HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - QUARTER ONE AND QUARTER TWO 2024Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 Y tAGENDA REPORT '� G� MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 15, 2024 TO: ALDO E. SCHINDLER, CITY MANAGER 7 Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager FA� Finance Director N/A FROM: JUSTINA L. WILLKOM, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORT — QUARTER ONE AND QUARTER TWO, 2024 SUMMARY: This agenda report transmits the John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report for the first and second quarters of 2024. The City of Tustin is within the John Wayne Airport's "Noise Impact Area" since it has the potential to be exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level of more than 65 decibels. Community Noise Equivalent Level is a weighted average of noise levels over a 24-hour period, and is a measurement frequently used in regulating the impacts of airport noise on the surrounding community. The average noise level measured at Tustin's monitoring station, which is located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way (Figure 1), remained below the City, County, and State maximum criteria during the first and second quarter reporting periods. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Figure 1 Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 City Council Agenda Report John Wayne Airport Noise Report Q1 & Q2 2024 October 15, 2024 Page 2 CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Staff's analysis and report of the quarterly John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Report falls under Goal D of the Strategic Plan pertaining to strong community and regional relationships. The City of Tustin strives to work collaboratively with agencies both within and outside Tustin on issues of mutual interest and concern, and in this instance, on matters of airport traffic and noise. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Following the conclusion of each calendar quarter, John Wayne Airport (JWA) noise office staff prepares a Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report and posts the report on their website. The JWA Noise Abatement Report includes measured noise levels, and an analysis of noise complaints. Attached are the quarterly reports for the first and second quarters of 2024, which includes the months of January through June 2024. Measured Noise Levels Aircraft noise is most noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings, primarily due to engine noise. Although engines produce a significant amount of aircraft noise, many other factors may influence the perception of noise including: proximity; weather — in bad weather, engine noise is reflected off of the atmosphere making jets appear louder than on clear days; routes — non-scheduled operations which could include military or private aircraft and may be louder than commercial aircraft; emergencies; and, weight — a heavier load may affect an aircraft's rate of ascent. In addition, higher aircraft noise level measurements may have been noted during reporting periods within the last several years, as the air -travel throughout the region has continued to increase to pre - pandemic levels. During the first and second quarters of 2024, the average Community Noise Impact Level (CNEL) at Tustin's monitoring station on Beneta Way was 58.1 decibels (dB) during both quarters, while the averages from the previous two quarters (quarter three and quarter four 2023) were 57.3 dB and 57.0 dB, respectively. Figure 2 (on the following page) provides a visualization of Tustin's CNEL levels for each month during the first and second quarters of 2024. It should be noted that Tustin's noise monitoring equipment was out of service on June 24, 25, and 26, preventing the collection of noise data on those days. Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 City Council Agenda Report John Wayne Airport Noise Report Q1 & Q2 2024 October 15, 2024 Page 3 70 60 50 9 41) v J J z 30 u 20 10 Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) in Tustin: Q1 January - March 2024 —January — February —March —Noise Impact Area Level �65 dBl 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Date Daily Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) in Tustin: Q2 April -June 2024 70 60 50 40 J z= 30 V 20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Date -Apr iL -May -June -Noise Impact Area LeveL R65 dBl Figure 2 Noise Complaints The role of the John Wayne Airport (JWA) Access & Noise Office (ANO) is to enforce operational and noise restrictions. The ANO receives and investigates noise calls and complaints from local citizens and other sources. During the first quarter of 2024, there were 68 Tustin area concerns submitted, and during the second quarter of 2024 there were 89 concerns submitted. It should be noted that all complaints were submitted via the web or by pressing an alert button on the Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 City Council Agenda Report John Wayne Airport Noise Report Q1 & Q2 2024 October 15, 2024 Page 4 JWA mobile app. Further details from JWA staff indicates that during the first quarter there were three (3) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one (1) of the individuals submitted 45 of the 68 noise concerns. During the second quarter there were two (2) individuals reporting concerns in total, and one (1) of the individuals submitted 88 of the 89 noise concerns. Staff has reviewed the noise levels at Tustin's noise monitoring station during the time the concerns were submitted, and did not identify any unusual increase in the measured noise levels. Due to the release of the noise reporting mobile app and web -based platform, it is anticipated that a similar trend will continue, with a small number of reporting parties pressing an alert button repeatedly. Prior to the release of the mobile app and web platform, complainants would typically call JWA to report a noise concern, in which the data historically indicated that average of one (1) noise concern was submitted via phone call, per quarter. To provide an understanding of the trend in Tustin area complaints throughout the years, a chart indicating the number of noise complaints in the past three (3) years is displayed in Figure 3 (below). 1200 1000 c =� 8DO a E 0 6D4 `o w 4DO E 2 2DO 0 D CONCLUSION: Noise Complaints - Tustin *Q1: 45 of the 68 complaints were submitted by one party *Q2: 88 of the 89 complaints were submitted by one party O1/2022 0212022 Q3/2022 Q4/2022 Q1/2023 02/2023 03/2023 Q4/2023 Q1/2024 Q2/2024 QuarterjYear Figure 3 Since noise issues are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor operations at JWA. The public is welcome to participate in MA's quarterly meetings held by the Access and Noise Office. The next quarterly meeting is tentatively set for December 2024, with a date to be determined. For meeting information when it is made available, and for virtual participation instructions in the upcoming Access and Noise Office meeting, please visit www.ocair.com/about/administration/access-noise/. Staff recommends that the City Council receive and file this report. Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 City Council Agenda Report John Wayne Airport Noise Report Q1 & Q2 2024 October 15, 2024 Page 5 Prepared by: Signed by: MUDE5ECDAME3... Adrianne DiLeva Management Analyst II Attachments: Approved by: Signed by: K) ED45DA2623B54AS... Justina L. Willkom Community Development Director 1. John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report — 1st Quarter (January — March, 2024) 2. John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Report — 2nd Quarter (April — June, 2024) Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 Attachment 1 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: January 1, 2024 through March 31, 2024 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: EDocuSig ned by: ,4 mar on behalf of C47C84MD9054DE... Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 205th Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 Db to 65 Db Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 Db define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1 S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324'/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-1 ON: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (April 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP SANTA ANA d II IF_ ,j r z� TUSTIN II ° ✓��_ ye JOHN NAYNE AIRPORT, COSTA MESA DR P P ORANGE COUNTY F A IRVINE pv 1Z NEWPORT BEACH N 0 i 2 3 a 5 Scale In miles FIGURE 2 NOISE IMPACT AREA MAP ® Residential Prescriptive Avigation Easement (Business Park Zoning)��P°0 \\\ Residential Use © Hospital ?