HomeMy WebLinkAboutREQUEST TO SPEAK FORMS 10-8-24 CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information its strictly VOWntary. Only your mane will appear in tho official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact youi. Please complete and SUbrnit this loran to the City Clerk/Re or ling Secretary.. AGENDA ITEM NOD,0 PUBLIC INIP'UT W IN FAVOR E OR OPPOSITION El TO MATTER? MEETING DATE l Oct 24 NAME Dill Harvirnerle DRGANI AT01\11 (if applicable) I-tll l' ENVORK ADDRI ESS Nor CITY21 COOP. ........ ................. HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS ppDieaae indicate one) CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voIuntary. OnIy your nerve w iII appear in the official Minutes of this Meetln . The other information may be used by'staff to contact you, Flee :corhptete and submit this form to the City ClerWRecording Secretary.AGENDA FFEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0- IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION N "'R ,0 T....I'ER TODAY'a DATE � L NAME ORGANIZATION (If applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS crTyop CODE O G IUi'UNORK PHOINE NO, E-MAIL ADDRESS • ITT OF TuS,TIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Pro,Ading the fol[owing inf rniatto n is strictly voluntary. Only your name w Ill appear In the official Minutes of this,Meeting. The ether information may be used by staff to contact you. Please comiplete and suubm it thiis form to the Cky Clerk/Recording Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ®. PUBLIG, Il*lI'LlT ® . .... IN FAVOR I� ����= lrl�r �r�MATTER? � a � a��w � ' �?/ DAME (-,/r C r —ORGANIZATION (if applicable) �7e HOMIE/WORK PHONE N E-MAIL At DRE (please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following,Inf arrnaf n"' s'k,.tIly voluntary, only your name will appear h the official Minutes of this Meeting. The e0prormation may be used by staff to contact you. Please compiate and mot. ".w ".. : to the City „a acordincg Secrebry. ........� a u .. . AGENDA ITEM] "JD.G7 °'_,.:-I INPUT 0 r IN FAVOR M Old IPPOSf'F]ON""" TO MATTER? "I`ODAY DATE �IAI�IP' .... ORGANIZATION (If applicable) HOMEJWC1RK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE 1-OMENVO'RK PHONE NC E-MAIL ADDRESS �Tp-laase Indicate one) BEE RR QTY US II REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following inforimatuon is strictly voluntary. Only Your name will appear In the offclal Minutes of this Meeting,, The other lnforrnafion may be use.d by staff to contact you. i Clerk/Recording Secretary. Please complete grad artar;alt this fra to t17 City�Ir:r ,Jl� o AGENDA A ITEM NO, PUBLIC Ilt!fF'UT tl AV I t PF'Q aT1 3N lli O MATTER? TODAY' DATE �NAME� ORGANIZATION ,(if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS ITYIZIP CODE I IPI�O N :N`�Ic . -MAIL At DRES n(pMla nd� l one) „ I CITY OF A uSTI REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the fbIloWng information is 31rdly voluntary. Only your name Vdi apipear In the official Minutes ofthls Meeting. They other IrnforT nation may be used by staff'to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to than Ity lork/Recerding Secretary. AGENDA A ITEM FEM N 7v PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSI I"'ICON TO MATTER? TODAYS DATE��_ NA ME9 l� ORGANIZATION HOM EIWOR't P HOIINE N AIL ADCII� ' (please Indicate one) CITY OF TUSTI REQUEST TO SPEAK Proviftg the following information is strictly voluntary, Only your name will appear in the offaoial Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Cl rl/Recordin , .rotary, AGENDA ITEM NO. DY' � PUBLIC INPUT ICI FAVOR OR tl'IiTII T IwIA"PTEF rcA °S nrr.�_ NAME ' e d w ORGANIZA�i ION (if applicable) H M RIB AI DRE CIT` /ZIP Cal . C> E/VVOPK PI ONES: NrJy E-MAIL ADDRESS (Please(medicate camel M CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information Is strictly voluntary, Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may he used by staff to contact you. Plle r e comple send submit this form to the Qi llerWReccr ng Secretary,. AGENDA A ITEM NO, r7l PUBLIC INPUT F] ill FAVOR OR OPPOSITIO .TO MATTER TODAYS DATE NA � � ' 1�;?�ORGANiI ATIION,_. (if applicable) HOMEIW 7RKADDRESS ITYI IP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE N -MAIL ADDRESS (please a Indicate one) �.._........... _.,. CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly veiuirmtary. Onliy your name~Irrirl l appear in the official Minutes of:this Meeting. The ctheir Information may be used by off to contact oow. Please complete lete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA 1TiEM NO. 0 PUF31 1C INPUT 0 IN FAvoR El OR OOP SFFION®TO MATTER? TODAYS DATE NAMEt� �/� �V's ORGANIZATION (If appllcabie) HOMEWVORK AO RII=a �CITyZP CODE �t`7 + HOMEANORK PHOINE NO. MARL IDIRESS (please indicate money �,A lie CITY' OF 'TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK P ov tng the following Information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will alppear in the official Minutcs of this Meeting. The otter information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secrelary. AGENDA A ITEM NO.W,! PUBLIC INPUT L1 IN FAVOR R{DPPoSNTION L""I"`t7MATTER? TODArS DAI'E NAME Y�41if ORGANIZATION (if spplicebIo} HOMEWORK ADORES ITYC IP CODE HOMEWORK PHONEE-MAIL ACTRESS (please Indicate one) �r i NO TY' 0F TU " IN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the Wowing informat on Is strictly voluntary. only your name ww appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting, The ether information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this forma to the City Clerk/'Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO, 01 I UBLlC INPUT 13 IN FAVOR f7 CAR OPPOSITION 7 TO MATTER? TODAY TODAYS DATE15 ... ,� NAMF rORGANIZATION i��49-4/ (if applicable) HOME/WORKADDR CITY01P CODE HOMEJWORK PHONE NO E-MAIL ADDRESF�_ ipfease indir ate one) CITY OF U'STIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Prodding the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information maybe used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. © PUBLIC INPUT)( IN FAVOR❑ OR OPPOSITION ❑TO MATTER? TODAY S DATE NAME l� G (� ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEMORKADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) CITY F TUSSTI I REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following irufcr afien is strictly voiuntary. Only your name Wil appear in the official Minutes olf this Meeting.. The other information may be used by staff to,contact you. Pieaae complete and suibmit this form to the City Glerk/Recording Secretary,. AGENDA ITEM NO,W2 P IBLI ' INPUT two" IN FAVOR E OR OPPOSITION N T MATTER? MEE71NG DATE 101/8,120124 MAIM l thlieein Lehr nan a� NIZATiiON IHomeown r (if applicable) HOME/W0 RK AD DR ESS CITY21P CODE ........ ......... ........w I-flu ME/WCRK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS �plea a Indicate one)