HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 4496 Docusign Envelope ID: D298E5AC-C305-41AE-AB96-B6A8EACA32CE
PLAN AMENDMENT 2024-0001, ZONE CHANGE 2024-0001, AND
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows:
A. That the City's 2021-2029 6th Cycle Housing Element of the General Plan
(Housing Element)was certified by the California Department of Housing and
Community Development in October 2022. The Housing Element contains the
goals and policies the City intends to implement to address several housing-
related issues.
B. That pursuant to Housing Element Program 1.1(b) and 1.1(f), the City is
proposing an overlay zone ("overlay district") for the Enderle Center, Housing
Element Site 17 ("Project Site"). Residential uses are currently not allowed on
the Project Site. Upon approval of the Proposed Project, the Project Site could
accommodate 413 units over approximately 7 acres of developable land
within the existing 11.8-acre site. The anticipated development over 7 acres
may take place on underutilized asphalt parking lot areas, and not require
demolition of any existing buildings. Parking displaced as a result of
redevelopment would be accommodated by vertical parking structures
located within the proposed development.
C. That pursuant to Housing Element Program 1.1(g), General Plan Amendment
2024-0001, Code Amendment 2024-0003, and Zone Change 2024-0002
were initiated by the City to allow residential use by right for housing
developments in which at least 20 percent of the units are affordable to lower
income households pursuant to Government Code Section 65583.2
provisions and would to be consistent with State housing law.
D. That the City proposes the following actions ("Proposed Project")-
• GPA 2024-0001 — A request for a General Plan Amendment (GPA)
to establish that higher density residential uses are allowed in the
Planned Community Commercial/Business (PCCB) land use
designation when prescribed by a Housing Overlay (HO) or a
Specific Plan (SP);
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• CA 2024-0003 — A request to establish a Housing Overlay (HO)
District (overlay zone) in conjunction with the Planned Community
Commercial District (base zone); and
• ZA 2024-0001 — A request to amend the City's zoning map to apply
the Housing Overlay (HO) District to the Project Site.
E. That pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public
Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), the City of Tustin, as lead agency,
determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be prepared to
analyze all potential adverse environmental impacts of the Project and
corresponding General Plan Amendment, Code Amendment, and zone
change, which together are referred to as the "Proposed Project."
F. That the City sent a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft EIR to the Office
of Planning and Research, responsible and trustee agencies, and other
interested parties on or about February 15, 2024; and
G. That the NOP was circulated for 30 days pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines
sections 15082 and 15083, until March 20, 2024, to invite comments from
responsible and trustee agencies, the public, and other interested parties
regarding the scope of the EIR.
H. That the City received written comments in response to the NOP, which
assisted the City in the scope and analysis for the Draft EIR, and also held a
series of public meetings and workshops regarding the scope of the Proposed
I. That the City received four (4) comments from interested parties and
responsible and trustee agencies in response to the NOP.
J. That on June 6, 2024, the City initiated the 45-day public review period on the
Draft EIR by filing a Notice of Availability with the State Office of Planning and
Research, publishing the Notice in the Tustin News, and releasing the Draft
EIR (State Clearinghouse [SCH] No. 2024020747) for public review and
K. That pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15086, the City consulted
with and requested comments from all responsible and trustee agencies, other
regulatory agencies, and other interested parties during the 45-day comment
period, which ran from June 6, 2024 to July 22, 2024.
L. That during the public review period, copies of the Draft EIR were provided
online on the City's website, were available for public review in printed form at
City Hall and the Tustin Library.
M. That the City received written comments on the Draft EIR during the public
review period for the Draft EIR.
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N. That following the close of the public comment period and after review of the
comments received on the Draft EIR, the City prepared a Final EIR,
consisting of comments received on the Draft EIR, written responses to those
comments, and revisions and errata to the Draft EIR. For purposes of this
Resolution, the EIR shall refer to the Draft EIR, including all technical studies
and appendices to the Draft EIR, as revised by the Final EIR's errata section,
together with the other sections of the Final EIR, including all the technical
studies and appendices to the Final EIR, and the Errata to the Final EIR. The
Draft EIR, the Final EIR, and all technical studies and appendices to the Final
EIR are hereby incorporated herein by reference to this Resolution and are
on file with the City Clerk. The Errata to the Final EIR, which is attached
hereto as Exhibit 6C of Attachment 6 and incorporated herein, reflects
changes made to mitigation measures and text within the EIR sections.