� Multi -Family Residential Use t School �i t Compatible Use Highway Public Use (Noise Sensitive) Major Roads 73� Public Use -- Minor/Local Roads •�` Recreational / Open Space A �� Hai Water/ Stream ! River Faso` / sf NMS1 � s COSTA MESA e P" NMS 3 p y y e n 5 �ti g NEWPORT BEACH a � P� NMS 4 Statistics: Incompatible Land Use: 0.0147 Sq. Mi. Number of Dwelling Units: 73 Population: 182.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) k E A RMT Location Airport Property (Approx.) Q 2024 First Quarter 65 dB CNEL Contour Runways /Taxiways Incompatible Single Family Residential Airport Buildings Incompatible Multi -Family Residential —A Incompatible Public Use (Noise Sensitive) 0 0 1,000 2,000 Feet JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY 2024 First Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Contour AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 11. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS January - March 2024 �Period Carriers GA Jet (1) Total Average Daily Jet Prop Operations (2) Jet Operations January 8,098 0 3,410 24,587 371 February 7,652 0 3,610 20,748 388 March 8,524 0 3,614 24,690 392 First Quarter 24,274 0 10,634 70,025 384 Twelve Months 100,402 0 45,683 282,503 399 04/01 /23 - 03/31 /24 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly, and twelve-month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. One hundred seven dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (January 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints (noise events) from local citizens and all other sources. Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 illustrate the distribution of reported noise events from local communities, the nature of disturbance, and the method of how the noise events were reported to the Airport. 4 - 50,000 40,000 d) w' 0 0 30,000 Z `o 20,000 16 10,000 4 4 4 3 2 2 1,518 961 1 833 1 437 318 236 193 86 Newport Anaheim Laguna Niguel Costa Corona Laguna Beach Huntington Other Aliso Irvine Beach Mesa Beach Viejo NOTE: The 82,313 Noise Events was a 37.2% decrease for the 131,004 Noise Events from last quarter, and a 12.9% increase from the 72,902 Noise Events from the same quarter last year. FIGURE 3.2 FIGURE 3.3 NATURE OF DISTURBANCES ENQUIRY METHOD FIGURE 3.1 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS 82,313 Noise Events 187 Points of Contact January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024 45,311 50 Too Loud 13.2% Too Low 10 4c/ Too Fr 362% 32,420 55 47 0 0 39 3 o_ C7 0 w 31 23 15 7 _1 IoT Button Too Late (Subscription Service) 6.08% ght Path 4D_ 1 % Webtrak 0.09% Voicemail 0.04% Viewpoint (Desktop) 0.14% ViewPoint (Mobile Device) 93.65% TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 04/01/23 through 03/31/24 Values in dB at Each Site Period NIVIS Site i Apr 2023 68.2 67.1 67.1 60.3 59.5 60.4 57.1 68.4 41.0 57.9 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 28 May 2023 68.4 67.2 67.3 60.6 59.6 60.8 57.6 68.7 43.3 58.4 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 25 31 Jun 2023 68.6 67.7 67.7 61.0 60.1 61.1 57.8 69.0 43.1 58.0 # Days 30 30 301 30 30 30 30 30 251 30 Q-2 2023 68.4 67.3 67.4 60.7 59.8 60.8 57.5 68.7 42.7 58.1 # Days 911 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 72 89 Ju12023 68.4 67.5 67.4 60.3 59.2 60.4 56.2 68.5 40.5 57.2 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 24 31 Aug 2023 68.4 67.5 67.5 60.2 59.3 60.5 56.4 68.4 41.2 57.1 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 24 31 Sep 2023 68.4 67.4 67.3 60.7 59.7 60.8 57.0 68.5 44.0 57.7 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 30 Q-3 2023 68.4 67.5 67.4 60.4 59.4 60.6 56.5 68.5 42.2 57.3 # Days 92 92 92 92 92 i 92 92 72 92 Oct 2023 68.2 67.2 67.5 60.1 59.4 60.8 57.1 68.1 43.5 57.4 # Days 31 31 31 311 31 31 29 31 22 31 Nov 2023 67.4 66.3 66.8 59.2 58.5 60.5 55.7 67.3 43.1 56.2 # Days 30 301 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 29 Dec 2023 67.5 66.4 66.6 60.0 59.3 60.1 54.8 67.7 43.1 57.3 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 301 31 25 30 Q-4 2023 67.7 66.7 67.0 59.8 59.1 60.5 56.0 67.7 43.3 57.0 # Days 921 92 92 92 92 92 89 92 71 90 Jan 2024 67.6 66.2 66.8 60.0 59.5 60.8 56.6 67.7 43.8 57.3 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 Feb 2024 68.3 66.8 67.0 60.6 60.2 59.8 57.5 68.3 42.4 58.4 # Days 29 291 29 29 29 29 29 29 20 29 Mar 2024 68.2 66.9 67.1 60.7 60.2 60.9 57.7 68.5 44.0 58.5 # Days 31 31 31 31 311 31 30 31 29 30 Q-12024 68.0 66.7 67.0 60.4 60.01 60.5 57.3 68.2 43.6 58.1 # Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 911 77 90 Q-2 2023 thru Q-1 2024 Total 68.2 67.1 67.2 60.3 59.6 60.6 56.9 68.3 43.0 57.7 # Days 366 366 366 366 366 366 362 366 292 361 Q-1 2023 thru Q-4 2023 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total 68.1 67.0 67.2 60.3 59.5 60.6 56.9 68.3 42.9 57.7 # Days 365 365 365 365 362 365 361 365 230 361 Change from Previous 4 Quarters 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION January 2024 Date 1 67.7 66.7 66.7 60.0 NMS 59.8 Site 60.0 55.0 67.6 44.6 57.1 2 69.0 67.2 67.8 61.3 60.7 61.2 58.3 68.7 43.5 59.1 3 68.0 67.1 67.0 59.8 60.9 60.3 58.0 68.2 40.3 58.2 4 67.7 66.4 66.7 60.2 59.7 60.2I 56.9 67.4 45.0 57.3 51 67.9 66.5 66.8 60.4 60.1 60.61 56.9 68.0 44.3 57.9 6 67.6 66.5 66.0 60.0 59.4 59.9 56.3 68.1 39.0 58.2 7 58.9 54.2 67.7 45.1 52.6 64.6 33.4 64.4 43.0 36.5 8 65.6 64.1 65.8 57.0 57.2 59.8 54.1 66.1 37.6 54.3 9 66.4 65.7 65.7 59.8 58.9 59.3 55.6 67.7 42.1 57.5 10 67.7 66.3 66.8 60.4 60.0 61.9 57.8 68.2 43.4 58.3 11 66.4 64.9 65.5 58.2 57.9 60.2 54.9 68.2 43.0 57.0 12 68.2 67.3 67.4 60.7 60.1 60.7 56.9 68.7 42.8 58.3 13 66.7 65.6 65.7 59.0 58.7 59.2 55.4 66.0 39.1 56.1 14 68.6 67.1 67.4 61.1 60.4 61.6 58.1 68.3 *#N/A 58.4 15 69.0 67.9 67.9 61.3 60.9 61.4 58.3 69.0 49.1 58.5 16 67.8 66.4 66.9 59.7 59.9 60.5 56.9 67.7 45.3 57.5 17 67.8 66.2 66.7 60.4 59.6 60.4 56.5 67.6 41.1 57.4 18 68.5 66.9 67.6 61.2 60.7 61.2 57.5 68.6 39.3 58.5 19 68.7 67.1 67.5 60.9 60.21 61.0 57.3 68.3 40.3 58.1 20 66.8 64.9 65.5 59.8 58.61 59.3 55.8 67.0 47.9 57.3 21 69.0 67.5 67.6 61.5 60.7 61.5 58.5 68.8 42.6 58.9 22 66.2 64.3 67.5 57.8 58.4 62.8 54.9 68.7 47.5 57.1 23 67.6 65.8 66.3 60.3 59.8 60.0 56.6 67.1 30.8 57.4 24 67.7 65.9 66.7 60.7 59.7 60.5 57.2 67.41 45.7 57.3 25 68.7 67.5 67.6 61.2 60.6 61.4 58.4 68.3 *#N/A 58.5 26 68.0 66.4 67.7 60.0 59.9 61.6 56.6 67.9 44.3 56.2 27 65.7 64.3 65.4 57.8 56.9 59.0 53.9 64.9 43.7 52.2 28 68.3 66.9 67.1 60.1 59.2 59.9 56.5 67.0 42.8 55.5 29 67.8 66.4 66.9 59.4 59.4 59.5 56.3 66.5 *#N/A 55.8 30 66.6 65.5 65.5 59.2 58.2 58.5 55.1 66.5 44.3 56.0 31 67.2 65.8 66.7 60.3 58.8 60.0 56.3 67.8 42.6 57.4 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 En. Avgj 67.61 66.21 66.81 6001 59.51 60.81 56.61 67.71 43.8 57.3 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION February 2024 Date 1 68.1 65.9 66.81 59.7 NMS 59.7 Site 60.2 57.0 68.8 45.4 59.2 2 67.6 66.9 66.41 59.8 60.9 59.91 57.7 69.1 45.7 59.1 3 66.2 65.0 65.11 59.3 58.7 59.01 55.6 66.6 *#N/A 56.2 4 69.2 66.3 66.5 61.8 59.9 58.8 58.1 70.5 *#N/A 61.7 5 69.7 66.8 67.8 61.8 61.0 61.1 58.7 69.4 44.6 60.0 6 68.5 65.6 67.2 61.0 60.8 50.6 57.5 67.7 45.2 58.8 7 67.6 66.5 66.6 60.5 60.4 55.3 58.0 68.4 29.4 59.1 8 68.5 67.1 67.0 60.4 61.3 60.5 58.7 69.1 32.0 59.2 9 68.9 67.4 67.7 61.3 60.9 58.5 58.5 68.4 43.8 58.6 10 66.0 64.9 65.1 58.3 57.9 54.9 55.4 66.0 42.5 54.4 11 67.9 67.1 66.5 59.8 59.8 56.7 56.9 68.0 *#N/A 57.8 12 68.6 67.5 67.3 61.0 60.6 49.2 57.8 68.1 44.9 57.6 13 67.6 66.3 66.5 60.4 59.7 58.2I 56.6 67.3 40.2 57.2 14 67.4 66.3 66.2 60.1 59.8 60.5 57.2 67.5 *#N/A 57.1 15 68.6 67.7 67.6 60.8 60.7 60.1 56.9 68.8 36.3 58.7 16 69.1 68.1 68.1 61.2 61.3 62.0 58.1 69.2 43.3 58.9 17 67.5 66.3 66.5 59.6 59.3 59.8 55.9 66.4 *#N/A 56.3 18 68.8 67.8 67.5 61.3 60.7 61.3 58.4 68.6 38.9 58.7 19 69.0 67.1 67.5 62.3 60.3 61.1 58.4 69.8 *#N/A 60.0 20 68.4 66.1 66.61 61.21 60.0 60.6 57.7 68.9 42.6 58.8 21 68.01 66.8 66.6 60.61 60.11 60.5 57.5 68.0 39.5 58.1 22 69.0 67.8 67.7 60.9 61.01 61.3 58.1 68.2 37.8 58.3 23 68.5 67.3 67.2 60.5 60.0 60.6 57.1 68.2 43.5 57.0 24 66.7 65.2 64.9 58.7 57.9 58.1 55.1 65.9 *#N/A 55.0 25 68.7 67.8 67.6 61.0 60.7 61.3 57.3 69.2 41.6 58.8 26 69.0 67.6 67.9 61.2 60.6 61.0 57.6 68.7 40.0 59.2 27 67.7 66.4 66.4 60.1 59.7 59.7 57.0 67.2 40.8 57.0 28 68.0 66.9 67.0 60.0 60.01 60.5 57.2 67.4 *#N/A 57.5 29 68.9 67.6 67.8 61.51 61.11 61.31 58.71 68.5 *#N/A 58.5 Days 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 20 29 En. Avgj 68.31 66.8 67.0 60.61 60.21 59.81 57.51 68.3 42.4 58.4 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION March 2024 Date 1 68.3 67.2 67.1 61.1 NMS 60.6 Site 60.9 58.2 