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Docusign Envelope ID: E5FB9D13-D4FC-4E13-B123-AC427CEBBEAA ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ITEM #1 DATE: AUGUST 15, 2024 TO: JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR �! _ FROM: AARON VALLE, PLANNING TECHNICIAN US IN SUBJECT: ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION (ZAA) NO. 24-010; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2024-0009 (15771 RED HILL AVE.) SUMMARY: The Zoning Administrator will consider Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2024-0009, a request to authorize a Type 41 ABC license (sales of beer and wine for on-site consumption) for a proposed restaurant (cafe) within a coworking office space Located at 15771 Red Hill Avenue. The CUP application was filed by Adam Fogel, on behalf of Even House. BACKGROUND: Location and Surrounding Properties The subject property is located southeast of the intersection of Red Hill Avenue and Bell Avenue (Figure 1). The site is bounded by Bell Avenue to the north, industriaVoffice buildings to the west and south, and Red Hill Avenue to the east. i B office Industrial Rroject Site Tustin Legacy Cfiice '/ Speck Plan i �T Figure 1.Site and Surrounding Properties Docusign Envelope ID: E5FB9D13-D4FC-4E13-B123-AC427CEBBEAA ZA Item #1 August 15, 2024 CUP 2024-0009 Page 2 44 ,r Figure 2.Tenant Space PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Summary The applicant is requesting authorization to sell beer and wine for on-site consumption (Type 41 ABC License) in conjunction with a proposed restaurant (cafe). The cafe "Even House" will be located within, and an amenity for, a coworking office space that is under review through the Building plan check process separately from this CUP application. The tenant space is approximately 12,232 square feet (SF) and will include a 10,012 SF coworking space, the subject restaurant (cafe) with a 708 SF interior cafe dining area, and a 1,504 SF outdoor dining area with 12 seats. The cafe will offer beer and wine in addition to a menu of fresh foods and drinks, including but not limited to, salads, sandwiches, snacks, bottled drinks, coffee, and bakery items. Per the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), consumption of alcoholic beverages may occur both within designated interior and exterior dining areas, and within the coworking space (see Figure 2). No physical barrier to limit or control areas for alcohol consumption within the tenant space was required by ABC. The cafe is intended to be an amenity for customers of the coworking space; however, other members of the public could patron the business. Use of the coworking space requires payment of an entrance fee — customers intending to only visit the cafe will be limited to the seating area reserved for the cafe. 000usign Envelope ID: E5Foeo13'o4Fc-4E13'o123+Ac427cEooEAA Z4 Item #1 August 15. 2024 CUP2024-0008 Page E] Indoor Seating Outdoor Dining ra RPM Cafe Coworking Area Figure3. RoorPian Alcoholic Beverage Sales The S8[8 and [OOSUnlDtiOO Of beer and VViO8 O-»p8 41 /\B<_ Li[8OS8\. in conjunction with 8 rastaurant, can be authorized in conformance with the <_itv's /\[coho[ic Beverage Sa[es Estab[ishrnant Guida[inas adopted by the P[anning Commission on March 13. 2018. and Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9271/dd\. Pursuant to TCC Section 9271/dd\. on-site a[coho[ic beverage sa[as. that inc[udathe sa[e ofa[coho[ at restaurants for on-site consurnption, are exempt from distance separation requirements to sensitive uses and other aLcohoLic beverage sa[as astab[ishrnants. In conformance with the Conditions of /\pprova[ and app[icab[a reguLations from the CaLifornia Department of ALcohoLic Beverage ControL(ABC),the appLicant is required to provide fU[[ nl8OU food S8rVi[8 when 8[[OhO[ is 8V8i[8b[8 for S8[8 and [OOSUnlDtiOO. Outdoor Dining Area TCC 9277 specifies Location and operationaL requirements for outdoor dining areas, which are dafinadasa ^separate|« idantifiab[a. dasignatadspaceforthaoutdoorsaating. sarvica. and/or consumption ofrnea[sand beverages in conjunction vvitharestaurant[ocatad diract[yarUacant to Or in [[OS8 proximity Ofthe outdoor 8r88.^ /\[[OhO[ consumption is proposed to occur within the outdoor dining area. /\S conditioned, the proposed outdoor dining area [Onlp[i8SVVith 8[[ Docusign Envelope ID: E5FB9D13-D4FC-4E13-B123-AC427CEBBEAA ZA Item #1 August 15, 2024 CUP 2024-0009 Page 4 Location and design requirements established in TCC 9277 including, but not Limited to, compliance with accessibility requirements, ingress and egress, and more. Per TCC 9277, no additional parking is required for the outdoor dining area as it will not accommodate more than 15 seats. Hours of Operation and Security The proposed hours of operation for the restaurant (caf6) are between 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, seven (7) days a week, or as may be further Limited by ABC. ALL staff selling alcohol beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages that must be approved by ABC. Furthermore,the Tustin Police Department reviewed the proposal and does not have any concerns regarding the proposed hours of operation nor the sale and consumption of alcohol in conjunction with a restaurant. ruruK .' ' _ 5 ei�t A*an .r. was n Q L O r - - _-_-_-_--------------- _- -_-_- I Rt4LPW'1 L---------------- - - J [ ;} .a is u u U uh W 0 Li a IL I — Figure 4. Locations of Security Cameras Docusign Envelope ID: E5FB9D13-D4FC-4E13-B123-AC427CEBBEAA ZA Item #1 August 15, 2024 CUP 2024-0009 Page 5 Parking Parking is not required for the sale of alcohol, nor for the establishment of an outdoor dining area with no more than 15 seats.The overall tenant space meets the requirements for office and restaurant uses located within the International Rectifier Specific Plan (SP-3). Environmental Review This project is Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1, Existing Facilities) of the State CEQA guidelines. CONCLUSION: Analysis of CUP 2024-0009 has determined that the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed on-site alcoholic beverage sales, in conjunction with a restaurant, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use, not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin. Furthermore, the proposed on-site sales and consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 ABC license), in conjunction with a restaurant, as conditioned, is consistent with the Planning Commission Guidelines for Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishments and TCC Section and TCC Section 9271(dd). Findings to support the request have been included in ZAA No. 24-010. Based on the findings provided, staff recommends the Zoning Administrator adopt ZAA 24-010, approving CUP 2024-0009 to authorize a Type 41 ABC license (sales of beer and wine for on-site consumption) in conjunction with a proposed restaurant located at 15771 Red Hill Avenue. ESigned by: Signed by: aE01DF6D580E4410 Anvu uatb, Ewibin �a a�aw... E48A67E1967540F... ------------------------------- --------------------------------- Aaron Valle, Planning Technician Raymond Barragan, Principal Planner Attachments: A. Submitted Plans dated April 24, 2024 B. Zoning Administrator Action No. 24-010 - Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval Attachment A .0 Submitted Plans BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES DRAWING LIST EVEN HOUSE1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS T-001.00 COVER SHEET, PROJECT DATA AND DRAWING LIST T-002.00 LEGEND, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS, GENERAL NOTES OF MUNICIPAL, LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL 7, ALL EXITS SHALL BE KEPT READILY ACCESSIBLE T-003.00 CITY OF TUSTIN BUILDING SECURITY NOTES LAWS, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER GOVERNING AND UNOBSTRUCTED AT ALL TIMES. MEANS OF T-004.00a GREEN BUILDING NOTES & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION - CO-WORKING SPACE AGENCIES, WHETHER OR NOT DEPICTED IN EGRESS ILLUMINATION WILL COMPLY WITH CBC 2022 T-004.00b GREEN BUILDING NOTES & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS. SECTION 1006. EXIT SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH T-004.00c GREEN BUILDING NOTES & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION CBC CH. 10 FOR LOCATION AND ILLUMINATION. T-005.00 ADA STANDARDS 2. SAFETY OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY DURING T-006.00 ADA NOTES cc ] CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH 8. EXTERIOR WALL MATERIALS AND ASSEMBLIES SHALL T-007.00 ADA NOTES ALL PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 1. COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 14. T-008.00 ADA NOTES ARCHITECTS T-009.00 FEMA MAPS T-010.00 ZONING MAP, AREA MAP AND PLOT/SITE PLAN Client 3. ALL CONCEALED WOOD TO BE FIRE RETARDANT 9. MINIMUM THICKNESS OF WALL SHEATHING AND T-011.00 ENLARGED SITE PLAN AND WALKWAY DETAILS TREATED. WALL STUD SPACING SHALL CONFIRM TO CALIFORNIA A-010.00 FIRST FLOOR EGRESS PLANS ADAM FOGEL BC CHAPTER 23 A-100.00 FIRST FLOOR EXISTING PLAN 4. PRIOR TO CLOSING OF ANY CEILINGS, ALL A-101.00 FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN Even House MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (IE. HVAC, PLUMBING, 10. SAFETY GLAZING SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE A-102.00 FIRST FLOOR FURNITURE PLAN 15771 Red Hill Avenue, SPRINKLER AND ELECTRICAL) ARE TO BE INSPECTED REQUIRED BY CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 24 A-300.00 ENLARGED PLANS Tustin, CA 92780 AND WHERE REQUIRED, TESTED BY LOCAL A-301.00 ENLARGED PLANS - COMMON BATHROOM AUTHORITIES AND/OR TESTING AGENCIES HAVING 11. FOAM PLASTIC INSULATION USED IN BUILDING A-302.00 ENLARGED ELEVATIONS - COMMON BATHROOM T: (323) 443-0099 JURISDICTION TO INSURE THEIR PROPER SHALL CONFORM TO CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 26 A-303.00 ENLARGED ELEVATION - COMMON BATHROOM A-721.00 WALL SCHEDULE INSTALLATION AND FUNCTION. A-911.00 CEILING DETAIL Architect of Record 12. ALL SPACES SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL 15771 RED HILL AVENUE T U ST I N CA 92780 5. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TO BE ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. ELCHERBINI Architects ' ' INCORPORATED IN THE WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT GENERAL NOTES 1460 Broadway ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE New York, NY 10036 ASSESSOR PARCEL N o . (APN) : 4 3 0-2 3 1 -0 4 A.S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE, AND TO CONFORM WITH THE STANDARDS AND 1. THIS PLAN IS APPROVED ONLY FOR WORK INDICATED ON THE APPLICATION SPECIFICATION SHEET. ALL OTHER MATTERS T: (212) 466-6891 ZONING DESIGNATION ■ S P -3/P C - I N D/BUSINESS RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE VARIOUS TRADE SHOWN ARE NOT TO BE RELIED UPON OR TO BE CONSIDERED AS EITHER BEING APPROVED OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH www,ecarchitects.co INSTITUTES WHERE APPLICABLE, ALL MATERIAL APPLICABLE CODES. INCORPORATED INTO THE WORK SHALL BE NEW. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, Designer PROJECT DESIGN DATA BUILDING APPLICATIONS BY OTHERS 6. MATERIAL USED FOR FIRE RESISTANCE RATING DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE. ANY DISCREPANCIES MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE APPLICANT'S ATTENTION. OPA Architecture SHALL CONFORM TOTHE REQUIREMENTS OF 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA STATE AND LOCAL BUILDING CODES AND REGULATIONS. 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION TYPE III-B NON RATED, FULLY SPRINKLERED CHAPTER 7 OF CALIFORNIAI 2022 BC. AS PER THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (2022) CHAPTER 1. INFORMATION FIRE SPRINKLERS • EXTERIOR WALLS New York, NY 10013 OCCUPANCY GROUP CLASSIFICATION B - BUSINESS FIRE ALARM • FIRE WALLS BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE 4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR (G.C.) AND ALL HIS SUBCONTRACTORS MUST COMPLY WITH ALL BUILDING RULES AND T: (347) 988-9029 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND INSTALLATIONS • FIRE BARRIERS (EXIT PASSAGE WAYS, REGULATIONS AT ALL TIMES. www.opa.space FIRE PROTECTION FULLY SPRINKLERED BUILD'G PER CBC SEC. 903.3.1 HORIZONTAL EXISTS, AND SEPARATE SINGLE OCCUPANCY INTO DIFFERENT FIRE AREAS. 5. ALL PARTITIONS AND FURRING SHALL BE WOOD STUDS (AS REQUIRED) CONSTRUCTION FOR INTERIOR WORK AND SHALL BUILDING USE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (NO CHANGE PROPOSED) CODE ANALYSIS CONTINUED ( CONFORM WITH THE CALIFORNIA 2022 BUILDING CODE. • SHAFT ENCLOSURES ELEVATORS, STAIRS, AND NUMBER OF STORIES 1 STORY (NO CHANGE) DUCTS) 6. ELECTRIC WORK TO CONFORM TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE/ NEC 2008 AND THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE/ BUILDING AREA 96,534 SF (NO CHANGE) • FIRE PARTITIONS CORRIDORS 2022. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE SMOKE DETECTOR PER FLOOR AND PER BEDROOM SUITE. IN ADDITION, ONE PROTECTION OF EXTERIOR WALLS / OPENINGS AND PARAPETS (CORRIDORS) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR SHALL BE ADDED PER FLOOR. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS AND CARBON MONOXIDE BUILDING HEIGHT 1 STORY (NO CHANGE) • SMOKE BARRIERS DETECTORS ARE TO BE HARDWIRED. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK TENANT IMPROVEMENT, INTERIOR COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DESIGNED VALUES CODE PRESCRIBED VALUE&CITATION • SMOKE PARTITIONS OFFICE SPACE IN AN EXISTING BUILDING. INTERIOR 7. INDOOR DESIGN TEMPERATURE SHALL BE MAX. 72° FOR HEATING AND MIN. 75° FOR COOLING BASED ON 13° WINTER IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDES INTERIOR RENOVATION OF • ALL THROUGH PENETRATION (FIRE RATED AND 89° SUMMER DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE AS PER CALIFORNIA 2022 ENERGY CODE. EXISTING SPACE, NEW NON-LOAD BEARING CONSTRUCTION) SHALL BE PROTECTED IN Revisions PARTITION WALLS, BAR COUNTER, FOOD PREP. PRIMARY STRUCTURAL FRAME NOT RATED NO RATING REQUIRED 8. PIPING SERVING AS PART OF A HEATING OR COOLING SYSTEM SHALL BE THERMALLY INSULATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AREA NO COOKING , AND FINISHES WORK. COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 7 CALIFORNIA 2022 ENERGY CODE. 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING ( ) EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS 2 HOUR RATED 2 HOUR RATING • THERMAL AND SOUND INSULATING MATERIAL 01 01 125 124 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 APPLICABLE CODES: INTERIOR BEARING WALLS NOT RATED NO RATING REQUIRED SHALL CONFORM TO CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 7 9. SUPPLY AND RETURN AIR DUCTS AND PLENUMS SHALL BE INSULATED AS PER SECTION CALIFORNIA 2022 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (W/ LOCAL AMENDMENTS) ENERGY CODE. 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE EXTERIOR NONBEARING WALLS NOT RATED PER FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE • INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL BE CLASSIFIED IN 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE CBC TABLE 602. DISTANCE>30' ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 84 AND MEET THE 10. THESE PLANS ARE DESIGNED TO MEET OR EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. VERIFY 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2010 ADA STANDARDS FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN ANSI Al 17.1 AND PARTITIONS NO RATING REQUIRED WALL AND CEILING FINISH REQUIREMENTS IN ANY CHANGES IN CODE THAT MIGHT EFFECT CONSTRUCTION WITH THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 8, INTERIOR FLOOR FINISH PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUIREMENTS IN CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 8 AND 11. THE APPLICANT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, OR , INTERIOR NONBEARING WALLS NOT RATED NO RATING REQUIRED PROCEDURES, OR FOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS & PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK, THERE ARE NO ALL WORK ITEMS SHOWN IN THESE PROJECT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ALL INCIDENTAL WORK REQUIRED TO COMPLETE AND PARTITIONS DECORATION AND TRIM CALIFORNIA BC CHAPTER 8 WARRANTIES, NOR ANY MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIED USE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN THE USE OF SAID WORK, FOR THE RENOVATION OF A COMMERCIAL SPACE, FOR A OFFICE, SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE • ALL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM SHALL BE THESE PLANS. REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING CODE OF CALIFORNIA AND ALL APPLICABLE CODES/LOCAL LAWS. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND NOT RATED NO RATING REQUIRED INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BC 12. ALL ELECTRIC HEAT, ETC. SHALL CONFORM TO CBC, CEC, NEC, & NBFU REQUIREMENTS. SECONDARY MEMBERS CHAPTER 9. 13. THE APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION APPLIES ONLY TO THESE PLANS CONFORMANCE TO THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. ROOF CONSTRUCTION AND NOT RATED NO RATING REQUIRED CODE ANALYSIS SECONDARY MEMBERS GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK 14. G.C. TO INFORM THE APPLICANT IF THERE ARE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANS & EXISTING CONDITIONS. NO WORK IS TO PROCEED UNTIL DISCREPANCIES ARE CLARIFIED & CORRECTED. BUILDING HEIGHT AND FLOOR AREA - EXISTING / NO CHANGE PLUMBING FIXTURE CALCULATIONS THE WORK INCLUDES THE FURNISHING OF ALL LABOR, 3. THE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SHALL DICTATE 15. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES TO BE SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY PLUMBING SUBCONTRACTOR. PLUMBING SUBCONTRACTOR Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE TYPE III-B CONSTRUCTION: B-OCCUPANCY MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES NECESSARY FOR LOCATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES. THE TO SUPPLY ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION FOR CUT-OUTS TO BE PERFORMED BY MILLWORK SUBCONTRACTOR. 1st Floor AND REASONABLY INCIDENTAL TO THE COMPLETION IN ARCHITECT SHALL BE INFORMED OF ALL CONFLICTS, N.I.C. N.I.C. PLUMBING OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR PLACE, OF ALL WORK AS ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIBED IF ANY, AND OF THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S 16. THE G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ALL DRAWINGS TO ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. PARTIAL SETS DO NOT OR SPECIFICATIONS. ALL SUCH WORK PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS. CONSTITUTE COMPLETE DOCUMENTS & AS SUCH, DO NOT DELINEATE ALL ITEMS OF WORK & THEIR COORDINATION WITH PER TABLE A 2022 CPC IN DRAWINGS AND EXISTING BUILDING AREAS / OTHER TRADES. ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS BY ANY SUBCONTRACTOR RESULTING FROM LACK OF FULL IS TO BE DONE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, UNLESS DOCUMENTATION, I.E.: INFORMATION WAS ON A DRAWING OR IN PART OF THE SPECIFICATIONS WHICH A N.I.C. N.I.C. 1 ST FLOOR: 80,318 SF. OCCUPANCY TYPE OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE, HANDLE, (STORE, IF SUBCONTRACTOR NEVER RECEIVED, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE G.C. N 1ST FLOOR MEZ: 16,216 SF. GROUP B-OFFICE 11,565 SF/150 77 NECESSARY) AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TOTAL AREA: 96,534 SF. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PRODUCT DATA FOR OWNER-PROVIDED MATERIALS, IF ANY. ALL 17. G.C. MUST CARRY COMPENSATION & LIABILITY INSURANCE, AS WELL AS WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION AND DISABILITY. N.I.C. GROUP B-MEMBER BEVERAGE AREA 340 SF/150 2+ 11 FIXED SEATING ALL MATERIALS TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, TO MATERIALS SHALL BE ACCOUNTED FOR, UPON G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, CONTRIBUTIONS, & OTHER EXPENSES ATTRIBUTABLE TENANT IMPROVEMENT AREA: 12,232 SF. GROUP S-STORAGE 327/200 2 THEA RC IITECT, FOR INSTALLATION. REPORTED AND APPROVAL, PRIOR RECEIPT. ANY MISSING/DAMAGED PARTS SHALL BE TO THE WAGES OF EMPLOYEES PERFORMING REQUIRED WORK. REPORTED IMMEDIATELY AND REPLACED BY THE Seal TOTAL OCCUPANTS 92 • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THERE WILL BE NO CONTRACTOR, AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 18. G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DEMOLITION WORK REQUIRED. DRAWINGS INDICATE THE LOCATIONS FOR EITHER SEE SHEET A-010.00 FOR AREA & LOCATION OF WORK SUBSTITUTIONS. NEW CONSTRUCTION OR EXISTING CONDITIONS TO REMAIN. ANY EXISTING CONDITION SHOWN ON DEMOLITION DRAWINGS • WHERE COLOR AND DESIGN SELECTIONS ARE IN DOTTED LINES IS TO BE REMOVED. G.C. TO VERIFY WITH APPLICANT THOSE ITEMS NOT INDICATED THAT ARE TO BE REQUIRED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT REMOVED. Eg ARC RESTROOMS REQUIRED SAMPLES TO THE ARCHITECT, FOR SELECTION AND t�s h'iT BUILDING AREA REQUIRED FIXTURES PER 2022 CPC TABLE 422.1 - B APPROVAL, PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND/OR 19. G.C. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING ALL REPAIRS TO ADJACENT AREAS TO AREA OF WORK DAMAGED DURING Doti, INSTALLATION. PERIOD OF DEMOLITION/ CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE ADEQUATE PROTECTION TO ALL AREAS OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF AB WATER CLOSETS URINALS LAVATORIES REMARKS WORK. G.C. SHALL HAVE AREA "BROOM SWEPT" CLEAN & DEBRIS REMOVED ON A DAILY BASIS. CHERB 388 OCCUPANTS MALE FEMALE UNISEX MALE FEMALE UNISEX REQUIRED 2. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING AREA - EXISTING / NO CHANGE PLUMBING ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL, WHERE REQUIRED, PRIOR 20. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND UNUSED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL DEFECTIVE MATERIALS FURNISHED BY TYPE III-B CONSTRUCTION: B-OCCUPANCY 50% MALE 50% FEMALE 2:51-150 4:51-100 - 1:1-100 2:76-150 2:51-100 - FIXTURES TO FABRICATION OF ANY WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN. THE G.C. AND/OR BY SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE AND 3/3112025 WITHOUT DELAY TO THE PROJECT. ct' RENEWAL 194 MALE 194 FEMALE SATISFIED AS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL � DATE t2� FRONTAGE INCREASE (PER CBC SECTION 506.3): PART OF FIELD DIMENSIONS AND PROPER INSTALLATION OF 21. G.C. SHALL REMOVE ALL DEBRIS AS IT ACCUMULATES ON THE JOB SITE FROM THE BUILDING. NO DEBRIS SHALL BE FOF CA1 0.75 (AREA INCREASE FACTOR) FIXTURES REQUIRED 1 1 - 1 1 1 _ COMMON SAID WORK. BATHROOM LEFT IN THE CORRIDORS AT ANY TIME. FIXTURES PROVIDED 4 4 1 1 - - 6 22. G.C. SHALL LEAVE THE JOB SITE VACUUM / BROOM SWEPT CLEAN AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY AND AT THE MAIN: B OCCUPANCY: (AS PART OF COMMON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. ALL HARDWARE, METAL & GLASS, AND DOORS SHALL BE CLEANED. Project Information Aa = At + (NS X If) (EQUATION 5-1) BATHROOM) Even House Aa = 1143,77550 SF6PER 00STORYS) FLOOD PLAIN COMPLIANCE VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 12,232 SF (ACTUAL) < 143,750 SF (ALLOWABLE) THE PROPERTY IS NOT IN FLOOD ZONE X - AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD. PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. N Job Number 03923.00 «<BUILDING COMPLIES»> � enum8t ,rn�rapx� N�op kd dq Drawing Title SUSTAINABLE DESIGN COMPLIANCE v �AMIPPtY9 ,9 v T .,,, .,dy;. . COVER SHEET, PROJECT DATA CONSCIOUS REGARD TO MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SELECTION, ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AND IMPACT, CONSTRUCTION MEANS { pl Nau� l9 m° AND METHODS, AS WELL AS MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS PROTOCOLS, SHALL BE INTEGRATED INTO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS P .P AND DRAWING LIST l•.q y ;,;y� VC AND IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. F4 / ® Hope flr IGE bold-nq REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 . 99 o� tt F �i,, o an T�_hn SECTION 504 NO OTHERWISE QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL WITH (2)(A) AN ENTIRE CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR off;' P_ �y�� Q L.C.ua7 Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 A DISABILITY, IN THE UNITED STATES, AS DEFINED IN OTHER PRIVATE ORGANIZATION, OR AN ENTIRE SOLE CBC 505.2: SECTION 7(20) SHALL, SOLELY BY REASON OF HER OR PROPRIETORSHIP F Drawing No. A MEZZANINE OR MEZZANINES IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 505.2 SHALL BE CONSIDERED A HIS DISABILITY, BE EXCLUDED FROM THE PARTICIPATION (ii) WHICH IS PRINCIPALLY ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS o R.i.Irar v 1 F t_r=,.t�, -ncn It ra•ae S tror±. PORTION OF THE STORY BELOW. SUCH MEZZANINES SHALL NOT CONTRIBUTE TO EITHER THE IN, BE DENIED THE BENEFITS OF, OR BE SUBJECTED TO OF PROVIDING HOUSING Fp ;` :,nra„„ pon.,t t!rprerr.Ep Q BUILDING AREA OR NUMBER OF STORIES AS REGULATED BY SECTION 503.1. THE AREA OF DISCRIMINATION UNDER ANY PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY F Q THE STANDARDS USED TO DETERMINE WHETHER THIS �ru�;r.�s�:�n a n r '�F� +� Q,� ' t"" �. ,. THE MEZZANINE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN DETERMINING THE FIRE AREA. THE CLEAR HEIGHT RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OR UNDER SECTION HAS BEEN VIOLATED IN A COMPLAINT ALLEGING '� ``'q, ABOVE AND BELOW THE MEZZANINE FLOOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 7 FEET ANY PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY ANY EXECUTIVE AGENCY OR BY THE UNITED STATES POSTAL " , °'_'4E:tzr Partners EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL :; '' 4;CC Anm3l Care (2134 MM). BE THE STANDARDS APPLIED UNDER TITLE I OF THE SERVICE. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990 AND THE """'r:,,F"`er'µV""'E` Sheet 01 Of 23 ALLOWABLE # OF STORIES: 3 PROVISIONS OF SECTION 501 THROUGH 504, AND 510, ACTUAL: 1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS SECTION, THE TERM OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, AS F / Building Department Application No. <<<BUILDING COMPLIES>>> PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY MEANS ALL OF THE OPERATIONS SUCH SECTIONS RELATE TO EMPLOYMENT. F OF, AMONG OTHERS, ABBREVIATIONS REFERENCE SYMBOLS I GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES I INTERPRETATIONS AND CONFLICTS @ AT MFR MANUFACTURER - 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY REVIEW THE 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE, EXAMINE CAREFULLY 3. IF MENTION HAS BEEN OMITTED PERTAINING TO AC AIR CONDITIONING MIN MINIMUM EXTENTS OF LARGE COLUMN GRID REFERENCE SCALE BLOW-UP PLAN DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND SITE TO VERIFY ALL TRADES, THE LOCATION AND SIZE OF OPENINGS IN THE AREAS AFFECTED BY THIS WORK TO BECOME DETAILS, ITEMS OR RELATED ACCESSORIES REQUIRED ACT ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILE MISC MISCELLANEOUS OR DETAIL SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. THE WALLS, SLABS, CEILINGS AND/OR ROOFS. PROVIDE FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS, COMPLY WITH FOR THE COMPLETION OF ANY ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, - ADJ ADJUSTABLE MO MASONRY OPENING I CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY INCONSISTENCIES FLASHING, GRATINGS AND/OR SEALING, AS LANDLORD'S REQUIREMENTS AND WITH DIFFICULTIES THAT HVAC OR OTHER ENGINEERING SYSTEM, INCLUDE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR MET/MTL METAL i _ J TO THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY FOR RESOLUTION REQUIRED. WILL ATTEND THE EXECUTION OF WORK. SUCH ITEMS AND ACCESSORIES IN THE CONTRACT AL ALUMINUM - - - - �A BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NO EXTRA WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. APPROX APPROXIMATE N NORTH 2 DETAIL NUMBER COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO THE 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL CUTTING SUBMISSION OF A PROPOSAL WILL BE CONSTRUED AS ak C ARCH ARCHITECTURAL) NIC NOT IN CONTRACT A-205 SHEET NUMBER CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE, AND PATCHING REQUIRED FOR WORK COMPLETION, EVIDENCE THAT ABOVE HAS BEEN INCLUDED IN BIDS AND 4. AFTER THE CONTRACT IS AWARDED, CLAIMS BASED ON ASPH ASPHALT NO/# NUMBER ROOM NAME DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN WITHOUT COMPROMISING THE QUALITY OF THE LATER CLAIMS WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED FOR EXTRA INSUFFICIENT DATA, INCORRECTLY ASSUMED L ANGLE NOM NOMINAL ROOM NUMBER INCORRECTLY ON THESE PLANS, IF SUCH WORK. LABOR, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS BECAUSE OF CONDITIONS AND/OR CLAIMS BASED ON ARCHITECTS & AND NTS NOT TO SCALE OCCUPANT NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. DIFFICULTIES, ENCOUNTERED WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN MISUNDERSTANDING, THE NATURE OR CHARACTER OF Client BD BOARD OC ON CENTER OCCUPANCY 101 OFFICE LOAD 17. PROVIDE CONCRETE BASES, PADS, CURBS, INERTIA FORESEEN HAD SUCH AN EXAMINATION AND/OR CAREFUL THE WORK, OR THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT BLDG BUILDING OPNG OPENING GROUP C 1 SF -- 2 SECTION NUMBER 2. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE BLOCKS, ETC., AS REQUIRED TO SUPPORT HVAC, INVESTIGATION BEEN MADE. MUST BE PERFORMED, WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED. ADAM FOGEL CH: A CEILING TYPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING AND ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT, Even House BLKG BLOCKING OPP OPPOSITE A-205 SHEET NUMBER SURE THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS WHERE APPLICABLE. FINAL LOCATIONS AND SIZES 1. BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DIFFERENT 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INTERPRET THIS BOG BOTTOM OPP HD OPPOSITE HAND HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR MUST BE COORDINATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT DRAWINGS, BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND FIELD PROJECT TO BE A "MINIMUM CODE DESIGN", OR AN 15771 Red Hill Avenue, BRG BEARING CEILING HEIGHT AREA[IN SF] /PERF PERFORATED PLATE FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR MANUFACTURER AND IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS AND/OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND "INDUSTRY STANDARD DESIGN", WHERE MATERIALS OR Tustin, CA 92780 CAB CABINET PL PROPERTY LINE HAS RECEIVED AND THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL THE EQUIPMENT SHOP DRAWINGS. SPECIFICATIONS OR ANY APPARENT OMISSIONS TO METHODS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFIED PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS BY ALL OF THE T: (323) 443-0099 CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER PRIOR HEREIN, INDICATE A PREMIUM MATERIAL OR METHOD. 101 . 18. PROVIDE WATERPROOFING EXCEPT AT SLAB ON CJ CONTROL JOINT PLBG PLUMBING DOOR NUMBER TAG PERMITTING AUTHORITIES TO SUBMISSION OF ANY BID. AFTER AWARD OF THE CONTRACTOR IS EXPECTED TO PROVIDE SAME, Architect of Record CL CENTERLINE PLYWD PLYWOOD ELEVATION NUMBER GRADE AND DEPRESSED SLABS, AND/OR WHERE CONTRACT, THE INTERPRETATION OF ANY CONFLICT AND PROPOSE ALTERNATE METHODS OR MATERIALS CLG CEILING PREFAB PREFABRICATED 2 3. ALL PHASES OF WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE OTHERWISE NOTED, AT ALL WET AREAS. WILL BE MADE BY THE ARCHITECT AND SHALL BE AS A SIDE ITEM. EXCUSES SUCH AS "IT MEETS NEC CMT CERAMIC MOSAIC TILE PREFIN PREFINISHED A-205 SHEET NUMBER APPLICABLE BUILDING CODE AND ACCESSIBILITY ACCEPTED AS FINAL, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. REQUIREMENTS" OR "THIS IS THE INDUSTRY ELCHERBINI Architects CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT PS PROJECTION SCREEN REQUIREMENTS CURRENTLY USED BY THE CITY, 19. EQUIPMENT ROUGHING LOCATIONS SHALL BE STANDARD" WILL NOT BE RECOGNIZED AS 1460 Broadway COL COLUMN PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT W1 WINDOW NUMBER TAG STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL ORDINANCES HAVING CONFIRMED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH ALLOWANCE 2. SUBMIT DETAILS OF ANY DESIRED DEPARTURES FROM JURISDICTION OVER THE PROJECT. HOWEVER, JUSTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF ITEMS NOT New York, NY 10036 CONC CONCRETE PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH MADE FOR TRAPS, ELLS, TEES, ETC., AS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE DEEMED CONFORMING TO THE INTENDED DESIGN. CONSTR CONSTRUCTION PVMT AVEMENT 1 INTERIOR ELEVATION WHERE THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE IN ALL SPACES OTHER THAN MECHANICAL AREAS, NECESSARY, AND THE REASONS THEREFORE, WITHIN T: (212) 466-6891 CPT CARPET PTD. PAINTED MORE STRINGENT, THEY SHALL GOVERN. THE WWW.eCarChlteCtS.CO CT CERAMIC TILE DETAIL NUMBER PIPES AND CONDUITS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER AWARD OF THE CONTRACT. MAKE NO CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE ARCHITECT OF ANY WALLS OR OTHERWISE CONCEALED, UNLESS DEPARTURES WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL. CU FT/CF CUBIC FEET RA RASE RN AIR 01 CONSTRUCTION NOTE TAG 4 4(A-101 2 CODE DISCREPANCY, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. EXPOSING THEM IS SPECIFICALLY APPROVED/INDICATED BY THE Designer d PENNY (NAILS, ETC.) RAD/R RADIUS 3 SHEET NUMBER 4. THE MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ARCHITECT AND/OR THE D DEPTH/DEEP DEGREE RB RESILIENT BASE DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLEMENTARY TO THEFIRE SAFETY GENERAL NOTES OPA Architecture DET DETAIL RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE 20. IF THE CONTRACTOR DEVIATES FROM THE PLANS 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN REF REFERENCE Al FIXTURE/EQUIPMENT TAG RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO CHECK DIA/0 DIAMETER REFR REFRIGERATOR DATUM DESCRIPTION AND COORDINATE ALL TRADES TO WORK WITH ALL AND SPECIFICATIONS, INCLUDING THE NOTES New York, NY 10013 CONTAINED THEREON WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING 1. THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL DOOR NOTES: DIM DIMENSION REINF REINFORCING DRAWINGS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ANY FLOW TEST INFORMATION WITH THE BASE BUILDING 1. ALL EXITS ARE TO BE OPERABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE T: 347 988-9029 DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FOR SUCH ( ) DIV DIVISION REQ'D REQUIRED DESCRIPTION DEVIATIONS FROM THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR. USE of A KEY OR A SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. DWG DRAWING REV REVISIONS) EL.+0.00 SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE / 2. PROVIDE SIGN WITH 1" HIGH LETTERS ON CONTRASTING BACKGROUND WWW.opa.space DWC DRINKING WATER COOLER RM ROOM P01 MATERIAL FINISH TAG ENGINEER, IT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE AT DOOR TRANSOM TO READ "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED DATUM ELEVATION[IN FEET] ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT, FOR CLARIFICATION, PAYMENT OF ALL COSTS TO CORRECT ANY WORK 2. ALL VALVES CONTROLLING WATER SUPPLY FOR WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED." AT ALL DESIGNATED EXIT DOORS. RO ROUGH OPENING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF WORK. DONE, ALL FINES OR PENALTIES ASSESSED WITH SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AND STANDPIPE SYSTEMS 3. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 LBS EA EACH SHALL BE ELECTRONICALLY SUPERVISED BY AN FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, SUCH EF EACH FACE S SOUTH RESPECT THERETO AND ALL COMPENSATORY OR 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL SHORING PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT THE RIGHT ANGLES TO EJ EXPANSION JOINT SCHED SCHEDULE PUNITIVE DAMAGES RESULTING THEREFROM AND IT APPROVED CENTRAL STATION SERVICE. EL ELEVATION SD STORM DRAIN SMOKE DETECTOR FINISH INSTALLATION AND BRACING REQUIRED TO ADEQUATELY PROTECT HINGED DOORS AND AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING OF FOLDING / B PARTITION TYPE TAG STARTING POINT PERSONNEL & ADJACENT PROPERTY AND ALSO TO SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND DOORS COMPENSATING DEVICES OR AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC & STRUCTURE / 3. ALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTROL VALVES ELEC ELECTRIC(AL) SECT SECTION ARCHITECT ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ALL SUCH MAYBE UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE STANDARDS. WHEN FIRE DOORS SHALL BE PADLOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION TO ARE REQUIRED THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE THE DOOR MAY ENGR ENGINEER SEW SEWER THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. COSTS TO CONNECT ANY SUCH WORK AND FROM PREVENT ACCIDENTAL SYSTEM SHUTDOWN BE INCREASED TO THE MINIMUM ALLOWABLE BY THE APPROPRIATE EP ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD SGFT STRUCTURAL GLAZED FACING TILE Sp ALL SUCH FINES AND PENALTIES, COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY, NOT TO EXCEED 8 POUNDS. EQ EQUAL SHT SHEET 6. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES AND COSTS OF ANY 4. A MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN SHALL BE EQUIP EQUIPMENT SIM SIMILAR NON-COMBUSTIBLE AND OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY NATURE RESULTING THEREFROM. POSTED IN THE TENANT SPACE, WHERE REQUIRED FIRE PREVENTION NOTES: Revisions EXH EXHAUST SP SPACE PLUMBING NOTES AND CONFORM TO ACCEPTABLE INDUSTRY/TRADE BY CODE. 1. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS GU HER POLICYBESTARTALLED THE PER PLACEFIRE MENT DEPARTMENT FIRE 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING EXIST EXISTING SPEC(S) SPECIFICATIONS) STANDARDS. ALL WOOD TO BE USED IN 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL LOW FLOW PLUMBING EXTINGUISHER NEAR THE EXTERIOR EXIT DOORS. MOUNT THE FIRE EXP EXPANSION SPKR SPEAKER EXT EXTERIOR SQ SQUARE 1. ALL PLUMBING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED MASTER TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION MUST FIXTURES PER LL 29/89, WHERE REQUIRED. 5. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE EXTINGUISHER IN A VISIBLE AND ACCESSIBLE LOCATION, S-0" To 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 EXTN EXTENSION SQ FT/SF SQUARE FEET PLUMBER AS PER THE 2022 CBC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND THE 2022 PLUMBING CODE. BE FIRE RESISTANT AND LABELED AS SUCH. ALL APPROVAL FOR ALL WORK AND ACCEPTANCE OF ALL 5' 0" ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR TO THE HANDLE. BUILDINGS WITH FIN FINISH LUMBER AND CONCEALED WOOD BLOCKING SHALL 22. PRIOR TO CLOSING OF ANY CEILINGS, ALL LIFE SAFETY, FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE ALARM MULTIPLE FLOORS MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIN FL/FLR FINISH FLOOR FLOOR SQ IN/SI SQUARE INCHES 2. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BOTH THE ROUGHING INSPECTION AND THE FINAL BE FIRE-RETARDANT. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (IE. HVAC, PLUMBING, SYSTEM/S, PRIOR TO TENANT OCCUPANCY. PER FLOOR. LIGHT HAZARD (OFFICES, CLASSROOMS, CHURCHES, SQ YD/SY SQUARE YARDS INSPECTION FOR THIS PROJECT. THESE INSPECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SIGN-OFF FROM THE LOCAL SPRINKLER AND ELECTRICAL) ARE TO BE INSPECTED ASSEMBLY ROOMS, RESIDENTIAL) OCCUPANCIES REQUIRE "2A1OBC" FT/' FEET FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIRE .SST STAINLESS STEEL DEPT. OF BUILDINGS. 7. ALL DEBRIS AND/OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL, AND WHERE REQUIRED, TESTED BY LOCAL 6 A MINIMUM OF ONE 2A : 10B : C CLASSIFICATION Fr.FIREPER (EXTINGUISHER AND THE NGUISHERS. THE UMAXIMUM COVERAGE DISTANCE IS 75 Q FEC EXTINGUISHER CABINET ST STORM/STREET 3. 303.2 INSTALLATION OF ALL MATERIALS.USED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS RESULTING FROM EXCAVATION, DEMOLITION AND/OR AUTHORITIES AND/OR TESTING AGENCIES HAVING FIRE EXTINGUISHER SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EVERY FEET. ORDINARY HAZARD (RETAIL STORAGE AND DISPLAY, LIGHT STL STEEL STD STANDARD UNDER WHICH THE MATERIALS ARE ACCEPTED AND APPROVED. IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH INSTALLATION PROCEDURES, NEW WORK IS THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR, JURISDICTION, TO INSURE THEIR PROPER 3000 SQUARE FEET, AND PLACED NOT TO EXCEED MANUFACTURING, WAREHOUSE WITHOUT HPS) OCCUPANCIES REQUIRE GA GAUGE STRCTL STRUCTURAL THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED. AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF, OFF SITE, IN INSTALLATION AND FUNCTION. 75 FEET TRAVEL DISTANCE. MOUNTING "3006C" FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. THE MAXIMUM COVERAGE ARE IS ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS AND LOCATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH 3,000 SQ. FT. PER EXTINGUISHER AND THE MAXIMUM TRAVEL GALV GALVANIZED) SUSP SUSPENDED 4. PLUMBING SYSTEMS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PC CHAPTER 3 TO PREVENT RODENTS GB GRAB BAR REGULATIONS. MAINTAIN BUILDING AREAS CLEAN 23. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED INTO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NFPA 10 DISTANCE IS 75 FEET. CLASS "K" FIRE EXTINGUISHER SHALL BE GL GLASS SW SHORT WAY/SIDEWALK FROM ENTERING STRUCTURES. AND FREE OF DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. THE WORK SHALL BE NEW AND FREE OF DEFECTS. INSTALLED WITHIN 30 FEET OF COMMERCIAL FOOD HEATPROCESSING SYMB SYMBOL EQUIPMENT, AS MEASURED ALONG AN UNOBSTRUCTED PATH OF GWB GYPSUM WALLBOARD SYMM SYMMETRY(ICAL) 5. THE PROTECTION OF PIPES AND PLUMBING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTION PC CHAPTER 3. TRAVEL. GYP GYPSUM 6. ALL TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING, IF REQUIRED, IS TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION PC 306. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND BE RESPONSIBLE 24. ALL MATERIALS USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF T TREAD 7. IN THE PROCESS OF INSTALLING OR REPAIRING ANY PART OF A PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE INSTALLATION, ANY OTHER FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING THIS PROJECT, WHETHER BUILDING MATERIALS OR HDWE HARDWARE T&B TOP AND BOTTOM PART OF THE BUILDING OR PREMISES THAT MUST BE CHANGED OR REPLACED SHALL BE LEFT IN A SAFE STRUCTURAL STRUCTURES DURING ITEM CONSTRUCTION.DNEWLY INSTALLED APPURNINANCES,MATERIAL/S. TAA TOILET ACCESSORY(IES) ALL BE NON-ASBESTOS INTERIOR FINISHES GENERAL NOTES HM HOLLOW METAL T TONGUE AND GROOVE CONDITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PC CHAPTER 3. HORIZ HORIZONTAL TB TACK BOARD 8. ALL PLUMBING PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PC CHAPTER 3. 9. ALL CONTRACTORS, SUB CONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS 25. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TO BE 1. ALL FLOOR AND/OR GROUND SURFACES SHALL BE NEW YORK CITY MEA NUMBERS, WHERE APPLICABLE Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE HTG HEATING TEL TELEPHONE AND ALL OTHER TRADES INVOLVED IN THE WORK INCORPORATED IN THE WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT 1st Floor HVAC HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR 9. HOT AND COLD WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPES ARE TO BE EITHER COPPER TYPE K OR L AS PER PC CHAPTER 6. STABLE, FIRM AND RECEIVE FINISHES THAT ARE SLIP TER TERRAllO OR PORTION THEREOF SHALL REVIEW THE ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE RESISTANT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE USG CONDITIONING 10. ALL FLUSH TANKS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ANTI-SIPHON FILL VALVE CONFORMING TO ASSE 1002 OR CSA B125. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND HAVE ASTM SPECIFICATIONS APPLICABLE, AND TO N.I.C. N.I.C. HWD HARD WOOD TOC TOP OF CONCRETE OF 2010 ADA SECTION 302.1 225-05-M TOM TOP OF MASONRY 11. AS PER PC CHAPTER 9 ALL VENTS THAT PENETRATE THROUGH THE ROOF ARE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 4" DIAMETER, KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED CONFORM WITH THE CURRENT STANDARDS AND TT TERRAllO TILE TERMINATING A MINIMUM OF 24" ABOVE THE FINISHED ROOF, EXCEPT THAT WHERE A ROOF IS TO BE USED FOR ANY SBY HALL ALL THE TRADES THAT AFFECTS SAID WORK AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE VARIOUS TRADE 2. ALL INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH TITLE GYPSUM BOARD USG N.I.C. IN/ INCH TV TELEVISION SHALL COORDINATE THEIR WORK WITH SAID INSTITUTIONS, WHERE APPLICABLE. N'C ! , (ING PURPOSE OTHER THAN WEATHER PROTECTION OR MAINTENANCE, THE VENT EXTENSIONS SHALL BE RUN AT LEAST 7 28 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REQUIREMENTS OF 24-03M INCL INCLUDE (D) ) TYP TYPICAL FEET ABOVE THE ROOF. CONTRACTORS, SUB CONTRACTORS AND TRADES. ARTICLE 113 MATERIALS. IN INFO INFORMATION 26. WHERE APPLICABLE, MATERIAL USED FOR FIRE INSUL INSULATION/INSULATED LON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 12. CONNECT ALL INDIVIDUAL FIXTURES, BRANCH AND CIRCUIT VENTS TO A VENT STACK, STACK VENT, OR EXTENDED LINE 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK RESISTANCE RATING SHALL CONFORM TO THE N`C NBC INTR INTERIOR THAT OPENS TO THE AIR ABOVE AND THROUGH THE FINISHED ROOF AS PER PC CHAPTER 9. AND SCHEDULE WITH THE BUILDING OWNER AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE NEW YORK 3. ALL INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISH MATERIALS VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE 13. PROVIDE CLEAN-OUTS AT ALL CHANGES OF DIRECTION FOR WASTE LINES AS PER PC CHAPTER 7. USERS OF ADJACENT TENANT SPACES, AS NEEDED. CITY BUILDING CODE. SHALL LIMIT THEIR FIRE PERFORMANCE AND SMOKE JS JOIST SUBSTITUTE VERT VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT, IN COMPLIANCE WITH CALIFORNIA JST JOIST VIF VERIFY IN FIELD 14. SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR A MAXIMUM VELOCITY OF 8 FEET PER SECOND. 2022 BUILDING CODE SECTION 803. Seal 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP A RECORD SET OF 27. ALL EXISTING FIREPROOFING AND CONCRETE JT JOINT VIT VITREOUS 15. ALL HOT WATER PIPING TO BE SUPPORTED, ANCHORED & INSULATED AS PER PC CHAPTER 6. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ON SITE AT ALL TIMES ENCASEMENT DISTURBED OR REMOVED DURING 4. ALL INTERIOR FLOOR FINISH MATERIALS SHALL LIMIT VOL VOLUME 16. PROVIDE AT ALL CRAWL SPACE BRANCHES BOTH A VALVE AND DRAIN COCK. AND SHALL RECORD ALL ALTERATIONS FROM THE WORK SHALL BE REPLACED WITH EQUIVALENT AND THEIR FIRE PERFORMANCE IN COMPLIANCE WITH KIT KITCHEN VR VAPOR RETARDER CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. APPROVED FIREPROOFING MATERIAL. CALIFORNIA 2022 BUILDING CODE SECTION 804. ARC/,rj VRB VENTED RESILIENT BASE 17. PROVIDE SHUT OFF VALVES DIRECTLY OFF NEW SUPPLY BRANCHES ABOVE HUNG CEILING. L LENGTH VS VENT STACK 18. ALL AREAS, INCLUDING WALLS, FLOORS AND CEILINGS, DAMAGED DURING WORK MUST BE PATCHED, REPAIRED, 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS 28. FOR EXIT SIGNAGE (LOCATIONS & SPECS) AND 5. ACOUSTICAL CEILING SYSTEMS. THE QUALITY, DESIGN, v VT VINYL TILE RESTORED TO MATCH ADJACENT EXISTING SURFACES. AND CONDITIONS AT THE SITE. AS E LAM LAMINATED) EMERGENCY LIGHTING - REFER TO EGRESS/LIFE FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF METAL SUSPENSION CHE I LAV LAVATORY W/ WITH 19. ALL WATER CONTROL VALVES MUST BE READILY ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES TO ALLOW UNOBSTRUCTED ACCESS TO THE 13. ALL INTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SAFETY PLAN. ALL EMERGENCY & EXIT SIGNS MUST SYSTEMS FOR ACOUSTICAL TILE AND LAY-IN PANEL LB/# POUND W WEST/WIDE/WIDTH VALVES AND THE WASHING MACHINE AND/OR DRYER IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES. VALVES SHALL NOT BE BURIED IN GYPSUM BOARD, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE, CURRENT LOCAL & CEILINGS SHALL CONFORM WITH GENERALLY LL LIVE LOAD W/o WITHOUT WALLS, BLOCKED BY HEAVY FURNITURE, OR BUILT-IN CABINETS AND THE LIKE. VALVES "MAY BE OUT OF SIGHT" BUT STATE, CODES/REQUIREMENTS. ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICE, THE PROVISIONS 3/31/2025 LVR LOUVER WB WOOD BASE MUST BE EASILY ACCESSIBLE THROUGH ACCESS DOORS. COORDINATION OF ALL WORK UNDER THIS OF CALIFORNIA 2022 BUILDING CODE SECTION 808 J, RENEWAL 14 WC WATER CLOSET/WIND COLUMN . �1T 29. ALL EXITS SHALL BE KEPT READILY ACCESSIBLE AND OTHER APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE � D E D MAS MASONRY WD WOOD 20. WHENEVER NEW PIPING IS INSTALLED (ALL WATER SUPPLY LINES "CROTONS," WASTE LINES AND VENT LINES) SHALL CONTRACT SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO ENSURE THE AND UNOBSTRUCTED AT ALL TIMES. MEANS OF CODE. OF Cq�IF MAT MATERIAL WP WORKING POINT BE REPLACED IN ITS ENTIRETY BACK TO THE STACK/RISERS. QUALITY AND TIMELY COMPLETION OF THE EGRESS ILLUMINATION AND EXIT SIGNS SHALL MAX MAXIMUM WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC 21. PRIOR TO THE CLOSING OF ANY WALLS, ALL PLUMBING LINES AND "CROTONS" SHALL BE PHOTOGRAPHED AND WORK PROJECT. COMPLY WITH CURRENT APPLICABLE NEW YORK CITY MECH MECHANICAL SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER. BUILDING CODE SECTIONS, FOR LOCATION AND 22. A RISER SHUT DOWN, IF REQUIRED, SHALL BE SCHEDULED WITH THE OWNER. ILLUMINATION. Project Information 23. WASHING MACHINES MAY ONLY BE INSTALLED IN DESIGNATED "WET" LOCATIONS. Even House MATERIAL SYMBOLS 24. ADEQUATE VIBRATION ISOLATORS SHALL BE INSTALLED, AS REQUESTED BY THE OWNER FOR DISHWASHERS, WASHING DEMOLITION NOTES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND SUBSTANCES 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 MACHINES AND DRYERS. 0 WWF IN CONCRETE SLAB ALUMINUM [IN SECTION] 25. ONLY BRAIDED STAINLESS STEEL WATER HOSES FOR WATER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS TO THE WASHING MACHINE AND Job Number 03923.00 DISHWASHER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE USED. 1. ALL DEMOLITION OPERATIONS TO BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO SECTION BC 3303 OF THE 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING 1. IF THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERS A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE NOT ADDRESSED IN THE CONTRACT CODE. DOCUMENTS AND IF REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS WILL BE INADEQUATE TO PREVENT FORESEEABLE BODILY INJURY OR Drawing Title 26. WATERPROOF PAN WITH A MINIMUM OF 3" HIGH CURB/LIP SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL AREAS WHERE A WET AREA IS BATT INSULATION 0 SAND, GROUT, PLASTER, GYPSUM WALL BOARD DEATH TO PERSONS RESULTING FROM A MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ASBESTOS OR LOCATED. SAID PAN MAY BE MADE OF FIBERGLASS, LEAD, OR 22-GAUGE GALVANIZED SHEET METAL. THE PAN IS TO 2. DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE EXISTING BUILDINGS, POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL (PCB), ENCOUNTERED ON THE SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, UPON HAVE 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER INSTALLED BELOW PAN AND ON TOP OF SAID PAN, EXTENDING OVER THE CURB OR LIP. AND WILL TAKE ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO SHORE AND BRACE FIRE DAMAGED STRUCTURES TO PERMIT PARTIAL RECOGNIZING THE CONDITION, IMMEDIATELY STOP WORK IN THE AFFECTED AREA AND NOTIFY THE OWNER AND DESIGNER LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS AND RIGID INSULATION CONCRETE INSTALL "FLOOD STOP" WATER SENSOR IN PAN FOR DISHWASHER AND WASHING MACHINE. DEMOLITION WITHOUT COLLAPSE. ALL OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONTINUALLY INSPECTED TO DETECT ANY HAZARDS THAT OF THE CONDITION. MAY DEVELOP. SYMBOLS, GENERAL NOTES 2. UPON RECEIPT OF THE CONTRACTORS NOTICE, THE OWNER SHALL OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF A LICENSED LABORATORY FINISH WOOD GRAVEL 3. PREMISES SHALL BE OCCUPIED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE TO PREVENT TO VERIFY THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF THE MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE REPORTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND, IN THE INTERRUPTION OF SAID BUSINESS. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DONE IN MULTIPLE STAGES, AS DISCUSSED WITH THE EVENT SUCH MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE IS FOUND TO BE PRESENT, TO CAUSE IT TO BE RENDERED HARMLESS. THE ARCHITECT. OWNER SHALL RETAIN LICENSED AND QUALIFIED PERSONS OR ENTITIES WHO ARE TO PERFORM THE TASK OF REMOVAL WOOD BLOCKING STEEL [IN SECTION] OR SAFE CONTAINMENT OF THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE. 4. ELECTRICIAN SHALL COORDINATE THE REMOVAL OF ALL ELECTRICAL DEVICES, LIGHTING FIXTURES, ETC. WITH BOTH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND THE ARCHITECT TO PREVENT AN INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. 3. WHEN THE MATERIAL OR SUBSTANCE HAS BEEN RENDERED HARMLESS, WORK IN THE AFFECTED AREA SHALL RESUME Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 PLYWOOD ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE [IN SECTION] UPON WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF THE OWNER AND CONTRACTOR. 5. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE REMOVAL OF ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES AND THE CAPPING OF ALL Drawing No. WATER AND WASTE LINES. 4. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE OWNER SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CONTRACTOR, GYPSUM WALLBOARD [LARGE SCALE] GYPSUM BOARD CEILING [IN SECTION] SUBCONTRACTORS, DESIGNER, DESIGNER'S CONSULTANTS, AND AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES OF ANY OF THEM FROM AND 6. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING GAS LINE PRIOR TO DISCONNECTING ALL GAS AGAINST CLAIMS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ATTORNEYS' FEES, ARISING OUT APPLIANCES. GAS IS TO BE TURNED OFF AT GAS METER AND GAS LINES ARE TO BE CAPPED ACCORDINGLY. IF THE OF OR RESULTING FROM PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK IN THE AFFECTED AREA IF IN FACT THE MATERIAL ORGAS - LINE SYMBOLS LINES RER CAPPED.IS THE �TEISTING OF CAPSN METE FOR TTO BEGIDONEERE UTO ILDIDET RMINEA IFTIHERENE H SL ANY LEAKAGE PRI BE TURNED G R OTO PERMANENTLY N AFTER GAS SUBSTANCE PRESENTS THE RISK OF BODILY INJURY OR DEATH. 002000 LEAVING MAIN GAS METER ON. Sheet 02 Of 23 ----- PROPERTY LINE WALL, EXISTING 7. MAXIMUM CARE SHALL BE TAKEN IN REGARDS TO ELIMINATION THE TRAVEL OF DUST, DIRT, DEBRIS, NOISE, OR ANY Building Department Application No. OTHER TYPE OF DISRUPTION THAT WOULD EFFECT THE ADJACENT AREAS NOT HAVING CONSTRUCTION DONE. TEMPORARY BARRIERS SHALL BE SET-UP TO ISOLATE THE CONSTRUCTION AREAS FROM THE FUNCTIONING OFFICE COLUMN GRID LINE 0 WALL, NEW/PROPOSED AREAS (TO BE DETERMINED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR, ARCHITECT, AND OWNER). GREEN BUILDING NOTES 1. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CBC GREEN BUILDING CODE. FM 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH CGBC WASTE MANAGEMENT - REQUIREMENTS & PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION. City of Tustin 5. Slide bolt assemblies shall have a frame a minimum of 0.120"in thickness,a minimum bolt b. On single dnnrs. oanio hardware may have one locking point which shall not be located at BUILDING SECURITY dia mete rof'1W and protrude at least I'/'into the receiving guide. either the i if the door Frame.The door shall have an astragal constructed 3. ALL PAINTS, COATINGS, ADHESIVES, & FINISHES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE from Tustin City Ordinance 1503,Sec 2 6. Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the door with bolts which are non-removable from the of steel G li n -ill be welded or attached with non-removable bolts to the outside of the door Tr igal shall extend a minimum of two inches wide and a minimum LIMITS SET FORTH BY THE CGBC TABLES 5.504.4.1,, 5.504.4.3, & CC ] exterior Rivets shall not be used to attach such assemblies. ARCHITECTS NON-RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS of one inch beyond the ec! r,of the doe or 5.504.4.5 with a new or altered exterior envelope 7. Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle a minimum c. Double doors containing l h,,dware shall have an astragal attached to the doors at their Purpose of 9132"in diameter with heel and toe lacking and a minimum five-pin tumbler aperation.The key meeting paint Which will cIG. inning between them but not interfere with the operation 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY & COMPLY WITH LOCAL ORDINANCES & Client These provisions shall apply to openings into all n shall be non-removable when in an unlocked position.on-residential buildings and to openings of either char. AMENDMENTS. between attached garages and non-residential buildings. Except for vehicular access,door 10. Exterior transoms ,1. c r . ,cl F-,t above ground ADAM FOGEL openings in enclosed attached garages and non-residential buildings shall be in accordance with Special Non-Residential Building Provisions or adjacent to an ar_i r, "aI:: �' I - a. r :.ible from a these provisions. 1. All exterior swinging doors shall beequipped with a sin le cylinder deadbolt.The bolt shall have a public or private thorou thoroughfare and hav+i _, 'ane or o g y q 5. NEW PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM Even House g gg y p g p pe excer 7 Hiner 5 care inches ALLOWABLE FLOW RATES SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.303.2. 