HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 RHNA WorkshopITEM #2 -~Y~O - / ~ DATE: MAY 22, 2007 Inter C 0 m ~`sT~? PLANNING COMMISSION TO: FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: HOUSING ELEMENT AND REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT UPDATE RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Regional Housing Needs Assessment State law requires that jurisdictions provide their fair share of regional housing needs. The State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is mandated to determine the state-wide housing need. In cooperation with HCD, local governments and councils of government (COGs) are charged with making a determination of their city's or region's existing and projected housing need as a share of the state-wide housing need. This process is called the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and is summarized in Attachment A to this report. The Planning period for the current Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is for an eight-year period from 2006 to 2014. After the last state mandated Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) cycle, the SCAG Regional Council asked that actions be taken to streamline the process to make it less contentious and cumbersome and more relevant to local planning. These actions led to the recent adoption of the RHNA Pilot Program through the passage of Senate Bill No. 12. The author and sponsors of SB 12 noted that the RHNA Pilot Program features three core principles: • One integrated forecast for housing, transportation, and air quality. • Protection and enhancement of the local input process. • One round of appeals maintained as a process safety valve. Timeline The following timeline highlights the most pertinent actions that have been taken in the last twelve (12) months and/or are scheduled to occur in the next two months by the City of Tustin and the Southern California Association of Governments with respect to RHNA. Planning Commission Report Regional Housing Needs Assessment Housing Element Update May 22, 2007 Page 2 Date Action June 15, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG regarding proposed RHNA Pilot Pro ram. July 6, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG regarding proposed RHNA Pilot Pro ram. Jul 12, 2006 SCAG ublicl releases Pro osed RHNA Pilot Pro'ect Lan ua e. July 17, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG regarding proposed RHNA Pilot Pro ram. Au ust 3, 2006 SCAG ublicl releases revised RHNA Pilot Pro~ect Lan ua e. August 15, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG regarding proposed RHNA Pilot Pro ram. November 2, 2006 SCAG releases draft RHNA numbers. November 7, 2006 Tustin staff participates in Orange County Subregional Workshop and rovides RHNA related comments. November 16, 2006 SCAG staff discussed RHNA methodology at the Orange County Council of Governments Board meetin . November 27, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG disputing the draft re lacement need of 1,076 housin units. December 11, 2006 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG requesting that the draft re lacement be ad'usted. January 11, 2007 SCAG issues a letter to Tustin agreeing to removed the replacement need associated with the demolition of military housin from the final RHNA construction need calculation. January 11, 2007 Tustin provides written comments to SCAG regarding the increase in the RHNA allocations for nine Oran a Count cities. February 1, 2007 SCAG Regional Council approves Final RHNA Methodology and Draft RHNA Allocation Plan. February 1, 2007 Tustin staff met with SCAG staff and staff from eight other Orange Count cities. Februa 9, 2007 SCAG issues a letter to Tustin re ardin OCP and RHNA. Februa 26, 2007 SCAG staff meets with Tustin staff. March 15, 2007 Tustin submits its a eal/revision re uest to SCAG. A ril 10, 2007 Senate Bill 12 is a roved and si ned into law b the Governor. April 25, 2007 RHNA Appeals Board holds appeal hearing for Tustin appeal. Mayor Pro Tem Amante testifies before the RHNA Appeals Board and urges them to consider our request to reduce the RHNA allocation for the City of Tustin. The Appeals Board considers the re uest and continues the matter to A ril 26, 2007 April 26, 2007 RHNA Appeals Board holds continued appeal hearing and a roves a reduction of 985 allocated housin units for Tustin. May 14, 2007 RHNA Appeals Board approves written decisions on RHNA a eats and re uests. July 12, 2007 SCAG Regional Council to consider adoption of the Final Housing Need Allocation Plan. Planning Commission Report Regional Housing Needs Assessment Housing Element Update May 22, 2007 Page 3 September 4, 2007 Deadline for final adoption of the Final Housing Need Allocation Plan by HCD. The SCAG Regional Council is expected to adopt the Final Housing Need Allocation Plan at their meeting on July 12, 2007. The adopted RHNA allocation for the City of Tustin is a critical component of our General Plan Housing Element update, which is mandated by State law to be completed by June 30, 2008. Housing Element The availability of housing for every family is addressed by the California Government Code requirement that each city adopt a Housing Element as a mandatory part of its General Plan. The purpose of the Housing Element is to address the housing needs of all economic segments, while considering the economic, environmental, and fiscal factors and community goals set forth in the General Plan. The preparation of the City's Housing Element is guided by, and must conform to, Section 65580 et. al. of the California Government Code. The implementation period for the next Housing Element cycle is July 2008 to 2013. To complete the Housing Element, each city needs to identify its projection and quantification of existing and projected housing needs for all income groups. This projection and quantification is part of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) described in the RHNA discussion above. The following are the required components of the Housing Element: A. Housing Needs Assessment • Analysis of population trends in Tustin in relation to regional trends • Analysis of employment trends in Tustin in relation to regional trends • Projection and quantification of Tustin's existing and projected housing needs for all income groups • Analysis and documentation of Tustin's housing characteristics including the following: a. Level of housing cost compafed to ability to pay b. Overcrowding c. Housing stock condition • An inventory of land suitable for residential development including vacant sites and redevelopment potentials; and relation of zoning, public facilities and services to these sites • Analysis of existing and potential governmental constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all income levels • Analysis of special housing need: disabled, elderly, large families, female- headed households, farm workers • Analysis concerning the needs of homeless individuals and families in Tustin Planning Commission Report Regional Housing Needs Assessment Housing Element Update May 22, 2007 Page 4 • Analysis of opportunities for energy conservation with respect to residential development B. Goals and Policies • Identification of Tustin's goals, quantified objectives and policies relative to maintenance, improvement, and development of housing including: a. Housing supply/housing opportunities b. Maintenance and conservation c. Environmental Sensitivity d. Housing Element Implementation Program e. Five year quantified objectives 2008-2013 f. Identify affordable housing resources g. Housing programs C. Implementation Programs • Identify adequate sites which will be made available through appropriate action with required public services and facilities for a variety of housing types for all income levels • Assist in the development of adequate housing to meet the needs of low and moderate income households • Identify and when appropriate and possible remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing • Conserve and improve the condition of the existing and affordable housing stock • Promote housing opportunities for all persons • Identify programs to address the potential conservation of assisted housing developments to market rate units The Tustin Housing Element also includes the identification of strategies and programs that focus on: • Housing affordability • Rehabilitating substandard housing • Meeting the existing demand for new housing • Conserving the existing affordable housing stock The City is required to complete and obtain approval of the Housing Element from the State Department of Housing and Community Development for review by June 30, 2008. Staff has recently prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) to contract a consultant for preparing the City's 2008 to 2013 Housing Element. Planning Commission Report Regional Housing Needs Assessment Housing Element Update May 22, 2007 Page 5 Preparation of the Housing Element is anticipated to follow the following schedule: Receipt of Proposals Consultant Interviews Consultant Selection/Award of Contract Begin Contract Review Screencheck Submit to HCD Adoption by City Council HCD Certification June 21, 2007 early July, 2007 late July, 2007 August, 2007 November, 2007 February, 2008 April, 2008 June 30, 2008 ~~o-t~ Scott Reekstin Senior Planner ~~~ ~~ o~.