69.0 *#N/A 58.9 2 67.0 65.8 65.5 59.7 59.6 59.4 56.9 67.9 32.1 58.0 3 68.9 68.1 67.4 60.5 61.5 61.4 58.6 69.5 45.8 59.2 4 68.1 66.71 66.7 60.7j 60.4 60.6I 58.0 68.2 37.9 58.6 5 67.6 66.2 66.4 60.2 59.8 60.01 57.0 67.6 35.4 58.0 6 68.3 66.5 68.0 61.6 60.4 62.7 57.3 67.4 49.3 57.5 7 68.9 67.2 67.6 61.5 60.9 61.4 58.3 69.7 *#N/A 59.3 8 68.9 67.7 67.7 61.1 60.8 61.2 58.1 69.1 41.8 58.9 9 67.3 66.3 66.0 59.4 59.5 59.6 56.1 67.6 34.5 57.6 10 68.8 67.6 67.6 60.2 60.5 60.6 57.3 69.7 43.6 59.7 11 68.3 67.2 66.9 60.8 60.7 61.2 57.9 69.0 46.4 59.1 12 67.3 66.1 66.4 60.0 59.9 60.3 57.2 67.6 48.5 57.9 13 67.8 66.1 66.6 60.2 59.9 60.1 57.3 67.4 31.7 57.3 14 58.6 55.8 67.2 44.1 49.5 62.4 *#N/A 63.2 38.5 -#N/A 15 69.2 67.5 67.7 61.8 60.4 61.3 58.4 68.6 43.8 58.6 16 67.9 66.5 66.9 59.9 59.8 60.6 57.4 67.7 44.3 56.8 17 69.2 68.0 68.0 61.6 61.0 61.7 58.4 68.7 46.7 58.5 18 69.0 67.5 68.2 61.3 60.5 61.2 58.1 68.5 40.7 57.9 19 67.9 66.1 66.9 60.71 59.2 60.5 56.8 67.3 35.9 56.9 20 68.0 66.6 66.9 60.51 59.7 60.0 56.8 68.5 41.1 58.1 21 68.9 67.6 67.71 61.11 60.71 61.4I 58.1 68.8 38.6 58.5 22 68.7 67.5 67.5 60.71 60.3 60.9 57.4 69.3 44.4 58.9 23 67.2 65.9 65.6 59.7 59.9 59.6 57.1 68.4 45.3 58.6 24 68.5 68.2 67.3 60.1 61.6 61.4 57.7 68.9 43.5 59.1 25 68.2 67.1 67.0 61.0 60.3 60.8 57.9 69.1 38.3 58.8 26 67.7 66.8 66.5 60.5 59.6 58.9 57.6 67.5 46.1 57.5 27 68.1 67.0 66.7 60.7 60.1 60.5 57.5 68.1 47.6 57.8 28 68.9 68.1 67.6 61.1 61.2 61.5 58.4 69.7 41.3 59.6 29 68.2 67.01 66.9 61.61 60.1 61.0 58.3 69.11 47.7 59.4 30 68.4 66.1 66.8 61.1 j 60.2 60.7 58.1 67.7 41.3 58.1 31 69.7 67.4 68.0 62.3 60.8 61.6 58.6 69.4 44.6 59.7 Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 29 30 En. Avgj 68.21 66.9 67.1 60.7 60.2 60.9 57.71 68.5 44.0 58.5 #N/A indicates insufficient data. #N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. 9 - TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A January - March 2024 Carrier AC pe # Deps NMS Site Air Canada B38M 90 Average 92.6 91.4 92.5 85.3 84.5 85.5 80.9 88.9 #N/A #N/A I Count (85) (79) (86) (86) (87) (76) (77) (3) (0) (0) Alaska B38M 6 Average 92.8 91.8 91.3 84.4 85.2 87.0 83.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (0) (0) (0) B737 12 Average 96.8 95.1 95.7 90.4 90.0 90.7 86.7 93.5 83.1 #N/A I Count (11) (9) (11) (10) (10) (9) (9) (1) (1) (0) B738 997 Average 98.2 96.6 95.7 89.8 89.7 90.4 87.3 93.5 87.2 82.6 Count 1 (927) (873) (940) (929) (926) (833) (914) (48) (15) (12) Allegiant A319 67 Average 94.4 93.0 93.2 88.3 87.0 87.9 83.8 90.7 #N/A #N/A Count (63) (59) (63) (58) (62) (56) (60) (4) (0) (0) A320 213 Average 95.4 94.2 92.7 87.8 86.7 87.7 83.9 89.7 #N/A 79.0 Count (201) (182) (201) (198) (197) (180) (197) (10) (0) (2) American A21 N 181 Average 92.7 90.8 92.1 85.7 83.9 85.0 80.9 88.7 80.8 #N/A Count (174) (169) (173) (170) (173) (158) (134) (7) (1) (0) A319 51 Average 94.5 93.5 93.6 87.7 86.6 86.9 82.3 91.5 #N/A #N/A Count (45) (41) (43) (45) (46) (39) (45) (5) (0) (0) A320 1 Average 94.2 93.2 92.8 85.2 84.1 83.6 77.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) M (0) (0) (0) A321 187 Average 98.9 98.2 97.7 90.3 89.1 88.7 85.5 95.9 87.5 83.8 Count (177) (169) (179) (174) (175) (155) (170) (5) (1) (1) B38M 303 Average 93.3 92.3 93.0 85.9 85.1 86.0 81.7 89.7 83.1 #N/A Count (283) (264) (284) (279) (283) (254) (271) (12) (1) (0) B738 809 Average 99.3 98.0 98.5 91.7 90.7 90.6 87.6 96.8 85.4 83.7 Count (739) (680) (754) (719) (742) (622) (718) (38) (17) (14) Breeze A223 188 Average 87.5 87.7 86.4 82.0 81.2 81.7 77.9 83.6 #N/A #N/A Count (181) (173) (182) (171) (172) (159) (37) (2) (0) (0) E190 33 Average 92.1 91.4 90.5 86.1 85.8 87.1 84.6 92.2 80.6 79.7 Count (27) (25) (27) (26) (26) (24) (25) (6) 0) (1) Delta A220 260 Average 89.1 88.9 88.6 81.8 80.4 81.5 78.1 85.5 78.6 #N/A Count (246) (229) (247) (228) (217) (211) (57) (13) (1) (0) A223 65 Average 90.0 90.0 89.2 82.3 81.0 82.5 78.3 84.2 #N/A #N/A Count (59) (57) (59) (55) (55) (50) (14) (6) (0) (0) A319 42 Average 96.6 95.1 95.8 90.0 88.6 88.7 84.2 94.8 88.6 81.8 I Count (35) (31) (37) (35) (35) (31) (37) (4) (1) (3) B738 3 Average 99.0 97.7 98.4 90.9 89.5 89.2 86.2 96.5 #N/A #N/A Count (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (0) (0) B752 279 Average 96.3 95.6 95.7 88.8 88.5 88.0 84.9 93.3 83.4 81.1 Count (259) (250) (263) (260) (255) (219) (251) (12) (4) (4) FedEx A306 62 Average 97.7 96.8 94.9 89.1 88.6 89.7 86.2 93.3 #N/A #N/A Count (61) (60) (61) (61) (61) (59) (60) (1) (0) (0) Frontier A20N 258 Average 88.8 88.3 87.8 82.2 80.3 82.6 79.2 86.5 #N/A #N/A Count (244) (233) (245) (225) (182) (212) (97) (11) (0) (0) A320 18 Average 93.8 93.3 91.5 86.4 85.0 86.4 83.0 90.5 #N/A 78.7 Count 1 (16) (17) (17) (15) (17) (14) (17) (1) (0) (1) Horizon E175 158 Average 94.0 92.8 91.1 85.5 85.6 87.3 84.5 90.4 #N/A #N/A Count (150) (145) (151) (146) (151) (143) (147) (5) (0) (0) Southwest B38M 6 Average 88.3 88.0 87.2 81.5 81.5 83.1 79.9 86.3 #N/A #N/A Count (5) (3) (5) (5) (5) (5) (4) (1) (0) (0) B737 1699 Average 93.9 92.8 91.4 86.2 86.3 86.9 84.7 92.7 80.9 81.9 Count (1598) (1488) (1604) (1587) (1611) (1443) (1517) (64) (12) (10) B738 3 Average 91.9 92.0 89.6 84.8 85.4 86.1 83.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count 1 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (0) (0) (0) Spirit A20N 146 Average 89.3 88.1 88.6 83.7 81.8 83.9 79.9 86.1 #N/A #N/A Count (136) (135) (139) (138) (133) (123) (123) (6) (0) (0) A320 133 Average 93.4 92.8 91.2 86.5 85.2 86.4 82.7 89.4 #N/A #N/A Count (125) (114) (124) (122) (125) (109) (118) (5) (0) (0) United A319 121 Average 95.1 93.3 93.7 87.7 86.2 87.0 83.1 90.4 86.7 81.9 Count (113) (107) (113) (108) (112) (99) (107) (3) (1) (1) A320 174 Average 95.7 94.6 94.4 87.5 86.6 87.0 83.8 91.0 83.8 #N/A Count (163) (152) (164) (153) (161) (141) (159) (8) (1) (0) B38M 164 Average 93.0 91.5 93.1 85.3 85.5 86.3 82.2 89.1 87.1 #N/A Count (155) (153) (156) (150) (156) (140) (153) (5) (1) (0) B737 459 Average 97.4 95.4 96.9 91.0 91.1 91.1 87.6 95.1 88.5 82.8 Count 1 (421) (394) (426) (415) (409) (321) (382) (23) (9) (8) B738 560 Average 99.3 97.4 98.3 90.6 90.6 90.5 88.1 94.9 87.9 83.1 Count (518) (473) (524) (505) (516) (406) (471) (25) (10) (10) UPS A306 1 Average 97.1 96.0 96.0 91.3 89.8 91.4 89.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) B752 51 Average 95.2 94.7 93.6 87.2 87.0 87.8 83.5 88.4 #N/A #N/A Count (50) (50) (50) (49) (50) (48) (50) (1) (0) (0) WestJet B38M 4 Average 92.5 91.1 92.5 85.3 85.0 86.5 82.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count 1(4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (2) (4) (0) (0) (0) B737 6 861 Average 96.6 95.2 95.7 90.6 90.3 91.0 86.2 93.5 #N/A #N/A Count 1 (81) (76) (83) (80) (83) (77) (82) (2) (0) (0) All TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E January - March 2024 CarrierDeps NMS Site American A21 N 165 Average 91.2 89.7 90.2 83.9 82.3 83.1 79.5 88.1 #N/A #N/A Count (153) (151) (156) (157) (154) (144) (55) (7) (0) (0) Delta A220 385 Average 88.8 88.6 88.1 81.6 80.1 81.2 77.8 84.8 #N/A #N/A Count (360) (344) (370) (351) (311) (312) (52) (14) (0) (0) A223 11 Average 89.6 89.9 88.5 81.9 80.9 81.2 77.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (11) (10) (11) (11) (11) (11) (4) (0) (0) (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 938 Average 91.7 91.1 89.9 85.7 85.1 86.4 83.9 90.8 78.2 78.3 Count (879) (815) (878) (863) (887) (781) (859) (34) (1) (2) Southwest B737 2117 Average 92.2 91.5 90.0 85.4 85.3 86.0 83.9 92.1 81.0 81.7 Count (1993) (1879) (2006) (1981) (2014) (1817) (1894) (84) (9) (7) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter January - March 2024 TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation January - March 2024 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC .- A223 102 Year 192 B38M 6 494 730 180 Alaska AS A319 314 A320 1,733 4,038 3,888 70 B38M 12 B737 141 24 116 784 24 B738 7671 1,327 2,7281 7,088 1,999 Alleqiant G4 A319 1 1,0761 6761 418 136 A320 488 1,399 1,591 427 American AA A21 N 2 88 51 974 689 A319 474 220 498 1,320 102 A320 488 783 478 660 2 A321 571 1,035 1,099 1,255 378 B38M 17 1,755 1,834 606 B738 5,201 8,144 8,517 7,049 1,617 Breeze MX A223 1,3261 376 E190 1861 66 E195 120 Compass CP E175 �-6561- Delta DL IA220 1,9541 4,036 3,048 4,420 1,294 A223 4 1,934 2,181 152 A319 828 952 2,071 202 85 A320 8 3 532 24 B737 24 B738 2 12 58 84 6 B752 1,065 1,423 2,010 2,654 560 FedEx FM A306 1 5121 502 498 496 124 Frontier F9 A20N 550 1,363 1,818 2,600 518 A319 2 88 A320 392 361 310 230 36 Horizon QX E175 2,986 3,293 1,256 1,648 318 SkvWest Coml. SC CRJ9 2 E175 3,535 3,711 5,446 7,168 1,888 Southwest WN B38M 683 4,038 116 12 B737 14,268 22,212 31,166 31,486 7,654 B738 3,780 7,738 1,720 41 6 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,735 2,220 1,492 292 A319 250 158 2 A320 19 346 1,132 1,303 266 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 1 5901 819A4, 772 241 A320 1,227 1,020 1,474 349 B38M 210 329 B737 999 2,622 2,721 917 B738 2,645 2,946 7,377 1,119 B752 2 UPS 5X A306 18 18 38 2 B752 4041 392 3621 372 102 WestJet WS B38M 8 B736 34 6737 1261 1121 6321 7041 172 Total 46,370 1 74,253 1 95,260 95,220 1 23,064 TABLE 10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft A20N 730 3,098 �- 4,038 4,092 810 A21N 2 88 51 974 689 A220 1,954 4,036 3,048 4,420 1,294 A223 106 2,126 3,507 528 A306 530 520 546 534 126 A319 2,208 3,405 4,450 2,714 564 A320 3,867 7,039 9,793 5,352 1,080 A321 571 1,035 1,099 1,255 378 B38M 706 6,287 2,890 1,147 B736 34 B737 15,431 25,208 36,038 35,695 8,767 B738 12,395 20,191 18,710 21,639 4,747 B752 1,469 1,817 2,372 3,026 662 CRJ9 2 E175 7,177 7,004 6,702 8,816 2,206 E190 186 66 E195 120 Total 46,370 74,253 95,260 95,220 23,064 TABLE 11 AIRCRAFT TYPE DESIGNATORS AC Type A20N Manufacturer Airbus Model/Series 320-200 Neo AC Type B737 Manufacturer Boeing Model/Series 737-700 A21N Airbus 320-100 Neo B738 Boeing 737-800 A220 Airbus 220-100 B752 Boeing 757-200 A223 Airbus 220-300 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 A306 Airbus 300-600 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 A319 Airbus 319 E135 Embraer 135 A320 Airbus 320 E145 Embraer 145 A321 Airbus 321 E175 Embraer 175 B38M Boeing 737-MAX 8 E190 Embraer 190 B736 Boeing 737-600 E195 Embraer 195 TABLE 12 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC .- A223 .140 Year .263 B38M .008 .677 1.000 .246 Alaska AS A319 .432 A320 2.363 5.534 5.326 .096 B38M .016 B737 .022 .033 .159 1.074 .033 B738 1.046 1.816 3.734 9.707 2.732 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .926 .573 .186 A320 .668 1.915 2.181 .582 American AA A21N .003 .121 .068 1.332 .945 A319 .648 .296 .682 1.808 .139 A320 .664 1.082 .655 .904 .003 A321 .779 1.414 1.507 1.721 .511 B38M .022 2.403 2.518 .828 B738 7.107 11.156 11.666 9.655 2.210 Breeze MX A223 1.816 .514 E190 .255 .090 E195 .164 Compass CP E175 I .896 Delta DL A220 2.667 5.529 4.175 6.052 1.768 A223 .005 2.649 2.986 .210 A319 1.131 1.304 2.836 .279 .115 A320 .014 .003 .729 .033 B737 .033 B738 .003 .016 .079 .115 .008 B752 1.454 1.948 2.753 3.638 .765 Fed Ex FM A306 .699 .688 .682 .679 .169 Frontier F9 A20N .751 1.866 2.490 3.562 .708 A319 .003 .121 A320 .536 .496 .425 .315 .049 Horizon QX E175 4.079 4.512 1.721 2.258 .434 SkyWest Coral. SC CRJ9 .003 E175 4.833 5.085 7.460 9.816 2.579 Southwest WN B38M .937 5.532 .162 .016 B737 19.497 30.416 42.693 43.132 10.456 B738 5.161 10.605 2.353 .055 .008 Spirit NK A20N .246 2.381 3.041 2.038 .399 A319 .342 .216 .003 A320 .025 .471 1.551 1.789 .363 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 .806 1.123 1.433 1.058 .331 A320 1.675 1.397 2.814 2.019 .475 B38M .293 .448 B737 1.366 3.589 5.644 3.726 1.254 B738 3.612 4.036 7.786 10.099 1.530 B752 .003 UPS 5X A306 .025 .025 .066 .052 .003 B752 .552 .537 .496 .510 .139 WestJet WS B38M .011 B736 .046 B737 .172 .153 .866 .964 .235 Total 63.347 101.712 1 130.485 1 130.436 1 31.511 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: March 26, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED A summary of the John Wayne Airport (JWA or Airport) February 2024 Airport Statistics was provided by Ms. Cassandra Linares, Access and Noise Office (ANO) Specialist. Ms. Linares also provided a general overview of the Airport's quarterly noise report for Q4 2023. Newport Beach resident Dr. Jim Mosher noted that in 2023, the Airport implemented mandatory seat block withdrawals. Dr. Mosher also mentioned that for January and February 2024, the Airport has served more passengers compared to the same months in 2023. Dr. Mosher asked if the Airport would need to implement mandatory seat block withdrawals for the 2024 Plan Year. Mr. Nikolas Gaskins, Access and Noise Manager, explained that the load factor utilized during the Plan Year 2024 allocation process, which took place in July 2023, was projected slightly lower than the 2023 year-end airport -wide load factor. Therefore, discussions with airlines representatives occurred in late January 2024 to discuss voluntary returns of seat capacity, in an effort to avoid any possible mandatory withdrawals of seat capacity for Plan Year 2024. Dr. Mosher asked if the noise event concerns submitted by the seventy people in Long Beach were in fact related to JWA operations. Mr. Gaskins explained that because some of these complainants reside between both Long Beach Airport and JWA, they may contact both airports regarding the flights overhead. He also mentioned that the Airport accepts all noise complaints. Mr. Gaskins discussed the upcoming 2025 Plan Year capacity allocation process, noting that the timeline was modified, beginning in March. Mr. Gaskins stated that airline requests are due April 26, 2024. In addition, Mr. Gaskins stated that the Airport's recommendations for Plan Year 2025 capacity allocations will be presented to the Airport Commission and the Orange County Board of Supervisors (Board of Supervisors) sometime in July. Mr. Gaskins provided an update on the Fly Friendly program. Mr. Gaskins mentioned that the 2022 program winners were announced in December 2023, and the 2023 program winners were currently being finalized and are anticipated to be announced in May. Mr. Gaskins noted that December 2023 data would be published after the announcement of 2023 program winners. Mr. Gaskins highlighted the updated features and enhancements of the Fly Friendly scoring report, noting that one can filter, and compare, monthly and yearly data. Newport Beach resident Mr. Joe August expressed the need for additional bird spikes at Noise Monitoring Station (NMS) 6S. Mr. August asked if there was a report displaying a count on how many noise events were disassociated due to contamination caused by birds. Mr. Gaskins clarified that no such report exists and any information the ANO has provided in the past on the matter was provided upon special request. Mr. Gaskins stated they would continue to explore the possibility of integrating additional bird spikes at NMS 6S. Dr. Mosher asked if the Fly Friendly winner announcements could be expected every May, moving forward. Mr. Gaskins stated it is expected that announcement of winners would take place sometime in March or April of each year. Dr. Mosher inquired why there has not been an update on the Newport Beach flight information dashboard since June 2023. Mr. Gaskins indicated that due to the MAP limitation issues the Airport was experiencing during the last half of 2023, the Airport was unable to provide monthly updates to the City of Newport Beach. Mr. Gaskins went on to state that Newport Beach's Assistant City Manager, Ms. Tara Finnigan, was aware of the circumstances. Dr. Mosher referenced additional mitigation measures that are necessary to achieve an increase in the million annual passengers (MAP) limitation and asked if there was progress on the matter. Mr. Gaskins explained that Airport staff was meeting regularly on this issue, but no updates were available at this time. Dr. Mosher than inquired if the Quarterly Noise Meetings would return to an in -person format. Mr. Gaskins responded that it would be very unlikely. Mr. Gaskins further explained how the community had strongly advocated for the meeting to be virtual and since it has been, there has been higher attendance. Dr. Mosher asked Mr. Jason Herman, representing Air Line Pilots Association, International, about Regency Air's flight procedures in and out of JWA. Dr. Mosher suspected that general aviation operator, Regency Air, flies with an increased thrust from NMS 1S to 3S then initiates a cutback until they reach the shoreline to comply with the nighttime noise limits. Dr. Mosher asked why Regency Air, and other operators, do not implement a similar procedure during daytime hours. Mr. Herman stressed that he could not speak on behalf of Regency or any other operators. Mr. Gaskins stated that general aviation operators are not required to execute specific noise abatement departure procedures at JWA, however, it is ultimately the operator's decision on how they achieve compliance with the noise limits set forth in the General Aviation Noise Ordinance. Mr. Gaskins asked if there were any other questions or concerns. No attendees responded, and Mr. Gaskins concluded the meeting. 