HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-276
The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereb~ resolve
as follows'
1. The City Council finds and determines that the Conflict of Interest
Codes of the Departments and Agencies of the City of Tustin Applicable to Desig-...
nated Employees Thereof have been adopted by the various departments and agencies
of the City of Tustin and that said Codes are in compliance with the requirement~
of law and are reasonable and appropriate Codes and should be approved.
2. The City Council hereby approves the Conflict· of Interest Codes of
the Departments and Agencies of the City of Tustin Applicable to Designated
Employees Thereof heretofore submitted for the departments and agencies of the
City of Tustin hereinafter set forth, copy of which said Codes is attached hereto.
The departments and agencies for which said Codes have been submitted, and are
hereby approved, are-
a) Administration
b) Legislation
c) Community Development
d) Engineering
e) Maintenance
f) Recreation Department
g) Police Department
h) Community Redevelopment Agency
~EST '
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a re_g~lar meeting of the City Council, City of
California, held 'on the 2nd day of April, 1979
AI.:'.I'] (:1,1'~ I
,qi':(j'J'lO:~ 1.1.l~;';"c"'O'. ...... Pur"ll'~l}[. to [)1o t3~'ov~;Jol~f; off
Code S~,ct:/ons 87300, at: :-:c:q., the c](,pav~;nc~ts ~nS' a,je~cies of t:]lo Cit
of Tu~;tin hereby adopt t]]e follo%~ing Conflict of Ii]retest Codes.
Not])~ng contaC, ned }:erein is intez~dc.d to ]:;odify or abridge the
of %lie Political Reform Act of 1974 (Gover'nln(,I)t Code Section ill00). '
Thc provisions o~ this Code are'i]) addition to Government Coue See,lo
87100 and other laws pertaining to conflicts of interest. E:~cept' as
otherwise indicated, the definitions of sa~d Act are regu].ations
adopted pursuant thereto and incor?o~.'atcd ]]creJn and this Cod~ si]all
be i]]terpreted in a man]]er consistent t}]ercvzith.
SECTIOI,~ 1.2 Severa}.)il~t%~- If any article, section, subsection,
paragraph . _ '
, subparagraui), ~entence, clause or pi]rase of th:,R Code is
for any reason held to be invalid,' unconstitutional or unez{~orceable,
such decision sha~l not af ~ '
-. - ~ect the validity o~ the remaining portions
of this Code. ?lie City' 6cclares that it would have adopted this Code
and each article, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph,
sentence, clause and p]~raso thereof irrespective of the fact. any
or more of such portions of thi~; Code be dec].arcd invalid, uncon-
stitutional and unenforceable.
SECTION 1.3 Effec%ive Date- R'his Code shall take effect upon
its approval, by the appropriate Code Reviewing Body.
SECTION 1.~ Definitions- As used in this Code, unless the
con~e>:~ o~.e~is~ clearly mm~lies, %he follo~in9 words and terms ~ha~l
have tl]e meanin.us set forth herein.
(a) Business entity- "Business entity" means any organ--
ization or enterprise operated for profit, inc!udin, g but not lin]ited
to a proprietorship, partnership, firm, business trust, joint venture,
syndicate, corporation or. association.
(b) Consultant- "Consultant" means a position establJ, shed
'by contract with the City pursuant to which contract information,
advice, reconunendation or counsel i~' prov;deal to t)~~ C;ty; provided
however, %hat "consultant" shall not include a position in wh'~ch the
person providing such information, advice, reco;mnendation or cou]~sel-
(1) conducts research and arrives at conclusions with
respect to his or her rendition of infor~nation, advice, recomJaend-
ation or counsel indo~endont of the control and directio]% of th~
City or of any City official, other thaI~ normal contract mon-
itoring; and
(2) t~¢):; :~,._. :; sc, ,.' ~,o aut]~(~ ~ty witl~ r~ :peet tc~ any City
(c:) Co~3~tx" Cc:~:ty" ~n,'::~n', t.l~e Cou~',!-v of 0~-,.~ Uo
(d) D(::.;.~.(~;~t:ed c.{,;c, lox.:ee' "Dcs~gnatc"d e~p]oy~':c;" means
person l~olding c, dc.,;ig:~ai't'd pos'~t~on or rc~prcse~ti~g a business
entity wt~ich t~olds a designated
position with tl]e City specified
Designated positions may involve
the makJ. ng of decisions wi]ich may
effect on a financial interest of
~o ..~, J. t i on.
