HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-312 3 4 6 8 10 11 21 22 25 2~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO- 79- 31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE COMMENCEMENT OF PRO- CEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "IRVINE/PETERS CANYON ANNEXATION NO. 117." WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Tustin to annex into its boundaries certain uninhabited property ab~tting developed properties and within Tustin's Sphere of Influence; and . ~{EREAS, the City Council as lead agency has certified an Environ- mental Impact RePort which assesses the impact upon the environment resulting from the annexation and development of said property; and WHEREAS, the property owner has provided notice to the County of Orange of non-renewal of the Agricultural Preserve Agreement; and WHEREAS, the property owner has provided the City of Tustin and the Local Agency Formation Commission with a letter of consent for the annexation of the subject land to the City of Tustin, attached hereto and a part hereof; and ~..~iER~.~AS, it is the desire of the City of Tustin to plan for the precise development of the subject Property and to extend the full w~a~ of municipal services upon development for the purpose of protecting the quality of the residential environment and achieving economies of scale in the delivery of urban services; NOW, T?~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council, City of Tustin, California: 1.. m~=~._:~ .the City of Tustin requests the commencement of annexation proceedings in connection with said uninhabited territory in accordance with Sections 35100, 35140, and 35151 of the Muni- cipal Organization Act of 1977. 2. That the nature of the change of organization in the annexation of uninhabited lands within the city's sphere o~ influence is with the consent of the property owner, and without objection from any adjoining city. 3. That the boundaries of the proposed annexation are as shown by Exhibit "A" and described by Exhibit "B" attached hereto and a part hereof. 4. That the reasons for the proposed annexation are to assure that the area upon development is planned and developed in conformity with the standards of the community; that the environment is protected with mitigation measures; and to assure the viability of the. city of Tustin by incorpora.ting land area adequate to provide an economy of scale for urban services. .; 5. That the proposal is initiated by the action of the City Council of the City of Tustin with the following individuals authorized to present this proposal and represent the position of the City of Tustin in any proceedings related to this proposal: Stephen L. (Speed) Schuster, Mayor Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Dr. R. Kenneth Fleagle, Co~nunity Development Consultant 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 5 1! 12 16 !7 18 19 2O 21 22 2~ 24 27 28 29 ~0 ~2 Resolution No. 79-31 page 2. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 7th day of May, 1979. ATTEST - .~ity~erk Stephen L. Schuster . Mayor 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, California 926'~3 (714) 644-3:,')11 April 12, 1'979 Local Agency Formation ComLmission Post Office Box 838 Santa Ann, Ca!ifornia 92702 Attention- Mr. Richard Turner Hon. Mayor and City Council City of Tustin Centennial at Ma~n . TustJn, California 92680 Gentlemen ' The Irvine Company hereby consents to the annexation to the City of IustJn of the property designated as the Irvine-Peters Canyon Annexation and described in the attached legal description. 1~nis with letter may be used 'by any public body conducting hearings in connection the proposed annexation. Very truly yours .. j,: /-, / i ;!-" i o" ;,, t~-.~,...,j, t,',, ' - ,; .... '.. , ._ _.._ ~:..t,,,i k.'k,;x,,'vvx ...~. _ President, 'The Irvine Company Peter C. Kreme r 550 Newport Cen~er Drive Address Newport Beach, California 92663 CC' City Administrator City of Tustin Centennial at Main Tustin, California 92680 97c9.9 04 ¢.'