'I minimum projection of 1"and will have an embedment of at "into the strike receiving the bolt. shall be constructed or protected as follows: 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Definitions The bolt shall be constructed so as to resist cutting tool attacks.The cylinder shall have a cylinder a. Fully tempered or rated burglary-resistant glazing shall be used,or 1. Approved-Approved b the Building OfficlaI as meebn the requirements of buildingsecurity with guard,five-pin tumblers(minimum)and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by 6. PROVIDE AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE WEATHER OR SOIL Tustin CA 92780 pp pp y g g q y connecting screws of at least "diameter (The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not b Interlor steel or iron bers of at least Ya"round or 1"x'/A',flat steel or Iron may be used if i regard to a given material; mode of construction,piece of equipment or device. a where panic hardware is required or ane equivalent device is approved b the enforcing spa not more than five inches a rt and secured b bolts which are non-removable from BASED CONTROLLERS. apply p q q pp y � p � y T: (323) 443-0099 2 Auxiliary Locking Device A secondary locking system added to the primary locking system to authority.) the exterior,or provide additional security 7. CONSTRUCTION WASTE SHALL BE HANDLED BY A CITY LOS ANGELES 2. Wood doors shall be of solid core construction and have a thickness of not less than 1 '✓4' c Interior iron or steel grills of at least 118"metal having a mesh of not more than one inch may CERTIFIED HAULER SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.408.1 Architect of Record 3. Solt.A metal bar which,when actuated, is projected(or thrown)either horizontally or verttcally be used i'f secured with bolts which are not removable from the exterior Into a retaining member. such as a strike plate,to prevent a door from moving or❑peeing. 3 Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of 1 fi U.S. gauge steel(minimum}and nave sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness of the door when any locking device is installed, Items a.and b.above shall not interfere with the operation of windows if such windows are 4. Part.A part Is a subassembly unit which combines with other units to make up a component, such reinforcement being able to resist collapsing of the door around the locking device required to be operable The bars or grillwork shall be capable of quick opening from the inside 8. 100% OF EXCAVATED SOIL AND VEGETATION RESULTING FROM LAND E LC H ERBI N I Architects 5, Prima Locking Device.The single locki system on a door or window unit whose function is to 4 The inactive leaf on metal frame double doors shall be equipped with automatic flush bolts having only CLEARING SHALL BE REUSED OR RECYCLED SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.408.3 ry g rig g 1460 Broadway prevent unauthorized intrusion. a pr .orlon of 5/8"minimum at the top and bottom of the leaf On wood frame doors,the 11. All hatchway openings an the roof of any building used for business purposes shall be secured as prc�i ion shall be 1"minimum. follows. 9. A. HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM New York, NY 10036 6. Single Cylinder Deadbolt.A deadbolt Rock which is activated from the exterior by a key and from the interior by a knob,thumb-turn; lever or similar mechanism. rc nave an astragal constructed of steel a minimum of 1/8' thick which will cover a. If the hatchway is of wooden material it shall be covered on the Inside w i. THE EXISTING HVAC SYSTEM IS COMPROMISED OF THE FOLLOWING with a minimum T: (212) 466-6891 7 Solid Core Door A door composed of solid wood construction the doors The astragal shall be a minimum of 2"wide and extend a sixteen(16)gauge sheet metal or its equivalent, attached with screws COMPONENTS: m+nl T of 1 he edge of the door to which it is attached.The astragal shall be attached www.ecarchitects.co 8- Stile A vertical framing member of a window or door. A meeting stile is one which mates with a to the outside❑I tI-,€• : . •:e door by welding or non-removable bolts spaced apart not more than b. The hatchway shall secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide halt.The slide bar or stile of another sash or a vertical framing member of a door or window frame where the sash is in 10"on center. slide halt snail automatically release when actuated by smoke or neat from a fire. 1. ROOFTOP PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONING UNITS (VERTICAL DISCHARGE) the closed position. 6. Any glazing utilized of any locking mechanism on a door shall be secured as follows. c. Outside hinges on all hatchway openings shall be provided with non-removable pins and WITH DUCTWORK DROPPING DOWN BELOW THE UNIT Designer �. � i,. shall use non-removable screws for mounting. 9. Strike.A metal plate attached to or mortised into a door jamb to receive and to held a projected a- Fully tempered g or rated burglary-resistant glazing,or O PA Architecture latch bolt and/or deadbolt in order to secure the doer to the lamb. 12. All exterior air duct or air vent openings exceeding ninety-six square Inches shall be secured by 10. Swinging Door. A door hinged at the stile, or pinned at the head and threshold. b. iron or steel bars of at least'IV round, or 1"by A`flat metal spaced not more than 5"apart one of the following means: 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor and Secured on the inside of the building,or a. iron or steel bars of at least'/:"round or 1"x'Ia'fiat metal,spaced no more than five inches 11, U.L. Listed.Tested and listed by Underwriters'Laboratories, Inc. c. Iron or steel grills at least 1/8"thick with a maximum 2'mesh,secured on the inside of the apart and secured by bolts which are not removable from the exterior,or PLUMBING New York, NY 10013 building. b. Iron or steel grills having a minimum thickness of 118 a mesh of not more than 1",and T: (347) 988-9029 Garage Tope Doors Items a.and b.above shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows secured by bolts which are not removable from the exterior. EXISTING (NO CHANGE) ELECTRIC WATER HEATER SYSTEM W/ CIRCULATING PUMP Rolling Overhead,Solid Overhead,Swinging.Sliding or Accordion style doors shall conform to the are required to be operable, c The above options must not interfere with any venting requirements. USED AT COMMON RESTROOMS. www.opa.space following. 7. Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: 13. Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be covered with she-�*"T *al to a height often 1. Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum density of 6 ounces per square foot from the ii. EXISTING HVAC SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS WILL BE TESTED, ADJUSTED bottom of the door to a height of 7V.Panels above 7'0"shall have a density of not less than 5 a. The Jamb shall be so constructed or protected to withstand 1 ounds of pressure in both feet. If the ladder protrudes more than six inches from the building #r : . ust also be g a vertical distance of 3"and a horizontal distance of 1"each s pie ci the strike,so as to covered with sheet metal.The covering shall be locked against the lay _ rase hardened AND BALANCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS: ounces per square foot prevent damage to the strike. hasp,secured with non-removable bolts or screws. if hinges are of the p:,i i;i e :hey shall be -TABB'S CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION INSTITUTE MASTERFORMAT (23 05 2. Overhead doors shall be equipped with bolts which shall be capable of utilizing padlocks with a b. The bolt projection shall be a minimum of 1 W';or, a hook shaped or similar bolt may be used equipped with non-removable pins 93 AND 15990) minimum 9132"shackle as long as it engages the strike sufficiently to resist jamb spreading Padlocks shall have hardened steel shackles, heel and toe locking,a minimum of five-pin -NEBB S STANDARDS FOR TESTING, ADJUSTMENT, AND BALANCING OF 3 Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five-pin tumbler operation with the bolt or tumblers in its operation and a non•rem ova ble key when in an unlocked position. locking bar extending into the receiving guide a minimum of 8. In multiple occupancy office buildings, all entrance doors to individual office suites shall meet the ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS (7TH EDITION) 1" requirements for exterior doors. 14. All exterior cornmerciai doors shall!it_illuminated with a minimum of one footcandle of light Such -AABC'S NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TOTAL SYSTEM BALANCE (6TH EDITION) 4. Dears that exceed 16'0"in width shall have two lock receiving points,or if the door does not 9. Where panic hardware is required, it shall be equipped and installed as follows. lights Sri7ll relPain Adurinc huiit rif darkness and be protected by vandal resistant covers. exceed 19'0",a single bolt may be used if placed in the center of the door with the lacking point -ASHRAE'S STANDARD 111-2008 located either in the floor or door frame header a. There shall be a minimum of two locking points on each door.or B. HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Revisions Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 10. A FINAL REPORT FOR THE TESTING AND ADJUSTING OF ALL NEW SYSTEMS 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE FIELD INSPECTOR. 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 THIS REPORT SHELL BE SIGNED BY THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PERFORMING THESE SERVICES SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.410.4.4 11. AN OPERATION AND SYSTEMS MANUAL, SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER OF REPRESENTATIVE AND TO THE FIELD INSPECTOR AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.410.4.5 15, Open parking lots providing more than ten parking spaces,and are used by the general public, shall provide a minimum of one f❑otcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until the 12. IF THE HVAC SYSTEM IS USED DURING CONSTRUCTION, USE RETURN AIR termination of business on every operating day FILTERS WITH A 'MERV' OF 8. "REPLACE ALL FILTERS IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO 16. Every commercial building shall display an address number in a prominent position so that it is OCCUPANCY. SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.1.3 easily visible from the street. The numerals shall be no less than 6"in height,of a color that provides a significant contrast to the background, and be located so that they may be clearly seen 13. ALL DUCT RELATED AIR DISTRIBUTION COMPONENT OPENINGS SHALL BE and read Any business which allows vehicular access to the rear of the building through any COVERED WITH TAPE, PLASTIC, OR SHEET METAL UNTIL THE FINAL STARTUP driveway, alleyway or parking lotshall also display the same numbers on the rear of the building. OF THE HEATING COOLING AND VENTILATING EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED IN Keying Requirements SECTION 5.504.3 Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor,each single unit in a tract or commercial 14. ARCHITECTURAL PAINTS AND COATINGS, ADHESIVES, CAULKS AND SEALANTS development,constructed under the same general plan,shall have locks using combinations which are interchange-free from locks used in all other separate units, proprietorships or similar SHALL COMPLY WITH THE VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND ( VOC) LIMITS distinct occupancies.This is intended to prohibit master keying. LISTED IN TABLES 5.504.4.1-5.504.4.3 Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE END 15. THE VOC CONTENT VERIFICATION CHECKLIST, FORM GRN 2, SHALL BE 1st Floor COMPLETED AND VERIFIED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. THE N.I.C. N.I.C. MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING VOC CONTENT FOR ALL APPLICABLE PRODUCTS SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE AND BE PROVIDED TO THE FIELD INSPECTOR FOR VERIFICATION SPECIFIED IN N.I.C. N.I.C. SECTION 5.504.4.3.2 N 16. ALL NEW CARPET INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING INTERIOR SHALL MEET THE N.I.C. TESTING PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: i. CARPET AND RUG INSTITUTE'S GREEN LABEL PLUS PROGRAM ii. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH'S SPECIFICATION 01350 Seal iii. NSF/ANSI 140 AT THE GOLD LEVEL iv. SCIENTIFIC CERTIFICATIONS SYSTEMS INDOOR ADVANTAGE GOLDT°°SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.4.4 17. ALL NEW CARPET CUSHION INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING INTERIOR SHALL MET SE0 ARC �Ttr' THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CARPET AND RUG INSTITUTE GREEN LABEL �G PROGRAM SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.4.4.1 " AS CHE 1 18. NEW HARDWOOD PLYWOOD, PARTICLE BOARD AND MEDIUM DENSE FIBERBOARD COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS USED IN THE INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING SHALL MEET THE FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS LISTED 3/31/2025 IN TABLE 5.504.4.5 5� REDNAEWAL 19. THE FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS VERIFICATION CHECKLIST, FORM GRN 3, 9T�OF cgLlFd� SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. THE MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING FORMALDEHYDE CONTENT FOR ALL APPLICABLE WOOD PRODUCTS SHALL BE READILY AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE AND BE PROVIDED TO THE FIELD INSPECTOR FOR VERIFICATION. Project Information SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.4.5 Even House 20. 80% OF THE TOTAL AREA RE RECEIVING RESILIENT FLOOR SHALL COMPLY 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 WITH ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: Page 4 i. VOC EMISSION LIMITS DEFINED IN THE CHSP HIGH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS DATABASE ii. PRODUCTS COMPLIANT WITH THE CHSP CRITERIA CERTIFIED UNDER THE Job Number 03923.00 GREEN GUARD CHILDREN AND SCHOOLS PROGRAM Drawing Title iii. CERTIFICATION UNDER THE RESILIENT FLOOR COVERING INSTITUTE (RFCI) FLOORSCORE PROGRAM iv. MEET THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH'S SPECIFICATION CITY OF TUSTIN 01350 SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.4.6 21. AN AIR FILTER WITH A MINIMUM EFFICIENCY REPORTING VALUE (MERV) OF 8 BUILDING SECURITY NOTES OR HIGHER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE MECHANICAL SYSTEM FOR OUTSIDE & GREEN BUILDING NOTES AND RETURN PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.5.3 22. DESIGNATED OUTDOOR SMOKING AREA SHALL BE AT LEAST 25 FEET FROM BUILDING ENTRIES, OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES, OR OPERABLE WINDOWS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.504.7 Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 23. THE BUILDING SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE PROVISIONS FOR MECHANICAL Drawing No. VENTILATION OF SECTIONS 1203 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.505.1 24. ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS THAT USE DEMAND CONTROL VENTILATION SHALL HAVE CO' CENSORS AND VENTILATION CONTROLS INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA 003000 ENERGY CODE, CCR, TITLE 24, PART 6, SECTION 121 (C). SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.506.2 Sheet 03 Of 23 25. THE HVAC, REFRIGERATION, AND FIRE, SUPPRESSION EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT 26. CONTAIN CFC OR HALONS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5.508.1 Building Department Application No. 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE FM NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES SHEET 1 Janua 2023 Y YES NIA NOT APPLICABLE {` RESPON.PARTY RESPONSIBLE PARTY(ie:ARCHITECT,ENGINEER, 7 OWNER,CONTRACTOR,INSPECTOR ETC.) Y NIA RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. Use of automatic load management systems(ALMS). Y NIA RESPON. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ak C PARTY CHAPTER 3 PARTY PARTY ALMS shall be permitted for EVCS.When ALMS is installed,the required electrical load capacity PARTY GLARE RATING 5(G) o ® 5.106.2 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION FOR PROJECTS THAT DISTURB ONE OR MORE ACRES OF specified in Section MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ARCHITECTS GREEN BUILDING LAND. Comply with all lawfully enacted stormwater discharge regulations for projects that(1)disturb one acre or more of for each EVCS may be reduced when serviced by an EVSE controlled by an ALMS. Each GLARE RATING,(G) N/A G1 G2 G3 G4 SECTION 301 GENERAL land, or(2)disturb less than one acre of land but are part of a larger common plan of development sale. EVSE controlled by an ALMS shall deliver a minimum 30 amperes to an EV when charging one vehicle Client Note: Projects that(1)disturb one acre or more of land, or(2)disturb less than one acre of land but are part of the and shall deliver a minimum 3.3 kW while simultaneously charging multiple EVs. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE N/A GO G1 G1 G2GLARE RATING 5(G) ARAM FOG E L 301.1 SCOPE. Buildings shall be designed to include the green building measures specified as mandatory in larger common plan of development or sale must comply with the post-construction requirements detailed in the Accessible EVCS. the application checklists contained in this code. Voluntary green building measures are also included in the applicable National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)General permit for Stormwater Discharges When EVSE is installed, accessible EVSC shall be provided in accordance with the California Building MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE application checklists and may be included in the design and construction of structures covered by this code, Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities issued b the State Water Resources Control Board or GLARE RATING, G N/A GO GO G1 G1 Even House but are not required unless adopted b a city, county, or city and count as specified in Section 101.7. Y Code, Chapter 11 B, Section 11 B-228.3. ( ) q p Y Y Y Y Y p the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (for projects in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit). Note: For EVCS signs, refer to Caltrans Traffic Operations Policy Directive 13-01 (Zero Emission Vehicle 15771 Red Hill Avenue, 301.3 NONRESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. [BSC-CGI The provisions Signs and Pavement Markings)or its successor(s). MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE N/A GO GO GO G1 Tustin CA 92780 p The NPDES permits require postconstruction runoff(post-project hydrology)to match the preconstruction runoff GLARE RATING 5(G) of individual sections of Chapter 5 apply to newly constructed buildings, building additions of 1,000 square (pre-project hydrology)with the installation of postconstruction stormwater management measures. The NPDES Electric Vehicle(EV)charging: medium-duty and heavy-duty. [N] _ feet or greater, and/or building alterations with a permit valuation of$200,000 or above(for occupancies within permits emphasize runoff reduction through on-site stormwater use, interception,evapotranspiration,and infiltration T: (323) 443 0099 the authorityof California Building Standards Commission). Code sections relevant to additions and p g pConstruction shall comply with section to facilitate future installation of electric vehicle supply 1. IESNA Lighting Zones 0 and 5 are not applicable; refer to Lighting Zones as defined in the California Energy Code g ) through nonstructural controls,such as Low Impact Development(LID)practices, and conversation design measures. equipment(EVSE). Construction for warehouses, grocery stores and retail stores with planned off-street loading and Chapter 10 of the Callifornia Administrative Code. alterations shall only apply to the portions of the building being added or altered within the scope of the Stormwater volume that cannot be addressed usingnonstructural practices is required to be captured in structural p p q p spaces shall also comply with Section for future installation of medium-and heavy-duty EVSE. Architect Of Record permitted work. practices and be approved by the enforcing agency. Exceptions: 1. On a case-by-case basis where the local enforcing agency has determined compliance with this 2. For property lines that abut public walkways, bikeways, plazas and parking lots,the property line may be EL HERB N Architects A code section will be designated by a banner to indicate where the code section only applies to newly Refer to the current applicable permits on the State Water Resources Control Board website at: considered to be 5 feet beyond the actual property line for purpose of determining compliance with this section. For C I I C tects constructed buildings N or to additions and/or alterations A. When the code section applies to both, no pp section is not feasible based upon one of the following conditions: g [ ] [ ] pp www.waterboards.ca.gov/constructionstormwater. Consideration to the stormwater runoff management measures property lines that abut public roadways and public transit corridors,the property line may be considered to be the banner will be used. g g a. Where there is no local utility power supply. 1460 Broadway should be given during the initial design process for appropriate integration into site development. b. Where the local utility is unable to supply adequate power. centerline of the public roadway or public transit corridor for the purpose of determining compliance with this section. 301.3.1 Nonresidential additions and alterations that cause updates to plumbing fixtures only: c. Where there is evidence suitable to the local enforcing agency substantiating that New York, NY 10036 p p g Y o ® 5.106.4 BICYCLE PARKING. For buildings within the authority of California Building Standards Commission as specified additional local utility infrastructure design requirements, directly related to the implementation 3. General lighting luminaires in areas such as outdoor parking, sales or storage lots shall meet these reduced ratings. _ in Section 103, comply with Section For buildings within the authority of the Division of the State ArchitectT: (212) 466 6891 of Section, may adversely impact the construction cost of the project. Decorative luminaries located in these areas shall meet U-value limits for"all other outdoor lighting" Note: On and after January 1, 2014, certain commercial real property, as defined in Civil Code Section pursuant to Section 105, comply with Section 1101.3, shall have its noncompliant plumbing fixtures replaced with appropriate water-conserving When EVSE(s)is/are installed, it shall be in accordance with the California Building Code,the California WWW.eCarChlteCtS.CO plumbing fixtures under specific circumstances. See Civil Code Section 1101.1 et se for definitions, Electrical Code and as follows: P 9 P p� Bicycle parking. [BSC-CG] Comply with Sections and; or meet the Facing-Backlight types of commercial real property affected, effective dates, circumstances necessitating applicable local ordinance,whichever is stricter. gDesigner Electric vehicle charging readiness requirements for warehouse, grocery stores and retail stores Luminaries within 2MH of a property line shall be oriented so that the nearest property line is behind the fixture, and g replacement of noncompliant plumbing fixtures,and duties and responsibilities for p p Y p p Y with planned off-street loading spaces. shall comply with the backlight rating specified in Table 5.106.8 based on the lighting zone and distance to the ensuring compliance. Short-term bicycle parking. If the new project or an addition or alteration is anticipated pY t g p g g OPA Architecture [N] In order to avoid future demolition when adding EV charging supply and distribution equipment, spare nearest point of that property line. to generate visitor traffic, provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitors' raceways(s)or busway(s)and adequate capacity for transformers(s), service panels(s)or subpanel(s)shall be 301.3.2 Waste Diversion. The requirements of Section 5.408 shall be required for additions and entrance, readilyvisible to passers-by,for 5%of new visitor motorized vehicle parking spaces being Exception: Corners.If two property lines(or two segments e the same property line) have equidistant point to p Y p g p g installed at the time of construction in accordance with the California Electrical Code. Construction plans and the luminaire, then the luminaire may be oriented so that the intersection of the two lines the corner is 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor alterations whenever a permit is required for work. added,with a minimum of one two-bike capacity rack. Y ( ) New York NY 10013 specifications shall include but are not limited to,the following: directly behind the luminaire.The luminaire shall still use the distance to the nearest points(s)on the property Exception: Additions or alterations which add nine or less visitor vehicular parking spaces. 1. The transformer, main service equipment and subpanel shall meet the minimum power lines to determine the required backlight rating. ' 301.4 PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY COLLEGES. (see GBSC) q g g• requirement in Table to accommodate the dedicated branch circuits for the future 301.5 HEALTH FACILITIES. (see GBSC) Long-term bicycle parking. For new buildings with tenants aces that have 10 or more T: (347) 988-9029 g- Y p 9• g p installation of EVSE. Facing-Glare. SECTION 302 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS tenant-occupants, provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of the tenant-occupant vehicular parking 2. The construction documents shall indicate on or more location(s)convenient to the planned For luminaires covered by, if a property line also exists within or extends into the front hemisphere within WWW.opa.Space spaces with a minimum of one bicycle parking facility. offstreet loading space(s)reserved for medium-and heavy-duty ZEV charging cabinets and 2MH of the luminaire then the luminaire shall comply with the more stringent glare rating specified in Table 5.106.8 charging dispensers, and a pathway reserved for routing of conduit from the termination of the based on the lighting zone and distance to the nearest point on the nearest property line within the front hemisphere. 302.1 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS. In mixed occupancy buildings, each portion of a building For additions or alterations that add 10 or more tenant-occupant vehicular parking spaces, raceway(s)or busway(s)to the charging cabinet(s)and dispenser(s)as shown in Table shall comply with the specific green building measures applicable to each specific occupancy. provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of the tenant vehicular parking spaces being added,with a Note: [N] minimum of one bicycle parking facility. 3. Raceway(s)or busway(s)originating at a main service panel or a subpanel(s)serving the area 1.See also California Building Code, Chapter 12, Section 1205.E for college campus lighting requirements for where potential future medium-and heavy-duty EVSE will be located and shall terminate in close parking facilities and walkways. SECTION 303 PHASED PROJECTS For new shell buildings in phased projects provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of the p g 9 p p 1 p Y p 9 p proximity to the potential future location of the charging equipments for medium-and heavy-duty 2.Refer to Chapter 8(Compliance Forms,Worksheets and Reference Material)for IES TM-15-11 Table Energy 303.1 PHASED PROJECTS. For shell buildings and others constructed for future tenant improvements, anticipated tenant-occupant vehicular parking spaces with a minimum of one bicycle parking facility. vehicles. A-1, California Code Tables 130.2-A and 130.2-B. 4. The raceway(s)or busway(s)shall be sufficient size to carry the minimum additional system load 3. Refer to the California BuildingCode for requirements for additions and alterations. only those code measures relevant to the building components and systems considered to be new Acceptable bicycle parking facility for Sections,,and shall to the future location of the charging for medium-and heavy-duty ZEVs as shown in Table construction (or newly constructed)shall apply. be convenient from the street and shall meet one of the following: 5.106.10 GRADING AND PAVING. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainage system will 303.1.1 Initial Tenant improvements.The provisions of this code shall apply only to the initial tenant 1. Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles; p ® manage all surface water flows to keep water from entering buildings. Examples of methods to manage surface improvements to a project. Subsequent tenant improvements shall comply with the scoping provisions in 2. Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks;or water include, but are not limited to,the following: Section 301.3 non-residential additions and alterations. Y p Y R@VISIOr1S 3. Lockable, permanently anchored bicycle lockers. 1. Swales. TABLE RACEWAY CONDUIT AND PANEL POWER REQUIREMENTS 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING ABBREVIATION DEFINITIONS: Note: Additional information on recommended bicycle accommodations may be obtained from 2. Water collection and disposal systems. FOR MEDIUM- AND HEAVY-DUTY EVSE [N] 3. French drains. 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 HCD Department of Housing and Community Development Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates. 4. Water retention gardens. BSC California Building Standards Commission 5. Other water measures which keep surface water away from buildings and aid in groundwater recharge. DSA-SS Division of the State Architect, Structural Safety Bicycle parking. [DSA-SS] For public schools and community colleges, comply with Sections Exception: Additions and alterations not altering the drainage path. OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development and ADDITIONAL LR Low Rise CAPACITY REQUIRED HR High Rise Student bicycle parking. Provide permanently anchored bicycle racks convenient) NUMBER OF 5.106.12 SHADE TREES [DSA-SS]. Shade Trees shall be planted to comply with Sections,, and 9 Y p 9• p Y Y Y (KVA) FOR RACEWAY o ® Percentages shown shall be measured at noon on the summer solstice. Landscape irrigation AA Additions and Alterations accessed with a minimum of four two-bike capacity racks per new building. BUILDING TYPE BUILDING SIZE(SQ. FT.) OFF-STREET &BUSWAY AND ges p g necessary TRANSFORMER& N New Staff bicycle parking. Provide permanent, secure bicycle parking conveniently accessed LOADING SPACES to establish and maintain tree health shall comply with Section 5.304.6. with a minimum of two staff bicycle parking spaces per new building.Acceptable bicycle parking facilities PANEL Surface parking areas. Shade tree plantings, minimum#10 container size or equal, shall be installed to CHAPTER 5 shall be convenient from the street or staff parking area and shall meet one of the following: provide shade over 50 percent of the parking area within 15 years. NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES 1. Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles; 1 or 2 200 Exceptions: Surface parking area covered by solar photovoltaic shade structures with roofing 2. Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks;or 10,000 to 90,000 materials that comply with Table A5. in Appendix A5 shall be permitted in whole or in art in DIVISION 5.1 PLANNING AND DESIGN 3. Lockable, permanently anchored bicycle lockers. Grocery 3 or Greater 400 lieu of shade tree planting. pp p p o Greater than 90,000 1 or Greater 400® Electric vehicle(EV)charging. [N] Construction to provide electric vehicle infrastructure and facilitate Landscape areas. Shade tress plantings, minimum 410 container size or equal shall be installed to SECTION 5.101 GENERAL electric vehicle charging shall comply with Section and shall be provided in accordance with 1 or 2 200 provide shade of 20%of the landscape area within 15 years. 5.101.1 SCOPE regulations in the California Building Code and the California Electrical Code. 10,000 to 135,000 The provisions of this chapter outline planning, design and development methods that include environmentally responsible Retail 3 or Greater 400 Exceptions: Playfields for organized sport activity are not included in the total area calculation. site selection, building design, building siting and development to protect, restore and enhance the environmental quality Exceptions: Greater than 135,000 1 or Greater 400 of the site and respect the integrity of adjacent properties. 1. On a case-by-case basis where the local enforcing agency has determined compliance with Hardscape areas. Shade tree plantings, minimum 410 container size or equal shall be installed to SECTION 5.102 DEFINITIONS this section is not feasible based upon one of the following conditions: 1 or 2 200 provide shade over 20 percent of the hardscape area within 15 years. Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE 5.102.1 DEFINITIONS a. Where there is no local utility power supply 20,000 to 256,000 1st Floor b. Where the local utility is unable to supply adequate power. Warehouse 3 or Greater 400 Exceptions: The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) 1. Walks, hardscape areas covered by solar photovoltaic shade structures or shade structures with roofing N.I.C. N.I.C. c. Where there is evidence suitable to the local enforcement agency substantiating the local utility infrastructure design requirements,direct) related to the implementation of materials that comply with Table A5. in Appendix A5 shall be permitted in whole or in part in lieu CUTOFF LUMINAIRES. Luminaires whose light distribution is such that the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not Y 9 q Y p FGreater than 256,000 1 or Greater 400 of shade tree planting. numerical) exceed 25 2.5 percent)at an angle of 90 degrees above nadir, and 100 10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80 Section, may adversely impact the construction cost of the project. Y ( p ) g g ( p ) g Designated and marked play areas of organized sport activity are not included in the total area calculation. degrees above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. 2. Parking spaces accessible only by automated mechanical car parking systems are not 2. N.I.C.€€€€€€€€€€€€€v' required to comply with this code section o ® 5.106.8 LIGHT POLLUTION REDUCTION. [N]. I Outdoor lighting systems shall be designed and installed to comply N LOW-EMITTING AND FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLES. with the following: DIVISION 5.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY Eligible vehicles are limited to the following: EV capable spaces. N.I.C. N.I.C. [N] EV capable spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table and the following 1. The minimum requirements in the California Energy Code for Lighting Zones 0-4 as defined in Chapter 10, SECTION 5.201 GENERAL 1. Zero emission vehicle(ZEV), enhanced advanced technology PZEV(enhanced AT ZEV)or transitional zero requirements. Section 10-114 of the California Administrative Code;and 5.201.1 Scope[BSC-CG]. California Energy Code[DSA-SS]. For the purposes of mandatory energy efficiency i T emission vehicles(TZEV)regulated under CCR,Title 13, Section 1962. 1. Raceways complying with the California Electrical Code and no less that 1-inch(25 mm) 2. Backlight(B)ratings as defined in IES TM-15-11 (shown in Table A-1 in Chapter 8); standards in this code,the California Energy Commission will continue to adopt mandatory building standards. 2. High-efficiency vehicles, regulated by U.S. EPA, bearing a fuel economy and greenhouse gas rating od 9 oe 10 diameter shall be provided and shall originate at a service panel or a subpanel(s)serving 3. Uplight and Glare ratings as defined in California Energy Code(shown in Tables 130.2-A and 130.2-B in Seal as regulated under 40 CFR Section 600 Subpart D. Chapter 8)and DIVISION 5.3 WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION the area,and shall terminate in close proximity to the proposed location of the EV capable and into a suitable listed cabinet, box,enclosure or equivalent.A common raceway may be 4. Allowable BUG ratings not exceeding those shown in Table 5.106.8, [N]or Comply with a local ordinance NEIGHBORHOOD ELECTRIC VEHICLE(NEV). A motor vehicle that meets the definition of"low-speed vehicle" either lawfully enacted pursuant to Section 101.7,whichever is more stringent. in Section 385.5 of the Vehicle Code or in 49CFR571.500 as it existed on Jul 1, 2000, and is certified to zero-emission used vi serve multiple pa charging spaces. ( v ) SECTION 5.301 GENERAL 2. A service panel or subpanel (s)shall be provided with panel space and electrical load p [ ] p p p g E� RC vehicle standards. Exceptions: N 5.301.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall establish the means of conserving water use indoors, outdoors and A capacity for a dedicated 208/240 volt,40-ampere minimum branch circuit for each EV S �j in wastewater conveyance. TENANT-OCCUPANTS. Buildingoccupants who inhabit a building during its normal hours of operation as permanent capable space,with delivery of 30-ampere minimum to an installed EVSE at each EVCS. 1. Luminaires that qualify as exceptions in Sections 130.2 b and 140.7 of the California Energy Code. tC� `fib p g g p p q fY p ( ) gY occupants, such as employees, as distinguished from customers and other transient visitors. 3. The electrical system and any on-site distribution transformers shall have sufficient capacity 2. Emergency lighting. IN/ AS to supply full rated amperage at each EV capable space. 3. Building facade meeting the requirements in Table 140.7-B of the California Energy Code, Part 6. SECTION 5.302 DEFINITIONS CHE I VANPOOL VEHICLE. Eligible vehicles are limited to any motor vehicle, other than a motortruck or truck tractor, 4. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the reserved overcurrent 4. Custom lighting features as allowed by the local enforcing agency, as permitted by Section 101.8 5.302.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) designed for carrying more than 10 but not more than 15 persons including the driver,which is maintained and used protective devices space(s)as"EV CAPABLE".The raceway termination location shall be Alternate materials, designs and methods of construction. primarily for the nonprofit work-related transportation of adults for the purpose of ridesharing. permanently and visibly marked as"EV CAPABLE." 5. Luminaires with less than 6,200 initial luminaire lumens. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ADJUSTMENT FACTOR(ETAF) [DSA-SS]. An adjustment factor when applied to reference evapotranspiration that adjusts for plant factors and irrigation efficiency,which ae two major influences on the 3/31/2025 Note: Source:Vehicle Code, Division 1, Section 668 amount of water that needs to be applied to the landscape. l4� RENEWAL tiF Note:A parking space served by electric vehicle supply equipment or designed as a future EV �•1 DATE charging space shall count as at least one standard automobile parking space only for the purpose of T�` D� ZEV. Any vehicle certified to zero-emission standards. FOOTPRINT AREA[DSA-SS]. The total area of the furthest exterior wall of the structure projected to natural grade, not complying with any applicable minimum parking space requirements established by an enforcement including exterior areas such as stairs, covered walkways, patios and decks. SECTION 5.106 SITE DEVELOPMENT agency.See vehicle Code Section 22511.2 for further details. TABLE 5.106.8 [N] MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BACKLIGHT, UPLIGHT 5.106.1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION FOR PROJECTS THAT DISTURB LESS THAN ONE ACRE AND GLARE (BUG) RATINGS 12, METERING FAUCET. Aself-closing faucet that dispenses a specific volume of water for each actuation cycle. The � ® volume or cycle duration can be fixed or adjustable. OF LAND. Newly constructed projects and additions which disturb less than one acre of land, and are not part of a TABLE LIGHTING larger common plan of development or sale, shall prevent the pollution of storm water runoff from the construction LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Project Information activities through one or more of the following measures: NUMBER OF EVCS(EV ALLOWABLE RATING ZONE GRAYWATER. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12, "graywater" means untreated wastewater that 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF ACTUAL NUMBER OF REQUIRED EV ZONE LZ1 ZONE LZ2 ZONE LZ3 ZONE LZ4 has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy PARKING SPACES CAPABLE SPACES CAPABLE SPACES LZO bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating Even House Local ordinance. Comply with a lawfully enacted storm water management and/or erosion control PROVIDED WITH EVSE)A2 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE wastes. "Graywater" includes, but is not limited to wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes ordinance. 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 0-9 0 0 BACKLIGHT RATING 3 washing machines and laundry tubs, but does not include waste water from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Best Management Practices (BMPs). Prevent the loss of soil through wind or water erosion by Luminaire greater than 2 10-25 2 0 MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE(MWELO). The California ordinance regulating landscape implementing an effective combination of erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping BMPs. mounting heights(MH)from N/A No Limit No Limit No Limit No Limit design, installation and maintenance practices that will ensure commercial, multifamily and other developer installed Job Number 03923.00 1. Soil loss BMPs that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, 26-50 8 2 property line landscapes greater than 2500 square feet meet an irrigation water budget developed based on landscaped area and climatological parameters. Drawing Title but are not limited to, the following: 51-75 13 3 Luminaire back hemisphere is N/A B2 B3 B4 B4 a. Scheduling construction activity during dry weather,when possible. 1-2 MH from property line b. Preservation of natural features,vegetation, soil, and buffers around surface waters. 76-100 17 4 MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE(MWELO). [HCD] The California model ordinance(California GREEN BUILDING NOTES & c. Drainage swales or lined ditches to control stormwater flow. Luminaire back hemisphere is Code of Regulations,Title 23, Division 2, Chapter 2.7), regulating landscape design, installation and maintenance g 101-150 25 6 0.5-1 MH from property line N/A B1 B2 B3 B3 practices. Local agencies are required to adopt the updated MWELO, or adopt a local ordinance at least as effective as d. Mulching or hydroseeding to stabilize disturbed soils. p p y the MWELO. e. Erosion control to protect slopes. 151-200 35 9 Luminaire back hemisphere is SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION f. Protection of storm drain inlets(gravel bags or catch basin inserts). less than 0.5 MH from property N/A BO BO B1 B2 POTABLE WATER. Water that is drinkable meets the U.S. Environmental Protection A EPA DrinkingWater g. Perimeter sediment control(perimeter silt fence,fiber rolls). 201 AND OVER 20% of total' 25% of EV capable spaces' p p y e a ee ec Agency(EPA) h. Sediment trap or sediment basin to retain sediment on site. line Standards.See definition in the California Plumbing Code, Part 5. i. Stabilized construction exits. 1. Where there is insufficient electrical supply. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE POTABLE WATER. [HCD] Water that is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes, and meets the U.S. j. Wind erosion control. 2. The number of required EVCS(EV capable spaces provided with EVSE)in column 3 count towards UPLIGHT RATING (U) Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) Drinking Water Standards and the requirements of the Health Authority Having k. Other soil loss BMPs acceptable to the enforcing agency. the total number of required EV capable spaces shown in column 2. Jurisdiction. 2. Good housekeeping BMPs to manage construction equipment, materials, non-stormwater discharges For area lighting 3 N/A UO UO UO UO and wastes that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but Electric vehicle charging stations(EVCS) For all other outdoor RECYCLED WATER. Water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled are not limited to,the following: Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 EV capable spaces shall be provided with EVSE to create EVCS in the number indicated in Table lighting,including decorative N/A U1 U2 U3 UR use that would not otherwise occur[Water Code Section 13050(n)].Simply put, recycled water is water treated to a. Dewatering activities. EVCS required by Table may be provided with EVSE in any combination of luminaires remove waste matter attaining a quality that is suitable to use the water again. b. Material handling and waste management. Level 2 and Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC), except that at least one Level 2 EVSE shall be Drawing No. c. Building materials stockpile management. provided. SUBMETER. [HCD 1]A secondary device beyond a meter that measures water consumption of an individual rental unit e. Control of vehicle/equipment fueling to contractor's staging area.d. Management of washout areas(concrete, paints, stucco, etc within a multiunit residential structure or mixed-use residential and commercial structure. (See Civic Code Section f. Vehicle and equipment cleaning performed off site. One EV charger with multiple connectors capable of charging multiple EVs simultaneously shall be 1954.202(g)and Water code Section 517 for additional details.) g Spill prevention and control. permitted if the electrical load capacity required by Section for each EV capable space is h. Other housekeeping BMPs acceptable to the enforcing agency. accumulatively supplied to the EV charger. WATER BUDGET. Is the estimated total landscape irrigation water use which shall not exceed the maximum applied � water allowance calculated in accordance with the Department of Water Resources Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance Ta . 00 4 The installation of each DCFC EVSE shall be permitted to reduce the minimum number of required EV (MWELO). 00 capable spaces without EVSE by five and reduce proportionally the required electrical load capacity to the Sheet 04 Of 23 service panel or subpanel. Building Department Application No. 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE FM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11i NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES SHEET 2 ,Janus 2023 Y YES 7 NIA NOT APPLICABLE \` RESPON.PARTY RESPONSIBLE PARTY(ie:ARCHITECT,ENGINEER, OWNER,CONTRACTOR,INSPECTOR ETC.) Y NIA RESPON. Y N/A RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. Y N/A RESPON. ak C I PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY /ARCH ITECTS SECTION 5.303 INDOOR WATER USE ❑ ® 5.410.2 COMMISSIONING. [N] New buildings 10,000 square feet and over.For new buildings 10,000 square feet 5.410.4.4 Reporting. After completion of testing, adjusting and balancing, provide a final report of testing ® ❑ 5.303.1 METERS. Separate submeters or metering devices shall be installed for the uses described in Sections 503.1.1 and over, building commissioning shall be included in the design and construction processes of the building project to signed b the individual responsible for performing these services. p g verify that the building systems and components meet the owner's or owner representative's project requirements. g y p p g Client and 503.1.2. fY g Y p p p l q Commissioning shall be performed in accordance with this section by trained personnel with experience on projects of 5.410.4.5 Operation and maintenance(O&M)manual. Provide the building owner or representative with ADAM FOG E L square 5.303.1.1 Buildings in excess of 50 000 s feet. Separate submeters shall be installed as follows: SECTION 5.402 DEFINITIONS comparable size and complexity. For I occupancies that are not regulated by OSHPD or for I occupancies and 9 � q p detailed operating and maintenance instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system. O&M 5.402.1 DEFINITIONS. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) L-occupancies that are not regulated y the California Energy Code Section 100.0 Scope, all requirements in Sections instructions shall be consistent with OSHA requirements in CCR,Title 8, Section 5142, and other related Even House 1. For each individual leased, rented or other tenant space within the building projected to consume 5.410.2 through 5.410.2.6 shall apply. regulations. more than 100 gal/day(380 L/day), including, but not limited to, spaces used for laundry or cleaners, ADJUST. To regulate fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment, such as to reduce fan speed or adjust a 15771 Red Hill Avenue, restaurant or food service, medical or dental office, laboratory, or beauty salon or barber shop. damper. Note: For energy-related systems under the scope(Section 100)of the California Energy Code, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC)systems and controls, indoor lighting systems and controls, as well as water heating 5.410.4.5.1 Inspections and reports. Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required Tustin, CA 92780 2. Where separate submeters for individual building tenants are unfeasible,for water supplied to the BALANCE. To proportion flows within the distribution system, including sub-mains, branches and terminals, according systems and controls, refer to California Energy Code Section 120.8 for commissioning requirements by the enforcing agency. T: (323) 443-0099 following subsystems: to design quantities. a. Makeup water for cooling towers where flow through is greater than 500 gpm(30 L/s). Commissioning requirements shall include: b. Makeup water for evaporative coolers greater than 6 gpm(0.04 L/s). BUILDING COMMISSIONING. A systematic quality assurance process that spans the entire design and construction DIVISION 5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Architect of Record c. Steam and hot water boilers with energy input more than 500,000 Btu/h(147 kW). process, including verifying and documenting that building systems and components are planned, designed, installed, 1. Owner's or Owner representative's project requirements. tested, operated and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements. 2. Basis of design. SECTION 5.501 GENERAL ELCHERBINI Architects 5.303.1.2 Excess consumption. A separate submeter or metering device shall be provided for any tenant 3. Commissioning measures shown in the construction documents. 5.501.1 SCOPE. The provisions of this chapter shall outline rneans of reducing the quantity of air contaminants that are within a new building or within an addition that is projected to consume more than 1,000 gal/day. ORGANIC WASTE. Food waste, green waste, landscape and pruning wste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food 4. Commissioning plan. odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of a building's installers, occupants and neighbors. 1 460 Broadway soiled paper waste that is mixed in with food waste. 5. Functional performance testing. SECTION 5.502 DEFINITIONS New York NY 1003E 6. Documentation and training. , ❑ ® 1 5.303.3 WATER CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures(water closets and TEST. A procedure to determine quantitative performance of a system or equipment 7. Commissioning report. 5.502.1 DEFINITIONS. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) urinals)and fittings(faucets and showerheads)shall comply with the following: T: (21 2) 466-6891 SECTION 5.407 WATER RESISTANCE AND MOISTURE MANAGEMENT Exceptions: ARTERIAL HIGHWAY.A general term denoting a highway primarily for through traffic usually on a continuous route. [--IN 5.303.3.1 Water Closets. The effective flush volume of all water closets shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per WWW.eCarChlteCtS.CO 5.407.1 WEATHER PROTECTION. Provide aweather-resistant exterior wall and foundation envelope as required by flush. Tank-type water closets shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense hti i h A hi l d t d d f t filter i d A di d ll ti i h A-WEIGHTED SOUND LEVEL(dBA).The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using p Tank-Type California Building Code Section 1402.2 (Weather Protection), manufacturer's installation instructions or local ordinance, 1. Unconditioned warehouses of any size. the internationally standardized er or as computed sound spectral to which Specification for Tank-T e toilets. whichever is more stringent. 2. Areas less than 10,000 square feet used for offices or other conditioned accessory spaces within Designer unconditioned warehouses. adjustments have been made. Note: The effective flush volume of dual flush toilets is defined as the composite, average flush volume of ❑ ® 5.407.2 MOISTURE CONTROL. Employ moisture control measures by the following methods. 3. Tenant improvements less than 10,000 square feet as described in Section 303.1.1. OPA Architecture two reduced flushes and one full flush. 4. Open parking garages of any size, or open parking garage areas, of any size,within a structure. 1 BTU/HOUR. British thermal units per hour, also referred to as Btu.The amount of heat required to raise one pound of 5.407.2.1 Sprinklers.Design and maintain landscape irrigation systems to prevent spray on structures. water one degree Fahrenheit per hour, a common measure of heat transfer rate.A ton of refrigeration is 12,000 Btu,the 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 5.303.3.2 Urinals. amount of heat required to melt a ton(2,000 pounds)of ice at 32 Fahrenheit. . . . . a -mounernas. e effective us volume o wall-mounted urinals shallno exceed Note: For the purposes of this section, unconditioned shall mean a building, area, or room which does not ❑ ® 5303321 Wall-mounted Urinals. The flush f ll tdt d 5.407.2.2 Entries and openings. Design exterior entries and/or openings subject to foot traffic or wind-driven provide heating and or air conditioning. New York, NY 10013 0.125 gallons per flush. rain to prevent water intrusion into buildings as follows: COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL(CNEL). A metric similar to the day-night average sound level(Ldn), Informational Notes: except that a 5 decibel adjustment is added to the equivalent continuous sound exposure level for evening hours(7pm to T: (347) 988-9029 5.303.3.2.2 Floor-mounted Urinals. The effective flush volume of floor-mounted or other urinals shall 5.407.2.2.1 Exterior door protection.Primary exterior entries shall be covered to prevent water 10pm)in addition to the 10 dB nighttime adjustment used in the Ldn. aS ace not exceed 0.5 gallons per flush. intrusion by using nonabsorbent floor and wall finishes within at least 2 feet around and perpendicular to 1. IAS AC 476 is an accreditation criteria for organizations providing training and/or certification of COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS.Composite wood products include hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium WWW,Op . p ❑ ® 5.303.3.3 Showerheads. BSC-CG such openings plus at least one of the following: commissioning personnel.AC 476 is available to the Authority Having Jurisdiction as a reference for [ ] density fiberboard. "Composite wood products"does not include hardboard, structural plywood, structural panels, qualifications of commissioning personnel.AC 476 des not certify individuals to conduct functional 5.303.3.3.1 Single showerhead. Showerheads shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 1.8 1. An installed awning at least 4 feet in depth. structural composite lumber, oriented strand board, glued laminated timber,timber, prefabricated wood I-joists or 9 P performance tests or to adjust and balance systems. gallons per minute at 80 psi. Showerheads shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA 2. The door is protected by a roof overhang at least 4 feet in depth. finger-jointed lumber, all as specified in California Code of Regulations(CCR),Title 17, Section 93120.1(a). WaterSense Specification for Showerheads. 3. The door is recessed at least 4 feet. 2. Functional performance testing for heating,ventilation, air conditioning systems and lighting controls 5.303.3.3.2 Multiple showerheads serving one shower. When a shower is served by more than one 4. Other methods which provide equivalent protection. must be performed in compliance with the California Energy Code. Note: See CCR,Title 17, Section 93120.1. showerhead,the combined flow rate of all the showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a 5.407.2.2.2 Flashing. Install flashings integrated with a drainage plane. DAY-NIGHT AVERAGE SOUND LEVEL(Ldn).The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound exposure level for a single valve shall not exceed 1.8 gallons per minute at 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to 24-hour period with a 10 dB adjustment added to sound levels occurring during nighttime hours(10p.m.to 7 a.m.). allow only one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. 5.410.2.1 Owner's or Owner Representative's Project Requirements(OPR). [N] The expectations and requirements of the building appropriate to its phase shall be documented before the design phase of the Note: A hand-held shower shall be considered a showerhead. project begins.This documentation shall include the following: DECIBEL(db).A measure on a logarithmic scale of the magnitude of a particular quantity(such as sound pressure, SECTION 5.408 CONSTRUCTION WASTE REDUCTION, DISPOSAL AND 1. Environmental and sustainability goals. sound power, sound intensity)with respect to a reference quantity. RECYCLING 2. Building sustainable goals. Revisions ❑ ® 5.303.3.4 Faucets and fountains. . ELECTRIC VEHICLE(EV).An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger automobiles, buses,trucks, 0 3. Indoor environmental quality requirements 5.408.1 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT. Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 65/o of the vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, and the like, primarily powered by an electric motor that draws 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING ® 0 4. Project program, including facility functions and hours of operation, and need for after hours 5.303.3.4.1 Nonresidential Lavatory faucets. Lavatory faucets shall have a maximum flow rate of not non-hazardous construction and demolition waste in accordance with Section 5.408.1.1, 5.408.1.2 or 5.408.1.3; or meet operation. current from a rechargeable storage battery,fuel cell, photovoltaic array, or other source of electric current. Plug-in hybrid more than 0.5 gallons per minute at 60 psi. a local construction and demolition waste management ordinance,whichever is more stringent. electric vehicles(PHEV)are considered electric vehicles. For purposes of the California Electrical Code, off-road, 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 5. Equipment and systems expectations. self-propoelled electric vehicles, such as industrial trucks, hoists, lifts,transports, golf carts, airline ground support 5.408.1.1 Construction waste management Ian.Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and 6. Building occupant and operation and maintenance(O&M) personnel expectations. 5.303.3.4.2 Kitchen faucets. Kitchen faucets shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than 1.8 g p 1 equipment,tractors, boats, and the like, are not included. gallons per minute at 60 psi. Kitchen faucets may temporarily increase the flow above the maximum rate, demolition waste management ordinance, submit a construction waste management plan that: 5.410.2.2 Basis of Design(BOD).[N] A written explanation of how the design of the building systems meets but not to exceed 2.2 gallons per minute at 60 psi, and must default to a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gallons ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION(S)(EVCSj).One or more spaces intended for charging electric vehicles. 1. Identifies the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from disposal b efficient the r the shall be completed at the design phase of the building project.The Basis of Design document shall per minute at 60 psi. p y e cover the following systems: usage, recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use or sale. ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT(EVSE).The conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and 5.303.3.4.3 Wash fountains.Wash fountains shall have a maximum flow rate of not more than1.8 2. Determines if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on-site(source-separated)or 1. Renewable energy systems.bulk mixed le stream equipment grounding conductors and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, sin gallons per minute/20 [rim space(inches)at 60 psi]. (single )• 2. Landscape irrigation systems. power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and 3. Identifies diversion facilities where construction and demolition waste material collected will be taken. 3. Water reuse system. the electric vehicle. 5.303.3.4.4 Metering faucets. Metering faucets shall not deliver more than 0.20 gallons per cycle. 4. Specifies that the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted shall be calculated byweight or volume, but not by both. 5.410.2.3 Commissioning plan. [N] Prior to permit issuance a commissioning plan shall be completed to ENERGY EQUIVALENT(NOISE)LEVEL(Leq).The level of a steady noise which would have the same energy as the 5.303.3.4.5 Metering faucets for wash fountains. Metering faucets for wash fountains shall have a fluctuating noise level integrated over the time of period of interest. maximum flow rate of not more than 0.20 gallons per minute/20 rims ace inches at 60 psi]. 5.408.1.2 Waste Management Company. Utilize a waste management company that can provide verifiable document how the project will be commissioned.The commissioning plan shall include the following: g p [ p (inches) p ] 1. General project information. documentation that the percentage of construction and demolition waste material diverted from the landfill 2. Commissioning goals.complies with this section. EXPRESSWAY.An arterial highway for through traffic which may have partial control of access, but which may or may Note:Where complying faucets are unavailable, aerators or other means may be used to achieve p 3. Systems to be commissioned. Plans to test systems and components shall include: not be divided or have grade separations at intersections. reduction. .a An explanation of the original design intent. Note: The owner or contractor shall make the determination if the construction and demolition waste material FREEWAY.A divided arterial highway with full control of access and with grade separations at intersections. will be diverted b a waste management b. Equipment and systems to be tested, including the extent of tests. 5.303.3.4.E Pre-rinse spray value y g company.p y• c. Functions to be tested. When installed, shall meet the requirements in the California Code of Regulations,Title 20(Appliance d. Conditions under which the test shall be performed. GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL(GWP).The radiative forcing impact of one mass-based unit of a given greenhouse Exceptions to Sections 5.408.1.1 and 5.408.1.2: Efficiency Regulations), Section 1605.1 (h)(4)Table H-2, Section 1605.3(h)(4)(A), and Section 1607 p e. Measurable criteria for acceptable performance. gas relative to an equivalent unit of carbon dioxide over a given period of time. Carbon dioxide is the reference compound (d)(7), and shall be equipped with an integral automatic shutoff. 4. Commissioning team information. with a GWP of one. 1. Excavated soil and land-clearing debris. Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE 2. Alternate waste reduction methods developed b working with local agencies if diversion or recycle 5. Commissioning process activities, schedules and responsibilities. Plans for the completion of FOR REFERENCE ONLY:The following table and code section have been reprinted from the California p Y 9 9 Y GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL VALUE(GWP VALUE).A 100-year GWP value published by the Intergovernmental 1st Floor commissioning shall be included. Code of Regulations,Title 20(Appliance Efficiency Regulations), Section 1605.1 (h)(4)and Section facilities capable of compliance with this item do not exist. Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)in either its Second Assessment Report(SAR)(IPCC, 1995); or its Fourth Assessment 1605.3(h)(4)(A). 3. Demolition waste meeting local ordinance or calculated in consideration of local recycling facilities A-3 Report(AR4) (IPCC, 2007).The SAR GWP values are found in column "SAR(100-yr)" of Table 2.14.; the AR4 GWP N.I.C. N.I.C. and markets. 5.410.2.4 Functional performance testing.[N] Functional performance tests shall demonstrate the correct values are found in column "100 yr"of Table 2.14. installation and operation of each component, system and system-to-system interface in accordance with the reports shall contain information addressing re performance testing Functional ecifications p g p g plans and s p specifications.TABLE H-2 5.408.1.3 Waste stream reduction alternative. The combined weight of new construction disposal that does approvedHIGH-GWP REFRIGERANT.A compound used as a heat transfer fluid or gas that is: (a)a chlorofluorocarbon, a N.I.C. o each of the building components tested,the testing methods utilized, and include any readings and adjustments made. """"""'�'N.Lc. not exceed two pounds per square foot of building area may be deemed to meet the 65/o minimum requirement hdrochlorofluorocarbon, a hydrofluorocarbon, a perfluorocarbon, or any compound or blend of compounds,with a GWP STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL PRE-RINSE SPRAY VALUES as approved by the enforcing agency. value equal to or greater than 150, or(B)any ozone depleting substance as defined in Title 40 of the Code of Federal N Regulations, Part 82, sec.82.3(as amended March 10, 2009). MANUFACTURED ON OR AFTER JANUARY 28, 2019 5.408.1.4 Documentation. Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates 5.410.2.5 Documentation and training. [N] A Systems Manual and Systems Operations Training are required, N.I.C. N.I.C. compliance with Sections 5.408.1.1,through 5.408.1.3. The waste management plan shall be updated as including Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA)requirements in California Code of Regulations(CCR), LONG RADIUS ELBOW.Pipe fitting installed between two lengths of pipe or tubing to allow a change of direction,with PRODUCT CLASS necessaryand shall be accessible during construction for examination b the enforcing agency. [spray force in ounce force(ozf)] MAXIMUM FLOW RATE(gpm) g y gTitle 8, Section 5142, and other related regulations. a radius 1.5 times the pipe diameter. Notes: 5.410.2.5.1 Systems manual. [N] Documentation of the operational aspects of the building shall be LOW-GWP REFRIGERANT.A compound used as a heat transfer fluid or gas that: (A) has a GWP value less than 150, Seal Product Class 1 (G 5.0 ozf) 1.00 and B is not an ozone depleting substance as defined in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 82, sec.82.3 completed within the systems manual and delivered to the building owner or representative.The ( ) p g g Product Class 2 (>5.0 ozf and _ 8.0 ozf) 1.20 1. Sample forms found in "A Guide to the California Green Building Standards Code(Nonresidential)" systems manual shall include the following: (as amended March 10, 2009). located www.dgs.ca.gov/BSC/Resources/Page-Content/Building-Standards-Commission- 1. Site information, including facility description, history and current requirements. 2. Site contact information. Product Class 3(>8.0 ozf) 1.28 Resources-List-Folder/CALGreen may be used to assist in documenting compliance with the waste MERV. Filter minimum efficiency reporting value, based on ASHRAE 52.2-1999. management plan. SE0 ARCS, 3. Basic operations and maintenance including general site operating procedures, basic 2. Mixed construction and demolition debris processors can be located at the California Department of p g g , g p MAXIMUM INCREMENTAL REACTIVITY MIR.The maximum change in weight of ozone formed b adding a tCi T ❑ ® 5.303.4 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. Resources Recycling and Recovery CalRec cle p p troubleshooting, recommended maintenance requirements, site events log. ( ) g 9 Y g Ci �['� Y 9 rY( Y ) compound to the "Base REactive Organic Gas(ROG) Mixture" per weight of compound added, expressed to hundreths 5.303.4.1 Food Waste Disposers. Disposers shall either modulate the use of water to no more than 1 gpm 4. Major systems. ,3 q$ of a gram(g O /g ROC). 5. Site equipment invento and maintenance notes. when the disposer is not in use(not actively grinding food waste/no-load)or shall automatically shut off after no ❑ ® 5.408.2 UNIVERSAL WASTE. [A] Additions and alterations to a building or tenant space that meet the scopinginventory CHE I more than 10 minutes of inactivity. Disposers shall use no more than 8 gpm of water. provisions in Section 301.3 for nonresidential additions and alterations, shall require verification that Universal Waste items 6. A copy of verifications required by the enforcing agency or this code. PRODUCT-WEIGHTED MIR(PWMIR).The sum of all weighted-MIR for all ingredients in a product subject to this article. Note: This code section does not affect local jurisdiction authority to prohibit require disposer such as fluorescent lamps and ballast and mercury containing thermostats as well as other California prohibited Universal 7. Other resources and documentation, if applicable. The PWMIR is the total product reactivity expressed to hundredths of a gram of ozone formed per gram of product f y p or q p oser Waste materials are disposed of properly and are diverted from landfills. A list of prohibited Universal Waste materials (excluding container and packaging). 313112{}25 installation. shall be included in the construction documents. 5.410.2.5.2 Systems operations training.[N]A program for training of the appropriate maintenance 14��, RENEWAL tiF PSIG. Pounds per square inch, guage. DATE 5.303.5 AREAS OF ADDITION OR ALTERATION. For those occupancies within the authority of the California Building staff for each equipment type and/or system shall be developed and documented in the commissioning '9p Note: Refer to the Universal Waste Rule link at: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/universalwaste/ � D� Standards Commission as specified in Section 103,the provisions of Section 5.303.3 and 5.303.4 shall apply to new report and shall include the following: Ox'ePi},,,IF fixtures in additions or areas of alteration to the building. REACTIVE ORGANIC COMPOUND(ROC). Any compound that has the potential, once emitted,to contribute to 1. System/equipment overview(what it is,what it does and with what other systems and/or 5.408.3 EXCAVATED SOIL AND LAND CLEARING DEBRIS. 100 percent of trees, stumps, rocks and associated ozone formation in the troposphere. 5.303.6 STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be installed in vegetation and soils resulting primarily from land clearing shall be reused or recycled. For a phased project, such material equipment it interfaces). accordance with the California Plumbing Code, and shall meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1701.1 of may be stockpiled on site until the storage site is developed. 2. Review and demonstration of servicing/preventive maintenance. SCHRADER ACCESS VALVES.Access fittings with a valve core installed. the California Plumbing Code and in Chapter 6 of this code. 3. Review of the information in the Systems Manual. Exception: Reuse, either on or off-site, of vegetation or soil contaminated by disease or pest infestation. 4. Review of the record drawings on the system/equipment. SHORT RADIUS ELBOW. Pipe fitting installed between two lengths of pipe or tubing to allow a change of direction,with Project Information SECTION 5.304 OUTDOOR WATER USE Notes: a radius 1.0 times the pipe diameter. Even House ❑ ® 5.304.1 OUTDOOR POTABLE WATER USE IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. Nonresidential developments shall comply 5.410.2.6 Commissioning report. [N]A report of commissioning process activities undertaken through the p p Y SUPERMARKET.For the purposes of Section 5.508.2, a supermarket is any retail food facility with 8,000 square feet or with a local water efficient landscape ordinance or the current California Department of Water Resources'Model Water 1. If contamination b disease or pest infestation is suspected, contact the Count Agricultural design and construction phases of the building project shall be completed and provided to the owner or 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 P P Y p p Y g more conditioned area, and that utilizes either refrigerated display cases, or walk-in coolers or freezers connected to Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO),whichever is more stringent. Commissioner and follow its direction for recycling or disposal of the material. representative. remote compressor units or condensing units. 2. For a map of know pest and/or disease quarantine zones, consult with the California Department of Notes: Food and Agriculture. (www.cdfa.ca.gov) ❑ ® 5.410.4 TESTING AND ADJUSTING. New buildings less than 10,000 square feet.Testing and adjusting of systems VOC.A volatile organic compound broadly defined as a chemical compound based on carbon chains or rings with vapor 1. The Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO) is located in the California Code of Regulations, shall be required for new buildings less than 10,000 square feet or new systems to serve an addition or alteration subject pressures greater than 0.1 millimeters of mercury at room temperature.These compounds typically contain hydrogen and Job Number 03923.00 Title 23, Chapter 2.7, Division 2. to Section 303.1. may contain oxygen, nitrogen and other elements.See CCR Title 17, Section 94508(a) Drawing Title 2. MWELO and supporting documents, including a water budget calculator, are available at: . https://www.water.ca.gov/. 5.410.4.2(Reserved) Note: Where specific regulations are cited from different agencies such as SCAQMD, ARB, etc., the VOC definition included in that specific regulation is the one that prevails for the specific measure in question. GREEN BUILDING NOTES o ® 5.304.6 OUTDOOR POTABLE WATER USE IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. For public schools and community colleges, Note: For energy-related systems under the scope(Section 100)of the California Energy Code, including S landscape projects as described in Sections 5.304.6.1 and 5.304.6.2 shall comply with the California Department of SECTION 5.410 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS SECTION 5ACE FIREPLACES heating,ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC)systems and controls, indoor lighting system and controls, as well as water ❑ Water Resources Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance(MWELO)commencing with Section 490 of Chapter 5.503.1 FIREPLACES. Install only adirect-vent sealed-combustion gas or sealed wood-burning fireplace,or a sealed ❑ ® 5.410.1 RECYCLING BY OCCUPANTS. Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are identified heating systems and controls, refer to California Energy Code Section 120.8 for commissioning requirements SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 2.7, Division 2, Title 23, California Code of Regulations, except that the evapotranspiration adjustment factor(ETAF) for the depositing, storage and collection of non-hazardous materials for recycling, includingat a minimum paper, woodstove or pellet stove, and refer to residential requirements in the California Energy Code,Title 24, Part 6, shall be 0.65 with an additional water allowance for special landscape areas(SLA)of 0.35. corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, organic waste, and metals or meet a lawfully enacted local recycling)ordinance, if and Sections 120.5, 120.6, 130.4, and 140.9(b)3 for additional testing requirements of specific systems. Subchapter 7, Section 150.Woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces shall comply with applicable local ordinances. Exception: Any project with an aggregate landscape area of 2,500 square feet or less may comply with the more restrictive. 5.410.4.2 Systems. Develop a written plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systems.Systems to be 5.503.1.1 Woodstoves. Woodstoves and pellet stoves shall comply with U.S. EPA New Source Performance prescriptive measures contained in Appendix D of the MWELO. Exception: Rural jurisdictions that meet and apply for the exemption in Public Resources included for testing and adjusting shall include at a minimum, as applicable to the project: Standards(NSPS)emission limits as applicable,and shall have a permanent label indicating they are certified 5.304.6.1 Newly constructed landscapes. New construction projects with an aggregate landscape Code 42649.82 (a)(2)(A)et seq.shall also be exempt from the organic waste portion of this section. 1. Renewable energy systems. to meet the emission limits. area equal to or greater than 500 square feet. 5.410.1.1 Additions. All additions conducted within a 12-month period under single or multiple permits, 2. Landscape irrigation systems. SECTION 5.504 POLLUTANT CONTROL Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 resulting in an increase of 30% or more in floor area, shall provide recycling areas on site. 3. Water reuse systems. ® ❑ 5.504.1 TEMPORARY VENTILATION. The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if 5.304.6.2 Rehabilitated landscapes. Rehabilitated landscape projects with an aggregate p Y y g landscape area equal to or greater than 1,200 square feet. Exception: Additions within a tenant space resulting in less than a 30% increase in the tenant space 5.410.4.3 Procedures. Perform testing and adjusting procedures in accordance with manufacturer's necessary to condition the building or areas of addition or alteration within the required temperature range for Drawing No. material and equipment installation. If the HVAC system is used during construction, use return air filters with a floor area. specifications and applicable standards on each system. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value(MERV)of 8, based on ASHRAE 52.2-1999, or an average efficiency of DIVISION 5.4 MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE 30% based on ASHRAE 52.1-1992 Replace all filters immediately prior to occupancy, or, if the building is 5.410.1.2 Sample ordinance. Space allocation for recycling areas shall comply with Chapter 18, Part 3, 5.410.4.3.1 HVAC balancing. In addition to testing and adjusting, before a new space-conditioning occupied during alteration, at the conclusion of construction. EFFICIENCY Division 30 of the Public Resources Code.Chapter 18 is known as the California Solid Waste Reuse and system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, the system shall be balanced in Recycling Access Act of 1991 (Act). accordance with the procedures defined by the Testing Adjusting and Balancing Bureau National ® ❑ 5.504.3 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction.At the time of SECTION 5.401 GENERAL Standards;the National Environmental Balancing Bureau Procedural Standards; Associated Air Balance rough installation and during storage on the construction site until final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilation T 004b000 5.401.1 SCOPE. The provisions of this chapter shall outline means of achieving material conservation and resource Note: A sample ordinance for use by local agencies may be found in Appendix A of the document at the pp y g agency. p p openings p p p p 9 Council National Standards or as approved b the enforcing a enc . equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component o enin s shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheetmetal efficiency through protection of buildings from exterior moisture, construction waste diversion, employment of techniques CalRecycle's web site. or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust,water and debris which may enter to reduce pollution through recycling of materials, and building commissioning or testing and adjusting. the system. Sheet 05 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE FM NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES ET 3 Janua 2023 Y YES NIA NOT APPLICABLE RESPON.PARTY RESPONSIBLE PARTY(ie:ARCHITECT,ENGINE 7 ED ED OWNER,CONTRACTOR,INSPECTOR ETC.) Y NIA RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. Y NIA RESPON. ak C PARTY PARTY TABLE 5.504.4.3 - CONT. PARTY PARTY 5.504.4 FINISH MATERIAL POLLUTANT CONTROL. Finish materials shall comply with Sections 5.504.4.1 through 5.504.4.E Resilient flooring systems. Where resilient flooring is installed, at east 80 percent of floor area p y g I I g y I I g II I p I 5.508.2 Supermarket refrigerant leak reduction. New commercial refrigeration systems shall comply with the® ED 5.504.4.6. receiving resilient flooring shall meet the requirements of the California Department of Public Health,"Standard ED ® provisions of this section when installed in retail food stores 8,000 square feet or more conditioned area, and that ARCHITECTS GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING,LESS WATER&LESS EXEMPT COMPOUNDS Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using utilize either refrigerated display cases, or walk-in coolers or freezers connected to remote compressor units or 5.504.4.1 Adhesives,sealants and caulks. Adhesives, sealants, and caulks used on the project shall meet COATING CATEGORY CURRENT VOC LIMIT Environmental Chambers,"Version 1.2, January 2017(Emission testing method for California Specifications condensing units.The leak reduction measures apply to refrigeration systems containing high-global-warming potential Client the requirements of the following standards: 01350) (high-GWP)refrigerants with a GWP of 150 or greater. New refrigeration systems include both new facilities and the 1. Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers and caulks shall SPECIALTY COATINGS replacement of existing refrigeration systems in existing facilities. ADAM FOGEL comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where See California Department of Public Health's website for certification programs and testing labs. applicable, or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits, as shown in Tables 5.504.4.1 and 5.504.4.2. Such ALUMINUM ROOF COATINGS 400 https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/EHLB/IAQ/Pages/VOC.aspx#material Exception: Refrigeration systems containing low-global warming potential(low-GWP)refrigerant with a GWP Even House products also shall comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds value less than 150 are not subject to this section. Low-GWP refrigerants are nonozone-depleting refrigerants BASEMENT SPECIALTY COATINGS 400 (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perch loroethylene and trichloroethylene), except for that include ammonia, carbon dioxide(CO2), and potentially other refrigerants. 15771 Red HIII Avenue, aerosol products as specified in subsection 2, below. BITUMINOUS ROOF COATINGS 50 5.504.4.6.1 Verification of compliance. Documentation shall be provided verifying that resilient flooring Tustin CA 92780 materials meet the pollutant emission limits. 2. Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulking compounds(in BITUMINOUS ROOF PRIMERS 350 5.508.2.1 Refrigerant piping. Piping compliant with the California Mechanical Code shall be installed to be T: (323) 443-0099 units of product, less packaging,which do not weigh more than one pound and do not consist of more 5.504.4.7 Thermal insulation accessible for leak protection and repairs. Piping runs using threaded pipe, copper tubing with an outside than 16 fluid ounces)shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including BOND BREAKERS 350 Comply with the requirements of the California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method of the Testing and diameter(OD)less than 1/4 inch,flared tubing connections and short radius elbows shall not be used in prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations,Title 17, commencing Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, "Version refrigerant systems except as noted below. Architect of Record with Section 94507. CONCRETE CURING COMPOUNDS 350 1.2, January 1.2, January 2017(Emission testing method for California Specification 01350). CONCRETE/MASONRY SEALERS 100 See California Department of Public Health's website for certification programs and testing labs. 5.508.2.1.1 Threaded pipe.Threaded connections are permitted at the compressor rack. ELCHERBINI Architects TABLE 5.504.4.1 - ADHESIVE VOC LIMIT,,2 https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/EHLB/IAQ/PagesA/OC.aspx#material DRIVEWAY SEALERS 50 5.508.2.1.2 Copper pipe.Copper tubing with an OD less than 1/4 inch may be used in systems with a 1460 Broadway 5.504.4.7.1 Verification of compliance. refrigerant charge of 5 pounds or less. New York NY 1003E Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter DRY FOG COATINGS 150 Documentation shall be provided verifying that thermal insulation materials meet the pollutant emission , ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS CURRENT VOC LIMIT limits. 5.508. Anchorage.One-fouth-inch OD tubing shall be securely clamped to a rigid base to T: (212) 466-6891 FAUX FINISHING COATINGS 350 keep vibration levels below 8 mils. INDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 50 FIRE RESISTIVE COATINGS 350 5.504.4.8 Acoustical ceiling and wall panels. WWW.ecarchitects.co Comply with the requirements of the California Department of Public Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and 5.508.2.1.3 Flared tubing connections. Double-flared tubing connections may be used for pressure CARPET PAD ADHESIVES 50 FLOOR COATINGS 100 Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, "Version controls,valve pilot lines and oil. 1.2, January 2017 (Emission testing method for California Specification 01350). Designer OUTDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 150 FORM-RELEASE COMPOUNDS 250 See California Department of Public Health's website for certification programs and testing labs. Exception: Single-flared tubing connections may be used with a multiring seal coated with industrial sealant suitable for use with refrigerants and tightened in accordance with manufacturer's OPA Architecture WOOD FLOORING ADHESIVES 100 GRAPHIC ARTS COATINGS(SIGN PAINTS) 500 5.504.4.8.1 Verification of compliance. Documentation shall be provided verifying that acoustical recommendations. RUBBER FLOOR ADHESIVES 60 HIGH-TEMPERATURE COATINGS 420 finish materials meet the pollutant emission limits. 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 5.508.2.1.4 Elbows.Short radius elbows are only permitted where space limitations prohibit use of New York NY 10013 SUBFLOOR ADHESIVES 50 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE COATINGS 250 5.504.5.3 Filters. In mechanically ventilated buildings, provide regularly occupied areas of the building with air long radius elbows. filtration media for outside and return air that provides at least a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value(MERV)of 13. T: (347) 988-9029 CERAMIC TILE ADHESIVES 65 LOW SOLIDS COATINGS, 120 MERV 13 filters shall be installed prior to occupancy, and recommendations for maintenance with filters of the 5.508.2.2 Valves.Valves Valves and fittings shall comply with the California Mechanical Code and as VCT&ASPHALT TILE ADHESIVES 50 MAGNESITE CEMENT COATINGS 450 same value shall be included in the operation and maintenance manual. follows. WWW.Opa.Space DRYWALL&PANEL ADHESIVES 50 Exceptions: Existing mechanical equipment. 5.508.2.2.1 Pressure relief valves. For vessels containing high-GWP refrigerant, a rupture disc shall MASTIC TEXTURE COATINGS 100 be installed between the outlet of the vessel and the inlet of the pressure relief valve. COVE BASE ADHESIVES 50 METALLIC PIGMENTED COATINGS 500 5.504.5.3.1 Labeling. Installed filters shall be clearly labeled by the manufacturer indicating the MERV rating. 5.508. Pressure detection.A pressure gauge, pressure transducer or other device shall MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES 70 MULTICOLOR COATINGS 250 be installed in the space between the rupture disc and the relief valve inlet to indicate a disc STRUCTURAL GLAZING ADHESIVES 100 p ® 5.504.7 ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE(ETS)CONTROL. Where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, rupture or discharge of the relief valve. PRETREATMENT WASH PRIMERS 420 prohibit smoking within 25 feet of building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows and within the building as SINGLE-PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES 250 already prohibited by other laws or regulations; or as enforced by ordinances, regulations or policies of any city, county, 5.508.2.2.2 Access valves.Only Schrader access valves with a brass or steel body are PRIMERS, SEALERS, &UNDERCOATERS 100 city and county, California Community College, campus of the California State University, or campus of the University of permitted for use. OTHER ADHESIVES NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED 50 REACTIVE PENETRATING SEALERS 350 California,whichever are more stringent.When ordinances, regulations or policies are not in place, post signage to inform building occupants of the prohibitions. 5.508. Valve caps. For systems with a refrigerant charge of 5 pounds or more,valve caps SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS RECYCLED COATINGS 250 shall be brass or steel and not plastic. PVC WELDING 510 SECTION 5.505 INDOOR MOISTURE CONTROL Revisions ROOF COATINGS 50 5.505.1 INDOOR MOISTURE CONTROL. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of California Building Code, 5.508. Seal caps. If designed for it,the cap shall have a neoprene O-ring in place. o ® 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING CPVC WELDING 490 CCR,Title 24, Part 2, Sections 1202 (Ventilation)and Chapter 14(Exterior Walls). For additional measures, see Section RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS 250 5.407.2 of this code. 5.508. Chain tethers.Chain tethers to fit ovr the stem are required for valves 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 ABS WELDING 325 SHELLACS: designed to have seal caps. PLASTIC CEMENT WELDING 250 CLEAR 730 SECTION 5.506 INDOOR AIR QUALITY Exception:Valves with seal caps that are not removed from the valve during stem o ® 5.506.1 OUTSIDE AIR DELIVERY. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum operation. ADHESIVE PRIMER FOR PLASTIC 550 OPAQUE 550 requirements of Section 120.1 (Requirements For Ventilation)of the California Energy Code, or the applicable local code, CONTACT ADHESIVE 80 whichever is more stringent, and Division 1, Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8. 5.508.2.3 Refrigerated service cases. Refrigerated service cases holding food products containing vinegar and SPECIALTY PRIMERS SEALERS&UNDERCOATERS 100 salt shall have evaporator coils of corrosion-resistant material, such as stainless steel; or be coated to prevent , SPECIAL PURPOSE CONTACT ADHESIVE 250 0 ® 5.506.2 CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2)MONITORING. For buildings or additions equipped with demand control ventilation, corrosion from these substances. CO2 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and installed in accordance with the requirements of the California STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBER ADHESIVE 140 STAINS 250 Energy Code, Section 120(c)(4). 5.508.2.3.1 Coil coating.Consideration shall be given to the heat transfer efficiency of coil coating to TOP&TRIM ADHESIVE 250 STONE CONSOLIDANTS 450 maximize energy efficiency. o ® 5.506.3 Carbon dioxide(CO2)monitoring in classrooms. SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS (DSA-SS) Each public K-12 school classroom, as listed in Table 120.1-A of the California Energy Code, shall be 5.508.2.4 Refrigerant receivers. Refrigerant receivers with capacities greater than 200 pounds shall be fitted SWIMMING POOL COATINGS 340 g 9 P g equipped with a carbon dioxide monitor or sensor that meets the following requirements: with a device tha indicates the level of refrigerant in the receiver. METAL TO METAL 30 TRAFFIC MARKING COATINGS 100 1. The monitor or sensor shall be permanently affixed in a tamper-proof manner in each classroom between 3 and 6 feet(914 mm and 1829 mm)above the floor and at least 5 feet(1524 mm)away from door and operable windows. 5.508.2.5 Pressure testing.The system shall be pressure tested during installation prior to evacuation and PLASTIC FOAMS 50 TUB&TILE REFINISH COATINGS 420 2. When the monitor or sensor is not integral to an Energy Management Control System (EMCS),the monitor or charging. POROUS MATERIAL EXCEPT WOOD 50 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES 250 sensor shall display the carbon dioxide readings on the device.When the sensor is integral to an EMCS,the carbon ( ) dioxide readings shall be available to and regularly monitored by facility personnel. 5.508.2.5.1 Minimum pressure.The system shall be charged with regulated dry nitrogen and WOOD 30 WOOD COATINGS 275 3. A monitor shall provide notification though a visual indicator on the monitor when the carbon dioxide levels in the appropriate tracer gas to bring system pressure up to 300 psig minimum. classroom have exceeded 1,100ppm.A sensor integral to an EMCS shall provide notification to facility personnel FIBERGLASS 80 WOOD PRESERVATIVES 350 through a visual and/or audible indicator when the carbon dioxide levels in the classroom have exceeded 5.508.2.5.2 Leaks.Check the system for leaks, repair any leaks,and retest for pressure using the same Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE 1,100ppm, gauge. 1. IF AN ADHESIVE IS USED TO BOND DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES TOGETHER,THE ADHESIVE WITH ZINC-RICH PRIMERS 340 4. The monitor or sensor shall measure carbon dioxide levels at minimum 15-minute intervals and shall maintain a 1st Floor THE HIGHEST VOC CONTENT SHALL BE ALLOWED. 1. GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING,INCLUDING WATER&EXEMPT COMPOUNDS record of previous carbon dioxide measurements of not less than 30 days duration. 5.508.2.5.3 Allowable pressure change.The system shall stand, unaltered,for 24 hours with no more N.I.C. N.I.C. 5. The monitor or sensor used to measure carbon dioxide levels shall have the capacity to measure carbon dioxide than a+/-one pound pressure change from 300 psig, measured with the same gauge. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT 2. THE SPECIFIED LIMITS REMAIN IN EFFECT UNLESS REVISED LIMITS ARE LISTED IN SUBSEQUENT COLUMNS IN THE levels with a range of 400ppm to 2000ppm or greater. SPECIFIED IN THIS TABLE, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168, TABLE. 6. The monitor or sensor shall be certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within 75ppm at 1,000ppm carbon 5.508.2.6 Evacuation.The system shall be evacuated after pressure testing and prior to charging. IIIIIIIIIIIIVii N.I.C. 3. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, dioxide concentration and shall be certified by the manufacturer to require calibration no more frequently than once N.,.c. www.arb.ca.gov/DRDB/SC/CURHTML/R1168.PDF every 5 years. 5.508.2.6.1 First vacuum. Pull a system vacuum down to at least 1000 microns +/-50 microns), andN ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS SUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE,FEB. 1,2008. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM y ( ) THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD. hold for 30 minutes. N.I.C. ;777M7,7, 5.504.4.3.2 Verification.Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided at the request of SECTION 5.507 ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 5.508.2.6.2 Second vacuum. Pull a second system vacuum to a minimum of 500 microns and hold for 30 TABLE 5.504.4.2 - SEALANT VOC LIMIT minutes. the enforcing agency. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: 5.507.4 ACOUSTICAL CONTROL. Employ building assemblies and components with Sound Transmission Class(STC) 1. Manufacturer's product specification ® ED values determined in accordance with ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413, or Outdoor-Indoor Sound Transmission Class(OITC) Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter 2. Field verification of on-site product containers determined in accordance with ASTM E 1332, using either the prescriptive or performance method in Section 5.507.4.1 5.508.2.6.3 Third vacuum. Pull a third vacuum down to a minimum of 300 microns,and hold for 24 hours SEALANTS CURRENT VOC LIMIT 5.504.4.4 Carpet Systems. or 5.507.4.2. with a maximum drift of 100 microns over a 24-hour period. Seal ARCHITECTURAL 250 All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the California Department of Public Exception: Buildings with few or no occupants or where occupants are not likely to be affected by exterior CHAPTER 7 Health, "Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor noise, as determined by the enforcement authority, such as factories, stadiums, storage, enclosed parking MARINE DECK 760 Sources Using Environmental Chambers."Version 1.2, January 2017(Emission testing method for California structures and utility buildings. INSTALLER & SPECIAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS �SE0 ARC�,�T NONMEMBRANE ROOF 300 Specifications 01350). C� Exception: [DSA-SS] For public schools and community colleges,the requirements of this section and all 702 QUALIFICATIONS See California Department of Public Health's website for certification programs and testing labs. subsections apply only to new construction. 702.1 INSTALLER TRAINING. HVAC system installers shall be trained and certified in the proper �' AS ROADWAY 250 https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/EHLB/IAQ/PagesNOC.aspx#material PP Y Y installation of HVAC systems including ducts and equipment b a national) or regionally recognized training or Y gy Y g Y 9 9 CHE I SINGLE-PLY ROOF MEMBRANE 450 5.507.4.1 Exterior noise transmission, prescriptive method. Wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to certification program. Uncertified persons may perform HVAC installations when under the direct supervision and 5.504.4.4.1 Carpet cushion.All carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the the noise source making up the building or addition envelope or altered envelope shall meet a composite STC responsibility of a person trained and certified to install HVAC systems or contractor licensed to install HVAC systems. OTHER 420 requirements of the California Department of Public Health,"Standard Method for the Testing and rating of at least 50 or a composite OITC rating of no less than 40,with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or Examples of acceptable HVAC training and certification programs include but are not limited to the following: 3/31/2025 Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental OITC of 30 in the following locations: SEALANT PRIMERS Chambers,"Version 1.2,January 2017 (Emission testing method for California Specifications 01350). 1. State certified apprenticeship programs. ��'q �EDA-EALtig ARCHITECTURAL 1. Within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport. 2. Public utility training programs. See California Department of Public Health's website for certification programs and testing labs. 3. Training programs sponsored by trade, labor or statewide energy consulting or verification organizations. CAl NONPOROUS 250 https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/EHLB/IAQ/Pages/VOC.aspx#material Exceptions: 4. Programs sponsored by manufacturing organizations. 5. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. POROUS 775 5.504.4.4.2 Carpet adhesive.All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of Table 5.504.4.1. 1. Ldn or CNEL for military airports shall be determined by the facility Air Installation Compatible MODIFIED BITUMINOUS 500 Land Use Zone(AICUZ)plan. 702.2 SPECIAL INSPECTION [HCD]. When required by the enforcing agency,the owner or the 5.504.4.5 Composite wood products. Hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard 2. Ldn or CNEL for other airports and heliports for which a land use plan has not been developed responsible entity acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or Project Information composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the buildings shall meet the requirements for shall be determined b the local general Ian noise element. other duties necessary to substantiate compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence MARINE DECK 760 Y g P ry P� P P P formaldehyde as specified in ARB's Air Toxics Control Measure(ATCM)for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 et seq.). to the satisfaction of the enforcing agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition to Even House OTHER METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT 750 Those materials not exempted under the ATCM must meet the specified emission limits, as shown in Table 2. Within the 65 CNEL or Ldn noise contour of a freeway or expressway, railroad, industrial source or other certifications or qualifications acceptable to the enforcing agency,the following certifications or education may be NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING 5.504.4.5. fixed-guideway source as determined by the Noise Element of the General Plan. considered by the enforcing agency when evaluating the qualifications of a special inspector: 15771 Red HIII Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 SPECIFIED IN THESE TABLES, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 5.504.4.5.3 Documentation. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as 5.507.4.1.1. Noise exposure where noise contours are not readily available. Buildings exposed to a 1. Certification by a national or regional green building program or standard publisher. 1168. requested by the enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the following: noise level of 65 dB Leq- 1-hr during any hour of operation shall have building, addition or alteration 2. Certification by a statewide energy consulting or verification organization, such as HERS raters, building 1. Product certifications and specifications. exterior wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source meeting a composite STC rating of at performance contractors, and home energy auditors. Job Number 03923.00 2. Chain of custody certifications. least 45 or OITC 35,with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or OITC 30. 3. Successful completion of a third art apprentice training program in the appropriate trade. 5.504.4.3 Paints and coatings. Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 of ( ) ( ) P party PP g p gDrawing Title the ARB Architectural Coatings Suggested Control Measure, as shown in Table 5.504.4.3, unless more 3. Product labeled and invoiced as meeting the Composite Wood Products regulation (see 4. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. CCR,Title 17, Section 93120, et sec.). 5.507.4.2 Performance Method. For buildings located as defined in Section 5.507.4.1 or 5.507.4.1.1,wall and stringent local limits apply.The VOC content limit for coatings that do not meet the definitions for the specialty coatings g 4. Exterior grade products marked as meeting the PS-1 or PS-2 standards of the roof-ceilingassemblies exposed to the noise source making u the building or addition envelope or altered Notes: categories listed in Table is gloss, shall ne determined io classifying the coating as a Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Engineered Wood Association,the Australian AS/NZS 2269 or European 636 3S P g P g P GREEN BUILDING NOTES & Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in Subsections 4.21, 4.3E and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air g P envelope shall be constructed to provide an interior noise environment attributable to exterior sources that does standards. not exceed an hour) equivalent noise level Le 1 Hr of 50 dBA in occupied areas during an hour of operation. 1. Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the Resources Board Suggested Control Measure, and the corresponding Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss Y q ( q- ) P g Y P P P P 5. Other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency. project the are inspecting for compliance with this code. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION VOC limit in Table 5.504.4.3 shall apply. 1 y P 9 P 5.507.4.2.1 Site Features. Exterior features such as sound walls or earth berms may be utilized as 2. HERS raters are special inspectors certified by the California Energy Commission (CEC)to rate 5.504.4.3.1 Aerosol Paints and coatings. Aerosol paints and coatings shall meet the PWMIR Limits for appropriate to the building, addition or alteration project to mitigate sound migration to the interior. homes in California according to the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). ROC in Section 94522(a)(3)and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic TABLE 5.504.4.5 - FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS, compounds and ozone depleting substances, in Sections 94522(c)(2)and (d)(2)of California Code of 5.507.4.2.2 Documentation of Compliance. An acoustical analysis documenting complying interior [BSC-CG] When required by the enforcing agency,the owner or the responsible entity acting as the owner's agent Regulations,Title 17, commencing with Section 94520; and in areas under the jurisdiction of the sound levels shall be prepared by personnel approved by the architect or engineer of record. shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or other duties necessary to substantiate Bay Area Air Quality Management District additionally comply with the percent VOC by weight of product MAXIMUM FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS IN PARTS PER MILLION compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the enforcing limits of Regulation 8 Rule 49. 5.507.4.3 Interior sound transmission. Wall and floor-ceiling assemblies separating tenant spaces and tenant agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition,the special inspector shall have a PRODUCT CURRENT LIMIT spaces and public places shall have an STC of at least 40. certification from a recognized state, national or international association, as determined by the local agency. The HARDWOOD PLYWOOD VENEER CORE 0.05 area of certification shall be closely related to the primary job function, as determined by the local agency. Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 Note: Examples of assemblies and their various STC ratings may be found at the California Office of HARDWOOD PLYWOOD COMPOSITE CORE 0.05 Noise Control: www.toolbase.org/PDF/CaseStudies/stc_icc_ratings.pdf. Note: Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the Drawing No. PARTICLE BOARD 0.09 ID ® SECTION 5.508 OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY project they are inspecting for compliance with this code. MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD 0.11 5.508.1 Ozone depletion and greenhouse gas reductions. Installations of HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression 703 VERIFICATIONS equipment shall comply with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.508.1.2. THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD2 0.13 703.1 DOCUMENTATION. Documentation used to show compliance with this code shall include but is not limited to, - 5.508.1.1 Chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs). Install HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment that do not construction documents, plans, specifications, builder or installer certification, inspection reports,or other methods 1. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD,AIR TOXICS contain CFCs. acceptable to the enforcing agency which demonstrate substantial conformance. When specific documentation or T004 . 00 CONTROL MEASURE FOR COMPOSITE WOOD AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1333. FOR ADDITIONAL special inspection is necessary to verify compliance,that method of compliance will be specified in the appropriate INFORMATION,SEE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS,TITLE 17,SECTIONS 93120 THROUGH 93120.12. 5.508.1.2 Halons.Install HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment that do not contain Halons. section or identified applicable checklist. 2. THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD HAS A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 5/16 INCHES(8 MM). Sheet 06 Of 23 Building Department Application No. CLEAR FLOOR OR GROUND SPACE , WALKING SURFACES RAMPS & HANDRAILS, CHANGE IN LEVEL ACCESSIBILITY NOTES 305.3 CLEAR FLOOR OR GROUND SPACE 305.5 APPROACH:FORWARD 305.5 APPROACH:PARALLEL 405.9.1 EXTENDED FLOOR OR 405.9.2 CURB OR BARRIER 505.10.1 TOP AND BOTTOM 505.10.2 TOP HANDRAIL 504.5 STAIR NOSINGS 505.4 HANDRAIL HEIGHT GROUND SURFACE EDGE EDGE PROTECTION HANDRAIL EXTENSION AT EXTENSION AT STAIRS 1. GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL RADIUS " MAX�(A) 5'-0" MIN. 5'-0" MIN. SUB-CONTRACTORS SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR, - - AND COMPLY WITH, 2010 ADA STANDARDS -FOR ACCESSIBLE DESIGN MINIMUM / r CLEARANCES AND SHALL INFORM THE / I I - 11 ARCHITECT OF ANY AND ALL CONFLICTS WITH / z I I I 1 o Z z 1'_0" 1 -0 RADIUS OF TREAD EDGE COMPLYING WITH THOSE MINIMUM CLEARANCES O I I I z I I I I IN IN• [TYP. FOR ALL PROFILES] M 00 ARCHITECTS AND STANDARDS. 1 o I 1 � J J r K' 1 I 1 1 1'-O 1„ 1„ i' 1 I _ �I, � N - - - J ^ IN. 12 00 12 �' Client / 1 v v 1 o Z I MAX. 2. ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS AND CLEARANCES I I I - Iq_ _J1, 30° MAXARE INCLUSIVE OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, i L - - J L _ _ _ `" L _ 1 -0 a ADAM FOGEL FIGURES SHOWN HEREWITH. GENERAL , IN IN. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUB-CONTRACTORS -0 -O -6 MIN. 4-0 MIN. Even House SHALL REFER TO THE APPLICABLE FEDERAL '-6" MIN. IN. 3'-0" MIN. IN. (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) 15771 Red Hill Avenue, AND LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS, FOR ANGLED RISER CURVED NOSING BEVELED NOSING STAIRS RAMPS WALKING SURFACES ADDITIONAL STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS. CIRCULAR LINEAR T-SHAPED Tustin, CA 92780 T: (323) 443-0099 305.7.1 MANEUVERING 305.7.1 MANEUVERING 306.2 TOE CLEARANCE 306.3 KNEE CLEARANCE 307.2.1 LIMITS OF PROTRUDING OBJECTS 505.5 HANDRAIL CLEARANCE 505.7.2 HANDRAIL 505.10.3 BOTTOM HANDRAIL 303.2 VERTICAL CHANGE IN 303.3 BEVELED CHANGE IN 307.4 VERTICAL CLEARANCE CLEARANCE IN ALCOVE: CLEARANCE IN ALCOVE: „ 307.3 POST-MOUNTED PROTRUDING OBJECTS NON-CIRCULAR X-SECTION EXTENSION AT STAIRS LEVEL LEVEL FORWARD APPROACH PARALLEL APPROACH 4" MAX. NY LEAK WIDTH 505.6 BELOW GRIPPING SURFACE �P Architect of Record Z ELCHERBINI Architects 1 1460 Broadway X New York, NY 10036 CN 1 I 1 ' I 17"-25 25" MAX. I = MIN. X X �� I I JIL_ T: (212) 466-6891 2 x - - - - 8 MAX. � 1 = z Wiz_ 4"-64" PERIMETER 1 0o www.ecarchitects.co 1 1 Z Z 1 24" MAX. Al< I `� �� v Designer ^I 12 NOTE: � OPA Architecture co X 3'-0" MIN. 5'-0" MIN. � N � I I � X - TREAD DEPTH X N I 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 6" 1 MAX. 11 MIN. New York, NY 10013 403.5.1 CLEAR WIDTH OF AN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE 403.5.2 CLEAR WIDTH AT TURN :(A)180 DEGREE TURN 403.5.2 CLEAR WIDTH AT TURN :(B)180 DEGREE TURN T: (347) 988-9029 [EXCEPTION] www.opa.space 2'_O„ 2$-D., z REACH RANGES MAX. 4'-0" MIN. MAX. ' Z 308.2.1 UNOBSTRUCTED HIGH 308.3.1 UNOBSTRUCTED SIDE 308.2.2 OBSTRUCTED HIGH FORWARD REACH 308.3.2 OBSTRUCTED SIDE REACH -CLOSET TABLE SEATING CLEARANCE ro o FORWARD REACH REACH I TABLE LEG, TYP. TABLE 0 00 � 00 0 4'-0" MIN. 1'-8" I- I�, Z - 5'-0" MIN. w O c _ MAX. -1 MAX o O c00 ` X c O o v Revisions X z z N " \ 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 I I 0 o o o S-6" 00 APPROACH CLEARANCE DOORS, DOORWAYS & GATES (A) (B) 1'-7" MAX. NOTE: A KNEE SPACE WIDTH OF 3'-0" OR MORE SHOULD HAVE 10 MAX. AN APPROACH CLEARANCE OF S-0". 404.2.3 CLEAR WIDTH OF 404.2.4.1 MANEUVERING CLEARANCE AT MANUAL SWINGING DOORS AND GATES: 308.3.2 OBSTRUCTED SIDE REACH 308.3.2 OBSTRUCTED SIDE REACH-SHELVES FOOD SERVICE LINES TABLEWARE AND CONDIMENT TABLE KNEE CLEARANCE DOORWAYS ) AREAS (A) HINGED DOOR ��bE ONT APPROACH,PULL ,if E ONT APPROACH,PUSH �IbERDOOR PROVIDED WITH �D)HINGE APPROACH, PULL (')EINGE APPROACH, PULL (F)DE NGE APPROACH,PUSH �G�HI DOOR PROVIDED WITH -8I I BOTH CLOSER AND LATCH BOTH CLOSER AND LATCH r r - - , „ , „ , „ , „ 1 F - - - � � - - - - � I � 1 i� - - - - � 2-0 3-0 3 -0 2-0 � 1 - - - - - MAX. MIN. MIN. MAX. 0�• I � I � I I � I � I - 1�„ I I I X X Z 1 6 I I „ I I MIN. Ln 3-0 MIN. 3-6 MIN. `� MIN MIN. 1 1 I I 1 MIN. I MIN. ^ m r7 ^ �I ^ = M Q < KeyPlan TENANT-OFFICE (B) SLIDING DOOR / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - L - - - ^I o � / (C) FOLDING DOOR I I M ¢ o \ �� 1st Floor •12 •JIL N.I.C. I „ ,>1,0 1'-9" MAX. N.I.C. 10 MAX. 2-0 MAX. N.I.C.L 404.2.4.1 MANEUVERING CLEARANCE AT MANUAL SWINGING DOORS AND GATES: 404.2.4.2 MANEUVERING CLEARANCES AT DOORWAYS WITHOUT DOORS, MANUAL SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS N ((H) LATCH APPROACH,PULL ((I)LATCH APPROACH, PULL ((J))LATCH APPROACH,PUSH (K)LATCH APPROACH,PUSH (A)FRONT APPROACH (B)SIDE APPROACH (C)POCKET OR HINGE (D)1 STOP OR LATCH N.I.C. N.I.C. $IbE $IDE, DOOR PROVIDED WITH $fDE $IbE, DOOR PROVIDED WITH APPROACH APPROACH CLOSER CLOSER PLUMBING ELEMENTS AND FACILITIES � Seal - - - - - � I I 1 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - � I 1 1 I I I 1 I I Z 1 1 Z 1 1 604.8.1.4 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE TOILET COMPARTMENT TOE CLEARANCE TOILET SIGNAGE NOTES: » » 30 MIN. 60 MIN. 2-0 2-0 1 2-0 2-0 ^ 1 -10 MIN. I I MIN. I I I I I I 1 1 1 `o I 1 `� m I 1 °° 1. OBSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED SECS A 'C MIN. I MIN. _ I MIN. z-o 36 MIN. 6 MAX. 36 MIN. 6 MAX. I I � I ;Y'., I MIN. XQ WITHIN CLEARANCE AREAS, TYPICAL G� - - _ J L _ _ - 1 " MIDI. 1 " MI . 2. STRUCTURAL STRENGTH. CNI I • PARTITION PARTITION ALLOWABLE STRESSES IN BENDING, AB % 1 6" MIN. 6" MIN. SHEAR AND TENSION SHALL NOT BE CHE I 711 I EXCEEDED FOR MATERIALS USED ^I WHERE A VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL '� 1 1 �i Z 1 4 z o FORCE OF 250 LB. IS APPLIED AT 3/31/2025 Z 1 1 1 ^I a; Fo _ X _ ¢ _ I �' ANY POINT ON THE GRAB BAR, ���1` RENEWAL CLEAR I I CLEAR ;� N N _ 6" L - - - -Z FASTENER MOUNTING DEVICE OR FOFCALIFD ADD' L DOOR AND PARKING DETAILS I FLOOR I FLOOR ^ SPACE I SPACE � � � � r, SUPPORTING STRUCTURE. z_ 3. PROVIDE REINFORCEMENT AND/OR L - - J L - - - - - BLOCKING, AS REQUIRED, FOR MOUNTING HEIGHTS AT DOORS DOOR SIGNAGE DETECTABLE WARNINGS ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND CURB RAMPS 4 Q ADULT ELEVATION CHILDREN ELEVATION PROPER AND SECURE INSTALLATION. 4. ALL LETTERS AND NUMERALS ARE TO Project Information 703Q IN ACCESSIBLE PARKING BE RAISED 1/32 INCHES, UPPER WIRELESS ACCESS POINT OR CLOCK SIGN,SEE DETAIL 2/- CASE SANS SERIF OR SIMPLE SERIF Even House o 0 0 0 112SLHEELBDMPER PIQAL 1 39"-41" 604.8.1.1 SIZE OF WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE TOILET COMPARTMENT AT LEAST 5/8" HIGH BUT NO HIGHER 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 12° CENTER OF TACTILE CHARACTERS 1:12 SLOPE MAX. FIRE ALARM DEVICE F , " 0 AI @ nA - 1 -112 54" MIN. THAN 2 BRAILLE IS TO BE GRADE COAT HOOK SIGN \ O / WALKWAY 2. DOORLEVERPDLL o -12"MIN.BORDER 12" MAX. 42" MIN. 1'-12" MIN. 5. THE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF MAX TACTILE CHARACTER HT \ O GROOVES AT 3l4"O.C. / THERMOSTAT Job Number 03923.00 DUE DEFICIENT TOP OF REFLECTIVE PART ACCESSIBILITY MUST BE DISPLAYED LAVATORY OF MIRROR BOTTOM fD Z O Z AT ALL ENTRANCES TO THE Drawing Title TACTILE ZONE \ DUE BL SSIDED KWIDTH PUBLIC TOILETS, PUBLIC 1 Ill T"25fi" "DOUBLE SIDED RAMP" LIGHT SN/ITCH,DIMMERS,EGRESS \ � � � BUILDING, � BUTTON.ETC.CLUSTER(SEE PLAN AT TOP � O O RECOMMENDED FOR QUANTITY OF EACH CLUSTER) MIN TACTILE \ 115128 STRIPES AT36"O.G I o I o TELEPHONES AND DRINKING ADA TANDARD CHARACTER HT PLAN AT BASE 8'-T IAIN.VAN ACCESSIBLE / s AISLE WHEN ONLY ONE ACCESSIBLE �+ �+ EQEQ 4 / �o[ PARKINGSPAQEISREQUIRED r-- _ I I 1 I FOUNTAINS. SEE SIGNAGE S S TAPERED EDGES WHERE EXPOSED L ., .. ^ Ln Ln ' ^ 1 1 SCHEDULE, FOR ADDITIONAL MIN.12"HIGH WHITE LETTERS M \ TE DOORFRAME / SECTIONA-A - to •f �� '� i ;�, ^I a, Z ¢ SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS AT o KICK PLATE FINISH FLOOR // 1.TRUNCATED DOMES SHALL BE OF A DURABLE,SLIP RESISTANT MATERIAL AND SHALL 9'-0"MIN. 8'-0"MIN. ^ N N M^I PERMANENT ROOMS AND SPACES C°"TRAST VISUALLY WITH ADJOINING SURFACES. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE, REQUIRING RAISED TEXT, BRAILLE 2.DEPTH OF TRUNCATED DOMES IN DIRECTION OF TRAVEL TO BE NO LESS THAN 36". SINGLE TYPE CURB RAMP REQUIRED WHITE INSULATION 6" 4'-8" MIN. 4'-11" MIN. WHENWALKIS A TDIFFERENT AND PICTOGRAM. LEVEL THAN PARKING ELEV. PIPE BOOT TYP. „ 6. SIGNAGE AT ENTRY CAN BE STICKER OFF STREET PARKING SIGN PARKING SIGN 12"MIN.BORDER 8 MIN. ADULT WALL-MOUNTED WATER CLOSET ADULT FLOOR-MOUNTED WATER CLOSET, GROOVES AT3/4"O.C. AT HANDICAP SINK MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO THE DOOR. ATTACH TOP AND BOTTOM HANDICAPPED PARKING TAIL 2,- CHILDREN S WATER CLOSET LEGEND AND BORDER- w 17"MIN. PANATONE 340C.WHITE _ Y G TVPICAL4'-0"WHEEL ri SYMBOL ON PANATONE286 > ¢ IUMPERTYPICAL BACKGROUND S 8 48"MIN. 8'-0"MIN.ACCESSIBLE Drawing Date g 12 / 12 /2023 N°TES z AISLE AT VAN PARKING SPACE 6" MIN [TYP] 6" MIN [TYP] 6" MIN [TYP] 6" MIN [TYP] 6" MIN [TYP]NOTES: VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES SHALL HAVE AN ADDITIONAL SIGN - Drawing NO. UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES PARKING ONLY VERBAGE.3"SANS SERIF UPPERCASE STATING"VAN ACCESSIBLE"MOUNTED BELOW THE SYMBOL 2 1..08°THICK ALLDMINDM OR LETTERS RAISED I/32' - 3" MIN. CLEAR OF PROTRUDING PARKED IN DESIGNATED OF ACCESSIBILITY. PORCELAIN ON STEEL SIGN WITH ACCESSIBLE SPACES NOT MINIMUM FINE$25° OBJECT OR DOOR SWING, TYP. 1"BEADED TEXT. DISPLAYING DISTINGUISHING SIGNS MAY ALSO BE CENTERED ON THE WALL AT THE SIGNAGE AT VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES WILL S PLATES ES SPECIAL INTERIOR END OF THE PARKING SPACE AT A MINIMUM PLATES ISSUED FOR 2.A SIGN SHALL BE POSTED IN A Z z O O OFF OWNERS WITH DISABILITIES z CONSPICUOUS PLACE,AT EACH p GALVANIZED POST GROUND,OR WALK. OWED AWAY VE NER' EXPENSE.TOWED MMEDIATELVOADJACENT TO AND MIN.WIDE TRAFFIC O LICENSE ENTRANCE PERSON PARKING FACILITIES,OR-STREET - ~ 3'STEEL PIPE WI GONG.FILL A.ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 'S EAYR ETOWED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY, D SIGNAGE SIGN r r r S MAY BE RECLAIMED PAINTED WHITE WITH 3" AT VISIBLE FROM EACH STALL OR w ACCESSIBLE PARKING NOTE: __ �J 1 I 1 I 1 1 SPACE. w EACH PARKING SPACE RESERVED FOR PERSONS WITH PAINT STRIPE ON GLUE BACKGROUND FIELD O MEN _ TRAFFIC PAINT T' "SQUARE WITH 3" RAISED OR BV TELEPHONING O O PHYSICAL DISABILITIES SHALL BE IN PERMANENTLY T A MIN 70 SQ. _ qp� _ (/(�� Z nnnw ^ Z 1 1 1 1 1 INCH REFLECTORIZED SIGN PERMANENTLY POSTED RADIUSED CORNERS l�5 O RKIN oV" PARKI X I Z c� SPACE,CONSIDJACENTTOANDFROM EACH WOFWALLOR ¢ I L - ` J L -` J L� ` J PICTOGRAM ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE SIGN(ON GLASS) 3'-O" 3'-O" ., I I O z Q SPACES,CONSISTING OFAPROFILEVIEWOFV`JHEELCHAIRIN B. ^ Sheet 07 �f 23 WHITE ON PANTONE 286 BACKGROUND.THE SIGN SHALL NOT INTERNATIONAL SVIdBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY. ED L__J co 'BLANK SPACES ARE TO BE FILLED IN LL m BE SMALLER THAN 70 SQ.IN AREA.WHEN IN PATH OF TRAVEL 4"X 4"REVERSE STICK-ON,WHITE FIGURE Q ON BLUE BACKGROUND FIELD. 1 8° O 18" WITH APPROPRIATE INFORMATION AS IT SHALL BE POSTED AT A IdIN.HT.OF 80"FROM THE PARKING 9'-()"MIN. 5'-0"MIN. 9'-0"MIN. 8'-0"MIN. � I A PERMANENT PART OF THE SIGN \ � \/ SPACE FIN.GRADE GROUND.OR SIDEWALK. INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TYPICAL HANDICA TYPICAL VANL MIN. I �' Building Department Application No. ���// \"\��� ACCESSIBILITY WHITE ON ACCESSIBILITY DARK COLOR z 6"TERNAINTE`SYMBOL LUEON°FA°°ESSIBILITY PARKING PARKING SPACE BLUE BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTER MIN. E RAISED LETTERS DARK BACKGROUND) ON WHITE OR TRANSPARENT C. _ 6"X6"PAINTED BLUE°N PAVED O MEN MEN UNISEX LL BACKGROUND) 90 DEGREE BACKGROUND SURFACE. NOTE: THIS DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATES THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF LJ ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS,TITLE 24&ADA REQUIREMENTS Z AND IS INTENDED ONLY AS AN AID FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND oo e o eee oee o oe o o eee oee o ee e e eee eee e BRAILLE CONSTRUCTION TOP VIEW AT CHANNEL ADA INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL TYPICAL MOUNTING LOCATION ELEVATION POST �N DIVISION 2 IIB- Detached private garages accessory to residential dwelling units shall be accessible as 1113-304.3.2 T-Shaped space. The turning space shall be a T -shaped space within a 60 inch (1524 IIB-403.2 Floor or ground surface. Floor or ground surfaces shall comply with Section 11 B-302. 4. ReserVed. IIB-407.2.1.2 Size and shape. Call buttons shall have square shoulders, be 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) SCOPING REQUIREMENTS required by Section IIB-208.3. mm) square minimum with arms and base 36 inches (914 mm) wide minimum. IIB-403.3 Slope. The running slope of walking surfaces shall not be steeper than 1:20. The cross slope 1113-404.2.11 Vision lights. Doors, gates, and side lights adjacent to doors or gates, containing one or minimum in the smallest dimension and shall be raised 1/ 8 inch (3.2 mm) plus or minus 1132 inch 1113-202 Existing buildings and facilities IIB- Attached private garages directly serving a single residential dwelling unit shall provide at Each arm of the T shall be clear of obstructions 12 inches (305 mm) minimum in each direction and of walking surfaces shall not be steeper than 1:48. more glazing panels that permit viewing through the panels shall hove the bottom of at least one (0.8 mm) above the surrounding surface. The buttons shall be activated by a mechanical motion that is 1113-202.1 General. Additions and alterations to existing buildings or facilities shall comply with Section least one of the following options: the base shall be clear of obstructions 24 inches (610 mm) minimum. Exception: The running slope of sidewalks shall not exceed the general grade established for the glazed panel located 43 inches (1 092 mm) maximum above the finish floor. detectable. IIB-202. 1. A door leading directly from the residential dwelling unit which immediately enters the garage. The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with Section IIB-306 only at adjacent street or highway. Exception: Glazing panels with the lowest part more than 66 inches (1676 mm) from the fmish floor or Exception: Reserved. 1113-202.2 Additions. Each addition to an existing building or facility shall comply with the requirements 2. An accessible route from the residential dwelling unit to an exterior door entering the garage. the end of either the base or one arm. IIB-403.4 Changes in level. Changes in level shall comply with Section 1113-303. ground shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-404.2.11 IIB-407.2.1.3 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor or ground space complyingcwith Section for new construction and shall comply with Section 11B-202.4. 3. An accessible route from the residential dwelling unit's primary entry door to the vehicular entrance 1113-304.4 Door swing. Doors shall be permitted to swing into turning spaces. IIB-403.5 Clearances. Walking surfaces shall provide clearances complying with Section 1113-403.5. 1113-404.3 Automatic and power-assisted doors and gates. IIB-305 shall be provided at call controls. 1113-202.3 Alterations. Where existing elements or spaces are altered, each altered element or space at the garage. IIB-305 Clear floor or ground space Exception: Vithin employee work areas, clearances on common use circulation paths shall be Automatic doors and automatic gates shall comply with Section 1113-404.3. Full-powered automatic IIB-407.2.1.4 Location. The call button that designates the up direction shall be located above the call FM shall comply with the applicable requirements of Division 2, including Section 1113-202.4. IIB-209 Passenger loading zones and bus stops 1113-305.1 General. Clear floor or ground space shall comply with Section IIB-305. permitted to be decreased by work area equipment provided that the decrease is essential to the doors shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.10. Low-energy and power-assisted doors shall comply button that designates the down direction. Exceptions: IIB-209.1 General. Passenger loading zones shall be provided in accordance with Section 1113-209. 1113-305.2 Floor or ground surfaces. Floor or ground surfaces of a clear floor or ground space shall function of the work being performed. with ANSI/BHMA A156.19. Exception: Destimation-oriiented elevators shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-407.2.1 .4. 2. Technically infeasible. In alterations, where the enforcing authority determines compliance with IIB-209.2 Type. Where provided, passenger loading zones shall comply with Section IIB-209.2. comply with Section 11 B-302. 1113-403.5.1 Clear width. Except as provided in Sections 1113-404.3.1 Clear width. Doorways shall provide a clear opening of 32 inches (813 mm) minimum in IIB-401.2.1.5 Signals. Call buttons shall have visible signals that will activate when each call is applicable requirements is technically infeasible, the alteration shall provide equivalent facilitation or IIB-209.2.1 Passenger loading zones. Passenger loading zones, except those required to comply with Changes in level are not permitted. IIB-403.5.2 and IIB-403 .5.3, the clear width of walking surfaces shall be 36 inches (914 mm) power-on and power-off mode. The minimum clear width for automatic door systems in a doorway registered and will extinguish when each call is answered. Call buttons shall be internally illuminated comply with the requirements to the maximum extent feasible. The details of the finding that full Sections 118- Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. minimum. with a white light over the entire surface of the button. compliance with the requirements is technically infeasible shall be recorded and entered into the files 209.2.2 and 11B-209.2.3, shall provide at least one passenger loading zone complying with Section 1113-305.3 Size. The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches (762 mm) minimum by 48 inches Exceptions: shall provide a clear, unobstructed opening of 32 inches (813 mm) with one leaf positioned Exceptions: of the enforcing agency. IIB-503 in every continuous 100 linear feet (30480 mm) of loading zone space, or fraction thereof. 1. The clear width shall be permitted to be reduced to 32 inches (813 mm) minimurn for a length of 24 at an angle of 90 degrees from its closed position. 1. Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B- 407 .2.1.5 CC ] 3. Residential dwelling units not required to be accessible in compliance with this code shall not be IIB-211 Drinking fountains (1219 mm) minimum. inches (610 mm) maximum provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that 1113-404.3.2 Maneuvering clearance. Clearances at power-assisted doors and gates shall comply with provided that visible and audible signals complying with Section 11 B-407 .2.2 indicating which required to comply with Section 11B-202.3. 1113-305.4 Knee and toe clearance. Unless otherwise specified, clear floor or ground space shall be Section 1113-202.3.1 Prohibited reduction in access. An alteration that decreases or has the effect of 11B-211.1 General. Where drinking fountains are provided on an exterior site, on a floor, or within a permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with Section 1113-306. are 48 inches (1219 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) wide minimum. 1113-404.2.4. Clearances at automatic doors and gates without standby power and serving an elevator car to enter are provided. ARCHITECTS decreasing the accessibility of a building or facility below the requirements for new construction at the secured are- they shall be provided in accordance with Section 11 B-211. IIB-305.5 Position. Unless otherwise specified, clear floor or ground space shall 2. The clear width for walVing swfaces in corridors serving an occupant load of 10 or more shall be 44 accessible means of egress shall comply with Section 11 B-404.2.4. 2. Reserved. Exception: In detention or correctional facilities, drinking be positioned for either forward or parallel approach to an element. inches ( 1118 mm) minimum. Exception: Where automatic doors and gates remain open in the power-off condition, compliance with IIB-407.2.1.6 Keypads. Where keypads are provided, keypads shall be in a standard telephone time of the alteration is prohibited. fountains only serving holding or housing cells not required to comply with Section 1113-232 shall not keypad arrangement and shall comply with Section 11 B- 407.4.7.2. C/ient 1113-202.3.2 Extent of application. An alteration of an existing element, space, or area of a building or be IIB-305.6 Approach. One full unobstructed side of the clear floor or ground 3. The clear width for sidewalks and walks shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum. When, because of Section IIB-407.2.2 Hall signals. Hall signals, including in-car signals, shall comply with Section IIB-407.2.2. facility shall not impose a requirement for accessibility greater than required for new construction. required to comply with Section 1113-211. space shall adjoin an accessible route or adjoin another clear floor or ground space. right-of-way restrictions, natural barriers or other existing conditions, the enforcing agency determines 1113-404.2.4 shall not be required. IIB-407.2.2.1 Visible and audible signals. A visible and audible signal shall be provided at each 11B-202.3.3 Ateration of single elements. If alterations of single elements, when considered together, IIB-211.2 Minimum number. No fewer than two drinking fountains shall be provided. One drinking IIB-305.7 Maneuvering clearance. Where a clear floor or ground space is located in an alcove or that compliance with the 48-inch(1219 mm) clear sidewalk width would create an unreasonable 1113-404.3.3 Thresholds. Thresholds and changes in level at doorways shall comply with Section ADAM FOGEL amount to an alteration of a room or space in a building or facility, the entire room or space shall be otherwise confined on all or part of three sides, additional maneuvering clearance shall be provided in hardship, the clear width may be reduced to 36 inches (914 mm). 11 B-404.2.5. hoistway entrance to indicate which car is answering a call and the car's direction of travel. Where incur made accessible. fountain shall comply with Sections 1113-602.1 through 11B-602.6 and one drinking fountain shall accordance with 4. The clear width for aisles shall be 36 inches (914mm) minimum if serving elements on only one IIB-404.3.4 Doors in series and gates in series. Doors in series and gates in series shall comply with signals are provided, they shall be visible from the floor area adjacent to the hall call buttons. Even House comply with Section 1113-602.7. Sections 1113-305.7.1 and 1113-305.7.2. Section 11B- 404.2.6. Exceptions: 11 B-202.4 Path of travel requirements in alterations, additions and structural repairs. When alterations Exception: Where a single drinking fountain complies with Sections 11 B-602.1 through 11 B-602.6 side, and 44 inches ( 1118 mm) minimum if serving elements on both sides. 1113-404.3.5 Controls. Manually operated controls shall comply with Section 11B-309. The clear floor 1. Visible and audible signals shall not be required at each destimation-oriented elevator where a 15771 Red Hill Avenue, or additions are made to existing buildings or facilities, an accessible path of travel to the specific area and 11 B- 602.7, it shall be permitted to be substituted for two separate 11 B-305.7.1 Forward approach. Alcoves shall be 36 inches (914 mm) wide minimum where the depth IJB-403.5.2 Clear width at turn. Where the accessible route makes a 180 degree turn around an space adjacent to the control shall be located beyond the arc of the door swing. Visible and audible signal complying with Section IIB-407.2.2 is provided indicating of alteration or addition shall be provided. The primary accessible path of travel shall include: drinking fountains. exceeds 24 inches (610 mm). element which is less than 48 inches (1219 mm) wide, cleor width shall be 42 inches (1 067 mm) 1. A primary entrance to the building or facility, IIB-404.3.6 Break out opening. Where doors and gates without standby power are a part of a means of the elevator car designation information. Tustin, CA 92780 IIB-211.3 More than minimum number. Where more than the minimum number of driinving fountains 1113-305.7.2 Parallel approach. Alcoves shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum where the depth minimum upproaching the turn, 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum at the turn and 42 inches (1067 mm) egress, the clear break out opening at swinging or sliding doors and gates shall be 32 inches (813 2. Reserved. 2. Toilet and bathing facilities serving the area, specified in Section exceeds 15 inches (381 mm). minimum leaving the turn. IIB-401.2.2.2 Visible signals. Visible signal fixtures shall be centered at 72 inches (1829 mm) minimum T: (323) 443-0099 3. Drinking fountains serving the area, 11 B-211.2 are provided, 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply IIB-306 Knee and toe clearance Exception: Where the clear width at the turn is 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum compliance with mm) minimum when operated in emergency mode. 4. Public telephones serving the area, and with Sections 1113-306.1 General. Where space beneath an element is included as pod of clear Section 1113-403.5.2 shall not be required. Exception: Where manual swinging doors and gates comply with Section 11 B-404.2 and serve the above the finish floor or ground. The visible signal elements shall be a minimum 2 1/ 2 inches (64 mm) 5. Signs. some means of egress compliance with Section IIB-404.3.6 shall not be required. high by 2 1/2 inches (64 mm) wide. Signals shall be visible from the floor area adjacent to the hall call IIB-602.1 through IIB-602.6, and 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall floor or ground space or turning space, the space shall comply with Section IIB-306. Additional space IIB-403.5.3 Passing spaces. An accessible route with a clear width less than 60 inches (1524 mm) button. Architect of Record Exceptions: comply with Section 1113-602.7. shall not be prohibited beneath an element but shall not be considered as part of the clear floor or 1113-404.3.7 Revolving doors, revolving gates, and turnstiles. Revolving doors, revolving gates, and 1. Residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 11B- Exception: Where 50 percent of the drinking fountains yields a fraction, 50 percent shall be permitted ground space or turning space. shall provide passing spaces at intervals of 200 feet (60,960 mm) maximum. turnstiles shall not be part of an accessible route. Exceptions: 2. If the following elements of a path of travel have been constructed or altered in compliance with the to be rounded up or down provided that the total number of driinkiing fountains complying with Section 1113-306.2 Toe clearance Passing spaces shall be either a space 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1524 mm) IIB-405 Ramps 1. Destination-oriented elevators shall be permitted to have signals visible from the floor area adjacent ELCHERBINI Architects accessibility requirements of the immediately preceeding edition of the California Building Code, it shall IIB-211 equals 100 percent of driinVing fountains. 1113-306.2.1 General. Space under an element between the finish floor or ground minimum; or, an intersection of two walking surfaces providing a T-shaped space complying with 1113-405.1 General. Ramps on accessible routes shall comply with Section 1113-405. to the hoistway entrance. not be required to retrofit such elements to reflect the incremental changes in this code solely because IIB-212 Kitchens, kitchenettes, wet bars and sinks and 9 inches (229 mm) above the finish floor or ground shall be considered toe clearance and shall Secton 11B-304.3.2 where the base and arms of the T-shaped space extend 48 inches Exception: In assembly areas, aisle romps adjacent to seating and not serving elements required to 2. Reserved. 1460 Broadway of an alteration to an area served by those elements of the path of travel: IIB-212.1 General. Where provided, kitchens, kitchenettes, wet bars and sinks shall comply with comply with Section 11B-306.2. (1219 mm) minimum beyond the intersection. be on an accessible route shall not be required to comply with Section IIB-405. IIB-407.2.2.3 Audible signals. Audible signals shall sound once for the up direction and twice for the 1. A primary entrance to the building or facility, Section 11 B-212. 1113-306.2.2 Maximum depth. Toe clearance shall extend 25 inches (635 mm) IIB-403.6 Hundrails. Where hundrails are provided along walking surfaces with running slopes not 1113-405.2 Slope. Romp runs shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:12. down direction, or shall have verbal annunciators that indicate the direction of elevator car travel. New York, NY 10036 2. Toilet and bathing facilities serving the area, IIB-212.2 Kitchens, Witchenettes, and wet bars. Kitchens, kitchenettes and wet bars shall comply with maximum under an element. steeper than 1:20 they shall comply with Section 11 B-505. Exception: Reserved. Audible signals shall have a frequency of 1500Hz maximum. Verbal annunciators shall have a 3. Drinking fountains serving the area, Section 11 B-804. Exception: Toe clearance shall extend 19 inches (483mm) maximum under IIB-403.7 Continuous gradient. All walks with continuous gradients shall have resting areas, 60 inches 1113-405.3 Cross slope. Cross slope of romp runs shall not be steeper than 1 :48. frequency of 300 Hz minimum and 3000 Hz maximum. The audible signal and verbal annunciator T: (212) 466-6891 4. Public telephones serving the area, and IIB-212.3 Sinks. Where sinks are provided, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of each type lavatories required to be accessible by Section IIB-213.3.4. 1524 mm) in length, at intervals of 400 feet (121,920 mm) maximum. The resting area shall be atlIB-405.4 Floor or ground surfaces. Floor or ground surfaces of romp runs shall comply with Section shall be 10 dB minimum above ambient, but shall not exceed 80 c1B, measured at the hull cull button. www.ecarchitects.co 5. Signs. provided in each accessible room or space shall comply with Section 11 B-606. 1113-306.2.3 Minimum required depth. Where toe clearance is required at an least as wide as the walk. The slope of the resting area in all directions shall be 1:48 maximum. 11 B-302. Exceptions: 3. Additions or alterations to meet accessibility requirements consisting of one or more of the following Exceptions: element as part of a clear floor space, the toe clearance shall extend 17 IIB-404 Doors, doorways, and gates Changes in level other than the running slope and cross slope are not permitted on romp runs. 1. Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with Section IIB-407 .2.2.3 provided items shall be limited to the actual scope of work of the project and shall not be required to comply with 1. Mop, service or scullery sinks shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-212.3. inches ( 432 mm) minimum under the element IIB-404.1 General. Doors, doorways, and gates that are part of an accessible route shall comply with 1113-405.5 Clear width. The clear width of a ramp run shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum. that the audible tone and verbal announcement is the some as those given at the call button or call Designer Section 11 B-202.4: 2. Scrub sinks, as defined in California Plumbing Code Exceptions: Section 1113-404. Exceptions: button keypad. 1. Altering one building entrance. Section 221.0, shall not be required to comply with Section IIB-606. Exceptions: 1. Within employee work areas, the required clear width of romps that are a part of common use 2. Reserved. 2. Altering one existing toilet facility. IIB-213 Toilet facilities and bathing facilities 1. The toe clearance shall extend 19 inches (483mm) minimum under sinks 1. Doors, doorways, and gates designed to be operated only by security personnel shall not be circulation paths shall be permitted to be decreased by work area equipment provided that the 11 B-407 .2.2.4 Differentiation. Each destinotion-oriiented elevator in a bank of elevators shall have OPA Architecture 3. Altering existing elevators. IIB-213.1 General. Where toilet facilities and bathing facilities are provided, they shall comply with required to be accessible by Section IIB-212.3. required to comply with Sections IIB-404.2.7, IIB-404.2.8, IIB-404.2.9 , IIB-404.3.2 and IIB-404.3.4 decrease is essential to the function of the work being performed. audible and visible means for differentiation. 4. Altering existing steps. Section IIB-213. 2. The toe clearance shall extend 19 inches ( 483mm) minimum under built-in through 1113-404.3.7. A sign visible from the approach side complying with Section 1113-703.5 shall be 2. Handrails may project into the required clear width of the ramp at each side 3 1/2 inches (89 mm) IB-407.2.3 Hoistway signs. Signs at elevator hoistways shall comply with Section IIB-407.2.3 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 5. Altering existing handrails. Where toilet facilities and bathing facilities are provided in facilities permitted by Section 11 B-20623 dining and work surfaces required to be accessible by Section 1113-226.1. posted stating "Entry restricted and controlled by security personnel". maximum at the handrail height. �11]1-407.2.3.1 Floor designation. Floor designations complying with Sections 1113-703.2 and IIB-703.4.1 B-306.2.4 Additional clearance. Space extending greater than 6 inches shall be provided on both jambs of elevator hoistway entrances. Floor designations shall be provided 4. Alterations solely for the purpose of barrier removal undertaken pursuant to the requirements of the Exception 1 not to connect stories by an accessible route, toilet facilities and bathing facilities shall be 11 2. At detention and correctional facilities, doors, doorways, and gates designed to be operated only by 3. The clear width of romps in residential uses serving an occupant load of fifty or less shall be 36 New York, NY 10013 Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Low 101-336, 28 C.F.R., Section 36.304) or the accessibility provided on a story connected by an accessible route to an accessible entrance. (152 mm) beyond the available knee clearance at 9 inches (229 mm) above security personnel shall not be required to comply with Sections IIB-404.2.7, IIB-404.2.8, IIB- inches (914 mm) minimum between handrails. in both raised characters and Braille. Raised characters shall be 2 inches (51 mm) high. A raised star, requirements of this code as those requirements or regulations now exist or are hereafter amended IIB-213.1.1 Toilet facilities for designated user groups. the finish floor or ground shall not be considered toe clearance. 404.2.9, 1113-404.3.2 and IIB-404.3.4 through IIB-404.3.7. 1113-405.6 Rise. The rise for any romp run shall be 30 inches placed to the left of the floor designation, shall be provided on both jambs at the main entry level. The T: (347) 988-9029 con-sisting of one or more of the following items shall be limited to the actual scope of work of the Where separate toilet facilities are provided for the exclusive use of separate user groups, the toilet 1113-306.2.5 Width. Toe clearance shall be 30 inches (762mm) wide minimum. IIB-404.2 Manual doors, doorways, and. manual gates (762 mm) maximum. outside diameter of the star shall be 2 inches (51 mm) and all points shall be of equal length. Raised project and shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-202.4: facilities serving each user group shall comply with Section 1113-213. 1113-306.3 Knee clearance. Manual doors and doorways and manual gotes intended for user passage shall comply with Section IIB-405.7 Landings. Ramps shall have landings at the top and the bottom of each ramp run. Landings characters, including the star, shall be white on a black background. Braille complying with Section www.opa.space 1. Installing ramps. IIB-213.2 Toilet rooms and bathing rooms. Where toilet rooms are provided, each toilet room shall IIB-306.3.1 General. Space under an element between 9 inches (229 mm) and 27 inches (686 mm) 11 B-404.2. shall comply with Section IIB-405.7. IIB-703.3 shall be placed below the corresponding raised characters and the star. The Braille 2. Making curb cuts in sidewalks and entrance. comply with Section 1113-603. Where bathing rooms are provided, each bathing room shall comply with above the finish floor or ground shall be considered knee clearance and shall comply with Section IIB-404.2.1 Revolving doors, gates, and turnstiles. Revolving doors, revolving gates, and turnstiles 1113-405.7.1 Slope. Landings shall comply with Section 11 B-302. Changes in level are not permitted. translation for the star shall be "MAIN". Applied plates are acceptable if they are permanently fixed to 3. Repositioning shelves. Section 11 B-603. IIB-306.3 . shall not be part of an accessible route. Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. the jamb. 4. Rearranging tables, chairs, vending machines, display rocks, and other furniture. Exceptions: Exception: At lavatories required to be accessible by Section IIB-213.3.4, space between 9 inches IIB-404.2.2 Double-leaf doors and gates. At least one of the active leaves of doorways with two leaves IIB-405.7.2 Vidth. The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the widest ramp run leading to 11 B-407 .2.3.2 Car designations. Destinabon-oriiented elevators shall provide tactile car identification 5. Repositioning telephones. 1. In alterations where it is technically infeasible to comply with Section IIB-603, altering existing toilet (229 mm) and 29 inches (737 mm) above the finish floor or shall comply with Sections 11B-404.2.3 and 11 B-404.2.4. the landing. complying with Sections IIB-703.2 and IIB-703.4.1 on both jambs of the hoistway immediately below 6. Adding raised markiings on elevator control buttons. or bathing rooms shall not be required where a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying ground, shall be considered knee clearance. IIB-404.2.3 Clear width. Door openings shall provide a clear width of 32 inches (813 mm) minimum. IIB-405.7.2.1: Top landings shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum. the floor designation. Car designations shall be provided in both raised characters and Braille. Raised 7. Installing flashing alarm lights. with Section 1113-213.2.1 is provided and located in the same area and on the some floor as existing 1113-306.3.2 Maximum depth. Knee clearance shall extend 25 inches (635 mm) maximum under an Clear open-ings of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and IIB-405.7.3 Length. The landing clear length shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) long minimum characters shall be 2 inches (51 mm) high. Raised characters shall be white on a black background. 8. Widening doors. inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms. element at 9 inches (229 mm) above the finish floor or ground. the stop, with the door open 90 degrees. Openings more than 24 inches (610 mm) IIB-405.7.3.1: Bottom landings shall extend 72 inches ( 1829 mm) minimum in the direction of romp Braille complying with Section IIB-703.3 shall be placed below the corresponding raised characters. 9. Installing offset hinges to widen doorways. 2. Reserved. 1113-306.3.3 Minimum required depth. Where knee clearance is required under an element as part of a deep shall provide a clear opening of 36 inches (914 mm) minimum. There shall be no projections into run. Applied plates are acceptable if they are permanently fixed to the jamb. 10. Eliminating a turnstile or providing an alternative accessible route. 3. Where multiple single user portable toilet or bathing units are clustered at a single location 5 clear floor space, the knee clearance shall be 11 inches (279 the required clear opening width lower than 34 inches (864 mm) above the finish floor or ground. IIB-405.7.4 Change in direction. Romps that change direction between runs at landings shall have a IIB-407.3 Elevator door requirements. Hoistway and car doors shall comply with Section 1113-407.3. 11. Installing accessible door hardware. percent, but no fewer than one, of the toilet units and bathing units at each cluster shall comply with mm) deep minimum at 9 inches (229 mm) above the finish floor or ground, and 8 inches (203 mm) Projections into the clear opening width between 34 inches ( 864 mm) and 80 inches clear landing 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 72 inches (1829 mm) minimum in the direcfion of IB-407.3.1 Type. Elevator doors shall be the horizontal sliding type. Car gates shall be prohibited. 12. Installing grab bars in toilet stalls. Section 11 B- 603 . Portable toilet units and bathing units complying with Section IIB-603 shall be �11]1-407.3.2 Operation. Elevator hoistway and car doors shall open and close automatically. 13. Rearranging toilet partitions to increase maneuvering space. identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section IIB-703.7.2.1. deep minimum at 27 inches (686 mm) above the finish floor or ground. (2032 mm) above the finish floor or ground shall not exceed 4 inches (102 mm). downward travel from the upper ramp run. Exception: Existing manually operated hoistway swing doors shall be permitted provided that they 14. Insulating lavatory pipes under sinks to pre-vent bums. 4. Where multiple single user toilet rooms are clustered at a single location, 50 percent, but no fewer Exceptions: Exceptions: IIB-405.7.5 Doorways. Where doorways are located adjacent to a ramp landing, maneuvering comply with Sections 1113-404.2.3 and 11 B-404.2.9. Car door closing shall not be initiated until the 15. Installing a raised toilet seat. than one, of the single user toilet rooms for each use at each cluster shall comply with Section 1. At lavatories required to be accessible by Section 11 B-213.3.4, the knee clearance shall be 27 1. In alterations, a projection of 5 / 8 inch (15.9 mm) maximum into the required clear width shall be clearances required by Sections 11 B-404.2.4 and 11 B-404.3.2 shall be hoistway door is closed. Revisions 16. Installing a full-length bathroom mirror. IIB-603 inches (686 mm) high minimum above the finish floor or ground at a depth of 8 inches (203 mm) permitted for the latch side stop. permitted to overlap the required landing area. Doors, when fully open, shall not reduce the required IIB-407.3.3 Reopening device. Elevator doors shall be provided with a reopening device complying 17. Repositioning the paper towel dispenser in a bathroom. 5. Where toilet and bathing rooms are provided in guest rooms that are not required to provide mobility minimum increasing to 29 inches (737 mm) high minimum above the finish floor or ground at the 2. Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1981 mm) minimum above the romp landing width by more than 3 inches (76 mm). Doors, in any position, shall not reduce the with Section 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 18. Creating designated accessible parkiing spaces. features complying with Section 11 B-806.2, toilet and bathing fixtures shall only be required to comply front edge of a counter with a built-in lavatory or at the front edge of a wall-mounted lavatory fixture. finish floor or ground. minimum dimension of the romp landing to less than 42 inches ( 1067 mm). IIB-407.3.3 that shall stop and reopen a car door and hoistway door automatically if the door becomes 19. Removing high-pile, low-density carpeting. with Section 1113-603.6. 2. At dining and work surfaces required to be accessible by Section IIB-226.1, knee clearance shall 3. Doors, doorways, and gates not providing full user passage shall provide a clear width of 20 1113-405.8 Handrails. Ramp runs shall have handrails complying with Section IIB-505. obstructed by an object or person. 0 1 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 5. Alterations of existing parking lots by resurfacing and/or restriping shall be limited to the actual IIB-213.2.1 Unisex (single-use or family) toilet and unisex bathing rooms. Unisex toilet rooms shall extend 19 inches (483 mm) deep minimum at 27 inches (686 mm) above the finish floor or ground. inches (510 mm) minimum. Exceptions: Exception: Existing elevators with manually operated doors shall not be required to comply with scope of work of the project and shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-202.4. contain not more than one lavatory, and not more than two water closets without urinals or one water 1113-306.3.4 Clearance reduction. Between 9 inches (229 mm) and 27 inches (686 mm) above the IIB-404.2.4 Maneuvering clearances. Minimum maneuvering clearances at doors and gates shall 1. Reserved. Section IIB- 407.3.3. 6. The addition or replacement of signs and/or identification devices shall be limited to the actual scope closet and one urinal. Unisex bathing rooms shall contain one shower or one shower and one bothtub, finish floor or ground, the knee clearance shall be permitted to reduce at a rate of 1 inch (25 mm) in comply with Section 11B-404.2.4. Maneuvering clearances shall extend the full width of the doorway 2. Handrails are not required at ramps immediately adjacent to fixed seating in assembly areas. IIB-407.3.3.1 Height. The device shall be activated by sensing an obstruction passing through the of work of the project and shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-202.4. one lavatory, and one water closet. Doors to unisex toilet rooms and unisex bathing depth for each 6 inches (152 mm) in height. and the required latch side or hinge side clearance. 3. Curb romps do not require handrails. opening at 5 inches (127 mm) nominal and 29 inches (737 mm) nominal above the finish floor. 7. Projects consisting only of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, reroofing, electrical work not rooms shall have privacy latches. Exception: The knee clearance shall not be reduced at built-in dining and work surfaces required to be Exception: Reserved. 4. At door landings,hundrails are not required on romp runs less than 6 inches ( 152 mm) in rise or 72 IIB-407.3.3.2 Contact. The device shall not require physical contact to be activated, although contact involving placement of switches and receptacles, cosmetic work that does not affect items regulated IIB-213.2.2 Unisex (Patient) toilet rooms in medical care and long-term care facilities. Common-use occessible by Section 11B-226.1. IIB-404.2.4.1 Swinging doors and gates. Swinging doors and gates shall hove moneuveriing inches (1 829 mm) in length. is permitted to occur before the door reverses. by this code, such as painting, equipment not considered to be a part of the architecture of the building unisex toilet rooms for exclusive patient use not located within patient bedrooms shall contain a 1113-306.3.5 Width. Knee clearance shall be 30 inches (762 mm) wide minimum. clearances complying with Table 11 B-404.2.4.1. 1113-405.9 Edge protection. Edge protection complying with Section IIB-405 .9.2 shall be provided on IIB-407.3.3.3 Duration. Door reopening devices shall remain effective for 20 seconds minimum. or area, such as computer terminals and office equipment shall not be required to comply with Section lavatory and one water closet. IIB-307 Protruding objects IIB-404.2.4.2 Doorways without doors or gates, sliding doors, and folding doors. Doorways less than each side of ramp runs and at each side of romp landings. IIB-407.3.4 Door and signal timing. The minimum acceptable time from notification that a car is 1113-202.4 unless they affect the usability of the building or facility. IIB-213.2.3 Unisex (Patient) bathing rooms in medical care and long-term care facilities. Common-use 1113-307.1 General. Protruding objects shall comply with Section 11B-307. 36 inches (914 mm) wide without doors or gates, sliding doors, or folding doors shall have Exceptions: answering a call or notification of the car assigned at the means for the entry of destination information 8. When the adjusted construction cost is less than or equal to the current valuation threshold, as unisex bathing rooms for exclusive patient use not located within patient bedrooms shall contain one IIB-307.2 Protrusion limits. Objects with leading edges more than 27 inches (686 mm) and not more maneuvering clearances complying with Table 11 B-404.2.4.2. 1. Edge protection shall not be required on ramps that are not required to have handrails and have until the doors of that car start to close shall be calculated from the following equation: defined in Chapter 2, Section 202, the cost of compliance with Section 11B-202.4 shall be limited to 20 shower or one bathtub, one lavatory, and one water closet. than 80 inches IIB-404.2.4.3 Recessed doors and gates. Maneuvering clearances for forward approach shall be sides complying with Section 1113-406.2.2. T = D/(1 .5 ft/s) or T = D/(455 mm/s) = 5 seconds minimum where T equals the total time in seconds percent of the adjusted construction cost of alterations, structural repairs or additions. When the cost IIB-213.3 Plumbing fixtures and accessories. Plumbing fixtures and accessories provided in a toilet (2032 mm) above the finish floor or ground shall protrude 4 inches (1 02 mm) maximum horizontally provided when any obstruction within 18 inches ( 457 mm) of the latch side at an interior doorway, or 2. Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of romp landings serving an adjoining romp run and D equals the distance (in feet or millimeters) from the point in the lobby or corridor 60 inches of full compliance with Section 11B-202.4 would exceed 20 percent, compliance shall be provided to room or bathing room required to comply with Section IIB-213.2 shall comply with Section 11 B-213.3. into the circulation path. within 24 inches (610 mm) of the latch side of an exterior doorway, projects or stairway. (1524 mm) directly in front of the farthest call button controlling that car to the centerline of its hoistway the greatest extent possible without exceeding 20 percent. When the adjusted construction cost IIB-213.3.1 Toilet compartments. Where toilet compartments are provided, at least one toilet Exception.: Handrails shall be permitted to protrude 42 inches (114 mm) maximum. more than 8 inches (203 mm) beyond the face of the door, measured perpendicular to the face of the 3. Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of romp landings having a vertical drop-off of 1 door. exceeds the current valuation threshold, as defined in Chapter 2, Section 202, and the enforcing compartment shall comply with Section 11 B-604.8.1. In addition to the compartment required to 1113-307.3 Post-mounted objects. Free-standing objects door or gate. 2 inch (12.7 mm) maximum within 10 inches (254 mm) horizontally of the minimum landing area Exceptions: agency determines the cost of compliance with Section 11B-202.4 is an unreasonable hardship, as comply with Section 1113-604.8.1, at least one compartment shall comply with Section IIB- 604.8.2 mounted on posts or pylons shall overhang circulation paths 12 inches (305 mm) maximum when IIB-404.2.4.4 Floor or ground surface. Floor or ground surface within required maneuvering clearances specified in Section IIB-405.7. 1. For cars with in-cur lanterns, T shall be permitted to begin when the signal is Visible from the point defined in Chapter 2, Section 202, full compliance with Section 11 B-202.4 shall not be required. where six or more toilet compartments are provided, or where the combination of urinals and water located 27 inches (686 mm) minimum and 80 inches (2032 mm) maximum above the finish floor or shall comply with Section 1113-302. Changes in level are not permitted. 1113-405.9.1 Reserved. 60 inches (1524 mm) directly in front of the farthest hall call button and the audible signal is sounded. Compliance shall be provided by equivalent facilitation or to the greatest extent possible without closets Exceptions: 1113-405.9.2 Curb or barrier. A curb, 2 inches (51 mm) high minimum, or barrier shall be provided that 2. Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-407.3.4. creating an unreasonable hardship; but in no case shall the cost of compliance be less than 20 percent totals six or more fixtures. ground. Where a sign or other obstruction is mounted between posts or pylons and the clear.distance 1. Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. prevents the passage of a 4 inch (102 mm) diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is within IIB-407.3.5 Door delay. Elevator doors shall remain fully open in response to a car call for 5 seconds of the adjusted construction cost of alterations, structural repairs or additions. The details of the finding IIB-215 Fire alarm systems between the posts or pylons is greater than 12 inches (305 mm), the lowest edge of such sign or 2. Changes in level at thresholds complying with 4 inches (102 mm) of the finish floor or ground surface. To prevent wheel entrapment, the curb or minimum. of unreasonable hardship shall be recorded and entered into the files of the enforcing agency and shall IIB-215.1 General. Where fire alarm systems provide audible alarm coverage, alarms shall comply obstruction shall be 27 inches (686 mm) maximum or 80 inches (2032 mm) minimum above the finish Section 11 B-404.2.5 shall be permitted. barrier shall provide a continuous and uninterrupted border along the length of the romp. IIB-407.3.6 Vidth. The width of elevator doors shall comply with Table 1113-407.4.1. be subject to Chapter 1, Section, Special Condifionsfor Persons with Disabilities Requiring with Section IIB- 215. floor or ground. IIB-404.2.5 Thresholds. Thresholds, if provided at doorways, shall be 1 1 2 inch (12. 7 mm) high 1113-405.10 Wet conditions. Landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to prevent the Exception: In existing elevators, a power-operated car door complying with Section IIB-404.2.3 shall Appeals Action Ratification. Exception: In existing facilities, visible alarms shall not be required except where an existing fire alarm Exception: The sloping portions of handrails serving stairs and romps shall not be required to comply maximum. Raised thresholds and changes in level at doorways shall comply with Sections IIB-302 accumulation of water. be permitted. For the purposes of this exception, the adjusted construction cost of alterations, structural repairs or system is upgraded or replaced, or a new fire alarm system is installed. with Section IIB-307 .3. and IIB-303. IIB-406 Curb romps, blended transitions and islands IIB-407.4 Elevator car requirements. Elevator cars shall comply with Section 11B-407.4. Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE additions shall not include the cost of alterations to path of travel elements required to comply with IIB-215.2 Public and common use areas. Alarms in public use areas and common use areas shall 1113-307.3.1 Edges and corners. Where signs or other objects are mounted on posts or pylons, and Exception: Reserved. 1113-406.1 General. Curb romps, blended transitions and islands on accessible routes shall comply with IIB-407.4.1 Car dimensions. Inside dimensions of elevator cars and clear width of elevator doors shall 1st Floor Section 11B-202.4. In choosing which accessible elements to provide, priority should be given to those comply with Chapter 9, Section 907. their bottom edges are less than 80 inches (2032 mm) above the floor or ground surface, the edges Of IIB-404.2.6 Doors in series and gates in series. The distance between two hinged or pivoted doors in Section 11 B- 406. Curb romps may be perpendicular, parallel, or a combination of perpendicular and comply with Table 11 B-407.4.1. elements that will provide the greatest access in the following order IIB-215.3 Employee work areas. Where employee work areas have audible alarm coverage, the wiring such signs and objects shall be rounded or eased and the corners shall have a series and gates in series shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum plus the width of doors or gates parallel. Exception: In existing buildings, where existing shaft configuration or technical infeasibility prohibits N.I.C. 1. An accessible entrance; system shall be designed so that Visible alarms complying with Chapter 9, minimum radius ofl/ 8 inch (3.2 mm). swinging into the space. 1113-406.1.1 Perpendicular curb romps. Perpendicular curb ramps shall comply with Section IIB-406.2. strict compliance with Section 1113-407.4.1, existing elevator car configurations that provide a clear floor 2. An accessible route to the altered area; Section 907. con be integrated into the alarm system. 1113-307.4 Vertical clearance. Vertical clearance shall be 80 inches (2032 mm) high minimum. IIB-404.2.7 Door and gate hardware. Handles, pulls, latches, locks, and other operable parts on doors 1113-406.1.2 Parallel curb ramps. Parallel curb romps shall comply with Section 1113-406.3. area of 18 square feet (1.67 m2) minimum and also provide an inside clear depth 54 inches (1372 3. At least one accessible restrourn for each sex; IIB-215.4 Transient lodging. Guest rooms required to comply with Section IIB-224.4 shall provide Guardrails or other barriers shall be provided where the vertical clearance is less than 80 inches (2032 and gates shall comply with Section IIB-309.4. Operable parts of such hardware shall be 34 inches 1113-406.1.3 Blended transitions. Blended transitions shall comply with Section 11B-406.4. mm) minimum and a clear width 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum shall be permitted. 4. Accessible telephones; alarms complying with Chapter 9, Section 907. mm) high. The leading edge of such guardrail or barrier shall be located 27 inches (686 mm) (864 mm) minimum and 44 inches ( 1118 mm) maximum above the finish floor or 1113-406.1.4 Islands. Islands shall comply with Section 1113-406.6. IIB-407.4.2 Floor surfaces. Floor surfaces in elevator cars shall comply with Sections IIB-302 and N.I.C. N.I.C. 5. Accessible drinking fountains; and IIB-215.5 Residential facilities. Where provided in residential dwelling units required to comply with maximum above the finish floor or ground. Where a guy support is used parallel to a circulation path, ground. Where sliding doors are in the fully open position, operating hardware shall be exposed and 1113-406.2 Perpendicular curb romps. Perpendicular curb romps shall comply with Sections IIB-406.2 IIB-303. N 6. When possible, additional accessible elements such as parking, storage and alarms. Section IIB- 809.5, alarms shall comply with Chapter 9, Section 907. including but not limited to sidewalks, a guy brace, sidewalk guy or similar device shall be used to usable from both sides. and 1113-406.5. IIB-407.4.3 Platform to hoistway clearance. The clearance between the car platform sill and the edge If an area has been altered without providing an accessible path of travel to that area, and subsequent IIB-216 Signs prevent an overhanging obstruction. Exceptions: 1113-406.2.1 Slope. Romp runs shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:12. of any hoistway landing shall be 114 inch (32 mm) maximum. N.I.C. alterations of that area or a different area on the same path of travel are undertaken within three years IIB-216.1 General. New or altered signs shall be provided in accordance with Section IIB-216 and shall Exception: Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1981 mm) minimum above 1. Existing locks shall be permitted in any location at existing glazed doors without stiles, existing 1113-406.2.2 Sides of curb ramps. Where provided, curb ramp flares shall not be steeper than 1:10. IIB-407.4.4 Leveling. Each car shall be equipped with a self-leveling feature that will automatically N.I.C. of the original alteration, the total cost of alterations to the areas on that path of travel during the comply with Section 11 B-703. The addition of or replacement of signs shall not trigger any additional the finish floor or ground. overhead rolling doors or grilles, and similar existing doors or grilles that are designed with locks that 1113-406.3 Parallel curb romps. Parallel curb ramps shall comply with Sections 11 B-406.3 and 11 preceding three-year period shall be considered in determining whether the cost of making that path of path of travel requirements. 1113-307.5 Required clear width. Protruding objects shall not reduce the clear width required for are activated only at the top or bottom rail. B-406.5. bring and maintain the car at floor landings within a tolerance of 1/2 inch (12. 7 mm) under rated travel accessible is disproportionate. Exceptions: loading to zero loading conditions. 9. Certain types of privately funded, multistory buildings and facilities were formerly exempt from 1. Building directories, menus, seat and row designations in assembly areas, occupant names, accessible routes. 2. Access gates in barrier walls and fences protecting pools, spas, and hot tubs shall be permitted to 1113-406.3.1 Slope. The running slope of the curb ramp segments shall be in-line with the direction of IIB-407.4.5 Illumination. The level of illumination at the car controls, platform, car threshold and car accessibility requirements above and below the first floor under this code, but as of Ap(il/, 1994 are no building IIB-308 Reach ranges have operable parts of the release of latch on selflatching devices at 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum sidewalk travel. Romp runs shall have a running slope not steeper landing sill shall be 5 foot candles (54 lux) minimum. Seal 1113-308.1 General. Reach ranges shall comply with Section above the finish floor or ground provided the self-latching devices are not also self-lockiing than 1:12. IIB-407.4.6 Elevator car controls. Where provided, elevator car controls shall comply with Sections 11 Ion-ger exempt due to more restrictive provisions in the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. In addresses, and company names and logos shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B-216. IIB-308. devices and operated by means of a key, electronic opener, or integral combination lock. 1113-406.3.2 Turning space. A turning space 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1219 mm) B-407 .4.6 and IIB-309.4. alteration projects involving buildings and facilities previously approved and built without elevators, 2. In parkiing facilities, signs provided solely for the operation of vehicles shall not be required to 1113-308.1.1 Electrical switches. Controls and switches intended to be used by the occupant of a room IIB-404.2.8 Closing speed. Door and gate closing speed shall comply with Section 11 B-404.2.8. minimum shall be provided at the bottom of the curb romp. The slope of the turning space in all Exception: In existing elevators, where a new car operating panel complying with Section 11 areas above and below the ground floor are subject to the 20-percent disproportionately provisions comply or area to control lighting and receptacle outlets, appliances or cooling, heating and ventilating IIB-404.2.8.1 Door closers and gate closers. Door closers and gate closers shall be adjusted so that directions shall be 1:48 maximum. B-407 .4.6 is provided, existing car operating panels may remain operational and shall not be required described in Exception 8, above, even if the value of the project exceeds the valuation threshold in with Sections 1113-216.2, IIB-216.3, and IIB-216.6 through IIB-216.12. equipment, shall comply with Section IIB-308 except the low reach shall be measured to the bottom of from an open position of 90 degrees, the time required to move the door to a position of 12 degrees 1113-406.4 Blended transitions. Blended tronsrtwns shall comply with Sections 1113-406.4 and 1113-406.5. to comply with Section 11 B-407.4.6. C)A F? Exception 8. The types of buildings and facilities are: 3. Temporary, 7 days or less, signs shall not be required to comply with Section IIB-216. the outlet box and the high reach shall be measured to the top of the outlet box. from the latch is 5 seconds minimum. IIB-406.4.1 Slope. Blended transitions shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:20. IIB-407.4.6.1 Location. Controls shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in Section 11 1. Office buildings and passenger vehicle service stations of three stories or more and 3,000 or more 4. In detention and correctional facilities, signs not located in public use areas shall not be required to 1113-308.1.2 Electrical receptacle outlets. Electrical receptacle outlets on branch circuits of 30 amperes IIB-404.2.8.2 Spring hinges. Door and gate spring hinges shall be adjusted so that from the open 1113-406.5 Common requirements. Curb romps and blended transitions shall comply with Section 11 square feet (279m2) per floor. comply with Section 1113-216. or less and communication system receptacles shall comply with Section 11 B-308 except the low position of 70 degrees, the door or gate shall move to the closed position in 1.5 seconds minimum. B-406.5. B-308. 2. Offices of physicians and surgeons. IIB-216.2 Designations. Interior and exterior signs identifying permanent rooms and spaces shall reach shall be measured to the bottom of the outlet box and the high reach shall be measured to the IIB-404.2.9 Door and gate opening force. The force for pushing or pulling open a door or gate other 1113-406.5.1 Location. Curb romps and the flared sides of curb romps shall be located so that they do Exceptions: AB 3. Shopping centers. comply with Sections 1113-703.1, 11B-703.2, 1113-703.3 and 1113-703.5. Where pictograms are provided top of the outlet box. than fIre doors shall be as follows: not project into vehicular traffic lanes, parking spaces, or parking access aisles. Curb romps at marked 1* Where the elevator panel serves more than 16 openings and a parallel approach is provided, 4. Other buildings and facilities three stories or more and 3,000 or more square feet (279 m2) per floor as designations of permanent rooms and spaces, the pictogroms shall comply with Section IIB- 703.6 1113-308.2 Forward reach. 