,'Designer'.cd position" means a
j.~ Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
the making or participation in
foreseeably have a material
the designated employee holding
such position.
(f) Disclosure statements,
statements disclosing reportable
"Disclosure statertents" mean
j.~terests required, by Secti¢.~n
to be filed by designated e;r. ployees.
(g) City' "City"mc~%s the City of Tustin.
(h) Reportable interests' "Reportable interests" means
investments, interests in real property and income required to
be. disclcsed by designated emp!cyces. "Reportable interests
as to any particular designated employee means those categories
of such interests assigned, by Exhibit "A" attached hereto, to.
the designated position held by such employee.
,, the City Clerk of
(i) City Clef)!' "City C!er]' means
City of Tustin.
the definitions containc-
(j) Exce:ot as otherwise indicated,
in the Political Reform Act bf 1974 (Government' Code Section 8].00u,
et seq.) and regulations adopted pursuant thereto are incorporated
into this Conflict of Interest Code.
SECTIOi; 2.1
(a) Disclosure Statements. Each designated employee shall
file an initial statement and annual statements disclosing those
reportable interests in the catecjory or categories of reportable
interests, more particularly described i~ Section 2.5~ which are
assigned by E:<l~ibit "A" hereof to the des. ignated position held by
sucl; employee. Such state~nents shall be. filed at the piece
.~Decificd in Section 2,2 and at the tithes specified in Section 2.3
a~d Section 2.4, sl~all co~tain the infor;u,~tion t;[.,c.c~ficd in .....
S¢,ct'.]on 2.6 th-'ougt] Section 2.8, and shall be in t]~e form :;l)ecif
~]] Sectio:~ 2.9.
}~os.i t.~.o]~ :;]~ ] ]. f.~ ].e on].y, one (1) di:.'c].o.;ure sea t(:z;:c~z)t,
on ti)at d.i~;clo"t~r(.~ st:at.(~n~t: all of tlle d~?signated
})old by
$]-;C'I'ION 2. 2 P].;,ce of 17.] ] i
Ali. design:,ted e]nployees required
to sub:nit a stat¢:]~,ent of financial int. erests si]ali, file the original
with the City Clerk.
SECTION 2.3 Time of Filing Initial State:nent-
(a) In Ge~eral. Each designated c]aployee shall file an
initial disclosure staten,ent within thirty (30) days after the
effective date of this Code.
(b) 0ther___E:ap].oyees. Each employee who is not a civil servics
employee, who assumes a designated position more than thirty (.30)
days after the effective date of this Code shall file an initial
disclosure statement not less than ten (10) days before assuming
such position, unless an earlier assumption of such positiOn
required, in which event, the initial disclosure statement shall
be filed within thirty '(30) days of assuming the designated position.
(c) Section 2.3 sbal! not be applicable to any designated
employee required to file under the provisions of Government Code
Sections 87200, et. seq., but such designated employee shall co?.foz~
to the disclosure and filing provisions of Govern~n. ent Code Sections
87200, et. seq. -
SECTION 2.:I Time of Filing Annual Statements. An annual disclosure
statement shall be filed by April 1st of each year by each desic..':ated
emp oyee v;het]]er or not such reportable interest was disposed
dur{ng suct~ calendar year and whether 6r not the designated
filed an initial statement pursuant to Section 2.3. Annual State-
ments shall cover the period of January 1 through December 31 of
the calendar year preceding the staten;ent. Section. 2.4 shall not
be applicable to an.v designated employee required to file under
the provisions of Government Code Sections 87200, et seq., but
such designated employees shall conform to the disclosure and
filing provisions of Government Code Sections 87200, et. seq.
SECTION 2.5 Time of Filino. of Leaving OffJ. ce Statements. Any
designated employee who leaves his office or positJ, on shall file
a disclo:.;ure stat(:ment within thirty (30) days of the effective
date of leavJ, ng tile office or
S]-:CT] £)I,] 2. 6
are dJvj. ded
(;.~) Catcg¢)ry I- l~t-,.,re:;t-:; Jn
R, ~I',C)z't4~bl e iht
R:,;I 1 ]' ]-o; )~.~ r t:,,'.
prol~erty ~]'e r(:t)ortab].e iz~tc.r(..~.';i:s if-
t.l~e real p.ropez-ty
in part or in whole-
I n t:ere:; {-..:; i n
%o w]~ic:t~ the iht-crest pertains is
(2) the fair market value of the
designated employee or his or her spouse
One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); and
(3) the interest is either-
within the t.)ou~]daries of the City, or
wit]~in tv:o (2) miles of the boundaries of the
'City, or
withi'n two (2) miles of land located outside
of tl~e boundaries of the City which is owned
or used by the Ciky; and
interest of the
is ¢;rcater than
a leasehold, beneficial or ownersitip interest
held by the designated employee or his or her
spouse, or
an option held by the designated employee or
his or her spouse to acquire such an interest,
an 'interest or option held by a business entity
or trust in which the designated employee or
his or her spouse owns directly, indirectly
or beneficially, a ten percent (10%) interest
or greater.
