HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0995 (1987)2 10 11 12 14 15 16 ..1'7 18 19 2O 21 22 23 27 ORDINANCE NO. 995 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN .AMENDING SPECIFIED SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 8 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE ADOPTING 1985 CODES AS THE BUILDING REGULATIONS OF THE CITY iOF TUSTIN The CityI Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows' Sec_tion 1- Chapter one of Article 8 of the Tusttn City Code is hereby repealed in its entirety, and a new Chapter 1, Article 8 is hereby added in place thereof to read as follows- '~ CHAPTER 1 BUILDING CODE 8100 - Adoption of 1985 Uniform Administrative Code Except as provided in this chapter, that certain administrative code known and designated as the Uniform Administrative Code, 1985 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, shall be and become the administrative code of the' City, providing for the a-dministration and enforcement of the technical codes adopted by the City. One copy of the Uniform Administrativ~I Code has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk, and shall be at a'll times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the publ i c. 8101 Amendment of the 1985 Unt form Admt ntstratt ve Code The 1985 Untform Administrative Code is herebY amended as follows: (A) Section 104(b) is amended by the addition of a paragraph at the ~nd-th~reof t~ read as folllow$® Notwithstanding the ordinances effective on the date of the construction of a building, conditions requiring subsequent alterations, additions or repairs to such buildings included in and required by subsequent resolutions of the City Council, City Planning Commission or City Planning Agency, or by the Statutes of the State of California, shall be enforceable through the provisions of Section 108 of the Uniform Administrative Code. (B) Section 105 Definitions Whenever any of the following names or terms are used in the Uniform Administrative Code, each such name or term shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this section as fol lows- 5 9 10 1] 12 13 15 ]0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 Ordinance No. Page two 995 le e 1 "Building Code" - means Article 8102 of this code as amended. "Electrical Code" code as amended. means article 8400 of this "Plumbing Code" - means Article 8300 of this code a~ amnded. 4. "Mechanical Code" - means Article 8200 of this _ code as amended. 5. "Board of Appeals" - means the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin. (c) (D) Section fol lows: 20.2 i~ amended by adding Subsection (k) to read as Infractions. As a law enforcement officer (as authorized by) Section 202(a) and (b), and as authorized by the State Penal Code Sections 17, 19c, 19d, 836.5, 840, 841, 853.6 · and 1042, the Building Official of this City is authorized to issue citations. These citations (may be) issued to persons who have committed an infraction in violation of: (1) A state statute of the California AdminiStrative Code tn which the statute or'CMA requires enforcement by the local building official; (2) City Council adopted edition of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, or ICBO Plumbing Code, Uniform Swimming Pool Code, Uniform Solar Energy Code; and (3) current zoning code as adopted by ordinance by the City Council which provides for enforcement by the Building Official. The Building Official or his authorized representative shal I issue ci tations for i nfracti ons. Section 205 is amended to read as follows- Violations. No person shall violate any provision, or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Code, or of any Code adopted herein by reference. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory mr..equirements of this Code, or any Code adopted by reference 10 ]] 12 13 14 15 ]G 17 18 19. 2O 2] 22 23 24 26 27 28 Ordinance No. Page three (E) 995 herein, unless otherwise specJfied in this Code, may be to enforcement actton as mope specifically set forth in of the Tustin City Code, entitled "Pena]ty Provisions". subject Part 2 Each such person violating any provision or failing to comply with any of the requirements shall be 'guilty of a separate offense, and each day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this Code, or any Code adopted by reference herein, is committed, continued or permitted by such person, shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable accordingly. Provided further that each such person violating a provision which limits the time an act may be permitted or continued, each such peri od or portion thereof of which any violation of such provision is committed, continued or permitted by such person shall constitute a separate offense, and shall be punishable accordingly. In addition to-the penalties heretnabove provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist, in violation of any of the provisions of this.Code, or of.any Code adopted by reference herein, shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be summarily abated as such by the City, and each day such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and separate nuisance and offense." Section 301 is S'{~bSectl'o'h~S-- (c), amended by changing subsection (b) and adding (d), and (e) to read respectively as follows' (b) (1) The Uniform Administrative Code is amended by deleting subsection B and E and renumbering the remaining subsections accordingly, so that building permits are required for all block/brick walls over 36 inches and all other fences over 60 inches above grade. (c) The Building Official shall issue building permits for construction, demolition, addition, alteration and installation of required on-site improvements such as, but not limited to, curbing, walks, stairs, ramps, parking lots, drainage devices, irrigationI systems, lighting systems, landscaping and incidental light grading (not requiring a grading permit, Chapter 70). These permits will be issued when the on-site work does not otherwise require a building pelrmit~ A11 such above work shal 1 be as authorized and/or required as a condition of approval by the City Council, City Planning Agency, City Planning Commi sion, Director of Community Development and/or Ci ry. EXCEPTION' Single family (R-3) residences thi~ Section unless they are within a new being constructed within the City. are excluded from residential tract 2 3 6 10 11 12 13 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 Ordinance No. Pa ge four' (d) 995 (2) (3) (4) .! Relocatton of Building: No butldtng or structure ~ha']] be m~ved or relocated unless and untt] the necessary permtts to relocate the buildtng or. structure have been tssued by the But]dtng Official. Upon request to relocate a butldtng or structure, the Butldtng Offtctal shall collect f~om the owne~ o~ hfs ~ep~esentattve fo~ an Investigative fnspectton. The Butldtng Offtctal shall determfne ff the building ts capable tn hts judgment of being moved. In addition, tf the butldtng ts to be moved tnto the Ctty, o~ ~elocated wtthtn the Ct~y, the investigative Inspection shall determine tf the butldtng wtll satfsfy the zontng and building code ~equt~ements. He shal 1 then' ~epo~t tn w~t ttng, al 1 facts, judgments and Information, to advtse the owner or hts ~ep~esentattve, the ~equtr. ements and conditions to ~elocate the building. A permtt to relocate the butldtng shall be tssued only to a building, movtng, w~ecktng cont~acl:o~, C-2~, to move the building. Concurrent wtth the ~elocatton pe~mtt, g~ad~ng, building, electrical, plumbtng and mechanical pe~mtts, as necessary, shall be issued fo~ necessary stte wo~k and/o~ butldtng ~ewo~k. Pe~mtts shall be tssued afte~ the Buildtng Offtctal has approved d~awtngs desc~fbtng the scope of work to be const~ucl:ed, altered, ~epat~ed, and such othe~ work, to place the ~elocated butldtng tn such conditions that t t conforms to the ~equt~ements of the state law, o~dtnances, and the Ctty 8utldtng and Zontng Codes. If the relocated butldtng or structure wou]d be un]awfu], dangerous or defective and there fs no practical remedy or correction which can effectively be made in the judgment of the Building Official, or the Building Official's conditions have not been complied with, the relocation permit shall be denied. The Buildtng Offtctal shall, tn tssutng any relocation permit, impose therein such terms and conditions, including a cash bond deposit, as may.be necessary to ensure compliance wi th the requirements of all state laws, City ordinances and of the City Building and Zoning Codes. The terms and conditions upon which 2 5 9 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 27 Ordtnance No. Page fi ve 995 (6) (7) (8) each permit is granted shall be specified tn writing tn the permit, or appended in wrtttng thereto. If the relocation permit is not issued within ninety (90) days after notice to the applicant by the Building Official, a new investigation fee shall be paid and an additional inspection and written report be made before the relocation permit may be issued. Prior to permit issuance, a refundable cash deposit ~hall be collected to reimburse the expense to the City for the Building Official to demolish the butldtng or structure, and dis'pose of the debrts in a public dump or other' action as required of the Building Official as stated elsewhere. The cash deposit ~hall be Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, $00. O0 ); ($1.25) per square feet. improvement deposit. plus One Dollar and Twenty-five cents square foot over one thousand (1,000) In addition, the valuation of the permits shall be added to the cash The building relocation permittee shall take out and maintain during the life of the permit, such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect the City of Tustin, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, contractors and any subcontractors, from claims for damages to public and private property, and for personal injury, including death, resulting from the operations under the permit for building relocation, whether such operations are by the permittee, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the permtttee. The amounts of said insurance shall be as follows' Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for-injuries, including, subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1tOOOtO00.O0) on account of any one occurrence. be Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Del