1. Interior hinged doors and gates: 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. crossings shall be wholly contained within the markings, excluding any flared sides. buttons with floor clesignations shall be permitted to be 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum CHE I if a reasonable portion of services sought and used by the public is available on the accessible level. and shall have text descriptors complying with Sections 11 B-703.2 and 11 B-703.5. 1113-308.2.1 Unobstructed. Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 2. Sliding or folding doors: 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. Exception: Diagonal curb ramps shall comply with Section 11 B-406.5.9. above the fmish floor. For the general privately funded multistory building exception applicable to new construction and Exception: Exterior signs that are not located at the door to the space they serve shall not be inches (1219 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (381 mm) minimum above 3. Required fire doors: the minimum opening force allowable by the appropriate administrative 1113-406.5.2 Width. The clear width of curb romp runs (excluding any flared sides), blended transitions, 2. In existing elevators, car control buttons with floor designations shall be permitted to be alterations, see Section 11B-206.2.3, Exception 1. required to comply with Section 1113-703.2. the finish floor or ground. authority, not to exceed 15 pounds (66.7 N). and turning spaces shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum. located 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum above the finish floor where a parallel approach is provided. 3/31/2025 The elevator exception set forth in this section does not obviate or limit in any way the obligation to 1113-216.3 Directional and informational signs. Signs that provide direction to or information about 1113-308.2.2 Obstructed high reach. Where a high forward reach is over an obstruction, the clear floor 4 Exterior hinged doors: 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. IIB-406.5.3 Landings. Landings shall be provided at the tops of curb romps and blended transitions. IIB-407.4.6.2 Buttons. Car control buttons with floor designations shall comply with Section RENEWAL comply with the other accessibility requirements in this code. For example, floors above or below the interior and exterior spaces and facilities of the site shall comply with Section IIB-703 .5. space shall extend beneath the element for a distance not less than the required reach depth over the t 11 B-407.4.6.2. DATE accessible ground floor must meet the requirements of this section except for elevator service. If toilet 1113-216.4 Means of egress. Signs for means of egress shall comply with Section IIB-216.4. obstruction. The high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum where the reach depth is These forces do not apply to the force required to retract latch bolts or disengage other devices that The landing clear length shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum. The landing clear width shall be a Exception: Reserved. or bathing facilities are provided on a level not served by an elevator, then toilet or bathing facilities 1113-216.4.1 Exit doors. Signs required by Chapter 10, Section 1011.4 at doors to exit hold the door or gate in a closed position. least as wide as the curb romp, excluding any flared sides, or the blended transition IIB-407. Size and shape. Buttons shall have square shoulders, be 3 / 4 inch (19.1 mm) OF C N_ must be provided on the accessible ground floor. passageways, exit discharge, and exit stairways shall comply with Sections 11B-703.1, 1113-703.2, 20 inches (508 mm) maximum. Exceptions: leading to the landing. The slope of the landing in all directions shall be 1:48 maximum. minimum in their smallest dimension and be raised 1/ 8 inch (3.2 mm) plus or minus 1 / 32 inch (0.8 1113-202.5 Alterations to qualified historic buildings and facilities. Alterations to a qualified historic JJB-703.3 and 1113-703.5. Where the reach depth exceeds 20 inches (508 mm), the high forward reach shall be 44 inches ( 1118 1. Exterior doors to muchinery spaces including, but not limited to, elevator pits or elevator Exception: Parallel curb romps shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-406.5.3. mm) above the surrounding surface. building or facil-ity shall comply with the State Historical Building Code, Part 8, Title 24, of the IIB-216.4.2 Areas of refuge and exterior areas for assisted rescue. Signs required by Chapter 10, mm) maxirnum and the reach depth shall be 25 inches (635 mm) maximum. penthouses; mechanical, electrical or communications IIB-406.5.4 Floor or ground surfaces. Floor or ground surfaces of curb ramps and blended transitions IIB-407. Arrangement. Buttons shall be arranged with numbers in ascending order. When California Code of Regulations. Section 1007.11 to provide instructions in areas of refuge shall comply with Section 1113-703.5. 1113-308.3 Side reach. equipment rooms; piping or equipment catwalks; electric substations and transformer vaults; and shall comply with Section 11B-405.4. Exception: Reserved. Signs required by Chapter 10, Section 1007.9 at doors to areas of refuge and exterior areas for 1113-308.3.1 Unobstructed. Where a clear floor or ground space allows a parallel approach to an highway and tunnel utility facilities. IIB-406.5.5 Wet conditions. Curb romps and blended transitions shall comply with Section 11 B-405.1 two or more colunms of buttons are provided they shall read from left to right. IIB-208 Parkiing spaces assisted rescue shall coinply with Sections IIB-703.1, 1113-703.2, IIB-703.3 and 1113-703.5 and element and the side reach is unobstructed, the high side reach shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) 2. When, at a single location, one of every eight exterior door leofs, or fraction of eight, is a powered 0. IIB-407. Illumination. Cur control buttons shall be illuminated. IIB-208.1 General. Where parking spaces are provided, parking spaces shall be provided in include an International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section IIB-703.7.2.1. maximum and the low side reach shall be 15 inches (381 mm) minimum above the finish floor or door, other exterior doors at the same location, serving the some interior space, may hove a IIB-406.5.6 Grade breaks. Grade breaks at the top and bottom of curb romp runs shall be IIB-407. Operation. Car control buttons shall be activated by a mechanical motion that is Project Information accordance with Section DIVISION 3 ground. maximum opening force of 8.5 pounds (37.8 N). The powered leaf(s) shall be located closest to perpendicular to the direction of the romp run. Grade breaks shall not be permitted on the surface of detectable. IIB-208. BUILDING BLOCKS Exceptions: the accessible route. ramp runs and turning spaces. Surface slopes that meet at grade breaks shall be flush. IIB-407.4.6.3 Keypads. Cur control keypads shall be in a standard telephone keypad arrangement and Even House Exception: Parking spaces used exclusively for buses,trucks, other delivery vehicles, or vehicular IIB-301 General 1. An obstruction shall be permitted between the clear floor or ground space and the element where a. Powered doors shall comply with Section 1113-404.3. Powered doors shall be fully automatic doors 1113-406.5.7 Cross slope. The cross slope of curb romps and blended transitions shall be 1:48 shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.7 .2. 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 impound shall IIB-301.1 Scope. The provisions of Division 3 shall apply where required the depth of the obstruction is 10 inches (254 mm) maximum. complying with Builders Hardware Manufacturers' Association (BHMA) A156.10 or low energy maximum. IIB-407.4.6.4 Emergency controls. Emergency controls shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.6.4. 1113-406.5.8 Counter slope. Counter slopes of adjoining gutters and road surfaces immediately adjacent IIB-407. Height. Emergency control buttons shall have their center lines 35 inches ( 889 mm) not be required to comply with Section IIB-208 provided that lots accessed by the public are provided by Division 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this chapter. 2. Operable parts of fuel dispensers shall be permitted operated doors complying with BHMA A56.19. with a passenger IIB-302 Floor or ground surfaces to be 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum measured from the surface of the vehicular way where fuel b. Powered doors serving a building or facility with an occupancy of 150 or more shall be provided wi# and within 24 inches (610 mm) of the curb romp shall not be steeper than 1:20. The adjacent minimum above the finish floor. loading zone complying with Section 11 B-503. IIB-302.1 General. Floor and ground surfaces shall be stable, firm, and slip resistant and shall dispensers ore installed on existing curbs. a back-up battery or back-up generator. The back-up power source shall be able to cycle the door a surfaces at transitions at curb romps to walks, gutters, and streets shall be at the some level. IIB-407. Location. Emergency controls, including the emergency alarm, shall be grouped at IIB-208.2 Minimum number. Parking spaces complying with Section 11 B-502 shall be provided in comply with Section 1113-302. IIB-406.5.9 Clear space at diagonal curb romps. The bottom of diagonal curb ramps shall have a clear the bottom of the panel. Job Number 03923.00 1113-308.3.2 Obstructed high reach. Where a clear floor or ground space allows a parallel approach to minimum of 100 cycles. IIB-407.4.7 Designations and indicators of car controls. Designations and indicutors of car controls accordance with Table IIB-208.2 except as required by Sections 1113-208.2.1, Exceptions: an element and the high side reach is over an obstruction, the height of the obstruction shall be 34 C. Powered doors shall be controlled on both the interior and exterior sides of the doors space 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum outside active traffic lanes of the roadway. Diagonal curb romps shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.7. Drawing Title IIB-208.2.2, and 1113-208.2.3. Where more than one parking facility is provided on a site, the number of 1. Within animal containment areas, floor and ground surfaces shall not be required to be stable, inches (864 mm) maximum and the depth of the obstruction shall be 24 inches (610 mm) by sensing devices, push plates, vertical actuation bars or other similar operating provided at marked crossings shall provide the 48 inches ( 1219 mm) minimum clear space within the Exception: In existing elevators, where a new car operating panel complying with Section IIB-407.4.7 accessible spaces firm, and slip resistant. maximum. The high side reach shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum for a reach depth of 10 devices complying with Sections 1113-304, IIB-305 and 1113-308. markings. is provided, existing car operating panels may remain operational and shall not be required to comply provided on the site shall be calculated according to the number of spaces required for each parking 2. Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-302. IIB-302.2 Carpet. At each location where push plates are provided there shall be two push plates; the IIB-406.5.10 Diagonal curb romps. Diagonal or corner type curb romps with returned curbs or other with Section IIB-407.4.7. facility. Carpet or carpet tile shall be securely attached and shall have a firm cushion, pad, or backing or inches (254 mm) maximum. Where the reach depth exceeds 10 inches (254 mm), the high side reach centerline of one push plate shall be 7 inches (178 mm) minimum and 8 inches well-defined edges shall hove the edges parallel to the direction of pedestrian flow. Diagonal curb IIB-407.4.7.1 Buttons. Car control buttons shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.7.1. ADA NOTES IIB-208.2.1 Hospital outpatient facilities. Ten percent of patient and Visitor parkiing spaces provided to no cushion or pod. shall be 46 inches (1168 mm) maximum for a reach depth of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum. (203 mm) maximum above the floor or ground surface and the centerline of the romps with flared sides shall have a segment of curb 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum located on IIB-407. Type. Control buttons shall be identified by raised characters or symbols, white on a serve hospital Carpet or carpet tile shall have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, level cut/uncut pile Exceptions: second push plate shall be 30 inches (762 mm) minimum and 44 inches (1118 mm) each side of the curb romp and within the marked crossing. black background, complying with Section IIB- 703.2 and Braille complying with Section 1113-703.3. outpatient facilities, and free-standing buildings providing outpatient clinical services of a hospital, shall texture. Pile height shall be 1 1 2 inch (12. 7 mm) maximum. Exposed edges of carpet shall be 1. The top of washing machines and clothes dryers shall be permitted to be 36 inches (914 mm) maximum above the floor or ground surface. 1113-406.5.11 Grooved border. Curb ramps shall have a grooved border 12 inches (305 mm) wide along IIB-407. Location. Raised characters or symbols and Braille designations shall be placed comply with Section 11B-502. fastened to floor surfaces and shall hove trim on the entire length of the exposed edge. Carpet maximum above the finish floor. Each push plate shall be a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) diameter or a minimum of 4 inches by 4 the top of the curb romp at the level surface of the top landing and at the outside edges of the flared immediately to the left of the control button to which the designations apply. IIB-208.2.4 Von parking spaces. For every six or fraction of six parking-'spaces required by Section edge trim shall comply with Section 1113-303. 2. Operable parts of fuel dispensers shall be permitted to be 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum inches (102 mm by 102 mm) square and shall display the International Symbol of Accessibility sides. The grooved border shall consist of a series of grooves 114 inch (6.4 mm) wide IIB-407. Symbols. The control button for the emergency stop, alarm, door open, door close, 1113-2013.2 to comply with Section 11 B-502, at least one shall be a van parking space complying with IIB-302.3 Openings. Openings in floor or ground surfaces shall not allow passage of a sphere measured from the surface of the vehicular way where fuel dispensers are installed on existing complying with Section IIB-703.7. by 114 inch (6.4 mm) deep, at 314 inch ( 19 mm) on center. main entry floor, and phone, shall be identified with raised symbols and Braille as shown in Table IIB- Section IIB-502. more than 1/2 inch (12.7mm) diameter except as allowed in Sections IIB-407.4.3, IIB-409.4.3, curbs. At each location where vertical actuation bars are provided the operable portion shull be located so the Exceptions: 407. IIB-208.3 Location. Parking facilities shall comply with Section 11B-208.3. 1113-410.4, 1113-810.5.3 and IIB-810.10. Elongated openings shall be placed so that the long IIB-309 Operable parts 1113-309.1 General. Operable parts shall comply with Section bottom is 5 inches (1 27 mm) maximum -above the floor or ground surface and the top is 35 inches 1. At parallel curb romps, the grooved border shall be on the upper approach immediately adjacent IIB-407. Visible indicators. Buttons with floor designations shall be provided with visible IIB-208.3.1 General. Parking spaces complying with Section 11B-502 that serve a particular building or dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. 1113-309. (889 mm) minimum above the floor or ground surface. The operable portion of each vertical actuation to the curb romp across the full width of the curb romp. indicators to show that a call has been registered. facility shall be located on the shortest accessible route from parking to an entrance complying with IIB-303 Changes in level 1113-309.2 Clear floor space. A clear floor or ground space complying with Section IIB-305 shall be bar shall be a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) wide and shall display the International Symbol of 2. A grooved border shall not be required at blended transitions. The visible indication shall extinguish when the car arrives at the designated floor. Section 11B-206.4. Where parking serves more than one accessible entrance, parking spaces IIB-303.1 General. Where changes in level are permitted in floor or ground surfaces, they shall provided. Accessibility complying with Section 11 B-703.7. IIB-406.5.12 Detectable warnings. Curb romps and blended transitions shall have detectable warnings IIB-407. Button spacing. A minimum clear space of318 inch (9.5 mm) or other suitable means of complying with Section IIB-502 shall be dispersed and located on the shortest accessible route to the comply with Section 1113-303. complying with Section 11 B-705. separation shall be provided between rows of control buttons. Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 accessible entrances. In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building or facility, parking Exceptions: 1113-309.3 Height. Operable parts shall be placed within one or more of the reach ranges specified in Where push plates, vertical actuation bars or other similar operating devices are provided, they shall 1113-406.6 Islands. Raised islands in crossings shall be cut through level with the street or have curb IIB-407.4.7.2 Keypads. Keypads shall be identified by characters complying with Section IIB-703.5 and spaces complying with Section 11B-502 shall be located on the shortest accessible route to an 1. Animal containment areas shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-303. Section 11 B-308. be placed in a conspicuous locution. A level and clear floor or ground space for forward or parallel ramps at both sides. The clear width of the accessible route at islands shall shall be centered on the corresponding keypad button.The number five key shall have a single raised Drawing No. accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility. 2. Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with Section 1113-303. 1113-309.4 Operation. Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require fight approach complying with Section IIB-305 shall be provided, centered on the operating device. Doors grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate operable shall not swing into the required clear floor or ground space. be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum. Where curb romps are provided, they shall comply with dot. The dot shall be 0.118 inch (3 mm) to 0.120 inch (3.05 mm)bose diameter and in other aspects Exceptions: IIB-303.2 Vertical. Changes in level of 1 / 4 inch (6.4 mm) high maximum shall be permitted to be Section 11B-406. Landings complying with Section IIB-406.5.3 and the accessible IcIBom-7pOl3y. 3w.ilth. Table 1. All van parkiing spaces shall be permitted to be grouped on one level within a multi-story parking vertical and without edge treatment. parts shall be 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. d. Signage identifying the accessible entrance required by Section IIB-216.6 shall be placed on, or facility. 2. A warning curb is not required when a guard or handrail is provided with a guide rail centered 2 Exception: Gas pump nozzles shall not be required to provide operable parts that have an activating immediately adjacent to, each powered door. Signage shall be provided in compliance with BHMA route shall be permitted to overlap. Islands shall have detectable warnings complying with Section 11 IIB-407.4.8 Cur position indicators. Audible and visible car position indicators shall be provided in 2. Parking spaces shall be permitted to be located in different parking facilities if substantially inches (51 mm) minimum and 4 inches (102 mm) maximum above the surface of the walk or force of 5 pounds (22.2 N) maximum. A56.10 or BHMA Al 56.1 9, as applicable. B-705. elevator cars. equivalent or greater accessibility is provided in terms of distance from an accessible entrance or sidewalk. DIVISION 4 e. In addition to the requirements of Item cl, where a powered door is provided in buildings or IIB-407 Elevators IIB-407.4.8.1 Visible indicators. Visible indicators shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.8.1. entrances, parkiing fee, and user convenience. IIB-304 Turning space ACCESSIBLE ROUTES facilities containing assembly occupancies of 300 or more, a sign displaying the International 1113-407.1 General. Elevators shall comply with Section 1113-407 and with ASME A17.1 They shall be IIB-407. Size. Characters shall be 1/2 inch (12. 7 mm) high minimum. IIB-208.3.2 Residential facilities. In residential facilities containing residential dwelling units required to IIB-304.1 General. Turning space shall comply with Section 1113-304. IIB-401 General Symbol of Accessibility measuring 6 inches by 6 inches ( 152 mm by 152 mm), complying with passenger elevators as classified by ASME A17.1. Elevator operation shall be automatic. IIB-407. Location. Indicators shall be located above the car control panel or above the door. provide mobility features complying with Sections 1113-809.2 through IIB-809.4, and adoptable features IIB-304.2 Floor or ground surfaces. Floor or ground surfaces of a turning space shall comply with 1113-401.1 Scope. The provisions of Division 4 shall apply Section IIB- 703.7, shall be provided above the door on both the interior and exterior sides of each 1113-407.1.1 Combined passenger and freight elevators. IIB-407. Floor arrival. As the car passes a floor and when a car stops at a floor served by the T 006000 complying with Chapter IIA, Division IV, parking spaces provided in accordance with Section Section IIB-302. where required by Division 2 or where referenced by a powered door. When the only elevators provided for use by the public and employees are combination passenger elevator, the corresponding character shall illuminate. and freight elevators, they shall comply with Section IIB-407 and with Exception: Destimation-oriiented elevators shall not be required to comply with Section IIB- 407 . IIB- shall be located on the shortest accessible route to the residential dwelling unit entrance Changes in level are not permitted. requirement in this chapter. IIB-404.2.10 Door and gate surfuces. Swinging door and gate surfaces within 10 inches (254 mm) ASMEA17.1. provided that the visible indicators extinguish when the call has been answered. Sheet 08 Of 23 they serve. Spaces provided in accordance with Section IIB- shall be dispersed throughout all Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. IIB-402 Accessible routes of the finish floor or ground measured vertically shall have a smooth surface on the push side 1113-401.2 Elevator landing requirements. Elevator landings shall comply with Section 1113-407.2. IIB-407. Destination indicator. In destination- oriented elevators, a display shall be provided Building Department Application No. types of parking provided for the residential dwelling units. IIB-304.3 Size. Turning space shall comply with Section IIB-304.3.1 or IIB-304.3.2 1113-402.1 General. Accessible routes shall comply with extending the full width of the door or gate. Parts creating horizontal or vertical joints in these 1113-401.2.1 Call controls. Where elevator call buttons or keypads are provided, they shall comply with in the cur with visible indicators to show car destinations. Exception: Parking spaces provided in accordance with Section IIB- shall not be required to IIB-304.3.1 Circular space. The turning space shall be a space of 60 inches (1524 mm) diameter 1113-402. surfaces shall be within 1 / 16 inch (1.6 mm) of the some plane us the other and be free of sharp or Sections IIB-407.4.8.2 Audible indicators. Audible indicators shall comply with Section 11 B-407 .4.8.2. be dispersed throughout all types of parkiing if substantially equivalent or greater accessibility is minimum. The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance 1113-402.2 Components. Accessible routes shall consist of one or more of the following components: abrasive edges. Cavities created by added kick plates shall be capped. 1113-407.2.1 and IIB-309.4. IIB-407. Signal type. The signal shall be an automatic verbal annunciator which announces the provided in terms of distance from an accessible entrance, parking fee, and user convenience. 3. complying with Section IIB-306. walking surfaces with a running slope not steeper than 1:20, doorways, romps, curb romps excluding Exceptions: Exception: Reserved. floor at which the car is about to stop. IIB-208.3.3 Private garages accessory to residential dwelling units. Private garages accessory to the flared sides, elevators, and platform lifts. All components of an accessible route shall comply with 1. Sliding doors shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B-404.2.1 0. IJB-407.2.1.1 Height. Cull buttons and keypads shall be located within one of the reach ranges Exception: For elevators other than destincitionoriiented elevators that have a rated speed of 200 residential dwelling units shall comply with Section 1113-208.3. Private garages include individual garages the applicable requirements of Division 4. 2. Tempered glass doors without stiles and having a bottom rail or shoe with the top leading edge specified in Section 11 B-308, measured to the centerline of the highest operable part. feet per minute (1 m/s) or less, a non-verbal audible signal with a frequency of 1500 Hz maximum 3. and multiple individual garages grouped together. IIB-403 Walking surfaces tapered at 60 degrees minimum from the horizontal shall not be required to meet the 10 inch (254 3. Exception: Reserved. IIR-403 1 ('Pnprni Wrilkinn giiifrinpq thrit nrp. n nnrt nf nn rimpcmihip. mitp. czhnll nnimnly w*t ;Pr,.tinn I . .. I . . .. 3. which sounds as the car passes or is about to stop at a floor served by the elevator shall be permitted. DIVISION 5 11B-502.6.4.2 The parkiing space shall be outlined or painted blue and shall be marked with an 1113-602.6 Water flow. The spout shall provide a flow of water 4 inches (102 mm) high minimum and IIB-604.8.3 Coat hooks and shelves. Coat hooks shall be located within one of the reach ranges 1113-608.1 Thresholds. Thresholds in roll-in type shower compartments shall be 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) 11B-703.5.5 Character height. Minimum character height shall comply with Table 11B-703.5.5. GENERAL SITE AND BUILDING ELEMENTS (CONTINUATION) International Symbol of Accessibility complyiing with Section 11B-703.7.2.1 a minimum 36 inches wide shall be located 5 inches (127 mm) maximum from the front of the unit. The angle of the water stream specified in Section 1113-308. Shelves shall be located 40 inches (1016 mm) minimum and 48 inches high maximum in accordance with Section 11B-303. Viewing distance shall be measured as the horizontal distance between the character and an IIB-407. Signal level. The verbal annunciator shall be 10 dB minimum above ambient, but by 36 inches high (914 mm by 914 mm) in white or a suitable contrasting color. The centerline of the shall be measured horizontally relative to the front face of the unit. Where spouts are located less than (1219 mm) maximum above the finish floor. 11B-608.8 Shower enclosures. Enclosures for shower compartments shall not obstruct controls, obstruction preventing further approach towards the sign. Character height shall be based on the shall not exceed 80 dB, measured at the annunciator. International Symbol of Accessibility shall be a maximum of 6 inches (1 52 mm) from the centerline of 3 inches (76 mm) of the front of the unit, the angle of the water stream shall be 30 degrees maximum. IIB-604.9 Water closets and toilet compartments for children's use. Water closets and toilet faucets, and shower spray units or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto shower seats. uppercase letter "I". IIB-407. Frequency. The verbal annunciator shall have a frequency of 300 Hz minimum to 3000 the parking space, its sides parallel to the length of the parking space and its lower comer at, or lower Where spouts are located between 3 inches (76 mm) and 5 inches (127 mm) maximum from the front compartments for children's use shall comply with Section IIB-604.9. 11B-608.9 Shower floor or ground surface. Floor or ground surfaces of showers shall comply with Exception: Where provided, floor plans providing emergency procedures information in accordance Hz maximum. side aligned with, the end of the parking space. of the unit, the angle of the water stream shall be 15 degrees maximum. IIB-604.9.1 Location. The water closet shall be located with a wall or partition to the rear and to one Section 11B-302.1 and shall be sloped 1:48 maximum in any direction. Where drains are provided, with Title 19 shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-703.5.5. 11B-401.4.9 Emergency communication. Emergency two-way communication systems shall comply 1113-502.1 Relationship to accessible routes. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be designed so IIB-602.7 Drinking fountains for standing persons. Spout outlets of drinking fountains for standing side. The centerline of the water closet shall be 12 inches (305 mm) minimum and 18 inches (457 mm)grate openings shall be 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) maximum and flush with the floor surface. 1113-608.10 Soap 11B-703.5.6 Height from finish floor or ground. Visual characters shall be 40 inches (1016 mm) with Section 11B-308. Raised symbols or characters, white on a black background, and Braille shall that cars and vans, when parked, cannot obstruct the required clear width of adjacent accessible persons shall be 38 inches (965 mm) minimum and 43 inches (1 092 mm) maximum above the finish maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (432 mm) dish Where a soup dish is provided, it shall be located on the control wall at 40 inches (1016 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground. be provided adjacent to the device and shall comply with Sections 11 B-703.2 and 1113-703.3. routes. floor or ground. minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory maximum above the shower floor, and within the reach limits from the seat. Exceptions: Emergency two-way communication systems between the elevator and a point outside the hoistway 1113-502.7.1 Arrangement. Parkiing spaces and access aisles shall be designed so that persons using. IIB-602.8 Depth. Wall- and post-mounted confilevered drinking fountains shall be 18 inches ( 457 mm) accessible toilet compartment specified in Section 11 B- 604.8.2. Compartments shall be arranged for 1 1B-609 Grab bars 1. Visual characters indicating elevator car controls shall not be required to comply with Section shall comply with ASME A17.1. them are not required to travel behind parking spaces other than to pass behind the parking space in 11B-609.1 General. Grab bars in toilet facilities and bathing facilities shall comply with Section 11 B-703.5.6. IIB-407.4.10 Support rail. Support rails shall be provided on at least one wall of the car. which they parked. minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) maximum in depth. left-hand or (ight-hand approach to the water closet. 11 B-609. 2. Floor-level exit signs complying with Chapter 10, Section 1011.7 shall not be required to comply with IIB-407.4.10.1 Location. Clearance between support rails and adjacent suifaces shall be 101 inches 11B-502.7.2 Wheel stops. A curb or wheel stop shall be provided if required to prevent encroachment IIB-602.9 Pedestrian protection. All drinking fountains shall either be located completely within alcoves, IIB-604.9.2 Clearance. Clearance around a water closet shall comply with Section IIB-604.3. 11B-609.2 Cross section. Grab bars shall have a cross section complyiing with Section 1113-609.2.1 or Section 11B-703.5.6. 3. Where provided, floor plans providing emer-gency procedures information in 38 mm) minimum. Top of support rails shall be 31 inches (787 mm) minimum to 33 inches (838 mlm�ehicles over the required clear width of adjacent accessible routes. positioned completely between wing walls, or otherwise positioned so as not to encroach into IIB-604.9.3 Height. The height of water closets shall be 11 inches (279 mm) minimum and 17 inches 11 B-609.2.2. accordance with Title 19 shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B-703.5.6. maximum above the floor of the car. The ends of the support rail shall be 6 inches ( 152 mm) maiimum 1113-502.8 Additional signage. An additional sign shall be posted either; 1) in a conspicuous place at pedestrian ways. The protected area within which a drinking fountain is located shall be 32 inches (813 432 mm) maximum measured to the top of the seat. Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifteh-609.2.1 Circular cross section. Grab bars with circular cross sections shall have an outside 11B-703.5.7 Stroke thickness. Stroke thickness of the uppercase letter "I" shall be 10 percent C from adjacent walls. each entrance to an off-street parkiing facility or 2) immediately adjacent to on-site accessible parking mm) wide minimum and 18 inches (457 mm) deep minimum, and shall comply with Section 1113-305.7. position. diameter of 1 1/4 inches (32 mm) minimum and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum. minimum and 20 percent maximum of the height of the character. IIB-407.4.10.2 Surfaces. Support rails shall be smooth and any suiface adjacent to them shall be free and visible from each parking space. When used,wing walls or barriers shall project horizontally at least as for as the drinking fountain and to IIB-604.9.4 Grab bars. Grab bars for water closets shall comply with Section 118-604.5. 11B-609.2.2 Non-circular cross section. Grab bars with non-circular cross sections shall have a crosssectionllB-703.5.8 Character spacing. Character spacing shall be measured between the two closest points of sharp or abrasive elements. 1113-502.8.1 Size. The additional sign shall not be less than 17 inches (432 mm) wide by 22 inches within 6 inches ( 152 mm) vertically from the floor or ground surface. IIB-604.9.5 Flush controls. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic. Hand operated flush dimension of 2 inches (51 mm) maximum and a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (102 mm) of adjacent characters, excluding word spaces. Spacing between individual characters shall be 10 ARCHITECTS 1IB-407.4.10.3 Structural strength. Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when (559 mm) high. 11B-603 Toilet and bathing rooms controls shall comply with Sections 1113-309.2 and IIB-309.4 and shall be installed 36 inches (914 mm) minimum and 4.8 inches (122 mm) maximum. percent minimum and 35 percent maximum of character height. a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds ( 1112 N) is applied at any point on the support rail, 11B-502.8.2 Lettering. The additional sign shall clearly state in letters with a minimum height of I inch 11B-603.1 General. Toilet and bathing rooms shall comply with Section 11 B-603. maximum above the finish floor. Flush controls shall be located on the open side of the water closet 11B-609.3 Spacing. The space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 11/2 inches (38 mm). The 11B-703.5.9 Line spacing. Spacing between the baselines of separate lines of characters within a C/ient fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure. 11B-603.2 Clearances. Clearances shall comply with Section 1113-603.2. except in ambulatory accessible compartments complyiing with Section 118 604.8.2. message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the character height. 11B-408 Uimited-use/limited-application elevators (25 mm) the following: 11B-603.2.1 Turning space. Turning space complying with Section 11B-304 shall be provided within IIB-604.9.6 Dispensers. Toilet paper dispensers shall comply with Section 118-309.4 and shall be 7 space between the grab bar and projecting objects below and at the ends shall be 11/2 inches (38 11B-703.5.10 Format. Text shall be in a horizontal format. 1113-408.1 General. Uimited-use/limited-opplication elevators shall comply with Section 11 B-408 and "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards the room. inches (178 mm) minimum and 9 inches (229 mm) maximum in front of the water closet measured to mm) minimum. The space between the grab bar and projecting objects above shall be 12 inches (305 11 B-703.6 Pictograms. Pictograms shall comply with Section 11 B-703.6. ADAM FOGEL with ASME A 17 .1. They shall be passenger elevators as classified by ASME A17.1. Elevator or special license plates issued for persons with disabilities will be towed away at the owner's expense. 11B-603.2.2 Overlap. Required clear floor spaces, clear-once at fixtures, and turning space shall be the centerline of the dispenser. The outlet of the dispenser shall be 14 inches (356 mm) minimum and mm) minimum. 1113-703.6.1 Pictogram field. Pictograms shall have a field height of 6 inches (152 mm) minimum. operation shall be automatic. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at: or by telephoning - - Blank spaces shall be filled in permitted to overlap. 19 inches (483 mm) maximum above the finish floor. There sholl be a clearance of 1 1/2 inches (38 Exceptions: Characters and Braille shall not be located in the pictogrom field. Even House 1113-408.2 Elevator landings. Landings serving limiteduse/ limited-application elevators shall comply with appropriate infor-mation as a permanent part of the sign. 11B-603.2.3 Door swing. Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space or clearance required for any mm) minimum below the grab bar. Dispensers shall not be of a type that controls delivery or that does 1. The space between the grab burs and shower controls, shower fittings, and other grab bars above 11B-703.6.2 Finish and contrast. Pictograms and their field shall have a non-glare finish. Pictograms 15771 Red Hill Avenue, IB-503 Passenger drop-off and loading zones fixture. Other than the door to the accessible water closet com-partment, a door in any position, may not allow continuous paper flow. shall be permitted to be 11/2 inches (38 mm) minimum. shall contrast with their field with either a light pictogrom on a dark field or a dark pictogram on a light with Section 11B-408.2. IIB-503.1 General. Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall comply with Section IIB-503. encroach into the turning space by 12 inches ( 305 mm) maximum. IIB-604.9.1 Toilet compartments. Toilet compartments shall comply with Section 1113-604.8. 2. For L-shaped or U-shaped grub bars complying with Section 1113-609.9 the space between the field. Tustin, CA 92780 1113-408.2.1 Call buttons. Elevator call buttons and keypads shall comply with Section 11 B -407 .2.1 IIB-503.2 Vehicle pull-up space. Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall provide a vehicular pulI-up Exceptions: IIB-605 Urinals walls and the grab bar shall be 11/2 inches (38 mm) mini-mum for a distance of 6 inches on either sidellB-703.6.3 Text descriptors. Pictograms shall have text descriptors located directly below the IIB-408.2.2 Hall signals. Hall signals shall comply with Section IIB-407.2.2. space 96 inches (2438 mm) wide minimum and 20 feet (6096 mm) long minimum. 1. Reserved. IIB-605.1 General. Urinals shall comply with Section 1113-605. of the inside comer between two adjacent wall surfaces. pictogram field. Text descriptors shall comply with Sections 11B-703 .2, 11B-703.3 and 1113-703.4. T: (323) 443-0099 IIB-408.2.3 Hoistway signs. Signs at elevator hoistways shall comply with Section IIB-407.2.3.1. IIB-503.3 Access aisle. Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall provide access aisles complying 2. Where the toilet room or bathing room is for indi-Vidual use and a clear floor space complying with 1113-408.3 Elevator doors. Elevator hoistway doors shall comply with Section 11B-408.3. with Section Section 11B-305.3 is provided within the room beyond the arc of the door swing, doors shall be IIB-605.2 Height and depth. Urinals shall be the stall-type 11B-609.4 Position of grab bars. Grab bars shall be installed in a horizontal position, 33 inches (838 11B-703.7 Symbols of accessibility. Symbols of accessibility shall comply with Section 11B-703.7. 1113-408.3.1 Sliding doors. Sliding hoistway and car doors shall comply with Sections 1113-407.3.1 or the woll-hung type with the rim 17 inches (432 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum above the finish floor measured to the top of the 11B-703.7.1 Finish and contrast. Symbols of accessibility and their background shall have a non-glare IIB-503 adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space.Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible permitted to swing into the clear floor space or clearance required for any fixture. Urinals shall be 13 1 / 2 inches (343 mm) deep minimum measured from the outer face of the urinal gripping surface, except that at water closets for children's use complying with Section 11B-604.9, finish. Symbols of accessibility shall contrast with their back-ground with either a light symbol on a dark Architect of Record through IIB-407.3.3 and IIB-408.4.1. route and shall not overlap the vehicular way. 11B-603.3 Mirrors. Mirrors located above lavatories or countertops shall be installed with the bottom background or a dark symbol on a light background. IIB-408.3.2 Swinging doors. Swinging hoistway doors shall open and close automatically and shall HB-503.3.1 Width. Access aisles serving vehicle pull-up spaces shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide edge of the reflecting surface 40 inches (1016 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. Mirrors rim to the back of the fixture. grab bars shall be installed in a horizontal position 18 inches ( 457 mm) minimum and 27 inches (686 11B-703.7.2 Symbols 11B-703.7.2.1 International Symbol of Accessibility. The International Symbol of comply with Sections 11B-404, 11B-407.3.2 and 11B-408.3.2. minimum. not located above lavatories or countertops shall be installed with the bottom edge of the reflecting IIB-605.3 Clear floor space. A clear floor or ground space complying with Section IIB-305 positioned for mm) maximum above the finish floor measured to the top of the gripping surface. The height of the Accessibility shall comply with Figure 11B-703.7.2.1. The symbol sIwII consist of a white figure on a ELCHERBINI Architects IIB-408.3.2.1 Power operation. Swinging doors shall be power-operated and shall comply with ANSI/ IIB-503.3.2 Length. Access aisles shall extend the full length of the vehicle pull-up spaces they serve. surface 35 inches (889 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. forward approach shall be provided. lower grab bar on the back wall of a bathtub shall comply with Section 11B-607.4.1.1 or 1113-607*4*2 1 blue background. The blue shall be Color No. 15090 in Federal Standard 595B. Exception: The 1460 Broadway BHMA A156.19 (1997 or 2002 edition). IIB-503.3.3 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked with a pointed borderline around their perimeter. 11B-603.4 Coat hooks, shelves and medicine cabinets. Coat hooks shall be located within one of the IIB-605.4 Flush controls. Flush controls shall be hand operated or automatic. Hand operated flush 11B-609.5 Surface hazards. Grab bars and any wall or other surfaces adjacent to grab bars shall be appropriate enforcement agency may approve other colors to complement decor or unique design. IIB-408.3.2.2 Duration. Power-operoted swinging doors shall remain open for 20 seconds minimum controls shall comply with Section IIB-309 except that the flush control shall be mounted at a maximum free of sharp or abrasive elements and shall hove rounded edges. when activated. The areawithin the borderlines shall be marked with hatched lines a maximum of 36 inches (914 mm) reach ranges specified in Section 11B-3D8. Shelves shall be located 40 inches (1016 mm) minimum height of 44 inches (1118 mm) above the finish floor. 11B-609.6 Fittings. Grab bars shall not rotate within their fittings. The symbol contrast shall be light on dark or dark on light. New York, NY 10036 on center in a color contrasting with that of the aisle surface. and 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum above the finish floor. Medicine cabinets shall be located with a 11 B-606 Lavatories and sinks 11B-609.1 Installation. Grab bars shall be installed in any manner that provides a gripping surface at 11B-703.7.2.6 Toilet and bathing facilities geometric symbols. Doorways leading to toilet rooms and IIB-408.4 Elevator cars. Elevator cars shall comply with IIB-408.4. IIB-503.4 Floor and ground surfaces. Vehicle pull-upspaces and access aisles serving them shall bathing rooms shall be identified by a geometric symbol complying with Section 1113-703. 7.2.6. The 1113-408.4.1 Car dimensions and doors. Elevator cars shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1067 mm) comply with Section usable shelf no higher than 44 inches ( 1118 mm) maximum above the finish floor. 1113-606.1 General. Lavatories and sinks shall comply with Section 11B-606. the specified locations and that does not obstruct the required clear floor space. symbol shall be mounted at 58 inches (1473 mm) minimum and 60 inches ( 1524 mm) maximum T: (212) 466-6891 11B-603.5 Accessories. Where towel or sanitary napkin dispensers, waste receptacles, or other 1113-606.2 Clear floor space. A clear floor space complying with Section 1113-305, positioned for a 11B-609.8 Structural strength. Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a minimum and a clear depth 54 inches (1372 mm) minimum. Car doors shall be positioned at the IIB-503.5 Vertical clearance. Vehicle pull-up spaces,access aisles serving them, and a vehicular route occessoriies are provided in toilet facilities, at least one of each type shall be located on an accessible forward approach, and knee and toe clearance complying with Section 11B-306 shall be provided. vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, above the finish floor or ground surface measured from the centerline of the symbol. Where a door is www.ecarchitects.co narrow ends of cars and shall provide 32 inches (813 mm) minimum clear width. from an entrance to the passenger loading zone and from the possengerlooding zone to a vehicular route. All operable parts, including coin slots, shall be 40 inches (1016 mm) maximum above the finish Exceptions: mounting device, or supporting structure. provided the symbol shall be mounted within 1 inch (25 mm) of the vertical centerline of the door. Exceptions: exit shall provide a verticulcleoronce of 114 inches (2896 mm) minimum. f loor. 1. A parallel approach complying with Section 11 B-305 shall be permitted to a kitchen sink in a space 11 B-609.9 Alternate configuration. L-shaped or U-shaped grab bars shall be permitted. Exception: Geometric symbols shall not be required at inmate toilet rooms and bathing rooms in 1. Cars that provide a clear width 51 inches (1295 mm) minimum shall be permitted to provide a IIB-503.6 Identification. Each passenger loading zone designatedfor persons with disabilities shall be IIB-603.6 Guest room toilet and bathing rooms. Toilet and bathing rooms within guest rooms that are where a cook top or conventional range is not provided and to wet bars. 11B-610 Seats detention and correctional facilities where only one gender is housed. Designer clear depth 51 inches (1295 mm) minimum provided that car doors provide a clear opening 36 identified with arejlectorized sign complying with Section IIB-703.5. It shollbe permanently posted not required to provide mobility features complyiing with Section 1113-806.2 shall provide all toilet and 2. Reserved. 11B-610.1 General. Seats in bathtubs and shower compartments shall comply with Section 11B-610. 11B-703. Men's toilet and bathing facilities. Men's toilet and bathing facilities shall be identified inches (914 mm) wide minimum. immediately adjacent to and Visiblefrom the passenger loading zone stating "Passenger Loading Zone bathing fixtures in a location that allows a person using a wheelchair measuring 30 inches by 3. In residential dwelling units, cabinetry shall be per-mitted under lavatories and kitchen sinks 11B-610.3 Shower compartment seats. A seat in a standard roll-in shower comprntment shall be a by an equilateral triangle, 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick with edges 12 inches ( 305 mm) long and a vertex OPA Architecture 2. Reserved. Only' and including the International Symbol of Accessibilitycomplying with Section IIB-703.7.2.1 in 48 inches (762 mm by 1219 mm) to touch the wheelchair to any lavatory, u6nol, water closet, tub, provided that all of the following conditions are met: folding type, shall be installed on the side wall adjacent to the controls, and shall extend from the back pointing upward. The triangle symbol shall contrast with the door, either light on a dark background or IIB-408.4.2 Floor surfaces. Floor surfaces in elevator cars shall comply with Sections IIB-302 and white on adark blue background. sauna, shower stall and any other similar sanitary installation, if provided. (a) the cabinetry can be removed without removal or replacement of the fixture; wall to a point within 3 inches (76 mm) of the compartment entry. A seat in an alternate roll-in type dark on a light background. 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 1113-303. 11 B-504 Stairways 11B-604 Water closets and toilet compartments (b) the finish floor extends under the cabinetry; and shower compartment shall be a folding type, shall be installed on the front wall opposite the back wall, Exception: Within secure perimeter of detention and correctional facilities, geometric symbols shall not IIB-408.4.3 Platform to hoistway clearance. The platform to hoistway clearance shall comply with 1113-504.1 General. Stairs shall comply with Section 11 B-504. IIB-504.2 Treads and (isers. All steps 1113-604.1 General. Water closets and toilet compartments shall comply with Sections 118-604.2 (c) the walls behind and surrounding the cabine-try are finished. and shall extend from the adjacent side wall to a point within 3 inches (76 mm) of the compartment be required to be 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick. New York, NY 10013 Section 11 B-407.4.3. on a flight of stairs shall have uniform riser heights and uniform tread depths. Risers shall be 4 inches through 1113-604.8. 4. A knee clearance of 24 inches (610 mm) minimum obove the finish floor or ground shall be entry. The top of the seat shall be 17 inches (432 mm) minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) maximum 11B-703. Women's toilet and bathing facilities. Women's toilet and bathing facilities shall be IIB-408.4.4 Leveling. Elevator car leveling shall comply with Sec.tion 11B-407.4.4. (1 02 mm) high minimum and 7 inches (178 mm) high maximum. Treads shall be 11 inches (279 mm) Exception: Water closets and toilet compartments for children's use shall be permitted to comply with permitted at lavatories and sinks used primarily by children 6 through 12 years where the (im or above the bathroom finish floor. When folded, the seat shall extend 6 inches ( 152 mm) maximum from identified by a circle, 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick and 12 inches ( 305 mm) in. diameter. The circle symbol T: (347) 988-9029 IIB-408.4.5 Illumination. Elevator car illumination shall comply with Section 11B-407.4.5. deep minimum. Section 11 B-604.9. counter surface is 31 inches (787 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. 5. A parallel the mounting wall. Seats shall comply with Section 1113-610.3.1 or 11B-610.3.2. shall contrast with the door, either light on a dark background or dark on a light background. IIB-408.4.6 Car controls. Elevator car controls shall comply with Section IIB-407.4.6. Control panels 1113-504.3 Open (isers. Open risers are not permitted. 11B-604.2 Location. The water closet shall be positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one www.opa.space shall be centered on a side wall. Exceptions: approach complying with Section 11B-305 shall be permitted to lavatories and sinks used primarily by 1113-610.3.1 Rectangular seats. The rear edge of a rect-angular seat shall be 21/2 inches (64 mm) Exception: Within secure perimeter of detention and correctional facilities, geometric symbols shall not IIB-408.4.7 Designations and indicators of car controls. 1. On exterior stairways, an opening of not more than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) may be permitted between side. The centerline of the water closet shall be 17 inches (432 mm) minimum to 18 inches (457 mm) children 5 years and younger. 6. The dip of the overflow shall not be considered in determining knee maximum and the front edge 15 inches (381 mm) minimum and 16 inches ( 406 mm) maximum from be required to be 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick. Designations and indicators of car controls shall comply with Section 11B-407.4.7. maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (432 mm) and toe clearances. 7. No more than one bowl of a multi-bowl sink shall be required to provide knee the seat wall. The side edge of the seat shall be 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) maximum from the adjacent 11B-703. Unisex toilet and bathing facilities. Unisex toilet and bathing facilities shall be identified IIB-408.4.8 Emergency communications. Car emergency signaling devices complying with Section 11 the base of the riser and the tread. minimum and 19 inches ( 483 mm) maximum from the side wall or partiffion in the ambulatory and toe clearance comply-ing with Section 11B-306. wall. by a circle, 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick and 12 inches ( 305 mm) in diameter with a 14 inch (6.4 mm) thick B- 407.4.9 shall be provided. 2. On exterior stairways, risers constructed of grating containing openings of not more than 1/2 inch accessible toilet compartment specified in Section 11B-604.8.2. Water closets shall be arranged for a 1113-606.3 Height. Lavatories and sinks shall be installed with the front of the higher of the (im or triangle with a vertex pointing upward superimposed on the circle and within the 12-inch (305 mm) IIB-409 Private residence elevators (12.7 mm) may be permitted. left-hand or right-hand approach. counter surface 34 inches ( 864 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. 1113-610.3.2 L-shaped seats. The rear edge of an Lshaped seat shall be 2 1/ 2 inches (64 mm) diameter. The triangle symbol shall contrast with the circle symbol, either light on a dark background or 1113-409.1 General. Private residence elevators that are provided within a residential dwelling unit 1113-504.4 Tread surface. Stair treads shall comply with Section 1113-302. Changes in level are not 11B-604.3 Clearance. Clearances around water closets and in toilet compartments shall comply with Exceptions: maximum and the front edge 15 inches (381 mm) minimum and 16 inches (406 mm) maximum from dark on a light background. The circle symbol shall contrast with the door, either light on a dark required to provide mobility features complyiing with Sections 11B-809.2 through IIB-809.4 shall permitted. Section 1113-604.3. 1. Reserved. the seat wall. The rear edge of the "L" portion of the seat shall be 1 1/ 2 inches (38 mm) maximum background or dark on a light background. comply with Section IIB-409 and with ASME A 17 .1. They shall be passenger elevators as classified Exception: Treads shall be permitted to have a slope not steeper than 1:48. 11B-604.3.1 Size. Clearance around a water closet shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum measured 2. In residential dwelling unit kitchens, sinks that are adjustable to variable heights, 29 inches (737 from the wall and the front edge shall be 14 inches (356 mm) minimum and 15 inches (381 m1m) Exception: Within secure perimeter of detention and correctional facilities, geometric symbols shall not by ASME A17.1. Elevator operation shall be automatic. 1113-504.4.1 Contrasting stripe. Interior stairs shall have the upper approach and lower tread marked perpendicular from the side wall and 56 inches (1422 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum, shall be permitted where rough-in plumbing permits maximum from the wall. The end of the "L" shall be 22 inches (559 mm) minimum and 23 inches (584 be required to be 114 inch (6.4 mm) thick. 1113-409.2 Call buttons. Call buttons shall be 3 / 4 inch (19.1 mm) minimum in the smallest dimension by a stripe providing clear visual contrast. Exterior stairs shall have the upper approach and all treads rear wall. A minimum 60 inches (1524 mm) wide and 48 inches (1219 mm) deep moneuvering space con-nections of supply and drain pipes for sinks mounted at the height of 29 inches (737 mm). mm) maximum from the main seat wall. 11B-703. Edges and corners. Edges of signs shall be rounded, chomfered or eased. Comers of and shall comply with Section IIB-309. marked by a stripe pro-Viding clear visual contrast. The stripe shall be a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) shall be provided in front of the water closet. 1113-606.4 Faucets. Controls for faucets shall comply with Section 1113-309. Hand-operated metering 1113-610.4 Structural strength. Aflowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a signs shall have a minimum radius of 118 inch (3.2 mm). 1113-409.3 Elevator doors. Hoistway doors, car doors, and car gates shall comply with Sections wide to a maximum of 4 inches ( 102 mm) wide placed parallel to, and not more than 1 inch (25 mm) 11B-604.3.2 Overlap. The required clearance around the water closet shall be permitted to overlap the faucets shall remain open for 10 seconds minimum. vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the seat, fastener, 1113-705 Detectable warnings and detectable directional texture 11B-409.3 and 11B-404. from, the nose of the step or upper approach. The stripe shall extend the full width of the step or upper water closet, associated grab bars, dispensers, sanitary napkin disposal units, coat hooks, shelves, 11B-606.5 Exposed pipes and surfaces. Water supply and drain pipes under lavatories and sinks shall mounting device, or supporting structure. 