HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 PC REPORT COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES Docusign Envelope ID:882065D9-2BEE-4B50-A664-23764E10793A
At the October 8, 2024 Planning Commission meeting, Commissioner Amy Mason
requested an update regarding the Community Development Department's strategies for
notifying the public regarding projects, meetings and hearings. The request was initiated
in response to community comments received during the hearing of the Housing Element
Rezone Project. In addition to following public notification requirements under State law,
the Department actively uses social media, targets interest lists, and takes advantage of
other outlets and publications that are anticipated to reach a broader audience.
That the Planning Commission receive and file this report.
California Notification Requirements
Items considered by the Planning Commission typically involve land use decisions.
These public hearing items require the City to take the following minimum actions at least
10 days prior to the public hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 65091 :
• Mail a meeting notice to the owner of the subject property, agencies responsible
for essential public facilities and services who may be significantly impacted by the
project, and owners of properties within 300 feet. If the number of agencies or
owners within 300 feet exceeds 1 ,000, then the City may publish a 1/8 page
"display advertisement" in a newspaper.
• The City must also:
o Publish a hearing notice in a newspaper of general circulation; and
o Post a hearing notice in at least three public places, including one place in
in the area directly affected by the proposal (i.e., at the project site).
Docusign Envelope ID:882065D9-2BEE-4B50-A664-23764E10793A
Community Engagement Strategies
November 12, 2024
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In addition to the Government Code, projects subject to the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) require earlier notification of the public, which ranges from 20 to 45
days prior to the public hearing, depending on whether a project is accompanied by a
negative declaration or an environmental impact report.
Additional Notification
The Community Development Department (the Department) recognizes that the
minimum requirements under State law are technologically outdated and not consistent
with current social networking practices. Furthermore, given the fast pace and the
availability of social media, the Department recognizes that engagement and
transparency is necessary to build community trust and empower residents to participate
in public decisions. By actively involving the public, local agencies can make more
informed decisions that better reflect the community's needs and priorities.
To engage the public and be more transparent, the City is constantly evaluating strategies
that inform the public of upcoming meetings and important development projects. Below
is a list of project resources that the City makes available to the public in order to
communicate current or upcoming projects, and two examples of specific efforts that were
tailored directly to major projects. These examples of community outreach include the
previously approved 2021-2029 Housing Element Update, and the current Housing
Element Rezone Project.
Publicly Available Project Information
The following outlines City efforts to gain public involvement. Note that the underlined
text in Blue contains weblink to the webpage.
The City's Community Development Department main web page maintains a section titled
"Development Spotlights", which contains links to important and timely project
information. Currently, the City's website has weblinks: Summary of Projects Flipbook,
the recent Old Town Historic Virtual Walking Tour, a monthly Department Highlights flyer,
and a calendar of upcoming Planning Commission meetings.
The City's Planning Division also maintains a "Current Projects" webpage, which contains
information on projects the City is currently processing, as well as past projects from prior
years. The Current Projects website also has links to "subpages" related to important
planning topics, as may be appropriate from time to time. Currently, the subpages include
information on (1) Accessory Dwelling Units; (2) the Housing Element Rezone Project;
(3) the Housing Element Update; (4) Outdoor Dining regulations; and (5) Senate Bill 9
("urban lot splits").
Planning staff currently has an effort underway to publish an interactive digital map on the
Current Projects website. This interactive map will show the location of current proposals
and recently approved development projects on an aerial map, with pop-up information
Docusign Envelope ID:882065D9-2BEE-4B50-A664-23764E10793A
Community Engagement Strategies
November 12, 2024
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on project details and associated graphics. The map is expected to go live in December,
2024. Additionally, the City Manager's Office has recently initiated a new Instagram
account, which the Community Development will use to inform and educate the public as
Community Engagement Strategy for 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
For major "advanced planning" efforts, the City often develops specific strategies to
engage the public and solicit community input. For instance, the City was obligated by
California Law to update its General Plan Housing Element. This update required the City
to develop a program to rezone properties to accommodate additional housing
development, pursuant to mandates associated with the State's Regional Housing Needs
Assessment (RHNA). Understanding that a shift in housing policy required public input,
the City's Housing Element Update process included a robust Community Engagement
Plan (CEP) - Attachment A.
Key engagement strategies for the Housing Element CEP included:
Targeted Stakeholder Engagement: Involved affordable housing advocates,
apartment and HOA managers, community service organizations, disability
advocates, and more.
Community Workshops: Multiple workshops were held to facilitate public input.
Online Community Survey: Conducted in English and Spanish, gathering over
100 responses.
