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AGENDA REPORT ITEM #2 MEETING DATE: JANUARY 23, 2024 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0017 & DESIGN REVIEW 2023-0011 APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: JESSICA STEINER BONAPARTE LIU, MANAGING MEMBER BICKEL GROUP ARCHITECTURE TENANTS IN COMMON: RED HILL VILLAGE, 3600 BIRCH STREET, #120 LLC; JBW PARTNERS, LLC; BODHI METTA, LLC NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE, SUITE 390 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: 14601 RED HILL AVENUE GENERAL PLAN: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN, SP-13 ZONING: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN, SP-13 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 32) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. ,a ref TA.Gar d o ■ illYi FYI I_.' d4 PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 2 REQUEST: A REQUEST TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES TO CONSTRUCT A NEW 3,600 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES ON A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14601 RED HILL AVENUE RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4482 approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2022-0017 and Design Review (DR) 2023-0011 to authorize the demolition of an existing take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities to construct a new 3,600 square-foot take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities at the property located at 14601 Red Hill Avenue. APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Conditional Use Permit - Pursuant to Section 4.3.2 of the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan (RHASP), a CUP is required prior to the establishment of a drive-thru. Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9291(c) requires the Planning Commission to consider and make a determination on requests for a CUP. Design Review — TCC Section 9272 authorizes the Community Development Director to consider the DR application; however, since the proposal includes a CUP that requires Planning Commission deliberation, DR 2023-0011 is being forwarded to the Planning Commission for concurrent consideration. BACKGROUND: Site and Surrounding Properties The subject property is an approximate 0.70-acre lot that is part of the Red Hill Shopping Village (Figure 1, Page 3). The site has a zoning designation and General Plan land use designation of RHASP (SP 13) and is developed with an approximate 4,000 square-foot Burger King restaurant with drive-thru service. The existing take-out restaurant would be demolished and replaced with a new 3,600 square-foot take-out restaurant with drive-thru service. The site is bounded by Red Hill Avenue to the east, retail and service commercial within the shopping center to the north and west, and the Tustin Greens townhome community across the drive aisle to the south (Figure 2, Page 3). PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 3 Red Hill Shopping Village 7 tt 71 Service Station , Project Si a---Red Hill Avenue---> Figure 1. Project Site Briarwood Apartment Commur a, V •,, DD r A ti. - ��' Service Red Hill 5 „ a4 Village ShoppingV lla e •R r e° .`✓* r _ L'Qe? Tustin Meadows r (Single-Family Residential) p Figure 2. Surrounding Uses PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 4 DISCUSSION: Project Description The applicant is requesting authorization to demolish an existing take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities (Burger King) and to construct a new 3,600 square-foot take-out restaurant building with drive-thru facilities at the property located at 14601 Red Hill Avenue. The proposal includes grading and landscaping work in addition to the new construction, including bringing the site into compliance with current accessibility requirements. The parking requirement would be satisfied with 251 spaces required to accommodate all businesses in the center (including the proposed project) and 252 spaces provided on-site. Site Plan and Architecture The proposed building will be developed as a freestanding pad restaurant with two main entrances — one fronting north onto the parking lot and the other fronting east onto an outdoor dining area facing Red Hill Avenue - and a dual-lane drive-thru wrapping around the west, south, and east sides of the building. The building will be setback from Red Hill Avenue, by approximately 53 feet, and includes three bike racks and an approximate 350 square-foot outdoor dining area facing the street with capacity for up to eight seats. The site will be illuminated to a minimum of one foot-candle at all times between dusk and dawn with no light trespass to the adjacent residential community. pp pp o e ij 1 -. ,,wf lERt•fA�In�AiUY lAYlf rwt 1i R1•HA•F r H6 L AkaRMw". Inr- a I&DONALD'S VB TYPE FULL-SPRINKLERED A v f _ (45BO PROTO.) J U ±3,600 SFIL J LU . 0 11 k ALLEY Figure 3. Proposed Site Plan PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 5 The site has direct vehicle access from one drive apron fronting Red Hill Avenue. This drive aisle provides access to the drive-thru lanes as well as to the rest of the shopping center. An existing private alley, south of the project site, provides alternative vehicle access to the shopping center and the project site. The proposal includes an updated parking lot configuration accommodating a new trash enclosure location and two accessible parking spaces. The proposed architecture of the 3,600 square-foot building is contemporary, drawing from the Farmhouse/Agricultural architectural style. The design features prominent gabled roof entries that serve as focal points which, together with the use of white board and batten siding, offer a nod toward classic farmhouse architecture. Horizontal wood siding will be used throughout the exterior with vertically textured taupe stucco used strategically to provide subtle contrast. Building massing is softened by the articulated walls and entries and is further pared down to a pedestrian scale by the low shed roof that wraps around the east and north facades. Small canopies provide shade at drive-thru service windows. ` R t4l FAST ELEVATION 3d0000 G 1 5:I 'V L,'—D I- _EVATION PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 6 �y(I� l F yy 0 Y NORTH ELEVATION TY'F f' OUTH ELEVATION Figure 4. Elevations The building is proposed to have varied parapet heights, ranging from 21 feet to 30 feet high, to give visual interest and variations in the building's sense of massing. All rooftop equipment will be screened from view from all four sides. Materials on the building exterior will include board and batten siding, wood siding, and stucco with aluminum accents, providing a complete four-sided architecture scheme. The overall color palette is composed of light neutral colors with yellow as an accent. Floor Plan The interior of the building would comprise of areas for dining, customer service, kitchen space, support, storage, restrooms and utility rooms (Figure 5). The dining area, located on the east side of the building, is approximately 1,000 square feet, not including the 350 square-foot outdoor dining area. PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 7 ---------7-�- -- ------ r I I 4 � vV Elv' I FIR_,. ---- i i RI y'FF FREEZER/ r COOLER -- � SUPPCRT DINING Y AREA CUSTOMER ____ --- -- - --- --- SERVICE WITCHGEAR II CREW ROOM ' ---- KITCHEN LL +i, •I ORDER PRESFNTER Figure 5. Floor Plan Outdoor Dining Area TCC 9277 specifies location and operational requirements for outdoor dining areas, which are defined as a "separately identifiable, designated space for the outdoor seating, service, and/or consumption of meals and beverages in conjunction with a restaurant located directly adjacent to or in close proximity of the outdoor area." As conditioned, the proposed outdoor dining area complies with all location and design requirements established in TCC 9277 including, but not limited to, compliance with accessibility requirements, ingress and egress, and more. Per TCC 9277, no additional parking is required for the outdoor dining area as it is neither larger than 50 percent of the size of the interior dining area, nor will it accommodate more than 15 seats. The large, floor-to-ceiling windows at the eastern entrance connect sightlines between the indoor and outdoor dining areas. Customers dining outdoors face toward Red Hill Avenue, bringing activity and interest to the street scene. The outdoor dining area will be buffered from the drive-thru exit lane via landscaping and a protective barrier. Landscaping The plant palette emphasizes drought resistance and low maintenance, with a focus on evergreens and vibrant flowering species to ensure year-round visual interest. The plant selection, including magnolias, yellow bells, variegated flax lily, and more, favors plants that are well-suited to the local climate, balancing aesthetic appeal with environmental responsibility. PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 8 The area around the proposed outdoor dining area will have landscape planters and shrubbery to enhance the dining space and buffer it from the drive-thru lane. Landscaping around the site perimeter includes ground cover, shrubs and trees to enhance the aesthetics of the site as well as to soften the visual impact of the drive-thru from Red Hill Avenue. The existing cypress trees, along the southern side of the property, will be protected and remain in place to continue providing a buffer to the adjacent residential community. iD E.� i I, - IGHT ® � a T (ANGLE SIGHT ANGLE 1 ' f + • 1 McDONALD'S + VB TYRE • FULL- SPRINKLERED TPA i (4580 PROTO,) B + s ±3,600 SF • + Ig •• Figure 6. Landscape Plan The project's landscaping and irrigation will be required to comply with the City of Tustin Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance at the time of plan check. Red Hill Avenue Dedication The applicant will be required to provide an irrevocable offer to dedicate in fee title 17 feet of existing roadway easement along the project frontage on Red Hill Avenue at no cost to the City, bringing that section of Red Hill Avenue to its ultimate width. The applicant will be required to provide and maintain landscaping in the area offered for dedication. The City does not anticipate making improvements to this portion of Red Hill Avenue in the immediate future, however the RHASP envisions completing roadway improvements such as bike lanes, parkway enhancements, and more. PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 9 Signage The submitted building elevations show conceptual business identification signage design and locations. As conditioned, the applicant will be required to submit a master sign plan for review prior to obtaining sign permits to ensure proposed signage, including wall, monument, drive-thru, and wayfinding signs, complies with all applicable requirements. Through dual-laned, the proposed drive-thru would have a traditional signage scheme. Digital menu boards will be placed in each lane prior to them converging into one lane toward the payment and pick-up windows. Wayfinding signage will be placed throughout the site to guide motorists to the drive-thru entrance and mitigate traffic conflicts. Drive-thru Design and Operations The proposed drive-thru design complies with Section of SP 13, which discusses requirements for new drive-thru businesses. As proposed, the dual lane drive-thru provides queuing distance for nine vehicles between the drive-thru entrance and the pick- up window, which exceeds the minimum seven vehicle stacking requirement. More information on drive-thru operations can be found in Attachment D. The proposed order speakers are located near the drive-thru entrance on the western side of the property. As conditioned, the speakers must comply with the Tustin Noise Ordinance and will have volume adjustment capabilities to respond to any noise concerns that may arise. The drive-thru will be screened and buffered from the nearby residential community by mature cypress trees, which are existing and will remain. New landscaping at the front of the property will soften the visual impact of the drive-thru from Red Hill Avenue. Safe pedestrian walkways are provided from the parking areas and street frontage through clearly delineated paving and markings. e I _ sucuu.xna.riu„T. y ..4 •m. [ r.ree V. I — I I 3 a IJ { I � , MGDONALD'S a wl vB TYPELU TLIff"giMINKLERED - .I (4580 PROTO.) C4, ±3,600 SF _1 a Li ' , t + t Figure 7. Drive-thru Site Plan PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 10 Hours of Operation The applicant proposes the following hours of operations: • Indoor dining area — 5:00 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m. • Outdoor dining area — 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Drive-thru — 24 hours a day The proposed hours of operation are comparable to similar food establishments along Red Hill Avenue. As conditioned, modifications to the hours of operation must be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to execution. However, operation of the outdoor dining area is limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., per TCC 9277. As conditioned, hours of operation in the outdoor dining area shall be enforced by employees of the restaurant. Parking The proposed 3,600 square-foot restaurant building is required to provide 15 parking spaces based on a ratio of one space per 250 square feet of gross floor area. To comply with parking requirements, the applicant proposes to provide 16 parking spaces onsite. This includes two ADA accessible parking spaces and four EV capable spaces. Pursuant to TCC 9263(g) and 9277(e)(2)(b), no additional parking spaces are required for the proposed outdoor dining area when it is less than 50 percent of the indoor dining area or accommodates no more than 15 seats. The Red Hill Shopping Village is a large commercial center with approximately 55,600 square feet of commercial space, requiring 251 parking spaces based on a ratio of 4.5 parking spaces per 1 ,000 square feet of gross floor area. There are 259 existing parking spaces within the center, seven of which will be removed as part of the project. The remaining 252 parking spaces satisfy the parking requirement. Environmental Review This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the State CEQA Guidelines for infill development projects in that: • The project is consistent with the applicable general plan and zoning designations and regulations, • The project is within city limits on a site less than five acres in size surrounded by urban uses, • The project occurs on a site with no value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species, • The project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and • The project site is adequately served by all required utilities and public services. PC Report January 23, 2024 CUP 2022-0017 & DR 2023-0011 Page 11 CONCLUSION: Based on the findings provided, staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4482 approving CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023-0011 to authorize the demolition of an existing restaurant with drive-thru facilities to construct a new 3,600 square-foot restaurant with drive-thru facilities at 14601 Red Hill Avenue. Prepared and Presented by: Jorge Maldonado, Associate Planner Approved by: Jay Eastman, Assistant Director— Planning Raymond Barragan, Principal Planner Attachments: A. Location Map B. Land Use Fact Sheet C. Submitted Plans & Elevations D. Drive-thru Evaluation E. Resolution No. 4482 a. Exhibit A— Conditions of Approval ATTACHMENT A Location Radius Map 1 601R d Hill Avenue &PN: 432-171-10 CUP 20 2-0017, DR2023-0011 .. y . . . 