HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 81-04 RESOLUTION NO. 81-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS AS CONTAINED IN THE HANDBOOK FOR PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT The City Council of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The City Council development standards ('Policy 30-4 ). on May 7, 1973, did adopt by resolution No. 73-35, and guidelines for planning, zoning and development The City Council on May 19, 1975, amended appendix "C" to said guidelines for planning, zoning and development, by adoption of resolution No. 75-23. 3 Said appendix "C", of said guidelines for planning, zoning and development is hereby amended by the adoption of "Minimum Design Standards for. Public Works Improvements Constructed ¢/ithin Public Rights-Of-Way or ImProvements to be Maintained with Public Funds" as contained in exhibit "A" attached.and a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 19th day of January, 1981. ST' CITY C~RK See Exhibit "A" that is attached to the original Resolution 81-4. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City clerk and ex-officio clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 81-4 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th. day of Jan.u. ary,' 1981 by the following vote: AYES : COUNCILPERSONS: Saltarelli, Edgar, Hoesterey, Sharp, Kennedy NOES : COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: None City of Tustin, California Resolution No. 81-4 Exhibit "A" ~LT__Y ~F _ ~~T_~1~_ ~ IA~~~N_~t~-, P'1I ~; i MUM DES I G;~ STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC WDRKS I f ~PRC~V~P'ENTS CONSTRUCTED !,J I TH I_~'~ P~~~ I C CHTS_QF_W~Y OR._ IPIF.ROVEf1~NTS TO BE (~lA I f~JTa_i iV~i~__W I TH _P1~3_L~I C E_l~"dDS APPENDIX "C' CITY OF TUS`i'IN MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC WO R:~S AND STREET IMPROV~NIL'NTS All improvement materials furnished otherwise and shall with the applicable Business and `i~ransc~ SPECIFICATIOVS" and STANDARDS" and with work required herein is to be performed and by the developer at his ex~_,ense ui;less noted be performed and furnished in the strict accordance portions of the latest edition of the State of Calif. srtation Agency, Ile pt. of Transportation "STANDAY.D with the City of Tustin "STREET IMPROVEMENT the follo;aing supplement~.l minimum esign standarc?s INDEX SGBJECT SECTION NO. PAGE Curbs & gutters, cross gutters & spandrels, sidewal;:s & drive aprons----------1. 2 Street sections, design widths, - - ----2. 2 c~~:l-de-sacs------------------------------ .street nar,,.~ lignin ~, tra``ic control signs, sign.alization--------------------------~. ~ ~'t 1 ~r`- z,-------- ----- ------- -- 3 .~ re_~~ ~ ._~. - - Parkway tree pla::tinq-------------------------5• ~ Storm drains and design details---------------6. Sanitary se~~;ers-------------------------------7. 6 Do^~estic water svste:n-------------------------8. ~~ Sur-ve~~ ~nonuments------------------------------9. 11 Street Improvement Standards -------------------------10. 12 SECTION 1. CURBS AND GUTTERS - CROSS GUTTERS AND Si'A;~DRELS - SIDE[9ALI~S ?1D1D DRIVE APRONS _l.l All streets shall have monolithic concrete curbs and gutters either type A-2 or type D constructed per Street Im^rove.~~ent Standard No. 103. The type shall be as specified by the City Engineer. All curbs and gutters shall be constructed with a minimum grade of 0.400. Anv deviation from this minimu.;1 grade requirement will require the appro~-al of the City Engineer. Such deviation will be pe nnitted only when engineering back up data is submitted to prove that the minimum 0.40 grade is not possible. On-site grade and import fill costs will not be considered a valid reason for reducing this minirluri grade requirement. 1.2 Concrete cross gutters and spandrels shall be constructer. per Street Improvement Standard tio. 107, where required by the City Engineer. All cross gutters shall have ~~ 'r.ini:~ur.1 grade o` 1.00 ~ . =any c?e•:'iatior: from this minimum grade require~,c.1t will require t~,.e approval of the City Engineer. Such ~?e~:i_-~tion will be permitted only when engin~~erir.g back up da+.a is s~,:b_-~itted to prop-'e the t the numr.IUI~ 1 .00'~ grado ~s :ot pc~sl~~i~~. 1.3 :~11 streets shal] have concrete sidewalks constr~,icter. rer Street Improveme?zt Standard `~o. 1.04 , ~•.~ith a -.1i:-Ii~?u:~ cross slope or 1%~" per foot. 1 . •~ Drive~aaV aprons shall be constructed per Street Lmpro~~c:I",Cnt ~tanc:ard `10. 108%~, l0oB, lOdC, or 108D. The standard usec? sh,z1_l be as required dependin_; cn ty;_~e of develop;~.~er.t or ~:s specifier; by the City Engineer. S CT I Oiv 2 . STREET STRUCTURAL SECTIONS - DESIGN [^:IDTiiS - CUL-DE-Sr'~CS 2.1 All streets shall have a minimum pavement section as determined by "R" value and traffic index study based on a 20 year life. Such study shall be made by the City or its Agent at no cost to the developer. 2.2 Streets shall be constructed to the widths and as detailed per Street Improvement Standard :~o. 101 for arterial highways and Standard No. 102 for local streets. 2.3 Curb radii shall be 35' to curb face when at least ene intersecting street is an arterial highway per the City of Tustin adopted Arterial Highway System and ~5' to curb face at intersecting local streets. 2.4. Cul-de-sacs for residential areas shall be designed ::er Stroet lmprovemer.t Standard X10. 105A. The n~a~:imum len-_rth cf residc:zti a1 cul-de-sac streets shall be 500' , as I-~easured along th~~~ center- line of the cul-de-sac str~~ot, from t~l~, nearest intersectin~~ Stroet centerline t~~ the cal-~?e-sac r~~?it:~~ ''Dint. 2.5 Cul-de-sacs for industrial and commercial areas shall be designed per Street Improvement Standard No. 1058. The maximum length of industrial and commercial cul-de-sac streets shall be 1000', as measured along the centerline of the cul- de-sac street, from the nearest intersecting street centerline tc the cul-de-sac radius point. SECTI0:1 3 . STREET NA:~"iE SIGNING - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS - SIGNALIZA'PION 3.1 Street name signs shall be erected at all intersections, per Street Improvement Standard No. 117, at the location desi<;nated b~• the Ci ty Engineer. ~.~' Traffic control signing shall inclu`ie intersection stop signs, speed li; ;it suns , parking restriction. signs , : ~iscellar.eous traffic control signs and traffic striping. Said si:rns shall ire per State of Califorr.i~:~ and Department of Transportation :-tar:dards and shall be ~rocted within the develop~;ent where c?esinnato^ by the City Engi_n~:er. 'I'raf*ic stri~:~i,~:~; a.1 c', r_~~:in`.eci ~E~(teildS Sflall 1Je di~n~: :iS ai1C1 Where G1 reCte~: bV tfl~? '~:it~' En~.ineer after completion of all sealcoatin~:. 3. ~ Tr~._`fic signals ~,-i11 be re.luir~ad to be constructed where c? ~er.ed necessary by +_h.~ City En_ineer ~~s deter::ined by traffic w -r:~nts `,r predict<~r t~~,iff~c ~.~arrants. I the configuration car tr<~ffic created by the ne~•: develop:~,~ent is s~ ctI as to re-?uirc~ mo iification of an existinc traffic signal, such moth=i c~~tio:i shall be the responsibility of the de~~elcper. SECTION ~. STREE`l~' LIG:3TING 4.1 A11 developments will be required to annex to the 'I'nstil: Li~;hti:~~7 District. Proof of annexation to said District will >/e required before final appro--al or occupancy of the develop- ment ~;~ill be c:rar.ted. 4.2 All de~.~elopments shall have a street lighting syste.~~ installeu on "-narbelite" poles served by underground con~:uit. Said street li~~hting system shall be installed r?er these r~~ini:-lum design standards and the standards of the 'i'ustin Lighting District and the Southern California Edison Cor.~pany, and as approved by the City Engineer. 4.~ The following suggested lighting systems for the various classes of streets are to be used as r~.inimum requirer,.ents for adequate street lichting. The City Enginee.~i:~ay, where deemed necessary, increase these req~_zi.rements. These s~~ste:ns may be •~aried to fit local conditions to the extent th~~t the r,~iniin<<um average lumens per square foot of street surface thin c?eri~.