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CC RES 96-43
1 RESOLUTION NO. 96-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B TUSTIN, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 96-1 WttEREAS, Section 664 12 (d) of. the Subdivision Map Act makes provisions fo~ the local 5 agency to approve lot line adjustments where the land. taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby 6 created; and 7 WItEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin has reviewed Lot Line Adjustment No. 96- 8 1 and has made a finding that the real. property described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B complies with the provisions of the Califomia .Subdivision Map Act and applicable City of Tustin 9 ordinances and regulations including the requirements for building sites; and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council has made the following findings: 11 1. That the proposal is eligible for processing as a lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 19- 664 12 of the Subdivision Map Act; 13 2. That the requirements of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act has been met; I1 3. That the proposal is consistent with the General Plan; and 15 4. That the resultant parcels will meet the requirements of the Zoning Code; 16 17 NOW, TItEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFX} that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment No. 96-1 as shown on Exhibits A and B is hereby approved and that the parcels be considered building sites 18 upon recordation of this document. 19 PASSED AND ADOFrED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tuslin held 20 on the 6th day of May, 1996. 9.5 ATTEST: 27 ~~ ~ 28 C[ty Clerk .Recording Requested by and mail. to City of Tuscin EnEineering Division Tustin, CA 92680 , ]~' APPLICATION FOR TUSTIN PUBliC WO~KS DEPL RECORD OWNERS OF PARCEL 1: RECORD OWNERS OF PARCEL CITY OF TUSTIN CLEO H. KEY & MARGARET A. KEY,. TRUSTEES OF THE KEY FAMILY TRUST 300 CENTENNIAL WAY 1072 CHARWOOD LANE TUSTIN, CA 92680 SANTA ANA, CA g2705 DAYTIME PHONE: DAYTIME PHONE: (714)573-3381 ('714)544-4559 (I/We) hereby certify that 1) (I am/we are) the record owners(si of all parcels proposed for adjustment by this application, 2) (I/we) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application, and 3) the information 'submitted in connection.with this application is true and correct. SIGNATURES (PARCEL 1) SIGNATURES (PARCEL 2) CITY OF TUSTIN BY , : CLE0 H. KEYj~0R 'bXRGARET A. KEY, TRUSTEES OF ~HE K Y FAMILY TRUST. CONTACT PERSON: GARY R. SIEGEL, P.L.S 4125 ADDRESS: GARY SIEGEL & COMPANY, 160 CENTENNIAL WAY, STE. 20, TUSTIN, CA 92680 DAYTIME PHONE: (714) 731-4500 .. , OFFICE USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED J A.P. NUMBERS REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: ZONING DES IGNATION · ~ . DATE: ' - ACTION: CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. sso7 County of ~ \ -: DATE NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G., 'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' ~C,,P ~Od NAME(S) OF S_ISNERF [] personally known to me - OR - rov to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. :~~~ VAL~eWHrFav~N t WITNESS my'hand and official seal, ' z~ COlViM. # ~g213 z z Notary Public -- Cotifornio ORANGE COUNTY Cemm. Exp~e~ AUG 28. 1 "r -r -,r __ T -- ~r T -- T -r 'r 'v- SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT I~CORIIDUAL ~'~ POI::~ATE OFFICER TITLE ORTYPE OF DO(: [] PARTNER(S) [] LIMITED 'E FP R N I T j)GENERAL , A TT ORNEY-IN-F A C T - ' "~N~E S TRUSTEE(S) ' ©1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION · 8236 Reinmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 · Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 EXHIBIT A LOT LINE ADJUSTFLENT NO. (Legal -Descriptions OWNERS EXISTING P.~RCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBER REFEt~ENCE NUMBER CITY OF TUSTIN 401-211-64 PARCEL 1 CLEO H. & MARGARET A. KEY, ~ TRUSTEES OF THE KEY FAMILY TRUST 401-211-53,59 PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1: That portion of Lot 28 of the Vanderlip and, Rowan tract, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, per map recorded in Book 17, page73 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, and shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 27 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange.County, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the centerline of Newport Avenue, S. 39° 50" 00" W., 487.04 feet from the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 28, said Northeasterly corner also being the intersection of said centerline of Newport Avenue with the centerline of that certain unnamed road along the North line of said Lot 28 as shown on said maps (which road is now known as'Warren Avenue); thence parallel with the centerline of said unnamed road (Warren Avenue), N. 84o,05' 30" W.,. 