1113-705.1.1 General. Detectable warnings shall consist of a surface of truncated domes and shall Exception: Doors shall not be required to comply with the maneuvering clearance requirements in approach and shall be of mate-riial that is at least as slip resistant as the other treads of the stair. A accessible routes, clear floor space and clearances required at other fixtures, and the turning space. be insulated or otherwise configured to protect against contact. There shall be no sharp or abrasive IIB-611 Washing machines and clothes dryers comply with Section 11B-705. Section 11 B- 404.2.4.1 for approaches to the push side of swinging doors. E pointed stripe shall be acceptable. Grooves shall not be used to satisfy this requirement. No other fixtures or obstructions shall be located within the required water closet clearance. surfaces under lavatories and sinks. 11B-606.6 Adjacent side wall or partition. Lavatories, when 1113-611.1 General. Washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with Section IIB-611. 11B-705.1.1.1 Dome size. Truncated domes in a detectable warning surface shall have a base Revisions IIB-409.3.1 Power operation. Elevator car and hoistway doors and gates shall be power operated and 1113-504.5 Nosings. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be\ inch (12.7 mm) Exception: In residential dwelling units, a lavatory complying with Section 11B-606 shall be permitted located adjacent to a side wall or partition, shall be a mini-mum of 18 inches ( 457 mm) to the IIB-611.2 Clear floor space. A clear floor or ground space complying with Section IIB-305 positioned for diameter of 0.9 inch (22.9 mm) minimum and 0.92 inch (23.4 mm) maximum, a top diameter of 0.45 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19. Power operated doors and gates shall remain open for 20 maximum. Nos-ings that project beyond risers shall have the underside of the leading edge curved or on the rear wall 18 inches ( 457 mm) minimum from the water closet centerline where the clearance at centerline of the fixture. parallel approach shall be provided. The clear floor or ground space shall be centered on the inch (11.4 mm) minimum and 0.47 inch ( 11.9 mm) maximum, and a height of 0.18 inch (4.6 mm) seconds minimum when activated. beveled. Risers shall be permitted to slope under the tread at an angle of 30 degrees maximum from the water closet is 66 inches (1676 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the rear wall. 1113-606.7 Sink depth. Sinks shall be 6 1/2 inches (165 mm) deep maximum. appliance. minimum and 0.22 inch (5.6 mm) maximum. 0 1 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 Exception: In elevator cars with more than one opening, hoistway doors and gates shall be permitted vertical. The permitted projection of the nosing shall extend 11/4 inches (32 mm) maximum over the 11B-604.4 Seats. The seat height of a water closet above the finish floor shall be 17 inches ( 432 mm) IIB-607 Bathtubs 1113-611.3 Operable parts. Operable parts, including doors, lint screens, and detergent and bleach 11B-705.1.1.2 Dome spacing. Truncated domes in a detectable warning surface shall have a centerto- to be of the manual-open, self-close type. tread below. compartments shall comply with Section 1113-309. IIB-409.3.2 Location. Elevator car doors or gates shall be positioned at the narrow end of the clear Exception: In existing buildingsE there is no requirement to retroactively alter existing nosing minimum and 19 inches ( 483 mm) maximum measured to the top of the seat. Seats shall not be IIB-607.1 General. Bathtubs shall comply with Section IIB-607. 1113-611.4 Height. Top loading machines shall have the door to the laundry compartment located 36 center spacing of 2.3 inches (58 mm) minimum and 2.4 inches (61 mm) maximum, and a base-tobose floor spaces required by Section 1113-409.4.1. projections of 11/2 inches (38 mm) which were constructed in compliance with the building code in sprung to return to a lifted position. Seats shall be 2 inches (51 mm) high maximum. IIB-601.2 Clearance. Clearance in front of bathtubs shall extend the length of the bathtub and shall be inches (914 mm) maximum above the finish floor. Front loading machines shall have the bottom of the spacing of 0.65 inch (16.5 mm) minimum, measured between the most adjacent domes on a 1113-409.4 Elevator cars. Private residence elevator cars shall comply with Section 11B-409.4. effect at the time of original construction. Exceptions: 48 inches ( 1219 mm) wide minimum for forward approach and 30 inches (762 mm) wide minimum for opening to the laundry compartment located 15 inches (381 mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) square grid. IIB-409.4.1 Inside dimensions of elevator cars. Elevator cars shall provide a clear floor space of 36 1113-504.6 Handrails. Stairs shall have handrails complying with Section 11B-505. 1. Reserved. parallel approach. A lavatory complying with Section IIB-606 shall bepermitted at the control end of the maximum above the finish floor. Exception: Where installed in a radial pattern, truncated domes shall have a center-to-center spacing inches (914 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum and shall comply with Section 1113-305. 1113-504.1 Wet conditions. Stair treads and landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to 2. In residential dwelling units, the height of water closets shall be permitted to be 15 inches (381 mm) clearance. Where a permanent seat is provided at the head end of the bathtub, the clearance shall 1113-612 Saunas and steam rooms of 1.6 inches (41 mm) minimum to 2.4 inches (61 mm) maximum. IIB-409.4.2 Floor surfaces. Floor surfaces in elevator cars shall comply with Sections 1113-302 and 11 prevent the accumulation of water. minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) maximum above the finish floor measured to the top of the seat. extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the wall at the head end of the bathtub. IIB-612.1 General. Saunas and steam rooms shall comply with Section 11B-612. 11B-705.1.1.3 Contrast. Detectable warning surfaces shall contrast Visually with adjacent walking IIB-504.8 Floor identification. Floor identification signs required by Chapter 10, Section 1022.9 3. A 3-inch (76 mm) high seat shall be permitted only in alterations where the existing fixture is less IIB-607.3 Seat. A permanent seat at the head end of the bathtub or a removable in-tub seat shall be 1113-612.2 Bench. Where seating is provided in saunas and steam rooms, at least one bench shall surfaces either light-on-dark, or dark-on-light. The material used to provide contrast shall be an integral B-303. complying with Sections IIB-703.1, 1113-703.2, IIB-703.3 and IIB-703.5 shall be located at the landing of than 15 inches (381 mm) high. provided. Seats shall comply with Section IIB-610. IIB-409.4.3 Platform to hoistway clearance. The clearance between the car platform and the edge of comply with Section part of the surface. Contrast shall be determined by: Contrast= [(Bl-B2)/Bl] x 100 percent where B1 any landing sill shall be 1 1/2 inch (38 mm) maximum. each floor level, placed adjacent to the door on the latch side, in all enclosed stairways in 11B-604.5 Grab bars. Grab bars for water closets shall com-ply with Section 11B-609. Grab bars shall IIB-607.4 Grab bars. Grab bars for bathtubs shall comply with Section IIB-609 and shall be provided in 1113-903. Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space required by Section 1113-903.2. light reflectance value (LRV) of the lighter area and B2 = light reflectance value (LRV) of the darker buildings two or more stories in height to identify the floor level. At the exit discharge level, the sign be provided on the side wall closest to the water closet and on the rear wall. Where separate grab bars accordance with Section IIB-601.4.1 or IIB-601.4.2. Where separate grab bars are required on adjacent Exception: A readily removable bench shall be permitted to obstruct the turning space required by area. Exception: Where the detectable warning sur-face does not adequately contrast with adjacent IIB-409.4.4 Leveling. Each car shall automatically stop at a floor landing within a tolerance of 1/2 inch shall include a raised five pointed star located to the left of the identifying floor level. The outside are required on adjacent walls at a common mounting height, an L-shaped grab bar meeting the walls at a common mounting height, an L-shaped or U- shaped grab bar meeting the dimensional Section IIB-612.3 and the clear floor or ground space required by Section 11B-903.2. surfaces, a 1 inch (25 mm) wide black strip shall separate yellow detectable warning from adjacent (12. 7 mm) under rated loading to zero loading conditions. diameter of the star shall be the some as the height of the raised characters. dimensional requirements of Sections 11B-604.5.1 and 11B-604.5.2 shall be permitted. Exceptions: requirements of Section 11 B-607.4.1 or 11 B- 607.4.2 shall be permitted. 1113-612.3 Turning space. A turning space complying with Section IIB-304 shall be provided within surfaces. IIB-409.4.5 Illumination levels. Elevator car illumination shall comply with Section 11B-407.4.5. 11 B-505 Handrails 1. Reserved. Exceptions: saunas and steam rooms. 11B-705.1.1.4 Resiliency. Detectable warning surfaces shall differ from adjoining surfaces in resiliency IIB-409.4.6 Car controls. Elevator car control buttons shall comply with Sections 1113-409.4.6, IIB-309.3, 1113-505.1 General. Handrails provided along walking sur-faces complying with Section 11B-403, 2. In residential dwelling units, grab bars shall not be required to be installed in toilet or bathrooms 1. Reserved. DIVISION 7 or sound-on-cone contact. Exception: Detectable warning surfaces at curb romps, islands or cutthrough 1113-309.4, and shall be raised or flush. required at romps complying with Section 1113-405, and required at stairs com-plyiing with Section provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls and located so as to permit the installation of 2. In residential dwelling units, grab bars shall not be required to be installed in bathtubs located in COMMUNICATION ELEMENTS AND FEATURES medians shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-705.1.1.4. IIB-409.4.6.1 Size. Control buttons shall be 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) minimum in their smallest dimension. 1113-504 shall comply with Section 1113-505. grab bars complying with Section 11B-604.5. bathing facilities provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls and located so as to permit the 11B-702 Fire alarm systems 11B-705.1.1.5 Color. Detectable warning surfaces shall be yellow conforming to FS 33538 of Federal IIB-409.4.6.2 Location. Control panels shall be on a side wall, 12 inches (305 mm) minimum from any 1113-505.2 Where required. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairs and romps. Exceptions: 3. In detention or correction facilities, grab bars shall not be required to be installed in housing or installation of grab bars complying with Section IIB-601.4. 11B-702.1 General. Fire alarm systems shall have permanently installed audible and Visible alarms Standard 595C. adjacent wall. 1. In assembly areas, handrails shall not be required on both sides of aisle ramps where a handrail is holding cells that are specially designed without protrusions for purposes of suicide prevention. IIB-607.4.1 Bathtubs with permanent seats. For bathtubs with permanent seats, grab bars shall be complyiing with NFPA 72 and Chapter 9, Sections 907.5.2.1 and 907.5.2.3. Exception: Detectable warning surfaces at curb romps, islands or cut-through medians shall not be IIB-409.4.7 Emergency communications. Emergency two-way communication systems shall comply provided at either side or within the aisle width. 11B-604.5.1 Side wall. The side wall grab bar shall be 42 inches (1067 mm) long minimum, located 12 provided in accordance with Section IIB-601.4.1. Exception: Reserved. required to comply with Section 11B-705.1.1.5. with Section 11 B-409.4.7. 2. Curb ramps do not require handrails. 3. At door landings, handrails are not required when the romp inches (305 mm) maximum from the rear wall and extending 54 inches (1372 mm) minimum from the IIB-607.4.1.1 Back wall. Two grab bars shall be installed on the buck wall, one located in accordance 11 B-703 Signs IIB-705.1.2 Locations. Detectable warnings at the following locations shall comply with Section IIB-409.4.7.1 Type. A telephone and emergency signal device shall be provided in the car. run is less than 6 inches (152 mm) in rise or 72 inches (1829 mm) in length. rear wall with the front end positioned 24 inches (610 mm) minimum in front of the water closet. with Section JJB-609.4 and the other located 8 inches (203 mm) minimum and 10 inches (254 mm) 11B-703.1 General. Signs shall comply with Section 1113-703. Where both visual and tactile characters IIB-705.1. IIB-409.4.7.2 Operable parts. The telephone and emergency signaling device shall comply with 1113-505.3 Continuity. Handrails shall be continuous within the full length of each stair flight or romp 11B-604.5.2 Rear wall. The rear wall grab bar shall be 36 inches (914 mm) long minimum and extend maximum above the rim of the bathtub. Each grab bar shall be installed 15 inches (381 mm) maximum are required, either one sign with both visual and tactile characters, or two separate signs, one with IIB-705.1.2.1 Platform edges. Detectable warning surfaces at platform boarding edges shall be 24 Sections run. Inside hand-rails on switchback or dogleg stairs and ramps shall be con-tinuous between flights or from the head end wall and 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from the control end wall. visual, and one with tactile characters, shall be provided. 1113-703.1.1 Plan review and impection. inches (610 mm) wide and shall extend the full length of the public use areas of the platform. Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE 1113-309.3 and 1113-309.4. runs. from the cen-terline of the water closet 12 inches (305 mm) minimum on one side and 24 inches (610 IIB-607.4.1.2 Control end wall. A grab bar 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the Signs as specified in Section 11B -703, or in other sections of this code, when included in the IIB-705.1.2.2 Curb romps. Detectable warnings at curb romps shall extend 36 inches (914 mm) in the 1st Floor IIB-409.4.7.3 Compartment. If the telephone or device is in a closed compartment, the compartment Exception: In assembly areas, ramp handrails adjacent to seating or within the aisle width shall not be mm) minimum on the other side.11 B-604.5.2 Rear wall. The rear wall grab bar shall be 36 inches (914 control end wall at the front edge of the bathtub. construction of new buildings or facilities, or when included, altered or replaced due to additions, direction of travel. Detectable warnings shall extend the full width of the ramp run excluding any flared door hardware shall comply with Section 11 B-309. required to be continuous in aisles serving seating. mm) long minimum and extend from the cen-terline of the water closet 12 inches (305 mm) minimum IIB-607.4.2 Bathtubs without permanent seats. For bathtubs without permanent seats, grab bars shall alterations or renovations to existing buildings or facilities, and when a permit is required, shall comply sides. Detectable warnings shall be located so the edge nearest the curb is 6 inches ( 152 mm) N.L.C. N.I.C. IIB-409.4.7.4 Cord. The telephone cord shall be 29 inches (737 mm) long minimum. 1113-505.4 Height. Top of gripping surfaces of handrails shall be 34 inches (864 mm) minimum and 38 on one side and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on the other side. comply with Section JJB-607.4.2. with Sections 11B-703.1.1.1 and 11B-703.1.1.2. minimum and 8 inches (203 mm) maximum from the line at the face of the curb marking the transition IIB-410 Platform lifts inches (965 mm) maximum vertically above walking surfaces, stair nosings, and romp surfaces. Exceptions: IIB-607.4.2.1 Back wall. Two grab bars shall be installed on the back wall, one located in accordance 11B-703.1.1.1 Plan review. Plans, specifications or other information indicating compliance with these between the curb and the gutter, street or highway. 1113-410.1 General. Platform lifts shall comply with ASME A18.1 (1999 edition or 2003 edition). Platform Handrails shall be at a consistent height above walking surfaces, stair nosings, and ramp surfaces. 1. The rear grab bar shall be permitted to be 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum, centered on the water with Section 1113-609.4 and the other located 8 inches (203 mm) minimum and 10 inches (254 mm) regulations shall be submitted to the enforcing agency for review and approval. Exception: On parallel curb romps, detectable warnings shall be placed on the turning space at the N.I.C. lifts shall not be aftendant-operated and shall provide unassisted entry and exit from the lift. 1113-505.5 Clearance. Clearance between handrail gripping surfaces and adjacent surfaces shall be closet, where wall space does not permit a length of 36 inches (914 mm) minimum due to the location maximum above the rim of the bathtub. Each grab bar shall be 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum and 11B-703.1.1.2 Inspection. Signs and identification devices shall be field inspected after installation and flush transition between the street and sidewalk. N.I.C. 1113-410.2 Floor surfaces. Floor surfaces in platform lifts shall comply with Sections IIB-302 and 1113-303. 11/2 inches (38 mm) minimum. Handrails may be located in a recess if the recess is 3 inches (76 mm) of a recessed fixture adjacent to the water closet. shall be installed 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches (305 mm) approved by the enforcing agency prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy per Chapter IIB-705.1.2.3 Islands or cut-through medians. Detectable warnings at pedestrian islands or cutthrough N 1113-410.3 Clear floor space. Clear floor space in platform lifts shall comply with Section 11 B-305. maximum deep and 18 inches (457 mm) minimum clear above the top of the handrail. 2. Where an administrative authority requires flush controls for flush valves to be located in a posi-tion maximum from the control end wall. 1, Division 11, Section 111, or final approval where no certificate of occupancy is issued. The inspection medians shall be 36 inches (914 mm) minimum in depth extending the full width of the pedestrian path 1113-410.4 Platform to runway clearance. The clearance between the platform sill and the edge of any 1113-505.6 Gripping sm.Eface. Handrail gripping surfaces shall be continuous along their length and thot conflicts with the location of the rear grab bar, then the rear grab bar shall be permitted to be split IIB-607.4.2.2 Control end wall. A grab bur 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the shall include, but not be limited to, verification that Braille dots and cells are properly spaced and the or cut-through, placed at the edges of the pedestrian island or cut-through median, and shall be N.I.C. runway landing shall be 1 1/ 4 inch (32 mm) maximum. shall not be obstructed along their tops or sides. The bottoms of handrail gripping surfaces shall not be or shifted to the open side of the toilet area. control end wall at the front edge of the bathtub. size, proportion and type of raised characters are in compliance with these regulations. separated by 24 inches (610 mm) minimum of walVing surface without detectable warnings. N.I.C. 1113-410.5 Operable parts. Controls for platform lifts shall comply with Section IIB-309. obstructed for more than 20 percent of their length. Where provided, horizontal projec-tions shall occur 1113-604.6 Flush controls. Flush controls shall be hand oper-ated or automatic. Hand operated flush IIB-607.4.2.3 Head end wall. A grab bar 12 inches (305 mm) long minimum shall be installed on the 11B-703.2 Raised characters. Raised characters shall comply with Section 1113-703.2 and shall be (610 mm) minimum in depth at pedestrian islands or 1113-410.6 Doors and gates. Platform lifts shall have lowenergy power-operated doors or gates 11/2 inches (38 mm) minimum below the bottom of the handrail gripping surface. controls shall comply with Section 1113-309 except they shall be located 44 inches ( 1118 mm) head end wall at the front edge of the bathtub. duplicated in Braille complying with Section 1113-703.3. Raised characters shall be installed in Exception: Detectable warnings shall be 24 inches complyiing with Section 1113-404.3. Doors shall remain open for 20 seconds minimum. Exceptions: maximum above the floor. Flush controls shall be located on the open side of the water closet except 1113-607.5 Controls. Controls, other than drain stoppers, shall be located on an end wall. Controls shall accordance with Section 1113-703.4. cut-through medians that are less than 96 inches (2438 mm) in length in the direction of pedest(ion End doors and gates shall provide a clear width 32 inches (813 mm) minimum. Side doors and gates 1. Where handrails are provided along walVing surfaces with slopes not steeper than 1:20, the bottoms in ambulatory accessible compartments complying with Section 11B-604.8.2. be between the bathtub rim and grab bar, and between the open side of the bathtub and the centerline 11B-703.2.1 Depth. Raised characters shall be 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) minimum above their background. travel. shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1067 mm) minimum. of handrail gripping surfaces shall be permitted to be obstructed along their entire length where they 11B-604.7 Dispensers. Toilet paper dispensers shall comply with Section 1113-309.4 and shall be 7 of the width of the bathtub. Controls shall comply with Section IIB-309.4. 11B-703.2.2 Case. Characters shall be uppercase. IIB-705.1.2.4 Bus stops. When detectable warnings are provided at bus stop pods, it shall be 36 inches Seal Exception: Platform lifts serving two landings maximum and having doors or gates on opposite sides are integral to crash rails or bumper guards. inches (178 mm) mini-mum and 9 inches (229 mm) maximum in front of the water closet measured to IIB-607.6 Shower spray unit and water. A shower spray unit with a hose 59 inches (1499 mm) long 11B-703.2.3 Style. Characters shall be sans serif. Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly (914 mm) in width. shall be permitted to have self-closing manual doors or gates. 2. The distance between horizontal projections and the bottom of the gripping surface shall be the centerline of the dispenser. The outlet of the dispenser shall be below the grub bar, 19 inches ( 483 minimum that con be used both as a fixed-position shower head and as a handheld shower shall be decorative, or of other unusual forms. IIB-705.1.2.5 Hazardous vehicular areas. Detectable warnings at hazardous vehicular areas shall be 1113-410.7 Landing size. The minimum size of landings at platform lifts shall be 60 inches by 60 inches permitted to be reduced by 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) for each 1/2 inch (12. 7 mm) of additional handrail mm) minimum above the finish floor and shall not be located behind grab bars. Dispensers shall not be provided. The shower spray unit shall have an on/off control with a non-positive shut-off. If an 11B-703.2.4 Character proportions. Characters shall be selected from fonts where the width of the 36 1524 mm by 1524 mm). perimeter dimension that exceeds 4 inches (102 mm). of a type that con-trols delivery or that does not allow continuous paper flow. adjustable-height shower head on a vertical bor is used, the bur shall be installed so us not to obstruct uppercase letter V is 60 percent minimum and 110 percent maximum of the height of the uppercase inches (914 mm) in width. A F? IIB-410.8 Restriction sign. A sign complying with Section -505.7 Cross section. Handrail gripping surfaces shall have a cross section complying with Section 11 B-604.8 Toilet compartments. Wheelchair accessible toi-let compartments shall meet the letter "I". IIB-705.1.2.6 Reflecting pools. When detectable warnings ore provided at reflecting pools, it shall be 24 1113-703.5 shall be posted in a conspicuous place at each landing and within the platform enclosure 11B requirements of Sections 11B-604.8.1 and 11B-604.8.3. Compartments containing more than one the use of grab bars. Bathtub shower spray units shall deliver water that is 124F ( 44C) maximum. 11B-703.2.5 Character height. Character height measured vertically from the baseline of the character inches (610 mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum in width. stating "No Freight" and include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section 1113-505.7.1 or 11B-505.7.2. plumbing fixture shall comply with Section 11B-603. Ambulatory accessible compartments shall IIB-601.1 Bathtub enclosures. Enclosures for bathtubs shall not obstruct controls, faucets, shower and shall be 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) minimum and 2 inches (51 mm) maximum based on the height of the IIB-705.1.2.7 Track crossings. Detectable warnings at track crossings shall be 36 inches (914 mm) in 1113-505.7 Cross section. Handrail gripping surfaces shall have a cross section complying with Section spray units or obstruct transfer from wheelchairs onto bathtub seats or into bathtubs. Enclosures on AB 11 B-703.7.2.1. 1113-505.7.1 or 11B-505.7.2. comply with Sections 11B-604.8.2 and IIB-604.8.3. bathtubs shall not have tracks installed on the rim of the open face of the bathtub. uppercase letter "I". the direction of pedestrian travel and extend the full width of the circulation path. DIVISION 5 11B-505.7.2 Non-circular cross sections. Handrail griip-ping surfaces with a non-circular cross section 11B-604.8.1 Wheelchair accessible compartments. Wheelchair accessible compartments shall comply 1113-608 Shower compartments 11B-703.2.6 Stroke thickness. Stroke thickness of the uppercase letter "I" shall be 15 percent IIB-705.2 Detectable directional texture. Detectable directional texture at transit boarding platforms shall CHEI I GENERAL SITE AND BUILDING ELEMENTS shall have a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (102 mm) minimum and 61/4 inches (159 mm) with Section 11B-604.8.1. 11B-604.8.1.1 Size. Wheelchair accessible compart-ments shall be 60 1113-608.1 General. Shower compartments shall comply with Section 1113-608. maximum of the height of the character. comply with Figure 1113-705.2 and shall be 0.1 inch (2.5 mm) in height that tapers off to 0.04 inch (1.0 11 B-501 General maximum, and a cross-sectiion dimension of 21/4 inches (57 mm) maximum. inches (1524 mm) wide minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall, and 56 inches (1422 mm) 1113-608.2 Size und clearances for shower compartments. Shower compartments shall hove sizes and 11B-703.2.7 Character spacing. Character spacing shall be measured between the two closest points mm), with bars raised 0.2 inch (5.1 mm) from the surface. The raised bars shall be 1.3 inches ( 33 mm) 11B-501.1 Scope. The provisions of Division 5 shall apply where required by Division 2 or where 11B-505.7.2 Non-circular cross sections. Handrail griip-ping surfaces with a non-circular cross section deep minimum for wall hung water closets and 59 inches (1499 riun) deep minimum for floor mounted clearances com-plying with Section 11B-608.2. of adjacent raised characters within a message, excluding word spaces. Where characters have wide and 3 inches (76 mm) from center-to center of each bar. This surface shall differ from adjoining 3/31/2025 referenced by a requirement in this chapter. shall have a perimeter dimension of 4 inches (102 mm) minimum and 61/4 inches (159 mm) water closets measured perpendicular to the rear wall. Wheelchair accessible compartments for children's 11 B-608.2.1 Reserved. rectangular cross sections, spacing between individual raised characters shall be 1/ inch (3.2 mm) walking surfaces in resiliency or sound-on-cone contact. The color shall be yellow conforming to 11B-502 Parking spaces RENEWAL 11B-502.1 General. Car and van parkiing spaces shall comply with Section 1113-502. Where parking maximum, and a cross-section dimension of 21/4 inches (57 mm) maximum. use shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide mini-mum measured perpendicular to the side wall, and 11B-608.2.2 Standard roll-in type shower comport-ments. Standard roll-in type shower compartments minimum and 4 times the raised characte: stroke width maximum. Where characters have other cross Federal Color No. 33538. This surface will be placed directly behind the yellow detectable warning DATE 59 inches (1499 mm) deep minimum for wall hung and floor mounted water closets measured shall be 30 inches (762 mm) wide minimum by 60 inches (1524 mm) deep minimum clear inside sections, spacing between individual raised characters shall be 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) minimum and 4 texture specified in Section 1113- 705.1.2.1, aligning with all doors of the transit vehicles spaces are marked with lines, width measurements of parking spaces and access aisles shall be 1113-505.9 Fittings. Hundrails shall not rotate within their fittings. where passengers will embark. The width of the directional texture shall be equal to the width of the made from the centerline of the markings. 1113-505.10 Handrail extensions. Handrail gripping surfaces shall extend beyond and in the some perpendicular to the rear wall. dimensions measured at center points of opposing sides with a full opening width on the long side. times the raised character stroke wiqth maximum at the base of the cross sections, and 1/8 inch (3.2 Exception: Where parking spaces or access aisles are not adjacent to another parking space or direction of stair flights and romp runs in accordance with Section 1113-505.10. 11B-604. Maneuvering space with in-swinging door. In a wheelchair accessible compartment 11B-608.2.2.1 Clearance. A 36 inch (914 mm) wide minimum by 60 inch (1524 mm) long minimum mm) minimum and 4 times the raised character stroke width maximum at the top of the cross sections.transit vehicle's door opening. The depth of the texture shall not be less than 36 inches (914 mm). access aisle, measurements shall be permitted to include the full width of the line defining the parking Exceptions: with an in-swinging door, a minimum 60 inches (1524 mm) wide by 36 inches (914 mm) deep moneuveriingplear-ance shall be provided adjacent to the open face ofthe shower comportment. Characters shall be separated from raised borders and decorative elements 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) 11 B-705.3 Product approval. Only approved DSA-AC detectable warning products and directional space or access aisle. 1. Extensions shall not be required for continuous hand-rails at the inside turn of switchback or dogleg space shall be provided in front of the clearance required in Section 11B-604.8.1.1. See Figures Exception: Reserved. minimum. surfaces shall be installed as provided in the California Code of Regulations stairs and romps. 11B-604. (b) and 11B-604. (b). 11B-608.2.3 Alternate roll-in type shower comport-ments. Alternate roll-in type shower compartments 11B-703.2.8 Line spacing .. Spacing between the buselines of separate lines of raised characters (CCR), Title 24, Part 1, Chapter 5, Articles 2, 3 and 4. Refer to CCR Title 24, Part 12, Chapter 1113, 11B-502.2 Vehicle spaces. Car and van parking spaces shall be 216 inches (5486 mm) long 2. In assembly areas, extensions shall not be required for romp handrails in aisles serving seating IIB-604. Maneuvering space with sideopening door. In a wheelchair accessible compartment shall be 36 inches (914 mm) wide and 60 inches (1524 mm) deep minimum clear inside dimensions within a message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the raised character Section 12-11B.205 for building and facility access specifications for product approval for detectable minimum. Car parkiing spaces shall be 108 inches (2743 mm) wide minimum and van park-ing spaces where the hundrails are discontinuous to provide access to seating and to permit crossovers within with a side-opening door, either in-swinging orout-swinging, a minimum 60 inches ( 1524 mm) wideand measured at center points of opposing sides. A 36 inch (914 mm) wide mini-mum entry shall be height. warning products and directional surfaces. Project Information shall be 144 inches (3658 mm) wide minimum, shall be marked to defme the width, and shall have an aisles. 60 inches ( 1524 mm) deep maneuvering spacesholl be provided in front of the water closet. See provided at one end of the long side of the compartment. 11B-703.2.9 Format. Text shall be in a horizontal format. 11 B-706 Assisfive listening systems adjacent access aisle complying with Section 11 B-502.3. 3. In alterations, where the extension of the handrail in the direction of romp run would create a hazard, Figure IIB-604. 1113-608.3 Grab bars. Grab bars shall comply with Section .11B-609 and shall be provided in 11B-703.3 Braille. Braille shall be contracted (Grade 2) and shall comply with Sections 11B-703.3 and 11 B-706.1 GeneraL Assistive listening systems required in assembly areas, conference and meeting Even House Exception: Von parkiing spaces shall be permitted to be 108 inches (2743 mm) wide minimum where the exten-sion of the handrail may be turned 90 degrees from the romp run. IIB-604. Maneuvering space with endopening door. In a wheelchair accessible compartment accordance with Section 11B-608.3. Where multiple grab bars are used, required horii-zontal grub bars 11 B-703.4. rooms shall comply with Section 11 B-706. the access aisle is 96 inches (2438 mm) wide minimum. IIB-505.10.1 Top and bottom extension at romps. with an end-opening door (facing the water closet), either in-swinging or out-swinging, a minimum shall be installed at the some height above the finish floor. Where separate grab bars are required on 11B-703.3.1 Dimensions and capitalization. Braille dots shall have a domed or rounded shape and IIB-706.2 Receiver jacks. Receivers required for use with an assistive listening system shall include a 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 11B-502.3 Access aisle. Access aisles serving parking spaces shall comply with Section 11B-502.3. Romp handrails shall extend horizontally above the landing for 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond 60 inches (1524 mm) wide and 48 inches ( 1219 mm) deep maneuvering space shall be provided in adjacent walls at a common mounting height, an L-shaped or U-shaped grab bar meeting the shall comply with Table 11B-703.3.1. The indication of an uppercase letter or letters shall only be used 1 / 8 inch (3.2 mm) standard mono jack. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route. Two parking spaces shall be permitted to share a the top and bottom of romp runs. Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or front of the water closet. See Figure 11 B- 604.8.1.13. dimensional requirements of Section 11B-608.3.2 or 11B-608.3.3 shall be permitted. Exceptions: before the first word of sentences, proper nouns and names, individual letters of the alphabet, initials, IIB-706.3 Receiver hearing-aid compatibility. Receivers required to be heariing-aid compatible shall common access aisle. shall be continuous to the handrail of on adjacent romp run. IB-604.8.1.2 Doors. Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with Section 1. Reserved. and acronyms. interface with telecoils in hearing aids through the provision of neckloops. 11B-502.3.1 Width. Access aisles serving car and van parking spaces shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) 1113-505.10.2 Top extension at stairs. At the top of a stair flight, handrails shall extend horizontally 2. In residential dwelling units, grab bars shall not be required to be installed in showers located in 11B-703.3.2 Position. Braille shall be positioned below the corresponding text in a horizontal format, IIB-706.4 Sound pressure level. Assistive listening systems shall be capable of providing a sound Job Number 03923.00 �113-404 except that if the approach is from the push side of the comportment door, clearance between bathing facilities provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls and located so as to permit the flush left or centered. If text is multi-lined, Braille shall be placed below the entire text. Braille shall be pressure level of 110 dB minimum and 118 dB maximum with a dynamic range on the volume control wide minimum. above the land-ing for 12 inches (305 mm) minir6um beginning directly above the first riser nosing. the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) minimum of 50 dB. Drawing Title 11B-502.3.2 Length. Access aisles shall extend the full required length of the parking spaces they Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of installation of grab burs complying with Sec-tion 11B-608.3. separated 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) minimum and 112 inch (12.7 mm) maximum from any other tactile serve. an adjacent stair flight. measured perpendicular to the compartment door in its closed position. 11B-608.3.2 Standard roll-in type shower comport-ments. Grub burs shall be provided on the back wall characters and 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) minimum from raised borders and decorative elements. IIB-706.5 Signal-to-noise ratio. The signal-to-noise ratio for internally generated noise in ussistive 11B-502.3.3 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked with a blue pointed borderline around their Doors shall be located in the front partition or in the side wall or partition furthest from the water closet listening systems shall be 18 dB minimum. 1113-505.10.3 Bottom extension at stairs. At the bottom of a stair flight, handrails shall extend at the and the side wall opposite the seat. Grab bars shall not be pro-vided above the seat. Grab bars shall Exception: Braille provided on elevator car controls shall be separated 3/16 inch (4.8 mm) minimum IIB-106.6 Peak clipping level. Peak clipping shall not exceed 18 dB of clipping relative to the peaks of perimeter. The area within the blue borderlines shall be marked with hatched lines a maximum of 36 Where located in the front partition, the door opening shall be 4 inches (102 mm) maximum from the L installed 6 inches (152 mm) maximum from adjacent walls. and shall be located either directly below the corresponding raised characters or symbols. inches (914 mm) on center in a color contrasting with that of the aisle surface, preferably blue or slope of the stair flight for a horizontal distance equal to one tread depth beyond the lost riser nosing. side wall or partition farthest from the water closet Where located iii the side wall or partition, the door be speech. ADA NOTES Such extension shall continue with a horizontal extension or shall be continu-ous to the handrail of an 11B-608.3.3 Alternate roll-in type shower compart-ments. In alternate roll-in type shower 1113-703.4 Installation height and location. Signs with toc-tile characters shall comply with Section white. The words "NO PARKING" shall be painted on the surface within each access aisle in white adjacent stair flight or shall return to a wall, guard, or the walking surface. At the bot-tom of a stair opening shall be 4 inches (1 02 mm) maximum from the front partition. The door shall be self-closing. compartments, grab burs shall be provided on the back wall and the side wall farthest from the 11 B-703.4. IIB-707 Automatic teller machines, fare machines and point-of-sale devices letters a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) in height and located to be visible from the adjacent flight, a horizontal extension of a handrail shall be 12 inches (305 mm) long minimum and a height A door pull complyiing with Section IIB-404.2.7 shall be placed on both sides of the door near the latch. compartment entry. Grab bars shall not be provided above the seat. Grab burs shall be installed 6 11B-703.4.1 Height above finish floor or ground. Tactile characters on signs shall be located 48 inches IIB-707 .1 General. Automatic teller machines, fare machines and point-of-sole devices shall comply vehicular way. Access aisle markings may extend beyond the minimum required length. equai to that of the sloping portion of the handrail as mea-sured above the stair nosings. Extension Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space or clearance required for any fixture. Doors may swing inches (152 mm) maximum from adjacent walls. (1219 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface, measured from the baseline of the with Section IIB-707. 11B-502.3.4 Location. Access aisles shall not overlap the vehicular way. Access aisles shall be shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous . to the handrail of an into that portion of maneuvering space which does not overlap the clearance required at a water closet* 11B-608.4 Seats. A folding seat shall be provided in roll-in type showers. Seats shall comply with IIB-707.2 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor or ground space complying with Section IIB-305 permitted to be placed on either side of the parking space except for van parking spaces which shall adjacent stair flight. Exception: When located at the side of a toilet compartment,the toilet comportment door opening shall Section 1113-610. Exception: In residential dwelling units, seats shall not be required in shower lowest Braille cells and 60 inches (1524 mm) maximum above the fmish floor or ground surface, shall be provided. have access aisles located on the passenger side of the porkiing spaces. provide a clear width of 34 inches (864 mm) minimum. measured from the baseline of the highest line of raised characters. Exception: Tactile characters for Exception: Clear floor or ground space shall not be required at d6ve-up only automatic teller machines DIVISION 6 compartments provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls so as to permit the instal-lotion elevator car controls shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-703.4.1. and fore machines. 11B-502.4 Floor or ground surfaces. Parking spaces and access aisles serving them shall comply PLUMBING ELEMENTS AND FACILITIES IIB-604.8.1.3 Approach. Compartments shall be arranged for left-hand or (ight-hand approach to the of seats complying with Section 1113-608.4. 11B-703.4.2 Location. Where a tactile sign is provided at a door, the sign shall be located alongside IIB-707.3 Operable parts. Operable parts shall comply with Section 11B-309. Unless a clear or correct with Section 11B-302. Access aisles shall be at the same level as the parking spaces they serve. IIB-601 General water closet. 11 B-608.5 Controls. Controls, faucets, and shower spray units shall comply with Section 11 B-309.4. the door at the latch side. Where a tactile sign is provided at double doors with one active leaf, the sign key is provided, each operable part shall be able to be differentiated by sound Changes in level are not permitted. IIB-601.1 Scope. The provisions of Division 6 shall apply where required by Division 2 or where IIB-604.8.1.4 Toe clearance. At least one side partition shall provide a toe clearance of 9 inches (229 Controls and fou-cets shall be of a single-lever design. shall be located on the inac-tive leaf. Where a tactile sign is provided at double doors with two active or touch, without activation . Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1 :48 shall be permit-ted. 11 B-502.5 Vertical clearance. ParWing referenced by a requirement in this chapter. mm) minimum above the finish floor and 6 inches (152 mm) deep minimum beyond the compartmentsidellB-608.5.2 Standard roll-in type shower compartments. In standard roll-in type shower leafs, the sign shall be located to the right of the right hand door. Where there is no wall space at the Exception: Driive-up only automatic teller machines and fore machines shall not be required to comply spaces, access aisles and vehicular routes serving them shall provide a vertical clearance of 98 IIB-602 Drinking fountains face of the partition, exclusive of partition support members. compartments, operable parts of controls and faucets shall be installed on the back wall of the latch side of a single door or at the right side of double doors, signs shall be located on the nearest with Sections IIB-309.2 and IIB-309.3. Drawin Date 12 / 12 /2023 inches (2489 mm) minimum. IIB-602.1 General. Drinking fountains shall comply with Sections 11 B-307 and 1113-602. Partition components at toe clearances shall be smooth without sharp edges or abrasive surfaces. compartment adjacent to the seat wall 19 inches (483 mm) minimum and 27 inches (686 mm) adjacent wall. Signs containing tactile characters shall be located so that a clear floor space of 18 1113-707.4 Privacy. Automatic teller machines shall provide the opportunity for the some degree of 9 11B-502.6 Identification. Parking space identification signs shall include the International Symbol of 1113-602.2 Clear floor space. Units shall have a clear floor or ground space complying with Section Compartments for children's use shall provide a toe clearance of 12 inches (305 mm) minimum above maximum from the seat wall; and shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 inches inches (457 mm) minimum by 18 inches (457 mm) minimum, centered on the tactile charac-ters, is privacy of input and output available to all individuals. Drawing No. Accessibility com-plyiing with Section 11B-703.7.2.1. Signs idenfifyiing van parking spaces shall IIB-305 positioned for a forward approach and centered on the unit. Knee and toe clearance complying the finish floor. 1219 mm) above the shower floor, with their centerline at 39 inches (991 mm) to 41 inches 104l!irovided beyond the arc of any door swing between the closed position and 45 degree open position. 1113-707.5 Speech output. Machines shall be speech enabled. Operating instructions and orientation, contain additional language or an addi-tional sign with the designation "van accessible." Signs shall be with Section 1113-306 shall be provided. Exception: Toe clearance at the side partition is not required in a compartment greater than 66 inches mm) above the shower floor. Operable parts of the shower spray unit, including the handle, shall be Where permanent identification signage is provided for rooms and spaces they shall be located on the visible transaction prompts, user input verification, error messages, and all displayed information for 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the Exception: A parallel approach complyiing with Section 11 B-305 shall be permitted at units for (1676 mm) wide. installed on the back wall adjacent to the seat waII19 inches (483 mm) minimum and 27 inches (686 approach side of the door as one enters the room or space. Signs that iden-fify exits shall be located full use shall be accessible to and independently usable by individuals with vision impairments. sign. children's use where the spout is 30 inches (762 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground and is IIB-604.8.1.5 Grab burs. Grab bars shall comply with Section 1113-609. A side-wall grab bar complying mm) maximum from the sent wall; and shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 on the approach side of the door as one exits the room or space. Speech shall be delivered through a mechanism that is readily available to all users, including but not Exception: Signs located within an accessible route shall be a minimum of 80 inches (2032 mm) 3Vz inches (89 mm) maximum from the front edge of the unit, including bumpers. with Section 1113-604.5.1 shall be provided and shall be located on the wall closest to the water closet. inches (1219 mm) above the shower floor. Exception: Reserved. limited to, an industry standard connector or a telephone handset. Speech shall be recorded or above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign. IIB-602.3 Operable parts. Operable parts shall comply with Section 11B-309. The flow of water shall be In addition, a rear-wall grab bar complying with Section 11 B-604.5.2 shall be provided. Where 11B-703 5 Visual characters. Visual characers shall comply with Section 1113-703.5. digitized human, or synthesized. 1113-502.6.1 Finish and size. Parking identification signs shall be reflectoriized with a minimum area of activated by a manually operated system that is front mounted or side mounted and located within 6 separate grab bars are required on adjacent walls at a common mounting height, an L-shaped grab bar 11 B-608.5.3 Alternate roll-in type shower compartments. In alternate roll-in type shower 70 square inches (45,161 mm2). inches (152 mm) of the front edge of the fountain or an automatic electronically controlled device. meeting the dimensional requirements of Sections IIB-604.5.1 and IIB-604.5.2 shall be permitted. compartments, operable parts of controls and faucets shall be installed on the side wall of the Exception: Where Visual characters comply with Section 11B-703 .2 and ore accompanied by Braille Exceptions: 11B-502.6.2 Minimum fine. Additional language or an additional sign below the International Symbol of IIB-602.4 Spout height. Spout outlets shall be 36 inches (914 mm) maximum above the finish floor or IIB-604.8.2 Ambulatory accessible compartments. compartment adjacent to the seat wall 19 inches (483 mm) minimum and 27 inches (686 mm) complyiing with Section 1113-703.3, they shall not be required to comply with Sections 11B-703.5.2 1. Audible tones shall be permitted instead of speech for visible output that is not displayed for security T 007000 Ambulatory accessible compartments shall comply with Section 11 B-604.8.2. maximum from the seat wall; and shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 inches through 11 B-703.5.6, 11 B-703.5.8 and 11 B-703.5.9. purposes, including but not limited to, asterisks representing personal identification numbers. Accessi-bility shall state "Minimum Fine S250." ground. 1219 mm) above the shower floor, with their centerline at 39 inches (991 mm) to 41 inches 104 1B-703.5.1 Finish and contrast. Characters and their background shall have a non-glare finish. 2. Advertisements and other similar information shall not be required to be audible unless they convey 11B-502.6.3 Location. A parWing space identification sign shall be Visible from each porWing space. 1113-602.5 Spout location. The spout shall be located 15 inches (381 mm) minimum from the vertical IIB-604.8.2.1 Size. Ambulatory accessible compartments shall have a depth of 60 inches (1524 mm) Koructers shall contrast with their background with either light characters on a dark background or information that con be used in the transaction being conducted. Sheet Signs shall be permanently posted either immediately adjacent to the parking space or within the 4. support and 5 inches (127 mm) maximum from the front edge of the unit, including bumpers minimum and a width of 35 inches (889 mm) minimum and 37 inches (940 mm) maximum. mm) above the shower floor. dark characters on a light background. 3. Where speech synthesis cannot be supported, dynamic alphabetic output shall not be required to projected parking space width at the head end of the parking space. Signs may also be permanently IIB-604.8.2.2 Doors. Toilet compartment doors, including door hardware, shall comply with Section Operable parts of the shower spray unit, including the handle, shall be installed on the side wall of the 11B-703.5.2 Case. Characters shall be uppercase or lowercase or a combination of both. be audible. Building Department Application No. posted on a wall at the interior end of the parking space. 11 B-404, except that if the approach is to the latch side of the compartment door, clearance between compartment adjacent to the seat wall 17 inches (432 mm) minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) 11B-703.5.3 Style. Characters shall be conventional in form. Characters shall not be italic, oblique, IIB-707.5.1 User control. Speech shall be capable of being repeated or interrupted. Volume control 11B-502.6.4 Marking. Each accessible car and van space shall have surface identification complying the door side of the compartment and any obstruction shall be 44 inches (1118 mm) minimum. The maximum from the seat wall or on the back wall opposite the seat 15 inches (381 mm) maximum, left script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms. shall be provided for the speech function. with either Sections 11 B-502.6.4.1 or 11 B-502.6.4.2. door shall be selfclosing. or right, of the centerline of the seat; and shall be located above the grab bar, but no higher than 48 11B-703.5.4 Character proportions. Characters shall be selected from fonts where the width of the Exception: Speech output for any single function shall be permitted to be automatically interrupted 11B-502.6.4.1 The parking space shall be marked with an International Symbol of Accessibility A door pull complying with Section 11 B-404.2.1 shall be placed on both sides of the door near the inches ( 1219 mm) above the shower floor. uppercase letter V is 60 percent minimum and 110 percent maximum of the height of the uppercase when a transaction is selected. complyiing with Section 1113-703. 7.2.1 in white on a blue background a minimum 36 inches wide by 36 latch. Toilet compartment doors shall not swing into the minimum required compartment area. 1113-608.6 Shower spray unit and water. A shower spray unit with a hose 59 inches (1499 mm) long 3. letter "1". 1113-707.5.2 Receipts. Where receipts are provided, speech output devices shall provide audible inches high (914 mm by 914 mm). The centerline of the International Symbol of Accessibility shall be a IIB-604.8.2.3 Grab bars. Grab bars shall comply with Section IIB-609. A side-wall grab bar complying minimum that con be used both as a fixed-position shower head and as a hand-held shower shall be balance inquiry information, error messages, and all other information on the printed receipt necessary I - . . 1. __ I , . .. I .. .. .. .. . . .. 3. with Section IIB-604.5.1 shall be provided on both sides of the comportment. nrovit1pri Thp. ghnwpr gnmy iin*t qhn11FhnyP. nn nn/nff nrintmi w�th n nnn-nnqffiyP. czhit-nff If nn 4� to rnmnlete nr yprify the trangrictinn DIVISION 8 Exceptions: 116-809.4.1 Subsequent bathrooms. In residential dwelling units with more than one bathroom, when a Exception: In alterations, when the provision of a counter complying with Section IIB-904.4 would result SPECIAL ROOMS, SPACES, AND ELEMENTS (CONTINUATION) 1. Appliance doors and door latching devices shall not be required to comply with Section IIB- bathtub is installed in the first bathroom in compliance with Section IIB-809.4 and a shower in a reduction of the number of existing counters at work stations or a reduction of the number of ADDITIONAL ACCESSIBILITY Exceptions: 309.4. compartment is provided in a subsequent bathroom, at least one shower compartment shall comply existing mail boxes, the counter shall be permitted to have a portion which is 24 inches (610 mm) long 1. Machine location, date and time of transaction, customer account number, and the machine 2. Bottom-hinged appliance doors, when in the open position, shall not be required to comply with with Section 11 B-608. minimum complying with Section NOTES_ identifier shall not be required to be audible. Section 11 B-309.3. IIB-809.5 Residential dwelling units with communication features. Residential dwelling units required to IIB-904.4.1 provided that the required clear floor or ground space is centered on the accessible length 2. Information on printed receipts that duplicates information available on-screen shall not be required IIB-804.6.3 Dishwasher. Clear floor or ground space shall be positioned adjacent to the dishwasher provide communication features shall comply with Section 11 B-809.5. of the counter. to be presented in the form of an audible receipt. door. The dishwasher door, in the open position, shall not obstruct the clear floor or ground space for II13-809.5.1 Building fire alarm system. Where a building fire alarm system is provided, the system IIB-904.4.1 Parallel approach. A portion of the counter surface that is 36 inches (914 mm) long 1. DURING ALL HOURS THE BUILDING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, ALL 3. Printed copies of bank statements and checks shall not be required to be audible. the dishwasher or the sink. wiring shall be extended to a point within the residential dwelling unit in the vicinity of the residential minimum and 34 inches (864 mm) high maximum above the finish floor shall be provided. A clear floor PRIMARY ENTRANCES TO THE BUILDING AND TO PORTIONS THEREOF IIB-707.6 Input. Input devices shall comply with Section IIB-707.6. IIB-804.6.4 Range or cooktop. Where a forward approach is provided, the clear floor or ground space dwelling unit smoke detection system. or ground space complying with Section 11 B-305 shall be positioned for a parallel approach adjacent IIB-707.6.1 input controls. At least one tactilely discernible input control shall be provided for each shall provide knee and toe clearance complying with Section IIB-306. Where knee and toe space is IIB-809.5.1.1 Alarm appliances. Where alarm appliances ore provided within a residential dwelling unit SHALL BE MADE ACCESSIBLE TO THE HANDICAPPED. SIGNAGE - rovided, the underside of the range or cooktop shall be insulated or otherwise configured to prevent as art of the building fire alarm stem, the shall comply with Chapter 9, Section 907. Ex the 36 inch (9he mm) minimum length of counter. function. Where provided, key surfaces not on active areas of display screens, shall be raised above p 9 P 9 P P 9 system, Y PY P Exception: Where the provided counter surface is less than 36 inches (914 mm) long, the entire INDICATING ACCESSIBILITY SHALL BE DISPLAYED. surrounding surfaces. Where membrane keys are the only method of input, each shall be tactilely burns, abrasions, or electrical shock. The location of controls shall not require reaching across IIB 809.5.1.2 Activation. Al visible alarm appliances provided within the residential dwelling unit for discernible from surrounding surfaces and adjacent keys. burners. building fire alarm notification shall be activated upon activation of the building fire alarm in the portion counter surface shall be 34 inches (864 mm) high maximum above the finish floor. IIB-707.6.2 Numeric keys. Numeric keys shall be arranged in a 12-key ascending or descending II13-804.6.5 Oven. Ovens shall comply with Section 116- 804.6.5. of the building containing the residential dwelling unit. IIB 904.4.2 Forward approach. A portion of the counter surface that is 36 inches (914 mm) long 2. HAND-ACTIVATED DOOR OPENING HARDWARE SHALL BE CENTERED telephone keypad layout. The number five key shall be tactilely distinct from the other keys. II13-804.6.5.1 Side-hinged door ovens. Side-hinged door ovens shall have the work surface required by II13-809.5.2 Residential dwelling unit smoke detection system. Residential dwelling unit smoke minimum and 34 inches (864 mm) high maximum shall be provided. Knee and toe space complying CC ] 11B-707.6.3 Function keys. Function keys shall comply with Section IIB-707.6.3. Section II13-804.3 positioned adjacent to the latch side of the oven door. detection systems shall comply with Chapter 9, Section 907.2.11. with Section IIB-306 shall be provided under the counter. A clear floor or ground space BETWEEN 30 INCHES AND 44 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. 