HomeMy WebLinkAboutALL PUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED redacted -4, 6 9J" CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the follow kig inforrn8fi011 IS Stf'dly'VOIUntary, O nly your narne will appear In the official Minutes of thi�s Meetcng, The other infoirrnation rnay be used by staff to WntaCt YOLL Please CUT11plete and $Ubrnit this forns to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, ........... AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 PUB IC INPUT El IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION t TO MATTER? TO Y'S DATE /--' NAME 1;11e�-J,p 1_ ,'� ORGANIZATION j: (if applicabile) HOME/WORKADDRESS CITY/ZlP CODE HOME/WORK PI TONE N( E-MAIL ADD R Ess— (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information IISSVidy VOILintary. Only your name wdl appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be Used by st@ff to contad you. Please comi let e and SUbrn it tr,6s,forrn to the City Cier k/Recoi-ding Secr"Oary. --------........ AGENDA ITEM NO. 13 PUBLIC INPUT ................ ............... ------- IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION .TfbMATTER? TODAY'S DATE ORGANVATION NAME (if applicable) ................... 71 91 5 HOMFJWORKADDRESS pTZYP CODE C HOMEfVVORK PHONE NO E-MAL ADDRESS—__-_ (ptoase Indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN i DEBT TO SPEAK Providing the fodo in g inforniabon i Staidly VOIUntary. 01-1lyyOrar name will app ar n the official Knutes of this Meebng, The other infrarrn t�on may be used by staff to contact y or u. Please s con,, plete and subm t this form to,the City CIerk/Recordlng Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO, 0 PUBLIC INPU- IN FAVOR["I OR OppioslTi�N TO MATTER? TOE 'a DATENAME . �� � � � .��.� ........ --. -.... _.____.. (if ap pli bli ) HOME/W, t7 ES MI'TYI IP CODS HOME/WORK HOME/WORK PHONE NO, �.� � .. .5-MAIL (please Indicate ogre) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing 11"ie following information is strictly voluntary, Only your name will appear in the official Minutes f this Meeting, The other inform [ion may be used by staiff tins c intact you. Please ccmpl t and sub-nit this fulu n to the City Clerk/Recording Clerk/Recording Secretary, AG Ll E EC ITE 1' O, n � PUBLIC l F�tth IN FAVOR OPPOSITION - TO M,ATT R? TODAY' NAME j r GAN 2XI"ION (if appl cable) HOME/WORK DI E m._ ...._.. t: . )N rr 2.6 H InJII tWORK PHONE N O, E-MAIL ADDRESS -- -----vx _---_ ���_1/_E'_ C'A'� __'�AV�.�.�IJS'��'1 _�'' Y C��(2�l' °_7_C� '�t,YS - - ,emu- - l�_v�.�__ ��.__� 1���►,s �___ �_� _��_�.y�. cam. d y _ _ _ je. e-".- ........... co L' Jc�� � � _�`�_ I Qz tt OVA- _-_ -e-A _f,Q------ 4bParma or. 94 e, nc (Syl_6YA -k� -� Do[� �m��-sue y o��'�� _ --- ���_ Y, cay �,vti e_P ��re�� 17 i N, c ------------------------- CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK. Providing the for lowinq inf rnratUon us Sh'iCtly VOILVIIWy. Only your narne w l ap ear any the official Minutes of this Mee,Urn . 'The otherurnfo not Uon may be used by staff to cu r„it c° YOU. Please complete rnd submit th s form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ...... . ............ _.�..._ _......... .._ � I hT fwl PUBLIC I !IPI�I""f G �.. _�_ .,. a u,�,. ...M................. ---------......... .................. .... IN FAVOR OR OPPOSIf I I�3IN /TO MATTER? TODY" DATE . .... .. ._. ,2 _NAME . � (if appal aW ) i lA tr IC ,N I I S CITY/ZIP IP CODE ...... ....... _ t; r I-t ___ � HOMEWORK PHONE ADDRESS_. m ...... . (please indicate one) 1 � _ ... CITY OF, TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following informafi nits sffictly voluntary, Only your-name will appear in the official Mi nUt,s of this Meeting, ..t..hre,other nrnf rn i tr n may be used by staff to contact you. Please clurriplete and sr,t"nm R tl% fu;,rm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO,, t9` PUBLiC INPUT P1 iN FAVOR[I OR OPPOSITION,SITI I J f--,)TQ MATTER? TODAY'S DATE_ t � NAME (if applic dl ).... , i)5-�ORK ICI O,NIE 1 . E-Ill ,ot_ADDR �Ie s indicate one) ............................... ...... ............................. CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO, SPEAK Providing titie following info rrnatiNl iS StdCtly VOILintary, OMY YOUr rianle wo appear in the offlcW Minutes of this,Meefing. The other information may be used by staff to,contact you, PIease=Tipliete and SWAI'lit this form to the City CIerk/Recording Secretary ----- AGENDA IT NO, n PUBLIC INPUT 0 ................ IN FAVOR F] OR OPPOSITION 10130 MATTER? TODAY'S DATE__..._..