HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-37RESOLUTION NO. 79-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT I, CENTENNIAL PARK SIDEWALK AND PROJECT II, SIDE- WALK, CURB & GUTTER, DRIVE APRON AND CROSS GUTTER AT MISCELLANEOUS LOCATIONS, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. , WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the C~'ty of Tust~.~, California, to construct sidewalk at Centennial Park and sidewalk, curb & §utter, drive apron and cross gutter at miscellaneous locations, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the construction of said work at these locations, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented. by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the construction of sidewalk at Centennial Park and sidewalk, curb & gutter, drive apron and cross gutter at miscellaneous locations, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to-wit- "NOTICE lO CONTRACTORS" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, until lO'O0 A.M. on the 21st. day of June, 1979, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows' Construction of Project I,Centennial Park sidewalk and Project. II, side- walk, curb & gutter, drive apron and cross gutter at miscellaneous locations. Bids are required for the entire work described herein' SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEMS PROJECT I CENTENNIAL PARK SIDEWALK BASE B ID ITEM NO. UNIT .QUANTITY DESCRIPTION I. Sq. Ft. 22,100 Remove existing AC and/or PCC sidewalk and construct PCC sidewalk 2. Cu. Yd. 32 Select material backfill BID ALI. "A" 1. SQ. Ft. 1992 Remove existing AC sidewalk and construct PCC si dewa 1 k A-1 · · ITEM NO. · 2~ 3~ e e 6~ e BID ALT. "B" Sq. Ft. 6878 Remove existing AC sidewalk & construct PCC si dewal k Cu. Yd. Select material backfill PROJECT II, SIDEWALK, CURB & GUTTER, DRIVE APRON AND ~ROSS GUTTER AT M==I SCELLAN~-~JS LOCA-~-iONS. ' ~====---" UNIT QUANTITY D~SCRIPTION Lin. Ft. 226 Sawcut asphalt or concrete Sq. Ft. 1997 Construct 4" thick PI]C sidewalk Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Lin. Ft. 1337 285 100 Remove ex~sting and construct PCC sidewalk Remove existing and construct PCC drive apron. Remove existing and construct Type "D" curb & gutter Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 258 100 Remove existing and construct PCC cross gutter Remove existing and patch asphalt concrete pa vemen t A-2 ~" l'he foregoing q,~o~titics"arc'at~p,'oxirnate o,~{)', De ~ r, g" 'g ~ vcn as a uas~s ll,!e co:q~arison of bi~ls, and tl~e .City of lt~s,i~ ~loes ~ot, ~.xl~ressly or.by l)tIt reserves tl~e rigl~t to increase or dec~'easc tl}e a~..oL~nt of any class,or l~ortion of tl~e work, or to o~nit portions of tl~e work as. ~:oy be dee;:~ed neces- sary or advisable by the Engineer. . lhe [ity of Tustin has budocted, a fixed ~n:ount for tl~e work encompassed by'tl~ese plans ond specifications. In tlie eyelet that t~e low bid exc.eed~ the budget'ed a~:ount, the C~ty reserves the rSgl~t to deleteo~e or ~no;'e of the proposed projects fro:~ the contract as necessary to stay witl~in the bud~etefl · a'~:ount, lhe provisions of Section 4-103g ot tl~e Ste~da~'d Specifications _. {incrc~scd or decreased quantities} shall not apply to this contract. Plans, specifications and proposal forms to be used for,bidding on this project can only be obtained by prospective bidders at t~e office of the Clerl:, ~ustin City Hall, Center,rial ar Hain Street, ~t~stin, California, 92680, upon payment of $5.00 per set wl~ich amot~nt shall be non-refundable. Plans and specifications will only be mai'led out upon payment of $7.OO per set. which amount shall be non-refundeble. In con¥ormance with Section 37931 of the' Government Code, all bids s!