HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78-116 RESOLUTION NO.116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AT COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARKSITE, COMPLETION OF PHASE I, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS WI]EREAS, it is the intentio.,~ of the (;ity Council of the City of Tustin,California to construct Improvements at Columbus Tustin Parksite, Completion o£. Phase I; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presex~ted plans and specifi- cations presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the Improvements at Columbus Tustin Parksite, Completion of P.hase I. BE IT FURT[!ER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby author- ized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of t}~e work specified in the aforesaid plans and speciFicati, o~s which said advertise.- ment shall be substantially in the following words .and figures, to-wi+~ · "NOTICE 'FO CONTR~ACTORS" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received a't the office of the Ci. ty ...... ,..a/.~ Street, , ,Tustin City tiai!, Centennial Wa7 at '~ Tusti~ Ca~ ifornia, unti 110'0m0 a m on tl~e 29m~h day of ~.~,~,,},~,. .... ~ - - ~~ ~~ ..... , 197~, at which t/ne they w~l]. ~e publicl)' opened and reao, zor performing work as follows' ImprOvements at Columbus Tustin Parksite, Phase I Completion of Bids are required for the entire work described herein. A-1 SC}IEDULE OF WORK ITEMS ITEM NO. __~UANT I TY 1. Lump Sum 2. Lump Sum 3. Lump Sum 4. Lump Sum 5. Lump Sum 6. Lump Sum 7. Lump Sum 8. 150 tons BASE BID ITEMS DESCRIPTION OF I~IORK Installation of drainage modification work Installation of chain link fence and gate Installation of A.C. parking lot Installation of concrete flatwork Installation of base electrical work ADDITIVE BID ITEMS Installation of Practice field lights Installation of tennis court lights Installation of additional material Note' Items No. 1 through 5 are base bid items with Items No. 6 through 8 beihg deduc't, ige alternates. The City reserves the right to delete any individual or ali of the bid items numbered -~ tl~rough o~/. A-2 The foregoing quantities are approxi, mate only, being given as-a basis for the comparison of bids, and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or b7 implication, agree that tl~e actual amount of work will correspond there~ith, but resettles the right to in- crease or decrease the amount o:£ any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advis- able by the Engineer.. The City reserves the right 'to sel. e~.':t onl)- bid items No. 1 through 5 and delete any indi~idu~l or ail. of the bid items nu~.'.tbered 6 through 8 . Plans, specifications a~'~d proposal t~o,:~!~s to be used for bidding on this project can onl}' be obtained 1~7 pro::.pective bidders upon payment of $10.00, ~,hich amou'nt shall not i~.e re.~Ct~ndable, at the City Clerk's office, Tustin City Hall, Tustin, Cali:fornia.. ' In conformance with Section 37931 ot: tt~e Government Code, all bids shall be presented under sealed cover on tl~e proposal form provided and accompanied b7 one'of the follo~i~g £orms of bidder's security' Cash Cashier's check made payable to. the City of Tustin Certified check made payable to the City of Tustin Bidder's bond executed by an accredited surety insurer, made payable to the City of Tustin The security shall' be in .an a~nount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the contractor:s bid for J. tems through 5 . A bid shall not be considered unless one of the forms of bidder's security is enclosed there~,'ith. A Surety Bond for payment of ].abor and materials will be required in the amount of fifty percent (.50%) of the estimated total contract price and a Faithful Performance Bond in tl~e amount of one hundred percent (!00%) of the estimated total contract price in the form' attached to the contract documents. Said bo~ds shall be issued a company having a rating of-A+AA or better. City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or ali bids, cr waive an7 in£ormalit7 on a b'd. No bi. dder ma7 ~ithdra~ l~i.s bid for a period of thirty (30) days af.'ter the da'ce set for the opening thereof. The Contract ~ill be a~arded to tI~e lop, est quali.[ied bidder. Provisions of the St~.te Contract Act are not applicable, and prospective bidders will not be required to be prequalified. ^-3 All work done under the direct supervisiOn of the City Engineer and the Parks and Recreation Director. Ail work to be paid for at the unit p~ices bid from appropri- ate monies. Said City of Tustin, pursuant to the L~bor Code of the State oof California, has ascertained and determined that the general pre- vailing rate of hourly and per diem wages in the locality in wh.ich the said work herein described is to be performed, for each craft or type of ~orkman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holidays and over'time work for each craft or type of workm~n ormechanic, to be as indicated in Resolu- tion ?7-52 as previously published in a ne~spaper oof general circula- tion, and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Bmploycr payments otl~er than those itemized therein,as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid in accordance with the terms of the collectivq barga.ining agreem,?:',t applica]~]e to the typo or classif'Lcation of the workmen or mecl~ani, c employt:d on the project. Copies of all collective bargaining agree~nents ~-elating to ~he work as set forth in the aforementioned I, abor Code are on file and available for inspection i.n tl~e o~fice o-£ the Department o~ Industrial Relations, Division o£ Labor Statistics and Research. ... BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA City Clerk of the City of Wustin, California BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that' the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevail- ing rate of wages and employer payments in t}~c loca].ity of the City of Tustln, California, for each craft or type of workman, needed to cxecute the work herein above specified is as set forth in Resolu- tion No. 77- 52. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED by tl~e City Council of the City o.f Tustin, California, this 6th day of November, 1978. ATTEST- MAYOR ..... / ~--------- CITY CLERK A-5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the' City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resoultion No.l16 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adop-ted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of November , 1978, by the following vote' AYES' COUNCILMEN' WELSH [ SCHUSTER, .SHARP, SALTARELLI , KENNE'DY NOES' COUNC I LMEN' NONE AB SENT COUNC I LMEN .:NONE (' '~h~': "-./' ."~? '~ ........ ~'~ City Clerk', City of Tustin, California A-6