lars 2 4 6 10 1] 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Ordinance No. Page st x · o 995 (9) ($200,000.00) properl:y of occurrenoe. for damage to C try property, or the each person on account of any one Conl:racl:or carriage of the ~nsurance ~nsurance by h~s Tusl:~n and fl:s legal assurance at ~east th~r~y sha 11 furn~ sh sat1 sfactory proof of required, a certificate of Insurance carrter naming the Ctty of employees additional ~nsureds, and that each carrter w~11 gfve the Cfty (30) days prtor written not~ce of the cancellation of any poltcy durJng the effectJve period of the permtt. The ~nsurance certificate shal~ be as prescrlbed by the CJty of Tust~n. (10) Bond Condition. Every cash bond tn the amount determt ned by the But1 dtng Off1 ctal depost ted pursuant to th1 s Sectton, shal 1 be condtttoned as fo11 ows: ._ a. That each and a11. of the terms and condfttons of the relocation permtt shall be completed as approved by the But 1 dtng Off1 cta~. be That all of the work requtred to be done pursuant to the condtttons of the re~ocat~on perm~ t, shal ~ be fully performed and. completed w~thfn the t~me 11m~t specified fn the relocation permit; or ~f no ttme 11mtt ts specified, w~th~n n~nety (90) days after t ssuance of permit. The ttme ~m~t heretn specified, or the ttme ~mtt specified 1n any permtt, may be' extended for good sufficient cause beyond the control of permittee, by the Building Official. No extension shall be a release from any cash or insurance policy. There shall be addt ti onal extensi on. and the such bond no (11) Default in Performance. Whenever the Building Official shall find that a default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition of any permit, written notice (certified mail, return receipt requested) thereof shall be given to the owner and/or permi tree. 5 10 11 12 14 15 110 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 2G 27 Ordf nance No. Page seven (e) 995 (1) be C~ d~ e~ Such not~ce, shall specify the' ~ork to be done, the estfmated cost therof, and the period of tJme deemed by the But~dJng Offtcfa~ to be reasonably necessary for the completion of such ~ork. After recetpt Of such notfce, the owner and/or permJttee thereof specified shall cause the requtred work to be performed. Should the owners refuse or fat1 therefn, the Bu~ldfng Offfcfal shall, ~th no 1lability to the Cfty or employees, proceed by such mode as the Bu~ldtng Offictal deems convenient to cause the bu~ldfng to be demolished or completed. Should the building, while being moved, be wrecked or abandoned in the public right-of-way and the Chief of Police declare the building to · be dangerous to the public, the Building Official, in the interest of public safety shall, without delay, and with no liability to the City or its employees, proceed by such mode as the Building Official deems convenient to cause the but ldt ng to be removed from the publ t c ri ght-of-way, i ncl udi ng demo 1 i ti on. Should the building, while being moved, be abandoned on public or private property and the property owner request the Building Official to remove or dispose of the building, the Building Official shall endeavor to have the building owner and/or permittee move or dispose of the building. The Building Official shall, after reasonable time (but no less than thirty {30) days), and wi th no liability to the City or its employees proceed by such mode as the Building Official deems convenient to cause the building to be demolished or the required work to be performed and completed. Demolition of building or structure' No building or structure shall be demolished' unless and until the necessary permits to demolish the building or structure have been issued by the Building Official. ~mmmm 6 10 ]1 12 10 17 118 2O 2] Ordt.nance No. Page et ght 995 (2) (3) (4) (s) Prtor to 1ssutng any permits, fn addition to the' requirements of Sectton 4409 of the Untform Bufld~ng Code, the Bull. ding Offtctal w~11 ensure 11re and property ts reasonably protected. A refundable cash deposit shall be collected, to reimburse the expenses to the City should 'the Building Official be required to demolish the building or structure or any portion remaining thereof, and dispose of the debris in a public dump and/or to repair or clean public property damaged or not cleaned by the permtttee. The cash deposit shall be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,500.00) plus One Dollar and cents ($1.25)iper square foot for each over one thousand (1,000) square feet. Five Hundred Twenty-five square foot The Bui 1 ding Official shal 1, tln t ssut ng any demol i ti on permit, impose therein such terms and conditions, including a cash bond deposit, as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of all state laws, City ordinances, and of the City Building and Zoning Codes. The terms and conditions upon which each permit is granted shall be specified in writing tn the permit, or appended in writing thereto. Default in Performance. be Whenever the Building Official shall fi nd that a default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition of the demolition permit, or has soiled or damaged public property, written notice thereof Shalll be given to the owner and/or permt tree. Such notice shall specify the work to be done, the estimated cost thereof, and the period of time deemed by the Building Official to be reasonably necessary for the completion of such work. Ce After receipt of such notice, the owner and/or permtttee thereof specified shall cause the required work to be performed. Should the owner refuse or fail therein, the Building Official shall proceed by such mode as he deems 2 6 7 ]2 22 23 24 25 26 27 Ordlnance No. 995 Page nt ne convenient, to cause the bu~ ldt ng to be demolished but no 11ab~ltty shall be fncu~ed the~etn, ot~he~' than fo~ .Cf ty expenses deducted f~om the cash deposJt. d. Upon completion of the demolft~on ~ork, the cash deposit shall be refunded, less that port~on required to reimburse the Ctty for demolition, repairs, or clean-up expenses due to the default of the pe?m~ttee. (F) Sectton 303 ts amended by addtng subsection (f) to ~e.ad respeC't~el~ as follows: " (f) Change of Contractor 'or of ownership. A permft 1ssued hereunder shall .expire upon a change of ownershfp or a change of contractor regarding the building, structure or gradtng f_or whfch satd permit was fssued ~f the work thereon has not been completed, and a new permit sh.al~ be requtred for the completion of. the work. (G) Sectton 304 (b) the ftrst paragraph ~s amended to read as follOWs: ..... (b) ..... Permlt Fees Permtt fee schedules for each technfca~ code adopted by~the Ctty shall be that schedule whtch the Ct~y Council may from t~me to ~me adopt by resolution. No fees wtll be requtred for work ftnanced by the Cfty of TustJn. (H) Sectton 304(c_) Plan. Review. Fees ts amended to read as follows- _ i~hen a plan or other data are requtred to be submitted by Subsection (c) of Sectton 302, a plan review fee shall be patti at the ttme of submitting plans and spectftcatfons .for revtew. Plan Revtew Fees schedules for each technical code adopted by the Ctty shall be that schedule which the City Counctl may from ttme to ttme adopt by ~esolutton. (~) Sectton. 304_(e) [nve_s_l:_i_gatton Fees - Work without a permit' is amended as follows- 1. Investigation. ~/henever any work for which a permit is required by this Code has been commenced without first obtaining said permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit may be issued for such work. 10 11 1G 1T 18 19 21 28t Ordinance No. Page ten 995 e Fee. An Investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be required and collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the permit required by this Code. The minimum investigation fee shall be in no case less than sixty dollars ($60.00). The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from Compliance with all of the provisions of either this Code or the technical codes or from any penalty described by law. Section 307(b) is amended to.read as follows- im iml Im I Temporary Connections. The Building Official will authorize energy connection only after all work for the project, as shown on the approved drawings, is completed as required by various applicable state laws, ordinances, and codes; and as required by the-City Council, the City Planning Commission, City Planning Agency, the Director of'Community Development, the City Engineer, the Director of Public Works, and/or the Fire Marshal. EXCEPTION: connectt on owner or permtttee has made a written request therefore, showtn justification for the connections and after all fees an deposits have been paid, if the Building Official finds that n substantial hazard will result. The cash deposit shall be t the amount of the valuation of the uncompleted work. Should th work not be cempleted prior to the date approved by the Buildin Official, the Building Official will order the work completed. All of the expenses to the City for completing the work shal.1 be deducted from this cash deposit. The Butldtng Offtctal may authorize energy of the building service equipment only after the g d 0 n e g 8102 - ADOPTION OF THE 1985 UNIFORN BUILDING CODE AND 1985 UNIFORN BUILDING COOE STANOAROS Except as provided in this chapter, those certain building codes known and designated as the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1985 Editions, including the appendix to the Uniform Building Code published by the International Conference of Building Officials, shall be and become the building codes of the City for regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, .repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures in the City. One cop~-.--le&ch ~f the Uniform Building Code, its appendix and the Uniform , 5 6 7 8 ZO "12 Z8 19 2O 2! 22 23 2~ 25 26 27 28 Or'd'i nance No~ Page e'leven 995 Butldtng Code Standards, has been deposited fn the offtce of the Cfty Clerk, .and shall be at all ttmes maintained by the Ctty Clerk fo~ use and exam1 natton by the pub11 c. Re Part_ I, Part I ts deleted from the Untform But]dtng Code. 8103 - AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIFORM BU:[LDZNG CODE Re The 19.85 Untform But ldtng Code t s hereby amended as fo1 lows: a~ Sectfon 508 fs amended to read as follows- When one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout fs requtred by thfs code, an approved automatic sprinkler system, as specified fn Chapter 38, may be substituted, provfded such system ts not otherwise requt~ed throughout the but ldfng, EXCEPTZONS: Sectton 3802 shall for: ~.) An approved automatic sprinkler required, by (b) 5 may be substituted. 