HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-1236 9 10 11 15 17 18 19 ~0 Zl ~5 ~6 ~? ~9 5O RESOLUTION NO. 78-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLASSI- FICATION, COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAGEMENT OFFICERS OF CITY. WHEREAS, City now desires to provide increases and benefits to its employees as a result of conferences between the respective department heads and the management officers under their supervision and subsequent recommenda- tions to the City Administrator. WHEREAS, city has consulted with the Sergeants of the Police Department of the City of Tustin and with the Tustin Police Employees Association regarding City's desire and intention of classifying Sergeants as management officers and Police Sergeants of the Police Department of the City of Tustin and the Tustin Police Employees Association have concurred in the request of City for this reclassification. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: The classification, compensation and terms of employment for non-administration and non-management employees of City are set forth by separate resolutions of the City Council and the provisions herein set forth shall not apply to those employees. Section 2: Administration Officers. Those employees holding the following positions are hereby designated as administrative officers. CLASSIFICATION: City Administrator Director of Public Works/City Engineer Police Chief Finance Director'. .. ." 'COmmunity Deve!.opment Director Parks &. Recreation Director Maintenance Superintendent Chief Deputy City Clerk . The members of the City Council are elected officials and, along with the City Attorney, are deemed to be administrative officers of the City. As such officers, they are employees of the City, but are not employed on a full- time basis as are the regular pezTp, anent employees. The provisions of the personnel ordinance and employee resolutions have no application to the members of the City Council and City Attorney, except that the provisions of Section 7, 11 (B) , (C) , (D) , (E) and (F) of this Resolution shall apply to members of the City Council, and Sections 7, 11 (B), (C) and (D) shall apply to the City Attorne Section 3: Management Officers. Those employees holding the following positions are hereby designated as management officers ....... · Assistant City Engineer Police Lieutenant Traffic Engineer Building Official Police Sergeant Personnel Director 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 ~0 ~5 ~6 ~? ~8 ~9 ~0 Resolution No. 78-123 Page Two December 4 ,. 1978 Class No. 1110 1130 4110 1150 1125 1160 8110 1180 Section 4- _ Assistant Planner Assistant to the City Administrator Assistant Maintenance Superintendent Accounting Coordinator Maintenance Foreman Recreation Supervisor Compensation and Benefit Provisions. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Position City Administrator Director of Public Works/City Engineer Police Chief Finance Director Community Development Director Parks & Recreation Director Maintenance Superintendent Chief Deputy City Clerk Monthly Salary $3,015 2,588 2,565 2,200 1,950 1,859 1,747 1,439 ~DkNAGEMENT OFFICERS Class No. Position Salary Rang.e Number Monthly Salary lst/Last Step .1330 4170 1530 1350 4350 1345 1555 1340 8310 1355 8350 1575 Assistant City Engineer Police Lieutenant Traffic Engineer Building Official Police Sergeant Personnel Director Assistant Planner Assistant to City Administrator Assistant Maintenance Superintendent Accounting Coordinator Maintenance Foreman Recreation Supervisor $1,990 $1,640/1,990 1,981 1,630/1,981 1,840 1,514/1,840 1,827 1,503/1,827 1,710 1,407/1,710 1,650 1,320/1,650 1,509 1,242/1,509 1,450 1,192/1,450 1,443 1,187/1,443 1,415 1,164/1,415 1,373 1,130/1,373 1,205 992/1,205 The salary ranges and rates established herein for administrative and management officers shall be effective for the' pay period beginning September 11, 1978. The salary ranges and rates herein provided are at' the level heretofor .set 'for .the Fiscal ..Yea~ i977-7~ 'witho'ut. a'~y in'crease ~'r change therefrom, except. 'for those certain .po'sitions which due to ~ncreased qual~fic'a- tions, increased work loads and increased '~ob responsibilitles 'have had 'Posi- t'ion rec'lass'ifications. Resolution No. 78-123 Page Three December 4, 1978 Section 5. Exempt Positions. All administrative and management officers included in the provisions of this Resolution, except Police Sergeants, are exempt positions and are not entitled to receive additional compensation. for overtime hours worked unless specifically authorized by the City Council for a specific project. The monthly salary shall be considered full compensa- tion for all hours worked and no overtime shall be considered for payment for" said employees; however, administrative leave may be granted when approved by the City Administrator for good and sufficient cause. The City Administrator shall have the authority to delegate this authority to the Department Heads. Section 6. Employee Life Insurance. The City shall provide life .