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02 CUP 07-003/DR 07-003
ITEM #2 Report to the�US IV T�s Planning Commission DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 07-003 & DESIGN REVIEW 07-003 PROPERTY OWNER: RED HILL LUTHERAN CHURCH 13200 RED HILL AVENUE TUSTIN, CA 92780 APPLICANT: SCOTT vonKAENEL LUNDSTROM AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS LOCATION: 13200 RED HILL AVENUE ZONING: PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL (P&I) GENERAL PLAN: PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15332 (CLASS 32) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). REQUEST: TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING FELLOWSHIP HALL, CONSTRUCT A NEW 23,707 SQUARE FOOT CLASSROOM AND FELLOWSHIP HALL BUILDING AND TO CONVERT AN EXISTING 2,150 SQUARE FOOT LUNCH SHELTER STRUCTURE TO A TEMPORARY FELLOWSHIP HALL AND EVENTUAL CLASSROOM AND KITCHEN FACILITY ON THE CAMPUS OF RED HILL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL AT 13200 RED HILL AVENUE. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 07-003 and Design Review (DR) 07-003 by adopting Resolution No. 4067. BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to demolish the existing Fellowship Hall, construct a new Christian Life Center (classroom and fellowship Planning Commission Report CUP 07-003/DR 07-003 September 11, 2007 Page 2 hall building), and to convert an existing lunch shelter structure to a temporary fellowship hall and eventual classroom and kitchen facility on the campus of Red Hill Lutheran Church and School. The 4.62 -acre Red Hill Lutheran Church complex is located at 13200 Red Hill Avenue. Red Hill Lutheran Church was annexed into the City in 1977. Previous Planning Commission approvals for the subject site include CUP 79-28, which authorized the construction of new classrooms and a maximum enrollment of 400 students (November 5, 1979), and CUP 05-016, which authorized the placement of two (2) modular buildings for use as classrooms for a period of up to five (5) years, or until a permanent facility was constructed (August 8, 2005). Site and Surrounding Properties The site is located on the easterly side of Red Hill Avenue, approximately midway between Irvine Boulevard and Bryan Avenue, and is bordered by a ten (10) foot wide pipeline easement and seventy-five (75) foot wide flood control channel right-of-way to the south (Attachment A — Location Map). Adjacent uses consist of single-family residences on the adjacent properties to the north and east. Single-family residences are also located to the west, across Red Hill Avenue, and to the south, on the opposite side of the flood control channel and pipeline easement. The church and school buildings are located on the front half of the property, set back approximately fifty (50) feet from the Red Hill Avenue right-of- way line. The parking and playground areas are located on the rear half of the site, shielded from the right-of-way view. DISCUSSION Conditional Use Permit and Design Review Pursuant to Section 9245 of the Tustin City Code, a Conditional Use Permit is required for the establishment or modification of any church or school use within the district. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin City Code, Design Review is required for new structures or major alteration or enlargement of existing structures. Project Proposal The project proposal consists of three phases of construction. The first phase will involve enclosing the existing lunch shelter structure to be used as a temporary fellowship hall while construction of the new facilities is underway. The second phase of the project entails demolishing the existing Fellowship Hall and construction of the new Christian Life Center building. The third and final phase involves adding demising walls to the enclosed lunch shelter/temporary fellowship hall for conversion to two (2) classrooms and a kitchen (Attachment B). Planning Commission Report CUP 07-003/DR 07-003 September 11, 2007 Page 3 Architecture and Site Design The project involves demolishing the existing brick masonry Fellowship Hall sited along Red Hill Avenue and constructing a new Christian Life Center (CLC) in its place. The proposed Christian Life Center will be approximately 23,707 square feet and house six (6) classrooms on the basement floor, a multi-purpose room and kitchen on the ground floor, and seven (7) classrooms on the upper floor (see Attachment B – Submitted Plans). The proposed Life Center building, which is approximately 46' in height and setback 34' from the property line at Red Hill Avenue, will not significantly change the visual character of the site or surroundings. The proposed CLC has been designed to complement existing buildings on the site through the use of similar exterior materials, colors, and roof pitch. The use of painted plaster, brick veneer, red clay barrel tiles, and pitched rooflines mimic the existing site architecture. The existing lunch shelter structure currently corresponds with the architecture on-site. The proposed conversion into a temporary fellowship hall and eventual classrooms and kitchen will entail enclosing the existing openings with an exterior plaster finish. The architecture will remain mostly unchanged and stay consistent with the existing structure and surrounding buildings on-site. The lunch shelter is located towards the center of the campus and is not visible from the public thoroughfare or surrounding properties. School Use The school is currently operating with approximately 365 students, which is below the current CUP entitlement allowance of 400 students. The applicant is intending to accommodate an expansion of up to 135 students, projecting total enrollment to be 500 by the year 2012. The school currently operates with three (3) Kindergarten classes, two (2) classes each in Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, and one (1) class each in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. The proposed student increase will be served through four (4) additional classes—one class each in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. The proposed facilities (new .CLC and converted lunch shelter) will absorb the requested student increase, as well as the loss of the two (2) modular units required to be removed by CUP 05-016. The total number of existing weekday employees, part-time and full-time, for both the Church and School is 47. The addition of four (4) teachers, one (1) support staff (custodian) and no office staff are anticipated with the proposed enrollment increase, totaling 52 staff members. Parking There are currently 201 parking spaces provided on-site for all uses, including the church, school, and associated activities. Seven (7) new accessible and nine (9) new standard parking stalls are being provided as a result of a minor redesign to the parking lot, for a total of 217 on-site parking spaces. City approval of CUP 79-28 determined that adequate parking exists on-site to accommodate a maximum of 581 seats within the church and a maximum enrollment of 400 students, assuming the two uses do not operate at the same time. The new CLC will not increase the church service and will not operate Planning Commission Report CUP 07-003/DR 07-003 September 11, 2007 Page 4 simultaneously with the day school use according to the submitted Traffic Analysis; therefore, the church use will not demand any additional parking. The school is requesting an increase of 100 students over the present allowance to a maximum of 500 students. Off-street parking requirements for school uses are calculated using the following ratios: one (1) space per staff member and one (1) space per eight (8) children. Based on these ratios, the parking required for the school will be 63 spaces for students and 52 spaces for staff, for a total of 115 parking spaces required for the daytime use. Consequently, there would continue to be sufficient on-site parking for the proposed school expansion. Use Parking Ratio Required Spaces Pro osed Spaces 500 students 1/8 63 52 staff members 1/1 52 Total 115 217 * Note: no cnangeiincrease io the cnuiuii uwc iz, wuljuouu. Traffic A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), dated August 27, 2007, was prepared for the project by LSA Associates, Inc. Based on the results of the traffic analysis, an additional 135 students at the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School can be accommodated without significantly impacting the surrounding roadway system. The addition of the project traffic will not significantly impact the intersection, access driveway, or on-site circulation, as analyzed. Vehicles are not projected to queue onto Red Hill Avenue. While- a vehicle queue may form on southbound Red Hill into the school driveway during the a.m. peak hour, the occurrence lasts only a few seconds and does not present a safety issue. The Engineering Division has reviewed the submitted TIA and accepted the finding that the proposed 135 -student increase can be accommodated at the site without significantly impacting the site or surrounding roadway system. If in the future the City determines that a parking or traffic problem exists, proposed Condition 5.5 of Resolution No. 4067 would require the applicant to provide additional analysis and mitigation measures for approval by the Community Development Department. ANALYSIS In determining whether to approve the Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission must determine whether or not the proposed use will be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the persons residing in or working in the neighborhood or whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of the City. A decision to approve the construction of a new fellowship hall and conversion of an existing lunch shelter can be supported by the following findings: a) The proposal is consistent with the Public and Institutional (P & 1) zoning district standards in that religious assembly, schools, and school administrative offices, as Planning Commission Report CUP 07-003/DR 07-003 September 11, 2007 Page 5 well as development standards, are subject to the conditional use permit and design review process for approval by the Planning Commission. The proposed use is appropriate under the General Plan Land Use Element Public/Institutional designation in that the school and church function as quasi -public uses. b) As proposed and conditioned, the new facilities will replace and absorb the capacity of the existing Fellowship Hall and the two temporary modular classroom buildings that were approved until the construction of this permanent facility was complete. c) As proposed, sufficient parking exists on-site for the school expansion, and there would be no simultaneous uses between the church service and school facilities. d) A traffic impact analysis was conducted and, as determined by the Public Works Engineering Division, the net increase in traffic at the project site is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts, and there is sufficient roadway capacity to accommodate the proposed project. In determining whether to approve the Design Review, the Planning Commission must determine whether or not the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the proposed development will impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: a. Height, bulk, and area of buildings. b. Setbacks and site planning. c. Exterior materials and colors. d. Type and pitch of roofs. e. Size and spacing of windows, doors, and other openings. f. Landscaping, parking area design, and traffic circulation. g. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. h. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. i. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. A decision to approve the proposed design of the new fellowship hall and converted lunch shelter can be supported by the following finding: The new and expanded uses and structures enhance their site and are harmonious with the highest standards of improvements in the surrounding area and total community. Planning Commission Report CUP 07-003/DR 07-003 September 11, 2007 Page 6 The project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15332 (Class 32) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Reina Kapadia Assistant Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A. Location Map B. Submitted Plans C. Traffic Impact Analysis D. Resolution No. 4067 S:\Cdd\Reina\CUP\CUP & DR 07.003 Red Hill Lutheran\STAFF REPORT.doc LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET 1. LAND USE APPLICATION NUMBER(S): CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 07-003 & DESIGN REVIEW (DR) 07-003 2. LOCATION: RED HILL AVE. BETWEEN BRYAN AVE. & IRVINE BLVD. 3. ADDRESS: 13200 RED HILL AVE. 4. LOT: IRVINE SUB LOT 3 BLK 12 S PARCELS 1 2 3 5. APN: 103-472-14 6. PREVIOUS OR CONCURRENT APPLICATIONS RELATING TO THIS PROPERTY: CUP 79-20 CUP 79-28 CUP 87-7 CUP 93-018 CUP 96-031 CUP 96-043 CUP 05-016 7. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: RESIDENTIAL EAST: RESIDENTIAL WEST: RESIDENTIAL 8. SURROUNDING ZONING DESIGNATION: NORTH: SINGLE FAMIILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) SOUTH: SINGLE FAMIILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) EAST: SINGLE FAMIILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) WEST: SINGLE FAMIILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) 9. SURROUNDING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: NORTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL EAST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL WEST: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 10. SITE LAND USE: A. EXISTING: CHURCH AND SCHOOL PROPOSED: SAME B. GENERAL PLAN: PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL PROPOSED: SAME C. ZONING: PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL (P&I) PROPOSED: SAME DEVELOPMENT FACTS: (NO SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS REQUIRED IN P&I ZONE) 11. LOT AREA: 215.813 S.F. 4.95 ACRES 12. BUILDING LOT COVERAGE: N/A MAX. PERMITTED 16% PROPOSED 13. SITE LANDSCAPING: N/A REQUIRED 17% PROPOSED 14. PARKING: CHURCH USE: 212 REQUIRED (CHURCH SERVICE: 182; CHURCH ACTIVITIES: 30) SCHOOL USE: 115 REQUIRED (STUDENTS: 63; STAFF: 52) TOTAL: 212 REQUIRED 217 PROPOSED 15. BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A REQUIRED 46' PROPOSED S:\Cdd\Reina\CUP\CUP 8 DR 07-003 Red Hill Lutheran\LAND USE APPLICATION FACT SHEET.doc ATTACHMENT A Location Map LOCATI14 ON MAP err i PROJECT NO.: CUP 07 003 8 DR 07-003 ,L ADDRESS: RED HILL LUTHERAN CHURCH • ili_' �I 11 LI�.�h * # fl_� I "�1� g _ u I 1>y 13200 RED HILL AVENUE II,C�� 11��� i� �... ��.- •a ;. 1 J,1� �[ I - �� -� , / h _ iC- �I 1 �.}_ . .rte* rub i 4 �,. -fit r � l 1 N � �f � _� � �� ll� 7 C_`___----•--!� N l � �' � 1 � �, i 1 �;u {�If it VA Np r I < I: � � ,. Jl�� o- . � u.,� anus - < czar � � � (� .� •, �S `, e Y >- i der' � � �✓�lG� b%j`�'� y p� � ��.�1� i > �; f 300' 5m" �i �•. f� �i )J 4; / n ���������i��Vw7 i iiR lE6END Cin �cj p�l� Sr �a�: MAP ixk ATTACHMENT B Submitted Plans tiI 0 N ri Iz Q o W off++ / G+ W N w a 4J.. V� U- N LW 0 E c �Y r QQo Eg ^1 ; Ri 3 oC 4 S pZ V O c i J a tl! p � � o 0 tiI 0 N ri Iz Q o W off++ / G+ W N w a 4J.. V� � � 2 Y Y Y# ;•, i 4 9 .. s„_s E E i Jj 5 f Y y7 7Y 9�9 IA 11"i f f n ( ¢ II ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ a ¢ ¢ Q ¢ ¢ ¢ a¢aQ Y OdOOOOOO�O©[71z7O0 I ' g b p eliEl �Illf I 1V# CL s �'®at O U U a -- --o --o I All s oo] --o --o R �`` iipeE �Ialslll'I i l i l i l I I I I I I i l 91 N =F� ®� �c :hI?1a1�13181 I I I I f l l l l l l l l i L Q I.I.I.I.II.IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 31l� � 1 e � E E�E� lge� e000000000 i O'. `�' 1 d.�s��: < < i.I.I.IIIiIIIIlilrliil'! 3tI� ATTACHMENT C Traffic Impact Analysis L S I LSA ASSOCIATPAR20 EXECUTIVE PARK,K,SUITE 200 A IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92614 August 27, 2007 Reina Kapadia Assistant Planner City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 BERKELEY FORT COLLINS 949.553.0666 TEL CARLSBAD PALM SPRINGS 949.553.8076 FAX COLMA POINT RICHMOND Subject: Traffic Analysis for Red Hill Lutheran Church and School Dear Ms. Kapadia: RIVERSIDE ROCKLIN SAN LUIS OBISPO RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2007 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY g, LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) has prepared the following traffic analysis for the proposed expansion of the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School (13200 Red Hill Avenue) in the City of Tustin (City). Based on comments provided by City staff (dated February 8, 2007), a traffic analysis is required to evaluate the effects of adding approximately 135 students to the existing school site. LSA contacted City Public Works staff to confirm the scope of work for this analysis. The Red Hill Lutheran Church and School submitted a Traffic Survey memo to City staff (dated January 29, 2007, attached), which was a very detailed explanation of the operation of the site. LSA has expanded on that analysis based on empirical data and City traffic analysis requirements. 11►11 Y ZAff1IL19 #-19R] The project site is located on the east side of Red Hill Avenue just south of Melvin Way and Irvine Boulevard, as shown in Figure 1 (all figures attached). The existing school (preschool through 8th grade) has an existing enrollment of 365 students (95 preschool, 205 elementary school [kindergarten -5th grade], and 65 middle school [6th -8th grade]). The project proposes to exceed the current enrollment by accommodating a maximum of 500 students (an additional 135 students) on site. The breakdown of the additional enrollment of 135 students is expected to be 26 preschool, 82 elementary school, and 27 middle school students (based on the projected 2012 enrollment provided by Mr. Rollo Pickford). It should be noted that the project involves demolition of the existing Fellowship Hall and construction of a new building on the same site. During the construction period, the converted lunch shelter will be used for activities currently accommodated in the old Fellowship Hall. As indicated in the Traffic/Parking Impact letter prepared by Mr. Pickford (dated August 7, 2007, attached), there will be no change in current program activity or, consequently, in existing traffic and parking. The addition of interior walls to the converted lunch shelter will then form two classrooms and a kitchen. The structure will be a school -related building and will have no impact on Sunday traffic and parking. The structure will not be used on Sunday during Church services. Figure 2 illustrates the site plan for the proposed project. Access to the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School is provided via a full -access driveway on Red Hill Avenue. The entrance and exit gates at the student drop-off/pick-up zone are open during school hours only. 08/27/07 4P:\LLTN070I\Tragic Analysis4.doo> PLANNING ' ENVIRONMENTAL I DESIGN LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. EXISTING CONDITIONS Peak -hour intersection turn volumes (attached) were taken at Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard by Transportation Studies, Inc. on May 25, 2006 (provided by the County of Orange) and at the project driveway by Southland Car Counters on February 21, 2007. Figure 3 illustrates the existing a.m. and p.m. peak -hour turn movement volumes at these two locations. Table A summarizes the results of the existing a.m. and p.m. peak -hour level of service (LOS) analysis (LOS worksheet attached). As required by the City, the LOS was determined using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology for the signalized intersection of Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard. The City's performance standard for intersection LOS is LOS D. As this table indicates, Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard currently operates at acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) during both peak hours. Table A: Existing Level of Service Summary Intersection Existin AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ICU LOS ICU LOS 171:[Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard 0.72 C 0.80 C PROJECT TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION For purposes of disclosing the approximate number of trips generated by the proposed project, trip rates were developed from the existing count data for the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School based on the current enrollment of 365 students. LSA reviewed the trip rates for Private School (K-8) contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Seventh Edition (2003), but p.m. peak -hour rates are not available in that document. In order to accurately reflect the project trips in and out of the school driveway during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, the rates derived from the count data obtained from Southland Car Counters were used to calculate the potential trip generation of 135 students. As shown in Table B, the proposed project of 135 students has the potential to generate 473 average daily trips (ADT), 162 a.m. peak -hour trips, and 58 p.m. peak -hour trips. Table B: Red Hill Lutheran Church and School Trip Generation Summary 1 Peak -Hour Trip Rates derived from the existing traffic counts at the project driveway — Southland Car Counters (2/21/07). Daily Trip Rates derived from Estimated Traffic Flow — Rollo Pickford memo (1/29/07). 