HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-0918 9 10 11 12 13 :La 15 161 i 17 18 �.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 { 29 30 3i RESOLUTION NO. 79 -91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTI:. , CALIFORNIA, TO .APPROVE CERTAIN 140DIFICATIONS TLO ''!''HE JOINT POrV7ERS AGREEMENT AND RELATED BY LAWS FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT T AUTHORITY . WHEREAS, the City Council of the Ci ter o.-F- Tustin, hereinafter ref erred to as Council, author zed ' nart ic i.pat ion by the City in the orange County Cities. Risk _74anagemen t Authority, hereinafter referred to as OCCIUMA and WHEREAS, OCCRr4A now has been in existence for more than one year and has achieved substantial savings for member cities in their cost of risk management, and WHEREAS, this experience of more than one year has shown the need for revisions to the Joint Powers Agreement and re-- fated By Laws in order to clarify the bases for allocating costs among- member cities, to simplify and clarify the process of admitting new member cities, and to make various rt ..nor admin- istrative changes to these documents, and WHEREAS., the Risk Management Board of 0CCR'`1A has unanimously endorsed these proposed changes, and WHEREAS, approval of 6 of the 8 OCCR1-!A City Councils is required to effect changes to the Joint Powers Agreement or to the By Laws, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin approves the attached proposed changes to the OCCR 4-A Joint Powers Agreement and the By Laws, 'and alih.ori ze s- and directs the 4ayor and City Clerk to execute approval thereof on. behalf of the City of Tustin. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on this 3rd day of December , 1979 . 32 ., ATTEST:.' 1,11AY0 6L-� ('o4, CITY CLERK JGR:se :D :11/20/79 r jT��iE OF CALIFORNIA } . COTUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS - CILTY OF TUSTIN ) <'T C. POE City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Counoil of the R•..j s �. C , Y City or Tustin, California, doe number s hereby certify that the ohole nuer of ;;ambers of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; . that the �h.. � � y above and foregoing Resolution No. 79 -91 was duly and regularly 5' g �- regular xreetin of the city- Cou �cib 1. introduced, passed and adopL.ed at a regul g e 3rd day of December , 1979, by the following held on the y A.....5: CpjjNNCIWIEN: Schuster, Saltarelli, Shan Kennedy, Welsh S : C0UNCILMI7,N: None BISEN- T : CO - `:C112.1 'N : None rI C. pOEr City er'31-6f CitA of Tust: - - California ., , .. • •;.. ?+�, ,,,.tie 1 s r r rarjtiry!3 ��.. 4 ' � i � .i'v.,'. �' .'.. It i ray i *;s � St4�e"�c�'c•S �' s �r* ac,' " ,'t,r s''b;'• s � (n.�'�r+ :s''.`. ,:s� +' i�i:si,1r�'R�� rR. �,�� "�• �'M^M��;Y7� YAu .. • .,? ...a�'•.".'!�.`� *,e.' � ,k . `J�Y'�� ;:4. • .,�.. ...,fir.. .i� 0 PROPOSED REVISIONS 9/19/79 JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CITIES IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 0 9 JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CITIES IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA (Sec. 1.100) JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5 (beginning with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code authorizing specified local public entities to exercise jointly the power to provide Risk Management, including insurance, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 (beginning with Section 989) of Part 6 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the Government Code. Iilii�Y \ieC�CVYIY!! WHEREAS, the public interest requires and it is to the mutual interest of the parties hereto to join together to establish and operate a coopera- tive program of risk management, and WHEREAS, the operation of such a cooperative program is of such mag- nitude that it is necessary for the parties to this Agreement to join to- gether to accomplish the purposes hereinafter set forth, and WHEREAS, each of the local public entities which is a party to this Agreement has the power to establish and operate a program of risk manage- ment, and WHEREAS, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the California Government Code - Authorizes the joint exercise by two or more local public entities of any power which is common to each of them, and WHEREAS, each of the parties to the Agreement desires to join together with the other parties for the purpose of pooling certain of their self- insured reserves against losses and jointly purchasing excess insurance, re- insurance and administrative services in connection with a cooperative program of risk management; 0 9 NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual advantages to be derived therefrom and in consideration of the execution of this Agree- ment by other local public entities, each of the parties hereto does agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to the provisions of this Agree- ment and its By -Laws: (a) "Authority" - shall mean the Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority created by this Agreement. (b) "Risk Management Board" or "Board" shall mean the governing body of the Authority. (c) "Claims management" shall mean the process of identifying, con- trolling and resolving demands by individuals, public entities or private entities to recover losses from an insured, otherwise indemnified, or self - insured entity. Disposing of such demands for payment requires skills in insurance, law, adjusting /investigation, loss control engineering and general business. Claims management is the function of supervising legal, adjusting, investigation and engineering services to resolve such demands. (d) "Local Public Entity" shall mean city, county, public authority and such other governmental entities as the Authority may determine. (e) "Operations Committee" or "Committee" shall mean the Management Committee of the Board of Directors of the Authority. (f) "Participation" or "Participating" shall mean a member agency's action or state of taking part in the programs of the Authority .by doing all of the following through the Authority with respect to one or more risk areas: 0 0 (i) purchase of risk management administrative services; (ii) purchase of excess insurance or re- insurance (iii) purchase of claims administration services; (iv) contribute to designated reserve, operating and other funds or costs as required under the Authority's program. (v) Pay or make provisions for payment of assessments, defense costs, claim and judgement costs and other related costs as required by this Agreement for Authority's By -Laws. (g) "Rating Structure" shall mean the means by which premiums, contributions to a fund, or allocated expenses are established for a risk area on the basis of conditions which affect the probability of loss. (h) "Retrospectively Rated" shall mean a technique which permits adjustments of the final premium or fund contribution for a risk area based on the loss experience of the insured during the period of protection. Normally there are maximum and minimum limits between which such adjustments can be made. (i) "Risk Area" shall mean an area of exposure to pure risk of financial loss. As used in the Agreement and By -Laws this term refers to one of the following fields of exposure; worker's compensation, public liability, ac- cident and health, unemployment compensation, property damage and such other areas as the Board shall agree upon. (j) "Risk management" shall mean the process of identifying, evaluating, reducing, transferring, and eliminating risks. Risk management includes various methods of funding claims payments. Risk management includes elements of insurance, law, administration, technology and general business utilized to effectively manage risks. • 9 (k) "Risk Manager" shall mean the person or group appointed by the Board and given responsibility for the management administration and operation of the cooperative programs of risk management of the Authority. (1) "Eligible Member" shall mean a city representative eligible to vote on a matter coming before the Board in a Riven area of risk, due to the representative's city participation in that area of risk. In the case of new areas of risk that OCCRMA is considering, "eligible members" shall be all members who reasonably expect to participate in that area of risk. ARTICLE 2. SEPARATE ENTITY There is hereby created a separate public entity, the full legal name of which shall be "Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority ", and may be referred to herein as " OCCRMA" or the "Authority ". The Authority is a public entity separate from the parties to this Agreement. ARTICLE 4. SYSTEM ESTABLISHED A risk management system consisting of the parties to this Agreement is hereby established. This system represents a cooperative program of risk management which may encompass, but is not limited to, the following risk areas: Public liability, worker's compensation, accident and health, property damage and unemployment compensation and such other areas as the Board shall agree upon. Each party to this Agreement agrees to comply with and be bound by the provisions of the By -laws as the same may be amended from time to time. ARTICLE 4. OCCRMA POWERS (a) OCCRMA shall have the power and the duty to establish and operate a program of risk management and for its execution either directly by OCCRMA or by contract. (b) OCCRMA is authorized; to make and enter into contracts; to employ agents and employees; to acquire, construct, manage, maintain or operate any building, works or improvements; to acquire, hold or dispose of property; liabilities or obligations; establish risk management related lines of credit with the County of Orange, and to sue and be sued in its own name. The fore- going powers include, but are not limited to, those relative to contracting for excess insurance or re- insurance, claims administration services and consulting services. (c) The debts, liabilities and obligations of the Authority shall not be the debts, liabilities or obligations of the parties to the Agreement. (d) OCCRMA shall be subject to, and shall be governed by the By -Laws, a copy of which is attached hereto and, by this reference, made a part of this Agreement. (e) The powers exercised by the Authority are subject to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising such powers of the City of a general law city. ARTICLE 5. MEMBERS (a) Each local Public Entity which is a party to this Agreement is a "member agency" of OCCRMA and is entitled to the rights and priveleges and is subject to the obligations of members, all as provided for in this Agreement of the By -Laws. (b) After formation of OCCRMA by the initial membership group, New Members may be accepted upon application to OCCRMA and upon acceptance by the Board by two- thirds vote, and subject to acceptance by the prospective member of the financial arrangements and fund contributions specified by the then current members. ARTICLE 6. OCCRMA FUNDS The Treasurer of the Authority shall be the depositary of the funds of OCCRMA. The Treasurer's selection, responsibilities, compensation and related matters shall be governed by the By -Laws. The auditor shall be the disbursing officer of OCM1A and shall draw warrants against the funds of 0 0 OCCRMA in the treasury when demands are presented and authorized as designated in the By -Laws and OCCRMA actions taken pursuant to the By -Laws. ARTICLE 7. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall continue in effect until it is rescinded by mutual consent of the parties or terminated in the manner provided herein or in the By -Laws. ARTICLE 8. MEMBERSHIP TERM; WITHDRAWAL (a) A party to this Agreement shall remain a member agency for three years; thereafter the member agency may withdraw by: (1) Giving written notice to the Clerk, on or before the next succeeding March 1, of the intent to withdraw as of 12:01 a.m. on the next July 1, and (2) Fully performing its obligations as a member agency. (b) On the July 1 specified in the notice pursuant to subdivision (a) (1), above, and upon fully performing its obligations as a member agency, whichever is later, the member agency shall cease to be a party to this Agreement. ARTICLE 9. DISPOSITION OF OCCRMA PROPERTY AND FUNDS If a party withdraws as a member of OCCRMA, any property interest of that member agency remaining in the funds of OCCRMA following a discharge of all obligations attributable to that party, its officers and employees, shall be disposed of as provided in the By -Laws. If this Agreement is finally terminated as to all parties who are then members, any money or assets in possession of OCCRMA after the payment of all liabilities, costs, expenses and charges incurred pursuant to this Agreement shall be returned to the parties in proportion to their contributions to OCCRMA determined as of the date of termination. • 0 ARTICLE 10, ENFORCTMENT OCCRMA shall have the authority to enforce this Agreement. If suit is brought by OCCRMA against any defaulting member and OCCRM prevails in the action, the defaulting party shall pay reasonable attorney's fees to OCCR&MA as adjudicated by the Court. ARTICLE 11. INVALIDITY Should any portion, term, condition or provision of this Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be.illegal and in conflict with any law of the State of California or be otherwise rendered unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining portions, terms, conditions and provisions shall not be affected thereby. ARTICLE 12. ARTICLES, SUBDIVISIONS AND PARAGRAPHS (a) The principal divisions of this Agreement are articles followed by Arabic numerals not in parentheses. (b) The principal divisions of articles are subdivisions identified by lower case letters in parentheses. (c) -The divisions of subdivisions are paragraphs identified by lower case Roman numerals in parentheses. ARTICLE 13. AMENDMENTS No amendments to this Agreement or to any By -laws enacted pursuant to it shall be effective unless accomplished by written agreement executed by the governing bodies of at least two - thirds of the parties to this Agreement. Reasonable prior notice of any Board meeting in which amendments are to be voted upon, must be given to each member in writing. Such notice must include mention of the nature of the amendments to be voted upon. ARTICLE 14. PROHIBITTON AGAINST ASSIGNmMENT No member agency may assign any right, claim or interest it may have under this Agreement, and no creditor, assignee or third party benficiary 0 of any member shall have any right, claim or title to any part, share, interest, fund, premium or asset of the Authority. ARTICLE 15. AGREEMENT COMPLETE The foregoing constitutes the full and complete Agreement of the parties. There are no oral understandings or agreements not set forth in writing herein or in the By -laws. ARTICLE 16, DATE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE This Agreement shall become effective immediately after it has been adopted by the last of at least five (5) cities. AR? }6b£ - }y. } x1 'T£ii }H- P£R }9B- 9F- £FP£6� }4£N£SS {e� -- There- sks } €- lee -an- €star €m - Peeled - daring- wkfiek- tkis- Agreemea € -ea } }} be -e €€ eat}ve;- and - daring- xkiek- iniEia }- mashers- may- H3tkdrs�a- i € -ne €- saris € €ed ley- exeess- ar- reinsaranee- �aates-- -Tkis- eater #m- ger3ed- 3s- exp }s3ned- is -tke remainder -a €- this - Artie }e - {k�-- Barfiag -tke- interim- flerfied- neH- memkers- may - rein -ea- £erns - set -ley the- Beard- {ej - -$e€ ere- tkis- AgreemenE- keeemes- a € €eetive;- geteaEia }- member- eities- assisted- by- ene -er- mere- finsaraaee- krekers;- sks } }- deve }efl- estimated- re *nsaranee er- exeess- insareaee- gremiams- end -a € €- ether - assts- €er- eaek- getenEfia }- member ageaey -ia- the - risk- areas -eaek- member- flarEiefletes -in - -- £sale- #aiE #e }- member ageaey= s -esti meted - preen€ am- ska } }- lee- aresested- te- it- by- wriEEen- set €ee -- -£sale #a£tie }- member - ageaey- ska } }_kHtle_EkirEy_ {30j- daps - €re et -the- date - a €- eae}t- star €ee te- eensent-- sa- car #E €ng -- to -je €n- Eke- AatHer€ ty= s- 6eeflerat €ae- flragrarre € -r3sk management- {dj-- AE -tke- end- e € -tke- shave- tk4rty- {383- day - per }ad- er- Hken- tke- }est -e€ at- least - €five- {5�- #nitia }- member- ageaeies- leave- eanseated- is- �aritiag „- ta- remsin # a- tl �e-Aatkeriti;- cakiekever- eemes- €first, -€ first - year- flte:nfnws-ska } }-He -de -- termined--- £sale- ixitiafi- member - agency- trkiek- eanseated, -ia- tar €t €ng -ta- enter -tke 0 0 pragram- sHs }i- be- baand- ee- eentiRae -as -a- member- sab3eet -ta- this - Agreement and -$y- laws- e:ceepE- as- ea- eeverege -e €- risk - trees -3R- rah #eH -EHe- members- '- aeEas€ prem3am { s }- exeeed- eHe- esEimeeed- preen# am{ s} - -- EHe- eeeperae3ve- eregram -e€ -risk management- shai }- beeame- a € €eeEive- Eh #rey -deys- €rem - date - a €- preseneeeian -a €- written- naeiee- a €- emeane -a €- setae }- preeniams -er -when- the - }esE- a € -at- }east - {33 iRitia }_ member- egeReies- Have- eensented; -iR- writing ;- te- rem_4in -3R- the- Antherity- whiehever- tames- €irse - - -A €ter - the- Aatherieq- Has - been- aeeivatedr { #� -- New - members - may -�eiR- EHe- Aatherieq -as -e} }awed -bq -the Risk - Management- $earl, -er; { #yj-- } €- the- aetas }- greeninm- exeeeds- estimated- preen §am{s�, -s member - a €Ey - may -e} eeE- Ee- fl }eeeed- with- er- eanee} -its ga�tieipetien -iR- EHe- eeeperative- program- e €- se } €- insaranee and -risk- management- bq -iR€ arming- Ehe- Aatherieq; -in- writing; e €- its- deeiaieR -ea- that- e € €eee- {e3-- Hhex; -e €ter- EHe- eeEas }- €irse- gear - greeniwms- Have - been - determined; eHe-}as€-e€-at- }east- €ive- initia }- member- ageneies- remains- beand- er -has- e}eeeed-Ee-preeeed-wiEH- its- parEieipatiea -iR- EHe - grogram- parsasne- ee -sab- divisian- {d3- abave - -wr €teen- net1ee -ta- t hat -e€ €eeE- aha}}- immediately -be -given to- all -in itia }- member -age neiea- and- ta- kRawn- a a ten ti a}-part ie i p ants- Executed by the undersigned local public entities upon the respective dates set forth after the signatures of their duly authorized officers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tZ, HAVE SUBSCRIBED THIS AGREEMENT AND FORMED THE AUTHORITY AS OF THE DATE. OF THE FIFTH SIGNATORY. Executed before me this day of 1979. City Clerk of the City of Orange City of By Title: (Seal) City of Tustin By ,�y �f �cTLLC�fFiS% Title: MAYOR Executed before me this 3,,-,P- day ofb5wt ,J�" , 1979. ,p (Seal) City C,l�erk of th City Tustin C 6 City of By Executed before me this day of 1979. ty Clerk of the City (Seal) BY-LAWS TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREDIENT TO PROVIDE RISK MANAGEMENT FOR CITIES IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNLN BY -LAIJS ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (OCCRMA) PREAMBLE • The Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority (hereinafter referred to as OCCRMA) is established for the purpose of operating and maintaining a cooperative program of self- insurance and risk management and to provide a forum for the discussion, study, development and imple- mentation of procedures of mutual benefit in risk management programs. Sec. 1.100 PURPOSES '(a) The purposes of OCCRMA are: (1) To provide a self- insurance and risk management program and system which will achieve the following objectives for the benefit of OCCRMA's member agencies in all risk areas handled by OCCR`tA: (i) Reduced costs of insurance coverage through effective loss control practices and combined purchasing power; (ii) Reduced costs of claims administration services through central management, volume and combined purchasing power; (iii) Greater stability of insurance markets through size of combined membership, longer duration of insurance agreements and effective loss control practices; (iv) Reduced amount and frequency of losses of member agencies; (v) Improved control of sources of risk through the application of risk management - loss control techniques. (vi) Improved recovery from responsible third parties; ( vii) Esta�3isk�++ exE- a€- anrer- rror�reaerve- fvndsfor des- by- me�ahers- #a- ees €ng- she- #e�paee -s €- heavy - }asses: Funding of adequate reserves by members to ease the impact of heavy losses. (viii) Eee�dixseian- w #eh- 8reage- 6anaey - }eg }s }seers -ea seeded- � #sk- eisaege�reae- }eg }e }eeieao Monitor local, state, and federal legislative and agency risk management activities with the intent of advocating OCCR`L-1's position through coordination with appropriate representatives. (2) To provide a self- insurance and risk management program and system: for payment of claims and benefits as author- ized by OCCRMA's member agencies; ee—adm}aiseer-a-eeegera- e# ve- program - where }a- mee+ber- agene #ee- pee }- eeree #n- a € -she }r €ands -as- reserves -age }ass- }asses; to administer a program wherein member agencies subscribe to a funding plan designed to relieve the impact of heavy losses; to jointly purchase reinsurance or excess insurance; to jointly purchase admini- strative and other services including risk management, con- sulting, broking, claims administration, claims adjusting, loss prevention, data processing, legal and related services. (3) To acquire, hold and dispose of property, real and personal, necessary or desirable for the purnose of providing the members of OCCMIA with a complete self - insurance and risl 0 management program, including but not limited to the acquisition of necessary facilities and equipment, the employment of personnel, and the operation and mainten- ance of a system of risk management. Sec. 2.100 RISK MANAGEMENT BOARD (a) The governing body of the Authority shall be the "Risk Manage- ment Board" and may be referred to herein as the "Board ". (b) Voting members of the Board shall consist of one represent- ative from each participating member agency. Each member's representative shall be so designated by appointment by the member agency's governing board. Each member's governing board also may appoint one alternate who may attend meetings and vote in the event of absence of the representative. Each representative or alternate must be a city staff member. Each representative shall take each year's proposed Authority budget to the representative's City Council or governing board for review. (c) The Risk Management Board shall meet at least quarterly to review all operations of OCCRMA conducted pursuant to the OCCRMA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement and these By -Laws. The Board shall provide policy direction for the Operations Committee and the Risk Manager. Other functions of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, final approval of: (1) All matters with respect to which it is mandatory that the Management- Gammietee Operations Committee make recommendations to the Board, and (2) The following matters not covered by paragraph (1) above: (i) Selection and employment of a Risk Manager; (ii) Admission of new Members; (iii) Expulsion of present Members; (iv) Loans to Members from appropriate funds; (v) Determinations of the durations of loans to Members and the interest rates to be charged thereon; (vi) An operating budget for OCCRMA, to be approved in advance of the commencement of each fiscal year; (vii) Araaoemea8s;-#€- aay- be- Faede-- a }tk- Ehe- 6edRty -e€ 0�ange- �e�- es>= ab }isk�aea8- a €- r }sk- vxaaageeea8 -re }shed }inee-e€-ered}e- Arrangements if any be made with outside agencies for establishment of risk management related lines of credit. (viii) Selection of claims administrators. (ix) Selection of broker. (x) Selection of excess insurance policies after con- sidering advice of the Risk Manager. (xi) Determine by majority vote reductions in 2artici- ation in services or costs of claims administration or risk management due to special circumstances. Sec. 2.110 MEETINGS OF THE BOARD The Board shall establish a time and place to hold regular meetings not less often than quarterly. The Board President shall mail notice of all Board meetings to each representative and each alternate on the Board. Tlectings shall be conducted pursuant to the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order or such other procedural guide as the Board shall designate. 