~E~~l is nit less than the a^lount attained usih.q tae follo~•:in~r s~-ste.ms for ~~acll street classi`_ca~iol:: (a) Local Single Family Residential Street: 7,000 lumen mercury vapor lamps, with 22' mounting height on 6' arms spaced at 200 feet along one side of the street. (b) Local Multiple Family Residential Streets and Residential Collector Typo Streets: 7,000 lumen mercury vapor lamps with 28' mountin<~ height nn 6' awls spaced at 400 Poet along both sides of the street. (The lights to be staggered from side to side along the street, thus the spacing between lights is 200 feet.) (c) Commercial and Industrial Local Streets, Commercial and Industrial Collector Streets and Secondary Arterial Highways: 20,OG0 lumen mercury vapor lamps with 30' mounting height on 8' arms, spaced at 240' along both sides of the streets. (The lights to be staggered from side t.o sides, thus spacing between lights is 120 feet.) (d) "~ajor and Primary Arterial Highways shall receive special desi.~n consideraticn to provide a minimum avera~te of lu:~ens p~~•r square foot o` street suz:-f~~co or average foot candles of l.~ ~:s defined in the latest edition. of the "American Stan~arci PraCtlCt' TOr Street and II1~ihWaV Llahting" cS 1<opted i~v t:e ?~.,-~.cri can Standards ~~ssociation and as spo:,sored by the Ii laminating ~nc~ineeri ng Society (e) Street ii:tersoctions shall receive special consideration to the e;:tent that. at least one ligh`, s tandara' s}iall be place:l at each street intersection. :fowever, at ir.ter- sectior.s whore cross,aalks are likely to be established, at le~~st two lie;ht standards shall bo requires and placod in such locations as to effectively illuminate the cross- walks. (f) The following situations shall also receive special con- sideration to the e;~tent that additional li ;htir.g ~~~ill be required: Railroad gra:.~e crossings, alleys, bridges, overpasses, viaducts, plazas or traffic circles, underpasses, tunnels, and highway interchanges. (g) Luminaries and lamps shall be approved by the City Engineer. SECTION S. PARKWAY TREE PLANTING 5.1 The deveieper shall pay a parkway tree planting fee as prescribed by City Ordinance. Said fee shall cover the cost of the City furnishing and planting the trees and maintainir.~~ them for one year. 7.2. The fee per parkway tree shall be based on a :~.ir:imum tree spacing of 40 feet on center in industrial, commercial and multiple family developments and at .least one parkway tree per lot for single family residential developments. SECTION 6. STORM DRAINS AND DESIGN D~TIILS 6.1 A storm drainage system shall be constructed in each develop- ment to the e::tent that all property withi:z and adjci.ninq the development shall not be subject to overflow and inundation froir storm waters originating ~::ithin the development. The use of stor;~.l ~~rain systems shall be r~~c,_~irea: (a) 1`'hen flooding:, or street overflc~a will cans` serious damage. (b) t•~hen future up-stream develo,~;r~,ent will c~~use drainage problems. (c) tVhen existing drainage facilities are adjace~:t to t:1e proposed dc~velo;;TM,ent. (d) ;When the water level in streets for the c:usi~r:. stor.:~. is wit'rrir, two inches of top of. curb. 6.2 Storm. drains shall also be constructed witili-: or a<ijacent to t'.~e development where a:zd as called fur in ti.~~ "^laster Flan ~,f Drainage - El ?~?oder.a - Ir.~ir.e '_iea" .'.~'-__.r. :~]ov~:::ber, 1969. 6.3 Ail storm drains shall be designed per the para.:~eters outlined in the latest edition of the Orange County Flood Control District "hydrology Manual" and a~ required by the City Engineer. A hydrology study shall. be submitted for approval when. required by the City n,inec.r. Collection systems shall be designed for a minim,y--1 10 year storm frequency except in sump conditions where a 25 year storm frequency shall be used. Major drains and channels shall be designed based on a 25 year storm freq.~ency. 6.4 Inlet structures shall be constructed per Street Improvement Standards No. 110, 111, 112 and 113 with inlet openings sized to collect all of the storm water from the contributing area. 6.5 A "Nuisance Water" drainage system shall be constructed in all developments, where applicable and required by the Cit~.~ Engineer, and shall connect to the storm drain: system. The nuisance water systerl shall be designed to collect low flows only and not peak storm flows. Required ~ip~~ si_ze f~~r nuisance water systems shall be 12" diar;leter. Nuisance w~~ter inlets shall be type OS per Street Improve:nc~nt Standard ,~o. 110. - r, - Nuisance water systems will be required to be constructed in conjunction with storm drain systems to meet the followin~~ design criteria: Storm and nuisance waters will not b~ allowed to be channc-_l~d in street gutters for any accumulative distance in excess of 1000' on .streets with a grade of 2.OOo or less. ~ nuisance ;eater drain system ~~:ill not be required where street grades exceed 2.00=x. 6.6 There shall be constructed a standard junctio:z manhole at all intersections of storm drain lines and nuisance water drain lines. 6.7 ''here shall also be constructed a standard access manhole at all major changes in crrade or alicjn::ent of the pipe a.Zd at intervals of not .more than 300' for 36" di,:~eter pipe and .;e low. Larger pipes ,-,.ay have ?:~anholes located 3t intervals greater t},:an 300' with approval of the City Engineer. 6.8 C;rruaatec: :r,etal pipe ::ill not be per~:itt<~~i e:~cept ?-,~r ter,porary drainage structures and ir. special cases i` approve'. by the City En~,ineer. 6.~~ Cast-ir.-place concrete pine ~:~ill be permitted in sizes '0" ~iiam2ter and 1..arger upon, approval of the City Er.._~inecr ?-e~arding horizontal lecatior. in street richt-cf-c•:ay an~~; «d~,c~..,:te det~th of cover. 6.1_C Reimo:-;~;~d concrete pipe or asbestos ce^'.ent pipe shall be or ti:~~ class or D load necessary to support the load i~,:pose;: on the line. 6.11. The minimum pipe size for Weak flo~:~ storm drain. syste::,s including catch basin leads shall be 18" diameter. 6.1~ ~•~ater delivered to a storm drain may not be redeposited on a city street. 6.13 Oper. channel drainage will not be perrnitte,: except in special cases as approved by ti1E3 City Engineer. Ss,.:h open channels will require such lining, fencing and/or other improvements as may be deemed necessary in considering the proxir-~.ity of adjoining improvements or natural channel conditions and conformation to the Master Plan of Drainage facilities. SEC`PION 7. SIINITT.RY SF~•7ERS 7.1 San.itarv sewer mains and house laterals shall be of extra t:cavy vitrified clay pipe with mechanical compression tyt~e ioints such as "~ti'edgclock," "Speed Seal," "Mainline" or appr~~:•e~l equal. -~,- 7.2 Minimum size of sewer mains shall be 8" diameter. Minimum size or house laterals shall be 4" for single family residential and 6" for commercial, industrial and multi-family residential. 7.3 Itinimum grades for sewer mains shall be ,~s follows: (a) 8" dia. -- 0.40% (f) 21" dia. - - 0.10~~ (:~) 10" dia. - - 0.28"s (g) 24" dia. - - 0.08 (c) 12" dia. - - 0.224 (h) 30" dia. - - 0.060 (d) 15" dia. - - 0.16a (i) 36" cii~~. - - 0.05` (e) 18" dia. - - 0.120 (~) 42" dia. - - 0.036 Iiinimu:a slopes for house laterals shall be 2.OOa except wiZele permitter', otherwise by the City EncTineer. 7.4 Flows for calculating sewer main c:esign sizes shall be based upon the following: (a) Single gamily residendial, 4 lots or less per ~~cre ------.003 CFS per acre. (b) Single fa,:oily residenti~-.1 , :yore titan ~? let s ~~e~- acre ------.004 CFS per acre. (~~) "~~ulti-fay-:ily reside:~tial - -- .005 C~.~ p~~,,_ acre,. (d) Co:~~erci~l - pro`_essional --- .005 CF'S per acr•~. (c) Elorr.entary schc,o, (~.ei~',_~~ut ~:~;•~::;~siu:: i --- .00-=6 CT~'~ -~~-r o c pu~,i is . ({) Iligh schoo' --- .009 C:'S p c r 100 pupils . (~r) Ilospi.tal --- .OC15 CFS per Lee:~. (h) Light industrial --- .016 CFS per acre. (i) IIea~~y industrial --- .021 CL'S per acre. Deviations from the above minimum design flows may be permitted subject to the appro~~al of the City ;n~~ir.eer if a detailed study analyzing the area being d~-.eloped indicates ultimate flows other than. those i-~dicate~~. 