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DocuSign Envelope ID:7CFBF64D-0058-4123-8D61-900CAA7FAC8A ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ITEM # 1 DATE: MARCH 26, 2024 /05�:� TO: JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR i��Us IN FROM: MARY SALMAN,ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION (ZAA) NO. 24-005; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2023-0023 (2473 AND 2475 Park Avenue) SUMMARY: The Zoning Administrator will consider Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2023-0023, a request to establish an indoor commercial recreational use consisting of an interactive professional grade automotive simulator entertainment concept located within two existing tenant spaces located at 2473 and 2475 Park Avenue. The CUP application was filed by Michael Mustac from World of Racing. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Summary The proposed project site is located within The District shopping and entertainment center in Planning Area 19 of Tustin Legacy (SP 1), which is bounded by Tustin Ranch Road to the north, Barranca Avenue to the southwest, and Jamboree Road to the southeast. This project site will occupy two existing tenant spaces that were previously occupied with two commercial recreational uses (interactive children's bubble experience and an indoor cycle studio). The applicant proposes to combine both tenant spaces into one space for the proposed use. The proposed facility is 7,002 square feet and consists of two separate main entrances, with one entrance located at 2473 Park Avenue and the other entrance located at 2475 Park Avenue. The interior of the tenant spaces will be redesigned to include a reception area, customer lounge area with six tables and attached benches, staff lounge, multiple restrooms,two storage areas, an open space area for the 32 automotive simulators, race control stage, and display window as shown in Figure 1, Page 2. Customers will have the option to choose between two different types of automotive racing simulator sessions that include a 55-minute experience and a 30-minute quick race experience. The staffing levels will meet customer demands, with a maximum of six employees and a maximum of 75 customers during high peak hours and three employees during off-peak periods at any given time. DocuSign Envelope ID:7CFBF64D-0058-4123-8D61-900CAA7FAC8A ZA Item #1 March 26, 2024 CUP 2023-0023 i-50, Page 2 MaL4 r Imo. — - ^22 Staff Lounge V Relstroom-2 E)El—c N II Gender estroom-1 ALL Gender Restroom4 1 0 -...101 (ElEltttnwl perol (E)Jervlor "� cbset f�Pn AfP9$In arors-I 7 I2 '.314 open Arta Slm Falars3. ReFs�mom-_ rei r ® O Open (E)Adjacent store OpenAr•a Sim larota.9 EM 9 1a -:11 12 Lounge i 3 14 15 16 Open Area Sim lawts-4 2 O l!Simu m 17 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 M 1 24 25 26. 27- 26 29 26 Op Aw, :i Customer Race ControL Stage /4F Re-go -- DispLay Window 0 r 2 2 (E)Entrance (E)Entrance �2475 12473 Figure 1 - Proposed Floor Plan DocuSign Envelope ID:7CFBF64D-0058-4123-8D61-900CAA7FAC8A ZA Item #1 March 26, 2024 CUP 2023-0023 i-501 Page 3 Hours of Operation The proposed hours of operation are between 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, 2:00 PM to 12:00 PM on Friday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM on Saturday, and 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Sunday, as shown in Table 1 below. The proposed hours of operation are consistent with the hours of other similar businesses in the vicinity. Table 1 Operating Hours Opening Hour Closing Hour Monday through Thursday 2:00 PM 1 10:00 PM Commercial Friday Recreational Facility 2:00 PM 1 12:00 AM Saturday 10:00 AM 1 12:00 AM Sunday 12:00 PM 10:00 PM Parking The applicant submitted a Supplemental Parking Assessment, dated November 15, 2023, for The District at Tustin Legacy, prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (Attachment C), that included a mixed-use shared parking demand analysis for the proposed business and the existing tenants at The District. The parking assessment concluded that the peak parking demand during the weekday is 4,533 spaces and the weekend peak parking demand is 4,727 spaces. The District at Tustin Legacy will provide 4,833 parking spaces, which will accommodate the peak parking demand that results from the current and proposed tenants within the shopping center. No parking impacts are anticipated to result from the proposed use as there is a surplus of parking stalls. Noise Noise impacts from the proposed use are not anticipated since all activities are proposed to occur inside the tenant space. Condition of Approval No. 2.4 has been added to ensure that all business shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance per TCC 4611. DocuSign Envelope ID:7CFBF64D-0058-4123-8D61-900CAA7FAC8A ZA Item #1 March 26, 2024 CUP 2023-0023 i-501 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL: This project is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Section 15301, Class 1, "Existing Facilities" in that the project site is an existing facility, involves minor alterations to the structure and negligible expansion to an existing commercial use. CONCLUSION: Analysis of CUP 2023-0023 has determined that the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed indoor commercial recreational use, that will consist of a commercial recreational use, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin. Findings to support the request have been included in ZAA No. 24-005. Based on this report and the Conditions of Approval contained in ZAA 24-005, staff recommends that the Zoning Administrator adopt ZAA 24-005 approving CUP 2023- 0023 to authorize a commercial recreational use within two existing tenant spaces Located at 2473 and 2475 Park Avenue. Attachments: A. Submitted Plans dated January 25, 2024 B. Zoning Administrator Action (ZAA) No. 24-005 . Exhibit A— Conditions of Approval C. Supplemental Parking Analysis dated November 15, 2023 DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: S d,w MA, 11 ECE507A88E4F9._ E48A67E1967540F_.. --------------------- ------------------- Mary Salman Raymond Barragan Assistant Planner Principal Planner ATTACHMENT A S0=�—EIOO'N'SOU'NUMNSSSMTDI��F�ExF .ISE T'n 14 Go gle LOCATION OF THE PROJECT O'ST 'OU TZ.Z2 .. A ......... a P VIIINITI P JSITEPIN rol- "T California 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES,SHEET 1(January 2023) CH4 PTER3 GREEN BUILDING 301.3�N D.LTE T�IISnD 11T,1.,,.,-, .............. SECTIM 3.—ED C—ANCY UILDINGS 3— SECTIM 3.—SED—JECTS ABBREVATI�N NS .eenwim®m,nem°m�,ore.°m��.eTA ' sE "E1.'—'='AY I'AND'IE AND'D LEV"E E.11 ED AVY E E CHAPTERS NINRE IDENTIAL-NDATIRI"EAIUREI DIVISION 5.1 PLA NNING AND DESI GN ��CTI,.,N 1101 G ENE— SECTID.EN I 100N��DEIINIT—S DIVISION 5.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY n= =-Z,MR x DIVISION 5.3 WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION TUZ Tn 4� ZVn� CTION110-1-D-0—NT 'A1L.E,1T1A1ND1 INI R"EA(l".1,".T1N1.1A,1LE CAI—IT IFLE 1-111 r.T�E.R.E,1,1�C.E.ILATN�D.T VLO)AC 7'. California 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES,SHEET 2(January 2023) SECT"N53"IN S.ECRoEN'M�DFYTT'�oTS ,242. DIVISION 5.5 ENVIRONMENTALQITY SECTION 5.5�UEI�NITIOU`S 'NR. ' P NAGEDENT .......... SECRON..1ZTER;;S`IS NCEnA _01STURE =Z.Z SECTION 5,..CONSTRUCTION—STE REDUCTION,DUSTESAL AND 00— RECYCUN "An IFLE 12 VALIEC ANIIAITIIEDIN 11AITEI—IA1 2E 2- ......... '`,'L nm men. nee: .eeeen.xnem,ne .............n ..........n...,. SECTION 5301 oui000 TNELRA ea,ee.Enxrtxxrtxm Z SECTION 5.,D.TURNING AINTENANCE AND OAE.TIONS SFCIT'ION15�5T M%CF! GREEN FLG SHE—Id.21== .......... SECTION 5.5.TOLLUTANT CONTRCTE DIVISION 5.4 EFIIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY SE C`ON 5 401 0. California 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES,SHEET 3(January 2023) IFFE I I-T ,242. TAKE 1- 1 ADLECIE111 IFTT, GONT STITI..11.I.F.-.TUUTF-FUT.1 EE_KC C iE 11TI11 III 1111FAIFIQUA11- E5 E5 V. TAKE 1- 2 IFTT CHAPTER] ...... INSTALLER&SPECIAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS NN QUALIFICATIONS EC L vumm GREEN LL'SHEETS TAKE I 5-FORMA-DE Ll.ITC SECT' (2 IR H 103 CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY � ro�u,E�.=roA��En=• ROOFING �� �m�.A�ro. 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ACED LENGTHuoNc THE HE .oPENDEDf EGRESS DR ATG B ACINOG PEEN[ET FOR LONGERTHE .w RU ADD FILLEF AssEM C.RED ION VAIK BALE a PE°PO PL'R TW FNAT BLOCKO NG ND ADD BR AN 0 uoLo- w RaM THE MUSED. (,2,RGDM E)NRAGATEMA,NDC'ENDENT oxx LOSTFLA A0 OO S NR DIFF. RG.Ex G°aD�E 0� PROHIBITEDCONNECDIONSTOSTftUCT 1 VERTICAL HANGER WAE CONNECNONS TO STRUCD 1 N A ADDA_ONALT-RAR CBxNG NOTFS 6 SUSPENDED CEIUNG SUPPORTNP.IAYOUT S COMPRESSION STRUT DETAIL 3 ATTACHMENT B ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 24-005 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0023 2473 AND 2475 PARK AVENUE The Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Zoning Administrator finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2023-0023 was filed by filed by Michael Mustac, on behalf of World of Racing, requesting authorization to establish an indoor commercial recreational use consisting of an entertainment concept offering professional grade automotive simulators within two existing tenant spaces located at 2473 Park Avenue and 2475 Park Avenue in the District at Tustin Legacy shopping in The District at Tustin Legacy shopping center. B. That the property is zoned Tustin Legacy Specific Plan (SP1), within Planning Area 19 and has a land use designation SP1 within the General Plan, which provides for a variety of retail and service commercial uses including commercial recreation uses. The project is consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan. C. That in accordance with SP1 Section 4.1 and Tustin City Code Section 9299b3(f), the Zoning Administrator is authorized to consider minor CUPs for existing development where there would be no change of primary use, there would be no expansion of floor area, and the request would not alter the original intent of the project or site. D. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held for CUP 2023-0023 on March 26, 2024, by the Zoning Administrator. E. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed professional grade automotive racing simulators will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use nor be a detriment to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin as evidenced by the following findings: 1) The SP1 District within Planning Area 19 allows a variety of retail Zoning Administrator Action 24-005 Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 2 and commercial uses. Use types such as commercial recreational are conditionally permitted subject to the approval of a CUP. 2) Parking for the proposed use can be accommodated because the overall shared peak parking demand will be 4,727 parking spaces and there are currently 4,833 parking spaces provided in The District at Tustin Legacy shopping center to accommodate the parking demand of all uses onsite including the proposed use. 3) The proposed hours of operation are compatible with other uses within the center. 