08/27/07 <P:1LLrN0701,Traffic Analysis4.doo> 2 AM Peak Hour -7 PM Peak hour Land Use Size Unit ADT In Out Total In Out Total Trip Rates' Private School Student 3.50 0.68 0.52 1.20 0.22 0.21 0.43 Project Trip Generation Private School 135 Student 473 92 70 162 30 28 58 1 Peak -Hour Trip Rates derived from the existing traffic counts at the project driveway — Southland Car Counters (2/21/07). Daily Trip Rates derived from Estimated Traffic Flow — Rollo Pickford memo (1/29/07). 08/27/07 <P:1LLrN0701,Traffic Analysis4.doo> 2 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. Project trip distribution is based on the existing distribution obtained from the count data at the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School driveway as well as the intersection of Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard. The distribution of the peak -hour project volumes is based on the existing number of peak -hour vehicles making northbound right turns and southbound left turns (for inbound traffic) and westbound left turns and right turns (for outbound traffic) at the school driveway. The distribution of peak -hour project vehicles traveling through the Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard intersection is based on the existing number of peak -hour inbound vehicles traveling southbound (eastbound right turns, southbound through, and westbound left turns) and outbound vehicles traveling northbound (northbound left turns through, and right turns). Figure 3 shows the regional trip distribution for the proposed project, as well as the resulting project trip assignment in/out of the project driveway and at Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard. EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS In order to determine the existing plus project conditions, the trip assignment was overlaid onto the existing counts. Figure 3 shows the resulting existing plus project a.m. and p.m. peak -hour turn movement volumes. The existing plus project LOS analysis is presented in Table C. As this table indicates, Red Hill Avenue/Irvine Boulevard will operate at acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) during both peak hours with implementation of the proposed project. Therefore, the addition of 135 students will not significantly impact the study area intersection. Table C: Existing Plus Project Level of Service Summary Intersection Existing Plus Project AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour ICU LOS ICU LOS ICU LOS ICU LOS 1 Red Hill Ave/Irvine Blvd 0.72 C 0.80 C 0.73 C 0.80 C INTERNAL CIRCULATION AND SITE ACCESS ANALYSIS As illustrated in the site plan (Figure 2), access to the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School is currently provided via a full -access driveway on the east side of Red Hill Avenue. A throat length of approximately 450 feet is provided prior to the student drop-off/pick-up zone area in the back of the site. Access to the drop-off/pick-up zone allows two lanes of traffic flow and is controlled by entrance and exit gates that are only open during school hours (from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 2:40 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.). The drop- off/pick-up area is used as a play area during nonpeak times. Students may only enter and exit vehicles that park in the parking lot or remain in the drop-off /pick-up zone. School staff directs and escorts the students while facilitating the arrival and departure of vehicles on site. The forecast volumes, as illustrated in Figure 3 with the addition of 135 students, are 343 inbound and 260 outbound a.m. peak -hour vehicles. Therefore, utilizing the engineering practice of 1 foot of storage per peak -hour vehicle, this driveway should provide approximately 343 feet of vehicle storage. Based on this, the driveway throat length of 450 feet is sufficient to accommodate the a.m. peak -hour inbound volume of 343 vehicles. The expansion of 135 students will not cause vehicles to back out onto the public street. 08/27/07 (VALUN070 I 7raffic Analysis4.doco LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. Furthermore, the 360 -foot drop-off/pick-up zone (180 feet per lane) and the 450 -foot driveway throat provide approximately 810 feet of vehicle storage on site. Based on 22 feet per vehicle, 36 vehicles may be queued at any given time before they start to back out onto Red Hill Avenue. The detailed Traffic Survey provided by The Red Hill Lutheran Church and School identifies the maximum number of vehicles queued as 5 at 8:20 a.m. and 12 at 2:40 p.m. Based on the proportion of the existing queues contained in the traffic survey for the current 365 -student enrollment, the forecast queues for 500 students would be 7 vehicles at 8:20 a.m. and 17 vehicles at 2:40 p.m. Sufficient vehicle storage is provided with implementation of the project, as vehicle queuing does not reach the full capacity of the driveway throat or the total storage capacity on site. In order to document the existing southbound left -turn queue at the Red Hill Avenue/school driveway, queue surveys (attached) were conducted by LSA on two days (Wednesday, May 30, 2007 and Thursday May 31, 2007), between 7:40 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. This hour is representative of the a.m. peak hour on a typical school day, which is consistent with the a.m. peak hour identified in the existing counts taken by Southland Car Counters. It should be noted that the school start times are 8:15 a.m. (middle school — 6th through 8th grades), 8:25 a.m. (elementary school — kindergarten through 5th grade), and 8:30 a.m. (preschool). Based on these observations, LSA observed the maximum queue to be 4 vehicles between 8:10 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. on Wednesday, May 30,2007, and 10 vehicles between 8:20 a.m. and 8:25 a.m. on Thursday, May 31, 2007, which is consistent with the identified a.m. peak hour and the school start times. It should be noted that approximately 175 feet of separation exists between the school driveway and Melvin Way (measured from the near -side curb face of the school driveway to the curb face of Melvin Way). Allowing 22 feet of storage length per vehicle, a maximum queue of 8 vehicles could be accommodated in the continuous left -turn lane along Red Hill Avenue before vehicles begin to block Melvin Way. This maximum queue was also confirmed in the field during the observations. Although the maximum existing southbound left -turn queue of 10 vehicles exceeded the 175 -foot storage length, the queue did not last more than a few seconds. The amount of queuing available on site, the operation and circulation of student drop-offs on site, and the relatively low number of conflicting vehicles traveling northbound on Red Hill Avenue in the a.m. peak hour are contributing factors as to why this queue only lasts a few seconds. During the occurrence of this maximum queue, vehicles were not observed to be making left turns in/out of Melvin Way. As a result, vehicles making a westbound left turn and a southbound left turn at Red Hill Avenue/Melvin Way would not be significantly delayed or impacted. As previously discussed, the school is proposing to expand its current enrollment of 365 students to 500 students. The additional 56 a.m. peak -hour vehicles (as shown in Figure 3) turning into the school from - southbound Red Hill Avenue would be spread out during the morning peak hour based on the class start times (8:15 a.m. for middle school, 8:25 a.m. for elementary school, and 8:30 a.m. for preschool). Based on this, the number of vehicles added to the existing queue would not significantly change the existing operation of this intersection. It is likely that vehicles may on occasion queue beyond Melvin Way; however, as observed in the field, this occurrence only lasts a few seconds and does not affect the safety of drivers and pedestrians in this area. 08/27/07 (PALL N0701\Traffic Analysis4.doo> 4 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of this traffic analysis, an additional 135 students at the Red Hill Lutheran Church and School can be implemented without significantly impacting the surrounding roadway system in an existing horizon. The addition of the project traffic to the baseline traffic volumes will not significantly impact the intersection analyzed, per the City's performance criteria. In addition, the added traffic caused by the 135 - student increase will not significantly impact the access driveway and circulation on site, as vehicles are not forecast to queue onto Red Hill Avenue. While a vehicle queue may form on southbound Red Hill into the school driveway during the a.m. peak hour, this occurrence only lasts a few seconds (as verified in the field), does not significantly affect vehicles on Melvin Way, and therefore does not present a safety issue. If you have any questions, please contact Ken Wilhelm at (949) 553-0666. Sincerely, LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. 