- insurance on the life of each regular, permanent, full-time employee of the' City of Tustin and pay the full annual premium therefor. The death benefit of said policy shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's base annual salary to the nearest multiple of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). Section 7. Medical/Health Benefits. The City shall provide a medical/ health benefit program for the benefit 'of regular permanent employees and their dependents, if applicable. The City shall contribute .to the funding of said program one hundred percent (100%) of the contribution for the employee and for his dependents, if any, toward the funding of the medical/health program. 1~ Section 8. General Leave. The General Leave Plan is being revised contemporaneously herewith by amendmen.ts to the Personnel Rules and Regulations 1~ of the City of Tustin. Provided, however, that regular, permanent, administra- tive employees shall have two (2) additional days of general leave per year 15 upon determination by the City Administrator of their satisfactory performance and full-time regular management employees shall have one (1) additional days 16 of general leave per year upon determination by the department head of their satisfactory performance. 17 Section 9. Uniforms. Maintenance Foreman shall receive the uniform 18 allowance provided for other maintenance employees. Police Lieutenants and Police Sergeants shall receive the uniform allowance provided for other sworn 19 police officers. Section 10. Police Sergeants, at and after such time as they shall be moved to positions of management, shall continue to be eligible for overtime pay on the same basis as provided in the Personnel Rules and Regulations for police officers and shall retain their former "educational incentive pay plan program". Section 11. Travel, Miscellaneous Meetings and Conference Expense__s ~4 A. Automobile Allowance. 25 26 ~8 29 ~0 1o Administrative Officers. The following Administrative Officers shall receive an amount per month as an expense reimbursement allowance for their personally-owned and maintained automobile used in the course of performance of the duties of the officer's job within a radius of sixty (60) miles of the City Hall and in the amount hereinafter spec i f i ed: (a) City Administrator $150 (b) Finance Director 50 (c) Community Development Director 50 (d) Director of Public Works/City Engineer 50 (e) Director of Parks and Recreation 50 For required travel beyond sixty (60) miles, the officer shall be en- titled to a comamercial transportation allowance' as set for.th in sub- RESOLUTION NO. 78-123 Page Four 0 December 4, 1978 section (2) below. Other. Administrative Officers may claim a mileage reimbursement as set forth in subsection (2) below. 4 8 10 11 A City-owned and maintained automobile shall be provided to the follow- ing Administrative Officers- (a) Police Chief 2. Management Officers. Management Officers and appointed officials may claim automobile reimbursement on approved expense claim forms furnished by the Finance. Department for the use of his/her own private automobile, in the course of his/her City employment or on City business. Such use of a private vehicle shall only be when a City vehicle is not available for transportation. A flat rate of fifteen cents (.15¢) per mile may be approved for use of private vehicles on City business, within the City or within a radius of sixty (60) miles therefrom. B. Commercial Transportation Allowance. Ail Administrative and Management Officers shall be entitled to the following allowances: 14 15 16 19 ~0 21 ~5 ~6 ~8 ~9 ~0 31 1. Allowances for use of commercial transportation shall be based upon scheduled airline coach rates, or other appropriate public transportation where more practical, in regard to all out-of-town travel on City business. 2. The use of private vehicles by Administrative and Management Officers, or appointed officials on City business on out-of-City trips, within the State, may be approved by the City Administrator when use of commercial transportation is not available, economical or practical. If such persons prefer their private vehicle, they may be reimbursed the amount of the cost of commercial transportation only unless the flat rate per mile set forth in Subsection A above is less. 3. When air, rail or public transportation is used, expenses necessary for 'local transportation, such as taxicab and bus fare, will be allowed whenever such transportation is necessary for the conduct of City business after approval by the City Administrator. C. Out-of-City Travel, Meetings and Conference Expenses. If, in the judgment of. the City Administrator, the. estimated expenses of the approved con- templated travel, lodging and other related expenses pertinent to said trip .is too high and would create a hardship for the officer to finance initially, the City Administrator may authorize an advance payment of the estimated amount to the officer. Upon return of the officer from said trip, he/she shall submit an itemized statement as to his/her actual expenses. Final adjustments shall be made to the favor of the officer or the City, whichever the case may be. The cost of lodging and meals shall be at a reasonable rate and appropriate to the purpose of the trip. D. Conference Attendance. 