7.5 Design sizes for sewer mair:s shall be based on an "n" ;actor of .013 and as follows: (a) For flows up to 3 cubic feet per second, the pipe diameter shall be based upon 200 per cent of the calculated runoff with a minirlum Wipe diameter ~f 8" . (b) For flows from 3 cubic feet per second to 6 cubic feet per second, the pipe diameter shall he bases: upon 1 ;0 nor cc~r.*_ ~{ the calcul~t~.~d r un~~` f with ~~ minir~.~~m desi~:n for 6 CFS . (c) For flows over 6 CFS, pipe diameters shall be based upon 125 per cent of the calculated runoff with a minimum design for 9 CFS. For large developments or when required, desi_,n calculations shall be subr.~~itt.ed for approval of the City Engineer. 7.6 The following head 1:asses shall be used: (a) ?Match soffits ,~ pipe junctions. (b) :angle points i. r. se~•~er mail 0.10 ' . (e) ~traicrat through manholes 0.00' . 7.7 "~lanhol.es shall be spaced and located as folloc:s: (a) '•~atil:rll'^ Of 35U' On Cei7tCr for ~)" & li~'~ dlam~ tCr ~1a1:1S . (b) "lali:~ur~ of 500' nn center for i2" to ~ ~" diameter :,.ain~, . (c) '•,~:._ ir:~~l~~ of 650' on center for ~l" di:-:~etc•r ~~ .,~.~er .:.: ids. d) ~t al ~_ C117:iCI~-'S O ~ ~~r ad(' . (e) :~~t ~l1 changes of ~-iircctio:~. (`) .-.'~ ,lll changes of pipe size. (g) ~~t junctions of se t:.~e ~:~s . (h) ~'1t termination or see-:er_ ^ains. 7. B The use of curved alicrl:ment sewers wil:1 not be r~ermitted e:ccept in unusual circumstances where appro~~~ed b1' the City Engineer. 7.9 douse laterals will be required for each individual lot or parcel. in :~ development. Connection of two or more lots or parcels to one lateral wil_1 not be permitted. 7.10 Sanitary sewer_ construction details shall conform to Street Improvement Stanc:ards o. 11f3, 119, 120, 121, 112 and 12~. ~ECTIas a. DOMESTIC N11TER SYSTEM 2.1 Water mains shall be installed to provide domestic water service and fire protection to all lots in a tract, all parcels of a parcel map or to any new develoor^ent. 8.2 All water mains shall be sized to provide the following fire flows: FIREFLOW LAND USE DESIGNATION (gpm) 1. Single family detached (1-story) 1000 2. Duplexes, 2-story, single family detached 1500 3. P~lultiple - family - 2-story Apts. & Condos; Light Commercial & Industrial; elementary schools 2000-2500 4. 3-story, multiple family; neighborhood & community commercial; medium industrial; intermediate & high schools. 3000-4000 5. Regional shopping centers and heavy industrial 4500-5000 NOTES: a. F,dd 500 gpm for coa~bustible roof coverings. 2 2 ?-4 3-4 4-6 4-6 b. Fireflow to be available at 20 psi residual pressure in urban areas or 30 psi in hazardous wildlard areas. c. Fireflow can be reduced by 50", for fire sprinkler protection. d. In no case shall any water main be smaller than 5" diameter in residential areas and 8" diameter in commercial and industrial areas. 8.3 Fire hydrants shall be installed on all water mains at approximately 500' intervals in single family residential areas or as required by the Orange County Fire Department or City Engineer and in sufficient number to meet the standards of I.S.O. Fire hydrants shall be installed at approximately 300' intervals in industrial, commercial and certain high density residential areas. Fire protection lines and fire hydrants will be required on-site in said high value areas as required by the Orange County Fire Department and shall be of the size and number required to meet the standards of the I.S.O. 8.4 Each fire hydrant shall have at least one 2 1/2" and one 4" hose connection or hose connections as required by the Orange Co. Fire Department. 8.5 Fire hydrants shall be wet barrel James-Jones or approved equal installed cn a 6" riser. DURATION # OF HYDRANTS (hrs.) FLOWING 2 1 2 1 _ ~, _ 8.6 All hydrants will be connected to the main with 6" abestos cement pipe. Each fire hydrant lead shall have a 6" gate valve installed on the lead near the main. 8.7 All hydrants shall be painted with school bus yellow permo-enamel. 8.8 All water mains shall be ringtite abestos ce;nent pipe of either class 150 or class 200 as required and approved by the City Engineer and shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the Johns-t~ariville installation guide for transite ringtite pressure pipe. 8.9 The minimum cover on all water mains shall be 42" from finished earth grade or finished pavement grade. 8.10 Dead-end lines will not be permitted except in unusual cases where loop connections are not possible. Dead-end lines shall only be shown on improvement plans submitt°d for checking after each specific case has been discussed with the City engineer and tentative approval has been received. ';li The water pressure available to any site within, a development shall not be less than 40 PSI nor more than 125 PSI. 8.12 all vaives, fittings and hydrants shall be thrust bloekec7 with concrF~te to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and in accordance with the latest edition of the Johns-h'anville installation guide for transite ringtite pressure pipe. 8.13 All gate valves shall be A.B.I.P. wit~i operating nuts, Iowa, t'ueller, Rensslear or an approved equal. Each gate valve shall have a Brooks 4-TT valve ox with a Brooks 8" riser or approved equal. 8.14 All valves, hydrants and fittings shall bo cement lined or epoxy lined and be approved by the Water Superintendent prior to delivery on the job. All fittings shall be long pattern. 8.15 The location of each water service house connection shall 5e shown on the improvement plans. 8.16 House connections shall be Orangeburg or approved equal schedule 160 PVC pipe. Single residential connections shall be a minimum of 1" I.P. diameter. Commercial, industrial or multi-family residential connections shall be sized as required or as directed by the City Engineer. 8.17 Each service shall have a one-inch corporation cock, James Jones J-1500, or approved equal, or James Jones J-1531 straight fitting, or approved equal, and an angle meter stop, James Jones J-1524, or approved equal. 8.18 Each connection shall be furnished with, and housed in, a standard concrete meter box, Brooks ~3?, o~~ equal, with a one piece cover 11 1/4" x 18 1!8". 8.19 All domestic water mains located on private property shall he located in a minimum ten (10) foot wide easement dedicated to the City. SECTION 9. SURVEY MCNU~~tENTS 9.1 All street intersections, center lines, beginning of curves, end of curves, tract boundaries and all intersection points, where they fall into a street right of way shall be marked, with an approved type of survey marker manufactured for such purpose, after installation of the required seal coat. 9.2 Such survey markers so installed shall be referenced to leaded and tagged drill holes placed in the curb or sidewalk. Such reference distances or ties shall be turned into the office of the City Engineer. Said ties shall be neatly drafted or. 8 lag x it sheets. -1 1- SECTION 10 CITY OF TUSTIfd STREET Ih1PROVE~^EPdT STA"JDARDS Table of Contents 101 -- Typical Section Arterial Highway i02 -- Typical Section Local Street 1C3 -- Concrete Curb and Curb and Gutter C~ -- Sidewalk Details 105 A -- Standard Residential Cul-de-sac 05 (3 -- Standard Commercial or Industrial Cul-de-sac 1C6 -- Standard Knuckle ~~~;% -- Concrete Cress-Gutter 10`3 ~ -- Criveway Apron & Depressed Curb (residential) lU° B -- Drivevray Apron & Depressed Curb (con~n~:er~ial ) Jc~ C -- Jr•~i veway Apron ° Depressed Curb ~ re~~i dent i :, l ) 1C3 D -- uriveway Apron rti Denr•essed ~~~urb ',c:uru,rerr.ial; 103 L -- Sri ~deway App urn, Radi ~,s Type lil9 -- Standard Alley and Alley Apron 1.0 -- Catch Basin - Inlet Ty~~e OS 111 -- Catch Easin - Inlet Type OL 11? -- Catch Basin - Details acid ~Je~es 11~~ -- Locai Depression 11 ~l -- Dead End R lvi dened Section Si gni rig 115 -- Met~~l Seam Guard Railing 116 -- Guide & Clearance Markers 1 i 7 -- Street ~Ja~'~e Si c;n 113 -- 4r~" Precast Concrete Manhole 119 -- Standard Manhoie Details 120 -- (~anhole Frame and Co~.