11B-707.6.3J. Contrast. Function keys shall contrast visually from background surfaces. Characters IIB-804.6.5.2 Bottom-hinged door ovens. Bottomhinged door ovens shall have the work surface II13-809.5.2.1 Activation. All visible alarm appliances provided within the residential dwelling unit for complying with Section IIB-305 shall be positioned for a forward approach to the counter. LATCHING AND LOCKING DOORS THAT ARE IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL and symbols on key surfaces shall contrast visually from key surfaces. Visual contrast shall be either required by Section 11 B-804.3 positioned adjacent to one side of the door. smoke detection notification shall be activated upon smoke detection. IIB-904.5 Food service lines. Counters in food serviceARCHITECTS lines shall comply with Section IIB-904.5. /\ R C H I T C C T S light-ondark or dark-on-light. IIB-804.6.5.3 Controls. Ovens shall have controls on front panels. IIB-809.5.3 Interconnection. The some visible alarm appliances shall be permitted to provide IIB-904.5.1 Self-service shelves Eand dispensing devices. Self-service shelves and dispensing devices SHALL BE OPERABLE WITH A SINGLE EFFORT BY LEVER TYPE Exception: Tactile symbols required by Section IIB-707.6.3.2 shall not be required to comply with IIB-804.6.6 Refrigerator/freezer. Combination refrigerators and freezers shall have at least 50 percent notification of residential dwelling unit smoke detection and building fire for tableware, dishware, condiments, food and beverages shall comply with Section IIB-308. HARDWARE, BY PANIC BARS, PUSH-PULL ACTIVATING BARS, OR OTHER Client Section JIB-707.6.3 .1. of the freezer space 54 inches (1372 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. The clear floor or alarm activation. IIB-904.5.2 Tray slides. The tops of tray slides shall be 28 inches (711 mm) minimum and 34 inches HARDWARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE PASSAGE WITHOUT THE ABILITY TO IIB-707.6.3.2 Tactile symbols. Function key surfaces shall have tactile symbols as follows: Enter or ground space shall be positioned for a parallel approach to the space dedicated to a IIB-809.5.4 Prohibited! use. Visible alarm appliances used to indicate residential dwelling unit smoke (864 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. Proceed key: raised circle; Clear or Correct key: raised left arrow; Cancel key: raised letter ex; Add refrigerator/freezer with the centerline of the clear floor or ground space offset 24 inches (610 mm) detection or building flre alarm activation shall not be used for any other purpose within the residential IIB-904.6 Security glazing. Where counters or teller windows have security glazing to separate GRASP THE OPENING DEVICE. LOCKED EXIT DOORS SHALL OPERATE AS ADAM FOGEL Value key: raised plus sign; Decrease Value key: raised minus sign. maximum from the centerline of the dedicated space. dwelling unit. personnel from the public, a method to facilitate voice communication shall be provided. Telephone Even House P ABOVE IN THE EGRESS DIRECTION. - - IIB 809.5.5 Residential dwelling unit rims entrance. Communication features shall be provided at - IIB 707.7 Display screen. The display screen shall comply with Section IIB 707.7. IIB-805 Medical care and long-term care facilities 9 primary P handset devices, if provided, shall comply with Section IIB 704.3. Exception: Drive-up only automatic teller machines and fare machines shall not be required to comply 11B-805.1 General. Medical care facilities and long-term care facilities shall comply with Section 11 the residential dwelling unit primary entrance complying with Section 116-809.5.5. 15771 Red Hill Avenue, with Section B-805. All common uses aces and public use aces in medical care facilities and long-term care IIB 809.5.5.1 Notification. A hard wired electric doorbell shall be provided. A button or switch shall be p p p g 3. MANUALLY OPERATED EDGE OR SURFACE MOUNTED FLUSH BOLTS IIB-707.7.1. facilities shall comply with this chapter. provided outside the residential dwelling unit primary entrance. Activation of the button or switch shall Tustin CA 92780 IIB-707.7.1 Visibility. The display screen shall be visibk from a point located 40 inches (1016 mm) IIB-805.2 Patient bedrooms and resident sleeping rooms. Patient bedrooms and resident sleeping initiate an audible tone and visible signal within the residential dwelling unit. Where visible doorbell ARE NOT ALLOWED.WHEN EXIT DOORS ARE USED IN PAIRS AND r above the center of the clear floor space in front of the machine. rooms required to provide mobility features shall comply with Section 11 B- 805.2. signals are located in sleeping areas, they shall have controls to deactivate the signal. APPROVED FLUSH BOLTS ARE USED, THE DOOR LEAF HAVING THE T: (323) 443-0099 IIB-707.7.1.1 Vertically mounted display screen. II13-805.2.1 Hand washing fixtures. Hand washing fixtures shall comply with Section 11 B-606. IIB 809.5.5.2 Identification. A means for visually identifying a visitor without opening the residential AUTOMATIC FLUSH BOLTS SHALL HAVE NO DOOR KNOB OR SURFACE- Where display screens are mounted vertically or no more than 30 degrees tipped away from the IIB-805.2.2 Beds. A 36 inch (914 mm) minimum wide clear space shall be provided along the full length dwelling unit entry door shall be provided and shall allow for a minimum 180 degree range of view. SURFACE- viewer, the center line of the display screen and other display devices shall be no more than 52 inches of each side of the beds. II13-809.5.6 Site, building, or floor entrance. Where a system, including a closed-circuit system, MOUNTED HARDWARE.THE UNLATCHING OF ANY LEAF SHALL NOT Architect of Record (1321 mm) above the floor or ground suiface. IIB-805.2.3 Turning space. Turning space complying with Section 11 B-304 shall be provided within the permitting voice communication between a visitor and the occupant of the residential dwelling unit is REQUIRE MORE THAN ONE OPERATION. IIB-707.7.1.2 Angle-mounted display screen. Where display screens are mounted between 30 degrees room. provided, the system shall comply with Section IIB-708.4. ELCHERBINI Architects and 60 degrees tipped away from the viewer, the center line of the display screen and other display IIB-805.2.4 Toilet and bathing rooms. Toilet and bathing rooms that are provided as part of patient IIB-810 Transportation facilities devices shall be no more than 44 inches (1118 mm) above the floor or ground surface. bedrooms and resident sleeping rooms complying with Section 11 B- 223.2 or II13-223.3 shall comply IIB-810.1 General. Transportation facilities shall comply with Section IIB-810. 4. REGARDLESS OF THE OCCUPANCY LOAD, THERE SHALL BE A FLOOR 1460 Broadway IIB-707.7.1.3 Horizontally mounted display screen. Where display screens are mounted no less than with Section IIB-603. Where provided, one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or shower shall IIB-810.1.1 Vehicle boarding. Stations shall not be designed or constructed so as to require persons y 60 degrees and no more than 90 degrees horizontal tipped away from the viewer, the center line of comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 11 B-603 through 11 B-61 0. with disabilities to board or alight from a vehicle at a location OR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF A DOOR, AND SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN New York NY 10036 g g (horizontal) pp Y P Y PP q 9 the display screen and other display devices shall be no more than 34 inches (864 mm) above the floor IIB other than one used by the general public. -805.3 Waiting rooms. Waiting rooms shall comply with Section 118-805.3. 1/2" LOWER THAN THE THRESHOLD OF THE DOORWAY. CHANGES IN IIB-805.3.1 Wheelchairs aces. Where seating Is provided in waiting rooms, at least 5 percent of the IIB-810.1.2 Baggage systems. Baggage check-in and retrieval systems shall be on an accessible route LEVEL BETWEEN 1/4"AND 1/2" SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO T: (212) 466-6891 or ground surface. P 9 P 9 P complying with Section 116-402 and shall have space immediately adjacent complying with Section 11 IIB-707.7.2 Characters. Characters displayed on the screen shall be in a sans serif font. Characters seating shall be wheelchair spaces complying with Section IIB- 802.1. B-302. Exception: In waiting rooms serving facilities specializing In treating conditions that affect mobility, 10 GREATER THAN 1:2. CHANGES IN LEVEL GREATER THAN 1/2"SHALL BE shall be 3 / 16 inch (4.8 mm) high minimum based on the uppercase letter "I" . Characters shall P 9 9 P 9 9 Y' IIB-810.2 Bus boarding and alighting areas. Bus boarding and alighting areas shall comply with Section www.ecarchitects.co contrast with their background with either light characters on a dark background or dark characters on percent of the seating shall be wheelchair spaces complying with Section 11B-802.1. 116-810.2. ACCOMPLISHED BY MEANS OF A RAMP. 9 9 a light background. IIB-805.4 Examination, diagnostic and treatment rooms. IIB-810.2.1 Surface. Bus stop boarding and alighting areas shall have a firm, stable surface. IIB-707.8 Braille instructions. Braille instructions for initiatingthe speech mode shall be provided. Examination, diagnostic and treatment rooms shall comply with Section 11B-805.4. Designer P P Braille shall comply with Section IIB-703.3. IIB IIB-810.2.2 Dimensions. Bus stop boarding and alighting areas shall provide a clear length of 96 inches -805.4.1 Beds, exam tables, procedure tables, gurneys and lounge chairs. A 36-inch (914 mm) 5. THE FLOOR OR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF AN EXIT DOOR SHALL BE minimum wide clears ace shall be provided along the full length of each side of beds, exam tables, (2438 mm) minimum, measured perpendicular to the curb or vehicle roadway IIB-707.9 Point-of-sale devices. Point-of-sale devices shall comply with Section IIB-anon P P 9 9 IIB-810.2.3 Connection. Bus stop boarding and alighting areas shall be connected to streets, LEVEL AND CLEAR.THE LEVEL AREA SHALL HAVE A LENGTH IN THE OPA Architecture IIB-707.9.1 General. Where point-of-sale devices are provided, all devices at each location shall procedure tables, gurneys and lounge chairs. comply with Sections II13-309.4, II13-707.3 and II13-707.7.2. In addition, point-of-sale systems that include Exception: General exam rooms in non-emergency settings may provide clear space on only one sid sidewalks, or pedestrian paths by an accessible route complying with Section IIB-402. Newly e DIRECTION OF DOOR SWING OF A LEAST 60 INCHES AND THE LENGTH 49 Elizabeth Street 4th Floor of beds, gurneys and exam tables. constructed bus stop pads shall provide a square curb transition between the pad and roadway OPPOSITE THE DIRECTION OF THE DOOR SWING OF 44 INCHES AS a video touch screen or any other non-tactile keypad shall be equipped 9 Y elevations or detectable warnings complying with Section IIB-705.2. with either of the following: IIB-specifc Equipment. Clear space complying with Section 11 B-305.2 shall be provided as required IIB-810.2.4 Slope. Parallel to the roadway, the slope of the bus stop boarding and alighting area shall MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN ITS New York, NY 10013 IIB-707.9.1.1 Tactilely discernible numerical keypad. A tactilely discernible numerical keypad similar to for specific equipment. be the some as the roadway, to the maximum extent practicable. Perpendicular a telephone keypad containing a raised dot with a dot base diameter between 1.5 mm and 1.6 mm and IIB-805.4.3 Turning space. Turning space complying with Section 11 B-304 shall be provided within the to the roadway, the slope of the bus stop boarding and alighting area shall not be steeper than 1:48. CLOSED POSITION.THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO T: (347) 988-9029 e nter his or her own personal identification number or any other personal information ormation necessary to IIB-805.5 Patient change areas. Areas where patients change or are prepared for a procedure shall height between mm and mm on the number 5 key that enables visually impaired person to room. IIB-810.3 Bus shelters. Bus shelters shall provide a minimum clear floor or ground space complying WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS SHALL EXTEND 24 INCHES PAST THE STRIKE e WWW.opa.space comply with Section IIB-222. with Section IIB-305 entirely within the shelter. Bus shelters shall be connected by an accessible route process the transaction in a manner that provides the opportunity for the PY EDGE OF THE DOOR FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND 18 INCHES PAST THE 11 B-805.6 Hand washing fixtures, lavatories and sinks. All hand washing fixtures, lavatories and sinks complying with Section 116- 402 to a boarding and alighting area complying with Section IIB-8 10.2. same degree O privacy input and output available to all individuals. 9 9 IIB-810.4 Bus signs. Bus route identification signs shall comply with Sections IIB-103.5.1 through STRIKE EDGE FOR INTERIOR DOORS. THE WIDTH OF THE AREA ON THE IIB-707.9.1.2 Other technology. Other technology, such as a radio frequency identification device, shall comply with Section 11 B-606. fingerprint biometrics, or some other mechanism that enables a visually impaired person to access the Exception: Scrub sinks, as defined in California Plumbing II13-103.5.4, and Sections IIB-103.5.1 and IIB-703.5.8. In addition, to the maximum extent practicable, SIDE OPPOSITE THE SWING SHALL EXTEND 12 INCHES PAST THE STRIKE video touch screen device with his or her personal identifier and to Code Section 221.0, shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B-606. bus route identification signs shall comply with Section IIB-103.5.5. IIB-805.7 Built-in cabinets and work surfaces. Built-in cabinets, counters and work suifaces shall be Exception: Bus schedules, timetables and maps that are posted at the bus stop or bus bay shall not be EDGE OF THE DOOR WHEN THE DOOR IS EQUIPPED WITH BOTH A process his or her transaction in a manner that provides the opportunity for the same degree of privacy required to comply. input and output available to all individuals. Where a video screen overlay is provided it shall be accessible, including: patient wardrobes, nurse's stations, administrative centers, reception desks, 116-810.5 Rail platforms. Rail platforms shall comply with Section IIB-810.5. CLOSER AND A LATCH SET. equipped with a tactilely discernible numerical keypad complying with Section IIB-707.9.1.1. medicine preparation areas, laboratory work stations, equipment consoles, clean and soiled utility IIB-810.5.1 Slope. Rail platforms shall not exceed a slope of 1:n in all directions. IIBvices are Point-of-sale devices d check stands and sales or service counters. Where point-of-sole cabinets, and storage areas; and shall comply with Sections IIB-225 and IIB-902. Exception: Where platforms serve vehicles operating on existing track or track laid in existing roadway, 6. ABRUPT CHANGES IN LEVEL ALONG ANY ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SHALL devices are provided at check stands and sales or service counters, they shall comply with Section Exceptions: 116-707.9.1, and shall also comply with Sections IIB-707.2, IIB the slope of the platform parallel to the track shall be permitted to be equal to the slope (grade) of the -707.3 and IIB-707.4. 1. Built-in wardrobes in patient bedrooms and resident sleeping rooms not required to be accessible NOT EXCEED 1/2 INCH.WHEN CHANGES IN LEVEL DO OCCUR, THEY IIB-708 Two-way communication systems are not required to comply with the provisions of this chapter. roadway or existing track. IIB-708.1 General. Two-way communication systems shall comply with Section 11 B-708. 2. Clinical laboratory work stations provided in a lab oratory area that are in addition to the minimum II13-810.5.2 Detectable warnings. Platform boarding edges not protected by platform screens or guards SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2 EXCEPT THAT IIB-708.2 Audible and visual indicators. The system shall provide both audible and visual signals. number required to be accessible (5 percent of the work stations provided, but no fewer than one), are shall have detectable warnings complying with Section 11 B 105 along the full length of the public use LEVEL CHANGES EXCEEDING 1/4 INCH MAY BE VERTICAL.WHEN IIB-708.3 Handsets. Handset cords, if provided, shall be 29 inches (737 mm) long minimum. not required to comply with the provisions of Section 11 B-902. area of the platform. IIB-708.4 Residential dwelling unit communication systems. IIB-806 Transient lodging guest rooms II13-810.5.3 Platform and vehicle floor coordination. Station platforms shall be positioned to coordinate CHANGES IN LEVELS GREATER THAN 1/2 INCH ARE NECESSARY THEY Revisions Communications systems between a residential dwelling unit and a site, building, or floor entrance II13-806.1 General. Transient lodging guest rooms shall comply with Section IIB with vehicles in accordance with the applicable requirements of 36 CFR Part 1192. Low-level -806. Guest rooms SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR RAMPS. MINIMUM WIDTH 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING , shall comply with Section IIB-708.4. required to provide mobility features shall comply with Section 11 B-806.2. platforms shall be 8 inches (203 mm) minimum above top of rail. Exception: Where vehicles are boarded from sidewalks or street-level low-level platforms shall be SHALL BE 48 IIB-708.4.1 Common use or public use system interface. Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with Section 11 B-806.3. 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 The common use or public use system interface shall include the capability of supporting voice and II13-806.2 Guest rooms with mobility features. Guest rooms required to provide mobility features shall permitted to be less than 8 inches (203 mm). TTY communication with the residential dwelling unit interface. comply with Section 11 B-806.2. II13-810.6 Rail station signs. Rail station signs shall comply with Section IIB-810.6. 7. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOORS SHALL NOT EXCEED 5 IIB-708.4.2 Residential dwelling unit interface. The residential dwelling unit system interface shall II13-806.2.1 Living ami dining areas. Living and dining areas shall be accessible. Exception: Signs shall not be required to comply with Sections IIB-810.6.1 and IIB-810.6.2 where include a telephone jack capable of supporting voice and TTY communication with the common use II13-806.2.2 Exterior spaces. Exterior spaces, including patios, terraces and balconies, that serve the audible signs are remotely transmitted to hand-held receivers, or are user- or proximity-actuated. POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, 8.5 POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS AND or public use system interface. guest room shall be accessible. II13-810.6.1 Entrances. Where signs identify a station or its entrance, at least one sign at each entrance 15 POUNDS FOR FIRE RATED DOORS. SUCH PUSH OR PULL EFFORT DIVISION 8 II13-806.2.3 Sleeping areas. At least one sleeping area shall provide a 36 inch 914 mm b 48 inch shall comply with Section IIB-103.2 and shall be placed in uniform locations to the maximum extent P 9 P 9 P ( ) Y SPECIAL ROOMS, SPACES, AND ELEMENTS ( 1219 mm) minimum clear space on both sides of a bed. The clear space shall be positioned for Practicable. Where signs identify a station that has no defined entrance, at least one sign shall comply BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND TO THE IIB-802 Wheelchairs aces, companion seats, and designated aisle seats and semi-ambulant seats with Section IIB-103.2 and shall be placed in a central location. CENTER OF PLANE FOR SLIDING DOORS. P P 9 parallel approach to the side of the bed. IIB_802.1 Wheelchair spaces. Wheelchair spaces shall comply with Section IIB-802.1. Exception: Where a single clear floor space complying with Section IIB-305 positioned for parallel IIB-810.6.2 Routes and destinations. Lists of stations, routes and destinations served by the station IIB 8 Section which are located on boarding areas, platforms, or mezzanines shall comply with Floor or ground surface. The floor or ground surface of wheelchair spaces shall comply approach is provided between two beds, a clear floor or ground space shall not be required on both Section 11 B-103.5. At least one tactile sign identifying the specific station and complying with Section 8. SELF-CLOSING DEVICES WHERE SPECIFIED SHALL OPERATE WITH- Exception: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. IIB-806.2.3.1 Personal lift device floor space. There shall be a clear space under the bed for the use of with Section 11 B-302. Changes in level are not permitted. sides of bed. 11 B-103.2 shall be provided on each platform or boarding area. Signs covered by this requirement IN 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, 8.5 POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS IIB-802.1.2 Width. A single wheelchair space shall be 36 inches (914 mm) wide minimum. Where two a personal lift device. The clear space shall extend under the bed parallel to the long side and be shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be placed in uniform locationswithin the system. AND 15 POUNDS FOR FIRE RATED DOORS. adjacent wheelchair spaces are provided, each wheelchair space shall be 33 inches (838 mm) wide adjacent to an accessible route. The clear space shall extend to points horizontally 30 inches (762 Exception: Where sign space is limited, characters shall not be required to exceed 3 inches (76 mm). minimum. mm), vertically 7 inches (178 mm) and not more than 12 inches (305 mm) from IIB-810.6.3 Station names. Stations covered by this section shall have identification signs complying IIB-802.1.3 Depth. Where a wheelchair space can be entered from the front or rear, the wheelchair the head and foot end of the bed. with Section 9.THE BOTTOM 10 INCHES OF ALL DOORS EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND space shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) deep minimum. Where a wheelchair space can be entered only II13-806.2.4 Toilet and bathing facilities. At least one bathroom that is provided as part of a guest room 11 B-103.5 . Signs shall be clearly visible and within the sight lines of standing and sitting passengers SLIDING SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE TO ALLOW from the side, the wheelchair space shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) deep minimum. shall comply with Section II13-603. No fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, and one bathtub or from within the vehicle on both sides when not obstructed by another vehicle. IIB-802.1.4 Approach. Wheelchair spaces shall adjoin accessible routes. Accessible routes shall not shower shall comply with applicable requirements of Sections IIB 603 through IIB-610. In addition, IIB-810.7 Public address systems. Where public address systems convey audible information to the THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT overlap wheelchair spaces. required roll-in shower compartments shall comply with Section 11 B-608.2.2 or public, the some or equivalent information shall be provided in a visual format. CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. WHERE NARROW IIB-802.1.5 Overlap. Wheelchair spaces shall not overlap circulation paths. II13-608.2.3. Toilet and bathing fixtures required to comply with Sections IIB-603 through IIB-610 shall II13-810.8 Clocks. Where clocks are provided for use by the public, the clock face shall be uncluttered II8-802.2 Lines of sight. Lines of sight to the screen, performance area, or playing field for spectators in be permitted to be located in more than one toilet or bathing area, provided that travel between fixtures so that its elements are clearly visible. Hands, numerals and digits shall contrast with the background FRAMED DOORS ARE USED, A 10 INCH HIGH SMOOTH PANEL SHALL BE wheelchair spaces shall comply with Section 11B-802.2. does not require travel between other parts of the guest room. either light-on-dark or dark-on-light. Where clocks are installed overhead, numerals and digits INSTALLED ON THE PUSH SIDE OF THE DOOR,WHICH WILL ALLOW THE IIB-802.2.1 Lines of sight over seated spectators. Where spectators are expected to remain seated IIB-806.2.4.1 Vanity counter top space. If vanity counter top space is provided in non-accessible guest shall comply with Section IIB-103.5. Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE during events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with Section toilet or bathing rooms, comparable vanity counter top space, in terms of size and proximity to the IIB-810.9 Escalators. Where provided, escalators shall comply with Sections and of DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT 11 B -802.2.1 . lavatory, shall also be provided in accessible guest toilet or bathing rooms. ASMCREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 1 St Floor IIB-802.2.1.1 Lines of sight over heads. Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the heads of IIB-806.2.5 Kitchens, kitchenettes and wet bars. Kitchens, kitchenettes and wet bars shall comply with Exception: ion:A17 and shall have a clear width of shall inches e re mm) minimum. spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall Section 11 B-804. Exception: Existing escalators h key stations shall not ry required to comply with Section 1cks, it.s N.i c. N.I.C. be afforded lines of sight over the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair IIB-806.2.6 Turning space. Turning space complying with Section IIB-304 shall be provided within the comply with Track crossings. Where a circulation path serving boarding platforms crosses tracks, it shall 10. DOORS LEADING TO MEN'S SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE comply with Section IIB-402. spaces. guest room. Exception: Openings for wheel flanges shall be permitted to be 2 1/ 2 inches (64 mm) maximum. IDENTIFIED BY AN EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE 1/4"THICK, WITH EDGES 12" l IIB-802.2.1.2 Lines of sight between heads. Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the II13-806.3 Guest rooms with communication features. Guest rooms required to provide commmnication II13-811 Storage N.I.C. N.I.C. shoulders and between the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators features shall comply with Section IIB-806.3. LONG AND A VERTEX POINTING UPWARD.WOMEN'S SANITARY IIB-806.3.1 Alarms. Where emergency warning systems are provided, alarms complyingwith Section IIB-811.1 General. Storage shall comply with Section IIB-811. seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of 'sight over the shoulders and between the heads 9 Y 9 Y P FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A CIRCLE 1/4"THICK AND 12" IN N of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces. IIB-702 shall be provided. IIB-811.2 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor or ground space complying with section IIB-305 1 IIB-806.3.2 Notification devices. Visible notification devices shall be provided to alert room occupants shall b. provided. DIAMETER. UNISEX SANITARY FACILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A IIB-802.2.2 Lines of sight over standing spectators. Where spectators are expected to stand during P P N.I.C. N.I.C. of incoming telephone calls and a door knock or bell. Notification devices shall not be connected to IIBction 1 Height. Storage elements shall comply with at least one of the reach ranges specified in events, spectators in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight complying with Section 9 P CIRCLE 1/4"THICK, 12" DIAMETER,WITH A 1/4"THICK TRIANGLE 118-802.2.2. visible alarm signal appliances. Telephones shall have volume controls compatible with the telephone Section 11 B-308. system and shall comply with Section 116-704.3. Telephones shall be served b an electrical outlet IIB-811.4 Operable parts. Operable parts shall comply with Section IIB-309. SUPERIMPOSED ON THE CIRCLE AND WITHIN THE 12" DIAMETER. IIB-802.2.2.1 Lines of sight over heads. Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over the Y PY P Y 9 heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair complying with Section IIB-309 located within 48 inches (1219 mm) of the telephone to fadlitate DIVISION ELEMENTS GEOMETRIC (CIRCLE AND TRIANGLE)SYMBOLS SHALL BE CENTERED ON spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of the use of a TTY. BUILT-IN BUILT I Dining surfaces and work surfaces THE DOOR AT A HEIGHT OF 60"ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AND THEIR Seal wheelchair spaces. IIB-807 Holding cells and housing cells IIB-802.2.2.2 Lines of sight between heads. Where standing spectators are provided lines of sight over II13-807.1 General. Holding cells and housing cells shall comply with Section IIB IIB-902.1 General. Dining surfaces and work surfaces shall comply with Sections 116-902.2 and -807. COLOR AND CONTRAST SHALL BE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE the shoulders and between the heads of spectators standing in the first row in front of their seats, II13-807.2 Cells with mobility features. Cells required to provide mobility features shall comply with 11B-902.3. spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and Section 116- 807.2. Exception: Dining surfaces and work surfaces for children's use shall be permitted to comply with COLOR AND CONTRAST OF THE DOOR. ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE 11 9 P P 9 P 9 Pcomplying P Section IIB-902.4. REQUIREMENTS: RAISED LETTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL BE between the heads of standing spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces. IIB-807.2.1 Turning space. Turning space with Section 11 B-304 shall be provided within the E[)AFDC IIB-802.3.1 Alignment. In row seating, companion seats shall be located to provide shoulder alignri:lent cell. IIBfo w2.2 Clear floor ha ground space. A clear floor space complying with Section IIB-305 positioned for with adjacent wheelchair spaces. The shoulder alignment point of the wheelchair space shall be IIB-807.2.2 Benches. Where benches are provided, at least one bench shall comply with Section a forward approach shall be provided. Knee and toe clearance complying with Section 116-306 shall ACCOMPANIED BY BRAILLE IN CONFORMANCE WITH C.B.C. SECTION G(L� �1� IIB-903. be provided. 1117B.5.6. THEY SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE WALL ADJACENT TO THE ,� 0 measured 36 inches (914 mm) from the front of the wheelchair space. The floor surface of the IIB-902.3 Height. The tops of dining surfaces and work surfaces shall be 28 inches 711 mm minimum AB companion seat shall be at the same elevation as the floor surface of the wheelchair space. IIB-807.2.3 Beds. Where beds are provided, clear floor space complying with Section 1113-305 shall 9 P 9 ( ) LATCH OUTSIDE OF THE DOOR.WHERE THERE IS NO WALL SPACE ON IIB-802.3.2 Type. Companion seats shall be equivalent in size, quality, comfort, and amenities to the be provided on at least one side of the bed. The clear floor space shall be positioned for parallel and 34 inches (864 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. CHE approach to the side of the bed. IIB-902.4 Dining surfaces and work surfaces for children's use. Accessible dining surfaces and work THE LATCH SIDE, INCLUDING DOUBLE LEAF DOORS, SIGNS SHALL BE seating in the immediate area. Companion seats shall be permitted to be movable. PP 9 9 7k IIB-802.4 Designated aisle seats. Designated aisle seats shall comply with Section 118-802.4. IIB-807.2.4 Toilet and bathing facilities. Toilet facilities or bathing facilities that are provided as part of a surfaces for children's use shall comply with Section 11 B-902.4. PLACED ON THE NEAREST ADJACENT WALL, PREFERABLY ON THE IIB-802.4.1 Armrests. Where armrests are provided on the seating in the immediate area, folding or cell shall comply with Section 116-603. Where provided, no fewer than one water closet, one lavatory, Exception: Dining surfaces and work surfaces that are used primarily by children 5 years and younger RIGHT. MOUNTING HEIGHT SHALL BE 60"ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE 3/31/2025 retractable armrests shall be provided on the aisle side of the seat. and one bathtub or shower shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections IIB-603 through shall not be required to comply with Section 11 B-902.4 where a clear floor or ground space complying IIB-802.4.2 Identification. Each designated aisle seat shall be identified by a sign or marker with the IIB-610. with Section 11 B-305 positioned for a parallel approach is provided. CENTERLINE OF THE SIGN. MOUNTING LOCATION SHALL BE �1 DATE �1q International Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section IIB-703.7.2.1. Signage complying with IIB-807.3 Cells with communication features. Cells required to provide communication features shall IIB-902.4.1 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor space complying with Section IIB-305 positioned DETERMINED SO A PERSON MAY APPROACH WITHIN 3 INCHES OF �'� Section IIB- 703.5, notifying patrons of the availability of such seats shall be posted at the ticket office. comply with Section 116-807.3. for forward approach shall be provided. Knee and toe clearance complying with Section 11 B-306 shall op c 0 IIB-802.5 Semi-ambulant seats. Semi-ambulant seats shall provide at least 24 inches (610 mm) clear II13-807.3.1 Alarms. Where audible emergency alarm systems are provided to serve the occupants of be provided, except that knee clearance 24 inches (610 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground SIGNAGE WITHOUT ENCOUNTERING PROTRUDING OBJECTS OR leg space between the front of the seat to the nearest obstruction or to the back of the seat cells, visible alarms complying with Section IIB-702 shall be provided. shall be permitted. STANDING WITHIN THE SWING OF A DOOR. immediately in front. Exception: Visible alarms shall not be required where inmates or detainees are not allowed II13-902.4.2 Height. The tops oftables and counters shall be 26 inches (660 mm) minimum and 30 IIB-803 Dressing, fitting, and locker rooms independent means of egress. inches (762 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. IIB-803.1 General. Dressing, fitting and locker rooms shall comply wit.- Section IIB-803. II13-807.3.2 Telephones. Telephones, where provided within cells, shall have volume controls IIB-903 Benches IIB-803.2 Turning space. Turning space complying with Section 11 B-304 shall be provided within the complying with Section IIB-704.3. II13-903.1 General. Benches shall comply with Section 11 B-903. Project Information room. IIB-808 Courtrooms II13-903.2 Clear floor or ground space. Clear floor or ground space complying with Section IIB-305 shall IIB-803.3 Door swing. Doors shall not swing into the room unless a turning space complying with II13-808.1 General. Courtrooms shall comply with Section 11B-808. be provided and shall be positioned at the end of the bench seat and parallel to the short axis of the Even House Section IIB-304.3 is provided beyond the arc of the door swing. II13-808.2 Turning space. Where provided, areas that are raised or depressed and accessed by romps bench. IIB-803.4 Benches. A bench complying with Section 116- 903 shall be provided within the room. or platform lifts with entry ramps shall provide unobstructed turning space complying with Section IIB-903.3 Size. Benches shall have seats that are 48 inches (1219 mm) long minimum and 20 inches 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 116-803.5 Coat hooks and shelves. Coat hooks provided within the room shall be located within one 11B-304. P IIB-808.3 Clear floor space. Each jury box and witness stand shall have, within its defined area, clear (508 m.4 deep minimum and 24 inches provide mm) deep maximum. of the reach ranges specified in Section IIB-308. Shelves shall be 40 inches (1016 mm) minimum and long dim Back support. The bench shall provide for back support or shall be affixed to a wall along its floor space complying with Section 11 B-305. 48 inches (1219 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. Coat hooks shall not be located long dimension. Exception: In alterations, wheelchair spaces are not required to be located within the defined area of above the bench or other seating in the room. raised jury boxes or witness stands and shall be permitted to be located outside these spaces where Back support shall be 48 inches (1219 mm) long minimum and shall extend from a point 2 inches (51 Job Number 03923.00 IIB-803.6 Mirrors. Mirrors shall be installed with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface 20 inches ramp or platform lift access poses a hazard by restricting or projecting into a means of egress required mm) maximum above the seat surface to a point 18 inches ( 457 mm) minimum above the seat Drawing Title ( 508 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. Mirrors shall be full length with a reflective by the appropriate administrative authority. surface. Back support shall be 2 1/2 inches (64 mm) maximum from the rear edge of the seat g surface 18 inches ( 457 mm) wide. minimum by 54 inches (1372 mm) high minimum and shall be II13-808.4 Judges' benches and courtroom stations. Judges' benches, clerks' stations, bailiffs' stations, measured horizontally. mounted in a position affording a view to a person on the bench as well as to a person in a standing deputy clerks' stations, court reporters' stations and litigants' and counsel stations shall comply with II13-903.5 Height. The top of the bench seat surface shall be 17 inches (432 mm) minimum and 19 ADA NOTES position. Section IIB-902. inches (483 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. IIB-804 Kitchens and kitchenettes IIB-809 Residential dwelling units II13-903.6 Structural strength. Benches shall be affixed to the wall or floor. Allowable stresses shall not IIB_804.1 General. Kitchens and kitchenettes shall comply with Section 11 B-804. IIB-809.1 General. When located within public housing facilities, residential dwelling units shall comply be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 IIB 804.2 Clearance. Where a pass through kitchen is provided, clearances shall comply with Section with Section IIB-809. Residential dwelling units required to provide mobility features shall comply with pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the seat, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure. IIB-804.2.1. Sections IIB-809.2 through II13-809.4. Residential dwelling units required to provide communication II13-903.7 Wet locations. Where installed in wet locations, the surface of the seat shall be slip resistant Where a U-shaped kitchen is provided, clearances shall comply with Section 118-804.2.2. features shall comply with Section 116-809.5. and shall not accumulate water. Exception: Spaces that do not provide a cooktop or conventional range shall not be required to comply II13-809.2 Accessible routes. Accessible routes complying with Division 4 shall be provided within IIB-904 Check-out aisles and sales and service counters with Section 11 B-804.2. residential dwelling units in accordance with Section 11 B-809.2. II13-904.1 General. Check-out aisles and sales and service counters shall comply with the applicable IIB-804.2.1 Pass through kitchen. In pass through kitchens where counters, appliances or cabinets are Exception: Accessible routes shall not be required to or within unfinished attics or unfinished requirements of Section 11 B-904. on two opposing sides, or where counters, appliances or cabinets are opposite a parallel wall, basements. II13-904.2 Approach. Al portions of counters required to comply with Section 11 B-904 shall be located clearance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work II13-809.2.1 Location. At least one accessible route shall connect all spaces and elements which are a adjacent to a walking surface complying with Section IIB-403. areas shall be 40 inches (1016 mm) minimum. Pass through kitchens shall have two entries. part of the residential dwelling unit. Where only one accessible route is provided, it shall not pass II13-904.3 Check-out aisles. Check-out aisles shall comply with Section 11 B-904.3. IIB-804.2.2 U-shaped. In U-shaped kitchens enclosed on three contiguous sides, clearance between through bathrooms, closets, or similar spaces. II13-904.3.1 Aisle. Aisles shall comply with Section 11 B-403. Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 60 II13-809.2.2 Turning space. All rooms served by an accessible route shall provide a turning space IIB-904.3.2 Counter. The counter surface height shall be 38 inches (965 mm) maximum above the inches (1524 mm) minimum. complying with Section IIB-304. finish floor or ground. The top of the counter edge protection shall be 2 inches (51 mm) maximum DrawingNo. IIB-804.3 Kitchen work surface. In residential dwelling units required to comply with Section IIB-809, at Exception: Turning space shall not be required in exterior spaces 30 inches (762 mm) maximum in above the top of the counter surface on the aisle side of the check-out counter. least one 30 inches (762 mm) wide minimum section of counter shall provide a kitchen work surface depth or width. II13-904.3.3 Check writing surfaces. Where provided, check writing surfaces shall comply with Section that complies with Section IIB-804.3. II13-809.3 Kitchen. Where a kitchen is provided, it shall comply with Section 11 B-804. 11 B-902.3. IIB-804.3.1 Clear floor or ground space. A clear floor space complying with Section 11 B-305 positioned II13-809.4 Toilet facilities and bathing facilities. At least one bathroom shall comply with Section II13-904.3.4 Identification sign. When not all check-out aisles are accessible, accessible check-out for a forward approach shall be provided. The clear floor or ground space shall be centered on the 11 B-603. No fewer than one of each type of fixture provided within the bathroom shall comply with aisles shall be identified by a sign clearly visible to a person in a wheelchair displaying the International kitchen work surface and shall provide knee and toe clearance complying with Section 11 B-306. applicable requirements of Sections 116- 603 through II13-610. Toilet and bathing fixtures required to Symbol of Accessibility complying with Section 11B-703.7.2.1. The sign shall be a minimum of 4 inches Exception: Cabinetry shall be permitted under the kitchen work surface provided that all of the comply with Sections IIB-603 through IIB-610 shall be located in the some bathroom or toilet and by 4 inches ( 102 mm by 102 mm). following bathing area, such that travel between fixtures does not require travel between other parts of the II13-904.4 Sales and service counters. Sales counters and service counters shall comply with Section conditions are met: 3. residential dwelling unit. 11 B-904.4.1 or 11 B-904.4.2. The accessible portion of the counter top shall extend the some depth T 008000 (a) the cabinetry can be removed without removal or replacement of the kitchen work surface; 1. as the sales or service counter top. (b) the finish floor extends under the cabinetry; and Sheet 10 Qf 23 (c) the walls behind and surrounding the cabinetry are finished. IIB-804.3.2 Height. The kitchen work surface shall be 34 inches (864 mm) maximum above the finish Building Department Application No. floor or ground. Exception: A counter that is adjustable to provide a kitchen work surface at variable heights, 29 inches (737 mm) minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) maximum, shall be permitted. 11 B-804.3.3 Exposed surfaces. There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under the work surface counters. IIB-804.4 Sinks. Sinks shall comply with Section 11 B-606. FEMA MAP - 06059CO279J - 2007 ThinP to use n idrn ¢n I Fl-n!nne...nce PMlinam II 6y THE 1°FL ANNUAL LEGEND NE NOTES TO USERS L ry slat n9 dx Nat aFLCO0 does$ Wly'den ify all area[wb,em I¢noMpng pedc¢lady k,Xn Iewl BY THE %ANN AL CHANCE AAEAS SIIlUELi TO RYUIygAT'((W :r S drannega sources m smell else The canmum[y map repoilmo ry should m AL CHANCE FLOOD 8 mrwulted fix Ooiaad.upeafeo c*add'dpmd flood r�arcl iMotmaCpn —_. -.._ .._ m_ 5 COCT r' I .,r,r �......" rx i�mnuy n.n;ra�aa&Eudl,don k n none b�hat.a Ge mm dVa.reee 19c ' T � — _ ,. _. . ..__.. r s rw.e a o+w ewaxr a as+xaaed n.re q+en m,r.Tr. a F�woam rim a rc. 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CPAS ad OD,l IaaPWn to Main �p'.daecn men for bead — r' ____ — _ -Nr�da dad w 1460 Broadway +�W.•Jav storm. gam l bore haled oaq Nfaart b:ee rtwp,pease-rod the hrf nnUpn Be—8ea-h m ft Nal,maf Geodetic Surrey M[ie1!7IM242 or V"ad Aar wM»1e,a 'ierxm n�¢4 dRps orrmtreotn. "_" _.. � -��.-s.a-w�- .m easGbn lmane,aA.K devmm�naac• N � ,. I hMc,rlva+w war ma mr " � � �� dr,e,,: reps wage aKre armnnrwNn rya�.ay �i ' .a -, New York, NY 10036 nave map nrmmaum anoen m IMrs FIRM I <c_acli wee tleAtetl from file Nalenai yanwnure lrvwyary Fypyram.Woad 3ua5. '. r •yfaarcmdie r,a�nnemm�rameo.e..rdes. n ri Ox P FIB is T� aN� o--- »nwp o A• T: (212) 466-6891 Go55 awzex:an Men— beesin ZONF% �.........._.�j to mrAmm b erase n.w slr.arn chyme[.orfips.eYpru A.a rnrtl,the FWd Lehi 0 09•YO s3 .. 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Ty\ -% fall S BNF% 1•'� z rsan aFxfem�nv x ••• re aM a LNarg d ComnwnAlee fella cpnwrwlg rlrnmel Food Inwrenua pmgrem ^' ' �` .: - r ✓C , O' sew o em.ak.p a+pa.nae an r..e ins+. I dells tar aaoh cuemtm"y as wall ap a liygp of;I.pan.ls an wNch eyes F r .�• F' L _ r �. wm� .... ..::-:;.:..: .,. .�. �° OPA Architecture d a B 3 n• mROMraatorcRxgW ,�. nRaeFn*Iwp. y.. 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ISEE KAP INnE%FOR FIFAI FF LAYOt1TI ,.:' 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING , 1 AHlagn � � a A ....,... q,•`? q� [ .', �.;Nr x " {1CIIT2T usr i M 01 5 4 PLAN CHECK RE UBM TTAL — _ R. asAi aa .,:.:w.'. ...., .. ,., ... :1...:.. ; JJ " �.. .-:.. —�----. �----�• '..--r.--s•-----•--... _5 ry. aw,nwa.eci,cwe e+,see m..,mrcr,x+ppcn¢n rx rw .•y ., .... lull .. .�. :' .... ........:. . mmm¢a° . y ZBNE-% s r r NEA., 6a59 '� y MAP NUMBER J °,rams- ....:.. .- i Tc"-L d_ins,;i�.oesr ,,..., l�II tiECEMAP MHER31Z009 6idrnl ISyh tprncy AUn.Renrnt nKenn F7 Key Plan —TENANT-OFFICE 1st Floor N.I.C. ',,�,,,',. N.I.C. u; N.I.C. N.I.C. N N.I.C. N.I.C. Seal ARCh,IT AB CHE I 3/31/,202 5 (P RENEWAL "9X DATE FOF CALN Project Information Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 Job Number 03923.00 Drawing Title FEMA MAPS Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 r�� Drawing No. Sheet 11 Of 23 Building Department Application No. NOTE: PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A FLOOD ZONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WKING STALLS 113 PARKING STALLS 13 PARKING STALLS- 3 ID AWING S AL S 3 DARKINJ STAL-S . y . ARCHITECTS Client ADAM FOGEL T Even House - 15771 Red Hill Avenue, EXI TING PA KING 16 PARKING TA IS LOTT°REM IN 16 PA K G STALLS Tustin, CA 927go T: (323) 443 0099 Architect of Record ELCHERBINI Architects 16 PA K GSTA IS 16 PArKl�G STALLS 1460 Broadway New York, NY 10036 - - F EXISTINGPARKING y' T: (212) 466-6891 y LOT TO REMAIN www.ecarchitects.co � . � � Designer OPA Architecture y - y - 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor G 4 PA K G 1 New York, NY 10013 n _� STALLS 12 AR N S AL S y - y z z z T: (347) 988-9029 L + _ � + - - � � — �i- - + — �� �+ _ � � � �� y - - — — — — + — — — � — - - - 4 www.opa.space Cr) CIO Cry OT RT SC PE ` . � . � . TENA SPAC 5 Cfl OF E EXISTING ARKING LOT TOR MAIN 2,577 - . TENANT SPACE #1 TE NT AC 2 Cn a NANT ACE y A EM Y zow oFFic . � y OFFICE & ASSEMBLY a , 93 SF Revisions Z 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 12,232 SF 4,1 SF TENA sPAc #s c� OF CE y' y 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 1,700 G� � �a wwr�fiw (� y � uiiiui�uiiiui IIIIIIIIIIIII `/) C./) Li ❑� > 0 TP TO SC E . LU � � � � � CO Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE � � � � ° � � 1st Floor N.LC. N.I.C. D C� C� w Cf) y N.LC. N.LC. TEN NT S AC 7 FIC fi 54,6 SF F �.� � � . Seal N PA TOF CO c� ® SEO AR C��� iioiii'uiiiu i IIII IIIIIII AS y 1 o o ` . �. ® ® � CHE I � � � � � 3/31/2025 LSti RENEWRL ��` DATE '� oW _yi � .o -- Project Information fi . . . . . ' . ' . ' . ' � ' � ' � ' � � � Even House t . . / 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 ��° � Job Number 03923.00 o ❑° / Drawing Title REDHILL AVE. PLOT/SITE PLAN & PROJECT PROJECT DESIGN DATA PARKING ANALYSIS - TENANT SPACE #1 PARKING ANALYSIS - BUILDING DESIGN DATA GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION TYPE III-B NON RATED, FULLY SPRINKLERED PARKING PROVIDED REQUIRED AREA (SF) FACTOR PROVIDED REQUIRED INFORMATION OCCUPANCY GROUP CLASSIFICATION B - BUSINESS EATING AND 9'X18' PARKING 13 STALLS 13 STALLS (38 SEATS /3) TENANT SPACE #1 10,724+708 1/250SF & 1 PER 3 58 STALLS 58 STALLS (SEE TABLE) DRINKING FIRE PROTECTION FULLY SPRINKLERED BUILD'G PER CBC SEC. 903.3.1 ESTABLISHMENT TENANT SPACE #2 4,162 49 SEATS (1 PER 3) 16 STALLS 16 STALLS 708 SF BUILDING USE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (NO CHANGE PROPOSED) PARKING PROVIDED REQUIRED TENANT SPACE #3 629 1/250SF 3 STALLS 3 STALLS NUMBER OF STORIES 1 STORY (NO CHANGE) Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 BUILDING AREA 96,534 SF (NO CHANGE) O0,724 SF FnCE 9'X18' PARKING 43 STALLS 43 STALLS (1/250 SF.) TENANT SPACE #4 1,593 1/250SF 6 STALLS 6 STALLS NORTH Drawing No. BUILDING HEIGHT 1 STORY (NO CHANGE) TENANT SPACE #5 2,577 1/250SF 10 STALLS 10 STALLS PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK TENANT IMPROVEMENT, INTERIOR COMMERCIAL PARKING PROVIDED REQUIRED OFFICE SPACE IN AN EXISTING BUILDING. INTERIOR TENANT SPACE #6 1,700 1/250SF 7 STALLS 7 STALLS IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDES INTERIOR RENOVATION OF ACCESSIBLE 9'X18' ACCESSIBLE 2 STALLS 2 STALLS (1/25 SF.) EXISTING SPACE, NEW NON-LOAD BEARING PARKING TENANT SPACE #7 25,000 1/250SF 100 STALLS 100 STALLS PARTITION WALLS, BAR COUNTER, FOOD PREP. 29,652+16,216(MEZ) 1/300SF 153 STALLS 153 STALLS AREA (NO COOKING), AND FINISHES WORK. TOTAL BUILDING 382 STALLS (AVAILABLE) 353 STALLS REQUIRED • V PARKING SPACES Sheet 12 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 PLOT/SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" =20'-0" 4" (E)CONC SLAB (N)CONC SLAB o QUARTER ROUND 1/2" EQ.EQ. RADIUS TOOLED JOINT CONC.MOW STRIP QUARTER ROUND (N)CONCRETE WALKWAY 1/2"RADIUS CURB (E)CONCRETE PAVING 4" EDGE W/#4 BARS @ 16"O.C. (N)4ALKWA1e PAVING EACH WAY 2%1AX SLOPE IN ANY DI ECTIO TOP OF SOIL ffi - � AR HITE F Cl z = Client 00 III=_III ADAM FOGEL S —' 4"OF SAND& Even House #4 DOWELS @16"O.C. GRAVEL BASE 15771 Red Hill Avenue, SET IN EPDXY GROUT CONTINUOUS#4 $�� NATURAL SOIL OR Tustin, CA 92780 COMPACTED FILL TOP AND BOTTOM T: (323) 443-0099 #4 BARS @ 16" O.C.BOTH WAYS Architect of Record ELCHERBINI Architects 1460 Broadway (N) MOW STRIP (N) CONC. TO (E) CONC. CONNECTION New York, NY 10036 T: (212) 466-6891 www.ecarchitects.co Designer 1 CONCRETE WALKWAY DETAILS OPA Architecture SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10013 T: (347) 988-9029 www.opa.space I T I I I Revisions I 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING m t o 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 z m I C m =o m I M I O D O o M I > I�-`� `Y W W `Y W W Y YYYYY .13 I Y y W y y y y y y y y y y D00 z u I z z 1 m I 3'-0"WIDE BAND OF 1 Z I m TRUNCATED DOMES. if 0 1 COLOR:YELLOW. D z\ I I SEE 5/T-011 z o I I I t (E)CONCRETE WALKWAY I (E)CONCRETE WALKWAY CL 4�-9 EAR I Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE _ Z I 11\ I 1st Floor o 1 ACCESSIBLE PATH OF O pI U) TRAVEL FROM I N.I.C. N.I.C. m D 1 o ENTRANCE TO 1 DROP-OFF POINT / / / / T _/ _I/ _I/ \I/ 12"MIN IIIIIIIIIIIIIV33 N.I.C. 4"MIN DIAGONAL 1 I ` N STRIPES �s.. O O DN I m N.I.C. N.I.c. COLOR:BLUE z0 � c �0 O 1 I n I z ALKWAY o �° 2 (N)CURB RAMP 00 2%MAX IN DIRECTIO O T_0 1 I ;10 o c I � Seal DN m < I D (E)PARKING � PAVING TO REMAIN 1 t T 1 > SEv ARC (N)CONCRETE PATH co 1t� T co IN/v A0 � o o D z CHE I Dy I 1 z ACCESSIBLE PATH OF ( 1/2{}2 m TRAVEL FROM O Z 1 DROP-OFF POINT TO LSti RENEWAL 1 MAIN ENTRANCE qT DA7E SGN � z 19 -0 T-003 Z>� IMF CAL��d oo t= ° Project Information O O (N)SIGN DISPLAYING INTERNATIONAL I m n 3'-0 SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY PER 11B-216.3 Even House "WIDE BAND OF m TRUNCATED DOMES. AND 6.SIGN SHALL INDICATE THE 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 m I z m COLOR:YELLOW. DIRECTION TO ACCESSIBLE FACILITY SEE 5rf-011 ENTRANCES AND COMPLY WITH CBC oI 11B-216.1,703.1 Job Number 03923.00 D I (E) PUBLIC SIDEWALK o I (E)WALKWAY TO PUBLIC SIDEWALK Drawing Title O I 1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN AND D I Z I WALKWAY DETAILS REDHILL AVENUE � I I I � I Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 Drawing No. � I C—T] � I Sheet 13 Of 23 Building Department Application No. ENLARGED SITE PLAN @ PARKING ENLARGED SITE PLAN @STREET 3 SCALE:3/16" = 1'-0" SCALE:3/16" = 1'-0" EXIT SIGN NOTES EXIT SIGNS: 1. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE INTERNALLY OR EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED. 2. EXIT SIGNS ILLUMINATED BY AN EXTERNAL SOURCE SHALL HAVE AN INTENSITY OF NOT LESS THAN 5 FOOT-CANDLES (54 LUX) (1013.6.2) 3. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGNS SHALL BE LISTED AND LABELED AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE - MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND SECTION 2702. 4. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES. (1013.5) 5. EXIT SIGNS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO AN EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEM THAT WILL PROVIDE AN ILLUMINATION OF NOT LESS THAN 90 MIN. IN CASE OF PRIMARY POWER LOSS (1013.6.3) 6. EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE READILY OPERABLE FROM THE EGRESS SIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. SEE 1008.1.9 FOR EXCEPTIONS.7. DOOR HANDLES, LOCK AND OTHER OPERATING DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MIN 34" AND A MAX 48" ABOVE THE ARCHITECTS FINISHED FLOOR. 8. THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL Client 190'-4" < 300'-0" 9. ALL EGRESS DOOR OPERATION SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH SECTION 1008.1.9. - 1008.1.9.12 10 THE MEANS OF EGRESS, CTHE DISCHARGE, SHALL BE ILLUMINATED AT ALL TIMES THE BUILDING SPACE NORTH SERVED BY HE MEANS OF EGRESS IS OCCUPIED ADAM FOGEL DOOR WIDTH 11. THE MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION LEVEL SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 1 FOOT-CANDLE AT THE WALKING SURFACE. Even House 24 OCC. X 0.2 = 4.8" REQUIRED 12. THE POWER SUPPLY FOR MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION SHALL NORMALLY BE PROVIDED BY THE PREMISES' ELECTRICAL NO ACCESS FROM 72" PROVIDED: COMPLIES SUPPLY IN THE EVENT OF POWER SUPPLY FAILURE, AN EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ILLUMINATE 15771 Red Hill Avenue, THIS SIDE THE NG AREAS: a) AISLES AND WIUNENCLOSED EGRESS STAIRWAYS IN ROOMS AND SPACES THAT REQUIRE TWO OR MORE MEANS OF EGRESS; Tustin, CA 92780 PH b) CORRIDORS, EXIT ENCLOSURE AND EXIT PASSAGEWAYS IN BUILDINGS REQUIRED TO HAVE TWO OR MORE EXITS; T: (323) 443-0099 EXISTING UNCOVERED c) EXTERIOR EGRESS COMPONENTS AT OTHER THAN THE LEVEL OF EXIT DISCHARGE UNTIL EXIT DISCHARGE IS ACCOMPLISHED EXTERIOR PATIO FOR TENANT USE ONLY FOR BUILDINGS REQUIRED TO HAVE TWO OR MORE EXITS; EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL 3,008 SF I d) INTERIOR EXIT DISCHARGE ELEMENTS, AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 1027.1, IN BUILDINGS REQUIRED TO HAVE TWO OR MORE Architect of Record 129'-7" < 300'-0" o (NO CHANGE) EXITS. N I e) EXTERIOR LANDINGS, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 1008.1.6, FIRE EXIT DISCHARGE DOORWAYS IN BUILDING IS REQUIRED TO ELCHERBINI Architects HAVE TWO OR MORE EXITS. DOOR WIDTH EXIT 1460 Broadway 24 OCC. X 0.2 = 4.8" REQUIRED TENANT TENANT � i � i � i SPA T LO E B-BACK AREA '- '- EGRESS DOOR NOTES 36" PROVIDED: COMPLIES EXIT OCCUPANT LOAD 300 OCCUPANT LOAD:150 II- - - - New York NY 10036 137 SF 340 SF OCCUPANTS:1 OCCUPANTS.2 FIXED SEATING CCU E , T: (212) 466-6891 DOOR C. X (QUIRE+z+z+„+,)14=z4 127'-7°L CUP: SENSOR RELEASE OF ELECTRIC LOCKING SYSTEMS SHALL BE PERMITTED ON DOORS LOCATED IN THE MEANS OF EGRESS IN ANY www.ecarchltectS.co is 24 OCC. X 0.2 = 4.8" REQUIRED 113'-0">64�-10"ONE THIRD DIAGONAL (�s+,+ 2+2+11+1)14=24 OCCUPANCY EXCEPT GROUP H WHERE INSTALLED AND OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: OCCUP: 36" PROVIDED: COMPLIES & 11 B ACCESSIBLE EXIT SIGN PER 1009.9 r +1+2+2+11+1)14=24 - 1. THE SENSOR SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE EGRESS SIDE, ARRANGED TO DETECT AN OCCUPANT APPROACHING THE DOORS, Designer EXIT O° MAX OCCUPANT LOAD SIGN IN AND SHALL CAUSE THE ELECTRIC LOCKING SYSTEM TO UNLOCK. ACCORDANCE WITH CBC 1004.9 2. THE ELECTRIC LOCKS SHALL BE ARRANGED TO UNLOCK BY A SIGNAL FROM OR LOSS OF POWER TO THE SENSOR. II I 3. LOSS OF POWER TO THE LOCK OR LOCKING SYSTEM SHALL AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCK THE ELECTRIC LOCKS. OPA Architecture TENANT 4. THE DOORS SHALL BE ARRANGED TO UNLOCK FROM A MANUAL UNLOCKING DEVICE LOCATED 40 INCHES TO 48 INCHES EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL B-OFFICE I I U P E (1016 MM TO 1219 MM) VERTICALLY ABOVE THE FLOOR AND WITHIN 5 FEET (1524 MM) OF THE SECURED DOORS. READY 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor 158'-4" < 300'-0" OCCUPANT LOAD: 150 ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE MANUAL UNLOCKING DEVICE AND THE DEVICE SHALL BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED BY A New York NY 10013 ACCESSIBLE EXIT SIGN PER 11,220 SF 1009.9 & 116-502.6 - - SIGN THAT READS "PUSH TO EXIT." WHEN OPERATED, THE MANUAL UNLOCKING DEVICE SHALL RESULT IN DIRECT ' OCCUPANTS:75 I INTERRUPTION OF POWER TO THE ELECTRIC LOCK-INDEPENDENT OF OTHER ELECTRONICS-AND THE ELECTRIC LOCK SHALL T: (347) 988-9029 REMAIN UNLOCKED FOR NOT LESS THAN 30 SECONDS. 