~he principal residence of the filer is not required
Investments in business
to be reported.
(b) Category II: Investments.
entities are reportable if-
(1) the business entity,
including parent corporations,
subsidiary corporations or othez-,.zise related business entities,
(A) has an interest in real property located in
part or in whole wi%tin the bou,']daries of the
City, within two (2).miles thereof or within
two (2) miles of land owned or used by t]~e City,
does business or plans to do busi]~ess
the City, or
]]as do~e bt~sj, ness wit'.tin tile Cit.y ~t any
dur~.],g the two (2) years pti. or to the t.J~::.._-
the disclosure statement of the designated employee
is filed; and
(2) the fair market value of the investment of the
designated employee or his or her spouse ~s greater
than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); and -
(3) the investment either;
(A)' is held by the designated employee or his or
her spouse and constitutes a financial interest
in, or security issued by, the business entity,
· including but not limited to con%~on stock,
preferred stock, rights, warrants, options,
debt instruments and any partnership or other
ownership interest; or
(B) is held'by any business entity or trust in which
the designated employee or his or her spouse
owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a
ten percent (10%) interest or greater, and
constitutes a financial interest in, or security
issued by, a business entity qualifying under
paragraph (2) above.
E_xCEp~T~- An investment is not reportable if it
constitutes a time or demand deposit in a financial
institution, a share in a credit union, an insurance
policy, or a bond or other debt instrument issued by
any government or government agency.
(c) Category III- Sources of Income. Sources of income are
reportable if-
(l) the source of income was either-
(A) a business entity located or doing business
as described in subsection (b) (1), or
(B) an individual residing within the City, or
(C) a non-profit association or corporation having
its principal place of business within the
City; and
(2) either-
(A) the aggregate amount of income received by the
designated employee or his or her spouse
from the source durihg the period covered by
the. disclosure statement was Two Hundred Fifty
Dollars ($250.00) or more in value, or
l-l~e il](;'o~]1c.~ %': m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gift rcceiv('d by the
duri~g t)~e t~<.r]od cov~.);ed by (.l~c:
or more; ~d
%:as T~.:c~ty-Five l)ol]ars ($25.00)
income ;.:as eitl]er received by-
the designated e]np]¢~yee or )~is or
rc'ceivc.d by any bt!SiI%C:;S entity or
whicl] tl~.e
spouse o-,-;]%s,
ially, a ten
prov ided,
income i s
in tl]is paragraph
of paragrap]~ (2) ,
pro. rata share of
his or her spouse
entity or trust.
c]]~i~loyee or
trust ] n
hi s or
directly, indirectly , Olr benefic-
percent (101%) interest o~ greater,
that in t]]e event that the
by a business entity described
(B) , the value, for the pu
of relates to the
the employee or
in of the business
the income
the income
this subsection, incom'e of any
to the extent e>:cluded
source, including but 'not limited
wage, advance, payment, dividend,
capital gain, return of capital, gift
any gift of food or beverage), loan.,
or payment of indebtedness, discount
of anything of value unless the discount is
to m~b_rs oz the public :.;ithout regard to
status, rebate, reimbursement of expenses,
or contribution to an insurance or pension
paid by any person other than an employer.