0 r Sec. 2.120 BOARD AND RISK MANAGER (a) The Board shall employ or contract for the services of a Risk Manager to administer and operate OCCRMA's programs of risk management under the direction and supervision of the Board and Operations Committee. The Risk Manager may, but need not be, a consultant, a corporation, or an employee of a member of OCCRMA. (b) Compensation, termination and other employment matters respect- ing the Risk Manager shall be governed by the By -Laws to the extent covered therein. OCCRMA may, but is not required to, enter into a written contract of employment with the Risk Manager. Sec. 2.130 QUORUM; VOTING (a) A quorum for the transaction of business by the Board shall consist of a majority of the representatives, or their alternates, of members of OCCRMA. (b) All matters within the purview of the Board of Directors may be decided by majority vote of a quorum of the Board. Except, those matters which the Agreement or By -Laws specify as requiring a two- thirds vote of the Board must be decided by a vote of two- thirds of all members of the Board. (c) Each representative on the Board may vote on each matter brought before the Board for decision. Except, if the Board by majority vote designates a particular matter as one which pertains only to a given risk area (e.g., workers' compensation), then only the representatives of those members who are participating members with respect to the given risk area may vote upon the matter. This limitation respecting who may vote on certain matters is not intended to prohibit any member from expressing its opinion as to how those qualified to vote should vote. 0 i Sec. 3.100 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE (a) An Operations Committee is hereby established for OCCRMfA. (b) The- membersk� #� -a €- ehe- 8perae #ens- 6exun3eeee- ska } }- eeas3se -e€ ehe- helew- meneiened- persens- eleeEed- er -appe €need -hy- ehe - Beard - a €- 8 }reeeers es- spee# €sed- elsewhere - #n- the- Agreement- er- By- bas+se { }j -- The- gres�deat {pj -- The- i� #ee -Pres #dent {3j-- The- Treesurer {4j -- The -Aad #ter o£ -tie- Beard- e- f- �reeEo�s- se}eeEed- �y- t�}+e- -4�e eed . { 6�-- A-1 eeal- pabl3e- ene }Ey- eEEerney;- ex -a €€ #ale {� } -- The- Rlsh- Manegerp- ex- a € € }e #e (b) Membership in the Operating Committee shall be established by vote of the Board. (c) The Operations Committee shall be responsible for the admini- stration and operation of the risk management programs of OCCRMA subject to the policy control and direction of the Board. (d) The- 8perat# ens- 6emm #etee -shall -have- genera } - pellet'- and- sapery #sexy eenErel -ever- Eke - day -Ee- day- dee #s�ens- end- edm�n�sErat3ve- aeE3vlt3es e €- eke- Treasarer;- Aad3ter;- end- R4sk- Henager- (d) The Operations Committee shall implement general policy and monitor operations of the Treasurer, Auditor, and Risk Manager. (e) The Operations Committee shall have such other powers and functions as are provided for in the Agreement and By -Laws. LIJ `J (f) The President of the Authority, or the Vice President in the President's absence, shall serve as the Chairperson of the Operations Committee. Sec. 3.120 RESPONSIBILITIES; DELEGABILITY (a) The following Operations Committee funtions may not be delegated: (1) prev3d #ng- pel3ey- end -s tip ery #eery- e day -to :. .. day =dee3s #ens- aitd =adnsn #serge #ve -eet #v #ties- e£- tke- �reasc+rer; And # ter -an d -T #sk- Manager- (1) Implementing policy and monitoring activities of the Treasurer, Auditor, and Risk Manager. (2) Maintaining an awareness of major risk management field developments which may affect OCCR`IA handled California public entity risks.. (3) Adopting a set of procedural rules for Committee meetings. (4) Performing those mandatory advisory responsibilities set forth in Section 3.130 of these OCCRMA By -Laws. (5) Retaining overall supervisory responsibility respecting delegated functions. (b) The Operations Committee shall perform, delegate or contract to have performed the following functions: (1) Prepere- ageades-€ ar- A #sk- Management- $eard- Meeesags- (1) Establish criteria for selection of a Risk Manager. Interview Candidates. Make recommendations to the Board respecting employment. (2) Establish criteria for selection of insurance brokers or companies and other risk management services. interview candidates. Make selection recommendations to the Board. (3) Establish criteria for selection of claims administratio,, E J (3) Recommend to the Board appropriate insurance broker(s); (4) Reeommend-Ee-Ehe- Beard- eenereees- a €- 3r�snrenee- (4) Recommend to the Board such taxes and assessments as may be levied by each member agency pursuant to paragraph (i) of Sec. 6.110. (5) Recommend authorizing payment of proper charges for costs of administering this Agreement. (6) Recommend whether to approve payment requests from member agencies when the requests are in excess of the Auditor's authorization. (7) Recommend a Conflict of Interest Code for adoption by the Board, Committee, Officers, and Risk Manager. Sec. 3.140 MEETINGS OF THE CO`MITTEE The Operations Committee shall establish a time and place to hold regular meetings not less often than monthly. The meetings of the Committee shall be held, noticed and conducted in the same manner as the meetings of the Risk Management Board. Sec. 3.150 REPORTS The Committee shall report to the Board not less than quarterly in order to advise the Board of its decisions and activities concerning implementation and operation of the Authority's cooperative program and system of self- insurance and risk management. Sec. 3.160 APPEAL TO BOARD Any decisions of the Operations Committee may be appealed_to the Board by any member agency subject to such restrictions as the Board may adopt. Sec. 4.100 OFFICERS (a) The officers of the Authority shall be: (1) President (2) Vice President (3) Clerk (4) Treasurer (5) Auditor (b) The Board shall elect the President and Vice President of the Authority for such terms and in such manner as the Board shall provide. (c) The Board shall designate the Clerk, Treasurer and Auditor in the manner provided for in these By -Laws. (d) Each Officer shall hold his or her position until relieved of functions as an Officer by either: (1) Expiration of his or her elected or appointed term, or (2) removal by two- thirds vote of the Risk Management Board. Sec. 4.110 PRESIDENT (a) The President shall be elected by the Board from its membership. (b) The duties of the President are to: (1) preside at and conduct meetings of Board. (2) preside at and conduct meetings of the Operations Committee. (3) Execute documents on behalf of the Authority. Sec. 4.120 VICE PRESIDENT (a) The Vice President