HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-0678 10 11 14 15 16 17 1,8 19 21 ~4 ~6 28 ~9 .52 ... ., RESOLUTION NO. 79-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED IRVINE/PETERS CANYON ANNEXATION NO.117. The Ci%y Council of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation Com- mission for approval to annex to the city of Tustin all. that uninhabited territory situated in the County of Orange, State of California, hereby designated "Irvine/Peters Canyon Annexation No' 117," as described in Exhibits "A" and "B" and attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. That Environmental Impact Report '78-3 for the Irvine/Peters Canyon Annexation was certified by the City Council By Resolution No. 79-30 adopted on PLy 7, 1979 as complete and sufficient as required by law. 3. The Local Agency Formation Commission, in session duly assembled, on June 13, 1979 did adopt Resolution No. 79-82 designating the Cit~ of Tustin as the conducting authority and authorizing the City Council to proceed with the subject annexation without notice and hearing, and without an election subject to a court determination in Case No. 314759 that EIR 78-3 did comply with the provisions of CEQA and on August 22, 1979 did uphold its findings and actions as contained in Resolution No. 79-82, and denied a request for reconsideration filed by the Foothill Communities Associ- ation. 4. The Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Orange did on August 28, 1979 dismiss Case No. 314759 on the motion of the petitioners thereby effecting a final resolution of proceedings contest- ing compliance of EIR 78-3 with the provisions of CE~A. 5. The City Co%Lncil finds and determines that all of said territory is uninhabited, within the mea6ing of the Government Code, on the date of adoption of this Resolution, and that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin. 6. .~! of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be annexed have given their written consent to the annexation of said territory to the city o'f Tustin. 7. The City Council desires to annex said uninhabited territory to the city of Tustin for the following reasons: The territory is contiguous to the city of Tustin and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth and development of both the city and the territory proposed to be annexed; will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design, and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, and sanitary and storm-water sewers and drainage facilities, both in the city ~nd in said uninhabited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of th~ ~ity and said uninhabited territory. 8. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereinabove described to the city of Tustin, and does hereby further resolve that the said territory be and it is hereby annexed to the city of Tustin, effective upon the date of recording. · 1 Resolution No. 79-67 City Council page 2. 6 by the County Recorder of the County of Orange, California. 9. The City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution along with the required fees in the amount of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) by check made payable to the State Board of Equalization, pursuant to Section 35350 of the Municipal Organization Act. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 4th day of September, 1979. 8 10 Step~en L. Schuster Mayor 11 lZ ATTEST: 18 19 ~0 26 ~8 29 ~0 NO. 117 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Those portions of Blocks 41, 42 and 43 of Irvine's Subdivision in the County of Orange, State of California, as per mp recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said County, described as follows- BEGINNING at an angle point in the existing boundary line o~ the City of Tustin, being the most northerly corner of Parcel A of the "Irvine-Myford A_nnexation No. 81 (amended)," passed and adopted by the City of Tustin of Orange County, California by Ordinance No. 716, dated April 4, 1977, said point being also on the southwesterly line of said Block 43 and on the center- 1Lne of Irvine Boulev-urd, distant thereon South 49°18'55'' East 660.00 feet frcm the centerlJ,ne of B_~owning Avenue, and also being the most southerly corner of Tract NO. 3119 as per map recorded in Book 102, pages 32 and 33 of Miscellaneous ~ps, Records of said County; thence, lea=:/~g said existing city., boundary line and along a line parallel with and distant soh~_h~terly 660.00 feet from the northwesterly line of said Block 43, No=th 39058'46'' East 4621.35 feet to a line parallel with .and distant sou*_hw~sterly 660.00 feet from the northeasterly line of said Bloc3~. 