(1) campaign contributions required
repo~ted under Chapter 4
84100) of Title 9 of the
(2) salary and
(com,mencing wi th
Government Code;
reimbursement for
nature from any
to any salary,
interest, rent,
or per diem received from a state
ment agency and reimbursen',e~t for
and per dj. em received from a bona
academic or charitab].e orcanization;
(3) gifts of i]]formatio~]al material,
as books, p3:F. pl]].ctof;,l reports, ca3endars or
pc: r 5 od i c: a 1 .';; -
in the. price'
per diem,
to be
expe. nses
or local govern-
travel expenses
._~ide educational,
(4) g:i£L'- wl~i,.."}~ ~,~.'c: not: ~:-ec'] and
wJ~.l~.i~ t.}~.i~-I.~' (30) d;~y,~: ,'~fl.cr r~.ce.i, pt, ~rra rekur~d Lo
wit'}~c'~ut ]~,J.~,.: clail~od ~s a c]l~r.itable c:o:~t, ribuLion for
ta~:. l~urpo,'eso;
(5) gifts from an
patti]t, gra~d?arcnt, grandchild,
ir~-la.., brotl]er-in-law, sister-].~,-law,.. ~lunt, uncle, or
first cour;in or t}]e spouse of any such person; provided
that a gift from any such person shall be considered
income if the donor is acting as an agent or inter;nodiary
for any person not covered by this paragraph (5);
(6) any devise or inl]eritanco;
(7) interest, divJ. dends or premiums on a
time or de,hand deposit J.n a financial institution, sl]ares
in a credit u~ion or any insurance policy, payments
received under any insurance policy, or any bond or oti]er
debt instrument issued by any govern~nent or government
agency; and
'(8) dividends, interest or any other return
on a security which is registered with the Securities
and E>:change Cc;~missJ. on of the United States Government.
(9) other than a gift, income received
from any source outside the jurisdiction of the City
and not doing business within the jurisdiction of the
City, not planning to do business within the jurisdJ, ction
of the City, or not having done business within the
jurisdiction of the City during the two (2) years prior
statement or other action is required
to ihe time any
by this Code;
employer if' all
indiv.i.d~al's spou'.:e, civil ,
brother, sister, paro. nt- .
income from a source which is a former
income from the employer was received
by or accrued to the designated employee p'rior to the
time he or she became a desic3natc:d employee, the income
was received in the normal, course of the previous
emplos-:n-nt, a~]d there was no e>'.pectation by the desig-
nated, en%ployee, the inco~t,e was received in the nor~.al
course of the ?rovious employment, and there was no
e>:pcctation by t~e designated e:n.:.~ ]. os, ee. that he or she
ansun~;.:d ~,.!]e dc:signaLed position of renewed c-.mploynncnt
with t}~c: for~n.:.r cr..?]os;cr.. : .
· .
t]~c]'c~n, ;~cl .i.~lc:c,:'ic i~c.l.t~..]t:d .iii C,:t't:tiory III f~.'c,n] I)I]';~.]~C':S~' t'~llit.ies
SUPl)].i(:,~, mac]l.i.~,t.:.ry or cqu.i.])ment. ()f tl~c t:yl.)e xlti.]Jzod by t:he City.
(e) CaL(:(J(),'y V- Co:~trnct:orr:. Ca~c,c~orv V i~]cludes invest-
n:ents ].~clt~lc:d ].~ Category II i~ 1)~:'~J~e:;~; entities described
tl]ereJ, n, and inco:~e ].nc].~ded
entitJ, os described therein;
or subcontractors en~agcd in the performance of work or services
of the type utilized by the City.
(f) Catec!o]-y VI- Financial Inst.]tutions. Category VI inc].udes
investments included in Category II Jn business entitic's described
therein, and inccin:? includcd in Category III frc)m business entities
thercin, if suct'~ business entities co~]stitute banks, savings and
loan associations, insura]]ce companie'~, investment' companies, title
co:np~n~es, financJ, al consultants or data processing firms.
in Cat~,gory III from business -
if sucl~ bu'lincss entities are contrac~°"rs
SECTION 2.7 Content of Disc!osu'-e $i:ate.?.ents; Category I. Dis-
closure statements required-to be filed for reportable interests
specified in Category I shall contain the following information-
Ti~e address or other precise location of the real p"operty;
A staten'~ent of the nature of the interest in the real
proper ty;
(c) When the real property is not used principally as the
residence of the desJ. gna'ked employee ~n~r~ing the filing, staten~ont
of ~ -
w~,ether the za~r market value of tile interest exceeds Ten
Thou'sand Dollars ($10,000.00) and %.;hether it exceeds One Hundred
Thousand Dell'ars ($100,000.00); and
(d) I.~ the case of an interesh in real property %~holly or
partially acquired during the period covered by an annual disclosure
statement, the date of acquisition and, if such interest in such
property %.gas disposed of durJ. ng s~h period, the date of disposJ, fiion.
