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AGENDA REPORT RDA NO. 2 10-15-01 MEETING DATE' TO' FROM' SUBJECT: OCTOBER 15,2001 400-10 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF AGREEMENT WITH THE TUSTIN OLD TOWN ASSOCIATION (TOTA) REGARDING ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION ACTIVITIES AND OTHER PROGRAMS SUMMARY The Tustin Old Town Association (TOTA)is requesting financial assistance in the amount of $15,000 during Fiscal Year 2001-02. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Agency approve an Agreement with the Tustin .Old Town Association to assist in a number of programs aimed at the strengthening the economic base and business climate in Old Town. Fiscal Impact The Agency assistance for the TOTA economic revitalization programs is estimated not to exceed $15,000 from the Town Center Redevelopment Project Fund (58-600-6008) which was included in the Fiscal Year 2001-02 adopted Agency budget.. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The Tustin Old Town Association (TOTA) was incorporated on March 17, 1997 as a voluntary nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation. The primary purpose of TOTA is to recognize and fulfill the unique and varied economic interests .and needs of Old Town businesses. The Redevelopment Agency has provided financial support to TOTA to date in the total amount of $30,000 as described below: Fiscal Year Provided Amount Work Tasks 1997-98 $15,000 Business Enhancement, Promotion, Design/Dev., Organization Programs 2000-01' $15,000 Same broad programs as 1997-98 William A. Huston Approval of Agreement with TOTA for FY 2001-02 October 15, 2001 Page 2 T©TA has provided a summary of their specific work task and program accomplishments during Fiscal Year 2000-01 ( Attachment 1). Proposed Work Tasks and Programs for Fiscal Year 2001-02 are attached to the proposed Fiscal' Year 2001-02 Agreement between the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and Tustin Old Town Association. As the City Council may recall, prior to submittal of an application to the California Main Street Program, the Agency was asked to sign and declare a financial commitment to TOTA for at least the first two years of program participation. While the Main Street Application was submitted in early January 2001, the State of California has not yet approved TOTA's application. Despite this delay, TOTA has proceeded with work on those tasks and programs that they committed to in their application and they are requesting the second year of funding that was originally requested from the Agency in an amount of $15,000. Christine Shingle~ Assistant City-Manager Attachment I Summary of Progress on Work Tasks and Programs for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 1.1 Maintain member database Updated on a twice a week Executive Ongoing basis Director 1.1 Maintain.telephone Installed, procedure in Executive Ongoing place, answer twice daily Director 1.1 Maintain insurance Policy renewed for Guy Stivers Complete 06/26/01 - 06/25/02 1.2 Continue to recruit and train Committees expanded from Board of Ongoing members for the 10 active members to 17 as Directors Organization, Design, and of 3/12/01. Bob Lindquist Promotion Committees. appointed as chair of Economic Restructuring in June.. 1.3 Define supply/purchasing Will work with new Bonnie Boyd Open procedures executive director once hired 1.3 Define accounting/auditing George Teats, CPA, is Bonnie Boyd Complete services under contract 1.3 Define telephone response Formalized as procedure in. Executive Complete system. May. Director 1.4 Apply for certification by the Application submitted. Board of Complete California Main Street Waiting for scheduling of Directors program, site visit. 1.4 Diligently follow four-point Organization, Design, Board of Ongoing. methodology of the Main Promotion Committees Directors Street program in the formed and meeting planning and execution of regularly; Economic responsibilities and tasks. Restructuring Committee will be up and running in the fall 1.5 Downtown Consultant Strategic Plan issued and Board and Ongoing assistance with the strategic being implemented at the Tom Eidem planning for FY 2001-2002 Committee, Board, and staff levels. 1.5 Downtown Consultant Will work with new Board and Open reviews adequacy of executive director once Tom Eidem administrative systems hired 1.5 Downtown Consultant trains Will work with new Board ~and Open members in committee executive director once Tom Eidem functions and activities hired 1.6 Hire a part time executive Laura Stearns hired and Board and Complete director by April 2001 began work on June 29, Organization .2001 committee 1.7 Recruit members for Committee formed in June Board Ongoing Economic Restructuring and first meeting in early committee beginning in FY November 2001 2001-2002 1.8 Election of officers Election certified at January Board Complete Annual Meeting 1.8 Annual meeting January Board Complete 1.8 Installation dinner Done Board Complete 1.8 Continued identification of Bob Lindquist donated Board of Complete management and staffing office space to TOTA; Directors needs and solutions, miscellaneous computer, fax, copier, telephone equipment have been collected and installed 2.1 Continue making progress Hosted design workshop in Guy Stivers Complete toward Design Guidelines for the fall. Old Town Tustin; involve all stakeholders in the process. 