2.) Such substttutlon not watve nor reduce requtred fire-resistive constructfon 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Occupancy separatfons (Sectton 503[c]). Extertor wall protection due to proxtmt:y of property 1t nes (Sect1 on 504 [B]). Area separations (Sectfo SO$Ce]). Shaft enclosures (Sectton [706). Corridors (Sectton 3305 [gl and Ih]), Stat r enclosures (Sect1 on 3309). Extt passageways (Sect1 on 33[~[a ]). Type of construction separation ($ectton [70[). Atrtums constructed fn accordance wtth Sectton C~ Subsection 3202 (b) f s amended to read as follows- . llll I I I I Il -- ' (1) Ftre Ret..ar.d.t n..g when requ.t, red. Roof coverings shall be ftre retardant, Occupancy Group ~I where ordtnary roof coverings tn Sectton 3203 (f)) may be used. except for (as deli ned Skylights shall be constructed as requtred ~n. Chapter 34. 2 3 6 10 1] 12 13 15 1G 17 18 2O 21 22 23 24 25 27 t Ordtnance ~o. Page ~el ve 995 (D) Penthouses'shall be constructed as required in Chapter 36. · For use of plastics tn roofs, see Chapter 52. For Atttcs; Access and Area, Drainage, see section 3~07. see Sectton 3205. For Roof For solar energy see Sectton ~7~4. collectors located above or upon a roof, Subsection 3203(f), to read as follows- (f) ..0r...d. tnary r.09f covering. An ordinary roof covering shall be any of the following roofings: 3~ ._ Any roof covering 1 isted in Section 3203 (e). Any built-up roofing assembly not less than Class C roofing. Any mineral aggregate surface built-up roof for application to roof ha ring a slope of not more than three (3) inches to twelve (12) inches applied as specified in Section 3203(d)2. consisting of not less. than the fol 1 owl ng: Base sheet and pl les Three (3) layers fiber felt; and of Type 15 organic or inorganic Surfacing materials; Three gravel hundred (300) pounds per roofing square of or other approved surfacing material; or Two hundred fifty (250) pounds per roofing square of crushed slag in fifty (50) pounds of asphalt; Or 1 Stxty (60) pounds of pitch. · Any prepared roofing not less than Class C roofing. Wood shtngles (treated). t Wood shakes (treated). i. .. .i .? 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 21 23 25 28- Ordinance No. Page th1 rteen 995 EXCEPTION'' Notwithstanding the provisions of Section [04(b), hereof, once 1n any twelve-month per~-od of tfme, any exfsttng roof covertng may be reptaced by the use of 1n klnd roof covertng where the replacement thereof does not exceed tw. enty-ftve (25) percent of the ex~sttng gross roof area. Sectton 3802 (b) fs amended by addfng subsectfon 5 to read respect1 vely as fo11 ows: ~n all new buildings or structures when the gross square footage thereof exceeds 6,000 square feet or more than two (2) stortes t n he1 ght regardless of area separat~ on walls. (F) Section 3802 fs amended respectf vely as fo11 ows: by adding subsection (h) to read o (G) (h) Group R, D1vtston ! system shall be Occupancies. Occupancies. installed in An automatic sprtnkler Group R, Division I Section 3804 subsection 2 is amended to read as follows- e Sprinklers shall not be installed when the application of water or flame and water to the contents may constitute a serious life or fire hazard. Other approved automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be installed in these areas when the area is required to be protected by other sections of this Code. (H) Chapter 41 is amended to read as follows- For the purposes of establishing minimum standards to make buildings resistant to unlawful entry, all provisions of the 1985 Edition, Uniform Building Security Code, adopted and published by the International Conference of Building Officials, of which one copy has been and now is filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, are hereby adopted and incorporated herein as fully as though set forth in full herein, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended. (1) Section 4101 .is amended as follows' The purpose of this CO~& ~)'~ to establish minimum standards to make all buildings resistant to unlawful entry. (2) Section 4102 is amended as follows' The provisions of this 6haPter shall apply to openings into all buildings, including dwelling units within apartment houses of Group R, Division 1 Occupancies and Group R, Division 3 ~' Ordinance No. 995 2 Page fourteen : 4 Occupancies, and to opentngs between attached garages and dwelltng untts. Except for vehicular access, door opentngs 5 in enclosed attached garages shall be in accordance with - the provisions of thts Chapter. 6 EXCEPTIONS: 7 (1) An opentng tn an extertor wall when a.ll porttons of 8 such opentngs are more than twelve (12) feet vertically or six (6) feet horizontally from an 9 accessible surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, walk, breezeway, patio, lO planter, porch Or similar area. 11 ~ (2) An opening tn an exterior wall when all portions of such openings are more than twelve (12) feet 12 vertically or six (6) feet. horizontally from the surface of any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform or similar structure or when many ,-- 13 . portion of such surface is itself more than twelve 14 (1~) feet above an accessible surface. 15 (3) Any opentng tn a roof when all portions of such roof are more than twelve (12) feet above an accessible 16 surface. 17 (4) Openings where the smaller dimension is s'tx (6) inches or less, provided that the closed edge of such openings is at least thirty-six (36) inches from the 18 locking device of the door or window assembly. 19 (5) Openings protected by required fi re door assemblies having a fire endurance rating of not less than 20 . forty-fi ve (45) mi nutes. , (3) Section.._4110, Garage Type Doors- Rolling Overhead, Solid Overhead, Swinging, Sliding or Accordion Style, is added to read as follows: 2~ . The above described doors shall conform to the following 2~ (3) Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum density of six (6) ounces per square foot from the bottom of ~ '~5 the door to a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above ~ ~m seven (7) feet and panels in residential structures' 26 " : ~7 28,1 ..~..,'~.'~.:..:..~ .~."-..:',r'.~ ~?.~?,.:~:.-.:..!.':-;~:.:.~.~.. '.. ,':, .:.. ~'.-..i '.~...'.....~,~...~i..-,~i~';':.,'....2~ .. ,~q. '~'-..,., ,.~ ..... ~ '~ :~. ; ....--': .... :.' -".,.. '. ' ~: iI 2 3 5 ]0 ]1 12 13 15 1G 17 18 22' 23 25 26 27 Ordtnance No. Page fi fteen . (4) 995 shall have a density of not less than five (5) per square foot. ounces (4) Overhead doors shall be equipped with bolts which shall be capable of utilizing padlocks with a minimum ntne-thi rty-seconds-t nch shackle. (5) Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five-pin tumbler operation with the bolt or locking bar extending into the receiving gui de a minimum of one (1) inch. (6) Doors that exceed sixteen-(16)i feet in width shall have two (2) lock receiving points, or if the door does not exceed nineteen (19) feet, a single bolt may be used if placed in the center of the door with the locking point located ettherl in the floor or door frame-header. (7) Slide bolt assemblies shall have a frame a minimum Of .120 inches in thickness, a bolt diameter a minimum of one-half (~/2) inch and protrude at least one and one-half (1 1/2) inches into the receiving guide. A bolt diameter of three eights (3/8) inch may be used in a residential building. (8) Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the door with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. Rivets shall not be used to attach such assemblies. (9) Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle a minimum of nine 'thirty-seconds (9/32) inch in diameter with heel and tow locking and a minimum five-pin tumbler operation. The key shall be nonremovable when in an unlocked posi ti on. Section 4111, Special Residential added t°-~ead as follows' Building Provisions, is The following special provisions shall residential dwellings (R-l, R-3 and M-l)- (1) Except for vehicular access doors, swinging doors of any residential apply to all all exterior building and 2 6 10 11 12 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 " 25 27 28 Ordinance No. 995 Page st xteen attached enclosed garages, Including the door leadtng f~.om the garage area tntothe dwelltng untt, shall be equtpped as follows: i a. All wood doo~s sha~11 be of soltd co~e construction ~tth ~ mtnt mum thickness of one and three-f'oueths (! 3/4) jkches, o~ ~tth p~nels no~ less th~n nine-sixteenths (g/~6) of an 1rich th1 ck. b. A stngle o~ double door' shall be equtpped ~ith a double o~ stngle cyltnde~ deadbolt havtng a mtntmum p~otectton of one (!) tnch and an embedment of at least~ three-fourths (3/4) 1rich · tnto the st~tke ~ecetytng the bolt. The bolt shall be constructed sO as to ~es.tst cutttng tool attacks. The cylinder' shall have a cyltnde~ -guard, a mtntmum of flive (5) ptn tumble~s, and shall be connected to 'the tnne~ pop,tons Of the lock by connecting screws of at least one-fourth ([/4) of an 1rich tn dta~mete~. (The p~ovtstons of the pPecedtng paragraph do not apply ~he~e pantc hardwaPe ts ~equt~ed oi~ an equivalent device ts appPoved by the enfo~c.llng authority. Further, a dual locktng mechantsm~ constructed so that both the deadbolt and la¢ can t h be ~et~acted by a stngle actton of thetlnstde doo~ knob o~ leve~, may be substituted p~Ovtded tt meets all othe~ specifications fo~ locl~tng devices.) · c. The tnacttve leaf on Imetal f~ame double doo~s shall be equtpped ~t~th flush bolts havtng a minimum protection of'five-eighths, (5/8) of an inch at the top and bottom of the leaf On wood frame double doors, the projection s~all be a minimum of one (1) inch.. d. Glazing in exterior dbors or within forty (40) inches of a door locking mechanism shall be of ful.ly tempered glass o,~ rated burglary resistant. glazing, except where )double cylinder deadbolts are installed ~ e. All front exte'rior doo~s shall be equi'pped with a wide angle (one hundred eighty [180] degrees) O~dt nance No. Page seventeen 99S; 3 door vtewer, installed. except where clear vlston panels are 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (3) Street numbers and' other displayed as follows: tdentffytng data shall be ae Every dwelltng unft shall dtsplay a street number ~n a prominent locatton on the street s~de of the residence In such a posttton that the number fs eastly v~s~ble to approach~ ng emergency vehicles. The numerals shall be no less than three (3) ~nches fn hefght and shall be of a contrasting color to the background to whtch they are attached and t11umJnated durJng hours of darkness. b~ There each dtagraph~c representation of the shows the location of the vfewer designations wtthfn the complex. each ffldtvtdual unit wtth~n the d~sPlay a prominent ~denttflcatton ts eastly vts~ble to approaching vehlcular and/or pedestrian trafftc. shall be positioned at each entrance of R-! occupancy complex 'an t11umJnated complex .whtch and the unJt ~n addf t~on, complex shal 1 number wh~ ch L~ght~ng ~n R-1 type occupancies shall be as follows: a~ Aisles, passageways and recesses related to and wt th1 n the but 1df ng complex shal 1 be t 1 lum~ nated w~th an ~ntens~ty of at least twenty-f~ve hundredths (.25) of a footcandle at the ground level during the hours of darkness. L fghttng devtces shall be protected by weather and vandal1 sm rest stant covers. be Open parktng lots and carports shall be provfded wtth a maintained m~n~mum of one (1) footcandle of 11ght on 1:he parktng surface durfng hours of darkness. Ltghttng devtces shall be protected by vandal resistant covers. These lfghtfng devices shall be automatically energized during hours of dark~ess. .. 