1. Administrative Officers shall be authorized to attend one (1) national and one (1) state conference of their choice provided the funds are budgeted and attendance is approved by the City Administra 2. Management Officers shall be authorized to attend one (1) state conference or training session of their choice, provided the conferen'c~°'or training session is approved' by' tSe City ~%dministrator · 'as appropriate, r~asonable in cost, and job-related. 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 ~6 ~8 29 3O RESOLUTION NO. 78-123 Page Five December 4, . 1978 E. Miscellaneous Expenses. Telephone and telegraph charges incurred while on out-of-City business by an officer, will be allowed only for official calls as approved by the Department Head, Finance Department, or City Administrator. F. Council Member Expenses° In lieu of filing expenses claims, members of the City Council may be paid the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per day when on City business requiring overnight accommodations, plus actual traveling expenses. The City Council hereby determines that such amount is a reasonable allowance and less than expenses actually and usually incurred where it is required to remain overnight to perform actual duties for the City. G. Council Member Monthly Expenses. The City Council hereby deter- mines that each member of the Council is required to expend in excess of One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) per month for transportation, meals, and other miscellaneous matters directly related to the performance of 'his duties. In lieu of filing individual expense claims for reimbursement from petty cash, the ~Iayor is authorized payment of a fixed sum of One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) per month, and each Council member is authorized payment of a fixed sum of One Hundred ~k~enty-Five Dollars ($125.00) per month. Each Council member shall file with the Finance Deparotment an appropriate statement affirming said expenses and requesting such reimbursement. Section 12. Education Incentive Pay Program. Administrative Officials are excluded from participation in the education incentive program. Management Officials are included and permitted to participate in the education incentive program provided general employees .......... Section 13. Special Compensation Provisions. Police Sergeants who a required to appear in court during their off-duty hours in connection with Cit3 business shall receive additional compensation for the number· of hours they spend in court with a minimum of two (2) hours compensation at their regular hourly rate' of salary. In addition, Police Sergeants shall be compensated at the rate of two (2) hours of overtime compensation for each eight (8) hours of required stand-by for duty or court appearance whether or not actually called for such duty or court appearance. Section 14. Miscellaneous Provisions. A. Avoidance of Inequities. The City Administrator may authorize special adjustments to avoid or eliminate inequities resulting from the strict application of any provision of this Resolution. · B. Administrative Regulations. The City Adminstrator is authorized to issue written administrative personnel regulations designed to augment or clarify the provisions of this Resolution. Section 15. Effective Date. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary in this Resolution, all provisions shall be effective as of September 11, 1978. · PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 4th day of December, 1978. ATTEST - dpj; 11/16/78 o. STATE OF CALIFO.~IA) COUNTY OF O~O~:<GE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN } o · RUTII C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of tl~e City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole nu~:'&er of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; tt~at the above and .foregoing Resol. ution No.~. 78-123 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed a~d adopted at:. a regular meeting of tl~e City Council held on tt~e 4th day of December 1978 ' ..... ./J? , . AYES - COONCIL~4EN'~_W_E..L_S_H,.;SCHUSTER, SHARP, KENNEDY NOES- COUNCILMEN- NONE ABSENT- COUNCILr, IEN-' SALTARELLI ty of TUStin~ Ca'lif~ornia .........