~er 121 -- Sewer Chimney Pipe 122 -- Standard Cleanout 123 -- Standard Sewer Lateral 124 A -- Wheelchair Ran:p 124 6 -- Wheelchair Ramo 125 A -- Type "D" Curb Cuts for Roof or on-site Drains 125 B -- Type A-2 Curb Cuts for Roof or on-site Drains 126 A -- Sewer Saddle Connection 126 B -- Seaver Cut in Wye Connection R/ w ~ ~--~ I 12 O' 51' 7' 44' R/W 60' 9' 2" o ~ 2 /o ~_ SLOPE- I/4r/FT I TYPE A TYPE A-2 / CURB 8, GUTTER CURB 8~ GUTTER MAJOR HIGHWAY (120' R/w) 4" P. C. C. . SIDEWALK R/W I R/W I{'~ , 100' 50' I ~ 42' 8 7' 35' ~- Z.. , ~~ 2% _ _ LOPE-I/4%F T. ~ 1 I~`- - _ _ ... .. TYPE A TYPE A-2 ~ SIDEWALK CURB !3 GUTTER CURB 8~ GUTTER PRIMARY HIGHWAY (100 R/W) R/W qq ~~ I R/W /(/ 8 0' 40~ ~ 32' 8' I 2.. i ~~ ' ' o SLOPE-I/4/FT. I TYPE A-2 _4~ P. C. C. CURB 9 GUTTER SIDEWALK NOTES: SECONDARY HIGH,WAY(80~R/W) I. SECTIONS ARE TO BE SYMMETRICAL ABOUT 2. THICKNESS OF IMPROVE~AENTS TO 8E DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 3."GILSA6IND"SEALCOAT SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN 48 HRS. OF COPAPLETION OF FINISHED PAVEMENT SURFACE AT THE APPLICATION RATE OF 0.10 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD. 4. THE FINISHED COMPACTED SURFACE OF THE AGGREGATE BASE SHALL HAVE MC-70 PENETRATION PRIME COAT APPLIED PRIOR TO START OF ASPHALT PAVING OPERATIO~iS, AT THE APPLICATION RATE OF 0.15 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD. DATE OF REV/S/ONS IN/T/ALS C/TY Of TUST/N /MPR~VE'MENT STANDARD STD. NO. l2- I6-74 ~ s-13-~s -~ ~~ TYP/CAL SECT/ON ARTER/AL H/GHWAY 0 DATE/t /G -7~ ~ APPROVED: ~~ TY EN6/VEER R/W i R/W W /2 W ~ ~ //2 W PK. P - PK. 2~~ 4~ ~ 4~ 2~ //4%FT. ~~ ~" OD/o LEVEL _ L/NE ~ d~ VFT. e c ':.. .rte, ....,•: ~•: •.•r .!:-~•: :•.:,: t•..a.,-. ,..,• <•:+..•.•.•..:.:::.•:•: ..: ~.-. ..z ..~s •..: ,:.t.~. ~+"' 'i. 4"P. C.C. 4"P.C.C. ~•' •• ~f• S/DEN'ALK TYPE D~ C.8 B. TYPE D" C. 8 G. S/OEWALK 6~CROV/N W P PK LEGEND 66 ~ 40 ~ /3~ W = W/OTH OF STREET /N FEET_ 60 ~ 40 ~ /O ~ P = W/OTH OF PAVEMENT /N FEET 56 ~ 36~ /O ~ PK= W/OTH OF PARKWAY /~J FEET NOTES.' /. TH/CKNESS OF /MPROVEMENTS TO BE DETERM/NEO BY THE C/TY ENG/NEER_ 2. ~~GILSABbVD~~SEALCOAT SHALL BE APrL/FD Y/lTH/N 48 HRS. OF COMPLET/ON OF F/P:~/SHED PAVEI'.1ENT SURFACE AT THE AP,°L/CAT/OlY RATE OF C./0 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD. 3. THE F/N/SHEO COMPACTED SUFACE OF THE AGGREGATE BASE SHALL HAVE MC-70 PENETRATION PR/ME COAT APPLIED PR/OR TO START CF ASPHALT PAV/NG OPERAT/O NS, AT THE APPL/CAT/Oti RATE OF JF O.iS GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD. REV/S/ONS dATE OF ~- 12- 75 /N/TIALS CITY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD ~~, TYP/CAL SECT/ON LOCAL STREET APPROVED _ ~ -~ ~ ..~~C/TY ENG/VEER DATE ,~ ~'l.~ STD_ NO. 0 PVMT W/OTN I I //2 A 8 „C. F. ~ Q -e : f / R _ - r ':~. ~ „4- -d. ~.4.0 ;,e:' .~A~ d' SURFAC/NG ,- e- . a. C.Y. PER L .F. = 0.0638 32 ° L.F. PER C.Y. _ /5.7 TYPE A -2 PVMT W OTH 9 ~~ 5 ~~ -• , CYPERL.F=0.0293 •.: ;: ,a; ,_ • 1 •• -G .;: ',6=', ' L . L.F. PER C.Y. = 34. /3 ~ ~ • •.4 ~ ' ~• ,~ ; .. 8 //2 „ . v2 `R f d-'4~~d''.~. .Q; .,` EX/ST PVMT C.Y. PER L.F. = 0.0/075 L.F. PER C.Y. = 93.0 //2`LON6/TUD/NAL BARS ~ //2`OOWEL, B"LONG, 4'MAX. SPAC/N6 TYPE B-/ TYPE B-3 6 ~~ lL -~-- /2 ~~ /" ~ PVMT W/0TH 2 / ~, 6 ~~ / /1' /B ~~ ~ ~, 2 _ / P. (BELOW ~o Ci ~ / R p• ~ {p 3/B N ..Q: .~:~P• o. ~ R ~ N .~ ~ , d.•o'••°". ' ..d' ~ R SURFAC/iYG `SURFAC/NG ZG% ~~ ~-~-25 % ~~ 2 C. Y. PER L.F. = 0.0430 C. Y. PER L.F. = 0.0498 TYPE A L.F. PER C.Y. =23.26 TYPED L.F. PER C. F. =20./ //4~~EXPANSION /O/NTS SHALL BE PLACED AT 40~/NTERVALS AND AT ENDS OF ALL CURB RETURNS, AND AT TOP OF "X ~ OF ALL DRIVEWAYS. DATE OF REV/S/ONS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD srD. /N/T/AL S NO. 5~~ ~ 3`y~5 ~9~- CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER M O APPROVED ~y~.~~/TY ENG/NEER DATE ,? 1 C.~ URl .ND GUTTER TREEWELLS AT 4 0' 0. C. ( SEE TABLE BE :,~,. •, 4~~ THIC t"• ~ 1:1 ~ 21~ D ~`~~~ .~ ~~ L ` }~ ~' .~ : j . y;. a:( :~I' I •`~~ 1 ~ ~%'- x~:y:°~ ~ lN~i .;I '/4~EXPANSION JOINT TREEWELLS TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH LESS ~ THAN 7 ~ ~ 7 TO 8 MORE THAN 8 L 3' 4' 4' D 3' 31/2' 4' CURB a GUTTER SCORELINE AT 20' ON CENTER TO MATCH EVERY OTHER SIDEWALK SIDEWALK WIDTH QUICKJOINT. TO BE 4A' IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. N0. -`p-7;, TREEWELLS F. PAGE SID EwALK, CURB, AND INTERSECTION DETAILS ~. 0 APPROVED ~a....:GG Y ENGINEER. DATE 9~L9 7Z .. '/4~EXPANSION JOINTS AT 40~ ON CENTER SIDEWALK TO BE FULL WIDTH IN COMMERCIAL ZONES AND ON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS WITH A BLOCK WALL ALONG THE PROPERTY LINE. SIDEWALK TO 8E INSTALLED AT DEVELOPERS OPTION IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES AND TO BE FULL WIDTH. QUICKJOINTS AT EACH TREEWELL QUICKJOINTS AT 10~±ON CENTER 4 ~ THICK P.C.C. /CURB RADIUS 35 TO FACE OF CURB WHEN AT LEAST ONE INTERSECTING. STREET IS AN ARTERIAL HIGHWAY. CURB RADIUS 25~ ON LOCAL STREETS. QUICKJOINTS AT 10 ± '/4' EXPANSION • ON CENTER JOINT AT 40~ ON CENTER. 2" ~. LANDSCAPE STRIP ~~CURB .<3 •GUTTER"` - :~,~ :y~~ ~..=" :y• r, sM:~ ~~`'"4~~ THICK ~PC.C.~ '/4 ~ EXPANSIO JOINT. i• fit: ,;i.. -i."+ ~J ~ ~ `' 3 ~ ~ /CURVE / ~' V Q ~ W ~ c ~ / P/L ZI ,E W ~ i i j_ /~ - - CURB LINE m Q D -.~ J ? ~ ~ M ~N' \ m Q Q ~ \ ~ 0 ~, W Q p CURVE 2 \ CURVE / I v 'K/N THE CASE yYNERE A CUL-DE-SAC BACKS /N TO AN ARTER/AL N/GHWAY AND ORA/NS TOWARD /T, A COVERED ORA/N SHALL BE PROV/DED THROUGH A ORA/NAGS EASEMENT A M/N/MUM OF 2~WlDER THAN THE ORA/N AS SHOW)V ABOVE. PLANS SHALL /NCLUDE ALL /NFOR,MAT/ON PERT/NENT TO THE OP,A/N; EXACT LOCAT/ON, S/ZE, REINFORCEP.fENT, EASEMENT, FLOW L/NE S, CURB-FACE OPEN/NGS, LOCAL DEPRESS/ONS, CAPAC/T/ES, ETC. REVIS/OPJS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. DATE OF IN/T/AL S NO ~~ STANDARD RES/DEIV T/AL CUL-DE-SAC h O APPROVED C/TY ENG/NEER DATE l- 7-~~ ~ CURVE I R CURB PROP. L /~ A B C D d R L T R L T 56 ~ 2B ~ /8 ~ /O ~ 7/.55 ~ 3/ °/3 X56 ~~ /00 ~ 54.5/ ~ 27.95 ~ 90 ~ 49.06 ~ 25. /6 60~ 30~ 20~ /O~ 6B_/5~ 29°35~3/~~ /00~ 5/.65 26.4/ 90~ 46.48 2377 CURVE 2 R CURB PROP. L /~y A B C D d R L R L 56 ~ 28 ~ /8 ~ /O ~ 7/_ 55 ~ 242 °27 X52 ~~ 38 ~ / /60_ B/ ~ 4B ~ 203_ /3 60~ 30~ 20~ /O~ 68./5 239°//~02~~ 38~ /58.63 4B~ 200.38 52 M`N ~ D.GT~ OF REVLS/ONS /N/T/ALS /Z-/6-74 ~ ~- A /00` CURB LINE ~o°l P/L P/L \ VARIABLE 44~ MIN. VARIABLE 6~ MIN. C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD STANDARD COMMERC/AL OR /NODS TR/A L C~~UL~- DE- SA C ROVEL~j~a~L~Z~~'1L;~%~ yTY ENCi/NEER DATE/1 /fir -~f STD. N0. O CURVE DATA Curb radius = 50~ R radius = 50~ - Ps (.i U W m R` / 50~ Min a / ~~ D is _ ~ rt- ~~ 3N o ` I I I Crown line _ _ . o.~ il, Q~ ~~ / R 3 N ~/ ~_ ~ ,q~ \ G / 1 o~:JJ\S.\ ~ ~ ~ ~/ \ Q~ ~ ~ ~ I ` oe\ a CURVE DATA Property Line R3 = WL ~ 10~ ~3 = d~ + 025+Q2L Curb Line R3 = WL + 10~- PL Q3 = ~1 + 025+02L CURVE DATA ' ,v. ~ :~ ~ ,, v• Property Line 'D - o -~ RI = 25~ (Min.) R o Imo/ - 01 = Variable ~ 3 Curb Line ~ ' ~ CURVE DATA Ri = 25'~ PL(Min.) / Curb radius = 50~ - E.C. DI =Variable o _ _ B C Rradius = 50~- Pt_ Center Llne Ri = 25~ ~ 2L - -- ~ w~ DI =Variable w~ I w~ F~ I P~ I R ~ ~ 1. Use normal section from inner curb to center line. 2. From crown line to outer curb, the maximum slope is I" per toot. 3. Subscripts "S" and "L" denote smaller and larger streets t:,pectively. 4. Superelevotion percenfoyes shown ore stralyht from ~ to crown line . 5. Elevotiont are required where circled a. 6. When streets hove tilt- type section, the crown Tine will not necessarily terml~ote on ~ at L point of curb . REV/S/ONS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD DATE OF /NlTIALS STANDARD KNUCKL E APPROVeO ,,,,_ ,~~ _ _C/TY ENG/NEER DATE' Z-f Cj STD. ', NO. O ,~ j4 EXP. ~: /JOINT ~~2 Q - I OPTIONAL, SPANDREL ~ p\T 8""THICK CONCRETE o F Z 1 a ~ ~4EXP. JOIN' LIMITS OF 6~~ AGG. BASE A " ~. a° 4, ~s %4 EXP. JOINT LIMITS OF 6.. FLOWLINE 4 AGG. BASE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH'/4 EXP.JOINT 8~ CURB RADIUS+GUTTER 4"4 SMOOTH BARS WIDTH OF INTERSECTI 4' LONG-24"O.C. STREET 3""FROM BOTTOM A PLAN 4-"4 SMOOTH BARS 4~ LONG 24"O.C.