HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 DA 06-002/ZC 07-001 Report to the Planning Commission ITEM #3 i'(V 0 (~ QS~' DATE: MARCH 27, 2007 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 06-002 MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (ZONE CHANGE 07 -001) APPLICANT: TUSTIN LEGACY COMMUNITY PARTNERS LOCATION: MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PLANNING AREAS 7 THROUGH 15 ZONING: MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: ON JANUARY 16,2001, THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTIFIED THE PROGRAM FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (FEIS/EIR) FOR THE REUSE AND DISPOSAL OF MCAS TUSTIN. ON APRIL 3, 2006, THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 06- 43 APPROVING AN ADDENDUM TO THE FEIS/EIR FOR THE DISPOSAL AND REUSE OF MCAS TUSTIN. THE CITY PREPARED A COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FOR THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DDA) AMENDMENT, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA), AND MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST CONCLUDED THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT DOES NOT RESULT IN ANY NEW SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES OR A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN THE SEVERITY OF ANY PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS IN THE FEIS/EIR AND ADDENDUM. MOREOVER, NO NEW INFORMATION OF SUBSTANTIAL IMPORTANCE HAS SURFACED SINCE CERTIFICATION OF THE FEIS/EIR AND ADDENDUM. Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 2 REQUEST: 1. MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (ZONE CHANGE 07-001) IS A REQUEST TO ALLOW TANDEM PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS AND COMPACT SPACES IN NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS AND WOULD SPECIFY THEIR REQUIRED DIMENSIONS. 2. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 06-002 IS AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND TUSTIN LEGACY COMMUNITY PARTNERS, LLC. (THE DEVELOPER), A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, TO PROVIDE THE DEVELOPER CERTAIN ASSURANCE THAT IN RETURN FOR DEVELOPER'S COMMITMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING FOR THE PROPERTY THAT IS CONTAINED IN THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DDA) AND THE SPECIFIC PLAN, THE CITY WILL IN TURN REMAIN COMMITTED TO THE DDA AND THE SPECIFIC PLAN. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 4058 finding that the Final Environmental Impact StatemenUFinal Environmental Impact Report for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin ("FEIS/FEIR") and its Addendum is adequate to serve as the project FEIS/EIR for Development Agreement 06-002 and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Change 07-001) and that all applicable mitigation measures will be incorporated into the project as required by the California Environmental Quality Act. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 4059 approving the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Change 07-001) to amend various sections of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. 3. Adopt Resolution No. 4060 approving Development Agreement 06-002 between the City of Tustin and Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (the developer), a Delaware limited liability company Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 3 BACKGROUND The MCAS Tustin Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council on February 3, 2003 (Ordinance No. 1257), establishing the zoning designation, development standards, and entitlement framework for future development of that portion of the former MCAS Tustin within the City of Tustin ("Tustin Legacy"), including property within the Master Development footprint. The Specific Plan conforms to and implements the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan and the City's General Plan. Since the original adoption of the Specific Plan, minor amendments to the Specific Plan have been approved as follows: . On March 7, 2005, the Tustin City Council approved Specific Plan Amendment/Zone Change 04-03 modifying certain Specific Plan site development standards as it affects Planning Area 4 and 5 (Ordinance No. 1297). The applicant on this request was Marble Mountain Partners, LLC. . On March 7, 2005, the Tustin City Council also prezoned MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Disposition Parcel 36 from the City of Irvine to the City of Tustin and amended the Specific Plan to establish Tustin site development standards for Disposition Parcel 36 (Ordinance Nos. 1294 and 1295). Disposition Parcel 36 was subsequently annexed to the City of Tustin. The applicant on this request was Marble Mountain Partners, LLC. . On June 5, 2005, the Tustin Council approved Specific Plan Amendment 05-001 (Ordinance No. 1299). The purpose of the amendment was to facilitate the application and implementation of some of the requirements contained in the Specific Plan, and provide for minor clarifications and modifications as it primarily related to density calculations, the definition of a development unit, and the transfer or residential units between planning areas. The City was the applicant on this request. · On April 17, 2006, the Tustin Council approved Specific Plan Amendment 05-002 (Ordinance No. 1311). The purpose of the amendment was to facilitate the implementation of a refined master development plan for Tustin Legacy. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Chanae 07-001) Minor Amendments to the MCAS Specific Plan are proposed to support improvements planned within the master developer footprint (Attachment A). The applicant has indicated that the proposed amendment would allow the developer to maximize architectural diversity and marketability, and offset potential loss of units created by the constraints of planned block sizes. The proposed amendments include the following: Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 4 Table 3-4 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is proposed to be amended to read as follows: TABLE 3-4 RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (ALL REUSE PLAN DISPOSITION PARCELS EXCEPT PARCEL 36) Number of Number of Spuces Covered/Assigned Unassigned Housing Tvne Required Spaces per Unif- Guest Soaces -1-" Detached Sinvle-Familv 2.0 2 Garaee .5 Der unit Attached Single-Family Studio 1.0 1 Garage .25 per unit 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Garage .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garaee .25 Der unit Condominium and Multiple- Family Units Studio 1.0 1 Garage or carport .25 per unit 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Garage or carport .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garave or carvort .25 Der unit Patio Homes 2.0 2 Garaee 0.5 Der unit ] Not more than 40 Dereent of a buildilllZ site '8 attached residential units within Neiehborhood G. and all attached residential units within Neiehborhood D may utilize tandem snaces to satisfy the reauirement for covered oarkim!. +1 50 Dercent of the euest SDace required may be fulfilled with on-street Darkine. Section 3.13.1.J of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is proposed to be amended to read: 3.13.1.J Parking Stall Dimensions and Parking Lot Design: Except as otherwise provided herein. PQarking space dimensions, compact car accommodations, and parking lot design shall be provided in accordance with the parking standards and guidelines on file in the City of Tustin or Irvine Community Development Department, as applicable. In summary, Within tho City of Tustin, tThe followinq parkinq standards shall be provided: 1. Within Planninq Areas 7 throuqh 15: . An enclosed garage parking space clear and unobstructed inside dimension shall be not less than 10 feet by 20 feet. All other standard Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 5 spaces shall be not less than 9 feet by 18 feet, except that a parking space abutting a solid wall within a parking structure shall be not less than 10'-6" by 18 feet. . The minimum width of any two-way drive aisle serving a parking space shall be not less than 24 feet. When parking spaces are located within a parking structure, any supporting column shall be set back two (2) feet from the drive aisle as measured from the centerline of the column. . Up to 20 percent of the parking spaces required for non-residential use may be designed and designated for compact cars. A compact parking space shall be not less than 8 feet by 16 feet. Compact spaces may not be used to satisfy any portion of the required number of covered/assigned spaces or guest spaces for residential developments. . Where authorized in Table 3-4, an enclosed tandem garage space clear and unobstructed inside dimension shall be not less than 10 feet by 40 feet. Where located in an open parking structure, a tandem space clear and unobstructed dimension shall be not less than 9 feet by 36 feet. 2. For all other Planninq Areas: Each parking space shall be a rectangular area 9 feet by 20 feet. A 2Y> foot overhang area over low level landscaping shall be permitted. Parking accommodations for compact cars may be provided with such designated spaces being not less than 8 feet by 17 feet. Up to 20% percent of the required parking spaces of the site may be designated for compact cars, upon the approval of the Community Development Director. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT To strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the economic risk of development, the California Legislature adopted the Development Agreement Statute of the Government Code. Pursuant to the Statute, the City may enter into an agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property and to provide for the development of such property and to establish certain development rights therein. Development Agreement (DA) 06-002 is proposed by Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. Pursuant to Section 1.7 of the Original DDA entered on May 3, 2006, Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 6 the City agreed to consider a future application for a Development Agreement by TLCP to assist in the implementation of the DDA and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan (Specific Plan). The general purpose of Development Agreement 06-002 is to give the following assurances to Developer: 1. Assurance to Developer that, in return for Developer's commitment to the comprehensive planning for the Property that is contained in the DDA and the Specific Plan, the City will in turn remain committed to the DDA and the Specific Plan; 2. Assurances to Developer that as Developer becomes obligated for the costs of designing and constructing the public improvements included in the DDA and the Specific Plan, and makes dedication, Developer will become entitled to complete the private development portions of the DDA and the Specific Plan that justify those obligations; and 3. Assurances to Developer that in the City's administration of the DDA and the Specific Plan, Developer will be allowed the flexibility, consistent with the DDA and the Specific Plan, to respond to the marketplace in terms of housing types and intensities, the development of mixed uses, and reconfiguration of land uses, so long as in so doing overall intensity and density of development and the range of uses within sectors identified in the DDA and the Specific Plan are not exceeded. These assurances require the cooperation and participation of the City and Developer and could not be secured without mutual cooperation in and commitment to the comprehensive planning effort that has resulted in the DDA and the Specific Plan. The DA will include, but not be limited to, the following provisions: . The term of DA 06-002 which will commence on the effective date and will continue for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter unless the term is terminated, modified, or extended by circumstances set forth in DA 06- 002. . The permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use, maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the design improvement and construction standard and specifications applicable to the development of the Property, and provisions for the reservation and dedication of land for public purposes, as set forth in the DDA and Existing Land Use Regulations which includes the City's General Plan, Zoning Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 7 Code, Specific Plan, and all other ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations of the City governing the development and use of the Property in effect as of the effective date of the DA. · Vested Right to carry out and develop the Property in accordance with the DDA, Development Plan, Existing Land Use Regulations and the provisions included in DA 06-002. · The timing of development as set forth in the DDA. · Construction of infrastructure and public facilities as set forth in the DDA. · Dedications as set forth in the DDA, Specific Plan, and dedication of certain right-of-way areas to the applicable agencies as necessary for construction of required off-site traffic and circulation mitigation as required by the DDA, Specific Plan, or by Developer pursuant of the Final EIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin, as amended. . Annual review of Developer's performance. · Indemnity by the Developer to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City from any and all actions, suits, claims, liabilities, etc. ENVIRONMENTAL On January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin (FEIS/EIR). On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the FEIS/EIR. Subsequently, the City prepared a comprehensive Environmental Checklist for the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) Amendment, Development Agreement (DA 06-002), and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (ZC 07-001) for the proposed project. The Environmental Checklist concluded that the proposed project does not result in any new significant environmental impacts, substantial changes or a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant impacts in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Moreover, no new information of substantial importance has surfaced since certification of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. 2WdA~)- Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Jus' a Willkom Senior Planner Planning Commission Report March 27, 2007 Zone Change 07-001 Development Agreement 06-002 Page 8 Attachments: A. Location Map B. Resolution No. 4058 C. Resolution No. 4059 and Draft Ordinance No. 1335 D. Resolution No. 4060 $\CddlPCREPORT\2007\ZC O]..()()1IMCAS DA and SPA) doc ATTACHMENT A Location Map ~ III III 3 w III Z '" iii '" Il: :J U 0 OJ ;; U ;i Il: J '" < ~ ~ U) ~ z '" Z :J '" " '" ~ ~ < Q J iii ~ " J '" 0 0 5' '" u u '1 ........~~J~, I ,c . ""; J ft' - / - /'~ ....---' C t/) o!ns n.e .~ oCt \l- .- C) CJ C CI) .- Q.C U) C co! +:in. t/) CI) :::s t/) ....~ U)"C oCtc o ns :!!:...J C" I .:v..--..", " --/ ,,!.:- r I~ <<~ ,~ ~0 ~!!h ijl!uS >! !JfJ ~> S~ fiHt ~! n z >-lA.,'= t:O~ () I- (1 II \ w~ ~\ il~~ \, H<< t I ! '3"y owAii6r >-....'l! t:O> ~ u ~ L..: Cti "'C c ::J o CO +-' () Q) --, o ~ a.. ~ Q) Q. o Q) > Q) o ~--------~-. L.. . 'NOH.( Q) +-' If) Cti :2 ..-..... J ~I ~ il\'l '" ':\]< <0:( ~j 0.. I I ATTACHMENT B Planning Commission Resolution No. 4058 RESOLUTION NO. 4058 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING THAT THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT/FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE DISPOSAL AND REUSE OF MCAS TUSTIN ("FEIS/FEIR") AND ITS ADDENDUM IS ADEQUATE TO SERVE AS THE PROJECT EIS/EIR FOR DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 06-002 AND MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (ZONE CHANGE 07-001) AND THAT ALL APPLICABLE MITIGATION MEASURES WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE PROJECT AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. I. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: A. That Development Agreement (DA) 06-002 is proposed by Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (the developer), a Delaware limited liability company. The purpose of proposed Development Agreement 06-002 is to give the developer certain assurances that in return for Developer's commitment to the comprehensive planning for the Property that is contained in the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and the Specific Plan, the City will in turn remain committed to the DDA and the Specific Plan; B. That MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Change 07-001) is proposed by Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (the developer), a Delaware limited liability company. Zone Change 07-001 does not "substantially amend" the Specific Plan. Instead, Zone Change 07-001 generally would allow tandem parking in residential developments and compact spaces in non-residential developments and would specify their required dimensions. Zone Change 07-001 would not increase the overall development potential or residential capacity currently allowed by the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan; C. That DA 06-002 and the Zone Change 07-001 are considered a "Project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act; D. That on January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin. The FEIS/EIR and its Addendum is a program EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The FEIS/FEIR and its Addendum considered the potential Resolution No. 4058 Page 2 environmental impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin; E. The City prepared a comprehensive Environmental Checklist for the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement Amendment, DA 06- 002 and Zone Change 07-001 for the proposed project, attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Environmental Checklist concluded that the proposed project does not result in any new significant environmental impacts, substantial changes or a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant impacts in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Moreover, no new information of substantial importance has surfaced since certification of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. II. The Planning Commission finds that the project is within the scope of the previously approved Program FEIS/FEIR and its Addendum and that pursuant to Title 14 California Code of Regulations Sections 15168 (c) and 15162, no new effects could occur and no new mitigation measures would be required. Accordingly, no new environmental document is required by CEQA. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the 2yth day of March, 2007. BRETT FLOYD Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4058 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 2yth day March, 2007. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A to Planning Commission Resolution No. 4058 Environmental Checklist and Analysis COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. e" <)]780 (714) 573-3/00 ENVIRONMENT AL ANALYSIS CHECKLIST For Projects With Previously Certified/Approved Environmental Documents: Environmental Impact StatementIEnvironmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for the Disposal and Reuse of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin This checklist and the following evaluation of environmental impacts takes into consideration the preparation of an environmental document prepared at an earlier stage of the proposed project. The checklist and evaluation evaluate the adequacy of the earlier document pursuant to Section 15162 and 15168 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. A. BACKGROUND Project Title(s): Disposition and Development Agreement 05-01 Amendment. Development Agreement 06-002. and Specitic Plan Amendment 07-001 Lead Agency: City of Tustin. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Person: Justina Willkom Phone: (714) 573-3115 Project Location: Neighborhoods B. D. E. and G ofthe MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Tustin Legacy Community Partners. LLC 26840 Aliso Viejo Parkway. Suite 100 Aliso Viejo. CA 92656 General Plan Designation: MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Zoning Designation: MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan (SP-I Specitic Plan), Neighborhoods B. D. E. andG Project Description: Proposed amendment of a previously approved Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA 05-01-Master Developer). Development Agreement 06-002. between the City of Tustin and Tustin Legacy Community Partners. LLC. and Minor Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (See attachment A tor further project description). Surrounding Uses: North: East: South: West: Edinger Avenue and Residential Uses Jamboree Road/Industrial Uses Light Industrial/Business Parks Red Hill Avenue. Business Complexes Previous Environmental Documentation: Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (Program FElS/EIR) tor the Disposal and Reuse of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin (State Clearinghouse #94071005) certified by the Tustin City Council on January 16,2001 and its Addendum approved by the City Council on April 3, 2006. B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially atfected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Signitieant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. OLand Use and Planning OPopulation and Housing OGeology and Soils OHydrology and Water Quality OAir Quality OTransportation & Circulation OSiological Resources OMineral Resources OAgrieultural Resources OHazards and Hazardous Materials ONoise OPublie Services OUtilities and Service Systems OAesthetics OCultural Resources o Recreation OMandatory Findings of Significance C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: o I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this ease because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. o I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect I) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. [J [find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects I) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. o I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially signiticant etfects I) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier NEGA nVE DECLARA nON, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. Preparer: /, , , , ; I " I 'j'f Ii I i { " , , -I I _ ~ ., . 1. . .~' , I Justina WiIikom, Senior Planner Date: '~' , - ~ Ii. ) '., .... J ,1 , "I t..o..:;" ," :"1" '~:;-f :~(. ,:;[ - , \/ ) (. At I...A_ / Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director Date .' --=) . J ,~' 1-- ," , Date , J. D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS See Attachment A attached to this Checklist EVALUATION OF E;\IVIRONMENT.\L IMPACTS I. AESTHETICS - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources, induding, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic huildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area'! II. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In detennining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental cHeets, lead agencies may refer to the Calitornia Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model ( 1997) prepared by the Calilornia Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and fannland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland. Unique Fannland. or Fannland of Statewide Importance (Fannland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Fannland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use'! b) Contlict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of F annJand, to non-agricultural use? III. AIR OUALITY: Where available. tbe significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following detenninations. Would the project: a) Connict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable tederal or state ambient air quality standard (induding releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors alTecting a substantial number of people? IVel1' S(gnUk'ant Impact iHore Severe Impacts D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D o o LJ No Suhstantial Change From Previous Anlllvsis [2] [2] [21 ILJ [21 ILJ [2] [2] ILJ ILJ ['] IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified ,to; a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or n:gional plans. policies, or regulations. or by the Calitornia Department of Fish and Game or u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identitied in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service'! c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, tilling, hydrological interruption. or other means'! d) Intertere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory tlsh or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors. or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? l:) Contlict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? t) Conllict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan. Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan'! V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the si!:,lJlificance of a historical resource as defined in * 15064.5'! b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to * 15064.5'1 c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains. including those interred outside of formal cemeteries'? VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: - Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects. including the risk of loss, injury, or death invoh iog: Nt'", Sign{fh'ant Impact o o o o o o o o o o ;\tore Severe Impacts o o o o o o o o o o No Suhstantial ('hangc From PreVi()(I..... Anall'sis D o [2J [2] n u Q [;J [;J Q [] No Suhstantial New lv/ore Change From Significant ,)~('t'('r(' Prn'iotls Impact Impacts Ana/vsis i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquakc Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 4~. 0 0 0 ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? 0 0 0 iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? 0 0 [2] iv) Landslides? 0 0 [2] b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? 0 0 [:] c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence. liquefaction or collapse? 0 0 [2] d) Be located on expansive soil, as delined in Table 18-I-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? 0 0 C2J e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? 0 0 [2] VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport. use, or disposal of hazardous materials? 0 0 0 b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? 0 0 [2] c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials. substances, or wa...te within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? 0 0 Q d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials "ites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 659(,2.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? 0 0 Q 0) For a project located within an airport land use plan or. where such a plan has not been adopted. within two miles of a public airport or public use airport. would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area'! 0 0 Q t) Fur a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area'! 0 0 0 No Suhstantial New ldore Change From ..)'ign(ticllnt Severe Previous g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Impacts AJlll~l'sis adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? 0 0 D h) Lxpose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland tires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized arcas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? 0 0 D VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER OUALlTY: Would the project: 0) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? 0 0 i:2J b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deticit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g.. the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? 0 0 [2] c) Substantially olter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? 0 0 ~ d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area. including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runotf in a manner which would result in nooding on- or ofT-site? 0 0 D e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stonnwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoH'? 0 0 8J f) OthelWise substantially degrade water quality? 0 0 0 g) Place housing within a IOO-year flood hazatd orea as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood insurance Rate Map or other nood hazard delineation map? 0 0 ISl h) Place within a I DO-year tlood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? 0 0 Q i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a kvee or dam'! 0 0 ISl j) lnundation by seiche, tsunami. or mudtlow'! 0 0 [J IX. LA:>ID USE AND PLANNI:>IG- Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? 0 0 0 No Suhstantia/ M.!w Atore Change From SignHicant Severe P"t'l'ious b) Contliet with any applicable land use plan. policy. or Impact Impacts Analrsi.\' regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including. but not limited to the general plan. specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted tor the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental dIeet? 0 0 0 c) Contlict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? 0 0 [2] X. '\1INERAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral n:source that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? 0 0 [8J b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, sp~citic plan or other land use plan? 0 0 0 XI. NOISE Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? 0 0 0 b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundbome vibration or groundbome noise levels? 0 0 0 c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the projel.:t? 0 0 rzJ d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? 0 0 0 c) For a project located within an airport land use plan or. where such a plan has not been adopted. within two miles of a public airport or public use airport. would the project expose people residing or working in the proj~ct area to excessive noise levels? 0 0 IS] l) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excess noise levels'! 0 0 IS] XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING - Would the project: a) lnduce substantial population gro\\'th in an area. either directly (for example. by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)'! 0 0 8 0) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing. necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 [2] No Suhstantial New A-fore Change From Signiji('ant St'l'ert' Prt'vious Impact Impacts .4.na(rsis c) Displace substantial numbers of people. necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 [2] XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental Facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could caU.";e significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? 0 0 [2] Police protection? 0 0 I2J Schools? 0 0 0 Park....? 0 0 [2] Other public facilities? 0 0 [2] XIV. RECREA nON - a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? 0 0 [j b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? 0 0 12'] XV. TRANSPORT AnON/TRAFFIC - Would the project: a) Cause an increase in tratllc which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (Le. result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? 0 0 Q b) Exceed. either individually or cumulatively. a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways" 0 0 [2] c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? 0 0 fSJ d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design teature (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g.. farm equipment!'! 0 0 [Z1 e) Result in inadequate emergency access? 0 0 Q f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? 0 0 0 No Suhstantial New .'Wore Change From Significant Severe Previous Impact Impacts Analvsis g) Conllict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)'! 0 0 I2l XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS- Would the project: al Exceed wastewater trcatment requirement.., of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? 0 0 IZJ b) Rcquire or result in the construction of new watcr or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities. the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? 0 0 [2] c) Require or result in thc construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental etfects? 0 0 [2] d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources. or are new or expanded cntitlements needed? 0 0 [2] c) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? 0 0 [2] l) Be served by a landlill with sutlicient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? 0 0 [J g) Comply with federal, state. and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? 0 0 8J XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of Calif ami a history or prehistory'! 0 0 [J b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited. but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the eflects of other current projects, and the elfects of probable future projects)'1 0 0 Q c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse etTects on human beings. either directly or indirectly? 0 0 D EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AMENDMENT TO DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 05-01 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 06-002 PROPOSED SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 07-001 NEIGHBORHOODS B, 0, E, AND G OF MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION A Final Joint Environmcntal Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Rcport (FEIS/EIR) tor the Disposal and Reuse of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin and Mitigation Monitoring and Rcporting Program tor the EIS/EIR was prepared by the City of Tustin and the Department of the Navy (DoN) in accordancc with the Calitornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy (NEP A). The FEIS/EIR analyzed the environmental consequences of the Navy disposal and local community reuse of the MCAS Tustin site per the Reuse Plan and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan. The CEQA analysis also analyzed the environmental impacts of certain "Implementation Actions" that the City of Tustin and City of Irvine must take to implemcnt the MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan/Reuse Plan. Thc FEIS/EIR and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16,2001. The DoN published its Record of Decision (ROD) on March 3, 2001. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Rcsolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the FEIS/EIR. The MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan proposed and the FEIS/EIR and Addendum analyzt:d a multi-year development period for the planned urban reuse project. When individual activities with the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan are proposed, the agency is required to examine the individual activities to determine if their effects were fully analyzed in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. The agency can approve the activities as being within the scope of the project covered by the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. If the agency tinds that pursuant to Sections 15162, 15164, and 15183 of the CEQA Guidelines no new etfects would occur, nor would a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified signiticant etfects occur, then no supplemental or subsequent environmental document is required. For the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) Amendment, Development Agreement (DA), and Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) project, the City prepared a comprehensive Environmental Checklist and the analysis is provided below to determine if the project is within the scope of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum and if new eflects would occur as a result of the project. PROJECT LOCATION The property subject to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA 05-01-Master Developer, hereinafter the "Original DDA"), Proposed DDA Amendment, Development Agreement (DA) 06-002, and Specitic Plan Amendment 07-001 consists of approximately 820 acres at Tustin Legacy. Tustin Legacy is that portion of the tormer Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin within the City of Tustin corporate boundaries. Owned and operated by the Navy and Marine Corps tor nearly 60 years, approximately 1,585 gross acres of property at MCAS Tustin were determined surplus to federal government needs and was otlicially closed in Evaluation of Environmental Impads DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-00 [ Page 2 July 1999. The majority of the fanner MCAS Tustin lies within the southern portion of the City of Tustin. The remaining approximately 73 acres lies within the City of Irvine. Tustin Legacy is also located in central Orange County and approximately 40 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. Tustin Legacy is in close proximity to four major freeways: the Costa Mesa (SR-55), Santa Ana (1-5), Laguna (SR-133) and San Diego (1-405). Tustin Legacy is also served by the west leg of the Eastern Transportation Corridor (SR 26 I). The major roadways bordering Tustin Legacy include Red Hill Avenue on the west, Edinger Avenue and Irvine Center Drive on the north, Harvard Avenue on the east, and Barranca Parkway on the south. Jamboree Road transects the Property. John Wayne Airport is located approximately three miles to the south and a Metrolink Commuter Rail Station is located immediately to the north providing daily passenger service to employment centers in Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego counties. The Property is within the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, That portion of the Property subject to the Original DDA, Proposed DDA Amendment, Proposed DA 06-002, and Proposed Specific Plan Amendment is within an 820 acre footprint. The estimate of Property within this footprint that might ultimately be conveyed to the Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC (Developer) for private development as identified in the Original DDA is approximately 420 acres in size. The Property subject to the Original DDA, Proposed DDA Amendment, Proposed DA 06-002, and Proposed Specific Plan Amendment also includes property that will not be transferred by the City to the Developer, including property owned or to be owned by the City of Tustin, the Tustin Unified School District including but not limited to certain public uses, public utilities, and public right-of~way areas, and approximately 15 acres of property that could be privately developed; however, a final disposition of ownership decision could not be made at the time of execution of the Original DDA (this is the 15 acre "Hangar Parcel"). The majority of the Property subject to the Original DDA, Proposed DDA Amendment, Proposed DA 06-002, and Proposed Specific Plan Amendment is currently owned by the City of Tustin. A portion of the Property is also currently owned by the Department of the Navy and is expected to be transferred to the City of Tustin subject to the Navy's issuance of a Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FaST) and deed provisions mutually acceptable to the Navy and City. The City will transfer the Property for private development to the Developer (unless excluded pursuant to the Original DDA) in phases. PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE PROPERTY Historically, the Property was used as a Marine Corps helicopter training facility. Currently, the actual footprint of the Property is largely undeveloped land that was previously used for interim agricultural out-leasing by the Marines, and also improved with landing strips and tannac areas, Pennits for demolition of abandoned buildings on the Property have been issued and existing facilities are in the process of being removed, with obsolete infrastructure also programmed for removal. The City has nearly completed a Phase I roadway project, the ValenciaJAnnstrong project, which included some demolition oftannac areas, landing strips, and demolition of some obsolete utilities. The V alenciaJ Annstrong project also included the installation of water and Evaluation of Environmemallmpacts DDA 05-01 Amendment. DA 06-002. SPA 07-001 Page 3 sewer Backbone Infrastructure on a portion of the Property and interim storm drain rdention tacilities. Interim earth work and mass !,'fading of the Property by the Developer is also proposed to begin shortly. As required by the Original DDA, the Developer has obtained approval of a Sector A Map which encompasses the entire Property and is completing preconditions to the Phase I conveyance. The Developer has also begun processing the Sector B maps for MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Neighborhoods E and G, and the required accompanying Concept Plans tllr cach Neighborhood (Neighborhoods D, E, and G). Sector B Map tllr Neighborhood D is expected to be submitted shortly. Certain major amendments or refinements to the DDA and Specitic Plan Amendment are being requested to tacilitate submittals and to clarify Original DDA terms and conditions as described in more detail under the DDA section. PROJECT COMPONENTS The project evaluated in this environmental review includes two components described further in sections below: . DDA (Master Developer) Amendments . Development Agreement 06-002 . Specitic Plan Amendment 07-001 AMENDMENTS TO THE ORIGINAL DDA Background The Original DDA was entered into by and between the City of Tustin and Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC (TLCP), a Delaware limited liability company on May 3, 2006. The original DDA sets torth the parameters of development and conveyance by the City of Tustin and Tustin Public Financing Authority (hereinafter the "Agency") of certain property at Tustin Legacy (the former MCAS Tustin) to TLCP. Members of the TLCP include Centex Homes, Shea Homes, and Shea Properties (the "Developer"). Under the original DDA, TLCP will serve as the master developer, the land development entity that will entitle the Property, build out certain detined Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure, and then sell tinished development parcels to residential builders tor construction of vertical improvements (homes) in Neighborhood D and rough graded parcels to builders for construction of vertical residential and non-residential development in Neighborhoods B, D and E. TLCP have indicated that they will also act as vertical builders tor a large portion of the Property. The DDA contemplates that certain portions of the Property will be developed by third party developers. Evaluation of Environmental impacts DDA 05-0 I Amendment, DA ()('-002, SPA 07-00 I Page 4 Pursuant to the Original DDA, a scope of development (Attachment 28), schedule of pertormance (Attachment 17), and a variety of terms and conditions required of TLCP were identitied, In the Original DDA, the Property was proposed to be developed around four (4) potential conveyance phases to the Developer: Phase I began in September 2006, Phase 2 begins in September 2009, Phase 3 begins in July 2011, and Phase 4 to be detined pursuant to the process detined in the Original DDA, The Original DDA establishes certain key terms, including but not limited to, the phasing and conditions precedent to the Agency's obligation to sell and convey each phase of the Property to the Developer, the purchase price of the property, protit participation payments, obligations of the Developer for deconstruction of the Property, and development of the Property under the established schedule of performance including obligations for construction of Tustin Legacy Backbone Intrastructure and Local Infrastructure, Description of DDA Amendments 1. Minor amendments to clarify the language in Sections 1.13, 3,2, 3,3, and 3.4 of the Orib>inal DDA related to default provisions in the Original DDA and the Attachment 17 Schedule of Performance, 2, Neighborhood E: A modification to the scope of development to relocate the Sports Park/detention basin originally proposed at Red Hill and Warner Avenue, The detention basin component would be incorporated into detention facilities within the Linear Park and constructed with Phase I of the Linear Park, whereas the Sports Park component would be relocated to Phase 2, Commerciallbusiness uses would replace the original sports park site in Phase I, The sports park relocation site would be at the southeast of the extension of Carnegie and the Linear Park. This amendment required a tinancial review to contirm that the amendment has not created net positive tinancial impacts on land value when all DDA Amendments are considered, based on the Final DDA Pro Forma (more specifically, the Business Plan residual land values) considered in the Original DDA (this is when all DDA changes requested are taken into consideration). Based on the proposed DDA Amendment language and conditions including revisions to Attachments 17 and 28, a determination has been made that the DDA Amendment will have an immaterial impact on the original value assumptions as contained in the DDA Business Plan cash tlow model and would not require an adjustment in proposed land payments to the City of Tustin. 3. Neighborhood G: A modification to relocate and defer construction of a Congregate Care facility at Valencia and Tustin Ranch Road until Phase 2 and to replace the original Congregate Care site in Phase I with residential uses. The Proposed DDA Amendment also required a tinancial review to contirm that the amendment has not created a net positive impact on land values when all DDA amendments are considered based on the Final DDA Pro Forma (more specifically, the Business Plan residual land values) considered in the Original DDA (this is when all DDA changes requested are taken into consideration). Based on the proposed DDA Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SP ^ 07-001 Page 5 Amendment including revisions to Attachments 17 and 28, a determination has been made that the DDA Amendment will have an immaterial impact on the original value assumptions as contained in the DDA Business Plan cash !low model and would not require an adjustment in proposed land payments to the City of Tustin. 4. Neighborhood D: The Developer modi tied the square tootage distributions within the portion of the Community Core located south of Warner Avenue (Planning Areas 13 and (4) consistent with the Implementation Strategy required by the Original DDA that was previously considered and approved by the City Council tor this area. The Proposed DDA Amendment has also required a tinancial review to contirm that the DDA Amendment has not created a net positive impact on land values when all DDA Amendments are considered based on the Final DDA Pro Forma (more specitically, the Business Plan residual land values) considered in the Original DDA (this is when all DDA changes requested are taken into consideration). Based on the proposed DDA Amendment including revisions to Attachments 17 and 28, a determination has been made that the DDA Amendment will have an immaterial impact on the original value assumptions as contained in the DDA Business Plan cash !low model and would not require an adjustment in proposed land payments to the City of Tustin. 5. Minor alterations to the Original DDA Schedule of Pertormance (Attachment 17 and Exhibit F of Attachment 28) are proposed. 6. The Developer proposes to delete a grade separated vehicular under-crossing at Tustin Ranch Road just north of the Community Park that is currently shown as a Developer required Backbone Intrastructure Improvement in Attachment 10 of the Original DDA (improvement 129) and replace it with a grade separated pedestrian/bicycle bridge over. crossing between the Neighborhood and Linear Park proposed along the east side of Tustin Ranch Road and the north side of the Community Park located on the west side of Tustin Ranch Road north of Legacy Crossing. Costs associated with this moditication will need to be considered pursuant to item #7 below. 7. Instead of six (6) arches within the Linear Park as required by the Original DDNs provisions tor Local Infrastructure Improvements, the Developer will be required to construct an iconic grade separated pedestrian bridge structure with functional purpose that incorporates arch features for the pedestrian bridge at Warner Avenue/Community Park, and unique iconic pedestrian bridges over Tustin Ranch Road/Community Park, and Armstrong/Linear Park, subject to approval of the design by the City. This proposal requires that the cost of all grade separated crossings have costs associated with the complete construction of these facilities that are at a minimum equal to the total costs of the six (6) arches and three (3) bridges as originally identitied in the Original DDA (a total cost of $19,813,005), as will be certitied by the Public Works Director and Assistant City Manager. Any cost escalations necessary to accommodate construction of the iconic bridge structures will be a Developer obligation. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-00\ Page ft 8, Moditication of Attachment 10 entitled Description of Developer's Backbone Infrastructure Work and Attachment II entitled Description of Local Infrastructure Work. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT To strenl:,rthen the public planning process, encourage private partIcIpation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the economic risk of development, the California Legislature adopted the Development A),'Teement Statute of the Government Code. Pursuant to the Statute, the City may enter into an agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property and to provide for the development of such property and to establish certain development rights therein. Development Agreement (DA) 06-002 is proposed by Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. Pursuant to Section 1.7 of the Original DDA entered on May 3, 2006, the City agreed to consider a future application for a Development Agreement by TLCP to assist in the implementation of the DDA and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan (Specitic Plan). The general purpose of Development A),'Teement 06-002 is to give the following assurances to Developer: I. Assurance to Developer that, in return tor Developer's commitment to the comprehensive planning tor the Property that is contained in the DDA and the Specific Plan, the City will in turn remain committed to the DDA and the Specitic Plan; 2. Assurances to Developer that as Developer becomes obligated tor the costs of designing and constructing the public improvements included in the DDA and the Specitic Plan, and makes dedication, Developer will become entitled to complete the private development portions of the DDA and the Specific Plan that justify those obligations; and 3. Assurances to Developer that in the City's administration of the DDA and the Specitic Plan, Developer will be allowed the flexibility, consistent with the DDA and the Specitic Plan, to respond to the marketplace in terms of housing types and intensities, the development of mixed uses, and recontiguration of land uses, so long as in so doing overall intensity and density of development, and the range of uses within sectors identitied in the DDA and the Specitic Plan are not exceeded. These assurances require the cooperation and participation of the City and Developer and could not be secured without mutual cooperation in and commitment to the compn:hensive planning etfort that has resulted in the DDA and the Specitic Plan. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts [)DA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 7 The DA will include, but not be limited to, the following provisions: · The tcrm of DA 06-002 which will commence on the etlective date and will continue for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter unless the term is terminated, modified, or extended by circumstances set forth in DA 06-002. · The permitted uses of the Property, the density and intensity of use, maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the dcsign improvement and construction standard and specifications applicable to the development of the Property, and provisions for the reservation and dedication of land for public purposes, as set forth in the DDA and Existing Land Use Regulations which includes City's General Plan, Zoning Code, Specific Plan, and all other ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations of the City governing the development and use of the Property in cfrect as of the efrective date of the DA. · Vested Right to carry out and develop the Property in accordance with DDA, Development Plan, Existing Land Use Regulations and the provisions included in DA 06-002. · The timing of development as set forth in the DDA. . Construction of infrastructure and public facilities as set forth in the DDA. · Dedications as set forth in the DDA, Specific Plan, and dedication of certain right-of:way areas to the applicable agencies as necessary for construction of required ofr-site traffic and circulation mitigation as required by the DDA, Specific Plan, or by Developer pursuant of the Final EIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin, as amended. · Annual review of Developer's performance. · Indemnity by the Developer to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City from any and all actions, suits, claims, liabilities, etc. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT Minor Amendments to the MCAS Specific Plan are proposed to support improvements planned within the TLCP footprint. The amendments include, but are not limited to, the following: · Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, Table 3-4 for all residential housing types that the covered parking requirements can be satisfied with tandem parking. Up to forty (40) percent of the attached units within Neighborhood G can satisfy their covered parking requirement with tandem parking spaces. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 8 · Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan, Section 3,13,2, to clarify that a covered tandem garage is a minimum dimension of 10 feet by 40 feet, and an open tandem parking condition within a parking structure is a minimum dimension of9 feet by 36 feet · Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan, Section 3.13.1(1), to allow 9 feet by 18 feet standard parking stall and 24 toot two-way drive aisle, For parking structure conditions, the column will be held back 2 feet from the drive aisle as measured from centerline of the column. At an end condition where a parking stall abuts a solid wall within a parking structure, an additional I foot and 6 inches will be added to the end stall. · Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, Section 3,13,I(J), to allow 8 feet by 16 feet compact parking stall and 24 toot two-way drive aisle, At an end condition where a parking stall abuts a solid wall within a parking structure, an additional I foot and 6 inches will be added to the end stalL · Amendment to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, Section 3.13,1(1), permtttIng (without qualifying) up to twenty (20) percent of the required parking spaces for non-residential developments may be designated tor compact parking, EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The following information provides background support for the conclusions identitied in the Environmental Analysis Checklist I. AESTHETICS - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare, which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ,Yo Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not directly cause aesthetic impacts, Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEISiElR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum and have been tound to have no demonstrable negative aesthetic effect on the site, There are no designated scenic vistas in the project area; therefore, the proposed DDA Amendment and Development Agreement would not result in a substantial adverse effect Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page t) on a scenic vista. Although the project site is not located within the vicinity of a designated state scenic highway, the FEIS/EIR concluded that the loss of both historic blimp hangars would be a signiticant visual impact, the loss of only one hangar would be less than signiticant. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment would not change the conclusions of the analysis from the FEIS/EIR relative to these visual changes since the status of the hangars would not be atfected by the proposed DDA changes. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment would not modify the land use plan adopted in the Specific Plan but rather modity and refine the Master Development Plan in the DDA only. No changes in original uses identified or permitted in the Specitic Plan are being requested; theretore, the types of uses to be developed are consistent and would result in similar visual changes as those previously analyzed. While the loss of the six (6) proposed arch structures in the Linear Park as outlined in the Original DDA could pose a visual change, the Master Developer will be required to construct an iconic grade-separated pedestrian bridge that incorporates arch teatures for the pedestrian bridge at Warner Avenue/Community Park and unique iconic pedestrian bridges over Tustin Ranch Road/Community Park and Armstrong/Linear Park. All implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: The mitigation measures applicable to the project have been implemented with adoption of original Specific Plan. No refinements need to be made to the FEIS/ElR mitigation measures and no new mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Page 3-84, 4-109 through 114) and Addendum (Page 5-3 through 5-8) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan II. AGRICUL TURE RESOURCES - In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-0 I Amendment. DA 06-002. SPA 07-00 I Page 10 b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a Williamson Act contract'? c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use? No Substantial Change from Previous Analysi.'i. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not directly cause Agricultural impacts. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FElS/ElR lor MCAS Tustin and Addendum and have been lound to have no new etlects, nor would a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant etlects occur as a result of the proposed project. The physical impact area for the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment is the same as that identified in the FEIS/EIR. Implementation of the proposed project would continue to impact areas mapped (though not used) as Prime Farmland. Designated Farmland of Statewide Importance within the Specific Plan area is outside of the Master Developer footprint and is located north of Barranca Parkway, west of Harvard Avenue, and east of Jamboree Boulevard. The area is currently under development. Additionally, there are no areas subject to a Williamson Act contract, and conservation of farmland in this area was deemed unwarranted by NCRS. Implementation of the proposed project would not change the impact conclusions presented in the FEIS/ElR. The loss of Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance would remain a significant and unavoidable impact. The mitigation options previously identified in the FEIS/EIR are still infeasible and would be ineffective to reduce the localized adverse effects associated with the loss of mapped/designated farmland. There are no new feasible mitigation measures that could be implemented that would reduce the significant unavoidable impact associated with the conversion of Farmland to urban uses. Mitigation options identified in the FEIS/ElR determined to be infeasible are still infeasible and ineffective to reduce impacts to a level considered less than significant. There would not be a substantial increase in the severity of project-specific and cumulative impacts to agricultural resources beyond that identified in the FElS/EIR and Addendum; however, these impacts would continue to be significant unavoidable impacts of the proposed project. The Tustin City Council adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the FEIS/EIR on January 16, 200 I. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: In certitying the FEIS/EIR, the Tustin City Council adopted Findings of Fact and Statt'ffient in Overriding Consideration concluding that impacts to agricultural resources were unavoidable (Resolution No. 00-90). No mitigation is required. Evaluation of Environmental [mpacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page II Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Page 3-84, 4-109 through 114) and Addendum (Page 5-8 through 5-10) Rcsolution No. 00-90 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan III. AIR QUALITY - Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people'! No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan AmL'Ildment will not directly cause Air Quality impacts. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEIS/ElR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum and have been tound to have no new effects, nor would a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified signi ticant effects occur as a result of the proposed project. Consistent with the conclusion reached in the FEIS/EIR, the proposed project would result in signiticant short-term construction air quality impacts. Because the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment only involve redistribution of land uses within the threshold of the Specific Plan and the previously approved FEIS/EIR and its Addendum. the project would not substantially increase the type or severity of construction related air quality impacts from those identified in the FEIS/EIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations for the FEIS/EIR was adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16,2001, to address signiticant unavoidable short-term. long-term. and cumulative air quality impacts. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 12 change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Prob'fam FE1S/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum, Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Specific mitigation measures have been adopted by the Tustin City Council in certifYing the FEIS/EIR tor operational and construction activities, However, the FEIS/EIR and Addendum also concluded that the Reuse Plan related operational air quality impacts were signiticant and could not be fully mitigated. A Statement of Overriding Considerations tor the FE1S/EIR was adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16, 2001 (Rcsolution No. 00-90). No new mitigation measure is required, Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-143 throughl53, 4-207 through 4-230, pages 7-41 through 7-42 and Addendum Pages 5-10 through 5-28) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Resolution No. 00-90 Tustin General Plan IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? Evaluation of Environmental [mpacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 13 f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional or state habitat conservation plan'? No Sub.~tantial Change from Previous Analysis. The physical impacts resulting trom development uses proposed with the DDA amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would be similar to those identitied in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Specitieally, impacts to on-site vegetation and loss of habitat tor the loggerhead shrike, a CDFG species of special concern, would be less than significant. It would be noted that project construction activities would be completed in compliance with tederal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA), The MBTA governs the taking and killing of migratory birds, their eggs, parts, and nests. The FEIS/EIR and Addendum tound that implementation of the Reuse Plan and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan would not result in impacts to tederally listed threatened or endangered plant or animal species; however, the FElS/EIR determined that impkmentation of the Reuse Plan and MCAS Tustin Specitic Plan (including the proposed project site) could impact jurisdictional waters/wetlands and the southwestern pond turtle, which is identified as a "species of special concern" by the Calitornia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), or have an impact on jurisdictional waters/wetlands. Mitigation measures were included in the MCAS Tustin FEIS/EIR to require the relocation of the turtles and establishment of an alternative off-site habitat. and to require the applicant to obtain Section 404, Section 160 I. and other permits as necessary tor areas on the project site atl'ecting jurisdictional waters of the U,S. or vegetated wetlands. Theretore, no substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the FElS/ElR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. The proposed project is within the scope of development considered with the analysis of the FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin. Implern~'lltation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum, Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Mitigation measures have been adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEIS/EIR; these measures are included in the Mitigation Monitoring Program tor the project or as conditions of approval for the project. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-75 through 3- 82, 4-103 through 4-108, 7-26 through 7-27 and Addendum pages 5-28 through 5-40) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-lB, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Evaluation of Environmental [mpacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 14 Tustin General Plan v. CULTURAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in tbe significance of a historical resource as defined in ~ 15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to ~ 15064.5? c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside formal cemeteries? No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not directly cause impacts to cultural resources. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Numerous archaeological surveys have been conducted at the former MCAS Tustin site. In 1988, the State Office of Historic Preservation (SHPO) provided written concurrence that all open spaces on MCAS Tustin had been adequately surveyed for archaeological resources. Although one archaeological site (CA-ORA-38I) has been recorded within the Reuse Plan area, it is believed to have been destroyed. It is possible that previously unidentified buried archaeological or paleontological resources within the project site could be significantly impacted by grading and construction activities. With the inclusion of mitigation measures identified in the MCAS Tustin FEIS/EIR that require construction monitoring, potential impacts to cultural resources can be reduced to a level of insignificance. There is no new technology or methods available to reduce the identified significant unavoidable project-specific and cumulative impacts to historical resources associated with the removal of Hangars 28 and 29 to a level considered less than significant. Therefore, these unavoidable project-specific and cumulative impacts also occur with implementation of the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment. A Statement of Overriding Consideration for the FEIS/EIR was adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16, 2001, to address potential significant unavoidable impacts to historical resources resulting from the removal of both blimp hangars. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the FElS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. All implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. ,\1itigation/Monitoring Required: Mitigation measures have been adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEIS/EIR; these measures are included in the Mitigation Monitoring Program Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 15 lor the project or as conditions of approval lor the project No relinements need to be made to the FEIS/EIR mitigation measures and no new mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR lor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-68 through 3- 74, 4-93 through 4-102, 7-24 through 7-26, and Addendum Pages 5-40 through 5-45) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS - Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: . Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning map, issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. . Strong seismic ground shaking? . Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? . Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B ofthe Uniform Building Code (2001), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not cause any direct impact to geology or soil. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum and have been lound to have no demonstrable negative geology or soil eHilct on the site. The FEIS/EIR indicates that impacts to soils and geology resulting from implementation of the Reuse Plan and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan would include non-seismic hazards (such as local settlement, regional subsidence, expansive soils, slope instability, erosion, and mudtlows) and seismic hazards (such as surface fault displacement, high-intensity ground shaking, Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-0 I Amendment. DA 06-002. SPA 07-001 Page 16 ground failure and lurching, seismically induced settlement, and tlooding associated with dam tailure. However, the FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum concluded that compliance with state and local regulations and standards, along with established engineering procedures and techniques, would avoid unacceptable risk or the creation of signiticant impacts related to such hazards. No substantial change is expected for development of the project from the analysis previously completed in the FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. All implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Compliance with existing rules and reh'lllations would avoid the creation of potential impacts. No new mitigation is required. Sources: Field Observations FEfS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-88 through 3- 97, 4-115 through 4-123, 7-28 through 7-29 and Addendum Pages 5-46 through 5-49) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonable foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles or a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 0(;-002, SPA 07-001 Page 17 f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area'! g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? No Substantial Change from Previous Analy,\'i,'I. The proposed DDA Amcndment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment will not involvc the cTeation of a hazard or hazardous materials, Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum, The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would result generally in the same typcs of land uses being dcveloped within the project area, As identitied in the FEIS/EIR, these uses would generate and use small amounts of hazardous materials tor operation and maintenance activities, The FEIS/ElR and its addendum include a detailed discussion of the historic and then- currcnt hazardous material use and hazardous waste generation within the Specitic Plan area, The DoN is responsible tor planning and executing cnvironmental rcstoration programs in response to relcases of hazardous substances for MCAS Tustin, The FEIS/EIR concluded that the implementation of the Specitic Plan would not have a significant environmental impact from the hazardous wastes, substances, and materials on the property during construction or operation since the DoN would implement various remcdial actions pursuant to the Compliance Programs that would remove, manage, or isolate potentially hazardous substanccs in soils and groundwater. As identified in the FEIS/EIR and the Addendum, the project site is within the boundaries of the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) and is subject to height restrictions. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendmcnt do not propose changes to height limitation included in the Specific Plan, nor do they pose an aircraft-related satety hazard for future residents or workers. The project site is not located in a wildland fire danger area. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected trom the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No new or modi tied mitigation is required tor the project E valuation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment. DA Oh-002. SPA 07-001 Page 18 Sources: Field Observation FElS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin pages (3-106 through 3- 117,4-130 through 4-138,7-30 through 7-31, and Addendum Pages 5-49 through 5-55) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for Southern Parcels 4-8, 10-2, 14, and 42, and Parcels 25, 26, 30-33, 37 and Portion of40 and 41 Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSLl for Southern Parcels Care-out Areas I, 2, 3, and 4 Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) Tustin General Plan VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY - Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge, such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner, which would result in flooding on- or off-site? e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? g) Place housing within a lOO-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood hazard Boundary of Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? h) Place within a IOO-year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment. DA 011-002, SPA 07-001 Page 19 No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not cause direct impact to hydrology and watcr quality. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum and have been lound to have no demonstrable negative hydrology and water quality etlect on the site. As concluded in the FEIS/EIR, preparation of a WQMP in compliance with all applicable re!,'Ulatory standards would reduce water quality impacts from the development activities to a level of insignificance. Implementation of the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new or substantially more severe impacts to water quality than what was previously identifit->d in the FEIS/EIR. The types of land uses proposed are substantially the same, with minor square footage distribution among planning areas. The amount of impervious surface proposed for construction would not change substantially; therefore, analysis and conclusions in the FEIS/EIR relative to impacts related to groundwater supply, groundwater levels, or local recharge have not changed substantially. In addition, no change to the backbone drainage system is proposed; therclore, no new or more severe impacts related to drainage patters, drainage facilities, and potential flooding would result from the implementation of the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/ElR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Compliance with existing rules and regulations would reduce any potential impacts related to water quality and groundwater to a level of insignificance and no mitigation is required. Measures related to hydrology and drainage wt-'fe adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin; these measures are included in the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project or as conditions of approval for the project. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-98 through 3- 105, 4-124 through 4-129, 7-29 through 7-30 and Addendum Pages 5-56 through 5-92) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan IX, LAND USE AND PLANNING - Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited, to the general plan, Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 00-002, SPA 07-001 Page 20 specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? c) Contlict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The project being evaluated involves an amendment to the Original DDA, a new Development Agreement, and modifications to parking standards. The proposed project would not substantially alt,:r the land uses propoSL'ti tor development or the location of the land uses in relation to communities within the Specitic Plan area, rather the distribution of land uses has been slightly modi tied and minor adjustments to Planning areas and development phases are proposed. The Specific Plan area is surrounded by existing development and development on-site would not physically divide an established community. The propos,,'ti development would result in the continuation of similar uses. Also, the proposed project will not contlict with any habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: The FEIS/EIR and Addendum concluded that there would be no significant unavoidable land use impacts. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment do not increase the severity of the land use impacts previously identified in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum; theretore, no refinements needed to be made to the FEIS/EIR mitigation and no new mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observation FEIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-3 to 3-17, 4-3 to 4-13,7-16 to 7-18 and Addendum Pages 5-92 to 5-95) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan X. MINERAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be a value to the region and the residents ofthe state? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? No Sub.~tantial Change from Previous Analysis. The FElS/EIR and Addendum indicated that no mineral resources are known to occur anywhere within the Specific Plan area. The proposed project will not result in the loss of mineral resources known to be on the site or Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 21 identitied as being present on the site by any mineral resource plans. Consequently, no substantial change is expected from the analysis previously completed in the FEIS/ElR and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: No mitigation is required. Sources: Field Observation FEIS/ElR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Page 3-91) and Addendum (Page 5-95) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan XI. NOISE - Would the project: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive ground borne vibration or ground borne noise levels? c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Substantial Change from Previous Analysis. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would slightly modify the land use distribution within the Specific Plan which would result in a slight redistribution of the traffic generated by the implementation of the project. However, the backbone circulation system identitied tor the implementation of the project is substantially the same or less Average Daily Trips as that presented in the original DDA and Specitic Plan. Consequently, the severity of the long- term tratTIc related noise impacts would not be increased more than previously identified in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts (}DA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 22 With respect to the short-term noise impacts, implementation of the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment would be requir"d to comply with adopted mitigation measures and state and local rel,'ldations and standards, along with established engineering procedures and techniques, thus avoiding signiticant short-term construction-rclatt:d noise impacts. As discussed in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum, John Wayne Airport is located southwest of the project site. Based on review of the Airport Land Use Plan tor John Wayne, the project site is not located within the 60 CNEL contour tor airport operations, The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment would not involve the development of any uses that would expose people to excessive noise related to aircraft operations, Mitigation/Monitoring Required: The FEIS/EIR and Addendum concluded that with implementation of identitied mitigation measures, there would be no impacts related to noise. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment do not increase the severity of the noise impacts previously identified in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum; theretore, no retinements need to be made to the FEIS/EIR mitigation measures and no new mitigation measures would be required. SOl/rces: Field Observation FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-154 through 3- 162) and Addendum (Page 5-96 through 5-99) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-8 I, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan XII. POPULATION & HOUSING- Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? So Substantial Change from Previous Analysi.~ The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment provide a similar amount and type of housing as that included in Ihe original DDA and the Specific Plan. The amendment proposes a slight redistribution of development activities within the project boundary. No additional new housing, removal of existing housing, or displacement of any people to necessitate construction of additional housing are proposed with the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment beyond the number of units already analyzed in the Specific Plan and previously approved FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Similar to the conclusions Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment. DA 06-002. SPA 07-001 Page 23 reached in the FE1S/E1R. the proposed DDA Amendment, DA. and Specitic Plan Amendment would not have an adverse dfect on population and housing. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected trom the analysis previously completed in the Prob'fam FElS/ElR for MC AS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Because no significant impacts were identitied, no mitigation was included in the FElS/ElR and Addendum related to populationlhousing. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Speeitic Plan Amendment do not change the conclusions of the FElS/ElR and Addendum and no new mitigation is required. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/ElR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-18 to 3-34, 4- 14 to 4-29, and 7-18 to 7-19) and Addendum Pages (5-JOIthrough 5-112) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other performance objectives for any of the public services: The FElS/EIR for MCAS Tustin requires developers ofthe site to contribute to the creation of public services such as fire and police protection services, schools, libraries, recreation tacilities, and bikinglhiking trails; however, new facilities will be provided within the Master Developer footprint to which the applicant will contribute a fair share. Fire Protection. The proposed project will be required to meet existing Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) regulations regarding construction materials and methods, emergency access, water mains, fire tlow, fire hydrants, sprinkler systems, building setbacks, and other relevant regulations. Adherence to these regulations would reduce the risk of uncontrollable fire and increase the ability to efficiently provide tire protection services to the site. The number of existing tire stations in the areas surrounding the site and a future fire station proposed at Edinger Avenue and the West Connector Road will meet the demands created by the proposed project. Police Protection. The need tor police protection services is assessed on the basis of resident population estimates, square tootage of non-residential uses, etc. Implementation of Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 00-002, SPA 07-001 Page 24 the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not increase the need tor police protection services in addition to what was anticipated in the FElS/ElR and Addendum. The developer as a condition of approval tor the project would be required to work with the Tustin Police Department to ensure that adequate security precautions are implemented in the project at plan check. Schools. The FElS/ElR and Addendum previously considered future development of the portion of the Specitic Plan area within the SAUSD as being non-residential uses resulting in an indirect student generation impact. However, the TLCP is now proposing minor refinements to their development plan that would result in both non-residential and residential development uses which would result in both indirect and direct student generation impacts. The impacts to schools resulting from the implementation of the proposed DDA Amendment, DA and Specific Plan Amendment would be similar to that identitied in the FElS/EIR. Consistent with SB 50, the City of Tustin has adopted implementation measures that require the Master Developer to pay applicable school fees to the TUSD, lUSD, and SAUSD to mitigate indirect and direct student generation impacts prior to the issuance of building permits. The payment of school mitigation impact fees authorized by SB 50 is deemed to provide "full and complete mitigation of impacts" from the development of real property on school facilities (Government Code 65995). SB 50 provides that a state or local agency may not deny or refuse to approve the planning, use, or development of real property on the basis of a developer's refusal to provide mitigation in amounts in excess of that established by SB 50. Other Public Facilities (Libraries). Since certification of the FElS/EIR, the Orange County Library (OCPL) entered into an agreement with the City of Tustin tor the expansion of the Tustin Branch library. The expansion of the library is a capital improvement of a public facility that will directly benetit development activities within the Specitic Plan area. Developers within the Specitic Plan area are required to make a fair share contribution to a portion of the development costs of the library expansion. To support development in the reuse plan area, the Reuse Plan/Specific Plan requires public services and facilities to be provided concurrent with demand. The FEIS/EIR and Addendum coneluded that public facilities would be provided according to a phasing plan to meet projected needs as development of the site proceeded. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amendment would not increase the demand more than what was already analyzed in the previously approved FElS/ElR and Addendum; therefore, no substantial change is expected. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA OS-Ol Amendment. DA 06-002. SPA 07-001 Page 25 Mitigation/Monitoring Required: The FEIS/EIR and Addendum concluded that there would be no signiticant unavoidable impacts related to public services. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not result in a substantial increase in the severity of impacts to public services beyond that identitied in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Theretore no new mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observation FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (Pages 3-47 to 3-57, 4- 56 to 4-80 and 7-21 to 7-22) and Addendum (Pages 5-112 through 5-122) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan XIV. RECREATION a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities, such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would include a modification to relocate and defer construction of the sports park originally proposed at Red Hill and Edinger A venue until Phase 2 and to replace the original sports park site in Phase I with commerciallbusiness uses. The new sports park relocation site would be at the southeast of the extension of Carnegie and the linear park. Since the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment only involves a relocation of a sports park, impacts associated with recreation facilities were analyzed and addressed in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new or substantially more severe impacts related to recreation services compared to conclusions of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected trom the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR tor MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Mitigation/Afonitoring Required: The FEIS/EIR and Addendum concluded that there would be no signiticant unavoidable impacts related to recreation facilities. Additionally, the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not result in a substantial increase in the severity of impacts to recreation tacilities beyond that identified in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Therefore no new mitigation measures are required. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 26 Sources: Field Observation FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin pages 3-47 to 3-57, 4-56 to 4-1\0,7-21 to 7-22 and Addendum Pages 5-122 through 5-127 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62. pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin City Code Section 9331d (I) (b) Tustin General Plan xv. TRANSPORTATIONrrRAFFIC - Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic, which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways'! c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? d) SubstantiaUy increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? The FEIS/EIR and Addendum concluded that traffic impacts could occur as a result of build out of the Specific Plan. The FEIS/EIR concluded that there could be significant impacts at 18 arterial intersections (see Table 4.12-6 of the FEIS/EIR for a complete list) and the levels of service (LOS) at two intersections would improve compared to the no-project condition. The trip generation resulting from implementation of the original Specific Plan and Addendum would create an overall Average Daily Trip (ADT) generation 01'216,440 trips. The original Specific Plan also established a trip budget tracking system for each neighborhood to analyze and control the amount and intensity of non-residential development by neighborhood. The tracking system ensures that sufficient ADT capacity exists to serve the development and remainder of the neighborhood. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would result in a redistribution of trips that would not exceed the trip budget analyzed in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. No Significant changes to on-site circulation would occur with the proposed project. Austin Foust Associates, Inc. has prepared the Legacy Park of Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis - March 2007 (Exhibit A) to identity and evaluate how the traffic impacts from the proposed EV<lluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-0 I Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-00 t Page 27 project diner from the original analysis as presentc'<i in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. The study has shown that the proposed Legacy Park land use and arterial circulation changes within the TLCP tootprint have not resulted in new sil,'lliticant impacts that would require mitigation, Therefore, there are no changes to the previous tranic tindings included in the original FEIS,'EIR and Addendum, Moreover, the proposed on-site circulation system is found to provide adequate capacity in accordance with the pt..TIormance criteria applied to the project. The City's Tranic Engineer also has reviewed the analysis and concurs with the conclusion the revist-'<! analysis, Mitigation/Monitoring Required: No new impacts or substantially more severe impacts would result from implementation of the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendments than were originally considered by the FE1S/EIR and Addendum. Theretore, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (pages 3-118 through 3- 142,4-139 through 4-206 and 7-32 through 7-42) and Addendum (pages 5- 127 through 5-147) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) Tustin General Plan Legacy Park of Tustin Legacy Tratfic Analysis, March 2007, Austin Foust Associates, Inc. (Exhibit I) XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS - Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider, which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? o Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA OS-01 Amendment. DA 0(,-002. SPA 07-001 Page 1S g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment will not directly cause impacts to utilities and service systems. Development activities proposed by the TLCP and City of Tustin have been previously considered within the Program FElS/EIR [or MCAS Tustin and Addendum. The FEIS/EIR and Addendum analyzed new oft~site and on-site backbone utility systems required tor development of the site as necessary to support the proposed development, including water, sewer, drainage, electricity, natural gas, telephone, cable television, and solid waste management. In accordance with the FEIS/ElR and Addendum, the applicant is required to pay a fair share towards off-site infrastructure and installation of on-site facilities. In addition, development of the site is required to meet federal, state, and local standards tor design of waste water treatment, drainage system for on-site and otf-site, and water availability. As coneluded in the FElS/EIR and Addendum, no unavoidable significant impacts would result. The proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment would not result in new or substantially more severe impacts than what was evaluated in the FEIS/ElR. Mitigation/Monitoring Required: No new impacts or substantially more severe impacts would result from implementation of the DDA Amendment, DA, and Specific Plan Amendment; theretore, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (pages 3-35 through 3- 46,4-32 through 4-55 and 7-20 through 7-21) and Addendum (pages 5-147 through 5-165) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3- 137) Tustin General Plan XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.) Evaluation of Environmental Impacts DDA 05-01 Amendment, DA 06-002, SPA 07-001 Page 29 c) Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? The FEIS/EIR and Addendum previously considered all environmental impacts associated with the impkmentation of the Reuse Plan and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan and the proposed DDA Amendment, DA, and Specitic Plan Amcndment. With the entorcement of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum mitigation and implementation measures approved by the Tustin City Council in the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project or as conditions of approval, the proposed project would not cause unmitigated environmental etlects that will cause substantial etfects on human beings either directly or indirectly nor degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitats or wildlife populations to decrease or threaten, eliminate, or reduce animal ranges, etc, To address cumulative impacts, a Statement of Overriding Consideration for the FEIS/EIR was adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16,2001 (Resolution No. 00-90) tor issues relating to aesthetics, cultural and paleontological resources, agricultural resources, and tratlic/circulation. The project does not create any impacts that have not been previously addressed by the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR tor Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (pages 5-4 through 5-11) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3- 70 through 3-81, pagcs 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) and Addendum Resolution No. 00-90 Tustin General Plan CONCLUSION The proposed proje'Ct's effects were previously examined in the FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. No new etfects will occur, no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified signiticant effects will occur, no new mitigation measures will be required, no applicable mitigation measures previously not found to be teasible would in fact be feasible, and no new mitigation measures or alternatives applicable to the project that have not been considered are needed to substantially reduce effects of the project. Implementation of activities and development at the project site could be subject to subsequent environmental review under CEQA as may be required by law. No substantial change is expected trom the analysis previously completed in the Program FEIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin and Addendum. Exhibit A Legacy Park of Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis March 2007 By Austin Foust Associates, Inc. City of Tustin LEGACY PARK OF TUSTIN LEGACY Traffic Analysis March 2007 -~ ~...~ AUSTIN-FOUST ASSOCIATES, INC. DRAFT City of Tustin LEGACY PARK OF TUSTIN LEGACY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Prepared by: Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. 2223 East W ellington Avenue, Suite 300 Santa Ana, California 92701-3161 (714) 667-0496 Mareh 6, 2007 CONTENTS Pal!e 1.0 INTRODUCTION Background................... ................. ......... ... ..... ... ... ................... .................. ......... ...... ..................... I-I Scope and Methodology..... ....... ... ......... ........... ... ... ........ ........ ......... ......... .... ...... ............... ............ 1-3 Perl"ornlance Criteria ....... .... '" .... ... ......... ........ ... ... ..... ........... ............ ......... ...... .... ........ .... ............... 1-4 Relationship to Other Studies ........................................................................................................ 1-4 References .............................................................................................................................. ....... I -8 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT Land Use and Trip Generation. .... ........ .......... ......... ..... ..... ................................. ........... ......... ... ..... 2-1 Proposed Project ............ .... .... ............ ... ........... ........... ............. ...... .............. .......... ........................2- I Trip Budget lor Non-Residential Uses ..........................................................................................2-6 3.0 ON-SITE ROADWAY SYSTEM Plann~x1 Circulation System... ............. ............. ... ... ... .......... ..... ...... .......... ........... ........ .... ...............3-1 Intersection Controls.......... ...... .... ...... ... ..... ........... ..... ... .................. .... ............ ...... ..... ....... ...... ....... 3-1 Intersection Lane Geometry.... .......... ... ............ ...... .......... .............. .... ......... ...... ........ ....... ... .......... 3-6 4.0 TRAFFIC FORECASTS Daily Trame Forecasts.. .... ... ....... ......... ..... ...... ........ ..... ............. .......... ........ .................. ......... ... .... 4- I Intersection Levels of Service. .......... ... ....... ........... ..... ..... ..... ......... ............. ..... .... ....... .... ... ...... ..... 4-1 Turn Pocket Lengths ..... ..... ... ... ......... ...... ... ..... ... ........ ......................................... ... ......... ... ............ 4-6 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... .... 4-6 APPENDICES: A: Land Use and Trip Generation B: Intersection Capacity Utilization Calculations C: Turn Pocket Length Methodology D: External Trallic Volumes City \)fTu:-.lin L~gacy Park of Tustin Legacy Tratlic Analy:-.is Ausun-FolL'.t Associaks, Inc. 'l22()(14rpt5.d"-lC LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND EXHIBITS Pal!e Figures I-I 2007 Tustin Legacy Master Developer Footprint.......................................................................... 1-2 2-1 2007 Tustin Legacy Master Development Footprint .....................................................................2-3 2-2 Legacy Park Circulation System ...................................................................................................2-5 3-1 Legacy Park Circulation System ...................................................................................................3-2 3-2 Recommended Trallic Control Measures - Community Core Area .............................................3-3 3-3 Recommended Trallic Control Measures - Neighborhood E .......................................................3-4 3-4 Recommended Trallic Control Measures - Neighborhood G (Planning Area 15) .......................3-5 3-5 Intersection Lane Configurations - Community Core Area.......................................................... 3-7 3-6 Intersection Lane Configurations - Neighborhood E .................................................................... 3-8 3-7 Intersection Lane Configurations - Neighborhood G (Planning Area 15) ....................................3-9 4-1 Legacy Park ADT Volumes............ ... ........ ............... .......... ........... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... .... ...... 4-2 4-2 Intersection Location Map...... ..... ........... ........ ...... .... ......... .... ........ ....... ...... ........ ........... ..... ........... 4-5 A-I Tustin Legacy Traffic Model (TL TM) Trallic Analysis Zone System ........................................ A-3 B-1 Intersection Location Map.... ........ ........ ........ ... ......... ....... ............ ................... ................ .............. B-2 C-I Turn Pocket Length Methodology................................................................................................ C-2 Tables I-I Volume/Capacity Ratio Level of Service Ranges for Intersections .............................................. 1-5 1-2 Performance Criteria for Analyzed Intersections ..........................................................................1-6 1-3 Level of Service Descriptions - Signalized Intersections..............................................................1-7 2-1 Land Use and Trip Generation Summary ......................................................................................2-2 2-2 Tustin Legacy Trip Generation....... .......... ...... ............ ...... ...... ..... ...... ......... .................. ..... ... .... .....2-4 2-3 Tustin Legacy Trip Budget ............................................................................................................2-7 2-4 Planning Area Trip Budget Comparison (Non-Residential UscsJ...............................................2-11 4-1 Peak Hour Intersection ICU Summary ..........................................................................................4-3 4-2 Left-Turn Storage Length Requirements ....................................................................................... 4-7 4-3 Right-Turn Storage Length Requirements...................................................................................4-1 0 A-I ADT and Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate Summary .................................................................. A-2 City (lfTuslin L...g.ucy Park nfTustin Lq~al:Y Traffic AnaJy~is Austin-Foust <\s:.oeiatt's. Inc. 922(J04rpt5.J\JC ii Chapter 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents traffic lindings lor proposed changes to the development plan in Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 portion of Neighborhood G of the Master Developer area in the Tustin Legacy project in the City of Tustin. The revised portions of the Master Developer footprint (see Figure 1-1) will be known as Legacy Park and will henceforth be referred to throughout this report as the '"Proposed Project." The purposes of this report are I) to detennine that the land use changes by the Master Developer do not exceed the "trip cap" established for the Master Developer's footprint at Tustin Legacy, 2) to identify and evaluate the traffic impacts of the Proposed Project on-site as well as at the external otl~site intersections on the periphery of Tustin Legacy, and 3) to present data that will be the basis of design lor key on-site project roadways in the Legacy Park area of Tustin Legacy (Neighborhood D including the area referred to as the '"Community Core" south of Warner Avenue, Neighborhood E, and Planning Area 15 portion of Neighborhood G). BACKGROUND A Final Joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) was certified as complete in January 2001 for the Reuse and Disposal of the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Tustin. The EIS/EIR also evaluated the adoption of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. All elements were identified as the original "project." A comprehensive traffic report was prepared for the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, and that report was used in preparing the Circulation section of the Final Joint EIS/EIR. The "Program EIS/EIR" mitigation measures identilied lor the original project were the subject of agreements with the adjacent Cities of Irvine and Santa Ana, and those in Tustin were planned to be implemented in phases according to a phasing plan described in the traffic study. In 2006, a traHic report was carried out in support of an Addendum to the EIS/EIR in which certain Specilic Plan Amendments were adopted including certain administrative clarilications and minor Specific Plan modifications that largely affected prope11y within the Master Developer lootprint including the Neighborhoods being analyzed in this report. The former site of the MCAS Tustin is now referred to as '"Tustin Legacy" and Legacy Park is a portion within this site. - -------- City d Tu:.lin L~'g;J,":Y Park ut Tustin Legacy Traftie Analysis I-I \ustin-FlllL'it ASSllciates, Inc. Y22ll0411Jt5 Joc )< o N L() ~ I"-- ~ (0 ,-".t, , 'I; -~ '<t 0"- OC") f'.. CX)=T"""" en T"""" @;t@;t@;t@);t@;t ~ N 00 , 'I~' ~ N N Q) c: .2: - o >, .- S2. i+ "lVi'/1 (j) ~ ('I) ~ N ~ I (j) N ..- I l!) ":Ii 00 ~ ~ ~ " '" w:: ::<: ;.J, '- ~ "'z .:- -=< ""'- r- uO .:0 ,- "" uJ':::; -'''' Z'- -0 f--' "'''' :....J> '-'" ;Q '" ~, ., '" ~ , on ~ C- " -0 C " a '" c " 0; .~ E ~ ]2;;j ~~ti - '" 0- ~'6~ C.;:: '..I "0 :::I:: 0 ~~zti j ~ ~~3 ;;:;;<22 '=!l~"3 ~ .~,~ e ~ cc:o..~ '" Q 2";:; c:::o:~z l~uG ".; '01) = . --0 ^ - " ' ';::j-;L '=::;'''::: o 'n " - F 0- -1" " .-T ->i ^ - " e, :;('1 ~:7'- " 7- " ~ e! F F -; c <l: .~ <= " f: ~ o " " " -' " " '- :::;'::; ',="-': F " " " f-"- "- ;....... :: '..I . " C'j,Q ._ t.l U-' The total trip generation with the Proposed Project for Tustin Legacy (including the portion in City ofIrvine) is the same as the trip cap established in the original Specitic Plan in 2001 and included in the current Specilic Plan with 216.440 average daily trips (ADT). SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY The subject areas addressed in this report are as t()llows: 1. Proposed Project and Current Specific Plan Land Use and Trip Generation 2. On-Site Roadway System 3. Traffic Forecasts and Intersection Evaluation The lirst of these describes the Proposed Project and its relation to the trip generation ceiling established as part of the original Specific Plan and contained in the current Specilic Plan. Also discussed is the non-residential land use/trip budget tracking system for each neighborhood in the current Specitic Plan and for the Proposed Project. The second subject area being addressed involves the on-site circulation of the Proposed Project in Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 of Neighborhood G (collectively referred to as Legacy Park). The Legacy Park circulation system information presented here includes midblock lanes, intersection lane geometries, and type of intersection control. The third subject area provides traffic forecasts lor on-site and adjacent intersections that reflect the land use relinements and the local roadway system in the Proposed Project site. Average daily traffic and peak hour levels of service at signalized intersections are derived and turn pocket lengths for intersections within the Proposed Project site are cstimatc'd. Because the changes included in the Proposed Project compared to the current Specilic Plan as amended in 2006 are minor and that the ADT projections outside the Proposed Project boundaries show minimal change compared to the 2006 Specific Plan assessment, the only off-site intersections analyzed are along the periphery of Tustin Legacy (Edinger Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Barranca Parkway). To derive the long-range traffic lorecasts lor this analysis, updated tramc lorecast data Was prepared Irom the recently updated Irvine Transportation Analysis Model (IT AM). The IT AM was approved by aCTA as meeting all of the County's consistency guidelines, and the particular version City of Tustin Ll'gat:y P:Jrk ()fTustin Lq~Jl:Y Traffic Analy~is 1.) <\u~tin~F(lust Associates, Int:. 4~1()04rp[5,Joc sekcted for this application is that recently used lor transportation planning work in Irvine which includes projects that were approved prior to the end of 2006 (i.e., various residential projects in the Irvine Business Complex (lBC) and the Heritage Fields/Orange County Great Park project in the former MC AS EI Toro site). It includes an update to the land use and circulation lor Tustin Legacy. The model provides intersection data in the City of Tustin as well as in the City of Irvine. The forecasts in this report are based on the IT,\M described here and include the year 2025 time frame for tramc lorecasting with corresponding assumptions with respect to local and regional transportation improvements. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Trame level of service (LOS) is designated "A" through "F" with LOS "A" representing Iree now conditions and LOS "F" representing severe tramc congestion. Table I-I summarizes tbe volume/capacity (V/C) ranges that correspond to LOS "A" through "F" lor intersection locations. The tramc analysis evaluates the peak hour intersection volumes for the Proposed Project. The intersection tindings are based on intersection capacity utilization (ICU) values. Table 1-2 describes the intersection evaluation criteria. The threshold levels established here retlect levels of significance applicable in this r<:port and are consistent with previous assessments of the project area. Table 1-3 describes the general LOS conditions for intersections. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER STUDIES Several tramc studies that have been carried out in this area are of relevance to the tramc analysis presented here. The projects and studies brietly summarized below have all been approved and have been incorporated where appropriate as background conditions in this analysis. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Traffic Study (Reference 1)- This traffic study dated November 17, 1999, was included as Appendix F of the EIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin dated December 1999. The tramc study presented the results of a circulation analysis performed as part of the EIS/EIR addressing the disposal and reuse of MCAS Tustin. This tramc study includes the traffic impact results related to the preferred alternative (Reuse Alternative I). The land use and circulation plan for Reuse Alternative I is known as the original Specific Plan. Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis (Reference 2) - This traffic study dated February 22, 2006, was referenced in the 2006 Addendum to the Final EIS/EIR for the Disposal and Reuse of MC AS Tustin. City tlfTustin Lt:gacy PJfk of Tustin Lcgat:y Trallie Analysis t..j Austin-Foll'it Associatl'S. 1m:. 4 21(1l14rpl5 .dlll; Table 1-\ VOLUME/CAPACITY RATIO LEVEL OF SERVICE RANGES FOR INTERSECTIONS Level of Service (LOS) Volume/CaDacitv IV/C) A .00 - .60 B .0\ - .70 C .7\ - .80 D .81- .90 E .91-1.00 F Above 1.00 City of Tustin legacy Park nt'Tustin Legacy rmHic Analysis I.' Austm-Foust As..,llclatL'S. Inc. ti:2200-hpI5.dt1c Tobie 1-2 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR ANAL YZED INTERSECTIONS I. V/C Calculation Methodology Level of service to be based on peak hour intersection capacity utilization (lCU) values calculated using the following assumptions: Saturation Flow Rate: 1.700 vehicles/hour/lane Clearance Interval: .05 Right- Turn-On-Red Utilization Factor": .75. " "De-facto" right-turn lane is assumed in the ICU calculation if 19 feet Irom edge to out'...ide of through-lane exists and parking is prohibited during peak periods. II. Performance Standard Level of Service "D" (peak hour lCU less than or equal to .90). City "f Tustin Lcgal.:Y Park of Tustin Legacy Tranie Analysis 1-6 \u'itin-Fnust A~sociatt'S. Inl:. <l22004rpt5,uoc Table 1-3 LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS - SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Levels of service (LOS) for signalized intersections are detined in terms of control delay as follows: LOS DESCR[PT[ON DELA Y PER VEHICLE (sees) A LOS "A" describes operations with low control delay, up to to seconds per vehicle. This LOS occurs when progression is extremely favorable and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Many vehicles do not stop at all. Short cycle lengths may tend to contribute to low delay values. B LOS ""8" describes operations with control delay greater than 10 and up to 20 seconds per vehicle. This level generally occurs with good progression. short cycle lengths, or both. More vehicles stop than the LOS "A", causing higher levels of delay. C LOS "C" describes operations with control delay greater than 20 and up to 35 second..... per vehicle. These higher delays may result from only fair progression, longer cycle lengths, or both. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear at this level. Cycle failure occurs when a given green phase does not serve queued vehicles, and overtlows occur. The number of vehicles stopping is signiticant at this level, though many still pass through the intersection without stopping. D LOS "D" describes operations with control delay greater than 35 and up to 55 seconds per vehicle. At LOS "D", the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, and high VIC ratios. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines. Individual cycle failures are noticeable. E LOS "E" describes operations with control delay greater than 55 and up to 80 seconds per vehicle. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths, and high vie ratios. Individual cycle failures are frequent. F LOS '"F" describes operations with control delay in excess of 80 seconds per vehicle. This level, considered unacceptable to most drivers, often occurs with oversaturation, that is, when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of lane groups. It may also occur at high V IC ratios with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also contribute significantly to high delay levels. Source: Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transportation Research Board. National Research Council < [0 10- 20 20 - 35 35 - 55 55 - 80 > 80 City (lfTuslin Legal:)' Park l1fTustin Lcga9 fraftie Analysis 1-7 .\u~tin~Fllusl Associatl'"S. Inc. 92201J.t'lJt5.Joc This report presents traftic tindings rdative to MCAS Specific Plan Amendments and a proposed evelopment Plan tor the Master Developer area of the Tustin Legacy project in the City of Tustin. The purpose of this report is to identify and evaluate how the project proposed in the Master Developer lootprint area eompares to the original Specific Plan in terms of traftic impacts. The land use and circulation plan presented in this report is referred to as the current Specific Plan in the Legacy Park of Tustin Legacy Traftic Analysis. City of Irvine Planning Areas 30 and 51 Heritage Fields GP A/Zone Change (Reference 3) _ This report presents the findings of a traftic study canied out to determine the impacts of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Zone Change for the former MCAS EI Toro site which is now being referred to as the Heritage Fields/Orange County Great Park project located in Planning Areas 30 and 5\ (P A30 and P A51) in the City of Irvine. The P A30 and P A51 project was approved and is included in the background conditions of this report. REFERENCES 1. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Tratlic Study, Austin- Foust Associates, Inc., November 17, 1999 (same as Appendix F of the EIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin dated December \999). 2. "Tustin Legacy Tratlic Analysis," Austin-Foust Associates, Inc., February 22, 2006 (referenced in the 2006 Addendum to the Final EIS/EIR for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin). 3, "City of Irvine Planning Areas 30 and 51 Heritage Fields GPA/Zone Change [former MCAS EI Toro site]," Austin-Foust Associates, Inc., September 7, 2006. City of Tustin Lcg:m:y Park of Tustin lcgal.:Y Tmllic Analysis l-~ Austin-Foust A~s\JI;iates. Inc. 412n04rpt5.dllC Chapter 2.0 PROPOSED PROJECT The inlormation presented in this chapter summarizes land use and trip generation lor the Proposed Project as well as for the entire Tustin Legacy area. The purpose is to make lindings relative to the trip cap established in the current Specific Plan. A review of the trip budget lor non-residential uses is also re-evaluated in this chapter. LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION Table 2-1 provides a summary of the land use and trip generation for the Proposed Project, and includes the corresponding data lor the current Specilic Plan. The trip generation has been determined based on the trip generation rates summarized in Appendix A, and detailed land use and trip generation summaries by Planning Area can also be found in Appendix A. The daily trip generation rates are consistent with those used in the original Specific Plan. The land use data presented in this chapter includes the Proposed Project and approved development tor other areas in Tustin Legacy. The land uses in Planning Areas 4, 5, 16, 17, 19-22 as approved tor the Marble Mountain Partners (Lennar and William Lyon Homes) residential development, the Vestar commercial development and the John Laing residential development have also been incorporated into the land use database (see Figure 2-1 for Planning Area boundaries). Comparing the total revised trip generation projection with the approved (current) Specitic Plan shows that the Proposed Project does not exceed the trip budget established tor the Specific Plan. PROPOSED PROJECT A trip generation comparison between the current Specitic Plan and revised plan tor the entire Tustin Legacy including the Proposed Project is summarized Table 2-2. The table shows that the established "trip cap" of 216,440 average daily trips (ADT) remains the same as do the trips within the Proposed Project and remaining non-project areas within Tustin Legacy. The proposed arterial circulation system for the Proposed Project in Legacy Park is presented in Figure 2-2. Included are the roadways in the current Specific Plan and the addition of proposed local City of Tustin Lq;acy Park \)t'Tustm Legacy Traftie Analysis ~-I - .\ustin-Fnust Associates. Inc. <.ln004rpt5 Joc ---------~ -,---~,--- -~~- ---- ~'_.- i : Current S ecitic Plan ProDosed Project Difference l:nit~1 Amonnt ADT Amonnt ,\DT ~,!,onnt ADT DU 1Jl33 __ 9.S~ 1.147 ! loms ~ II~ ---12~Q._ DU 1,449 11.592 U35 IO.6S0 -114 -912 DU I.S97 12.576 I.S97 12.57h 0 0 Room 192 941 192 941 0 0 Room 500 4.115 500;-14.115 0 Q_ Stu 2,400 2,448 2,400, 2,448 0 0 Stu 1,850 3,312 1.850 I 3,312 0 Q._ TSF 1,293.86 7.920 1,293.86 7.920 0 0 TSF 147.38 Ih,4S0 IH07 15.999 -4.31 -481 ~ 419.85 28.621i-509.M 34.740 S9.79 h.1I9__ I TSF 930.h l8.h08 930.h 28,608 0 0_ I TSF 2,679.73 35562 2.06S,73 27,451 -61 LOO -S,III TSF i 2.343.75 20.8h9 2.8h5.73 2h,I05 52L98 5,236 TSF 40.S5 542 40.85 542 0 0 TSF -- -- 45h.03 3.h99 45h.03 3.699 TSF h27.05 S,OS8 332.28 4,1% -294.77 -3,S92 Acre IUO,4 509 75,3 379 -25.1 - 130 Acre 84.5 423 S45 423 0 0 Seat 3500 h,300 3,500 h.300 0 0 I TSF 158.99 970 15S.99 970 0 0 i Seat 1.000 1,250 1.000 1,250 0 0 TSF 30 9R8 20 h59 -10 -329 TSF 18 2,289 -- -- -18 -2,289 DU 242 840 242 S40 0 0 Acre 94.6 5,089 94.6 5.089 0 0 SG -- 6,220 -- 6,220 n 0.._ 216,440 I 21 6,440 0 ~~and Use CateJ!orv J_, LDR (1-7 DU/Acre) 2. MDR (S-15 DUlAcre) 3. MHDR (lh-25 DUlAcre) 4. Transitional Housing 5. Hotel h. Elementarv/Middle School 7. High School R. Learning Center 9. Neighborhood Commercial 10. Community Commercial II, ShoppiJ!g Center (EQ) 12. General Office 13. Omce Park (EQ) 14. Military (Office) 15. Light IndustriaVR&D 16. Industrial Park (EO) 17. Park 18. Revional Park 21. Multiplex Theater 22. Senior Congregate 24. Theatre 25. Health Club 26. High-Turnover Restaurant 27. Senior Housing Attached 28. Sports Park 29. Tustin Facility TOTAL Table 2-1 LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY Abbreviations: AOT - average daily trips DU - dwelling units EQ - Equation based trip rate used LOR - Low Density Residential MOR -Medium Density Residential MHDR - Medium High Density Residential R&D - Research and Development SG - special generator Stu student TSF -- thousand square feet City of Tustin Lt'gacy Park IlfTu:-.lin Leg<lcy Trame Analysis ~-2 Au~tln-Foust ASSilciatt's. Inc. lJ12lJf14rpt5.Joc 7< ~ _a...fD""_....,.....:_;..., I I , I o N (9 - ------- T""" N \ / I I -, I _J ,__ " ,ioiiir__.J:_~.'tl;C~~",",' LO T""" I'-- -- -- ---, I I , fCQ\ \ v..~ \ " "<:t \ LO \ '1iooIir_... CD T""" " co / @/ , I , \ \ \ I C") T""" @ ",',!\':I iiiI:W;A~' OJ c:: N .~ No if:' ~ '"-,1,-,,./1 T""" N T""" I (J) iliii<<.......'___....: " 2 " .::,lJ '" '" .u, ~ ~ :r.z -<:- -'" Leo.. ....- uO ~9 ;,:- ~::x: -0-" ~d ""-0 c/o'" :0> t-J..l S20 N ,>. c " " 5 " ell " " o ~ '5 ~ '" 'u ~ HZ), ~:n' ~ . - :.{lo.. -g c.~~: '=.) :;1 -.);.1 . ~-o~,... .3 3EO o ::l '- :::0 Z :.I :::l:::l ';)""::l "-' (;,) :0 :: ~.<~.8 ~~"E 3 c c 'J':. .!:l 'c "2 O..c = c 0. o/J ,":I ~ :: 'u 5: 0::0': z "J.; , 'IJ S' j ;; oS c " 0:: :~U8 -j '?lJ c . -"'=l r.-< 3 ("'.oj :::l ';.l) 'v= o'r, ~ '5. -t~ ~~ ;:::Fj :: r-. w..~ .~ " -<: ~, 0' "f '" ~ .~ -= ~ 'J " '" 'J -0 .g , " ,... .g~ .~ ... ::l :':l ,...'- ......... ;..-. :: '.) , " C:.t.l _ ti U-o Table 2-2 TUSTIN LEGACY TRIP GENERA nON Area * Neighborhoods D, E and G (PAIS)" Neighborhood G (pA20-PA21) & H (PA22) Remainder of Tustin Legacy Total Average Daily Trame (ADT) , See Figure 2-1 for neighborhood map. " Legacy Park proposed project. City \lfTu~lin Ll'gacy Park \lfTu:;tin Ll.'gacy Traffic Anal)'!'.is ~-.. Current I" I SDecific Plan I Pro Dosed Project i 128,330 I 128.330 ---~~ I 122 I 8 _+------g218 ~ .. 271~~400_~~4~iL._ 2-4 I I .~ ~ Difference I o ] o I o ' o ! ---I f--- A.ustln-Foust As~oeiatt..'S. Inc. Y22I)(.L4rpI5.dl1C ~ > .' .' >. , .' "'! , ~x , .1 , " - 1 , rll' ,I I , "\ .' ~, <"',I -"r-- I,' :,.\ > "11, , !:' I f 1 ~, L h I . , , ~I ~ , 1"1 ~ ,,' "1/') , ,> ~ , ,~'t " "- .. ( " , " "- ,> ^, 1..,'- , .' \",'''I,r, h y , ^, " , , , ^, ,> , " 0, , ; y " " " , I ,~ d I ~ , " Ie " _1 ell I :, ,,-I: A "';','.'1', Legend Figure 2-2 , Midblock lanes LEGACY PARK CIRCULATION SYSTEM City ut Tustin L..:gacy Park of Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis 2-5 :-\.ustin-Fousl Associates. Inc. Y22004rpt5fig2-2.Jwg roadways, mostly two-lane local arterials. in Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 of Neighborhood G (see previously referenced Figure 2-1 lor neighborhood map) to serve the Proposed Project. TRIP BUDGET FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL USES This section discusses the non-residential land uses/trip budget tracking system included in the current Specitic Plan. Table 2-3 compares the current Specilic Plan trip budget to the Proposed Project. Table 2-5 presents a summary table comparing the results. The overall trip budget is similar lor both with differences occurring within individual neighborhoods that result in slightly less trips (50 ADT) tor the Proposed Project compared to the trip budget established in the current Specitic Plan. City ofT u:-itin LL'gacy Park (If Tustin L.:gacy Tr.Jmc Analysis 2-6 Austin-FnLL'\t ASSOClalt'S, Inc. 4:::'2n(~rpt5.doc " <', " :0 " f-- "l- .