1rinc0 P i ar , P.E. pal Attachments: Figures 1 through 3 Traffic Survey for Red Hill Lutheran Church and School (dated January 29, 2007) Traffic/Parking Impact Letter (dated August 7, 2007) Existing Peak -Hour Traffic Volume Counts Existing Plus Project LOS Worksheet cc: Jon Lundstrom, Lundstrom & Associates Architects Scott Von Kaenel, Lundstrom & Associates Architects Rollo S. Pickford, CLC Design Team, Red Hill Lutheran Church and School Terry Lutz, City of Tustin Engineering Department 08/27/07 <,PALUN0701\Traffic Analysis4.doo> ------------------------- - inywa - — —------------- -- {- - ------------------------------- I N W fY W Z Tt 96/891 -J I t I 6L 6/017£ ---► o £9/1762 £5199 °f `' 809/698 N f • r ti N C0(e c 811 'r^il la Z i t-006/68 f-£6Z/6ZL F £9Z/ 6176 W99 O V r- rn 0 LO U) N vi I — i — - - N N cC- � d — �SWN > - x coTN f-6ZZ/6176 N - I �LZ29L Q' to �LV/6Zl F+ � .4J 6661617£ 96/891 -J I t I 6L 6/017£ ---► o £9/1762 £5199 °f `' 809/698 N f • r ti N C0(e c 811 'r^il la Z i t-006/68 f-£6Z/6ZL F £9Z/ 6176 W99 O V r- rn 0 LO U) N u9 TN I — i — - - N N M — m T � d — S£/Z6 �-- 666/617£ > - x - S17ISS 6 r- rn 0 8091698 —P u9 TN N f* -M M — m T MF41m RED HI LUTHER" r CHURCH & SCHOOL I 13200 Red Hill Avenue Tustin, California 92780 Phone: (714) 544.3132 Fax: (714) 544.8176. January 29, 2007 To: Reina Kapadia, Assistant Planner and Steven Sasaki, Consulting Traffic Engineer Community Development Department, City of Tustin 300 Centennial, Way, Tustin, California 92780 From: Rollo S. Pickford, CLC Design Team, Red Hill Lutheran Church and School Residence Phone: 714-544-5812 Subject: Traffic Survey for Red Hill Lutheran Church and School This traffic survey has been prepared for your review in anticipation of the CUP submittal for the proposed Christian Life Center (CLC) building,. After your review of this survey and inclusion of any suggestions, you may have, the final version will be submitted as part of our CUP package. I. CHURCH TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Attachment "A" illustrates the church circulation plan that is currently in operation at the site,' This plan utilizes the full parking capacity available in both Lot A and Lot B. In order to meet minimum parking space requirements minor modifications will be made. to the parking lot, none of which alter the existing circulation lanes. This circulation pattern is used only during Sunday morning church services and for special events requiring full parking capacity of both Lot A and Lot B. Such events occur 4 to 5 times per year during daytime hours (other than Sunday morning) and 6 to 8 times after 6:00 pm. The proposed CLC building is expected to have minimal impact on peak traffic conditions we now experience, primarily because the new building replaces an existing Fellowship Hall. II. SCHOOL TRAFFIC FLOW AND CURCULATION Attachment "B" is a site plan of the church/school property showing traffic flow during week days. The parking lot is divided in two areas separated by a security fence. Lot A, comprising 112 parking spaces, is open to the public at all times during school and church hours. Lot B is reserved for the school on school days, except for occasional events requiring more than 112 parking spaces, such as funerals, etc. Traffic flow has the following characteristics: 1. All vehicles enter and leave the site using Red Hill Avenue. Only the north driveway is used during school hours (or for any event where parking can be handled by Lot A). Vehicles approaching on Red Hill Ave. from the south do not interfere with traffic while turning right into the driveway, even when vehicles are parked at the curb. This is because the "outside" traffic lane going north is approximately 17' from the curb. Vehicles approaching from the north (traveling south) must make a left-hand turn into the site driveway. These vehicles also do not interfere with Red Hill Ave. traffic because they wait in a center lane dedicated for left-hand turns. Occasionally there will be enough vehicles in the left-hand turn lane to block vehicles wishing to turn left from Melvin Way and proceed south on Red Hill Ave. This condition seldom lasts for more than a few minutes. 2. The "In -Lane" from Red Hill Ave. to the school Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone is 410' long and will accommodate at least 19 vehicles. 1 of 4 3. The Drop-Off/Pick-up Zone is located in Lot B. Access is controlled by entrance and exit gates that are open from 8:00 am to 8:30 am and from 2:40 pm to 3:15 pm. Vehicles entering the Zone are split in two lanes when traffic flow is heavy. The Zone is 180' long and handles a maximum of 16 vehicles. Students are permitted to enter and exit vehicles only in the Zone or in Lot A parking stalls. In the latter case, they must be escorted by adults to and from the parked vehicle. In the Zone, school staff members open the doors of arriving vehicles and supervise exiting children to specified assembly points. In the afternoon, students are assembled by class in Lot B at specific locations and, as vehicles arrive, school staff members escort the students to their pick-up vehicle. 4. All vehicles with preschool children must park in Lot A for drop-off or pick-up. Parents are responsible to escort and sign -in or sign -out their children to and from preschool classrooms. 5. After 3:15 pm when Lot B is closed. off for the day, vehicles arriving to pick-up students must park in Lot A and follow procedure in Item 4, above. 6. During peak traffic time when the Drop-Off/Pick-up Zone is open, outgoing traffic is routed around the back (east end) of the parking lot and out to Red Hill Ave. From the Zone to Red Hill Ave. the "Out -Lane" will accommodate at least 28 vehicles. Thus, the "in process" traffic lanes hold at total of 59 vehicles which is about 22% of the expected total for student drop-off or pick-up.. 7. Peak vehicle through -put to date is approximately 8 vehicles/minute. Using current techniques, it appears at least 12 vehicles/minute can be handled without causing impact on Red Hill Ave. due to inability to handle the through -put. 8. Peak In -Lane stacking occurs when vehicles arrive early, prior to opening of the Zone in Lot B. Typically, the stack does, not reach Red Hill Ave. . 9. Peak traffic is spread out by opening and closing school classes in 3 time groups. Morning groups are 8:15, 8:25 and 8:30 am Afternoon groups are 2:40, 2:45 and 3:00 pm Afternoon traffic is fiuther spread out by enrichment classes that begin at 3:15 pm and end at 4:15 pm Typical attendance for this is from 90 to 120 students. Ill. METHODOLOGY A. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC FLOW Using enrollment figures for school classes, preschool, after school activities and day care, the total number of vehicles arriving at the school was estimated. The estimate included: • Actual attendance data for 38 school days in the fall of 2006. "Half days" were excluded. Attendance for day care and after school activities was averaged after excluding Mondays and Fridays which often have low attendance. • Assuming families with more than one child enrolled will use one vehicle. • Assuming staff members with children in the school will use one vehicle. • . Assuming there are 10 car pools with 2 children from different families. • Assuming 10 children walk to school. . Attachment "C" presents this information in table form. Note that current enrollment of 365 students is estimated to require 269 vehicles. The purpose of this exercise is to cross-check validity of projected traffic if school attendance were increased to 500 students. As will be seen, the correlation to actual vehicle counts is quite good. B. TRAFFIC SURVEY FALL 2006 The data shown in Attachment "D" (five pages) was obtained by actual count of vehicles entering and leaving the property on Wednesday. Vehicles "stacked" waiting to enter the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone was also tracked To make data more manageable, count totals were recorded in five minute time spans during peak traffic hours. You will note two much larger time spans (3:25 to 4:05 pm and 4:30 to 6:00 pm) were included in the afternoon when traffic volume was low. Traffic between 8:35 am and. 2:30 pm is insignificant relative to any impact on Red Hill Ave. 2 of 4 Wednesday was chosen for data collection because it is the highest traffic day. There are two adult studies of one hour each (6:15 am and 7:15 am) involving 20 to 35 vehicles and a chapel service for K through 8th students beginning at 8:35 am that is attended by 10 to 30 parents, relatives, and friends. To minimize impact on Red Hill Ave., the following critical areas are identified: • In -Lane driveway on church/school property needs to accept both north and south arrivals without stacking back to Red Hill Ave. • Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone through -put must accommodate arriving vehicles rapidly enough to prevent excessive stacking. Periodic traffic peaking is smoothed by the 19 vehicle In -Lane capacity plus the 16 vehicle capacity in the Zone. • Out -Lane vehicle flow must not choke vehicles being released from the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone. Out - Lane capacity is 28 to 35 vehicles, depending on flow rate. The lower value of 28 vehicles is used herein At peak traffic flow, this accommodates exit delays due to traffic going north on Red Hill Ave. At the exit of the driveway a sign is posted instructing drivers that only right-hand turns are permitted from 8:00 to 8:45 am and 2:30 to 3:15 pm. This prevents blocking the driveway by those who would wait for an opportunityto turn left onto Red Hill Ave. • Empty parking lot spaces are critical to handle preschool children and other adults who must park before entering the school or church. Preventing vehicles from circling the parking to find an empty space is a major goal. • Traffic direction by staff personnel is essential. Staff are available to control vehicles entering the Drop- Off/Pick-Up Zone so that pedestrians who have parked can safely cross