SECTION 2.8 Conte:]t of Disclosure Statements.;~C~,te~or, y II and
Related Cateoorj. es. Disclosure statements required to be filed
for relportab].e i~terests specified in Ca[:egory ii and investments '
specified J.n Cateuories IV, V and VI s]]a%l contain the following
iii formation- . ·
(a) The name and add,ross of the busil]ess entity in which each
invest~r~ent is hold; . '
(b) A ge:~cra! description of t]:e business activity in ~<hich
t})e bu,-~nc.cs e~tity is enuaged; - .
(C) A :;[:at'~'Jn~':]~t of L]le z~at.~]z.'¢: of the J~ve:;tment;
(¢1) A :;t;]tt~t~c:~t of.
it c>:c¢'od'; One llt~]]tlrcd Tl~ou';,~nd
(e) In tl~e ca:;e of i~vestnc~'~['~'; wt~olly or partially
acquired during the t~eriod covered by an an~ual disclo:.;ure
statement, the date of acquisitio:~ a~]d, if st~ct] interest in
such property was disposed of during such period, the date '
of disposition.
Content of Disclosure Sl-akement; C;~tegorv III
and Related cate¢~ories.
Except as to an
initial disclosure
statclp, ent for whic}] income sources i~¢?c:d not be reportt':.~d,
disclosure state~nc?~]ts required to be
specified in Category, III
in Categories IV, V and VI
filed for reportable
and income sources
shall contain the
The name and address of each source of income;
A general description of the business activity, if
any, of each source;
(C) A statement whether the aggregate value of income
from cacti source ~'as greater than One Thousan~l Dollars
($1,000.00), and whether it v;as greater than Ten Thousand
Dollars ($10,000.00); -
(d) A description of the consideration, if any, for
which the income was received;
(e) In the case of income constituting a gift, the
amount and the date on v:hich the gift was received;
(f) In the case o~ income of a business entity, in
which the designated employee or his or her spouse owns a
ten percent (10%) interest or more;
(1) name and address and a general description
activity of the business entity;
(2) if such business entity provides legal or
brokerage services, the name of every, natural person,.
non-profit association or corporation and business
entity who paid fees to sucl~, bu:;iness entity if the
pro rata share of the designatcd employee or his spouse
of suc]] fees was One 'fhousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or
more; and '
(3) if st]cl] business entity does ~lot provide
lcgz~], or brok<:~'~:9, e services, tt~e name of c.vc:ry natt].~;,1
]~t'~':;o~], ~n.-I~rofJ. t ;~:':;o¢:iatioJ~ or ¢-o~'l,¢-,r.~tJon., and bu:;i~]~,:-s
(:)~t.it5' fz't>~:, ~'],o~t :;t~c'l] l)~]';J.]~¢~:'~; I';~tJty rc,cejvc~d l~;~y~nc:nt~- i.f
t'l,e l,rO r,,i.'~ ~']~:,.t'e c,f t.llc d,.'.'~;i?~,;,i'~,d c.;;t!~]t)y('e or his or ]lcr
[;t~ot]"c' of g~'t~e;S l-ecc:i.l.~ts fro~a ~;~cl~ t)crr;on, non-l)rofit
;~s~-oci. atJc>n or corf,o~'ation, or l'>tit;i.l]ess entity was Ten
'l'l~ou:;~,~ld Dollars ($10,000.00) or ]note during any calenditr
,year t:,artJ, ally or wl~olly covered by the d;sclosure, stat-t, mu~lt
bc.ing fi].ed.
SECTIO:: 2.!0
For;n o~ Disclosure Skatc.:nents.
statemc:;]ts required to be filed hereunder for any category
of reportable interests sha].l be' substantially on
supplied bs' tile CJ. ty Clerk of the City.of Tustin.
the forms
SECTION 3.1 Ge:hera! Rule. Designatc. d emp].oyees have a
conflict of interest and sh~!l di'$qualify themselves from
making or participating in the making of any governmental
decision when it is reasonably foreseeable ttiat the decision
%;ill have a material financial effect, distinguishable from
/ts effect on the public generally, on a financial interest
of the designated employee. A desi-gnated employee st]all not
be required to disqualify himself with respect to any matter
;~,hich could not be legally acted upon or decided without his
participations.. ' .....
SECTIO.N 3.2 Making Governmental Decision- Acticns Incl~ded.
A designated employee makes a governmental decision, wi=l.in.~-
the meaning of this Article, when he or she, acting within
the authority of his or her position-
(a) Votes on a matter;
(b) Appoints a person;
the City;
(e) Determines not to act, within the meaning of sub-
section (a) through subsection (d), unless such determination
is made because of his or her financial interest.
