HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 BUDGET WORKSHOPDocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 • AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 21, 2024 TO: NICOLE BERNARD, ACTING CITY MANAGER 1 Agenda Item DS Reviewed: Lf- City Manager DS Finance Director FROM: JENNIFER KING, FINANCE DIRECTOR/CITY TREASURER SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 BUDGET WORKSHOP SUMMARY: This report presents two potential options for the Proposed Annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. The purpose of providing options is to enable community input for City Council consideration and time for potential adjustments or other changes to be incorporated into the proposed budget, which will be considered for adoption at the June 18, 2024 City Council meeting. Both options are intended to allocate resources in alignment with advancing the five "desired outcomes" established by the City Council in 2023. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council; 1. Conduct a Budget Workshop and receive community input on options for the Proposed Annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; 2. Provide direction to staff regarding finalization of the budget to be brought forward to the City Council for consideration of adoption on June 18, 2024. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: The recommendation correlates to the City's strategic plan by implementing Goal C, strategy #3, to develop and communicate a comprehensive set of financial policies and their purpose to strengthen financial policies. DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 2 of 12 DISCUSSION: Options: A best practice for maintaining a balanced city budget is to ensure on -going expenditures at or below anticipated on -going revenues. Both options presented in this report utilize on -going revenues to fund on -going expenditures for a majority of the budget, though Option One also funds some one-time expenditures with on -going revenues, resulting in a potential $8.5 million deficit. Alternatively, Option Two results in a deficit of less than $1 million because it utilizes one-time revenues to fund these four specific one-time expenditures. 1. $3.0 million — Civic Center Emergency Generator 2. $0.6 million — Tustin Police/Parks and Recreation Annex Tenant Improvement 3. $2.9 million — Liability Fund Increase (due to current claims activity) 4. $1.0 million — Tustin Temporary Emergency Shelter Other than the four items (totaling $6.5 million) outlined above, the two options include identical projects, programs, services, staffing, fees, and personnel compensation levels. These options for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Budget represent the spending plan for all funds of the City including the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Enterprise Funds. Guiding Principles The proposed FY 2024-2025 budget aims to facilitate a series of comprehensive work plans tailored to realize the five "desired outcomes" outlined by the City Council in 2023. These outcomes, each with its own extended timeline, are not expected to be fully realized within FY 2024-2025. Instead, they serve as distinct and explicit visions to guide the City in charting a path forward. The recommendations outlined in the FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget allocate resources to bolster and execute these work plans, thereby advancing each of the City Council's objectives: 1. Legacy: Complete Build -Out of the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan as soon as possible, consistent with the City's Disposition Manual. 2. Old Town: Make Old Town a destination for community gatherings, economic activity, and a desirable location for real property development. 3. Pacific Center East: Prioritize the disposition of City -owned property in Pacific Center East and invest that value in other Council priorities, and ensure that each 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 3 of 12 disposition includes time commitments to put the sites to uses acceptable to the Council. 4. Red Hill Corridor: Maximize real property development opportunities to increase housing supply and commercial space for business retention and attraction, enhance public improvements and beautification. 5. Housing: Provide policy information and options related to all types of housing needs and potential opportunities to increase the City's housing stock. Additionally, the proposed budget maintains the City's commitment to fostering a safe and vibrant community for residents, businesses, and visitors. All Funds Budget Overview The FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget projects a total revenue of $175 million, inclusive of a $3.2 million grant from the American Rescue Plan Act earmarked for public safety and public employee hiring. The total revenue reflects an 8% increase from the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. The total operating expenditure for FY 2024-2025 is projected at $175.0 million, marking a 3% increase from the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. Additionally, capital expenditure appropriations for FY 2024-2025 total $103 million, indicating a 25% increase compared to the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Fund Balance, Beginning (A) Actual Amended FY 22-23 FY 23-24 $ 219.6 $ 239.9 Page 4 of 12 (B) Projected Proposed FY 23-24 FY 24-25 $ 239.9 $ 212.2 (B) - (A) Positive/ Add: Restricted/Designated Revenues 98.3 71.8 78.6 81.6 9.8 Add: Unrestricted Revenues 87.6 86.2 87.1 90.0 3.8 Less: Operating Expenditures (154.0) (169.8) (168.8) (174.5) (4.7) Less: Capital Expenditures (15.0) (82.5) (28.9) (103.4) (20.9) Net Change 16.9 (94.3) (32.0) (106.2) (11.9) One -Time and Non -Recurring Items: ARPA Funding 3.4 4.3 4.3 3.2 (1.1) Navy Hangar Fire Incident Response Net - - - - Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance Components: Restricted/Designated for Specific Purposes Unrestricted 20.3 (90.0) 208.7 125.6 31.2 24.2 (27.7) (103.0) (13.0) 187.1 92.5 25.1 16.6 The notable increase in restricted revenue is primarily attributed to four grants from the State of California, totaling $7.4 million. Among these grants, three are designated for park capital projects, namely Heideman School Park, Centennial Park, and Legacy Park, while the fourth grant is allocated for an emergency generator project. Additionally, the Water Enterprise Fund is projecting a revenue increase of $2.1 million from the approved rate adjustments, specifically earmarked for water services. For further details, please refer to the Water Enterprise Fund section of this report. Unrestricted revenues and fund balance originate from the General Fund, which will be elaborated upon in the General Fund section of this report later. The increase in operating expenditures primarily stems from obligations under approved labor agreements and increased rates from contracts and services across various departments or sectors. The escalation in total capital appropriation encompasses requests for new projects as well as carryovers of unspent Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget allocations previously approved for projects yet to be completed. For further details on the proposed project appropriations, please refer to the CIP section of this report. DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 5 of 12 It is important to highlight that a significant portion of the City's total fund balance (projected to be 85% as of June 30, 2025) is either restricted by laws, regulations, or third - party contracts, or designated by the City Council for specific purposes (i.e. Tustin Legacy infrastructure development, capital projects, etc.). The remaining unrestricted fund balance from the General Fund is available for any purpose as directed by the City Council. The Navy's Reimbursements Related to the North Hangar Fire Incident The City and the Navy entered into a cooperative agreement, along with subsequent amendments, wherein the Navy has committed to reimburse the City for emergency responses associated with the fire incident at the Navy -owned North Hangar, up to $61 million. The Navy has expressed its intent to execute an additional amendment to increase the reimbursement amount by $27 million for a total of $88 million. Therefore, the proposed FY 2024-2025 budget assumes the City will be fully reimbursed for costs to date, including the approximately $10 million that the City Council fronted for the Navy, so that the net impact on the City's budget is zero. General Fund Revenue Review General Fund revenues for FY 2024-2025 are projected at $94 million under Option One and $97 million under Option Two as discussed at the beginning of this report. The $94 million total revenue under Option One represents a net increase of $3.2 million or 3.5% from the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Operating Revenues: Property Tax Sales Tax Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax Other Tax Revenue Departmental Revenue Use of Money & Property Fines & Forfeitures Transfers and Reimbursements One -Time Transfers ARPA Funding Other Revenue Total Operating Revenues Non -Operating Revenues: Navy Reimbursements Housina Auth Reaavment Option 1 Option 2 Proposed Proposed FY 24-25 FY 24-25 $ 27, 021, 739 $ 27, 021, 739 36, 091, 000 36, 091, 000 1,901,000 1,901,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 1,435,232 1,435,232 3,871,306 3,871,306 3,563,237 3,563,237 900,000 900,000 11,157,905 11,157,905 - 3,600,000 3,215,567 3,215,567 1,549,500 1,549,500 NICK 'B1.1 000&0 11Z- I . 466.651 466.651 Some of the major revenue changes are as follows: Page 6 of 12 Sales Tax Revenue is the General Fund's largest revenue source, which makes up approximately 39% of the General Fund's revenues. Sales tax revenue is projected to increase by 3% to just over $36 million in FY 2024-2025. While the nationwide job growth remains solid and the unemployment rate low at 3.8%, rising interest rates and inflationary concerns continue to impact consumer and business spending and the growth of taxable sales in the coming year. Property Tax Revenue is the General Fund's second-largest source of revenue, which makes up approximately 29% of General Fund revenues. Property tax revenue is projected to increase by 4.8% largely due to changes in ownership, development at the Tustin Legacy, and the 2% Proposition 13 inflation adjustment. Use of Money & Property is projected to decrease by $627,000 largely due to a lower projection of earnings from the City's investment portfolio due to anticipated adjustments to the Federal Funds rate in the coming year. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 7 of 12 Transfers and Reimbursements are projected to be higher by approximately $2 million. The increase is mainly due to a transfer of $1 million from the Street Lighting Fund and an addition of $570,000 from Tustin Legacy's public service special assessments (Special Tax B). The General Fund pays for a majority of the City's public service expenditures and receives reimbursements from other special revenue sources. Other Revenues are projected to decrease by $383,000 largely due to one-time grant revenues received in FY 2023-2024. General Fund Expenditure Review General Fund expenditures for FY 2024-2025 are projected to be $102 million under Option One and $98 million under Option Two. The $102 million total expenditure under Option One represents a net increase of 5% from the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Option 1 Proposed FY 24-25 Operating Expenditures City Council $ 89,443 City Clerk 1,132,391 City Attorney 900,000 City Manager 926,114 Economic Development 2,102,698 Finance 2,024,599 Human Resources 1,550,012 Community Development 5,085,910 Public Works 17,552,619 Police Services 38,113,740 Fire Services 11,044,939 Parks and Recreation 6,005,385 Transfer for Liability 4,900,000 Transfer for Shelter 1,045,264 Non -Departmental 9,685,623 Total Operating Expenditure 102,158,737 Non -Operating Expenditures: Hanaar Fire - Major changes impacting all departments are as follows: N Page 8 of 12 Option 2 Proposed FY 24-25 89,443 1,132,391 900,000 926,114 2,102,698 2,024,599 1,550,012 5,085,910 17, 552, 619 38,113,740 11, 044, 939 6,005,385 2,000,000 45,264 9,685,623 98,258,737 Personnel costs are projected to increase by $3.7 million. The increase is associated with approved labor agreement obligations, step adjustments, position requests, and higher pension costs. The FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget reflects five new positions added to the General Fund and several reclassifications that staff have determined to be necessary to deliver the required service levels. Service Charges and Contracts are projected to increase due to ongoing inflationary adjustments. These charges and contracts encompass fleet, IT services, professional services, as well as maintenance services such as landscaping, tree trimming, building/equipment maintenance and repairs, and contracts with recreation program contract instructors, among others. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 9 of 12 Fire and Animal Care Service Contracts will increase by $420,000 and $165,000 in FY 2024-2025 respectively. Fire services provided by the Orange County Fire Authority are 4% higher and animal care services provided by the County of Orange are 18% higher for the upcoming fiscal year. Non -Departmental costs for the upcoming fiscal year are $351,000 lower than the FY 2023-2024 amended budget. This reduction is primarily attributed to a reduction in the General Fund's transfer -out to other funds. In FY 2023-2024, the General Fund allocated a one-time transfer of $3.9 million to the CIP Fund for the Main Street Improvements project. The proposed FY 2024-2025 General Fund budget encompasses an increase to the transfer -out to the Liability Fund of $2.7 million. Despite the rise in required payment for the unfunded accrued pension liability, which is also budgeted under non -departmental, the overall impact results in a lower total proposed budget amount. General Fund Reserves The General Fund Reserve Policy provides that the City will maintain a reserve of at least 15% to 20% of annual General Fund operating expenditures. Under Option One, the General Fund Reserves are projected to be at $16.6 million (or 16% of General Fund operating expenditures) at the end of FY 2024-2025. Under Option Two, the General Fund Reserves are projected to be at $24 million (or 25% of General Fund operating expenditures) on June 30, 2025. The FY 2024-2025 proposed General Fund budget is structured to support full staffing levels as outlined in the accompanying position control schedule, along with all program services. Consequently, it does not account for potential vacancy savings that may occur throughout the year. Furthermore, the proposed budget does not incorporate potential impacts from employee labor agreements that have yet to be approved by the City Council, nor does it factor in unforeseen significant expenditures. Water Enterprise Funds Review The financial health of the Water Enterprise Fund has notably improved following recent approvals by the City Council for rate adjustments and CIP bonds. The net operating revenue is projected to increase by $2.1 million or 9% for FY 2024-2025, alongside a $1.1 million or 6% rise in net operating expenditures. This enhancement enables the Water Enterprise Fund to generate sufficient net revenue to fulfill its bond covenants while also replenishing its capital reserve for forthcoming water CIP projects. 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Beginning Net Position (A) Amended Projected Budget 23/24 23/24 Page 10 of 12 (B) (B)-(A) Proposed 24/25 Net Chan, $14,470,828 $14,470,828 $15,163,307 Add: Operating Revenue 22,616,737 22,616,737 24,724,900 2,108,163 Less: Operating Expenditures (20,006,521) (19,536,602) (21,140,409) (1,133,888 Net Operating Change 2,610,216 3,080,135 3,584,491 974,275 Add: Non -Operating Revenue 134,000 4,259,000 120,000 (14,000 Less: Capital Project Expenses (3,210,551) (3,870,426) (1,680,000) 1,530,551 Less: Debt Service/Issuance Costs (2,776,787) (2,776,230) (2,892,778) (115,991 Change in Net Position (3,243,122) 692,479 (868,287) Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The proposed FY 2024-2025 CIP budget totals approximately $102 million, encompassing 42 capital projects. The CIP includes funding for various capital projects which include but are not limited to facility improvements, traffic and road -related improvements, water system improvements, park improvements, and Tustin Legacy Infrastructure projects. A breakdown of the major projects by category and their respective appropriation requests is outlined as follows: Public Facilities $16.4 million: ➢ Building Maintenance ➢ Emergency Generator ➢ South Hangar Renovation ➢ Police Dept Improvements ➢ Senior Center Improvements Traffic Protects $6.8 million: ➢ Signal Upgrades and Synchronization ➢ Main Street Improvements ➢ Traffic Radar Equipment Parks $31.8 million: ➢ Tustin Sports Park ➢ Legacy Park/Linear Park/Dog Park ➢ Heideman School Park ➢ Centennial Park ➢ Neighborhood G Sports Park Street Maintenance Protects $11.6 million: ➢ Annual Roadway Maintenance ➢ Old Town Improvements ➢ Red Hill Rehab 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: OD57EE63-826F-4E97-96DA-7DB72A627705 Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Water Projects $1.7 million: ➢ 17th Street Facility Electrical ➢ El Camino Water Line ➢ John Lyttle Reservoir Tank ➢ Well Rehab Page 11 of 12 Legacy Infrastructure Projects $33.5 million: ➢ Neighborhood D South Phase 2 ➢ Neighborhood D North ➢ Neighborhood G ➢ Pedestrian Bridges ➢ Cornerstone Given the multi -year nature of the CIP projects, it's important to note that certain projects listed above will not be completed in FY 2024-2025. Any remaining CIP appropriations will be carried over to the next fiscal year until the project is completed. Pension Update Contributions are required to be made to CalPERS to pay for pension benefits, which are derived from three sources — employees, the City, and CalPERS investment earnings. When CalPERS falls short of the expected rate of return (currently 6.8%), it results in an Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL). The City's pension liability was 77% funded on June 30, 2022. Funding information will be updated when CalPERS issues its actuarial valuation reports in July 2024. CalPERS mandates each agency to make a required annual contribution toward its UAL. Agencies may opt to make additional discretionary contributions to CalPERS beyond the required UAL payment to further reduce their UAL. Additionally, agencies have the option to deposit discretionary funds into an established pension trust, thereby reducing their pension liability. In 2018, the City adopted a goal of paying off all pension debt within 15 years and a instituted a policy to fund annual discretionary UAL payments to CalPERS and a separate pension trust held by Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS). The City has since deposited a total of $9.6 million in discretionary funds into the pension trust account, which has burgeoned to approximately $12 million as of March 31, 2024, effectively offsetting the City's net pension liability. In 2021, a five-year pension prefunding plan was developed, outlining annual discretionary payments totaling $4 million in addition to the mandatory UAL payment. Spanning from 2022 to 2026, this plan estimates that additional discretionary payments made through 2025-2026 are projected to save the City approximately $6 million in interest over the long term, or $1.5 million at present value. It is estimated that the PARS Pension Trust will accumulate a sufficient balance by FY 2035-2036, allowing the City to make mandatory UAL payments Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Workshop Page 12 of 12 from the Trust and thereby relieving the General Fund of the UAL obligations. However, this projection is dependent on CalPERS achieving a 6.8% return and the PARS Pension Trust achieving a 6% return on investments over the long term. The FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget encompasses funding for the mandatory CalPERS UAL payment, amounting to approximately $7 million, funded by the General Fund. Additionally, the Proposed Budget incorporates discretionary funding of $2 million per year to the PARS Pension Trust and an additional UAL payment of $2 million to CalPERS, both of which are funded from the Land Sale Proceeds Fund. Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 The attached draft version of the Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 currently only reflects Option One. Pending City Council direction during the workshop, this document will be revised. Budget In Brief Upon budget adoption, a "Budget In Brief' will be prepared to provide an overview of the City's budget information in a user-friendly and manageable format for the public to read, which builds on the City's commitment to fiscal stewardship and transparency. Jennifer King Finance Director/City Treasurer David Faraone Sean Tran Deputy Finance Director —Admin. Svs. Glenda Babbitt Senior Budget Analyst Management Analyst Attachment. Proposed Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 12 I Remembering what connects us. FY 2024-2025 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Study Session May 21, 2024 13 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl Table of Contents Narrative TheBudget Process....................................................................................................................................................2 Financial Summaries PositionControl..........................................................................................................................................................6 Fund Balance Projections —All Funds.......................................................................................................................11 RevenueSummary —All Funds.................................................................................................................................13 Revenue Summary by Type —General Fund............................................................................................................15 ExpenseSummary —All Funds..................................................................................................................................16 Expense Summary by Type — All Funds.....................................................................................................................18 Expense Summary by Department/Division — General Fund....................................................................................26 Capital Improvement Program Seven -Year Plan.......................................................................................................30 Capital Improvement Program Summary by Projects/Funding................................................................................34 Capital Improvement Program Project Detail by Type(2024-2025).........................................................................36 PublicFacilities Projects.....................................................................................................................................36 ParkFacilities Projects........................................................................................................................................41 TrafficProjects....................................................................................................................................................51 WaterDistribution Projects................................................................................................................................58 WaterStorage Projects.......................................................................................................................................59 WaterProduction Projects..................................................................................................................................60 MaintenanceProjects.........................................................................................................................................62 LegacyProjects....................................................................................................................................................71 11 Page 14 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl The Budget Process The City of Tustin has a biennial budget process, with funds appropriated annually for the fiscal year which begins in July and ends in June of the following year. Our approach is to combine the strategic plan and annual financial plan for operations and capital improvements. This process enables us to direct our resources towards programs and activities with the greatest potential to successfully achieve our Vision and Purpose. Budget Calendar The 2024-25 budget represents the second year of the 2023-2025 biennial budget cycle for the City. The adoption of the budget will establish the baseline for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The 2024-25 budget cycle presents Tustin both opportunities and challenges. The City's Capital Improvement Program demonstrates an eye on the future while balancing the needs of our residents & businesses. Our challenges are not unlike those of our country and state; economic uncertainty is at the forefront as interest rates and inflation continue to run hot. We are fortunate to have a solid revenue base driven by Property & Sales Tax. These revenue categories have continued to grow as our Economic Development team welcomes new businesses and housing to our community. The timeline for the budget cycle is typically six to seven months beginning with a Budget Kickoff meeting and culminating in the Budget Adoption by City Council. During this process departments are encouraged to review their operating revenues & expenditures along with any Capital Improvement Projects and make the necessary requests to properly fund & staff their operations. The budget cycle runs from January through June. Operating Budget & Administration The General Fund is the primary fund used by the City for day-to-day operations. The revenues and expenses associated with the General Fund are considered the core operational and administrative tasks of the City. The City uses the modified accrual basis in budgeting governmental funds, including the General Fund. Under the modified accrual method, revenues are recognized when they become both measurable and available. Measurable means that the amount of revenue can be reasonably estimated, while available means that the revenue is collectible within the current fiscal period or soon enough after the end of the period to be used to pay the government's current liabilities. 2 1 P a g e 15 City of Tustin � N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl Expenses, on the other hand, are recognized when they are incurred, meaning when the goods or services have been received or when the liability has been incurred, but only if they are expected to be paid within a reasonable period of time, usually within the same fiscal period. The modified accrual method also requires local governments to track and report the status of their fund balances, which are the amounts of money held in various funds for specific purposes, such as general operating expenses, capital projects, and debt service. The City uses the full accrual basis in budgeting Water Enterprise Funds. This means revenues are recorded when due to the City and expenses are recorded when incurred. The City's basis of budgeting is the same as its basis of accounting. The City's operating budget covers costs for the maintenance and operations needed to provide general City services and covers expenditures such as salaries and benefits, materials, supplies, professional services, capital outlay, allocated costs and the like. Revenues to fund the operating budget are primarily derived from sales and property taxes. LPublic Works Departments are provided a base -line budget (typically previously adopted or prior year amended budget) by fund/division which provides a starting point in preparing the budget for the current year. Departments are expected to review associated revenues & expenditures and submit the necessary changes to properly reflect the needs of the department's operations for the budget year. Capital Improvement Program Budget The City's Capital Improvement Program Budget (CIP) covers a rolling seven-year period, of which current expenditures & funding sources are captured in the annual CIP budget. It is not unusual for CIP projects to span multiple fiscal years due to the complexity of the projects. Projects may be budgeted in total in a single budget year or span multiple years depending on the nature of the project. CIP projects include, but are not limited to, infrastructure, renovation, new buildings, park improvements, and major technology purchases. 3 1 P a g e 16 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Special Fund Budgeting While the General Fund captures the City's day-to-day operations, a number of "Special Funds" are in place to track activity for a specific purpose. Certain funds have a legal requirement while others are in place to strengthen internal accounting & financial reporting. The budgets for Special Funds are prepared in conjunction with the General Fund budget and will be submitted to the City Council for adoption prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. All revenues & expenses associated with a specific Special Fund will be recorded directly into the fund. Transfers between funds will be recorded as a revenue to the fund receiving the transfer and an expense for the fund providing the transfer. Financial Reporting & Budget Monitoring The Finance Department will provide updates of the City's progress relative to the adopted and adjusted budget throughout the year. Regular monitoring of the City's budget will provide an early detection of potential concerns, problems, or opportunities. A benchmark of the annual budget process is the Mid -Year Budget Review. This is a comprehensive budgetary review of all funds that is completed in January of each year with a scope covering activity from July 1st through December 31st The Finance Department, working in conjunction with all City departments, analyzes the actual revenues, expenditures, and CIP for the first six months of the year in comparison to the adopted/amended budget. Variances are reviewed and the appropriate amendments are generated and submitted to Council for approval as part of the Mid -Year Budget Review presentation. Continuous budget monitoring is a stalwart in managing an efficient and successful organization. Revenue Management It is the City's priority to maintain a diversified and stable revenue base that is resilient to an evolving economy. Future development must be done with an eye on sustaining & growing revenues to support our dynamic city. Annual revenue budgets will be set using several data points including, but not limited to, historical trends, future development, current economic data, and department input. 4 1 P a g e 17 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Expenditure Management The City will maintain a level of expenditures which will provide for the public well-being and safety for the residents of the community. Unspent expenditures budgeted in one fiscal year are not automatically carried over into the next budget year. In instances where the purpose for which the expenditure was budgeted and has not been purchased by the end of the fiscal year, it may be reauthorized in the following fiscal year through the continuing appropriations process. Multi -year CIP projects that are under construction will be carried into the next fiscal year utilizing the same continuing appropriations process. Staffing will be budgeted to reflect the Council approved position control list. All labor costs, including contractually obligated increases, will be budgeted to the fund, department, and division which best meets the position function. Overtime should be used only when necessary and when other alternatives are not feasible or cost effective. All overtime must be pre -authorized by a department head or designee unless it is assumed pre -approved by its nature. Operating expenditures such as professional services, service contracts, legal fees, and the like are reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Multi -year contracts are reviewed annually as a part of the budget process. 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & CIP Budget (Second Year) — Study Session City Council Meeting — May 21, 2024 The 2024-25 City of Tustin Proposed Fiscal Operating & CIP Budget (Second Year) will be presented to the public & our City Council on May 21, 2024. 5 1 P a g e 18 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl 2024-2025 Position Control Department Position 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 Budget Budget Budget Proposed Inc/(Dec) Position Summary by Department City Clerk 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 0.50 City Manager's Office 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 Community Development 21.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 0.00 Economic Development 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 Finance 22.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 0.00 Human Resources 5.25 5.50 5.50 6.00 0.50 Parks Et Recreation 17.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 1.00 Police Department 153.00 154.00 158.00 159.00 1.00 Public Works 78.75 78.00 82.00 83.00 1.00 Total Position Control - All Departments 314.50 316.50 325.50 330.50 5.00 Citv Clerk Administrative Assistant 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Assistant Z 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 0.50 Total City Clerk 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 0.50 City Manager's Office Assistant City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 City Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Executive Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Total City Manager's Office 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 Community Development Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Assistant Director of CD - Building 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Assistant Director of CD - Planning 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Assistant Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Associate Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Building Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Building Official 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Building Permit Technician 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 Deputy Building Official 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Director of Community Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Planning Technician 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Plans Examiner 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 6 1 P a g e 19 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Department Position 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 Budget Budget Budget Proposed Inc/(Dec Principal Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Building Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Building Permit Technician 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Planner 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Total Community Development 21.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 0.00 Economic Development Deputy Director of Economic Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Deputy Director of Economic Development Legacy 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Director of Economic Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Economic Development Et Housing Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 ^ 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Management Assistant 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Management Analyst 3 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 -1.00 Total Economic Development 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 Finance Accountant 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Accounting Specialist 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Deputy Director of Finance 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Director of Finance/City Treasurer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Information Technology Specialist 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Information Technology Supervisor 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Management Analyst 11 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Accountant 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Accounting Specialist 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Information Tech Specialist 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Management Assistant 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Meter Reader 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Total Finance 22.