4) As conditioned, no noise impacts are anticipated in that all activities shall be conducted entirely within the building and would be conditioned to comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. 5) As conditioned, if the use is not operated in accordance with CUP 2023-0023 and is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts affect the surrounding uses, the Community Development Director would have the authority to impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts or may initiate proceedings to revoke the CUP. 6) The proposed use would not have any aesthetic impacts to the area since no exterior modifications are proposed. F. Thatthis project is Categorically Exempt pursuantto Section 15301, (Class 1 — Existing Facilities) of Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act) in that the project site is within two existing facilities and involves no expansion of an existing shopping and entertainment center. II. The Zoning Administrator hereby adopts Zoning Administrator Action No. 24-005 approving CUP 2023-0023, for a commercial recreational use within two existing tenant spaces located at 2473 and 2475 Park Avenue in The District at Tustin Legacy shopping and entertainment center, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A attached hereto. Zoning Administrator Action 24-005 Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 2611 day of March, 2024. JUSTINA L. WILLKOM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR VERA HURTADO RECORDING SECRETARY Zoning Administrator Action 24-005 Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Vera Hurtado, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin, California;that Zoning Administrator Action No. 24-005 passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Zoning Administrator, held on the 26th day of March 2024 ------------------------------ VERA HURTADO RECORDING SECRETARY EXHIBIT A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2023-0023 2473 AND 2475 PARK AVENUE GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped March 26, 2024 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Community Development Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code (TCC). (1) 1.2 This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established within 12 months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be granted if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty 30 days prior to expiration. (1) 1.3 Unless otherwise specified,the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.4 Approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2023-0023 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk-Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be established by the Community Development Director, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to issuance of an administrative citation pursuant to TCC 1162(a). SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTIONS Exhibit A Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 2 (1) 1.6 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney's fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. (1) 1.7 CUP 2023-0023 may be reviewed annually or more often, if deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, to ensure compatibility with the area and compliance with the conditions contained herein. If the use is not operated in accordance with the Conditions of Approval or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding tenants or neighborhood, the Community Development Director may impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts, or may initiate proceedings to revoke the CUP. (1) 1.8 As a Condition of Approval of CUP 2023-0023, the applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party againstthe City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in defense of any such action under this condition. USE RESTRICTIONS (1) 2.1 The proposed project has been approved for an indoor commercial recreational use (interactive professional grade automotive simulator entertainment concept) within two existing tenant spaces located at 2473 and 2475 Park Avenue. (1) 2.2 Maximum number of participants/customers shall not exceed 75 persons at any given time unless approved by the Community Development Department. Exhibit A Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 3 (1) 2.3 The hours of operation for the business shall be as follows: Monday—Thursday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Modifications to the hours of operation may be approved by the Community Development Director if it is determined that no impacts to surrounding tenants or properties will occur. (1) 2.4 All business activities shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance per TCC 4611. (1) 2.5 Business operations shall be conducted in a mannerthat does not create a public or private nuisance. Any such nuisance must be abated immediately upon notice by the City of Tustin. (1) 2.6 No change or