City Website Features: Spotlight articles highlighted the project and updates.
Public Postings: Participation opportunities were posted on the City's e-notice
board, as well as at the Library, Senior Center, Tustin Family Youth Center, and
Boys and Girls Club.
Email Blasts: Sent to targeted groups and a city-wide interest list, reaching over
10,000 subscribers.
Social Media and Ads: Posts and paid ads were shared to maximize outreach.
Bilingual Press Release: Published to inform both English and Spanish-speaking
Video Outreach by former Mayor Letitia Clark: Encouraged public participation
in the Housing Element Update.
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Community Engagement Strategies
November 12, 2024
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Community Engagement Strategy for Housing Element Rezone Proiect
The 2024 Housing Element Rezone Project implements the certified 2021-2029 Housing
Element. Because the Housing Element Rezone Project is the byproduct of the Housing
Element's CEP, the City did not initiate an extensive community engagement effort
beyond that normally required for development project. Nonetheless, the preparation of
the Rezone project was a yearlong effort that involved multiple opportunities for the public
to obtain information and engage City staff.
Key engagement opportunities for the Housing Element Rezone Project include:
Community Workshops: A community workshop and scoping meeting was held
for each of the three rezone areas associated with the Rezone Project, including
the Enderle Center, Tustin Marketplace, and the Tustin Legacy. These meetings
provided an opportunity for the public to ask questions, and for the City to gather
feedback on community concerns and potential environmental impacts. The
meeting conducted for the Enderle area attracted over 40 members of the public.
Social Media: The City posted information on its website encouraging public
participation in project scoping meetings and public hearings. The City also
provided detailed information describing the proposed project, and posted relevant
documents related to technical analysis and project timeline.
Tustin Chamber of Commerce: Project updates and community meeting dates
were shared at monthly Tustin Economic Development meetings and cross-
promoted on the Chamber's website.
Dedicated Webpage: The Housing Element Rezone Project webpage provides
essential project background information, project timelines, public participation
opportunities, and additional resources.
Public Notices: Participation opportunities, such as reviewing documents and
attending public hearings, were shared through:
• U.S. Mail to residents within the rezone areas and a 300-foot buffer, and to
over thirty (30) affected agencies and stakeholders such as neighboring
cities, local and adjacent school districts, utility service providers, and
environmental agencies.
• Emails were sent out to over 200 subscribers who had previously
expressed interest in the 2021-2029 Housing Element or Rezone Project.
• Postings for all community meetings and public hearings were placed on
the City Hall e-notice board, at the Library, and Senior Center.
• Tustin News and City Website posted publications.
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Community Engagement Strategies
November 12, 2024
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The Housing Element Rezone Project is ongoing, with an additional public participation
opportunity at the upcoming City Council meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday,
November 19, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780.
In conclusion, the City of Tustin is committed to expanding its outreach efforts to promote
greater community engagement and transparency. By leveraging social media, including
the City's new Instagram account, Tustin continues to reach broader audiences with
dynamic and accessible content. Fun and informative reels are now being posted on
Instagram to keep residents engaged and updated on current projects and events,
aligning with the City's dedication to effective and inclusive community communication.
Prepared by:
Signed by:
kia.in,tnt, 01�"
Adrianne DiLeva
Management Analyst II
Approved by:
Signed by:
Jay Eastman
Assistant Community Development
Director— Planning
Signed by:
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Justina L. Willkom
Community Development Director
Attachment A: 2021-2029 Housing Element Update Community Engagement Plan
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City of Tustin
2027 — 2029 Housing Element Update
CommunityEngagement Plan
March 2022
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Housing Element
Background .........................................................................................................................................3
Goals & Objectives...........................................................................................................................3
TargetedStakeholders .....................................................................................................................A
Outreach & Engagement Strategies...............................................................................................7
Education & Awareness Strategies...................................................................9
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 12
This COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN is for the City of Tustin's 61" Cycle Housing Element (2021-2029). This Plan describes
strategies for engaging with residents and stakeholders through an online survey, education and awareness campaigns, and
public meetings. Due to COVID-19 restrictions on in-person meetings,this outreach plan focused on alternatives such as virtual
meetings, targeted email blasts, mailings to stakeholders, unpaid and paid social media postings, posters at community
facilities, distribution of flyers, dedicated project website, and newspaper advertisements.
The City of Tustin is preparing the 2021 — 2029 HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE to evaluate current and
future housing conditions, and identify housing sites and programs to meet the community's needs. While
updating the housing element is a State requirement, it is also an opportunity to assess its accomplishments
and progress toward meeting housing goals put forth in the previous Housing Element in 2013. The 2021-
2029 Housing Element will outline the goals, policies and programs needed to promote the development
and preservation of safe, accessible, and diverse housing in the City.
