HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 80-100RESOLUTI ON NO. 80-100 6 8 10 11 18 ~0 26 ~8 ;50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELEMENTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR AN AREA LOCATED NORTH OF THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN SPHERE OF INFLUENCE, WEST OF THE MYFORD ROAD/WEIR CANYON PROPOSED ALIGNMENT TO THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS, AND AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY, EXISTING MYFORD ROAD, THE ATCHISON TOPEKA, AND SANTA FE RAILROAD, AND THE PROPOSED ALIGN- MENT OF MYFORD ROAD. The City Council of the City of Tusfin does hereby resolve as follows- · I. The City Council finds and determines as follows- Ae Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California provides fhaf when it is deemed to be in the public interesf~ the legislative body may amend a part of the General P! an. Bm The City Council approves the findings and recommendations con- rained in the City of Tustin Planning Agency Resolution No. 1.919, recorrrnend, in§ to the City Council approval of General PI an Amendment 80-1, amending .the Land Use and Circulation Elements. Gm That an Environmental Impact Report '(78-3) for the requested changes was prepared and certified by the City Council on ~a¥ 7, 1979. .An Environmental Impact Report (79-ER-0040) for the re- quested changes was prepared and certified by the City Council of the City of .I.rv, i ne on September 23., 1980. De E · That the changes in classification would be in the public interest and not detrimental fo the welfare of 'the public or the surround- ing properf~, owners. -. .., That specific planning will be carried out prior to any development or related proposals. I1o The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment 80-1, as recom- mended by the City of Tustin Planning Agency, which amends the Land Use Element fo classify the properties; north of the Santa Ana Freeway fo the City, of Tusfin sphere ot: influence and west ot: /~¥t:ord Road/Weir Canyon proposed alignment to the existing city limits fo Planned Com.- munit¥/Residenfial, and an area bounded by the Santa Ana Freeway, exist- ing new ~yford Avenue, the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fo Railroad, and the proposed alignment of /~¥ford Road fo commercial and .industrial. An amendment to. the circulation element; fo propose the ~yford Road/Weir Canyon alignment, and that if will be classified as a major arterial from I rvine Center Drive north fo the city of Tusfin boundar},, and fo recl assi fy ne..w.'.~y...f.o..r,.d' ROad fO a Iocal .'street, s.ubjec.f fo the'fei I owi ng-.-.... condi f ions: ... ~" ' "':'~' ....... ' ........-.'" .., , ... Be Om Overall residential densities shall not exceed an average density ' of four dwelling units per gross acre. .: Designated hillside areas shall not exceed an average density of"- ' two dwelling units per gross acre. The proposed AAyford Road/Weir Canyon alignment from the Santa Ana Freeway north fo the city of Tusfin sphere of influence shall be designated as a scenic highway. The design of the roadway shall be fo the specifications of a scenic highway as outlined in the Scenic Highways Element oF the General Plan. Cify Council Resolufion No. 80-100 page 2. 6 8 lO 15 16 18 20 25 26 27, 28 ,50 Dg E · Developmenf plans shall accommodafe parkland and open space re- qui remenfs. Developmenf plans shall accommodafe neighborhood public and com- mercial Cacilifies adequafe fo serve fhe projecfed populafion. Fe /Vlifigafion measures, as ouflined in EIR 78-3, shall be info developmenf planso i ncorporaf ed PASSED AND ADOPTED afa 'regular meefing.of fhe City Council of fhe Cify of Tustin, held on fhe 6th day of October, 1980. Donald J. ~lfarelli Mayor ATTEST". · · · · , Cify Cle,rk STATE OF CALIFOP, KIA COUNTY OF ORANGE "'" C'~'e~'OF WUSWl~" '" ) ) SS · . o . . ~L~RY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the city Council of'the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. -' 807100.. was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ~_ 6th ..day of _ Octo.ber ..... , 1980 by the following vote: AYES : COUNCILSLEN._ Saltarelli, Edgar, Hoesterey Sharp, Kenned~ NOES : COUNCILF[EN: None ABSENT: COUNCIL~-LEN: None City of Tustin, California