2.2 Provide written summaries of Guy Stivers Open progress to members on a ~. quarterly basis. 2.3 Organize and provide input Mechanism needs to be Board of Open on design/development items established for ensuring Directors that affect Old Town, such as input from members to the proposed streetscape, decision makers. open space and landscaping opportunities, and interim use · of vacant lots in the district. 2.4 Maintain liaison with the Two TOTA members serve TOTA Ongoing Cultural Resources Advisory on the committee and serve members Committee. as conduit to TOTA. TOTA invited to Survey Update meeting on March 21st 2.5 Appoint an Old Town Needs action. Will be TBD Open representative to the addressed after new Economic Development executive director hired Council (EDC) who will assist TOT^ in becoming involved with EDC activities, outreach and programs. 2.6 Work with the City to Needs action. Will be TBD Open encourage continuation of addressed after new design assistance grants and executive director hired construction assistance grants. ~~i ' ~ ~' ~'-''~'~ ...... ~ '~'''':' ''~' ...... ~" "~':':"¢"~ '~:''''~'''''':':':'~ ............. :: ..... "~ '~'"'"~ '""~' "~'"'¢~'"'~'"'" '~ ....... ' ............... ' "× °' .................. ~ ............... ~ .......... ~ ' "~" ~ .............. ~ ......... 3.1 Publish a newsletter on a Four issues published Executive Ongoing quarterly basis to all Director businesses within the business area, associate members, and key stakeholders. 3.2 Maintain and publish an Five published this fiscal Executive Ongoing events calendar, year Director 3.3 Create an Old Town Published and distributed in Executive Complete Directory for dissemination at June/July Director all retail/professional locations within the Tustin Old Town Business area, the Chamber of Commerce, the library, and for the media. 3.4 Identify Retail Workshops/ Needs to be completed Economic Open Training that are of value to Restructuring Old Town merchants and Committee plan a calendar of said events for the 2001-2002 calendar. 3.5 Undertake a crime prevention Little interest in a program. Executive Complete program tailored to Store hours collected and Director membership needs passed on to the Police Department 3.6 Prepare a '~/elcome to Old Assembled and available Executive Complete Town" package for new for distribution Director and merchants, to help in Welcome recruiting businesses, and to Committee, support property owners' Bartolomucci, efforts to fill vacant Lindquist, properties. Bone 3.7 Update the Old Town Tustin Will be completed during Economic Open Market Analysis: Market and FY 2001-2002 Restructuring Demographic Data. Committee 3.7 Update the Old Town Tustin Will be completed during Economic Open Market Analysis: New FY 2001-2002 Restructuring Competitive Market Analysis. Committee 3.7 Review/summarize existing Will be completed during Economic Open Old Town tenant profile/mix. FY 2001-2002 Restructuring Committee 3.7 Prepare economic Done in part at Strategic Ongoing development strategy plan. Planning Meeting 3.7 Tie in with marketing and Done in part at Strategic Ongoing promotion strategy. Planning Meeting 3.8 Identify any updates that may 'Will be completed during Economic Open be necessary to the existing FY 2001-2002 RestrUcturing report. Committee 3.8 Summarize relevant issues Will be completed during Economic Open for the Economic FY 2001-2002 Restructuring Restructuring Committee. Committee 3.9 Identify for that committee the Will be completed during Economic Open most pressing area for their FY 2001-2002 Restructuring 2001-2002 planning. Committee 4.1 Conduct an ,Art Walk with the Held Oct. 28m Promotion Complete Tustin Art League Committee 4.2 Have an Open House in Held Dec. 7m Promotion Complete conjunction with the Committee Christmas Tree Lighting Event. 4.3 Hold the Golden Spike Event Not held Promotion Open Committee 4.4 Have an Old Town booth at Booth open on May 5tn promotion Complete the Tustin Area Promenade. Committee Event 4.5 Develop an Events Calendar Promotion Committee chair Promotion Open for fiscal year 2001-2002. in transition; to be Committee determined in the fall of 2001 4.6 DeveloP a Co-Op Advertising Continuing to evolve. Promotion Ongoing program Committee & Executive Director 4.7 Support the Old Town Done on a monthly basis Executive Ongoing monthly ad in the Tustin Director News by providing a calendar of events held in Old Town. 5.1 TOTA shall provide its 2001- Strategic Plan needs to get Board of Open 2002 plan during the City's worked into budget. Help Directors budget processes, needed to integrate with budget process. 5.2 TOTA shall conduct an audit George Teats, CPA, Will Bonnie Boyd Complete of its books within 60 days of audit books and prepare close of its fiscal year. report 5.3 The president shall have On agenda for the John Powers Complete prepared a closing report to 10/15/2001 City Council and the City within 90 days Meeting Executive following the close of the Director fiscal year. 5.4 The president shall make a On agenda for the John Powers Complete presentation to the City 10/15/2001 City Council and as of Council on the Strategy for Meeting Executive 10/15/2001 the next year within 30 days Director of submitting the Closing Report. 