HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-1364 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 2.5 28 2.9 80 81 RESOLUTION NO. 78-136 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN COUNTY LITTER CLEAN-UP AND ENFORCEMENT GRANT WiIERF. AS, the Legislature of the State o'f California h~ts enacted the State Litter Control, P, ecycling and Resource Recovery Act of 1977 (Govt. ~ -~l Code, Sec. 68000 et seq.) which provides funds to counties and cities for ; --[ litter law enforcement; and I~'II[:.RE^S, said Act states that in lieu of separate proposals by a county and each city witl~i.n the county for utilization of litter clean-up and litter enforcement funds combined proposals may be developed' by tl~e county and cities and approved by the Board of Supervisors and by at least SO percent of the cities representing at least S0 percent of the population residing within the cities in the county; and WHEREAS, combined programs for litter clean-up and litter enforcement ar deemed to be in the best interests of Orange County and the residents of the City of Tustin; , NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\:'ED that this City Council' 1. Approves the filing of the attached application (l,iltter Control Grant - Short Form Application) for funding under tt~e Litter Control, Recycling and Resource Recovery Act a~td utilization by tl:e County of Orange of funds allocated to the City of Tustin for litter clean-up and litter law enforcement; and 2 Certifies that said Council understands tlte general vro.visions of the grant agreements; and 3. Authorizes the City Adn~inistrator, as agent of tl~e City of Tustin. to sign the Litter Control Grant Application and transmit said appli~ationand this Resolution to the State Solid Waste }-lanagement Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet'tng of the Tustin City Council l~eld on the 18th day of December. 1978. / ~. bXYOR .................. ATTEST' DI~' dpj; 12/6/ O','ange County Litter Clean-up. and Enforceme;~t Projects ! ............ ! : City o.f lustin Main' at Centennial, Tustin, CA 92680 i ....... 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Level and Source of Funding The level and source of funding for past and current litter clean-up programs in Orange County varies among the 26 Cities and the County. The Cities' efforts regarding clean-up of roadside litter are §enerally incorporated within the programs and budgets of their respective Public Works or General Services Departments. The Cities' efforts at cleaning up litter on recreational lands are generally incorporated within the programs and budgets of their respective Parks and Recrea- tion or related departments. The County's efforts at clean-up of roadside litter are included in the service provided by the County's 12 County-service areas. The County service areas also address the litter clean-up needs of neigh- borhood parks within the service areas. Litter clean-up efforts at the County's regional parks are included in the programs and budget of the Harbors, Beaches and Parks District. B. Description of Existin§ P~o§rams Due to the inclusion of litter clean-up efforts as part of larger pro- grams and budgets, as described in Part A above, specific information regarding staffing levels, salar.~es, equipment inventory, and evalua- tions of program effectiveness wou~d require extensive researc'h and, therefore, is not provided here. C. Statement of Litter Problem The severity of the litter problem throughout the County varies geograph- ically and seasonally. In some Cities and unincorporated areas, the probl~ i.s relatively more severe in parks and recreation areas than alon§ public thoroughfares. In other Cities and unincorporated areas, the reverse is true. Additionally, the litter problem in parks and recreation areas tends to be relatively greater during the summer months and on holidays due to higher volume of public use as compared to other times of the year. I I. Proposed Program A. Description of Program The proposed program will utilize State Litter Control Recycling and Resource Recovery Act funds designated for litter clean up which have been allocated to the County and each of the Cities of Orange County. The program will be administered