HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-084C 7 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, 'ESTABLISHING CAPITAL OUTLAY IRVINE - PETERS CANYON SUBACCOUNT. The City Council of the City of TusLi n, does hereby resolve as follows: lb Ir"I 1. The City Council finds and deCorrni nes that: a. Title 5, Division 2, Part. 1, Chapter 4, Article 4 (Sections 53734 et seq.) of t.he Government Code or the SLat.e of California aind Parr 3 of Chapter 1 of the Tustin City Code, Sections 2230 et seq., e-nacl.ed pursuant. LhereLo, authorizes the City to create a Capital outlay Fund and ' to accuML11ate funds for the purpose of capital outlay; b. Said Capital Outlay Furlris may be s -hown on the City Budget. as reserves for future expenditure in subsequent years and when shown shall be identified as to purpose; C. The Capita! Outlay Fund shall remain inviolate for t:hL making of capital ouLlays and funds therein shall not- be disbursed except for capital improvements without the approval of two- thirds (2/3) of the voters voting in an election for such purpose; d. The area known as the North Irvine Ranch requires considerable capital expenditures for streets, roads and flood control measures in the int'e -resLs Of public health and safety; and e. Said area is in an agricultural preserve status with a contract termination dale of December 31, 1903, unless deerned to be in the public interest for prior development. f. The Tustin City Code, Part 3 of Chapter 2,. Sections 2-230 t- hrough 2233, provide for the establi shr-n enL of a Capital Outlay Fund with the designation of subaccounts for various geographical areas; and g. The City Council did by its Resolu& on No. 76 --131 est a dish a subaccount for the area known as the North Irvine Ranch in the Sphere of Infiuene e of the City of Tustin. h. The area in the City of Tustin knov,,n as Irvi ne- Peters Canyon described and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full hereat, requires considerable capital expend- 1 2 3 �I 5 i 6 �f i 8, 9 • 10 1.1 12 13 i 14 15 .6 1'7 18 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 I 28 29 30 31 32 i'Lures for streets, roads, and flood control in Lhe interest, of PLJhhc safety- and i. Said area is now in an agrj cl�l �.ural preserve status. 2. The City Council of the City of Tustin hereby establishes a Capital OuLlay Fund Subaccount to be identified as the Irvine -- Peters Canyon Subacc:ount which shall be operated pursuant to the following criteria. a. From and after the da t.e Of anne xa J on of the sL�b je ^t. proporty to City and continuing until building permi Ls shall have been issued for any improve- ment-, other than public improvement, in the area known as Irvine - Peters Canyon, City shall cause to be segregated and accumulated in the Capital outlay Fund Subaccount ninety percent (90 %) of all revenue derived by City as its share of taxes derived from real property tax levies upon the subject property and distributed Lo City pursuant. to Lhe provisions of Government Code Section 26912- or any succesor provision thereto which provides for payment. to cities of revenue derived f roan real properly Laxes, together with that percentage of any other revenue, sums, and fees received by City derived from or arising out of the subject property, any use made ':hereof or any action taken wit-.h reference thereto. The revenue to be subject to credi L to said Capital Outlay Fund shall not include an., revenues derived from other than the basic real property tax, including bL.)E_ riot limi Led to user fees, special asessmen 'Ls, assessment district levies, special improvement levies, levies for payment. of bonded indebtedness and all ol.her levies based upon special benefits, services, inspections, improvements or other con- sideration. City shall cause said surns so received, segregated and accumulated Lo be expended upon public improvements in the subject territory and in ac c- ordance with the aforedescribed capital improvement plan. City may accumulate such funds and expend them from time to time at- such times and in such manner as it deems suitable to implement the of oredescribed capital improvement plan. Any provisions of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the.13 obligation of City to accunnulate revenue received by it and allocated to the capiL.al OULlay fund shall not extend past the time when a building permit shall have issued for an improvement on the subject property, of -her than a public improvement. Upon Lhe issuance of a permit for the development of the subject property, or any part or 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9{ F 10 11 1 .