6.01 Prepare roster of board Included in Membership Executive Complete members Directory Director 6.02 Obtain P.O. Box Done Executive Complete Director 6.03 Obtain Phone number and Done Executive Complete voice mail Director 6.04 Obtain business license Done Executive Complete Director 6.05 Develop logo and letterhead Done, will have to be Executive Complete revised when new logo Director available in fall 2001 6.06 Order stationery Done Executive Complete Director 6.07 Order corporate embossing Needed Executive Open seal Director 6.08 Development membership Done Executive Complete form and association info Director flyer 6.09 Open bank account United California Bank Guy Stivers Complete 6.10 Set up official book of 3 copies available; one with Greg Kelly Complete minutes Greg Kelly and 2 at TOTA's and Tom office Eidem 6.10 Set up financial records Done, reviewed by George Bonnie Boyd Complete Teats 6.11 Develop bill paying policies Done; reviewed by George Bonnie Boyd Complete Teats. 6.12 Develop purchasing policies Draft done on May 1, 2001. Bonnie Boyd Ongoing 6.13 Arrange credit at local store Not necessary, use reimbursements on expense statements 6.14 ^rrange credit at Needs to be formalized Executive Open printing/copying services Director 6.15 Arrange for basic office Handled by the Executive Executive Ongoing services:, typing, mail, Director for the time being Director and phoning, copying Board 6.16 Set up a 3 tier filing systems, Handled by the Executive Board Ongoing Financial, membership, and Director program 6.17 Obtain directors' liability Apollo Insurance Executive Complete insurance Director FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this day of ,2001 by and between the TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body, corporate and politic, (hereinafter "Agency"), and the TUSTIN OLD TOWN ASSOCIATION, a California mutual benefit non-profit corporation (hereinafter "Recipient"). RECITAT,S A. The primary purpose of the Recipient is to recognize and fulfill the unique and varied economic interests and needs of Old Town Tustin business and property owners by accomplishing the following specific purposes. o To promote and advance existing business interests in Old Town Tustin. , To encourage and sustain new development, revitalization, preservation of historic and architecturally significant properties, economic growth, and improvement of Old Town Tustin. ge To secure and assist new business enterprises to locate in Old Town Tustin. e To formulate and advance remedies for conditions not considered beneficial to residents, customers, business owners and property owners in Old Town Tustin. o To effectively develop and represent Old Town Tustin as a diverse business community considering the interests of both leasehold tenants as well as property owners. Ge To finance, organize, manage, operate, and carry on programs, events, activities, and services for the promotion, advertisement, and betterment of business and trade in Old Town Tustin. o To receive, administer and disburse ftmds in connection with any of the activities related to the above stated purposes. Page 1 o To work with governmental entities, civic bodies, community organizations, trade and commerce groups, and local community improvement associations in connection with any activities related to the above specific purposes, or in any enterprise deemed beneficial to Old Town Tustin or the City of Tustin. B. The Agency and the Recipient jointly will derive benefits from activities which will stimulate private investment and promote development in Old Town. C. The Recipient has requested funds from the Agency in Fiscal Year 2001-02 to assist them in implementing a number of programs aimed at strengthening the economic base and business climate in Old Town. In consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual covenants and conditions herein, and intending to be legally bound, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.0 Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Grant ofRedevelonment A2encv Funds. 1.1 The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency agrees to pay to the Recipient the sum of $15,000 during Fiscal Year 2001-02 subject to the following conditions. 1.1.1 Said amount shall not be transmitted to Recipient until they have transmitted to the Agency an audit for their previous fiscal year budget (year 2000- 01), they have executed a written engagement letter for audit services for Fiscal Year 2001-02, they have adopted a fiscal year budget for 2001-02, and any funds to be provided by the Agency pursuant to this Agreement have been appropriated by the Agency Board of Directors.. 