by the County and will utilize the County's share of the Litter Clean-Up funds ($41,770) along with the clean-up funds of the Cities i.n the County that join in the program. -1- The County and each participating City in the program will be allotted a percentage of the total..lttter clean-up man-hours available (estimated to be 42,840 hours during the initial five-month grant period and 113,400 hours durin§ each of the subsequent twel ve-month §rant period's) according to the percentage of the funds contributed by each jurisdic- tion to the program. Charts are attached showing the percentage of total program dollars contributed and number of man-hours allocated for each participating City and the County. The allotted hours for each participating City and the County will be scheduled by the Program Administrator, who will serve as scheduling liaison with each City's designated liaison with the program. The pro§ram, to be administered cooperatively by the County's General Services Agency and Probation Department, will provide the Juvenile Court with a disposition that will allow the Court to order a minor to perform beneficial public work (litter clean up) in the community as an alternative to institutional commitment. Boys and girls ranging in age from 13 through 17, who have been declared wards of the Court under Section 602 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code and committed by the Court to'the pro§ram, Will be assigned to supervised crews of l0 to 12 mino. rs each. Crews will be engaged in sweeping and removal of litter from sidewalks, parking lots, and along public thoroughfares. They will also clean up litter from County and City parks and beaches. Crews will be directly supervised by one program counselor per crew. Crews will meet at designated central points throughout the County. The minors will be responsible for providing their own transportation to and from the central meeting points. Minors will be scheduled to work with a crew which meets as close to their home as possible. The crews wil 1 be transported in grant-funded vehicl es by the program counselors to assigned work sites. The crews will work on nonholiday weekend days during the re§ular school year and Monday through Friday durin§ school vacation peri ods. It is estimated that l0 to 12 crews will be available for each of the 135 work days per year. Mi nors will not be compensated for their work on the program. Their performance, however, will be graded by the program counselor, and they will be required to make up absences and any day for which their per- formance has been unsatisfactory. Should a minor fail to comply with program rules, he/she will be suspended from the program and returned to court for further disposition. Litter clean-up funds will be used to pay salaries, wages and fringe benefits for program staff, to pay for required medical examinations, to pay for .lunches which will be. provided by the Juvenile Hall kitchen staff, to purchase and rent equipment necessary to the operation of the program, and to pay for transportation and other op.erating costs of the program. -2- III. IV. Qualification of Applicant A. Experience with Type of Proposed Pm§ram For approximately 13 years, the Orange County Probation Department has successfuly administered the Juvenile Court Work Program, a. very similar program to that which is proposed. The proposed program, however, will involve liaison between County administrative staff and the various participating Cities and County agencies, which will require far more extensive liaison activities than experienced with the current Juvenile Court Work Program. Further, the nature of the work in the proposed program will focus on litter clean-up rather than weed abatement, as it presently does with the Juvenile Court Work Pro'gram. Budget (February 1, 1979, to June 30, 1979) The total proposed budget for the initial grant period of February 1, 1979, to June 30, 1979, is $266,056. Any procurement of services or supplies, or contracting, will be done in accordance with the County .of Orange standard procureraent policies and procedures. X~ Personnel Services 1. Salaries and Wages a. Salaries (1) Supv. Probation Officer I (2) Deputy Probation Officer II (1) Admi