O. That the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations,
attached hereto as Exhibit 6C of Attachment 6, and incorporated herein, set
forth the environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR that the City finds
are less than significant and do not require mitigation, the environmental
impacts identified in the Final EIR as potentially significant but which the City
finds can be mitigated to a less than significant level through the
implementation of all feasible mitigation measures, the environmental
impacts identified in the Final EIR as potentially significant but which the City
finds cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level despite the
imposition of all feasible mitigation measures, the cumulative environmental
impacts resulting from the Proposed Project, the significant and irreversible
environmental changes that would result from the Proposed Project, but
which would be mitigated, the existence of any growth-inducing impacts
resulting from the Proposed Project identified in the Final EIR, and a
statement supporting the Proposed Project notwithstanding the potentially
significant environmental impacts which could not feasibly be mitigated.
P. That alternatives to the Proposed Project that might eliminate or reduce
significant environmental impacts are described in Exhibit 6C of Attachment
6, Statement of Overriding Considerations, pursuant to CEQA, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Q. That the City has endeavored in good faith to set forth the basis for its
decision on the Proposed Project in the Findings of Fact as well as to explain
why the benefits of the Proposed Project outweigh the environmental impacts
the EIR determines are significant and unavoidable.
R. That all of the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines have
been satisfied by the City of Tustin in the EIR, which is sufficiently detailed so
that all of the potentially significant environmental effects of the Proposed
Project have been adequately evaluated.
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S. That the EIR prepared in connection with the Proposed Project sufficiently
analyzes both the feasible mitigation measures necessary to avoid or
substantially lessen the Proposed Project's potential environmental impacts
and a range of feasible alternatives capable of eliminating or reducing these
effects in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines.
T. That on September 13, 2024, the Planning Commission public hearing was
posted at designated City boards and published in the Tustin News.
U. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application
on September 24, 2024, by the Planning Commission. At that time, the
Planning Commission continued the public hearing to October 8, 2024; and
V. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application
on October 8, 20247 by the Planning Commission; and
W. That on October 8, 2024, the Planning Commission was presented with,
reviewed, and considered all the information and data in the administrative
record, including the Final EIR, and all oral and written evidence presented
to it during all meetings and hearings, all of which are incorporated herein by
X. That the City has not received any comments or additional information that
produced substantial new information requiring recirculation or additional
environmental review under Public Resources Code Sections 21166 and
21092.1 or State CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5.
Y. That all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of the Resolution have
II. The Proposed Project would have significant and unavoidable impacts related
to the following environmental issue areas: air quality and greenhouse gas
III. Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations. In accordance with
State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15091, 15092, and 15093, the Planning
Commission recommends the Tustin City Council adopt the CEQA Findings of
Fact and the Statement of Overriding Considerations pursuant to CEQA,
attached hereto as Exhibit 6C of Attachment 6, and incorporated herein by
reference as is fully set forth herein.
IV. Certification of Final EIR. In accordance with State CEQA Guidelines Section
15090, the Planning Commission recommends the Tustin City Council certify
• The Final EIR is an accurate and objective statement that has been
completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, and
that together with the errata, attached hereto as Exhibit 6A of Attachment
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6 and incorporated herein by reference as is fully set forth herein, includes
all the environmental impacts of the Proposed Project and mitigation
• The Planning Commission and City Council have been presented with
and have reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR,
prior to the Tustin City Council approving the Proposed Project; and
• The EIR reflects the City Council's independent judgment and analysis.
V. Recirculation Not Required. The Planning Commission recommends that the
Tustin City Council declare that the City has not received evidence of new
significant impacts, as defined by the State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15088.5,
after circulation of the Draft EIR that would require recirculation, which is further
set forth in the Findings (Exhibit 6C of Attachment 6), nor have any of the
conditions requiring a subsequent or supplemental EIR listed in Public
Resources Code Section 21166 occurred.
VI. Notice of Determination. The Planning Commission recommends that the Tustin
City Council direct staff to file a Notice of Determination with the Orange County
Clerk Recorder within five (5) working days of final approval of the Proposed
VI I. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of
this Resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. The Planning
Commission of the City of Tustin hereby declares that the Planning Commission
would have adopted this Resolution, and each section, subsection, subdivision,
sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone
or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or
portions thereof be declared unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective.
NOW, THEREFORE, based on the above findings, the Planning Commission of the City of
Tustin does hereby recommend City Council certification of the Final EIR and adoption of
the Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Errata for GPA 2024-
00017 CA 2024-0003, ZC 2024-0001.
Signed by:
Signed by: Chairperson
Planning Commission Secretary
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ESigned by:
Assistant City Attorney
I, Justina L. Willkom, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission
Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4496 was duly passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 8th day of
October, 2024.
ESigned by:
ot. o &ow
Planning Commission Secretary