2 ^ • . 0 1000$ ` 500$ / 300$ Roe Site y � z Z� zX � x �> . z �>a � N.T.S. y \ � � • . � d � ^� . 300%500%and 1000 a Radius ATTACHMENT B LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET 1. LAND USE APPLICATION NUMBER(S): CUP 2022-0017 AND DR 2023-011 2. ADDRESS: 14601 RED HILL AVENUE 3. APN(S): 432-171-10 4. PREVIOUS APPLICATION RELATING TO THIS PROPERTY: DR 97-036 &CUP 97-028 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXISTING TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES. 5. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: LARGE RETAIL CENTER EAST: SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (ACROSS RED HILL AVENUE) SOUTH: TOWNHOME RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY WEST: LARGE RETAIL CENTER 6. SURROUNDING ZONING DESIGNATION: NORTH: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) EAST: PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL (ACROSS RED HILL AVENUE) (PC RES) SOUTH: SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (R-4, PD) WEST: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) 7. SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: NORTH: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) EAST: PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL (ACROSS RED HILL AVENUE) (PC RES) SOUTH: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR) WEST: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) 8. SITE LAND USE: A. EXISTING: COMMERCIAL (TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES) B. PROPOSED: SAME C. GENERAL PLAN: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) (NO CHANGE) D. ZONING: RED HILL AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 13) (NO CHANGE) DEVELOPMENT FACTS: 9. LOT AREA: 0.7 ACRES 10. BUILDING AREA: 4,032 SF 11. PARKING: REQUIRED: 251 PARKING SPACES FOR LARGE RETAIL CENTER PROPOSED: 252 PARKING SPACES 12. TENANT DEMOLISH THE EXISTING RESTAURANT BUILDING TO CONSTRUCT THE IMPROVEMENTS: PROPOSED 4,032 SF TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT BUILDING WITH DRIVE- THRU FACILITIES 13. BUILDING HEIGHT: MAX ALLOWED: 4 STORIES AND 50 FEET PROPOSED: 30 FEET MAXIMUM 14: SIGNAGE: MASTER SIGN PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL INV= 92.94 �. . � . .__ . .. __ . . _ _ I I I I I I I I 1 1 50.00, I I I 33.00' MMB 5/7 SITE INFORMATION 1 I I I I I I I ZONING: SP 13 - RED HILL AVE o I I I I I I I I i 1 I 1 I I I I I I LOT AREA: ±21 ,253 SF (0.49 AC) I I I I TOTAL BUILDING AREA: ±3,600 SF w I I I I I 1 1 I CD INCLUDING UTILITY AREAS 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I LANDSCAPE AREA: ±4,060 SF 1 i LI I I 11 I I I 1 W w W W w W I I I I (POINT O BEGINNING y _ ON-SITE BENCHMARK I I I I I I 11 I PARKING INFORMATION 1 '51 "W R1 SET MAG NAIL & SHINER 1 F I I I �` PARKING REQUIREMENT. 1/250 SF I -H- - - - -H - - - - H- H- - � -�-��-��- ,-H-�-H-a- 1 v ' STALLS REQUIRED: 15 STALLS 24 W I I I w 1 0 �� I I I I I J N STALLS PROVIDED: 16 STALLS I!E:l1 ' ' IX I j I I (ASSUME RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT W/ CENTER) 1 EV EV EV EV ' `� DT DT I I I STALLS LOST: 7 STALLS CAPABLE APABL APABL APABL ESERVE RESERVE SIDEWALK EASEMENT IN I I I I I I I o ------- [� ------ I rn CD 1 �k FAVOR OF CITY OF TUSTIN PER 12 N 1 INST. 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I 04 I A1POH=ROHOOFLOOT50 I � � � � � I I I y � � I � 1 ch I I I r -(T _a a 1 I I I I I I cl r-- 1 0.Q0' y I y 1 I I I I I M I w � � � � � � � � ' ,BUILDING McDONALDSI I 1 » I 12 ' r----- - ,SETBACK 1I ----- � SEALED HOLE 11 I I I 11 VB TYPE ❑ � _ — - - ' 1 --- o o 0 0 0 )) y I I I I I I --- -- LO ---- 1 I I GNO6 90 1009 SK 177 Pa 2� ❑ 1 -g ; - , M FULL- SPRINKLERED 12 ETR J 1 1 0 ❑ � � � � �I � ° 8 ULO 1 � � � � (4580 PROTO . ) � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � I II II4I � O � �� 1 F I � I 1 + 3 600SF � r � �l� � ,. I I I I 0 ' WATER METER — - - - � � Ww � w 43 �9 W � � ❑ � w � w � AI ' w ! w � I I I j z 1 � 1 SEALED CLEANOUT I y v I -- �� 60' TO D �- 44 — 1 c� 10 Cl) 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � CANOPY � � � I ,-� y � � � MONITORING WEL 1 RANS O MER v i y y CAr I w w w w w w ---- 47.83' I I i I I I I I o w EL - o _ U SPEED BUMP S50°01'04"E / N50°00'51 "W R1 230.00' R1 - 10� 1 z _ EXISTING WALL z I o I � I I \ I I I DRIVE THRU ENLARGED PLAN J m I \ I CL OF DRIVE - ----------------- TO REMAIN I I - Scale: 1 = 10' - - - - - - - - - - m W I F — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ I 1 �- - FO I V I I I I o I 00 J O INV= 83.85 I in 0- I 1 Q 1 I �� I 00 0 l - - - - - - —I L _ � 1 450.00' R2 - — — — — I � ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- - - - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- J S50° 1'04"E / S50°00'51 "E R1 1,321 .17' / 1 ,321 .08' R1 �11 — —�� � 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ _�I _ � EXISTING RESIDENTIAL � � 1 I � cfl � I I I 1 I I F L_ R4 - SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL o I I I SEAILE I MIA'NHOLE li I I � j SEWER MH [PLAT I OO F �i71uMi o 517 r-- I w I I I j I z 0 a'• I INV= 81 .79 TUSTIN GREEN INC SPEED BUMP I J A i11i A70f A7n An Lo I w 1 I I I I L � BICKEL G R O U P SITE PLAN \` ARCH I T E C T U RE Scale: 1 " = 10' \� ` BICKEL GROUP INCORPORATED\ September 22, 2023 3600 BIRCH STREET, SUITE 120 NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 \ P: 949.757.0411 F: 949.757.0511 14601RED HILL AVENUE P:\22\22020 - McD Tustin 14601 Red HIII Ave w w w . b i c k e I g r p . c o m (004-5121)\Design\Site\x22020 - Site Plan.dwg ATTACHMENT C The plans ideas,arrangements and designs indicated or represented by this drawing are oxwed by,and are the property of BICKEL GROUP,and were created and TUSTIN CALIFORNIAdeveloped solely for use on,and In connection with this specific project,and shall not be used,In whole or In part,for any purpose for which they were not originally Intended without written permission from BICKEL GROUP©2017. 78'-9" 78'-9" ---- ---'---- /� - BAB ---------------------- -I T4 WO E �J/I ° :.I V / __ R Qla I u f 1 / / V �--------------------- bM FIRE L ' -�' rn / RISER --' �- -� ® RFH ----_�-� / ---------------- ---J t i R3 -, FREEZER/ _ -----� c 7 /TT -- COOLER -- - ----------- � 11T 1 1 1IL311 17 11 a ---- ------ 1 400�cF C z `II I CAI—L1-.L =J Fri SUPPORT III---- --- - - _- M _ I I— M,E I'i V T i ---; - v — — = ��� ,' � I t a - --- -- -- -- ---- - -- -- - - -�— - 1 — 1 1 ti —— --� AREA I II t --- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --- i I � __ �� 301 CFM II I I---- o�A� I t II DINING I /A � '.,'S' �. •.. 1 Ilya` � i I t � I I I II 11.0 ------�- ---- - - - - - V \ :�r::�•�� CUSTOMER ---- -------------------------- SERVICE --- ----- - - WITCHGEAR 1 0 3 ----- ---- -- ' � ErF � HB � IIr 0 0 II I� ��— �I I � 1 1 CREW - - ; cu ROOM I 13001 CFM l a l II - - - - - -- --- I I I I tut Ili ` / �i 1 V t \ —, 1 �I Ili All / cuCU C r 1 1 r r (o b.) 3-t 1-1 7 L-// �L ---- _ KITCHEN _ ------ 1I ---- �`_____________ I zz (S)71 ;I JUL 1 1 1 J� t 1 1 11 II ORDER PRESENTER�,...... 1 ------------------ ----------------- 1 T-----T FLOOR PLAN ROOF PLAN Co Co Z NOTE: ALL ROOFTOP MOUNTED EQUIPMENT TO BE SCREENED FROM o VIEW, LOCATIONS OF ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE CONFIRMED z DURING CD PHASE W FLOOR & ROOF � BICKEL GROUP DONALD S 4 2 I \` ARCHITECTURE PLANS \� ` BICKEL GROUP INCORPORATED MC 00 51 1 Scale: 1 /8" = 1 '-0" 3600 BIRCH STREET, SUITE 120 NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 \ns ` P: 949.757.0411 F: 949.757.0511 14601 RED HILL AVENUE September 8, 2023 �` w w w . b i c k e I g r p . c o m PA22\22020 - McD Tustin 14601 Red Hill Ave (004-5121)\Design\Floor TUSTIN , CALIFORNIA Plan\x22020 - Floor Plan dwg The plans,ideas,arrangements and designs indicated or represented by this drawing are owned by,and are the property of BICKEL GROUP,and were created and developed solely for use on,and In connection with this specific project,and shall not be used,In whole or In part,for any purpose for which they were not originally Intended without written permission from BICKEL GROUP C 2017. T.O. RIDGE f30'-O" T.O. RIDGE 128'-0" ROOFDECK BEYOND, LOCATION OF RTU RDOFDECK BEYOND, LOCATION OF RTU TYP. BEYOND,TYP. TYP. BEYOND,TYP. � i ��lU i �� T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET --' t22'-&" t21'-O" ±21'-0" ■Iaeea�*e:� e:�etr■■�I■a>wre,wlssl��r■ee-e�®ee�r■e� I I , T.O. CANOPY B.O. CANOPY ±9'-7" T. r ar d � I 13 FINISH FLOD I I FINISH FLOOR EAST ELEVATION SPANDREL 71NORTH ELEVATION GLASS; TYP. T.D. RIDGE t3D'—Om Mill T.D. RIDGE ROOFDECK BEYOND, LOCATION OF RTU ROOFDECK BEYOND, LOCATION OF RTU f27'—D" TYP BEYOND,TYP. T.O. PARAPET TYP, BEYOND.TYP. t22'-6" T.D. PARAPET , _. PARAPET __ T.O. PARAPET w,. T.O. � �22-6 Fir I I B � o 400 1 I I n # I } T.O. DRIVE-THRU CANOPY AA1 46 o I I FINISH FLOOR FINISH FLOOR I+ ,• fD'-D" O a i ±0'-O" WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION SPANDREL GLASS, TYP. SPAN NARROW BATTEN ALUMINUM COMPOSITE BOARD/BATTEN PLASTER/STUCCO WOOD SIDING STANDING SEAM ROOFING ALPOLIC SHERWIN WILLIAMS BENJAMIN MOORE STOREFRONT PANTONE 123 SHERWIN WILLIAMS DARK BRONZE RAL EXTRA WHITE FAIRVIEW TAUPE MEDIUM BRONZE VERSATILE GRAY UL 790 7022 SW 7006 HC-85 ALUMINUM SW 6072 BICKEL G R O UP f _ ELEVATIONS �` ARCHITECTURE Scale: 1 /8" = 1 '-0"' BICKEL 00 BIRCH STREET,, SUITE 1 20 �+vUP INCORPORATED September 8, 2023 �•'� ,��,, NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 14601 RED HILL AVEN EP: 949.757.0411 F. 949.757.0511 PA22122020 - McD Tustin 14501 Red Hill Ave �* w w w . b i c k e I g r p . c © m 004-5121 ❑esi n Elevatiens x22020 - Elevatiens.dw( }1 g 1 1 g TUSTIN CALIFORNIA Thep aped ideas,for co, ,and designs indcaled or represented. this shall are owned by,and are ,property of BICKEL GROUP and were created and developed sosery ipr vea m,ape�n connection wAh this Vecific project,8M Shall not be used,in Wriole a in pets,for any purpose for Which th9y were not 0ngin8Ayr intended wftut written permission from BICKEL GROUP C 2017. I I I I I I I I N) INV= 92.94I 50.00, 33.00' MMB 5/7 TRASH PICKUP INFO TRASH: TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 5X PER WEEK l I I I RECYCLING: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS I I II I ( I I I I i 3X PER WEEK I I I I I I I I I I SERVICE HOURS: 7 AM - 6 PM I I I I I I I I I I II w W W W w w W W W w W W W w W w W W w w W W W w I I I I (POINT O BEGINNING i SET MAG NAIL & SHINER WHEEL STOP DETAIL ON-SITE BENCHMARK ' I I I I I I I f 5�1_��W R1 — 1 F I I I I I I �� 3" SIDEWALK, SLOPE -H- - - -H- -H - - - H- H- - - - - - - - -H- -H-�- AWAY FROM BLDG. I. W w WwWww tW I� I I I I 6" CURB 10 w w I I I I I I J WHEEL STOP E I w I N ❑ � I I I I 4'-0" CONC. 2'-0•• EV EV EV EV 2 3 'X`1 3I DT DT I ; I I I I ,� WHEEL STOP '_•_-_\\-`�-I-'-'II'Ii '--`-- -❑--- -❑ -- - II� /-/-///� -- IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII CAPABLE A-P A—yyB„—L—E --- A�-P��A�❑❑/B�L -PPP- B°-1�i-�1-_/�H��- A �B-y-. -- 6- -- II --'—� - -- ❑ IL-_-- � ❑-- �-- , iGan-1 l-a QoW -=ESER VE � --R E--S_E-_R--V-E,'-IID _-S_�ITyy❑ Ey_ INGRESS NGRESS_W'& _______�______ -� yy W"--"--yy _o--yy---_W--_yy�----❑-yy-i�t�1�1w�IIIIIIIIII- --�IIIIIIIIIIIIII II - vUV IlIII �L-lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII❑ �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II I ��I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �vwIIIIIIIIII IIiIII' I co EGRESS -- fII N��NNrrm- , . � UTILITY PBX w LOADING & � I CL OF DRIVE " ROD i o 2 PER WHEELSTOPDELIVERY AREA I~ i � CLEANOUT PEDESTRIAN IV) I UJ I M P AVIN�G,pI INV- 87.59 WV - PER CIVIL PATH OF TRAVEL 6X z6 X10 G AGE � I � WIRE MESH df NCId SIGH alsean alsean T IA G BIKERACKS & i i co LOCKERS ----- W� o PARC 2 - --------------- CD �CV)apON7 ❑H L0750 pLQr I OF RMo 5� Cl)M0 Qoll ' .BUILDINGMcDONALDS SETBACK 1 SEALED NHOLE -__ ❑ I . I IVB TYPE CL__ _ � ❑DS g =1 OOg o K 177 ❑❑ 23 FULL- SPRINKLERED (,D, ', , , ❑ O ° U4580PROTO . ) ❑ t El - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3 600SF WATER METER (UO3 z SEALED CLEANOUT MONITORING WEL CANOPY , Q RANS 0 MER ICV UJ cn 47.83 o S50001'04"E N50000'51 "W R1 23�Ri WF le WALL o zU SPEED BUMP o _ m CL OF DRIVE TO REMAIN Cq m E� - -00 j 0- I Q l 00NV- 83.85 cy ALLEY 450.00' R2 - - - -- - -- _-_--- ' - _ - -----__---- - ------------- St 1 ,321 .08' R15 13321 .17 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 80 � J o i ISEALE HOLER4 - SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL PLAT I OF �/ m517 >SEWER MH SPEED BUMP JINV= 81 .79 TUSTIN GREEN INC wnwl. win w�n wn � IW I ACCESS & B I C K E L G R O U P I CIRCULATION P LAN ARCH ITECTU RE Scale: 1 " = 10' BICKEL GROUP INCORPORATED a LP 3600 BIRCH STREET, SUITE 120 November 7 , 2023 NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 ` P: 949.757.0411 F: 949.757.0511 14601 RED HILL AVENUE P:\22\22020 McD Tustin 14601 Red HIII Ave w w w . b i c k e I g r p . c o m (004-5121)\Design\Site\x22020 - Site Plan.dwg TUSTIN CALIFORNIA The plans,ideas arrangements and designs indicated or represented by this drawing are owned by,and are the property of BICKEL GROUP,and were created and developed solely for use on,and in connection with this specific project,and shall not be used,in whole or in part..for any purpose for which they were not originally ntended,without written permission from BICKEL GROUP©2017. _. __. � INV= 92.94 I I I I I — — I I I I I TRASH PICKUP INFO TRASH: TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 5X PER WEEK I I I I I RECYCLING: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS I I I 3X PER WEEK ?OI I I h I I I I I I SERVICE HOURS. 7 AM - 6 PM _ I NT BEGINNING u ON-SITE BENCHMARK I I I I I I I I SET MAG NAIL & SHINER I I 1 F- Y&&- - ,-H- -H-a- w I I I v TRASH ENCLOSURE MAINTENANCE INFO I W I I I I I I w 10 I I I I I I I J THE TRASH ENCLOSURE IS CLEANED A MINIMUM I I I w OF EVERY WEEK (OR MORE OFTEN IF NEEDED IN THE I 2 3'X 13' — I EV EV EV EV 1 w DT pT I I I I � CASE OF A SPILL OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT NEEDS -CAPABLE APABL AP_A_B_L APABL ______ _______ FIESERVE RESERVE_0_1SIDEWALK EASEMENT IN I I I I I I FAVOR OF CITY OF TUSTIN PER 12 I I ----I --- I I I N IMMEDIATE ATTENTION). ' I I I I I - WHEN THE TRASH BINS GET TO THE POINT OF � I TRASH TRUCK ' -�AG � NG ' TRASH INST. NO. 19990306758, O.R. I Iw I I UTILITY PBX I PATH ! ��� !ENCLOSURE �- I I I I I NEEDING TO BE CLEANED THE MANAGER CALLS ' I _ AREA � 14 ' PATH F I� II c4 � I I I I I THE TRASH COMPANY AND HAS THE TRASH BINS ------ - ------------- -.