alteration of the tenant spaces shall occur without prior approval of the Community Development Director. Major modifications to the floor area, services, and/or operation of the business may require consideration of a new CUP by either the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission. (1) 2.7 The applicant shall submit sign plans to the Planning Division for all exterior signs under a separate sign permit. In addition, no signs or other forms of advertising or attraction may be placed on-site without approval from the Community Development Department. (1) 2.8 The applicant shall submit a business license application to the Finance Department and obtain a business license for the business. (1) 2.9 The facility shall have a maximum of 32 automotive racing simulators. Each simulator is limited to one customer at a time. A maximum of six employees are allowed per shift for a maximum of 75 customers. (1) 2.10 All activities shall be located within the enclosed tenant spaces. No congregation and/or business activities outside of the tenant spaces are allowed in association with the use. Exhibit A Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 4 (5) 2.11 The operator(s) of the business shall not permit, and shall take all steps necessary to prevent, its patrons from consuming alcoholic beverages on the premises. (1) 2.12 The applicant shall notify the Community Development Department of any changes to the use of the facility. (1) 2.13 If the use authorized by CUP 2023-0023 is discontinued for one year, then it shall be conclusively presumed that such use has been abandoned and CUP will be deemed expired. BUILDING DIVISION: (1) 3.1 At plan check submittal, provide the following information on the cover sheet: a. Total square feet of proposed work area. b. Type of construction of existing building. c. Clarify if existing building is equipped with a fire sprinkler. (1) 3.2 Ensure that the scope of the work on the plans match with the scope of work on the permit application. (1) 3.3 The project shall be designed by a professional registered architect and/or registered engineer. (1) 3.4 The project shall comply with requirements of Chapter 11-B of California Building Code 2022. (1) 3.5 On the site plan, clearly show the accessible parking stalls, and the path of travel from the accessible parking and from the drop off point to the main entrance of the building. (1) 3.6 At plan check submittal, clearly show that the entrance door has a 10- inch kick plate at bottom, level type or push/pull door handle, and a symbol of accessibility on the door. (1) 3.7 At plan check submittal, provide complete structural calculations and drawings for removal of any load bearing walls or shear walls. Exhibit A Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 5 (1) 3.8 Clearly show ADA compliance of restrooms with dimensions as shown on the floor plan at plan check submittal. (1) 3.9 At plan check submittal, provide complete structural calculations and drawings for the awning as indicated on Sheet AD-104. Details 5 and 8. (1) 3.10 Provide structural calculations, and drawings for the soffits as shown on Sheet AD-105, Detail 6 at plan check submittal. (1) 3.11 Provide complete drawings/information for any MPE works at plan check submittal. (1) 3.12 Provide complete structural calculations and drawings for the awning as indicated on Sheet AD-104, Details 5 and 8 at plan check submittal. PUBLIC WORKS (1) 4.1 Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling and Reduction Plan (WRRP). The applicant/contractor is required to submit a WRRP to the Public Works Department. The WRRP must indicate how the applicant will comply with the City's requirement (TCC Section 4351, et al) to recycle at Least 65 percent of the project waste material or the amount required by the California Green Building Standards Code. a. The applicant will be required to submit a fifty-dollar ($50.00) application fee and a cash security deposit. Based on the review of the submitted Waste Management Plan, the cash security deposit, in the amount of five percent of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official, rounded to the nearest thousand. The deposit amount will be collected in accordance with the TCC. b. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall submit the required security deposit in the form of cash, cashier's check, personal check, or money order made payable to the "City of Tustin". Exhibit A Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit 2023-0023 Page 6 FEES (1) 5.1 On the day of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of$50.00 to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such 48-hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of Limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened. ATTACHMENT CLINSC y TT MEMORANDUM " ' To: Donovan Janus Date: November 15, 2023 World of Racing, LLC Engineers&Planners From: Richard E. Barretto, P 'ncipal LLc Ret: 2.23.4747.1 Traffic LLG, Engineers 2.23.4740.1 Transportation 2.22.4594.1 Parking 2.17.3894.1 2.17.3826.1 Linscatt,Ow 2.03.2488.1 Greenspan,Engineers 2 Executive Circle cc: Michael Mustac, World of Racing, LLC Suite250 Irvine,CA 92514 Supplemental Parking Assessment for the proposed World of Racing 949.B25.6175 T Subject: Virtual Racing Center- The District at Tustin Legacy 949.MB173 F WM0Igengineers.com Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (LLG) is