~~~-~iG~ Elizabeth A. Binsack Director of Community Development Attachments: ~~ Minoo Ashabi Associate Planner A -Regional Housing Needs Assessment Pilot Program FAQ B -Correspondence (Letters from the City of Tustin to SCAG dated June 15, 2006; July 6, 2006; July 17, 2006; August 15, 2006; November 27, 2006; December 11, 2006; January 11, 2007; Letters from SCAG to the City of Tustin dated January 11, 2007; February 9, 2007; City of Tustin to SCAG dated March 15, 2007) C - Draft RHNA, dated November 2, 2006 D - Appeal/revision request and SCAG staff report S:\Cdd\PCREPORT2007\RHNA HE Update May 2007 .doc ATTACHMENT A Regional Housing Needs Assessment Pilot Program FAQ State law requires that jurisdictions provide their "fair share" of regional housing needs. Local governments and Councils of Government (COGs) are charged with determining existing and future need, together with the California Department of Housing and Community Devel- opment. SCAG prepares the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for the six-county territory it represents. The last assessment covered the period January 1998 through June 2005. The SCAG Regional Council approved a Pilot Program that would modify existing law and streamline the RHNA process. 7. When Is the next RHNA due and what period will it cover? It is due June 30, 2007, covering the period 2008 through 2014. 2 What about housing that has been built since the end of the last RHNA cy~de? Wlll cities be ~credited~ for housing built between the last cycle and the start of the new one? Yes, local jurisdictions wiN be able to take "credits' for actual construction activvities in the 3-year gap period (2005-2008) that are above the growth forecasted far that period, and- apply those credits to the housing needs forecasted for the period between 2008 and 2014. 3. Haw can cities that are built-out be required to provide more housing when land is not available? There is little support for rezoning vital commerciaUlndustrial lands deemed critical to continued economic viabilityl, Cities are responsible for creating opportunities to meet their housing needs. There are various tools to meet these requirements, including, but not limited to, the conversion of existing units or rezoning. 4r How will an over~concentration of low-income housing be avoided? Neither existing law nor the Pilot Program allow the fur- therconcentration of lower income households in jurisdictions that house more than their "fair share.° The Regionat Council will establish a policy to decrease new allocated housing need in areas that already have a high concentration. 5. X11 the process allow the use of local zoning and land ordinances as the basis of local input? Combining housing and transportafilon forecasts seems to place restrictions on local jurisdictions. Transportation, housing, and employment forecasts for the future rely heavily on local SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 23 6. Why are urine tying the RHNA process together with the RTP process? RH1VA is a needs-based program while the RTP is land-use based. The Pilot Program ensures an integrated long- range growth forecast. It links together hous- ing, transportation, and air quality planning, allowing jurisdictions to plan for transportation and housing simultaneously and plan more efficiently for future growth. Past practices in which cities created one forecast for transpor- tation and one for housing will be avoided. 7. Does tits integrated approach far our 2007 growth forecast process change the Compass Blueprint from a voluntary program to a mandatory one? No, it is a regional policy that. the Compass Program remains a voluntary program. ; ` Implementation of the Compass Blueprint focuses on providing planning tools and consulting services to local governments that voluntarily apply for assistance. The services offered are aimed at assisting cities and counties implement local plans and policies that are consistent with regional goals. August 2006 The Commission on State Mandates has ruled that COGs are not eligible to seek reimbursement. Attempts to pass a state budget appropriation have failed, although efforts are still underway to receive some form of state funding in addition to California Blueprint funds. Federal transportation funds can only be used for the growth forecast portion of the process. To finance funding shortfalls, SCAG can access its General Fund and/or assess fees. SCAG's Regional Council is opposed to a fee assessment. 9. Why does the Pilot Program seek to limit the RHNA appeals process to one appeaYl The Pilot Program includes a streamlined appeals process that is better suited to a complex multi- county region than the existing state law. The existing law permitted an endless round of appeals in which jurisdictions would be unable to complete their housing requirements in time. Permitting only one round of appeals allows for a comprehensive regional review of appeals based on the AB 2158 factors and allows jurisdictions to progress towards their housing goals in a streamlined and efficient manner. for more information contact soumcrtiv ca.aatxw Joe Carreras Program Manager 818 West 7th St. 12th Fi. Los Angeles, CA 9001? 213-236-1856 carreras@scag.ca.gov AssOCiAnOM of GOVEttNMBNTS ~4 planning as expressed in General Plans, 8. How wlill the vlnDrk to complete Capital Improvement Programs, and actual the ~~ prOCeSS ~ ~~~ growth trends in the city, county, and region. ATTACHMENT B Correspondence C~ice of the City Council June 15, 2008 Rk:hard Dixon, Vice Chairperson RegionaVSubrepbnal Relations Task Force Soulhem California Associaton of Governrnenb 818 W. 7th Street, 12th floor Loa Anpebs, CA 90017 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 www.tustirK;a.org (714) 573-3010 FAX (714)836-1602 SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT (RHNA) PILOT DO1° ~ PROGRAM. Dear tJt. Dbton: On behaN d,the City of Tustin, I wish to express our concerns regarding the Regbrisl Housing Needs Assessment Plot Program proposed by Ilse Stwthem Calttorrtia Association of Govemmerna. N approved through State lepislatbn, tltis pool Program would implement several signHicarn reviskms to the existing Regbnal Housing Needs Assessment Program for the SCAG repbn and would allocate the devebpntern of housing to SCAG Compass Blueprlrn 2% Strategy Arena. The CNy of Tustin b not opposed to Improving the Regbnsl Housing Needs Assessment process; However, we are opposed to the foNowinp aspects of 111e proposed pilot program: 1 • The program reduces local land use control, Rather than being based on bcal Input, the RHNA numbers would bs based an SCAG'e 2% Strategy. which was understood to' be voluntary and was not adopted by bcel jurtsdictbns.~ In addition, the program that is currerny proposed does not aNow appeals. 