1.1.2 Said amount shall be a contribution towards the Recipient's business Enhancement, promotional design and organizational activities benefiting businesses located within the boundaries of the Tustin Old Town Area and within the Tustin Town Center Redevelopment Project Area as shown in Exhibit A. 1.1.3 The Recipient shall use said amount to undertake those work tasks and programs (the Program) specified in Exhibit B during Fiscal Year 2001-02. In undertaking these work tasks and programs, the Recipient shall cooperate and collaborate with organizations such as the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, the City of Tustin and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and other organizations and entities as appropriate. Page 2 1.1.4 Funds provided by the Agency shall be expended by Recipient during a period of time ending no later than June 30, 2001, the end of Fiscal Year 2001-02. 1.1.5 In the event of any change or changes in the scope of work tasks or programs identified in Exhibit A, Recipient shall prepare and submit to the Agency's Executive Director a detailed description of the revision to the program, the Recipients' proposed use of Agency ftmds, an expenditure schedule and the means by which any revised program will be accomplished. 2.0 Term. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section 7 of this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) fiscal year and shall expire on June 30, 2002, unless the Board of Directors of the Agency appropriate fimds for future tasks for the following fiscal year and this Agreement is amended pursuant to Section 10, herein. 3.0 Funding Appropriation. Any Agency funds, which are the subject of this appropriation by the Agency's Board of Directors. Agreement, shall be subject to 4.0 Maintenance and Availability of Records. The Recipient shall keep adequate records and books of account showing all revenues and the actual cost to it, of any and all expenditures related to the Program to enable the Agency to evaluate Performance of Recipient. At the close of Fiscal Year 2001-02 and each subsequent fiscal year, the Recipient shall submit an audit statement by an independent auditor of Recipient's budget and books. The Recipient shall provide Agency with access to such records and books of account and proper facilities for inspections thereof at all reasonable times. 5.0 Pro.am Reports. The Recipient shall provide to the Redevelopment Agency a written progress report on Program activities, accomplishments, and expenditures during Fiscal Year 2001-02. Said report shall include the results and conclusions of an annual independent audit. Said annual report(s) shall be submitted within 90 days of the close of Fiscal Year 2001-02, and every year thereafter during the term of this Agreement. The Recipient also shall provide the Agency With oral or written reports concerning PrOgram activities and expenditures as may be appropriate and as may be requested from time-to-time by the Agency's Board of Directors or Executive Director. Page 3 6.0 I~imitations No part of the activities of the Tustin Old Town Association shall consist of carrying on propaganda or attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing and distribution of endorsements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure. If either party fails to observe or perform any term, covenant or condition of this Agreement at any time during the term of this Agreement and the other party concludes that there has not been good' faith compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, either party may issue a written "Notice of Default" by certified mail, return receipt requested, specifying the grounds thereof and all facts demonstrating such non-compliance. The alleged defaUlting party shall have fifteen (15) days after receipt of such notice to respond in writing by either specifying how its non-compliance has been cured or the grounds upon which it believes that it is complying with this Agreement. The time to respond to the Notice of Default may be extended by mutual agreement of the Parties. If the response to the Notice of Default has not been received within the prescribed fifteen (15) days, or within such the period of time as mutually agreed, the Notice of Default shall be conclusively presumed to be valid and the party giving the Notice of Default may commence proceedings on the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 7.0. If the alleged Defaulting Party responds within the 15-day time period provided above, the Parties shall meet in good faith at reasonable times and from time to time for a period of at least fifteen (15) days to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of the matter(s) asserted in the Notice of Default and disputed in the response. If after fifteen (15) days, or any other extension of time as mutually agreed to by the Parties, the parties have failed to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of such matter(s), either Party may commence proceedings for termination pursuant to Section 7.0. 7.0 Termination. 7.1 Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if a Notice of Default has not been cured following the procedure in Section 6.0. 7.2 When a Notice of Default issued to Recipient has not been cured following the procedure in Section 6.0, the Agency shall be entitled to recover and Recipient shall pay to Agency all Agency grant funds that have not been expended through the termination date. Page 4 8.0 Assignahili~. The Recipient shall not assign any interest in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or invitation), without the prior written consent of the Redevelopment Agency, which the Redevelopment Agency may give or withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. 