pleased to submit this Supplemental Pasadena Parking Assessment associated with the proposed World of Racing virtual racing Irvine center at The District at Tustin Legacy. Pursuant to our discussions, we understand San Diego that the preparation of a shared parking analysis addendum is required by the City as woodland Hies a part a Condition Use Permit (CUP) application for proposed tenant modifications to allow for the construction of a new entertainment venue. Please note that this parking addendum also includes the parking implications associated with proposed tenant improvements with the Union Market Tustin to allow for the operations of a Karaoke Lounge and a Japanese BBQ restaurant, as well as Pho N Mor restaurant in place of retail, restaurant, and in-line food uses floor area as now allowed within Union Market Tustin. Existing Development The District at Tustin Legacy is an existing shopping center with uses that include general retail, department stores, pet supply store, a home improvement store, a membership warehouse with gas dispensing station, financial institutions/banks and a grocery store with 755,183 SF of retail floor, up to 141,545 SF food- uses/restaurants/entertainment, a 24,000 SF Planet Fitness health club, a 68,150 SF movie theatre with 1,581 seats (the recent remodel resulted in a loss of seats from an original total of 3,003 seats), up to 18,223 SF of outdoor dining area and a 31,659 SF Philip M.Linscott,PE(1924-20001 William A.Law,PE(1921-2018) outdoor garden Center. Jack M.Greenspan,PE(Ret.) Paul W.Wilkinson,PE(Ret.) Proposed Project 1John P.Keating,PE(Ret.) (David S.Shender,PE The proposed World of Racing project includes tenant modifications to Suite 2473 John A.Boorman,PE and Suite 2475 Park Avenue to allow for the development of a 7,002 SF virtual (Clare M.Look-Jaeger,PE(Ret.) simulation racing venue in place of a prior tenants that included Union Ryde, a 2,500 Richard E.Barretto,PE IKeil D.Maberry,PE IKalyan C.Yellapu,PE (Dave Roseman,PE N:A4700A2234747-World of Racine,The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment I I-14-2023.doc Shanka r Ramakrishnan,PE ,An LG2WB Company Founded 1966 World of Racing, LLC LINSCOTT November 14, 2023 Page 2 GREENSPAN engineers SF health fitness studio, and Bubble Pop, a 4,502 SF interactive bubble experience where children could create,play and explore in the magical work of bubbles. According to information by the Project Applicant, World of Racing stands as an immersive virtual racing experience center, where patrons can indulge in the thrill of simulated racing. The proposed Project would operate Monday through Thursday, from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM. On Fridays, from 2:00 PM until 12:00 midnight. During the weekends, the Project would be open from 10:00 AM until 12:00 midnight on Saturdays and would be accessible to racing enthusiasts from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Sundays. The Project's staff includes a dedicated team of skilled professionals that would ensure the seamless operation of World of Racing. The staffing levels are planned to meet customer demand, ranging from three (3) employees during off-peak periods such as afternoons and mornings, to four (4) during weeknights, and a peak staff complement of six (6) during weekends, when our center is at its liveliest. Within 7,002 SF of floor area, the Project will provide a total of 32 state-of-the-art simulators, which cater to the needs of our discerning clientele. To provide a remarkable experience, patrons typically arrive approximately 10 minutes prior to their scheduled racing session, optimizing their engagement and enjoyment. This well-coordinated approach allows us to achieve a maximum facility capacity of approximately 75 people at any given time, plus up to six (6) employees.Attachment 1 includes the proposed Site Plan/Floor Plan for the World of Racing project, prepared by drafting service Design +Build, dated 10-09-2023. Given the World of Racing proposes to occupy two suites that had a former health studio tenant and entertainment venue tenant with an "arcade" type entertainment use, the City's parking rate for the proposed use was calculated at 1 space per 200 SF. To provide a conservative assessment, 1 space per employee was included based on a peak staffing of six (6)persons. Parking Analysis Addendum Consistent with our prior supplemental analyses, this parking analysis only focuses on requirements of The District during a peak non-holiday winter weekday and weekend conditions, which represents the project's peak parking demand and utilizes an overall parking supply of 4,833 parking spaces as verified in prior studies. The parking assessment reflects all recent changes documented in the October 2015, February 2016, April 2016, August 2016, May 2017, June 2022 parking studies, as well as and the recent parking assessments that were prepared for the Costco N:A4700A2234747-World of Racine,The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment I I-14-2023.doc World of Racing, LLC LINSCOTT November 14, 2023 Page 3 GREENSPAN engineers Mezzanine Expansion in September 2022, and the parking analysis for the proposed Karaoke Lounge and Shiki Shimi Japanese BBQ, dated November 13, 2023. With the above referenced changes, the mix of uses at the District at Tustin Legacy, which total 1,050,883 SF, will include 755,183 SF of