16 - QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER March 26, 2024 NAME Jim Mosher Joe August Jason Herman Nikolas Gaskins Anthony Cangey Beatrice Siercke Cristina Magana Cassandra Linares Kyle Gorny ORGANIZATION Resident — Newport Beach Resident — Newport Beach Air Line Pilots Association, International John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport John Wayne Airport Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0147 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 73 Units 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 182.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: B738 — 4,747 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 70,025 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 24,274 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 45,683 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 68 Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 Attachment 2 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT ORANGE COUNTY NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT For the period: April 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024 Prepared in accordance with: AIRPORT NOISE STANDARD STATE OF CALIFORNIA California Code of Regulations Airport Noise Standards Title 21: Public Works Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation) Chapter 6. Noise Standards Submitted by: ESigned by: � P ws A 1A526A921AF49F... Charlene V. Reynolds Airport Director John Wayne Airport, Orange County INTRODUCTION This is the 206' Quarterly Report submitted by the County of Orange in accordance with the requirements of the California Airport Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21: Public Works, Division 2.5, Division of Aeronautics (Department of Transportation), Chapter 6. Noise Standards). Effective January 1, 1986, the criteria for defining "Noise Impact Area" was changed from 70 dB to 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). Under this criteria, John Wayne Airport currently has a "Noise Impact Area." NOISE IMPACT SUMMARY Caltrans' Aeronautics Program has established guidelines in the California State Noise Standard to control residential area noise levels produced by aircraft operations using the State's airports. Under those guidelines, residential noise sensitive areas exposed to an average Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) of more than 65 dB define the "Noise Impact Area." John Wayne Airport uses ten permanent remote noise monitoring stations (NMS) located in Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin and Irvine to measure noise levels, at the following locations: MONITOR STATIONS NMS-1S: Golf Course, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach NMS-2S: 20162 S.W. Birch St., Newport Beach NMS-3S: 2139 Anniversary Lane, Newport Beach NMS-4S: 2338 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach NMS-5S: 324'/2 Vista Madera, Newport Beach NMS-6S: 1912 Santiago, Newport Beach NMS-7S: 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach NMS-8N: 17372 Eastman Street, Irvine NMS-9N: 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana NMS-10N: 17952 Beneta Way, Tustin The map in Figure 1 shows the general location of each permanent remote monitor station. Figure 2 shows the Airport's "Noise Impact Area" for the previous year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024). The Figure 2 information was developed by Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc., in consultation with John Wayne Airport. CNEL values measured for the period and current digitized land use information were utilized to calculate the land area acreages, number of residences and estimated number of people within the "Noise Impact Area". FIGURE 1 NOISE MONITORING STATIONS (NMS) LOCATION MAP SANTA ANA d II IF_ ,j r z� TUSTIN II ° ✓�� ��_ ye J�OHN WAYNE AIRPORT, F� COSTA MESA �� ORI�I NGE COUNTY A IRVINE pv 1Z NEWPORT BEACH N 0 i 2 3 a 5 Scale In miles FIGURE 2 NOISE IMPACT AREA MAP Residential PrescriptiveAuigation Easement (Business Park Zoning) Residential Use ID Hospital Multi -Family Residential Use t School Compatible Use Highway Public Use (Noise Sensitive) - Major Roads �s Public Use -- Minor ILocal Roads •�` Recreational I Open Space ✓ �� © Water/ Stream / River/�✓- ao NMS 1 a � e dyA b� 65 �OOSTA MESA �, �` ! :� Ll ;��`-NMS 3 aA`� `✓ ,� 9, d� y oee Statistics: Incompatible Land Use: 0.0149 Sq. Mi. Number of Dwelling Units: 73 Population: 182.5 (Based on 2.5 People/Dwelling Unit) A RMT Location = Airport Property (Approx.) Q2024 Second Quarter 65 dB CNEL Contour- Runways /Taxiways Incompatible Single Family Residential Airport Buildings Incompatible Multi -Family Residential Incompatible Public Use (Noise Sensitive) 0 0 1,000 2,000 Feet e ORANGE COUNTY C� 1P 9�IF0R� 2024 Second Quarter 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) Contour AIRCRAFT TRAFFIC SUMMARY The Airport traffic summary for this quarter is shown in Table 1 below. Air Carrier operational count histories and average daily departure counts are illustrated in Tables 9 & 12. TABLE 1 LANDING AND TAKEOFF OPERATIONS April - June 2024 �Period April Carriers Jet 1 8,1071 GA Jet (1) Prop 0 3,425 Total Operations (2) 23,177 Average Daily Jet Operations 384 May 8,282 0 3,576 25,061 383 June 1 8,0911 0 3,589 24,878 389 Second Quarter 24,4801 0 10,590 73,116 385 Twelve Months 07/01 /23 - 06/30/24 99,344 0 45,269 288,340 395 NOTE: (1) GA Jet figures include a 5% factor for operations not identified by the JWA noise monitor stations. (2) Counts in this column are based upon records provided by the local FAA representatives. COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVELS The monthly, quarterly, and twelve-month Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) average values for each monitor station are shown in Table 2, while daily CNEL values are shown in Tables 3 through 5. Insufficient data is indicated by "#N/A" entries in each table. Also, "*#N/A" entries in each table indicate contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. Average Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) values for Air Carrier and General Aviation Jet aircraft are shown in Tables 6 through 8. ACOUSTICAL INSULATION PROGRAM Four hundred eighteen residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been sound attenuated and an avigation easement reserved through the County's Acoustical Insulation Program, which closed in December 2009. The County has also acquired 46 residences as part of the Purchase Assurance Program, many of which were acoustically insulated, an avigation easement reserved and then resold. Among these County acquired homes, those located within areas designated for Business Park uses were razed, avigation easements were reserved, and the land resold for compatible Business Park uses. A total of 464 residences in the Santa Ana Heights area have been purchased or otherwise made compatible through the County's Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation Programs. Seventy-three dwelling units in Santa Ana Heights remain in the "Noise Impacted Area" (within 65 dB CNEL contour). COMPLAINT TOTALS (April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024) The Airport's Access and Noise Office receives and investigates noise complaints (noise events) from local citizens and all other sources. Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 illustrate the distribution of reported noise events from local communities, the nature of disturbance, and the method of how the noise events were reported to the Airport. 4 FIGURE 3.1 REPORTED NOISE EVENTS 218,708 Noise Events 195 Points of Contact April 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024 153,018 39 40 150,000 140,000 130,000 32 120,000 0 110,000 � o_ w 10Q,000 0 o 0 0 0 3 24 m Z 90,000 22 `o .