2. The program Ices fhe RHNA wRh the RTP (Regbnai Transportation Plan) and. hence. the OCP (Orange County projections). Tying the RHNA wNh the RTP and OCP M problematic because jurisdicibns may underestimate housing, popufatbn, and empbymertt projections N those projections wIN be used for regbnal housing needs purposes. RHNA is a needs based program, while the RTP and OCP are land•use based. This fundamental difference underscores the need to keep the processes separate. City of Tustin Tncp walyr NpM ~rgor rre Tow la 9aiv c~na~., Taryr Kaw~sNmw CourKrmemp~, ~«.r Amos. tinatneme.r 274 Richard Dlxon,lACe Chairperson RegionaVSubregional Relations Task Force June 15,2006 Page 2 3. Theprogram requires jurisdictions to plan fora 20-year housing supply and zone for a 10-year housing supplyA pfaming horizon o1 ten or twenty years is ideal for general plann(ng purpos s but does not provide for market or demographk; shtRs over the long term which wou~ strongly influence the RHNA process. Furthermore. the general plan and zoning era required to be consistent pursuant to State law. It is unclear es to taw this can be reconcled with the proposed program. 4. The program may increase RHNA allocations to cities with large 2~G strategy areas. Tire proposed pAot program may piece an unfair burden on devebpad dues with tranaR cantata and corridors because RHNA ntxrrbets would be albcated withh 2% strategy areas. Ttw SCAB 2% strategy proposes to cxmcsntrals re~lonal growth within inf• areas to around metro centers; dty callers. rail trarwit stops. bus rapid transR corridors. airports, ports. irxiustrlal centers. and priority residential k-dpl areas. 5. lTh~e pater ~ Is undear about the details pertaining 1o trades and transfers among The trading and transferring of RHNA allocations among jurisdidions would be permitted, but the administration and allowable trequency o1 these trades ie not specified in the pikrt program. Furthermore, the prohibition of trades among subregions contradida the regbnal growth visbning process. For these reasons, we oppose the RHNA PNd Program aa•~ is cuneMy proposed. H you have any questions, please cooled ms or Elizabeth Binsadc, Community Devebpmerd Director, at (714) 573-3031. ti~'KMy~ ib Davert Mayor cc: Tustin City CouncB Orange County Courrcq of Governments Mark Plsano 275 J~~,r6.~06 City of Tustin 3n0 Centennial `Nay The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Tustin. CA 92780 Sotrthem California Associatbn of Governments cvww.tustinca.orcJ 818 W. 7* Street, 12° ibor ;;tar 573.3010 Los Angeles, CA 90017 FAX Iota) 838-tfi02 SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT PILOT PROGRAM Dear President Burke: oa.p o„~„ rdror On behaq of the Cky of Tustin, i wish to express our concerns regarding the T"`~' w«"r ~ Regional Housing Needs Assessrnera Pilot Program proposed by the Southern °i1iyOf hoTem CaMomia Association of Govemrnertts. N approved through State legislation, this ~ eAn. Allot program would knplemeM several signilicark revisbns to the existing CO1"0*"'"'~•~ Regbnai Housing Needs Assessment Program for the SCAG region and would ronr Kaww.ti,,,. ~b~te the devebpment of housing to SCAG Compass Blueprint 2•A. Strategy ~,o.~ The Cky of Tustin first provided comments to SCAG r co„nn~""'"O" Program in a kilter dated June 15, 2006 ear ~ the Proposed Pitt R bnatlSub ( ~). to the SLAG eg regbnal Relatbns Task Force. Although SCAG stall provided written responses to our oontmerrta, the responses were somewhat vague, and in some cases, misleading. The City d Tustin is not opposed to improving the Regbrtal Housing Needs Assessment process. Hewever, we are opposed to the tollowirg aspects of 1M Proposed Pitt prograrrr: 1. The program reduces local Iand use control. Rather then being based on bcal Input, the RHNA numbers would be based on SCAG's 2•,f. Strategy. SCAG staff has acknowledged that the 2'K Strategy is a vokrrttary Program, but continues to recommend that the RHNA Pibt Progrem bs Ynlced to the Strategy. 2. The program ties the RHNA with the RTP (Regional Transportation Pian) and, hence, the OCP (Orange County Projections), Tying the RHNA with the RTP and OCP is problematic because jurisdictions may underestimate housing, population, and empbyment projecibns it those projecfions wig be used for regional housing needs purposes. RHNA is a needs-based program, while the RTP and OCP are land-use based. This fundamental difference underscores the need to keep the processes separate. 272 Yvonne B. Burke, President Juy s, Zoos Page 2 3. The program requires jurisdictions to plan fora 20-year housing supply and zone for a 10-year housing suppy. A planning horizon of ten or twenty years is ideal for general planning purposes but does not provkfe for market or demographk shifts over the long term which would strongly influence the RHNA process. Furthem~ore, the general plan and zoning are required 14 be consistent pursuant to State law. K is unclear as to how this can be rec~ncAed with the proposed program. 4. The program may Increase RHNA aAocations to cities with large 2°Y. strategy areas The proposed pibt program may place an uMair burden on developed cities with transit tamers and corridors because. RHNA numbers would be allocated wkhin 2'K strategy areas. The SCAG 2% strategy proposes to ooncerwate regional grawlh wkhin IrMN areas in around metro cerMers, city camera, raN transk stops, bus rapid transk corridors, airports, ports, induetrlal cerrtera, and priority residential In-fAl erase. 5. The program is unclear about the details pertaining to trades and transfers artang jurisdictions. Ths trading and transferring of RHNA allocations among jurisdictlons is perrNtted by existing law, but the administration and akowable lrequerwy of these trades should be specNied in the pill program. Furtherrrwre, the prohibition d trades anwng subregions coMradids the regional growth visioning process For these reasons, we oppose the RHNA PAot Program as k is currently proposed. H you have any questions. please contact me or Elizabeth Binsack, Coriurxrnity Developmerrt Director. at (714) 573-3031. ' Mayor ca t~(3ommuNty, Economic 6 Human Development Committee Tustin Cky Coundl Orange County CounGl of Governments WAliam A Huston Doug Hdland Elzabeth A. Binsack Scott Reekstin Ariachmerri: June 15, 2006 Letter a ~coaow~.~n-u rua Ropam twr a aG6 RC.doe 273 -' . .i t J . ~'! ~, rtil 1 July 17.3006 .. :.. -. The Nonurabk~ Yvonrn• B. Burke, President Southern California Association of Governments 8l8 W. 7'a Sucet, 12'" floor L.os Angeles, CA 90017 ~~' ..nM. SUBJECT: ItECIONAI. HOL'SiNG NEEDS ASSESSA~VT P1LOT '•~r ''! r,. - ~.~: 1)carPresidcnt Burke: ; _ ,::,;':~." On behalf. of the City of Tustin. 1 wish ro expn.•wt raa canccrna regarding the ~ °, Southern California Aseoriatiun of Governments (SCAG) Proposed Regiotal . Hcxtsing N~~cJs Assessment (RHNA) Pilot Project Language that SCAG publicly n:lcascd on July 13, 3086 (anachod). The City of Tustin has provided comments to SCAG rcgartfing the proposed Pilot Project in letter dated June l6, 2006, and July 6, 3006 (attached), Because the July 12, 3006, rcvisinns do not address our concerns, the comments contained in (hose two letter still apply. Aa we have stated previously, the City of 'Tustin is rat opposed to improving the Regional Housing Needs Assessment process. However, we remain particularly opposed to the proposed use of SCAG': 29tr Strategy as a basis for the allocation of RHNA numbest, and the proposed limit of are appeal per jurisdiction, 'fherrforc, we recommend that the words "and other strategic" be de'Ictcd fmm Section 65584.02.5(e) of the proposed language. We also urge SCAG to revise thr pmposed language such thrt appeals may be filed relating to any adjustments made pursuant to subdivision Ig) of Government Cade Section 65584.05. If these recnmmentled changes are not made, cities with large 276 Strategy Areas will receive a disprupunionrte RHNA alla:ation and may underestimate housing, populati~m, and rmpbymcnt numbers used in xubrcgional projections to offset the impact of the 276 Strategy. Cities could also receive allocatians that could not be appealed. 270 The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Southern California Association of Governments Juiy 17, 2~ Page Two For these reasons, we oppose the proposed July 12, 2006, language for the RHNA Pilot Project. if you have any questions, please contact me or Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director, :u (714) 573-3031. sincerely, i Dou aver- May cc Mark Pisarw, SCA(3 Tustin Ciry Council Orange County Council of Governments William A. Huston Doug Holland Elizabeth A. Binsack Scott Reekatin . Attachment:: SCAG Proposed RHNA Pilot Project Language July 6, 2006 Letter, ' June 15, 2006 Letter a:~CDbrenM~sl4aVtNNA Pib~ lio0ew I~ur 3 b aC.AUdoe 271 ,. .