5 6 10 11 12 13 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 ...i 25 27 2.8 Ordinance No. 995 Page et ghteen (c) Each res~dent~a~ unit of R-! type occupancies sha~l have an enclosed parkJng space w~h a garage door equ~tpped as ~n Section 4106 of this Chapter. 5. Section 4112, Spectal Commercial Butldtng Provisions other than TYpe R'I, R-3 and M-l, ts added to read as follows' The following special provisions shall apply to commercial buildings' (A) All exterior swinging doors shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one (1) inch and will have an embedment of at least three-quarters (3/4) of an inch into the strike receiving the bolt. The bolt shall be constructed so as to resist cutting tool attac_ks. The cylinder shall 'have a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5). pin tumblers and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws of at least one-quarter-inch diameter. (The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply where panic hardware is required or an equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authori ry. ) (B) Wood doors shall be of solid core construction and have a minimum thickness of not less than one and three-fourths (! 3/4) inches. (C) Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of a minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel and have sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness of the door when any locking device is installed; such .reinforcement being able to resist collapsing of the door around the locking device. (D) The inactive leaf on metal frame double doors shall be equipped with flush bolts having a minimum projection of five-eighths (5/8) of an inch at the top and bottom of the leaf. On wood frame doors, the projection shall be a minimum of one (1) inch. (E) Double doors shall have an astragal constructed of steel a minimum of .125 Of an inch thick which will cover the opening between the doors. The astragal 10 11 14 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 - 27 · . Ordinance No. 995' Page nf neteen shall be a mtntmum of two (2) tnches wtde and extend a mt ntmum of one (1) 1nc'h beyond the edge of the door to whtch tt ts attached. T~e astragal shall be attached to the outstde of the acttve door by weldfng or nonremovable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten-1 rich centers. (F) Any glazing utilized within forty (40) inches ~f any locking mechanism on a door, other than a double cylinder deadbolt, shall be secured as follows- 1. Fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glaztng; or 2. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half-inch round or one-inch by one-fourth-inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured on the inside of 'the building; or .._ 3. Iron or steel gri'lls of at least one-eighth-inch ~. metal wi th a maxi mum two-inch mesh, secured on the inside of the building. Items 1. and 2. above shall not interfere wi th the operation of opening windows tf such windows are required to be openable by this Code. (G) Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: The jamb shall be so constructed or protected to withstand sixteen hundred (1600) pounds of pressure tn both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and a horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike, so as to provide vi ol ati on of the strike. 2. The bolt projection shall be a' minimum of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches; or, a hook 'shaped or similar bolt may be used as long as it engages the strike sufficiently to resist jamb spreading. (H) In multiple occupancy office building, all entrance doors to individual office suites shall meet the requirements for extertor doors. · i. ~mmm~ 2 '-3 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordtnance No. Pa ge twenty 995 (I) (~) Where panic hardware is required by this Title lg, California Admtni.strative Code, it equipped and tnstal led as fol 1 ows' 1. There shall be a minimum of two (2) points on each door; or Code, or shall be locking o On locking point which is not to be either the top or bottom rails frame. The door shall have constructed of steel .125 inches shall be welded or attached wi th bolts to the outside of the door. single doors, panic hardware, may have one located at of the door an astragal thick which nonremovable The astragal shall extend a minimum of two (2) inches wi de and extend a minimum of one (1) inch beyond the edge of the door; or __ Double doors containing panic hardware shal.1 have an astragal attached to the do'orS at their meeting point which will close' the opening between them but not interfere with the operation of either door. Exterior transoms or windows shall be deemed accessible if less than twelve (12) feet above ground or adjacent to any pedestrian walkway, iAccesstble windows and transoms not visible from a public or private throughfare and having a pane or opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches shall be constructed or protected as follows: 1. Fully tempered or rated burglary resistant glaztng shal 1 be used; or 2~ Interior steel or iron bars of at least one-half-inch round or one-inch by one-quarter- inch flat steel or iron may be used if spaced not more than five ($) inches apart and secured by bolts, which are nonremovable from the exterior; or e Interior iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth-inch metal having a mesh of not more than one (!) inch may be used if secured wi th bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. · Ordinance No. 995 Page ~enl:y-one !terns [. and 2o above shall not fnterfere w~:h · the operation of wtndows ff such wJndows are required to be operable by tht s Code. The bars or grillwork shall be capable of quJck openfng f~om the ~nslde only. (K). All hatchway open4ngs on the roof of any bu~ld~ng used for bustness purposes shall be secured as follows- 1. !f the hatchway ts of wooden mate~al ~t shall be covered on the ~ ns ~ de wt th a m~ n~ mum sixteen-gauge sheet metal or 1ts equfvalent, attached wtth screws. 2. The hatchway shall be secured from the ~nsfde wtth a sltde bar or sltde bolt. The slide bar or slfde bolt shall automatically release when actuated by smoke or heat from a f~re. 0utstde hinges on al 1 hatchway openings shal 1 be provtded wtth nonremovable ptns and shall use nonremovable screws for mounting. · . (L) All extertor aft duct or att vent openfngs exceeding nfnety-s~x (96) square 1nches shall be secured by one of the following means- 1. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half-~nch round or one-inch by one-fourth-fnch flat metal, spaced no more than ftve (5) ~nches apart and secured by bolts whtch are nonremovable from the exterior; or 2. Iron or steel grtlls havtng a mtn~mum thickness of one-eighth-Inch, a mesh of net not more than one-1nch, and .' secured by bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. · 3. The .above must not Interfere w~th any venting requirements. · Permanently afftxed ladders .leading' to roofs shall be covered wtth sheet metal to a hetght of ten (10) feet. !f the ladder protrudes more than s~x (6) tnches from the building, the s~des must also be b. 4 8 10 1] 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance 'No. Page. twenty-t~o (6) 995 (~) (o) (p) Ae Be covered wi th sheet metal. The covering shall be locked agatnst the ladder by means of a case hardened hasp, secured with nonremovable bolts or screws. If htnges are of the ptn type, they shall be equipped with nonremovable pins. Padlocks shall have hardened steel shackles, heel and toe ~ock~ng, a m~ntmum ot: five ($) pin tumblers in its operation and a nonremovable key when in an unlocked position. All extertor commercial doors shal3 be t]]umtna~ed wtth a mtntmum of one (1) footcand]e ot: 11ght. Such 11ghts sha3l be maintained durtng hours of darkness and be protected by vandal resistant covers. Open parking lots providing more than ten (10) parking places and for use by the general public sha~] be provided wi th a maintained- minimum of one (1) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until the termination of business every operating day. Every commercial building shall display an address number in a prominent position so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers shall be no less than. six (6) inches tn height, of a color contrasting to the background and located so that they may be clearly seen and read. Any business which affords vehicular access to the rear of the butldtng through any dr1 veway, alleyway or parktng lot shall also dtsplay the same numbers on the rear of the building. Section 4113, Definitions, is added to read as follows- _ __ "Approved" means approved by the Building Official as meeting the requirements of this Chapter with regard to a given material, mode of construction, piece of equtpment or devt ce. "Auxiliary Locking system added to the addi ti onal securi ry. Device" is a primary locking secondary locking system to provide "Bolt" is a metal bar which, when actuated, is projected (or thrown ) either horizontal ly or vertically into a retaining member, such as a strike plate, to prevent a door from moving or opening. i 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 28 ! il ('1 ' 'iii. ' _ I Ordfnance No. 995 Pa ge twenty three O. "Part" as dfsttnguished from component, ts a unft for subassembly, whtch combfnes wtth other untts to make up a component. E. "Primary Locktng Devfce" ts the sfngle lockfng system on a door or wtndow untt whose functton ts to prevent unauthorized tntrust on. F. "Sfngle Cyltnder Oeadbolt" fs a deadbolt lock whfch 1s actlvated from the extertor by a key and from the tnterlor by a knob, thumb-turn, lever or stmtlar mechanqsm. G. "Solid Core Door" means a door composed of solid wood constructi on. H. "Stile" ts a verttcle framing member of a window or door.._ A meeting stile is one which mates with a stile of another sash or a vertical framing member of a door or window frame when the sash is in the closed position. I. "Strike" is a metal plate attached to or mortised into a door jamb to receive and to hold a projected latch bolt and/or deadbolt in order to secure the door to the jamb. "Swinging Door" means a door hinged at the stile or at the head and threshold. K. "U.L. Listed" means tested and listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 7. Section 4114, Keying Requirements, is added to Chapter 41 to read as follows: Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor, each single unit in a tract or commercial development, constructed under the same general plan, shall have locks using combinations which are interchange free from locks used in all other separate dwellings, proprietorships or similar distinct occupancies. This is intended to prohibit master keying. I. Chapter 51 of_ the Appe_ndix,_S. ec_tmtOn._ 5110;. ~Permits~-Certi.f_icat_e_of m 'm ' Inspection, is amended to read as follows- · o · · ¢ ~.. Ordinance No:l 995 2 Page t~enty four - ~ a. Permits Required. It shall be unlawful to hereafter install any new elevator, moving walk, escalator, or dumbwaiter, to make major alterations to any existing ~ elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator or moving walk without - having first obtained a permit for such installation from O the State of California Division of Industrial Safety. Permtts shall not be required for matn.tenance or mi nor 7 alterations. (See: ANSI Code, Part XII). 8 b. Certificates of Inspection Required. It shall be unlawful to operate any elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator or moving 9 walk without a current certificate of inspection issued by the State of California Department of Industrial Safety. 10 Such certificate shall be issued annually upon payment of prescribed fees and the presentation of a valid inspection 1] report indicating the th~ conveyance is safe and that the inspection was made within the previous six (6) months. 1'2! Certtftcat_es shall not be issued when. the conveyance is ~-- 1~ posted as unsafe pursuant to Section 5114. ' o EXCEPTION: Certificates of inspection shall not be : 14 requtred for conveyances wi thtn a dwel 1 tng unt to · !,5 c. Application for Permits. Appli'cation for a permit to install shall be made on forms provided by the State of 10 California Division of IndUstrial Safety and the permit o shall be issued to an owner upon payment of prescribed 17 permtt fees. 18 d. Application for Certificates of Inspection. Application for a certificate of inspection shall be made by the owner 19 of an elevator, dumbwaiter, escalator or moving walk. Applications shall be accompanied by an inspection report 20 as described in Section 5113. o 21 J.. Ch._apter 51 of the Appendix, Section 5113, Requirements for Operatio'n '_ ~nd_ Mai ntenance, i s. "am'ekded "'by"' amending' ' sectiO'n 22 5113{b) and (e) to read as follows- 2.3 (b) Annual Inspections and Tests. Except in dwelling units, elevators, escalators and moving walks shall be inspected 2~ at least once every twelve (12) months by an inspector for the State of California Division of Industrial Safety. ,". 25 Such inspections shall include tests of the car and counterweight safeties, governors a. nd oil buffers to be 20 ', ' made in accordance with Rule 1001.1b of the ANSI Code. - 2? .28 . '~, '.. 2 . 5 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 1G 1T 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 28 O'rdtnance No. 995 Page t~enty ftve Inspections and tests shall be made as requtred by Part of the ANS! Code. .. Ke (e) Inspection Reports. After each required inspection, a full and correct report of such inspection shall be filed with the State of California Division of Industrial Safety. Chapter .. Sl _of_. the Appendix, Se. ct.i...o...n 5114, .U.ns. afe__Conditions, amended to read as follows- ' is When an Inspection reveals an unsafe condition, the inspector for the State 'of California Division of Industrial Safety shall immediately file with the owner and the Building Official a full and true report of such inspection and such unsafe condition. If the inspector for the State of California Division of Industrial Safety finds that the unsafe condition endangers human life, he shall cause to be placed on such elevator, escalator or moving walk in a conspicuous place, a notice stating that such conveyance is unsafe. The owner Shall see to it that such notice of unsafe conditlon is legibly maintained where placed by the inspector. The State Inspector shall also Issue an order in writing to the owner requiring the repairs or alterations to be made to such conveyance which are necessary to render tt safe and may order ~the operation thereof discontinued until the repairs or alterations are made or unsafe conditions are removed. A posted notice of unsafe conditions shall be removed only 'by the State Inspector when he is satisfied that the unsafe conditions have been corrected. 8105 ADOPTION OF STATE HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE The State of California, California Administrative Code, Title 24, State Building Standards, Part 8, State Historical Building Code, for the purpose of providing alternative building regulations for the rehabilitation, preservation, restoration or relocation of buildings or structures designated as historical but 1 dl rigs by Federal, State of Calt fornia, County of Orange, or City of Tusttn, all provisions in effect October 20, 1979, adopted and published by Office of Administrative Hearings, Department of General Services, distributed by State of California, Documents Section, P.O. Box 1015, North Highlands, California, 95660, one copy of the code has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk, and shall be at all times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the public. -.~.Sectton 2' Chapter two of Article 8 of the City of Tustin to read aS'-' fOllows- i s amended .. pmmmmm 2 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 ]6 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 · Ordinance No. 995 Page twenty st x · CHAPTER 2 MECHANICAL CODE 8200 ADOPTION OF 1985 UNIFORH NECHANICAL CODE Except as provtded tn thts chapter, that certatn Mechanical Code known and designated as. the Untform Mechanical Code, 1985 Edttton, published by the International Conference of Butldtng Officials and the International Association of Plumbtng and Mechanical Officials, shall be and become the Mechanical Code of the Ctty, regulating and controlling the destgn, construction, Installation, qualtty of materials, location, operation and maintenance of heattng, ventilating, coollng, refrigeration systems, Incinerators and other miscellaneous heat producing appliances. One copy of the Untform Mechanical Code has been' deposited tn the offtce of the Ctty Clerk and shall be at all ttmes maintained by the Ctty Clerk for use and. exam1 natton by the pub1 tc.. 8201 AHENDHE~S TO THE UNIFORH HECHANICAL CODE · The 1985 Untfo~m Mechanical Code ts hereby amended as fo1 lo~s: Part I: Part I ts deleted from the Unt.form Mechanical Code. __ 31 Sectton 3: Chapter 3 of Arttcle 8 of the Tusttn Ctty Code ts amended to read as f°ilo~s' CHAPTER 3 PLUMBING CODE 8300 ADOPTION OF 1985 UNIFORH PLUHBING CODE Except as provided in this chapter, that certain plumbing code iknown and designated as the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1985 Edition, including the appendix to the Uniform Plumbing Code, published by the Internationa'l Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, shall be and become the Plumbing Code of the City, regulating erection, installation, alteration, repair,, relocation, replacement, maintenance or use of plumbing systems within the City. One copy of the Uniform Plumbing Code has been deposited in Il:he office of the City Clerk and shall be at all times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the public. o · 8301 AIIENDIqENTS TO THE UNIFORH PLUFIBING CODE The 1985 Uniform Plumbing Code Js hereby amended as follows' "~' ~(A) Part I. Pmrt I t~ deleted from the Uniform Plumbing Code. Ordinance No. 995 Page ~enty seven . 4 5 10 ]2 13 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 217 28 (s) ,. Sectton 3[5 ts amended by addtng a new subsection ! fol 1 ows: (G) (g) to read as (C) Sectton follows: All earth wtthfn the Ctty of Tusttn ~s-corrostve, un.less the perm~ttee proves to the satisfaction of the Building Off~clal the spectftc earth ~s not corrosive to the plumbing, ptptng, f~tl;tngs, fixtures and/or equipment for installation to contact with or buried in the ground. Steel or g~lvanized ~teel ~hall be protectod by at least double spiral wrapping, half overlapping with 10 mil plastic tape (total 40 mtl~ cover') or approved equal. .S. ect.i, on. lOO4(a.).l. Amended ,...Water...Di StrtlbU_l:tO~.. Material_s 1004 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is amended to read as · · Secti on 1004 (a) Ma teri a 1 s a) Water pipe and fittings shall be of brass, copper, cast'~1 iron galvanized malleable iron, galvanized wrought iron, galvanized steel or other approved materials. CPVC, PB, PE, or PVC water pipe manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water distribution systems outside a building. All materials used in-the water supply system, except valves and similar devices shall be of a like material,' except where otherwise approved by the Admt nt strati ye Authort ry. 8302 - ADOPTION OF 1985 UNIFORlll SOLAR ENERGY CODE For the purpose of prescribing regulations for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, height and area of building structures, all of the provisions of the 1985 Edition of the Uniform Solar Energy Code including the appendix thereto, adopted and published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. One copy of the code has been deposited Itn the office of the City Clerk, and shall be at all times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the people. 