..~ tr', V ..p.q!q.x 3 I 'ON 'abx3 'a_qd 6Z-91-~ a3.L~a 'ON 'Sga '~lgd '..-t1-~3 'NI.I. Sn.I. I-6Z. 3NOZ21ad ('r~I.LN3CIlS3~I - '3~1) 'I~'IJ. N3CIIS"Ja - A.LINClININ03 (]3N~ EXHIBIT "B" I RVINE/PEq~29S Ok~f ON ~:0. 117 CITY OF ~USTIN '.2 e~nd 43 of Irvine's Subdivision in the Those portions of Blocks 41, ~. Coru]ty of Or~u]ge, State of California, as per map r¢.~orded in Book 1, page 88 of .Miscellaneous Maps, R=~ords o-' said Co'~]ty, described as t],e existing bo'~ndary lJ~e of the City BEGINXqiNG at an angle point in of ?cstin, b~ing the most northerly co£ner Of Parcel A of the "I{~,i~e-Nyford 7.r:nexation No. 81 (~.ended)," ~.ss£~] ~d adopted by the City of Tustin of C:.cenge Comnty, California by Ordin?~nce No. 716, dated April 4, 1977, said _ ' ter~ line of said Block 43 and on the c~%ter- r~ nt being also on the sou~hwes ~ , - ~-~= of IrvLne Boulevard, distant ='-~'- . ~. ..... ~:=.~ eon South 49°18' 55" Frost 660 00 feet frc~. the centerline of B£o',~ning Avenue, and also being the most soutb, erly co~-ner o- .i'rac, No. 3119 as per map rec~rd~ in Book 102, rages 32 m~d 33 of [.%iscell~neous ~.'aps, R~ords of sa ~.d County; thence, leav.~m.u said existing city boundary, l hie ~nd along a line parallel ~.a]d distant southeasterly 660.00 feet from the northwest, erly line of said 43, No.rhh 39058'46'' East 4621.35 feet to a line parallel with and distant s.:,~u,..:,..._~terl} 660 00 feet from the northeasterly line of said Block 43; ~nence, =,o:-..~ said parallel 1~.~ Sot]th 49°57'54'' Fast 554 ~9 feet to an .r--:..--.'~:~ ."o~t ~n ~.-~.-2 ~~nda_-~ line of Tract No. 3883, as per m~p rccordc<t in .Book 15 ~ F:a~es 5 tl.~=~cu~5. 11 of b[iscell~_~:eou$ :Naps, Rc~ords of s~aid Orange County; %_hc=nce, along +~qe boundary line of said tract- South 28 °55' 36" East 274.16 feet; South 62°37'04'' East 144.95 feet; Sou~ 85°37'35" East 139.95 feet; North 68o51'48'' East 180.53 feet; North 48°51 '22" East 23'9.92 feet; North 40°01'11'' East 579.82 feet; North. 49°46 '28" West 5.02 feet; North 13°02 '25" West 656.77. feet; North 40°13 '32" East 3.74 f~t; thence, leaving the boundary line of said Tract kb. 3883, North 40011'46'' 587.30 feet to the ~ost southerly corner of Track No. 8640, as ~>~r map re- co£c]e~ in -Book 359, pages 4 through 8 of Niscell~a]eous Maps, Records of said Or~.n~je County; thence, along t~he southeasterly buun~ary l_~]e of said Tract No. 8640 and along t~e ~o~:theas~erly exke_n$ion thereof, ~outh 39°46'54'' Fxast 1331.93 feet to the most s_~u['.}~orly cor-n~ of LOt I of Track F~o. 61, as ~ m~p recordc~ in Bc~k 10, page 5 o: >'.'.~scelloneous ~'aps, Records of said IRVI~E/PETE~ Ck--'ON Z~NWEXATION · NO. 117 THE CI'I~ OF 'IIJST~ thence, along ~he southeasterly line of said Lot I, .\'or~h 39051'00'' Fast 1315.80 feet to the most easterly coz~]er thereof, being a 6"x8" ?3st designated "F-21" on a :rap filed in Book 92, pac3e 1 of Rc~ords of S'~vqv, ~ec~)rds of said Orez~.ge Cou~nty; t2nence, as sh~.¥~ on said map filth5 .in Book 92, page 1 of Records of Survevs- · North 39051'00'' Frost 660.11 feet; Nort2n 49'~59'45" West. 666.60 feet; North 39054'45" East 232.70 f~t; North 41:'06'35" F~st 245.99 feet; and ~.[or~h 39~56'28'' East 181.24 feet to ~"'~- sou~:'..,'os=erly ] Lne of S~aid Block ~1, lx]ing also a ~ro'-'_nt cn the southwesterly ] "-=- of Tract No. 9271, as ~ map r~ord~ ~n ~ok 424, ~%~jes 5 and 6 of [4~scell~a~% '.'~"-= ~c~ords of s~id Orange Cotmtv; t.'.nence, alo..'~g ~ne southwesterly line of said Block z.! and of said Tract No. 5~27!, $outla 50~03'32'' F~st 100.50 feet to the.most southerly co~er of said Tract th~nce, along the ko~nda_ry line ~hereof- No~n 39'~50'21'' F~st 530.86 f~a't; ~;orth 17°42 '21" West 3].8.45 feet; North 74°44 ' 29" West 145.30 feet; ~<©rth 87~55'21'' West 378.41 feet; and ~ort~h 50°09'36'' West 60.00 ~ =ee~ to tJ~.e nor~fnwesterly lJ_ne of said Block 41, being also a point on the southeasterly ] Lne of Tract No. 6206, as ?er ~p recorded in Book 372, pages 30 through 35 of .