~all be presented under sealed cover on the proposal for~ provided and by one of' the followin~ forms of bidder's security- . · . a. Cash. b. Cashier's ct~eck r.:ade payable to the City of ~u~tin. c. Certified check made payable.to the Git), of ~ustin. d. Bidder's' bond executed by an accredited, s~rety insurer, made payable to the City of Tustin. Tho security shall b~ in an amount equal tb at least ten percent (10-..) of ~ ' * cr one of tire fo amount of the bid. A bid shall not b consid ed u,~less ......... ~ dd~r' e . . ~ s security is enclosed tl~ rewith .. · A Surety gond for p.~yment of labor and n~aterials ~-~ill be required in t? amount of fifty percent (50~;) of the esti;~at~,d total contract price and a Fai tt~ful ?erforr..ance Bond in the an:ount of one hundred perce~t (lO. OS) of ti~e estin:ated total contract price in the form attached to the contract decrements. Said bonds shall be issued by a com,4any having D rating of A-~AA or better_ · City of 'Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or waive ~nb' infornal ity on a bid. [,'o bidder ma), witl~d,-aw l~is bid for a period of tt~irty (30) days after the date set for tl~e opening thercof. lhe. contract .,.:ill be awarded to tl~e lowest qt,alified bidder. Provisions of the State Contract Act are rot applicable, and p'rosoective. bidclers will not be recluired to be prequalifierl. All work to be done under the direct supervision of tl,e City Engineer, City of Tustin. ' . . All work to b'e paid for a't tl~e unit l~rice.s bid fror~ appropriated ~r. onies. · Said C~ ty the said · or tyFe also the ~or]: f or work heroi~] described is to of work:nan cr r.?.c.':an~c needed general prevni!inq rate for of has ccrta~ncd and d¢:tcr~ninc heur]x.' and l~er diem w;,¢1¢.-:: bi' l>crfor 10~3 ! ho! .. .. Tu.~tin, pursuant to tl~e l,abor Code of tl~c that tile general I:re- hr:: localit~ in which mctl, for cacl~ craft %(',~ tl~c ccmtract and idays, and overtime each cra'-t or indicated in Resolutio~ of general circulation, Employer pa.vmcnts fined in Section 1773.1 dance with the ter~..s of cable 'to the employed on to be other than those i teal-cd of the Labor Co~le, are to the collective b?.r.gaining type or classification the project. of ti~e in a newspaper of£icc of the City Clerk therein, as de'- be paid in accor- ac. reement a.Dpli- workr..~cn or mechanics copies of all collective bargaining agreem'.::nts relating to-the %~ork as set forth in the aforementioned Labor Code are on file and available for inspection in the office of the D¢:pnrtment of Indus- trial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and l{esearch. Dated- BY ORDER O? THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CITY COUNCIL CALIFORN I1% OF ~.Z City Cl.'c-r4.'.: of the City of Tustin, California BE IT ALSO P~ESOLVED that the City Council 'of the City of Tusti has ascertained and does hereby determine · rate of wages and employer payments Tustin, Call~.o_nia, ~ for each craft or type .. execute the work herein above specified is No. 77-52. · by the City Council day 6f __~ _~._~, _~ .... . PASSED Ai~D ADOPTED California, this 4th day of June, 1979. ATTEST-. that the general prcvaili loca:[ity of the City of. of %~or}:man needed to as set forth in F, esolutt of the City of Tustin, 19:! 9- o i, STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN RUTH C. POE., City clerk and ex-officio clerk of the. C~ty Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is f~ve; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. ?9-3? __ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a'"re§u~ar meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of ~_une ..... ~.__, 1979, by the following vote' AYES' COUNCILMEN' SCHUSTER, SALTARELLI, WELS~ ' · NOES' COUNC I LMEN' NONE ---------------- ~ · ABSENT' cOUNCILMEN' I~NNEDY, S.I{ARP ~ Tustin, California Publish ~stin News: J~une 7, 1979 June 14, 1979 A-5