� 2 I 13 1a 15 ' 16 17, 18 10 f i 20 23 22 23 2d- 2 5) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 parts thereof, the Obligation of C�i t.y to �JCCLIfmll ate :�l.�c:h revenUe rec:=i ve_j Dy Ci t.y shall thereupon be terminated. All sums accumulated prior to such development shall be segregated by City and shall be expended by City in conformity with the of oredescri bed capital improvement- plan in support: of and coordination with private development and. in no event later tl--ian one (1) year following issuance of building permit for improvement:, other than public irnprovernent:, on the subject property. b. All funds accumUlat.ed in the Capital Outlay Fund Subaccount prior to i Ls termination shall be applied t.o capital proj ec Zs within the area shown and described in Exhibit A. After the tilme when a permit shall leave issued for the. developrnenL of the subject property, or any part or parts thereof, no funds shall further accrue to the said Capi tat Outlay Fund Subaccoun .- and Laxt-.%s shall thereafter be levied upon and appropriated as provided for other properties within the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular ; nee ti ng of 'the City Council of 'the City of Tustin held on this 5th day of November 1979• ATTEST: iCI1TY ` CLf--RK JC.�R,se:D :6 /it /79 J(-"*.R:se:R:9 /19/79 JGR:se:R:10/16/79 T/R /Capi gal Outlay D:15 3 MAY lam J �J I I i I � E i � K I , 1 I ' . J a I- I f 3 I I �.w •i i _ Ei ' P�co ca+w.cn- nsaE.v *la i —� IFC- �9CfYTL1) I s..�. .... • . I I' `I I P9FI CYS 79, � :l15Tlµ CAL.-7. PER RES ND. kr2' , I DATED 4-16 -79 PER. 62D NC � DATED I EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 5 Pages { 5 y,.. g:. '...- :s �:. � vF :�- +r.--- �- T —e -4 r- .t • • ,:). 1. 17 'iv 'I1;E C17i C:, V., : i" Those oortions of Blocks 41, 42 and 43 of If- vine's Subdivision in t:e CZ)W)ty of Or PJlae, State of CalifoLnia, as C-'_ rr.]p _coor c—.: L"1 n_ok 1, 63 of M ?scellan£ous ? S, Records of said Cc'unt;', Cescribad as fcl1C::s: FsGli'adl::G at an arrale point in the etisth lc Cci:. ^. ^dT: lone of `nc Cat,; of'n1StLn,.hei_nc t. ^.e nost northerly Corner of ?arcel ;; of he "T_;ij)C- -',' OLC -,)Z! pacscc c _ of Oranac C(Dunty, C lifcrnia by Ordinance No. 716, `dated April 4, 1977, said point being also on the south�.aesterly line of said Bloch; 43 and on. the centa_- line of Irvine Boulevard, distant th<areon South 49 °16'55" Fast 660.00 font frcrn the centerline of Brownina Avenue, and also bei-na the nest southerly cornar of Tract NO. 3119 as Per rap reaorde in Zook: 102, cases 32 aid 33 of 1- scellaneous Maps, Records of said County; thence, leav —inc said eT:iStLng cit \' hou)'-'h"a1Y 11ne a:hC along a line rlralie! With and distant soutiieasteriv 660.00 feet rcT the nortn'weste--ly 1L'le Of Sa3C Block 43, North 39 053'46" East 4621.35 feet to a line ra.rallel with and distant SCC'v ,' »'•a5tc =.1�' 650 -00 meet frc-i the P.ortneastcCr1V lii'.e of sflld 3.1cc,: •13; thence, alonc sa.1C .rallel 1—ine Sou"i 49 °5%'54" 55 -. 9 iC =G an angle Point Ln '�'?e toucC 1Lne of Tract i` +J. 366 - ec .-'``9 i, B^ 3, as p' n`ap r_.o_ac_. _l �k 166, Pages 5 through 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, RoZords of said Orange Count.;; thence, alone the hound=,, line of said tract: Sou th Sou th Sou th i for th Nor th N'Drtll North North and F:ort� 28 °55'36" 62 °37'04" 85 °37'35" 6S °51'48" 48 °51'2.2" 40 °01'11" 49 °46'26" 13 °02'25" 40 °13'32" Fast Last East East Fast Fast West i•ie s t East 274.16 feet; 144.95 feet; 139.95 fe--t; 180.53 feet; 239.92 feet; 579.82 feet; 5.02 feet; 656.77 feet; 3.74 feat; thehce, leaving the boundary line of said Tract No. 3883, north 40 011'46" East 587.30 feet to the most southerly corner of Tract No. 8640, as per rap re- corded Ln Book 359, pages 4 through B of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of said Tract No. 8640 and along the northeasterly axtewsion thereof, North 39 046'54" East 1331.93 feat to the ncst southerly corner of Lot I of Tract No. 61, as "_r T-ao recorded Ln Bror: 10, :ace 5 of Miscellaneous taps, Records of said Crance county; EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 5 Pages NO. 117 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN thence, along the southeasterly line of said Tot I, North 39 051'00" cast 1315.80 feet to the most easterly corner thereof, being a 6 "x8" post designatV "F -21" on a rao Bled in look 92, pope 1 of Records of Sli_' & , Pecords of said Grange County; thence, as s:Y',vn on said map filed in :y:Jo'. 