- - I SECTION A-A NOTES DIRECTION OF FLOW (TYPICAU .• .•.a ~ ~ RAD. VAR. 25~MIN. GUTTER WIDTH /2~ OF INTERSECT. -STREET , .•~ I ~ , /Qv•- '~. ~~..-:- SLOPE AWAY .. _... _~ _~..~.a HIGH POINT RIDGE LINE CURB RADIUS+GUTTER WIDTH of INTERSECTIr STREET 4"MIN. CURB FACE ~' = ~. o~ _ . . Q .. EXP. JOINT CONSTRUCTION PLAN VIEW I. ON ENLARGED INTERSECTION DETAIL CALL OUT TOP OF CURB AND FLOWLINE ELEVATIONS AT POINTS A,B,C,H AND J. ~~ 2. CALL OUT FLOWLINE ELEVATIONS AT POINTS D,E,F AND G. 3. CALL OUT TOP OF CURB AND TOP OF RIDGE LINE ELEVATION AT POINT I. 4. FLOWLINE TO BE STRAIGHT BETWEEN A AND J. (PLAN VIEW1 5. TOP OF CURB TO BE ON STRAIGHT GRADE BETWEEN POINTS A AND C AND H AND J. 6. MINIMUM CURB RETURN,SPANOREL 8 CROSS GUTTER FLOWLINE GRADES TO BE 0.40 %. CONSTRUCTION =~"`y 7. STAKES TO BE SET TO FLOWLINE GRADE AT POINTS A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H AND J. 8. STAKE TO BE SET TO RIDGE LINE GRADE AT POINT I. ^. STAKES TO BE REMOVED JUST PRIOR TO FINAL CEMENT FINISHING. DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD s7o. Na CONCRETE CROSS-GUTTER ti APPROVED -ate ~~-L~...:EITY ENGINEER DATE //S~j3 ~ N A ~ I/4~ EXPANSION JOINT ~R/W LINE Y 4 THICK w ~"'''% ;::~~.:. ; . ~~~r:_.. ~.,:•, ~ - ° 3 P >- Q ~r~;~` C C .._ '=~~ 4 THICK P.C.C. =: ~ . . . a ~ a. „ °: ~~-_~` 6 THICK MONOLITHIC ~;`~;~ :: a =3 ~ ~ ~~ ~~_=- PCC ~}'` -~-. QUICKJOINT ~- ~ o f- '~~'' ;-~ `:`'` CURB FACE 0 t-- : : ;ti~r CURB 8 GUTTER .; .~;,;. ~. ;-;.. ~~t': : t. ' , - :7! y'fi. ,.r.. :a•~~, v _•~~ :i~nr•'.~. M` .M1}. ~1::- •'~7~:, fir. :fu(~~; !S:~T.~ / -.rai ...~,~ 2.0'MIN. TO Q, '~X~~ ~~W'=10' MIN.-20' MAX. "X~~ 22~ MIN. TO TOP „X„ OF DRIVE ON NOTE. SAWCUT EXISTING CURB 81 "X~~= 2.0~ FOR 6"CURB FACE SAME PROPERTY GUTTER AND REPLACE WITH ~~X~- 3.0~ FOR 8" CURB FACE NEW DEPRESSED CURB 8 \ GUTTER WHEN INSTALLING PLAN COLD JOINT NEW DRIVEWAYS WHERE CURB IS EXISTING. „ „ „ „ „ „ SIDEWALK X W X TOP OF CURB E OF CURB CURB~FACE=°` - '~''.. ~,y ~ ~~. .::•:,;:~~. f;~~~+- 3 ..7~ r • r~',:5••~ I~~LIP A~ ELEVATION TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH 15~ 13' 12~ 10' R/ 2„ STREET TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH ~-^ ~w t;~ 6% 7% 8% 10% a ~. v w 8 7.5% 9 ~° 109'° 139° WIDTH 6 ~ VARIABLE 4.0 ~ TABLE OF ~° :~':~•b'~-~~Pr~~" RAMP SLOPES ;:~.~•-,~;:,.9!•.: ~;~ ` ~/4' PER FT. OR 2.00% RAMP SLOPE VARIABLE- SEE TABLE AT RIGHT NOTE: COLD JOINT CURB ~ GUTTER TO BE SEPARATE /~ SECTION A-A POUR FROM DRIVE APRON. DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD sTD. No. s-zs-~~ AD°FDOSKKJsIn, DRIVEWAY APRON & DEPRESSED CURB 7-27-78 Acv co~.v,w~Nr ~ , RESIDENTIAL TYPE PARKWAYS HAVING 10~ OR MORE Q TOTAL PAR WAY WIDTH ~ ~ ~ APPROVED O TY ENGINEER DATE 9 /3 7Z 0 ~' A~ I/4 EXPANSION JOINT ~ R/W LINE -. , ~. 3i~~: J 4,, ' „ ~'a°c ? 3 ~~ J w THICK 6~~THICK P.GC. P C CCK Q alv ~ o P.C.C. J;S ~ N QUICK JOINT Rio m ~ ~ CURB FACE ~j~ °:~;:..> ~~ ~ _ •;; _ ~ ' '" CURB Q GUTTER 1 _ ~ ".f . I.OMIN.T011' ~~X~~ ~~W=35~MAXIMUM ~~X~~ 20~MIN.T TOP ~~ NOTE. SAWCUT EXISTING CURB r~ CSC =3.0 FOR 6 CURB FACE ~X~~ OF DRIVE ON SAME PROPERTY GUTTER AND REPLACE WITH "X_4.0' FOR 8~~CURB FACE NEW DEPRESSED CURB d GUTTER WHEN INSTALLING P L A N \ COLD JOINT NEW DRIVEWAYS WHERE CURB IS EXISTING. "X~~ "yy" "X" SIDEWALK - TOP OF CURB IL OF CURB : - _ _ : ~ I~~LIP A~ NOTE: CURB a GUTTER TO BE SEPARATE POUR FPOM DRIVE APRON ELEVATION . R/W ~2'~ STREET TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH i WIDTH „ ~ TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH VARIABLE 6 13~ 10~ 9~ 8~ : !~~ m~ w: ,;T o;~e.~" .D';:a I/4 PER FT. OR 2.00% U w 8 7 % ' ° ° -. -iDr.. ~ _. RAMP SLOPE VARIABLE- ~/Il p ~ C O C SEE TABLE AT RIGHT /yp G r COLD JOINT RAMP SLOPES SECTION A-A DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD STD. N0 ~-z~-78 ADf~DCOIDJOINT a DRIVE WAY APRON & DEPRESSED CURB . COMMERCIAL TYPE PARKWAYS HAVING 8~ OR MORE m TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH CO ~ APPROVED CITY ENGINEER DATE g /3 7Z U ' N A I/4 EXPANSION JOINT ~ R/W LINE __ __ ~~ f _ ~ ~L / .. -. t_ •~-f IY` O 3Y `C'i tiC.• ~i"Z,~•~~~ _ .'Y'1, .. ~ '~ : 3 „ ~ : ,... ~t;.,~. ,~ Y Z ; ;.:,:f' : -~.; 4 THICK ~ m u~ THICK _ ~ . •~ P C C ~ a ~ o P.C.C. ~' ~,... ~ '~' ~ 6' THICK P C C . . . . ,< - ~_ ~~.,_,.:~ . . . `:. `~: ~ ~ ~ o ~;•'- ~~:-.; LANDSCAPE ,•- ;, ~''~ "' ~ ' ~ T; CURB FACE ~ a 3 ~ > .. ~;-.j'-~. STRIP ' ~`~''y{~ ~`~;:~ CURB 8 GUTTER _~1,:'•. }.~.a -:.;~`.~ ;•ri~! .~'1~7':__;". ys;. • :'.. )'•ri...; ':•:'•.:.~• ~.Ypb~- /iii i,.y t` ~J. -•~ar ` •' + `~Y= dt , i' .ri1C :'l ::J ..t lb` F t: ~'. `ii::~.• ~+~ ): 2.O~M1 .TO "X~~ "W"=IO~MIN.-20'MAX. "X~~ 22'MIN. TO TOP NOTE: sawcur EXISTING CURB a ~~X~~ OF DRIVE ON ~.X~_ 2.0 FOR 6~~CURB FACE SAME PROPERTY GUTTER AND REPLACE WITH "X~= 3.0~ FOR 8~~ CURB FACE NEW DEPRESSED CURB & GUTTER WHEN INSTALLING COLD JOINT NEW DRIVEWAYS WHERE CURB IS EXISTING. "X" „y~,. ~~ X~~ SIDEWALK TOP OF CURB ~ OF CURB I~~ LIP I NOTE: ~ .r-~ A CURB ~ GUTTER TO BE SEPARATE POUR FROM DRIVE APRON. ELEVATION TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH ~ 9~ 8' 7~ R/W 2" ~ w 6~~ 7% 8~° 9~/Z% STREET TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH ' a " g 10 /° " ~ ~` I I % 13% WIDTH 6 ~ VARIABLE 2.0 o lo' ' TABLE OF ~~•~-~ ~~~`~p-.~~. RAMP SLOPES ~ ,~;:~; 0.10 :5. ~\ pe:-g;,. ;:'~+'':4•'.`~'~'~" '/~~ PER FT. OR 2A0% ~ °~"'' FOR TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTHS RAMP SLOPE VARIABLE- LESS THAN 7~ USE STD.NO. SEE TABLE AT RIGHT 108 D FOR RESIDENTIAL. COLD JOINT SECTION A-A DATE OF REVISION INIT Ls CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD sTO. Z'-~s A°°E°`°`°''°' DRIVEWAY APR ON a DEPRESSED CURB No. KK E L HAYS HAVING LESS THAN 0 T TALI P KWA WID ~ O 1 ' AR Y T O APPROVED ,~,p~CITY ENGINEER DATE 9 /,~~jZ, U ' ~' A ~ I/4~ EXPANSION JOINT __ -_ ~ R/W LINE _ G` .`4. ~c ~r :y;~Z~.:. S^~: ~J• :1\. `~ r .~~iw; ;i=.:t ~.a:t: :C:.! ..-.t :,j ` • • , ..y !17 L ~'.:1ti 1.x:1 ~~.'~ M1••• .'.: ..," • ~ • • . 3 I .~ ~ ? ~ 3 THICK 6'~ THICK ' P C C P C CCK a U a P.C.C. . - . 3 tq QUICK JOINT _ ~ ~.. o o , . ~ .,-:: : .;•:: CURB FACE 0 3 ~:;.r .,.;~•: <): .r'••:;: ..ti- ~:.~ ~?:'G••<~• ;;;;.-'=:•... , ., ,•;, . URB 13 GUTTER ' ). ~ '' /: St I' '. .: ;'•v;p .•`^, 1~1°v ' • i '•' . d . ~? w ra. :'Ii ~:: ~' f~ ~. •..:: I.0 MIN. TO le rrX11 ~~W~~= 35~ MAX.-COMMERCIAL '~X~~ 20~ MIN. TO TOP W = 10'MIN. 20'MAX.- RESIDENTIAL '~(~~ OF DRIVE ON NOTE: SAWCUT EXISTING cuRB & X ' 3.0~ FOR 6~~ CURB FACE SAME PROPERTY GUTTER AND REPLACE WITH „ , X =4.0 FOR 8 CURB FACE NEW DEPRESSED CURB ~ GUTTER WHEN INSTALLING COLD JOINT NEW DRNEWAYS WHERE CURB IS EXISTING. "X' "W' "X" SIDEWALK TOP OF CURB FLOF CURB \ : •FACE ' .,. CUR ?~~=••; ,,r :. .:•,. •:~:::;~r.~;=~:L_'~: ;ri~~t,.~. :;~;t \ I~~LIP- AT NOTE: CURB a GUTTER TO BE SEPARATE ELEVATION POUR FROM DRIVE APRON . R/W 2" STREET TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH WIDTH ~ TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH VARIABLE 0.10 IN ALA CASE S EXCEPT ~ ~ ~ 0.15 FOR 5 TOTAL PARKWAY 7 6 5 WIDTH WITH 8 ` ,.•.,,:.4y='~ CURB FACE d1~ryr,...b~•• . „ m W 6 7% 89~. 9%Z% _~ ~ •.;.~:j~ ._pc bpj ~•~~•'~ ~~• /.~ PER FT. OR 2.0096 U ~ 8 9 /L% ((°~6 12 ~ RAMP SLOPE VARIABLE- SEE TABLE AT RIGHT TABLE 0 F COLD JOINT RAMP S LOPES SECTION A-A GATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. N0. ~-~~-'~ ~~`°'~"~ ~ ° DRIVEWAY APRON a DEPRESSED CURB COMMERCIAL TYPE PARK HAVING WAY E ~ ~ L S SS THAN 8 TOTAL PARKWAY WIDTH f~0 O APPROVEDQ CITY ENGINEER DATE ~ /3 jZ l/ A 13/4~~ DEEP OUICKJOINT WHEELIHAIR RAMP PER ~ LOCATED A7 ~ OF APRON STANDARD 124B(TYPICAL 1 BOTH SIDES) TO BE ~~W~= 20• MINIMUM. MAXIMUM~~W~~ 4'~ THICK PCC SIDEWALK SEPARATE POUR FRGM IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF TO BE SEPARATE POUR 'RON• THE CITY ENGINEER FP.OM APRON (TYPICAL j BOTH SIDES). R/W DEDICATION ,. ___ _ REQUIRED I/4 EXF ~ o I/4~~EXP. JOINT I y 7~~ THICK PCC ~ I JOINT ~• _ - • . 