~ August 15, 2006 • = ~ . ~ _ .. • The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Southern Calfornia Association of Governments 818 W. 7r' Street, 12"' floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT PILOT PROJECT :. ~.,,: :. . Dear Preskierri Burke: •~: ~~:•t. - •<r,., On behalf of the Cpy of Tustin, 1 wish to express our concerns regarding. ~ .~"" the Southern California Association d Govemmenta (SCAG) Proposed Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Pilot Project Language that SCAG pubpcy released on August 3, 200!3 (ariached). '" The City of Tustin has provided comments to SCAG regarding the ~ .• proposed Pilot Project in leriers dated June 18, 2006, Juy 6, 2008, and Juy 17, 2008 (attached). Because tl~e August 3, 2008, revisions do not address all of our previous concerns, some of the comments contained in those three letters slip appy. As vae have stated previously, the City of Tustin is particutary opposed to tying the RHNA with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and pmttirq the number of appeals to one appeal per jurisdiction. Therefore, we recommend that SCAG revise the proposed language such that the .RTP and regional demographic projections are kept separate trom the RHNA process and such that appeals may be tiled relating to any adjustments made pursuant to subdivision (g) of Government Code Section 65584.05. The revisions to proposed .Section 65584.02.5(8) should include the removal of the reference to consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan and an explanation of the objective criteria to be used to determine the Housing Need Allocation Plans' consistency with the objectives of the proposed Section 65584.02.5. If these recommended changes are not made, cities may underestimate housing,. populaCbn, and employment numbers used iri subregional projections to offset the impact on the RHNA allocation. Cities could also receive allocations that could not be appealed. 268 The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Southern Cafrfornia Association of Governments August 15, 2006 Page Two The City of Tustin is also concerned about the severe time constraints associated with participating in the housing allocation process and preparing fts~ housing element by the current June 30, 2008, deadline. We request that SCAG propose a two-year extension of the housing element deadline to June 30.2010. For these reasons, we oppose the proposed August 3, 2006, language for the RHNA Pilot Project and urge that amendments be incorporated into the proposed language. H you have any . questans, please contact me or Elizabeth Binsadc, Community Development Director, at (714) 573-3031. Mark Pisano, SLAG Tustin City CouncY Orange County Counc~'1 of Governments William A. Huston Doug Holland Elizabeth A. Binsadr Scott Reeksttn Attadtments: SCAG Proposed RHNA Pilot Project Language July 17.2006, Letter Juy 6.2006. Letter June 15, 2006, Letter 8:~toones~ns,ww,,vM.r-Mr.~o,..~.o,. asc~..s 269 November 27, 2006 •~; _;1 The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Southern Calflomia Association of Govemments 818 W. 7~ Street; 12° floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT METHODOLOt3Y 4 Dear President Burke: On behalf of the City of Tustin, 1 wish to express our concerns regarding the Southem Califomia Association of Governments (SCAG) Proposed Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Methodology as K pertains to replacement housing need. :,.; ~~ x;.r;t.,..,,,~, 'Mn~r .a•o "a.r . L' SYA .. ' According to the draft Regional Housing Needs Assessment methodology and numbers released by SCAG on November 2, 2008, the Cily of Tustin has been assigned a draft replacement need of 1,067 housing units. TMs number equals the number of housing units demolished in the City of Tustin from 1997-2005 and includes 985 military housing units that have been demolished at the closed Marine Corps Air Station Tustin. The 985 military housing units were vacated over a period of time, with 527 units vacant in January t998 and aU of the units vacant as of base cbsure on July 1, 1999. The 985 military housing units were later demolished, and the demolitions were reported to the California Department of Flnance. In the last RHNA cycle, the 985 military housing units were inappropriately counted as vacant units. Although the C8y of Tustin was assured by SCAG staff that the vacancy rate would be adjusted, our only option was to appeal the vacancy rate determination and the appeal was repeatedly denied by SCAG. Afterward, SCAG staff acknowledged that the higher vacancy rate was erroneously included and that the number wo41d be remed'~ed; however, the correction never came to fruition. The 985 demolished military housing units should not be included in the cak:uiaiion of replacement need in the current RHNA cycle, but should be given special consideration by SCAG because these units were available 266 The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President November 27, 2006 Page 2 only to military personnel and their famil'les and were never available for occupancy by the general public and theretore were not a part d the City's general housing market. In tact, pursuant to ttte MCAS Tustin Redevelopment Plan which was adopted through Ordinance No. 1276 by the Tustin City Council on June 16, 2003,1he mlitary housing units at MCAS Tustin are not subject to the replacement housing requirements per the California Health and Safety Code Section 33413 et seq. Since the adopted Redevelopment Plan recognizes these units as unique and the Redevelopment Plan was based on Stets law, SCAG should also recognize these special circumstances. Based on this sound reasoning, we urge .SCAG to adjust the replacement needs methodology aocordngly for military housing units and to not defer file consideration •d this matter to the RHNA appeals process. Furthermore, we ask SCAG to provide the actual axurate RHNA numbers to jurisdictions prior to any approval action on the RHNA methodology. The distribution d the actual assigned numbers wig enable eaci~ jurisdiction to properly assess the impact of the methodology on their corrxrwnity. As currently proposed, the RHNA methodok>gy~ assigns a disproportitxoata housing need to Tustin as h relates to replacement housing. This disproportion should be eliminated and not distributed to other jurisdictions in the region. if you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact me or Egzabeth Binsack, Community Development Director, at (714) 573-3031. Si erey, Doug rt Mayor ca Mark Pisano, SCAG Ma'Ayn Johnson, SCAB Tustin City Cour>cY Orange County CouncY d Governments W~Qam A. Huston Doug Holland ENzabeth A. Binsadc Justine WMkom Scori Aeekstin 267 .. ,~,,_. , . • ~t.:~. ..Jl. ,_ ~ ~_ _ ~• HIG. ~~%.nw.w~nAwru...r~a~w.ri,~~t~~^~~ t~ity ~~f T+~stin :ctw t:~nwauu:N Vl:ry fu::un LA 9X7:!6 December 11, 2006 ~ la.y''~.~ pl r'nx 7t.+.F~a.~strz Hasan Iklvate, Director f.au Bawr t,v,y,x Planning and Potlry DepaAment Soutltem Catiftxnia Association d Governments ~ ""t' " 818 W. 7w Street, 12~'tl0or tAaya trio Tan Los Angeles, CA 90017 p~ Davarl Cotrw,a161snrfror SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY T,,,,t, K,.r;,t,~~ Dear Alr.~lbm~elta: Cumx3 6Aambrr' ' At the Orange County Courrcll d Governments Board d Diedors meeting on ~ JknP.atmur' ~'`~'~""~ t'r'""~" November 18, 2008, we disalssed the Regional Ftousktg Needs Assessment ~+h~oOY~ Dur+rq our conversation, you indk~ted that you would ensure that the demolished military tausk>tg unit at former MCAg, Tustin an not inducted in tl~e calculatbn d replacement housing need for the City d Tttstlrt. Our reasons supporting the removal d the 98.5 demdished military houak~g ur>its horn the replacement need cakulatton wen provided h a feller from ' former Tustin Mayor Doug Davert to Southern CalKomis Association d Govemmenis (SCAG) President Yvonne Burka dated November 27, 2008 and • , can be summarized as togows: • The 98S demolished n4litary houskg units 'wen avagable oNy. to rnilriary persomd and thstr famiYes .and wen never ava8abie for occupancy by the penxal publk and ihenfora were not a part d the ' Cify s general housing maAutl. Pursuant b the MCAS Tustin Redevebpment Plan adopted by the TusBn City Councq, the military housing units at MCAS Tustin are not subject to fhe replacenent housing requirements per the CalNomis HeaHh and Safely Code Section 33413 d seq. Since the adopted Redevelopment Plan recognizes these units as unique and the Redevelopment Plan was based on State law, SCAG should also recognae these spedal dreumstances. We specifically request that for the above reasons, SCAG adjust the draA replacement need accordingly and provide a footnote in aN written SCAG publications containing the replacement need numbers that demolished miitary units shall not be included in the replacement need calculation. 