retail floor, up to 128,183 SF food-uses/restaurants/entertainment(inclusive of the 3,470 SF Pho N Mor restaurant), a 24,000 SF Planet Fitness health club, a 68,150 SF movie theatre with 1,581 seats (the recent AMC Theaters remodel resulted in a loss of 1,352 seats from the previous total of 2,933 seats), up to 16,518 SF of outdoor dining area and a 31,659 SF outdoor garden center, the conversion of Union Market Tustin to include a proposed 12,123 SF Karaoke Lounge and 6,360 SF Shika Shimi Japanese BBQ with 1,705 SF of outdoor dining, plus World of Racing, a proposed 7,002 SF virtual simulation racing venue that would replace prior tenants that included Union Ryde, a 2,500 SF health fitness studio, and Bubble Pop, a 4,502 SF interactive bubble experience. The methodology utilized in this report is similar to that of prior reports with the exception that the shared parking profiles have been updated to reflect the current shared parking methodology outlined in Urban Land Institute's (ULI) Shared Parking, 3Yd Edition. For example, the current 3rd Edition ULI now has additional land uses such as Discount Stores/Superstore and Home Improvement Stores which were used for Costco and Lowes, respectively. Additionally, the current ULI has made refinements to other profiles to more accurately represent current conditions. Table A, located at the end of this letter report, summarizes the updated mix of land uses and floor area for the District at Tustin Legacy with the proposed World of Racing project as well as the proposed conversion of Union Market Tustin to allow for a Karaoke Lounge and Japanese BBQ restaurant, plus all prior approved and recent proposed tenancy modifications at The District, as noted previously. For the proposed World of Racing project, the parking profiles were based on the Project's weekday (Friday) and weekend (Saturday) hours of operation. As noted earlier, the City's "arcade" rate of 1 space per 200 SF was applied to the project's floor area of 7,002 SF. Additionally, the employee demand (6 employees) was added to the customer demands. To provide a conservative assessment, it was assumed that the Project would operate at 100% capacity throughout the weekday and weekend. Application of Shared Parking Methodology Tables B and C present the weekday and weekend parking demand profiles for The District at Tustin Legacy based on the shared parking methodology, assuming the N:A4700A2234747-World of Racine,The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment I I-14-2023.doc World of Racing, LLC LINSCOTT November 14, 2023 Page 4 GREENSPAN engineers occupancy of the current vacant suites and completion of the proposed World of Racing Project. Columns (1) through (14) of Tables B and C present the parking accumulation characteristics and parking demand of current tenant mix/allowable uses at The District at Tustin Legacy for the hours of 6:00 AM to midnight, whereas Column (15) and Column (16)present the hourly parking associated with the conversion of Union Market Tustin to allow for a proposed Karaoke Lounge and proposed Japanese BBQ. Column (17)presents the parking demand associated with the proposed World of Racing project. It is noted that the demand associated with Union Ryde and Bubble Pop, as shown in Column (11) and Column (12) would be replaced by the parking demand of the Project as shown in Column (17). Column (18) presents the expected joint-use parking demand for the entire site on an hourly basis, while Column (19) summarizes the hourly parking surplus/deficiency (no. of spaces) for the retail center compared to a shared parking supply of 4833 spaces. Note that the sizing(floor area) of each land use, and recommended parking rates are included in the tabular headings of each type. Both tables highlight the forecast peak parking demand for the Project. Weekday Parking Assessment for Peak Non-Holiday Table B presents the hourly shared parking demand forecast on a weekday day with the proposed Project, in combination with all current and recently proposed uses. As shown, the proposed Projects will not have a parking impact, as the peak weekday afternoon parking demand for The District is forecast to total 4,533 spaces, with an evening peak hour parking demand of 4,374 spaces. With a parking supply of 4,833 spaces, a parking surplus of 300 spaces is forecast at 1:00 PM during a non-holiday weekday condition, whereas a parking surplus of 459 spaces is forecast at 6:00 PM during a non-holiday weekday condition Weekend Parking Assessment for Peak Non-Holiday Table C presents the hourly shared parking demand forecast on a weekend day with the conversion of Union Market to now include the proposed Karaoke Lounge as well as the proposed Japanese BBQ. As shown, the proposed Project will not have a parking impact, as the peak weekend afternoon parking demand for The District is forecast to total 4,727 spaces. With a parking supply of 4,833 spaces, a parking surplus of 106 spaces is forecast at 1:00 PM during a non-holiday weekend condition. N:A4700A2234747-World of Racine,The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment I I-14-2023.doc World of Racing, LLC LINSCOTT November 14, 2023 Page 5 GREENSPAN engineers As shown, the District's parking supply of 4,833 spaces satisfies the peak weekend evening parking demand of 4,543 spaces projected to occur at 6:00 PM in the evening during a non-holiday winter weekday