4~THICK • . -• . RiW LINE PCC TYPE A-2 ~~ CaG ~~ I~O~MIN.TO PLAN 20~MIN•TOPOF PROPERTY LINE ~~X~~OF DRIVE ON SAME PROPERTY .. R,. .. W.. .. R.. SIDEWALK 20 MIN. 24• MIN. 20~ MIN. TOP OF CURB FACE MAY VARY CURB ON ONSITE GRADESNDING FLOWLINE OF GUTTER 24~~ SLOPE: 2% MIN. I 8 % MAX.- I ., .,, 6~ .'o ~ \~'~~ ~~v: /,~\ ~I •. .• • ~. ~ • I~~ LIP A ELEVATION FLOWLINE OF ~ CURB a GUTTER VARIABLE NOTES SEE ELEVATION VIEW cn GUTTER WITH SAME AGGREGATE CONFIGURATION AS TYPE BASE A- 2 C 8a G PER STD. N0. l03 • SECTION A-A I. THIS STANDARD TO BE USED ONLY UPON SPECIFIC APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND IS INTENDED ONLY FOR USE UPON ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS AT MAJOR ENTRANCES TO LARGE COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL CENTERS. 2. AGGREGATE BASE UNDER APRON SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95 OF MAX.DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE.NATIVE SOIL SUBGRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 90% OF MAX.OENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE. 3. IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES IF NO SIDEWALK IS INSTALLED, ELIMINATE WHEELCHAIR RAMP. 4. DEVELOPER OR PROPERTY OWNER SHALL DEDICATE REQUIRED R/W PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR THE WORK. PREPARATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND DOCUMENTS SHALL BE AT DEVELOPER OR PROPERTY OWNERS EXPENSE. DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD sTD, N0. RADIUS TYPE DRIVEWAY APRON w FOR MAJOR COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL CENTERS ONLY to - APPROVED: a~~~ ~ NGINEER DATES/ZG~77 ~ m Q a ` v :~\~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ m T ' a w o - ~ ~ i C9 ~ ~ v U o Z _ ,~ I. ~ N~ ~, O f~ O O I ~ ~ _ U ~ o ~' H o n U • F- d' '- ~ N, ~° z O Y U J ~D IA Y U J d ~ - I ~ U U a ; I ~ U Q • W a: a 3 ~ ~ cn -+~ 'd ~ w p n ~ _o N d N ~ U 8 ~~ Q N N 1 W ~ vf-w ~ Q ~ ~ c9 w b i-- . ~ wpz ~ ' W ac c~ O W Z U Q U ~ J z o ' 4. d J tf 8 9 - < r~ U o w ~ I ~ ~ z ~, w w ~ ~ U ~ U ~ N m d 'J h~~ U ~ I ~ d U Z Q ~ Qa ON U m r a O i _ (~ 2 O ~ Q a w ~ ~ - io • .o _ O w ~ Q ~ ,, O I ~ ~ a W _ - v - 2 ~ O Q N 0. m N N Q ~ 0 ~ ~ n = x (U J Y U J • • W N p 2 O U a a W U a W , - t > H a i U 0 d~ w 0 ~d N ° t`- I i W N r~ w - 6 9.-- ~ I ~ d U \~ Z O • • U O n W N of ~ a' ~ ~ v ~ , a wm ~~ __ a~ ,D W U jM~ ~ ~ F... rn -rf I"~ ~ -.y • b REV/S/ONS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sT° DATE OF /N/T/AL S NO. /z . z o _ G.S~ ~- STANDARD ALLEY AND ALLEY APRON o~ O APPROVED , /TY ENG/NEER DATE Z~7 C~ Frome ~ Ccver To Be Alhumbro Foundry A-1531 (Galvonized With Locking Set Screws) Or Approved Equol. 6~ 3-~3 Bars _;r •~'~'~ I-10 -s-~ _ See Std. Plan No. 112 Steps- See Std. ~" I.I For Curb Opening Plon No. 112 `~- Detoils. G t H T 8- O" ., Or Less 6 8~-I~ To .. 20~-0" 8 rou (~ 12:3 •'` I:I _*4 Bors ~ 12~~ O.C. Both ,~ i Ways In Wolls 8 Top. ~~ I T ~-E-- 3~ - 0" --~ T ~-~- SECTION E- E '•~4 Bars Scoring Line Curb { NOTES I. OS ~ Curb Opening Smoll. 2. For Detoils a Notes, see Std. Plon 112 3. For Locol Depressions, sae Std. Plan 113 Curb Opening Sholl Conform To Curb Alignment. 4~ R On Openings(Typ.) _~ M L t- ~3 Bars ~ 6~~ ~ - O.C. Both Ways In Top (Typ) P L A N o.trE of RcV/S/ONS /,y~r/ats CITY Of TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD SiD- NO. 8.23-74 4-Zo-~~ ~.~~ CATCH BAS/N -INLET TYPE OS O APPROVED~~~ f~ TY ENG/VEER DATE /O /-7¢ ~ ~~ ~4 Bors~~-~ I / \ I { Frame And Cover To Be ( 6 '.••j ~~~ ~~\ { %~Alhombro Foundry A-1531 I > \ ~~ I (Galvanized With Lockino Set Screws ~ ~ ,; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 Or Approved Equal I _ ~ ~''. I \ / I I I ~ r ,. I I 1 Scoring Line 1 A ~~ -' '!.; ~J I I ) 1 ~' ~ -. ;\~~ I 1 ~ Curb ~^a`•.S''''.'~~^•"•.=~a; .~-sue:a a•ia ~~s was .a-~ f t n ---11 s I•..~- 3 - o" 6 4~~R. Z, Outlet D Protection Bar(See Note 5 Std. Plan#112) SECTION D- D (Typ) Curb Support B PLAN (See Curb Support Details And See Std. Plan No ll2 Note 6 Std. Plan#112) " ~"t„~ For Curb Opening Details i LL l-.-I~ 10-.-~ :~~ 2-O~ :~: :!. 3~- 6" Varies' ~ Inlet Fi ..t.. ~ ~ (T p.) _ - ......n.,•~•.. ~ ~ "~ ~ ~: 6" Grout I Inlet ~ Min. Slope 10%{Typ.) ~ ...~ _,. I ': Note: .- .•_; ....._. ~ ~ .rte ~2 ~, •• Standard Opening Lengths"L" Are _. ~ ~ ~. 6" ' "- ~ ` (Other Lengths Moy Be Used) -_~ # ~-- 3 - O ~--•-~ Grout ALT. SECTION A-A l SECTION B-B 2~~ Clear(Typ.) ~3 Bars ~ 6" ,: O.C. Both Woys ~ ~: In Top (Typ.) Inlet -• - ~~ :~ H ~'' #4 Bors ®12~ O.C. Both Woys ;n Walls ~_ O~t Sides 8~ Floors(Typ.) ALT. SECTION A-A~2 C ~ # ALT. SECTION A-A 3 2 _ 0.. ~.~{~~ 1 ~•'•' ~L. Steps- Sea S Plan No.ll2 See Std. Plan No.ll2 For Curb Opening ~ =-~ -1. Details .:,~, ~ Gro`t '• -t"(Typ.) . Inlet / \ ~ ~ p'', . 1 .11 ~-'~- 3 - O --~ SECTION C-C NOTES I. OL ~ Curb Opening, Large 2. For petoils 8 Notes, see Std. Plan *112 For Local Depressions, see Std. 1 Plon#113 Curb Opening shall conform Outlet to curb olignmenf 3. Alt. Sect. A-A•I ~2,or#3 may De uaed dependant on olignmenf 8i depth of Storm Drain pipe. "H" "t" 8' or less 6" 8=1" to 20' 8" AEV/s/oNS C/T Y OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD srcz DATE OF /N/T/ALS N0. S-Z/-7¢ CATCH BAS/N- /NLET TYPE OL APPROVED o~ /TY ENG/NEER DATE io /-7¢ ~ 3-#3 Bors 6~~ Protection Bor to be _ Alhambro Foundry#A-1565 (Galvanized) Or Approved Equal. ~~ 1/2 Radius STEP DETAIL Step to be Alhambro Foundry #A-3340 (Galvanized) Or Approved Equal Protection Bor Support Bolts to be Alhambro Foundry ~A-1574 (Galvanized) Or Approved Equal. !~--- I:1 Slope :~~ ;. . . ,r ~+% f ..~ TYPE A-2 or D CURB Curb Protection Bor to De Alhambro Foundry ~A-3911 __ (Galvanized) Or Approved Equal. FACE PLATE DETAIL GENERAL NOTES I . For "t'" wol! thickness see Table on Inlet Plon No. 110 or Ilt. 2. Height of curb opening. will vary with the type of curb and fhe depth of the local depression.(See Local ~eoression, Std. plan 113) 3. Reinforcing steel shall be ~4 bars o~ 12 f O.C. both ways ploced I %2 clear to inside of box unless otherwise shown. 4. Steps- None required where'"H" Is 3'-6" or less. Install one step 16"above floor when"H"'is more than 3=6" and less 5~-0'. Where "H" Is more than 5'- 0', steps shol I be evenly spaced ~ 16" intervals from 16" above floor to within 12" of the top of the box. Place steps in wall without plpe opening. 5. When curb openings are 7"~ high or more, place a 3/q~dia. protection bar horizontally across the entire length of the openlnq and bend bock 4" into the inlet wall on each side. 6. Curb openings longer than 5~ shall hove one protection bar support bolt each 5' increment or fraction thereof, evenly spaced. 7. Pipe(s) con be ploced in any wall. 8. Curb section shall match adjacent curb. 9. Except for inlets used os junction boxes, basin floors shall hove a minimum slope of 12:3 from all directions toward cutlet pipe and shall hove a wood trowel finish. 10. Galvanizing: All exposed metal shall be galvanized of ter fabrication. DATE OF REV/S/ONS /N/T/ALS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD STD. NO. 8-23-7¢ ro-26-77 -T~~ CATCH BAS/N DETA/GS ~ NOTES cV APPROVED ~ /~ ~/ TY ENGINEER DATE /O /-7¢ \ 3~ °L~~ 3~ ~ CURB PROTECT/ON B' R (SEE STD. PLAN # /l2) STD CURB BGUTTER -• -.a;: -:a.,, ._ ~,:•.;: a .::: c__.~'.%a ;~ -~-:.>:~^ ~:::. SECT/ON A-A STD. CURB 8 GUTTER A aD --, A _~ ,, . , ~ ~. ,~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~- .3, „L„ 3, PLAN 4~ TOP OF CURB PVMT NORMAL ,:~=2i:a~:a: GUTTEF " -----------~__ _ -;J i ~, _•~~ -ter--- -- ~ ---------~~~-'= ',a'- -,a':~~:a NOTES: ~~/ "-'Q' ~ /. LOCAL DEPRESS/ON SHALL BE CLASS ~B~~P.C.C. ~~~~) 2 ~~L~~= LENGTH OF OPEN/NG SHOWN ON THE PLAN. SECT/ON B-B REV/S/ONS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. DATE OF IN/TIAL NO. /o -Z9- 74 • ~ ~ LOCAL DEPRESS/ON try ~'" APPROVED „~ L TY ENG/NEER DATE Z 7 G~ ` Galy. Metal Chann !) -Post ~ ~~ (High Carbon) W21R o I~ _9~~ 0 0 6" o 0 0 -0 0 0 .