~.:isce!l~neous ..'-kps, Records of said Orange Count.y; ~h=mc=, along said northeasterly line of Block 41, .'..[orth 39050'24'' East .1528.50 f~_~'t ~o a.point on the boundaz~,_ line of the land c~s~._ '~ ~ib~ in a Deed ~ec~_~.¢:ed J~nuary 17, 1955 in Book 2926, ~age 226 of Official R£cords; thence, along the ba~u]dary of said land- South 25°14'36" East 84.91 feet; South 0'4°25'36" F~nsE 89.05 feet; South 25°34'10" East 91.76 feet; South 67013'36'' East 1].6.55 fee'S; North 77057'24" F~ast 172.06 feet; North 28027'24'' F~.st 42.13 fee~; Nortfln 12°06'24" East 249.4.2 feet; e~nd North 70006'24'' East 79.58 fee~ to a point on the boLu]c]ary line of the Page 3 ' I RVINE/P ~FE PS C~%~f ON kN.~ E>~'F I ON ' NO. 117 [DO ~HE CITY OF ~dSTIN · -~ ' 1958 in Book 4475, ]~mnd described as "Parcel 3" in a Dec~ rc~orded Nov-~,~er 7, page 281 of Official Records; th~_nce, along the boundary of said land- North 70°06 '24" East 89.77 feet; South 80o53'36'' East 95.00 feet; Nort~h 52°06'24" East 109.00 fo~t; North ~°06'24".~ Eas~ 16~.. 96 :.~eet; North 07~06'24" East 105.00 fc~at; North 69006'24'' East 184.88 fcet; North 4~°06'24" East 150.00 feet; North 07°34' 24" .East 94.72 feet; ~%d North 23°06'24'' East 107.83 fcet to the r..?'~sw scu~]erly co~..~er, of Trac~ No. 5369, as ~u~r map recor~.z~ ~n Book 435, pages 2_ ~ t~arough 30 of :.~~ellaneous": -~ I,'1~ps, R-_~ords of said Orange Co;runty; =~'.n~nce, :-~iong ~ne boundary l~me of said hrac'h- North 23~06'24'' East 28.00 feet; !%orth. $~ °06'09" F, mst 159.64 feet; North~_-~=06'09" ~st 259.79 feet; ,~,o~." 42 o06 ' 09" F~st 277.00 feet; North 54~06'09" ~st 145.00 feet; Nor~q 3i~06'09" East 219.69 feet; ~oz~h !o° 09 East 2~9.. .76 ~u~; Nor~ 48~06'09'' ~s't 85.00 feet; No~h 03006'09" ~St 189.83~ee= = ~=; ~r~ 06°06'09'' ~st 239.85 feet; ~d Nor~ 34°40'22" West 207.76 f~t to '~e nor~hwesteuly l~e of ~id 41; t]nence, along sai. d northwesterly !Lne, North 39°50'09'' F2,.st 270.23 feet to t?~e nor~Jaerly corner thereof, being the !_;3giruning of a non-te~g~nt curve concave wcs~_erly a_nd having a radius of 5000.00 feet, a radial line to said uoint bear. s North 61°26'20" East; thence g~.nerally southerly along said curve through a c~ntral angle of 47°33' 40" · an arc distance of ~150.49 feet; thmnce, South 19°00' 00" West 715.13 fe~t to the begiD~%Lng of a t~ngent cuz~e ooncave north,,;msterly and having a radius of 9000.00 feet; .( I~v-LNE/P~]~ CA~'L~ 7~N..~qEXATION · NO. 117 TO THE CITY OF R~3STLN the~nce, souhb,..,'esterly along said curve th'rough a c~ntral angle 16°00'00'' , , an arc distance of 2513 27 feet; thence Sou~_h 35000'00" West 5667.32 feet to the .b-_~hming of a tangent curve concave no~n'..:esterly a~nd having a'radius of 18000.00 feet; · thence souh~..,;esterly along said curve through a central ~ngle of 05°38'00'', an arc distance of 1769.76 feet;. hh.~nceSouza=' g. 0°38'00" West 2493.23 feet to a ?D.int on the centerline_, of Irvine BOulevard, being also the ~.~t easterly corner of the aforesaid Parcel A of the "i_~-Lne-~.~ford 7%~n--~x. ation No. 81 (~~nded)"; thence, along said cente~line ~nd along the north-easterly line of Parcel A, No~_-th 49~57'45'' West 1551.31 feet; and North 49057'35'' West · 1982.57 feet to .~d. qe Point of P~inning. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 'ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the was duly and regularly above and foregoing Resolution No. 79- 3 · introduced, passed and adopted at ~ regular meeting of the City Council held on the 7th day of May ...... , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COD~-,:CII2.~N: SCHUSTER,.._ SHARP_~, SAT.mA~VLT.T,T~; . ~,~W~_$H.~ -KENNEDY NOES- COU:.iCILMEN- ~NONE .~ .......................... ~.~SE~,'T: CO.%~.~CIL..'0~N: NONE '. ....· ~UTH ~.~~, City Clerk, City of Tustin, California .., .,.. .