HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 RESP TO OC SAN DIST 10-02-06 NOP 10-16-06 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director N/A MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2006 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: CITY OF TUSTIN RESPONSE TO ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NOP OF A PEIR FOR PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS SUMMARY City Council authorization is requested for the City of Tustin's response to the subject Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for proposed annexations to the Orange County Sanitation District's service area and improvements to its wastewater collection system. The proposed actions constitute the Service Area Annexation and Collection System Improvement Plan. None of the proposed annexations are directly adjacent to the City of Tustin. However, one of the proposed improvement projects is the Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief project ("Project"), which would increase the capacity of 7,800 feet of sewer line beneath Browning Avenue between Rainbow Drive and Mitchell Avenue. A portion of the sewer line is located in the City of Tustin. (Location Map - Attachment A). RECOMMENDA TION: That the City Council authorize staff to forward the attached response letter to the Orange County Sanitation District. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no fiscal impacts associated with this action. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Service Area Annexation and Collection System Improvement Plan proposes annexations to the Sanitation District's service area and improvements to its wastewater collection system. One of the proposed improvement projects is the Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief project, which would increase the capacity of 7,800 feet of sewer line beneath Browning Avenue between Rainbow Drive and Mitchell Avenue. A portion of the sewer line is located in the City of Tustin. City Council Report NOP for OCSD PEIR October 16, 2006 Page 2 The Community Development and Public Works Departments have reviewed the subject Notice of Preparation. Staff believes that it is in the City's interest to be on record regarding this matter and has prepared correspondence expressing the City's significant concerns regarding the Notice of Preparation document (see Attachment B). Staff requests that the Tustin City Council review and consider these comments and, if acceptable, authorize their formal transmission to the Orange County Sanitation District. Scott Reekstin D Senior Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A. Location Map B. Draft Comment Response Letter S:\Cdd\CCReports\NOP OCSD Annexation and Improvements. doc ATTACHMENT A Location Map r--I / l ( f l" ".; / ~:\"T :;~Ct~~:L~=7--~~~_GvL~_J --:~,. '''--: / , ,/-'. 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Note: Identification Numbering of Proposed Improvements correspond with Table 2, 6 I Km 1-11 Source: OCSD GIS Data, Thomas Brothers 2002 I 265.00c ATTACHMENT B Draft Comment Response Letter October 17, 2006 John Linder Engineering Manager Orange County Sanitation District 10844 Ellis Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF NOP - OCSD ANNEXATION/IMPROVEMENTS PEIR Dear Mr. Linder: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study (IS) of a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for proposed annexations to the Sanitation District's service area and improvements to its wastewater collection system. None of the proposed annexations is directly adjacent to the City of Tustin. However, one of the proposed improvement projects is the Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief project ("Project"), which would increase the capacity of 7,800 feet of sewer line beneath Browning Avenue between Rainbow Drive and Mitchell Avenue. A portion of the sewer line is located in the City of Tustin. The City of Tustin has significant concerns regarding the proposed project on Browning Avenue and has identified the following issues to be addressed in the PEIR. 1. Alternative Project construction methods need to be considered and analyzed in the PEIR document. The analyses must address the environmental impacts of the construction options, irrespective of costs. 2. There have been significant impacts generated by previous OCSD sewer construction projects in the City of Tustin. The previously experienced impacts have included, but have not been limited to, damage to City infrastructure (e.g., roadways, water lines, etc.), traffic impacts, traffic control issues, inadequate notifications, impacts to adjacent private development, depletion of City of Tustin inspection resources, etc. These potential impacts must be discussed and addressed in the PEIR. 3. Mitigation measures must be identified in the PEIR to reduce any potential Project impacts to a level of insignificance. Mr. John Linder OCSD NOP October 17, 2006 Page 2 4. There are schools located along Browning Avenue that will require special considerations. It is essential that the Tustin Unified School District ("TUSD") be kept apprised of each stage of the construction project. The TUSD should be included in the distribution list for the PEIR. 5. Development, notification, installation, and maintenance of adequate traffic control by OCSD and the contractor are essential. 6. The Project mitigation measures must assure that adequate City inspection of the Project can be provided at all times throughout the duration of the Project. 7. Sufficient mitigation measures and/or funding must be required of the Project to assure that any Project related impacts in the City of Tustin can be reduced to a level of insignificance. The City of Tustin is not likely to support any construction alternative that would result in unmitigated impacts that would require a statement of overriding considerations in the PEIR. 8. To be consistent with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and mitigate any potential noise impacts to Tustin residents, there should be a mitigation measure in the PEIR that requires significant noise-generating construction activities and construction-related traffic near Tustin residential areas to be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Construction activities shall be prohibited during all hours on Sunday and City- observed federal holidays. 9. Construction-related traffic should be specifically addressed and mitigated in the PEIR. The PEIR should identify truck routes for construction vehicles and include appropriate mitigation measures. There are several residential neighborhoods adjacent to Browning Avenue in the City of Tustin that would be impacted by construction traffic; therefore, appropriate mitigation measures are necessary. 10.Any proposed staging area for materials or equipment within the City of Tustin may require the approval of a Temporary Use Permit by the Community Development Department. 11. According to the Notice of Preparation, construction activities on the Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief project are anticipated to occur between 2009 and 2011. To minimize disruption in the public right-of-way and potentially coordinate the construction activities with other roadway projects, the City of Tustin requests that the Orange County Sanitation District provide a precise construction schedule for work in the City of Tustin for our review and approval. Mr. John Linder OCSD NOP October 17, 2006 Page 3 12. The City of Tustin strongly encourages the Orange County Sanitation District to solicit input on the Browning Subtrunk Sewer Relief project from the residents of neighborhoods adjacent to the proposed project, including the Villa Valencia Mobile Home Park and the homeowners associations of Bellwick, Monterey, and Shadow Brook. Input should be considered during the planning process through construction to ensure that any concerns are mitigated. The homeowners associations of these neighborhoods may be desirous of hosting informational meetings with representatives from the Orange County Sanitation District. Please provide me with a copy of the PEIR when it becomes available and any and all public notices relating to the Orange County Sanitation District's consideration of the PEIR. If you have any questions regarding the City's comments, please call me at (714) 573-3016. Sincerely, Scott Reekstin Senior Planner cc: Elizabeth A. Binsack Tim Serlet Dana Kasdan Doug Anderson Terry Lutz Steve Sasaki SRenvironmental/OCSD Annexation and Improvements NOP Letter.doc