- - ---------------- -- - ------ ------�o--- - I _JCL OF DRIVE____ ! !TRAVEL TO TRASH I� II n I I I EXCHANGED. CLEANOUT I cO UJ I I ---------------------------------- -T -- (n I I Q ! INV= 87.59 I W� i) //.1 1 ENCLOSURE J� I P I /` H-L � I U I IQ I Al I I I I IGIH �� / iGanllaQoW df1 �ICId df1 �ICId 1 -_ I �' I ��❑ y � alsean alsean ® � ® _ _ . � - � � '"- i� j ' T IiA1�J G I I I i 1 I . J ' D I I I I I '7 I --- -- - I" I I -------------------------------------- I , f I I ' ll, V L V L V 1 1 � � � � � � I I I I I � i � l McDONALDS I _ 1 1I I I I I _ 1 -,I r w SEALED NHOLEw w l w Iw ___ _ �� � VB TYPE_J I ❑ � I FULL- 1 At I I I 1 Y I I I I I (4580 PROTO . ) � � I1 1 )-❑El - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � + 3 600SF ❑ WATER METER I � � � � I SEALED CLEANOUT 'I 'I ❑ i as MONITORING WEL Q Z RANS O MER pv ---- -- - -- - 47.83' WFX I I I I I I ---- - -H-�-H - - I-F-�- -H EXISTING WALL SPEED BUMP I _ ICI -L\ I i CL OF DRIVE TO REMAIN -� -- ---- � I I I � I F - - - - - - - - - - I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — o INV= 83.85 I c� L I Q I I �� �� I 00 � - L - - - - - I - - -- - -- -- ALLEY, -- ---- -- - -- -- -- ==--- -- -- -- -- - -- -- ----- -- -- - -- -- = -- -- - -- -- -=--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --� - -- - -- J I I J '- I EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 60 J I cfl I I I R4 - SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL o I I sEAILE MANHOLE I I � SEWER MH � �--� w l � a' INV= 81 .79SPEED BUMP J I I I \ � REFUSE PLAN � BICKEL G R O U P \` ARCH ITECTU RE I rr-. - Scale: 1 " = 10' \� ` BICKEL GROUP INCORPORATED\ September 7 , 2023 3600 BIRCH STREET, SUITE 120 NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 \ P: 949.757.0411 F: 949.757.0511 14601RED HILL AVENUE P:\22\22020 McD Tustin 14601 Red HIII Ave w w w . b i c k e I g r p . c o m (004-5121)\Design\Site\x22020 - Site Plan.dwg TUSTIN CALIFORNIA The plans..ideas arrangements and designs indicated or represented by this hall not are used, in by and are the property of BICKEL GROUP,and were created and developed solely for use on,and In connection with this specific project,and shall not be used,In whole or In part,for any purpose for which they were not originally Intended without written permission from BICKEL GROUP©2017. FLANT FALETTE SYM . BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE I � I TECOMA STANS 'GOLD STAR' YELLOW BELLS 24" BOX I W MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA EXISTING •'+' ' 1V} lY• 'b• : `�': `�' 71f• `Y• `�Y• `�': : : : : :'�' ••'+' : : : � ilr Yf• `Y�• '�'• �': : • : : : :'�' •�+' •d' • � li• • `�' �i• `�i• `�': : : Ell ;•Y W •Y •Y W •Y PR TE T-IN-PLA E •�Y W •Y W W aW CUPANIOPSIS ANACARDIOIDES CARKOTWOOD EXISTING W PROTECT-IN-PLACE • •W EV EV EV EV DT DT CAPABLE _��APABLE APABL APABL TL__k< ,F ED ESERVE T I SIGHT Y PBX TRIANGLE • CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS ITALIAN CYPRESS EXISTING I PROTECT IN-PLACE MAINTAIN THE LANDSCAPE S H RU P S �-IH.l \ l - - - - - - - - - WITHIN THE SITE CLEARANCE n nyHL AREAS AT A HEIGHT NOT TO Ca� ANIGOZANTHOS 'PINK JOEY' KANGAROO PAW I GAL EXCEED 24 SIGHT @ BOUGAINVILLEA 'BABY VICTORIA' VARIEGATED BOUGAINVILLEA 5 GAL do >I0Id do >IOId luanilaQOW • • • • W •.y •.y •.y •,y ® ® T IANGLE zz alsean alsean M ; ; •. •. w • RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'JACK EVANS' INDIA HAWTHORN 5 GAL r •' •� •, �„ �, �, ; ; LANTANA MONT. 'NEW GOLD' YELLOW LANTANA 5 GAL �c k HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'YELLOW' YELLOW YUCCA 5 GAL TTH I I �jL]W ......y.:.'..':.,y...'..'...........'..'........ CALLISTEMON LITTLE JOHN DWARF BOTTLEBRUSH 5 GAL 1 • :: k • Y kv �'.i'i?i?iyi.'.i:'::i`y.::':':r:i`L.r:':c:':iy'.i:': • �� .. DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' VARIEGATED FLAX LILY 5 GAL McDONALD ' S W k k YZYYIY w .................. OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLVE' DWARF OLIVE SHRUB 5 GAL . VB TYPE o � ....................... GISOU N DCOVEI� �ppl . ::::::::::::::: • W MYOPORUM PARVIFLORA MYOPORUM I GAL @ 18I I O.C. M .....y.... ......y....... FULL- SPRI N KLEREDIR 4w r __P A I W r II � W':.:::.�':::. .:..':.. k k O R R O k 4 5 8 0 PROTO . ) k ; k:.':':u.':.'.'..'. .'.o W \/�( w W ? ` . . . . . y . W W W W W W W SHREDDED BARK MULCH TOP DRESSING 3" THICK LAYER v W W W W W W W W -�- 3600 k ' • ...:...::...:...:.�... W W W W .Y .Y .Y .Y X 7 SF =R METER xW A, k X w`?" ::: EXISTING LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PROTECT-IN-PLACE 3" THICK LAYER W w X • X, X k • X W _ — W LANDSCAPE AREA CALCULATIONS PARKING LOT AREA: 7,204 S.F. X D REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA: 36 I S.F. is W C � W; W W Q DWARF OLIVE SHRUB PROVIDEDED LANDSCAPE AREA: 373 S.F. w WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE YELLOW LANTANA THE REHABILITATED LANDSCAPE AREA IS y • . " �. •� •� •� © �,. �, W � �.. k � � k k k k kW kW k k k � � Wk Wk k � © © � � © © ® © � � • "� � © © � © ® � w• ,w •.� BEATER THAN 1 ,500 .F.. THE FROP05ED W W •Y W W •Y W W W W •Y •Y W •Y µ �•Y TRASH E N C LS R . SECTION A-A IMPROVEMENTS WILL COMPLY WITH THE 1 W• W •W •W • • • W W• W •W •W 11 r • �• W• W• W •W W •W �iy ry x W• - CITY OF TUSTIN WATER EFFICIENT W •Y W W W W W W •Y W •Y W •Y W W •Y W •Y W •Y , , 'W ' : .� .� w �• d d W • ' Scale: 1 /4l' - 1 1-011 LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND WILL BE STAMPED BY A LICENSED LANDSCAPE EXISTING WALL — S50001'04"E / N50000'51 "W R1 230.00' R1 ARCHITECT INDIA HAWTHORN IRRIGATION NOTE TO REMAIN VARIEGATED BOUGAINVILLEA m SYS PERMANENT o `� m � � YELLOW LANTANA MAINTAINED IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO ENSURE PROPER MAINTENANCE OF ALL ALLEY PLANT MATERIAL ® FRONTAGE SECTION B-B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 450.00' R2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - — Scale: 1 /411 - 1 1-011 CHARLES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TRO DGE S50°01'04"E / S50000'51 "E R1 1 ,321 .17' / 1 ,321 .08' R1 ��, AND ASSOCIATES AND ASSOCIATES FYI� I I Nl r R I-.qI I)I-NI I I A I • 1901 E AVENUE = SA ANA, CA NA CA. 92705 PH (714) 532-3663 FAX(714) 532-3667 chas2.cta(a�gmai 1.com 0 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LIC. #2242 Z PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN \` ARCH ITECTU RE BICKEL GROUP INCORPORATED 3600 BIRCH STREET, SUITE 120 NEWPORT BEACH , CA 92660 RED HILL AVENUEP: 949.757.0411 F: 949.757.0511 14601Scale: 1 " = 10' www . blcke / grp . com November8 2023 TUSTIN CALIFORNIA The plans,ideas arrangements and designs indicated or represented by this drawing are owned by,and are the property of BICKEL GROUP,and were n were created and developed solely for use on,and in connection with this specific project,and shall not be used,In whole or in part,for any purpose for which they were not originally intended without written permission from BICKEL GROUP L�2017. +�2.g)%)FL 94.67 F L 93.34 FL 91. 7)FL Ily � � t(2 t(2.2)q DRAIN INLET o cl� �' 41.79'CL-F� INV=92.94 ��. j -H (94.07)- �� t�1�6)� (92.91)FS,C� f(1.8)% (92.10)FS ��/ �; 50.00' t(2.3)� 33.00'M 5/7 rn / rn� 10 c�cn O v cn c�cn 5O 4 / o � �� O / o� 5 u��o �V. o 1 05 TC /rnrn rn WSWS 8 rnrn 8 rnrn ' N� o 13 FL / JOIN (E) PVMT `/ ,E7T MAI N jN. SHINER /-!.i NS 1'04" N50°0 1"W R1 _�` 92.85T _ / / ELE =91.13 FEET / Tn�M�111 230. R1 D 92.35E 4AU") �� �� 90.75TG FL15 ! / CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 94.02TC �` rn "�"� v `n`n o_ 84.751NV I T w93.52FS 8. :-i,-i �� TE 18 N �� o�n 1 f w / / - 2 15FS rnrn � / -, / � - II - II- - /' � p I iI \ 9 2 81 5 TC � / I 1. EXISTING CURB AND CURB & GUTTER TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE. (� 4.09T -_p 92. OTC II I 9 4)FL I 93.59FS �' 92. OFS � / 2. EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE. 1 p 31 0 (E) C8c , W 04 "7 FL 0 93.97TC SEE DETAIL D/SHT 2 \ "� 92 92.05FS I prN'20 I 4 II 951NV 3. EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE. 8 i 93.47FS i 13. I I ° 91.90EG91. - 91.43FL - - I o J J 1 4. EXISTING CONCRETE GUTTER TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE. t3.7q t0.59 t0.59 t 1.99 O1 I ' 91.78FL 14 2 5. EXISTING AC PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. CLEA OUT wv / 92.88TC� 92.62TC o 1.56FL 14 I ' 1 INV- 7.59 oars 92.12FS 14 0 ��"� �� J �� "� EE DETAIL F/ HT 2 W ¢ 6. EXISTING CMU BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN. V 3. 92.38FS g 1 g� IN Lri _ l c� 7. EXISTING TRANSFORMER. 9 .8 T /' 93.46FS 3 t3.49 1 ^� , v� 17 2.72TC 9 .3 .05FS \ rn rn b,^ �� I I LU Z ?' 8. CONSTRUCT 6" AND VARIABLE HEIGHT CONCRETE CURB PER DETAIL 1/SHEET 3. LI`�� 93.66 . _ 93.1 S 8 � 9 . 5 TC 02 I � 9. CONSTRUCT 6" AND VARIABLE HEIGHT CONCRETE CURB PER DETAIL 2 SHEET 3. 34. 1 L N R� 8 C�.`.`. 8 . 0)FL cn r J V f 11 d d 0 E C&G 10. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BUILDING WALKWAY/SIDEWALK PER DETAIL 2/SHEET 3 (FINISH PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS). lncvf4,3q 93� 3 W ) J \ 93.36TC 1 i "'"' PVol �, N 9 p 1 ' ¢ a 11. CONSTRUCT 4" CONCRETE WALKWAY. 3.2 q 3.8 FSW 9 57TC 92.86FS D m ( ° ° 93.17FS - "P ° w `.. 12. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (X=1'-0') PER DETAIL 3/SHEET 3. 82 FS f2.4° 93.42TC a 10 9' 1 w g ° 1•I 8' c� T ° c_n I - _ 1 SEE DETAIL G/SH 2 9 ° . . � cy ® �O 9�iT IBC) 13. CONSTRUCT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (X-2' 0') PER DETAIL 3/SHEET 3. O D° - / 14 CONSTRUCT 24 CONCRETE RIBBON GUTTER PER DETAIL /SHEET 3 2 1 9 i ) °f�9 MAX 92.85FS \ 92�8QFS `I. o� m I 4 s 93.49TC w o ° P / rn I 90 93TC. 1 .` ° �:iy o w w 8 92 gF ° w 9d.47TC Ln . cn / 15. CONSTRUCT 36" CONCRETE RIBBON GUTTER PER DETAIL 4/SHEET 3. 97F M 6\ �O SEE DETAIL A/SHT 2 9p� J (g0,12)TC � r SEE DETAIL B/SHT 2 �? , o 16 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE "U" GUTTER PER DETAIL 7/SHEET 3 D. o (89.42)FL O 93.58TG� �; ° ° D 92.65 S �� - ° o PROPOSED O8 17. CONSTRUCT RETAINING CURB (RC 1) PER DETAIL 11/SHEET 3. ARCEL 1 93.08FS . ° 1• z 0 I MM �� 90.36E ` 4 37 18. NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE WITH SOLID ROOF PER CITY OF TUSTIN STANDARDS. BUILDING SLAB 10 li�� T �� �� 93.5 TC :.. P I € / 93.09FS F.F. = 92.85 2% M. �` ��� ° `.`.`.`. 19. CONSTRUCT 24'X24" REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL 6/SHEET 3. INSTALL FLOGARD PLUS I �,. Qt2�60FS f 10 PAD = OSFO 90.8DT E. a I / Q � � •` t4.7�1 �90.3UFL -. 8 l 60 401 (MODEL FGP-24F) CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT PER DETAIL DETAIL 9/SHEET 3. c� J3.64TC 93.40TC �� 3.14p S 92.90FS 2q° M4 92 65 1 .'. 6 3 36 / 20. CONSTRUCT 30'X30" REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASIN PER DETAIL 6/SHEET 3. INSTALL FLOGARD PLUS .,�'WM D ° o ° 1. 19 6 �: 92.85TC \ M (MODEL FGP-30F) CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT (WITHOUT FOSSIL ROCK ABSORBENT POUCH) PER DETAIL DETAIL 9/SHEET 3. . P 92.7 TC rn r / 21. CONSTRUCT 23' (WIDTH) X 50' (LENGTH) X 3' (DEPTH) GRAVEL-FILLED INFILTRATION SYSTEM PER NOTES AND DETAIL 10/SHEET 3. 2�9FS ° 90.50 L . 7 31 90.40)TC ° � ( Q.DD)FS ° a p2. °. ° _ p 0 0 17 5,105FL`.`. p 9 , ° D g ° 92:85TC D 6� too / 22. INSTALL INFILTRATION TRENCH MONITORING WELLS PER DETAIL 8/SHEET 3. ° ,' 93.52)TC �J3.f)2`EG` Q2c � _ 93.08)FS �8�.. D i 92. STC. i 92.85TC d P ��• 1`6 ` 1 (RC) �.9)TC 23. INSTALL 4" HOPE TRAFFIC RATED DRAIN PIPE. 92.92TC H -H 12 1 I I ( ) JOIN (E) ``````.`.`` 92.42FL` °` $2`77F' 1�t 92`92'S9Te` `.`.`.`. .`?%92:OpTC.`.`.`.`.`.`.r94 .` °``4'' :' ` JOIN I 24. INSTALL 4" PERFORATED HDPE (TRAFFIC RATED) DRAIN PIPE. CURB SW . . . . . . . . . . 1 .`.`.'.'.`. `.`.`.`.`.`.92:09FL.` `.`.` (8996) 25. INSTALL 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP). (89.96)FL S 1 26. INSTALL "NO DUMPING" STENCIL PER DETAIL 5/SHEET 3. (89. 2)F \� ) -- _ o z cC) (92.59)TC S50°01'04"E/N50°00'51"W R1 (91.93)TC 1 ^/ (89.77)FL EE�ETAI E ,/ 27. LIMIT OF SOIL REMOVAL AND RECOMPACTION (OVEREXCAVATION) PER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT. ( ) (91.56)FS j rn I� 28. CONSTRUCT ACCESSIBLE RAMP AND LANDING. (92.91)FS 1 92.20 FS � �w GAS- / Imo_. v 29. INSTALL HANDRAILS. _ _ o 93.17 FL ° f(1.4)° ��92.57 FL 91.85 L \ t(1.4)� 91.04 FL 89.93 FL AGL 11 N 30. INSTALL PROTECTIVE RAILING PER MCDONALD'S STANDARDS. - - - \- - -17: - - - - - - - - - - �450.00'R2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 5-) - 31. RECONSTRUCT 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK (T=6" AT DRIVEWAY AREA) PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD NO. 202. S50°01'04"E/S50°00'51"E R1 SEWER- (�)FS 32. RECONSTRUCT DRIVEWAY PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD N0. 208 (W=30.7', X=5). - (89.54)TC .I II / 33. RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD NO. 1004. a a 88.95 FL I / 34. RECONSTRUCT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/WALKWAY (MATCH EXISTING FINISH). nTO Vnfr�CEO� o °0 0 SEWER MH TOIT L '19 LAUB _)_° w,` I 35. SIDEWALK DEDICATION TO CITY OF TUSTIN. INV=81.79 TUSTIN GREEN INC APN:432-172-49 w 2 34 -WATER ZONE: R4(SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) wv wv I 37. 25X25E SIGH T NTRIANGLE. TREE. - O I I 1 °° -___ - - - �- -v I o � I LEGEND EXISTING PUBLIC SIDEWALK + EXISTING LANDSCAPE EASEMENT NOTES: NEW/RECONSTRUCTED PUBLIC SIDEWALK �2 SEWER EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 7 NEW LANDSCAPE AREA OF ORANGE COUNTY, PER BOOK 6207, PAGE 905, O.R. 0.25' ASPHALT CONCRETE (AC) ❑3 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE 1.00' CLASS ll AB SCALE: 1" = 20' AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PER BOOK 7171, PAGE 306, O.R. 1.00' COMPACTED FILL AND/OR RECOMPACTED SUBGRADE PER FINAL SOILS REPORT 20' 0 20' 40' ® STREET AND HIGHWAY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF COUNTY OF a 0.50' BLACK CONCRETE (14 REBARS @ 18" O.C., BOTH WAYS) ORANGE PER BOOK 8291, PAGE 856, O.R. 0.50' CLASS II AB 1.00' COMPACTED FILL AND/OR RECOMPACTED SUBGRADE PER FINAL SOILS REPORT ® STORM DRAIN EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PER BOOK 9109, PAGE 225, O.R. COLD PLAN/GRIND TOP 2" OF EXISTING AC PAVEMENT REPAVE WITH NEW AC PER PROPOSED GRADES (NEW AC THICKNESS VARIES) PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 11 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY PER INSTRUMENT NO.90-120884, O.R. EXISTING CONTOUR ELEVATION 12 SIDEWALK EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CITY OF TUSTIN PER INSTRUMENT NO. 19990306758, O.R, GB GRADE BREAK 34 SEWER EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 7 R RIDGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF ORANGE COUNTY, PER BOOK 6207, PAGE 905, O.R. 36 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE PROPERTY/ RIGHT OF WAY LINE THIS SET OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PER BOOK 7171, PAGE 306, O.R. _ Know what's below. ALL TIMES AND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES OR BOUNDARY/LEASE LINE Call before you dig. ALTERATIONS ON SAME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY 37 STREET AND HIGHWAY EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF COUNTY OF OF TUSTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THE STAMPING OF THIS PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT BE HELD S PERMIT COR I ORANGE PER BOOK 8291, PAGE 856, O.R. - EASEMENT LINE BE AN APPROVAL OF THE VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISIONS OF ANY CITY ORDINANCE OR STATE LAW. REVISIONS BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PREPARED BY GRADING PLAN THE OFF-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, BENCHMARK THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS ??QFESS/ 10/23/23 QROVESSIONgI USED IS ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SECTION, DESIGNATION 36-70-68. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER (APN) : 432-171-10 OF THE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND F, R STgN , �O BEING A FOUND 3-3/4" OCS ALLUMINUM BM DIST STAMPED "36-70-68", RECOMMENDATION REPORT DATED JUNE 1, 2022. �. 'Si R.C. NO. C49326 DATE c�� �G�, TRACT NO. SET IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCETE HEADWALL. MONUMENT IS IRVINE SUBDIVISION, LOT 50, BLOCK 11, PORTION OF LOT, TR 361 p" �' C; JIN S00 LEE ?, LOCATED IN THE EASTERLY CORNER OF TEH INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVE. No. 2271 m C49326 STREET ADDRESS 14601 RED HILL AVENUE AND EDINGER AVE., 64.3 FT NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RAIL EXP 12 31 24 2 No. ALONG THE ATCHINSON TOPEKA SANTA FIE RAILROAD, 42 FT EASTERLY OF ® �, Exp.09 30 24 THE CENTERLINE OF REDHILL AVE. AND 1 FT NORTHEAST OF SOUTHEAST END s,FpT �GP\P J� \Q CITY I.D. NO. OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OVER A CONCRETE BOX CULVERT. MONUMENT IS qT� ECHN ��� qT� CIVIL ��� SET 0.3 FT BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB. ELEVATION = 83.315 FEET. G.E. N0. 