1 would greatly appreaate a written response tram you that Iha aforementioned wtll txcta' prior to•the next Regional Courx~7 meeting. 264 Hasan Iktuata, Director Planning and PoCuy Department Southern CaGtornia Association d Governments December 11, 2008 Pags 2 H you have any questions regarding this mafter, please contact me or Eizabeth Binsadc, Community Development Director, at (714) 573-3031. Sincerely, _..'" , . ,. . Lail Born Mayor ce: Mark Ptsano, SCA(3 Ma'Ayn Jotwtson, SCAG Tustti City Council orarpa County Coundl of Govertrnerrb Wlllarn A: Huston Dap Holland Elzabeth A. einsadr Justtr-a WIIMrom Scott Reekstln 265 •_ -. ;, January 11, 2007 _ 1 , ~ : ~ ' •: ,, The Honorrble Yvonne B. Burke, president Southern California Association of Governments 818 W. 7° Street, 12° floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 _ SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY Dear President Bnnc~ .. _ : ,~,2 . : ,. On behalf of the City of Tustin, I wish to esprcas s significant cotteern we have regarding the ' ", :'^ "''': Southern Glifomia Associatioa of Governmetrt: (SCA(;) proposed.Regionat Housing Needs ~` -~, N° Assessarem (RHNA) Methodology. . ; ., ~..- It is our understanding .that the drrfl RHNA allaestions for nine (9)' Orange County cities, including Tustin, have been proposed to be increased because the numbers of housing units that. ~ • • • .. arc projected to be eonctructed in those cities exceed the September 2006 dtaR RHNA - allocatiorts. r , , .. ..•. . This unjurii~abk substantial increase in the Ciry's RHNA allocation will place an undue burden on the City of Tustin as additions! resources and incentives would be required to enabk developers to feasibly construct the additional housing units in the very low, low, and moderate income categories. The City of Tustin urges the Southern Glitamia Association of Govemmertts to eonsidv an altemarive methodobgy whereby cities that project significant housing growth arc not required to provide more bowing is the very bw, low, and moderate income categories thw would be required by the California Depsttrneat of Housing sad Community Devebpmgnt based an regional housing need. As currently proposed, the RI~IA ,methodology would assign a disp-opptiatmte atfordabk housing need to Tustin that should be diatinated. . if you have any queatiorts regarding our cotruitents, please cornea rrc or Eli?abetlt.Birtsack. Community Development Director, at (714)573-3031. 074. L.ou Bone Mayor e J,tark Pisano. SCAG Ms'Apt Johnson. SCAG Tootles Ciry Council Orange County Council of GOrttnmeMt Wil6aot A. Hustm Doug Hoaatd Elizabeth A. Blmack Jmtim Willkom StptReekuin 263 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of January 11, 2007 GOVERNMENTS Main OMce 818 West Seventh Street Hon. Lou Bone, Mayor City of Tustin uth Floor 300 Centennial Way Los Angeles. CaPfornfa Tustin, CA 92780 90017.3435 ' a""361°0D In accordance with State law and cr the r uest of the Ci of Tustin and the 1uul~a~-,us ~ P aq tY Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG), the Southern California ,~„~,,,~,~, Association of Governments (SCAG) agrees to remove the replacement units associated with demolition of military housing from the final Rl•INA ,'"',,,~;,,,~ "^"~°~~.~ construction need calculation for the City of Tustin. This action reflects the s.'a.airiGw-•slaieWalwrale loss of the military base housing due t0 the close of the Tustin Marine Corps 4N1+ el.i, lAr cart . Iraleyr cal -allaal~,wwal,l.,llw.,., Air Station and its change of land use. ~ u..i~ area rotor, r...l rr.xy.,wrerrlar... ,~~, ~ Please feel fret to call me or Joseph Caaeras, RHNA Program manager, at ~~~ ~~~ 213-236-1856 if you have further questions. ,dl tay111t I.,w .,rlr Grra w ~ . soi awn u lrl,. wyw . aayar cwt. IraaaN~: Gw Irlak ~ ~rtar.w.1~r,,,,~ w~a • WrY 41L brwj • tlk saran la MPw • Way' Gal lu Aryan . Hal ~~~ wW~~; Sincerely, r~ayrw~.lael ~~ ~w ,aav • M /talra,,nlo Rolla • Ala IAr, lw Anplu . IoW -+IIL lw --~~It1 Grb Y ArNIM, i~ir M~Iin~iq l!_J~V" _\.\/1 - 1aA1.4Frgrb•kaSpn,W,Ya•Iti - . lmlrly,aalrr.Millgr, pMlw7 ~ ~ c wM ~ ~ w Hasan Ikhrata, Director al,.w . xa,,. Waar. t r. r.Mla . Planning and Policy Department ~ - ~~'`"~" SCAG - aw•lrr{re, haYl.4l UeaRMY1M •~Ww.AWrM•hWrfW. ~ .. . Haltlnpia InrA . leie Dil/R Maryal , lyMa R•~ Wagli4 iaea•/a14w1, t^a~e~M'+~,lalt NalNeraiq IMrIDI tath7L liY f4lrrlr • Irlaa 1&tlnln Maur auy . 4r. lwnMtr. -rlr Gtlwrd rM . ~ ,M MI..rNa. (rNlf ~- UaMI sill r:c: nl+t~+.,ra:"llaw.l~..r..c.n,'w`c.r Lynn Harris, Manager of Community Development Fwa•Rr1w111.saarlll~Wl,r.~ Frank Wen ~Illllw•oriatlllAaaal,arlr ,Growth Forecasting Program Manager '"0n11pn"~0"i"i Joseph Can•eras, RHNA Program .~ ~ w~w aalriw~.,, lw~(mo,f~wryy ~rNYa GwaYY~IW+I~ r 4rngr,riryl Doc#131036v1 i''aaa4A1is~ 1/16/2007 ItNI, 262 SOUTHERN (:ALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION Of GOVERNMENTS Main Offiu 818 West Seventh Street 12d1 Floor Los AngeU!s, CaUfomA 90017-3435 t(213)236.1800 E u1]) 236•IEtIS ORlurc haYnt lwre 8 BaYr, la ~ l«r,ry• aartrtinwnc4rtona Sa, ra.~ar. (rrr • s.a.r tIa na W re a,t.a a.. Ia1e Eaea . tww6rr rn -"ta,~ kr raa~ hn Ita"rar Iry.,i.I t.a1F 1tr (araS t~ taary•MNa),Ntewa - lw ~ t.nF rwe - 118Mr. la 3~rln (rrap • ler tnYnhl, lw ~qdn lrMlry • t"wynar.tn.n 3,aa.Ban ewaa, s. rr~a . rrr ww". (r,Mtr id1 a..l^r ti.tr • 1rp) ran,ena la lhdn • sir ta,wR V xm teiyiu Yrg"n tlrl, aa.ed • her o..tk rora. • rr owam, rrrrre . w+, o.,rl, tyt.r • a. w.n lag r.b • DwM 6rlh Orwar • fit Grar18, W ~gMet • ~! (e,al In M~ekf • Exi cn+e u~ • ttr tra v. ~ . tta twt c«.i.. Ytli t Rau Ilaer w wr. le ~ • taa I+~a~. w larro • Rw 0(w, Srw Mato • AYr pNlt, IN MFelei • 1NW Rah is MgMr• IrErai,lr 3~In •EBMM, lw wEeIN • ^ A~arrl+. tr ~ . Eay ~. r, t« t. N t. • 1.. s, t e s. ra... r. tab 1sA-arkr •IwtBe)nUrq-lal Isa .1.err wgyu. to )rrr~ . Etni, MIY+ar, 4Y~a.. ~ w.r u a~w a. L Meow, k, l« ~ . ww„ aws o,t aars ~Ee c.aa . <Ntre w.s V hl. • nw Etww, M•IwBaRt,WM(Ywa,YwM • ataw a"ea. wenrtn . octet (rr. MianYpw Inlt • leYt Drive, M,qn MM • Ntlr1 Re.a irk Eaea . rer Rew ~~ Bt.,eYe t+"wrlell Serre, Meenidr tart • IMwa W,tleF lak Ehwee • Iriale IMdwteit Brnnr WBry . M, lrwefllr, oi,aeirr • Eq teat. (ateaa (rr • ow ortaa,Uuab sr" o.e..eaw ta,y: fN,f Deft fla &e.a+ae lean • I,aa.a DYe, Ww. nuI Eaa a.naet • Ire r eaae. ea.d Inca •hnleVa,kanMMprM6ry'•~1 Itaw ~+• awr orYam,l awr •Na,wrF.e,aaen r.atw w+r. rq LW t reMw (..y • 61e" Mena. 3rri Wkf . 4,l araMae. Sal ia"eeaNrer • ta:leay -aI xwa.e u.~cwar~wnr ~rtrF ot.,rr try 1aeq.eerl. a.er.I.~rr4.e.I4.ee .....rt..nti".