the traffic lane to reach the school or church. Other staff personnel control activity in the Zone, closely supervising exiting and entry to all vehicles.: Major observations are as follows: Morning • Moming traffic flow on church/school property flows smoothly. In fact, only one lane is required in the Drop -Off Zone due to minimal stacking of in -coming vehicles. This is because the time required to drop off students is much less than the time to load them. Stacking is caused primarily by vehicles arriving before the Zone gate is opened. • Morning traffic going south on Red Hill Ave. will stack in the center of the street while waiting to make a left-hand tum into the church/school driveway. This does not affect traffic on Red Hill Ave., but can affect vehicles exiting Melvin Way (north of the church) who wish to make a left-hand tum to travel south on Red Hill Ave. Time of blockage appears to be only a few minutes and that might be alleviated by "KEEP AREA CLEAR" street markings. • Available parking in the morning is not a problem, with empty spaces always greater than 35. Duration at minimum available spaces is less than 5 minutes with rapid increase in spaces immediately following. • Excess vehicle capacity in all sectors during morning hours indicates the existing system can handle considerable growth without affecting Red Hill Ave. Afternoon • Afternoon traffic also flows smoothly. Two lanes are used in the Pick -Up Zone where each teacher (or other staff member) is responsible to escort their students to arriving vehicles. If a vehicle cannot be "loaded" immediately for some reason, it is either shuttled to one side or directed to loop around the parking lot and re-enter the Zone. Afternoon stacking is somewhat higher than in the morning, mostly because more vehicles arrive before the Zone gate is opened. The stack is emptied in about 10 minutes after gate opening. • Afternoon vehicles on Red Hill arriving from the north experience the same issues as morning traffic, although to a lessor degree because only 70% of the students are picked up when classes end. The remainder stay for enrichment classes and sports. • Again, available parking spaces is not a problem. Fewer are used than in the morning even though the Zone gate closes at 3:15 pm and thereafter vehicles must park in Lot A to pick up students. 3 of 4 • Excess vehicle capacity in all sectors during afternoon hours indicates the existing system can handle considerable growth without affecting Red Hill Ave. C. ESTIMATED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH 500 STUDENTS Attachment "E" (five pages) presents estimated traffic conditions total school enrollment at 500 students. Data presented are obtained by factoring existing information shown in Attachment "C" (365 students), except for certain non -scalable items, such as moving or "in process" vehicles affected by stacking capacity, etc. The 500 student goal permits three kindergarten classes (current status) and two classes per grade level through 8th grade. Based on current enrollment of 365, this means adding 135 students. Due to the excess capacity of the In and Out Lanes, Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone and parking lot, there appears to be minimal impact on Red Hill Ave. traffic other than vehicles making left-hand turns into the church driveway. Study results show. • In -Lane stacking does not reach the 19 vehicle capacity. • Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone through -put briefly reaches about 11 vehicles per minute in the morning. This is considerably less than maximum handling capacity of two service lanes with multiple staff members in attendance. • Out -Lane capacity does not reach the point that the Drop-Off7Pick-Up Zone is clogged. The automatic signal at Red Hill Ave, and Bryon allows a sufficiently large gap in north -bound traffic to handle vehicles exiting the Out -Lane. • Available parking spaces in Lot A are not expected to be less than 15 to 20 and that minimum only lasts for about 5 minutes. Thus, vehicle through -put is not expected to be affected by lack of available parking spaces. IV. CONCLUSION Increasing student enrollment to 500 students does not significantly affect traffic on Red Hill Ave. 4 of 4 .o"d wwaoa 0 r-� a 1 1 t4i OoBE] 000 g►� x ow nwPOa —.—.—.—.-----------— — — W W ad 0 t7 .- 0 � o" M n >to ch > a y= aaa o a a.a.a. a a c �. JyOj �W �m co 000 0C3 V 0 000 m �c c ` n try n Q m t$WC A to 7 0 _ a N 9 mm O O 4k 7a. p m m t Cf) N co Y v m N c eg c c m m co m: m -0 m 4 11 LO m U it a �� DCO m t>a $ m t3 Q a aci t c$ m' t- a p L t ES Q> c m • m 7 0 W lq c m m m m' m z r m c rn° m rn O� a c� c) m E o >>> m m .. o CD 510 o � w m'5 ��r > �O t Qaeat>>OH m m o c m m a E 'O COm c m > 9 m H m W Q to m > .= tV c7 t0+1 CD O m CO OD fD to � r N M N II Y r o 11 _ �V7 CO N V m m 1 co 1.4 co cc N to c-, al O QI a CN- NmN�N O r r t19 r r aD a Nru tj O N V 1 0 Q 1 eo coo r► g in t0 a0 m Wui trf Fg yIn mal Nai a �eppl r— Go two co� N yG {h m � O f» /o Q 1 �j 44 Ln of > Q C A Imo„ N Q a: .j 4c 9 Z I O aD tD V ar I M m N o Ilu g N Q WW J J J J tVO= W. N O= F- H Q tD C14 4m = Q w r, to 01m 2 W W W Ln �r- W W ad 0 t7 .- 0 � o" M n >to ch > a y= aaa o a a.a.a. a a c �. JyOj �W �m co 000 0C3 V 0 000 m �c c ` n try n Q m t$WC A to 7 0 _ a N 9 mm O O 4k 7a. p m m t Cf) N co Y v m N c eg c c m m co m: m -0 m 4 11 LO m U it a �� DCO m t>a $ m t3 Q a aci t c$ m' t- a p L t ES Q> c m • m 7 0 W lq c m m m m' m z r m c rn° m rn O� a c� c) m E o >>> m m .. o CD 510 o � w m'5 ��r > �O t Qaeat>>OH m m o c m m a E 'O COm c m > 9 m H m W Q to m > .= tV c7 t7 II II Y o 11 tb N � m m 1 co 1.4 co cc c-, W W ad 0 t7 .- 0 � o" M n >to ch > a y= aaa o a a.a.a. a a c �. 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O N 4 �n•roiaSi :ice$$ o ���so$�8H$8 o � � .. �nionol$R9i�S8 0 a.6 G 0 0 1. pl f 8 m �1D iS n •Ane�°'i°�$ oFSRi1AInYi�ii° nl • Gb AR! o • n e R � ie � � $o o � � • o � R o � n $ o � � � � � • a a � .'. av n 0 �. o R 1` �� A � O��•�� '! ry p J O i � L S 6 a 6 IA aV ad � iv o ^ 35 $asaa .^ � e• o '• o n i'o R R o � � n e o � n �$� $e '• j '+ $ E Z 'S a p • i _ _� gg x y b a >> EEEa m a �i RE-DHILL. L.UTHE.Ri" NA CHURCH & SCHOOL I 13200 Red Hill Avenue Tustin, California 92780 Phone: (714) 544.3132 Fax: (714) 544.8176 August 7, 2007 To Whom It May Concern TRAFFIC / PARKING IMPACT - FUTURE USES OF CONVERTED LUNCH SHELTER Reference: City of Tustin CUP 07-003 The existing lunch shelter will be converted in two phases: 1. Temporary one year usage as a fellowship hall during construction of the Christian Life Center. This project involves demolition of the existing Fellowship Hall and, on the same site, construction of the new building. During the construction period and until completion of the new building, the converted lunch shelter will be used for activities currently accommodated in the old Fellowship Hall. There will be no change in current program activity and consequently no change in existing traffic and parking. 2. Continued conversion by adding interior walls to form 2 classrooms and a kitchen. From this point, use of the structure will be school related and will have no impact on Sunday traffic and parking. The structure will not be used on Sunday during church services. Conversion uses explained above do not affect or change any of the traffic or parking data presented in the referenced CUP submittal. Sincerely, Rollo Pickford CLC Design Team Member Red Hill Lutheran School Board �•�r.-co-cr.+"cro r�i :.tea ri�� as .j^ --f-852+8441 P.02 Tranaportatlon Studies, Inc. 1350 Reynolds Avenue City: TUSTIN suite 115 File Name ; H0605096 N -S Direction: REDHILL AVENUE Irvine, CA. 92814 E -W Direction: IRVINE BOULEVARD Coda $Its ; 00003 873 00003008 Site Date : Page No ;1 Oroupe_Printed• Turn_In_aMovements REDHILL AVENUE IRVINE BOULEVAAb REDHIL1 AVID&W IRVINE BOIJLEVAFtl3 Start Time RI ht 9 Southbound . Thru , Left Westbound �. - to _ ___. RI ht j ThN C __ Northbound ,- - _ _ _•._.._ Left Rlght Thru .. .. . t Left Rlpht Eastbound Thru- Left " Factor 1.0 1 ( •f'D'� . 1,0 1.0! 1A 1.0I 1A 1.0 1.0 , 1.0 1.0 Int. Total 07:00 AM 12 33 11 8 242 23 18 13 30 46 • 140 ' 7 580 07:15 AM 20 88 36 14 282 34 12 9 14 43 171 4 710 07;30 AM 07:45 AM 10 12 84 80 40 6� 17 35 332 477 50 51 18 27 32 51 176 6 841 Total 54 _, _• __ -- 246 149 ' - 72 ........1333 1 `�8 ' 13 S9 28 77 27 ; 103 3d 130 216 8 706 1020 22' 3151 08:00 AM 15 AM 18 28 87 85 47 42 28 9 378 338 58 24 51 52 55 184 11 987 BREAK 70 28 23 30 51 182 3 886 Total 44 172 .8p... 35 X12 128' S0 74 82 108 348 14 1852 "'BREAK "' 04:30 PM 14 42 261 34 , 386 27 29 42 83. 26 190 23 884 04:45 PM Total 18 30 38 2,2 4, all 40 74 413 • , J k , 32 I 22 37 'S.0 . 37 223 18. 867 59 I 51 79122 E`2 413 41 1841 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 15 14 43 44 24 ; lei 34 41 381 404 481 3a, 24 48 59 49 207 21 g51 05:30 PM 14 38 25; 26 391 43! 25 23 53 52 78 83 64 48 282 23 256 17 1060 998 06:45 PM Total 10 53 40 171 .-29 68 , 40 441 423 15th 43! 170 28 62 85 51 274 17 , 1088 100 213 288 26Z 060 78 4086 Grand Total Apprch % 181 14.7 888 54.3 382, 31.0 322 8.1 4426 84.1 5181 8.8 260 443 570 540 2487 155 10929 Total % 1.7 6.1 3.5 2.9 40.5 4.7 20.4 2.4 34;8 4.1 44.8 5.2 17.1 4.9 78.0 4.0 22.8 1.4 rl- I w I : I* A Hill I ' 1 %1 - -4- U b:Z + U 4 4 1 P. 03 City: TUSTIN N -S Direction: REDHILL AVENUE E -W Direction: IRVINE BOULEVARD Transportation Studies, Inc. 1360 Reynolds Avenue 8ulta 115 Irvine, CA. 92e14 File Name H0605096 Site Code 00003873 Start Date 5/25/2006 Page No :2 REDWLL'WtWt IRVIfVCs 60ULEVARO —WOHIL AVENUE IRVIiVE BOULEVARD Southbound Westbound Northbound 3 . lifel L749 -Thn; - Eastbound Stan Time Right Thru Left APP' Right Thru: Left ' App' I Right Thru Left APP- RIght Thru Left App. Int. 8/28x20011 71btl AN' 13 Total I ST&I-20M 8:15:00 AM Total Total Total Peak Hour From 07:00 XM to 68:15 AM- • Peak 1 of 1 lnterseCtbn 07:30 AM 738 361. 1,0991 , Out In TdM af�QHILL 6VEN Volume M 310 188 5701 87 1521 220 18371 81 129 141 361 193 737 25 965 3713 Percent 11.8 56.4 33.0 :1 4.7 82.8 12.5 23.1 36.8 40.2 20.2 77.2 2.0 07-45 Volume 12 so 59 131' 35 477 61 5e3 13 28 27 N 36 21e 6 258 1020 Peak Factor 0.910 High Int. 08:15 AM 07:46 AM 08:00 AM 07:45 AM Volume 28 85 42 156 35 477 51 503 24 51 52 127 36 218 0 268 Peak Factor 0.019 0.818 0.601 0.925 RtUKLL AVENUE TOM ell; 3 . lifel L749 -Thn; - Lit 4 NOM • ilk 8/28x20011 71btl AN' 13 ST&I-20M 8:15:00 AM Le Tft R" 738 361. 