2834 DATE OF CAV�F 4249 WILEY LANE OF CA��F CITY PERMIT N0. MCDONALD'S USA GLENDALE, CA 91214 THE ON-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, AND IS A SET 18565 JAMBOREE ROAD, SUITE 850, IRVINE, CA 92612 (818) 484-6322 MAG NAIL AND SHINER NEAR THE NORTHEASTERLY ACCESS DRIVE. LCAENGINEERING@YAHOO.COM SHEET 1 OF 4 ELEVATION= 91.13 FEET. - 4.0' \ _ / \ 9.0' `� 12.0' 2q AX 92.22TC 91.82TC \ \ / 92.05FS - \ I \ 91.72FS 91.32FS 92.62TC /92.37TC .i. w w w �. w w w w \ C � � � D � \ 1 93.96TC 93.83TC I t3.4% 92.69TC 92.12FS \ 91.87FS w w w w w w w w w w / rn rn rn \ 93.46FS 93.33FS _ 92.19FS 92.13FS 5.0' 12.1' 6.0' 91.63TC� / D \ - 92.72TC \ / 91.13FS 92.07FS 91.19FS 29 MAX / D 93.85 w ~ 92.88TC 92.05FS w w w w �^ 92.38FS w w \ 93.39 u9J.48FS w ")P-i0) D w w w w / b 8.3% MAX - \ I k > PI D 93.35 rn rn yY° ) Q 92.90TC w w I N. N 91.17FS N °' 1 ��° D o0; I 00000000 000000000 / 92.44TC 92.40FS 92.54FS 2% MAX I N w w w w 1 I 91.58TC D I I °3 MAX_ ii 91.08FS ° o 0 0 �� 5� � o0000000 \ 91.02TC/FS o° x ni LL) LIOLQ d $� 29 MAX /2" B LED LIP 0 0 0 0 � o, / --' °o°00000. 29 MAX I - - rn rn x 0 0 0 5% MAX I . _/_ 2 MAX N I w3.o' w 93.46FS w c>cn�/ t N N ° O Q °0°0 o 0 0 0 ood N D 2.9q D rn. o°o o '� ° 1 D ° D 93.8� w w w w ti w w k 1 N o000goo 9 .26FS D 93.3155 w w w ,.� 92.95TC 0000 O° 0000 00 I .i. .i. .i. .� °'°' D 92.49TC w ii - - - - - 92 45FS 0000000 000000000000 w Cc o00000000000 _ D 92.74TC 92.26TC FS 00000000.000 92.26TC FS 92.74TC \ ) w rn rn 29 MAX \ k 5.0' 92.44TW/TC \ °0°0 °0 ) w w w D D L w w 92.72TC FS 92.74TC 92.74TC Q 92.70TW ° o o ° ° 92.24FS U U 91.00FS w w 9 .94FS ° d d w w Q cn Q / w w w Q w 92.24FS \ 2% MAX w w w / \ 92.85FS N N N N 92.85FS w w D w 5.0' / \ / 8.3% MAX 8.39 MAX w w w \ \ w I 6.0' I 5.0' 6.0' \w w w w w � DETAIL A / � r r + � / \ � DETAIL C \ i NOT TO SCALE \ / / � � � � NOT TO SCALE � \ \ DETAIL � / ? _ NOT TO SCALE / (91.46 C m Qae o w w w (91.05)F' 4 m$0 Ae46 /ems ) J01 E � CURB 91 4 �. /�9 e o 4, \ / to to tat�44 1 t3.29 t . n 1 z- - - � - - - m z cn cs w \ \ 93.1OOTC 92.85TC w w w w w w w w w w w 92. 5FS w \ 86*751NVw w w w°';`a•¢ / I �1 I I \ \ w w w w w w w w w w w 92. TC w / Q I I •• 92.20FS / 9(t.70TCw w :• I II I V 4' 8' -b- -m-. w- w-v -� vw ,ra _ / D� 91 OTC 90.20TG FLi w ®ty< I I I / /Q 4 4 l�s (94.72)TC / 93.00TC 92.65T \ l w �'' w °.g�., \ I I I 2% MAX_ 109 MAX_ / I (94.41)FS \ 92.50FS 92.30FS 92.2OFS 92.1 S w w w w s t,:' i�a a I I I JOIN E. . III 1 I 1 `�' 16.0.' CURB, W D w Q w w w( D o I 4.40TC FS \ TE , _ - w w w w JOIN (E) �°mae°fly%ae�Ds��m4 - � m � / w CURB -17 w I a' °m °m� s a g�mBa I II I I N / �1TC� � s° Q9IDe Ok aav� w � 0000000 / 92.12FS _ _ _ am@me;B II I I b °Q °° 000 4.3 C FS I D 92:50TC I J01� ) s`°a� °e I I I I I I I 2 rr 8.3° IV�F�Xo 00 / 92.00FS 00 00 i 2.5oTc D I I (�9.90)L w w w w w w jII I I � I I I 92.00FS \. J01/y� (E w w w w cv n rn 1 o GOU' R o I I I 11 1 - 1 o ° w w w w w w 90.57FL of of o 92.15FS - m \ I / m m � ., I ° ° \ ° /1 t 1.59 1 f3 6� t8.59 1 D Q 4 N 1 D / \ w w w 4a�efl$ mID mo$e e I I w w w w w w w w w 4�L (94.70,oD 29 X I w / \ T DETAIL E ° w w �w w w w w w (94.38 w w w w + JOIN (E) \ 91.00TC w w I Iw w w o w w w w w I I / \ CURB, SW \ + + ° ' 1 Q / \ NOT TO SCALE / 90.54TC I 91.05TC h DETAIL G 90.50FL 1 1 90.55F w D1.66EG / \ w w l Iw w w w w w w w w w rC / Q D I I w7 0' w w w w w w w P609TC \ TO SCALE 91.60FL. 1 2' TYP w w Iw w w w w w w w 190.49,FS JOIN (E) / C&G ® v 90.63EG 0 0000 59 MAX 90.97TC ° o 0 91 25TC y� %2" 8 ELED LIP 0 $000a 39 I I 0.75FS 0 90.47FS 2 MAX \ 1.64EG 00000 I I 1 "' 90.95TC 91.66EG 2' °ohMo I t1290 90.45FS 0 0 0 _ \ \90-AEG 41 w w w w w w w w Y \ DETAIL D , 90. wl Iw w w w w w w w w NOT TO SCALE , II � � 1 w w w w � � PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN ��I Iw w w w w �, w J w w w � DETAIL F i CITY OF TUSTIN \ NOT TO SCALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT _ Know what's below. THIS SET OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB ALL TIMES AND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES OR Call before you dig. ALTERATIONS ON SAME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF TUSTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THE STAMPING OF THIS PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR BE AN APPROVAL OF THE VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISIONS OF ANY CITY ORDINANCE OR STATE LAW. REVISIONS BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PREPARED BY GRADING DETAILS THE OFF-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, BENCHMARK THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS QR�E / 10/23/23 QROFESSIONgI USED IS ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SECTION, DESIGNATION 36-70-68. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER (APN) : 432-171-10 OF THE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND F, R STgNA �O BEING A FOUND 3-3/4" OCS ALLUMINUM BM DIST STAMPED "36-70-68", RECOMMENDATION REPORT DATED JUNE 1, 2022. �. 'Si R.C. NO. C49326 DATE c�� �G�, TRACT NO. SET IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCETE HEADWALL. MONUMENT IS IRVINE SUBDIVISION, LOT 50, BLOCK 11, PORTION OF LOT, TR 361 p" �' �; JIN SOO LEE ?, LOCATED IN THE EASTERLY CORNER OF TEH INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVE. No. 2271 m C49326 STREET ADDRESS 14601 RED HILL AVENUE AND EDINGER AVE., 64.3 FT NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RAIL EXP 12 31 24 No. ALONG THE ATCHINSON TOPEKA SANTA FE RAILROAD, 42 FT EASTERLY OF ® 41 Exp,09 30 24 THE CENTERLINE OF REDHILL AVE. AND 1 FT NORTHEAST OF SOUTHEAST END _p 0 �GP\P J� \Q CITY I.D. NO. OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OVER A CONCRETE BOX CULVERT. MONUMENT IS qTe ECHO -�� qT� CIVIL ��� SET 0.3 FT BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB. ELEVATION = 83.315 FEET. G.E. NO. 2834 DATE of CA��F 4249 WILEY LANE OF CA��F CITY PERMIT NO. MCDONALD'S USA GLENDALE, CA 91214 THE ON-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, AND IS A SET 18565 JAMBOREE ROAD, SUITE 850, IRVINE, CA 92612 (818) 484-6322 MAG NAIL AND SHINER NEAR THE NORTHEASTERLY ACCESS DRIVE. LCAENGINEERING@YAHOO.COM SHEET 2 OF 4 ELEVATION= 91.13 FEET. NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AT 20'-0"ON CENTER MAXIMUM NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AT 20'-0"ON CENTER MAXIMUM NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AT 20'-0"ON CENTER MAXIMUM X, D BLUE BORDER WITH 112"SATURATED FELT EXPANSION JOINT FILLER. WITH 112"SATURATED FELT EXPANSION JOINT FILLER. WITH 1/2"SATURATED FELT EXPANSION JOINT FILLER. 1" NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AT 20'-0"ON CENTER MAXIMUM TOP OF FINISH GRADE BY 1/2"(5%)MAX AT OR CROSSING PATH OF TRAVEL WITH 1/2"SATURATED FELT EXPANSION JOINT FILLER. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR 1/2" SATURATED FELT MEDIUM BRUSH FINISH 2 -0 1.5 #4 HORIZONTAL BAR EXPANSION JOINT FILLER OR PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS f CONTINUOUS AT TOP 6 TOP OF FINISH GRADE 6" X = PER PLAN X = PER PLAN CONCRETE SLAB WITH BY LANDSCAPE AND BOTTOM #4 HORIZONTAL BAR 6 THICKENED EDGE AND 1.5" 0 CONTINUOUS AT TOP 6'x6'1#10x#10 W.W.F. CONTRACTOR 1 2" RADIUS `` 112 RADIUS CORNER AND BOTTOM X�2 X�2 112 RADIUS CORNER SAND BASE 6" CURB FACE CURB BATTER Q _ BATTER 3:12 3/8" LIP � CURB BATTER Q ° _ PAVEMENT EXISTING OR PROPOSED �3 ° a a o D AC 01-1/2 pCC �' �~ � �'��� PAVEMENT EXISTING OR PROPOSED PAVEMENT `�' - - aVOW �rr BLUE SYMBOL _ _ BLUE LETTERING ./ - _- - - - - -Q _ \\// u "7�/>�/x\/x\/x\ ^ Ooe \ AAAAAAA VAjAAAAAAAA` I ./A/A/A a oO / /V//V/V/V/V/ / / / _a A \i\i° oa a \ \ \ \ V /////// :/AA/AA/ AA// / / / / / / / / / / / /A \/A/A/A/A/ A \ \ / / / / \ ./ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ////////////� iA \ \ V/VA/VA/ a \VAAVAA� �jAAjAAjAAjAAjAAjAAj AA AVAjAAjAAj` jAAjAAjAAjAAjAAjAAjAAjA ° °, /A VAjAAjAAjAAjAAj` . A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� \ \ \ \ V�/V�% //A//A// a //A//A\/�V//V//////////// °° \ V//V//V//V� �V//V//V//V//V//V//V// ////V//V//V//V//V� jAAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/A VAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AAjj//AAj/AAj/AAj/AAj/AA\ VAjj VAA VAA VAA VAA \ AVAAOAOAOA\ 1 A ° \ AAAAAA� AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAA /V/V/V/V/V/V/ /V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/\�/V/V/V/V/ /\ �� �� �� �z � / / �/ �////// / / /AA/AAAAVA VAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAA\ /AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/ / O / //V//V//V//V//V//V//V/�//V//V//V//V// /////////////// /// ////VA//VA//VA//VA//VA� iVA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA \/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/%AA/AA/AA/AA/AA\ VA/ �VAAVAAVAAVAAVAA\ VAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAAVAA� / /// / ///////\/ \ VA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA VA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA%AA%A tR' OUGH VVVVVV \ � �VV/V//V/VVVV �\/A/A/A/A/� �i�/��/��/��/��/��/��/�,, ��/��/��/��/��/��/��/��/��/��/��/�/��/��/��/��/�A \,A/, /AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA �AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/AA/� NOTE.GRADE BY G.C. ��V�A�A�A�V �V� ��V�V�V�V�V� � �A�V�V�A�A� CONCRETE CURB 8" 95� COMPACTED SOIL 4 REINFORCING BAR 4 REINFORCING BAR CONCRETE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NO DUMPING SYMBOLS SHOWN ABOVE IN CONCRETE CURB 1 CONTINUOUS ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY STANDARDS AT ALL DRAINAGE INLETS CONTINUOUS (TOP & BOTTOM) 6" & VAR CONC CURB AT PLANTER EDGE SCALE 1 6" & VAR CONICCURB AT WALK EDGE SCALE 2 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER SCALE 3 24-INCH CONCRETE RIBBON GUTTER SCALE 4 "NO DUMPING" STENCIL SCALE 5 N.T.S N.T.S N.T.S N.T.S N.T.S METAL CAP/METAL LID o (ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY A-2027 TRAFFIC o RATED WITH FRAME OR EQUIVALENT) 9 W (PER PLAN) » 6" 6 3 (TYP) 6 24 & VAR 6 CLAMP " DIA. PVC (TRAFFIC RATING) OR HDPE SOLID PIPE LI- GRATE 'ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURE 3" (TYR) 0000 0000 "ULTIMATE" BYPASS (LOUVERS SEE& OPENINGS)l uLTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURE 0000 000 FEATURES (LOUVERS & OPENINGS) 1'R (TYP.) O 0 ::� O O° 6" DIA. PVC (TRAFFIC RATING) OR HDPE FINISHED GRADE ,-TRAFFIC RATED CAST IRON FRAME & GRATE O�o OOO PERFORATED (SLOTTED) PIPE "` BICYCLE PROOF A-2012 TRAFFIC GRATE (SEE NOTE A) 000 000 GASKET ';':;' KEPT" 0r. SHALLOW 12 INCHESS �oO0o O �00 STAINLESS STEEL 'CUSTOM v o W N (TYP.A oD00 OOO SUPPORT BASKET 3" KEY (TYP.) _ ~o D300, O O 00 oO 0 INV. EL. z OO OO Fossil Rock T' 'i`r•' (SEE NOTE 'A') W 00 O o0QQ 2" DIA. TO 3" DIA. WASHED, FRACTURED 0000 �OOU OPEN-GRADED CLEAN STONE WITH 4090 VOID. ABSORBENT POUCHES -� o o o 0000 O OOo LIGHTLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS LINER- 0 B O SECTION VIEW DETAIL C CL o '�.t;(' FloGardO FILTER "ULTIMATE" O �00 O �J -INSTALLED- BYPASS FEATURES CONCRETE O 13 SUPPORT 00, Y o- �00 0 )O O o GRAVEL-FILLED INFILTRATION TRENCH WRAPPED BASKET 4-#3 REBARS NOTES: 0 0 O o - EQUALLY SPACED `�OOO° OOO IN NON-WOVEN POLYPROPYLENE PERMEABLE �III4 (EACH WAY) 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE OF CLASS 520-C-2500 000 O o u O GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC (TOP, SIDE, & BOTTOM �! 2. ALL GUTTER FLOWLINES SHALL BE WATER TESTED 000�0 0 000� OF TRENCH). ;4 MANY OTHER STANDARD&CUSTOM SIZES&DEPTHS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 00 00°0 CATCH BASIN SPECIFIER CHART J. WEAKENEDPLANE JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT 12 INFILTRATION TRENCH WIDTH (W)=PER PLAN NOTE A- FOR CATCH BASIN HEIGHT "H" REFER TO GRADING o (FLAT GRATE STYLE) STANDARD&SHALLOW STANDARD DEPTH SHALLOW DEPTH INTERVALS EXCEPT THROUGH DRIVEWAY AND ALLEY APRONS 0 0 0 O00 DEPTH -20 Inches- -12 Inches- PLAN FOR TOP OF GRATE TG & INVERT INV ELEVATIONS O O MODEL NO. O CAP RISER MODEL NO. �/ Data in these colurnes is the same for I'D" = 1.5" (W�24"X24") 006 0 UC 0 0(1� a: both STANDARD&SHALLOW versions) "D" = 1" (W- 1 8'X18") - - STORAGE FLOW STORAGE FLOW G �J O 00 DEPTH DEPTH STANDARD SOLIDS FILTERED SHALLOW SOLIDS FILTERED INLET ID GRATE OD TOTAL ` Dimension Dim enitli0 CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY SCALE SCALE SCALE " ? DETAIL A (inch x inch) (inch x inch) (cu.ft./sec.) (cu.ft.) (cu. ft./sec.) (cu.ft.) (cu. ft./sec.) i EXPLODED VIEW FGP-12F 12 X 12 12 X 14 2.8 0.3 0.4 FGP-12F8 .15 .25 REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASIN 6 CONCRETE "U" GUTTER 7 INFILTRATION TRENCH MONITORING WELL 8 f, FGP-16F 16 X 16 16 X 19 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-16F8 .45 .4 N.T.S N.T.S N.T.S FGP-18F 18 X 18 18 X 20 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-18F8 .45 .4 { ! FGP-1824F 16 X 22 18 X 24 5.0 1.5 1.2 FGP-1824F8 .85 .7 FGP-1836F 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836F8 1.3 .9 FSYNTEEN SF12 BIAXIAL POLYMERIC GEOGRID, EXTEND `°.'? FGP-2024F 18 X 22 20 X 24 5.9 1 1.2 1.0 FGP-2024F8 .7 .55 36" FROM THE EDGE OF THE TRENCH IN ALL DIRECTIONS FGP-21 F 22 x 22 22 x 24 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-21 F8 1.25 .85 ,..,. GRATE INLET WITH FLOGARD PLUS CATCH HANDRAIL , . ` FGP-24F 24 X 24 24 X 27 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-24F8 1.25 .85 SUITABLE STRUCTURE BACKFILL BASIN FILTER INSERTS (SEE DETAIL 10 HEREON). OF GRANULAR NATURE COMPACTED NOTES: FGP-2430F 24 X 30 26 X 30 7.0 2.8 1.8 FGP-24301`8 1.6 1.05 (CATCH BASIN SIZE PER PLAN) TO 95� MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY FGP-2436F 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436F8 1.95 1.15 TG ELEV = 90.25 (COMPACTED /N 6" LIFTS) MONITORING WELL (WITH FRAME & COVER) 1. Filter insert shall have a high flow bypass feature. „ FGP-2448F 24 X 48 26 X 48 9.3 4.4 2.4 FGP-2448F8 2.5 1.35 �6 2. Filter support frame shall be constructed from stainless steel FGP-28F 28 X 28 32 X 32 6.3 2.2 1.5 FGP-28F8 1.25 .85 Type 304. FGP-30F 30 X 30 30 X 34 8.1 3.6 2.0 FGP-30F8 2.05 1.15 Q ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER SIDEWALK LANDSCAPE FGP-36F 36 X 36 36 X 40 9.1 4.6 2.4 FGP-36F8 2.65 1.35 o r r s o� ��� �� AGGREGATE BASE OR LANDSCAPE L 3. Filter medium shall be Fossil Rock Tm,installed and FGP-3648F 36 X 48 40 X 48 11.5 6.8 3.2 FGP-3648F8 3.9 1.85 HOPE P R PLAN � FloGard® FILTER maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. FGP-48F 48X48 48X54 13.2 9.5 3.9 FGP-48F8 5.45 2.25 OR PVC (TRAFFIC RATED) SOLIDPIPE (PIPE SIZE 12" MIN a 1 2" PEA GRAVEL LAYER -INSTALLED INTO CATCH BASIN- 4. Storage capacity reflects 80%of maximum solids collection FGP-SD24F 24 X 24 28 X 28 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-SD24F8 1.25 .85 A y�� �� �Y/// A prior to impeding filtering bypass. EL = 84.95 TOP OF TRENCH = U.S.PATENT#6,00,023&6,877,029 PER = o o O o��O o���0� �� 3 COVER P0000�/ D �/ DHDPE OR PVC (TRAFFIC RATED) I� X FloGard Oldcastle FloGard Oldcastle 0000 0 O 1 PERFORATED PIPE (PIPE SIZE PER PLAN) Q ` Stormwater Solutions Stormwater Solutions 86.751NV 84.951NV -1 O O O 1 #4 @ 5" � Catch Basin Insert Filter P I I I I Catch Basin Insert Filter p o O 00 o( O o O III- RAM P / LANDING HIS South ark Plaza,Suite F0 Littleton,LE PRECAST Ph:800.579.881E o R REFERENCE PURPOSES 79S South ark Plaza,Suite 200 Littleton,LE PRECAST, Ph:800.579.881E o P REFERENCE