HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 MISS TUSTIN SCHOLARSHIP 11-20-06 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 20,2006 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PATRICK SANCHEZ, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MISS TUSTIN SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT SUMMARY The Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant is requesting a $2,500 donation from the Cty Council to support the 2007 pageant RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the Council. FISCAL IMPACT There is no appropriation for the Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant in the current budget. Any contribution would require City Council approval. BACKGROUND: Preparations are now underway for the 2007 Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant. Based upon the success of the event over the past six years, the committee is requesting financial assistance from the City again this year. Last year, the City Council supported the Miss Tustin Pageant with a $2,500 contribution. Contestants must live in the Tustin Unified School District and be between the ages of 17 and 24. The winner of the Miss Tustin Pageant attends the Miss California Pageant and she may compete in the Miss America Scholarship Pageant. Miss Tustin represents the City at numer9us special events. The winner of the Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant is presented with a $2,500 scholarship award. She receives an additional $1,000 for being in the Miss California Scholarship Pageant. All contestants receive a scholarship award that can only be used for educational purposes. A funding request for the 2007 Miss Tustin Pageant is attached. Cherrill Cady, the Executive Director of the Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant, will be in attendance to answer any questions. Page 2 Patrick Sanchez Parks and Recreation Director MISS TUSTIN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM October 12, 2006 Mayor Doug Davert 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca 92780 Dear Mayor Doug Davert, I would.liket~thank.Y01l fOl" tttesupportttiatyon.bave.giventbe Miss T1.ISliD ~ Program the-last six years. ~ haw had some-outstmdine contmantstbat we have helped. with tIteit College Film'Jltioo, The contestants-must live, go tnschool or work ~the Tustin UnifiedSebool.mstrict, be1letween the ages of 17 &. 2~ Miss'fustin- theagoes on tn theMiss CaliforniaProgrcun.whereshe OOI11petes. If she should win she-woukI then competeintbe Miss .t\merica ScJ1olarsbivProgram;. We give Mis&liIstin $2500.00 in Seholafship Money andshereceives-$lflOO:OO- justfor-being.in the-Miss Califorma~PC pageant First Runner-up receives $IOOO.oo.-~ Runner-up receives $-75&.00. This year. we were. able to give two HlOl"€ places. 3m runner-up- $500.00 and 4th Rl.JJlIleI-up $25t1.{)()c -all contestants receive some schol~money. The moneys. can. only he: nsed. tt>-further.theiF education. We would again like to ask for your financial support in the ameunt of$2500.00. Please let me know if there is any other information that you require or if you would Iike me to talk to the council. Cherrill Cady Executive Director Cc: Pat Sanchez BUDGET FOR M1SS TUS"IlN-SCHOlARSHIP PAGEANT SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS USED':ONLY FOll S€HOLA:RSHlPS- $6OQO.oo DlSFERSMENTOFSOIDLARSlIWFUNDS ( We raisecU3500.O&-from-~~-tiDl Tournameniy-City donation S2500-.00) MISS1'l:JS'I'IN 1ST :RtiNNER-HI" ~ lWNNER-EI' rXUNNER-up 46 RlfNNER-UP DEPENDlNGON-IIOWMANY CONTESTANTS MOSTTl€KEl'SALES MlSS-C9NCENIALIT\' MOST.IMPRO~ &X $1500.00 $10??.oo $- fOO..OO $ soo.oo $ 250.00 $. 100.00 $ 50..00 $ ~.oo $~.OO TBlSMONEY CANONLYBKPAlD:TOTllKSOIOOL.QRWI'fII RE€EIPTS:p'{JKBOOKS AND romON. BUSINESS OP~RA TION EXPENS~S: FBANOIISEWlTRMISSCALDIDHNIA(lNStiRANCElNCLlJDEBt s: 700.00 MEETING IN FKESNO IN NOVEMBEIt:(DIRECTmtONLY -Bf)cTEL & GAS)- M.U' ORIENTA'flON IN FRESN()~C'FOR & MISS'[IlSnN- ~ ROOM & GAS & FOOD) MISS CAl.D'6RNJA. PAGEANT (DUtECFO&& PKQlJtfCEK)-. ONE HO'I'ELROOM - 4 NIGIlTS.PAGE,ANT ACTIVl'l'ES. FOOJ).GAS ~.oo 500.00 2000.00 MISS TUSTIN PAGEANT at Jtn-kmalt Bigb Sdmol 1000.00 PKOGKAM(JtISTPRlNnNG) RECEPTION (I.lGIIT SNACK.-NOilOST BAR) (RENTAL OF ROQM) l6QO.oo t5OO.00 CLOTBES-BlIDGET 2000.00 (MISS- TUSTIN-NEE&&A BUSINESS sm~C6MPED'l'lON GOWN~SHOES AND BATHING SUl'l'.. WE. BORROW FKOMO'l'IIERPA6EAN'fS: ANDGIBLS IN TIIE.CON IJ!::sT WHERE NEEDED. MISS 'WS-TIN AT eoMl'E'fl'l'lf)N NEEDS flfRfflt EYENlNG GOWNS AND PRODUCTION C08-TUME.. WEALSOHELP-IF CONTES'I'ANTSDONOTIfAVE FUNDS.) CROWNS-(TUSTIN AW~DONA'l'ES 'l'lflt-RIJNNER=m!S ~ GIFfS AND TROPIIIESL INnlAl. DONATES TBESASImS 300.00 MIS{:. EXPENSES I~OO.OO PHOTOGRAPHER ONI..Y CllAR.GESME EOll mE FaM.4ND:PROCESSlNG 1000.00 FLOWERS- 1000.00 ENTER-l'AINMEN'f 300.00 VIDEO'S DONA1'E& 'I'O'rAL 300;.00 S 13,950.00 CONTRIBUTORS CONl'ESTANTSPONSORS ~84t EAfII) 6S01l.00 ( we bad- UcODtestanU this year) BlJSlNESSADS FORPROGtiM 95ff..OO PAGEANT SlS.OO@40CtftlOPLE tWE:BAD-68&.PEOPJ,)i'; AROUT200COMP) 6006.00 1'6-'Pll $ 13,950.00