ni strat i ve Services As si stant I (1) Stenographer - Clerk II (1) Typist - Clerk II SUBTOTAL SALARIES Total Monthly Monthly Rate/Position Cost 5-Month Cost $1,974 $1,974 $ 9,870 1,681 3,362 16,810 1,583 1 , 583 ?, 915 907 907 865 865 4,535 $7,010 $8 ,'691 $43,455 -3- --- (15) B~ b. Wages 2~ 1/2 Time Extra-Help Group Counsel or I TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES Fringe Benefits Total Month ly Month ly 5-Mont h ~ate/,P, ositi on Cost Cost $467 $ 7,005 $35,025 $15,696 $78,480 Fringe benefits, consisting of Retirement and Employee Group Insur- ance, amount to a total of $4,810 for the five-month initial §rant period. This amount equals 6.13% of salaries and wages. Retirement Group Insurance TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS Operating Expenses and Equipment Total Monthly 5,Month Cost Cost $ 58a. $2,920 378 $ 962 $4,810 1. Equipment (12) Fifteen-passenger Vans Ca $8,385 each (1) Transcriber $100,620 555 2~ (2) Typewriters @ $800 each Other Equipment TOTAL EQUIPMENT Operating Expenses 1,600 4,7!_9_ $107,494 C ommu n i cat ions Food Household 1,040 5,350 500 Insurance 981 Mai ntenance - Equipment Office Expense 81 780 -4- . .,.' · · · . · Professional/Special ized Services Rents/Leases - Equipment Smal 1 Tool s/I nstruments Special Departmental Expense Transportation/Travel - General SUBTOTAL Administrative Overhead Char§e-Indi rect Costs (4.68% of Salaries and Wages) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 4,550 12,720' 3,000 36,660 5,937, $ 71,599 .... ...3,67.3 $ 75,272 V~ Evaluation A~ Measurements of Program' Effectiveness The Program Administrator will be responsible for maintaining monthly statistical reports on the number of minors committed to the program, the number of minors successfully completing the program, and the number of man-hours worked' for each participating jurisdiction, and locations where work is performed. Monthly activity reports will be submitted tO the program's Administrative Services Assistant, who will be responsible for monitoring and coordinating compliance with grant requirements and will serve as liaison with the State Sol id Waste Management Board. Further, all participating jurisdictions will be requested to submit quarterly reports certifying the number of man-hours worked, locations of work performed, and their evaluation of the level of performance. These quarterly reports will be submitted to the Administrative Services Assistant and will be available for review by auditors from the State Sol id ~aste Management Board. -5- LITTER CLEAN-UP PROGRAM ESTIMATED INITIAL 5-MONTH BUDGET (2/1/79 to 6/30/79) Acct. Code OlO O2O O3O 070 090 100 110 130 180 190 210 230 240 260 400 Expenditure Classification Salaries and Wages Retirement Employee Group Insurance Sub-Totl'al Salaries and Wages Commun i cat ions Food Household Expense Insurance Ma i ntenance-Equi pment Office Expense Prof/Spec. Serv. Rents/Leases-Equi p. Small Tools/Instruments Spec. Dept. Expense Tran s portat i on/Tra ve 1-Gen. Equipment 12 Fifteen-Passenger Vans 1 Transcriber 2 Typewriters Other Equipment Sub-Total, Serv. & Supplies 78,480 2,920 1,89'0 83,290 i ,040 5,350 500 981 81 780 4,550 12,720 3,000 36,660 5,937 100,620 555 1,600 4,71.9 179,093 Sub-Total, Sal. & Wages, Serv. & Supplies Administrative Overhead-Indirect Costs TOTAL 262,383 3,6,7.3 $ 266,056 -6- LITTER CLEAN-UP PROGRAM ESTIMATED FIRST-YEAR ANNUAL BUDGET* (7/1/79 to 6/30/80) Acct. Code Expenditure Classification OlO Salaries and Wages $ 183,155 020 Ret i rement 7,008 030 Employee Group Insurance 4,53..6. Sub-Total Salaries and Wages 194,699 070 Communications 3,900 090 Food 14,175 100 Household Expense 1,200 llO Insurance 2,168 130 Mai nt~nance-Equ i pment 191 180 Office Expense 1,872 190 Prof/Spec. Serv. 10-,920 230 Smal 1 Tool s/Instruments 7,200 260 Transportation/Travel-Gen. 21,159 Sub-Total, Serv. & Supplies 62,785 Sub-Total, Sal. &'Wages, Serv. & Supplies 257,484 Administrative Overhead-Indirect Costs 8,57_2 TOTAL $ 266,056 *This budget provides for full year 1979'-80 funding for salaries and operating costs associated with the proposed litter clean-up program. New ideas and feedback obtained during the first five months of this program will be used to make adjustments