8303'AMEtlOMEtlTS TO THE UlIIFOI~ SOLAR ENERGY CODE The 1985 Uniform Solar Energy Code is hereby amended as follows' , · 1 ~ 3 5 10 11 12 -- 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22, 23 24 · "' 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 995 Page twenty etght (A) Part Z. Part I t.s deleted from the Untform Solar Energy Code. Section_305 ts amended by a ddtng a fOllows. new subsectJon (g) to read as g) All earth wtthtn the Ctty of Tusttn ts corrosive, unless the permttee proves to the satisfaction of the Butld~ng Offtctal the spectftc earth ts not corrosive to the plumbing, ptptng, fittings, flxtures and/or equipment for Installation tn contact wtth or butted ~n the ground. Steel or galvanized steel shall be protected by at least double, sptral wrapping, half overlapping wi:h ~0 mil plasttc tape (total 40 mtls cover) or approved equal. 34 Sec~ton 4: Chapter 4 of Arttcle 8 of the Tusttn C try Code ts amended to read as follows- CHAPTER 4 ELECTRICAL CODE 8400 ADOPTION OF 1987 liATZONAL ELECTRIC CODE Except as provtded tn thts chapter, that certatn electrical code known and designated as the National £1ectrtcal Code, 1987 £dlt~on, published by the Nattonal Ftre Protection Association, shall be and become the Electrical Code of the Ctty, regulating all Installation, arrangement, alteration, repatr, use and other operation of electrical wJr~ng, connections, ftxtures and other electrical appltances on premtses w~ th1 n the Ctty. One copy of the Nattonal Electrical Code has been deposited ~n the offtce of the City Clerk, and shall be at all ttmes matntafned by the Ctty Clerk for use and exam1 nat1 on by the pub11 c. 8401 AMENDMENTS TO TIlE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ' The follows: 1987 edttton of the Nattonal Electrical Code ts hereby amended as A. A~rticle 90 is hereby amended by the addition of the following sections to read: Article 90-9 Relocated Butldi.n. gs and Structures. Except for ciass B-["IB'3 and M-! occupancies, r'e'l-oCkted' buildings and structures shall conform to the requirements of this code as if tt were a new building or structure. 9 10 11 12 10 18 19 2O Ordinance No. 995 Page twenty ntne Article 90-10 Revocations_a_nd~ SuspeQsions. The Building Official maY~ s6'spend~ o'r'"revoke any electrical permit for any of the fol 1 owtng reasons: 1. If any reason is found to exist which would have been cause for denial of such permit. o 2. Any material misrepresentation or falsity in the application upon which said permit was tssued. For failure to comply with the provisions of the sections in this code pertaining to electricity; after due notice of corrections and the time limit therefore has expired, or for failure to comply with other codes of this jurisdiction that may be related to or appertain to the sections in this Code pertaining to electricity. Article 90-11 I-n~spec_tions and Correcttqn~s. Upon Completion of ~:h~ '~r'~ WhiCh has been authorized by issuance of any permit, except an annual pern~it, it shall be the duty of 'the person, firm, or corporation installing the same, to notify the Building Official who shall inspect the installation as soon thereafter as practicable. If, upon inspection, the installation is not found to be tn conformity wi th the provisions of this Code, the Building Official shall notify the person, firm or corporation making the installation, stating the defects which have been found to exist. All defects shall be corrected within ten (10) days after inspection and notification, or within other reasonable time as permitted by the Building Official. No electrical installation shall be energized until inspected and approved by the Building Offictal. Article 90-12 App. r. oval of_. Equipment. All appliances and equ~me~i~'sha'li 'be. listed and labeled' by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, equal to but not' limited to Underwriters's Laboratories, Inc., and approved by the Building Official. · Article 90-13. Used Materials. Previously used materials shall ~bt be re'-useld wi-thout the~-~itten approval obtained in advance from the Bui 1 ding Official. Article 90-14 Nam_eplates. The maker's nameplate, trademark, or ~th~r 'identification-. symbol shall be placed on the outside, where it is visible at time of inspection on all electrical o materials, devices, appliances, fittings, and equipment used or installed under the provisions of this Code. 6 8 lO ]2 13 ]5 ]? ]8 ]9 2O 2] 22 23 25 27 Ordinance No. Page thtrty 995 Article '110-5 is amended by adding a fO1 ~ o~s i second paragraph to ~ead as Conductors shall be of copper. Copper wtre shall be the preferred matertal used for ~trtng No. 6 and smaller tn Installation. Consideration for use of alumtnum wtrtng can be made by the Butldtng Offtctal on an Individual case basts where adequate safety measures can be ensured. Arttcle 210-1 is amended by adding the to-rea~ - following two paragraphs (a) Accessory uses or other buildings, signs, separately located on the same lot or premises, shall connecting conductors run underground. etc. , have (b) Where spare ctrcutt protective devtces are provtded or space for .future ctrcutt protective devtces are provtded on the bus tn any flush or semtflush mounted panel,, then raceways of sufficient capactty to permtt utt'~tzatton of such spaces or spaces shall be provtded to an approved accessible location. Such accessible locatton ts deftned as follows: Where sufficient atttc space ts available or under floor space ts available, a raceway shall terminate conveniently for future use tn each such space. Where. thts condition does not extst, then such terminations shall be approved by the But 1 dtng Off1 ctal. (c) Class R-l, R-3 and M-1 requirements of the above (b). occupancies are exempt from the two subsections, 210-1(a) and Arttcle 230-43 ts hereby amended Subs{t tuttng the following to read' by de lettng the sectton and Except for Class R-I, for 600 volts or less. along the exterlor or shall be enclosed tn exceeding 600 volts, busways. R-3 and M-1 occupancies, wtring methods Service-entrance conductors extending entertng buildings or other structures, rtgtd, condutt; or, for ctrcuits not tn wtreways, auxiliary gutter, or as Arttcle 250-91 (a) t s hereby amended SubstitUt1'ng {be'following to read- by deleting the sectton and 2 5 9 10 1] '12 14 16 17 18 19 22 23 25 27 28 i Ordinance No. 995 Page thirty one (a) .Grounding Electrode Conductor. The electrode conductor shall be of copper. The selected shall be resistant to any corrosive extsttng at the Installation, or shall be protected agatnst corrosfon. The conductor shall or stranded, Insulated, covered or bare, and Installed Jotnt. grounding matertal condition suttably be solid shall be one continuous length w~thout a splice or' Article 300-6(b).is amended by adding the following paragraph' All earth within the City of Tusttn is corrosive, unless the permtttee proves to the satisfaction of the Building Official the specific earth ts not corrosive for the installation of the above noted electrical items in contact with or buried in the earth. Unless otherwise authorized by the Building Official, all such items embedded in the ground shall be protected by at least double, :_spiral wrapping, half overlapping lWtth 10 mil plastic tape (total 40 mil s cover), or approved equal. 8402 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES (a) Whenever any property in any zone is developed with new or relocated buildings or structures, or whenever enclosed floor area in excess of 200 square feet ts added to an existing building site tn any zone, except zones permitted for single family residential use, or whenever a residential building or use ts converted to any purpose, or use other than that which existed at the time of conversion, all electrical, telephone, community antenna, television and similar service wires or cables which provide direct service to the property being developed, shall, within the exterior boundary lines of such property, be installed underground. (b) equtpment peUestal ground. For the purpose of this Section, appurtenances and associated such as, but not limited to, surface mounted transformers, mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, may be placed above (c) The developer or owner is responsible for Complying with the requirements of this Section, and shall provide all necessary facilities on their premises so as to receive such services from the supplying utility or utilities subject to the applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respective utility or utilities on file with the California Public Uti 1 .t ti es Commi ssi on. , · ,i .o, m, 2 3 5 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 '"' 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 995 Page tht rty two (d) Where practt ca1 dt~flcultJes o~ unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter result from its literal interpretation or enforcement, the Planning Commission may waive, modify, or delay the application of any undergroundtng requirement upon written request by a building site owner. Such request shall be filed wi th the Planning Commission and shall contain any and all facts which are offered tn support. (e) If the Planning Commission's action is to delay t~e installation of required undergroundtng utilities, it may require the building site owner to file with the Ctlty a cash deposit, and/or record a covenant sufficient to provide for the future installation of the underground features which are to bedelayed. The amount of the cash deposit shall be determined by the Building Official. 8500 ADOPTION OF TIlE 1985 UNIFORH StlI~ING POOL, SPA AND HOT TUB CODE Except as provided t.n this chapter, that certain Swimming Pool Code known and designated as the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot TUbl Code, 1985 Edition, published by the International Association of P'lumbing and Mechanical Officials, shall be and become the Swimming Pool Code of the. City, regulating erection, installation, alteration, repair, replacement, maintenance or use of swimming pools, spas and hot tubs within the City. One copy of the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code has been deposited in the off.ice of the City Clerk and shall be at all times maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by the public. 