shall be elected by the Board from its membership. (b) The Vice President shall exercise the duties of the President in the absence of the President. Sec. 4.130 CLERK (a) The Clerk shall be, ex officio, the City Clerk of a city 0 0 designated by the Risk Management Board by majority vote or by resolution. (b) The duties of the Clerk are to: (1) Attend the meetings of the Board and of the Operations Committee, and make minutes thereof. (2) Keep all official records of the Authority not required to be kept by'the Treasurer. (3) File such notices and statements as are required by Sections 6503.5 and 53051 of the Government Code. (4) Give notice of meetings as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. (c) Any assistant or deputy of the City Clerk of the City designated by the Board is ex officio a Deputy Clerk of the Authority and may act for the Clerk. Sec. 4.140 TREASURER (a) The Treasurer may be, ex officio, the Treasurer of a city designated by the Board of Directors by majority vote or resolution. Alter- natively, the Treasurer may be, ex officio, a certified public accountant designated as Treasurer by the Board as permitted by Section 6505.5 of the California Government Code. (b) The duties of the Treasurer are to: (1) perform the duties of the Treasurer prescribed in Section 6505.5 of the Government Code. (2) Attend meetings of the Operations Committee as a member thereof. (3) To sign warrants or such other negotiable instruments as may be used for proper disbursement of moneys from any OCCWIA fund. (c) Any assistant or deputy of the Treasurer is, ex officio, a Deputy Treasurer of the Authority and may act for the Treasurer. The Board may set minimum qualifications which any such assistant or deputy may be required to meet. (d) In accordance with Section 6505.5 of the California Government Code, the governing body of the same entity as the Treasurer shall determine charges to be made against the Authority for the Treasur- er's services if a member agency's treasurer is used. If a certi- fied public accountant is used as Treasurer,.then his or her rate of compensation shall be set by the Board. Sec. 4.150 AUDITOR (a) The Auditor shall be, ex officio, the chief financial officer of the same member agency as the Treasurer. Except, if the Treasurer is a certified public accountant who is not Treasurer of a member agency then the Auditor may be, ex officio, the Treasurer of a city designated by the Board of Directors by majority vote or by reso- lution. (b) The duties of the Auditor are to: (1) Perform the duties of the Auditor prescribed in Section 6505 and 6505.5 of the Government Code. (2) Attend meetings of the Operations Committee as a member thereof. (3) Issue warrants for the payment of claims of member agencies after obtaining the member's authorization. (c) Any assistant or deputy of the chief financial officer of the designated member agency is, ex officio, a Deputy Auditor of the Authority. (d) In accordance with Section 6505.5 of the California Government Code, 0 0 the governing body of the same entity as the Auditor shall determine charges to be made against the Authority for the Auditor's services. (e) Sections 4.140 and 4.150 shall not be construed as prohibiting the Authority from designating one qualified individual, office, or entity as both Treasurer and Auditor so long as the arrange- ments made are permissable under California lava. Sec. 5.100 RISK MANAGER (a) There shall be an OCCRMA Risk Manager appointed by the Board. The Risk Manager shall be responsible for the day to day admini- stration, management and operation of OCCRMA's programs of risk management and he or she shall be subject to the direction and control of the Board and Operations Committee. The Risk Manager may, but need not be, a consultant, a corporation or an employee of a member of OCCKIA. Sec. 5.110 RESPONSIBILITIES (a) The responsibilities of the Risk Manager shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Monitoring status of: OCCR.`'s programs and operations, member losses, administrative and operational costs, service companies' performance, brokers' performance. (2) Providing appropriate risk management counseling and information to member agencies. (3) Writing quarterly reports to each member agency detailing loss experience, desirable corrective actions and other infor- mation pertinent to risk management programs being handled by OCCR ?41. (4) Preparing an annual budget. (5) Advising State Legislators on OCCRMA needs. Advising member.cities on legislative developments. (6) Advising member cities of the risk impact of proposed new or changed programs. (7) Ass -1stming - the -Op erates ens- 6aem #ttee- and - the- R#sk- Manage- meat- 8aerd-# a- se} eet3ng- brekersp- saserenee- eemgaa }es- and - a }a #ms- adm }n }sErat #ea- sere #ees - (7) Assisting the Operations Committee and Risk Management Board in selecting brokers, insurance companies, insurance policies and claims administration services. (8) Performing or contracting for, actuarial studies to determine cost allocations. (9) Advising member cities on selection of claims attorneys. (10) Developing criteria to assist cities in preparation of risk management plans consistent with the Authority's master risk management plan. (11) Conduct risk management audits to review the participation of each member agency in the program. The audit team shall include the Risk Manager, the Board representative from the entity being audited and a Board representative from at least one other member agency. The Risk Manager will submit an audit report to the governing body of the audited member agency. (12) Developing effective risk management and loss control procedures and advising member entities on how to implement them. (13) Selecting and supervising OCCRM,4 employees as authorized by the Board or Operations Committee. (14) The Risk Manager's responsibility to perform the above services with respect to any member agency is limited to those risk areas in which the member agency is a partici- pating member. Sec. 5.120 COMPENSATION. EMPLOYMENT (a) The Risk Manager shall be compensated for his services to the OCCRMA in such amounts and manner as may be fixed from time to time by the Board. (b) Details respecting compensation, termination and other employment related matters pertaining to the Risk Manager shall be governed by the By -Laws and such terms and conditions as the Board shall set. Sec. 6.100 MEMBER AGENCIES (a) Any party to the Agreement is a member agency. Any local public entity in the County of Orange may become a party to the OCCRMA Agreement by agreeing to be bound by the Agreement and these By -Laws and by complying with all of the following requirements: (1) Submit application for membership and obtain Board approval. (2) Execute the original of the OCCRMA Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement as amended from time to time, and (3) Become a participating member with respect to at least one risk area handled by OCCRMA, and (4) Be a paid up member of the OCCRMA feasability study group or alternatively, pay $400.00 to OCCRMA as a fee for initial risk program analysis and structuring consulting services. (b) The - initi al- €ive -ar- mere - member- ageneies- sn € €ieiene- €e- eeE}ra €e the- 966RMA- Agreement- end -$;- haws ; - mast- a } } -be- cites- r_emhers- The- € #rst -$ earl - a €- 666RMA- w € } }_be- selected- €rem- Eke -are #tae} membzreh €p- greap--- Therea €ter -reea- city- }eea }- gablie- eretst €es may- be- admitted - as-Ind ependent- p art -ie €pat €ag - member - agencies an }y- open - terms- and- eendltlens -� €- any, - approved -by- the - $card- The- Irelt3e }- $card - shall- have- dlBeretlere -te- elect- Ireterlm -a€ €leers te- serve- darlreg -s- start - rep- per3ed- des }greeted -hy- the- }nitla }- $sard- Non -city local public entities may be admitted as'participating member agencies upon terms and conditions, if any, approved by the Board. Sec. 6.110 DUTIES OF THE MEMBER AGENCIES (a) Appoint a member to the Risk Management Board and an alternate. (b) Establish a Risk Management Advisory Committee to act as a liaison with the OCCRMA Risk Manager and to advise him or her of any proposed or altered program which may have significant risk management ramifications. (c) Maintain an active Safety Committee. (d) Provide necessary data to assist in obtaining reinsurance or excess insurance and claims administration services quotes. (e) Establish and maintain a risk management program approved by the Operations Committee. (f) - Estabi�i- sFrarcd- �irrtrirrarlai- ms-¢r�rrragemenrPTrgr-s's,- aPP'kQVcd -±17 xh� 43pera- t- io��s -Eomm itt�y- i�- r- -61ia- �tiber- ag�e'l ' s- s�l- f-- i +zsEr�ed- - r3s]ca (f) Establish and maintain a prudent claims management program for the member agency's self insured risks. • (g) Pay when due all assessments levied by the Board pursuant to , the OCCRMA Agreement or By -Laws, or Board policies adopted in furtherance of the Agreement or By -Laws. (h) Enter into and maintain contracts of insurance or reinsurance as required by the Board in risk areas in which the member agency is participating. (i) Pay from other funds or levy and collect taxes and assessments to pay judgements pursuant to Chapter 2 (beginning with Section 970) of Part 5 of Division 316 of Title 1 of the Government Code; pursuant to Article 3 (beginning with Section 43720) of Chapter 4 of Division 4 of Title 4; or pursuant.to Article 7 (beginning with Section 50170) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code if necessary. (j) Comply with the letter and spirit of the OCCRMA Agreement and these By -Laws. Sec. 6.120 RIGHTS OF MEMBER AGENCIES The rights of member agencies are to: (a) Saw- €yea- eke- appep €a8e- €ead -e- €ends -e €- the- Aethe €ty -eay eaieeat- aet- ia- exeess-e€- the- eaeaeeabe�ed- be €aaee -s €- seek - €eads aeeessaey -te- pay - the- epp�eved- aa�eeat- a € -eay- a €a €m- ega�ast -ehe t9em'ae�- egeaey; -eesE- a € -e €a €ass- ada� €a €s8�a € €ea- €ne €ad €ag- €ega} de€ ease, - -ef- judgement- with4a- the- seepe -e €- the - member-- ageneyle ga�t3ei pat€ as - €a- the- Authe� €tyLe- p�eg�eais� (a) Have the Board designate appropriate required contracts of insurance with excess insurers or reinsurers to provide coverage above the level of risks retained by the member agency or the Authority. (b) Receive assistance from the Operations Committee and Risk Manager in establishing and maintaining a risk management program com- patible with the master risk management program of the Authority. (c) Appeal decision of the Me nageaear- 6esta3EEee Onerations Committee to the Board, subject to such restrictions as the Board may adopt by resolution or By -Laws. (d) Withdraw from membership as provided herein. (e) Amend this Agreement or dissolve the Authority by a two- thirds vote of all the Member Agencies. (f) Receive a refund of any credit balance of the member agency's account or accounts in Authority funds upon withdrawal of membership or dissolution of the Authority. The timing and nature of such receipt of such refunds or credit balances shall be governed by the Agreement and By -Laws, especially By -Laws Section 11.100. Sec. 7.100 FUNDING (a) The Authority and its participating member agencies shall establish and maintain the following operating, self- insurance and insurance funds: (1) Individual City Self- Insurance Fund Each participant, with the assistance of OCCRMA shall establish for each area of risk participation a fund for the predicted and expected first layer of losses. This fund will be main- tained by each agency for its own use. (2) Buffer Fund (i) The OCCRMA shall establish a Buffer Fund to assist par- ticipants in funding losses above the predicted and ex- pected first layer of losses. This fund shall not be risk- sharing, but shall be used to fund losses of par- ticipants. Users of this Buffer Fund may withdraw up 0 0 to three times their deposits, and shall re -pay the fund utilized over not more than ten (10) future years. The- #aterest- rates - ead - terms -a€ r� #thdrawe }- sad- repayr±eat- w # } }- be- de € #sed -by -the -Beard- A fee will be charged member cities who withdraw money from the buffer fund to pay for losses. The amount of the fee will be determined by the Board. Any borrowings will be done in accordance with the Constitution of the State of California. Borrowings will be carried by the borrowing city in a separate fund and budgeted annually as a specific line until re- payment is made. Funds-may - be -sapp }led -by- the- Gouaty- a €- ere nge -to sagpert- ead- snpp }emeat- the- $n € €er- $nad--- } =` -sneh- €nads are -ad a3} ab} e;- eead }E£aas- gaeern #ng- nse -e €- the - €nads; as- estab }# shed- by- 8reage- 6eaaty- aad- apgraved- by -the- -Baerd;- sha } }- epg }y- Funds may be supplied by outside agencies to support and sunolement the buffer fund. If such funds are available, conditions governing their use shall be approved by the Board. (iii) The Buffer Fund shall be established initially with an assessment of one percent (1 %) a €- net- badget expexd£ tares- eeeua } }y_�ade - #x- the- }ast -eem� }seed €3see }- year -by- sash- gnre #e #gas #ag- agexey- of net budgeted expenditures for fiscal year 77/78, excluding capital projects, by each participating agency. Payments into the Buffer Fund may be contributed on the basis of not less than 1/3 for each of the first 3 years of membership. (iv) After- the -±Tr al-- assessment -pack- member- age¢cj -skatt b-e- rated -- anreaatlp - and -sha�� -b-e - assessed -a -fanci - corrtrr- bn tivn- based -apo rr -rts -ra ti-rrg .- (v) 6ksa} d- e} e} ns- aga€xse- a- taewber- agexey- wh #ek- are -ga #d ea = -e €- that- egexey= s- Ba € €er- Fxxd- eextr3bat #ex- e�eeed ekat- agexey= s- Bn € €er- Fxxd -eaxtr }bat #ex;- ekex- saek- agexey ska } } -be- rated- retrespeet €ve }y -axd- may -ke- assessed add€t3eae}-€axd-eener3bat€axs- based - apex- tke- retra- sgeet }ve- rat�xg- (iv) The Buffer Fund shall be held in trust, invested, and placed at interest under OCCRMA Board supervision and control. Interest accrues to each member agency in proportion to its contributions.to the Buffer Fund. (3) Bperat4xg -Fuxd- 066RHA- sha}€- estak} #sk- ax- 0perae3xg- Fexd- te- skare- eke - east -e€ risk- rsexagemexe- sere #ees - - -A} }seat #ea -e €- assts -arreng -eke var€ axs- agexe #es- ska }�- ke- as- €e��eiase Ei 4----------------- k4abi}sey----- -- - - - -'0 -- ----- Herkers- 6erp -------- 20" -- Employee -?led €eel ---- 10f -- (3) Excess Insurance Premiums A fund will be established by OCCRMA to pay excess insurance premiums for participating member cities. For new member cities who participate in a given area of risk, their first year payments will be the premiums quoted by the excess insurer. For existing members and new members after their first policy year, premiums will be allocated annually to participating member cities as follows: (i) Liability ldorker's Compensation, and Employee Group Medical Premium allocations will be calculated based on common self- insured retentions. Premiums for cities who select a lower self - insured retentions will be adjusted upward and premiums for cities who select a higher self- insured retention will be adjusted downward based on quotes received from the incnrpr_ (ii) Far -eeeH -risk- area;- Eke- €e } }ewino €erma }e- sha } } -be- used -Ee a}} eeaEe- Ehe- eesES- e€- Elje- be} eH- menEiened- serviees- Ee- garEi- eipating- aember- ageneies+ - 39f- by- a- prejeeEed- nr�mber -e € -e }aims; -and - 50�i- by- e- peageeeed- de € }er -eesE- a €- a }e #ats. Master -Risk- ?Manager Glaims- Management AeEaaria- bass- Gentfe} Risk- MenagemenE- £daeetiea- gaining (ii) Liability Fifty percent (50 %) of the liability premium will be allocated on the basis of ISO published manual liability rates. The remaining fifty percent (50%) will be allocated to participating members based on average annual incurred losses over a Five 0 0 (iii) Fie }d- ad�ase }ng- eases- she}} -be- a } }eea €ed -ee- pare #e }pae }agg agene 4:es - ba3ed- ea- Qeeee5- provided -bp- a }e3ms- ad3asEera -. (iii) Worker's Compensation Fifty percent (50 %) of the worker's compensation premium will be allocated on the basis of manual worker's ensation premiums. The remaining fifty percent (50 %) will be allocated to participating members based on average annual incurred losses over a five -year period. (iv) R4sk- Hanageevene- #a €ermae3en- sere #ees- shs } }_be_a } }eeaeed -ea pare #e }psetag- egene£es - #n- prepare #en -ee- the - number - a €- #eea�s empeeeed- ea- be- reeerded- (iv) Employee Group Medical Premium allocations to participating member cities will be based on individual city allocations provided by the insur- ance underwrit (4) 6enmere }a}- Eye ees- er -Ae- Ins ar one e -Funds 866RPIA- she}}- eseeb } #sh -e -€ and- €er- ehe- papmene- a €- eernnere #e} exeess- er -re -} nsaranee- prey3ar�s - - -A} }save #ea -ee- pare #e }paE #ng agave} es- sha } }- be- #a- prepereiaa- ee -eaeh- pare #e3psae'- s- aeEna} r #sks;- as- represented -bp- pre €esssana } }y -ea }en }aced- prs.nary premiums- based- ea- $areea- raees- (4) Risk Management Services The cost of risk management services will be allocated to member cities based on their liability, worker's compensation and employee group medical excess insurance premiums in the OCCRMA pro¢rams based on common self- insured reten the followine pr000rtions: 0 Liability 40% Worker's Compensation 40% Employee Group Medical 20 %, if at least four (4) member cities choose to participate in the OCMIA group medical program. If less than 4 cities participate in group medical, then risk management costs will be allocated 50% to excess liability premiums, and 50% to worker's comp- ensation premiums, based on common self- insured retentions. In the event that a member city has a full time employee designated as Risk Manager or equivalent, and who performs risk management functions exclusively, OCML1 may, by majority vote of the Board, reduce that members proportionate share of the cost of OCCRMA risk management services. (5) Claims Administration Services A fund will be established by OCCRMA to pay claims admini- stration services fees for participating member cities. (i) Liability Administration Retainer fees will be paid by each participating city based on the administrator's quote. Billing during the policy year will be determined by actual costs for each City, based on auoted rates. (ii) Worker's Compensation Administration Payments by participating cities during the policy year will be based on the number of claims for the year, as estimated 0 0 (4) The member agency shall not be delinquent in payment of its assessments. (5) Payment of the member agency's account balance may be required to bear interest as determined by the Board. (b) Provided, however, that no member agency may withdraw more from the Buffer Fund than the total Buffer Fund deposits and interst then creditable to that member unless the Board first approves such withdrawal after determining that the income and revenue received or to be received by the member agency in the then current fiscal year shall or will be sufficient to cover any in- debtedness to the Authority then being incurred with respect to the liability or liabilities then giving rise to the withdrawal. (c) Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine the Buffer Fund or any payments made therefrom to member agencies to be il- legal or in conflict with any law of the State of California or to be otherwise rendered unenforceable or ineffectual, then any member's Buffer Fund deposits and interest shall become immedi- ately due and payable to the Authority. In such a case, this By -Laws provision takes precedence over any contrary affected portions of any then outstanding repayment agreement between the Authority and a member agency. by the Risk Manager. At the end of the year, charges will be adjusted retrospectively based on the actual number of claims. (iii) Employee Group Medical Administration Payments by participating cities will be based on actual costs allocated by the administrator. (6) The Authority shall assess each member agency for fund contri- butions no less than annually. A member agency shall not be assessed for the next succeeding Authority operational year if the member has given notice of intent not to participate during that year as provided in the Agreement or By -Laws. Sec. 7.110 DRAWING ON BUFFER FUND (a) All. participating member agency draws from the Buffer Fund must be authorized or ratified by the Operation's Committee. No such draw shall be authorized or ratified unless all of the following standards are met: (1) The member agency shall present a claim to the Auditor not later than one year after (i) the member agency approves a claim against it, (ii) incurs costs of defense, or (iii) final judgement is entered against it, whichever is earlier. (2) The draw shall be used to pay a claim, claims admini- stration including cost of legal defense, or a judgement based entirely or in substantial part on a risk covered by the Authority's program for a risk area in which the drawing member agency is a participating member. (3) The Buffer Fund of the Authority shall have an unencum- bered account balance sufficient to pay the claim. Sec. 7.115 CLAIMS SETTLEMENT The determination of whether a claim for general liability, automobile liability, worker's compensation, or accident and health is to be allowed, compromised, settled, or rejected shall be that of the party against whom the claim is filed. Sec. 7.120 DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF AUTHORITY FUNDS The Treasurer may deposit and invest Authority funds subject to the same requirements and restrictions that apply to deposit and invest- ment of the general funds of the city designated in Art. 4 sub. (e) of the OCCRMA Agreement. Sec. 7.130 AUDIT An annual audit of the financial affairs of OCCR`1A shall be made by a certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year in accordance with generally accepted auditing principles. A copy of the annual report shall be delivered to-each member. The cost of the annual audit constitutes an administrative expense of OCCMk and shall be paid for in the same manner as other administrative expenses are paid. Sec. 8.100 DEFENSE OF CLAIMS AND ACTIONS (a) As to any claim or action against the Authority which is based on or arises out of an occurrence involving an officer or employee of the Authority who is also an officer or employee of a member agency such claim or action against the Authority will be defended . by the Authority and its appropriate coverage or insurance provisions protecting the entity and /or member agency against such claims or actions, except where the member agency is a claimant or plaintiff., or has some other conflict of interest which makes such defense improper. This permits the Authority to secure workers compensation, liability, or other appropriate policy issued on its own activities 0 0 rather than on those of the respective member agencies. (b) In other situations in which there is a claim or action against the Authority, the Authority may provide for the defense by the Authority of any member agency included in the claim or action. Sec. 8.110 COST OF DEFENSE (a) A member agency's cost of defense pursuant to