~. t...rEer Ew 1I81a,ae, argeA 14M- February 9, 2007 Honorable Lou Bone Mayor City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RE: Tustin's letters of November 27 and December 11, 2006; Distribution of Draft Regional Housing Need Assessment Allocation Pian for 2006- 2014 Dear Hon. Lou Bone: Thank you for your written comments on the Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) ongoing Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and Integrated Growth Forecast planning processes. Please be advised that the SCAG Regional Council approved, on February 1, 2007, a final allocation methodology and Draft RHNA Allocation Plan ('Plan"} for jurisdictions within the SCAG region for the planning period of 2006-2014. As you are aware, state housing law requires that SCAG prepare a housing need allocation for each of the cities and counties in the region based upon the State Department of Housing and Community Development's (HCD) determination of regional housing need.. As its household growth estimate is the starting point for the allocation, the Integrated Growth Forecast supports this RHNA effort. Encbsed please find a CD-ROM containing PDF files of the Plan. The Plan as well as a description of the final allocation methodology are also available on SCAG's RHNA webpage (http://scag.ca.gov/Housing/fina.htm). SCAG has been accepting public comments on both the RHNA and Integrated Growth Forecast for the past several months. Input from local jurisdictions such as Tustin is a key element in the RHNA and forecasting processes. The comments in your city's November 27 and December 11 letters concerning bcal factors affecting RHNA methodology have been considered in the preparation of the draft RHNA allocation and Integrated Growth Forecast. SCAG staff also worked closely with Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG), city and county planning directors and managers, and the Center for Demographic Research (CDR) to evaluate local input regarding regional housing need and methodology. The CDR Orange County Projection 2006 (OCP06) was adopted by the OCCOG Board of Directors on November 30, 2007, and reflected collective input provided by individual jurisdictions. SCAG staff analyzed the OCP06 and found it to be consistent with the Integrated Growth Forecast. Thus, Tustin's allocation incorporates the local concerns 260 expressed by your jurisdiction. In addition, we met with speritically impacted Orange County jurisdictions following the approval of the Draft RHNA allocation plan on February 1 to discuss the issue of allocation by income. We will continue to work with Tustin to resolve this issue and ensure an appropriate resolution. The RHNA allocat'wn is integral to the preparation of the Housing Element of Tustin's General Plan. Please note that the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), in a November 30, 2006 letter to SCAG (available on SCAG's website), has determined that, "In updating their housing elements, local governments may credit by applicable income category housing units added since January 2006 'For further infom~ation and guidance on how this applies to your jurisdiction's Housing Element, contact HCD at 916-323-3177. The ongoing RHNA process includes the following milestones: February 1, 2007 Regional CouncA apprrnred Draft RHNA Allocation Plan, February 15, 2007 Earffest date ~rkdictlorts may fAe revision requests and/or appeals to the Draft RHNA Allocation plan. March 16, 2007 Deadline for jurisdictions to file requests and/or appeals to the Draft RHNA Allocation Plan. June 7, 2007 SCAG issues a proposed Final RHNA Allocation Plan. July 5, 2007 PubAc hearing to adopt the Final RHNA Allocation Plan and submittal to hICD. June 30, 2006 Statutory deadAne for jurisdictions within SCAG region to submit updated Housing El~rteMs to HCD. Thank ytiu for your partiapation in this important endeavor. Please visit SCAG's RHNA website (http://scag.ca.govMousing/rhna.htm) or feel free to contact Regional Planner Ma'Ayn Johnson at 213-236-1975 or Joe Cameras, RHNA Program Manager at 213-236-1856 if you have any questions Sincerey, Joe Cameras RHNA Program Manager AttaGrnenC CAROM ~. Draft Regional Flouring Needs Assessment ARocelion Plan 261 Office of the City Council March 15, 2007 The Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, President Southern California Association d Goverrrnertts 818 VY. 7'" Street, 12'" floor Los Angeles. CA 90017 SUBJECT: REGIONAL HOUSiWG NEEDS REVISION REOUt'8T City of Tustin 30o Centenrrial way TustM, CA 92780 www.tust'xica.org (714j.573.30t0 FAX (714) 838-1602 ASSESSMENT ApPEAU Dear President Burk: On behalf d tlts City d Tustln, I am submitting the attached Appeal and/or. Revision Request far Mte Fourth Cyde d the. Regional Housing Needs Assesarrtertt (RHNA). The basis for this appeal is that SCAG fa8ed to delemtine tits Cily bf Tuattrt's share d the regional housing need in accordance with Qte informalton described in the established abcatlon rrtethodobgy. The methodology requires that the RHNA be based on SCAG's Integrated Growth Forecast, not on s subregional forecast However. it ie ots. understanding that SLAG utigzed the Orange Cauny Projecfbns {OCP) 2008 as the Integrated Growth Forecast for tits Orange County suttregbn and thersfans did not fellow the methodology established and approved by SCACi tar ttte RHNA. 1ou eon. ,iw/y Anrr~ bhya Pro Twn ~+o oov..t ca!nN rr.mea cony Knrntyn~ Cound rtarmer Jlm Ppmor coi..oa M~mbor wttae the utNizattot- of OCP 2008 may bs very approprtaa ~~ regbnsl growth forAcaat(rtg Purposes. t1s uae in ttte RHNA may have jeopardized the vaNdily of . Cis entiro RHNA process because jurisdictions may haw urtdsrestlrrtabd their . houstrtg, population, and employment Protections with Ste trrtderstandirp that those,projectbrts also ttrould be used for regbnal housing needs purpoass. The reauq d usirg OCP 2008 is that Orange County cobs that have protected robust housing growltt have been arbitrarily assigned a relaWey higher altocatton than cities that have projected little a no housing growth. Far example, the City d Tust(n was assigned a RHNA rxrrrtbar d .3,344 t>atsing units, whereas another Orange County cHy un'fh a sGglttly greater population Than Tustin was assigned a RHIJA number d ony 39 housing tattle. The other utys RHNA number is low because the albcation is based entirey on Its cortservatiye protected housing growth from 2008 to 2014 rather than ob the projected housing needs d the community, the availability d vacant land, or other factors established in Ute SLAG methodology. The RHNA number for the City d Tustin is the (rfllt largest in Orange County, gat the City's population ranks fotateeMh in the County. Under the proposed RHNA, 258 Honorable Yvonne B. Burke, PresWeM March 15, 2007 Page 2 the City d Tustin is being required to take more than ifs fair share of the regional housing need solely because tt is accommodating a large share of the region's houskg growth within our community. This requirem8nt is unfair and illogical and should be remedied. As evidenced by the attached letters dated between June 15, 2008, and January 11, 2007, the City d Tustin is fundamentally opposed to a RHtVA that is supply- based rather than needs-tom and does not agree with a9 aspeds.d SCAG's approved RHNA Methodobgy. . During the development d the preliminary RHtVA, k appears that SCAG adhered to its methodology when K assigned a prelfmhary RHNA rxunber b Tustln In Septert~er d 2008. The CNy d Tustln disagreed with the appNcatlort d Uie replsoemerrt need factor to demdishad mitllary housing units st former Marine Corps Ak Station, Tustin, and in a letter dated January 11, 2007, received a oonMnatlon trorn SCAG that the replacement unNs associated wltl~ the . demolkion d rNlriary hons(ng woukt be removed from the final RHNA constnrctlon need calwlatlon for, the pty d Tustln. Thus, SLAG fOpowed Ms methodology, rectified the issue d replacement need for mBitary dousing units, and then departed from this methodology when K applied OCP 2008 to the' RHNA. The Cdy d Tustln submits this appeal and/or revision iequest and asks for reconskieration t>y the SCAG Appeals Board. K you ha~ro any questions regardkg our appeaVreviskxi roquest, phase contact, me ar Erizabeth Binsadc, CommunMy DevebpmeM Okodor, at p14) 573-3031. Sincere , ~~ Lou Bone Mayor cc: Mark Pisano, SCAG Ma'Ayn Johnson, SCAG Tustln City Coundl Orange County Council d Govemmerns William A. Huston Doug Hdland 17izabeth A. Binsadr Justlna Willkom Scott Reekstln Ariachments: Appeal request form Letters dated between June 15, 2006 and January 11, 2007 S~Ri1NA eoo.r l.rr n lcwGeoc 259 ATTACHMENT C Draft RHNA dated November 2, 2006 Attachment A: Analysis of Preliminary Regional Housing Needs (2005-2014) Based on RHNA Subcommittee Reeommendatlons: Household Growth (2005-2014) + Replacement Needs (1897-2005) + Vacancy Needs .`.. p ~U ~U U COUNTY NEWSR HoueMOld OraMtt CrtY (2008d0U) Total Replacement NeeM: 20052014 Owner Vacaney Rap R3%) Renal Vannay Rate (3%) Cansw Ovmenhlp Rap (%) Total Vaeanry , Nestle "^W Onnps Orergs County SeN BNdI dty 133 84 2.3% 5.0% 78.4% 16":1~. Orange Orengs County Spnbn dty 1,425 12 23% 5.0% 48.9% 55 ~„~~ Orengs Onnpe County Twtln tlty 1,370 1,067 23% 5.0% 49.8% 93 3; Onrpe Oange County VIBe park dty 27 2 2.3% 5.0% 97.1% 1 ,.