HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 79-174 8 10 !! !3 i9 RESOLUTION NO. 79-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, URGING THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE TO MAINTAIN, AND RECOMMEND TO THE LEGISLATURE MANTENANCE OF, AN EQUITABLE SYSTEM OF TERRITORIAL RATING BY WHICH LOSS COSTS OF AUTOMOBILE INSURERS ARE ALLOCATED TO THOSE AREAS IN WHICH PERSONS CAUSING SUCH LOSSES RESIDE. I:,'tlEREAS, the California Legislature has requested the Departraent Of Insurance stud>' the subject of territorial rating syste::'...s used by auton,.obile i.."!iEi':,.7:.z'~ a. s*atewide avera:>~ .... ..... , ~ ~,~ auto~ncg, ile inst~rance rate would not re-duce the e' .... '~='' cost of insurance to the public, but would ~aerely effect a -'er-tl !ocat ;.~ on of ...~-x~ stin~_ o cost~ ,,',c:,-'~g~.. vari. o,,~., geo~,rap!~'i.c areas ;~, . and insurers; and WtlEREAS territorial rating is a metl~od of differentiating automobile insurance rates on the basis of clai[as loss costs, which d:iffer from area-to- area; and WI-iEREAS, the California Legislature has acted in recent years to defeat !egis'ation whict~ would abolish territorial rating and require a single rate be used by automobile insurers tl~rougl~out ti~e state; and '"":' .... ~: rough .I; ia, '; ' ' :~.~.-v. ::".~5, r,h ouc Ca :lorn ,.topos trion of an average rate woultt ±.n..are.Tse ~.r '.ur.~s for two-thirds OE Califor~ia's motorists; and i:.~sura:~.ce indus.:ry estimates, said increas.e to approximate 20% for a typical insrre:'.~ :.ne.z.?..r-'.st in this area; the residents of tire Ci~.y o'f Tustin would be burdened witi~ · ~rem: ur, s: as a resu~-~ of abolishlng~ territorial rating', by some i,7.{EiE.-iS,, tl',e Departmei~t of Insurance l~as invited participation in the stu. dv bv c±''es and counties on bel~alf of tl,,etr affected res.idents; · ' '-' RE ."° , ."~G!~ ~.;.~. FOP, E, BE IT Rm.)OI,VED that the City Council of the City o£ '~ Tustin h=.~=:~.' urges the Co~anissioner of Insurance to maintain and recommend ~0 ~ .... ' ' {{ to the Legislature maintenance of, an oquitat;le system of territorial rating by which loss costs of automobile inst~rers are allocated to tt~ose areas in ~4 ~5 26 which persons causing such losses reside; and BE IT FURTt.iER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk forward a copy of this resolut.ion to the Co~anissioner of Insurance for inclusion in the hearing record and to Assemblyman Nestande and Senator Briggs. PASSE[) AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California held on the 20th day of February, 19'79. ATTEST- dpj; 2/6/79' ~8 29 30 STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 79-17 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of February , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: NOES ~-~S ENT: COU?~.CiI2,~N- WELSH, SCHUSTER, KENNEDY CO.Ui,.;C I L.~,/E N - NONE COU'.;CiL.~,'~N- S '~ ~ ~ '~ ,.our _ SHARP .~.:.,, ~ .~ :.~, ,L l , RUTH C. POE, City Cle~'.~City of Tustin, Calif~.--nia