HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESPONSE TO COMMISSION QUESTIONS 02-27-24 From: Willkom.Justina
To: Willkom.Justina
Cc: Barraaan.Raymond;Eastman.Jav;Jara.Jose;Michael S.Daudt;Hurtado.Vera
Subject: Responses to Questions-Planning Commission Meeting 02/27/24
Date: Tuesday,February 27,2024 1:55:52 PM
Hello Commissioners,
Staff received several questions related to the items on tonight's Planning Commission's Agenda. Below are responses to
the questions posted by Commissioners Higuchi and Douthit. I hope the responses help you in deliberating the items
before you this evening and if you should have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me.
Higuchi Question:
"What is the current process to determine"substantial conformance"?Is it codified in the TMC?"
Response:Currently,the Director determines if a proposed use is similar to the approved use by looking at various aspects
of the business plan, hours of operation,scope of work and/or operation,compliance with development standards,etc.
The amendment would expressly designate the Director as the authority to determine substantial conformity to reduce
ambiguity and provide clarity for staff and the public.
Higuichi Question:
"Adopted the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan and Red Hill Avenue Specific Plan. Will the EPS report
ever be circulated to Planning Commission?Which specific recommended ordinances will come before PC?"
Response:Staff has forwarded the complete EPS study to the Planning Commission on December 13,2023. The following
is a list of implementation action items that require Planning Commission and/or City Council direction and consideration.
Examples of items that require Planning Commission recommendations to the City Council includes,but not limited to,
Specific Plan Amendments,Code Amendments,etc.
Near/Mid/Long Program
Term Goal No.
Preliminary residential Reduce Plan Area residential
Near Term 1.1 parking standards update parking ratios from 2.25 to 1.75 per
unit for SP Areas.
Create administrative rule to use
Set all residential Park Fees market'land value equal to$2.5
Near Term 1.2 in DCCSP equal to RHASP million per acre for park fee 2/20/2024
rate calculation based on already
established land value for non-
subdivision projects in RHASP.
Introduce City Council motion to
Temporarily suspend temporarily suspend inclusionary
Near Term 1.3 3/5/2024
affordable housing in-lieu fee housing in-lieu fees for all SPA
projects for 18-24 months.
On going
Adjust administrative rules to allow (to be negotiated
developers to pay all impact fees at via Development
Near Term 1.4 Expand fee deferral Certificate of Occupancy rather Agreement and/or
than at permit-issuance. project's
Conditions of
Commence construction of parklets
Commence public realm on El Camino Real and Main Street, Construction to
Near Term 1.5 improvements and commence gateway signage commence
and streetscape improvements on Summer 2024
Main Street.
Continue efforts to streamline
permitting. Implement a one-stop-
Expand developer services shop on the City website for
Mid-Term 2.1 and educational materials relevant info(i.e.affordable housing
requirements,fee schedule,density
bonus)and improve development
project process for clarify.
Conduct program review and
Revisit voluntary workforce feasibility analysis to optimize rules
Mid-Term 2.2 consistent with the Housing
housing program Element,evolving state laws,and
economic considerations.
ID key nodes and allow residential
only if sufficient ground floor retail is
Mid-Term 2.3 Modify retail and parking provided. Consider relaxing parking
requirements rules for smaller,vertical mixed-use
projects, refine/promote in-lieu
Eliminate long,discretionary
Mid-Term 2.4 Eliminate RAR Program review/allocation process for
residential to provide developers
with more certainty.
Increase allowable heights where
Mid-Term 2.5 Modify height restrictions historic resource protection is not a
Relax requirement for private on-
Relax residential private site storage for every unit(i.e.
Mid-Term 2.6 storage requirements remove entirely,set as a
percentage of units,or match
neighboring cities).
Develop an official schedule or brief
Clarify residential density (posted on website)to specify how
Mid-Term 2.7 bonus approach state density bonus is determined
under the plan area. Staff to
develop educational materials.
Update the EIR for the Specific
Plan Areas with higher unit counts
Long Term 3.1 Increase residential capacity OR implement administrative
waiver program for compliant
residential projects.
Implement strategies to manage
parking demand and supply.
Long Term 3.2 Refine parking strategies and Modify non-residential parking
pursue supply investments alternatives.
Refine or eliminate certain parking
Complete construction of parklets
on El Camino Real&Main Street.
Complete gateway signage and
Complete/expand public streetscape improvements on Main
Long Term 3.3 realm improvements and Street.
'place-making'initiatives Explore complementary'place-
making'programs that engage with
businesses,property owners,and
the public.
Evaluate potential for targeting
projects or partnerships that
Explore economic catalyze private investments.
Long Term 3.4 development site marketing Develop marketing materials to
efforts highlight investment opportunities
and future projects within the
specific plan areas.
Implement carrot/stick options(i.e.
Implement policies to waivers, concessions,taxes, code
Long Term 3.5 accelerate redevelopment of enforcement measures).
vacant sites Explore public-private partnerships
at key sites,staff outreach&
coordination efforts.
Higuichi Question:
"How many units and dollars have been generated under the Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program
established in 2018?"
Response:To date, a little over$2,000,000 in Incentive Program fees have been collected, and on November 7, 2023, City
Council authorized staff to enter into a housing agreement with Families First for the provision of 6-8 affordable units.
Douthit Question:
"How and why were the selected uses picked to be streamlined?"
Response:Some of the items selected for streamlining were based on feedback from the Planning Commission. Others are
part of on-going Streamline Tustin efforts in reducing processing time and costs associated with entitlement applications.