HomeMy WebLinkAboutECOMMENT GUEST USER 1 From: nore DIvC6 a ran icusid eas.com To: -Hurtado Vera; Barragan. Raymond; E-Comments Subject: New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting Date: Tuesday,October 8,2024 12:25:16 PM City of Tustin, CA New eComment for Planning Commission Meeting GUest i,.Jseir SUbiry'iltted a In eCoiry'vy'ient, Meeting: F:11anning Coiry'vy,iission Meeting teiryv: eCoiry'vy'ient: i live off of 17th Stir in ear Il lewes and while i airT'I Unable to attend the ry'ieeting tOlnight, i WOUld like to voice iry-iy conceirins abOUt the rezoning of l:.::.::ndeirle Center, i 'fE-,Iel this will have a veiry negative iry'ipact on OUIr coiry'vYWInity 'foir a ry'iyirlad of reasons, the first and iry'lost obvIOUS Ibeling the exponentially lincireased traffic and the congestion this will caUse, i airy'i a siry,iall lousiness owneir as well and with all of the rezoning to iry,ioire and iry,ioire slingle...-fairy,illy dwellings, it is (putting IhUndlreds of siry'iall IbUS1nessesin a position to wheire they Ihave no choic IbUt to close -foir good which is disheartening and inchedibly sad. E.3y lintirodLICIIng so ry'iany additional noiry'ies and COInfinUlIng to decirease the shopping -foir said noiry'ies, it will also tire ry'ie in dOUS ly ilnclrease traffic in all of the existing shopping Iplazas and lliry'ilt the ICI aces available -foir residents to shop (because the only ICI aces left. will Ibe Ibig Ibox stores, I at's keep the lintegirity Of OUir siry'iall coiry'vYWInity, its siry'iall (business owneirs, and the feel of old T LISfin the way it is instead of coiry'vy'leircializing everything and cirairy'vy,iling as ry'iany noiry'ies !into an airea as Ipossilble just to line tlh IY ockets of a 'fE.,,w developers, View and Analyze omments I his eni"dl vv'a's Sent 'n)nn httDS://tustin.aranicusideas.com Unsubscribe 'ri�)nn 'uture, nnaiiings