to the 1979-80 grant proposal. As with the current proposal, the full year funding proposal will al so require the approval of the County and a majority of the cities. -7- INITIAL FIVE-MONTH ALLOCATION OF SB-650 LITTER CLEAN-UP FUNDS AND. MAN-HOURS (F~bruary 1 through June 30, 1979) ~mmmmmm Jurisdiction Anaheim Brea Buena Park Costa Mesa CYpress Founta i n Va 11 ey Ful 1 erton Garden Grove Huntington Beach Irvine La§una Beach L a Habra La Pa lma Los Alamitos Newport Beach Orange Placentia San Clemente San Juan Capistrano Santa Ana Sea 1 Beach Stanton Tustin Vi 1 la Park ~'estmi nster Yorba Linda County of Orange Combi ned TOTAL Cities and County · . _ Allocation Amount $ 30,757 4,303 9,519 11,111 5,375 7,468 14,110 16,403 19,934 3,719 3,725 6,512 2,068 1,584 I1,481 12,756 5,158 4,209 1,697 24,971 3,044 3,574 4,050 1,513 10,873 4,372 41,770 $266,056 "'~'e~c~nt Of ~ Total Dollars 11.5603 % 1.6173 3.5778 4.1762 2.0203 2.8069 5.3034 6.1652 7.4924 1.3978 1.4001 2.4476 0.7773 0.5954 4.3153 4.7945 1.9387 1.5820 0.6378 9.3856 1.1441 1.3433 1.5222 0.5687 4.0867 1.16433 15.6997 100.00 % *^1 i'-OCb~ i 0n- of Man-Hours 4,952 693 1,533 1,789 865 1,202 2,272 2,641 3,210 599 600 1,049 333 255 1,849 2,054 831 678 273 · 4,021 490 575 652 244 1,751 704 42,841 * 51 work days X 105 workers available/day X 8 hours/day = 42,840 total n~n-hours for FY 78-79 (program will be operational from February 1 through June 30, 1979) -8- FIRST YEAR ANNUAL ALLOCATION OF SB-650 LITTER CLEAN-UP FUNDS AND MAN-HOURS (July 1, 1979 through June 30, 1980) Jurisdiction ...... Anaheim Brea Buena Pa rk Costa Mesa Cypress Fountain Valley Ful lerton Garden Grove Huntington Beach Irvine La§una Beach La Habra La Palina Los A1 amitos Newport Beach Orange Placentia San C1 ~mente San Juan Capistrano Santa Ana · Seal Beach Stanton Tustin Vi lla. Park Westminster Yorba Linda County of Orange Combi ned TOTAL Cities and County A11 ocat i on Amount ................. $ 30,757 4,303 9,519 11,111 5,375 7,468 14,110 16,403 19,934 3,719 3,725 6,512 2,068 1,58~ 11,481 12,756 5,158 4,209 1,697 24,971 3,044 3,574 4,050 1,513 10,873 4,372 ~41,770_ $266,056 -' P-erc'ent' Of .... Total Dollars ........ 11.5603 % 1.6173 3.5778 4.17'62 2.0203 2.8069 5.3034 6.1652 7.4924 1.3978 1.4001 2.4476 0.7773 0.5954 4.3153 4.7945 1.9387 1.5820 0.6378 9.3856. 1.1441 1.3433 1.5222 0.5687 ' 4.0867 1.6433 15.6997 100.00 · ,, _ '~F~i-~ocat i On of Man-Hours 13,109 1,834 4,057 4,736 2,291 3,183 6,014 6,991 8,496 1,585 1,588 2,776 881 675 4,894 5,437 2,198 1,794 723 10,643 1,297 1,523 1,726 645 4,634 1,864 113,397 * 135 work days X 105 workers available/day x 8 hours/day = 113,400 total man hours. -9- SB-650 LITTER ENFORCEMENT GRANT PROPOSAL (The format of this proposal conforms to guidelines issued by the State Sol id Waste Management Board) I. Existing Programs A. Level and Source of Funding A Senior Engineer from the California Department of Transportation states that Cal Trans spends approximately $1,000,000 annually for litter control in Orange County. This money is primarily for cleanup, although litter law enforcement efforts are made in cooperation with the California Highway Patrol. The Revenue Section of the Orange County Auditor-Controller's Office has reported that a total of $735 in fines and fees for enforcement was credited to the County's General Fund during the 1977-78 fiscal year. The County's Road Fund was credited with $218 during the same period. This revenue is detailed below- Municipal Court ~ou.nty Road Total Central $ 376 $ 78 $ 454 Harbor 8 -- 8 North 38 36 74 South 51 53 104 West 262 51 313 TOTAL $ 735 $ 218 $ 953 B. Description of Existing Program Although there are a number of programs in Orange County which deal with the various aspects of litter control, no program currently exists which addresses the specific problem of litter law enforcement. State and local law enforcement officers deal with litter law offenses as time and manpower allow. The Orange County Solid Waste Enforcement Agency was established in April 1978 in response to AB 2439. Since its establishment, the Agency has dealt with several incidents of hazardous or .illegal dumping. The Agency's two staff members report that additional help is needed for comprehensive litter law enforcement. C. Statement of Litter Problem Litter enforcement problems occur in and around landfill sites and transfer stations. Park and recreation areas are continually subject to acts of littering, especially on weekends and holidays. The beaches in Orange County experience peak litter problems during the summer months. -1- II. Proposed Program A. Description of Program The overall design of the program is to create two new Litter Enforce- ment Officers to deal with the growing need for enforcement and regulation of State and local litter laws within t'he County. Most litter offenses are acts of neglect or carelessness. These officers, therefore, will be primarily a means of encouraging a more responsible attitude towards litter on the part of the general public. They will work in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies to enforce state and local litter laws and to investigate and correct incidents of illegal dumping.. The two Litter Enforcement Officers will be directly responsible to the Orange County Solid Waste Enforcement Agency and will work in coordination with the Permit Inspector for the County General Services Agency's Solid Waste Management Division. The primary function of these positions will be to deter the act of littering. Since these officers' duties will require a large degree of mobility, each of them will be provided with a vehicle. Each vehicle will be equipped with a radio for use in emergencies. The primary duties of these officers and the approximate percentage of time that would be devoted to each of' their responsibilities are shown bel ow' Time Duties 32% Work with individuals, groups, schools and organi- zations tO provide anti-litter enforcement informa- tion and to institute more effective litter control systems. 30% Patrol public roads, parks and recreation areas to l olcate centers of indiscriminate dumping and littering and to enforce litter laws. Issuing warnings will be used as the primary enforcement tool. Only when warnings fail to gain compliance will citations be used. 28% 5% Investigate and correct inclidents of illegal dumping Cdunty-wide with special emphasis on road- way shoulders and on areas around landfill sites. Assist local litter patrols, especially in and around public parks and beaches when .needed. -2- 3% 2% Lend support to community and corporate cleanup drives and recycling activities. Participate in anti-litter or related studies initiated by State or local authorities. Reporting regularly to the Orange County Solid Waste Enforcement Agency. ,m The officers would necessarily concentrate efforts in areas of greatest density of population and at the source of the most severe litter problems. Their working hours would not necessarily correspond with the standard working day but would not exceed 40 hours/week. III. Qualification of Applicant A. Experience with Type of Proposed Program When the County was reorganized into the agencies concept, the Solid Waste Management Division became part of the Support Services function of the General Services Agency. The position of Permit Inspector, whose primary duty is to prevent unauthorized dumping, was established in 1973. The Orange County Solid Waste Enforcement Agency has been in existence since April, 1978. The Enforcement. Agency's two staff members perform some tasks similar to those of Litter Enforcement Officers but their major efforts are directed towards regulation of Solid Waste storage, collection, transfer, and disposal with little time available for 1 itter enforcement. IV. Budget (February l, 1979 to June 30, 1979) The total proposed budget for the initial grant period of February l, 1979 to June 30, 1979 is $34,752. Any procurement of services or supplies, or contracting, will be done in accordance with the County of Orange standard procurement policies and procedures. A. Personnel Services 1. Salaries and Wages (2) Litter Enforcement Officer Total Monthly Monthly 5-Month R at e/P os i t i on Cost Cost $ 983 $ 1,966 $ 9,828 -3- 2~ Fringe Benefits · Fringe benefits, consisting of Retirement and Employee Group Insurance, amount to a total of $1,290 for the five-month initial grant period. This amount equals 13.13% of salaries and wages. Total Monthly Cost 5-,Month Cost Retirement