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 0.00 Human Resources Administrative Assistant ', z 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Director of Human Resources 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Human Resources Managers 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Management Analyst 1/II 0.75 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Management Assistant Z 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 0.50 7 1 P a g e 20 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Department Position 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 Budget Budget Budget Proposed Inc/(Dec Senior Management Analysts 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 Senior Management Assistant 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Human Resources 5.25 5.50 5.50 6.00 0.50 Parks tt Recreation Administrative Assistant 9 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 -1.00 Deputy Director of Parks Et Recreation 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Director of Parks Et Recreation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 $ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Coordinator 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 Recreation Facilities Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Recreation Program Specialist 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Recreation Superintendent' 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 Recreation Supervisor 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 Sr. Management Assistant 8, 9 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Transportation Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Total Parks 8 Recreation 17.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 1.00 Police Department Behavioral Health Bureau Commander 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Crime Analyst (SLESF Grant Funded) 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Deputy Police Chief 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 (SLESF Grant Funded) 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Analyst 1/11 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Police Captain 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Police Civilian Commander 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Police Communications Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Police Communications Officer 1/11 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 Police Fleet Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Police Lieutenant10 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 Police Officer 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 0.00 Police Officer (SRO) 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Police Records Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Police Records Specialist 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 Police Sergeant 18.00 18.00 19.00 19.00 0.00 Police Services Officer 1/11/III 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 0.00 Police Support Services Manager 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Police Support Services Supervisor 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 Property and Evidence Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Senior Management Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Total Police Department 153.00 154.00 158.00 159.00 1.00 81 21 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Department Position 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 Budget Budget Budget Proposed Inc/(Dec Public Works Assistant Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Assistant Director of Public Works 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Associate Engineer 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Deputy Director of PW - Engineering 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Deputy Director of PW - City Engineer 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Deputy Director of PW - Operations 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Director of PW / City Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Electrician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Equipment Mechanic 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Equipment Operator 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Field Services Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Maintenance Leadworker " 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 Maintenance Supervisor 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 Maintenance Worker/Sr. Maintenance Worker 20.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.00 Management Assistant 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Principal Engineer 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Public Works Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Public Works Manager 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Senior Management Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Senior Management Assistant 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Senior Public Works Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Equipment Mechanic Leadworker 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Distribution Leadworker 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Water Distribution Operator1/11 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 Water Equipment Operator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Water Maintenance Et Construction Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Services Manager 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Treatment Leadworker 2.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Treatment Operator 1 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Water Treatment Operator 11 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Water Treatment Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Total Public Works 78.75 78.00 82.00 83.00 1.00 POSITION CONTROL GRAND TOTAL 314.50 316.50 325.50 330.50 5.00 Footnotes 1 City Clerk/Human Resources - 24/25 Budget Add - Shared Administrative Assistant 2 City Clerk/Human Resources - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Shared Administrative Assistant to Shared Management Assistant 3 Economic Development - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Sr. Management Analyst to Deputy Director Economic Development Legacy 4 Economic Development - 24/25 Budget Add - Management Analyst 1/11 5 Human Resources - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Sr. Management Analyst to Human Resources Manager 9 1 P a g e 22 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Department Position 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2024-25 Budget Budget Budget Proposed Inc/(Dec 6 Parks tt Recreation - 24/25 Budget Add - Recreation Supervisor 7 Parks tt Recreation - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Recreation Superintendent to Deputy Director Parks Ft Recreation 8 Parks tt Recreation - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Sr. Management Assistant to Management Analyst 1/11 9 Parks Et Recreation - 24/25 Budget Reclass - Administrative Assistant to Sr. Management Assistant 10 Police Department - 24/25 Budget Add - Lieutenant (Effective January 1, 2025) 11 Public Works - 24/25 Budget Add - Maintenance Leadworker 101 Page 23 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl 2023-2024 Projected Fund Balance -All Funds 2023/2024 Projected Fund Description Fun Balance 07/01/2023 Transfers In Revenues Expenditures Transfers Fund e Balance 06/30/2024 100 101 102 187 General Fund - Unrestricted General Fund - Emergency Fund General Fund - PARS Pension Trust Backbone Fee Fund 31,166,311 1,000,000 10,951,986 15,569,880 11,920,660 - 2,000,000 - 140,473,778 - 440,000 300,000 150,711,052 - 60,000 5,700,360 7,729,117 - 25,120,580 1,000,000 13,331,986 10,169,520 189 Land Held for Resale 97,591,322 - 2,200,000 11,395,950 4,028,926 84,366,446 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 10,495,426 4,200,200 369,408 1,859,248 - 13,205,786 120 CDBG mm�(97,463) 846,917 749,454 - 129 Cable PEG Fees Fund 776,625 136,000 75,000 837,625 130 Gas Tax 5,038,743 2,310,879 4,181,001 3,168,621 131 Park Development 1,797,634 1,130,803 759,979 2,168,458 132 Park Development Grants 561 9 570 133 SCAQMD 253,413 108,000 247,082 114,331 134 Asset Forfeiture 79,661 1,500 81,161 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture 319,153 21,659 210,000 130,812 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement 440,390 198,539 176,124 462,805 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 12,425 208 - 12,633 139 Measure M2 3,151,222 2,278,685 4,564,129 80,000 785,778 140 Road Maint 8: Rehab Alloc 5,830,407 1,924,885 1,576,201 - 6,179,091 141 Tustin LLD 75,088 172,678 780,326 953,504 74,588 142 Tustin SL 4,446,680 - 1,293,750 698,308 5,042,122 171 Solid Waste Fund 1,713,438 324,647 423,918 1,614,167 180 Special Events 315,365 40,000 575,000 517,080 130,880 282,405 181 Workers Compensation 40,238Jill[ - 1,820,400 1,709,143 - 151,495 182 Liability 401,432 2,225,000 123,921 2,738,339 12,014 183 Unemployment 58,714 963 15,000 44,677 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 2,811,086 1,136,374 1,044,000 2,903,460 185 Information Technology 3,240,812 3,946,186 3,851,774 3,335,224 300 Water Enterprise 7,428,028 22,130,737 21,687,832 800,000 7,070,933 301 Water Capital Fund 4,018,101 800,000 620,000 1,218,676 InElff 4,219,425 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund 2,064,363 - - - 1,000,000 1,064,363 303 Water Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund - 1,000,000 1,000,000 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund 8,586 - - - 8,586 306 307 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund 2024 Water Revenue Bond Fund 951,750 - - 4,125,000 951,750 2,325,000 - - 1,800,000 420 American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) 7,866,261 - 47,500 4,297,000 3,521,761 431 Assessment Dist. 95-1 Construction 332,609 - - 82,830 249,779 433 CFD 04-1 1,173,053 754,506 704,006 - 1,223,553 434 CFD 06-1 Construction 66,422 3,000 67,000 2,422 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service 6,685,561 3,938,819 3,657,019 JS 6,967,361 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service 1,938,962 1,169,275 1,073,325 - 2,034,912 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service 3,671,996 1,756,925 1,587,925 3,840,996 442 Special Tax B 63,557 5,329,780 7,000 5,329,780 56,557 570 Successor Agency (Trust Fund) 226,759 3,941,628 3,932,428 235,959 571 PARS OPEB Trust 3,434,117 654,433 20,000 4,068,550 575 577 Tustin Housing Authority Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Prog 353,332 2,089,584 1,219,994 - 666,779 64,478 2,054,148 2,007,169 100,000 185,957 46,893 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 239,853,590 23,578,533 207,898,197 235,557,423 23,578,533 212,194,362 111 Page 24 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl 2024-2025 Proposed Fund Balance -All Funds 2024/2025 Proposed Fund Description Fun Balance 07/01/2024 Transfers In Revenues Expenditures Transfers Out Fund Balance 06/30/2025 100 101 102 General Fund - Unrestricted General Fund - Emergency Fund General Fund - PARS Pension Trust 25,120,580 1,000,000 13,331,986 13,140,123 - 2,000,000 80,533,014 - 440,000 96,070,589 - 60,000 6,088,148 - 16,634,980 1,000,000 15,711,986 187 Backbone Fee Fund 10,169,520 - 200,000 10,288,171 81,349 189 Land Held for Resale 84,366,446 1,000,000 66,318,506 4,245,576 14,802,364 200 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 13,205,786 150,000 9,036,578 - 4,319,208 120 CDBG my - 772,307 772,307 (0) 129 Cable PEG Fees Fund 837,625 120,000 150,000 807,625 130 Gas Tax 3,168,621 2,282,406 4,270,498 1,180,529 131 Park Development 2,168,458 405,000 1,234,980 1,338,478 132 Park Development Grants 570 6,050,000 6,050,000 570 133 SCAQMD 114,331 97,400 - 211,731 134 Asset Forfeiture 81,161 500 81,661 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture 130,812 2,500 - 133,312 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement 462,805 181,000 237,101 406,704 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 12,633 - - 12,633 139 Measure M2 785,778 2,280,000 1,109,029 80,000 1,876,749 140 Road MaintEt Rehab Alloc 6,179,091 2,157,600 4,804,252 - 3,532,439 141 Tustin LLD 74,588 87,538 813,262 884,040 - 91,348 142 Tustin SL 5,042,122 - 1,439,031 772,457 1,000,000 4,708,696 171 Solid Waste Fund 1,614,167 - 390,000 521,660 T - 1,482,507 180 Special Events 282,405 40,000 585,000 625,000 130,880 151,525 181 Workers Compensation 151,495 - 1,893,000 1,736,600 - 307,895 182 Liability 12,014 4,900,000 - 4,861,000 51,014 183 Unemployment 44,677 - 20,000 24,677 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 2,903,460 2,901,432 2,980,932 2,823,960 185 Information Technology 3,335,224 4,685,300 5,017,601 3,002,923 300 Water Enterprise 7,070,933 24,844,900 23,433,187 8,482,645 301 Water Capital Fund 4,219,425 1,430,000 2,789,425 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund 1,064,363 - 1,064,363 303 Water Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 305 307 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund 2024 Water Revenue Bond Fund 8,586 1,800,000 - 850,000 8,586 950,000 420 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 3,521,761 15,000 - 3,215,567 321,194 431 Assessment Dist. 95-1 Construction 249,779 - - 249,779 433 CFD 04-1 1,223,553 729,906 700,406 1,253,053 434 CFD 06-1 Construction 2,422 2,422 - 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service 6,967,361 3,825,531 3,732,231 7,060,661 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service 2,034,912 1,129,647 1,047,300 2,117,259 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service 3,840,996 1,677,300 1,615,400 3,902,896 442 Special Tax B 56,557 6,303,025 10,000 6,293,025 56,557 570 Successor Agency (Trust Fund) 235,959 3,930,873 3,930,873 - 235,959 571 PARS OPEB Trust 4,068,550 654,433 20,000 - 4,702,983 575 577 Tustin Housing Authority Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Prog 185,957 46,893 1,352,186 - 330,525 - 1,707,639 - 466,651 - 161,029 46,893 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 212,194,362 21,519,847 153,286,543 256,300,761 21,519,847 109,180,145 121 Page 25 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl 2024-2025 Revenue Summary -All Funds Fund Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed DO General Fund -1-1 - VVVCI IIIIICIILOI RCVCIIUC Community Development Public Works /Y,JLU,Y7V 1,601,395 191,505 /O,UG/,GUY 2,996,813 344,460 O4,/7V,/00 4,100,096 677,648 OU, IOY,JOI 2,325,407 805,450 O/,/VI,UJI 2,262,306 500,300 Police Services 1,052,366 1,189,782 1,333,873 1,160,000 1,225,000 Fire Services 9,731 15,182 13,952 15,000 15,000 Parks and Recreation 907,810 1,841,556 2,045,014 1,924,000 1,969,000 Non-Departmental/Navy North Hangar Fire - - 7,700 61,000,000 - 100 General Fund - Unrestricted 78,089,302 84,415,047 90,975,070 152,394,437 93,673,137 102 General Fund PARS Pension Trust - 992,332 2,670,876 2,440,000 2,440,000 187 Backbone Fee Fund 619,556 7,807,017 432,696 300,000 200,000 189 200 120 Land Held for Resale Capital Projects Fund-CIP CDBG 9,670,193 6,055,602 878,180 60,068,581 2,358,885 1,279,630 14,261,119 7,714,669 2,188,802 2,200,000 4,569,608 846,917 1,000,000 150,000 772,307 129 Cable PEG Fees 136,933 117,024 133,161 136,000 t 120,000 130 Gas Tax 1,829,750 1,672,668 2,172,585 2,310,879 2,282,406 131 Park Development 772,065 492,595 798,689 1,130,803 405,000 132 Park Development Tustin Legacy (967) (7) 14 9 6,050,000 133 SCAQMD 107,093 74,831 136,345 108,000 97,400 134 Asset Forfeiture 169 8,034 17,744 1,500 500 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture 46,209 (2,342) 190,275 21,659 2,500 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement 191,512 192,687 214,893 198,539 181,000 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 58 (161) 325 208 - 139 Measure M2 2,068,322 2,071,084 2,337,204 2,278,685 2,280,000 140 Road Maint & Rehab Alloc 1,515,289 1,541,055 1,928,865 1,924,885 2,157,600 141 Tustin LLD 1,503,580 983,611 829,611 953,004 900,800 142 Tustin SL 1,233,930 1,229,239 1,518,642 1,293,750 1,439,031 171 Solid Waste 1,110,478 764,732 777,770 324,647 390,000 180 Special Events 59,625 552,092 533,835 615,000 625,000 181 Workers Compensation 1,215,982 1,170,675 1,153,303 1,820,400 1,893,000 182 Liability 1,216,881 1,101,095 1,101,000 2,348,921 4,900,000 183 Unemployment (76) (156) 51,057 963 - 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 908,744 538,162 963,876 1,136,374 2,901,432 185 Information Technology 2,931,257 2,331,849 2,952,817 3,946,186 4,685,300 300 Water Enterprise 26,621,840 37,550,726 26,514,302 22,130,737 24,844,900 301 Water Capital Fund 1,488,683 4,102,275 3,207,230 1,420,000 - 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund 9,616 (26,790) 54,047 303 Water Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund - - - 1,000,000 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund 108 (255) 2,350 - 306 307 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund 2024 Water Revenue Bond Fund (42,995) 1,871,342 (643,811) - - 4,125,000 - 420 American Rescue Plan Act - 6,359,132 5,415,387 - 15,000 433 CFD 04-1 K724,031 720,012 722,143 754,506 729,906 434 435 CFD 06-1 Construction CFD 06-1 Debt Service 1,486 3,586,753 41,725 3,641,389 5,211 3,876,619 3,000 3,938,819 - 3,825,531 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service 967,346 1,065,667 1,137,638 1,169,275 1,129,647 440 CFD 13-1 3,500 - - - - 441 CFD 14-1 Debt Service 1,561,207 1,591,451 1,717,882 1,756,925 1,677,300 442 Special Tax B 4,468,514 4,603,670 082,454 5,329,780 6,303,025 443 CFD 14-1 Construction 2,504 2,072 24,262 - - 444 CFD 18-1 7,340 (3,840) 131 Page 26 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl AMW Fund Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 561 2010 MCAS TABS 570 Successor Agency (Trust Fund) 571 PARS OPEB Trust 575 Tustin Housing Authority 577 Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Prog (2,362) 4,267,865 431,637 41,429 962,798 1 - 4,222,159 4,241,636 165,000 712,945 393,615 1,075,205 9,733 (27,118) 3,941,628 3,930,873 654,433 654,433 1,886,773 2,149,362 54,708 64,478 I! TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS 156,307,904 238,032,490 189,255,450 231,476,728 174,806,390 141 Page 27 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) 2024-2025 Revenue Summary by Type - General Fund Description 2020-21 Actual 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Proposed Property Tax in Lieu of VLF Property Taxes Residual Property Taxes In Lieu -Prop Tax AB 1290 Pass Thru 8,811,747 11,461,641 1,675,978 29,322 159,420 9,081,551 11,807,721 1,787,636 29,909 1637118 9,666,474 12,828,388 1,867,247 30,507 1707649 10,397,643 13,197,426 1,987,200 31,117 1807000 10,695,000 14,099,000 1 2,046,000 31,739 150,000 Franchise Fees 1,652,333 1,640,272 1,801,981 1,939,513 1,901,000 