- 0 =< " ." - ~-- .~ ~ = Q " " .. Q Q Q.,Z2 1: < ~-r g .. 0.. ;: j f-- ""' u o ::J CO c.. C2 I- ~ U < U ""' --l ;z ~ cJl ::J I- -I- .~ Q =< " :5! ~ - " " ~or= I~ ~ ~ " < I~I--- =.l21- ~ ~ Q .. "< "@:; u " '..:t-- " - " " ." " ':;) 0 " e a:< c ~ - " u " ~ ::J ." " " ...l I OJ) ~ " " .; " " .. " < s:: jl- "0 "< @:; .~- " " = ." " ':;) == " - a:~ ~ - .; ;> ~T::T ~I j~i;?, ;~I;?,I~ ..,. <'I <', ..,. ..,. 0 0 '" 'r. <'I 1"- 1"- <', <'I '~'~.I~ 1"- 0 "'. '" '" "'. a-. ,.:- ,.: 00 00 '" '" ,,)i i II - - 1 , 'I I 1 Hl .- -- I-- 1-+- .- ~ IO:~lrIT 00 00 ~ ..,. '" '" 'r~ .,.. on I "r,IOO _ 0' '" ""C 00 oQaC 1"- " ,...: I'n M r....: 0 0 '" ..,. ..,...,. .,.. .,.. on 10' I rl 1("'1 '" 0 ..,. rl'" 1 rl ir-'l "1. - - ! I 1-'-'1 - : 1"- - 00 00 ~ '" 0 '" '" ..,. 00 ~ 'r. 'r. Oa- rl , "! '" '~ '" <'I O. O'~ V, ..,. - - <'I I I I : '- N .,.. 0 '" r, 00 0 '" I "1' a- ..,. <'I r- '" '" r- ..,. I rl - - - - ..,. - 00 I 'Jf' ..,. N <'I ..,. ..,. 0 0 Q ...0 1'"'1 t:"'l N r-r') '" .,.. N r- .... <'I <', '" 'Ii 0-, 0 N r--- .... 0 "'. a- '" "'. "'. '" r--: M~..c r--: ,.:- ,.: 00 .,; '" '" ..; - 1 olT'1 00 00 ~ ..,. 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Cl :E "" .;: a t;:h:::. ~ ~.~ ~ i8 ~ ~ :::'I~ ~ ~ \J ,r-;-:b zgl~ =1 ~""-=--o::;:;~;:::: ~ 1:- ~I()C:::'::"-; ..-=,:Ci':2i a:; -= ..J Q c< c< Cl ",,; " '" "'" .S! 1:: _ Cl1a::1c<1c.:i ~ QIc<'C<! " J: g o c o:r:: JJ'~ 5 5 a 5 & < :r::lolc,"'g of 0 0 gl~"'g"fl ~..J::;;:::;;: u.J;Z U 0 "-1;11 ti" 0.. ::;;:,..J"[,::;;:i Ol Ollo..J ~l!u.J Ol ~ J: I! I-E~I::C 'f,c a:: I I Q ~.: Q :-= .. as l;g~,~!as ~ ~I = :;::t I'~ ix .;:: I 'c ~ r.; ~ 0.- z. :~,C"'l z. I ~ -< ~ ,<'II,~I I I I~I~I ~ I, i ;u 0/) -" ::l .0 a. "5 ~ '" -" ';;; " ~ ,!. i3 " " .s '- 0 ,... '" a. '0 " ~ '" :;! '" b i3 ~ " '~ Ol a. ~ " a. ~ ,~ '" a ~ ] ~ <2 " " S! " ~ '" ~ " '~ ::l "'" ~ '" a. " '" ~ '" -" ";;; " c< I - I ~ O! , '" .;' " :E " i= , " i:l '- ~ ~ ~-t " " ."- '- ;..... :::. "J " ~, ~ I ~- 'l"l -'--" I Table 2-4 I I PLANNING AREA TRIP BUDGET COMPARISON (NON-RESIDENTIAL USES) I -, ---1-- ---- --r-------- Current I , SDecific Plan Proposed Project Difference i ! Neig,hborhood I Planninl( Areas Units J Amount ADT Amount ADT Amount ADT I A 1-3 TSF I U20.9R 17.734D.320.9R 17.734 0 O~ . -- -~ R.974 I --~j B 4.5,7 TSF 24R.3 248.3 R.974 0 . C 6 TSF 57.5 3.920 57.5 3.920 0 0 D R.l3.14 TSF 4.762.87 74,4R9 4566.R 72.293 -196.07 -2.196 E I 9-12 TSF 1.267.33 17.273 1,406.11 19,420 138.78 2.146 F 16-19 TSF 1.041.45 35,450 1.041.45 35,450 0 0 G 15.20.21 TSF 466.63 14.855 466.63 14.R55 0 0 H 22 rSF 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Notes: I) See Figure 2-1 for neighborhood map. I 2) Park uses are not part of the non-residential trip budget. City IlfTustin Legacy Park \lfTustin L<.:gacy Trallil' AnaJy:-.is 2-11 ,\llslin~Fllust A~soClall,;':o;. Inc. 912lll)4rpI5.duc Chapter 3.0 ON-SITE ROADWAY SYSTEM This chapter discusses the on-site roadway system of the Proposed Project in Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 of Neighborhood G. The purpose is to show the type of on-site roadways, intersection controls and intersection lane geometries that are proposed within the project area and confirm that the proposal meets the established operational criteria. PLANNED CIRCULATION SYSTEM The circulation system assumed for the traffic analysis study area for buildout 2025 conditions is illustrated in Figure 3-1. Included are the roadways in the current Specific Plan and the addition of several roadways, mostly two-lane local arterials. The on-site circulation system includes two six-lane major arterials, Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue, secondary arterials (Valencia North Loop, Legacy Road, North Loop Road, Park Avenue, Armstrong Road, "A" Street between Red Hill Avenue and "c" Street, "F" Street, "c" Street and "B" Street north of Tustin Ranch Road in Neighborhoods D and E), and local roadways in Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 of Neighborhood G to serve the Proposed Project. The arterial circulation system is virtually the same as established in the 2006 Addendum to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan EIS/EIR with the primary difference being the addition of the local roadway networks in the Proposed Project area (Neighborhoods D and E and Planning Area 15 of Neighborhood G). INTERSECTION CONTROLS The assumed on-site traffic control measures are shown in Figures 3-2 through 3-4, for Neighborhoods D (Community Core Area), E and G (Planning Area 15). Traffic control measures are not project mitigation measures. Rather they address the traffic operational needs of the project site depending on individual capacity and include a combination of traffic signals and all-way and one-way stop signs. A detailed analysis of traffic control measures, including traffic signals, stop-sign control and pedestrian crossings, will be performed with the associated development's master plan and street improvement plan reviews, and in coordination with the City Traffic Engineer, when specific project City of Tustin Ll'gacy Park of ru~tin Lt"gacy Tranie Analy~is J.I ,\ustin.Foust A:.sociates, Inc. 922004rpt5.dllC .1'iI.',I; I". ~x 'I I' II 'i/.',' liC~' leA', figure 3-1 _ Major Arterial (6 lanes) Primary Arterial (4 lanes) Sc('ondary Arterial (2-4lancs) Local Collector 12-4 lanes) Local Street Planes) LEGACY PARK CIRCULATION SYSTEM City of Tustin Lt'ga<:y Park of Tustin Lega<:y Traffic Anal)sis 3-2 Austin-Foll...t Assol:iates. Inc. 9220()4rp(5figJ~ I.Jwg -+- . J- J--- ... - , ~'I I i 1'1 " . I .T. t , . ,U] . , , - / / " h - = ".1 \ .-- ... --- ... c,! \.' .- :,'t,I,,~1-i '" -- . \ \ .1 ";.,,\ . L~gend Figure 3<2 . - Signalized Inter"ccti(ln Stop Sign RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES - COMMUNITY CORE AREA ('ity of I'ustin LegJC)' Park of Ttl~tin Legacy Traffic Analysis J-J Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. q221 II)4rpt5fig3. 2.Jwg x , , , .. , ._7 1',1, .. I I I I I II! , ''vI' , " I, +---- ~ I ! .-- I I '-,' I 1- ~ '" u - ~ '" :z: V> '" ~ :J V> -<: '" :2 ...J ':):.:.; :=0 20 00 UJ: ,-,,,, ",0 -'" "'J: -<:.. "'~ f-ij oz '" o z '" :< :< o U '" ~ ~~ ..n ,~, 2 r;", ..:2_::!l 'J-..... ~ '2- .t..i ;r.~ ;::l 1'" ': /"1 ;.:..~ :r. ~ -<: -r C', .:2 " ~ '3 -;; 0 ~ u , 'i3 .., ::; c ,g ::: " '" .., - u " " "- ...J .' '" " -;; :i5 ~) " 0- 'J '" 0 ...J ;; ;; ~ . . ,:; ~ 0 " -'" ~ ~ "- ~ " '" >.:1 U 'J f'ji' I . ii' -I . . *---- ., li- I I 1 I Legend . Signalized Intcrscdion Stop Sign . +x ... ... I I ... . - - I.A'rrTi :"'"-f- 1- I'~ i " I I '--''-- , I "~I "',\, I " "',1 I , r ,1 I i " ; ; , ,I ~ "\1' 1'.lt Figure 3.4 RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC CONTROL :I1EASL:RES - NEIGHBORHOOD G (pLANNING ARE\ (5) City of Tustin Legacy Park of I'u'ilin I,egacy Traffic Analysis 3-5 Austin.F(lu:-.t Assol.,:iaks. Inc. lJ2200-lrpt5figJ.4.dwg details are available. Appropriate trallie control measures will be in accordance with City Standards, as directed by the City Trallic Engineer, and implemented in the design of the development with the approval of the stred improvement plans. INTERSECTION LANE GEOMETRY This section provides the proposed intersection lane geometry information lor Neighborhoods D (Community Core Area), E and G (Planning Area 15). It has been prepared to assist in the design of the backbone roadway system for Tustin Legacy's Legacy Park. The intersection lane geometries 1(" each analyzed neighborhood area are illustrated in Figures 3-5 through 3-7. A detailed analysis of intersection lane geometry will be performed with the associated development's master plan and street improvement plan reviews, and in coordination with the City Traffic Engineer, when specilic project details are available. Appropriate intersection lane geometry will be in accordance with City Standards, as directed by the City Trallic Engineer, and implemented in the design of the development with the approval of the street improvement plans. CitYI)fTuSlin L:gacy Park \If Tustin Ll'gal:Y Trame A.nalysis ]-0 Austin-Foust A~sm:iall'S. Ine. \1~~(~Il-JrpI5_dnc fll ! "i~- I ~ -..' H. '.:--: f,t . 'I~ 'I , , I...i..... ,",- J~ ;/; " ". ,'.---- W~ i/~ "".~, ...~~" . II !~ , /~ t-~;,+ , _~..I....'", .:~ , fttij= --:,.1,+' ~, ... I .. -r,~. , -- .. -~ +1+ I, +It~ f""i,+_,~,_ --+:~+. " I I ft""-' I '-----. 11 ~ -, t - '" -~T;f,..- ' ~lllr" ~ ,\ ~- ~~" - /~ '/c.y '/', -+- _// ~/ " j/~ , .......~ '~~''''\; ,;.,,"': ~"".. ~~, .-~A. ~i" . 1 f ii...." ~i, , .+ ",y .~ , .J '+ ~~~l~t I~[j ,~ /..~ I -.' !~~~ /.. ~. ::..~ . .. , I\I~ ~''ti~ ~',#I~ ~\\\\' "I " ftJ_~ __ .,;, ~ .. ---- + 1- IIIE ~H\t=_ '~,.~~ --..\ CJ 'i'i' ~~ , .~ /'/ i1t: _ fl~;~ ,,' :-.;:~- ~ :,\\ c:\ ,', " ----- Figure 3.5 INTERSECTION LANE CONFIGURATIONS - COMMUNITY CORE AREA City of Tustin Legacy Park of Tustin L:gal:Y Traffic A.nalysis 3.7 ~ustin-Foust Associates, Inc. 912()(14rpt5fig3- j .dwg X 10 llli~ ~ +...:;- ,- =!I~tttl. ---.' 4..l.i~ ~i'''lttf~ .... II"IIE f,H n:t -3~flfltt't}- ~,I' I -. --..' ---'1 , ~ /~\~ ~~ \ 1.11'\'-: ';] II! I d'~ \.y ~, /~\\ ~ ' ,\ ~ ~~~~, """ //~ ~,,- ~ /~ , -,'I.'l'J "r It 1'/ , I~ 4.l.l~ - ~'~t~- ....~ IE fj41.:~ - .- -i :~fr~ . ---, --- -----0. I .. I. 1'-".1 1--- , . /, 20 0 f= -1: c::: 5:.:..J -0 "-0 20" -9 o~ ,x ~, ~cr: ~ CWo " z'" on -1: X ii; .....lo 7,"";": 0- _20 f-. ,'-' CW '" cr: .JJ f-. :5 c - " f-. '0 E c on " 0:: on " 0 ... " " " 0 ~ ....; ,:..lJ C . --, ,; .;:;; " ' - ~- 'g :~) , 0 or. ,.... ~ - ~.,. -'" '''' ~ r-.l -:;1""1 ~~ ." " < "'? ~, , , "" ~ s " e:: " '" " ", '" ... 2 , " f-. C"a '; ...;.0: ~2 - ^ ~ ~ .~~ '"...--l t+++[~'!F " "3,~t..rt'" -. III1I -....1, ...:1 :f '41ft. '" \\'\~~ ' ~,,, '~,~" 5 \II" ;::.~, I --;", \ :'~ Iii/! '~ ,,,.. ~-- ""'...- 144 /}~ " ~'"- ll.: ~"""-' ~-# ~~ '"' "'-'" ... \( , ~-: ..' ,~ ,/ 'I,i, 1 , 'II~ +lit, .-- ~r~t~ 1"1.' -~ " fli ,,. '... ~, , 'I W~!~ 'I" ~I.if- ~\f,t. . ,,-,. 1 I 1 ~I.:+ , ~/~t. ., I" ! " / , / '-I'll' .l\'\ \;.. ~,,~' ... ~)fl~ .l\"~ ~;\f ., ,~\~~... -.....: \1" ],q Figure 3- 7 INTERSE<TION LANE CONFIGURATIONS ,NEIGHBORHOOD G (PLANNING AREA ]5) City of Tustin Leg:.h:Y Park of Tustin L~gaq Traffic Analysis ~,~ ~ fH~:~ -3" :~U --:-' IlIl , 1.- 'II[ '3= fl'H!:F ::~r - _c~ [~'t~ -~ I Au.~tin-Foust Assodates, Inc. 922(IO-J.rptSfigJ.7.Jwg Chapter 4.0 TRAFFIC FORECASTS This chapter discusses the performance of the circulation system of the Proposed Project. As noted in the methodology section, the Proposed Project is analyzed under long-range (year 2025) traffic conditions, and project land uses and circulation are expected to be completed by this time. The purpose is to conlirnl that the proposed roadway supporting the project will work within the established perlormance criteria. DAILY TRAFFIC FORECASTS Under year 2025 with-project conditions along with buildout of the on-site roadways, Red Hill Avenue, Edinger Avenue and Barranca Parkway along the periphery of the project are expected to be built out with their ultimate lanes. Tustin Ranch Road is assumed to be connected between Walnut Avenue and Edinger Avenue with a grade separation of the railroad and Edinger Avenue, and then an indirect connection to Edinger Avenue. Access to and Irom the north is provided via three roadways on Edinger Avenue (West Connector, Tustin Ranch Road and East Connector), three Irom the east (Moffett Drive, Jamboree Road and Warner Avenue), four on Barranca Parkway (Aston Street, Armstrong Avenue, Tustin Ranch Road and District Road), and three on Red Hill Avenue (Valencia North Loop, Warner Avenue and Carnegie Avenue) Figure 4-1 shows the average daily traffic (ADT) volumes for the on-site roadways. INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE (LOS) Table 4-1 provides the results of the intersection analysis for the intersections illustrated in Figure 4-2. Because the changes included in the Proposed Project compared to the current Specilic Plan as amended in 2006 are minor and that the ADT projections outside the Proposed Project boundaries show minimal change compared to the 2006 Specific Plan assessment, the only olI-site intersections analyzed here are along the periphery of Tustin Legacy on Edinger A venue, Red Hill A venue and Barranca Parkway (see volume map in Appendix D). City llfTustm L<:gal:Y P:u-k of Tustin lq~aLY Trame Analysis 4.1 Auslin-F\lu~t AssnClah:s. Inc. l)22(}04rpI5_J~1C ~ ~ ~x 3 ~ ~ cl 14 l/ ,',' / " ,i 24 1< , '1',I,r'I:I,.I;'I,1 , J ^.----- ... /i ~ h 57 ", 'II ~ ' " '~ :1 I,! < c 1'- Legend Figure 4-1 1" :'11 30 ADT Volumes (UOOS) LEGACY PARK ADT VOLUMES City of Tu:'>tin Lega~y Park Ill' Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis -1-./ Austin~F(lust Associates, Inc. l.J22U04rpt5fig.4-1.Jwg Table4-1 l I PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION LOS SUMMARY I -J 1- AM Peak Hour ! PM Peak Hour I I Intersection* ICU LOS I ICU LOS ! I. Armstrong & Valcncia N Loop .60 A .55 A I 2. Tustin Rauch Rd & Valencia N .73 C .64 B 3. Tustin Ranch Rd & Warner N .69 B -L .RO C I 4. Tustin Ranch Rd & Warner S .58 A .65 B ~' A=,"'''& W,=, .65 B .64 B i _6. Armstrong & A SI .47 A .4R A --2c::rustin Ranch & C SliPark Ave .60 A .69 B L R. Loop Rd & Warner .67 B .64 B I .20 A .31 i_~:_Loop Rd & Jamboree SB Ramps A ~ULN Loo.E Rd & MotTett .24 A .20 A -- I I I. N Loop Rd & Valcncia N Loop .15 A .16 A I 13. Loop Rd S & District Rd .38 A .35 A 14. B SI & Tustin Ranch Rd .45 A .49 A 15. Wamer& F St/Legacv .70 B .63 B I , 16. Armstrong & C Slil St .2R A .30 A 18. Armstrong & E St .32 A .26 A : 19. Wamer& DSt .29 A .38 A I 20. Tustin Ranch Rd & Legacy- .79 C .8 I D , 2 I. Armstrong & B St .40 A .26 A 22. Driveway A & Warner .72 C .80 C 23. Drivewav B & A St .43 A .46 A 24. B St & A SI .38 A .35 A 25. C SI & A St .41 A .59 A I , 26. Driveway C & B St 25 A I .14 A -- j 30. J St & G St , .13 A .14 A - l 3 I. B St & G St .09 A .11 A I I 32. L SI & G St/H SI .08 A .12 A ! i I 33. I 51 & H St .07 A 09 A J ! 34. J 51 & E SI .25 A .32 A : --r- , i 35 B St & E St , .15 , A I .23 A I , 36. L St & E St .12 , A .28 A I I 37. C SI,F St& E St : .35 A I .40 A 3R. I St & F St .38 A .55 A I 39 J 5t & A 5t I .29 A .45 A , ~. L -I I L 40, B SI & A 5t , .36 A I .57 A I -------i -- I I I 4I.CSI&AStlDSt I 45 A .53 A L - CityofTustm Legacy Park \lfTu~tio Lt'gm.:y Trame Analysis ._1 ....ul>lin-Foust ...."...ih..:iatcs, Inc. lJ2101I4rpt5.do!,; [able 4-1 (conI.) PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION LOS SUMMARY i AM Peak Hour i PM Peak Hour I Inlerseclion* i ICU LOS leu LOS j ill - 42. N St & D St A I IX A ----L , I .35 I : 43. M St & A St A .32 A 144. K St & E St .08 A ! 10 .\ I 45. K St & G St .08 A .11 A 41i. B St & I St I .10 A ! .09 A , 47. J St & I SI .11i A .17 A 50. B St & Valencia N Loop .25 A .22 A i 51. N Loop Rd& B SI .14 A 1 .14 A J 52. East Connector & B St .IX A .17 A 53. D St & B St .14 A .14 r- ~ J [ 58. D St & Moffett .35 A i .28 I -- 59. C St & Motfett .45 A .37 A I I 1i0. N Loop Rd & Legacy I .34 A ! .30 A J 1i2. C St & Legacv 10 A .11i A 1i3. N LOOD Rd & G St .10 A .14 A 101. Red Hill & Edinger .87 D .78 C I 102. Red Hill & Valencia .84 D .73 C J 103. Red Hill & Warner .81 D .90 D j 104. Red Hill & Carnegie .53 A .57 A 105. Red Hill & Barranca .70 B .81 D 106. Aston & Barranca .52 A 1i2 B 107. Armstrong & Barranca .58 A .61 B 108. Tustin Ranch RdlVon Karman & Barranca .79 C .74 C : 109. West Connector & Edinger .53 A .70 B 110. Tustin Ranch Rd Connector & Edinger .70 B .79 C 111. East Connector & Edinger I .65 B .69 B ~ 112. Tustin Ranch Rd & Tustin Ranch Rd Connector .74 C .77 C~ 113. Tustin Ranch Rd & Walnut .83 D .82 D J I · See intersection location map in Figure 4-2 leu Intersection Capacity Utilization LOS - Level of Service City tlfT u~lin Ll:gaJ.:Y Park nfTu.'>tin Legacy Trullic Analysis 4.4 Austin-Foust A.-.snciaks. Inc. '/:'2004rpt5.J()c ",:,"11 ~24 I ~ln~ I I I + 101 t )02 I I , ~103 , '" .-- I' Itllj . 1 . ( i I I I .' 0 NI' .15 , ] 13 . I]]) .. '!l2 .1l) ,. . r.I'.;:" ,I ,I :.1 .-------!- I I , , I' -, ~ -.:; () .- .' 13 , 20 .. i, .' " 1+- ]]1 ,I . :'ll- 52- ' 53 . .]1 I' " ,I oS ' 59 I' ,10 .f/!; t~,' " n . , , :, 61 .62 btJ . .' .63_ " __, 'I , \ :' q t I .S J ',;,1':'-' J .x 26 , . " 23 ,. .2. e25 I, , . ]])/) I~~ " ;;lJ~1Hi , 4/) 4, ..32 I' . -'1 . ,-.-...37. "2 .- , .' - .47 .31 'rlfJ6 .41 .16 .30 .35.4 "13 .7 .34 -IS ~, I ~IOZ '.40 .39 ~ 14 , - : ~ i ,,', -,,- I Figure 4-2 INTERSECTION LOCATION MAP I .IOS , _.,'1,' " , ('jlyolTustin Legacy Park ufTu~tjn Legacy Traffic Analy~is .j.-':; Austin-Foust ^:;.~ociatcs. lnl.'. <l2200-l-rplS fig-l--2.Jwg The intersection criteria involve the use of peak hour intersection capacity utilization (ICU) values. The ICU ranges that correspond to LOS "A" through "F" were described in Chapter 1.0, and by practice the leu methodology assumes that intersections are signalized. Elased on the peak hour intersection pertorrnance criteria and impact thresholds discussed in Chapter 1.0, all intersections are It)recast to operate at acceptable levels (i.e., lCU value is .90 or less). (See Appendix B It)r detailed lCU worksheets. ) TURN POCKET LENGTHS This section addresses turn pocket lengths lor left-turn and right-turn lanes at future signalized intersections with exclusive right-turn and left-turn lanes. They are based on vehicle storage requirements, and are thereby exclusive of transition lengths (typically, transitions are 90 feet for a single lane and 120 to 150 feet for a double lane). The recommended turn pocket lengths lor left-turns and right-turns are summarized in Tables 4-2 and 4-3, respectively. A detailed analysis of the left- and right- turn pocket lengths will be pertorrnc-d with the associated development's master plan and street improvement plan reviews, and in coordination with the City Trame Engineer. when specific project details are available. CONCLUSIONS This analysis has shown that the proposed Legacy Park land use and arterial circulation changes within the Master Developmc'llt lootprint of Tustin Legacy have not resulted in significant changes to the projected trip generation or in any new si!,'l1ificant project impacts that would require mitigation. Theretore there are no changes to the previous traffic tindings included in the original Program EIS/ElR and the subsequent addendum completed in 2006. Moreover, the proposed on-site circulation system is lound to provide adequate capacity in accordance with the perlorrnance criteria applied here. City of Tustin Lt:ga.;y P:u-k of fu~tin L.'ga..:y Trame Analysis 4-0 -\u:-,tin-Foust A"Stlf.;i<ttcs, Inc. 922004rpt5 Joe Table 4-2 I I I LEFT-TURN STORAGE LENGTH REQUIREMENTS ----- I_Intersection (N/S Rd at E/W Rd) Movement ~'!I<.!lou~ Volume Lanes_ VoluDle/Lane I Le~~ I 2. Tustin Ranch & Valencia N Loop SBL PM I--r > , 19 ! 150' f--"'.- r-- 159- I 200' NBL AM I 317 > I EBl -- , PM +_~I 2 2(,1 I 300' i . I WB" '-. - 13. PM -+ 27 I 27 150' ---1----- Tustin Ranch & Warner N I SBL PM 727 2 3M I 400' !\VBl AM 1.675 2.9* -- 5'78 I 600' 14 Tustin Ranch & Warner South f~ NBL PM 171 2 86 r ISO' EBL PM 989 2 495 500' I Armstrong & Warner SBL PM 135 I 135 ISO' I 5 NBL I PM 418 2 209 -W~O' I EBL AM 201 I 201 I : 250' f- WBL AM ~O I 150 ISO' i(, Armstrong & A St SBL AM 229 I 229 250' -NBL AM IIl7 t-! -- 107 150' i -- EBL AM 150 , 150 150' I I -WBL PM 21(, I I 21(, 250' 17. Tustin Ranch & C StlPark Ave SBL PM 258 2 129 ISO' NBL AM , 259 2 130 150' -EBL PM 2"" I 222 250~- "" I WBL PM 248 1 248 250' ; 8. Loop Rd & Warner SBL PM 30 I 30 I 150' i NBL PM 221 1 221 ! 250' I ~- I EBL PM 51 2 26 ISO' i WBL PM 90 2 45 150' 19 Loop Rd & Jamboree SB Ramps I SBL PM 17] I 171 200' , NBL PM 46 I 46 150'- I EBL PM (,0 1 60 I I SlY I WBl AM 325 2 163 200' : 10. N Loop Rd & Motfett SBL PM 69 I 69 ISO' l WBl AM 279 I 279 300' Ill. N Loop Rd & Valencia N Loop NBL AM 76 I 76 150' I EBL AM 86 I 86 ISO' 114. B St & Tustin Ranch , SBL PM 278 1.9- 147 150' EBL AM 252 2 126 I ISO' 115. Warner & F StlLegacy SBL PM 558 2 279 i 300' I NBL PM 5] I 51 I ISO' EBl PM 516 19- 272 i 300' I C--WBL AM 23 I 23 I ISO' roo - Tustin Ranch & Legacy SBL PM 146 I 146 I 150' NBL AM 330 I 330 I 350' i EBL PM I 353 I 353 i 400' , WBL PM .! 116 I ll6 150' , <- ifY \lfTustin L\;:ga..:y Park lltTustin l~gal:Y Tratlie Analysis 4.7 '\"u:-.lin-Foust A';SlKiat~s. Inc. 9~2()!)../.rpt5.J()t: I I Table 4-2 (cont.) LEFT-TURN STORAGE LENGTH REQUIREMENTS -----... .-- -~ Unlerseclion (N/S Rd at E/W Rd) l\lovemt>nt Peak Hour i Volume Lanes _~ olume/Laue !-!,euglh I 22. Driveway A & Warner SBL PM 110 I 110 ! ISO' -. j NBL PM I 137 I 137 ISO' i , EBL AM I 346 I 346 350' I I WBL AM I 63 I 63 I ISO' 123 Driveway B & A St I SBL PM I 26R I 26R , 300' , I NBL PM I 46 I 4h 150' I EBL AM 326 I 326 350' WBL AM 159 I 159 I 200' I 25. C St & A St SBL AM 116 1 116 150' I NBL AM 261 I , 261 ! 3()~ I EBL AM 21 1 21 1150' I WBL PM 269 1 269 I 300;-- [40. I B Sl & A St I SBL PM 253 I 253 300' I NBL AM 295 2 14R 150' I EBL PM t=_40 1 40 fIj I WBL PM ~2 I 22~'150' ~------"'--,---~- 41. CSt&AStlDSt I SBL AM I 1 I ISO' L NBL AM 471 2 236 I 250' I EBL PM 57 I 57 j-150' -- r--- 150;- WBL PM 38 1 3R I hO. N Loop Rd & Legacy SBL AM 1 I 1 150' NBL AM 79 1 79 ISO' I EBL PM 165 1 165 200' WBL PM 63 I 63 ISO' I 102. Red Hill & Valencia SBL AM 270 2 135 150' I NBL PM 1.I20 2 560 600' I EBL AM 40 I 40 , ISO' WBL AM 580 2 290 300' 103. Red Hill & Warner SBL AM 600 2 300 300' NBL PM 480 2 240 250' EBL PM 280 2 140 150' WBL AM 290 2 145 150' 104. Red Hill & Carnegie SBL AM 500 2 250 250' NBL AM 120 1 PO 150' EBL PM 90 I 90 150' : I WBL PM 220 1 220 ! 250' 106. Aston & Barranca SBL PM 150 I 150 I 150' NBL PM 130 1 130 I 150' EBL AM 300 I 300 I 300' i WBL AM RO 1 -~c---!--.!2Q:- , 107. Armstrong & Barranca i SBL PM I 340 I I 34~0' I I I NBL PM 100 1 100 15~ i i EBL AM I 360 I 360 ,400' I WBL AM I 170 1 170 I 200' City llfTustin Legacy Park l)fTustin Legacy Tratlie Analysis H --- ----- -\ustln-Fuust ASSIU':lak's, Inc. 'J221104rpt5Joc Table 4-2 (cont.) LEFT-TURN STORAGE LENGTH REQUIREMENTS ,-intersection (N/S Rd at E/W Rdi---r :\>Iovement peakHo~~ v-;;iume l Lan~ ---~--.,.--- rY olume/L.ane~ngt-"- r- .. , : 108. Von KannanlTustin Ranch 1_ SBL PM 540 2 270 I 3()~ ! & Barranca !. NBL PM I 500 2 250 ~O' j i EBL PM I 360 2 180 - 200- WBL AM 670 2 335 350' I 110. Tustin Ranch Rd Connector NBL PM 430 I 430 , 400' & Edinger WBL AM I 430 2 215 .1 250' Ill. East Connector & Edinger SBI. PM 300 I 300 I 300' NBL AM 130 I 130 150' I EBL PM 130 I 130 150' I WBL PM 90 I 90 150' - 112. Tustin Ranch & I SBL PM 260 I 260 300' Tustin Ranch Rd Connector WBL AM 700 2 350 350' 113. Tustin Ranch & Walnut I WBL PM 370 2 185 200' Abbreviations: Adj. Adjacent leu - Intersection Capacity Utilization Ln(s) Lane(s) N/S Rd. E/W Rd - North/South Road. East/West Road RT - Right-Turn Vol- Volume i Notes: The turn pocket length for right-turn lanes is determined from the estimated queue length of the highest adjacent tluough movement (or left-turn movement at aT-intersection) in the AM or PM peak hour with a minimum of 150' and rounded into increments of 50'. Only intersections that are anticipated to be signalized with dedicated left- I turn lanes are analyzed hnc. · The righHurn volumes (or through at a four-way intersection) are assumed to use live (5) percent of the shared lett- turrt/right-turn lane. City ufTustin Ll'gW":y Park ufTustin Lt'gacy Tratlie Analysis ~ " Austin-Follst Ass,l~iah:s. Inc. 'C2()()4rpt5.Juc r.~__ , ,~ ..;. " :0 '" f- I~~~~~i~ ~I~I~I; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ 1",;1 T:T' ." gl~L. I~ ;~ J:I< jo.. 0.. I-~~- t-- -, r----- ;;'!r<j 10 I'n I.n 0' r_ -~r'~l J~~-f ~ ~ ~ ]100 00 00 _ -1 " vol!:1' r_ 0 \0 0-. ........ 1"""\ \0 \0 rl 0"1 \0 '-.0 00 r'i t.r) ..,.. < :;j~ ~,~ t.r)11~lh;::: ~ioo ~ ~ ~ ~ or, rl ~ ~ ('I ~ r_ OQ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~I ,i ::rLL i - (] "~R",~,~I~ 0' 0''''', - 0'''''..'' - - - -.. '0 0' --.- i , -~rl r<j . 00 - 0 00 00 >~\Ooo-ot.r)~~ooOQO"I\OO"I ~\O\OOO . . r'i 0 \0 0 ('I C1' r--.. OQ r--.. ("I ..,.. r..... r<") 0_ ~ !:"', r_ OQ !:"', I "'" ' ,- - ,'"' ']0- - , , ,<', " -( ("I ('I -........ _ _ _ , ;:::! 5 ~~ I~ i< ~ 0.. ~ < I ,...;'~ I -~ Q. B ... _-T I ~;; :~ N ^ 0' .,,~ ~ < ~ 0.. ~ < ~ 0.. , ^ " ..,. ~! 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Ig i'" c, ~ .", '" o ::<: - ~ " ~ ~ " '" UJ ^ ;; ;; ;:; .;:: '2 " .S <i :;; '" ~ ~ :3 ~ b ~ 'g -€ g. 0 u ;z: " 1 .E __ '"0 E .... U '/J 0::: :J ~ ~~~::=r-;-c ~ - .... - <;:::: :::l ;.s~J~:ho -<.::; 1 -ci C2 > I I :;;-:c:: I I tr::J -V1: "'3 ~s:..5z~> - , ," u ,. , ~ _ '3 ~'t: = :-: '-Q... ~ ~ ~ -, '= U I..,.,....; Appendix A LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION Table A-I Figure A-I /\OT and Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate Summary Tustin Legacy Trame Model (TL TM) Trame Analysis Zone System , City ufTu~tin Lq!al'}; Park ofTuslin Lcg;lCY Traffic A.naly:-.is A-I ..\uslin-Fllust Assol.:ialt':'i. Inc. Q12(lO-/.rpI5.J\l(; ., Table A-I ADT AND PEAK !IOUR TRIP GENERATION RATE SUMMARY AM Peak Hour I LDR(I-7 DUACre)--~-I-~-r--5h -'/5-- 65 .36- 1.01 r-----9.57 ~MDR(S-15 DU,Acre) DU---- 13 5i .64 50 -24 =----~XO - S.OO. I 3. MHDR (16-25 DU Acre) TiJU--t-- .OS 43 .51 42 .20 h2 6.h3 i ~rranSltlonal Housmg ~Room .