condition. Peak Demand by Month The most current ULI now provides detailed monthly demands by land use. Tables D and E present the hourly parking demand on a monthly basis for The District inclusive of the proposed Karaoke Lounge. Review of Table D and E shows that additional surpluses beyond what was identified in Tables B and C will be provided throughout the year as each use peaks during their respective months. Conclusion The parking supply of 4,833 parking spaces is sufficient to accommodate the shared parking demands of The District, including proposed World of Racing project, plus the proposed modification of the Union Market Tustin to accommodate the a Karaoke Lounge and Japanese BBQ,plus all previously approved and recently proposed tenant changes. Hence, we conclude that the proposed Project will not have a parking impact and the results of prior parking analyses for The District are still valid, inclusive of the recent supplemental analyses prepared in September 2022 and November 13, 2023. If there are any further questions, or you require any additional information,please do not hesitate to call me. M Shane Green, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer N:A4700A2234747-World of Racine,The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment I I-14-2023.doc LINSCOTT GREENSPAN TABLE A UPDATED PROJECT DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY I TENANT MIX[11 WORLD OF RACING AT THE DISTRICT AT TUSTIN LEGACY Land Use Size ill Planning Area 16-Big Box Retail Retail-Major 8 Costco[91 161,373 SF[91 Retail-Majors 9&10 273,420 SF Retail-Shop 9 6,161 SF Restaurant-Pad 9/Shops 9 15,633 SF PA 16 Building Floor Area: 456,587 SF Garden Center-Major 9 31,659 SF Outdoor Patio 1,500 SF Including Garden Center and Patio: 489,746 SF Planning Area 17-Other Majors Retail 44,908 SF PA 17 Building Floor Area: 44,908 SF Planning Area 19-West-Life Style Center Retail[4] 40,041 SF Restaurant[5] 52,856 SF Bowling Alley w/30 lanes&2,287 SF Restaurant[2] 28,000 SF Planet Fitness Health/Fitness Club[6] 24,000 SF Bar Louie with Outdoor Patio[7] 7,837 SF Union Ryde,a Spin Studio[8][15] -2,500 SF Bubble POP,an interactive childrens venue[10][15] -4,502 SF Entertain Venue w/275 seats(now vacant shell space) 3,728 SF Office-Management-2429&2433 Park[3] 1,214 SF Movie Theatre w/1,581 seats(previous total was 2,933 seats)[11] 68,150 SF Karaoke Lounge[4][13] 12,123 SF Shika Shima Japaness BBQ[14] 6,360 SF Shika Shima Japaness BBQ outdoor patio[14] 1,705 SF World of Racing[15] 7,002 SF PA 19W"Building Floor Area: 251,311 SF Outdoor Patio[5][7] 9,094 SF Subtotal 260,405 SF Planning Area 19-East-Jamboree Shops Retail-Majors 2 to 7,Pad 3-6,and Shops 10 202,090 SF Restaurant-Pads 3-1,5,6&8 27,617 SF Financial Institution/Bank-Pads 3-2&4 10,343 SF Fast-Food Restaurant-Pad 1(Chick-fil-A) 4,767 SF[12] Fast-Food Restaurant-Pad 2(In-N-Out) 3,378 SF PA 19E Building Floor Area: 248,195 SF Outdoor Patio 5,924 SF Including Patio: 254,119 SF Total Gross Building Square Footage 1,001,001 SF Total Garden Center Square Footage 31,659 SF Total Outdoor Restaurant Patio Area 18,223 SF Total Project Square Footage 1,050,883 SF [1]Source:The District at Tustin Legacy Site Plan prepared by P+R&tenantifirmationprovided by P tar [2]Floor area includes 2,287 SFo restaurant/bar squarafootage(Source:Vestar) [3]Represents Moor area dedicated to Managerneut and Security offices,plus conversion of Loft to office space(Source:LPA/Vestar) [4]Includes conversion ofretail within former Union Market to Karaoke Lounge. [5]Includes up to 3,470 SF ofallowable restaurant space in the Tustin Union Market,plus 340 SF ofoutdoor patio(Pho-n-Mor). Allowable restaurant SF within Union Market Tustin reduced by 821 SF now allocated to iu-line food in Suite 18(Cubed Poke); Include 823 SF for Two Hand ContDog in Suite 2485 Park Avenue. [6]Planet Fitness will convert 24,000 SF ofretail-designated floor area occupied by DSW to a health/fitness club. [7]Bar Louie will occupy the former Pares Bread unit(4,771 SF)and convert 3,066 SF of the adjacent unit,resulting in a total SF of 7,837 SF. Bar Louie will also include 1,546 SF of outdoor dining/patio area. [8]Union Ryde will occupy a 2,500 SF retail suite with a health/fitness club(spin studio). [9]Costco Expansion Project includes additiona of834 SF ofinezzauine space to accmmnodate eroployee lockerro rn addition. [10]BubblePOP will occupy a 4,502 SF retail suite with a"studio for art"(childrens interactive studio). [11]AMC 14 Theater was re-modelled and now has a total of 1,581 seats,a reduction of 1,352 seats from the previous total of 2,933 seats. [12]Chick-fil-A Expansion Project includes additiona of 535 SF of floor area to an existing building of 4,232 SF for a total floor area of 4,767 SF. [13]Includes conversion ofretail within former Union Market to Karaoke Lounge that includes a 1400 SF bar seating capacity of68 persons and 20 VIP(karacke)Rooms with a total capacity of 146 persons.The porposed hours ofoperation are Monday through Sunday,3:00 PM to 2:00 AM. [14]Includes conversion ofretail/iu-line food uses within former Union Market to a Japanese BBQ(Shika Sturm),with 1,705 SF of outdoor patio. [15]World of Racing will complete tenant urgrovemeuts to occupy a 2500 SF formerhealth studio suite(Union Ryde)and a 4,502 SF former children's interactive studio(Bubble Pop) with a state of the art virtual racing center with 32 simulators. N:A4700A2234747-World of Racing The District at Tustin Legacy\Report\4747 World of Racing at the District Parking Assessment 11-14-2023.doc � TABLE B WEEKDAY MD(ED-USE SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS WORLD OF RACING AT THE DISTRICT AT TUSTIN LEGACY m<, to� smna,°" Aw.