Sales and Use Tax 30,351,631 33,977,179 35,434,121 35,000,000 36,091,000 Sales Tax - Public Safety - Prop 172 Transient Occupancy TaxMMM"W-1,218,924 Business License Fees 401,411 416,266 414,465 1,857,502 435,626 455,285 2,151,007 470,064 467,401 2,300,000 434,778 469,000 2,500,000 440,000 Real Property Transfer Tax 575,024 799,711 585,882 525,000 525,000 New Construction Tax 1,868 14,698 135,826 33,856 1,232 Planning Plan Check Fees 228,447 403,984 540,788 317,511 330,445 Building Permits It Plan Checks 1,269,915 2,477,235 3,457,821 1,776,768 1,875,361 Fees and Other Permits 364,117 541,550 774,195 917,450 687,300 Fines and Forfeitures 938,397 1,019,750 1,169,849 926,578 922,000 Interest Income 1,337,459 (7437387) 1,227,104 1,245,000 634,075 Use of property 1,592,680 2,054,498 2,762,923 2,995,465 2,929,162 POST Reimbursement 24,035 43,188 27,861 35,000 20,000 Revenue from Other Agencies 269,404 156,509 142,828 130,000 130,000 State Grants 2297361 37,560 43,423 531,182 30,000 Federal Grants 3,461,923 362,308 105,481 61,050,000 50,000 Sports Fees Class Fees Other Recreation Fees 427,076 312,477 92,571 725,315 398,535 398,044 730,628 554,274 424,289 719,000 400,000 455,000 Jill 719,000 450,000 440,000 Transfer In Reimbursement from Other Funds 8,803,942 1,223,960 12,324,269 1,218,385 9,855,257 1,521,773 11,920,660 1,500,000 13,140,120 1,700,000 All Other Sources TOTAL REVENUE -GENERAL FUND 757,973 987,915 2,039,146 980,890 666,700 78,089,302 84,415,047 90,975,070 152,394,437 93,673,137 151Page 28 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl 2024-2025 Expense Summary -All Funds Fund Description 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 100 General Fund C't C U 12 886 21 420 50 262 65 327 89 "'I i y ounce City Clerk City Attorney City Manager 669,158 817,270 801,631 697,115 851,020 873,114 869,904 727,834 904,984 820,291 1,069,150 836,287 1,132,391 900,000 926,114 Economic Develo ment 959,391 1,104,332 1,198,671 1,983,134 2,102,698 Finance 1,655,639 1,738,453 1,784,663 1,888,365 2,024,599 Human Resources 973,220 1,017,310 1,169,671 1,261,755 1,550,012 Community Development 3,925,479 4,257,418 4,533,744 5,313,124 5,085,910 Public Works 15,493,523 16,429,663 14,734,048 16,159,662 17,552,619 Police Services 27,534,909 28,597,794 31,797,083 35,415,223 38,113,740 Fire Services 9,213,773 9,759,428 10,015,568 10,623,700 11,044,939 Parks and Recreation 3,694,097 4,667,245 5,229,968 5,554,944 6,005,385 Successor Agency/ RDA - - - - - Mon -Departmental, Other 6,227,269 7,225,520 14,937,212 16,449,207 15,630,887 Small Business Assistance 1,917,233 - - - - Non -Profit Assistance 274,012 - Meal Gap Program Other COVID-19 Costs Navy North Hanger Fire 127,794 993,591 - 255,316 - - - - 61,000,000 - 100 102 186 General Fund - Unrestricted General Fund PARS Pension Trust Ob!g Reimb Form Successor Agency 75,290,874 - 1,428 77,495,146 41,810 - 87,953,610 46,130 158,440,169 60,000 M - 102,158,737 60,000 187 Backbone Fee Fund 2,570,890 60,160 884,309 5,700,360 10 288,171 189 200 Land Held for Resale Capital Projects Fund-CIP 8,493,888 2,677,518 13,215,560 2,466,378 8,738,044 2,038,559 15,424,876 1,859,248 70,564,082 9,036,578 120 CDBG 878,180 1,452,041 2,111,413 749,454 772,307 129 Cable PEG Fees 29,720 84,985 - 75,000 150,000 130 Gas Tax 2,230,188 1,580,312 2,117,165 4,181,001 4,270,498 131 Park Development 1,681,598 835,637 994,794 759,979 1,234,980 132 Park Develop. Tustin Legacy 2 - - 6,050,000 133 SCAQMD 516,660 97,049 - 247,082 - 134 Asset Forfeiture 25 0 - - 135 RNSP Asset Forfeiture 68 - 46,893 210,000 136 Supplemental Law Enforcement 136,487 172,070 53,357 176,124 237,101 137 Treasury RNSP Asset Forfeiture 6 - - - - 139 Measure M2 M 2,985,171 5,135,124 2,176,819 4,644,129 1,189,029 140 Road Maint ft Rehab Alloc (13,870) 23,597 1,747,051 1,576,201 4,804,252 141 Tustin LLD 1,354,874 946,104 792,029 953,504 884,040 142 Tustin SL 916,165 460,843 590,152 698,308 1,772,457 171 Solid Waste 257,970 356,693 380,967 423,918 521,660 180 Special Events 24,607 599,074 509,063 647,960 755,880 181 Workers Compensation 1,610,088 1,364,056 1,814,156 1,709,143 1,736,600 182 Liability 1,216,884 1,173,859 1,869,797 2,738,339 4,861,000 183 Unemployment 13,133 13,144 6,430 15,000 20,000 184 Equipment Replacement Fund 414,352 1,012,277 1,000,758 1,044,000 2,980,932 185 Information Technology 2,363,992 2,910,964 3,059,840 3,851,774 5,017,601 300 Water Enterprise 17,962,760 23,272,704 22,328,402 22,487,832 23,433,187 301 Water Capital Fund 12,512,459 7,202,537 3,376,403 1,218,676 1,430,000 302 Water Emergency Fund - - - 1 000 000 - 305 2011 Water Rev Bond Fund 289,010 289,004 - 161 Page 29 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Fund Description 2020-21 Actual 2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Proposed 306 307 420 2013 Water Rev Bond Fund 2024 Water Rev Bond Fund American Rescue Plan Act ARPA 9,103,481 - - 13,222,296 - 6,359,132 2,168,247 - 5,415,387 951,750 2,325,000 4,344,500 850,000 3,215,567 431 Assess Dist. 95-1 Construction 809,947 - - 82,830 - 433 CFD 04-1 729,461 714,367 693,309 704,006 700,406 434 CFD 06-1 Construction 2,598,519 167,845 83,831 67,000 2,422 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Service 3,533,069 3,520,575 3,591,365 3,657,019 3,732,231 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Service 977,697 967,005 1,063,236 1,073,325 1,047,300 440 CFD 13-1 3,500 - - - - 441 CFD 14-1 1,545,584 1,550,496 1,580,470 1,587,925 1,615,400 442 Special Tax B 4,433,734 4,624,929 5,066,557 5,336,780 6,303,025 443 CFD 14-1 Construction 4,378,007 3,415,043 1,084,484 444 CFD 18-1 3,500 - - 561 2010 WAS TABS 87,345 714 - - - 570 Successor Agency Trust Fund 2,241,079 2,153,269 2,069,215 3,932,428 3,930,873 571 PARS OPEB Trust 13,015 14,404 14,960 20,000 20,000 575 Tustin Housing Authority 1,367,285 504,326 1,492,620 2,054,148 2,174,290 577 Voluntary Workforce Housing - - - 2,107,169 - TOTAL EXPENSES - ALL FUNDS 168,240,348 179,475,529 168,959,822 259,135,956 277,820,607 171 Page 30 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl 2024-2025 Expense Summary by Type - All Funds Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 100 General Fund Personnel 42,676,506 46,565,050 49,403,391 53,657,731 57,942,336 Operations 26,909,191 30,638,285 38,511,849 43,697,088 43,925,551 Non -Operating / Navy North Hangar Fire 3,312,630 255,316 - 61,000,000 - Capital 2,392,546 36,495 38,370 85,350 290,850 100 Total General Fund Total 75,290,874 77,495,146 87,953,610 158,440,169 102,158,737 102 General Fund - PARS Pension Trust Personnel - - - - - Operations 41,810 46,130 60,000 60,000 Capital - - - - 102 Total General Fund - PARS Pension Trust 41,810 46,130 60,000 60,000 186 Oblg Reimb From Successor Agency Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,428 Capital - 186 Total Oblg Reimb From Successor Agency 1,428 - - - - 187 Backbone Fee Personnel 54,889 57,492 59,783 64,088 85,629 Operations 9,189 1,918 618,662 605,120 21,147 Capital 2,506,812 750 205,865 5,031,152 10,181,395 187 Total Backbone Fee 2,570,890 60,160 884,309 5,700,360 10,288,171 189 Land Held for Resale Personnel 21,955 1,842,478 1,843,913 1,845,635 1,854,252 Operations 6,061,227 9,282,265 6,206,468 7,230,202 6,942,756 Capital 2,410,706 2,090,818 687,663 6,349,039 61,767,074 189 Total Land Held for Resale 8,493,888 13,215,560 8,738,044 15,424,876 70,564,082 200 CIP Personnel - - - - - Operations 28,246 113,468 46,580 47,765 - Capital 2,649,273 2,352,910 1,991,978 1,811,483 9,236,578 200 Total CIP 2,677,518 2,466,378 2,038,559 1,859,248 9,036,578 120 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CDBG Admin Personnel 175,746 116,635 95,469 111,193 119,264 Operations 702,435 1,329,006 206,015 249,114 263,896 Total CDBG Admin 878,180 1,445,641 301,484 360,307 383,160 CDBG Capital Personnel - - - - - Operations - - - Capital 1,809,929 389,147 389,147 Total CDBG Capital 1,809,929 389,147 389,147 CDBG Non -Dept Personnel 6,400 - - - Operations - Capital - Total CDBG Non -Dept - 6,400 - - - CDBG Total Personnel 175,746 123,035 95,469 111,193 119,264 Operations 702,435 1,329,006 206,015 249,114 263,896 Capital - - 1,809,929 389,147 389,147 181 Page 31 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 120 Total Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 878,180 1,452,041 2,111,413 749,454 772,307 129 Cable PEG Fees Personnel - - - - Operations 29,720 84,985 75,000 150,000 Capital - - - - 129 Total Cable PEG Fees 29,720 84,985 75,000 150,000 130 Gas Tax Gas Tax, Non -Dept Personnel 4,553 7,558 20,264 19,881 22,616 Operations 2,481 864 - - - Capital - - - - - Total Gas Tax, Non -Dept 7,035 8,422 20,264 19,881 22,616 Gas Tax, CIP Personnel 109,231 109,680 288,027 279,230 268,782 Operations 1,631,689 1,459,368 1,808,874 1,735,890 1,825,100 Capital 482,233 2,842 - 2,146,000 2,154,000 Total Gas Tax, CIP 2,223,153 1,571,890 2,096,901 4,161,120 4,247,882 Gas Tax Total Personnel 113,784 117,238 308,291 299,111 291,398 Operations 1,634,171 1,460,233 1,808,874 1,735,890 1,825,100 Capital 482,233 2,842 - 2,146,000 2,154,000 130 Total Gas Tax 2,230,188 1,580,312 2,117,165 4,181,001 4,270,498 131 Park Dev, CIP Personnel - - - - - Operations 72,612 589,242 102,614 104,328 44,328 Capital 1,608,985 246,395 892,180 655,651 1,190,652 131 Total Park Dev, CIP 1,681,598 835,637 994,794 759,979 1,234,980 132 Park Dev Tustin Legacy, CIP Personnel - - - - - Operations 2 - Capital - 6,050,000 132 Total Park Dev Tustin Legacy, CIP 2 6,050,000 133 SCAQMD, Non -Departmental Personnel - - Operations 516,660 37,553 - Capital - 59,496 247,082 133 Total SCAQMD, Non -Departmental 516,660 97,049 247,082 134 Asset Forfeit, Non -Dept. Personnel - - - Operations 25 (0) Capital - - 134 Total Asset Forfeit, Non -Dept. 25 (0) 135 RNSP Asset Forfeit, Non -Dept. Personnel - - - Operations - 46,893 210,000 Capital 68 - - 135 Total RNSP Asset Forfeit, Non -Dept. 68 - 46,893 210,000 136 Suppl Law Enforcement, CIP Personnel 136,370 125,579 53,357 176,124 237,101 Operations 117 46,490 - - - Capital - - - - - 136 Total Suppl Law Enforcement, CIP 136,487 172,070 53,357 176,124 237,101 191 Page 32 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 139 Measure M2 Measure M2 - Non -Dept Personnel - - - - Operations 158,658 1,963,211 179,054 80,000 80,000 Capital - - - - - Total Measure M2 - Non -Dept 158,658 1,963,211 179,054 80,000 80,000 Measure M2 - Capital Personnel - - - - - Operations 360,138 169,627 155,134 140,000 - Capital 2,466,375 3,002,286 1,842,630 4,424,129 1,049,029 Total Measure M2 - Capital 2,826,513 3,171,913 1,997,764 4,564,129 1,109,029 Measure M2 Personnel - - - - - Operations 518,796 2,132,838 334,189 220,000 80,000 Capital 2,466,375 3,002,286 1,842,630 4,424,129 1,049,029 139 Total Measure M2 2,985,171 5,135,124 2,176,819 4,644,129 1,189,029 140 Road Maint 8 Rehab Personnel 21,955 23,437 23,912 25,634 34,252 Operations 22,038 - 93,715 567 - Capital (57,863) 160 1,629,425 1,550,000 4,770,000 140 Total Road Maint Ft Rehab (13,870) 23,597 1,747,051 1,576,201 4,804,252 141 Tustin LLD, Special District Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,354,874 946,104 792,029 953,504 884,040 Capital - - - - - 141 Total Tustin LLD, Special District 1,354,874 946,104 792,029 953,504 884,040 142 Tustin SL Tustin SL-Capital Personnel 2,900 8,089 92,882 101,800 121,811 Operations 411,967 444,264 489,165 588,556 641,600 Capital - 8,017 - - - Total Tustin SL-Capital 414,867 460,371 582,047 690,356 763,411 Tustin SL - Non -Dept Personnel - - - - - Operations 501,298 472 8,105 7,952 1,009,046 Capital - - - - - Total Tustin SL - Non -Dept 501,298 472 8,105 7,952 1,009,046 Tustin SL Personnel 2,900 8,089 92,882 101,800 121,811 Operations 913,265 444,736 497,270 596,508 1,650,646 Capital - 8,017 - - - 142 Total Tustin SL 916,165 460,843 590,152 698,308 1,772,457 171 Solid Waste Personnel 139,996 152,490 147,245 150,634 231,660 Operations 117,974 204,203 233,722 273,284 290,000 171 Total Solid Waste 257,970 356,693 380,967 423,918 521,660 180 Special Events Special Events - Tustin Street Fair Personnel - - - - 60,000 Operations (16) 309,649 146,204 255,880 255,880 Capital - - - - - Total Special Events - Tustin Street Fair (16) 309,649 146,204 255,880 315,880 201 Page 33 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Special Events - Tustin Tiller Days Personnel - - - - 55,000 Operations 11,098 232,035 298,311 247,000 240,000 Capital - - - - - Total Special Events - Tustin Tiller Days 11,098 232,035 298,311 247,000 295,000 Special Events - Other Personnel - - - - - Operations 13,525 57,390 64,548 105,080 105,000 Capital - - - - - Total Special Events - Other 13,525 57,390 64,548 105,080 105,000 Special Events - Public Arts Personnel - - - - - Operations 40,000 40,000 Capital - - Total Special Events - Public Arts 40,000 40,000 Special Events Total Personnel - - - - 115,000 Operations 24,607 599,074 509,063 647,960 640,880 Capital - - - - - 180 Total Special Events 24,607 599,074 509,063 647,960 755,880 181 Workers Comp, Self -Insurance Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,610,088 1,364,056 1,804,618 1,704,143 1,731,600 Capital - - 9,538 5,000 5,000 181 Total Workers Comp, Self -Insurance 1,610,088 1,364,056 1,814,156 1,709,143 1,736,600 182 Liability, Self -Insurance Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,216,884 1,173,859 1,869,797 2,738,339 4,861,000 Capital - - - - - 182 Total Liability, Self -Insurance 1,216,884 1,173,859 1,869,797 2,738,339 4,861,000 183 Unemployment, Self -Insurance Personnel - - - - - Operations 13,133 13,144 6,430 15,000 20,000 Capital - - - - - 183 Total Unemployment, Self -Insurance 13,133 13,144 6,430 15,000 20,000 184 Equipment Replacement Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,281 562 72,633 120,000 120,000 Capital 413,071 1,011,715 928,125 924,000 2,860,932 184 Total Equipment Replacement 414,352 1,012,277 1,000,758 1,044,000 2,980,932 185 Information Technology Personnel 581,203 652,347 602,181 611,614 720,101 Operations 1,152,742 1,274,832 1,321,162 1,924,800 2,537,500 Capital 630,047 983,785 1,136,497 1,315,360 1,760,000 185 Total Information Technology 2,363,992 2,910,964 3,059,840 3,851,774 5,017,601 300 Water Enterprise Fund Water, Service Billing Personnel 826,930 841,974 894,475 934,468 969,198 Operations 2,979,504 4,141,966 3,495,981 2,845,900 2,104,500 Capital 45,108 15,362 15,382 20,000 50,000 Total Water, Service Billing 3,851,541 4,999,302 4,405,838 3,800,368 3,129,545 211 Page 34 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Water, Administration Personnel 697,491 703,711 797,754 852,166 1,213,477 Operations 1,958,277 3,963,269 4,163,680 3,699,709 4,264,868 Capital - - - - - Total Water, Administration 2,655,768 4,666,980 4,961,434 4,551,875 5,478,345 Water Distribution Personnel 1,214,614 1,371,486 1,256,262 1,346,584 1,296,559 Operations 201,060 354,331 212,301 301,375 276,400 Capital - 21,799 - - 60,000 Total Water Distribution 1,415,674 1,747,616 1,468,563 1,647,959 1,632,959 Main Street Facilities Personnel 60,940 65,144 213,874 205,403 233,146 Operations 40,641 46,012 101,589 25,417 2,021,650 Capital - - - - - Total Main Street Facilities 101,580 111,156 315,464 230,820 2,254,796 17th Street Desalter Personnel 219,005 219,031 147,937 140,815 170,612 Operations 2,329,113 2,183,760 2,494,432 2,471,550 2,555,300 Capital - - - - - Total 17th Street Desalter 2,548,118 2,402,790 2,642,369 2,612,365 2,725,912 Imported Water Personnel 108,366 116,611 102,326 78,119 139,669 Operations 3,088,193 6,055,368 5,652,235 5,633,320 5,009,300 Capital - - - - - Total Imported Water 3,196,559 6,171,979 5,754,561 5,711,439 5,148,969 Water Production Personnel 288,896 301,690 306,133 276,101 355,770 Operations 3,665,401 2,426,371 2,045,653 3,292,140 2,300,100 Capital - - - - - Total Water Production 3,954,297 2,728,061 2,351,786 3,568,241 2,655,870 Non -Departmental Personnel 239,223 395,906 428,387 364,765 406,791 Operations - 48,914 - - - Capital - - - - - Total Non -Departmental 239,223 444,820 428,387 364,765 406,791 Water Utility Fund Total Personnel 3,655,464 4,015,552 4,147,149 4,198,421 4,785,222 Operations 14,262,188 19,219,990 18,165,872 18,269,411 18,532,118 Capital 45,108 37,162 15,382 20,000 110,000 300 Total Water Enterprise Fund 17,962,760 23,272,704 22,328,402 22,487,832 23,433,187 301 Water Capital Fund Personnel - - - - - Operations 8,124,112 4,454,041 662,245 500,000 600,000 Capital 4,388,348 2,748,496 2,714,159 718,676 830,000 301 Total Water Capital Fund 12,512,459 7,202,537 3,376,403 1,218,676 1,430,000 302 Water Enterprise Emergency Fund Personnel - - - - - Operations 1,000,000 Capital Outlay - 302 Total Water Enterprise Emergency Fund 1,000,000 221 Page 35 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 303 Water Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund Personnel Operations Capital Outlay 303 Total Water Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund 305 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund Personnel - - Operations 10 289,004 Capital Outlay 289,000 - 305 Total 2011 Water Revenue Bond Fund 289,010 289,004 306 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund Personnel - - - Operations 1,761 13,222,296 2,048,247 - Capital Outlay 9,101,720 - 120,000 951,750 306 Total 2013 Water Revenue Bond Fund 9,103,481 13,222,296 2,168,247 951,750 307 2024 Water Revenue Bond Fund Personnel - - - - Operations 125,000 Capital Outlay 2,200,000 850,000 307 Total 2024 Water Revenue Bond 2,325,000 850,000 420 ARPA Personnel - - Operations 6,359,132 5,415,387 4,344,500 3,215,567 Capital - - - - 420 Total ARPA On 6,359,132 5,415,387 4,344,500 3,215,567 431 Assess. District 95-1 Construction Personnel - - - - Operations 809,947 82,830 Capital - - 431 Total Assess. District 95-1 Construction 809,947 82,830 433 CFD 04-1 Personnel - - - - - Operations 729,461 714,367 693,309 704,006 700,406 Capital - - - - - 433 Total CFD 0 - 729,461 714,367 693,309 704,006 700,406 434 CFD 06-1 Construction Personnel - - - - - Operations 54,387 0 - - 2,422 Capital 2,544,132 167,844 83,831 67,000 - 434 Total CFD 06-1 Construction 2,598,519 167,845 83,831 67,000 2,422 435 CFD 06-1 Debt Svs Personnel - - - - - Operations 3,533,069 3,520,575 3,591,365 3,657,019 3,732,231 Capital - - - - - 435 Total CFD 06-1 Debt Svs 3,533,069 3,520,575 3,591,365 3,657,019 3,732,231 436 CFD 07-1 Debt Svs Personnel - - - - - Operations 977,697 967,005 1,063,236 1,073,325 1,047,300 Capital - - - - - 436 Total CFD 07-1 Debt Svs 977,697 967,005 1,063,236 1,073,325 1,047,300 231Page 36 City of Tustin � 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) I 11Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed 440 CFD 13-01 Personnel - Operations 3,500 Capital - 440 Total CFD 13-01 3,500 441 CFD 14-01 Debt Service Personnel - - - - Operations 1,545,584 1,550,496 1,580,470 1,587,925 1,615,400 Capital - - - - - 441 Total CFD 14-01 Debt Service 1,545,584 1,550,496 1,580,470 1,587,925 1,615,4 