~* Orange Onrpe County Wealminspr dry 377 20 2.3% 5.0% 60.2% 14' Orange Orerge County Yabe Untla tlty 1,594 52 2.3% 5.0% 84.7% 48 Omgs Oange County UnNCdporapd 24,148 235 2.3% 5.096 79.2% 721 ~" ~ ~ 1 RNersitle Weapm Rlvenitle Couneil G t9amlrq dty 2,528 67 2.3% 5.0% 72 0% r 82 t Rlvareltla Weepm RNenlda Coundl OI Bwunrmt dty 7,221 22 2.3% 5.0% . 56 0% y 2877 RN ld . , ~ ere e Wespm Rkrorslds Courual Oi Cadmeee dty 2,887 8 2.3% 5.0% 63.0% 77 •• Rlverelde Weetem RhrersWe Cound Q Canyon take dtY 242 1 2.3% 5.0% 88.1% 7,_ RlwraWe Wostsm Riverside Coundl G Corona dty 2,867 91 2.3% S.IYy. 87.5% 98 RlwraWe Western RWersWe Coundl Q Hemet dry 17,843 31 2.3% 5.0% 64.6% 80,9,.: Rlversltle Weuem Rlvenltls Coundl OI Uke Elskrors dry 4,512 78 2.3% 5.0% 64.6% 155 `: RNerekp Weatem Rivenitle Coundl G Moreno Valley dty 7,288 89 2.3% 5.0% 71.1% 238 3.~. Rlvarekp Western RNenWe Coundl G MuMep dty 9,433 27 2.3% 5.0% 79.7% 279 i+); ~ Rlvarelde Western RNerelde Coundl Oi Norw dry 953 21 2.3% 5.0% 82.3% 25 ,_ s ~'. Wvenltle Wespm RhronkN Coundl DI Palle dy 4,BBS 21 2.3% 5.0% 66.1% 751 Riverside Weepm Rlvanlde Coundl Ol Rlvenke dty 78,248 279 2.3% 5.0% 56.8% 597'x. Rwerslds Wespm RNSnitle Coundl Oi San Jadnp dty 2,841 24 2.3% 5.0% 71.0% 88 ' . RNendds Wsapm RNerslde Coundl Oi Tartlewla dty 4,503 14 2.3% 5.0% 73.4% 141 ~ Rlwreids Wespm RNenkp Councn Oi Unlnoorponted 47,715 292 2.3% S.0% 78.8% 1455' Rlvenlde Coadlefla Valley Aseoclaton ~ Blythe dry 1,012 150 2.3% 5.0% Sfi.9% 42-,. . Rlverdds Coachage Valley Auodapn • Cathedral Gty dry 8,489 199 2.3% 5.0% 85.2% 225 ~ RNerelds Coaehe4 Valley Aseodeton ~ COaNre9a dty 1,888 18 2.3% 5.0% 60.9% 60 RNenlde Coadls0a Valley Assodatan ~ Desert ybt Spdrps dty 4,414 35 2.3% S.g96 47.2% 173 RNerokle Coachena Valley Assodalon • Intllan WNIs dty 552 14 2.3% 5.0% 88.8% 15' Rlvarelde Cosd»ga Vansy Aaaoeleton ~ Indb dty 1,907 3 2.3% 5.0% 58.2% 178 . Rlvenlds Coadtana Valley Atwtliaton ~ U Ouklfa dty 3,775 88 2.3% 5.0% 81.5% 94 f , Rivemkte Coacheda VaINy Afeodaton ~ palm Desert dry 4,500 55 2.3% 5.0% 85.9% 15/'~ e Rlvenrlds CoachNh Valley betldattln • Palm Springs dty 2,099 28 2.3% 5.0% 60.8% 74 ~' x Rlvendlk Coachella Valley Aaeodaton ~ Rands Mlregs dty 3,197 78 2.3% 5.0% 83.0% 93 Rlwrekle Coatlxlla Valley AasodNOn~ Urtlncaporated 9,899 87 2.3% 5.0% 78.8% 30267:., • D:1gm1rtp071rhna071pptac 101906.x1s November 2, 2006 CEHD Committee Page 1- 6 ATTACHMENT D Appeal/revision request and SCAG staff report Fourth Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment Appeal Request Date parch 15. 2007 Coun isuere ion Orange Count ry N y ]odad;ction: City of Tustin Conran: Elizabeth Binsack PnooeNiE,n.u: 714.573.3031/ebinsack[ltue+inca.org APPEAL AUTHORIZED BY: PLEASE CIRCLE BELOW: Name: loU Bone Citiet Clmir of MaYut Admioiatrarive Gty County Other Olfiea Manages Board of BASFS FOR.APPSAL (County) S°~"~ ® RHNA Methodobgy ^ AB 2158 FaeOors (Sa Govematew Code See. ~S5B4.tlA (d)) D Foisting err Protected lob-Houciug Balwce ^ Iafraswetate Coatrniap for Additional Development • ^ The Availabliity of Lard Snitabk fa Urban DevebPmenr a for t:opversion m Res&kadal Use D Lards Protected from Llrbaa Developraertt uodv 8uiaiog Feded a State tarograras . ^ Couoty Pdkies b Preserve Prins Agricnlaaal Load O t>istribwbn of Howehdd Grosvtlr aoome for Purpoaea of Comparobk Regional Traoaporutioo Plow ^ Motet Qtmand fa tiapiag • D County~q Agreemem b Direct Omwth toword Ineocpontod Arse of county ^ l.ws of Units Comaiord in Assisted Housio~ Developrneots D I•B~b Howiog Cwt Badeea ^ Houriag Needs of Farm svwtma ^ Housing Needs Oeneroed by the Presence of a Udvenity Campw rvithia nay ]uiadietioe ^ ChangtdCbcnnutatteea Brkt 1)aaipdoa d Appeal Regoed sad Desires Oatsono: The basis for this appeal is that SCAG failed to determine the City of Tustin'ts share of the ~ regional housing need in aocordartce with Use established allocation methodology. t The men-odology requires that the RHNA be based on SCAG's Inkgrated GrowUl Forecast, not on a subregional forecast. However, SLAG utilized the Orange County Projections (OCP) 2008 as the Integrated Growth Forecast for the Orange County subregion and therefore did not fogovv the methodobgy estal>fished and approved by SCAO for the RHNA. Dtrttg the devebpment of the pregmktsry RHNA, t< appears tlrat SCAL3 adhered to b trret-roddogy when k assigned a preliminary RHNA rrtttrcber b Tustin in September of 2006. SCAG followed Ns methodology, rectified the issue of replaeemertt need for ndifary housing units, and then departed hom this methodobgy when it applied OCP 2008 to the RHNA Litt of Snpportlog Doeamentatlon, M Tltk sad Namber o< Pags: t. Letters dated between June 15. 200tia and January 11, 2007 3. a. FOR S>',. ONLY: ~ so6rana a.sosr. r'"y ~ aatocwiosNCOreaarrMra~1C Hearing Date i t -- Planner SLAG Document Reference N Doer A 133967 r 1 257 TO: Regional Housing Needs Assessment Appeals Boazd FROM: ~ Lynn Hams, Manager, Community Development, 213.236.1875, hams@scag.ca~ov PREPARED BY: Rongsheng Luo, Senior Regional Planner Specialist, 213.236.1994, luo@scag.ca.gov SUBJECT: Appeal from the City of Tustin PLANNING & POLICY DIRECTOR'S APPROVAL: }tf--~ .. _v .~ RECOMMENDED ACTION (Please Select Oue): ^ APPROVE ^ PARTIALLY APPROVE ® DENY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Tustin states that SCAG's determination of the City's share of the regional housing need is based on the Orange County Projections (OCP) 2006 and, as a result, is not consistent with the established allocation methodology. The City also states that it does not agree with all aspects of the RHNA methodology as adopted by the Regional Council The City submitted this appeal and asks for reconsideration by the SCAG Appeals Board. RATIQNALE FOR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends denial of the City of Tustin's appeal because SCAG did not fail to determine the City's share of the regional housing need in accordance with the RHNA allocation methodology adopted by the Regional Council. 2006 ~ cortsist~t with the esttablished RHNA allocation methodology because ii is consistent with the ,' vtrvrrall methodology of SCAG's Integrated Growth Forecasting methodology. OCP 2006 was unanimously approved by the OCCOG Board including the Boatel Member representing the City of Tustin on November 30, 2006. OCP 2006 and thus the Integrated Growth Forecast for Orange County ~ t~ollecttve '~ ~~~ by ~'~~ jutisdictiona and have incorporated local concerns ejcpressed by its local jurisdictions including the City of Tustin. BACKGROUND: The City of Tustin has actively participated in the RHNA process and provided comments through multiple letters to SCAG, meetings with SCAG, and the Orange County Subregional Workshop. SCAG has worked closely with the City of Tustin directly or through OCCOG to address the City's concerns and issues. Most notably,.~CpQ, ~ ~ nanove aY 985 replacement units associated with demolition ofmilitary-housing Otte tD base closure From the final RHNA allocation for the City per the request of the City and OCCOG2. The following is a brief summary of communications between the City of Tustin and SCAG. ' See attachment 1 _ See attachment 4 sourNCRS uuro~Nu ~lfOC1~T10M N ~mn~Ily~Mn 253 M 134225 v4 - Sta1T RHNA Appgl Re~rt . Ciry of Tustin DATE: Apri126, 2007 The City of Tustin provided its first comments regarding the then proposed RHNA Pilot Program to SCAG in a letter dated June 15, 2006. In that letter, the City expressed opposition to the following five aspects of the Proposed RHNA pilot program: (1) The program reduces local land use control; (2) The program ties t: RHNA with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and, hence, the Orange County Projections (OCP); (3) The program requires jurisdictions to plan fora 20-yeaz housing supply and zone fora 10-yeaz housing supply; (4) The program may increase RHNA allocations to cities with large 2% strategy areas; and (5) The program is uncleaz about the details pertaining to trades and transfers among jurisdictions. In reaction to SCAG's written responses to its June 15 letter, the City of Tustin wrote a letter dated July 6, 2006 stating that the SCAG's responses were "somewhat vague, and in cases, misleading." In that letter, the City restated its