PURPOSE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST,INC.IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLDCASTLE PRECAST.INC.IT IS SUBMIT RED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE GRAVEL-FILLED INFILTRATION TRENCH WRAPPED IN 00000000 O O O O TRENCH DEPTH = 3' USED IN ANY VJAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COM PANY.COPYRIGHT O 2010 OLDCASTLE PRECAST,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. USED IN ANY'NAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY.COPYRIGHT 02010 OLDCASTLE PRECAST INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. O 000 0 OOo O Inlet Grated Inlet Style DRAWING N�. - ECO-0142 E Inlet Grated Inlet Style DRAWING NO. E�o ECO-0142 POLYPROPYLENE IMPERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC O O (O�O 0 (O� 4 @ 5 Filtration FGP-0001 REG JPR 7/13116 "TJFR 11/3/06 SHEET 1 OF 2 Filtretion FGP-0001 REG JPR 7/13116 "A JPR 11/3/06 SHEET 2 OF 2 (TOP AND SIDES THE INFILTRATION TRENCH) I1 OOD OO 000 O - 0 11� DO 000000 000000 O SCALE g - - - - EL = 81.95 BOTTOM OF TRENCH 3" COVER o FLOGARD PLUS CATCH BASIN FILTER INSERT NATIVE UNDISTURBED SOILS - I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- N.T.S (FIELD VERIFY BY SOILS ENGINEER) ,1 0 2" DIA. TO 3" DIA. WASHED, FRACTURED OPEN-GRADED CLEAN STONE WITH 407. VOID. NATIVE, UNDISTURBED SOILS LIGHTLY COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS (FIELD VERIFY BY SOILS ENGINEER) GRAVEL-FILLED INFILTRATION TRENCH WRAPPED IN PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN NON-WOVEN POLYPROPYLENE PERMEABLE GEOTEXTILE 3-�4 TBcB FILTER FABRIC (BOTTOM OF THE INFILTRATION TRENCH) 1 '-6" CITY OF TUSTIN SCALE SCALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GRAVEL-FILLED INFILTRATION TRENCH SYSTEM DETAIL 1 O RETAINING CURB (RC-1) 11 N.T.S N.T.S THIS SET OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB ALL TIMES AND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS ON SAME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF TUSTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THE STAMPING OF THIS PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR BE AN APPROVAL OF THE VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISIONS OF ANY CITY ORDINANCE OR STATE LAW. REVISIONS BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PREPARED BY GRADING DETAILS THE OFF-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, BENCHMARK THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS ??QFESS/ 10/23/23 QROFESSIONgI USED IS ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SECTION, DESIGNATION 36-70-68. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER (APN) 432-171-10 OF THE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND F, R, STgNA `� �O BEING A FOUND 3-3/4" OCS ALLUMINUM BM DIST STAMPED "3B-70-68", RECOMMENDATION REPORT DATED JUNE 1, 2022. �. t� 'Si R.C. NO. C49326 DATE c�� �G�, TRACT NO. SET IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCETE HEADWALL. MONUMENT IS IRVINE SUBDIVISION, LOT 50, BLOCK 11, PORTION OF LOT, TR 361 Q" c �' �; JIN SOO LEE ?, LOCATED IN THE EASTERLY CORNER OF TEH INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVE. No. 2271 m � C49326 STREET ADDRESS 14601 RED HILL AVENUE AND EDINGER AVE., 64.3 FT NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RAIL EXP 12 31 24 No. ALONG THE ATCHINSON TOPEKA SANTA FE RAILROAD, 42 FT EASTERLY OF ® 0 Exp,09 30 24 THE CENTERLINE OF REDHILL AVE. AND 1 FT NORTHEAST OF SOUTHEAST END s,FpT tP\P CITY I.D. NO. OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OVER A CONCRETE BOX CULVERT. MONUMENT IS qT� ECHN ' qT� CIVIL SET 0.3 FT BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB. ELEVATION = 83.315 FEET. G.E. NO. 2834 DATE OF 4249 WILEY LANE OF CITY PERMIT NO. McDONALD'S USA GLENDALE, CA 91214 THE ON-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, AND IS A SET 18565 JAMBOREE ROAD, SUITE 850, IRVINE, CA 92612 (818) 484-6322 MAG NAIL AND SHINER NEAR THE NORTHEASTERLY ACCESS DRIVE. (818) 84-6NG@YAHOO.COM SHEET 3 OF 4 ELEVATION= 91.13 FEET. LEGEND: DRAIN INLET 41.79'CL-F� / INV=92.94 50.00' I / — — DOMESTIC WATER LINE IRRIGATON LINE FIRE SERVICE LINE • o I OI�SI E NCHMARK o / / MA N &SHINER SEWER LINE N 1'04" N50°0 ' 1"W R1 / ELE ="FEE — 230. R1 U� D II l TE °j v i y W GW—. GREASE WATER LINE II l� II I \ �- 2 .81' I II 1 I / POC POINT OF CONNECTION / o / I® I 92 I oil 11 11 11 �UT�, oLo LEA O wv I zf 2 O INV- 7.59 Lu / cn SEWER POC \ II 1 Z^ / C¢7 �� 1s 13 °d II II IN It PIRE_DO w � I 1 �Y� , \ I; r�. I. 02 � _j 0 I # PRELIMINARY WATER AND SEWER NOTES: t d _ ° ° o �. . . . J z 0 1 p D m a 1 GREASE INTERCEPTOR WITH SAMPLE BOX. Of 12 e 9 3 \� �'� °� II`-"�• `-+•`. \ II ',ui LL I 2 4"SEWER LINE. 1 I - d D o \ ° L " " , M m 3 4"GREASE WASTE LINE. . . � I I W I d ° I w > M w "`• �.. .�.•.•.• pl ° II f�.•; ; -. .•.�." l J `� r I/ 4 2"DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE LINE PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1002. 1 _ L 1 `. ° ° �`; ° ° ` 14 PROPOSED 4 •`• `.`.`` " 11 4 37 � Z �j 5 2"WATER METER PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. N0. 1002. I ARCE dl BUILDING SLAB I ° II I nn n n ` f ° p F.F. = 92.85 I.• II 6 2"DOMESTIC WATER BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO.2008 pR Q°R PAD OSFO .(.` II° .y o t I WITH PROTECTIVE CAGE. " . . D 60 0 s tE cn r M . p �`r 7 0 CL 20 � II401 o M `•` 5 p / .: .�. - -``" 6 FIRE SERVICE LINE(C90 0). M �I 3 36 6 DWM 4 `r• d ° 8 NEW OR RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1004. WATER POC \ IRRIGATION POC �J °. — `.`. . e — � / 9 4"FIRE SERVICE LINE(C900 CL 200). 1.7 TO ONSITE IRRIGATION I 15 10 4"DOUBLE CHECK DETECTOR ASSEMBLY(DCDA)PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1101. ` 1 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . �" . . .`.�.` . w 11 4"POST INDICATOR VALVE. . . . . . Y`.-. =e.. �;00`. .` .•.•.•.•.• \\� \� 12 4 X25 X25 FREE STANDING FDC WITH CHECK VALVE 24 T042 A.F.F. o z U S50 01'04"E/N50°00'51"W R1 ^/ I I , 13 RELOCATE OR REMOVE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT AND FIRE SERVICE LINE. w GAS— / AfINL \ \ 0 14 4"MAIN FIRE SPRINKLER IN BUILDING RISER. r \ f 5) I 11 1J 15 1" IRRIGATION LINE PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1001. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 450.00'R2 \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — S50°01'04"E/S50°00'51"E R1 SEWER— I 16 1" IRRIGATION METER PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1001.. � � I \ ° T ��n�r�C��T� ° ° I 17 1" IRRIGATION BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO.2008 WITH SEWER MH FLnT M '11F LAUB ,_ ° w.`' � PROTECTIVE CAGE. INV=81.79 TUSTIN GREEN INC ` J -w 2 34 APN: RBA72-4s 18 THRUST ANCHOR BLOCK PER CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS STD. NO. 1201. —WATER ZONE: R4(SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) wv � � wv o I I 1 — -v UE1 ° VI PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS SET OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB _ Know what's below. ALL TIMES AND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES OR Call before you dig. ALTERATIONS ON SAME WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF TUSTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THE STAMPING OF THIS PLAN & SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR BE AN APPROVAL OF THE VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISIONS OF ANY CITY ORDINANCE OR STATE LAW. REVISIONS BENCH MARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PREPARED BY SEWER AND WATER PLAN THE OFF-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, BENCHMARK THIS PLAN CONFORMS TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS ??QFESS/ 10/23/23 QR VESS/ONgI USED IS ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS SECTION, DESIGNATION 36-70-68. ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER (APN) : 432-171-10 OF THE GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION AND F, R STgNA �O BEING A FOUND 3-3/4" OCS ALLUMINUM BM DIST STAMPED "3B-70-68", RECOMMENDATION REPORT DATED JUNE 1, 2022. �. 'Si R.C. NO. C49326 DATE c�� �G�, TRACT NO. SET IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCETE HEADWALL. MONUMENT IS IRVINE SUBDIVISION, LOT 50, BLOCK 11, PORTION OF LOT, TR 361 p" �' �; JIN SOO LEE ?, LOCATED IN THE EASTERLY CORNER OF TEH INTERSECTION OF RED HILL AVE. No. 2271 m C49326 STREET ADDRESS 14601 RED HILL AVENUE AND EDINGER AVE., 64.3 FT NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RAIL EXP 12 31 24 No. ALONG THE ATCHINSON TOPEKA SANTA FIE RAILROAD, 42 FT EASTERLY OF ® �, Exp.09 30 24 THE CENTERLINE OF REDHILL AVE. AND 1 FT NORTHEAST OF SOUTHEAST END s,FpT \C, J� \Q CITY I.D. NO. OF A CONCRETE HEADWALL OVER A CONCRETE BOX CULVERT. MONUMENT IS qT� ECHN ��� qT� CIVIL � SET 0.3 FT BELOW THE TOP OF THE CURB. ELEVATION = 83.315 FEET. G.E. NO. 2834 DATE 4F CAV, 4249 WILEY LANE 4F CA��F CITY PERMIT NO. MCDONALD'S USA GLENDALE, CA 91214 THE ON-SITE BENCHMARK IS BASED ON NAVD 1988 DATUM, AND IS A SET 18565 JAMBOREE ROAD, SUITE 850, IRVINE, CA 92612 (818) 484-6322 MAG NAIL AND SHINER NEAR THE NORTHEASTERLY ACCESS DRIVE. LCAENGINEERING@YAHOO.COM SHEET 4 OF 4 ELEVATION= 91.13 FEET. N[IT ES: 1, THE F❑❑TCANDLE LEVELS AS SH❑WN ARE BASED ON THE F❑LL❑WING CRITERIA, ANY SUBSTITUTI❑NS IN SPECIFIED FIXTURES AS CHANGES TO LAYOUT WILL AFFECT LIGHTING LEVELS SHOWN AND WILL NOT BE THE RESP❑NSIBILITY OF SECURITY LIGHTING, 2, DISTANCE BETWEEN READINGS 10, EXISTING COMMERCIAL SP 13 - RED HILL AVE R1 8 1.1 .2 1.4 1.6 .0' 1 8 .8 1.7 1.5 1.3 4/ 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0. 1.1 .5 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.5 .7 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.0 1.8 \Cv0.0 1.1 1.5 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.7 3.2 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.8 3.5 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.0 1.3 . . . . . . . . . 0.1 . . . . . . . . . 1.2 1.7 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.0 3.7 3.8 3.5 .1 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.2 3.4 2.9 2.1 1.3 0.1 1. 2.7 .2 3.2 - 9 3. 3.& 3.0 4 1 3.3 2.9 2.0 1.2 i HT ® � TRIANGLE 0.1 2. 1� 3. 2.7 � .0 1.9 2.0 R 1 0 13.1 AFF 1 .0 0.0 .9 2.3 2.6 2. 1.03.1 1.0 2. 6 2.5 .4 2.9 Uj 0.0 2 2.3 __ 2.7 �R1 MH: 21 .0 EI ❑ 0.1 '1.0 1.2 2. 2.0 ❑ 1.6 El ❑ 0.1 1.4 2.5 2.3 0 2.0 0.1 2.0 3.6 3.3 2.3 3.0 .9 Q LLJ 0.1 . . '1.5 12. . . . . . . . . .1.6 1 1.6 1.3 1.7 2.7 3.5 3.0 1.9 1.6 1.7 R3- C R3-BC rr 0.0 0.4 MH: 21 .0 MH: 21 .0 EXISTING JCL AL°L 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TO REMAFM REMAIN ALLEY EXISTING RESIDENTIAL R4 - SUBURBAN RESIDENTIA1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min PAVED SURFACE READINGS Illuminance Fc 2.53 4.0 1 .1 2.30 3.64 PROPERTY LINE READINGS Illuminance Fc 0.65 2.0 0.0 N.A. N.A. RESIDENTIAL READINGS Illuminance Fc 0.00 0.0 0.0 N.A. N.A. Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qty Label Arrangement Description LLF Luminaire Mounting EPA Pole Type Watts Height 2 R1 2@90_1 3 @ 90 RAR1-801--50-51<74W 0.900 49.8 21 1 .214 S ES-18-40-1-G L-TA-xx (4") Degrees 2 R3-13C Single RAR-1-1 60L-70-5K7-2-BC 0.900 68.4 21 .607 S ES-18-40-1-G L-TA-xx (4") 3 R1 Single RAR1-801--50-51<74W 0.900 49.8 21 .607 S ES-18-40-1-G L-TA-xx (4") PROJECT WIND LOAD CRITERIA BASED ON: ASCE 7-10 WIND SPEEDS (3-SEC PEAK GUST MPH) 50 YEAR MEAN RECURRENCE INTERVAL ALLOWED EPA 13. 6 @ WIND LOAD 90MPH m SECURITY LIGHTING '" 2100 Golf Rood, S-to 460, Roll ,g Meadows, IL 60008 -800-544-4848 Regional Drawing ] UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES # 004 -5121 SCALE 1Ty=20 T 0 " DRAWN BY C L B 1. THIS LIGHTING DESIGN IS BASED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY OTHERS TO SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS. SITE DETAILS PROVIDED HEREON ARE REPRODUCED ONLY AS A VISUAuzATION AID, FIELD DEVIATIONS MAY SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT POINT-BY-POINT F❑❑TCANDLE PLOT FOR PREDICTED PERFORMANCE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, CRITICAL SITE INFORMATION (POLE LOCATIONS, ORIENTATION, MOUNTING HEIGHT, ETC.) SHOULD BE ��BD❑NALDS COORDINATED WITH THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SPECIFIER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROJECT. 14601 RED HILL AVE 2, LUMINAIRE DATA IS TESTED TO INDUSTRY STANDARDS UNDER LABORATORY TUSTIN, CA CONDITIONS. OPERATING VOLTAGE AND NORMAL MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES OF LAMP, BALLAST, AND UJMINAIRE MAY AFFECT FIELD RESULTS, NATIONAL STORE NUMBER 3. CONFORMANCE TO FACILITY CODE AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS IS THE ����� RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER AND/OR THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 4, THIS LAYOUT MAY NOT MEET TITLE 24 OR LOCAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS, IF DATE DRAWING NUMBER THIS LAYOUT NEEDS TO E COMPLIANT WITH TITLE 24 OR OTHER ENERGY THIS DRAWING MEETS OR EXCEEDS McDONALDS CURRENT ILLUMINATION SPECIFICATIONS OF A 3-4 REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS REGARDING 11/8/2023 EX50286 C .AGI FOOTCANDLE AVERAGE, UNLESS SUPERSEDED By OTHER REQUIREMENTS. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS SO THAT REVISIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE DRAWING. ATTACHMENT D URBAN CROSSROADS DATE: November 10, 2023 TO: James S. Bickel Jr, Bickel Group, Inc FROM: Jose Alire/Robert Vu, Urban Crossroads JOB NO: 15760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation MCDONALD'S - RED HILL AVENUE DRIVE-THRU EVALUATION Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit the following Drive-Thru Evaluation for the proposed McDonald's- Red Hill Avenue remodel (referred to as"Project"). The Project is located at 14601 Red Hill Avenue, in the City of Tustin, as shown on Exhibit A. This Drive-Thru Evaluation is intended to determine if the proposed circulation plan provides adequate on-site drive-thru storage capacity to accommodate the peak on-site vehicle demands. EXHIBIT A: LOCATION MAP r • � ..'fit`{y t�'� �� � y, 't, ^� ,,� �. Y Y T r na' w ' lit n • James S. Bickel Jr, Bickel Group, Inc November 10, 2023 Page 2 of 4 INTRODUCTION The Project site is currently occupied by an existing Burger King restaurant. The proposed McDonald's will demolish the existing building and redevelop the site to build a 3,600 square foot fast food restaurant, and a side-by-side drive-thru, as shown in Exhibit B. EXHIBIT B: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN [T I fli MCDONALDS TYPE I ;W k 1 a ULC—SP�h3k(LERED Q 1 (4580 PROTO) J ,. W 3:500 5F A _ __ _ ----Azur �r �:r The proposed building will implement many of the current McDonald's restaurant design improvements. McDonald's restaurants are designed to optimize operations, drive-thru lane configurations, parking, and on-site circulation. McDonald's understands that the drive-thru wait time directly impacts the customer experience and sales. To reduce the vehicle drive-thru wait time, McDonald's has developed equipment and procedures to improve cook times and crew efficiency. These improvements include dual order boards (or a Side-By-Side drive-thru) that enables customers to place orders earlier. The Side-By-Side drive-thru allows two cars to stack next to each other. This allows the kitchen more cook time to prepare the food to have it ready by the time the customer gets to the pickup window. For a Side-By-Side drive-thru,approximately 180 seconds would elapse from the time the customer completes the order to the time the customer picks up the order from the window. Overall, the Side-By-Side drive-thru decreases total wait time and total stacking lengths during peak demands. Recognizing the benefits of the dual order boards, nearly all rebuilds,and newly constructed McDonald's restaurants employthis more efficient design configuration. URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation James S. Bickel Jr, Bickel Group, Inc November 10, 2023 Page 3 of 4 DRIVE-THRU LANE The proposed McDonald's - Red Hill Avenue Circulation plan prepared on September 22, 2023, by Bickel Group Architecture, as shown on Exhibit B, indicates that the drive-thru lane will provide storage capacity for 9 vehicles. It should be noted that approximately 20 to 25 feet per vehicle is an industry standard used to estimate the length needed for a queued vehicle. However, since the drive-thru operations involve relatively low speeds, a slightly shorter distance between vehicles is often observed. This can result in allowing more vehicles to queue in a given length. While a reduced queue length is appropriate, this analysis relies on a more conservative vehicle length of 25 feet per queued vehicle. REFERENCE DRIVE-THRU LANE DATA COLLECTION To evaluate the proposed dual drive-thru order board configuration, Urban Crossroads, Inc. collected drive-thru queuing data at three reference McDonald's restaurant locations in October 2023. The three reference queuing surveys, shown on Table 1, were collected at similar McDonald's locations. Table 1 presents the existing weekday drive-thru queuing data for the breakfast and lunch conditions. The reference queueing data includes a count of each vehicle entering the drive-thru lane during peak breakfast and lunch activity. In addition, the counts describe the total number of vehicles queued in the drive-thru lane at any time. This includes vehicles queued at the pickup window, cashier window, and order board. TABLE 1: REFERENCE DRIVE-THRU QUEUEING DATA SUMMARY Average Vehicle Queue Peak Vehicle Queue Location AM MD AM MD (7am-9am) (11am-1pm) (lam-gam) (11am-1pm) Brea' 7 5 11 12 La Palma2 5 5 11 10 South Gate 7 5 11 13 Based on counts collected at the McDonald's located at 825 Imperial Highway on Tuesday,October 17,2023 (Appendix A). 