9.0 Covenant Aeainst Di~qcrimination. Recipient covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination or segregation in the performance of or in connection with this Agreement regarding any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital stares, national origin, or indemnification/non- ancestry. 10.0 Independent Contract; Recipient Not an Agent. It is understood that in the performance of this Agreement, the Recipient shall be, and is, an independent contractor, and is not an agent or employee of the Agency and. shall perform the obligations of the Agreement in its own manner and method except as required by this Agreement. The Recipient and its contractors and subcontractors shall not have the authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of the Agency in any capacity whatsoever as agents or otherwise, or contract to bind the Redevelopment Agency to any obligation whatsoever. 11.0 Non-IJability of Agency Officers and Employees. 11.1 The Recipient shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the Agency, its officers and employees from and against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses, including legal costs and attomey fees for injury to or death of person or persons, for damage to property, including property owned by Agency, arising out 'of or related to Recipient's performance under this Agreement. 11.2 No officer or employee of Agency shall be personally liable to the Recipient, or any successor-in-interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Agency or for any amount which may become due to the Recipient or its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. Page 5 12.0 Miscellaneous.Provisions. 12.1 Notices. Any notice, demand, consent, approval, either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either delivered personally or sent by pre-paid, first class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of such change of address. To Agency: Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Atto: Christine Shingleton Assistant City Manager To Recinient' i Executive Director Tustin Old Town Association c/o Laura Stems 635 East First Street, #312 Tustin, California 92780 12.2 Governing l,aw. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. 12.3 SeverabiliW. In the event that any or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by valid judgment or decree · of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement, which shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 12.4 lnte~ated A~eement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties as to the subject matter herein, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written representations, understandings or agreements. 12.5 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent of Page 6 the parties by an insmanent in writing. 12.6 Co. orate Authority.. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the Parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. Dated: "Agency" Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic By: Christine Shingleton Assistant Executive Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lois Jeffrey Agency Counsel "Recipient" TUSTIN OLD TOWN ASSOCIATION a Calif0mia mutual benefit non-profit corporation By: President By: Secretary Page 7 EXHIBIT A Map · 663 644 * I~. Jd~l STKEET · · · .% EXHIBIT B 2001-2002 Work Tasks and Proeram Tus.tin Old Town Association 1,0 Organization Committee 1.1. Prepare for and Coordinate activities and materials for Main street Certification site visit. 1..2. Recruit and train members for the Board of Directors and the Organization, Design, Economic Restructuring, and Promotion Committees. 1.3 Strengthen TOTA's overall professional presence and image 1.3.1 Establish system for TOTA representatives to attend community activities and to make presentations throughout the community. 1.3.2 Develop TOTA logo and stationery; "identity" graphics for use at Farmers' Market booth, meetings, community presentations, and conferences. 1.3.3 Establish directional signage to TOTA's office. 1.3.4 Create a website containing information about TOTA members, Tustin Old Town business activities and investment possibilities. 1.3.5 Continue building and expanding Saturday Farmers' Market. 1.3.6 Initiate bi-monthly membership mixers and networking events. 1.4 Perform such organizational tasks as 1.4.1 Election of officers 1.4.2 Annual meeting 1.4.3 Monitor performance of Executive Director. 2,0 Design Committee 1.3. Prepare draft Design Guideline document for use by developers, property owners, professionals, and business owners who-are designing new projects or renovating existing properties in Tustin Old Town. 1.4. Create a Design Idea Resource Library and make materials available to members and others interested in developing or investing in Tustin Old Town. 1.5. Adopt a Board of Directors Resolution formally requesting inclusion in City Review process of all developments, expansions, renovations in Tustin Old Town and its perimeter. 