1,0991 , Out In TdM af�QHILL 6VEN . MAY-16-2fb06 07:32 AM TSI o'.i+852+8441 P.04 City: TUSTIN N -S Direction: REDHILL AVENUE E•W Direction: IRVINE BOULEVARD Trensportation Studies, Inc. 1350 Reynolds Avenue 8ults 115 Irvine, CA. 92614 File Name : 1-1060509f Site Code : 00003873 Start Date : 5/25/2006 Page No :3 kt bHILL AVENUE IRVINE BOULEVARD '"' "' —" Soutnb0urnl � REDHtII AVENUE ii#vIN� BOULEVARD Start Tlms •.--. Right Thru Lett _1___.._..... Westbound ,. ' Right Thru 1 Left -_-.- ...,..... A R Right Northbound Thru AM Eastbound ru APP• Total Peak Hour From 04:30 PM i0 6&45 PM - Peok i of 1 Total I Left , Right Thru Left Total Int. Total Intersection 05:00 PM * �is NOM�� �� i Volume Percent 53 171 90 10.0 53.4 30.0 320 141 1599 7.4 83.7 170 8.9 1610 100 213 263 578 202 999 78 1279 4088 03:46 17.4 37.0 48.7 15,8 78.1 81 Volume 10 48 29 86 40 423 43 508 28 82 85 155 51 274 17 342 1088 Peak Factor High Int. Volume 05:45 PM 10 46 29 05:46 PM 851 40 05:48 PM0.939 Ob:51 PM Peak Factor 423 0,941 ' 43 508 28 82 86 155 274 17 342 0.944 0,929 0.935 Nil in T L, alb * �is NOM�� �� i _ &2VA000 6:46:00 PM 1 QIS 4 ' Left Tiro Right Ail iW toe' t5ut in Total a -o 0 n i z m Ln TMC Summary of Red Hi// L uthern Church -School Access Dwv/Red Hi// Ave Project #: 07-1045-001 APPROACH LANES E 0 o 0 . O o 0 0 O O o O O O O O O O o Red Hill Ave TOTAL AM MD PM OUT 0 0 0 0 1348 349 0 999 C==:> <= 127 92 0 35 0 0 0 0 OLIT APPROACH LANES Red Hill Ave:' un ou 7MAI 15 0 1 3 18 0 0 Ln meq 861 0 608 Ln . � 45 203 $t�zo ev N M APPROACH LANES Red Hill Ave:' un ou 7MAI 15 0 1 3 18 0 0 0 0 861 0 608 1469 158 0 45 203 001 TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT Red`Hiil Ave / Red.' Hili Willem Churai (IntersecWn Name) Wednesday 2721/07 Day Date COUNT PERIODS am 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM noon 11:00 AM-- 1:00 PM m 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM AM PEAK HOUR 745 AM NOON PEAK HOUR 0 AM PM PEAK HOUR 530 PM Intersection Turning Movement Prepared by: Southland Car Counters N -S STREET: Red Hill Luthern Church -Schon DATE: 2/21/2007 LOCATION: City of Tustin E -W STREET: Red Hill Ave. DAY: WEDNESDAY PROJECT# 07-1045-001 WE`1 t Ac 1 f4c, `' V L,^u-11 -NORTHBOUND MAX 58HT1I OUND -EASTBOUND -WESTBOUND OUT MAX NL NT NR QUEUE SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR IN QUEUE TOTAL LANES: 0 1 0 OUT 0 0 0 0 2 0 n 2 n TN 6:00 AM NL NT NR OUT SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR IN TOTAL VOLUMES = 59 0 165 0 0 0 0 685 132 6:15 AM 2747 18 15 6:30 AM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 3 3 0 79 9 7 169 0 270 7:15 AM 4 5 1 88 12 12 157 1 278 7:30 AM 4 4 2 94 16 14 174 2 306 7:45 AM 5 2 1 102 11 10 182 1 312 8:00 AM 7 55 5 117 26 68 222 4 495 8:15 AM 15 71 6 61 47 66 250 4 510 8:30 AM 16 19 2 69 8 14 207 2 333 8:45 AM 5 6 1 75 3 4 150 1 243 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM TOTAL NL NT NR OUT SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR IN TOTAL VOLUMES = 59 0 165 0 0 0 0 685 132 195 1511 0 2747 18 15 AM Peak Hr Begins at: 745 AM PEAK VOLUMES= 43 0 147 PEAK HR. 0.672 10.000 10.518 FACTOR: 0.552 CONTROL: 1-Eay Stop N 0 0 00 349 92 158 861 0 0.000 0.000 10.000 0.000 10.746 1 0.489 0.581 0.861 0.000 0.000 0.771 0.806 1650 0.809 Intersection Turning Movement Prepared by: Southland Car Counters N -S STREET: Red Hill Luthern Church -Schon DATE: 2/21/2007 LOCATION: City of Tustin E -W STREET: Red Hill Ave DAY: WEDNESDAY PROJECT# 07-1045-001 -NORTHBOUND MAX -SOUTHBOUND -EASTBOUND WESTBOUND OUT MAX NL NT NR QUEUE SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR IN QUEUE TOTAL LANES: 0 1 0 OUT 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 IN 2:00 PM 2:15 PM 2:30 PM 2:45 PM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM 3:45 PM 4:00 PM 7 11 2 219 4 8 133 0 382 4:15 PM 4 12 2 233 9 5 142 0 405 4:30 PM 5 15 1 227 3 11 150 0 411 4:45 PM 5 5 0 229 11 8 148 1 406 5:00 PM 9 12 3 219 9 3 151 0 403 5:15 PM 6 20 3 257 8 17 151 1 459 5:30 PM 1 19 2 245 12 12 155 1 444 5:45 PM 6 4 1 278 6 13 151 0 458 6:00 PM 6:15 PM TOTAL NL NT NR OUT SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR IN TOTAL VOLUMES = 43 0 98 0 0 0 0 1907 62 77 1181 0 3368 14 3 AM Peak Hr Begins at: 530 PM PEAK VOLUMES = 22 0 55 PEAK HR. 0.611 0.000 0.688 FACTOR: 0.740 CONTROL: 1-Eay Stop N 0 0 O I 0 999 35 145 608 0 0.000 10.000 10.000 0.000 0.898 0.729 0.662 0.981 0.000 0.000 1 0.910 ( 0.972 1764 0.961 LSA Associates, Inc. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION INTERSECTION NO. 1 NORTH/SOUTH: Red Hill Avenue EAST/WEST: Irvine Boulevard Existin Move- Volume V/C Ratio ment Lane Capacity AM PM AM PM NBL 2 3,400 141 263 0.04 0.08 NBT 1 1,700 129 213 0.08 * 0.13 * NBR 1 U 1,700 81 100 0.00 0.00 SBL 1 1,700 188 96 0.11 * 0.06 * SBT 2 3,400 316 171 0.11 0.07 SBR 0 0 66 53 0.00 0.00 EBL 1 1,700 25 78 0.01 * 0.05 * EBT 2 3,400 737 999 0.27 0.35 EBR 0 0 193 202 0.00 0.00 WBL 1 1,700 229 170 0.13 0.10 WBT 2 3,400 1,521 1,599 0.47 * 0.51 * 0 0 87 141 0.00 0.00 Critical Movements 0.19 0.19 Critical Movements 0.48 0.56 [WBR Turn Critical Movement 0.00 0.00 ance Interval 0.05 0.05 0.72 0.80 of Service (LOS) C C Plus Pro'ect Volume V/C Ratio ne Capacity AM PM AM PM 3,400 162 271 0.05 0.08 1,700 149 221 ffNBRExistin 0.09 * 0.13 IU 1,700 92 105 0.00 0.00 1,700 188 96 0.11 * 0.06 3,400 340 179 0.12 0.07 0 66 53 0.00 0.00 EBL 1 1,700 25 78 0.01 * 0.05 EBT 2 3,400 737 999 0.28 0.35 EBR 0 0 207 206 0.00 0.00 WBL 1 1,700 247 176 0.15 0.10 WBT 2 3,400 1,521 1,599 0.47 • 0.51 0 0 87 141 0.00 0.00 cal Movements 0.20 0.19 cal Movements0.48 0.56 rn Critical Movement E 0.00 0.00 Interval 0.05 0.05 0.73 0.80 ervice (LOS) C C Notes: ICU - Intersection Capacity Utilization V/C - Volume to Capacity Ratio Right Tum Conditions: P - Protected right turn movement U - Unprotected right turn movement N - No right turn on red F - Free right tum lane M - Additional lanes P:\LUN0701\Rcdliiii-irvittc.ICU.xisqCU (2/28/2007) ATTACHMENT D Resolution No. 4067 RESOLUTION NO. 4067 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 07-003 AND DESIGN REVIEW 07-003 TO DEMOLISH THE EXISTING FELLOWSHIP HALL, CONSTRUCT A NEW CLASSROOM AND FELLOWSHIP HALL BUILDING AND CONVERT AN EXISTING LUNCH SHELTER STRUCTURE TO A TEMPORARY FELLOWSHIP HALL AND EVENTUAL CLASSROOM AND KITCHEN FACILITY ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13200 RED HILL AVENUE, ALSO KNOWN AS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 103-472-14. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit 07-003 and Design Review 07-003 was filed by Scott vonKaenel of' Lundstrom and Associates Architects on behalf of Red Hill Lutheran Church requesting approval to demolish the existing Fellowship Hall, construct a new classroom and fellowship hall building, and to convert an existing lunch shelter structure to a temporary fellowship hall and eventual classroom and kitchen facility on the property located at 13200 Red Hill Avenue; B. Thaf the proposed project is consistent with the policies of the General Plan "Public/Institutional" designation which allows schools and churches. In addition, the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub -element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub -element. The project complies with the Public and Institutional (P&I) zoning district regulations because schools and churches are conditionally permitted, as is requested. The development standards would be established in the conditional use permit; C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held for said application on September 11, 2007, by the Planning Commission; D. That the project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15332, Class 32 of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act); E. That the construction of a new fellowship hall and conversion of an existing lunch shelter, as conditioned, will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, as evidenced by the following findings: a) As proposed and conditioned, the new facilities will replace and absorb the capacity of the existing Fellowship Hall, and the two Resolution 4067 Page 2 temporary modular classroom buildings that were approved until the construction of a permanent facility was completed. b) Sufficient parking exists on-site for the school expansion, and there would be no simultaneous uses between the church service and school facilities. c) A traffic impact analysis was conducted and, as determined by the Public Works Engineering Division, the net increase in traffic at the project site is not anticipated to generate significant traffic impacts, and there is sufficient roadway capacity to accommodate the proposed project. F. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Planning Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk, and area of buildings. 2. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors, and other openings. 6. Landscaping, parking area design, and traffic circulation. 7. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. 8. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. 9. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. G. A decision to approve the proposed design of the new fellowship hall and converted lunch shelter can be supported by the following finding: The new and expanded uses and structures enhance their site and are harmonious with the highest standards of improvements in the surrounding area and total community. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 07-003 and Design Review 07003 approving the demolition of the existing Fellowship Hall, construction of a new classroom and fellowship hall building and conversion of an existing lunch shelter structure to a temporary fellowship hall and eventual classroom and kitchen facility on the property of Red Hill Lutheran Church and Resolution 4067 Page 3 School located at 13200 Red Hill Avenue, subject to conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 11 th day of September, 2007. JOHN NIELSEN Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4067 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 11 t' day of September, 2007. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 4067 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 07-003 AND DESIGN REVIEW 07-003 SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed use shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped September 11, 2007, on file with the Community Development Department, except as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are to be consistent with the provisions of the Tustin City Code and other applicable codes. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 The subject project approval shall become null and void unless permits for the proposed project are issued and substantial construction is underway within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be considered if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.4 Approval of Conditional Use Permit 07-003 and Design Review 07-003 is contingent upon the applicant returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and .the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk -Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval' form. The forms shall be established by the Director of Community Development, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 The applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in defense of any such action under this condition. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODES (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW EXCEPTION Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 2 BUILDING/PLAN SUBMITTAL (1) 2.1 At the time of building permit application prior to Dec. 31, 2007, the plans shall comply with the latest State and the City Tustin adopted Codes: 2001 California Building Code (CBC), 2001 California Mechanical Code (CMC), 2001 California Plumbing Codes (CPC), 2004 California Electrical Code (CEC), California Title 24 Accessibility Regulations, 2005 Title 24 Energy Regulations, City Ordinances, and State and Federal laws and regulations 2005 Edition. It is expected that a new set of California Codes will take effect on Jan. 1, 2008. Please note that this set of comments is based on current codes. (***) 2.2 Prior to final inspection and issuance of Certificate of Use and Occupancy to the Lunch shelter conversion to temporary Fellowship Hall, the shelter structure and all existing buildings attached to it shall be equipped with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system. (1) 2.3 The plans submitted shall indicate that restrooms are accessible to persons with disabilities as per State of California Accessibility Standards (Title 24). Plumbing fixture units are required to comply with the 2001 California Plumbing Code Chapter four (4) Table 4-1 as per type of group occupancy, or as approved by the Building Official. (1) 2.4 Vehicle parking, primary entrance to the building, primary paths of travel, cashier space,- sanitary facilities, drinking fountains, and public telephones shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. (1) 2.5 Prior to 'permit issuance, clearances from the following may be required: Orange County Health Department, Orange County Fire Authority, South Coast Air Quality Management District, State Department of Education, and the State Department of Occupational Safety and Health. (1) 2.6 The applicant shall provide an accessible path of travel from the public sidewalk to the new Christian Life Center entrance. (1) 2.7 At plan check submittal, a photometric plan shall be submitted in compliance with the City of Tustin Security Ordinance. (1) 2.8 Pursuant to the City of Tustin's Security Ordinance and the Uniform Fire Code, street numbers shall be displayed in a prominent location on the street side of the building. The numerals shall be no less than six (6) inches in height and shall be of contrasting color to the background to which they are attached and illuminated during hours of darkness. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 3 (1) 2.9 A note shall be provided on final plans that a six (6) foot high chain link fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. A nylon fabric or mesh shall be attached to the temporary construction fencing. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. (1) 2.10 At plan check submittal, a construction phasing plan shall be submitted to show fencing and staging to separate the construction zone from non - construction areas, including school facilities and areas where children might be present. (1) 2.11 An adequate size trash enclosure with solid metal, self-closing, self -latching gates is required to be located on the property and maintained to avoid health issues for neighboring commercial and residential areas. Said enclosure shall be screened by a solid decorative wall consistent with the adjacent building's material and finish and be of a minimum height of six (6) feet. The actual location of the enclosure and types of screening and details of the enclosure shall be submitted at building plan check and are subject to approval by the Community Development Department. The location of the bin, size, and quantity shall be reviewed and accepted in writing by Joe Meyers, Administrative Services Manager. (1) 2.12 The applicant shall comply with all City policies regarding short-term construction emissions, including periodic watering of the site and prohibiting grading during second stage smog alerts and when wind velocities exceed 15 miles per hour. PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING (1) 3.1 Any damage done to existing street improvements and utilities shall be repaired before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development. (1) 3.2 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit shall be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department. (1) 3.3 Current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements shall be met at the drive apron and pedestrian sidewalk. (1) 3.4 Prior to issuance of a demolition, precise/rough grading, and/or building permit with valuation of $50,000 or greater, the applicant shall submit Construction & Demolition (C&D) debris collection, disposal, and diversion information on the City -prescribed forms for approval by the City of Tustin. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 4 At least 50 percent of the construction debris shall be diverted from landfill to the recycling plants. A security deposit in the amount of $50 per ton (not to exceed $5,000 per project) for a C&D security deposit will be collected prior to issuance the permit. Prior to final inspection, the applicant shall submit to the City of Tustin documents (i.e. receipt from vendor) showing actual weight or volume of each material of C&D diverted to the recycling center. (City Ordinance 1281) (1) 3.5 Six (6) sets of final grading plans consistent with the site and landscaping plans as prepared by a registered civil engineer shall be submitted and shall include the following: • Technical details and plans for all utility installations including telephone, gas, water, and electricity. • Three (3) copies of a recent soil report provided by a civil engineer (less than one (1) year old). Expanded information regarding the levels of hydrocarbons and ground water contamination found on- site shall be provided in the soil report. All pavement "R" values shall be in accordance with applicable City of Tustin standards. • All site drainage shall be handled on-site and shall not be permitted to drain onto adjacent properties. • Drainage, vegetation, circulation, street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drains shall comply with the on-site Private Improvement Standards. • Two (2) copies of Hydrology & Hydraulic Report. (1) 3.6 The engineer of record shall submit a final compaction report to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. (1) 3.7 A surety/cash bond will be required to assure work is completed in accordance with approved plans prior to permit issuance. The engineer's estimated cost of the grading, drainage, and erosion control shall be submitted to the Building Official for determination of the bond amount. (1) 3.8 Information to ensure compliance with requirements of the Orange County Fire Authority, including fire flow and installation of fire hydrants, subject to approval of the City of Tustin Public Works and/or Irvine Ranch Water District. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 5 (1) 3.9 Prior to issuance of any permits, the applicant shall submit for approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identifying Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on-site to control predictable pollutant run-off. This WQMP shall identify the: structural and non-structural measures specified detailing implementation of BMPs whenever they are applicable to the project; the assignment of long-term maintenance responsibilities (specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessee, etc.); and reference to the location(s) of structural BMPs. (1) 3.10 Prior to submittal of a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), the applicant shall submit a deposit of $2,700.00 for the estimated cost for reviewing WQMP to the Building Division. The actual costs will be deducted from the deposit, and the applicant shall be responsible for any additional review cost that exceeded the deposit prior to issuance of grading permits. Any unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the applicant. (1) 3.11 Prior to issuance of any permits, the property owner(s) shall record a declaration of restrictions with the County Clerk Recorder. This declaration binds current and future owner(s) of the property regarding implementation and maintenance of the structural and non structural BMPs as specified in the approved WQMP. This form can be obtained from the Community Development Department The Community Development and Public Works Departments will determine whether any change in use requires an amendment to an approved Water Quality Management Plan. (1) 3.12 Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide written approval/permit from the Orange County Sanitation District. (1) 3.13 Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide written approval/permit from the East Orange County Water District. (1) 3.14 Additional payment of the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fees to the Tustin Public Works Department may be required at the time a building permit is issued. Upon proof of exemption from property tax, churches, including church schools, may be exempt from payment of fees. (1) 3.15 Improvement plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority for fire protection purposes. The adequacy and reliability of water system design and the distribution of fire hydrants will be evaluated. The water distribution system and appurtenances shall also conform to the applicable laws and adopted regulations enforced by the Orange County Health Department. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 6 (1) 3.16 Hydraulic analysis of the proposed water system and ability to meet OCFA fire flow demands and requirements be performed and certified by the applicant. (1) 3.17 Location of fire hydrants to be approved by the City of Tustin and the Orange County Fire Authority. (1) 3.18 The applicant is responsible for all costs related to the abandonment, at the water main, of all existing potable water and fire service connections. (1) 3.19 Water system improvements to be designed in accordance with the requirements and standards of the City of Tustin Department of Public Works or AWWA. (1) 3.20 Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide fire protection access easements, water easements and dedicate them to the City. The easements shall be located within unobstructed areas and clear access shall be provided at all times. (1) 3.21 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State and Regional Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. (1) 3.22 Project Recycling Requirement — The City of Tustin is required to comply with the recycling requirements contained in the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989. To facilitate City compliance with this law, the Project Applicant is required to comply with Section 4327 of the Tustin City Code which details requirements for developing and implementing a Waste Management Plan. (1) 3.23 Commercial Recycling The Applicant, Property Owner and/or tenant(s) are required to participate in the City's recycling program. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a solid waste recycling plan shall be submitted and approved by the City of Tustin Public Works Department. The plan shall contain the following information: i. The total quantity (lbs. or tons) of waste material to be generated by the proposed development use(s). ii. The types of waste materials likely to be generated by the proposed use(s). Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 7 iii. The proposed method of recycling, including material types and quantities. iv. Identify any outside recycling equipment or services, other than the City franchise hauler, proposed to service the development. v. Identify any special waste materials (cooking oils, hazardous materials, lumber, etc.) which require special handling. vi. Identify the types and number of collection receptacles to be utilized and the proposed frequency of collection. Vii. Demonstrate that waste and recycling collection locations are clearly identified and are equally and readily accessible by property owners and tenants viii. Demonstrate that waste collection locations can be readily accessed by waste and recycling collection vehicles. ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY (OCFA) (5) 4.1 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system to the Fire Chief and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system is private, it shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to building permit issuance, and the applicant shall make provisions for the repair and maintenance of the system in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (5) 4.2 Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective pavement marker indicating the hydrant location on the street as approved by the Fire Chief, and must be maintained in good condition by the property owner. (5) 4.3 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow. The "Orange County Fire Authority Water Availability for Fire Protection" form shall be signed by the applicable water district and submitted to the Fire Chief for approval. If sufficient water to meet fire flow requirements is not available an automatic fire extinguishing system may be required in each structure affected. (5) 4.4 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans for any required automatic fire sprinkler systems in these structures to the Fire Chief for review and approval. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, this system shall be operational in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 8 (5) 4.5 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval. This system shall be operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. (5) 4.6 OCFA recognizes that the fire department access road is in existence. The access road shall be kept in good condition throughout the construction period. The applicant shall submit a construction phasing plan. Please contact OCFA for specific requirements of a construction phasing plan. (5) 4.7 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans and obtain approval from the Fire Chief for fire lanes on required fire access roads less than 36 feet in width. The plans shall indicate the locations of red curbs and signage and include a detail of the proposed signage including the height; stroke and colors of the lettering and its contrasting background. OCFA recognizes that fire lane markings may already be in existence. Prior to final approval any fire lane markings removed by the construction shall be repainted or signed. (5) 4.8 Prior to the issuance of a building permit for combustible construction, the builder shall submit a letter on company letterhead stating that water for fire -fighting purposes and all-weather fire protection access roads shall be in place and operational before any combustible material is placed on site. Building permits will not be issued without OCFA approval obtained as a result of an on-site inspection. The applicant shall contact the OCFA at (714) 573-6100 to obtain a copy of the standard combustible construction letter. (5) 4.9 Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall obtain the approval from the Fire Chief for the construction of any gate across required fire department access roads. The applicant shall contact the OCFA at (714) 573-6100 or visit the OCFA website to obtain a copy of the "Guidelines for Design and Installation of Emergency Access Gates and Barriers." (5) 4.10 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit architectural plans for the review and approval of the Fire Chief if required per the "Orange County Fire Authority Plan Submittal Criteria Form." The applicant shall contact the OCFA at (714) 573-6100 for a copy of the Site/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans prior to submittal. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 9 USE RESTRICTIONS (***) 5.1 Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the two temporary modular buildings approved in Resolution No. 3986 must be removed and the site restored with appropriate landscaping and hardscaping, subject to approval by the Community Development Department. (***) 5.2 The day school use and the church service use shall remain non - concurrent, unless additional parking can be provided to accommodate both uses (subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development.) (***) 5.3 Based on the available parking and traffic capacity of the site, the maximum number of students and instructors associated with Red Hill Lutheran Church and School shall not exceed the following: 500 students 52 weekday church and school staff members (full-time and part- time) Any request for an increase in the number of students and/or staff shall be subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development. (***) 5.4 Based upon the number of students (500) and staff (52) proposed with the increase in facilities for the school use, 115 parking spaces shall be made available during weekday school hours. Any request for an increase in the number of students and/or staff shall be based on the availability of parking, subject to review and approval of the Community Development Director. (1) 5.5 If in the future the City determines that parking, traffic, or noise problems exist on the site or in the vicinity, the Community Development Director may require that the property owner prepare an analysis and bear all associated costs. If the study indicates that there is a parking, traffic, or noise impact, the applicant/property owner shall provide interim and permanent mitigation measures to alleviate the problem. (1) 5.6 The school area shall be separated from any construction activity occurring at the site by an adequate physical barrier and subject to review, approval, and on-site inspection by the Community Development Department prior to construction activity. No construction vehicles, materials, or equipment shall be stored within the area of the school facility, or where children'might be present. Exhibit A - Resolution 4067 CUP 07-003 & DR 07-003 Page 10 FEES (1) 6.1 Prior to issuance of any permits, payment shall be made of all applicable fees, including but not limited to, the following: • Building Plan Check and Permit Fees • Grading Plan Check and Permit Fees • Transportation System Improvement Program Fees • School Fees • Orange County Fire Authority Fees (1) 6.2 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of forty- three dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above -noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.