Sec. 8.100 (a) shall be paid from such funds of the Authority as the Board shall desig- nate, but shall not be charged to the account of the member agency. (b) Paragraphs (2) and (4) of subdivision (a) of Sec. 7.110 shall not apply to payment of claims pursuant to this section. Sec. 8.120 CLAIMS AND JUDGEMENT AGAINST THE AUTHORITY Claims and judgements against the Authority shall be paid from, or charged to, the appropriate coverages or self- insured funds the Authority has established against such claamz, judgements, or losses. Such amounts shall be paid from the Authority's own coverage or self- insured funds rather than from funds contributed by a member agency. Sec. 9.100 DISPUTES OR CLAIMS BET14EEN MDIBERS (a) Arbitration. Any differences, claims or matters in dispute arising between or among members shall, if such differences arise out of the OCCRMA Agreement or By -Laws, be submitted by such members to arbi- tration by the American Arbitration Association or its successor. The determination of the American Arbitration Association or its successor shall be final and absolute. The arbitrator shall be governed by the duly promulgated rules and regualtions of the American Arbitration Association or its successor and the pertinent provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator(s) may be entered as a judgement in any court of the State of California or elsewhere. (b) Authority Representation Conflicts. Any differences, claims or . matters in dispute arising between or among members shall, if such differences do not arise out of the OCCRP]A Agreement or By -Laws, be handled as follows: (1) After being notified in writing that one member agency has filed a formal claim against another in accordance with provisions of the California Government Code, the Authority can no longer act on behalf of either member insofar as the case giving rise to the claim is concerned if the claim involves a risk area or areas in which each of the involved members is a participating member. (2) Conversely, the Authority may continue to act on behalf of a participating member, even after receipt of written notice of a formal claim filed by one member agency against another, provided the claim only involves a risk area or areas in which only one of the involved member agencies is partici- pating. (c) In any case falling within the ambit of (1) or (2) above, the Authority may, in its discretion, act on behalf of one or all involved members, provided that the Authority first obtains the written consent of all such members. Sec. 10.100 TORT LIABILITY Section 895.2 of the Government Code imposes certain tort liability jointly upon public entities solely by reason of such entities being parties to an agreement as defined in Section 895 of said Code. There- fore, the parties hereto, as between themselves pursuant to the authori- zation contained in Sections 895.4 and 895.6 of the Government Code, each assumes the full liability imposed upon it or any of its officers, agents, or employees by law for injury caused by a negligent or wrongful act or omission occurring in the performance of the Agreement, to the same extent that such liability would be imposed in the absence of Section 895.2 of said Code. To achieve this purpose each party indem- nifies and holds harmless the other party for any loss, cost or expense that may be imposed upon such other party solely by virtue of Section 895.2 of the Covernment.Code. Sec. 11.100 MEMBER WITHDRAWAL; OCCRMA DISSOLUTION (a) A member agency of the Authority may withdraw as a member upon complying with Articles 8 and 9 of the Agreement and with these By -Laws. (b) In the event of the dissolution of OCCRMA or the complete rescission or final termination of the Joint Powers Agreement by all of the then parties thereto, any property of OCCM.1A remaining after all claims and obligations have been paid, or provision made for the payment of the same, shall be returned to the then current members of OCCRMA in proportion to their current deposits. (c) •If a member agency withdraws from OCCRMA the following formula shall be utilized to determine refund or obligations due and timing of payments. (1) A sum shall be arrived at by calculating the cummulative paid in fund contributions plus any investment income of the withdrawing member and prorata share of any assets of OCCRMA less the cummualtive losses and expenses of the with- , drawing member and prorata share of operating costs of the Authority. (2) If as a result of the above calcualtions, OC ML4 owes the withdrawing member a sum, OCMIA has the right to defer payment of all or any part of the sum for a period of not 0 0 to exceed 10 years so as to assure OCCRMA of continued financial stability. (3) Should the withdrawing member owe OCCRMA a sum, the OCCRMA has the right to grant a deferal of payment of all or part of this sum for a period of not to exceed 10 years, except cohere OCCRMA and the withdrawing member have agreed to a different repayment schedule on a loan from the Buffer Fund. (4) After receiving advice from the Operations Committee the Board shall determine whether the obligation to pay a with- drawing member's reimbursement shall be discharged through a transfer of property or through a payment of funds. The transfer or payment shall be made within a reasonable time following withdrawal. The current fair value of OCCRMA property shall be determined by the Board after receiving advice from the Auditor. If the withdrawing member disagrees with the determination of the current fair value of OCCRMA properties shall be determined by an independent appraiser. Sec. 12.100 EXPULSION OF MEMBERS (a) A party to this Agreement may be excluded from membership when its actions: (1) Cause the member to not substantially comply with the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement or (2) Cause the member to fail in substantially complying with a written and acknowledged term or condition imposed on the member by a simple majority vote of the Board; (3) Cause an adverse effect on OCCR *IA's relations with the insurance market and the member fails to remedy the adverse effect within a reasonable time after receiving written n.. r; r., F --- 1 1,, P...,,-.1 ,- t, v..- - - ; - rr .-n ,-r n r r ,, ar tir+n. (b) The Board may, by a two - thirds (2/3) vote, terminate and exclude the offending member from any and all benefits of membership in OCCRUA. Sec. 13.100 LEGAL REPRESENTATION Legal counsel to advise on matters relating to the operation of OCCRMA may be recommended by the Operations Committee or Risk Manager and approved by the Board. OCCRMA shall have the right to pay such legal counsel a reasonable compensation for said services under a contract. Sec. 14.100 NOTICES (a) Notice to the Authority shall be given by delivery of such notices to the Clerk at the office of the City Clerk of the City so desig- nated in subdivision (e) of Article 4 of the Agreement. (b) Notice to member agencies shall be given by delivery of such notice to the Clerk of each member agency. (c) Claims against the Authority, other than claims presented pursuant to Sec. 7.110 of these By -Lacs shall be presented to the Clerk at the office designated in subdivision (a) of this section. Sec. 15.100 SECTIONS SUBDIVISIONS AND PARAGRAPHS (a) The principal divisions of this Agreement are sections identified by the abbreviation "Sec." and followed by Arabic numerals not in parentheses. (b) The principal divisions of sections are subdivisions identified by lower -case letters in parentheses. (c) The divisions of subdivisions are paragraphs identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses. Sec. 16.100 EFFECTIVE DATE These By -Laws shall be effective immediately upon the effective date of the Joint Powers Agreement.