3,0 E¢0no~ic Restructurine Committee 3.1 Publish a newsletter and an events calendar on a quarterly basis for all businesses within the business area, associate members, and key stakeholders. 3-.2 Issue an updated Directory and Visitor's Guide for dissemination at all retail/professional locations within the Tustin Old Town Business area, the Chamber of Commerce, the library, and for the media.' 3.3 Plan and host Retail Workshops/Training that are of value to current Old Town merchants. 3'.4 Revise Welcome to Old Town package for new merchants, to help in recruiting businesses, and to support property owners' efforts to fill vacant properties. 3.5 Expand on the Williams-Kuebelbeck & Associates Old Town Tustin Market Analysis that may 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 Refine and analyze market and demographic data Prepare a new competitive market analysis Review/summarize existing Old Town program Prepare economic development strategy plan Tie in with marketing and promotion strategy. 3.6 Prepare list of'.'targeted" businesses or business types that TOTA and the City economic staff can actively pursue. 3.7 Promote filming opportunities in Tustin Old Town. 4.0 Promotion Committee 4.1 Conduct an Art Walk with the Tustin Art League 4.2 Have a TOTA booth at the Christmas Tree Lighting Event. 4.3 Have a TOTA booth at the Tustin Area Promenade Event. 4.4 Refine the Co-Op Advertising program 4.5 Support the Old Town monthly ad in the Tustin News by providing a calendar of events held in Old Town. 4.6 Explore the possibility of hosting a custom and classic car show rally in Tustin Old Town. 4.7 Establish monthly promotional events for the Tustin Old Town businesses. 5.0 General 5.1 TOTA shall provide its 2002-20-03 plan during the City's budget process. 5.2 TOTA shall conduct an audit of its books within 45 days of close of its fiscal year on June 30, 2002 5.3 The president shall prepare a year-end report for the City Council within 90 days following the close of the fiscal year for the City and for TOTA. 5.4 The Executive Director shall make a presentation to the City Council summarizing the previous year's accomplishments and outlining the. work plan for the upcoming year. T,ustin Old Town AssociatiOn 2001 - 2002 Annual,Budget REVENUE Dues $4,500 Event Proceeds 33,800 Contributions/Donations 1,400 Advertising 5,200 Interest 100 City Grant- Program support 15,000 Miscellaneous 100 TOTAL REVENUE 60,100 Page 1 TUSIN OLD TOWN ASSOCIATION 2001 - 2002 Annual Budget Revenue Worksheet Estimated Event Revenue (gross) Mixers (6 x $150) Promenade Booth Winter Holidays Farmers' Market Workshops Art Walk 900 (30 participants x $5 each x 6 mixers/yr) 1,000 2,000 29,000 500 (20 participants x $5 each x 5 workshops/yr) 400 33,800 Estimated Advertising Revenue (gross) Directory Co-op Advertising 2,000 3,200 5,200 Page 2 2001 - 2002 TOTA ANNUAL BUDGET EXPENDITURES Direct Operating Expense (non-program) Personnel Services Salaries/Wages- Full time Salaries/Wages- Part-time Consulting Fees for contract staff Employer Expense- Indirect compensation Workers Compensation Insurance Total Personnel Services -0- 20,000 -0- -0- '$ 20,000 Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplies Small equipment Maintenance of equipment & building supplies Total Supplies Other Services and Charges Office Rent (donated) Telephone Accounting Services Other Consulting Services (non-program) Postage Printing/Copying/developing/binding/graphics Dues & memberships Subscriptions/Publications/Books Conferences/Workshops/Training Insurance Travel Allowances- Local Advertising (general, non-program) Intemet Utilities (donated) Maintenance services (computer/equipment/other) Taxes & Fees Bank charges Miscellaneous Total Other Services and Charges 900 100 300 200 -0- 1,800 3,000 -0- 900 1,500 500 200 1,000 2,000 600 300 300 -0- 300 100 -0- 300 1,500 12,800 Total Direct Operating Expense (non-program) $34,300 Page 3 2001 - 2002 TOTA ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL WORK PROGRAM OPERATING EXPENSE Organization Committee · Main Street (materials, hospitality) TOTA Image Enhancement (graphic arts, printing & production) Directory/Map (graphics, printing & production, distribution) Welcome Packets (graphics, printing & production) Membership Mixers (publicity, hospitality) 5OO 5OO 1,200 200 600 Farmers' Market (refuse & sanitation; insurance; fees; rent; staff; postage) 15,500 Total Organization 18,500 Design Committee · Design Guidelines (graphics, printing & production) · Design Assistance Program (books & magazines, photography) Total Design 5OO 3OO 800 Economic Restructuring Committee · Business Assistance Materials (printing & production) · Workshops (publicity, hospitality, presenters) · Target List Development (printing & production, distribution) · Consulting Total Economic Restructuring 100 700 300 500 1,600 Promotion Committee Winter Holidays (graphics, printing & production, publicity, hospitality) Newsletter/Calendar (graphics; printing & production; distribution) Art Walk (graphics; printing & production; publicity; hospitality) Total Promotion 500 4,000 400 4,900 Annual Work Program Operating Expense 25,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 60,100 Page 4