HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 Zoning Code Update ITEM #5 JUNE 12, 2007 (,~'l~\ rlj", \ \ I In te r- Co m\<Qs'()~ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ZONING CODE UPDATE BACKGROUND The City of Tustin adopted its first Zoning Ordinance in 1947. The First Zoning Code was repealed in its entirety, and a new Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1961. Some of the provisions adopted in 1961 remain in effect to this day. Although the City's Zoning Code has been amended many times since 1961, it has not been updated comprehensively in over 40 years. When the City's last major comprehensive update to the General Plan was completed in 1994, one of the most significant implementation measures in the General Plan was the preparation of Zoning Ordinance amendments to achieve consistency as necessary with the policies and standards in the General Plan. Since 1994, the following Zoning Ordinance Amendments have been approved: Ordinance # Date Adopted Subject 1116 05-16-94 Office of Zoning Adminstrator - TCC 9299 1118 01-17-94 East Tustin Specific Plan - trellis heights 1123 06-06-94 Outdoor vending - TCC 9271 z 1125 06-06-94 Zone Change 94-001; Pacific Center East Specific Plan 1127 06-20-94 Zone Change 93-005; ETSP setbacks 1138 09-06-94 Zone Change 94-003; 14882-14942 Newport Avenue 1144 01-03-95 Zone Change 94-005; 14042 Red Hill Avenue 1145 03-06-95 Zone Change 94-006; ETSP projections, patio homes 1146 03-06-95 land Use Approvals - TCC 9293e,f 1150 12-04-95 Zone Change 94-004; ETSP 1153 07-17-95 Sign Regulations - TCC 9403 1157 12-04-95 Office of Zoning Adminstrator - TCC 9299 1158 09-18-95 Zone Change 95-001; 1371-1431 Warner Avenue 1161 01-02-96 Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishments - TCC 9232-9235 1170 06-03-96 Adult Entertainment Booking Agency - TCC 9231-9235 1172 12-02-96 Zone Change 96-001; 12581 Newport Avenue 1177 02-18-97 Subdivisions - TCC 9311-9341 1179 03-03-97 ETSP Setbacks 1183 08-04-97 Zone Change 96-003; lot 27, Tract 13627 Planning Commission Report Zoning Code Update June 12, 2007 Page 2 1186 09-02-97 Zone Change 97-001; Relocate School Site 1189 11-17-97 Planned Development District uses - TCC 9224b 1190 11-17-97 ETSP Garage Setbacks 1191 11-17-97 Zone Change 97-002; Jamboree Plaza Boundaries 1192 02-02-98 Wireless Communication Facilities - TCC 9276 1193 01-05-98 Zone Chanqe 97-004; Jamboree Plaza Car Washes 1206 09-21-98 Medical and Joint-use Parkinq 1207 11-16-98 Development Standards in Cultural Resources District 1208 01-05-99 Zone Chanqe 98-004; 120-250 6th St, 715-765 EI Camino Real 1209 01-19-99 Jamboree Plaza Veterinary Clinics 1210 02-01-99 Zone Change 98-005; 15500 Tustin Village Way 1212 03-15-99 Zone Chanqe 99-001; 15500 Tustin Villaqe Way 1217 06-21-99 Zone Chanqe 99-002; Auto Center Banquet Facilities 1222 11-15-99 Affordable Housing Incentives - TCC 9111-9142 1224 11-15-99 Zone Change 98-006; 12569 Newport Avenue 1225 01-17 -00 Boardinq Houses - TCC 9226, 9228, 9297 1226 02-07 -00 Floodplain Manaqement - TCC 9801-9806 1237 06-04-01 Specialty Stores 1238 06-04-01 Additions to Historic Residential Structures 1239 06-04-01 Zone Chanqe 99-003: 1101 Sycamore Avenue 1240 08-06-01 Driveway Standards 1246 11-19-01 Illegal Signs in Public Right of Way 1251 05-20-02 Office Uses in C-2 District 1257 02-03-03 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan 1260 10-21-02 Minor Wireless Communication Facilities 1264 01-21-03 Prezone 02-001; Loretta/Bonner/Medford/Grovesite 1271 06-02-03 Second Residential Units 1278 07-21-03 Irvine Industrial Complex RV Storaqe 1279 09-15-03 Affordable Housinq Incentives 1282 01-05-04 Zone Change 03-001; 14552 Newport Avenue 1284 06-07 -04 Zone Chanqe 03-001; Prospect Villaqe 1294 03-07 -05 Prezone 04-001 1295 03-07 -05 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendments 1296 03-07 -05 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendments 1297 03-07 -05 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendments 1299 06-06-05 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendments 1301 09-19-05 Cultural Resources Advisory Committee 1304 10-03-05 Zone Chanqe for Library Expansion 1311 04-17-06 MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendments 1313 07 -03-06 Commercial Self-Storaqe Facilities 1315 09-05-06 Lot Line Adjustments 1317 09-18-06 Office Use Provisions in Commercial Districts 1318 08-07 -06 Zone Change 06-001 1319 11-06-06 Floodplain Manaqement 1320 11-20-06 Affordable Housinq Incentives 1321 04-03-07 Siqn Code Amendments Planning Commission Report Zoning Code Update June 12, 2007 Page 3 1322 12-04-06 Prohibited Uses 1324 03-20-07 Permanent Cosmetics 1332 05-01-07 Cultural and Historic Resource Responsibilities 1335 04-17-07 Zone Chanqe 07-001; MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Amendment The City hired a consultant team in 1995 to prepare the comprehensive Zoning Code amendments. The team was introduced to the Planning Commission on November 13, 1995, at which time policy direction on several significant issues was provided to the team and City staff. The first administrative draft of the new Zoning Code was completed in 1996. Staff worked with the consultant team on several revisions to the administrative draft until late 1998. In late 2002, City staff took over the entire Zoning Code Update project from the consultant team. Given the significant scope of the project, the consultant team was rehired under an amended contract in January of 2006. Time permitting over the past year, staff and the consultant team have worked on refinements to the draft. It is anticipated that the administrative draft will be presented to the Planning Commission on July 10, 2007, and discussed at a series of three Planning Commission workshops to take place this summer. Following the workshops, the Zoning Code Update and necessary environmental documentation will be scheduled for public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. A tentative schedule is provided in Attachment A to this report. HIGHLIGHTS OF DRAFT ZONING CODE Highlights of the draft Code include the following: . The Zoning Code is a stand alone document and incorporated into the City Code by reference. . The City's zoning districts are renamed and consolidated. . Permitted uses are separately listed for each zoning district and not tiered or nested. . The list of uses is comprehensive and in a user-friendly table format. . Guidelines for landscaping, parking lot design, and auto services are integrated into the text of the Zoning Code. . Standards are provided for home-based businesses, convenience stores, auto service uses, alcoholic beverage sales establishments, and other specific land uses. . Development standards include incentives for affordable housing, child care facilities, lot consolidation, and pedestrian-oriented open space. . Definitions are detailed and explanatory. Planning Commission Report Zoning Code Update June 12, 2007 Page 4 The comprehensive amendment of the City's Zoning Ordinance is a key implementation measure of the General Plan Land Use Element Implementation Program. The proposed amendments will provide more comprehensive standards, uses, and definitions and will serve as an effective tool in implementing the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. It would be appropriate at the June 12, 2007, Planning Commission meeting for the Commission to ask questions about the draft Zoning Code and provide general input to staff. -tI~~ Scott Reekstin Senior Planner :a~A~-~ Elizabeth A. 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