of a conflict between or among any of the documents comprising this
Agreement, the following order of precedence shall govern the provision in question:
1. This Agreement
2. City’s Request for Proposal (Exhibit “A”)
3. Consultant’s Proposal (Exhibit “B”)
Section 3: Time for Completion
The time for completion of the work to be performed by Consultant is an essential
condition of this Agreement. Consultant shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work
of this Agreement according to reasonable schedules established by the City for various
items described and as outlined within Consultant’s proposal. Consultant shall not be
accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any condition beyond its
control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant.
Section 4: Compensation
A. The compensation to be paid under this Agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit
“B”, which shall not exceed a total cost of $ .
B. Consultant shall submit detailed invoices, based upon the actual work performed
accompanied by backup documentation as requested by the City.
C. Progress payments for work completed shall be paid by City as the work
progresses, within thirty (30) days of the date of Consultant’s invoice.
D. Consultant shall provide City with a monthly itemization of all work performed, and
the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City
Section 5: Independent Contractor
Consultant’s relationship to City in the performance of this Agreement is that of an
independent contractor. Consultant’s personnel performing services under this
Agreement shall at all times be under Consultant’s exclusive direction and control and
shall be employees of Consultant and not employees of City. Consultant shall pay all
wages, salaries and other amounts due its employees in connection with this Agreement
and shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, such as social
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
security, income tax withholding, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation
and similar matters.
Section 6: Indemnification
Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its officers, agents,
employees, successors and assigns harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness,
death, or other claim made by any person and from all costs, expenses and charges
including attorney’s fees caused by or arising out of Consultant’s, its officers’, agents’,
subcontractors’, or employees’ negligent acts, negligent errors, or negligent omissions or
willful misconduct, or conduct for which the law imposes strict liability on Consultant in the
performance or failure to perform this Agreement.
Section 7: Insurance
A. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement
policies of commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance (each of
which shall include property damage and bodily injury) and each with limits of at
least $1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per occurrence.
B. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement
a policy of professional liability insurance coverage with limits of at least
$1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per claim or per occurrence. If
Consultant provides claims made professional liability insurance, Consultant shall
also agree in writing either (1) to purchase tail insurance in the amount required by
this Agreement or to cover claims made within five (5) years of the completion of
Consultant’s service under this Agreement, or (2) to maintain professional liability
insurance coverage with the same carrier, or with an equivalent carrier in the
amount required by this Agreement for at least five (5) years after completion of
Consultant’s services under this Agreement. Consultant shall also provide
evidence to the City of the purchase of the required tail insurance or continuation
of the professional liability policy by executing the attached Letter Agreement on
Consultant’s letterhead.
C. Consultant shall carry and pay for such workers’ compensation insurance as is
required to fully protect Consultant and its employees under California Worker’s
Compensation Insurance Law. The insurance company shall agree to waive all
rights of subrogation against the City for losses paid under the policy, which losses
arose from the work performed by the named insured.
D. Other applicable insurance requirements are: (1) Name the City, its officials and
employees as additional insured on the commercial general liability and
automobile liability insurance policies. (2) The insurance shall be issued by a
company authorized by the Insurance Department of the State of California and
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
rated A, VII (seven) or better (if an admitted carrier) or A-, X (ten) or better (if
offered by a surplus line broker), by the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide,
except that the City will accept workers’ compensation insurance rated B-, VII
(seven) or better, or from the State Compensation fund. (3) The insurance shall
not be cancelled, except after thirty (30) days written prior notice to the City; and
(4) The commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance shall each
be primary as respects the City, and any other insurance maintained by the City
shall be in excess of this insurance and not contribute to it.
E. Upon execution of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City certificates of
insurance and insurer endorsements evidencing the required insurance. Insurer
endorsements (or a copy of the policy binder if applicable) shall be provided as
evidence of meeting the requirements of Subsections (1)(3) and (4) of Section 7D
above and the waiver of subrogation requirement in Section 7C above. If self-
insured for worker’s compensation, Consultant shall submit to City a copy of its
certification of self-insurance issued by the Department of Industrial Relations.
Section 8: Termination of Agreement
A. City and Consultant shall each have the right to terminate any or all of the services
covered by this Agreement at any time or any reason by giving ten (10) business
days written advance notice to the other party.
B. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall be paid for services
rendered by the effective date of the termination.
C. Upon termination of this Agreement or completion of the Project, all documents
relating to the Project shall become the sole property of City. Should City
terminate this Agreement pursuant to subparagraph A. of this Section, Consultant
shall within ten (10) business days of receipt of notice of termination, provide City
with all documents within Consultant’s possession relating to this Agreement and
the Project, including but not limited to all completed documents and all drafts of
uncompleted documents.
Section 9: Notice
Any notice allowed or required to be given shall be effective upon personal
delivery thereof, or upon depositing thereof in the United States Postal Service, certified
mail, upon receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
To City: City of Tustin
Attn.: Department Head
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780-3715
To Consultant:
Section 10: Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Consultant shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services
provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed
B. No part of this Agreement may be assigned by Consultant without the prior written
approval of City.
C. This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties
D. Consultant shall perform all services required under this Agreement using that
degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in similar
localities, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions for services
performed by Consultant under the terms of this Agreement.
E. Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employee
who is employed in the work covered by this Agreement, or against any
application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex, or national
origin including but not limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion
or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rate of
pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including
F. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with California Law. The
parties agree that the Orange County Superior Court is the exclusive venue for
any lawsuits by either party regarding this Agreement.
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the date
and year first above written.
Erica Yasuda, City Clerk
David Kendig, City Attorney
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Attachment B
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Attachment C
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Project Site Photos
View from South East corner
View from South West corner
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View from North West corner
View from North East corner
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Exhibit B
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DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
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DocuSign Envelope ID: D4EFA658-244A-4CE8-A380-887B4FCE511BDocuSign Envelope ID: 3F89DE3C-AD6F-4A29-850F-483386061E1DDocuSign Envelope ID: 4B434E77-50D4-40A2-B8AA-CB46C4D750B3
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