Goals and Objectives
The GOAL of the COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN for the 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update is to
guide the City's community and stakeholder engagement efforts and to provide information about the
importance in participating in the Housing Element Update. The OBJECTIVES of the Community
Engagement Plan include:
Building public awareness of the Housing Element Update, its requirements, and the City's vision
and goals to adequately plan to meet housing needs to all of its residents;
Educating the Tustin community on the requirements of the Housing Element Update, and progress
since the previous Housing Element;
Engaging community members and key stakeholder groups to provide input on potential policies
and programs that will align with Tustin resident's housing needs;
Facilitating discussions with community members and decision makers to identify how and where
additional housing could be located within the City; and,
Providing a concise document to the Tustin City Council and Planning Commission for adoption, with
input and updates from public outreach and engagement activities during the Housing Element
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City of Tustin 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update Community Engagement Plan P a g e 13
Targeted Stakeholders
To meet the OBJECTIVES of the City of Tustin's COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN, the City requested feedback from a
diverse set of stakeholders within the community who represent multiple interests and experiences related to housing.This section
of the Community Engagement Plan includes the various organizations and agencies that were included in the City's outreach
efforts. A database was maintained and updated with stakeholder contact information throughout the outreach process. The
various stakeholders include, but are not limited to: RESIDENTS, APARTMENT OWNERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS,
Affordable Housing Advocates
Organizations and agencies that advocate for safe and affordable housing opportunities for
residents of all ages and abilities within the City of Tustin. This includes but is not limited to:
- Kennedy Commission - University of Irvine - Tustin Planning - Habitat for Humanity
- Jamboree Housing - OC Community - Linc Housing
Corp. Housing Corp.
Apartment/HOA Managers and Owners
The TEAM (Tustin Effective Apartment Managers) group, which is a problem-solving community
organization comprised of apartment managers, apartment owners, police, school officials, and
service providers,and additionally outreached to 99 Home Owner Association property management
groups throughout the Tustin area.
Community Service Groups
Community-based organizations that provide services to historically under-represented community
members as well as youth and seniors. This includes but is not limited to:
- St. Joseph Hospital - Alzheimer's of OC -Community Health - Lestonnac Free Clinic
Initiative of OC
- Meals on Wheels -Neighborworks OC -Tustin Community - Tustin Public Schools
OC Foundation Foundation
Disability Advocates
Organizations and agencies that advocate or provide assistance to people with disabilities who rely
on safe and accessible housing opportunities. This includes but is not limited to:
- Assistance League of - Dayle McIntosh - Learning Disabilities - The Blind Children's
Tustin Center Assoc. of Southern Learning Center
- Regional Center of
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 4
Economic Development
Organizations that represent or advocate for business and employers in Tustin. This includes but is not limited to:
- Tustin Chamber of Commerce - Tustin Economic - BIA Orange County - Orange County
Development Division Chapter Business Council
Environmental Advocates
Commissions, agencies, or organizations that advocate for sustainable land use and environmental protection in
the Tustin or Orange County area. This includes but is not limited to:
- Southern California - Southern California - Southern California Air -OC Fire Authority
Gas Edison Quality Management
- Regional Water - OC Environmental - Airport Land Use -East Orange
Quality Control Health Commission County Water
Board District
Low-Income Communities
Organizations or agencies that represent low-income communities in Tustin. This includes but is not limited to:
- Boys & Girls Clubs of - Big Brothers and Big - Goodwill of OC - Legal Aid Society of
Tustin Sisters of OC OC
- MOMS OC - OC Food Access - Patriots & Paws - Second Harvest Food
Coalition Bank of OC
- Veterans Legal - YMCA of OC - Community Action - Public Law Center
Institute Partnership of OC
- Orange County
Finance Trust
People Experiencing Homelessness
Organizations, groups, or agencies that provide services to people experiencing homelessness in Tustin. This
includes but is not limited to:
- Housing and Homeless - City Net - Families Forward - Family Promise of OC
Prevention Unit
- Human Options - Olive Crest - OC Gateway to - Second Chance OC
- The Eli Home - American Family - OC Social Services - OC Rescue Mission
Housing Tustin Family Campus
-Orange County
Housing Finance Trust
Real Estate Affiliated
Businesses or agencies that are affiliated with real estate transactions in Tustin. This includes but is not limited to:
- Affordable Housing - Consumer Credit -Orange County
Clearinghouse Counseling Realtors Association of
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 15
Residential Developers
Residential or property developers that develop housing sites in Tustin, including affordable housing
developers. This includes but is not limited to:
- Intracorp Homes -City Ventures -Greystar -Curt Pringle & Assoc.