2 Based on counts collected at the McDonald's located at 5062 Orangethrope Avenue on Tuesday,October 17,2023 (Appendix B). 3 Based on counts collected at the McDonald's located at 3309 Tweedy Boulevard on Tuesday,October 17,2023 (Appendix Q. Table 1 shows that the peak observed vehicle queue lengths in the drive-thru lane ranged from 10 to 13 vehicles. The average vehicle queue at the three reference McDonald's locations ranged from 5 to 7 vehicles. The maximum number of total vehicles observed in the drive-thru never exceeded 13 vehicles at any of the three reference locations. URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation James S. Bickel Jr, Bickel Group, Inc November 10, 2023 Page 4 of 4 DRIVE-THRU QUEUING ANALYSIS Since the proposed McDonald's - Red Hill Avenue Circulation Plan provides a drive-thru storage capacity of 9 vehicles, the proposed drive-thru lane will accommodate the reference average queue length of approximately 7 vehicles. At no time does the existing or reference peak queue exceed a maximum of 13 vehicles. The site plan provides adequate drive-thru storage capacity to serve the average queue length of approximately 7 vehicles within the drive-thru lane. During peak drive-thru demands, the site plan can accommodate a total of 13 vehicles within the drive-thru, suggesting an overflow of on- site drive-thru lane capacity approaching 4 vehicles under peak conditions. CONCLUSIONS The proposed McDonald's will demolish the existing Burger King restaurant and redevelop the site to build a 3,600 square foot fast food restaurant, and a side-by-side drive-thru, located at 14601 Red Hill Avenue, in City of Tustin. Our evaluation indicates that the proposed drive-thru lane will provide sufficient capacity to accommodate average vehicle demands for the proposed McDonald's - Red Hill Avenue. The McDonald's - Red Hill Avenue drive-thru analysis suggests that the Project provides stacking accommodations for approximately 9 vehicles. Our review also suggests that the drive-thru storage may experience an overflow of drive-thru capacity approaching 4 vehicles during peak conditions. Potential excess peak queues can be accommodated on-site without spilling onto Red Hill Avenue or the public right-of-way. If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached at rvu@urbanxroads.com. Respectfully submitted, URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Jose Alire, P.E. Robert Vu, P.E. Senior Traffic Engineer Transportation Engineer URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation APPENDIX A: REFERENCE SURVEY (825 IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, BREA) URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,825 Imperial Hwy DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: La Brea, CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Street 7:00 5 0 0 5 7:05 3 1 0 4 7:10 0 1 0 1 7:15 2 2 0 4 7:20 4 1 0 5 7:25 5 1 0 6 7:30 5 5 0 10 7:35 6 4 0 10 7:40 5 2 0 7 7:45 6 1 0 7 7:50 5 1 0 6 7:55 4 4 0 8 8:00 5 6 0 11 8:05 5 6 0 11 8:10 4 6 0 10 8:15 4 5 0 9 8:20 4 5 0 9 8:25 3 2 0 5 8:30 4 1 0 5 8:35 5 4 0 9 8:40 4 1 0 5 8:45 2 6 0 8 8:50 6 5 0 11 8:55 6 0 0 6 9:00 5 3 0 8 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,825 Imperial Hwy DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: La Brea, CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Street 11:00 3 0 0 3 11:05 2 0 0 2 11:10 0 1 0 1 11:15 2 0 0 2 11:20 0 0 0 0 11:25 0 0 0 0 11:30 0 0 0 0 11:35 4 3 0 7 11:40 3 0 0 3 11:45 4 2 0 6 11:50 6 3 0 9 11:55 6 1 0 7 12:00 1 1 0 2 12:05 6 1 0 7 12:10 2 2 0 4 12:15 7 5 0 12 12:20 4 0 0 4 12:25 2 3 0 5 12:30 4 1 0 5 12:35 9 1 0 10 12:40 3 1 0 4 12:45 6 5 0 11 12:50 6 4 0 10 12:55 5 3 0 8 13:00 3 1 0 4 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 This page intentionally left blank URBAN CROSSROADS 15760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation APPENDIX B: REFERENCE SURVEY (5062 ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, LA PALMA) URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,5062 Orangethorpe Ave DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: La Palma,CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Street 7:00 2 2 0 4 7:05 3 2 0 5 7:10 4 1 0 5 7:15 1 2 0 3 7:20 1 2 0 3 7:25 1 2 0 3 7:30 2 1 0 3 7:35 3 0 0 3 7:40 2 2 0 4 7:45 6 3 0 9 7:50 1 2 0 3 7:55 2 2 0 4 8:00 2 3 0 5 8:05 3 2 0 5 8:10 4 0 0 4 8:15 5 3 0 8 8:20 6 5 0 11 8:25 5 6 0 11 8:30 5 4 0 9 8:35 1 1 0 2 8:40 3 4 0 7 8:45 3 5 0 8 8:50 4 0 0 4 8:55 3 0 0 3 9:00 1 3 0 4 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,5062 Orangethorpe Ave DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: La Palma,CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Street 11:00 1 1 0 2 11:05 2 1 0 3 11:10 6 4 0 10 11:15 4 1 0 5 11:20 1 4 0 5 11:25 1 0 0 1 11:30 2 2 0 4 11:35 1 2 0 3 11:40 1 1 0 2 11:45 5 2 0 7 11:50 4 2 0 6 11:55 4 3 0 7 12:00 3 0 0 3 12:05 2 0 0 2 12:10 2 5 0 7 12:15 5 2 0 7 12:20 4 5 0 9 12:25 3 1 0 4 12:30 1 2 0 3 12:35 2 3 0 5 12:40 2 1 0 3 12:45 3 4 0 7 12:50 1 0 0 1 12:55 1 1 0 2 13:00 3 3 0 6 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 This page intentionally left blank URBAN CROSSROADS 15760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation APPENDIX C: REFERENCE SURVEY (3309 TWEEDY BOULEVARD, SOUTH GATE) URBAN CROSSROADS 75760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,3309 Tweedy Blvd DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: South Gate,CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Parking Lot 7:00 3 2 0 5 7:05 1 1 0 2 7:10 0 4 0 4 7:15 4 4 0 8 7:20 4 0 0 4 7:25 1 3 0 4 7:30 1 4 1 6 7:35 2 2 0 4 7:40 1 3 0 4 7:45 3 3 0 6 7:50 2 3 6 11 7:55 2 3 5 10 8:00 4 3 1 8 8:05 5 3 3 11 8:10 1 4 1 6 8:15 1 4 3 8 8:20 3 4 3 10 8:25 4 3 3 10 8:30 1 2 0 3 8:35 0 2 0 2 8:40 3 3 3 9 8:45 2 4 3 9 8:50 1 4 5 10 8:55 1 4 5 10 9:00 3 2 2 7 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 DRIVE THRU SURVEY LOCATION: McDonalds,3309 Tweedy Blvd DATE: 10/17/2023 CITY: South Gate,CA DAY: Tuesday TIME PickUp Window Order Board DT Entrance TOTAL To Order Board to DT Entrance into Parking Lot 11:00 2 3 3 8 11:05 0 2 0 2 11:10 1 1 0 2 11:15 0 2 0 2 11:20 2 0 0 2 11:25 2 0 0 2 11:30 1 2 0 3 11:35 1 3 0 4 11:40 1 4 0 5 11:45 1 4 1 6 11:50 3 4 1 8 11:55 1 4 5 10 12:00 2 3 6 11 12:05 5 3 5 13 12:10 3 3 3 9 12:15 4 4 1 9 12:20 3 0 0 3 12:25 2 1 0 3 12:30 1 0 0 1 12:35 0 0 0 0 12:40 0 0 0 0 12:45 1 2 0 3 12:50 1 1 0 2 12:55 0 2 0 2 13:00 1 4 2 7 Counts Unlimited, Inc. PO Box 1178 Corona,CA 92878 951-268-6268 This page intentionally left blank URBAN CROSSROADS 15760-01 Drive-Thru Evaluation ATTACHMENT E RESOLUTION NO. 4482 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0017 AND DESIGN REVIEW 2023-0011 AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,600 SQUARE FOOT TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU FACILITIES AT 14601 RED HILL AVENUE. The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2022- 0017 and Design Review (DR) 2023-0011 was filed by Bickel Group Architecture, requesting authorization to construct a new 3,600 square foot take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities at 14601 Red Hill Avenue, including the demolition of an existing take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities. B. That the subject property is located within the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan (SP 13) and has a General Plan land use designation of SP 13. C. That pursuant to Section 4.3.2 of SP 13, a CUP is required prior to establishment of a drive-thru. Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9291(c) requires the Planning Commission to consider and make a determination on requests for a CUP. D. That pursuant to TCC Section 9272, DR approval is required for the building design and site planning of new structures. The Community Development Director has deferred decision-making authority to the Planning Commission to be considered concurrently with the request for a CUP. E. That in determining whether to approve a new development project in SP 13, the Planning Commission must determine whether it can be found that the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, the occupancy thereof, or the community as a whole. In making such findings, the Planning Commission has considered the following: 1 . The development is consistent with the overall vision, goals, and intent of SP 13. The project site is currently developed with a take- out restaurant with drive-thru facilities. The project includes Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 2 redeveloping the site with a new take-out restaurant with drive- thru facilities and includes desirable amenities and features such as an outdoor dining area, enhanced architecture, and bike racks which contribute towards the Specific Plan's vision, goals, and intent of fostering a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented environment. 2. The development is consistent with the policies and intent of the Development Plan (Chapter 3), including the Urban Design plan (Section 3A. The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. 3. The proiect, including the proposed uses and requested entitlements, complies with the Permitted Land Use and Activities Table (Table 4.1) and complements and contributes to the proiect area. The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. 4. The development substantially complies with the Commercial Development Standards (Chapter 4). The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. 5. The development substantially complies with the Commercial Design Criteria (Chapter 5). The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. 6. Compliance with applicable Development Standards and Desiqn Criteria is demonstrated and ensured through Design Review of the proiect site plan, building elevations, floor plan, parking plan, landscapinq plan, lighting plan, access plans, refuse plans, and any other applicable plans) or document(s). The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. 7. Required parking for the proiect is provided entirely on-site. The Red Hill Shopping Village is a large commercial center that requires 251 parking spaces to accommodate all on-site businesses. The center will provide 252 parking spaces on-site following completion of the project. Therefore, the parking requirement is satisfied. 8. The development demonstrates high-quality architectural design and site planning and reflects the nature of the site and the surroundinq area through the following: a. Incorporatinq roof forms and facades that provide building articulation, create visual interest, and reduce the appearance of uniform buildinq massing. The project incorporates roof gables and design choices inspired by the Agricultural/Farmhouse architectural style. Building Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 3 massing is softened by varying wall depths and parapet heights as well as by a low shed roof placed at a pedestrian scale near the main entrances. b. Creating a design that is both cohesive and varying with respect to architectural style, architectural details, windows, doors, colors, and materials. The project's design is inspired by the Agricultural/Farmhouse architectural style. The use of materials such as board and batten siding, wood siding, and textured stucco in neutral colors, together with features such as the low- pitched gabled roofs at the main entrances, embodies this architectural style. The selected windows and doors are appropriate for commercial development and in harmony with the overall design. Enhanced materials are used throughout the building exterior, providing a four- sided architecture scheme. c. Facilitating pedestrian orientation through building placement, building scale, and architectural design. The project is pedestrian oriented in that architectural design choices were made to bring the building's massing to a pedestrian scale at main entrances through the use of floor-to-ceiling windows, a low shed roof, and an outdoor dining area facing Red Hill Avenue. Bicycle storage racks are provided in front of the northern main entrance along the path of travel to and from the sidewalk at Red Hill Avenue, facilitating alternative transportation choices other than a private automobile. d. Ensuring associated elements including parking, service areas, landscaping, lighting and pedestrian access, and amenities are functional and serve to enhance the overall appearance and experience of the proiect. The project was reviewed for and determined to be in compliance with the Specific Plan. e. Siting and designing structures that relate to and respect adiacent development and sensitive land uses. The project includes the redevelopment of a site with a substantially similar use — a take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities. The proposed building and drive-thru have a similar siting and footprint as the existing development. Mature cypress trees, which were planted to buffer the existing development from the nearby residential community, will be protected and remain. Site lighting will not trespass onto adjacent properties. As conditioned, operation of the business must comply with Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 4 the Tustin Noise Ordinance, including being able to adjust the volume of drive-thru speakers to address concerns that may arise. 