43; thence, along, said parallel line South 49057' 54" East 554.49 feet to an ~ngle point ~n the boundary line of Tract No. 3883, as per map recorded in Book 166, pages 5 *h=~c~'-=~: 11 of Miscellaneous ~ps, Records of said Orange County..; thence, ~a~_~' ~%~ boundary line of said tract: Sou+_h o~8. °55'36" East 274.16 feet; South 6.2°37'04" East 144.95 feet; S~~u ~50'37"35'' East 139.95 feet; No_~hh 68051'48'' East 180.53 feet; North 48°51'22'' East 239.92 feet; No~.n 40°01' 11" East 579.82 feet; No_~h 49046'28'' West 5.02 feet; No~h 13°02'25" West 656.77 feet; and No~lmh 40013'32'' East 3.74 feet; ~hence, 1 =~.vLn~ the boundary line of said Tract No 3883, North 40°I1'46" East 587.30 f~ ,~ the rr~st sou~erly corner of Tract No. 8640, as per map re- cord~ in Bcok 359, pages 4 through 8 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange Cxm~ty; · thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of said Tract No. 8640 and along the north=~asterly extension thereof, North 39°46 ' 54" East 1331.93 feet to the most southerlY corner of Lot I of Tract No. 61, as per map recorded in Book 10, page 5 of ~iiscell~neous M~ps, Records of said Orange County; EXHIBIT "A" .. age 2 of 4 NO. 11'7 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN thence, along the southeasterly line of said Lot I, North 39o51'00'' East 1315.80 feet to the most easterly corner thereof, being a 6"x8" post designated "F-21" on a mad filed in Book 92, page 1 of Records of S%xrvey, Records of said Or&nge County; thence, as shown on said map filed in Book 92, page 1 of Records of Surveys- North 39051'00'' East 660.11 feet; No~h 49059'45'' West 666.60 feet; North 39054'45'' East 232.70 feet; No~=h 41006'35'' East 245.99 feet; and Ncu~Lh 39056'28'' East 181.24 feet to ~he southwesterly line of said Block 41, being also a point on the southwesterly 1Lne of Tract No. 9271, as per map recorded in Book 424, pages 5 and 6 of Miscellaneou: ~ps, _Records of said Orange County; ~.~nce, along tb.e southwesterly line of said Block 41 and of said Tract No. 9271, South 50°03'32'' East 100.50 feet to the most southerly corner of said Tract ~.~. 9271; th~_nce, along~ the.. bot.mdary line thereof- Nor~.Lh 39°50'21" East 530.86 feet; ' '.No~h ~ ~°42 ' 21" '~ ~, West 318.45 feet; Nor~.n. ~ ~ °44' 29" :-_ West 145.30 feet; .. North 87°55'21" West 378.41 feet; and l%br~q 50 o 09 ' 36" West 60.00 feet to ~he northwesterly- line of said Block 41, being also a point on the southeasterly IL. ne of Tract 'NO. 6~_06, as per map recorded in Book 372,. pages 30 through 35 of ~.~scellaneous Maps, R_~sords of said Orange Coun .t?; thence, alc~.g said north~t~ly line of Block 41, North 39°50 '24" East 1528.50 f~t to a point on the boundary line of the land described in a Deed recorded Janac 17, 1955 in Book 2926, page 226 of Official Records; thence, alc~.g the boundary of said land- South 25014'36'' East 84.91 feet; South 04025'36" East 89.05 feet; Sou~h 25°34'10'' East 91.76 feet; South 67013'36'' East 116.55 feet; North 77057'24'' East 172.06 feet; North 28027'24'' East 42.13 feet; North 12°06'24" East 249.42 feet; and North 70006'24" East 79.58 feet to a point on the boundary line of the NO. 117 THE CITY OF TUSTIN land described as "Parcel 3" in a Deed recorded November 7, 1958 in Book 4475, page 281 of Official Records; thence, along the boundary_ of said land: North 70°06'24" East 89.77 feet; Sou~h 80°53'36" East 95.00 feet; North 52o06'24'' East 109.00 feet; North 42006'24'' East 164.96 ~eet; North 07°06' 24" East 105.00 feet; No~-~du 69o06'24'' East 184.88 feet; Nor~._h 45006'24'' East 150.00 feet; Noz~h 07034'24'' East 94.72 feet; ~ 5kor*._',~_ 23206 ' 24" East 107.85 feet to the most south~_rly corner of Tract No. 5369, as per map recorded in Book. 435, pages 22 ~hrough 30 of :~~e/l~us Mmps, Records of said Orange County; thence, -ai~n~ ~ boundary line of said tract: Nor"du. 23o06'24'' East 28.00 feet; No~h ~i:06'.09'' East 159.64 feet; No,alu 32006'09'' East 259.79 feet; No~. ~-th%. d_2006'09" East 277.00 feet; N~n 54006'09'' East 145.00 feet; NorV~h 31006'09" East 219.69 feet; · No~h 18°06' 09" East 249.76 feet; ~~ ~06'09" East 85.00 feet; -- North 03005'09'' East 189.83 feet; North. 06°06'09" East 239.85 feet; and Nor~d~ 34°40'22'' West 207.76 feet to the northwesterly line of said Block 41; thence, a!on~ said northwesterly line, North 39050'09'' East 270.23 feet to ~..~.e nor~duer!y cor?.er thereof; be_ing the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave west~ly ~nd--.having' a radius of 5000.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears North 61°26 ' 20" 'Wast; thence g~nerally southerly along said curve through a central angle of 47°33' 40" ' , ~n arc distance of 4150 49 feet; thence, Sou~h 19000'00'' West 715.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave no~terly and having a radius of 9000.00 feet; Page 4 of 4 .~2° IRVINE/PETERS CANYC~ Ah~NEXATION NO. 117 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN thence, southwesterly along said curve through a central angle 16°00' 00", an arc distance of 2513.27 feet; thence South 35°00'00'' ~est 5667.32 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve crmc~re nort!'r~,--'~te, rly and hinting a rad. iu~ of 18000.00 fc:~t; thence souttr~westerly along said curve through a central angle of 05038'00'', an arc distance of 1769.76 feet; thence Sou~du 40~38'00'' West 2493.23 feet to a point on the centerline of iz%-ine Boulevard, being also the most easterly corner of the aforesaid Parcel A of ~ne "irvine-Myford Annexation No. 81 (AmendS)": thence., along said centerline and along the northeasterly line of Parcel A, No~ 49~57'45'' West 1551.31 feet; and North 49057'35'' West 1982.57 feet to ~%~ Point of Beginning. Pf~ZO~ TLr~T ~N, C;,i.~. r..~T [ O 4-1&-79 P~'~ Ci~. NCL D~"~D ' , STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS - CITY OF TUSTIN ) · RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the city of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 79-67 __was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a r----egula~ meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of ~r , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILP~N: SCHUSTER, SHARP, WELSH KENNEDY . NONE . · COUNCILMEN: _________--- CO;J~CILMEN: 'SALTARELLI RUTH C. POE, ~, City of Tustln, aa