- Century Housing - Civic Center Barrio - William Lyon Homes, -HomeAid Orange County
Housing Corp. Inc.
- Lennar Corp. - Taylor Morrison - Brookfield Residential - Shea Homes
Southern CA
Senior Housing and Advocates
Agencies or organizations that provide senior housing in Tustin, and agencies that advocate for safe,
affordable, and accessible housing options for senior residents living in Tustin. This includes but is not
limited to:
- Council on Aging - OC Office on -Tustin Housing -Senior Rental
OC Aging Authority Properties in Tustin
-Community Action -Orange County -County of Orange
Partnership of Health Care Agency Senior Services
Orange County
Religious Institutions
Faith-based organizations who provide supportive services to residents living in Tustin. This includes but is
not limited to:
- St. Paul's Episcopal - Grace Harbor - The Salvation Army -Orange County
Church Church & School Rescue Mission
Underrepresented Groups
Cultural organizations or groups who advocate for the traditionally underrepresented groups in the Tustin
area.The City has reached out to these organizations to encourage feedback. This includes but is not limited
- AIDS Services Fair Housing - Fair Housing Council of - Tustin Unified
Foundation Foundation OC School District
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 16
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
The chart below provides a summary of the scheduled activities, community outreach and engagement strategies that the City
implemented to obtain input and build awareness throughout the Housing Element Update. Each strategy encourages
participation, facilitates meaningful dialogue with the community, and builds awareness of the challenges and opportunities
of implementing housing strategies that meet the State's requirements.
Schedule of Activities ► Draft Document-Public Hearing with
the Planning Commission
► Housing Element Update ► Address HCD Findings
Community Workshop with the ► Joint Community Workshop with the ► Revision to draft based on public ► Resubmit draft to
Planning Commission City Council and Planning Commission input HCD
> November Jan/Feb hI4 June/July Aepternber'4�Lk� October Jan-March
2020 • • • • •
► Community Survey open for ► June 30-Reopened the Community Survey for ► Public Hearing with the ► Address HCD
30 days 30 days City Council Findings
► Draft Housing Element Document available for ► Finalize Document
public review(30 days)and HCD review(60 ► Re-open public
days) review and comment
period per AB 215
Online Community Survey ► HCDbmit draft to
An online community survey was made available from January 21, 2021 through February 28, 2021, in
English and Spanish, to help city staff better understand the communities housing needs and priorities. The
City initially received 194 survey responses, with a majority of the respondents being Tustin residents. The
online survey re-opened for another 30 days from June 30, 2021 through July 30, 2021. An additional
1 19 responses were received, 4 of those were responses to the Spanish language survey. The re-opening
of the survey in July 2021 coincided with the opening of the public comment period on the draft Housing
Element document. The survey results are posted at ww.tustinca.org/HousingElement.
Planning Commission and Council Meetings and Workshops
A total of four community/public meetings were held with the Planning Commission and City Council as part
of the Housing Element preparation process. These virtual workshops and in-person hearings, serve as a
method for community members to provide input on the progress of the Housing Element
update as well as a venue to inform the Council and Commission on the state requirements,
discuss housing needs, and to provide a progress update.
November 10, 2020 — Planning Commission Workshop (Via Zoom) - City staff
provided an overview of the housing element preparation process, including plans
for community outreach. °
May 11, 2021- City Council and Planning Commission Workshop (via Zoom) - City staff
presented its findings from the community outreach and engagement activities, and solicited input
on future housing needs. Key topics covered at the meetings included:
Survey results
Reviewed existing housing policies
Potential new housing programs
Opportunity sites for meeting housing requirements
Project timeline
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 17
August 17, 2021 —City Council Meeting (Via Zoom) - City Council meeting to discuss the inclusion
of additional areas such as the Tustin Market Place and the Enderle Center that could potentially
be developed with residential units to further facilitate the equitable dispersion of housing units of
various income levels.
September 7, 2021 — City Council Meeting (Via Zoom) - City Council meeting to amend the draft
Housing Element, based upon the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
review of the document related to preservation of at-risk units and accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
September 14, 2021 — Planning Commission Meeting (Via Zoom) — Adopted Resolution No.
4439, recommending that the City Council adopt the 2021 -2029 Housing Element Update.