-~ I I 0 0 - o-- 0 0 - ---~- - E.P. ~ _~ ~ ~~ I Clearance Marker Type L, 5' spacing ~~. ~y STANDA~ REFLECTOR No W21R Located oehind Borricade as shown in sketch below. ~I'-9" _ o 0 i o 0 _ I ~ -i- - -, - ~ j -m / Unit centered ,o behind Borricade 0 60 Length shall bs in multiples - of 12' - 6" + I' - 9" each _ ~ end . See std. plan +~41 r TREATMENT FOR WIDENING SECTION R/W J -IQ N ` I' o c_ a E ~ ~- v J N E - I ;~ o ~, O DA rc OF /ONS TREATMENT FOR DEAD END C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro_ /N/ T/ALS NO. ~,~e DEAD END ~ W/DENED SECT/ON S/GN/NG ~, APPROVED C/TY ENG/NEER DATE \ ,._ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ Z-7-G~ E POJT BOLT SLOT I o' o o~ ~ o ___- 0 1 O 1 . -_ _ _ _ _ _- _ , 1 Wiz. _ _ ~ i _- i I o lAP IN DIRECTION - I OF TRAFFIC TERMMMI SECTION INSTALLATION LAPPED ON TRAFFIC fACE I t ~ 1 ~ -- I 1 ~ 1 1 I L_~ SAYE AS SECTION-' TNRU RAIL EIEYEN TERMINAL SECTION I O °~ '~~ ~' I 3 y4 o~ i 12 k '~ SECTION THROUGH RAIL ELEMENT r Opt Eyt 4~-~ ...nnn oner ~DM.10 CUT STE WASHER NOTE • YANUiACTU RIIN~ TOLERANCE S SL DIA.BOLT~~ 6 ~. 27 ~ _ Sl_OT 2i; t I 12 Le 0 ~_ :nP n I 2 ., .y, I L~P a~ _ _- -- - - -_- N _ -_ _ I _.~ - _$- I% I%a ~~ i< ~ ~o ~- ., , OVAL SHOO BUT70N HEAD SPLICE BOLT a NUT POST 80LT: SIMILAR EXCEPT LENBTH 2 iz 2~ 4 %~ SET RAIL POST IN B~pA. ~ HOLE • itlL MItTH SLABS 0 CONCRET[ MAIL 2} AGG. ~. z%2 SLOT 6OLS.RAIL POST ^ A_S ~ ~2 ~S1` I,~ SIOTTEO BOLES ARRANGEMENT AT POSTS RAIL SPLICE REV/s/o/vs C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. DATE OF /N/T/ALS NO. ~•z-.~o -G ~~~ METAL BEAM GUARD RA /L /NG ~ '~ APPROVED ~~ C/TY ENG/NEER DATE Z ~ ~~ ~ SYYYETRICAL ABOUT t I ^~ B ISM R - i NEUTR L AXIS ~ :~ ~ / n 1.'S R _~N N ~ ~„ 1 I~+ I ' L ~ ~ • • = N ~ ~ m 3" Cleor Reflector ~ O o 3" Yellow Reflectors 0 _ ,~.~ _ ~ 0 ~ O N ~ -\ I ~ ~- o o Target Plate - 0 ' ~ ~ v p Galy, Metal Channel ~ _ Post ~ o ~~ iv 111 1~1 ~_',~! ly GUIDE MARKER TYPE D Reflector Frome Top of Curb DATE OF /.Z ~.Z~ -e~. 16~~ -~ 3" Yellow Reflectors Holes 1 I ~ ~ 4"x 4" S4S Timber Pos~ Povement Bolts MARKER L 3~~ Yellow Reflec Holes ~o 1 Q:+i ~ _ ~ ~- ,,, ; ,1 ~ ~ io 12 d Noils I 1 iii j~; °- 1 I -i ~ X11 X11 ~ 1 1 1~ - r-j- - -1 -1 ~ ~1 ~1~ i t• • ~ ~ I~~ x 4" x 5" Timber ~ ill Ijl ~ _r__~_i is Anchor Blocks ' I 1 i~ „i TIMBER METAL HORIZONTAL REFLECTOR UNIT W61R ~EV/slo/vs C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD IN/T/ALS QrC~ O GU/DE ~ CLEARANCE MARKERS APPROVED~~~~ ~ ~~~,~/TY ENG/NEER I DATE Z~7~G~ O Jl.~ rt'i~11) N I~1 11 ~ III ~I C LEAR ANC E TYPE STD. NO. co A B u oggle to prevent - ototion or cost fn ~ one Diece. „ A=%2~x IS~~codmium or zinc plated corrioge ~It, 0.0002 in. min B=Ornamental top and center cross saddle of anodized aluminum ~y 5052H32, .075 inch es thick or cast anodized aluminum costlnq alloy A 35676. B NOTE: Exact location of street signs to be located on Tract improvement Plans, or Road Dept. Street Improvement Plops. Posts to be placed I8'~ back of curb face unless otherwise specified. DESIGN- Each tour-way unit ill concist of two double tote signs with street name, r. nted of right angles with tenter rod assembly. Each sign shall tx mode from one piece alumi- num extrusion. BRACKET ASSEMBLY- The post cop, ornament and center rod assembly shall be madt fo mount on 2%21.0. golvanized pipe. The center rod shall be a v2' cadmium or zinc, plated corrioge bolt, 0.0002 inch min. Head of Dolt shall form top of ornament. Bolt shall extend through signs and tosten with nut inside of post cap. Post cop shall be cost anodized aluminum, deeply ~ grooved to securely hold sign from twisting, and shall be secured to the pipe with 3-~8' Allen head set screws. Saddles shall be anodized aluminum alloy 5052H32, 0.075 inches thick. SIZE- Length of sign may be 24'or 30~~ Maximum width 6~, depth 3/4" and thickness 0.090 in. , MATERIAL- Siyyn shall be anodized aluminum extrusion of 6063T-4 ol(oy material with overage coating thickness of 0.0008 inches and green tinishtomotch lettering background. t C= Cost anodized aluminum cast- - C inq alloy,A356T6 post -cop- 2" or 2 ~/2 with 3-3/8" I ~ stainless steel set screws. ~/ , ~-- 21/2 I.D. golvanized pipe 10~ long. ~I Install so that 2'- 6~~ is embedded in concrete in the ground, minimum diameter of excavated hole 8",. and 7~-6~~ remains above ground. Aluminum alloy for all components shall conform to stonJard tolerances os published by the Aluminum Association. FINISH- Sign faces shall be of Scotchlite reflective sheeting. The transparent screen process color shall be as recom- mended by the reflective sheeting monutocfurer. Applica- tion of the reflective sheeting to the sign shall be by methods os approved by the reflective sheeting manufacturer. LETTERING- Street Homes shall be 4~high. Egch Home shall be individu- ally laid out to fit either the 24 or 30 space. The letters shall be of the rounded type style conforming with the standard alphabet for highway signs designed by the U. S_ Public Roads Administration. Place 3~~ mound 3~~ in parkways. u. ~.:.i ~,~~ 2._6. L' ~-~- 8 fill, except 'S/8 hole 0.090 inches thick :~~ ~ ~ _L _ __ r ~_~ - -- -- -------- 24"or30' -- --- - ------ J l~ a: w -ip _ H v f- J SILVER LETTERS GREEN BACKGROUND Center rib optional. R v /oNS DATE OF /N/T/ALS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD s ro. NO. /z-2o - ~.~ _ . //- 2/ - 69 J ~ o STREET NAME S/GN ~ _ ~~p APPROVED ~~,^ ~ ~.l_-:!QTY ENG/NEER DATE ~/ ~/~ (~ ~ -•1 s ~ - z ~' o ~~ r--+1 .. ~~~ ;• " 'hti o _' , ~ `R r~ „ •.L \ ~~ ~ •~ ~? ~ y ''- ,. ~, .., ~, 48"x 24~~ ECCENTRIC CONE •O b L s~ • N L~ ~ ~ r i'.. ~ 3 24"x 21i~GRADE RING a. r• ••,r.• ~ .C`~ ,~ •.-Y 2~-DID. • h r.;r '~ t~i M,J .~ ~ - -..- ~.. i; .~ `- •.i 24" x 6" GRADE RING 48"x30" MANHOLE PIPE T ~• ~~'=_M~' :~~ {" -M ~ ... ~ ~ ~ r ~ : ' N TYPICAL SECTION • ~ •r ~ • `:. ,,: ~ ~ L» ~ 48"I.D.Eccentric Cone r"::, •~"-»~, ;; .N ~ J' 48"xl5° MA HOLE PIPE 24~~x8" GRADE RING ~. ~- ~ 1 "'-` .~ ~- NOTES: ~~ •'i -~ FOR PAANHOLE BASE SEE STANDARD PLAN NO. //9. ~~-D1~' ' FOR MANHOLE FRAME B COVER SEE STANDARD PLAN NO. /20. ~j FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE STANDARD PLAN NO. //9. JOINT DETAIL "C" i OArE of REV/S/ONS /N/r/QLS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD No /Z-Za-GSA 48"PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE ~ AP~°ROVEO ,__ O D~_ ~~~ C/TY EN6/NEER OATS Z-' `~ T ne crown elevotion of oll Wnen broken end of pipe is withir •nhofe, o;pes sholl be the same D breaie back flush with inside of .Whole cs tn~ crown elevotion of wall and plaster broken edges smooth, the largest pipe unless • ~ •• a ~• ~, 'e'.. , wnen unbroken end of pipe is ;n man-• orherwise indicoted• e • • '+• •• hole, leave scare end and fill fillets ai ~:: ~• • • • e•••, upper section to drain. ., . •... .:. ~: - •:~~: 2- 12'~ Long VC.P. joints at .•r ~ a •••o inlets and outlet ~. o •e•_ ~- "% -~ O e . •. '~'•• a '~~ R=2xDia. Monhde shaft ~• I moo, ~ ~ ••.• opening to be ploCed ~•. (. \ c Q °••' • on downsire0m side '-i_°•, o q ~ °• .: • -. of ma STANDARD 48~~ MANHOLE AND DROP MANHOLE CONNECTION NOTES Drop manhole required when directed by City Engineer REVIS/ONS Cl T Y OF TUS T/N /MPRO VEMEN T STANDARD oQ rE of ~N/ riQls ~? ~ ¢ G~ %~~ STANDARD MANHOLE DETA/L S »-$-~$ ~~ APPROVED~P~~,o~~~L_TY ENG/NEER DATE.'//-8-78 i-OUt L ro, NO. o~ Base poured against undisturbed soil 33 M 74 ~ T/8- :~ 1\ ~N ~1_,~," Monhol• ira~n• ^ 226 Ibs. Manhole cover^2241bs. Allowobl~voriation=Sy. ~ ' NOTE: 'I MANHOLE FRAME & COVER A ~- SHALL BE ALHAMBRA FOUNDRY CO. NO.A-1270 OR APPROVED EQUAL. LETTERING ^'V DOVER SHALL SAY' SEWER" . JR SANITARY SEWERS AND ~~DRAIN~~ FOR STORM DRAIN. 2'_3 3/q" 7/ ~, 2~-13/q~~ 8 - .~ 2' 2 j2.. 2 ~ 9 j2" -- SECTION A-A 6 •• -A PLAN OF FRAME _\N ~ I ~2 - a I i ~ (~®DD D D Cl D 3 ~4~ D O DD 0 ~~ © ®C~ I~ 1<_ S/8 ~ 2. ® ' '~ - A ~- 3 r H I © ® ~ 0 Z 4~ - aki~wj 3~, Holy I I/2~ . o • 0 ®o®o To View PLAN OF COVER Bott m i REV/S/ONS C/ T Y OF TUST/N /MPRO VEMENT STANDARD sro DATE OF /N/T/AL S NO. /,Z-zo-GS' ~ ~ - Z o - ~o c,Q o . MANHOLE FRAME ~ CO I~ER N APPROVED ,,, ~~_C/TY ENG/NEER DATE Z-7 C3 \ I r „ i Standoru .,Y„ Bronch ~ 12" 12 _ --- , - ' . ~ I ~Jolnts to ba construcfed In ;~ I, 1 ~ 111 accordance with the Improve- '' ~'_ ' .