~_~ r--17E-3S- - - -18' - -22 --.40 4.90 5. lIotel(190TSF) ~ Room t .34 22 .50 32 .29 .01 ---'~I-'--IO)Jh ~~lementary!Middle School I S~ ___17 ____~2 .29 __ .00 .00 .00 _ J High School __--i4tu I .32 .14 ~46 00 .09 .15 1.79 I _So Learning Center -LISF .66 .07 .73 15 .34 .49 ----;;-.-12 I 9. Neighborhood Commercial I TSF 1.63 1.05 2.6S 4.68 5.06 9.74 111.S2 10. Communi tv Commercial TSF 1.00 .64 1.64 2.S5 3.09 5.94 68.17 ' U. General Omce TSF I 1.65 .23 I.S8 .31 1.49 1.80 13.27 14. Military (Ollice) TSF 1.05 .23 I.SS .31 1.49 1.80 13-27 15. Light IndustriaVR&D I TSF 1.03 .21 1.24 .16 .91 1.08 S.II 17. Park I Acre .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 I S. Regional Park I Acre .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 19. Golf Course Acre .38 .10 .4S .22 .50 .72 S.OO 20. Community Facility TSF 2.00 .25 2.25 .89 1.97 2.86 25.00 21. Multiolex Theater , Seat .00 .00 .01 .09 .06 .14 1.80 n. Senior Congregate I TSF .19 .19 .3S .20 .22 .42 6.10 23. ~.cialtv Retail Center TSF .00 .00 .00 1.19 1.52 2.71 44.32 24. Theatre (29 TSF Seat, .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .02 1.25 25. Health Club I TSF .51 .70 1.21 2.07 1.98 4.05 32.93 26. High-Turnover Restaurant TSF 5.99 5.53 11.52 6.66 4.26 10.91 127.15 27. Senior Housing Attached I DU .04 .04 .OS .07 .04 .11 3.48 28. Sports Park Acre .01 .00 .01 3.40 4.10 7.50 53.S0 29. Tustin Facilitv SG 3.32 1.01 4.33 2.27 4.76 7.03 h2.20 Note: For a land use over 300 TSF that can be defined as a campus, the square footages are combined and the equation-based rates are applied to determine trip generation (i.e" Shopping Center, Ollice Park and Industrial Park). The land use-based trip rates for these uses are based on the following equation: LN(T)-AxLN(X)+B where X~land use amount and T-daily trips ----- AM Peak Hour ----- ----- PM Peak Hour _____ Coemci.nts PkJADT PkJADT Land Use Type Units A B Ratio In Out Ratio In Out II. Shopping Ctr TSF .643 5.S06 .024 61 % 39% .087 48% 52"'" 13. Ottice Park TSF. 708 3.654 .080 76% 24% .087 36% 64% 16. Industrial Park TSF .768 3.654 .079 7]o{, 23% .089 32% 68% Abbreviations: ADT - average daily trips DU - dwelling units LDR - Low Density Residential I MDR -Medium Density Residential , MHDR - Medium High Density Residential R&D - Research and Development SG - special generator Stu - student TSF - thousand square feet Trip Rate Sources: MCAS Tustin EISiEIR and ITE Tnp Generation Manual, 7'" Edition. \.u~tin-Fllust \s!'.llciat~. Inc. lJ22lJ04rpr5.Joc City 'lfTu~[in legacy Park ,)fTustin L:g:acy Tlaftie Analysis A-2 ...,....'.'....'....",,!o!f',"iilt:M:..::II!lf'il!lZlilll:l!lll':_: , I I , I ~ @ I , I I I ~_--I Xi ..-.-,...,.... :() "--'--" . -' .... o >- - Q. .........'~ ~ a;- t: .~ --..._------ - .0 '" '" oc ~ '" 0 "" - 8 '" ..., - <', oc '" - '5 :3 - - ~@" r-- '" oc "'~..., '" ..... '" '" POl' '" I r---I ~J '" -- -- --- o .,., '" o "" - oc 0 oc '" oc '" r-- '" oc oc r-- r-- r-- ~" <.0 , 0) ..... '" \ I.....I~ = , @'-T- I", ..., / = I = / fN I RX51 ~I~ r-- oc .0 oc .,., oc r-- <', oc , N ..., <', ~@f, / I , '- $;,.0 I oc .0_ N~ < .0 0 " N :;'II"'- "" ~ '" -, 0.,., -" ;;; '" , .01 (V") I "':6 r-- [:! \ I::!I .,. , 00.,., I ~,~lrl \0 f2 r! r-- .0 \ 1.Ij lrl -.0 .0 .,., '" , .,. .,., .,., <,", - '" .,., v-, \ .> ~~: --I I LJ ,.,_'" '~:::\ . _ ,< IL ", L,,__,=~__<= ...- ,.._,""J!Il!!IIt~-..;..,~~~,'!"l'I"'::-'Ir..~ ,,':MaI.i1IC X 'Ii oc t:"'l r--";- "'T "'T ~ ("I _(W)~~r.,: ..,. '-...-/ I '7 0) o ..., "T ~ 1" @EJ '" '" oc '" , - r-- '" .,..ili.;'MM!IO'-.,....'~. - '" f- ..J- , '" ~t:: :i~ O:.n C.J.J 2z wO ~ ti:~ ~ ~~ on ..J i:: ~<( '"z :,:<( 0'-' UJG:; ..J.J.J ~~ I;;f- :0 f- c " .., c = o '" c ." 0: .S! I=: :<.:::: 'ij o _ "J 'J> o.~ :,r.(/') -on "'0 ,,= c ...-;: :.0 ~ 1) ~ '!2..c. 'Cl _,.... ..J "C o = ccz :':l .~ "'::I ~ ~ g 1.1 .,-r:<:(..cs ~~3N _.= ..c ...... ........c: 1.) ;::.= ~"":l ; ;; ";j :: o:a:z~ I I@J i::j I ~ ~ -~ -.Jl-< 2...( ::! "::1I '..J,..::: ~ or, ." .... ~2- '7 -,;g ;2 rl . c, "70-. .~ = <( ':-' < '" " .., C = o CC .., ~ "" S .c .c '" .~ Z J I " ',j; ~ -< '0 ~ ~ '0 " '" o ..J ,5 ~ f- :::: '''3 -'::.;.L ~ , = " ;-0.. C ~ C'?f C..J 1",dL,j 'Il:j,; "c- I'i' n, ;1. -". ,c- :,E'I" 'I," +r,;CI', :,[.,,, ':'1.-, ,.en ~ ''1 .: ~ '~iLl1 . ,'r, "1 I-',cr.. "'L' ~ _" ~ L ""il' ,> I" ,I,!I, '''1' ',", "-"III','l '",,;. :," iHL :,j'.., r::,. ,.::[1 1:' 1:11,. ,',' l'l.i,.' H ", "'I' I.; 'H :"1 I c I ,I: 'III '~', j' ,[; " ,,; , ] ,',(1 l~ r~1: I) ~ 'I 1: ~F " "~ .:1; ;\--t "'11 1 ',,< ,I i" I-:gacy ParI.; ()t Tustin r _o.:ga-:y 3107 tJ12,I)O-t ""1 I:i ,j,'" '1i'I, ",, llil ill !'I I!:' ILL r I'll :JiJII'" II:' '--,' ;' ~ : t' , II,~ _ -~I "'. I PI!' ";:1' l,.o .1 -';,"1' : ,', ! il ~ I'" ',I. 1';,\ , '1'[,; "1:1 "'II' , ,,1,'. 1 .1,1' 'f' "'I,']'. [-.' 'dl Ii Irll ":1 ;>., ",. '..: ~ '0 H: I;,-~ '.' J _ "'LlII' "J( I'" ,- ~I~I" " 'J'" 11'1,'-,:-"" ,\-) ''':,1".,11'1) ':"1,\" 11 'II -- , , :11. ',-I :1- '", I., " I" [. ",1 1>-, ",', "'11 -- 1',,[ ,I; 'At -- ,I', 'I' ;"'1 '''7 '[' .'f, t _ , ~ ,l' 1.7 ~ 1 c '1 !c, ~II I egacy Park of rll:.tin Legac~ 1/(71)22.00.j. '1-.,1' . L' J ,I ~ ' ~'l . ~ It; - t I' ,;" ~ j I ,..,1 1,>--; :11 \-h " ;I"'JI -- " L ~ j ~ ,f.! ";J [',01 r cgaq Par" or J ll~tln Lcgal,;y' 3107 42.:!.oo4 "I:, ,III, 'i<; IU, "'" :',\j 'I" III' '1'" 'I, ,1'111' ;11' .,j'j' -"', -'I. 1.1 ,1',1" :1,""" "ndl," i d i' , ~ '.'1 I;',. '-']'r'll", t,,, ',,[i.I';1 ,J '1(" "I'J,d " II', ,,'I:'.L i"',,'! ,: Iii' -".-:"" ;;:1 ~ ,:3 Ii, J H " [i 111'-;" .I'll ,:;,[" "'; ';\l'lll d ;,...", 'It , , ; '~' ,~ L ~.' ;;', ~ ~r"lIL r 1 ,,.;[1 ,-'J tll". ,I ,- '(ITi~.L ,'I~,~.~;il , 'I'~ ,: j'::' . ,:jb: U-;]iF-, i~ H'llle, , : i ,I, ~ "11 ',' I ro,' . ~ 1 '11 '1\.:[" F I :,.,1 1" 1 ,~ ' :r,. 'r:- I~ j '.j.' 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'_,: 1:111" ,,",Ct I"' ,11-_., "'_Iii.ll )-1" I;' ,,,,11.' " ''',-''1 ,il,1 'l,j','L II, 1 Ii I '}("ll :;:1 1'<,'1 'L.: "'I j' 11;'1' l"." ill .il H "J1 rd. ' I,'.'; I I, ';',:1" 'I; 1-,.,[ l' , , " , , ", , " 1 1 " 'I'll I I , I;~ ,.' H , " , , , , 'I) ,I ;:" I " I , " l 1 L , I .:\.l} ,,) li-'- "iI , ~ 1 ;I iLl l " ~ ',I"~ lc~acy Park IlfTustin Legal:)' J/Il7l122.00-J. 'r.' ",i'" I.'.' i': T' A-]O ::1, ,ril' T " :(11 ",'1'1' :'h "11' L..:ga..:y Par!.. LlfTu...tin Lega..:y 3/U7 q~2_()O..J. ,II, 'f"'! ,i! f-'i' :1: "'1'.::' '1,1, " '.111" .:J!JII." II ,,1'1 -Ii.! f"I-' ,'I ,II :,r "'.' I 'I' ]. .:1, 'F'F' Iii" 1'_, _I ii,; ,- II )11 r' [': 1'1' ::.~~~ 1 [:<:'! I 'j .. r " I' ~ ,,' ,I, A-I I ,J!: :.,,11.:1'" 11" (,--' II 'f.!-< 'I 11: t, ,~ , '1 'I 'I, " "" "",I l.egal.:Y Pm!... ()f ru~tin (eg:h,':y 3/117 ()22.oo-l. , ; i ~ I' h .:.i-' ""Il" ,'I " 11'-,' , " \ I', "I' ,-'I' I". ,n::"l,' 1,,1 ,1""- 1'1: -! ":"',1, :1 I,'i' '1', ,'r;' '1< 1"; , I . - ' ~', i[';, . " ']';_'1', 'II: --I' "'I ,:.~ "I' t.-'I'I)'I', ""1 .'1" I', 'j T' '.1, 1['- -L ;::1, :d' '-'1',,"" .;II~ ", :r," ""1- ,.:, "',I, , : ,-, ~ ill';, ," "'_1 'I, ,'I'.~ ' "I L" I' ,,~ '1",j j'_ "~ L '" ',1 r, K I,: ,," Q-'l" '~,'_.l, "-1.-01 11-,' ,[_ -j, .1' l:: .\-12 ';[':1-,' "n ,:II["1':"t.". 11''''1 ".1 " " ,-' L\,:gal.:) Park uf Tustin [ ~ga(y 3/07lJ12.(H14 "j' ;,1.' i'l: -';'" :1,' ;r," ,1- ,,,1 """' -I' "',:1' 'd", I 'I" ,[ "'1< , ,,e " FL" ; ,i';~I'11 ~ ). L"" "I"" I 1'1' ,,:: '" ",)'1' I, 111": ''i',I' i','.dl,:: 1"1 ,E. 1"1-".'1' 1'(,- I.'" 'c c' I j- ." '~'~,', L' 'k '""I 'fI,ll' -"'r IL'" ''''I['''l,t.c. L'~. .d. L ')1" [,:1 'I''',." 'If:!" ':11._ "'I' ':1 II:, ,'[' "H, ),',' ",., , ~1 "" , '''I I'i'.'" l' '"" I' " r, ~ I,' , "Ii '<i :h I "14 ,) .7' " , I , ;r, " '" .. ,l,~ ,:1 !"., '1-' '.-.," I'll ," );" , , , Ii' l l , , TII I " , , I 1 , L: 'f-,,- , I " 'I': , t,!' , , 'i:r,c 01::' 'I - ) ,l l' , 1 ::1 'IJ'_' \-13 Lq;acy Park ofTw;(in I cgal.:Y J/lP9n,oO-l- '1,1 '1""1: 'Ii \-I~ "'1 'II i: l;j'IL": " ~ 'I legacy ParL)f fustin l...g3cy 3i07 ')~21104 Appendix B INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION (ICU) CALCULATIONS City (lrTu~tin Ll'g:acy Park t1fTu:.lin Lcga..:y Tratlie Analysis B-1 Au;.tm-Foust ASS\H:i:ut's. Inc. 422004rpt.:i.J'lt' ~ I 11I1 . .1lJ2 I , .1113 , -'H JI?4 I I ~..~.. I . ,? .-- "Ii . -, ?~ ~ --. 24 .25 1',- ! 106 t:u fl5 i~ .10 , .13 .3S. , 41i 4\'./'32! " ') . . - 11".' 37 .4, .- .' . -' - .47 .31 './'..:'(, '.41 .11i .30 .3544 ~3 .7 .34 .IS I .5,\'. I . ~.. 6 ' , i , 11I7 . t"u- 109 , .40 .39 .14 ~ 113 111l . ~'112 ''''if, ! " ,- 51- \2-' 53 . ,', --- ~~- 111 . ,I i ! , IOS ~L!I':::-I~~I\ '\ ~o t I , ell ,I,' II II .x , ':/ , .,! ",I -I ':1 ! I, ----t- INTERSECTION LOCA nON ~IAP 13 . \ I Figure B.l B.2 City of Tustin Legacy Park of Tustin Legacy Traffic Analysis Austin-Foust Associah:s. Inc. Q2.:!n04rpt5figB-I.d,^,g 1. AImstronq , Valencia N Loop 2025 ~ k" L.; r,\ '. '; :! 'j I~R : ~ E :.. ,'JT ,,:i ~~l. S2'~ c3:\ ':2~ '-2T ;':21" ?iqH 'l:!:f1 .::U~i,St:I."-):t ~Fl\ IEP , :~, . , ~-:,~r:;r",::~ ~r~~ --:1 "',' .0" TO'IAL CAPACITY O'IILIZATION 60 .55 3. Tustin Ranch Rd , Warner N 2025 L:1 to: ,i':,;~ ~i I ~':\ r:,>jR ~;- :Jt~3 ",:.P.LC ~';"'.' . ,~I) L ",'i; .^, Vc -I,.I~ ~;3L ::ET 5 iV:G (.i' , l' '-"., ~ 4 I . - , ~~I)'J lIEF ~.j;3 ,~ i ':OL ~?L '~SG ., 1- , -- '::<c;> 11-:: ~ cJ!l , f;i: " '2~, 22L EY; 0 ~d:' "eL 1., ,,';5 -~ -, " , i .J) I , ,,,' .,) , "\:'~,, 1 - :1 . - '_' l,~:; '- :In,'" j." . , , " , 1:15 - TO'IAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 69 80 2. Tustin Ranch Rd , Valencia N Loop 2025 ..:; 1 -:~: ! ;<, :'l1 L, ;1;""\li::, L,:'ji:'''; .:,:rn "~L .. " I ~ \," ..I,,", '~ ')i ."" C",,, L ~ T:,T : . _ : ~ J '::!8 ,_;i)~ .0 ~ ~'II ::2L ;i ~8 r ,1 ~. ~ LjR '<. .".' -, J" 2rlT -'I'! S::.~ ; -,0,0 "tiBL l-r ~, "I3T , ~l',C iJ3R 1- ;~O Cl>ca-,~nc:'" :.;~FT ,,1 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 4. Tustin Ranch Rd , Warner S 2025 :'A ::]< Hr.,,, "'f r;,: .iCiR ~;:.;':r:~ :?:: 'ly ''r;L :/1'.' \'JL ./ ir n2~ :.12T ,%R ~~UiJ JJ ~C9 ,I~: ' ')~I:O . L ~ "C02 .31' ~aL :) .;3T - .- " , L , .;~ ; , ~BR j 1 , ,c " , ~::L 1;111 . ~ I, 1') '.1''19 , , - :"::1 " ~ER 1 -rir; r ,- 0 1') !,ldL ,,'2T ,18R ,'l'"'1 '.}r.~F =':~~ L' ::.1 ".l_11 ,{,' TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .58 .65 G-) Ll.'gacy Park of Tustin Llo:g3t.:y 3,,07 l):!:! ()04 5. Armstrong , Warner 2025 ~,.J ,t..;' CI~, ti '!e ~ _; ; I ~ :3 ;2L 1- ~d, :[j~ '-or. lc :~;:T ~: ,~: i', :", :';s, i','21 'ii;3?, ,] ~ - ':' :~I P.Ght :~r~ ~~ .t:'nt ~~~J:5~v~ ~~.~~ jl 21J~ 'nn "I"D -;1'1 1,":J , "I~ 1% ],' " ~ 1'" ~ J J1 12S:i r'1 . C .)" 1')3D T ~E3 'JljUS '/1:' .1< . , ~ J .1." " ,co .31 . :'~ .JJ' .G " ?'!\ CjC~_-:\. \';1_' "P 1, '-,:, .L'h C.-" J ~ . C ~ .le 1-':1 -" " ~ f-. In 1 ~Jl .,:9 , " ,64 TOTAL CAPACITY U'IILIZATION 2025 7. Tustin Ranch , CSt/Park Ave ,65 ~.":l',E3 '~;'.2':,,,;In :'~'JG ']~T 1.21\ ::1,)1 I-C,;) 2L -', ~ ',J Co' ,. ~3:\ ::~L E8T ESR 1 u:, - J~ II!:; ),lbL ,:~1' , '_1.:1:: ;SF '1"",,[::','.,1:;.'-':"31 ~q lJ'.'8 ",;'! t'ic !-]C:JR ,:')L ~:; ) --, , ;3 - ','~ "2 :,-, 'i:', o' L ': /'~ l';J .1.' 1~63 T ~':'I F';... c:::r1R ',~~ ',"/I~ .c . ,I ~ ,01 ,. ;;') ,[" ',,; C. .00 .:9 ;.= ;~ -94 ,1:'.3' .., ,III .) -12 ._-t' ;-, 2l~ .12 ~(; , ,69 TOTAL CAPACITY U'IILIZATION ,60 6, Almstronq , A St 2025 " il~ " -:', ''J- .1,"" 1''-:'[ t,;.:,? '=d .1Di .;~i\ :::2L ~=r )';'1 c: ~BR ',,'SL t(:ST ,-C,C \',15~ ~~~'c:l jr,:',~ I[l"~rv~1 ',n "'I' r ':0 lLi ,:.j 1") 1 '. \'/' ,', .1:' (,,,, .J5 . : J ~ 3 .uR' ~: i I j) .. ",];, ,. I ~ ,'i'- I ~ '1 ..1) ,0 "r .,~ C\ _,)i, ,j ,'1':' ,'J', ,~ 0 ~: 6 -,;8 .1 ~' dl ,48 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 8, Loop Rd , Warner ,47 2025 ~.~m:::; ':,::'.b"':I'?f [j31 'BT '-;:n ;L:~I l1B!\ 22L 1-":1. S5T :,~~ L I.' EEL I,," :::2T 1:10 ESt; ',i2i.. ','i6T l ,- n i!~,R R_~ht ~.r~ ~:t~~;:~ Cl-j5::j:1l~e Int~:::'.',:i~ cV lr,,- , ::'.11 ~\ ;' 'T'~ )",t<, 'l /I~ .'}3' .el ,]1 .,11 .c" ,It 1::1j ",j ~'- 'J :11 :, HO. -'--,-.L . ; ~ . , ~L r.,'1 ., " " ,; ~ -'j" .", .'c .L; ',~ .L' .111 ,~GP .,.,5' 4S ..)1 , " ':'Jt. ~,'J ~ ~ J 1 ~ I ,1,'..- j' .1'.) )',.' "_I',,, ,64 TOTAL CAPACITY U'IILIZATION B---l- ,67 L::gal:)' P3rk \lfTustin Legal:" J/1)7 l)~2,nn-l [Vi [,.:!,!:ac) Par'" ul' rU~lin I t:gacy JdJ7 422,004 14. B St , Tustin Ranch Rd 15. Warner , F St/Legacy 2025 2025 ~ 1,1 ~:Cj~ 1 .. " r ",": 'c, :):.J~ .,' ~.::i~j .r:::.c;r:' C~ i' , I .L d ilE r~:. .,11, 'J "':i"" .-", :l:JI L,:,. ,.:::1 Ce, . 0 ~' R w". ~:L ;1' ., ':T .J ,,', " :~1' , I .,c;9 11_':1 ~, ::L ~28. ; , j."; ;Ei\ ,I] j , -') ., ~~~ '.:r:{ ", .f ,1I ?'~ ,'I .0 ~._- EDT " 'J;:) 1S ,-:G ',' SOL l..: lClil " " -,Ij .'J I. ::8:- :::~~ I: 'J ','.3L r"2T.. l-n:: . ,'il -- . I~ ~ ,.\3-:' -,Ie: , [," 1 : '-~: U !)ET .-)0 'Ui) . l~.' I , 'l" .,-..) ',~, 6~ j-nr: ~ J, l~d , !:'~ '\'PR " 1 ~;J - ~,~ .'-.L i r::~! ',~'" _:It ,ol ,';' , u.~ ,,:Ci' l'ltu.C. '" '. , .. /-.3:~lr'':'.': ~/ ;! .:ir ~ - r:'1 TOTAL CAPACITY U'lILIZATION .45 .49 TOTAL CAPACITY U'lILIZATION .10 .63 16. Amstrong , C St/I St 18. Amstrong , E St 2025 2025 :1 p~' '~":'Uf<. -'Ii p '-jCTJ;\ :::'! ':')2 ~I J ~l\ r-'~':;;;' .J , .::~ '=,'..?~.'~I"'~' 00 L ',::;L "~I, L<if::i "-_[i"_'~! /( 'rc~ , '.)8L G :;3L 0 ~'rET .' :!j ;12 lJ ~ (J - .:1 liST ~;IJO .",3 l'" ~ :;2 .. ,. l13R . ~ '.' ;" ~ iJ :3L 3aL ;-,',;: lj2 .11 , l.il ~vn JS2 . , :.S' SET :1,1 ..19 C~ .1 '" H" ';:R EEL CcO ~2T '~i !:'[:T ~p 'I') ,1";:1 ,i;C ESR ';a < ': ~ :'1" :,'::.T I, ~?, II', I ":,F. 1 , \",1 lL: kl!J-.t ,~_J~I~.:~frI'"ii~ 'il2.P i'i2F ~l"<i ,1:t,~<:, k" .: , . ::.~ lr'>~ :c-:-:: ,I ,I:" TOTAL CAPACITY U'lILIZATION .32 .26 TOTAL CAPACITY U'lILIZATION .28 .30 B-h J .l:""<ll.:\, Park \lrTll~tin Legacy 3/10 921,oo-l- 19. Warner' D St 2025 ~;.. H:.~ :.:::L :12'1 , :;.; l~ "',',1"" 1!1':i :?!<. :'Cl _2~, '[ "'l ':2~ , '"R ',I IlL':!', ,j.::1:JTi'":':lt '. :-::; I ~:l c':! I:l 1:'~:"" ~ 1 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 21, Armstrong , B St ":~' ~,>q ~ , -, 1:, ,1 ,:1 .1,'1 ",', .'1'- ,29 II'!, 1,-1 1'. , ',"k ':,~:\ ,',r. ,"- ,38 2025 'J2~ :.]8T JER ~':i'" :' ~~R ~:T EE? ':iG ,'7 ~L ,':e: \=i\ :\ _'lr t i:;~:1 :,: '..:; tnc':] ~ '1 '":'0. ~ ~,', -C'., .26 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION c' ~" (10 ,40 ., .H 'I c:::;~: ',') 20, Tustin Ranch Rd , Leqacy 2025 ~l,1 -': [,I,) R , J I;r:~: "'-::! r;L I ~; 1 i 1 I i!2,T '- ,'i j :,IL';' 3 , , I'~I\ J , _'u '. .;R, , 'JU j ,~ , , ,_'- .;J.ir ,. J j " ~ ,J':' .>:F I " :'!- ~2L 1-r,," , - . . 'J'J ., t:3T , ! " L1 v'- lBB '1 \ ,!r.- ~ -I,le 1 ! 1':3T ~, i '":) ! ,- "'J 1) '" ',ITBR l,-~ :-11 R.:.gl'.t ~:--,:n ,:,Jh:J'::I'~r.: ~E~ J,9' .81 ~: '::Ci :i:-:'':<: =: - "'r"~_ TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION , 79 22, Dwy A , Warner i-; .I'!- :,'1' .' , '- .~ . ~~ ,~~ ,"j ',', ."1) I ,~ ,. 2025 '-:1'; ::'1; "'U;! ~[':'E:; ,';',F.:.I:~rt ',',jL 'i,'e ::3L !IBT :'12R 1,,- . ','I 3,J . ,~2 1 ,. '. ,OJ. ~8L 1-':0 22T - -r,," ~2R 1 " C:BL . !:l , Z27 ~,11/) :::::;? 1-:'10 ~,'?L . -(I:": "isr I " ,^:2? [1 .:n .,>J' L~ X ''',j .'--'.J H' , ~'J " ,~1 ~ 1,,'3 .':.j " , j : ' ~I F~'l:-,~ :\ 'n ,~.11IJ::'-~I"'T1r- ::~d_~~C~ I~.er.~t ?ll F\ !i':' ','CL "/, 1,- . ~ :)i ~::dj 1:,., .','] .:2 ,:8' .J] oJ ~ .'13 <~ ~ ':J R TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION ,72 ,80 fl,7 l...:gJl.:Y Park LlfTustin L~~al.:Y ;,U7 '122.0(14 23. D"l' B , A St 2025 ~,~_Lj;'...) ',',,-'E',' 'T~ ; - . ~ ':~T , 1_':..- il3R 'Sl 1 1-;1) :" :':3:" ~Ci .CC EST ,ER "rl~ 1',:3L l-U {i21 .BR ~ ~3r JfL::;P :;'>'[".11 ~IU _ j" F~: !J '} C, "IJL H 1: ~~ G " :51 <:>1 113 '1 ,I,i' .1'1' ,1) .cj .S9 .Li' ~'1 r '\ !.',:'JR "Ie' \ " ,~ ;: ~ ' " .:6' '- ~ ~ ~, b Ll ." )' '. <c'J ;Gi n J.Z :3' ;CL .46 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 25. C St , A St .43 2025 :.,Al~~~ :.:'.'.:'L' l;a~ l'-~;'J I;;: I-no );2R ::;2L :-,',j 1':1'"' od :2R ;:-~l ~ - ': ,~.I EET ,', l-IIC ',':3: 'H'T -,II ~';ER C.~G~~~ :JI~~r '}. c /-11; ,'I< r~o'~!!\ ",';1 'I: ":"1 ;n lS~ ~ . r CL'; ,IJ-' ...J .il' "JI " r'~: FK ~).:R , ',' 1 ~, ;.~ '--'-' .0 ,1)31 ,"' ..'L .1 ~~1 . I!~ ~ ':,~ ,,)5 i1 i~ j .f;[ ~5 1: ; J ~ .'Ji " 1:,'1 L.;}J F,' 1. .59 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .41 24. B St , A St 2025 . jE~ 'F.~I~ 1:'; ,':lL I "J ~ : J2~ ~~2 .G ,Jr,; 3ER ,aL r:2T ~:R ':1~ il3':.' 1-')8 ',,'BR , " Lq.~t Tll~il ~'-::j'1S _~;_';1t_ ,,- ""j::i.r.:=~ ! r:t~':vo.. ':,::1 ! j 'J:., :J H ~:)S ~ ; 8 '::::F ,~i 1 ~ ~\ 'j', I r p, " : ~ sri :'~ "l2 ~i> 'f,' "J' ,.:: ,:.1' " .0 .35 TUTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 26, D"l' C , B St .38 2025 L;}!ES '.?,:1.cI _.~' ),:BL :]8;- ilER ~'% S2':" .;2P. ::2,L '::2~ S3R "8L Ill!! ~ - :'8 tiS? :~ a~~nl~ =nt~~' I.U o ,=:: ::\ :-:JI;~ '1(' ~ij rl\ :iC:JP ;'CL '/ !'~ :,4 jJ' . ,j ~. Ii!... :'j " .~ .C'0 4 '1 ;'14. ,'," :' ~, .14 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION H-X .25 Lcgaql Park of I"u-;tin LcgaL:~ 3/07412 004 30. J St , G St 3l. B St , G St 2025 2025 '[.: ", 'T , ~"1 ,. ;, 'r!~' '1,1 "(".JF: :j-j . " LJe."; ~ ?,~c-;: ',"iL '1/1' 'i'L ..;[,.~ , Ij~ ',,- .. ~L ',~ :.. .,. ,A, ~1 ..1 .. t-:;., .1" . . '12.R n , , Hi .. ~~j~ ,~ S L ." ':~,~ ; I .1,. j! .,.:(,' _,L:1 ',:1 .:Ii .c, :~ii. 1 . 1'" G::',,", SET .:,jL 1- rl~ ,GO :':2; ~.::~ v~5L n :.EL 1:c:T ~ -C C: " , . 1':37 j' :C' ., "'15' G J. r^;~s ]~ ,;.:::\ :j ~, l:l':"LJ:lI''': -n;>'~"ri}l .',- ,"lL" '2:': ~~ 1;;-,-'::'1:11 ,1:",1 " .. TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATIOH .13 14 TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATIOH .09 .11 32. L St , G StiR St ll. I St , R St 2025 2025 "]1] ,\ ~:.;r)R 1'11 ? ~< ~CU:\ i ,~ ;:"1\ ~;;? ".']1 [i biT-:;' ;"'.': ~ i'f '.'~ C "j,;';E~ ~!-.r ~.','. '~'{ 0,)" ., . ',' I'~ .. ,,_oJ ,;3L ~6 ,i:, I , L'i ,.',b:- ~!BL u 11 , .1 I , 1:5T '-(": CI ~ ".,' ,\3T 1 I' ; :Ij . " :2 .,.,n " . . jQ :) iBR ~BL " SEL .1 :E? '~('J ,', ,I",J! ."c' :3T 1- ~Iq ,,'JI) " "'J . '. ~ .'3R ,;c.~ SSL ","1 E3:' ~l ,.. :::3T ., ::1{ ~e:: G 2.} ."e,L .':E, 'i': : ':8T :3F ~ 1 ~~. 1-:,~ r 'in,:'"" I,'!" '['.'<31 " 1"'01 -iin,:e ~, !-,:,: ' ~ 1/ TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATIOH .08 .12 TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATIOH ,01 .09 U.9 [.:gul.:\' Park \11 rUslin [o;;gu("y 3107 tJ22,u()-'l 34.JSt'ESt 35. B St , E St 2025 2025 .1 ,'TF " , _~,I] :\ ~. I ''''I; .,L':~ , .' .' 'II::' , 'f-" ,!- " !':'L ; ~ , I',,' I' ~ , I'j , ! , ' , 'j2'T " , ,. !:-:\ 'm;.; ~;8~ 1 ,- '~2L T "'I i ,:v:' 1:1 . " i,j 01 :0R 1 ,"R .. :':.L -';'1 , , J 1 1 ::.~,T " ,- e, lL -.. ", ,c i2, .:3L , I -, r ,,:"'..J , I LiL :3T -rn 1,1 ":21 -~~ ; , u4 , '" _'c' ~'J '....1 i'l !~R ", J 1 " "n::,~ L ,:':l _"Cl~c:n\:'_' r:t"':::", , !1 , L_~J n_u . .::t::~ . , , " , 1, , <,-' TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 25 32 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 15 .23 36. L St , E St 37. C St , E St/F St 2025 2025 .-11 r ~: :~ r] '_~:{ ~:~ ?:': .~CUH '" c": :i:;:~? ;''1 .d :.;:~,U; .-_.1 --,;-~IE::; 'e. J~!~ 0", -''''T -'I': ;':L 1 ,,'=-UE:S , : '; , ., , /,- , <- :,-;'L %L :-'1[: .CG "':1 :iST ! ,- ,'0 ~J ;j , :'.J3T 1 "II I';') -. ,j, ':l3R ., ,10 t.:3R c. ':3L S;"l '-'!..I ",..,0 ::2T 1 -c :! l3J ..8 , J,',:) ,'j ~:; ~ ~2P .~ 9 " EEL ... ii, :"1 , ",r' i ; , ,- 2:ST ., " ~::i\ ] CO' 1 i ~-,r, :,'2L ,- , 'i,'EL "13: ,- '" I i , ,-,) " H~ ' " .,', .il ~;: 3? ," 1,0-1 :::!r.i'~ =Jlt~r'1~ OIl' '>1- _;U 'j',Ln "o,d" 'J:': cn-;~r.t :'':.\ =:2, , :1r'l~ f!t ':: :-"1 ~ TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 12 28 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .35 40 B,IO ! cgal:Y Par" llfTustin L..:gaq J/07 q~~.IJ{)4 38. I St , F St 39. J St , A St 2025 2025 .1 ::'r, deli:: , : " c , ,,' , / :'~~ '~ t . E ;L )L L:: t'" c',; ,iTl' I~,~ '"'~ ,,' '11;- l':~~ , " J , , " " , ' I ~ :;9T , ~ ;:2,\ ; '1::lK 'c_, '0 TL "::'")' .'c'!' , I',' " l') .)28 ."< .L C,li [" -~, ,-, 1;} '-'. j IJ E~'T ":~ j " 1:_ EEl i ~.l", 1 c :6 ~G ; E:l:R ::'::l\ , .0 '3L -~: G 1',)" , < C'J ',\'::L ~'J . 1 ,',,(1 ;r, '" ';\2T , '::"1 ~ll "i , ,) 32 :',6T 'irJO 1 1 1 ) :,b~'; "0 1,_''': liS 'i',11R :rq ,.. C') c, Jrr ~ ~[j] ;'.J, 1J5':~":;i iEE '" ,a h Cl:.,,-,:: C:;.I~'_' =I1t~ ~', , . , 3.I:.r, 1:: ~ . ,", ~.:l : ~:~7..i ,. ":r:.] . 3.0 , : . .. - ,; " , TOTAr CAPACITY UTILIZATION 38 55 TOTAr CAPACITY UTILIZATION .29 45 40. B St , A St 41. c St , A St/o St 2025 2025 ['.1 h: ~c J' . . Fh 2~:Jr ,:.;J P.' <,I_:p -;1 t; ,-L\12. 3.iJE:::J ':.LJ',::".: ~:'{ 'iC_ " o. ,r L,'~;,jES ':r,.::..,'lT'f -:0L Ie ,; "3L >l;~ ,~ ' 0 , C4 :;2L 'J:',:' ~ ~ " "' t',.:!T 1-'-:() " " ): ,_:9 , 1'::'1' 'il! 'O' ,,;'::9 .~O ,c.. " L~ 'IE ','i :!BR , '0 " ,.. ,,:.'.L )' i',;:, I" '. ~Jj , 23~ :-,',0 Ii) :-'0 ,'ET 1,- '" ~3T " ,0 i ; ~c..v ., (i '_'L SBR (, J , ~!: r r'l , S~.L l' , :;i , , " :j:, Cc 'r , ,in 'J ~ ~ ,:.I; ii' .'" :,;J:\ , !I" ) , ,18 i c, ~C . :;'SL ; - 1:3L 1 ; i :1 '.~ :,'i~r II: ',I ": : ,-~ i::, .':T ,r, ,.11 "'I:;? f,'iPR ; ',lh ~ TI1Fl ~2[\ ::::i,)h~ ~\:~ ~',1 ~ '~3; in" il r: , ,;J~ Oc , 0 - , c' ~ j 1~"';:: J! '..'J Ie, 0" ':LCc: ~n;<'i,jL ,;'; TOTAr CAPACITY UTILIZATION 36 57 TOTAr CAPACITY UTILIZATION .45 .53 IHI lcga..:y ParI.. nl ru~tll\ Lcga~~ Jill7lJn,1l04 42. N St , D St 43. M St , A St 2025 2025 , ;1'" ~'II ?!: Eel'? -j ~' ~. ::'::;, , " "',',;F, E: . ..I"L f',' '. [.,'-ld:':~ ;:,_=T'j . .C ~~ ~ ~, EL tI- '" :c';" , t .~ 0' 11f'J\ :1". ,,~1l.; ..1'" ~ , .. " ", .: I~ ~_ .l 2L?' ==<L ED~ , u, .. :'ul '.Ie . G ~ .:.,rl .j!::, -',-,,, '1 - I~ ..nJ'J ~ E?R '" c.l' " , ,,'8L I, ] I,:J~ .. ~l] " ., .: CO 'c. I":;' -2T ;,~ 0 ~ :JG .., ; . , 1':3R " '~ IJ l!:SR -, I ~ :1 . ~ """ " ;L:i:lCo; -'l ~-'.' '11 ,..~, ' :1"'1 'if>,> "1l~'::':::'r3.1 ., .," TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .11 .18 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .35 .32 44. K St , E St 45. K St , G St 2025 2025 ":.1 ~.m~:. ?11 ?!\ EC:11\ ,-j': :C]-: r~'~ 'l? r", ... :~ ::;fJR :l,S: ,_';'.z';"C:LrY 'II:W .,' ','i: "....~ ~ r~. r:jL . ll3L jj8L C jjBT I,ST 1'1:;" HER n ,'.~K :3~ II :1 SSL ::8T . ~) 1 j .11)' caT :3EF 11 ~-::;~ ::3:' 1;':1 c:.:'':' "r; ID .Jl .:,B'~ .. , " ~2.R 'J EfiP 11 ':;; ;'12.L 1\ jj :,'='1 ':,2' ~':BT ,- : 'I ~I .") , ',:E? il,'E~ '>iHct_:, , I:~':~c11 I ,~,' 'J~:;- rr:t-:.':' ., ;',::" TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .08 .10 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .08 .11 B-12 l~g:lC\ I'~rk \lfTLl~tin lq;al.:! 3/07 lJ2::.()O-l B-13 I r.:gacy Park llfTustin J egacy Jl07 Y~2,1)()'" 52. East Connector , B St 53. D St , B St 2025 2025 "[.1 .. :C)~ :-', '''., r l~ ~:' ~, :", a! ..\ ~'l;,F '"'" ,'..:iL ',,', - . ':-,~ :';L ;~ , 'c _.-,,,~;:; ,. I-~L ,":" Ir, j. ':- L' '", ., "-- I:'" ,~ ., ,:" ,:e ,I,:) ';:{J ." J~~ ,;2'1 StT n .1 ,;I:r, , ~j ~Ei-' n .1 -"'," ..Jc I , , E:3L () GdT 1 ','1:': :'1;, 'j .02 saT i-no "n G1 ~'.'- , ,',r ""~ 2SR ,~_.:\ i'.2L ':,'PL JJ n ,::1 (,~i j . I;~ ' ,.;ET "0 :c- ~ b I ., ,'iL :r,)ES .. :',CI Rn ,Ci ~ , 1 :~3R n I :--,-::JL~ l"J::-:J I~~. r"',"'; ',BO . IOi~ j 'ER , j' 1 ~": 'an'~~ I!1t'Onal .,J]' '" ,. ,r "~L ~1t<"Jl TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .14 ,14 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .18 .17 58. D St , Moffett 59. C St , Moffett 2025 2025 ;-[ ,~ ,:'- :~0'"IR -I' ~,,\ [:X,i\. :':..H ;J:, HCJ:l ::1 t;< ;iT,'~ ,c. " L':'.~JES "'.~?~'~ 1-;"; '~I~ l" i:..',1 ,., ~,~[,i~3 '~.~P.:::_'=l ';-i -:CL " Ie 'T~"S I., ~ ";l ,I'il] ;-iBL l-IJO ,I)J 2 .C') ;.)5T I}J J,1 .,:/;' 'lET , ')V .Gb' ,:Jl , '188 " 1:4 J::R 1;,1 ~~L -,oe _,0 . Ij~ f :,EL '" c 'I:, J,l' :0) :1 " ')1) :9 ,~ ) '9 c:;';" l' .i..:,] . "le u~" '" ,:S:<. :, :',K "L -':::1 ,,: " . "L :"':1 ,- I~ .'Ie '::2T L' J " I' EET '1~ 111 i ~ ~ .n E52 :::J2 1; :';?L I" :1 ,'3:' -='D I I' ~ ~l ')' ~'12T ~ "J n 14 ,'I~T '-,;n J~ ~ 1. ')4 .l" ',rEr. .1 -'}2:<. ',4 __~::l a1"'-' =r,t~ ..t., I,', ~~. , ,'1<,: ~!, .~ ~j~" J: .~l .Y, TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .35 .28 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .45 37 U.I~ r t:gul,:Y Park of Tu..tin L<':~:lI,:Y 3i07l)11.00...J. B-15 62. c St , Leqacy 2025 1 <11]; ,,2- ___' [iE::; ',-:'W.'~:""{ .1' I";;,; ;ii ,r;. )]51 JQ ~o .' I ~ ::~r, '::,; .uo .,:0 .0" ;;2r ',r\ .1,1' j"J' ~2,r S2L l~~G ',8 " .:11 . ~ E'67 1 ~ e,l :,', :rj ,:1 :::2~ ;'j'EL 0 ;QT 1-':':) .L,J' ~,::.R ~l':'a -11,'~ 1.;T:" 1 ',''j ~ .L:' TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATIOR .10 .16 I ~g.al.:) ParI.. nfTustin l.egacy 3/07 422.(JIl4 101. Red Bill' Edinger 2025 -"2':; "\1'.1.:. L' :,121, L~'j ,. :.~ '~I i' ; ,[1~ -''J'' r J ,~: ::1 '2~ ~E J~:C, ::.,:;\ '--.1 . , '.'EL ~','::: T '1",:2R )11'; ~ 10n .:'J r,~lnt ",11 ;dllJst::lfnt t:'-':GW:-: ::-,c':;:':'.l -C::" '",1' ::--1 ~:\ <J? ';L l~' r, n~1 .:;i, ,-':' l':ill :~ :' )d ~ 'j I ' >: ~, D Ji;,r:G ~ ;0 ::'EF "I": ,'. ',;, . ~ ~ .u .:- .:j .1>' ~i,~t:c.; ,L,Ss:~ri'_":i ?iJht-';lJrn I~'.."_':!:"~'-'I=- :', r ,~., .87 :,.1!:!" -I"", " ~L ':Ii ,', . "'J " 11 l_l':,: H~ I ,!)'J _ ~ I" :'I!' . l ~ :122 ! I ~ , TOTAL CAPACITY OTILIZATION .78 103. Red Bill' Warner 2025 ~:'I~E.S (:~.P,~C=';'Y I;,L !',;ST :'IBR '.;U8 ~'0'."J n~,o OFl :iT ~T\ ;::~.L r.::c, EE? '1'1 -.!'J -l,}j r,'(: 'i~L - /,1' \<'~':' ,,';'SR >~Li:" ,::';:t':'L: _1 ':;'~I 111 T L'1 ?:' -!C;tR GL '-I; ,- ~I .)1::, ~Ji ~ 1 "I il: -.'