102.50 feet; thence N. 5° 54' 30" E., 29.04 feet to a point on the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land described in Grant Deed to Cleo H. Key'and Margaret A. Key, Trustee of the Key Family TrUst,'redorded April 14, 1982, as Document No. 82-128749 of Offici,al Records, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence along said Southerly line, S. 84° 05' 30" E., 122.04 feet to a point on said centerline of Newport Avenue distant S. 39° 50' 00" W., 452.04 feet from said center- line intersection of Newport Avenue and Warren Avenue; thence S. 39° 50' 00" W. 35.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion included within the right-of-way of Newport Avenue, 100.00 feet in width. CONTAINING: 3260.4 square feet, more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT A LoT nINE AD S NT (Legal Descriptions OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBER REFERENCE NUM~_ER CITY 0F IUSIiN 401-211-64 PARCEL 1 CLEO H. & MARGARET A. KEY, TRUSTEES OF THE KEY FAMILY TRUST 401-211-53,59 PARCEL 2 PARC EL 2: That portion of Lot 28 of the' Vanderlip and Rowan tract, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange,.State of California, per map recorded in Book 17, page 73 of MiScellaneous Records, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, and shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 27 of Miscel- laneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of said,Lot 28, being a point on the centerline of Newport Avenue, S. 39° 50' 00" W., 649.04 feet from the intersection of said centerline of Newport Avenue with the centerline of that certain unnamed road along the North line of said Lot 28 as shown on said maps (which road is now known as Warren-AvenUe), said point of beginning also being the Southeast corner of that certain parcel'of land described as "PARCEL 1" in Grant' Deed to Cleo H. Key and Margaret A. Key, Trustee of the Key Family Trust recorded April 14, 1982 as DOcument No. 82-128752 of Official Records, i'n the office of said Orange County Recorder; thence along said Centerline of Newport Avenue, N. 39° 50' 00" E., 162.00 feet; thence leaving said Newport Avenue centerlin.e,--N. 84° 05' 30" W., 102.50 feet; thence N. 5° 54' 30" E., 29.04 feet to a point on the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land described in Grant Deed to Cleo-H. Key and Margaret A. Key, Trustee of the Key Family Trust, recorded April 14, 1982, as Document No.~82-128749 of Official Records, in the office of said Orange. County Recorder; thence along said Southerly line, N. 84° 05' 30" W., 169.78 feet to the Southwesterly corner.of-said parcel described in said Document No. 82-128749 of Official Records, said point also being an angle point in the boundary line of said parcel of land described as "PARCEL 1" in Grant Deed recorded as Document No. 82-128752 of Official Records; thence along the boundary line of said "PARCEL 1" the following courses and distances: S. 39° 50' 00" W., 33.00 feet; thence S. 89° 45' 00" W., 27.41 feet to an angle point in said boundary line of "PARC'EL 1"; thence continuing along said boundary line, S. 0° 10' 20" 5.,156·.86 feet to the most Southwesterly corner of said "PARCEL 1"; thence along the Southerly boundary line of said "PARCEL 1", N-.89° 43' 44" EL, 212.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion included within the right-of-way of Newport Avenue, 100.00 feet in width. CONTAINING: 43,373.2 square feet, more or less. LEGA DESC IPTION PREPARED BY: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO; ~/~-/ (MAP) OWNERS EXISTING PARCELS PROPOSED PARCELS AP NUMBER REFERENCE NUMBER CITY OF TUSTIN 401-211-64 PARCEL 1 "" CLEO H. & MARGARET A..KEY, TRUSTEES OF THE KEY FAMILY TRUST 401-211-53,59 -PARCEL 2 SCALP_ :. | "-- 50' I ,~ ' . 7""'~O/AIT = o.o~E ~c.~r ~ ~ I ~OUTH~RLY LINE PARCEL E NO. 82-1Z87~9 ~3, 373. Z 5q. Fr 0 .................. ~ / "~/'~. i,i,~::~ A / T~':::' -'~ ] ' MAp d-" ,~ / ' ~ ' , ,., .=..4. C,:). ~ / ;; / ~ dA 'A. 31EG ' ~dUMDARY LINE . FINAL PARC~ ~OU~DA~/E5 PER T~/~ ADJUSTMENT fX/STINO PROPERTY LINE RfMOVZD BY T~/5 ADjUJT~E~T ................. City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 96-43 Pamela Stoker, City Clerk'and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of .Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of May, 1996, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Worley, Thomas, Doyle, Potts, Saltarelli COUNCILMEMBER NOES: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: None ela Stoker, City Clerk