Group Insurance $ 132 126 $ 258 $ 660 630 $ 1,290 Operating Expenses and Equipment 1. Equipment (2) Desks (a $245 each /2) Compact Sedans Ia $4,755, each · 2) Radios, installed @ $1 100 each TOTAL EQUIPMENT 490 9,510 2,20.0. $12,200 2~ Operating Expenses Clothing Insurance Office Expense Rents/Leases-Equi pment Spec. Dept. Expense Trans./Travel -General SUBTOTAL Admi ni strati ve Overhead Charge-Indirect Costs (9.28% of Salaries and Wages) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 5OO 152 425 90 7,720 1,635 __ $10,522 912 $11,436 -4- V. Evaluation A. Measurements of Program Effectiveness Effectiveness of the program will be monitored and reported annually to the State Solid Waste Management Board. The report will include the number of anti-l, itter presentations, investigations conducted regarding illegal dumping and citations and warnings issued for violation of State and local litter laws identified by code section or ordinance number, as well as detailed financial accounts of the program. In addition to this, Litter Enforcement Officers will be required to report regularly to the Orange County Solid Waste Enforcement Agency. -5- LITTER ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM [$1IM^IFD INIII^L §--~O~IH BUDG[I (2/1179 to 6/30/79) Acct. Code OlO 020 030 O6O llO 190 210 240 260 400 Expenditure Classification Salaries and Wages Retirement Emp. Group Insurance Sub-Total Salaries and Wages Clothing Insurance Offi ce Expense Rents/Leases Equipment Special Dept. Expense Trans./Travel-General Equipment 2 desk s 2 4-door compact sedans 2 mobile radios, installed Sub-Total, Serv. & Supplies Sub-Total, Sal. & Wa§es, Serv. & Supplies Administrative Overhead-Indirect Costs TOTAL 9,828 660 630 11,118 5OO 152 425 9O 7,720 1,635 49O 9,510 .2,200 22,722 33,840 912 $ 34,752 -6- . LITTER ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ESTIMATED FIRST-YEAR ANNUAL BUDGET* (7/1/79 to 6/3'0/80) Acct. Code Expenditure Classification OlO Salaries and Wages $ 23,587 020 Ret i rement l, 585 030 Emp. Group Insurance 1,512 ,, , Sub-Total Salaries and Wages 26,684 060 Clothing 500 llO Insurance 366 190 Offi ce Expense 600 210 Rents/Leases Equi pme'nt 216 240 Special Dept. Expense 728 260 Trans./Travel-General __ ~3,~920_ Sub-Total Services and Supplies 6,330 Sub-Total Sal. & Wages, Serv. & Supplies Administrative Overhead-Indirect Costs 33,014 !,738 TOTAL $ 34,752 *This budget provides for full year 1979-80 funding for salaries and operating costs associated with the proposed litter enforcement program.. New ideas and feedback obtained during the first five months of this program will be used to make adjustments to the 1979-80 grant proposal. As with the current proposal, the full year funding proposal will also require the approval of the .County and a majority of the cities. -7- ALLOCATION OF SB-650 LITTER ENFORCEMENT FUNDS (February 1 through June 30, 1979) Jurisdici~ion A11 ocat i on Amount % of Total Dollars Anaheim $ 3,946 498 Brea 1,209 Buena Park 1,512 Costa Mesa 780 Cypress Fountain Valley 1,043 1,899 Fullerton 2,271 Garden. Grove Huntington Beach 3,109 885 Irvine 321 La§una Beach 850 La Habra 284 La Palma 214 Los A1 amitos 1,240 Newport Beach 1,630 Orange 638 Placentia 474 San Clemente San Juan Capistrano 330 Santa Ana 3,544 511 Seal Beach 451 Stanton 631 Tustin 139 Villa Park 1,337 Westminster 489 Yorba Linda County of Orange Combi ned Total Cities and County 4,517 $ 34,752 l1.35% 1.43 3.48 4.35 2.24 3.00 5.46 6.53 8.95 2.55 0.92 2.45 0.82 0.62 3.57 4.69 1.84 1.36 0.95 10.20 1.47 1.30 11.82 0.40 3.85 1.41 13.00 100% -8- .STATE OF CALIFOF~;IA) COUNTY OF OILAXGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUT}! C. POE, Cihy Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of t~¢: City Council of tl~e City of Tustin, California, docs horeby certify that the whole num.&er of the members of the City · Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Reso].ution No. 78-136 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of tl~e City Council held on the 18th _day of December ........ 1978, by t]'~e following vote- AYES' COUNCILMEN' WELSH, SALTARELLI, KENNEDY NONE NOES ' COUNCILMEN ' ABSENT- COUNCILMEN ' SCHUSTER, SHARP ~i~-y Cierk,~ity of Tustin, caii~fOrnia .......