-.. NAME ORGAWATION (if applicaWe) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CODE ........... HOMEMORK PHONE N( E-MAL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN, REQUEST TO SPEAK Provdngi the fokwing inforrnatbn i$ StdCtly VOIUntary. Only your name wN appear in the, off daI Minutes of this Melefing, The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please corn plete and subn'dt tl"fls,form to thew City CVerk/RIecording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO, CJ PUBI IC INPUT 0 / IN FAVOR D OR OPP N 'TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE 2 Os'T'01 NAME----,-,. R GAN IZAT ION (if applicable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS ITY/ZIP CODE HOME-MORK PH E NO. :-MAIL ADDRESS - (please indicate one) �w t�f CITY OF ' 'I I REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the foUming iinform tpon is strictly vokint ry Only your nncn c w iII appear,In they nfflcil,nl WnUtns of this Meeting. The other information may be use by st@ff to contact you. Please complete and su.nt"bit this form to the,City Clerlk/Recording Secretary. ry. AGENDA ITEM NO 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION POSITIOI''~l �.,� TO MATTER?y TODAY DATANAME _,.... fn d ORGANIZATION fitapplicable) HOME/)NORK ADDRESS f IT'y' ll f t 0 Hu MENV RK PHONE NO,, . E-MAIL ADDRESS.. � ITS" OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following Infcrn ahon Is strictly voluntary, Only your rune will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting, The other information may be used by staff to contact yOun. Pl asee c ori,.u, l to and sunbmit this form to the City Ule:rlk/Recnrdirng, Secretary, _._... AGENDA lT M Nod 0 r. a PUBLIC INPUT a IN FAVOR . R OPPOSITION�,� T MATTER? TODAY' DDT � 2� . m NAME ✓° IZ, TIO If applicable) ) HOII FIwyVORK ADDRESS 12 HOMEPWORK PFI O NENO (please indicate one) .....................----------- ...............­­­'___­­_­.............................................. C�ITY OF T'uSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Prwtldiny vie following iniorrnauon is strictly voluntary, Only your narne will appcmr in the official Knutes of this Meeting, The ollheir 4-Jomi'abon inay be used by staff to cl')ntact you. Please complete and SUIORIK IN fomi,to theru City Clerk, AG E N D A 11 T E M;N 0 PLJ8LJC INPUT 01 FOt PIC(S,) IN WHICH YOU! WOULD LKE TO ADDRESS THE'CiTY COUNCIL: . .................... IN FAVOFt 1- 0l,t OF901c,5MON F]TO MATTER? TODAY' UATE x. ORGANIZATION NAME (if appicable) H0MEfVV0RK ADDRESS CODE HOMEIWORK PHONE N10, —E-MAIIL ADDRESS (please Indicate one), FeCITYOFTUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following informatbri is,strictly voluntary, Only your name wM appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting, The other information, may be pled by staff to contact you. Please complete crud submit this form to the City,Clerk/kIecording Secretary, AG EN D A 11 E M N'0, PUBLIC INPUTO .......... .......... ..................... INFAVOR OR OPPOSl-110N 1-0 MATTER? TODAY'S DATE. -ORGANIZ A'rION NAVE X (ifapphcaWe) HOMEMORK ADDRE.SS CITY/ZIP COD,E HOMEMORK PHONE NO, ADDRESS...----.. (please Indicate one) I CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing v'ie fa lowing infGaP"n afi n is strictly voluntary. Only your name w iIl appear in the official KnUtes of this meiatun , The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please c ompl te and submit this forrw"n to the City Cter101Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOROR DPP SITION �..:,.�TO U' it G'PP T DA DATEw I " � �Ulw 'I� .,.. ....�.. ,� .� ___.__.. ...�. ..._....�.�. itapplicable) HOME/WORK HOME/WORK ADDRESS ITY/ IP CODE HOME/VVORK PHONE NO, --MAH-ADDRESS (please,indicate servo) CITY OF TUSTIN. REQUEST TO SPEAK. Providing the following information is.strictly vra untary. Only your naime wlllll appear in the ffiiCiaU Murwn.it S Of this Meeting.. The other information may be njsed by t,aff to contact you. Mease complete,sand rill niit this,form to the City Clerk/Recording Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO, 13��. .._.._..w PUBI..IC INPUT I� l FAVOR� OR CPPC��P,TIUt� ['�Tt MATTER?�� T��r�A� .. O�. r �r (if applicable) HOMEiWORK ADDRESS Y/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PH(',)NE NO MAIL ADD) R SS (please indicate rah CITY OF TUST'IN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing in the following information as strictly voluntary. Omy Y gun° name wN appear in the nrff Cial Millu,rt f this M!e tnr"np. The other information may be used bly staff to,contact YOLL Please complete nd u mil: t1'fls form to the City Uerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC . .,. .. ... m....�........nm.. .........wn w ,w..._._...w.� ..._a IN FAVOR CAR OIPPOSIT�ON � MATTER T "w" . E rE . . .. EMI' "t kt:�N (If applicable) L Ef 0 C ES i / IP eME ORK PHONE I E-MAIL ADDRESS (pleasednitoc � �m , JµN ITS! OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the fallowing information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. El PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME �, ORGANIZATION .m (if applicable) HOMENVORKADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO � °...(; ( , E-MALL ADDRESS (please indicate erne) i CITY OF TUSTIN i REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVORm OR KTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE .. - ... OPPOSITION � 1"1 n � �� NAME � `� �.. � .