�'.�va_,ux$<. ss$<. nr$<. csrxoa$<. ar�<. s±$ r.r�$ '$<. rbo sa sv<. s Y� ss y<. 9ry< ar y<. i�< s.s3n $vw3 <o o �� mo — ® x. 31 plesaa - eenu.wvess�m�m-, pl sW«dssnneaw l�rrm%�.arr.,.aa.eawa�,<,�n [41w..a<11 rsss —.as, 32 5 sr'—e35,5�<6. [51 m<nm«.tioe.an.®m<ort<w.<m�...�mwxeam rovaw�3,aso s'ort«a„m�mouo�sune,naomarmowmo.ea�o,'amosmu.atims<w.,se.s�ssr.<maaa<aa s.,��;sm sr. [q t'<a-r'�ae<aw,:m�m�m..535 st'cma-e�a<.�oa Isl as ap.ti� ®wora <�apaa®p�ra ®w�ra vu«mmur �owx<orraara. ,�awoum�nunn'r�ea [9I m<mm . a a<5)w .<aaQ(sdt< a aje doQ e�mo. col wau oarze.;oswu�p<s<mm�a�mm�vi�ono srr�artruw.mmo.s.e(um�er�)�aaa,soz sr'wmar<m�s<a.,�me,w.e mmo@mu<e)wmaaw<or,m:n�mw�os«aar.tin3zsmwwm.,.tima�,00z sr'orsuo.ar� �.i oo_�i a-_.,onn otx uaiva.r..m �va<w.a�a-main ofxa<�€�m<um�ar�tv�€'-�smw��-�s�o�m< TABLE C WEEKEND MIXED-USE SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS WORLD OF RACING AT THE DISTRICT AT TUSTIN LEGACY 11 I—. xax+ any ..pm 12 22!L c I 1 11 L—I LII2 12- c 3fi 3 SFI ...x TABLE D MONTHLY WEEKDAY MIXED-USE SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS WORLD OF RACING AT THE DISTRICT AT TUSTIN LEGACY Mouth Tauuary February mmr April May Tuue Tuly August September October November December Late December Tio[Day Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Spaces Spaces Spares Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spares Spaces Spaces sp.- 6 00AM 313 309 330 319 329 319 313 321 316 334 338 374 340 700AM 490 485 536 531 556 541 534 544 515 543 558 621 566 8:OOAM 800 800 887 883 929 907 891 906 854 895 926 1,033 938 9:OOAM 1.317 1.323 1,468 IA56 1.536 1,504 1.476 1.499 IA13 lA80 1.536 1,745 1.577 10:00 AM 1953 1.963 2,207 2.191 2.321 2,268 2229 2264 2.118 2.217 2.296 2,621 2.364 11:00 AM 2.554 2.566 2,990 2.958 3.025 2953 2912 2953 2.761 2.992 2.978 3,406 3.093 12:WPM 3.199 3.215 3,619 3.557 3.780 3.689 3.663 3.704 3.431 3.587 3.712 4,272 3902 1:00 PM 3,247 3,264 3,659 3,585 3,826 3,730 3,725 3,749 3,456 3,613 3,762 4,323 3,991 2:00 PM 3.060 3.075 3,439 3.372 3.607 3,519 3.517 3.533 3.247 3.394 3.557 4,088 3.784 3:00 PM 2.677 2.694 3,010 2951 3.163 3,088 3.088 3.098 2,941 2971 3.136 3,607 3.345 4:00 PM 2.753 2.768 3,087 3.017 3,231 3,153 3.160 3.171 2908 3.041 3202 3,684 3A21 5:00 PM 3.039 3.051 3,395 3.306 3,532 3,441 3.459 3,468 3,190 3.331 3,485 3990 3.726 6:00 PM 3,185 3,197 3,561 3.458 3,693 3,596 3.620 3,631 3,340 3.491 3,632 4,172 3.897 700 PM 3,052 3,061 3.396 3.291 3,515 3,419 3.466 3,464 3,165 3.305 3,453 3955 3.745 8:00 PM 2,904 2,909 3.106 2989 3,217 3,121 3.194 3,170 2,978 3.002 3,145 3,580 3,451 9:00 PM 2,379 2,380 L614 2.500 2,692 2,609 2,694 2,658 2,404 2.505 2,618 2960 2902 10:0PM 1,759 1,754 1.913 1.923 1961 1,992 1975 1938 1,753 1.821 1,983 2,079 2,089 11:WPM 1,271 1,265 1,374 1.304 1,406 1,353 1.424 1,388 1,249 1.296 1,336 1,461 1,499 12:WO 534 531 571 537 585 562 604 578 513 532 556 591 636 Notes: Ke [11 Source:U I-Ub.L.di gitute'Sh.r dParlaug,"TW,dEdtiou,2020. —Pnkfoceachiud�idualmoth =Orerzll peals TABLE E MONTHLY WEEKEND MIXED-USE SHARED PARKING DEMAND ANALYSIS WORLD OF RACING AT THE DISTRICT AT TUSTIN LEGACY Mouth Tauuary February March April Map Tuue Tuly August September October November December Late December Lime of Day Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces sp.- 6 00AM 296 292 314 307 317 310 303 307 304 320 324 353 323 700AM 403 399 445 443 465 454 444 450 431 452 461 508 462 8:OOAM 851 859 969 966 1.025 1,005 980 997 934 973 1.018 1,176 1.052 9:OOAM 1.384 1.398 1,579 1.572 1.670 1,640 1.599 1.630 1,522 1.589 1.664 1925 1.725 10:00AM 1.785 1.808 2,038 2.024 2.150 2,114 2.067 2.107 1.963 2.045 2.151 2,507 2246 11:OOAM 2.481 2.508 2,835 2.804 2977 2920 2.866 2917 2.716 2.838 2958 3,435 3.086 12:OOPM 3.110 3.149 3.580 3.509 3.759 3.682 3.630 3.651 3.386 3.548 3.705 4,275 3.881 1:00 PM 3,235 3,296 3,777 3,674 3,984 3,906 3,852 3,837 3,544 3,717 3,933 4,545 4,142 2:00 PM 3.090 3.157 3.627 3.516 3.836 3,769 3.716 3.684 3.394 3.562 3.808 4,414 4.024 3:00 PM 2976 3.043 3,496 3.391 3.705 3,640 3.584 3.551 3268 3.433 3.678 4,263 3.887 4:00 PM 2905 2.970 3,398 3277 3.580 3,520 3.471 3.439 3,169 3.328 3.573 4,148 3.789 5:00 PM 3,033 3.098 3,518 3.381 3.684 3,618 3.578 3.538 3,275 3.437 3.677 4,236 3.897 6:00 PM 3,214 3,273 3,723 3.576 3,884 3,808 3.777 3,730 3,456 3.627 3,835 4,393 4.060 700 PM 3,128 3.201 3,670 3.512 3,853 3,778 3.750 3,664 3,389 3.554 3,782 4,308 4.006 8:00 PM 3,108 3.192 3,694 3.523 3,902 3,826 3.799 3,674 3,389 3.560 3,803 4,301 4.025 9:00 PM 2,643 2.726 3,164 2994 3,340 3,280 3264 3.128 2,885 3.028 3,254 3,666 3.460 10:OOPM 2,006 2.090 2,415 2,216 2,501 2,471 2.480 2.341 2,152 2.257 2,465 2,786 2.684 11:00 PM 1.584 1.641 1.889 1,723 1940 1,910 1932 1.812 1.673 1.754 1.890 2,103 2.057 12:00AM 918 951 1.Ml 1,008 1.138 1,117 1.131 1L50 971 L.24 1.092 1,187 1.174 Notes: Ke [11 Source:U I-Urban LavdivstiNte'Sh.edParlavg,"TW,d Edltiov,2020. =Peak for each ivdi�idual moth =OireralI peak A ATTACHMENT 1 OL IF �cc a _ �reooreeeM 6 a a �emaga ', III 0 19 a 2475 2473 2475 2473 ST.... EXISTING/DEMO FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 1/5-1'-d 1/a'-1'-d' „.,.