8501 AHE#DHENTS TO THE UIIIFORIN SWI~III~ POOL, SPAS AND HOT TUB CODE The current edition of the Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code is hereby amended as follows: A) Deleting Part 1 with the exception of Sections- ' 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.4, 1.8, 1.9, 1.12 and 1.14. B) Section 1.11 ts amended to read as follows- Permit Fees. The fees for swimming pools, spa and hot tubs shall be' those which the City Council may from time to time adopt by resolution. C) Section 310 Waste Water Disposal. No direct or indirect connection shall be made between any storm drain, sewer, drainage system, ~seepa.ge pit, underground leaching pit, or lsub$otl drainage line, and · , 10 11 1G 17 18 Ordinance No. 995 Pa ge thtrty three any 11ne .connected to a swtmmtng pool, unless approved by the But ldt ng Offtcta 1. . Waste water from any ftlter, scum ftlter, scum gutter, overflow, pool emptytng 11ne or stmtlar apparatus or 'appurtenance shall discharge tnto an approved type receptor and subsequently tnto a publlc sewer. The flood level rtm of such receptor shall be at least stx (6) tnches above the flood level of the adjacent, ground. Each such receptor, when permitted to be connected to any part of a dratnage system shall be provtded wtth an approved three (3) tnch trap. Plans and specifications for any deviation from the above manner of installation, shall first be approved by the Building Official before any portion of any such system is installed. _Sectton 320 - The following sectton ts hereby added to the Untform SWimming POol Code to_read as follows: · .1. Every swimming pool, hot tub/spa or other out-of-doors body of~-~ water, having a depth in excess of etthteen (18) inches, sha.ll maintain in good condition an enclosure or fence not less than five ($) feet tn height above the adjacent exterior grade. Such fence or wall shall be constructed and maintained with no opening nor projections which could serve as a means to scale same. Vertical openings shall be no wider than four (4) inches, and horizontal members accessible from the exterior, shall be sufficient distance from any structure, shrubbery or grade so as to restri ct scali rig. All enclosures and gates shall extend to within two (2) inches of firm soil or within four (4) inchelS of pavement. 3. Gates and door. s opentng through such enclosures shall .be self-closing and self-latching with release at least four (4) feet above exterior grade, or .so located on the pool side as to prevent release from the exterior. Access through the gate or door from outside the pool enclosure shall be by key only. 4. Access from a publtc street to the front door of any single-family dwelling unit shall not be obstructed by a pool enclosure. 5. Except for single-family residences, the fence or walls shall be ~o located ~o there will be no access from any dwelling unit into 2 5 8 10 1] 12 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 2O 27 O~dtnance No. 995 Page thtrty fou~ E:). oi the pool enclosure. The fence or walls shall serve to isolate the pool from other activities or structures, and shall be located within fifty (50) feet of l~he pool. Gates or doors into such enclosures shall be located in view of the pool. A building wall with no doors may be u'sed as part of such pool enclosure when within the specified distance of the pool. EXCEPTIONS: When approved by the Director. of Community De.velopmnt, ~uch enclo~ure~ may include sunshade, toilet, or shower structures which are used only in conjunction with the pool. Acce$~ through an accessory recreation building may be permitted through a lockable door with a sign above door, one-inch letter~ with contracting background, "Lock Door When I! ¢ool I~ Not In U~e. Any lights used to illuminate any swimming pool enclosure shall be ~o arranged and ~haded as to reflect light away from any adjel ni ng premi scs. Section 321 Con~tru_ct!lOn Requirements is added to read as follows' ii , lmm , I , (1) All pool construction shall be in conformance wi th engineered design for expansive soils, unless a soils report by a registered engineer approved by the Building Official indicates othemise. (2) The pool shall be constructed not less than seven (7) feet 'from the top of a cut, fill or natural earth slope, less than five (S) feet from toe of a cut, fill or natural earth slope not less than five (5) feet from the property line (measured from water line). (3) A swimming pool constructed of reinforced concrete or pneumatically placed concrete is not described as an exception in Uniform Administrative Code Section 305(a). A continuous inspection by a special inspector shall be required on all pools constructed of reinforced-gunite, or reinforced cast in place concrete. Said special inspector shall insure all electrical bonding is. properly installed; ensure all required reinforcing steel and diving board or slide anchor bolts are properly in place, ensure concrete is cast to the thickness required for expansive soil, ensure the concrete is properly placed; and take test samples during the placing of concrete and such samples shall be tested by an approved testing laboratory to attain a strength exceeding two thousand {2,000) psi, or as required by the design engineer at twenty-eight {28) days. Should such test · show the concrete to fail or to be of questionable quality or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12' 13 14'i .15 1¢ 17 18 19 ~0 21 .. 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 995 Page thtrty ftve strength, the spectal Inspector may requtre core tests to be taken upon approval of the Butldtng Official. Spectal Inspectors shall submtt to the Butldtng Official a wrttten report showtng the dates of Inspection, and the resu-lt of the laboratory tests. Thts report shall tndtcate the reinforcing steel ts per the approved drawtngs and per Chapter 26, UBC, expansive sotl detatls were followed, the work compltes wtth the approved drawings, this Code and foottngs and anchor bolts of dtvtng boards and other pool accessories are adequate. F)' Section 322_.-Clean,Up Bond is added. The Building Official shall prior to issuing-a Permit for a swimming pool require clean-up bonds as follows: · (1) Each applicant for a swimming pool permit shall provide, before issuance, an agreement and cash bond for the purpose of insuring a) that all sand, cement, dirt and any other debris is removed from streets, gutters, curbs, parkways, sidewalks and other public property; b) that the public property shall be left in clean and undamaged condition, and c) that adequate, barricades have been installed and maintained. Said bond shall be in the amount of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) for the construction of a swimming pool or other construction related thereto requiring the use of heavy equipment. . (2) Said agreement and bond may be reduced to not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the issuance of a spa, jacuzzi, and other small pool permit not intended for swimming, when in the · determination of the Building Official the scope of the project will have a minimal impact on public improvements; by reason of.. not requiring the use of heavy construction equipment over curbs, sidewalks or public streets. (3) Said bond shall terminate and be returnable to the applicant at the time and provided that a) debris and other materials have been properly removed, b) the public property has been left clean and undamaged. All damage to public curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways and light standards during the construction of pool, shall be repaired prior to preplaster inspection. A written, signed release from the City Engineer shall be filed with the Building Official to ensure damages have been repaired. Ordinance No. 995 Page thtrty stx · ? 8 10 11 .. A ~etter stating that excess dtrt, debrts, trash and other materials from the pool construction have been dtsposed of at the Orange County dtsposal statton or other authorized ~ocatton, must be delivered to the Butldtng Offtctal by the perm~ttee prior to preplaster t nspectt on. (4) If the publlc property has not been ~eft tn a c~ean and undamaged condition and/or adequate barrJcades requtred by the C~ty Engtneer have not been Installed and maintained, the Ctty shal~ cause the necessary work to be done and shall deduct the cost thereof from the bond. G) Section 323 Public Encroachment Materials on Public Property. The Building 'offi~i'a.1 shali advise at permit issuance, and he shall enforce the requirement of this Section by stop order if necessary, the fol 1 owl rig' 12 14 10 17 18 25. Construction materials, debris, trash containers (dumpsters), and other non-vehicle materials shall not be deposited on public property without the written approval of the City .Engineer and only under such · condition~ as he my imposeJ AnY'barricading required by the City Engineer shall be provided by the contractor at his expense. H) Section 324..Modificatto...n.. of__Requi.r, ements, is added to read as follows' (!) Fol lowing written request by the owner, the Building Official may modify or eliminate the requirements of this Code where, in the judgment of the Building Official, UAC Section 108, such request is justified and will not result in unsafe conditions. The Building Official may require that evidence or proof in the form of affidavits, recorded easements or other documents be submitted to substantiate or justify such requests and may apply reasonable condt ti OhS to ensure ul timate compl lance wi th the spi ri t of this Section in the event of a change of conditions. (2) The pump/filter may be located in the side yard setback provided it is within one (1) foot of the dwelling exterior wall and four (4) feet from the property line and at least ten (10) feet away from an existing or possible future adjacent on-site or off-site dwelling window and/or covered patio. This provision is to attenuate noise to.a reasonable level. (3) The 'gas fuel fired water heater may be located within the side yard setback, provided it is located.within one (1) foot of the exterior wall of the dwelling, four {4) feet from the property '.1..tne, four (4) feet from a window or door, ten (10) feet from an ~m HVAC air intake, window, greenhouse or patio (on or off-site) and ' 1 2 Ordinance No. 995 Page thtrty seven ten (10) feet from off-sfte sensfttve (to pro. ducts of combustion) plants. The heater shall be installed with clearance as listed by the Amertcan Gas Association or Underwrt tot' s Laboratories. Section_ 6: Chapter 6 ofI Article 8 of the Tustln City Code is amended to 6 ¢~ad a~ follows. 