-II~ . L'~ I ! ~ 0 :~8C :;f ~\ ;:')I.1R """'--' ". Ie .;1 . l~ :j .'3' : ~~' n .14 .cJ i,iU .16 11 'j" .':-J , ~ ~ .;1 1, ,- .' ..':1;' . r , ~ j I ,::0 .-:,Ij .11 c,i1 ;J .90 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .81 B.lh 102. Red Bill' Valencia 2025 , ,',' "", ,~..) ~'~i r'.' ", ry' c, , .~ r '[R .'i:. '1,'1 ,r, 'ER "";1 ';:~L 1-," E~F ,':jL ':!2,T :,lmR ~; ." 'I l.!rr 1-('1-; '_'1 '",;: J.D,:;:> ~rj~ -" .c.,'":;~ ,,:c,[~: ~_~~,1~;:;:5 :' .;r.~_'T .(r >';rJ ~C '- ( ,1 1\,' ~" :', " ~C: ~ ~ 0 ;,';'? .i')' .L'J :~ r',l . , ~ ~ .1 ;~ -,'.1;;, ,L ~ Iii: ',I:n 1:" .Jl ';1) :,"1 ,-" -," .13 ,," .73 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 104. Red Bill' Carnegie .84 2025 --' ~jit:-:: ("';:.:'1..,(1 f'i [!2L ),;ET l-:J, ;'3)1) '-,!n 'iE? ::::3~ '.':''1 , '~lIl .'2~, UII ::3T ECP 'f}e:L ';'H l-"'~ ~ ~. I I , '1-0 .., .~ r '0 ., 11 ~ ~ r :: i :.;: ~'I I}~ :.)) ~? ~I 1i.) !!O L:I 'i I;'~ " ?ii ?:-: ,'!r< " ..J '':)'' ..'1 "n J ~:I '.i.".i .1;' lu "':1 ." , 1;1' " . ) :.1:! ;:,1 .57 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .53 Ll.:gJ.l.:~ ParI.. of ] U...tlll I.I.'~uey \{07 lj22 on4 105. Red Hill' Barranca 2025 . :? ~, . I ~ .i2T ,,8CO :I~,'< i (:1 L',2:" -"", ,:"1,', ':~ [" f,2T '.!"'I': i- , : ; ~ ' . E3~ ~ l:iC ':T ~ IJ:J "~' r: -":'1 ':'GR ~~~~( T~(~ ~d-~j' !:It 'r~;,; , ~'::";.1 'r, :j:; 1.,: ;r." ',,;,, J.e "(.:,(1 ".'V ;0 'v: .1'1',' ,q' 'r" . ~ ~ l'l i ,~: +:;~jP. 'I':.! d.~ .'1"; ,1 ,:J ~ : ~ ') c...'" ~'n . .ve, ! I;,~:: "J' ~jC: ~2R ,81 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION 107, AImstronq , Barranca ,70 2025 _:::!i:::S '.'-::,~ITt Ip 0' )"1; ]-rl!1 '-:J"" :,~l ~ .:1\ :")EL ('j 'e ,'t", , ' ':,r; ~,(, '_""'1 E:;:JT ,,".,:) ,"~ ~'T :-'1,1 ~':~R '~l, l[J'~ ~:Jt"-'L ,OJ, 1 ':~ ;', u ;;1 L~,j;:? .'I~ ,'.'1 .1-1 ~ ' '1; .1: [' i J :' ~\ rl C ; : F. ::':,L ',' /'~ 'iO~ hG 1:1 ~ ,'I -I} " C'j 1 ~ C' 't': ~ -:J "II :'-i, 1 ii, -'ill . ~~, ~Ij .n!' :'0 '4n ..:.c' , ,',I .1: . 2~ ,1:1 I, i ~ '.i ]-1' ,61 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION ,58 fl,I7 106. Aston' Barranca 2025 _,:::S.'~ ',~ L 'iT 'II:,? ,-, ,"L .0: ~~~ Z~T ,'2'-<. :~:l '; ~,':' '''BR '_~li.-'i".I"~ If' _'cTr;;l -' 1 '=' '~' Iii " '! 'i' --::. .,. :I~ ','J Iii L~ 'i' ~ --:01) ,,11' :'1 'il' ,:5 ,cs " ' "'I:) 1'.,,) .,j) j, .1,) ..1' U It,:;r, "J eL: ,n ',:q,", 1.'\ ~ 'i .,.," ,62 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION ,52 2025 108, Tustin Ranch Rd/Vo. KaIIlIaJl , Barranca '"_: ;:',~L I cl'-~' :18L ~ J'~ 0 ::87 :JBR j[IJIJ ':3L ;.ifill ~B'? .:2R -'~ ':Ii ~ J (. n ~ET ~'-,C,C' -::3), ':8L ~.,r,3 ? 6t;:II) c I\_ilr. T ~ If,1 ~t-,...".., ~ d'-:J:1[l,'~ It_'::. .'Jl i';1 " ,~, ,~, Di: i"'1! ~ ~ ~ I': ':.'! l'i:: ;;':';:IF JL GW ,);,; _'J'" _;,il ',:F "/' cO' ' .12 111U "Ij .';; ~~~':~R ,'r:'L .,;;"1 . ~) " .',,) ,~~ ' .1;- '" .." L',' s: ;~ . ~: .~1 C.,:" )" , 0 '''' . '-,'oJ ,,' '.,,"1 '~'" 'j ',",:1 ,.f, J..' ,'[: , ,~, ,74 TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION ,79 1":;!<ll:Y Park nfTustin le;!:al:Y ,1M l}22_004 109. West Connector' Edinqer 2025 'I ~ . .. 'IE~ ~ 2"'(:' ';~~ ,,' ~ ~. :E~ ~c .J :EY ; .0 , . ~: 'J~ ,', . ,1 1 ~r: .. , l' 1 ~ (", I) -- .' '::1:.? :,~L ,~T ,; ~. s 'Jj"",y'-.l '1' :-~ 'K ,:,)~ __,'I; ,-, , . ~,' ',: .:1 i"'r, , TOTAL CAPACITY U'/ILIZATION ,53 .70 111. East Connector' Edinqer 2025 , ~!1 !OK _~C ., .Ie." '_:;'_iA'~=E ';,'" .21, ~,'~ -'I ,,:) JBT " >.. I": l , :!~r, ~1 - 11 I '~ .~BL r,r; i2il ;r .JET '"I'J I)'J .;eR ], :::.-:L I,.:') =2T ^i'~1 I' ",C ~ 1 " ',It'~ " ,r: 'r,:::T ""F ;;J '~r, t ~ 1 ~n .~'~1 .,rj ':: :8P, , . ~,'I: c, ~ .J ~ '"I TOTAL CAPACITY U'/ILIZATION .65 H.IS 110. Tustin Ranch Rd Connector , Edinger 2025 ,",- .,j? :H:S ,,~;::.,H'ri ~L ~ L 1,:1. 1,1~ 1-:3R ~, I lIel l,"1 .11 cf)" ~::::.. ".~-;' :SF iOT i2~ J :1"1 JCO 1 1 :'C~[: - " r,'-" . ' '~\J ~j r'J J ;(\ l j J'_J n, '~ ." 'J ~ "I 0 - :c.n 1 ; ,.;.,:.." - . ",'"L iET '."CR :~':d. -cC>" _ :to':,:'-- TOTAL CAPACITY U'/ILIZATION .70 .79 112. Tustin Ranch Rd , Tustin Ranch Rd Connector 2025 :J,!iS: '-:' -,:':o,~ , )11 1-;< 1'~0R 'Ir:L ,',," F:J l'E HOllE ~IBL :'IE7 J1'):1 J IJ ~>,j . 4 ~ , l~ER 1 - 1'10 ::,-' ..l '(; lJ :~L '."} = ~CI ] : ~ ~ij . ,~3T :0 ~4 1\) " , ~CI ;h ..:.J S3?' E,J~ :j :::3T ;;:SF 'i3L "I'" .1 ,'" " , :iT ,r~~, i-c'n "L, ~, :1 ~~T r ~,j l ~j '.1' ,~ r'Tl'~: ',iER C,- _",~,K~ In r..o ~..,-I ~ , c TOTAL CAPACITY U'/ILIZATION .74 77 l~gal.:Y ParI.. llfTlhlin Lq!<Icy 1/117 ll:!2,I)O-l- 113. Tustin Ranch Rd , Walnut 2025 :',1 , ::'::Jl' ,:JK T ':~ . " _I~l ::r. , III 1':2T ':, J ~: () l5:,I_" :,CR ,;rj i.:') , i', i"r1 .1: "'~ J .:tT ':", , " II~ ' " ~ Ij .;E::i ,~ r; D ,";:1 ~ _'U .~- ". ]i0 .C9 ~" c: .06' ~3T ; 1,,1] "0 .=~J C 2'1 . 1~' E3R 1 nG 320 1(: :,r: , ] \',2~ ~,~ C!j l:IJ .C9' J-C .:1 ':';57 =jnc ~ ')1) ~ '1 n .:9' l:::K ; :'1(1 ',' ,u .L ':>,i::-:lJV": I:1t-'-'r'.;J " TOTAL CAPACITY UTILIZATION .83 .82 B.19 l"l.:g<l\:Y Park lit rll~11n l.c_!.!aq 3107 l)22.(I11..J Appendix C TURN POCKET LENGTH METHODOLOGY These guidelines address turn pocket lengths for left-turn and right-turn lanes at signalized intersections. They are based on vehicle storage requirements, and are thereby exclusive of transition lengths (typically, transitions are 90 feet for a single lane and 120 to 150 feet for a double lane). The results can be used as recommendations for design purposes. LEFT-TURN LANES The turn pocket lengths for left-turn lanes are determined from the graph in Figure C-l which is based on vehicles per hour per lane (vphpl) and signal cycle length. Minimum Lenb>th: 150' (Serves up to 150 vphpl) The length for more than 150 vphpl is derived as follows: BASIS: lbe storage length is based on the number of vehicles to be stored during one signal cycle. At lower volumes, the calculated lenb>th is increased to account for random arrivals (i.e., relatively high standard deviation in relation to the average). At higher volumes, the standard deviation in relation to the average decreases. Hence the graph is curved rather than a straight line. METHOD: Estimate the probable sib'TIal cycle length and select pocket length from the curve. Round ofT to nearest 25' or 50' depending on the application. If the cycle length is not known, use the dashed line in the graph. RIGHT-TURN LANES The turn pocket length for right -turn lanes is determined from the estimated queue length of the adjacent through movement. The graph in Figure C-I is based on the following: Minimum Length: 250' (adequate for ICU up to .65) Length for higher ICU is derived as follows: BASIS: Derived from the estimated 95'" percentile queue for ICU values greater than .65 (taken from the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) queue lengths for difTerent levels of service). METHOD: Use the highest ICU (AM or PM) to access the graph and round ofTto nearest 25' or 50' depending on the application. City nfTuslin Ll'gacy P;u'k llf Tustin l...:gacy Trafli.:; Analysis C-I Austin-Foust Assu<.:iaks. Inc. l)21U04rpt5.JlIC LENGTH LEFT TU RN POCKET LENGTH (Feet) 700 650 n_, -- ~. _._.~- ----~ - ------l '-,-- 600 t/ , ""- 550 " , ----., - '--;>/~ ..-' r'--" 500 ,. ......-" "-I ,- , -,.----..--- -.-- ,. - ,/-,---- v-!--- -- ;' /' 450 ' , L ,. ," ---- _n ---. ---._- .-.---;---- - ;.-''"'--.~._--- 1--- I ' ? " , 400 '" , I ' t ,"~ , j-:: , - ,- ,,- 350 ,,[ ./ _.L- ;1"'-----' " ~f, ,--' ~ ' ,. 300 .. . //," .......- ......--.-- -.,.. -,-,." -- ..--.. " ' 250 , --- -"'T --~- 1---------- 200 -1-';/ 150 ~y' ,- 150200 300 400 500 600 700 800 LEFT TURN VOLUME PER LANE RIGHT TURN POCKET LENGTH LENGTH (Feet) 500 : ! I I 450 ' , I --I --.-----,----~---t--- -~ , ! i , i 400 , , i , : , 350 , , -1- - i , --j I 300 - I ! I I I I I I I i 250 I i 65 ,70 .75 .80 .85 .90 95 100 10 15 25 35 45 55 67 80 ICU or HCM Delay (highest AM/PM) Figure C-[ TURN POCKET LENGTH METHODOLOGY City of Tustin L.-:gacy Park of Tustin L.:g.Jcy Traffic Analysis ('-2 Austin-Foust ,\:-'MKiatcs, Inc. lJ22(ltl-lrpI5figC-l.Jwg Appendix D EXTERNAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES City "I' r ustin [q'.acy Park "fTustin L...~acy Traffic Analysis D-I Austin-Fnust Ass'1l.:lates. Inc. "~2(l(l4rpt5.Li\lc Red Hill Avenue Future - AM 1/31/2007 1:',0 ~ ~ g :. 1050 Il"I,IJ~~, b:;O"f'd,nger "__"'''__._''"''~'_ ---_.---""'--"" I~-'-~-- , ~40 '1 '0' , ~ flSQ- , ~ '1' '" :>9G :.10 i , 01 . 0 ,:-~o ~n,L..~' ,~__ ::g ;;;;,~ ~() C> i !,:! J' I J o I m ~ ~ 12 :- 4,';0 ,':""1: f: ,l~ 580valencia '~~I"gl'FI, 1IJ50- '" '" N o , ,) o " " J_'63O ", 0 r Hl0 N ,,'9 J~ ~'JO I , , .~"':'---- ",' f! ' "-- '0"12 2 Warner . ~ N 210 ~ 1610 230m o g ~ ~ ,~_fgo I j I I, ,1L 1:':0 Carnegie --_:~";"'.j"'''ii''i7-- 10 '1~; ~ g 10 ! ~ ~ , r 01 1 I 1 t ~ ~ ~ " , '-.150 Barranca ,~.. '~-'.' ',---,"~-'~ 11.,' ~' 0 C-, .,.''''_ '~",...,.,.......=....".".- 160~_~ I,' 'Ig' 1510__. 380- , I Red Hill Avenue Future - PM 1/31/2007 n '> ~ ~ 7, "l" ,~ \10 14()() DO ,,~!;~,i~1~~_________,....._ ':,~ ~ I~' -, <1 '0 ........~....- ,120-- 1500 160 " 1;:0 " '" -- .",,' ~..--~'..,.- 61)0 o '" it ,i , , i , '~,' <'''0 o <? ~ i:=.;;;o .....] ~l ~I .i:. 420 Valencia ' 2"-(:P [I,' HJO :~:;;: :il ~ 740 ~;: :! "" , ~ o , 1 671) " 1650 o < "i'. tl : " 260 . "--, --....-----. 280.___ '1-' r ; 'I .1 "~-~_...._ . 10" :0' .; Warner __. 1r",O ' ':J ~ "'. ;~O ~i ~..... -, o J I , J , i l . g i,' .'00 ~;: ';:! . ___~.:..;_,d'~~ .~:i~~~~,.:_"., ~_~ ,- 80__ '!' T 11 ~o" .~ 20 ".0' 0' 10G 1 en ~ '" a '-,.-,0 g g ':'1 (', a 'n ., 1-.. 1610 -":10 i ~ 1 gO Barranca. '" "'I'l.-L'; d' 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 1110---= 200' ..... o o N - ~ !:2 ~ "-O~l o g ~ R ~~'-Or9 "f ,..... <.01" " i lll';'.;~o"z .~^.. ,""' ""_'-!I.'~,'-""'_ ",..",.."o;I._~__""""", ~~~ ogc:1 'I",T T T T ,'" .' 'j Cl 0 0 __~ 090~ 'j ~ ~ ~ --! OlE-It ~,i o o 1 1 j a 1 08 ~ ~ F: 4:- _ _ _ ,~o~ ..l I W,j"-09 "".,"'-,"'...-.- -.... 6uO'lSWN OLjl\i!1 r o~-. '.0 i2 g ou----..' <"l ;:2 ~ o I . 0, . ! i , I i 1 i o g 1 O€ ~ ~ :i: 4~O~ ,- ..lljj',l"-oz _~",""","'~ "'l.,"""""..__......_ UOIS." O~_"I),iii r ~ O~~..O ~ g O~ .. j M ';:: ~ I I I . I '0 ~, ~l 0, j >- .. 3: "" .. ~::E ..< u l: CD .. .. .. ::I .. ~ .. ::I lOLl. :~'--OB a i~oz:L o of) 0 ,""'- <0 0 lO'~ '1'-' 1'''1 I"=OO~ ~ ,1 '" '.. ~ 'J? ..., ....,......- II'H p.~ OV9~; 'Ii '1"1 r P r' =--,. g ~ ~ Ogc:~----'-'I ...... I.(J C'1 ~l OH-,l I , .... o o !::! - '" - - , )"-02:5 o 0 0'_ ~ ~ ~~..........m~~ .. 11 1 l',';:-coos ~ .-."'.=....."'..-'.:- --,~--~_.- I:l~l oK=.~i "'I'\T T i i (~--: -'j 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 09L--' .") ("J P') o6E:~~:i .... ,1 i i I o i , ! o l I I o g ll'~o. Ull~ ::=g~ '<o'O'''""V OH:-"I),lllf oz~ I'- ~ g OlC--'" ... ~ ~ >. 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N,.... , , ~ cry \ \< . < 018 g g ~'&OE:E Mt t- , '. .t-Og~~ ...",~.,i.'!I. ~+- ,;" 09Z=': 09l~--t .,..,.. ...;....-...... i , I ; o , \.PlleClu!\sni.:l .~. ...."~.,.......- !\o::.:.:;-".,t.....~"".;~.> oj I f , I, 06 '1!>06l ~!" o o <00 - ~ 1 tl', ,F r ,'" ! ,II J g g i '" , , I ; , . . ATTACHMENT C Planning Commission Resolution No. 4059 Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Change 07-001) RESOLUTION NO. 4059 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN (ZONE CHANGE 07-001) TO AMEND VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That the Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (TLCP) proposes Amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan (Zone Change 07-001). Zone Change 07-001 does not "substantially amend" the Specific Plan. Instead, Zone Change 07-001 generally would allow tandem parking in residential developments and compact spaces in non-residential developments and would specify their required dimensions. Zone Change 07-001 would not increase the overall development potential or residential capacity currently allowed by the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on March 27, 2007, by the Planning Commission. C. Zone Change 07-001 is considered a "project" subject to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") (Pub. Resources Code 921000 et. seq.). D. That on January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin. The FEIS/EIR and its Addendum is a program EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The FEIS/FEIR and its Addendum considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. E. The City prepared a comprehensive Environmental Checklist for the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement Amendment, DA 06- 002 and Zone Change 07-001 for the proposed project, attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Environmental Checklist concluded that the proposed project does not result in any new significant environmental impacts, substantial changes, or a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant impacts in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Moreover, no Resolution No. 4059 Page 2 new information of substantial importance has surfaced since certification of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. F. Zone Change 07-001 is consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land Use Element includes the following City goals and policies for the long-term growth, development, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area: 1. Achieve balanced development. 2. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs. 3. Improve city-wide urban design. 4. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 5. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Ordinance No. 1335 adopting MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment (Zone Change 07-001), attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission held on the 2yth day of March, 2007. BRETT FLOYD Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4059 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 2yth day March, 2007. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A to Planning Commission Resolution No. 4059 Draft Ordinance No. 1335 ORDINANCE NO. 1335 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT (ZONE CHANGE) 07-001 TO AMEND VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That the Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (TLCP) proposes Amendments to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan (collectively "Zone Change 07-001"). Zone Change 07-001 does not "subst~/)tially amend" the Specific Plan. Instead, Zone Change 07-001 generally jlVould allow tandem parking in residential develOpments and compact spaces in non- residential developments and would Specify their required dimensions. Zone Change 07-001 would not increase the overall development potential or residential capacity allowed by the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on March 27, 2007, by the Planning Commission. Following the public hearing, the Planning CommiSSion recommended approval of MCAS Tustin SpecifiC Plan Amendment (Zone Change) 07-001. C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on April 3, 2007, by the City Council. D. Zone Coange 07.001 is consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land UseSlementincludes the following City goals and policies for the long-term growth, deVelopment, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area. 1. Achieve balanced development. 2. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs. 3. Improve city-wide urban design. 4. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 5. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. SECTION 2. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: Table 3-4 of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 1335 Page 2 TABLE 3-4 RESIDENTIAL OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS (ALL REUSE PLAN DISPOSITION PARCELS EXCEPT PARCEL 36) Number of Number of Spaces Covered/Assigned Unassigned Housing Type Required Spaces per Unif. Guest Spaces '2 Detached SinQle-Familv 2.0 2 Garage .5 per unit Attached Single-Family Studio 1.0 I Garage .25 per unit I Bedroom 1.5 I Garage .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garage .25 per unit Condominium and Multiple- Family Units Studio 1.0 I Garage or carport .25 per unit I Bedroom 1.5 I Garage or carport .25 per unit 2 Bedroom 2.0 2G8]"age or carpof! .25 per unit 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Garage or carpof! .25 per unit 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Garage or carport .25 per unit Patio Homes 2.0 2 Garage 0.5 per unit 1 Not more than 40 percent ofa Buildin~ Site's attached residential units within NeiQhborhood G. and all attached residential units within Nei~borhood D may utilize tandem spaces to satisfy the requirement for covered parkin2. +. 50 percent of the 2uest space required may be fulfilled with on-street parkinQ. Section 3.13.1.J of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan is hereby amended to read: 3.13.1.J Parking Stall Dimensions and Parking Lot Design: Except as otherwise {?rovided herein. P-Qarking space dimensions, compact car accommodations, and p~rking lot design shall be provided in accordance with the parking standards and guidelines on file in the City of Tustin or Irvine Community Development Department, as applicable. In Sl,l rA mary, 'Nithin the City sf Tl,lstin, tThe followina parkina standards shall be provided: 1. Within Plannina Areas 7 throuah 15: · An enclosed garage parking space clear and unobstructed inside dimension shall be not less than 10 feet by 20 feet. All other standard spaces shall be not less than 9 feet by 18 feet, except that a parking space abutting a solid wall within a parking structure shall be not less than 10'-6" by 18 feet. · The minimum width of any two-way drive aisle serving a parking space shall be not less than 24 feet. When parking spaces are located within Ordinance No. 1335 Page 3 a parking structure, any supporting column shall be set back two (2) feet from the drive aisle as measured from the centerline of the column. · Up to 20% of the parking spaces required for non-residential use may be designed and designated for compact cars. A compact parking space shall be not less than 8 feet by 16 feet. Compact spaces may not be used to satisfy any portion of the required number of covered/assigned spaces or guest spaces for residential developments. · Where authorized in Table 3-4, an enclosed t~ndem garage space clear and unobstructed inside dimension shall be noUess than 10 feet by 40 feet. Where located in an open parking structure, a tandem space clear and unobstructed dimension shall be not less than 9 feet by 36 feet. . 2. For all other PlanninQ Areas: ~ach parking space shall>be a rectangular area 9 feet by 20 feet. A 2% foot overhang area over Idwlevellandscaping~hall be permitted. Parking accommodations for compact cars<may be provided with such designated spaces being not less than 8 feet by 17feet. Up to 20% of the required parking spaces of the site m~y be designated for compact cars, upon the approval of the Community Development Director. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY All of the proviSiqns of this ordinance shall be construed together to accomplish the purpose ofthe regUlations. Ifany provision of this part is held by a court to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall apply only to the particular facts, or<ifa provision is de.clared to be invalid or unconstitutional as applied to all facts, all of the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall continue to be fully effective. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 3rd day of April, 2007. LOU BONE Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk Ordinance No. 1335 Page 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1335 PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1335 was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 3rd day of April, 2007, and was given its second reading, passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of , 2007 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER City Clerk ATTACHMENTD Planning Commission Resolution No. 4060 RESOLUTION NO. 4060 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 06-002, AS DEFINED BY SECTION 65865.2 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND TUSTIN LEGACY COMMUNITY PARTNERS, LLC. (THE DEVELOPER), A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN PLANNING AREAS 7-15 OF THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN, TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines: A. That Development Agreement (DA) 06-002 is proposed by Tustin Legacy Community Partners, LLC. (the Developer), a Delaware limited liability company; B. That to strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the economic risk of development, the California Legislature adopted the Development Agreement Statute of the Government Code. Pursuant to the Statute, the City may enter into an agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property and to provide for the development of such property and to establish certain development rights therein. C. That the purpose of Development Agreement 06-002 is to give the developer certain assurances that in return for Developer's commitment to the comprehensive planning for the Property that is contained in the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and the Specific Plan, the City will in turn remain committed to the DDA and the Specific Plan; D. That the development and use of the Project in the future will provide significant benefits to the community and promote the public health, safety, and welfare for the following reasons, among others: (i) development of the Project will generate tax revenues that can be used to provide essential services to the community; (ii) development will put the Property to productive use consistent with the objectives of the City's General Plan and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan; and (iii) development of the Project will provide a long term source of employment opportunities for local residents. Resolution No. 4060 Page 2 E. That a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held on March 27, 2007, by the Planning Commission, and the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve Development Agreement 06- 002. F. That on January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin. The FEIS/EIR and its Addendum is a program EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The FEIS/FEIR and its Addendum considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin; G. The City prepared a comprehensive Environmental Checklist for the Disposition and Development Agreement Amendment, DA 06-002 and Zone Change 07-001 for the proposed project, attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Environmental Checklist concluded that the proposed project does not result in any new significant environmental impacts, substantial changes or a substantial increase in the severity of any previously identified significant impacts in the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. Moreover, no new information of substantial importance has surfaced since certification of the FEIS/EIR and Addendum. H. That DA 06-002 is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the Tustin General Plan, in that the proposed project would implement the adopted MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. I. That DA 06-002 is compatible with the uses authorized in the district in which the real property is located in that the Developer intends to develop the Property for residential and non-residential uses consistent with the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan district regulations. J. That DA 06-002 is in conformity with the public necessity, public convenience, general welfare, and good land use practices in that the proposed project would implement both the General Plan and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan goals and objectives. K. That DA 06-002 will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare in that the proposed development would comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations. L. That DA 06-002 will not adversely affect the orderly development of property in that the proposed development would comply with the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan district regulations. Resolution No. 4060 Page 3 M. That DA will have a positive fiscal impact on the City in that development of the Project will generate significant tax revenues that can be used to provide essential services to the community. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve DA 06-002 as included in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and subject to final approval of the City Attorney. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of March, 2007. BRETT FLOYD Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4060 was duly passed and adopted at the regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 27th day of March, 2007. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit 1 of Resolution No. 4060 Development Agreement 06-002 When this document is received from the City Attorney, a .pdfversion will be e-mailed.