%'?hen the determination not to act occurs because of his
or her financial .interest, ttie designated e]nployee's det(:rmin-
at_ion must be accor.;!~ani.¢:d by disclosure of the financial
interest ]hz:cie part of tile City's official records, or made
in wr.it~ng t'o the dc's]r, jna tc. d c.~-;'~'loyoe':; :;u!~erv~3:or or
a'!'~i~oJ nti~;g t'~o:.:er, a.q ~:i',pro]>rJ ;,to..,
Obligates or commits the City to hny course of action;
Enters into any contractual agreement on behalf of
D/;C'I'.I ON 3.3
d,,,".i ~:~'~ L('d ~.~:l~l oy(.'(
d(,c ~. ';.ion wi. LI'~ i n
(a) N~:got.iatcs ~,'].t:l~o~t significn~t subst:a:~tive review, witt~
a gc~vcrn~nc'~][..al e~]tity, or private person regardinU rite decision; or
(b) Advi,;es or makes recomraendations to the decision ~aker,
eJ.t)]er dirc, ctly or wit]~out significant inierveni~g substantive '
revi ew by- ·
(1) Conducting rese~,rch or investigations which require
the exercise of judgment on the part of the designated employee
and the p~rpose of wi]ich is to influa~%ce the decision; or
(2) Prepari~g or presenting any report, ana].ysis or
opinion, orally.or in writing, which requi.res the exercise
of judgme~]t on the part of a designated emp].oyee, and the
=luence the decision.
purpose of v;hich i's to in~
SECTION 3.4 !'-'..aking or Participating in Decisions; Actions E;:c]l:ded.
~-:akJ. ng or participating in the ma,xing of a governnnental decision
as used in this Article shall not include-
(a) Actions of a designated employee which are solely
ministerial, secretarial, manual, or clerical;
(b) Appearances by a designated en~p].oyee as a member of the
genera! public before an agency in the course of its prescribed
governmental function to represent himself or herself on matters
related solely to his or her personal interests; or
(c) Actions by a designated employee relating to the compen-
sation or nhe ter]ns or conditions of his or her employment or
SECTIOi< 3.5 Financial Interest. A financial interest as used in
this Article r~eans-
(a) A direct or indirect interest in real property as described
· in Section 2.5(a) if such interest is worth more than One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00:);
(b) A direct or indirect invest~.nent as described in Section
2.5(b) if such investment is worth more tl~an One Ti'~ousand Dollars
(c) A source of income as described in Section 2.5(c), other
than a loan by a co~anercial lending inst.itution in t)]e regular
cour:~e of bu,~inc.:~.s, if such inco:ne ago'recjates 5~vo tlu~dred Fift'y
Dc)liars ($250.00) or more in va].ue received by or promised to the
~(..~:J~.:.natc:d c.-~)]oyc:e wit]~in tv:elve (12) ~:;¢)-'%.t~:; !)r~or'to the
~;l~:;~ t.l~~. ~l(.t:.i:'~on r~?f~..~.'recl Lo jn ".;c:ct.io~ 3.1 i~; ~acle~ or
a di~, .'tot, office':r, l':trl'.~er, l'ru:;tee or e~ui~loy(,(~ or ]~ol
For tl~e l)Urpo~;e of this' Sec('Jon, i~(lirect iz~vestment
or interest ~neans any ~.nvest~nc~t or interest owned by the
sI)O~Se or c]c~]',e;~dent c:liild of a dc,,signal-c:d e~p].oyee~ by an
age~t on bel:a].f of a designated el~plo,:,ee, by any business
entity contro]l.ed by the desiun~ted e'aployee or by a trust
in wl~ich he has a sub~stantial interest. ~ busine~s entity
is co~ltrolled by a designated e;:~ployee if the designated
em?].oyee, his agent, spouse a~d dependc~nt childre~l hold
mor~ i'.han fifty perce~t (50~) of tl~e ownership interes~
in ~]~e entity. ~ des;iunuted umployee has a substantial
interest in a trust ~.:hen the emp].oyee~ l~is spouse and
dependent children have a present or future interest worth
more than One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000. 00) .
SECTiO..'{ 3.6 7~.ffected ~'.~ateria].].v.