9. The development is supported by existing infrastructure or will be supported by infrastructure improvements paid for by the developer. The development is supported by existing infrastructure. 10. The developer consents to enter into a mutually agreeable Development Agreement if the City requests one. The City does not request a Development Agreement as part of this project. 11 . The proiect impacts are assessed through the approved SP 13 Program EIR or through subsequent environmental documentation in compliance with the CEQA guidelines. The project is exempt from CEQA per Section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines for infill development projects. F. That in determining whether to approve the CUP and the DR, the Planning Commission must determine whether it can be found that the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the project will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, the occupancy thereof, or the community as a whole, and that the establishment of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin. In making such findings, the Planning Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. The proposed building includes varying roof and parapet heights ranging from 21 feet to 30 feet to soften its massing and support a pedestrian-oriented design. The building's massing is articulated on all four (4) sides, providing a consistent four-sided architecture scheme. 2. Setbacks and site planning. The building is setback by approximately 53 feet from Red Hill Avenue and approximately 44 feet from the property line of the nearest residential community to the south. The site includes amenities such as bicycle storage racks and an outdoor dining area facing Red Hill Avenue to support a pedestrian-oriented urban environment and lifestyle. 3. Exterior materials and colors. The use of materials such as board and batten siding, wood siding, and textured stucco in neutral colors is emblematic of the Agricultural/Farmhouse architectural Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 5 style. The selected windows and doors are appropriate for commercial development and in harmony with the overall design. Enhanced materials are used throughout the building exterior, providing a four-sided architecture scheme. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. Low-pitched gabled roofs are prominently placed at the building's main entrances. Flat parapets with varying heights are used throughout the rest of the building to screen rooftop equipment. 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and other openings. The building incorporates prominent amounts of glazing, accented with wooden and metallic design elements throughout all facades to provide a consistent four-sided architecture scheme. Floor-to- ceiling windows are provided at main entrances and especially at the door leading to and from the outdoor dining area, which creates a sense of connection between the indoor and outdoor dining areas. 6. Landscaping and parking area design. New landscaping is proposed at the project frontage along Red Hill Avenue and within the site's interior to screen the drive-thru from public view. Where applicable, parking stalls will have a two (2) foot overhang into landscape planters to provide the minimum nineteen (19) foot stall depth requirement. 7. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. The project includes the installation of new light fixtures throughout the site As proposed, illumination levels from these fixtures fall to zero (0) at the edges of the site such that there is no light trespass on the adjacent residential community while providing the minimum level of illumination (one (1) foot-candle) for all drive aisles and walkway areas. 8. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. An existing electrical transformer at the southeast corner of the site along Red Hill Avenue will be screened from public view by new landscaping. 9. Location and method of refuse storage. A new trash enclosure will be constructed in the center of the site, compliant will applicable regulations and screened from public view by landscaping. 10.Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. The project is consistent Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 6 with the requirements of SP 13 and sets a strong example for the high-quality architectural expectations envisioned for the area. 11. Proposed signinq. As conditioned, a Master Sign Plan will be submitted to the Community Development Director for review and approval. 12. The proposed proiect is consistent with the development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. The project is consistent with the Design Review criteria outlined in TCC 9272 and Chapter 5 of SP 13. G. That as proposed, the required number of parking spaces (251 spaces)for the operation of all businesses within this large commercial center is provided on-site. H. That the proposed take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities is located along the Red Hill Avenue commercial corridor where a variety of retail and service businesses are located. The proposed hours of operation are consistent with characteristics of similar uses. I. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. J. That the City's Police Department has reviewed the application and has no concerns. K. That this project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). L. That on January 23, 2024, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held by the Planning Commission on CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023-0011 II. The Planning Commission hereby approves CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023- 0011 authorizing the construction of a new 3,600 square foot take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities at 14601 Red Hill Avenue, including the demolition of an existing take-out restaurant with drive-thru facilities, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A attached hereto. Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 23rd day of January, 2024. STEVE KOZAK Chairperson JUSTINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: MICHAEL DAUDT Assistant City Attorney Resolution No. 4482 CUP 2022-0017, DR 2023-0011 Page 8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Justina L. Willkom, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4482 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of January, 2024. PLANNING COMMISSIONER AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSTAINED: PLANNING COMMISSIONER ABSENT: JUSTINA L. WILLKOM Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2022-0017 DESIGN REVIEW 2023-0011 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 14601 RED HILL AVENUE GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed use shall substantially conform to the project description and submitted plans for the project date stamped January 23, 2024, on file with the Community Development Department, except as herein modified, or as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Community Development Director may also approve minor modifications during plan check if such modifications are to be consistent with the provisions of the Tustin City Code (TCC) and other applicable codes. (1) 1.2 This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be granted if a written request and associated fee are received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.3 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.4 Approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2022-0017 and Design Review (DR) 2023-0011 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed"form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk-Recorder a "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be established by the Community Development Director, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 As a condition of approval of CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023-0011, the applicant and property owner shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant and/or property owner of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in the defense of any such action under this condition. (1) 1.6 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to issuance of an Administrative Citation pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 1162(a). (1) 1.7 The applicant and/or property owner shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney's fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. (1) 1.8 CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023-0011 may be reviewed at any time by the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall review the use to ascertain compliance with conditions of approval. If the use is not operated in accordance with CUP 2022-0017 and DR 2023- 0011, or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding tenants or neighborhood, the Community Development Director may impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts, or may initiate proceedings to revoke the Conditional Use Permit. USE RESTRICTIONS (1), 2.1 The daily business hours shall be as follows: (7) • Indoor dining area — 5:00 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m. • Outdoor dining area — 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. • Drive-thru — Twenty-four (24) hours a day Modifications to the hours of operation may be approved by the Community Development Director if it is determined that no impacts to the surrounding tenants or properties will occur. The operating hours shall be posted in the restaurant and the outdoor dining area and shall be enforced by employees of the restaurant. Any modifications to the hours of operation shall require the approval in writing of the Community Development Director. *** 2.2 During peak hours of operation, the applicant may position an employee at the menu board with a wireless microphone and headset to take orders from vehicles in the drive-through lane. Employees may not take orders from any vehicle not in the drive-through lane. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 (1) 2.3 All activities shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. The drive-thru speaker board shall be equipped with a volume limiter/adjuster so that it will not exceed the Tustin Noise Ordinance. No other amplified sound devices are permitted outside of the building. (5), 2.4 The drive-thru menu/speaker board shall utilize a lighted read-back *** display, either integrated as a single unit or two (2) separate units, or other alternative as a result of changes in technology, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. (1) 2.5 If in the future the City determines that a parking, traffic, or noise problem exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the proposed project, the Community Development Director may require the applicant to prepare a parking demand analysis, traffic study, or noise analysis and the applicant and/or property owner shall bear all associated costs. If said study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a traffic or noise problem, the applicant and/or property owner shall be required to provide mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. Said mitigation may include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Adjust hours of operation b. Provide additional queuing space c. Adjust ordering procedures d. Provide additional parking e. Provide additional noise buffers including, but not limited to, walls, landscaping, or other sound attenuation methods. (1) 2.6 Business operations shall be conducted in a manner that does not create a public or private nuisance. Any such nuisance must be abated immediately upon notice by the City of Tustin. (1) 2.7 No change or alteration of the building shall occur without prior approval of the Community Development Department. Major modifications to the floor area, services, and/or operation of the business may require consideration of a new conditional use permit. (1) 2.8 No outdoor storage shall be permitted except as approved by the Community Development Director. (5) 2.9 Sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at this location unless separate approval of a conditional use permit for alcoholic beverage sales is obtained. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 OUTDOOR DINING AREA (1) 3.1 No outdoor keeping or storage of food or beverages shall be permitted. No open keeping or storage of used dishes, utensils or food scraps shall be permitted. Self-closing outside trash containers shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. All outdoor dining areas shall be cleaned on a continual daily basis and comply with the provisions of TCC 9277 at all times. (1) 3.2 Doors from the main restaurant to the outdoor dining area shall be self- closing. (1) 3.3 The outdoor dining area shall comply with all applicable federal, state, county and city laws and regulations concerning accessibility and nondiscrimination in the provision of services. (1) 3.4 Furniture or other objects in the outdoor dining area shall not obstruct any fire exit, fire escape, or other required ingress or egress to any structure or property. (1) 3.5 The outdoor dining area shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. (1) 3.6 Live entertainment, amplified music, and/or television screens within the outdoor dining area shall not be permitted, unless specifically approved by the Community Development Director. (1) 3.7 Lighting shall be provided during hours of darkness to illuminate the outdoor dining area to a minimum of one footcandle of light in compliance with Ordinance No. 1503. (1) 3.8 Violation of any of the requirements set forth in this Section, or any other conditions placed on approval of an outdoor seating area by the City of Tustin, shall constitute a violation of the Tustin City Code, subject to enforcement in any manner authorized by the Code. In addition, the Community Development Director is hereby authorized to suspend or revoke any prior approval of an outdoor dining area upon continuous or repetitive violation of such requirements or conditions. SIGNAGE (1) 4.1 Site and building signage shall comply with the applicable sign regulations pursuant to the Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan and, where silent, the Tustin City Code. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 (1) 4.2 A Master Sign Program application shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review prior to submitting plans for a sign permit. The Master Sign Program must be approved by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of a sign permit. (1) 4.3 Informational and directional signage shall be designed and placed to facilitate ease of ordering and navigation of the parking lot area. Changes to this signage due to necessity, brand recognition, or technological advancements shall be approved by the Community Development Director. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (4) 5.1 All roof access shall be provided from the inside of the building. (1) 5.2 All exposed flashing or trim shall be painted to match the building. (1) 5.3 All rooftop mounted equipment shall be installed below the top of the parapet so as not to be visible from the public right-of-way, adjacent properties, or on-site. (1) 5.4 Utility meters located outside of the building shall be screened with landscaping to the greatest extent possible. (1) 5.5 Onsite lighting shall be designed to contain illumination onto the property and shall not spill out onto adjacent streets or properties. Final site and building lighting shall be reviewed and approved at plan check. (1) 5.6 All utilities shall be installed and maintained underground. (1) 5.7 All exterior colors and architectural materials shall be consistent with those approved in the plans date stamped January 23, 2024. Proposed changes must be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to occurring. LANDSCAPE (1), 6.1 Landscaped areas shall be maintained and watered and all dead plant (6) material is to be removed and replaced. (1), 6.2 All plant materials shall be installed in a healthy and vigorous condition typical (6) to the species. Landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and healthy condition, which includes, but is not limited to trimming, mowing, weeding, litter removal, fertilizing, regular watering, and replacement of diseased or dead plants. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 (1), 6.3 At plan check, complete detailed landscaping and irrigation plans for all (6) landscaping areas are required, consistent with the approved landscape plans, City Council Ordinance 1465, adopted Guidelines for Implementation of Tustin's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and TCC Section 9266e. (1), 6.4 Backflow devices and double detector checks shall be painted to match (6) surrounding landscaping when in planters or painted to match the building when located adjacent to a building. Landscaping shall be utilized to screen the devices where possible. (1), 6.5 Fences, wall, and equipment areas shall be screened with walls, vines, (6) and/or trees. PLAN SUBMITTAL (1) 7.1 Obtain a separate demolition permit to remove existing improvements proposed for demolition. (1) 7.2 At Building plan check submittal, plans shall include all architectural, structural, MEP, Energy, Green, and PV solar plans. (1) 7.3 All construction shall comply with the 2022 California Codes including, but not limited to, the California Building Code, California Mechanical Code, California Electrical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Green Building Code, and the California Energy Code. (1) 7.4 At plan check, demonstrate that the site and building comply with the accessibility requirements of CBC Chapter 11 B. (1) 7.5 At plan check, demonstrate an accessible path of travel to the trash enclosure is provided. (1) 7.6 At plan check, demonstrate that the allowable building area complies with CBC 506.1. (1) 7.7 At plan check, demonstrate that exterior walls of the building and trash enclosure comply with CBC Table 705.5. (1) 7.8 At plan check, demonstrate that the canopy complies with CBC Table 705.2 and 705.5. (1) 7.9 A Type I hood at all cooking equipment is required. (1) 7.10 A grease interceptor is required. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 (1) 7.11 Demonstrate that the building complies with the current California Green Building Standards Code Mandatory Measures. (1) 7.12 At Building plan check submittal, provide a soils report. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS (1) 8.1 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State, and Regional Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. (1) 8.2 Prior to issuance of first permit, the applicant shall submit for approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, a final Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). The final WQMP shall identify Low Impact Development (LID) principles and Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on-site to retain storm water and treat predictable pollutant run-off. The Priority WQMP shall identify: the implementation of BMPs, the assignment of long-term maintenance responsibilities (specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessees, etc.), and reference to the location(s) of structural BMPs. (1) 8.3 Prior to submittal of a final Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), the applicant shall submit a deposit of $2,835.00 to the Public Works Department for the estimated cost of reviewing the WQMP. (1) 8.4 Prior to issuance of first permit, the applicant shall record a "Covenant and Agreement Regarding O & M Plan to Fund and Maintain Water Quality BMPs, Consent to Inspect, and Indemnification", with the County Clerk- Recorder. This document shall bind current and future owner(s) of the property regarding implementation and maintenance of the structural and non-structural BMPs as specified in the approved WQMP. (1) 8.5 Prior to the owner obtaining a Final Approval and Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), the engineer responsible for the approved WQMP shall stamp and sign the Stormwater Observation Report Form. (1) 8.6 All improvements and landscaping within a limited use area must be restricted to a height of 12 inches or less. Generally, a 25' x 25' triangle on each side of a driveway abutting a public street shall define a limited use area in which obstructions such as walls or landscaping that could block line of sight are not allowed in the limited use area, and proposed street tree with a diameter of no greater than 24" shall have a canopy no lower than 84" above the curb to ensure adequate sight lines. Sight triangle on each side of a driveway abutting a public street shall define a limited Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 use area in which obstructions such as walls or landscaping that could block line of sight are not allowed. (1) 8.7 Per the County of Orange TGD, INF-2, the infiltration trench may be considered an injection well and will need to be registered. DEDICATION CONDITIONS (1) 9.1 The applicant shall dedicate in fee title seventeen (17) feet of existing roadway easement along the project frontage of Red Hill Avenue at no cost to the City. Prior to issuance of first permit, the applicant shall submit a legal description and plat as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Licensed Land Surveyor to the Engineering Division for review and approval. (1) 9.2 Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9271(x) and in conformance with the Circulation Element of the City of Tustin General Plan, prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant shall provide an irrevocable offer to dedicate in fee title ten (10) feet of additional street right-of-way along the project frontage of Red Hill Avenue to its ultimate major arterial width. The required dedication limit is along the project frontage, extending down to the southerly line of Parcel 1 , not along the entire Parcel 1 frontage. Dedications shall be made at no cost to the City. Prior to issuance of first permit, the applicant shall submit a legal description and plat as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Licensed Land Surveyor to the Engineering Division for review and approval. (1) 9.3 The dedications shall state that the City of Tustin shall be permitted to obtain, at no cost to the City, a 10-foot-wide Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) and a right-of-entry for all on-site joins when the ultimate street improvements are constructed. The TCE and the right-of-entry shall terminate on the date that the Notice of Completion for the future City improvement project is recorded at the Orange County Clerk-Recorder's office. Upon notice from the City of impending roadway widening, the property owner shall promptly remove and relocate at their own expense all private property facilities out of the roadway dedication area contained in the irrevocable offer. (1) 9.4 To allow private property facilities (such as monument signage and signs) within the dedication area for future right-of-way, prior to approval of first permit, the applicant shall prepare and enter into a "future monument sign removal agreement" with the City that would guarantee removal of the sign at the property owner's expense at a time requested by the City. The applicant shall be responsible for City Attorney review fees and the cost of recording the agreement. The City of Tustin may require removal of the monument sign (at the property owner's expense) for various reasons, Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 including but not limited to: accommodation of road widening/ parkway improvements, traffic operational issues, and environmental/engineering im pacts. STREET IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS (1) 10.1 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department. (1) 10.2 Prior to issuance of an Encroachment Permit, the applicant shall submit to the Public Works Department 24" x 36" reproducible street improvement plans, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, for approval. The plans shall clearly show existing and proposed surface and underground improvements, including construction and/or replacement of any missing or damaged public improvements adjacent to this development. a. The applicant shall remove the street tree adjacent to the project frontage. b. The applicant shall remove and reconstruct the damaged sidewalk along project frontage on Red Hill Avenue. (1) 10.3 Prior to issuance of an Encroachment Permit for construction within the public right-of-way, a 24" x 36" construction area traffic control plan, as prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer, or Civil Engineer experienced in this type of plan preparation, shall be prepared and submitted to the Public Works Department for approval. (1) 10.4 Current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements shall be met at all driveways and sidewalks adjacent to the site. City of Tustin standards shall apply, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Depending on the applicable City standard, an easement on private property for pedestrian access may be required. In this case, a legal description and sketch of the dedication area, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Licensed Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. WATER IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS (1) 11.1 In accordance with the plans, a backflow prevention device may be required to protect the public water system from cross connections. a. If a double check detector assembly (DCDA) is required, an easement for public utility access purposes must be dedicated to the City of Tustin. The easement shall start from the public right-of-way up to the DCDA with a minimum distance of five (5) feet all around Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 the DCDA to allow for unobstructed access, inspection, testing, and maintenance. b. If a building sprinkler system is required by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), the applicant shall be required to provide a backflow prevention device at his or her expense to prevent cross contamination with the public water system. c. If the applicant proposes to use an irrigation system, then a separate water meter shall be required. If this is the case, a reduced pressure principle assembly (RPPA) shall be required to prevent cross- connection with the public water system. (1) 11.2 Any easements for construction and maintenance of public water facilities within private property shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to recordation with the Orange County Clerk-Recorder. The applicant shall submit a legal description and sketch of the area to the Public Works Department for review and approval, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Licensed Land Surveyor. (1) 11.3 The applicant is responsible for all costs related to the installation, upgrade, alteration, relocation or abandonment of all existing City of Tustin public water facilities affected by the proposed project. (1) 11.4 This project is within the East Orange County Water District (EOCWD) Wholesale water service area. The applicant shall submit a water permit application to EOCWD, and is responsible for all application, connection and other EOCWD fees. Prior to issuance of first permit, the applicant shall submit a copy of EOCWD written release/approval to the City of Tustin Public Works Department. (1) 11.5 The adequacy of a proposed water system plan for a proposed development project, including the number, size and distribution of fire hydrants, must be reviewed by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). Plans meeting OCFA fire protection requirements must be stamped and approved by that agency. (1) 11.6 The proposed domestic water system plans must conform to all applicable regulations enforced by the Orange County Health Department. SOLID WASTE RECYCLING CONDITIONS (1) 12.1 Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling and Reduction Plan (WRRP). a. The applicant/contractor is required to submit a WRRP to the Public Works Department. The WRRP must indicate how the applicant will comply with the City's requirement (City Code Section 4351 , et al) to recycle at least 65% of the project waste material or the amount Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 required by the California Green Building Standards Code.The applicant will be required to submit a $50.00 application fee and a cash security deposit. Based on the review of the submitted Waste Management Plan, the cash security deposit will be determined by the Public Works Department in the amount of five (5) percent of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official, rounded to the nearest thousand. The deposit amount will be collected in accordance with the Tustin City Code. b. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant shall submit the required security deposit in the form of cash, cashier's check, personal check, or money order made payable to the "City of Tustin". (1) 12.2 Facility Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Plan. a. The applicant, property owner, and/or tenant(s) are required to participate in the City's recycling programs. b. Waste and Recycling collection facilities shall be equally and readily accessible by the property owner(s) or tenant(s). c. Waste and Recycling collection facilities must be placed in a location that can be easily and safely accessed by the solid waste hauler while utilizing either front loader or side loading equipment. d. Adequate collection capacity shall be provided to ensure that collection frequency shall not exceed four times per week for commercial customers. e. All trash enclosures shall be designed with roof and be able to accommodate at least two (2) 4-yard bins, with at least one (1) bin reserved for recyclable materials. Space for a container for organics is also required as described in Section below. f. All developments are required to provide space for the collection of organic materials. Organics are collected in 35-gallon and 65-gallon wheeled carts, and 2-yard bins. The size of the organics container will be dependent upon the use and size of the building. Organics can be collected six (6) days per week to minimize the space required for a container. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS (1) 13.1 The applicant shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as applicable, including, but not limited to, dedication in Fee Title of all required street rights-of-way; dedication of all required flood control right- of-way easements; and dedication of vehicular access rights, sewer easements, and water easements defined and approved as to specific locations by the City Engineer (at no cost to the City) and/or other agencies. (1) 13.2 Any damage done to existing public street improvements and/or utilities shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Exhibit A-Conditions of Approval CUP 2022-0017 & DR-2023-0011 January 23, 2024 Page 2 FEES (1) 14.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.