7 CHAPTER 6 8 8600 ADOPTION OF 1985 UiIIFOR)I $IGII CODE 9 For the purpose of prescribing regulations for the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, conversion, 10 demolition, occupancy, equipment, use, height and area of building ,.i structures, all of the provisions of the 1976 edition of the Uniform Sign 11 Code including the appendix thereto, adopted and published by the International Conference of Building Officials. One copy of the Uniform 12 Sign Code has been deposited in the office of the 'City Clerk land .shall be at all times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the public. 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8601 CONFLICTS WITH ARTICLE 9400, SIGNING CODE Nothing in this Article 8600 shall be construed to be in' conflict with Art~?,le 9400, Signing Code~ Tu~tin City Code and guidelines and standards ... r~garding ... "th~ character of ~gn~ and ~gn ~tructure ..." l'he PUrpo$~ of Artt¢l~ 8600; Sign Cod~, Tust~n C~t7 ¢odo, ".... ~ to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, quality of mterial~, construction, location, electrification and maintenance lof all signs and sign structures not within a building." Any conflict~ be~een Article 9400 and Article 8, Building Regulations, Tustin City Code, regarding enforcement of adopted code~ and amndmnt~, the provisions and requtremnts of Article 8 ~hall goyern. ~Sectton_6. Chapter 7 of Article 8 of the Tusttn City code is amended to read as follows. CHAPTER 7 8700 UNIFORH HOUSING CODE ADOPTED Except as provided in thts chapter, that certain houstng code known and designated as the Uniform Housing Code, 198S Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, shall become the Housing Cod{~'-?"Of the City, regulating and controlling the use and occupancy, , i. · . 2 3 9 10 ]! 12 ]3 15 10 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 2O 27 28 O~dtnance ~1o. 995- Page tht~ty etght location and maintenance of all residential buildings and structures w~th~n this C~ty. One copy of the Un~form Housing Code has been deposited in the off~ce of the City Clerk and shall be at ail times maintained by the City Clerk for use and examination by the public. Sectton 8 of Arttc]e 8 of the Tust~n Ctty Code is amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 8 8800 ADOPTION OF I985 UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS Except as otherwise provtded in this Chapter, that certain buJlding code known and designated as the UnJform' Code for the Abatement of Oangerous Bu1]dings, 1985 Ed~tJon, .pub]Jshed by the International Conference of BuJ]dtng Offtcta]s, sha]] be and become the Code of ~he City for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings; providing for a ~ust, equitable and practical method, to b_e cumu]atlve w~th and in'addition to, any other remedtes provtded by the Building Code, Housing Code, or otherwise available at law, whereby bu,]dings or structures which from any cause endanger the ]ire, 11mb, hea]th, morals, property, safety or .welfare of the general publlc or thetr occupants, may be requested to be repaired, vacated or demolished. One copy of the Untform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous But]dings has been deposited ~n the office of the CJty Clerk, and sha]] be at al ] times maintained by the City C]erk for use and exam~natJon by the publlc. 8801 AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIFORI~ CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BU]LD{HGS The 1985 Edltton of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous But 1dings ~ s amended as fol]ows' (a) Section 80i(a). Subsection (a) of Sectton 801 ~s amended to read as ~01 iOWs m (a) Procedure. k/hen any work of repaJr or demol~1Jon ~s 1:0 be done pursuant to SectJon 70!(c)3 of th~s code, the Bu~]d~no Offtc~a] shall cause the work ~o be accomp]Jshed by CJty personne] or by private contract under the directJon of the Bu~ ] d~ ng Offtc~a]. P]ans and spec~ fi catJ ons therefore may be prepared by the Building Official, or he may emp]oy such archtteclura] and/or en§Jneer~ng assistance on a contract basts as he may deem reasonably necessary. If any part of the work is to be accomp]Jshed by private contract, standard "' pub]Jc works contractura] procedures shall be fo]lowed. 8 10 11 12 1G 17 18 2O 21 22 Ordinance No, 995 Page thtrt~y ntne (b) Sectton 802(a). SubSection (a) of Sectton 802 ts amended to read as ~o~OWs~" - - o (a) General. The legislative body of thfs jurfsdtctfon shall estab.ltsh a spectal revolving fund to be desfgnated as the repair and demolition fund. Payments shall be rode out of said fund upon the denmnd of the Building Official to defray the costs and expenses whtch may be tncurred by this jurisdiction in doing or caustndga to be done the ~ecessary work of repatr or demolttion of ngerous bui 1 dtngs (c) S~ectt on_ 901 Section 901 is amended to read as follows- The Building Official shall keep an itemized account of the expense incurred by this jurtsdt cti on t n the repair or demol i ti on of any building done pursuant to the provisions of Section 701(c)3 of tht~ Code. Upon the completion of the work of repair or denmlttion said Building Official shall prepare and file with the clerk of ~h.ts' jurisdiction a report spect fyi ng the wOrk l done, the itemized and total cost of the work, a description of the~-" real property upon whtch the butldtng or structure ts or was located, and the nam~ and addre~se~ of the per~on~ entitled to notice pursuant to Subsection (c) of Section 401. (d) Sec_t_ion.902 Section 902 of is amended to read as follows' Upon receipt of said report, the clerk of this jurisdiction shall pre~ent it to the legislative body of this jurisdiction for' consideration. The legislative body of this jurisdiction shal.1 fix a tim, date and place for hearing ~aid report, and any protests or objections thereto. The clerk of this jurisdiction shall cause notice of ~atd hearing to be po~ted upon the property involved, published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the Ctty, and served by certified nmtl, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his nanm and address appear on the last equalized assesment roll of the County, if such so appear, or as known to the Clerk. Such notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior' to the date ~et for hearing and shall specify the day, hour, and place when the legislative body will hear and pass upon the Building Official's report, together with any objections or protests which may be filed as hereinafter provided by any person interested in or affected by the proposed change. i, -i . mmmmmm 2 6 8 10 11 12 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 27 Ord~ nance No. Page fourty 995 (e) .i Secl:ton 903 ts amended 1:o read as follows' Any person Interested tn o~ affected by the p~oposed charge may ftle ~rttten protests 6r objections ~tth the clerk of th~s Jurisdiction at any time prior to the t~me set for the hearing on the report of the Building Off, cia1. Each such protest or objection must contain a description of the property ~n which the s~gner thereof ~s ~nterested, and the grounds of such protest or object, on. The clerk of this ~urtsd~ctton shall endorse on every such protest or objection the date it was received by him. He shall present such protest or objection to the legislative body of th~s ~urtsdtctton at the t~me set for the hearing, and no other protests or objections shall be considered. (f) Section 904 is amended to read as follows- . · Upon the day and hour fixed for the hearing of the legislative body of this jur-isdtction shall hear and pass upon the report of the Building Official together wi th any such objections or protests. The legislative body may make such revision, correction or modification in the report or the charge as it may deem just, and when the legislative body is satisfied with the correctness of the charge, the report (as submitted or as revised, corrected or nmdified) together with the charge, shall be confirnmd or rejected. The decision of the legislative body of this jurisdiction on the report and the charge, and on all protests or objections, shall be final and conclusive. Sectt on 9- iiii SEVERABILITY OF PARTS OF THIS ORDINANCE AND THE ADOPTED CODES i mi il ................ m Il I m Il · .... I m It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance and the adopted Codes are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Code shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionally shall not affect any of the renmining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this Ordinance and the adopted Codes. , .$ 2 3 5 10 11 12 14 15 1G 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 2G Ordinance No.. 995 Page fourl:y one The Cfty Clerk shall certJfy to the passage and adoptfon of this Ordinance by the C~ty Council of the C~ty of TusCan and shall, ~th~n f~fteen (15) days after ~ts .f~nal passage, cause the same to be published once ~n the Tust~n News, a newspaper of general circulation whtch 1s hereby designated for that purpose and thfs ordfnance shall take effect thirty (30) days after ~ts passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 'of the City of Tustin, held on the 7th~ day of _ ~_cember ..., 1987. RICHARD B. EDGAR, /~ Mayor /. MARY £. e~~NN ~ ct ty Cl o STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) § CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 995 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City ~cil held on the 16th day of November 1987, and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regu ar meeting held on the 7th day of December, 1987, by the following vote: - AYES COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Kelly NOES COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: Prescott ~ ~ MARY E. WYN City Cle City of Tus n, Cal i for i a Published summary in Tustin News November 26, 1987 December 17, 1981