(a) Standard of Determination. The financial effect
of a governmental decision on a financial interest of a
designated en?lo_vee is n~aterial if, at the ti]ne the desiunate, d
emplo]'ee.r.e, kes or participa~.tes in the n~akj, ng of a decision,
in light of all the circumstances and facts knov,'n at the .'
tithe of the decision, the designated emp].oyee knows or has
reason to know that the existe~ce of the financial interest
might inter=ere with the designated employee's perfor~nan¢:e
of his or her duties in an i~npartial manner free from bias.
(b) Circumstances to be Considered, In determining
the existence of a material effect upon a financial interest,
the designated e~nployeo shall conside~ relevant factor=
including but not limited to the following:
(1) In the case of any real property in which
~he designated employee has a direct or indirect
interest worth more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)-
(A) %.;tether the effect of the decision
%.~ill be to increase the income-producing potential
of the real property by One I. Iundred Dollars
($100.00) or five percent (5~-) per month, which
ever is less; and
(B) ~.:l~ether the cf lc-ct of the decision
will be to increase the fa'ir market value of
real proi~erty bs' O:~e 'j'~ou~..:and Dol].ar.~; ($1,000.0'~)
or xnor¢: or ]>y five i~¢.rc(,nt (5%), %.:]~.ic]~cvur is
g r.t,,'~ t ('~r.
d(.'~;JiTi]at,3d <~:,?].oyc~o ]~.',s a dir(.ct or Jx]~].ircct .i.x~vo:]t~nent
%.:ortli ~:~ore titan One ']'}lousand Dollars ($].,000.00) , or in the
case of a del;ignated c~;]i)loyce, wino J s a dj. rector, officer,
partner, trustee, e~nplc',yee, or ]~o].ds any position of manage-
ment J.;l a business entity-
(A) %fi]ether the effect will be to increase or
decrease the annua].ized gross revenue of the business'
entity by one percent (1%) or more or the annual net
income of the business entity by five percent (5%) or
more; and
(B) whether the effect of the decision will be to
increase or decrease the assets or liabilities of the
business entity by Fifty Ti]ousand Dollars ($50,000.00).
or more, or by five percent (5%) of its current assets
or liabilities,
- whichever is less.
(3) In the case 'of a source of income of a designated
employee (other than a loan by a commercial lending institu, tion
in the regular course of business) aggregatJ, ng Two Hundred
Fifty Do!!a~s ($250.00) or more in value received by or
promised to the designated en]p!oyee within t%.te!ve (12)
months prio-to %he time when the decisJ, on is made.-
(A) whetl~er, if the source of income is a business
entity, the decision will affect such business entity
~n the manner described in subsection (2) above;
(B) whether the governmental decision will directly
affect the amount of income to be received by the
designated employee; and
(C) whether there is a relationship between the
gover~v, ental decision and the purpose for which the
designated employee receives income.
The specific ~ol].ar or percentage amounts set forth in this
subsection do not consitute either absolute maximum or minimum
levels, but are merely intended to provide guidance and should be
considered along with other relevant factors in determining
whetl~er a financial interest may interfere with the designated
employee's e>:ercise of his or }ier duties in rendering a decision.
(c) I~>:cl~:defl C~.rc~n~.atances. The in.eking or participation i.n
tl~e making of a govern~cntal decision by a person acting under
co~tract i~] t}~e i~o~'itJo~l of consulta]'~t or by a pc.rsdn retai~](.:!
con"ul t.a~C,
or part~]c.,.r, if t]le
is an officer, (?m. ployee, sole Propr~¢:tor
only financial ¢:ff¢:cts of tile decision are the
modification, perpetuation or
renewal of t)~e contractual or
opportunity to bid co~npetitively
retainer ag.rc,:,m(?nt a~]d/or the
a p~'oject or contract.
SECTION 3.7 Notice of Action Taken.
(a) Man~,~torv Postinu of Not~ce om Action Taken. If a
designated em.-oloyee di:.;qua]ific$ !]imself or
maki:~.g of a decision, or participating in a
particular subject, and if th(: City subsequently commits
to a definite course of action with regard to said
a Notice of Action
c o,. r,m i tmen t. S a i d
near the door of
of the City.
the City Clerk shall post
practicable 'fo!lo'wi]]g such
conspicuously posted on or
place of the governing body
herself from the
decision, upon a
(b) Discretionary Posting of
event th-~ _
-~ the C~ty cobb.mits itself
with regard to any subject and no
the c~overni~:9 body may direct the
described in subsection (a) at the
said subsection.
the regular
subjoct, then
as soon as is
sh a].l be
Notice of Action. In
(c) Recuest for
Fei I ute
to a defin'te course of action
disqualification has' occurred,
City Cle~=, to post t]]e Notice
time and place set forth in
Time of Filinq;
to File. in the event that a
(b), a
of any City
interest of
Clerk wit]~in
In the event that
and all decisions
pursuant to subsections (a) or
consideration or disapproval
Zr ·
of existence o~ a conflicn of
shall be filed with the City
poshing of said Notice.