�.. `� � � � �... � ): 1 ,, � ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORKADDRESS 12 Y `' CITY/ IP CODE HOME/1NORK PHONE NO. I(,- )A' E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) From: nore DIvC6 a ran icusid eas.com To: -Hurtado Vera; E-Comments Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting Date: Monday,September 23,2024 9:42:28 PM City of Tustin, CA New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting GUest LJseir SUbirnitted a In eCoirnirnent, Meeting: F:11anning Coirnirnission Meeting teir T I I i NA F:'I NA �N T AI i n: 2, 1 i(N.JS II NA �N T II" ZO�N E: lD FR J l r- II R, IN F:>FR G FRA IM S 1 1 A, 1,1 E.3, A IN 1 1,1 l:::: c)l:::: .� IJ 1 6 1—1 1 CYCI 2021 2029 1 1 X.JSHNG NA NI.- l:::: T I I (I IN FRA I F:>I M eCoirnirnent: if itezonling is appiroved, Ihow lrn lny IbUSIness will Ibe closed? Il low lrn lny individUal people will lose their jobs? Il low often Folic e officeirs CUnrently Ipatirol the I::.::.:Adeirlee Center? Il low rnany lrnoire Ipolice officeirs will Ipatirol ShOUld tlh itezonling Ibe appiroved? Il low will the City of T UStin Ipirovide elnOUgh wateir -foir tlh Iplroposed residents? What will Ih Ippen to the wateir irates ShOUld itezonling Ibe appiroved and Ihoirnes bUllt? Il low will traffic congestion Ibe addiressed shOUld tlh lrezonling Ibe appiroved and IhOUsing bUllt? What will Ibe the stairfing list Ipirice -foir Iplroposed View and Analyze omments I his eni"dl vv'a's Sent 'n)nn httDS://tustin.aranicusideas.com Unsubscribe fry)nn 'uture, nma,!Iings ............. ...................... .......... CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please compiete and submit this form to the City Clerk. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 TOPIC(S) IN WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL: IN FAYQR- OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION A (if applicable) tZ HOMENVORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) IL LAS CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is stfttiy voluntary, Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT El IN FAVOR El OR OPPOSITION Ej TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME 0) o —ORGANIZATION ),fif a plicabIe) mo ­y) c- HOMENVORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS_C__�_ " �C) 0n, (please indicate one) Request to Speak Form "T, Submitted On: U Sep 24, 2024, 04:29PM PDT City of Tustin, CA Request to Speak How will you be participating? In person Agenda Item No. or Public Input Agenda Item No. At this time, any member of the public may address the Council on matters that are currently noticed on the agenda. Please refer to the agenda for the item that correlates with your request. The Mayor will invite you to speak when the Council considers this item. Agenda Item Number 2 Topic(s) in which you would like to address the City Council. Rezoning In Favor/ In Opposition In Opposition Meeting Date September 24, 2024 Requester Information Bill Hammerle Full Address Street Address: 17611 Chatham Drive City: Tustin State: CA Zip: 92780 Phone Number 7147439532 Email BillHammerle@icloud.com CITY OFTUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK providing the following information is strictly,voluntary. only your nano wihl appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The ether information may be used by staff to contact yeui. Please complete and Submit this harm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NOD. ©i PUBLIC INPUT I;w�" IN FAVOR OR opposiTION [I TO MATTER?R? MEETING DATE 9/ '/2 NAME Ga i'e RGA NIZATlON (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CITY2111P CODE Tustin HOME/WORK PHONE NO. 14- - E-MAIL ADDRESS �pilesuu a indicate one) T'IPS ON MAKING YOUR ORAL PRESENTATION The foHowing tips are provided in an effort to assist you effectively address the Council/Commission. The City of Tustin has a time Hmit of three (3) minutes for each speaker to ensure, that all persons who wish to speak have an opportunity to do so. 40 Cleady state your name and address. 0 The coiored lights on the podium indicate: (i Green - Your time limit has begun; you are lim,ited to three (3) minutes. ci ,) Yellow - You have 1 minute to suimmarize your piresentationi, o Red - Your time is up! Understate law,theCouncil/Commission may no take action on matters raised underthe Public Input portion of the agenda. They may refer your reqluest to City staff for administrative action, or it may be scheduled for a subsequent agenda. If you have any questions, please see the City Clerk/Record Ing Secretary. NOTE: It you challenge an item considered at a public hearing in court,you may be limited to raising only thoselssues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in the agenda,or inwrittein correspoindence delivered to the City of Tustin at,or prior to,the public hearing.