• # 80,000 70,000 60,000 54,848 16 50,000 40,000 10 30,000 8 6 5 20,000 4 4 3 10,000 5,4201 1 2,231 1,286 806 442 341 196 120 0 0 Anaheim Newport Yorba Linda Costa Laguna Niguel Corona Huntington Other Laguna Beach Orange Beach Mesa Beach NOTE: The 218,708 Noise Events was a 165.7% increase for the 82,313 Noise Events from last quarter, and a 63.1% increase from the 134,074 Noise Events from the same quarter last year. FIGURE 3.2 NATURE OF DISTURBANCES Too Low Too Loud z Foi l 4.4% Too Late Too Fr 22_ ght Path ViewPoint 39.8% (Mobile Device 97.20% FIGURE 3.3 ENQUIRY METHOD IoT Button ro the"mfi— Webtrak 0.03% /oicemail 0.04% /iewPoint Desktop) 0.02% TABLE 2 LONG TERM MEASURED LEVELS Aircraft CNEL from 07/01/23 through 06/30/24 Values in dB at Each Site Period NIVIS Site Jul 2023 68.4 67.5 67.4 60.3 59.2 60.4 56.2 68.5 40.5 57.2 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 24 31 Aug 2023 68.4 67.5 67.5 60.2 59.3 60.5 56.4 68.4 41.2 57.1 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 24 31 Sep 2023 68.4 67.4 67.3 60.7 59.7 60.8 57.0 68.5 44.0 57.7 # Days 301 30 301 30 30 301 30 30 241 30 Q-3 2023 68.4 67.5 67.4 60.4 59.4 60.6 56.5 68.5 42.2 57.3 # Days 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 72 92 Oct 2023 68.2 67.2 67.5 60.1 59.4 60.8 57.1 68.1 43.5 57.4 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 29 31 22 31 Nov 2023 67.4 66.3 66.8 59.2 58.5 60.5 55.7 67.3 43.1 56.2 # Days 301 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 29 Dec 2023 67.5 66.4 66.6 60.0 59.3 60.1 54.8 67.7 43.1 57.3 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 25 30 Q-4 2023 67.7 66.7 67.0 59.8 59.1 60.5 56.0 67.7 43.3 57.0 # Days 92 92 921 92 92 92 89 92 71 90 Jan 2024 67.6 66.2 66.8 60.0 59.5 60.8 56.6 67.7 43.8 57.3 # Days 311 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 Feb 2024 68.3 66.8 67.0 60.6 60.2 59.8 57.5 68.3 42.4 58.4 # Days 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 20 29 Mar 2024 68.3 67.0 67.2 60.7 60.3 61.0 57.8 68.5 44.3 58.6 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 31 301 31 29 30 Q-12024 68.1 66.7 67.0 60.5 60.0 60.5 57.3 68.2 43.7 58.1 # Days 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 91 77 90 Apr 2024 68.0 66.9 66.8 60.4 59.9 60.4 57.1 68.4 43.9 58.1 # Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 26 30 May 2024 68.0 66.9 66.9 60.6 59.6 60.6 57.0 68.5 44.8 58.4 # Days 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 31 28 31 Jun 2024 68.2 67.0 67.0 60.2 59.1 60.2 56.3 68.3 43.1 57.8 # Days 30 271 30 271 30 30 30 30 23 27 Q-2 2024 68.0 66.9 66.9 60.4 59.5 60.4 56.8 68.4 44.0 58.1 # Days 91 88 91 88 91 88 91 91 77 88 Q-3 2023 thru Q-2 2024 Total 68.1 67.0 67.1 60.3 59.5 60.5 56.7 68.2 43.4 57.7 # Days 366 363 366 363 366 363 362 366 297 360 Q-2 2023 thru Q-1 2024 (Previous 4 Quarters) Total 68.2 67.1 67.2 60.3 59.6 60.6 56.9 68.3 43.0 57.7 # Days 366 366 366 366 366 366 362 366 292 361 Change from Previous 4 Quarters -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.4 0.0 TABLE 3 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION April 2024 Date 1 69.1 67.9 67.9 60.9 NMS 61.2 Site 61.2 58.4 68.3 46.3 58.0 2 68.1 67.1 66.9 60.1 60.1 60.3 57.3 67.6 42.9 57.0 3 67.8 66.8 66.6 60.0 59.7 59.8 56.7 67.9 35.7 57.6 4 68.5 67.5 67.4 61.0 61.2 61.4 58.9 69.6 44.1 59.7 5 68.41 67.5 67.2 60.7 61.7 61.2 58.4 69.9 44.6 59.7 6 67.8 66.5 66.6 60.4 59.6 60.3 57.4 68.0 32.4 57.6 7 68.7 67.9 67.4 61.0 60.7 61.7 58.2 69.2 41.9 59.0 8 67.9 67.1 66.9 59.9 60.5 60.5 57.6 68.6 *#N/A 57.7 9 64.8 64.5 65.1 56.1 57.0 59.6 53.7 66.3 45.2 53.9 10 67.6 66.7 66.6 59.8 59.5 59.6 56.2 67.3 28.2 56.4 11 68.3 67.3 67.7 60.6 59.7 60.8 56.8 68.7 40.3 58.2 12 68.4 66.9 66.7 61.2 59.4 60.2 56.8 69.4 47.4 59.6 13 67.4 65.6 65.9 60.5 59.2 60.0 57.0 67.1 42.2 58.0 14 68.5 67.3 67.2 61.4 60.7 61.2 58.8 69.7 28.9 60.0 15 68.1 67.1 67.0 60.4 60.4 60.3 57.8 68.2 41.1 58.2 16 67.2 66.5 66.2 59.2 59.3 59.2 56.5 67.1 30.5 56.4 17 67.4 66.4 66.5 59.7 59.1 59.2 55.3 67.3 43.3 56.7 18 68.8 67.2 67.6 61.5 60.3 61.1 57.4 69.9 *#N/A 59.3 19 68.4 66.6 67.3 61.0 60.6 61.2 57.5 68.8 44.8 58.8 20 67.1 65.6 66.1 59.5 58.6 59.5 55.6 66.9 46.6 56.9 21 68.6 67.6 67.1 59.8 59.2 60.2 56.3 69.0 *#N/A 58.2 22 68.1 66.6 66.7 59.9 57.6 58.3 53.5 68.3 *#N/A 57.6 23 66.8 65.8 65.6 60.0 59.3 59.3 56.8 67.4 40.7 57.6 24 67.1 66.5 66.1 59.9 59.6 60.4 57.2 67.7 38.5 57.8 25 68.61 67.9 67.5 61.2 61.2 60.9 58.7 69.3 31.4 59.2 26 68.3 67.3 67.2 60.9 60.5 60.8 58.0 69.5 40.8 59.5 27 66.5 65.3 65.2 59.3 58.3 59.2 55.5 66.9 40.8 56.6 28 68.6 67.6 67.4 60.9 60.3 61.2 57.4 68.8 42.4 58.1 29 68.6 67.5 67.6 60.8 60.3 60.4 56.7 67.6 53.1 58.0 30 67.4 66.2 66.4 60.3 59.2 59.4 56.0 67.5 32.1 57.1 Days 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 26 30 En. Avg 68.0 66.9 66.8 60.4 59.9 60.4 57.1 68.4 43.9 58.1 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 4 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION May 2024 Date 1 68.2 66.9 67.0 60.8 NMS 59.8 Site 59.6 57.3 67.7 43.2 57.8 2 68.7 67.4 67.6 61.0 60.0 60.4 56.6 69.0 45.9 59.0 3 68.3 67.3 67.0 60.8 59.8 60.6 57.7 69.2 44.8 59.2 4 66.3 65.1 65.0 58.6 57.8 58.8 55.0 67.1 47.4 57.3 5 68.1 67.4 66.6 60.6 60.2 61.0 57.7 69.8 *#N/A 59.7 6 68.3 67.5 67.2 60.7 60.4 61.2 57.4 68.7 41.6 57.9 7 67.7 66.6 66.3 60.2 59.2 59.7 56.5 67.0 53.6 56.9 8 68.5 67.2 67.4 61.4 60.0 51.6 57.7 67.8 45.8 58.2 9 68.8 67.6 67.9 61.8 60.8 63.8 57.8 69.2 38.9 59.1 10 68.4 67.6 67.3 60.8 60.3 61.2 57.3 68.8 39.2 58.6 11 66.7 65.8 65.1 58.9 57.7 59.1 54.8 67.1 45.0 56.9 12 68.2 67.2 67.1 60.4 59.4 #N/A 56.2 69.0 *#N/A 58.5 13 68.6 67.1 67.4 60.8 59.5 61.8 55.7 69.0 43.3 59.0 14 67.5 66.5 66.5 60.2 59.1 59.8 56.2 67.4 39.1 57.8 15 67.9 66.4 66.8 60.5 59.4 60.5 56.7 67.2 44.1 57.5 16 68.5 67.1 67.5 61.1 60.6 61.5 57.8 69.3 33.5 59.6 17 68.5 67.4 67.6 61.3 60.7 61.6 57.7 68.9 *#N/A 59.1 18 66.7 65.2 65.7 59.4 58.6 #N/A 56.3 66.8 38.9 56.8 19 68.5 67.5 67.3 61.3 60.5 #N/A 58.1 69.8 44.1 59.8 20 68.3 66.9 67.1 61.1 60.3 62.7 58.0 68.7 43.5 58.9 21 67.9 67.2 66.9 60.7 60.1 61.0 57.8 68.3 46.4 57.7 22 67.9 66.4 66.6 60.6 59.1 60.7 57.0 68.5 46.6 58.9 23 69.0 67.8 67.7 61.9 60.7 62.0 58.6 69.2 45.6 59.8 24 68.3 67.5 67.2 61.3 60.2 61.3 58.3 69.2 40.1 59.1 25 67.0 65.8 65.8 59.8 58.6 59.6 56.5 67.0 33.3 57.3 26 66.6 65.6 65.5 59.7 58.4 59.2 56.3 67.6 40.4 57.3 27 68.3 67.6 67.2 61.0 59.7 61.0 57.5 69.3 47.2 58.9 28 67.9 66.9 66.7 58.7 57.5 58.8 54.6 67.7 34.8 57.5 29 67.2 66.0 66.1 60.0 58.6 60.0 56.6 68.0 40.6 58.0 30 68.2 66.8 67.2 60.7 59.2 60.4 56.5 69.0 44.0 58.5 31 67.8 66.5 66.9 60.1 58.2 59.3 55.3 68.4 38.9 58.4 Days 31 31 31 31 31 28 31 31 28 31 En. Avg 68.0 66.91 66.9 60.6 59.61 60.6 57.0 68.5 44.8 58.4 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 5 DAILY CNEL VALUES AT EACH MONITOR STATION June 2024 Date 1 66.8 65.8 65.8 59.1 NMS 57.7 Site 58.5 54.5 67.5 45.8 57.1 2 68.7 67.4 67.5 61.3 59.7 61.6 57.7 68.9 37.7 59.0 3 68.5 67.4 67.3 61.1 59.7 60.8 57.0 68.1 *#N/A 58.1 4 67.8 66.6 66.7 60.4 58.9 60.1 56.1 67.7 43.4 57.8 5 67.7 66.7 66.6 59.4 58.7 59.7 55.1 67.8 44.8 57.0 6 68.1 67.0 67.0 59.7 58.3 60.1 55.6 68.6 38.0 57.6 7 68.4 67.2 66.9 60.4 58.5 60.0 56.1 69.3 36.6 58.4 8 66.7 65.5 65.6 59.2 57.8 58.7 54.4 67.4 *#N/A 57.3 9 68.3 67.3 67.3 60.7 60.0 60.9 57.1 69.0 *#N/A 58.9 10 68.5 67.5 67.4 60.7 60.2 60.9 57.0 67.8 44.2 57.6 11 67.9 66.5 66.4 59.11 57.3 58.1 54.0 67.7 44.8 57.1 12 67.9 66.9 66.7 59.9 59.0 59.5 55.9 67.8 45.7 57.1 13 68.5 67.6 67.4 60.9 59.9 60.7 56.9 69.3 29.1 58.9 14 68.8 68.0 68.0 61.2 60.0 60.0 56.9 69.3 44.0 58.2 15 67.6 66.7 66.6 59.5 59.1 60.1 56.2 67.1 35.7 56.4 16 67.9 66.8 66.8 61.3 59.0 61.0 57.5 69.0 *#N/A 59.0 17 68.3 66.8 67.1 61.3 59.5 61.4 57.9 69.0 42.9 59.1 18 67.9 66.6 66.7 60.3 58.7 59.5 56.2 67.7 29.7 57.6 19 68.1 67.0 66.8 60.1 58.6 59.8 55.8 67.6 46.0 57.6 20 69.0 68.0 67.7 61.0 59.9 61.4 56.1 68.8 45.5 58.5 21 69.0 68.3 67.4 60.7 59.5 60.4 57.1 68.4 *#N/A 58.1 22 67.0 66.1 65.8 58.7 57.4 59.0 54.8 66.8 *#N/A 56.0 23 68.7 65.3 67.5 57.4 59.4 60.4 56.7 68.5 35.0 52.1 24 68.3 #N/A 67.2 #N/A 59.0 60.1 56.8 68.2 44.4 #N/A 25 67.8 #N/A 66.4 #N/A 58.7 59.3 55.9 67.8 35.1 #N/A 26 67.9 #N/A 67.1 #N/A 59.2 61.0 57.1 68.0 40.7 #N/A 27 68.8 66.8 67.6 59.9 59.5 61.0 57.1 69.5 *#N/A 58.2 28 68.5 67.6 67.6 61.4 59.6 61.1 56.5 68.9 47.9 58.4 29 67.5 66.6 66.3 59.7 58.9 59.9 54.6 67.2 44.1 56.4 30 68.5 67.7 67.2 59.3 58.4 58.8 53.2 68.4 39.3 57.2 Daysl 301 27 30 271 30 30 30 30 23 27 En. Avqj 68.21 67.0 67.0 60.21 59.1 60.2 56.3 68.3 43.1 57.8 #N/A indicates insufficient data. *#N/A indicates contaminated data and/or no aircraft -related noise events. TABLE 6 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A Hpru - uune zuz4 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Air Canada B38M 90 Average 92.4 91.4 92.7 85.4 84.5 85.5 81.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (88) (79) (88) (85) (83) (76) (81) (0) (0) (0) Alaska B38M 27 Average 92.6 91.5 91.1 84.3 84.4 86.3 84.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (27) (24) (27) (25) (26) (24) (27) (0) (0) (0) B737 32 Average 95.8 95.0 94.9 89.1 89.0 89.7 86.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count 1 (31) (28) (31) (29) (28) (26) (30) (0) (0) (0) B738 876 Average 98.1 96.8 95.6 89.5 89.2 90.2 86.9 92.9 86.0 #N/A Count (860) (773) (855) (812) (815) (717) (830) (2) (3) (0) Allegiant A319 90 Average 94.2 93.2 93.2 88.1 86.6 88.1 83.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (86) (74) (88) (82) (82) (75) (85) (0) (0) (0) A320 198 Average 95.1 94.1 92.6 87.9 86.4 87.9 83.8 85.5 #N/A #N/A Count (190) (170) (194) (181) (182) (170) (188) (1) (0) (0) American A21 N 178 Average 92.2 91.0 91.2 84.4 83.0 84.8 80.6 88.3 83.7 78.8 Count (172) (155) (173) (164) (157) (150) (117) (1) (1) (1) A319 23 Average 94.9 93.6 93.6 87.2 86.1 86.9 82.