.filed, said co;p-mitment
shal], be
the even t
Notice has been
written request
conumitment on
thirty (3.0) days
such a request
]nade with regard
Effect of
for re-
the grou~:d
of the
is not
final and conclt~sive.
Reconsideration U~on Fil~nq of Recu~st T.%er¢.:for. In
that a request is filed with the City Clerk pursuant
(c) hereof, the City Clerk shall direct said request
the City governing body, officer or employee responsible for
commi~.'nent in c, uest~on and said body
cause said co:.::mit;.n,2nt to t~e recon:'~idered.
officer or
SEC'J'ION 4.1 I,('ci,'l] O~)inion:;. A~ty d~':;:i(.jJl,'tt:c¢l ¢,jtll)]oyeo wllt.~ i:;
Coc]t., c~z' Ll~e J',.~lit.ical I~t:~.-or~t Act o£ 197d ((;ovc.~'~nc~L Code Sec:l
81000 c"t .'.' (:q .. ) , l~;ty I' (? (l t] t~ 5; [ n fo~'~)~,'~l opini::;~ (;r lt't. tor of
f]:o~i~ t~o City Attol-~ley of t!~e City. In tile ¢:vo~lt t}l~ City Att'or~cy
is u~]n}.~]c or dec]..]~es, by written not.lc:e, to iqsu(.· an opinfon
t)]e desi~_!t]ated c:nploycc, or in t)~e event tt]e d~signated e]np]oyt.~e
is dis~atisfied with the c.l~nion received from t~]e City Atto~--,ey
of Cf ty, lie ma5, request the City Council o- t]~e City to seek a
formal opJ.~]ion or letter of advice from the Fair Political Practices
Co,mn i s s i o n.
SECTION 4.2 Reliance on Le~al O:~_.i_n]__ze.n' If a legal opinion
is issued in writing by t!]e City Attorney of City statin in
full tho facts and the law u:~on whicl~ tl:e opinion is based,
complia,,]ce by the design,:ted employee w~.th such opinion may be
evidence of good faith ].n any civil or cri:ninal proceeding brouc~t
pursuant to the provisions of the Political Re£orm Act of 1974 or
this Code. The designated employee's good faith compliance with
the written opinion of t!~e City Attorney of the City shall also
act as a complete defense to' any disciplinary action that the
City may bring un*er Section 91003.5 of the Political Reform Act
or this Code.
SECTION 4.j Statute of Limitations. No judicial proceedinc~s
based upon disqualification provision of t'.,~,is Code shall be
brought pursuant to Government Code Section 91003(b) to restrain.
the e>:ecution or to set aside official action of the City unless
cor~,enced ninety (90) days fol].ov;ing official, action or decision.
. ~
EXI!]'BiT '~A:'
Admin i strat ion
City Administrator
Assistan't City Administra'ter
Assistant to the City Administrator
Finance Director
City Attorney
AsSistant City Attorney
Deputy City Attorney
Citv Clerk
Categories of
. .
I , I! , III
Community Develooment
Community Development
Assistant Planner
Assistant Director of
Building Official
Building Inspector
I, II , III'
I, I! , III
City Engineer
Assistant City
Maintenance Superintendent
Assis't_n~ Maintenance Sup='~¢ntendent
Recreation Department
Park g Recreation Director
Recreation Supervisor
I , II , III
!, II, III
Police DepartmeDt
Police Ch'el
Police Lieutenant
I, II, I'~,_-
I, Ii, III
Community Redevelopment Agency
Governing Body
RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and e×-officio Clerk of the City Council of' the
City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of
the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the
above and foregoing Resolution No. 79-27 was duly and regularly
introduced, passed and adopted at -'a regular meeting of the City Council
held on the 2nd day of _.April , 1979, by the following
COb~,..;CIL.~EN - NONE
ty o Tu
RU]~I C. POE' city ~rk, Ci f stin', California
I /
I'ql I I