opposition to the same five aspects of the proposed RHNA Pilot Program as specified in its June 15 letter. In response to the public release of SCAG Proposed RHNA Pilot Project Language on July 12, 2006, the City of Tustin wrote a letter dated July 17, 2006. In that letter, the City reiterated its concerns as stated in its previous two letters. The City particularly opposed to" the proposed use of SCAG's 2% Strategy as a basic for the allocation of RHNA numbers" and "the proposed limit of one appeal per jurisdiction." Suggested changes to the proposed language were recommended in the letter. Upon the public release of SCAG Proposed RHNA Pilot Projxt Language on August 3, 2006, the City of Tustin wrote a letter dated August 15, 2006. In that letter, the City stated that the August 3 revisions of the Proposed RHNA Pilot Project Language had not addressed their previous concerns. The City emphasized its opposition to tying the RHNA with the RTP and the one appeal limit. In addition, the City expressed its concerns about the severe time constraints associated with participating in the RHNA process and preparing its housing element by June 30, 2008 deadline. The City of Tustin participated in the Orange County Subregional Workshop on November 7, 2006 and provided RHNA related comments. Subsequently, the City of Tustin wrote a letter dated November 27, 2006 disputing the draft replacement need of 1,067 housing units in the draft RHNA methodology and number released by SCAG on November 2, 2006. The City presented a brief history of the replacement housing units in dispute and urged SCAG to delete these units from its RHNA allocation. SCAG met and discussed with the City of Tustin regarding RFlT1A methodology at the Orange County Council of Governments Board of Directors meeting on November 16, 2006. As a follow-up to the November 16 meeting, the City of Tustin wrote a letter dated December 11, 2006. In that letter, the City restated its reasons for the removal of the 985 demolished military housing units and requested SCAG to adjust the draft replacement need accordingly. ,fin re~rp~se, SCAG issued a letter ~stted Jaauary 11, 2007 stating that SCAG agreed to ranove the replacement '' -~tlits associated with demolition of mfiitary hotiautg from the final RHNA construction need calculation for the City of Tustin. In the letter dated January 11, 2007 to SCAG, the City of Tustin expressed concern about its understanding that the draft RHNA allocations had been increased substantially for nine Orange County cities where the numbers of housing units that are projected to be constructed exceed the September 2006 preliminary RHNA allocations for those cities. The City urged SCAG to consider an alternative methodology to eliminate "disproportion affordable housing need" that would be assigned to these cities including the City of Tustin. fOUTMttM GLIfW1Ml~ AtfOt1A71011 N{DYttwYttTf p134225 v4 - SFaR RHNA Appeal Report - Ciry of Tustin i t 2~ On February 1, 2007, SCAG staff met with the City of Tustin and other eight Orange County cities discussing the extra assigned housing units from CDR and how to apply income categories to the extra units. in the meeting, SCAG staff informed the City of Tustin that according to state law, fits extra units had to apply to all income categories, twt just to above moderate housing. In response to Tustin's letters of November 27 and December 11, SCAG mailed a letter dated February 9, 2007 to the City. In the letter, SCAG stated that the City's comments in the November 27 and December 11 letters had been considered in the prepazation of the draft RHNA allocation and Integrated Growth Forecast. SCAG further stated that SCAG ?tad analyze:i the OCP 2006 and had found it to be consistent with the Integrated '` Growth Forecast. Thus, the RHNA allocation to the City of Tustin has incorporated the local concerns expressed by the City of Tustin. -.:SCAG staff will continue to work with Tustin to reanlve RHNA allocation by ;income issue and ensure an appropriate solution. On February 26, 2007, SCAG staff met with the City of Tustin staff again. The City was concerned with the income breakdown for its draft allocation and indicated that the RHNA number was pretty high compared to other cities. The city stated that it could meet its RHNA number of 91 I but since a development agreement was already in place, it couki not meet the income category requirement. In response, SCAG staff stated that they did not have a good solution for the city. The city also gave SCAG staff a letter from Tustin indicated concern with SB 12 that was widely distributed. Finally, the City of Tustin submitted its appeal request in a letter dated March 15, 2007 to SCAG. In the appeal letter, the City summarized reasons for its appeal and asked for reconsideration by the SCAG Appeals Board. ANALYSIS: Pursuant to the RHNA Appeals Procedure, local jurisdictions can appeal under the criteria of "Methodology" if SCAG failed to determine the jurisdiction's draft allocation in accordance with the final allocation methodology approved by the Regional Council. In this case, staff finds that it did determine the City of Tustin's draft allocation in accordance with the final methodology. However, in the interest of fairness, staff has analyzed the City's azguments relating to methodology SCAG growth forecasting staff reviewed the Orange County Projections (OCP) 2006 adopted by the Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG) Board on November 30, 2006. Based on the review, SCAG staff determined that OCP 2006 is consistent with the overall methodology of SCAG's Integrated Growth Forecasting methodology. As a result, t~CP 2{IUb'was ~ ~ {~ ~ ~ l:orbcast for thartge County including the City of Tustin. As a matter of fact, it has been a standard process for SCAG to utilize adopted OCP ~ the grotivt)t projetaiott fin. Orange County Therefore, the housing needs allocation for the City of Tustin was determined in accordance with the RHNA allocation methodology adopted by the Regional Council. The essence of SCAG's Integrated Growth Forecasting Process is that the regional planning for growth, transportation, and housing in this region will be an integrated process. Therefore, the Integrated Growth Forecast for Orange County, Warningly the OCP 2006, is appropriate for the RHNA allocation purposes as well as for the RTP growth forecasting purposes. The preliminary RHNA assigned to the City of Tustin in September 2006 was based on the previous cycle of growth forecast, the adopted 2004 RTP Growth Forecast, with an understanding that the growth forecast will be updated later. Further, the previous cycle of OCP, OCP 2004, constituted the adopted 2004 RTP Growth Forecast for Orange County. OCP 2006 represents the current update to OCP 2004. More importantly, OCP ' sour"e"" w.,.oaru~ 2006 was unanimously approved by the OCCOG Board including the Board essocunoraroviurun # 134225 v4 . Staff RHNA Appeal Report - City of Tustin 255 Member representing the City of Tustin. OCP 2006 and thus the Integrated Growth Forecast for Orange County reflected the collective input provided by individual jurisdictions and have incorporated local concern. expressed by its local jurisdictions including the City of Tustin. The City of Tustin did not specify the number of housing units it is appealing. However, following the City's arguments for appeal, the implied number of housing units the City is appealing ranges from 985 to 1,871 housing units which represents 29 to 56 percent of its RHNA allocation of 3,344. ATTACHMENTS: 1. RHNA Appeal Request dated March 15, 2007 from the City of Tustin 2. Letter dated March 15, 2007 from the City of Tustin 3. Letter dated February 9, 2007 from SCAG 4. Letter dated January 11, 2007 from SCAG 5. Letter dated January 11, 2007 from the City of Tustin 6. Letter dated December 11, 2006 from the City of Tustin 7. Letter dated November 27, 2006 from the City of Tustin 8. Letter dated August 15, 2006 from the City of Tustin 9. Letter dated July 17, 2006 from the City of Tustin 10. Letter dated July 6, 2006 from the City of Tustin 11. Letter dated June 15, 2006 from the City of Tustin 12. November 30, 2006 OCCOG Board meeting minute A!!O[N MNfMOK~/^[Krf 256 M t 34225 v4 - Sm[f RHNA Appel Report - Ciry of Tustin