HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 C of A Report ITEM #2 DATE: JUNE 12,2007 it ! \ ~ I nter-Com\~~~ PLANNING COMMISSION TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS REPORT Attached for the Planning Commission's information are copies of Certificates of Appropriateness indicating the address and type of Old Town projects that have been approved by the Community Development Department from January 22, 2007, to June 5, 2007. 2~a~ Community Development Director s: \Cdd\PCRE PORT\200 7\CertificateApp .doc n~i:?( it ~'.~ JL.. t_ ...b.., - C_~__'~~_H__~._..~ ____....~.~.~."..__.__ . _'~.~....<._~__~.___~.^____~_ _~_......_~..~.,_~..____~_ r_~*'fWlI)f~ "liQ.,,"M~JM~lIl.6~ i::,... ~ Jf 1 1 .lII City of "fustin CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS MAY 15, 2007 560 EL CAMINO REAL 300 Ct3ntennial 'Nay ;ustin, CA )2780 7i,t57:3:3100 PROPOSAL: The property is improved with a "C" rated Industrial Style structure per the Tustin Historical Resources Survey. The project is a tenant improvement to convert an existing auto service garage structure into a restaurant. The project involves demolition such as replacement of exterior windows and doors, removal of existing interior walls, and tenant improvements such as installation of a new kitchen, seating area, and restrooms. The proposed modifications will be constructed to complement the existing structure in terms of exterior wall material, exterior windows and doors, exterior color, and roof materials. In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within a Cultural Resource District. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable design standards in that the proposed improvements comply with the development standards for commercial structures which include, but not limited to exterior architectural features, parking, landscaping, trash receptacles, and lighting. B. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the District or Designated Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed improvements are designed to complement the architecture of the existing building by using compatible exterior wall material, exterior color, windows, and roof materials. C. The proposed work is harmonious with the existing surroundings in that the design of the proposed improvements are consistent and appropriate for the style of the existing industrial structure and harmonious with other structures in the vicinity. Certificate of Appropriateness 560 EI Camino Real May 15, 2007 The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fees. 2. Any replacement or repair of any existing features surrounding the proposed improvements shall match the existing materials, finish, and colors of the existing structure. 3. Prior to any work within the City's right-of-way, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fees. 4. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of Design Review 06-014. &i-A/~2~ Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director S:ICddIEDMEL YNNE\Cert of AppropriatnesslCert....Appropriate_560 EI Camino Real.doc '1-= ~re 't"AU> ~f;nc~ y~ ~y~-W ~~~ y x- (t//jiL 72) L;;-- &~t:/1' /72) .'4 ,:\,J .~ ,J .,j :)- :-:,. ., ~,. blt.Sf( J (s ~~{O~G6 .,.l\ ,,: \; , ,., ('" / // .' ,-'r:.., /I..J.'/ 7"// / /V.t::\r1 0/ /lei /D ~O'r,~, T [I{<:'yf/?'; 6 J::-~ ,(' :<' /c >-I/. / -:57Z-?L(;~ /4//l/7f'f/JLc.<>?/\ / r ~I I' /;::~/j'/'T ~ / a /' '/- ., F'1't {..'.) . ;; y ~ y /r;; {Z'Ncl?-:77: /f~r~- - fC07frl(,? S /c5':f( 4-.;/,.(:)13' /5 1(' 2~JLp - .2 1/ L/ /)../ {(je7//\(6 - I,d} //\{ F/l <II c :~.i..,{ . ~ {'e/L,,'! ,<,!pc7/'-/(/I,'/cL ~r~f'1lA~~ ' ~ L) '.,'..../ i 1 . L~ ,:; ,i[',"1 ( )( " ,.4;Ljc~~n:?~t'( APPROVED DATE_ () ;> BY 'eM III W tilt J1f. "" ...... ...... conlonN 10 "" ........ I ""p4oc_, "1- TIle 1lI0:>p0,,,, ""'"' doeI not ....... ~, 0..,\,,,,," ~..... "'--..... ''f'- Th.o -'''PONd __ II ........ .. -~............... - ~ or .......111 ,.-.-rip --. ...... .. 01 0. 1"1"1 _ rll'+.L y 'f.,= ~re 'T'M-Q ~~ y~ ~YA~ ~;(~ f r-J I~I ~ () ~ J ~ ~ j \d ~~~ 0 c(51~ 8 0 t~~ N~i~ x- u) ) '3 ~ < ).- ~ d: ,:) 'bttSf'{ J & ~ht O~~ C0 \ Li'~l '"SA-N ,~~ "'SI~<-EE--r { 0-we\' SAN J\J~N ~~ , ,- ""..WI (;Of/.'IIIJOity DeVefopment Certificate of ~ ~ ft6r>Wf '1 lt~fV ... A, Oft 3.-0er-dl It'} "-,.._-~._.,_.._,--.-,.~- .-.,-- -- . -.- . '_"__'.~._~_._u.~__ i Ii. ....~Ojjl.L- 1lI.:';alJ;$J)ltiHtJll.rI4 .....L.J.. ..ll'.\ili.~'~~'~4Oil:W~-&i It! ~J!l""""l'II. City of <Tustin CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FEBRUARY 28, 2007 725 WEST MAIN STREET 300 (-':entennial I/hy rustin, C/\ :3:27BO 71+'57:31100 PROPOSAL: The property is improved with a single-family residential structure and is a non-rated structure per the Tustin Historical Resources Survey. The project involves a 342 square feet addition to the rear of the existing structure consisting of a new dining room and expansion of an bedroom with a new closet and bathroom. The proposed addition will be constructed to match the existing home in terms of exterior wall material, exterior color, roof pitch, and roof materials. In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within a Cultural Resource District. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable design standards in that the proposed addition complies with the development standards for single family homes which include, but not limited to setbacks, lot coverage, open yard area, parking, and building height. B. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the District or Designated Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed addition is designed with compatible exterior wall material, exterior color, roof pitch, and roof materials to match and complement the existing style of the house. C. The proposed work is harmonious with existing surroundings in that the design of the proposed addition is consistent and appropriate for the style of the house and harmonious with other structures in the vicinity. The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fees. Certificate of Appropriateness 725 West Main Street February 28,2007 2. Any replacement or repair of any existing features surrounding the proposed shall match the existing materials, finish, and colors of the existing structure. ,. ~. .~ (~~ ~~J!/~~ ~ Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director S:\Cdd\EDMEL YNNE\Cert. of Appropriatness\Cert_Appropriats_725 W Main.doc ------ ~'",.f J I., iI' I _' '" /11' ( i' I ~ I f' I r 7 " D; .., __ -~ ,( t t _~ v~ ''"1 ./ '} ~-, f fy (I I j Ivl ( C'l/ L{/ (J /1 1-~j Aating: IrI____ ~Ho.l00t."'~ 1/1II CIItIlmlrIft lhIt K- TIle ptllpOMd -" conlomlIlO lie ..... ......... I~. ~ TIle ptIlpOMd -" dDeI not ~ IlIecl '" I \ r ~ ~ CulIulaI ~ ..."'cMtIL e.:x \ :,--1\ t-J ~ TIle ptOIlClMd -" II ................... "I I Y""'" ~ 01..-.................... ~L \ ~ \ _ ~ or 1_. In ,......,., 10..... "l--7 1?f-N u:;:-aurrotJndnci HIting f Awn""" \.,t<..eQ Ctt. y !< /" [/ V l <'1 .Q\.: ~I x CITY OF TUSTIN BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED Th: set of plans & specifications must be ke t on the job at all times and It IS un awful to make any changes or dlr rations on same without W en pc: Ission from the Building Oivisio City 'Jf ijf)tm. The stamping of this pi n & sp cifications SHALL NOT be he d to pe it or be an approval of the violati n of an provIsions of ANY City Ordina ee, Sta e or Federal law. LBY ~Rf:t\ I'r- - I: . ~; ~ .~ \\ I . \ Uy ) TIlt IlfOPGNlI WOlIl iIWOI\W ..........10 ~.)eIn llICIUdICIIII1IIe CIy of TueIIn "*-1ceI "-Iulwr ~ 0 YO CJ.)lO llYN. ~ III_II'" "'_of._ ... ---... '" ~ 0=7 . OMI: I ''', c, /), I ;1 'f! U ,';1.)-;1 (\" C-- t1 (~~1 e>O't - 00r:)4 2{b{01 -~\ >, : '".~ -' - ., ':- ,';- \ ~ ; ~~ ' ,. .. ~ " -~ ~j ; It', rr\I,1 ''1'!1iliII;,l~, ,~' L41_:t"l1'~V" ~..r,TIia* -~:;;'-;;;4~~,~_ (~ity of 'T stin CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS JANUARY 22, 2007 430 WEST THIRD STREET 300 C:entenn'lINay - Cr\j2730 ,7;<t 57-3.,5';00 PROPOSAL: The property is an existing, "Non-rated," single-family detached dwelling located in the Cultural Resources Overlay District. The proposed project is a 184 square-feet alteration involving the remodel of a dining room, kitchen, and addition of a bathroom and nook at the rear of the existing structure. The proposed addition will be constructed to be compatible with the existing home in terms of exterior wall material, exterior color, roof pitch, and roof materials. In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements requiring a City building permit for property located within a Cultural Resource District. The structure is "Non-rated" per the Tustin Historical Resources Survey. The Community Development Department finds and determines as follows: A. The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and any applicable design standards in that the proposed project meets zoning code requirements and would match the exterior colors and materials of the existing dwelling. B. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the District or Designated Cultural Resources within the District in that the proposed project is a single-story remodel and addition with all of the work at the rear of the house and not visible from the public right-of-way, thereby maintaining the character of 1tfe District. C. The proposed work is harmonious with existing surroundings in' that the proposed project is a single-story addition and the new addition is proposed to match the existing structure in terms of exterior siding, roof height, roof pitch and materials, and will not conflict with the architectural style of other surrounding structures. Certificate of Appropriateness 430 W. 3rd St. January 22, 2007 The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit and pay all applicable plan check and permit fees. 2. Any replacement or repair of any part of existing structure shall match the existing exterior materials, finish, and colors of the existing structure. U&kt/ /if1,~~~ ~ Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director S:\Cdd\Reina\Certificate of Appropriateness\CoA 430 W 3rd St.doc