92, Cage 1 of ^ecores o_ North 39 051'00" East 660.11 feet; North 49 °59'45" West 666.60 feet; North 39 054'45" East 232.70 feet; North 41 006'35" East 245.99 feet; and ?Drth 39 056'28" Fast 181.24 feet to the south esteriv line of said Bloc: 41 being also a roinu on line of Tract iio. 9271, as ';:xax- Trap recorded in 3 -,ot: 424, cac:es Maps, .Records of said Grange County; the spun % scerly 5 and 6 of M- sccllaneous thence, along the southv' esterly line of said. Block 41 and of said T=acz 10. 9211, South 50 °03'32" East 100.50 feet to the Post soot`eriv corner of said Trap- No. 9271; thence, along the boundary line thereof: North 39 °50'21" East 530.86 feet; North 17 °42'21" West 318.45 feet; North 74 °44'29" West 145.30 feet; North 87 °55'21" West 378.41 feet; and North 50 009'36" West 60.00 feet to the nortln<esterly line of said Block 41, being also a mint on the soutlheasterly line of Tract No. 6206, as per map recorded in Pock 372, paces 30 through 35 of Miscellaneous yaps, Records of said Grange Count:; thence, along said northeasterly line of Bloc?: 41, ?north 39 050'24" Last 1528.50 feet to a point on the boundary ndary line of the lard described in a Died recorded January 17, 1955 in Book 2926, pace 226 of Official Records; thence, along the boundary of said land: South 25 °14'36" South 04 °25'36" South 25 °34'10" South 67 °13'36" North 77 °57'24" North 26 °27'24" North 12 006'24" and North 70 °06'24" East East East East Fast East East East 84.91 feet; 89.05 feet; 91.76 feet; 116.55 feet; 172.06 feet; 42.13 feet; 249.42 feet; 79.58 feet to a EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 5 Pages point on the bcundar -y line of the 1:z:�L�; ��I�t�s c _�:�ca : _..,.._•� ;TZG.: NC). 117 TO 7HE CITY OF 'IUSTIN land described as "Parcel 3" in a Dew—' recorded Novt,cnr 7, 1958 in 2wok 4475, page 281 of Official Records; thence, along the bourxiary of said land: North 70 006'2'' East 89.77 fee'-; Moth 30 053'36" East 95.00 feet; North 52 °06'24" East 109.00 feet; Noi7h 42 006'24" Past 164.96 feet; North 07006'24" Past 105.00 feet; North 69 006'24" East 184-88 feet; Nor-u 45006'24" East 150.00 feet; North 07 034'24" East 94.72 feet; and North 23 °06'24" East 107.85 feet to the m'Dst sou early corner of ?'tact No. 5369, as . - r ma-o rcc—ordew 433, `ces 21 through 30 of btiscellaneous Naps, Records of said Ora.-ige Count.-; thence, along the ho undary line of said tract: Nom Win. 23006'24'' Borth 81006'09" North 32 006'09" North 42 006'09" North 54 °06'09" North 31 °06'09" North 18 °06'09" North 48 °06'09" North 03 °06'09" ?•orth 06 °06'09" and North 34 °40'22" Block 41; Fast 28.00 feet; East 159.64 feet; East 259.79 feet; East 277.00 feet; East 145.00 feet; East 219.69 feet; East 249.76 feet; East 85.00 feet; East 189.83 feet; Fast 239.85 feet; Nest 207.76 feet to the nort-csterly line of said thence, along said northwesterly line Prc 5 39 °50'09" East 270.23 feat to the northerly corner thereof; being the b<guznina of a non- tano_ent cure concave westerly and having a radius of 5000.00 feet, a radial li-�e to said point b -ears ?worth 61 °26'20" Fast; thence generally southerly along said curve through a central angle of 479340 ", an arc distance of 4150.49 feet; thence, South 19 000'00" West 715.13 feet to the bscinninc of a tangent carve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 9000.00 feet; EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 5 Pages I i�5. 117 9'3 'I7-' C:T`_' OF ' JSTIN thence, southwesterly along said curve through a central angle 16 000100 ", an arc distance of 2513.27 feet; thence South 35 °00100" 14est 5667.32 feet to the beginning of a taxent curve concave north%aesce_rly and having a radius of 18000.00 feat; thence souttr.,,esterly along said curve through a central angle of 05033'00 ", an arc distance of 1769.76 feet; thence South 40 °38'00" 1-lest 2493.23 feet to a col t on the centa_rline of Irvi-ne Boulevard, being also the *rr_st easterly corner o= the aforesaid Parcel A of the "Irvine- ;•Ivford ;annexation No. 81 (Trende-:!) thence, along said centerline and along the northeasterly line of Parcel A, North 49 °57'45" West 1551.31 feet; and North 49 057135" West 1982.37 feet uo the Point o= BFg ruing. EXHIBIT A Page 5 of 5 Pages %- 7/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 79 -84 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of November 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: SCHUSTER SALTARELLI SHARP, KENNEDY WRT_.gH NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT: COU?:CILMEN: NONE i RUM C. POE, City C1 rk, Cit of Tu in, Cal'forniav