1 5. ACTIVATION OF THE BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM, WHERE PROVIDED, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCK THE ELECTRIC LOCK, www.opa.space ® to AND THE ELECTRIC LOCK SHALL REMAIN UNLOCKED UNTIL THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM HAS BEEN RESET. I 6. ACTIVATION OF THE BUILDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM OR FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM, WHERE PROVIDED, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCK THE ELECTRIC LOCK. THE ELECTRIC LOCK SHALL REMAIN UNLOCKED UNTIL THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM HAS BEEN RESET. I 7. EMERGENCY LIGHTING SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE EGRESS SIDE OF THE DOOR. TENANT TENANT 8. THE DOOR LOCKING SYSTEM UNITS SHALL BE LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH UL 294. B-OFFICE S-STORAGE OCCUPANT LOAD:15 OCCUPANT LOAD:300 113 SF 190 SF OCCUPANTS :1 DOCLPANTS'.1 EX. I PS MAX. COMMON ooe" PATH OF TRAVEL 0 0�.1� I I LEGEND 99'-2"<100'-0" d 1" MAX. COMMON FL I TENANT PATH OF TRAVEL \�J 1 B-OFFICE 2 - - - MAX COMM - OCCUP232SO AD.150 T 15'- "<1DD'-O" 3 205 CLASS 2 EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL COMMON J CCCUPANTS:2 o-_ _ _ r _ B 1 SF ROOM IDENTIFICATION ED EXISTING WALL/PARTITION Revisions 120'-4" < 300'-0" PATH OF TRAVEL , _ + _ _ ° 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 26'-0"<100'-0" 98 12-49 OCC. I EXIT occuP: E P EXISTING I TD 45 LF TRAVEL DISTANCE ® NON-RATED PARTITION 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 O C Y I I D 11+1)14=24 E P T I 11 RESTROOM FACILITIES DOOR WIDTH o E T O C P Y 24 OCC. X 0.2 = 4.8" REQUIRED I I =J I Q P T 36" PROVIDED: COMPLIES I ; D 180 DOOR CAPACITY 1 HR FIRE-RATED PARTITION rn ACCESSIBLE EXIT SIGN PER 1009.9 & 11B-502.6G D I I D D D D 120 STAIR CAPACITY 2HR FIRE-RATED PARTITION 1 2 NC. _ FIRST FLOOR PATH OF EGRESS E o c P EL. 3'-6" FLOOR ELEVATION PRIMARY TRAVEL PATH E S P T WALL/CEILING-MOUNTED EXIT ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL WW WW SIGN, ILLUMINATED, DIRECTIONAL 2 D D D D © NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS EXITING FE TOWARDS POINTED DIRECTION FIRE EXTINGUISHER 150 CORRIDOR CAPACITY EXIT AND EMERGENCY LIGHT Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE v ? � , WITH BATTERY PACK 1st Floor TACTILE EXIT SIGN W/ THE WORD TACTILE EXIT SIGN W/ THE WORD N.I.C. a E "EXIT" PER CBC 1013.4 TE '10 EXIT" PER CBC 1013.4 0 N.I.0 AREA . N.I.C. FLOOR OCCUPANCY TABLE 1004 MAXIMUM FLOOR ) N ALLOWANCES PER OCCUPANT FLOOR OCC. GROUP AREA [SF] # OF OCC. PROPOSED OCCUPANTS N.I.C. � D OFFICE B-OFFICE 11,220+232+113 11,565/150=77 72 PERSONS D D D D D D L STORAGE S-STORAGE 137+190 327/200 = 2 2 PERSONS Seal o o BACK AREA B-OFFICE 340 340/150 =2 2 PERSONS TOTAL AREA / OCCUPANCY 12,232 81 76 o MAX ALLOWABLE OCCUPANCY 81 < 93 THEREFORE, OK. ���SEv ARCh,I� ALL EXIT PASSAGEWAYS, INCLUDING VERTICAL EXITS, SHALL COMPLY WITH EXIT DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS v OF CHAPTER 10 OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AB CHE i SECTION 508.2.4 SEPARATION OF OCCUPANCIES: '} 3 NO SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN ACCESSORY OCCUPANCIES AND THE MAIN OCCUPANCY. 3/31/2025 D �� RENEWAL 1� AGGREGATE ACCESSORY OCCUPANCY AREAS: 137+190+340 = 667 SF qT DATE �� � FOF cq},•1FQ 10% OF TOTAL BUILDING AREA = 96,534 X 0.1 = 9,563 SF 667 SF < 9,563 SF THEREFORE, OK. 1005.3.2 OTHER EGRESS Project Information D D D 0 0 R EXIT CAPACITY COMPONENTS Even House EXIT NO. DOOR WIDTH UNIT WIDTH REQUIRED NOTES 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 D D EXIT 1 7211 0.2 4.8 EGRESS TO EXTERIOR, ON GRADE EXIT 2 36" 0.2 4.8" EGRESS TO EXTERIOR, ON GRADE Job Number 03923.00 EXIT 3 36" 0.2 4.8" EGRESS TO EXTERIOR, ON GRADE Drawing Title EXIT 4 I 36" 0.2 4.8" EGRESS TO EXTERIOR, ON GRADE FIRST FLOOR EGRESS PLAN 3 1 1 TOTAL DOOR EXIT CAPACITY 180" > 19.2" TOTAL DOOR WIDTH PROVIDED THEREFORE, OK ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE TABLE 101TRAVELI DISTANCE FLOOR/ OCCUPANCY MAX. TRAVEL MAX. PROPOSED NOTES LOCATION GROUP DISTANCE TRAVEL DISTANCE EXIT 1 B-OFFICE 300 LF <190'4 LF SPRINKLERED, COMPLIES Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 EXIT 2 B-OFFICE 300 LF <129'-7" LF SPRINKLERED, COMPLIES Drawing No. EXIT 3 B-OFFICE 300 LF <158'-4" LF SPRINKLERED, COMPLIES EXIT 4 B-OFFICE 300 LF <120'-4" LF SPRINKLERED, COMPLIES OF CORRIDOR WIDTH 1005 EGR SSANS SIZING ■ FLOOR/ OCCUPANCY MIN CORRIDOR MIN CORRIDOR NOTES Sheet 14 Of 23 LOCATION GROUP WIDTH. REQ'D WIDTH 1ST FLOOR B-OFFICE 44 INCHES = 44 INCHES COMPLIES Building Department Application No. 1 1ST FLOOR EGRESS PLAN SCALE: 1/16" = 11-0" CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ADVISE ARCHITECT OF DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, IF ANY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND MAKE HIS OWN ASSESSMENT OF THE EXTENT OF ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION WORK AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL NEW WORK. — 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSESS EXTENT OF REMOVALS REQUIRED TO BUILD, AS SHOWN IN CONSTRUCTION PLANS, AND PHASE/COORDINATE WORK ACCORDINGLY. 3. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION, TO INCREASE AND/OR IMPROVE INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS AND/OR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. NORTH ARCHITECTS Client ADAM FOGEL Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74'= o"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lot Tustin, CA 92780 LEGEND T: (323) 443-0099 449L � /3)5 P05 CLA66Y ------------------------------------ 0' -------------------------------------------- xosF Architect of Record 49'I 1 x: ROOM IDENTIFICATION a EIOSTINc WALL/PARIRIGN '=3�_ 7'--- ---------------------------- - -- - -3/8 ------ ELCHERBINI Architects - TD 45 LF TRAVEL DISTANCE NON-RATED PARTITION 1460 Broadway 17 �_ New York, NY 10036 1 111 O 111 111 1$p DOOR CAPACITY IHR FIRE—RATED PARTITION T: (212) 466-6891 www.ecarchitects.co 1 120 STAR CAPACITY 2HR FIRE—RATED PARTITION Designer III OPA Architecture EXIST ARST FLOOR PATH OF EGRESS PATIO Il EL S-s° ""�°" — PRIMARY TRAVELPAH 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor Nl New York, NY 10013 1 0—) 1 WALL/CEILING—MOUNTED EIDT PATH OF EGRESS 11 r r r 1 SIGN,ILLUMINATED,DIRECTIONAL ` sEcoNDARY TRAVEL PATH T: (347) 988-9029 I � ----------------------------46-=29---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 74'-2-5- 8 -------------------------------------- - ---- N www.opa.space s " 1 r 11 © NUMBER ° OCCUPANTS EXITING C/D CARBON A SMOKE DETECTOR 229 4 1 8 1 2 2 8 1 �2 6' I I - "----------- --- - -- -----1 - TOWARDS POINTED DIRECTION ,so CORRIDOR CAPACITY DOT AND EMERGENCY LIGHT, WITH BATTERY PACK EP EP I CONSTRUCTION KEYNOTES � 111 00I1 - ITEM DESCRIPTION I Revisions EGRESS DOOR/S SHALL BE READILY OPERABLE AT ALL TIMES FROM SIDE, FROM WHICH �11 EGRESS IS TO BE MADE, WITHOUT THE USE OF KEY, SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING I01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 - ❑ FIRESTOPPING, COMPLETE, AT ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED FLOORS/CEILINGS 2 AND WALLS, NOT PROPERLY PROTECTED/FINISHED. Il I I - APPLY WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, COMPLETE, ON ALL WET AREAS. PREPARE I SUBSTRATE SURFACE, AS REQUIRED, z BASIS OF DESIGN: GRACE EP WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, EP-D ar 1 Iz 1 - m I ❑ CBC 1004.9 - CT)Il LU Q a MAX OCCUPANT LOAD POSTING 1 IaQ PROPOSED FIXED SEATING EXISTING EXISTING OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE EXISTING MECHANICAL CHASE - NO CHANGE Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE f ,18_1 1st Floor N.I.C. N.I.C. �11 I EXISTING INTERIOR LIGHTING - NO CHANGE LF)I — 1 N.LC.� N.I.C.I 1 � EXISTING OFFICE SPACE N ,, N.I.C. E)LFPSC - PROPOSED PREP. AREA 36' 3" 3 Seal 7: 1 I --- 10 EXISTING OUTDOOR PATIO IHALLWAY 0 ARC�'�T ++ EXISTING COLUMN V AB I CHE I WATER DISPENSER 3/3112025 12 �1 9�. DATE k CSf� RENEWAL �I ADJACENT TENANT FOF CA}�1F(] * B-OFFICE EXISTING 17 RESTRooM 13 64'=9' VINYL WRAPPED ACOUSTIC CEILING - 4-- FACILITIES ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- J 14 OPEN CEILING Project Information = 4 Even House -01 - III 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 I 15 EXISTING FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR Job Number 03923.00 ++ o ++ o Drawing Title -- — — — — — — — ,B REFRIGERATOR ADJACENT TENANT B-OFFICE FIRST FLOOR EXISTING PLAN Il 1 709 STORAGE RACK ----------------------------------------------- +T El COFFEE MAKER 19 __ Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 Drawing No. Am 100000 Sheet 15 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 EXISTING 1ST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ADVISE ARCHITECT OF DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, IF ANY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND MAKE HIS OWN ASSESSMENT OF THE EXTENT OF ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION WORK AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL NEW WORK. — 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSESS EXTENT OF REMOVALS REQUIRED TO BUILD, AS SHOWN IN CONSTRUCTION PLANS, AND PHASE/COORDINATE WORK ACCORDINGLY. 3. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION, TO INCREASE AND/OR IMPROVE INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS AND/OR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. NORTH ARCHITECTS Client ADAM FOGEL Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1_74'=10'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Tustin, CA 92780 LEGEND T: (323) 443-0099 6 2' 2 1 /2 5 P05 CLA66Y -------------------------------------------------------- ROOM IDENTIFICATION a EIOSTINGWALL/PARIIRON Architect of Record 49' '=J_ _ 7'--- ---------------------------- - _- - -3/8 ------ ELCHERBINI Architects 0 N 1TD1 45 LF TRAVEL DISTANCE NON—RATED PARIITION 1460 Broadway New York, NY 10036 I I I'I O 1$p DOOR CAPACITY 1HR FIRE—RATED PARTITION T: (212) 466-6891 www.ecarchitects.co �?p STAIR CAPACITY 2HR FIRE—RATED PARTITION Designer FUTURE FOOD AND BEVERAGE AREA ON EXIST III ARST FLOOR ELEVATION _ PATH OF EGRESS OPA Architecture SEPARATE PERMIT PATIO EL 3-6 PR'MARYTRAVELPATH 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor =I New York, NY 10013 = WALL/CEILING—MOUNTED DOT PATH OF EGRESS SIGN,ILLUMINATED,DIRECTIONAL SEDONDARY TRAVEL PATH T: (347) 988-9029 46' - 2„ ---------------------...... ..........................................L---- 74=2 5/8" ------------------------------------- - ---- www.opa.space ---------------------------- N __ UMBER © N70WARDSOPOINTEDPDIRECTION EXITING O C/D CARBON&SMOKE DETECTDR 1 ' 8 1 2" 1 ' 8 1 2" 22 4 � 22 4 � - ----11 2"---- - ----9�=3"--- "�---g�3 �--8,=5 9-- �5'=1 0 2' EXT a s s s za zizz WITH tso CORRIDOR CAPACITY AND EMERGENCY LIGHT, WITH BATTERY PACK +❑ I a EP EP +❑ I 0'I 1 'I � 1315 s F3 1 I I 3 1 CONSTRUCTION KEYNOTES STORAGE 15 3' @9JQE e 23 w �I I % AKLA'1 131513 _ / \ I ITEM DESCRIPTION 0�1 24 I I s Er25 I I - �I I 1 6 6 P°G 1 = ® irl a. I I Revisions col EGRESS DOOR/S SHALL BE READILY OPERABLE AT ALL TIMES FROM SIDE FROM WHICH El 27 RECEPTION - EGRESS IS TOBE MADE WITHOUT THE USE OF KEY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 i ♦ az ai 3' FIRESTOPPING, COMPLETE, AT ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED FLOORS/CEILINGS 1 of ( I _____ 1 I ❑ AND WALLS, NOT PROPERLY PROTECTED/FINISHED. --�L---- - -- -- -_ --- --- - -- ---- - ------ J L. t—C — APPLY WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, COMPLETE, ON ALL WET AREAS. PREPARE 1 300 3' 11 4 0- = " 3520 s9 L t' '�' 1 es I s SUBSTRATE SURFACE, AS REQUIRED, -- I I H -------- - -------- � -- BASIS OF DESIGN: GRACE EP WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, EP-D -5'-- CO-WORKING �I W m SPACE I � w CBC 1004.9 I onIIU Z ¢ a❑ MAX OCCUPANT LOAD POSTING � IaQ II O O O O O O O I Q 03 'I ❑ PROPOSED FIXED SEATING --------------------35'=1 1 '--------------------- ❑ EXISTING MECHANICAL CHASE - NO CHANGE Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I � 'I 1st Floor " N.I.C. NG'LC. ❑ EXISTING INTERIOR LIGHTING - NO CHANGE LF'I I <115 4 '-- Ld 17 FI-71 B5 = I N.I.C. CO—WORKING _ SPACE �1 0 of N.I.0 �'t, -----1-4�g�'---- T 1415 OFFICE =I Bs17 STORAGE 1415 es ❑ EXISTING OFFICE SPACE N 17 17 17 03I - N.I.C. N.L.C. LOUNGEDOOR ss -- PROPOSED PREP. AREA I ❑ ---- 1 2_1 29----------------1 - -5„ ----------* --3- � Seal II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ +D EXISTING OUTDOOR PATIO g ARCy�T I �'� CONFERENCE HALLWAY IC, +"+s ROOM � 3 I ++ EXISTING COLUMN V AO 0 I I I CHE ,z 3 WATER DISPENSER 131 f2025 k RENEWAL _ ADJACENT TENANT 1 ' _0CF IBC© * 4 B-OFFICE � __ — — EXISTING CA1 4' RESTR60M 13 VINYL WRAPPED ACOUSTIC CEILING 13' 0----- --- ------------- FACILITIES ----------------------------------------6 - -g„-----------------------------------------* 7 J III / p—J p Project Information � � 14 OPEN CEILING ��I ��I � «G Even House III II 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 15 EXISTING FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR I I Job Number 03923.00 o REFRIGERATOR Drawing Title +s ADJACENTTENANT B-OFFICE FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION II i 70'----------------------------------------------- 17 STORAGE RACK PLAN El COFFEE MAKER 19 __ Drawing Date 12 / 12 /2023 Drawing No. Sheet 16 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ADVISE ARCHITECT OF DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, IF ANY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND MAKE HIS OWN ASSESSMENT OF THE EXTENT OF ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION WORK AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL NEW WORK. — 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSESS EXTENT OF REMOVALS REQUIRED TO BUILD, AS SHOWN IN CONSTRUCTION PLANS, AND PHASE/COORDINATE WORK ACCORDINGLY. 3. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION, TO NORTH INCREASE AND/OR IMPROVE INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS AND/OR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. ARCHITECTS Client ADAM FOGEL Even House -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44'_ o"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* 15771 Red Hill Avenue, I I' LEGEND Tustin, CA 92780 ----------------------------------- 60' - 2 1 /2"------------------------------------ T: (323) 443-0099 =3°� 3 4 g 11 3/8 �s osFeez a Architect of Record �-------�----------------------------------------------------------- ENRFl----------� x. ROOM IDCATpN DOSTING PRRIION ELCHERBINI Architects �I TRAVEL DISTANCE NON-RATED PARTITION 1460 Broadway I _ I I TD 45 LF y O o New York, NY 10036 OUTDOOR DINING SPACE OUTDOOR DINING SPACE n 1 HO DOOR CAPAMII' 1HR FIRE-RATED PARIDION T: (212) 466-6891 'OPEN(90SF,PUBLIC 'OPEN(90SF,PUBLIC -- '� www.ecarchitects.co I a.4 TABL 4 TABLE STAR CAPACITY ■ ■ �.. 2HR FIRE-RATED PARTITION Designer 120 g CHAIR I EXIST I CHAIR I o I �.I=� PATIO I . . . . . . . . Q.I_m P [1pCT [7MO OPA Architecture �I f 1RJ1,FLOOR ELEVATION PATH OF EGRM I { I I NII EL 3-6 • ' — ' PRI"�TRAVEPAM 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10013 Q 10'-6• 10_g• WALL/CBUNG-MOUNTED DOT PATH OF EGRESS 4 6' 2" --------------------------- 7 4 2 5 8 >. � >. � I� I � � SIGN,ILLUMINATED,DIRECTIONAL � ` SECONDARY TRAVEL PATH ( ) ----------------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------� ------ - ---- O T: 347 988-9029 9 99 18 1 2" 1 8 1 2 p p ' 4" 22 4" 6 www.o a.s ace — — — — — — — — — — — — `- `------------------------------�`-�`--------- NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS DOTING I 1 TABLE 1 TA I I P-„vA --- CHAIRS �CFIATRS ------ �` a1-, wa1�u� �`- --- ' ' �'� �/ TOWARDS POINTED DIRECTION ----� --2„--- / - 9'-3'--- ��11SAI ---g�-5)-- 5�-1 �� 2 �O GN cuNBON�s�a�DETECTOR 1 3 4 fi Z 8 6 2 21 22 -- r + I I_I L >�a�mM De-22Om°66 Ymb la P S II0.8_3. . .7P .I . .�E.•P-�-E•P�..�:..Y, ' .,,/.. ..az\�'��-C.N-3H,•�A-aOI�`S .: :; �\.� .� ' -0• , [�III II so CORRIDOR cAraaa . Cira I' s 4 PT' 3' ERP-1 u_ TABLE CHAIRS.1..,4.EXT�=42.OI As T 1 dA3LRE 23 4 CHAIRS . . . . . . . . . £TABU -2 B CONSTRUCTION KEYNOTES 4 CHAIRS 4 CHAIRS OI a 12 ITEM DESCRIPTION 11LJ ° i. Ill/ mi�eADTTE�Rr�PA,Tc��' PO5 + �I `, RECEPTION Revisions ----- --I __ EGRESS DOOR/S SHALL BE READILY OPERABLE AT ALL TIMES FROM SIDE, FROM WHICHI 4 rneLk 1-TABLE. , 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING o� I) ,4,CHAIRS. . . , . . , , . . , . 4 QHAIR$ ❑ 32 ' 3' 3U i, I ,--r. . . . . . . . . . . ,--.-- a'-r O EGRESS IS TO BE MADE, WITHOUT THE USE OF KEY, SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. j I N 1 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 L____ ___ _____ N �. �. O , o FIRESTOPPING, COMPLETE, AT ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED FLOORS/CEILINGS L--- - -- ---- -- -- -- ---------- J n B 5 I ' -- , B R . . m8 --* 2 AND WALLS, NOT PROPERLY PROTECTED/FINISHED. BrBW i. . . . . . . . . . . .� J O I�� I/� FF-�( ROUTE �' A•300 8 33GHA34S 35 3fi 3Y 38 39 I 2 SEATS `� ''' DINING SPACE `- 0089 ��z) •I J AVCESSELE \OU E Bs --4-3"-- - ----- 26 =9-------- - -� COMPLETE, ON ALL WET AREAS. PREPARE -------- ❑ APPLY WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, C E r------t-`k 1,TABLE, 2,TABLE, 2TABLE 3 SUBSTRATE SURFACE 2 CHAIRS4 CHAIRS4 CHAIRS on , AS REQUIRED, * --5-- LnI BASIS OF DESIGN: GRACE EP WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, EP-D . . . . . III CBC 1004.9 4 MAX OCCUPANT LOAD POSTING O O O 131 — — — — — — — — J O O CO—WORKING CO—WORKING 001 SPACE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SPACE r-- I ❑ PROPOSED FIXED SEATING I w III I I � o --------------------3- -11J--------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I ❑ EXISTING MECHANICAL CHASE - NO CHANGE LLJ Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE III O I M RCH OISPLAYIERCH DISP 1 I I 1st Floor OII O I 5 I O I N.I.C. NG�LC. �II es -- P ❑ EXISTING INTERIOR LIGHTING - NO CHANGE 3' 1ICf) 17 OI 4'-9 - t4,s OFFICE OI O_ ,a,s N.I.C. es �II N.LC., I � y rt I � STORAGE � I I I I OII n n n 0q I N es I ❑ EXISTING OFFICE SPACE I I II II II I I I i(I ---- 2' - 0"--- 2 ---------1 9 1 -5 99--------- 3 s❑ PROPOSED PREP. AREA I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _e � Seal II I III CONFERENCE ( +D I (_0114 15 EXISTING OUTDOOR PATIO ROOM I tits�4 ARCy�T II I I I G I I ++ EXISTING COLUMN V AO CHE 17- 1 12 WATER DISPENSER 0'I 0 ZZZACCESSIBLE ROUTE ♦� __=1 4' -4"------� e s � R o"arEAL 4' 11 ,91 13, g99 I = - - - - - � FoP CAS ----------------------------------------64' -g„-----------------------------------------* ,3 VINYL WRAPPED ACOUSTIC CEILING R�, sEa NT 3/4"STONE BARTOP OVER(2)LAYERS PLviIOOD OF OF 3/4 MARINE GRADE PLYWOOD, 6 3/8"RADIUSED EDGES.TYPICAL. UNDERFACE BLACK. 4 T' //. ,/i /i Project Information 3/4"STONE BARTOP OVER(2) 14 OPEN CEILING LAYERS OF 3/4"MARINE GRADE -01 PLYWOOD.3/8"RADIUSED EDGES. Even House TYPICAL.PAINT UNDERFACE BLACK. °E°RDLACACA STGMER 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 CA 0 COAT/PURSE HOOK�µ,EVERY 12112M SoouT12 s.nnN OTHER BARSTOOL,EQUALLY 15 ❑ EXISTING FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR ERR(TO FLOOR)OVER 1.-5„ ERR TO FLOOR)OVER SPACED.AW O.INC.PRCDUCi k RIEFEREN11ENLECTR - ALN-A903,BRONZE. oNT.L.ANGLE 2E° DRawING,aN D ucHT cH aNNONE s°a. .. �/8"DENS SHIELD OVER 5/8"DENS SHIELD OVER aLM eLa DI Ica1 35/8"X 18 GA.STUD /a'THICKXB"k12'x20"LONG 35/8"X 18 GA,STUD STEEL BRCESATTA LONG G scHEDULE Job Number Q O O LEAVING_a16"O.C. STEEL"L"BRACKETS ATTACHED TO FRAMING0 B'O.C. '4STEEL"L'BRACKET$ATTACHEDTO RENCEELECTWC ,2.PLY 1UB.,TRATE Job Number 03923.00 OUTSIDE FACE OF STUD Ca 0-0" "OUTSIDE FACE OF STUD C 3'-0"O.C. FRAA.as—LIaHT AL -- E° KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. scnEDULE FRP corvTlrvuoUswRAP O-C.BY CONTRACTOR. BY CONTRACTOR, BY OTHERS- BY OTHERS. CONTINUOUS QUIREDING's.STEEL cDNTINI-1s 11 Drawing Title PROVIDE WATER iIGHi O `7 N ANGLE AS REQUIRED- PROM DE WATER TIGHT -CON TNUOUS BLOCKING3STEEL 101E1ITn - w BTHiIC DCR ACCESS PANE n AGG 56FANEL ANGLER REQUIRED. G,DaTa DL ERCEN REFRIGERATOR FNEAKRYSI�T G. ,s REQUIRED. REQUIRED. 0 AGE. NFOR FINISH ° .sTHO W,s" c'T IN. _ FIRST FLOOR FURNITURE TILEASGGHEDDLE° *-----------------------------------------------70 5------------------------------------------------ DATUM IJ O DATUM u III +0'-0"AFF +0'-0"A'FF ,T STORAGE RACK PLAN FRP-1 FRP-1 FRP-1 FRP-1 0 III 18 COFFEE MAKER ... I aG 11 AR E-IN f rT PLYwG°D ,Iz PLn,00D SCHLUTER STRIP FINISH=sIL ER -- Drawing Date L T -. - ,B n t 12 / 12 /2023 DHEATH NG° TRIM g L L L L L FINISHED END PANEL FINISHED END PANEL YVD-2 T '- -T _ OF CASEWORK OF CASEWCkK o.c.wiry TVD @,s T - - -_T -T en,L-03 AL.NT Drawing No. CD O O 3/8"SHMFOOT COVED 3/8"SHMFOOTCOVED - - P TRIP sPECIFIEo TILE BASE TILE BASE 20 21 22 �DMNDMooIZED O ExD� PT-1 I IN FLOORING CONCRETE Ass CINED' HLI FLL-DINED 7 F T-4 O O O ® © O BAR ELEVATION PREP—AREA ELEVATION TILE BASE Sheet 17 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR FURNITURE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1 I-011 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES 7,_------1- TABLE_------ 1TAB�L'L 4 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND ADVISE ARCHITECT OF 2 CHAIRS 2 CHAIRS DISCREPANCIES IN CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, IF ANY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE AND 99 9 99 9 99 9 99 5 _ � 99 9 11 \p(� (� (� I �� MAKE HIS OWN ASSESSMENT OF THE EXTENT OF ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION WORK AS REQUIRED TO ------------ -------- ----------------- --------- ------ ----------- yy ----- ------------------- --------------- ---- � INSTALL NEW WORK. — 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSESS EXTENT OF REMOVALS REQUIRED TO BUILD, AS SHOWN IN 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 6 20 21 22 CONSTRUCTION PLANS, AND PHASE/COORDINATE WORK ACCORDINGLY. 3. SEE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION, TO INCREASE AND/OR IMPROVE INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS AND/OR ENERGY EFFICIENCY. EP EP 32°-8° ARCHITECTS ' TOTAL COUNT 1 TABLE I Client 13 15 5 F3 �� I TABLES: 9+ 2 EXT —11 4. CHAIRS STORAGE BACK OFFICE 9 40 )— O �� I ADAM FOGEL 13 15 BACK OFFICE AREA \ — �. 1 TABLE CHAIRS 38+ 4 EXT)=42 ,-' OBI AREA 13 15 3 23 4 CHAIRS - - - - Even House 15 SEE SHEET A-911.00 13 11 9' SEE SHEET CEILING DELL FOR / \ 01 3.3 —__—_— 2 TABLE 2 TABLE 15771 Red Hill Avenue, CEILING DETAILS 12 10 4 CHAIRS 4 CHAIRS 14 / 14 '� Tustin, CA 92780 24 I - \� 12°-°» LEGEND cs 16 _ 25 I \ T: (323) 443-0099 16 4 4z 4 48 4 az :99 26 P s 7 ; . . . . . . �� I int finishes a' osFssz Architect of Record 4/ 4/ I 36" IG I I I I ROOM IDENTIFICATION oasnNG wALL/PARTmON I PT-1 ITEM: INTERIOR PAINT. ELCHERBINI Architects D-18 I ; ., . �. I MANUF: DUNN EDWARDS. eu Pos h 1 ---- I TRAVELDISIANCE NON-RATEDPARIITIDN 1460 Broadway SPEC: STANDARD WHITE PAINT, EGGSHELL FINISH. 0 27 ; ; I �, LOCATION: DINING ROOM WALL & CEILING New York, NY 10036 I I I I I '-- DOOR CAPACITY THR FIRE-RATED PARTITION _ � � I I I _ 180 T: (212) 466-6891 13 15 ' I 1 TABLE 1-TABLE PT-2 ITEM: INTERIOR PAINT. WWW.eCarChlteCtS.CO BACK OFFICE I I � AREA i I I 4 . CHAINS. 4 CHAIRS MANUF: DUNN EDWARDS. 17 � 32 31 3 30 ----!, ,----- SPEC: STANDARD WHITE PAINT, SEMI-GLOSS FINISH. I I 3 —3 120 SfNR CAPACITY ■ ■ �.. 2HR FIRE-RATED PARTITION �, LOCATION: RESTROOM WALLS ABOVE. Designer �II ' 1 , I I r� --- ; I �� �� PT-3 ITEM: INTERIOR PAINT. OPA Architecture dk FlRST FLOOR PATH OF EGRESS I IIII II II�III sm�DD e I MANUF: DUNN E DWARDS. ELEVATION PRIMARY R `PATH EL 3-6 49 Elizabeth Street , 4 th Floor SPEC: STANDARD BLACK PAINT, EGGSHELL FINISH. --—————— ———— -- ------------ ----------------- ------ ------- ------------------- C14 SIGN,ILLUMINATED,DIRECTIONAL SECONDNORVEL PATH T: (347) 988-9029IL _ ------------ - LOCATION: DINING. W /CENNG-MOUNTED EDT PATH OF EGRESS New York NY 10013 >, , \ I 0 O PT-5 ITEM: INTERIOR PAINT. o www.opa.space 1 BAR I I ,' M �7 MANUF: DUNN EDWARDS. NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS EXITING O 6 F I E D O 0 O 0 ; A D A BAR ; I \ ` ' ` 11 Z SPEC: D E 635 7 BLACK, FLAT. 6 TOWARDS POINTED DIRECTION CHAIRS C/D CARBON SMOKE DETECTOR J LOCATION: DINING, BAR OPEN CEILING. 2 SEATS I ----'. ----.- 10 o z o_ 9 9 9 8 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 i i 21 I DINING ' SPACE I cn -0 z I so CORRIDOR GOPOCITY W�BADTTERY PACK I �, � � II finishes -�---- --------- - -------------26-----2------------------------- -----I- I . F----------------+--- I 1 TABLE 2 TABLE 2 TABLE r _U AL-1 ITEM: STANDARD ALUMINUM FINISH. 9 2 CHAIRS 4 CHAIRS 4 CHAIRS D MANUF: KEC. CONSTRUCTION KEYNOTES I . I m SPEC: SMOOTH, 16 GAUGE. ----5----- I I LOCATION: WALK-IN COOLER/FREEZER. ITEM DESCRIPTION & DISTILLERY I . . . . . . .I Revisions \ SS-1 ITEM: STAINLESS STEEL PANEL/FINISH. ❑ EGRESS DOOR/S SHALL BE READILY OPERABLE AT ALL TIMES FROM SIDE, FROM WHICH 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING EGRESS IS TO BE MADE, WITHOUT THE USE OF KEY, SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR EFFORT. O MANUF: KEC. 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 SPEC: SMOOTH, 16 GAUGE. .�J- LOCATION: BOH HOOD WALL. 2 FIRESTOPPING, COMPLETE, AT ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIRE RATED FLOORS/CEILINGS L — — — — — — — — — — — — J ❑ AND WALLS, NOT PROPERLY PROTECTED/FINISHED. — — — — — — — — — — — WD-1 ITEM: WOOD WAINSCOT. 20,_9„ MANUF: TBD. APPLY WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, COMPLETE, ON ALL WET AREAS. PREPARE SPEC: TBD. ❑ SUBSTRATE SURFACE, AS REQUIRED, SPEC: WOOD. BASIS OF DESIGN: GRACE EP WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE, EP-D LOCATION: CEILING BAR AREA . a CBC 1004.9 ENLARGED PLAN A 1 ITEM: WOOD. ❑ MAX OCCUPANT LOAD POSTING MANUF: TBD. SCALE:3/8" = V-0" SPEC: TBD. SPEC: WOOD. ❑ PROPOSED FIXED SEATING LOCATION: CEILING BAR AREA. T-1 ITEM: TILE. MANUF: DAL-TILE. ❑ EXISTING MECHANICAL CHASE - NO CHANGE Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE SPEC: WHITE, SLIM FOOT TILE, 0100,S3619TN. M RCH D SPLAY 11 11 11 11 11 JIMERCH 11 DISPL 11 GROUT: LATICRETE, CHARCOAL. 1st Floor LOCATION: BOH COVE BASE. N.I.C. N.I.C. ❑ EXISTING INTERIOR LIGHTING - NO CHANGE T-2 ITEM: TILE. 5 MANUF: DAL-TILE. N.I.C. N.I.C. B5 - -------- SPEC: WHITE, SLIM FOOT TILE, 0100,S3619TN. N GROUT: LATICRETE, CHARCOAL. ❑ EXISTING OFFICE SPACE W 17 17 LOCATION: RESTROOM BASE. N.I.C. /� N.I.C. 21 lJ J CDC T-3 ITEM: CERAMIC TILE. MANUF: DAL-TILE. PROPOSED PREP. AREA 0 SPEC: COLOR WHEEL CLASSIC, WHITE, 0100, 3X6. Seal 4 ' - 2 14 1jFF � C S GROUT: LATICRETE, CHARCOAL. STORAGE LOCATION: RESTROOM WALL TILE. U +D EXISTING OUTDOOR PATIO 9 9 9 0 i 7 17 17 O�i T-4 ITEM: PORCELAIN TILE. ,11 15��ARC ❑ ❑ ❑ MANUF: DAL-TILE. G� 0 -- --— 0 ) ) B5 SPEC: COLOR BLACK -------- ++ EXISTING COLUMN ABV GROUT: LATICRETE, CHARCOAL. CHE 99El LOCATION: DINING ROOM COVE BASE, WALL TILE. TM - ----L-- ��FP-- I I I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I � 3/3112025 D001 ITEM: STANDAR FRP. +2 WATER DISPENSER RENEWAL MANUF: MARLITE. DATE �^ � SPEC: WIHE,S100,SMOOTH FINISH. �>..CFCA1��© � i I�i 9 99 I I 9 1 1 9 99 � 9 BR-1 ITEM: BRICK. +3 VINYL WRAPPED ACOUSTIC CEILING MANUF: -------------------------------------------- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEC: GROUT: Project Information LOCATION: DINING ROOM, BAR AREA. 14 OPEN CEILING Even House VIN-1 ITEM: VINYL GRAPHIC 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 1 MANUF: CUSTOM. +5 EXISTING FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR SPEC: U0 LOCATION: DINING WALL. Job Number 03923.00 1 REFRIGERATOR Drawing Title C F E RE 16 14 15 HALLWAY floor finishes ENLARGED PLANS ROOM 1 0 CONC-1 ITEM: POLISHED & CLEAR STAINED CONCRETE. �T STORAGE RACK LOCATION: DINING AREA, BOH. SEAL: CHEMEX INDUSTRIES, AQUASEAL W20. ceiling finishes ,B COFFEE MAKER 1 ACT ITEM: ACOUSTIC CEILING TILE (SMOOTH WASHABLE' � MANUF: ARMSTRONG. Drawing Date 12 12 /2023 SPEC: LAY-IN CEILING, CLEAN ROOM VL #870, WHI 19 __ / LOCATION: 2'X4' BOH. Drawing No. FLAME SPREAD: 25. GYP ITEM: GYPSUM BOARD. MANUF: USG OR SIMILAR. SPEC: 5/8"SHEET ROCK V LOCATION: INTERIOR WALLS. . FLAME SPREAD: 20. Sheet 18 Of 23 4 ' 4 " Fi NOTE: WALL, FLOOR AND CEILING SHALL NOT EXCEED Building Department Application No. FLAME SPREAD CLASSIFICATIONS IN CBC T-803.13. 2 ENLARGED PLAN B SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ARCHITECTS Client ADAM FOGEL Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 CENTER OF TACTILE CHARACTERS E_ T: (323) 443-0099 9„ Architect of Record SIGN \ \ ELCHERBINI Architects MAX TACTILE CHARACTER HT \ 1460 Broadway /— — — New York, 10036 11Nl EX c L z T: (212) 466-6891 _ _ _ \ 5'-9" 13'-11 1l2" 17'-6 114" MIN TACTILE \ www.ecarchitects.co CHARACTER HT 60"MIN CLR 5'-0" 9'-4" 4" T-11" 7,-6„ Designer OPA Architecture / 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor °' °• .• °•- .: :. :•. ;-..°" •:° •;•. . .°- � •• .°. •... . , ' : : . : . . . ° : ..,. � . - - • - n n n n n n U n n n n New York NY 10013 O . . ° ° . . ° •-•. .° . °. 00000 00� 0 �00 �O� O �O J 000 �000000� � O �00 nn : " n C n n n C n U nn n n n _ J O , , - • : .° . . � , .. ,. . . : . ... , •.° " . --. .. 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ELEVATION NORTH 12 - RESTROOM - INT. ELEVATION WEST SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" Designer - -I OPA Architecture 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor (E)MEZZANINE j�\ (E)MEZZANINE -� New York, NY 10013 ___________________ 10'-3" j � 10'-3" �J (E)MEZZANINE O _J I T: (347) 988-9029 www.opa.space (> ,< > - CC>< ,oC> > >CC'� C > ) oC> CC> C >O C;_) C_, �C�>_JC>C C< C) < , C' i < Ci (E)STL.BM. 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L>>�, �t> > r �� a C� COL, -,��, LAC' Q CGL< C) C Cj CnL , C OCC` OC°O,CCC- C JUOC LEVEL 1 i ,, LEVEL 1 / LEVEL 1 / 0'-0" 0'-0., ` 0'-0" 11 - RESTROOM - INT. ELEVATION SOUTH 10 - RESTROOM - INT. ELEVATION EAST 09 - RESTROOM - INT. ELEVATION NORTH SCALE:1/2"=V-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" �3� i" I ��. �3 - ` Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE 1st Floor ;t N.I.C. N.I.C. \ N.I.C. N I.C. N cl W OD W N {4 - N.I.C. N.I.C. Seal LEVEL 1 i LEVEL 1 �' LEVEL 1 �� LEVEL 1 �n��'T��., 0_0 � 0_0" v t � AS CHE I 08 - STORAGE - INT. ELEVATION WEST 07 - STORAGE - INT. ELEVATION SOUTH 06 - ST RAGE - INT. ELEVATION EAST 05 - STORAGE - INT. ELEVATION NORTH SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" 3/31/2025 LSti�, RENEWAL DATE _ 9T�OF CAL�F� 2.71 I 2.7, Project Information Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 Job Number 03923.00 Drawing it N N N N W 0 W W N 0 � ENLARGED ELEVATIONS U \ X - �0 � � I � I COMMON BATHROOM M () _ _�¢ Q z Q \ 0 LEVEL 1 ) LEVEL 1 ,, LEVEL 1 , ) LEVEL 1 0'-0' 0'-0" 0'-0 0'-0" 11 Drawing Date 12 / 12/2023 04 - ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM - INT ELEVATION WEST 03 - ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM - INT ELEVATION SOUTH 02 - ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM - INT ELEVATION EAST 01 - ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM - INT ELEVATION NORTH Drawing No. SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:112"=V-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" EXISTING COMMON BATHROOM - SHOWN FOR REFERENCE Sheet 20 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 ENLARGED COMMON BATHROOM ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" %3 %H ARCHITECTS 3 ,- _ '� ��� Client H ' ADAM FOGEL Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 T: (323) 443-0099 Architect of Record ELCHERBINI Architects 1460 Broadway co co EO New York, NY 10036 = T: (212) 466-6891 zI �_ www.ecarchitects.co \ = X � �- Designer — u OPA Architecture LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 }/ LEVEL 1 } 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor t, t New York, NY 10013 T: (347) 988-9029 www.opa.space 12 - MEN'S LAV - INT ELEVATION WEST 11 - MEN'S LAV- INT ELEVATION SOUTH 10 - MEN'S LAV- INT ELEVATION EAST 09 - MEN'S LAV - INT ELEVATION NORTH SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" Revisions 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 \ \ CV (V cV CV Q ❑ Q M M -� r _LEVEL 1 k LEVEL 1 / LEVEL 1 i LEVEL 1 i Key Plan TENANT-OFFICE a-o° 01-U. 0. 011 0'-0" 1st Floor t N.I.C. N.I.C. o � 08 - TYP. LAVATORY - INT ELEVATION WEST 07 - TYP. LAVATORY - INT ELEVATION SOUTH 06 - TYP. LAVATORY- INT ELEVATION EAST 05 - TYP. LAVATORY - INT ELEVATION NORTH N.I.C. SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" N.I.C. N HN.I.C. H N.I.C. Seal \ G��SE0 AfZC�IT AS CHE I v — — — — — — — 3/31/2025 RENEWAL DATE ap of a0 of Project Information 91 _ - - Even House _ 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 T-003 LEVEL 1 /� LEVEL 1 /1 LEVEL 1 �� LEVEL 1 Job Number 03923.00 T-003 Drawing Title 04 - WOMEN'S LAV - INT ELEVATION WEST 03 - WOMEN'S LAV- INT ELEVATION SOUTH 02 -WOMEN'S LAV- INT ELEVATION EAST 01 - WOMEN'S LAV- INT ELEVATION NORTH ENLARGED ELEVATIONS SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" COMMON BATHROOM Drawing Date 12 / 12/2023 Drawing No. EXISTING COMMON BATHROOM - SHOWN FOR REFERENCE Sheet 21 Of 23 Building Department Application No. 1 ENLARGED COMMON BATHROOM ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE UNDERSIDE OF EXISTING STRUCTURE NO CHANGE NO CHANGE NO CHANGE EXTERIOR MASONRY WALL ASSEMBLY, NO CHANGE - a w CONTINUOUS TOP RUNNER WITH 2"0 CONTINUOUS TOP RUNNER WITH 2"0 STUD BOLTS @ 24" O.C. STUD BOLTS @ 24 O.C. ARCH IT E C T S T» DEFLECTION TOP TRACK RUNNER, AS DEFLECTION TOP TRACK RUNNER, AS STUD BOLTS @ 24 O.C. CONTINUOUS TOP RUNNER WITH 2 � REQUIRED REQUIRED Client DEFLECTION TOP TRACK RUNNER, AS ADAM FOGEL REQUIRED Even House BOTTOM OF CEILING, AS SCHEDULED. = 15771 Red Hill Avenue, II C_) II II Z II II 5/8" THK. MOLD-TOUGH ABUSE z II II Z Tustin, CA 92780 = RESISTANT FIRECODE X GYPSUM/ = = �� FINISH MATERIAL, AS SCHEDULED T: (323) 443-0099 CEMENT BOARD, BOTH SIDES » lil w 2 LAYER 2 THK. CEMENT BOARD w Z C, II II Z C-, 1 LAYER 2" THK. MOLD-TOUGH Architect of Record a Z 3" MIN. MINERAL WOOL CAVITY a Z Z ABUSE RESISTANT FIRECODE X J INSULATION BATTS J w GYPSUM BOARD. R=0.5 METAL STEEL STUDS, AS SCHEDULED ELCHERBINI Architects a z II II a z II Z 1460 Broadway METAL STEEL STUDS, AS SCHEDULED METAL STEEL STUD, AS SCHEDULED II II N New York, NY 10036 VAPORSCHED BARRIER, BOTH SIDES, AS w �i o FINISH MATERIAL, AS SCHEDULED CID _ - T: 212 466-6891 N o N o7T FINISH MATERIAL, AS SCHEDULED o o www.ecarchitects.co CN Designer II I I I I EXTERIOR MASONRY WALL ASSEMBLY, OPA Architecture II II II II NO CHANGE II II II II I 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor CONTINUOUS BOTTOM RUNNER WITH CONTINUOUS BOTTOM RUNNER WITH New York, NY 10013 2"� STUD BOLTS @ 24" O.C. 2 STUD BOLTS @ 24" O.C. CONTINUOUS BOTTOM RUNNER WITH T: (347) 988-9029 J WALL BASE, AS SCHEDULED J WALL BASE, AS SCHEDULED 2"O STUD BOLTS @ 24" O.C. www.opa.space r4 CONTINUOUS SEALANT, BOTH SIDES Cn CONTINUOUS SEALANT, BOTH SIDES FLOOR FINISH, AS SCHEDULED FLOOR FINISH, AS SCHEDULED FLOOR FINISH, AS SCHEDULED II II �I JI � I EXTERIOR Ln A SCHEDUL L TOP OF EXISTING/PROPOSED 8 LTOP OF EXISTING/PROPOSED WALL ASSEMBLY 3» TOP OF EXISTING/PROPOSED STRUCTURE STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Revisions B5 5" 0-HR RATED STUD PARTITION C6 6" 0-HR RATED CHASE WALL F3 3" 0-HR RATED FURRING WALL 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 INSULATED GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLY, UNDERSIDE OF SLAB CEMENT BOARD ASSEMBLY, 6"ABOVE CEILING GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLY, 6"ABOVE CEILING [DRY PARTITION] [WET PARTITION] [DRY PARTITION] STUD SCHEDULE : STRUCTURE TYPE MAXIMUM UN-BRACED HEIGHT 1 WALL TYPES STANDARD ONE LAYER TWO LAYERS ONE LAYER SCALE: 1 112" = V-0" 1 " FLANGE EACH SIDE EACH SIDE FURRING CEILING BRACING, OR 2 2" x 25Ga 12'-6" 13'-6" 11'-0" - - - - 2 2" x 22Ga 13$-0" 14'-0" 12-0 BRACING BRACING TO EXISTING 2 2" x 20Ga 13'-10" W-l" 13$-0° SOUND SUBSTRATE ROOF STRUCTURE _ 3 x 25Ga 16-0 16-9 14-6 3 J" x 22Ga 17'-3" 18'-0" 16'-0" Key Plan -TENANT-OFFICE 3 J" x 20Ga 17'-11 20'-2" 17'-3" Z 1st Floor 4" x 25Ga 17'-3" 17'-3" 15-9" N•LC. N.LC. J 4" x 22Ga 18'-6" 19'-3" 17'-3" 5 5 4" x 20Ga 19'-2" 21'-7" 18'-9» TY p. TYP. N.LC. N.I.C. - TYPICAL - 4005162_43 6" x 25Ga 20'-0" '20-0" 20'-0» 5TRONG BACK AT FLOOR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nutt�,,,,,,�r,� N GTH 10 S.M. w/ 6" x 22Ga 25'-3" 26'-0" 23'-9" MID N.LC. u N.LC. BRACE WHERE BRACE LENGTH I512'-0' OR PARTITION GENERAL NOTES GREATER 40051 fit-43 1948"o.c. Seal ALTERNATE SIDES (N)(4)#8x1 1�/ "LONG OD SCREWS 1. ALL PARTITIONS ARE CONSTRUCTED OF METAL STUDS UNLESS DESIGNATED OTHERWISE. ARC/I } , 2. STUD SPACING @ 16" O.C., U.O.N. TYPICAL DESIGN BASED ON 5 PSF MAX AND MAX 6" A50VE HIGHEST DEFLECTION AT L/240, U.O.N.. COORDINATE WITH STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS, FOR SPECIFIC qg ADJACENT CEILING _'I_I, ASSEMBLIES. CHE I - - - BRA ETAL STUD / 3. PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE TILE AND/OR SUPPORT WALL-HUNG EQUIPMENT SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM RACE PER / E 2x4 � 24"a.c• DEFLECTION OF L 360. / ( } 3/31/2025 CEILING ELEVATIONf SECTION / / HEIGHT PER ARCH. (P RENEWAL (N 2x BLOCK (FULL-HEIGHT} 4. LIMITING HEIGHTS INDICATE THE MAXIMUM UNSUPPORTED HEIGHT FOR THAT PARTITION BASED ON •9T� DArE ©� w/ SIMPSON "A35" EA. SIDE A DEFLECTION CRITERIA RATIO OF L/240. WHERE LIMITING HEIGHTS ARE EXCEEDED, INCREASE 0r:- � ALTERNATE SIDES GAUGE THICKNESS, DECREASE STUD SPACING OR PROVIDE SUPPLEMENTAL BRACING AS REQUIRED I I / TO MEET DEFLECTION CRITERIA. COORDINATE WITH STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS, FOR SPECIFIC I I WALL PERPENDICULAR TO JOISTS ASSEMBLIES. 91 I f (4)#8x 1 1/2"LONG 5. LOCATE CONTROL JOINTS AT ALL DISSIMILAR MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION CHANGES, PARTITION Project Information / WOOD SCREWS FURRING, CEILING OR SOFFIT RUNS EXCEEDING 30 FEET, ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION CONTROL Even House it I AND/OR EXPANSION JOINTS. 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 I I METAL STUD 016"n.c. 6. PROVIDE BACKING FOR ALL WALL-MOUNTED ITEMS INDICATED ON PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND/OR STUD DEPTH PER ARCH. �- - SPECIFICATIONS, AS REQUIRED. SEE ARCH. FOR METAL I I SEE SCHEDULE T/S1.5 � Job Number 03923.00 STUD WALL COVERING & ;I I FOR STUD GAAGE FOR HEIGHT "H" 7 INSULATION REQUIREMENTS.— I i 5. PROVIDE 16 GA. BACKER PLATE REINFORCING, AS REQUIRED, AT ALL WALL-HUNG CABINETS Drawing Title 0 I METAL STUD �� AND/OR EQUIPMENT. BRACE PER i 2x SUB PURLIN II I SECTION / 6. ALL WOOD USED IN PARTITIONS SHALL BE FIRE RETARDANT-TREATED WITH TRADE LABELS WALL SCHEDULE, / EXPOSED, WHEN INSTALLED. FIRESTOPPING DETAILS 7. FOR ALL FIRE-RATED PARTITIONS, A I - USE FIRE-RATED TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD. NOTES: - SEE CONSTRUCTION AND/OR EGRESS PLANS FOR EXTENT OF FIRE-RATED PARTITIONS II 1 . FOR REMAINDER OF INFORMATION WALL PARALLEL TO JOISTS / NOT SHOWN SEE DETAIL 1/s 1 ,5. 8. FOR ALL WET AREAS [TOILETS, JANITOR CLOSETS, KITCHEN, PANTRY] AND/OR AREAS TO RECEIVE TILE FINISH - USE CEMENT BOARD [DUROCK OR APPROVED EQUAL] Drawing Date 12/ 12 /2023 - PROVIDE ACOUSTIC FIBERGLASS BATT INSULATION THROUGH FULL HEIGHT OF WALL Drawing No. 0 I 9. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS 2 HOUR RATED SHAFT WALL AT ALL SLAB OPENINGS INCLUDING, BUT NOT sT.s LIMITED TO, ELEVATOR SHAFTS, DUCT SHAFTS, OPEN (NON-SLEEVED) PIPE CHASES AND AS SLAB ON GRADE ; INDICATED ON THE FLOOR PLANS. �I I 10. CENTER PARTITIONS ON STOREFRONT MULLION, TYPICAL, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. m m 11. WHERE REQUIRED/INDICATED, FOR STEEL VERTICAL REINFORCING SPACING, SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. sheet 22 Of 23 12. WHERE REQUIRED/INDICATED, PROVIDE CONTINUOUS 16GA. 6" WIDE METAL BACKER PLATES AT Building Department Application No. ALL PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE HANDRAILS. 2 TYPICAL PARTIAL HEIGHT PARTITION WALL DETAIL 3PSC PICAL BRACE CONNECTION TO WOOD JOIST DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. N.T.S. o " STEEL ANGLE, 3" x 3" @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX " STEEL ANGLE, 3" x 3" @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX " STEEL ANGLE, 3" x 3" @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX SLOTTED TO RECEIVE a"0 ROD MINIMUM. ATTACH TO SLOTTED TO RECEIVE a"0 ROD MINIMUM. ATTACH TO SLOTTED TO RECEIVE a"0 ROD MINIMUM. ATTACH TO THK. GYPSUM BOARD ~� SLAB ABOVE WITH EXPANSION BOLTS OR POWDER GAT CLIP SLAB ABOVE WITH EXPANSION BOLTS OR POWDER GAT CLIP SLAB ABOVE WITH EXPANSION BOLTS OR POWDER GAT CLIP = CEILING ACTUATED FASTENER WITH SAFE WORKING LOAD OF ACTUATED FASTENER WITH SAFE WORKING LOAD OF ACTUATED FASTENER WITH SAFE WORKING LOAD OF ARCHITECTS 300# MIN [TYP] OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM 300# MIN [TYP] OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM 300# MIN [TYP] OR APPROVED EQUAL SYSTEM CROWN MOLDING, WHERE o o o o o p SCHEDULED J Client 0 2" LINEAR DIFFUSER ADAM FOGEL 1 1" BLACK IRON 1 �" BLACK IRON 1 J" BLACK IRON SLOT FLUSH MOUNTED, u Even House CHANNEL @ 4'-0" CHANNEL @ 4'-0" CHANNEL @ 4'-0" L _ _ _ _ — — -Z TYP. BY TITUS OR A.E. O.C. (MAX.) O.C. (MAX.) O.C. (MAX.) I I CFfl CEILING SOFFIT 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 CEILING SUSPENSION CEILING SUSPENSION CEILING SUSPENSION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' SYSTEM @ 4'-0" SYSTEM @ 4'-0" SYSTEM @ 4'-0" 1'-2 ° T: (323) 443-0099 O.C. MAX O.C. MAX O.C. MAX LIGHT STRIP, AS SCHEDULED Architect of Record METAL FURRING METAL FURRING METAL FURRING — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J WF 01 WALL NICHE ELCHERBINI Architects CHANNEL [TYP] CHANNEL [TYP] CHANNEL [TYP] 1460 Broadway New York, NY 10036 T: (212) 466-6891 www.ecarchitects.co " THK. GYPSUM LIGHT FIXTURE, AS WALL, AS " THK. GYPSUM LIGHT FIXTURE, AS V TRIM WITH SEALANT " THK. GYPSUM FLUSH MOUNTED CEILING BOARD CEILING SCHEDULED SCHEDULED BOARD CEILING SCHEDULED BEAD BOARD CEILING DIFFUSER, TYP. Designer OPA Architecture 49 Elizabeth Street, 4th Floor • ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND DUCTS SHALL BE SUPPORTED ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND DUCTS SHALL BE SUPPORTED ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND DUCTS SHALL BE SUPPORTED New York, NY 10013 INDEPENDENTLY FROM THE CEILING SYSTEM [TYP]. INDEPENDENTLY FROM THE CEILING SYSTEM [TYP]. INDEPENDENTLY FROM THE CEILING SYSTEM [TYP]. T: (347) 988-9029 www.opa.space 11sc YP. GYPSUM BOARD CEILING DETAIL @BEV. AREA 2 GYPSUM BOARD CEILING DETAIL — END PIECE @BEV. 3 CEILING DETAIL — DIFFUSER HORIZONTAL@BEV AREA 4 CEILING DETAIL — DIFFUSER VERTICAL@BEV AREA ALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0" SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 112" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Revisions 00 12/ 12/23 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS INITIAL FILING 01 01 /25/24 PLAN CHECK RESUBMITTAL#1 Key Plan —TENANT-OFFICE 1st Floor N.I.C. N.I.C. I N.I.C. N.I.C. l N W.U. N.L. tu. Seal 0 A R C/yIr�C� .. AB CHE 3/3112025 CSy� RENEWALDATE �TFOF Project Information Even House 15771 Red Hill Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 Job Number 03923.00 Drawing Title CEILING DETAILS Drawing Date 12/ 12 /2023 Drawing No. A = 91 1 000 Sheet 23 Of 23 Building Department Application No. Attachment B. Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 2 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION 24-010 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2024-0009 15771 RED HILL AVENUE The Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Zoning Administrator finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2024-0009 was filed by Adam Fogel on behalf of Even House, requesting authorization for a Type 41 ABC license (sales of beer and wine for on-site consumption) in conjunction with a proposed restaurant and office use located at 15771 Red Hill Avenue. B. That the proposed use is consistent with the International Rectifier Specific Plan (SP-3), which provides for the establishment of a variety of industrial, commercial, and other uses. In addition, the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-Element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub- Element. C. That pursuant to SP-3, on-site alcoholic beverage sales in conjunction with a restaurant and office use are allowable subject to Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9271(dd) and the Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishment Guidelines. Pursuant to TCC Section 9271(dd), a CUP is required prior to the establishment of an alcoholic beverage sales establishment. D. That in accordance with TCC Section 9299b(3)(g), the Zoning Administrator is authorized to review and approve CUP applications for alcoholic beverage sales establishments. E. That a public meeting was duly called, noticed, and held for said application on August 15, 2024, by the Zoning Administrator. F. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed off-site alcoholic beverage sales will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin in that: 1. The ancillary sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption, in conjunction with a restaurant and office use, is a conditionally permitted use in SP-3 pursuant to TCC Section 9271(dd). 2. The proposed sales of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption would be subject to the hours of operation Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 3 established by ABC, which are proposed and conditioned to be no later than 2.00 a.m. and no sooner than 6.00 a.m. 3. The proposed on-site consumption of beer and wine in conjunction with a restaurant and office use is otherwise consistent with the Planning Commission Guidelines for Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishments and TCC Section 9271(dd) that support economic development opportunities for alcoholic beverage establishments in the City. 4. The total number of parking spaces required for the mix of tenants on-site is 353 spaces, and 382 are provided. No expansion of the existing tenant space is proposed; therefore, no parking impacts are anticipated. Additional parking is not required for the sale of alcohol, nor for the establishment of an outdoor dining area with no more than 15 seats. 5. The Tustin Police Department has reviewed the application and has no immediate concerns as conditioned. G. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 , (Class 1 , Existing Facilities) of Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act). II. The Zoning Administrator hereby approves CUP 2024-0009, a request to authorize a Type 41 ABC license (sales of beer and wine for on-site consumption) for a proposed restaurant and office use located at 15771 Red Hill Avenue. Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 15t" day of August, 2024. JUSTINA L. WILLKOM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR VERA HURTADO RECORDING SECRETARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Vera Hurtado, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Zoning Administrator Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Zoning Administrator, held on the 15t" day of August, 2024. VERA HURTADO RECORDING SECRETARY Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 5 EXHIBIT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2024-0009 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 15771 RED HILL AVENUE GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the plans dated August 15, 2024, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Community Development Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code (TCC) and other applicable codes. (1) 1.2 The conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be granted if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.4 Approval of CUP 2024-0009 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk-Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval"form. The forms shall be established by the Community Development Director, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. Failure to comply with the Conditions of Approval of the establishment creates undue burden to City resources, or if the CUP is abandoned for a twelve (12) month period, these circumstances shall be grounds for revocation of the CUP. (1) 1.5 Any transfer of ownership of the establishment and/or operator shall require the new owner and/or operator to sign and return an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form provided by the Community Development. Failure to do so would be a basis for revocation proceeding. (1) 1.6 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the issuance of an Administrative Citation pursuant to TCC Section 1162(a). Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 6 (1) 1.7 CUP 2024-0009 may be reviewed on an annual basis, or more often, if necessary, by the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall review the use to ascertain compliance with the Conditions of Approval. If the use is not operated in accordance with CUP 2024-0009 or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding tenants or neighborhood, the Community Development Director shall impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts or may initiate proceedings to revoke the CUP. (1) 1.8 As a Condition of Approval of CUP 2024-0009, the applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in the defense of any such action under this condition. (1) 1.9 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney's fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. (1) 1.10 All Conditions of Approval for CUP 2024-0009 shall remain in full force and effect for as long as the business continues to operate. (1) 1.11 Approved uses shall operate within all applicable State, County, and TCC regulations. Any violations of the regulations of the ABC as they pertain to the subject location, or of the City of Tustin, as they relate to the sale of alcoholic beverages, may result in the revocation of the subject CUP, as provided by the TCC. USE RESTRICTIONS (1) 2.1 This approval provides authorization for a Type 41 ABC license for the on- site sales and consumption of beer and wine only in conjunction with a restaurant and office use. Any changes to the ABC License shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director. Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 7 (1) 2.2 The applicant shall obtain the appropriate license from ABC for the type of alcoholic sales authorized for the site. A copy shall be provided to the City prior to operating the alcoholic sales. (1) 2.3 The business may operate from 6.00 a.m. until 10.00 p.m. daily unless otherwise modified with the approval of the Zoning Administrator in compliance with the City's Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishment Guidelines. (1) 2.4 The applicant shall provide the first inspection fee as determined by the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director shall have the authority to require additional fees if determined to be necessary to protect public health, welfare, peace, and comfort. (1) 2.5 Food must be served whenever the privileges of the on-sale alcohol license(s) are being exercised. (1) 2.6 The applicant, or an employee of the licensee, must be present to monitor all areas of the establishment during all times that alcoholic beverages are being served or consumed. (1) 2.7 All managers and employees selling alcoholic beverages shall undergo and successfully complete a certified training program in responsible methods and skills for selling alcoholic beverages. The ABC must approve said training program. Records of each employee's successful completion of the certified training program required by this section shall be maintained on the premises of the alcoholic beverage sales establishment and shall be presented upon request by a representative of the City of Tustin. (1) 2.8 No person under the age of twenty-one (21) shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages. (1) 2.9 Employees and contract security personnel shall not consume any alcoholic beverages during their work shift, except for product sampling for purposes of employee education about new products. Under no circumstances may contract security personnel consume alcoholic beverages during their work shift. (1) 2.10 The gross annual sales of alcohol shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of all sales within the establishment. (1) 2.11 All alcohol shall be consumed on-site, with the exception of the provisions stated in Business and Professions Code Sections 23396.5. and 23401 . Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 8 (1) 2.12 There shall be no fixed bar or lounge area upon the premises maintained for the sole purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages directly to patrons. (1) 2.13 The applicant shall, at all times, utilize an age verification means or device for all purchases of alcoholic beverages. Such verification of age is not intended to discriminate against patrons based on race, ethnicity or legal status, but only to comply with State law restricting the sale of alcohol to those 21 years of age and older. (1) 2.14 Live entertainment shall be subject to the issuance of a live entertainment permit pursuant to TCC Chapter 2 Part 3 and shall comply with all of the standards contained therein. (1) 2.15 There shall be no special events sponsored by or involving an outside promoter or any other person other than the applicant and/or property owner. The building may not be sublet (to a separate business or promoter or person other than the applicant and/or property owner. (1) 2.16 There shall be no requirement for patrons to purchase a minimum number of alcoholic drinks. (1) 2.17 Games or contests, requiring or involving consumption of alcoholic beverages, shall be prohibited. (1) 2.18 Any pool tables, amusement machines or video games maintained on the premises at any time must be reviewed and approved in a security plan submitted to the Community Development Department and the Tustin Police Department (TPD), prior to their establishment. (1) 2.19 Business operations shall be conducted in a manner that does not create a public or private nuisance. Any such nuisance must be abated immediately upon notice by the City of Tustin. (1) 2.20 The owner or manager of the licensed premises shall maintain, on the premises, a written security policy and procedures manual, which have been approved by the TPD, addressing, at a minimum, the following items: 1) Identify individuals who are responsible for the premises. The list shall include contact information such as name, address, phone number, etc. and the list shall be current and accurate. 2) Procedures for handling obviously intoxicated persons. 3) The method for establishing a reasonable ratio of employees to patrons, based upon activity level, in order to ensure adequate staffing levels to monitor beverage sales and patron behavior. Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 9 4) Procedures for handling patrons involved in fighting, arguing, or loitering about the building, and/or in the immediate adjacent area that is owned, leased, rented, or used under agreement by the licensee(s). 5) Procedures for verifying the age of patrons for purposes of alcohol sales. 6) Procedures for calling the TPD regarding observed or reported criminal activity. 7) Procedures for ensuring that servers monitor patrons to ensure that their drinking limit/potential intoxication is not exceeded. This procedure should include a description of the procedure the server would use to warn, or refuse to serve, the patron. 8) Procedures for management of queuing lines. (1) 2.21 If there is a marked or noticeable increase in the number of police- related incidents on or near the premises, as such increase may be determined by the Chief of Police, the applicant may be required to provide state licensed, uniformed security guards at a number determined by the Chief of Police. (1) 2.22 There shall be no window coverings or advertisements that reduce the visibility inside of the business. (1) 2.23 All signs shall comply with the Tustin Sign Code and the following: 1) There shall be no exterior advertising directed to the exterior from within, promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. No interior displays of alcoholic beverages or signs which are clearly visible to the exterior. 2) Permissible window displays must be kept to a minimum for maximum visibility and shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of window coverage. 3) The applicant shall post a "NO LOITERING" sign prohibiting loitering on the exterior of the premises. 4) Signs shall be posted in a conspicuous space at all entrances/exits of the premises which shall state, "NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BEYOND THIS POINT." (1) 2.24 No sexually oriented businesses shall be conducted on the premises Zoning Administrator Action 24-010 CUP 2024-0009— Exhibit A Page 10 without approval by the City of Tustin in accordance with the TCC. (1) 2.25 Any graffiti painted or marked upon the premises, or any adjacent area under control of the property owner or the business, shall be removed or painted within twenty-four (24) hours of being applied. (1) 2.26 All litter shall be removed from the exterior areas around the premises, including public sidewalk areas and parking areas, no less frequently than once each day that the business is open. FEES (1, 5) 3.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.