September 30, 2021 —Airport Land Use Commission (Via Zoom) - ALUC staff has recommended
that the Commission find the proposed City of Tustin 2021 -2029 Housing Element Update Consistent
with the Airport-Environs Land Use Plan for John Wayne Airport (AELUP for JWA).
October 5, 2021 — City Council Meeting (Via Zoom) - City Council adopted Resolutions Nos. 21 -
86 and 21-87 approving the 2021 -2029 Housing Element Update.
Public Review Period
The draft Housing Element has been available to the public for review since June 30, 2021 and the
public comment period has remained continuously open. During this public review period, stakeholders
and the general public are provided with the opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Housing
Element document before it is finalized. The document was transmitted to the Department of Housing and
Community Development (HCD) on June 30, 2021 for a 60-day review period. The HCD provided an
official written comment letter to the City on August 27, 2021. The comment letter was posted at
W �_41 < . The City addressed HCD's findings and resubmitted a draft for HCD
review on October 14, 2021. On January 12, 2022, the City received an official written comment letter
with written findings. The City revised the draft and solicited public comments on the revisions per AB 215,
from March 14—March 21, 2022. The City received four (4) comments during the AB 215 comment period.
It was determined by staff that the comments received were appropriately addressed in the draft document
submitted to HCD for review on March 22, 2022.
Planning Commission and Council Adoption Public Hearings
The City held public hearings with the Planning Commission and City Council before submitting the final
draft to HCD for certification.
Meetings and Workshops listed above;
I Planning Commission Public Hearing on September 14, 2021; and
► City Council Public Hearing on October 5, 2021
City of Tustin 1 2021 — 2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 18
Education & Awareness Strategies
The City is using many strategies to build education and awareness of the Housing Element Update, and
increase participation among community members. The following strategies were implemented to ensure
public awareness and to solicit feedback from residents and stakeholders.
-CITY WEBSITE SPOTLIGHT FEATURE - Outreach and project information was (-AND
posted as a spotlight feature on the City's website and sent to the web's PAID -Social media posts
subscriber list in English and in Spanish were made containing information
-POSTED FLYERS - Notifications in English and in Spanish were posted on the on public participation
City's e-notice board, Library,Senior Center,Tustin Family Youth Center (TFYC), opportunities regarding the
and Boys & Girls Club.Additional bundles of flyers were distributed at the Housing Element Update survey,
Senior Center(200 flyers),TFYC (200 flyers),and Boys & Girls Club (100 and multiple workshops/meetings,
flyers).Additional flyer distribution was offered to individual apartment on all of the City's social meda
locations part of the TEAM (Tustin Effective Apartment Managers) group platforms
-CITY CALENDAR - Meeting information was posted on the City's Calendar I -PRESS RELEASE-A press release
•TUSTIN CHAMBER - Tustin Chamber of Commerce advertised meeting dates on was distributed in English and
their website. Flyer graphics shared were in English and in Spanish. Spanish,inviting the public to
review the Draft Housing Element
•EMAIL BLASTS - Multiple email notifications were sent to 268 stakeholders and Update (97 subscribers)
interested parties.The City Manager's Office utilized their Community Outreach -VIDEO OUTREACH -Mayor
ListSery to e-mail notifications to over 10,000 subsribers. Graphics included and Clark's Corner video advertised
attached to email blasts were in English and in Spanish. review of the Draft HEU. Video
-POSTCARD MAILINGS - Postcards containing workshop and public participation was posted on all Social Media
information in English and in Spanish were mailed to 396 interested parties outlets including YouTube
including residents, businesses,property managers,housing advocacy groups, -The Tustin Chamber of Commerce
non-profits, religious institutions and others. Information regarding workshop
participation was included within the City of Tustin's Strategic Plan postcards shared workshop/meeting
information on each of their social
which were distributed to 29,885 Tustin residents and 3,457 Tustin businesses.
media platforms
Notification Methods
•WEBSITE - City developed a -NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS -To build widespread awareness of the
dedicated Housing Element Update Housing Element Update,the City has made publications in local and regional
webpage,hosted on the City's news resources in both printed and digital formats
•Website includes a project I •Tustin News - distributed to over 7,000 Tustin residents
•Irvine Weekly - distributed to over 8,200 Tustin residents,including a digital
overview,schedule of activities,
and information on how the public distribution, reaching over 33,000 individuals
can get involved
•Website updated regularly with -PAID SOCIA MEDIA ADS - Paid advertisements on the City's social media
timeline,meeting updates and platfroms which enabled notification to a larger population than traditional
survey information postings
Webpage � `00'0
City of Tustin 1 2021 —2029 Housing Element Update I Community Engagement Plan P a g e 19