00 442 Special Tax B Personnel - - - - - Operations 4,433,734 4,624,929 5,066,557 5,336,780 6,303,025 Capital - - - - - 442 Total Special Tax B 4,433,734 4,624,929 5,066,557 5,336,780 6,303,025 443 CFD 14-01 Construction Personnel - - - - - Operations 4,000,000 169,388 191,520 Capital 378,007 3,245,655 892,964 443 Total CFD 14-01 Construction 4,378,007 3,415,043 1,084,484 444 CFD 18-01 Construction Personnel - - - Operations 3,500 Capital - 444 Total CFD 18-01 Construction 3,500 561 MCAS 2010 TABS Personnel - 714 Operations 0 0 Capital 87,345 - 561 Total MCAS 2010 TABS 87,345 714 571 PARS OPEB Personnel - - - - - Operations 13,015 14,404 14,960 20,000 20,000 Capital - - - - - 571 Total PARS OPEB 13,015 14,404 14,960 20,000 20,000 575 Tustin Housing Authority Personnel 415,647 437,466 425,540 227,568 224,405 Operations 951,638 66,860 1,067,080 1,814,580 1,949,885 Capital - - - 12,000 - 575 Total Tustin Housing Authority 1,367,285 504,326 1,492,620 2,054,148 2,174,290 577 Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Prog Personnel - - - 7,169 - Operations 2,100,000 Capital - 577 Total Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Prog 2,107,169 570 Successor Agency Personnel - - - - - Operations 2,241,079 2,153,269 2,069,215 3,932,428 3,930,873 Debt Service - - - - - 570 Total Successor Agency 2,241,079 2,153,269 2,069,215 3,932,428 3,930,873 241 Page 37 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Fund Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed All Funds Personnel 47,996,415 54,120,966 57,203,112 61,476,721 66,768,279 Operations 84,595,384 109,104,420 96,758,173 107,756,416 107,697,672 Non -Operating Expenditures 3,312,630 255,316 - 61,000,000 - Capital 32,335,913 15,994,828 14,998,537 28,902,819 103,354,657 TOTAL EXPENSES - ALL FUNDS 168,240,342 179,475,529 168,959,822 259,135,956 277,820,607 251Page 38 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl 2024-2025 Department/Division Expense Summary -General Fund Dept Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Name Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed City Council Personnel - - 22,368 39,027 38,043 Operations 12,886 21,420 27,894 26,300 51,400 Capital - - - - - Total City Council 12,886 21,420 50,262 65,327 89,443 City Clerk Personnel 518,564 550,942 594,849 612,791 691,391 Operations 150,594 136,385 275,054 207,500 402,500 Capital - 9,787 - - 38,500 Total City Clerk 669,158 697,115 869,904 820,291 1,132,391 City Attorney Personnel - - - - - Operations 817,270 851,020 727,834 1,069,150 900,000 Capital - - - - - Total City Attorney 817,270 851,020 727,834 1,069,150 900,000 City Manager's Office Personnel 762,027 830,594 853,179 653,987 800,014 Operations 39,604 42,520 51,805 182,300 86,100 Capital - - - - 40,000 Total City Manager's Office 801,631 873,114 904,984 836,287 926,114 Economic Development Personnel 773,689 968,989 992,958 1,621,298 1,659,481 Operations 185,703 135,342 205,713 361,836 443,217 Capital - - - - - Total Economic Development 959,391 1,104,332 1,198,671 1,983,134 2,102,698 Finance Personnel 1,360,185 1,448,430 1,476,850 1,569,243 1,596,599 Operations 295,454 290,023 307,814 319,122 425,000 Capital - - - - 3,000 Total Finance 1,655,639 1,738,453 1,784,663 1,888,365 2,024,599 Human Resources Personnel 740,311 776,196 873,620 921,030 1,017,787 Operations 232,908 241,114 296,051 335,725 531,725 Capital - 5,000 500 Total Human Resources 973,220 1,017,310 1,169,671 1,261,755 1,550,012 Community Development Planning Personnel 1,605,943 1,573,502 1,531,715 1,724,892 1,801,784 Operations 259,049 422,906 379,021 1,061,500 737,100 Capital - - 10,919 10,000 7,500 Total Planning 1,864,992 1,996,407 1,921,656 2,796,392 2,546,384 Building Personnel 714,916 919,535 1,081,669 1,081,935 1,184,438 Operations 877,004 873,046 1,151,333 1,023,803 989,770 Capital - - - - - Total Building 1,591,919 1,792,581 2,233,002 2,105,738 2,174,208 Code Enforcement Personnel 313,176 342,457 166,916 228,494 206,718 Operations 155,392 125,973 212,170 182,500 158,600 Capital - - - - - Total Code Enforcement 468,567 468,430 379,086 410,994 365,318 261 Page 39 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Dept Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Name Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Community Development Personnel 2,634,034 2,835,493 2,780,300 3,035,321 3,192,940 Operations 1,291,444 1,421,925 1,742,525 2,267,803 1,885,470 Capital - - 10,919 10,000 7,500 Total Community Development 3,925,479 4,257,418 4,533,744 5,313,124 5,085,910 Public Works Administration Personnel 524,905 549,430 559,253 657,748 747,027 Operations 569,918 540,457 644,075 900,350 1,190,100 Capital - - - - - Total Administration 1,094,823 1,089,887 1,203,32 1,558,098 1,937,127 Engineering Personnel 1,126,519 1,143,728 1,415,413 1,518,159 1,689,566 Operations 27,709 104,699 87,244 227,000 253,000 Capital - - - - - Total Engineering 1,154,228 1,248,427 1,502,657 1,745,159 1,942,566 Streets Personnel 669,954 763,578 620,191 691,813 636,395 Operations 157,995 2,533,362 165,104 149,850 243,700 Capital 2,370,752 - - - - Total Streets 3,198,700 3,296,940 785,295 841,663 880,095 Landscape Personnel 1,761,534 1,969,006 1,834,629 1,758,791 2,321,041 Operations 3,833,386 4,234,265 4,474,801 4,848,362 4,876,100 Capital - - - - - Total Landscape 5,594,920 6,203,271 6,309,429 6,607,153 7,197,141 Water Quality Personnel 175,966 173,672 183,971 191,319 196,815 Operations 324,636 321,538 427,192 485,000 510,000 Capital - - - - - Total Water Quality 500,602 495,211 611,163 676,319 706,815 Fleet Maintenance Personnel 520,783 535,087 552,312 564,690 579,146 Operations 545,334 717,363 813,885 839,950 833,350 Capital - - - - - Total Fleet Maintenance 1,066,117 1,252,450 1,366,197 1,404,640 1,412,496 Building Facilities Personnel 422,434 371,248 289,938 410,830 473,080 Operations 2,461,699 2,472,230 2,666,040 2,915,800 2,953,300 Capital - - - - 50,000 Total Building Facilities 2,884,133 2,843,478 2,955,979 3,326,630 3,476,380 Public Works Personnel 5,202,095 5,505,748 5,455,707 5,793,350 6,643,069 Operations 7,920,676 10,923,915 9,278,341 10,366,312 10,859,550 Capital 2,370,752 - - - 50,000 Total Public Works 15,493,523 16,429,663 14,734,048 16,159,662 17,552,619 Police Department Administration Personnel 1,160,008 1,204,826 1,535,327 1,783,382 1,808,618 Operations 2,106,913 1,073,475 2,136,219 2,733,860 3,273,460 Capital - - - - - Total Administration 3,266,921 2,278301 3,671,546 4,517,242 5,082,078 City Operations Personnel 2,541,442 3,010,146 3,226,079 3,578,545 4,033,932 Operations 639,238 769,149 979,989 1,212,710 1,178,084 Capital - - - - 95,000 271 Page 40 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Dept 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Name Expense Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Total City Operations 3,180,680 3,779,294 4,206,068 4,791,255 5,307,017 North Area Division Personnel 3,966,033 4,383,275 5,160,225 5,905,745 5,676,471 Operations 91,063 65,817 66,770 56,259 59,259 Capital - - - - - Total North Area Division 4,057,096 4,449,092 5,226,994 5,962,004 5,735,730 South Area Division Personnel 4,826,596 5,412,994 5,102,592 5,664,469 6,307,232 Operations 77,795 69,593 57,882 77,159 77,159 Capital - - - - - TotalSouth Area Division 4,904,391 5,482,587 5,160,474 5,741,628 6,384,391 Special Operations Division Personnel 4,477,615 4,916,851 5,185,609 4,677,024 5,476,202 Operations 169,537 155,045 145,741 242,825 242,825 Capital - - - - - Total Special Operations Division 4,647,152 5,071,896 5,331,349 4,919,849 5,719,027 Professional Standards Division Personnel 2,084,539 2,086,187 2,305,989 3,361,205 2,389,353 Operations 400,687 441,579 632,423 696,865 838,068 Capital - - - - - Total Professional Standards Division 2,485,227 2,527,767 2,938,412 4,058,070 3,227,421 Field Support Services Personnel 2,723,699 2,772,030 2,775,942 2,964,155 3,734,069 Operations 211,324 187,104 285,524 331,625 355,625 Capital - - - - - Total Field Support Services 2,935,023 2,959,134 3,061,466 3,295,780 4,089,694 Operations Support Services Personnel 1,750,839 1,662,977 1,719,025 1,872,273 2,049,716 Operations 307,581 290,082 323,595 257,122 330,622 Capital - - - - - Total Operations Support Services 2,058,420 1,953,059 2,042,620 2,129,395 2,380,338 Behavioral Response Unit Personnel - 96,608 158,153 - 188,045 Operations 55 - - Capital - - - TotalBehavioral Response Unit - 96,663 158,153 - 188,045 Police Department Personnel 23,530,772 25,545,894 27,168,941 29,806,798 31,554,257 Operations 4,004,138 3,051,899 4,628,142 5,608,425 6,355,102 Capital - - - - 95,000 Total Police Department 27,534,909 28,597,794 31,797,083 35,415,223 38,113,740 Fire Service Contract Personnel - - - - - Operations 9,213,773 9,759,428 10,015,568 10,623,700 11,044,939 Capital - - - - - Total Fire Service Contract 9,213,773 9,759,428 10,015,568 10,623,700 11,044,939 Parks £t Recreation Administration Personnel 350,538 488,096 533,164 568,885 614,626 Operations 552,892 530,098 648,724 803,649 958,750 Capital 689 - - 850 850 Total Administration 904,118 1,018,194 1,181,887 1,373,384 1,574,226 Sports Personnel 739,954 674,826 704,330 817,762 886,358 Operations 187,508 275,611 327,661 372,600 366,800 281 Page 41 City of Tustin N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Il1Jl Dept Expense 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Name Actual Actual Actual Estimated Proposed Capital 1,088 1,942 4,285 16,000 5,000 Total Sports 928,550 952,379 1,036,275 1,206,362 1,258,158 Classes/Cultural Services Personnel 305,066 266,786 286,005 305,148 262,154 Operations 381,748 774,977 935,251 893,700 894,200 Capital 16,913 17,994 17,687 21,000 21,000 Total Classes/Cultural Services 703,728 1,059,757 1,238,943 1,219,848 1,177,354 Veterans Sports Park/The Annex Personnel - 182,110 233,639 228,081 366,082 Operations 172,251 121,188 119,100 134,100 Capital 2,369 1,629 5,000 2,000 Total Veterans Sports Park/The Annex - 356,729 356,456 352,181 502,182 Senior Citizens Personnel 452,405 464,338 502,238 468,133 512,286 Operations 14,535 76,282 99,381 115,200 117,100 Capital - - - - - Total Senior Citizens 466,940 540,620 601,619 583,333 629,386 Special Services Personnel 292,449 307,425 312,764 309,974 381,324 Operations 6,927 8,572 6,450 7,700 8,000 Capital 1,990 2,404 2,155 25,000 25,000 Total Special Services 301,366 318,401 321,369 342,674 414,324 Tustin Youth Center Personnel 362,375 380,734 453,051 430,862 400,655 Operations 25,906 38,432 38,673 43,800 46,600 Capital 1,115 2,000 1,695 2,500 2,500 Total Tustin Youth Center 389,395 421,166 493,419 477,162 449,755 Parks £t Recreation Personnel 2,502,787 2,764,314 3,025,190 3,128,845 3,423,485 Operations 1,169,515 1,876,223 2,177,327 2,355,749 2,525,550 Capital 21,795 26,708 27,451 70,350 56,350 Total Parks 8 Recreation 3,694,097 4,667,245 5,229,968 5,554,944 6,005,385 Non -Departmental Personnel 4,652,042 5,338,449 6,159,430 6,476,041 7,215,889 Operations 1,575,226 1,887,071 8,777,782 9,973,166 8,414,998 Capital - - - - - Total Non -Departmental 6,227,269 7,225,520 14,937,212 16,982,556 15,630,887 Non -Operating Expenditures Small Business Assistance 2,191,245 - - - - Non -Profit Assistance - Meal Gap Program 127,794 255,316 Other COVID-19 Costs 993,591 - Navy North Hangar Fire - - 61,000,000 TotalNon-Operating Expenditures 3,312,630 255,316 61,000,000 General Fund Total Personnel 42,676,506 46,565,050 49,403,391 53,657,731 57,942,336 Operations 26,909,191 30,638,285 38,511,849 43,697,088 43,925,551 Non -Operating Expenditures / Navy North Hangar 3,312,630 255,316 - 61,000,000 - Fire Capital 2,392,546 36,495 38,370 85,350 290,850 TOTAL EXPENSES - GENERAL FUND 75,290,874 77,495,146 87,953,610 158,440,169 102,158,737 291 Page 42 City of Tustin I USI N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) - 2024-2025 Capital Improvement Program Seven -Year Schedule Project 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Project Type Project Name Project Total To Date Number Requested Planned Planned Flood Control TBA * Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 1 3,900,000 Facilities TBA * Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 2 3,900,000 TBA * San Juan Street Storm Drain 75,000 75,000 TBA * Tustin Village Way Storm Drain 75,000 75,000 TBA * Yorba Street Storm Drain 75,000 75,000 Total Flood Control Facilities 8,025,000 - 225,000 Park 20054 Annual Major Park Maintenance 135,000 135,000 Facilities 20062 Tustin Sports Park Softball Field Diamonds 1 & 3 500,000 500,000 Tustin Legacy Linear Park from Armstrong Avenue 20083 13,050,301 995,301 12,055,000 to Warner Avenue 20089 Heideman School Park 5,800,000 200,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 20091 20094 TBA TBA TBA TBA Centennial Park Improvements Bark Barracks at Tustin Legacy Park Tustin Legacy Park Improvements Camino Real Playground Renovation * Fitness Courts at Tustin Sports Park * Hangar Park Laurel Glen Park and Magnolia Park Playground Renovations 5,450,001 149,359 5,300,642 1,576,896 576,896 1,000,000 750,000 750,000 350,000 300,000 34,500,000 600,000 350,000 300,000 4,500,000 30,000,000 TBA * Neighborhood G Sports Park 11,500,000 1,500,000 10,000,000 TBA Southwest Park Site Acquisition 700,000 * Tustin Family & Youth Center Playground TBA Renovation 350,000 350,000 * Tustin Legacy Park from Tustin Ranch Road to TBA Edinger Avenue 56,190,000 7,590,000 50,600,000 TBA * Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation 2,570,000 64,990 2,505,010 Total Park 136,322,198 1,986,546 31,835,652 67,300,000 32,600,000 Facilities Public 10032 Annual Major Building Maintenance 9,098,064 6,648,064 1,000,000 1,450,000 Facilities 10069 Civic Center Alternate Power Source 4,800,461 368,529 4,431,932 10076 * South Hangar Renovation 31,377,146 1,431,602 9,945,544 10086 Police Department Improvements 5,953,300 453,300 500,000 5,000,000 TBA * Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion 5,500,000 500,000 5,000,000 TBA * Tustin Family & Youth Center Expansion 850,000 Total Public 57,578,971 8,901,495 16,377,476 6,450,000 5,000,000 Facilities Traffic 40080 Projects 40087 40093 40094 40096 70024 70131 70196 70236 70243 70254 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement Main Street Improvements Red Hill Avenue Signal Synchronization First Street Signal Synchronization Tustin Avenue Signal Synchronization Tustin Ranch Road / Irvine Boulevard Radar Project Annual Pavement Maintenance and Sidewalk Repair Project FY 23/24 MOE Annual Pavement Maintenance and Sidewalk Repair Project FY 24/25 MOE * Newport Avenue Extension Phase 2 * Red Hill Avenue Widening from Melvin Way to 200 feet to the South Citywide Pedestrian ADA Improvements Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge Old Town Improvements 1,557,375 5,812,229 507,144 205,539 50,000 375,318 5,355,000 2,415,000 51,000,000 1,100,000 1,311,905 11,500,000 4,451,773 907,375 212,229 80,884 48,915 47,595 30,000 1,955,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 426,260 156,624 2,405 345,318 3,400,000 415,000 2,000,000 961,905 50,000 500,000 251,773 4,200,000 50,000 50,000 301Page 43 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN Project 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 Project Type Project Name Project Total To Date Number Requested Planned Planned 70255 Red Hill Utility Undergrounding 11,308 7,308 4,000 70256 Neighborhood D South Phase 2 10,300,000 3,900,000 6,400,000 70257 Armstrong Avenue Pedestrian Bridge 8,801,455 2,613,955 6,187,500 70258 * Neighborhood G Phase 1 57,554,108 254,108 17,300,000 40,000,000 70259 Neighborhood D North Phase 1 26,800,000 149,575 1,650,425 25,000,000 TBA Bridge Deck Improvements 3,300,000 300,000 3,000,000 TBA Cornerstone II Infrastructure 400,000 400,000 Intersection Improvements at Jamboree Road and TBA Irvine Boulevard 2,200,000 200,000 2,000,000 Jamboree Road Rehabilitation from Barranca TBA 1,300,000 100,000 1,200,000 Parkway to SCRRA Tracks TBA *Jamboree Road Widening from Tustin Ranch Road 2,800,000 to East City Limit TBA * Neighborhood D North Phase 2 28,750,000 3,750,000 TBA * Neighborhood D North Phase 3 69,000,000 TBA * Neighborhood G Phase 2 57,500,000 7,500,000 50,000,000 Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation from Walnut Avenue TBA 3,120,000 50,000 3,070,000 to San Juan Street TBA The Hill Median Improvements 100,000 100,000 Traffic Signal Installation at San Juan Street and Red TBA 250,000 250,000 Hill Avenue TBA * Valencia Avenue Widening from Newport Avenue 5,500,000 to Red Hill Avenue TBA * Warner Avenue Pedestrian Bridge 12,482,000 700,000 1,070,000 10,712,000 Total Traffic 375,810,154 12,170,622 51,977,532 89,762,000 55,900,000 Projects Water 60160 Mardick Road Main Line Replacement from Red Hill 1,700,000 200,000 Distribution Avenue to Beverly Glen Drive TBA El Camino Real Main Line Relocation 540,000 40,000 500,000 - TBA Main Line Replacement Program 3,000,000 100,000 900,000 Total Water 5,240,000 40,000 500,000 100,000 1,100,000 Distribution Water TBA 17th Street Treatment Facility Electrical 3,300,000 300,000 3,000,000 Production Replacement TBA Well Rehabilitation Program 1,700,000 350,000 350,000 500,000 500,000 Total Water 5,000,000 350,000 650,000 500,000 3,500,000 Production Water 60148 John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements 600,950 70,950 530,000 Storage 60149 Newport Reservoir Improvements 600,000 600,000 Total Water 1,200,950 70,950 530,000 600,000 - Storage Total Project 589,177,273 23,519,613 101,870,660 164,712,000 98,325,000 Types * A funding source has not been identified for all or a portion of the project at this time. 311 P a g e 44 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Project 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 Project Type Project Name Total Number Planned Planned Planned Planned Flood Control TBA * Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 1 300,000 3,600,000 3,900,000 Facilities TBA * Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Phase 2 300,000 3,900,000 3,600,000 TBA * San Juan Street Storm Drain 75,000 TBA * Tustin Village Way Storm Drain 75,000 TBA * Yorba Street Storm Drain 75,000 Total Flood Control 300,000 3,900,000 3,600,000 8,025,000 Facilities Park Facilities 20054 Annual Major Park Maintenance 20062 Tustin Sports Park Softball Field Diamonds 1 & 3 20083 Tustin Legacy Linear Park from Armstrong Avenue to Warner Avenue 20089 20090 20091 20094 TBA TBA TBA TBA Heideman School Park Centennial Park Improvements Bark Barracks at Tustin Legacy Park Tustin Legacy Park Improvements Camino Real Playground Renovation * Fitness Courts at Tustin Sports Park * Hangar Park Laurel Glen Park and Magnolia Park Playground Renovations 1,900,000 135,000 500,000 13,050,301 5,800,000 5,450,001 1,576,896 750,000 350,000 300,000 34,500,000 600,000 TBA * Neighborhood G Sports Park 11,500,000 TBA Southwest Park Site Acquisition 700,000 700,000 TBA * Tustin Family & Youth Center Playground Renovation 350,000 TBA ' Tustin Legacy Park from Tustin Ranch Road to Edinger 58,190,000 Avenue TBA *Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation 2,570,000 Total Park - - 136,322,198 Facilities Public 10032 Facilities 10069 10076 10086 TBA TBA Annual Major Building Maintenance Civic Center Alternate Power Source * South Hangar Renovation Police Department Improvements 20,000,000 * Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion * Tustin Family & Youth Center Expansion 850,000 9,098,064 4,800,461 31,377,146 5,953,300 5,500,000 850,000 Total Public 57,578,971 Facilities 20,850,000 Traffic 40080 Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement Projects 40087 Main Street Improvements 40093 Red Hill Avenue Signal Synchronization 40094 First Street Signal Synchronization 40095 Tustin Avenue Signal Synchronization 40096 Tustin Ranch Road / Irvine Boulevard Radar Project Annual Pavement Maintenance and Sidewalk Repair 70023 Project FY 23/24 MOE Annual Pavement Maintenance and Sidewalk Repair 70024 Project FY 24/25 MOE 70131 * Newport Avenue Extension Phase 2 * Red Hill Avenue Widening from Melvin Way to 200 feet 70196 to the South 70236 Citywide Pedestrian ADA Improvements 70243 Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge 70254 Old Town Improvements 70255 Red Hill Utility Undergrounding 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 11,000,000 1,557,375 5,812,229 507,144 205,539 50,000 375,318 5,355,000 2,415,000 40,000,000 51,000,000 900,000 1,100,000 50,000 50,000 1,311,905 11,500,000 4,451,773 11,308 321Page 45 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) Project 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 Project Type Project Name Total Number Planned Planned Planned Planned 70256 Neighborhood D South Phase 2 10,300,000 70257 Armstrong Avenue Pedestrian Bridge 8,801,455 70258 * Neighborhood G Phase 1 57,554,108 70259 Neighborhood D North Phase 1 26,800,000 TBA Bridge Deck Improvements 3,300,000 TBA Cornerstone II Infrastructure 400,000 TBA Intersection Improvements at Jamboree Road and Irvine Boulevard TBA Jamboree Road Rehabilitation from Barranca Parkway to SCRRA Tracks TBA * Jamboree Road Widening from Tustin Ranch Road to East City Limit TBA * Neighborhood D North Phase 2 TBA * Neighborhood D North Phase 3 TBA * Neighborhood G Phase 2 TBA Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation from Walnut Avenue to San Juan Street TBA The Hill Median Improvements TBA Traffic Signal Installation at San Juan Street and Red Hill Avenue TBA * Valencia Avenue Widening from Newport Avenue to Red Hill Avenue TBA * Warner Avenue Pedestrian Bridge 25,000,000 9,000,000 400,000 2,400,000 60,000,000 500,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 2,200,000 1,300,000 2,800,000 28,750,000 69,000,000 57,500,000 3,120,000 100,000 250,000 5,500,000 12,482,000 Total Traffic mORM 46,650,000 72,750,000 46,450,000 150,000 375,810,154 Water 60160 Mardick Road Main Line Replacement from Red Hill 1,500,000 1,700,000 Distribution Avenue to Beverly Glen Drive TBA EL Camino Real Main Line Relocation 540,000 TBA Main Line Replacement Program 100,000 900,000 100,000 900,000 3,000,000 Total Water 1,600,000 900,000 100,000 900,000 5,240,000 Distribution E Water TBA 17th Street Treatment Facility Electrical Replacement Production 3,300,000 TBA Well Rehabilitation Program 1,700,000 Total Water 5,000,000 Production Water 60148 John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements Storage 600,950 60149 Newport Reservoir Improvements 600,000 Total Water 1,200,950 Storage Total Project 72,000,000 77,550,000 50,150,000 1,050,000 589,177,273 Types * A funding source has not been identified for all or a portion of the project at this time. 331Page 46 City of Tustin I UPI N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) - Proposed CIP Fund Fund 132 Fund 187 Fund 189 Fund 200 Other Project Name Budget Tax Funds Fund 131 Park Dev - MCAS Proceeds of GF-CIP Unfunded 2024-2025 Gas Tax Park Dev Grants Backbone Fee Land Sale Public Facilities Projects 10032 Annual Major Building Maintenance 1,000,000 1,000,000 10069 Civic Center Alternate Power Source Improvements 4,431,932 3,000,000 1,431,932 10076 South Hanger Rehabilitation 9,945,544 - - - - 9,945,544 - - - 10086 Police Department Improvements 500,000 - - 500,000 TBD Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion 500,000 - 500,000 - - - - - - Total Public Facilities Projects 16,377,476 - 500,000 - 9,945,544 4,500,000 - 1,431,932 Park Facilities Projects 20054 Annual Major Park Maintenance 135,000 - 135,000 - - - - - - 20062 Tustin Sports Park Diamond 1 & 3 Renovation 500,000 - 500,000 - - - - - - 20083 Tustin Legacy Linear Park btw Armstrong Ave and Tustin Ranch Road 12,055,000 - - - 2,643,470 9,411,530 - - - 20089 Heideman School Park 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - 20090 Centennial Park Improvements 5,300,642 - 50,642 4,800,000 - 450,000 - - - 20091 Bark Barracks at Tustin Legacy Park 1,000,000 - - - - 1,000,000 - - - 20093 Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation 2,505,010 - 5,010 - - - - 2,500,000 - 20094 Tustin Legacy Park Improvements btw Red Hill Ave and Armstrong Ave 750,000 - - 750,000 - - - - - TBD Tustin Legacy Park from Tustin Ranch Road to Edinger Ave 7,590,000 - - - 550,000 7,040,000 - - - TBD Neighborhood G Sports Park 1,500,000 - - - 1,500,000 - - - - Total Park Projects 31,835,652 - 690,652 6,050,000 4,693,470 17,901,530 - 2,500,000 Traffic Projects 40080 Traffic Signal Equipment Upgrades & Replacement 50,000 - - - - - - - 50,000 40087 Main Street Improvements 5,600,000 - - - - 1,700,000 3,900,000 - - 40093 Red Hill Avenue Traffic Signal Synchronization Project 426,260 - - - - - 351,260 - 75,000 40094 First Street Signal Synchronization 156,624 - - - - - - - 156,624 40095 Tustin Ave Signal Synchronization 2,405 - - - - - - - 2,405 40096 Tustin Ranch Road/Irvine Blvd Traffic Radar Equipment 345,318 - - - - - 285,318 - 60,000 TBD Traffic Signal Install @ San Juan St and Red Hill Ave 250,000 - - - - - - - 250,000 Total Traffic Projects 6,830,607 - - - - 1,700,000 4,536,578 - 594,029 Water Distribution Projects TBD 17th Street Treatment Facility Electrical Replacement 300,000 - - 300,000 TBD El Camino Water Line Relocation 500,000 - - - - - - - 500,000 Total Water Distribution Projects 800,000 - - - - - - - 800,000 Water Storage Projects 60148 John Lyttle Reservoir Tank Eval, Site Improve & Safety Upgrades 530,000 - - - - - - - 530,000 Total Water Storage Projects 530,000 530,000 Water Production Projects 60177 Well Rehabilitation Program 350,000 - - - - - - - 350,000 34 1 P a g e 47 City of Tustin -N 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) — Proposed CIP Fund Fund 132 Fund 187 Fund 189 Fund 200 Other Gas Tax Project Name Budget Tax Funds Fund 131 Park Dev - MCAS Proceeds of GF-CIP Unfunded 2024-2025 Park Dev Grants Backbone Fee Land Sale Total Water Production Projects 350,000 - - - - - - - 350,000 Maintenance Projects Annual Roadway & Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program 2023- 70023 24(MOE) 3,400,000 1,800,000 - - - - - - 1,600,000 Annual Roadway & Public Infrastructure Maintenance Program 2024- 70024 25(MOE) 415,000 - - - - - - - 415,000 70236 Citywide Pedestrian Oriented Accessibility Improvement Program 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - - 70252 The Hill Median Improvements 100,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 70254 OLd Town Improvements 4,200,000 - - - - 4,200,000 - - - 70255 Red HILL Ave UbLity Undergrounding 4,000 4,000 - - - - - - - TBD Red HILL Ave Rehabilitation -Walnut to 5 3,070,000 - - - - - - - 3,070,000 TBD Bridge Deck Improvements 300,000 300,000 - - - - - - - TBD Jamboree Road Rehabilitation from Barranca Parkway to SCRRA Tracks 100,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 Total Maintenance Projects 11,639,000 2,154,000 - - - 4,200,000 - - 5,285,000 Legacy Projects 70243 Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge 500,000 500,000 - 70256 Neighborhood D South Infrastructure - Phase 2 6,400,000 - 6,400,000 70257 Armstrong Pedestrian Bridge 6,187,500 2,267,500 3,920,000 70258 Neighborhood G Infrastructure 17,300,000 - 17,300,000 70259 Neighborhood D North Infrastructure 1,650,425 - - - 1,650,425 - - - - 70260 Warner Pedestrian Bridge 1,070,000 1,070,000 - TBD Cornerstone II Infrastructure 400,000 - - - - 400,000 - - - Total Legacy Projects 33,507,925 - - - 5,487,925 28,020,000 - - - TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 101,870,660 2,154,000 1,190,652 6,050,000 10,181,395 61,767,074 9,036,578 2,500,000 8,990,961 351Page 48 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Public Facilities Projects PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NAME Annual Major Building Maintenance PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill LOCATION Various Description ANNUAL MAJOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJECT NUMBER 10032 TOTAL PROJECT COST 9,098,000 FUNDING SOURCE 200 GF CIP FY 24/25 building repairs include CT Gym HVAC Replacement ($150,000 carryover from FY 23/24) and Civic Center Tile Roof, Gutters and Downspouts ($850,000). Future deferred maintenance and building repairs include Civic Center Parking Garage Deck Coating ($950,000), CT Gym Operable Wall Replacement ($500,000), CT Gym Flooring, Bleachers, and Pads ($250,000), Tile Roof Replacement at Senior Center ($200,000), Wood Floor Replacement at Senior Center ($200,000), CT Gym Trellis Replacement ($250,000), Youth Center Trellis Replacement ($60,000), CT Gym Moisture Abatement ($150,000), Civic Center Exterior Painting ($250,000), Fuel Island Roof Coating ($50,000), Warehouse Roof Coating ($250,000), Trash Dock Roof Coating ($175,000), HVAC Controls at CT Gym, Youth Center, and Community Center/City Council Chamber ($180,000), Civic Center Carpet Replacement ($325,000), Civic Center Tile Floor Replacement ($200,000). Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 200 General Fund CIP 6,648,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 9,098,000 Total 6,648,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 9,098,000 Expenditure Construction 6,648,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 9,098,000 Total 6,648,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 COST BY YEAR 7 6,648,000 1,000,000 1,450,000 EXPENSESTO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 FY25-26 REQUESTED PLANNED 9,098,000 ■ Construction 361 Page 49 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN CIVIC CENTER ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCE PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 10069 PROJECT NAME Civic Center Alternative Power Source TOTAL PROJECT COST 4,800,461 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill FUNDING SOURCE 200 GF CIP LOCATION 300 Centennial Way 184 Equipment Fund Description To install a 500kW / 625kVa or equivalent, emergency standby diesel driven generator complete with fuel capacity for 24 hour run time. The installation shall include electrical construction that reflects the addition of the generator, all associated underground feeders and electrical distribution equipment. The new generator will be moved from its present location to the a new exterior sound attenuated enclosure located at the rear of City Hall adjacent to the parking structure. The old generator location will be upgraded with new switch gear for the new generator. Security gates will be installed adjacent to the generators location. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 184 Equipment Fund 368,529 1,431,932 1,800,461 200 General Fund CIP 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total 368,529 4,431,932 4,800,461 Expenditure Design 368,529 125,000 493,529 Construction 4,306,932 4,306,932 Total 368,529 4,431,932 4,800,461 F COST BY YEAR 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 371 Page 50 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN SOUTH HANGER RENOVATION PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 10076 PROJECT NAME South Hanger Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST 31,377,146 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION South Hanger Land Proceeds Unfunded Description Improvements to South Hangar to bring permanent power, lighting and electrical distribution throughout the building. Improvements will also make structural upgrades to the building that will be necessary for any future reuse options. Future improvements will upgrade the building occupancy levels to accommodate various types of uses. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 189 MCAS Land Proceeds 1,431,602 9,945,544 11,377,146 Unfunded - 20,000,000 20,000,000 Total 1,431,602 9,945,544 20,000,000 31,377,146 Expenditure Design 1,131,602 4,000,000 5,131,602 Construction 300,000 5,945,544 20,000,000 26,245,544 Total 1,431,602 9,945,544 20,000,000 31,377,146 COST BY YEAR 20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 ■ Construction 10,000,000 20,000,000 8,000,000 5,945,544 ■ Design 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 w 4,000,000 EXPENSESTO FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 6/30/2024 REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 381 Page 51 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN POLICE DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 10086 PROJECT NAME Police Department Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 5,953,300 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill FUNDING SOURCE 200 GF CIP LOCATION 300 Centennial Way Unfunded Description Design, preparation of plans and specifications, bid, and construction of long-term and short-term improvements. Conduct space study/needs assessment for the Police Department. Short term improvements include: improving the evidence booking room, remodel Watch Commanders Office to accommodate an additional work station, remodel men's and women's locker rooms to better accommodate growing staff needs, remodel and improve report writing room for greater comfort and efficiency for officers, remodel sally port area to improve process of booking suspects, add storage equipment, and provide necessary supplies for officers. Long term improvements to be determined in the space study/needs assessment. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 200 General Fund CIP 453,300 500,000 953,300 Unfunded 5,000,000 5,000,000 Total 453,300 500,000 5,000,000 5,953,300 Expenditure Design 150,253 500,000 650,253 Construction 303,047 5,000,000 5,303,047 Total 453,300 500,000 5,000,000 5,953,300 COST BY YEAR 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 ■ Construction 2,500,000 1 1 1 oil 2,000,000 ■Design 1,500,000 1,000,000 303,047 500,000500,000 EXPENSESTO FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 6/30/2024 REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED 391 Page 52 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN TUSTIN AREA SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT CATEGORY Public Facilities PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Tustin Area Senior Center Expansion TOTAL PROJECT COST 5,500,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton FUNDING SOURCE 131 Park LOCATION Tustin Senior Center Development Fund Unfunded Description Expand the senior center to include additional indoor programmable space (i.e. classrooms and fitness center) as identified in the Senior Center Needs Assessment (2017) Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 131 Park Development 500,000 500,000 Unfunded 5,000,000 5,000,000 Total - 500,000 - 5,000,000 - 5,500,000 Expenditure Design 500,000 500,000 Construction 5,000,000 5,000,000 Total 500,000 - 5,000,000 5,500,000 ���1►� M WN F—A.1 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 " "' FY25-26 FY26-27 PLANNED PLANNED FY27-28 PLANNED ■ Construction ■ Design 401 Page 53 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Park Facilities Projects ANNUAL MAJOR PARK MAINTENANCE PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20054 PROJECT NAME Annual Major Park Maintenance TOTAL PROJECT COST 135,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill FUNDING SOURCE 131 Park LOCATION Various Development Fund Description Maintenance, repair, and replacement of park amenities. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 131 Park Development - 135,000 135,000 Total 135,000 135,000 Expenditure Construction 135,000 135,000 Total 135,000 135,000 1 COST BY YEAR 150,000 100,000 50,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction 411Page 54 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN SPORTS PARK DIAMONDS 1 it 3 RENOVATION PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20062 PROJECT NAME Tustin Sports Park Diamonds 1 Et 3 Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST 500,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton FUNDING SOURCE 131 Park LOCATION Tustin Sports Park Development Fund Description Renovation of softball diamonds #1 and #3 at Tustin Sports Park. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 131 Park Development 500,000 500,000 Total - 500,000 500,000 Expenditure Design 50,000 50,000 Construction 450,000 450,000 Total 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 - 500,000 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED 500,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 421 Page 55 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN LEGACY LINEAR PARK FROM ARMSTRONG AVE TO WARNER AVE PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20083 PROJECT NAME Tustin Legacy Linear Park From Armstrong Ave To Warner Ave TOTAL PROJECT COST 13,050,301 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS LOCATION Armstrong Avenue/Warner Avenue Backbone Fees 189 MCAS Land Sale Proceeds Description CFD 14-1 Design and construction of Tustin Legacy Linear Park from Armstrong Avenue to Warner Avenue in Neighborhood D South. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. This project will be designed in conjunction with the Armstrong Avenue and Warner Avenue pedestrian bridges and Neighborhood D South Phase 2 Improvements to address overlapping infrastructure elements. Rough grading of the park site will include initial elements of the pedestrian bridges and will take into account project boundaries and limits associated with the roadway improvements constructed as part of the Neighborhood D South Phase 2 Improvements project. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MAS Backbone 834,519 2,643,470 3,477,989 189 MCAS Land Sale 9,411,530 9,411,530 CFD 14-1 160,782 160,782 Total 995,301 12,055,000 Expenditure 13,050,301 Design Construction 735,301 260,000 307,185 11,747,815 1,042,486 12,007,815 Total 995,301 12,055,000 13,050,301 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 260,000 2,000,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 431Page 56 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN HEIDEMAN SCHOOL PARK PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20089 PROJECT NAME Heideman School Park TOTAL PROJECT COST 5,800,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton FUNDING SOURCE 132 Park LOCATION Heideman School Park Development Grant Description Create a new Heideman School Park with an athletic field, exercise loop, lighting, fitness equipment, playground, picnic shelter, renovated basketball courts, tactile experience garden, perimeter fencing, and small staff/restroom facility. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 132 Park Development 200,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 5,800,000 Total 200,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 5,800,000 Expenditure Design 200,000 500,000 700,000 Construction 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 5,100,000 Total 200,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,700,000 1,900,000 5,800,000 COST BY YEAR 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 ■ Construction 1,000,000 800,000 ■ Design 600,000 400,000 200,000 EXPENSESTO FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 6/30/2024 REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 441 Page 57 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN CENTENNIAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20090 PROJECT NAME Centennial Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 5,450,001 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill FUNDING SOURCE 131 Park LOCATION Centennial Park Development Fund 132 Park Development Grants Description 189 MCAS Land Sale Proceeds The project includes replacement of irrigation, landscaping, and turf and drainage improvements. The existing playground for 2-5 year -olds will be replaced and vAll include playground equipment, surfacing, and a shade structure. Design to be completed up front to position the project for shovel ready grant opportunities, special funds, and/or future park development fees. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 131 Park Development 149,359 50,642 200,001 132 Park Dev. Grants 4,800,000 4,800,000 189 MCAS Land Sale 450,000 450,000 Total 149,359 5,300,642 5,450,001 Expenditure Design 149,359 149,359 Construction 5,300,642 5,300,642 Total 149,359 5,300,642 5,450,001 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 451 Page 58 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN BARK BARRACKS AT TUSTIN LEGACY PARK PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20091 PROJECT NAME Bark Barracks At Tustin Legacy Park TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,576,896 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION Tustin Legacy Park Land Sale Proceeds Description Construct a one acre dog park within Tustin Legacy Park. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 189 MCAS Land Sale 576,896 1,000,000 1,576,896 Total 576,896 1,000,000 1,576,896 Expenditure Design 76,896 76,896 Construction 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 Total 576,896 1,000,000 1,576,896 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 461 Page 59 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN SPORTS PARK TURF RENOVATION PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20093 PROJECT NAME Tustin Sports Park Turf Renovation TOTAL PROJECT COST 2,570,000 PROJECT MANAGER Chad Clanton FUNDING SOURCE Unfunded LOCATION Tustin Sports Park 131 Park Development Description Replacement turf and improve drainage for the three ball fields at Tustin Sports Park. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 131 Park Development 64,990 5,010 70,000 Unfunded 2,500,000 2,500,000 Total Expenditure 64,990 2,505,010 2,570,000 Design 64,990 5,010 70,000 Construction 2,500,000 2,500,000 Total 64,990 2,505,010 2,570,000 COST BY YEAR 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 471 Page 60 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN LEGACY PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER 20094 PROJECT NAME Tustin Legacy Park Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 750,000 PROJECT MANAGER Jason Churchill FUNDING SOURCE 132 Park LOCATION Tustin Legacy Park Development Grant Description Design and construct landscape and site improvements in Tustin Legacy Park between Red Hill Avenue and Armstrong Avenue. The project is funded by a CA state budget appropriation of $750,000 sponsored by Assembly Member Cottie Petrie -Norris. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 132 Park Dev. Grant 750,000 750,000 Total - 750,000 750,000 Expenditure Design 50,000 50,000 Construction 700,000 700,000 Total - 750,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED 750,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 481 Page 61 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN LEGACY PARK - TUSTIN RANCH ROAD TO EDINGER AVENUE PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Tustin Legacy Park - Tustin Ranch Road To Edinger Avenue TOTAL PROJECT COST 58,190,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION Tustin Legacy Park Land Sale Proceeds 187 MCAS Backbone Description Design and construct the segment of Legacy Park between Tustin Ranch Road and Edinger Avenue. The project includes a Backbone Program contribution of $7,425,000. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 550,000 6,875,000 7,425,000 189 MCAS Land Sale 7,040,000 43,725,000 50,765,000 Total - 7,590,000 50,600,000 - 58,190,000 Expenditure Design 7,590,000 7,590,000 Construction 50,600,000 50,600,000 Total 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 - 7,590,000 50,600,000 A . 1 III FY24-25 REQUESTED COST BY YEAR FY25-26 PLANNED - 58,190,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 491 Page 62 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN NEIGHBORHOOD G SPORTS PARK PROJECT CATEGORY Park Facilities PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Neighborhood G Sports Park TOTAL PROJECT COST 11,500,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS LOCATION Tustin Legacy - Transit Village Backbone Unfunded Description Design and construct a sports park in Neighborhood G. The project includes a Backbone Program contribution of $4,410,000. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 1,500,000 1,500,000 Unfunded 10,000,000 10,000,000 Total 1,500,000 10,000,000 11,500,000 Expenditure Design 1,500,000 1,500,000 Construction 10,000,000 10,000,000 Total 1,500,000 10,000,000 11,500,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED COST BY YEAR FY25-26 PLANNED ■ Construction ■ Design 501 Page 63 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type - Traffic Projects TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NUMBER 40080 PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Equipment Replacement TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,557,375 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION Various M2 Fairshare Other Description Upgrades or replacement of aging traffic signal equipment at various locations throughout the city. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Ongoing Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 809,612 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 1,459,612 Other 97,763 97,763 Total 907,375 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 1,557,375 Expenditure Construction 907,375 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 1,557,375 Total 907,375 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 1,557,375 COST BY YEAR 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 , 400,000 ■ Construction 300,000 00,000 100,000 ' „' EXPENSES FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 TO REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED ONGOING 6/30/2024 511 Page 64 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN MAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NAME Main Street Improvements PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION Main Street between Newport/Prospect Description PROJECT NUMBER 40087 TOTAL PROJECT COST 6,010,249 FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure M2 Fairshare 189 MCAS Land Sale 200 General Fund CIP Public improvements on Main Street between Newport Avenue and Prospect Avenue including installation of raised landscaped medians, narrowing of curb -to -curb street width, traffic striping with addition of buffered Class II bike lanes and sharrows, enhanced parkway landscaping, widening of sidewalks, reconstruction of library driveway to align with Tustin Plaza driveway, installation of street furniture, and installation of a gateway arch sign spanning the street. In -pavement lighted crosswalk to be installed on Main Street at library driveway. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 211,553 211,553 189 MCAS Land Sale 198,000 1,700,000 1,898,000 200 General Fund CIP 696 3,900,000 3,900,696 Total 410,249 5,600,000 6,010,249 Expenditure Design 407,886 407,886 Construction 2,363 5,600,000 5,602,363 Total 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 410,249 5,600,000 Pr 2,363 407,886 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED 6,010,249 ■ Construction ■ Design 521 Page 65 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN RED HILL AVENUE SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NUMBER 40093 PROJECT NAME Red Hill Avenue Signal Synchronization TOTAL PROJECT COST 507,144 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION Red Hill Avenue M2 Fairshare 200 General Fund Description Project submitted to OCTA under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Provide studies, install new signal equipment and implement new timing to synchronize signals on Red Hill Avenue. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 80,884 75,000 155,884 200 General Fund CIP 351,260 351,260 Total 80,884 426,260 507,144 Expenditure Design 68,114 10,000 78,114 Construction 12,770 416,260 429,030 Total 80,884 426,260 507,144 COST BY YEAR 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 68,114 100,000 i EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Design ■ Construction 531 Page 66 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NAME First Street Signal Synchronization PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION First Street Description FIRST STREET SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT NUMBER 40094 TOTAL PROJECT COST 205,539 FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure M2 Fairshare This project was developed in collaboration with the Cities of Huntington Beach, Westminster, and Santa Ana and the County of Orange with OCTA leading due to the many jurisdictions involved. Project was approved by OCTA Board in April 2021 under the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P). The goal of Project P is to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion and delay on arterial roadways. Project involves providing studies, installing new signal equipment including improved communications via fiber optic cable and implementing new timing to synchronize signals on First Street between Tustin Avenue and Newport Avenue in Tustin. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 48,915 156,624 205,539 Total 48,915 156,624 205,539 Expenditure Design 48,915 48,915 Construction 156,624 156,624 Total 48,915 156,624 205,539 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 EX PENS ES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Design ■ Construction 541 Page 67 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NAME Tustin Avenue Signal Synchronization PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Tustin Avenue Description TUSTIN AVENUE SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION PROJECT NUMBER 40095 TOTAL PROJECT COST 50,000 FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure M2 Fairshare This project is in collaboration with the Cities of Orange, Anaheim, Placentia, Santa Ana and Yorba Linda with the City of Orange as the lead. Work will be performed under the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Competitive Measure M2 Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P). Within the City of Tustin, the project includes the existing traffic signals on Tustin Avenue at First Street. Because of the proximity and the key role in optimal traffic flow along Tustin Avenue specifically at the Santa Ana intersection of Tustin Avenue and Fourth Street, the Fourth Street/Irvine Boulevard interchange with SR-55 Freeway (northbound ramps), have been identified as part of the project as well as the intersection of Yorba Street at Irvine Boulevard both of which are in the City of Tustin. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 47,595 2,405 50,000 Total 47,595 2,405 50,000 Expenditure Design 6,814 6,814 Construction 40,781 2,405 43,186 Total 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 47,595 2,405 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 [4I0112 i I-VIMC11:1 2,405 FY24-25 REQUESTED 50,000 ■ Design ■ Construction 551 Page 68 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN TUSTIN RANCH ROAD / IRVINE BOULEVARD RADAR PROJECT PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NUMBER 40096 PROJECT NAME Tustin Ranch Road / Irvine Boulevard Radar Project TOTAL PROJECT COST 375,318 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION Tustin Ranch Road / Irvine Boulevard M2 Fairshare 200 General Fund CIP Description Installation of radar traffic control equipment to improve the flow of traffic along the Tustin Ranch Road corridor to the north and south of Irvine Boulevard. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 30,000 60,000 90,000 200 General Fund CIP 285,318 285,318 Total 30,000 345,318 375,318 Expenditure Design 30,000 30,000 Construction 345,318 345,318 Total 30,000 345,318 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 i EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED 375,318 ■ Design ■ Construction 561 Page 69 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating &Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT SAN JUAN STREET Ik RED HILL AVENUE PROJECT CATEGORY Traffic PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Traffic Signal Installation At San Juan Street B Red Hill Avenue TOTAL PROJECT COST 250,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION San Juan St. & Red Hill Avenue M2 Fairshare Description Installation of traffic signals on Red HM Avenue between San Juan Street and El Camino Real. The project costs to be split 50150 between The Hill private development and the City. City's portion is to be reimbursed by Red Hill Plaza during future private improvements. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 613012024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 250,000 250,000 Total - 250,000 250,000 Expenditure Construction 250,000 250,000 Total - 250,000 250,000 COST BY YEAR z5o,000 zoo,000 ■ Construction 1So,0W 100,0W so,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED 571 Page 70 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Water Distribution Projects EL CAMINO WATER LINE RELOCATION PROJECT CATEGORY Water Distribution PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME El Camino Water Line Relocation TOTAL PROJECT COST 540,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 301 Water LOCATION Various Capital Description The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is partnering with Caltrans in a project that proposes to widen Interstate 5 (1-5) between Yale Avenue in Irvine and State Route 55 (SR-55), including improvements to the northbound off - ramp at Red Hill Avenue. The existing City of Tustin 8" water main in El Camino Real will be affected by the proposed retaining wall improvements. Under a reimbursement agreement, the City is responsible to design and construct water main relocation improvements. The project includes the relocation/reconstruction of approximately 750 lineal feet of 8" water Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 301 Water Capital 40,000 500,000 540,000 Total 40,000 500,000 540,000 Expenditure Design 40,000 40,000 Construction 500,000 500,000 Total 40,000 500,000 540,000 COST BY YEAR 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 Pr 40,000 fA -Ai 0 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction 581 Page 71 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Water Storage Projects JOHN LYTTLE RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Water Storage PROJECT NUMBER 60148 PROJECT NAME John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 600,950 PROJECT MANAGER Michael Chandler FUNDING SOURCE 301 Water LOCATION John Lyttle Reservoir Capital 307 2024 Water Bonds Description Evaluate tank condition, provide improvements to meet safety standards, replace site access stairway, and construct roadway, grading, and drainage improvements. Procure design services, and construct improvements. Meet with neighboring property owner to discuss possible transfer/purchase of adjacent land. Complete CEQA due diligence. Tank is only storage facility for Zone 3 residents to meet fire flows and daily consumption demands. Tank cannot be taken out of service until new Simon Ranch Reservoir and Booster Pump Station is completed. Tank to be inspected by a qualified contractor to determine appropriate repairs, maintenance or improvements. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 301 Water Capital 70,950 30,000 100,950 307 2024 Water Bonds 500,000 500,000 Total 70,950 530,000 600,950 Expenditure Design 70,950 30,000 100,950 Construction 500,000 500,000 Total 70,950 530,000 600,950 COST BY YEAR 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 591 Page 72 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Water Production Projects 17TH STREET TREATMENT FACILITY ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PROJECT CATEGORY Water Production PROJECT NUMBER TBA PROJECT NAME 17Th Street Treatment Facility Electrical Replacement TOTAL PROJECT COST 3,300,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 301 Water LOCATION 17th Street Capital Description Design and replace electrical system at treatment facility. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 301 Water Capital 300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000 Total 300,000 3,000,000 - 3,300,000 Expenditure Design 300,000 300,000 Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total - 300,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 ii 00i FY24-25 REQUESTED COST BY YEAR FY25-26 PLANNED ■ Construction ■ Design 601 Page 73 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN WELL REHABILITATION PROGRAM PROJECT CATEGORY Water Production PROJECT NUMBER 60177 PROJECT NAME Well Rehabilitation Program TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,700,000 PROJECT MANAGER Michael Chandler FUNDING SOURCE 301 Wtr Cap LOCATION Various 307 2024 Water Bond Description Routine rehabilitation of wells. FY 23-24 Vandenberg Well, FY 24-25 Main Street #3, FY 25-26 Pasadena Well, FY 26-27 Columbus Tustin Well. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 301 Water Capital 307 2024 Water Bond 350,000 350,000 500,000 500,000 1,350,000 350,000 Total Expenditure 350,000 350,000 500,000 500,000 1,700,000 Construction 350,000 350,000 500,000 500,000 1,700,000 Total 350,000 350,000 500,000 500,000 1,700,000 COST BY YEAR 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 of off M oil ■ Construction 200,000 , Sol , III 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 EXPENSESTO FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 6/30/2024 REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED 611 Page 74 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Maintenance Projects ANNUAL PAVEMENT MAINT. AND SIDEWALK REPAIR PROJECT (23/24) PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER 70023 PROJECT NAME Annual Pavement Maint. And Sidewalk Repair Project (23/24) TOTAL PROJECT COST 5,355,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 130 Gas Tax LOCATION Various 139 Measure M2 Fairshare 140 Road Maintenance 8 Rehab Description The City is divided into seven pavement maintenance zones. Every year, street rehabilitation occurs in one zone. Through a rolling seven year cycle, this program maintains the integrity of City streets. The City maintains a Pavement Management System (PMS) for all MPAH roadways every two years and all non-MPAH roadways every six years. Project activities include: Pavement Rehabilitation and City-wide Sidewalk Repair Program, City-wide Street Striping and Markings Program, Street and Alley Repair Program, City's portion of County rehabilitation of shared roads, and bridge deck maintenance per annual State recommendations. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 130 Gas Tax 1,000,000 1,800,000 2,800,000 139 M2 Fairshare 955,000 955,000 140 Road Mnt/Rhb - 1,600,000 1,600,000 Total 1,955,000 3,400,000 5,355,000 Expenditure Design 100,000 100,000 Construction 1,855,000 3,400,000 5,255,000 Total 1,955,000 3,400,000 5,355,000 COST BY YEAR 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 Or 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,855,000 1,000,000 500,000 100,000 ��AA EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 621 Page 75 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN ANNUAL PAVEMENT MAINT. AND SIDEWALK REPAIR PROJECT (24/25) PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER 70024 PROJECT NAME Annual Pavement Maint. And Sidewalk Repair Project (24/25) TOTAL PROJECT COST 2,415,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION Various M2 Fairshare Description The City is divided into seven pavement maintenance zones. Every year, street rehabilitation occurs in one zone. Through a rolling seven year cycle, this program maintains the integrity of City streets. The City maintains a Pavement Management System (PMS) for all MPAH roadways every two years and all non-MPAH roadways every six years. Project activities include: Pavement Rehabilitation and City-wide Sidewalk Repair Program, City-wide Street Striping and Markings Program, and the Street and Alley Repair Program. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 415,000 2,000,000 2,415,000 Total - 415,000 2,000,000 2,415,000 Expenditure Design 100,000 100,000 Construction 315,000 2,000,000 2,315,000 Total - 415,000 2,000,000 2,415,000 F COST BY YEAR 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 F__ - ii 100,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED FY25-26 PLANNED ■ Construction ■ Design 631 Page 76 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN CITYWIDE PEDESTRIAN ADA IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER 70236 PROJECT NAME Citywide Pedestrian ADA Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,311,905 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 130 Gas Tax LOCATION Various 200 General Fund CIP Description Reconstruction of pedestrian infrastructure and installation of equipment to make pedestrian travel through the city more accessible to person's with disabilities in the community. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-31 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 130 Gas Tax 116,580 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 466,580 200 General Fund CIP 845,325 845,325 Total 961,905 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,311,905 Expenditure Construction 961,905 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,311,905 Total 961,905 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 1,311,905 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 COST BY YEAR WAMAWAMAWAwim EXPENSES FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-31 TO REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 6/30/2024 ■ Construction 641 Page 77 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN THE HILL MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER 70252 PROJECT NAME The Hill Median Improvements TOTAL PROJECT COST 100,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 139 Measure LOCATION Red Hill Avenue near San Juan Street M2 Fairshare Description Installation of raised medians on Red Hill Avenue near San Juan Street. The project costs to be split 50/50 between The Hill private development and the City. The city's portion is to be reimbursed by Red Hill Plaza during future private improvements. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 139 M2 Fairshare 100,000 100,000 Total - 100,000 100,000 Expenditure Construction 100,000 100,000 Total - 100,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction 651 Page 78 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN OLD TOWN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NAME Old Town Improvements PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov LOCATION Old Town Improvements PROJECT NUMBER 70254 TOTAL PROJECT COST 4,451,773 FUNDING SOURCE 200 General Fund CIP 189 MCAS Land Sale Proceeds Description Utilizing the Downtown Community Core Specific Plan as a guide, design and construct enhancements to improve outdoor connectivity, mobility, walkability, traffic calming and way finding within the public right-of-way, with emphasis on safety and circulation. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 200 General Fund CIP 251,773 251,773 189 MCAS Land Sale 4,200,000 4,200,000 Total 251,773 4,200,000 4,451,773 Expenditure Design 251,773 251,773 Construction 4,200,000 4,200,000 Total 251,773 4,200,000 4,451,773 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 661 Page 79 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN RED HILL UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NAME Red Hill Utility Undergrounding PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson LOCATION Red Hill Avenue PROJECT NUMBER 70255 TOTAL PROJECT COST 11,308 FUNDING SOURCE 130 Gas Tax Other Description Coordination with Southern California Edison and property developer to underground existing overhead utilities. Project to include sidewalk replacement for relocation of utilities. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 130 Gas Tax 6,000 41000 10,000 Other 1,308 1,308 Total 7,308 4,000 11,308 Expenditure Design 7,308 4,000 11,308 Construction - Total 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 7,308 4,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR I FY24-25 REQUESTED 11,308 ■ Design 671 Page 80 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN RED HILL AVENUE REHAB. FROM WALNUT AVENUE TO SAN JUAN STREET PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER TBA PROJECT NAME Red Hill Avenue Rehab. From Walnut Avenue To San Juan Street TOTAL PROJECT COST 3,120,000 PROJECT MANAGER Eric Johnson FUNDING SOURCE 140 Road LOCATION Red Hill Avenue Maintenance Et Rehab Description Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas, repair of sidewalk and curb Et gutter, ramp reconstruction, cold plane, construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing, traffic loops, and traffic striping. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 140 Road Maint/Rehab 50,000 3,070,000 3,120,000 Total 50,000 3,070,000 3,120,000 Expenditure Design 50,000 70,000 120,000 Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total 50,000 3,070,000 3,120,000 COST BY YEAR 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 off 500,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Design Construction ■ Design 681 Page 81 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN BRIDGE DECK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NAME Bridge Deck Improvements PROJECT MANAGER TBA LOCATION Various PROJECT NUMBER TBD TOTAL PROJECT COST 3,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE 130 Gas Tax Description Design and construct improvement to various bridges. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 130 Gas Tax 300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000 Total - 300,000 3,000,000 3,300,000 Expenditure Design 300,000 300,000 Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 - 300,000 3,000,000 300,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED COST BY YEAR FY25-26 PLANNED - 3,300,000 ■ Design ■ Construction 691 Page 82 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN JAMBOREE ROAD REHAB. BETWEEN BARRANCA tt OCTA/SCRRA PROJECT CATEGORY Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER TBA PROJECT NAME Jamboree Road Rehab. Between Barranca Et Octa/SCRRA TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,300,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 140 Road LOCATION Jamboree Road Maintenance Et Rehab Description Removal and deep lift repairs of asphalt concrete pavement failure areas, cold plane, construction of asphalt concrete resurfacing, traffic loops, and traffic striping. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 140 Road Maint/Rehab 100,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 Total - 100,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 Expenditure Design 100,000 100,000 Construction 1,200,000 1,200,000 Total - 100,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 1 Or 100,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED COST BY YEAR FY25-26 PLANNED - 1,300,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 701 Page 83 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN 2024-2025 CIP Project Detail by Project Type — Legacy Projects TUSTIN RANCH ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER 70243 PROJECT NAME Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST 11,500,000 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS LOCATION Tustin Ranch Road, Warner Avenue, Backbone Fee Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue Description Design and construction of pedestrian bridge over Tustin Ranch Road. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 500,000 11,000,000 11,500,000 Total - 500,000 11,000,000 11,500,000 Expenditure Design 500,000 500,000 Construction 11,000,000 11,000,000 Total 500,000 11,000,000 11,500,000 COST BY YEAR 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 ■ Design 6,000,000 "' "' ■ Construction 4,000,000 It Its 2,000,000 FY24-25 FY25-26 REQUESTED PLANNED 711 Page 84 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN NEIGHBORHOOD D SOUTH INFRASTRUCTURE - PHASE 2 PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER 70256 PROJECT NAME Neighborhood D South Infrastructure - Phase 2 TOTAL PROJECT COST 10,300,000 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION Tustin Ranch Road, Warner Avenue, Land Sale Proceeds Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue Description Design and construction of infrastructure in the area generally bounded by Tustin Ranch Road, Warner Avenue, Barranca Parkway, and Armstrong Avenue. This project will be designed in conjunction with the Armstrong Avenue and Warner Avenue pedestrian bridges and the Tustin Legacy Linear Park within Neighborhood D South to address overlapping infrastructure elements. Rough grading for the roadways in this project will be completed with the rough grading of the Tustin Legacy Linear Park project. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 189 MCAS Land Sale 3,900,000 6,400,000 10,300,000 Total 3,900,000 6,400,000 10,300,000 Expenditure Design 799,401 799,401 Construction 3,100,599 6,400,000 9,500,599 Total 3,900,000 6,400,000 10,300,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 COST BY YEAR FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Design ■ Construction 721 Page 85 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN ARMSTRONG AVENUE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER 70257 PROJECT NAME Armstrong Avenue Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST 8,801,455 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS LOCATION Armstrong Avenue Backbone Fees 189 MCAS Land Sale/CFD 06-01 Description Design and construction of a pedestrian bridge over Armstrong Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. This project will be designed in conjunction with the Tustin Legacy Linear Park in Neighborhood D South, the Warner Avenue pedestrian bridge, and Neighborhood D South Phase 2 Improvements to address overlapping infrastructure elements. The pedestrian bridge will be split into two phases. The first phase will include rough grading, surcharge, and establishment of the structural mounds. The second phase will include final improvements associated with the bridge. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 2,495,500 2,267,500 4,763,000 189 MCAS Land Sale 51,455 3,920,000 3,971,455 CFD 06-01 67,000 67,000 Total 2,613,955 6,187,500 8,801,455 Expenditure Design 1,392,414 1,392,414 Construction 1,221,541 6,187,500 7,409,041 Total 2,613,955 6,187,500 8,801,455 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 COST BY YEAR 6,187,500 1,221,541 1,392,414 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Construction ■ Design 731 Page 86 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN NEIGHBORHOOD G PHASE 1 PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER 70258 PROJECT NAME Neighborhood G Phase 1 TOTAL PROJECT COST 57,554,108 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION Various Land Sale Proceeds Unfunded Description Infrastructure to support the disposition of land in Neighborhood G, which is bounded by Edinger Avenue, Tustin Ranch Road, Moffett Drive, and Jamboree Road. The project includes a Backbone Program contribution of $15,003,000. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 189 MCAS Land Sale 254,108 17,300,000 17,554,108 Unfunded 40,000,000 40,000,000 Total 254,108 17,300,000 40,000,000 57,554,108 Expenditure Design 254,108 7,300,000 7,554,108 Construction 10,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 Total 254,108 17,300,000 40,000,000 COST BY YEAR 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 7,300,000 EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED FY25-26 PLANNED 57,554,108 ■ Construction ■ Design 741 Page 87 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU�IIN NEIGHBORHOOD D NORTH PHASE 1 PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NAME Neighborhood D North Phase 1 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov LOCATION Various Description PROJECT NUMBER 70259 TOTAL PROJECT COST 26,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS Backbone Fees 189 MCAS Land Sale Proceeds Infrastructure to support the disposition of land in Neighborhood D North, which is bounded by Warner Avenue, Tustin Ranch Road, Moffett Drive, and Armstrong Avenue. The project includes a Backbone Program contribution of $11,257,000. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 149,575 1,650,425 7,456,615 9,256,615 189 MCAS Land Sale 17,543,385 17,543,385 Total 149,575 1,650,425 25,000,000 26,800,000 Expenditure Design 149,575 1,650,425 1,800,000 Construction 25,000,000 25,000,000 Total 149,575 1,650,425 25,000,000 COST BY YEAR 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 IV . EXPENSES TO 6/30/2024 FY24-25 REQUESTED FY25-26 PLANNED 26,800,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 751Page 88 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN WARNER AVENUE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Warner Avenue Pedestrian Bridge TOTAL PROJECT COST 11,962,000 PROJECT MANAGER Mark Khudadatov FUNDING SOURCE 187 MCAS LOCATION Warner Avenue Backbone Fees Unfunded Description Design and construction of a pedestrian bridge over Warner Avenue. This project is part of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. This project will be designed in conjunction with the Tustin Legacy Linear Park in Neighborhood D South, the Armstrong Avenue pedestrian bridge, and Neighborhood D South Phase 2 Improvements to address overlapping infrastructure elements. The pedestrian bridge will be split into two phases. The first phase will include rough grading, surcharge, and establishment of the structural mounds. The second phase will include final improvements associated with the bridge. The project includes a Backbone Program contribution of $11,819,000. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 187 MCAS Backbone 250,000 250,000 Unfunded 1,000,000 10,712,000 11,712,000 Total 250,000 1,000,000 10,712,000 11,962,000 Expenditure Design 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction 250,000 10,712,000 10,962,000 Total - 250,000 1,000,000 10,712,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 COST BY YEAR 1,000,000 Pr 250,000 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 REQUESTED PLANNED PLANNED - 11,962,000 ■ Construction ■ Design 761 Page 89 City of Tustin 2024-25 Proposed Fiscal Operating & Capital Improvement Program Budget (Second Year Update) IU,IIN CORNERSTONE II INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT CATEGORY Legacy PROJECT NUMBER TBD PROJECT NAME Cornerstone II Infrastructure TOTAL PROJECT COST 11,962,000 PROJECT MANAGER TBA FUNDING SOURCE 189 MCAS LOCATION Barranca Parkway/Armstrong Avenue Land Sale Proceeds Description Design and construct public improvements for the development of Cornerstone II located at Barranca Parkway and Armstrong Avenue. Expenses to FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28 FY28-29 FY29-30 Total Project Funding Source 6/30/2024 Requested Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned Cost 189 MCAS Land Sale 400,000 400,000 Total - 400,000 400,000 Expenditure Design 400,000 400,000 Total 400,000 400,000 COST BY YEAR 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 FY24-25 REQUESTED ■ Design 771 Page 90