~_=_- ` ment plans and specifications , ' ~~: i ~ I .e ~- y- --i i 1 , Q o ~ ~ 1 Cement concrete it Pips I „ ' ' 1 11 ,~ Station e Pips z ~8' 9"~ ~ ,~------ ` ~4~ -~O• :.~ ~ 11 • ~ 1' 11 ~~ ~ 1 ~ 1' 11 16 ~ ~ ,1 ~ 11 , , ,, o '~ A _ _ ~; •. ; , 16 I ~ 1 ,1 1 ~ ~'" '' 11 B~ ~ 1 ~;; 1 Sewer g ,;• ' ' ~~ I ' Main 1 1 ~ 16 a~~ ~1 ~i i ~ Pips ,,_ 1 ~ _ _J. ~ . ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ , P Var. =~ ' ~ Vor. Pipe ~ 4 ~ J. ~ 1 , - - --------- -- --- - =-~r--{ _ ~ -• ~~~'~~~ 4 SECTION B-8 VcrlaDl~~ 4' ~-- 16'~ -+~ SECTION A-A ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES I, The distance I,N/' is shown on the improvement plans. The Station is shown on the improve- nnection the Station ment plans. When the Sewer Chimney Pipe is used with o sewer co unless shown otherwise. the station of the Sewer connection will be the , same as 2. When the S ewer Chimney Pipe is used with a sewer connection on both sides of the n on the right side of the sewer ti sewer main o , looking-up grade, theewer connec ith the Y" branch by a 6" eighth bend and the sewer main shall connection be connected w on the left sholl be connected with the upper end of the chimney by a 6" quorter bend, unless otherwise specified. 3. When the S ewer Chimney Pipe is used with a sewer connection on one side only, but with the "Y' tructed os shown hereon the Sewer facing the , Chimney Pipe shall be cons side with the sewer connection. The top of the chimney sholl be closed filled o d urpovered Tw thr amthinngCOap nq of neatsocement omo bar h f t o sa with wet san he and d REV/S/ONS CITY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. NO DATE OF lN/ TIALS . SEWER CH/MNEY P/PE N APPROVED C/TY ENG/NEER DATE Z~)=~.~ Top of PovemMt U / ~- /~~/~ I ~~ 1 \~ ~ ~ / 1 ~ ~/ I I I ~ ~. ~ ~ Concr.t. Block ~ oc rE of /Z-,20 C.menf Concr.t. Ground Lin. N ~ i COV.r Q/ Notch PLA N I, ~~ ~ (° ~~~ ~ ~I ~ ~ II i ~~~ ~ I~ -1142 - lo" i - 9 srv~ ~ -73/i ~ - 5 ~/~~ ~e - 5 Vz' - S~ ~'i I ~"i ;•~- .~~ ~..i~ 1 I. ~.. SKETCH SHOWING TOP OF t' ~' CLEAR-OUT AND CAST I ~ 6" I ~ IRON COVER USED IN UNPAVED STREETS A - A C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sro. N/ T/ALS NO. ~ ~ -~ STANDARD CL EANOU T cv N APPROVED C/TY ENG/NEER DATE Z-7-G,~ \ L.tttr. to D• s/.' high - Roi..d ~n' Sfreet aurfoce E rtion of top of curb. When used in allege this elevation shall De taken as the top of paverent of the edge of pavement. ~36~~ Min. without z~ I , conc. encasement ~ Distance ~ E ,. „ 1 Length L Pipe Cop Standord 45°8end Size 6 Elevation of mR4' - r --flow line -r -" i Sewer Main ~ - - "- Pipe - "~ ~ Variable 45° I Standord ~~Y~ Branch I I ELEVATION Property Line rt o1 Sewer main 90 Unless shown otherwise on plops ~-- --~ i 1 „M Ck. of Pl p• i i I 1 1 ---- . - __ ____ ---~ ------- -- - --y ~ ~~Sfation os s own - - - -~----- -------- ---------- --- on Plans „ D„~ ;_ - . /" - -Size 6"/ ' OR 4'• Sewer Moin 1 Standord 45° Bend i 1 Pipe I ~ Standord „Y„ Branch ,-- --~ I ~ PLAN Variable I. The length "L" is shown on the improvement plans. 2. The station of the point of intersection of the centerline of the sewer connection pipe and the property line is shown on the improvement plans. 3. The inlet end of the sewer connection pipe shall be closed by o cap made for that purpose. The remaining space in the socket shall be filled with wet sand covered with a thin coating of neat cement mortar. 4: The distance r1E11 is to be 4~61~unless otherwise specified. / / C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sr0. DATE OF /N/T/ALS NO. /Z-moo-G! ~ -6 -?s ~~, STANDARD SEWER .LATERAL - ~ N APPROVED „_~ ~ /TY'ENG/NEER DATEZ~G.~ ~ SIDEWALK CURB FACE STANDARD N0.124 A y~ v i~ o G / \~CR SIDEWALK 0~ _z•':; . •i; ~ _ .f' ',,, , .... ,i~^~~. ,, ~' h. ,~ ~. . 'T ~ r~l r' . _ t•r%. .:Y. '~' ~ CURB FACE •~ '''c1. 6-0rr RAMP FOR 6 ~ CURB FACE ,.'~,.. •••'~ 4~~ THICK P.C.C APRON TO BE S-0 r RAMP FOR 8~~ CURB FACE 3. ~ ~~ 3~ POURED MONOLITHIC WITH ., - ,, SIDEWALK STANDARD N0.124 6 DATE OF REVISION INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMP APPROVED ~~~...:(.¢ TY ENGINEER GATE ~ f 73 STD. N0. m a ~r N 4~~THICK P.C.C. APRON TO BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH SIDEWALK z%" 2 cn~, ~ ~I4V CJ~rA1~IJIVIV JV11`II ALTERNATE:SAWCUT AND REMOVE MINIMUM OF 5 LIN. FT, OF CURB 8r GUTTER AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. POUR NEW CONCRETE CURB Qi GUTTER WITH 3' DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC CAST IN AT SAME DIMENSION SHOWN AT RIGHT. PLAN 125 A (FOR TYPE D CURB WITH 6"CURB FACE ) ~ -~ F O L WLINE FLOWLINE I/" OF GUTTER ~~2 OF GUTTER CORE DRILL 3~ DIA. HOLE 9 EPOXY GROUT AROUrJO PVC PIPE. ELEVATION 2 I/2~~ ur yr vu ~ i to ALTERNATE: SAWCUT AND REMOVE MINIMUM OF 5 LIN. FT. OF CURB 8r GUTTER AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. POUR NEW CONCRETE CURB a GUTTER WITH 4"DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC CAST IN AT SAME DIMENSION SHOWN A7 RIGHT. PLAN 125 B (FOR TYPE A-2 CURB WITH 8~~ CURB FACE) r ~~ FLOWLINE OF GUTTER I/2, CORE DRILL 5~~ DIA. HOLE 9 EPOXY GROUT AROUND PVC PIPE. ELEVATION REV/S/ONS C/TY OF TUST/N /MPROVEMENT STANDARD sTO. DATE OF /N/T/ALS . NO. 5 2!77 2rvis4D -25BTO4"~ F P CURB CUTS fOR ROOF OR ON S/TE ORA/NS ~ ~ Q APPROVEO~i~lt,~.p~C~~~c~~cC/TY ENG/VEER DATE /,P 3-7~ `I I I / 2~~ SCHEDULE nwr.~ ~~ r..nn .. ...... 4° SCHEDULE I ./ ow~v nc r~~oo THE BELL ON THE COLLA NYE SADDLE SHALL NOT - ~ 8E ENCASED IN CONCRETE. TAP TO BE MADE AT APPROX.'. OF JOINT. ENCASE 12" EACH SIDE OF OPENING WITH CLASS ~~A" CONCRETE. r--~- A o' , 6: ., • ' ~• ~' .•7' d•l • ~ •,,I ~- ~e• - • 'D . ,~ A 45° CLASS"A"CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ELEVATION MAX. 4~~T0 B~~MAINLINE OR SECTION A-A MAX. 6 TO 10 MAINLINE. USE STD. 126 B FOR LARGER SADDLE CONNECTIONS. ~ I ~ - i DIAMETER A B C D ~/A INCHES INCHESINCHESINCHE C ~ _ 4 212 I1/2 61/2 --~- . _ . - .. 6 3 I I/2 9 °~ ~5 COLLAR TEE SADDLE /, B ~' / COLLAR WYE SADDLE NOTE. SEE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS STANDARD S-34-3 FOR SADDLE CONNECTION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT TRUNK NOTES. SEWERS. I. THE SEWER LINE SHALL BE SCORED TO THE APPROXIMATE SHAPE OF THE COLLAR WYE OR TEE FITTING.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EITHER CUT A NEAT OPENING WITH A CERAMIC SAW OF 6" OR 8"DIAMETERS; OR MAKE A SMALL HOLE NOT LARGER THAN ONE INCH IN DIAMETER,IN THE APPROXIMATE CENTER OF THE SCORED AREA WITH A POINTED TOOL, SIMILAR TO A MASONS PICK,OR CHIP WITH A CHISEL AND SHORT HANDLE, HAND HELD HAMMER IN A SPIRAL FASHION TO THE SCORED LINE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE THE COLLAR WYE SADDLE TO THE SEWER WITH AN EPOXY RESIN, PROVIDED 8Y THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENCASE THE SADDLE CONNECTION WITH CLASS"A"CONCRETE AFTER THE CONNECTION IS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ALL CLAY CHIPS, DIRT, EPOXY, MORTAR AND CONCRETE OUT OF THE SEWER SADDLED,AND SHALL PERFORM A CLEANING AND BALLING OF THE REACH SADDLED IF DIRECTED TO DO SO BY THE ENGINEER. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY DAMAGED PIPE AS DIRECTED 8Y THE ENGINEER. DATE OF REVISIONS INITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN IMPROVEMENT STANDARD STD. N0. SADDLE CONNECTION Q co APPROVED ENGINEER DATE"--,2.~-~B N BELL ON WYE SHALL NOT BE INCASED IN CONCRETE >~-A /~ :o~-i.T.,~.:~~ ~T -~.I-~ .-. :? :L I.. °.~.I 'o~ ~ ,, I __1 L _- ~ ~~ 1'~l~ .; .~ ~ ~~. s" s' MI A Mln ELEVATION 45° ~g BEND ~, ~~~~ ~• .o. . J /~ O• .~ ~ , ,•C •i~~ ~. 7•' a -7' " " ° 45 CLASS A CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ~0~ ~.~ '•- ~ ~.~~ ; :/ ~ ~ .~- : ~ •: s" IJII N CERAMIC WELD OR BANDED RUBBER COUPLING SECTION A-A 1~4' pER FT. MINIMUM SLOPE -4-- 45° 4"MINIMUM SAND BEDDING SAND BACKFILL I FT.A80VE PIPE NOTE. SEE ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS STANDARD S-34-2 FOR CUT IN WYE CONNECTION TO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT TRUNK SEWERS. DATE OF REVISIONS IAIITIALS CITY OF TUSTIN /MPROVEMENT STANDARD STD. N0. CUT IN WYE CONNECTION ~ co APPROVE - ITY ENGINEER DAT~ ~ ¢-~8 N