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (21) (19) (22) (18) (19) (19) (20) (0) (0) (0) A320 53 Average 94.8 94.0 92.7 86.3 85.3 86.0 81.8 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (52) (42) (52) (46) (46) (40) (44) (0) (0) (0) A321 142 Average 98.7 98.2 95.9 89.2 88.4 89.2 86.2 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (140) (126) (140) (133) (127) (116) (129) (0) (0) (0) B38M 335 Average 93.3 92.3 93.4 86.1 85.0 85.7 81.6 88.9 #N/A #N/A Count (325) (301) (327) (314) (308) (273) (271) (2) (0) (0) B738 799 Average 99.0 98.0 98.3 91.5 90.2 90.3 87.0 95.9 90.5 83.1 Count (775) (686) (774) (729) (716) (628) (751) (4) (1) (1) Breeze A223 287 Average 87.5 88.0 86.5 82.0 81.0 81.8 78.6 81.7 #N/A #N/A Count (277) (246) (281) (253) (229) (224) (44) (1) (0) (0) E190 1 Average 91.0 90.8 88.6 85.1 84.1 85.8 84.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) Delta A220 340 Average 88.7 88.9 88.2 81.5 80.1 81.2 78.3 79.4 #N/A #N/A Count (334) (299) (331) (304) (248) (263) (45) (1) (0) (0) A223 75 Average 90.5 90.1 90.1 82.6 81.4 82.1 79.0 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (73) (68) (74) (66) (54) (49) (17) (0) (0) (0) A319 30 Average 95.7 95.1 95.3 89.6 88.4 88.5 83.9 95.5 84.0 #N/A Count (29) (21) (29) (28) (27) (24) (28) (1) (1) (0) B738 7 Average 98.0 96.8 97.2 89.6 88.0 88.2 85.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (7) (6) (7) (7) (7) (5) (7) (0) (0) (0) B752 345 Average 96.2 95.7 95.7 88.5 88.0 87.9 84.1 96.0 #N/A #N/A Count (335) (304) (336) (323) (318) (276) (320) (1) (0) (0) FedEx A306 63 Average 97.2 96.9 94.6 89.0 88.6 89.8 86.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (62) (55) (62) (58) (59) (58) (60) (0) (0) (0) Frontier A20N 239 Average 88.2 88.1 87.5 81.9 80.0 82.1 79.4 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (230) (216) (233) (210) (132) (187) (74) (0) (0) (0) A320 24 Average 94.5 94.3 92.4 86.7 85.2 87.0 83.6 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (24) (21) (24) (23) (24) (19) (24) (0) (0) (0) Horizon E175 172 Average 94.1 93.0 91.1 85.5 84.9 87.2 83.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (171) (157) (171) (162) (167) (156) (164) (0) (0) (0) Southwest B38M 2 Average 87.1 87.0 86.2 80.4 79.3 81.5 80.1 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (0) (0) (0) B737 1720 Average 93.3 .4 90.9 85.7 85.6 86.4 83.5 92.1 /A #N/A #N/A Count (1675)]�1487) (1677) (1573) (1600) (1438) (1563) (6) (0) 10 TABLE 6 (Continued) MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class A April - June 2024 Spirit 420N 53 Average 88. 88.1 88. 83.4 81.4 83.2 79.6 86. #N/ #N/A Count (52 (45) (52 (51) (42 (46) (36) (1) (0) (0) 4320 202 Average 93.21 92.6 91.1 86.3 84.7 86.0 82.4 84. #N/ #N/A Count (196 (171) (197 (182) (186) (171) (171) (1) (0) (0) United 4319 116 Average 94. 93.3 93.3 87.2 85.8 86.6 82.7 85. #N/A #N/A Count (113 (100) (114 (106) (110) (92) (95) (11) (0) (0) 4320 337 Average 95. 94.81 94.7 87.51 86.0 86.91 83.4 92. 87.1 84.6 Count (326 (289) (328 (306) (303 (269) (301) (6) (4) (1) B38M �291 Average 93. 92.1 93. 85.2 85.0 86.0 81.8 #N/ #N/A #N/A Count (280� (255) (280 (262) (271) (234) (267) (01) (0) (0) B737 454 Average 97.11 95.51 96.8 90.5 90. 90.71 86.91 92. #N/ #N/A Count (439 (401) (441 (421) (418 (362) (422) (1) (0) (0) B738 357 Average 99.0 97.51 98.3 90.4 89.9 90.41 87.3 95. 87.6 81.3 Count (343 (307) (345 (326) (322 (248) (329) (4) (3) (2) UPS A306 1 Average 97. 97.1 97.8 90.4 89.2 #N/A 86.0 #N/ #N/ #N/A Count (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0) (1) (0) (0) (0) B752 50 Average 95. 95.0 93. 87.2 87.7 83.1 #N/ #N/ #N/A Count (50 (44) (56 (47) %8. (48 (48) (46) (0) (0) (0) WestJet B38M 5 Average 92.1 91.2 92. 84.8 84.9 85.9 81.8 #N/ #N/ #N/A Count (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (0) (0) (0) B737 B4 Average 96.11 94.9 90.2 8%44 90.3 85.5 #N/ #N/ #N/A Count 82 70 %4. 83 77 75 71 81 0 0) 0) TABLE 7 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commercial Class E April - June 2024 Carrier AC pe # Deps I NMS Site American A21 N 169 Average 90.6 89.9 88.9 83.2 81.6 82.7 79.7 86.9 #N/A #N/A Count (167) (149) (165) (155) (134) (134) (39) (1) (0) (0) Delta A220 377 Average 88.8 88.8 88.5 81.5 79.7 81.0 77.8 82.4 #N/A #N/A Count (366) (329) (366) (323) (266) (279) (29) (3) (0) (0) A223 91 Average 89.8 90.1 89.2 82.0 80.7 81.6 78.1 85.4 #N/A #N/A Count (89) (77) (90) (85) (80) (68) (21) (1) (0) (0) SkyWest Coml. E175 844 Average 91.3 90.8 89.6 85.5 84.5 86.3 83.2 87.6 #N/A 77.7 Count (823) (733) (825) (776) (788) (697) (797) (3) (0) (1) Southwest B737 2004 Average 91.7 91.3 89.7 85.1 84.7 85.5 82.9 90.7 80.6 #N/A Count (1968) (1750) (1954) (1860) (1868) (1681) (1818) (3) (1) (0) Spirit A20N 14 Average 89.0 88.7 88.3 83.3 81.7 83.3 79.3 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (14) (12) (14) (12) (12) (12) (7) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8 MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS Commuter April - June 2024 Carrier AC Deps NMS Site Delux Public E135 218 Average 85.9 85.9 86.5 80.3 79.9 80.4 78.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Charters Count (209) (177) (207) (161) (41) (140) (3) (0) (0) (0) E145 300 Average 86.7 87.0 87.2 80.0 79.3 80.4 78.9 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (288) (267) (289) (220) (70) (214) (7) (0) (0) (0) SkyWest CRJ7 89 Average 88.5 88.1 87.4 81.0 81.1 82.4 80.7 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (87) (82) (88) (49) (74) (81) (74) (0) (0) (0) E175 7 Average 90.3 90.1 89.0 84.4 83.9 85.8 82.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A Count (7) (4) (7) (5) (7) (6) (6) (0) (0) (0) TABLE 8-GA MEASURED AVERAGE SINGLE EVENT NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS General Aviation April - June 2024 TABLE 9 AIR CARRIER OPERATIONAL HISTORY Carrier Air Canada AC AC Type A223 102 Year 192 B38M 6 494 730 362 Alaska AS A319 314 A320 1,733 4,038 3,888 70 B38M 66 B737 14 241 116 784 88 B738 767 1,327 2,728 7,088 3,756 Allegiant G4 A319 1,076 676 418 318 A320 488 1,399 1,591 826 American AA A21N 2 88 51 974 1,380 A319 474 220 4981 1,320 148 A320 488 783 478 660 108 A321 571 1,035 1,099 1,255 664 B38M 17 1,755 1,834 1,277 B738 5,201 8,144 8,517 7,049 3,217 Breeze MX A223 1,326 950 E190 186 68 E195 120 Compass CP E175 656 Delta DL A220 1,954 4,036 3,0481 4,420 2,728 A223 1 4 1,934 2,181 485 A319 828 952 2,071 202 144 A320 8 3 532 24 B737 24 B738 2 12 58 84 20 B752 1,065 1,423 2,0101 2,654 1,252 FedEx FM A306 512 502 498 496 250 Frontier F9 A20N 550 1,363 1,818 2,600 998 A319 2 88 A320 392 361 310 230 84 Horizon QX E175 2,986 3,293 1,256 1,648 663 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 2 E175 3,535 3,711 5,4461 7,168 3,582 Southwest WN B38M 683 4,038 116 16 B737 14,268 22,212 31,166 31,486 15,120 B738 3,780 7,738 1,720 41 6 Spirit NK A20N 180 1,735 2,220 1,492 425 A319 250 158 2 A320 19 346 1,1321 1,303 672 Sun Country SY B737 238 8 B738 24 2 United UA A319 590 819 1,047 772 473 A320 1,227 1,020 2,054 1,474 1,022 B38M 210 910 B737 999 2,622 4,1161 2,721 1,826 B738 2,645 2,946 5,685 7,377 1,836 B752 2 UPS 5X A306 18 18 48 38 4 B752 404 392 362 372 202 WestJet WS B38M 18 B736 34 B737 1 126 112 6321 704 340 Total 1 46,370 74,253 1 95,260 1 95,220 46,304 TABLE10 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL HISTORY Aircraft Year A20N 730 3,098 4,038 4,092 1,423 A21 N 2 88 51 974 1,380 �A220 1,954 4,036 3,048 4,420 2,728 A223 106 2,126 3,507 1,435 A306 530 520 546 534 254 IA319 2,208 3,405 4,450 2,714 1,083 A320 3,867 7,039 9,793 5,352 2,712 A321 571 1,035 1,099 1,255 664 B38M 706 6,287 2,890 2,649 B736 34 B737 15,431 25,208 36,038 35,695 17,374 B738 12,395 20,191 18,710 21,639 8,835 B752 1,469 1,817 2,372 3,026 1,454 CRJ9 2 E175 7,177 7,004 6,702 8,816 4,245 E190 186 68 E195 1 120 Total 1 46,370 1 74,253 95,260 95,220 46,304 TABLE 11 AIRCRAFT TYPE DESIGNATORS EMWIF A20N Manufacturer Airbus Model/Series 320-200 Neo AC Type B737 Manufacturer Boeing 737-700 A21 N Airbus 320-100 Neo B738 Boeing 737-800 A220 Airbus 220-100 B752 Boeing 757-200 A223 Airbus 220-300 CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700 A306 Airbus 300-600 CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900 A319 Airbus 319 E135 Embraer 135 A320 Airbus 320 E145 Embraer 145 A321 Airbus 321 E175 Embraer 175 B38M Boeing 737-MAX 8 E190 Embraer 190 B736 Boeing 737-600 E195 Embraer 195 TABLE 12 AIR CARRIER AVERAGE DAILY DEPARTURE HISTORY Air Canada AC A223 .140 .263 B38M .008 .677 1.000 .492 Alaska AS A319 .432 A320 2.363 5.534 5.326 .096 B38M .090 B737 .022 .033 .159 1.074 .120 B738 1.046 1.816 3.734 9.707 5.134 Allegiant G4 A319 1.474 .926 .573 .434 A320 .668 1.915 2.181 1.128 American AA A21N .003 .121 .068 1.332 1.893 A319 .648 .296 .682 1.808 .202 A320 .664 1.082 .655 .904 .148 A321 .779 1.414 1.507 1.721 .899 B38M .022 2.403 2.518 1.743 B738 7.107 11.156 11.666 9.655 4.393 Breeze MX A223 1.816 1.298 E 190 .255 .093 E195 .164 Compass CP E175 .896 Delta DL A220 2.667 5.529 4.175 6.052 3.727 A223 .005 2.649 2.986 .664 A319 1.131 1.304 2.836 .279 .197 A320 .014 .003 .729 .033 B737 .033 B738 .003 .016 .079 .115 .027 B752 1.454 1.948 2.753 3.638 1.710 FedEx FM A306 .699 .688 .682 .679 .342 Frontier F9 A20N .751 1.866 2.490 3.562 1.363 A319 .003 .121 A320 .536 .496 .425 .315 .115 Horizon QX E175 4.079 4.512 1.721 2.258 .904 SkyWest Coml. SC CRJ9 .003 E175 4.833 5.085 7.460 9.816 4.893 Southwest WN B38M .937 5.532 .162 .022 B737 19.497 30.416 42.693 43.132 20.656 B738 5.161 10.605 2.353 .055 .008 Spirit NK A20N .246 2.381 3.041 2.038 .582 A319 .342 .216 .003 A320 .025 .471 1.5511 1.789 .915 Sun Country SY B737 .326 .011 B738 .033 .003 United UA A319 .806 1.123 1.433 1.058 .648 A320 1.675 1.397 2.814 2.019 1.396 B38M .293 1.243 B737 1.366 3.589 5.644 3.726 2.495 B738 3.612 4.036 7.786 10.099 2.508 B752 .003 UPS 5X A306 .025 .025 .066 .052 .005 B752 .552 .537 .496 .510 .276 West,let WS B38M .025 B736 .046 B737 .172 .153 .866 .964 .464 Total 63.347 101.712 130.485 130.436 63.254 QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING Date: June 25, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM Place: Virtual (Zoom) ITEMS DISCUSSED A summary of the John Wayne Airport (JWA or Airport) May 2024 Airport Statistics was provided by Ms. Cristina Magana, Access and Noise Office (ANO) Specialist. Mr. Kyle Gorny, ANO Specialist, provided an overview of the Airport's Q1 2024 quarterly noise report (report). Mr. Anthony Cangey, ANO Specialist, presented updates on the Fly Friendly Program, as well as the Airport's capacity allocation process for Plan Year 2025. Newport Beach resident, Dr. Jim Mosher, requested clarity on the number of impacted units reported. Mr. Cangey indicated that the number is displayed in Figure 2 of the report. Dr. Mosher also inquired about the likelihood of returning to a heat map as a visual aid for reporting noise event concerns. Mr. Cangey explained that the scale and colors of the previously provided heat map were not adjustable, and several requests were made to display noise events through graphs and charts in the report. Dr. Mosher asked for clarity on the footnotes for Tables 3 through 5 of the report. Mr. Cangey provided the distinction between the footnotes. Mr. Cangey explained, that "#N/A" indicates a noise monitoring station (NMS) is operable or partially operable and did not capture sufficient data for the day. Whereas "*#N/A" indicates the NMS was operable and captured data, however, the data was contaminated, or non -aircraft related. Dr. Mosher further inquired about the instances when an NMS is inoperable, and whether the ANO keeps records of how long the NMS is affected. Mr. Cangey confirmed that the ANO does keep records, and the public can use the Detailed Noise Event Reports provided on the Airport's website to verify the amount of time any NMS is inoperable. Newport Beach resident, Mr. Joe August, asked for updates on NMS 6S. Mr. Cangey assured him that the new owner of the property is aware of the lease agreement with the County and the property. Mr. Cangey further explained that NMS 6S is receiving uninterrupted power and collecting data. Dr. Mosher asked how frequently the internal clocks of the NMS were synced and the accuracy to which the clocks were calibrated. Mr. Cangey informed him of a daily remote electronic calibration that is different from the annual calibration but added that he would request an official response from the vendor. Dr. Mosher then asked about the status of updating the website with the most current Commercial/Commuter Carrier curfew reports, as well as the 2023 Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour maps. Mr. Cangey indicated those items would be updated soon. Dr. Mosher then requested the Long -Term Measured Aircraft Noise Levels, found in the FAQ section of the Airport's Access and Noise webpage, be placed on the Reports and Resources page. Mr. Cangey replied that the ANO would consider the suggestion. 16 - Dr. Mosher inquired how operators are informed of their Fly Friendly scores. Ms. Magana stated that the operator's scorecard and additional information about the program are provided via USPS or email. Dr. Mosher asked if the ANO has noticed a trend among similar operators and the impact the program has made. Ms. Magana stated that operators are staying consistent and no noticeable changes have been identified yet. Dr. Mosher requested that when two scores are similar, the Airport's vendor provide a range of uncertainty for the overall score to distinguish the differences between similar operators. Mr. Cangey responded he did not know if the vendor had that information, and would investigate that further. Mr. August interjected that perhaps details for the Fly Friendly program would be best discussed in a separate meeting as the quarterly noise meeting is a community meeting regarding the quarterly report and noise associated with that report. Mr. August then inquired on the progress of a report for uncorrelated noise events; and whether it would indicate why it was uncorrelated. Mr. Cangey stated that the directive to generate such a report has not reached the ANO. Dr. Mosher proceeded to ask about the City of Newport Beach's JWA dashboard and if there was any progress on providing the City with updated data. Dr. Mosher was most interested in the gross takeoff weights. Mr. Cangey indicated that Mr. Gaskins has been in contact with Newport Beach's Assistant City Manager, Ms. Tara Finnigan, regarding this matter. Mr. Cangey also mentioned he was unsure if the gross takeoff weight would continue to be provided. Mr. Cangey reminded Dr. Mosher that gross takeoff weights are provided only by Commercial/Commuter Air Carriers and not general aviation operators. Dr. Mosher then asked about the million annual passenger (MAP) limitation. Mr. Cangey informed Dr. Mosher that several carriers have voluntarily returned capacity in Plan Year 2024. Mr. Cangey mentioned that the airport -wide load factor was trending in the mid-80 percent range. Mr. Cangey expressed that the current projection is 11.3 MAP and the Airport is expecting an increase in passengers while remaining below the 11.8 MAP limit. Mr. Cangey indicated it is unlikely for the Airport to incite a mandatory withdrawal in 2024. Dr. Mosher asked for an update on an airport insulation program reopening. Mr. Cangey replied that the Airport's Planning department would be the appropriate office to address that item but would ask Mr. Gaskins if there were any updates. Before ending the meeting, Mr. Cangey asked Mr. Ron Rubino, a Newport Beach Aviation Committee member, if he had any questions or comments. Mr. Rubino indicated this was his first meeting and volunteered to attend with the intent to relay any pertinent information to the committee. Mr. Cangey summarized key topics and concluded the meeting. QUARTERLY NOISE MEETING ROSTER June 25, 2024 NAME ORGANIZATION Jim Mosher Newport Beach Resident Joe August Newport Beach Resident Ron Rubino Newport Beach Aviation Committee Anthony Cangey John Wayne Airport Beatrice Siercke John Wayne Airport Cristina Magana John Wayne Airport Cassandra Linares John Wayne Airport Kyle Gorny John Wayne Airport Docusign Envelope ID: C5E14E88-9E29-4329-AOE1-877BE86D4AE6 SUMMARY OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Size of Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 21, chapter 2.5, Subchapter 6): 0.0149 Sq. Mi. 2. Estimated Number of dwelling units included in the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 73 3. Estimated number of people residing within the Noise Impact Area as defined in the Noise Standards: 182.5 (Based on 2.5 people/Dwelling Unit) 4. Identification of aircraft of type having highest takeoff noise level operating at this airport together with estimated number of operations by this aircraft type during the calendar quarter reporting period: A306 — 557 (Arrivals + Departures) 5. Total number of aircraft operations during the calendar quarter: 73,116 6. Number of Air Carrier operations during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 24,480 7. Percentage of Air Carrier operations by aircraft certified under Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 36, Stage III: (Not mandatory) 100% 8. Estimated number of operations by General Aviation aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 48,555 9. Estimated number of operations by Military aircraft during the calendar quarter: (Not mandatory) 81